Open Solaris General Case Study
Open Solaris General Case Study
Open Solaris General Case Study
Open Solaris Operating System
Open Solaris Operating System
Workload Matrix
Sa Su Ti Th
Sa - Samith Sadanayake
Su - Sudantha Sulochana
Ti - Tilani Nisansala
Th - Thilini Dilhari
Open Solaris Operating System
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .............................................................................................2
WORKLOAD MATRIX...............................................................................................3
KERNEL OVERVIEW..............................................................................................12
USER INTERFACE.................................................................................................36
MINUTES OF MEETING.........................................................................................65
Open Solaris Operating System
Open Solaris Operating System
There is a huge demand for Open Solaris today, because it has a large number of
features that are not found in other OSs, such as Time Slider, ZFS as the default
file system, enhanced Image Packaging System (IPS), COMSTAR, Trace enabled
packages for extreme operability and performance tuning, D-Light, etc. Open
Solaris is the best to develop the applications the future generations will need, it is
high performing and extremely reliable.
Open Solaris Operating System
Sun Microsystems
Sun Microsystems Inc., (NASDAQ: JAVA) develops the technologies that power
the global marketplace. Guided by a singular vision -- "The Network is the
Computer" -- Sun drives network participation through shared innovation,
community development and open source leadership.
Locations: Sun conducts business in more than 100 countries around the globe.
Open Solaris Operating System
They have introduced a new version of a GNOME which provides hundreds of bug
fixes and user requested improvements. Even though they failed to fulfill everything
they have achieve most of the user requests in the new version which they have
released on October 2008
With the usage of ZFS file system, it’s automatically snapshot our files at the
regular intervals. Therefore it will help us to view files and recover those.
They has been released with a new print manager which helps to manage
the printer used for the daily basis. Locally attached USB printers has been
added with the CUPS Support planned for the future release.
With the fastest, secure and customized best Firefox leased with all the
Open Solaris Operating System
• Desktop search
By the use of Tracker, it can search quickly and easily for the files we saved
before. Also no needed to keep a track of the files where we saved. By
using tracker, it will search for it by just giving only a one word in that file or
the artist of the song.
Open Solaris Operating System
This is the latest open source office package leased, which stored
data for the international standard and also we can open and modify this
file with any other office package.
This feature is a newly added to open Solaris. This is an easy to use Bit
Torrent client.
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Open Solaris Operating System
ZFS has been developed to meet the increasing needs of a general purpose file
system. It helps to solve numerous problems that can crop up: losing of important
files, corruption • of data etc.
The feature virtualization provides advanced functions and increases the rate of
utilization by putting together multiple applications to make it one system.
Open Solaris provides, without having to modify the applications, high performance
IPS is the new package management system which is network based. It has the
ability of installing new software and receiving updates from other network package
Automated Install
This is a new enterprise technology which provides support for network and local
installations of Open Solaris 2008.11. Here one installation specification can be
applied to multiple systems.
All the newest and the best features of the GNOME community, along with some
superb graphical features such as the Compiz window manager, or Avant task bar
are included in Open Solaris.
Power Management
The new Open Solaris 2008.11 brings the first few platforms to support, suspend
and resume to RAM and is convenient for mobile users and quite important for
those who are concerned about energy consumption.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Kernel Overview
Process Management
Early days computers were single tasking and the user interface was very simple.
So the processes that the computer at that time had to process were very little.
Because of this reason in those computer systems there were no such task called
process management.
But day by day technology had been developed farther and the area that uses
computers had become wider. So the amount of tasks that had to accomplish by
the computer system was increased. To fulfill this need a kernel task called
Process Management was added in to the computer systems. To get the maximum
utilization of the Central Processing System (CPU) computer system specialists
developed more and more advanced algorithms to manage the processes.
When UNIX began to play a huge role in the field, the computer systems hardware
and software technology had become height and most of the control had done by
software. Then the task of managing the processes was completely done by the
kernel. As Solaris uses the same Linux kernel and it is based on UNIX, Linux also
uses an advanced process management methodology.
When we talk about the process management, first of all we have to talk about the
word “process”.
The Process
In the book “Operating System Principals”, Galvin (2006) says that a process
means a program on execution. It is not only code of a program but also the
relevant data and resources that relative to the execution of the process. And he
also said that an executable file is not a process, the only way it become a process
is when it loaded well in to the memory. So we can get an idea that for a single
program, there can be more processes. So in a multi user operating system like
Solaris, as even a single use can use many instants of the same program, a
particular program may have thousands of processes.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Process State
At a given moment each process must have a state from those five. The relation
ships between those states can be graphically displayed using a diagram called
Process State Diagram.
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Open Solaris Operating System
After the process finished it terminate it self or an error occurs the process
will be terminated by the process manager.
When we tack a process there are some characteristics that hold various values.
So the system stores these data in a special data structure called Process Control
Block. As Galvin mentions (2006), there are 9 major data fields in this data block.
They are,
• Pointer to parent process
• Pointer area to child process
• Process state
• Program counter
• Register save area
• Memory limits
• Priority information
• Accounting information
• Pointer to files and other IO resources
Process state
Process state can be one of those five given in the last page. It can be new, ready,
running, blocked or terminated.
Program counter
This holds the value of the next instruction to execute in the program.
CPU registers
These are the addresses of the registers used by the process
Memory limits
This includes the value of the maximum limit of memory that the process can take.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Priority information
When scheduling the processes (we will talk about this later), we are assigning a
value that represents how valuable the process is. As the number get bigger
except 0, the priority of the process gains up. So this is a value of type integer.
Accounting information
This section holds the values for CPU time, real time, account numbers and
process numbers that identify the process. Most of the pre-emptive algorithms
need this as CPU time is an impotent resource.
At the point that a new process created by a program, the process manager stores
that processes PCB in the memory. And every time the process changes its state
and the values process manager updates this information and restore it in the
When a program runs more than one process at a time we call it a multi threaded
program. So as Galvin (2006) says in his book, a thread can be called as a
process. And also most of the new programs are able to multi thread the single
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Open Solaris Operating System
Process Scheduling
Today’s computers are multi programmed and the CPU is the main resource we
have, to get the maximum of it, at any given time there must be a process running
in the CPU. To fulfill this need, there are some algorithms to schedule the
processes. And this task is done by a special kernel program called Process
Scheduler. As Solaris considered as one of the most advances operating systems
in the world, it also using the best ways to schedule the processes using many run
Galvin (2006) in his book well describes, to get the maximum utilization of the CPU
at the same time doing the job that needed by the process the scheduler uses
many queues. The main queues it uses are;
Ready queue
Job queue
Device queues
Except those 3 types there are some other queues that are not considered in this
Job queue
This queue includes all the available processes in the system. It’s just a list and not
dedicated to a particular task.
Ready queue
Remember the process state diagram. This queue is the queue that contains the
information about processes that is in “Ready” state.
Device queue
When a process requested to access a device, then the process is sent to a
separate queue, with is the queue that belongs to the device. As there are so many
physical and logical devices there are so many device queues.
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Open Solaris Operating System
CPU Scheduling
1. Pre-emptive
2. None pre-emptive
In this method processes are interrupted before it is completed. It means if the
given time or an IO request happened, process scheduler terminate the program
and start the next process. Then the previous process is sent to device queue or
ready queue.
None pre-emptive
In this method processes are executed until it request for an IO or terminates it
self. If it was terminated for IO then it is sent to a device queue.
Scheduling Algorithms
As Galvin (2006) describe in his book, there are 3 none pre-emptive process
scheduling algorithms and 3 pre-emptive algorithms. They are;
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Open Solaris Operating System
Priority Scheduling
In this algorithm, at the new state of the process, it is assigned a value that
represents its priority. When arranging the ready queue from job queue, it arrange
as 0, ∞ to 1.
Round Robin
This is the most fair and widely used algorithm to manage processes. In here a
single process has been given a particular time and after that time it pre-empted
and the next process in the ready queue has been given the CPU.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Memory Management
Older days and even today in some systems like embedded systems, they use
overlays to manage the memory. But it is a primary method of managing the
When Solaris boot up, the kernel binary loads to the memory and some kernel
modules are loaded by hotplug system.
Figure 8 - Physical memory usage of kernel, kernel modules and user applications.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Shared Components
To reduce the repetition loading of the same program, systems uses shared
libraries. So those components may load only once to use hundreds of times.
Solaris uses a special partition as swap. When a memory block is not needed to a
particular time period, the memory manager (in here swapper) copy that memory
block to the swap partition and release the memory. And when the memory needed
back, it copies the memory block back to the main memory.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Deadlock Managment
In this example process 1 has taken tape drive and without releasing it, the
process request to access scanner. But the scanner has been taken by process 2.
Now the problem is that, without releasing the scanner process 2 requests for tape
drive and keyboard. At the same time process two has taken the keyboard and
without releasing it the process requests for tape drive. So none of those three
processes can fulfill there resources requirements. A situation like this is called a
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Open Solaris Operating System
Deadlock Handling
To get rid from situations like this computer system uses 3 methods.
They are;
1. Running a service using some protocols that prevents the ability to get a
2. Let the deadlock happen and then clean then mess.
3. Ignore deadlocks as they never occur.
Most operating systems are using the 3rd method to handle the deadlocks, but in
Open Solaris there are some methods to get rid from a deadlock. When a deadlock
occurs, it terminates the process with the low priority. And the processes that
cannot be terminated because it courses other processes and services, are
isolated without giving resources and let it be there as running. So it is called
freeze process. At this point user has to exit from the system to use the same
program that uses the freeze process.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Before Installation
Before Installing Open Solaris OS to the System. Review the System
Requirements and Limitations described in the open Solaris documentation .this
will help users to avoid errors and loss of data.
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Open Solaris Operating System
System Requirements
Requirement Description
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Open Solaris Operating System
Installation Steps
The Installation of Open Solaris OS can done in few Simple Steps. Novice Users
can Select Graphical User Installation and Expert Users and Select Command line
Graphical User Installation will take the user step by step like a wizard, collecting
data which need for the installation.
Basic Steps
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Open Solaris Operating System
Insert the Open Solaris Live CD the Optical Drive and Boot the System. The boot
loader GNU GRUB menu will load. This Small software is Responsible for loading
and Transferring.
Grand Unified Bootloader, (GNU GRUB) is Used in most Linux based Operating
systems for providing a user a multi-boot Environment with more than one
Operating system.
Select you Option from the GNU GRUB menu .Expert Users can select Open
Solaris Text Console to boot Open Solaris with Text Commands.
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Open Solaris Operating System
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Open Solaris Operating System
When the Live Image is Loaded to the System. The Open Solaris Desktop will
Appear .In the desktop Click on the “Install Open Solaris” Icon to Load the
Installion Setup.
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Open Solaris Operating System
In Open Solaris Partitioning Setup ,users can either partition the disk or use the
whole disk for Open Solaris Installtion.Open Solaris OS Useses a File System
Named ZFS to Store Data.
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Open Solaris Operating System
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Open Solaris Operating System
This Step Allows User to Select the Locale for Set the Default Language support
and data formats.
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Open Solaris Operating System
User settings
In This Step user Can Enter Login Details to the Open Solaris Operating System.
Root (System Administrator) Password. User Account Name and Password,
Computer Name and etc.
User can define any name for the Computer that he installs Open Solaris OS.
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Open Solaris Operating System
As the Last Step User can review the Installation settings.Hit the Install Buttton to
install open solaris.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Installation Process
When User Confirm the Inserted data Installation will begin .Open Solaris
Installation Program will prepare the Hard Disk Drive and will Copy the Open
Solaris System Files to the Hard Disk Drive. This may take about an Hour to
Complete the Process.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Wait for the installation process to finish and Computer will Restart Automatically
The system will restart and you’ll see the Open Solaris Booting Screen.
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Open Solaris Operating System
User Interface
Introduction to GUI
Graphical User Interface needs applications to interact with users. It can create a
medium for people to interact with applications to make available attractive user
Open Solaris has a Very Beautiful Graphical User Interface based on GNOME
Desktop System.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Introduction GNOME
The GNOME Platform features, user interface controls to an API for drawing high-
quality graphics to the screen. And graphics technology in GNOME helps you to
create constant, instinctive and aesthetically satisfying applications.
GNOME is…………..
GNOME is free software which is devoted to giving developers and users the
maximum level of their desktops, software and data.
Developers are using several languages with GNOME. Ex: C, Python, Perl etc.
GNOME is supported by the top companies like IBM, Sun, Red Hat etc.
A community
GNOME is a world wide community for people to generally have fun together.
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Open Solaris Operating System
GTK is a Widget Tool kit for Creating Graphical user interfaces. GTK is mainly
crated by C programming Language. The GNOME Desktop system based on GTK
Tool Kit.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Features of GTK
• Stability
GTK has been Developed for over 10 years and deliverd users facinating
features and great perfromace.GTTK is supported by a Developers from
Red Hat,Novell,Imendio
• Cross Platform
GTK Runtime envorioment not only runs under Open Solaris is runs under
Linux,Windows,Mac OS X .. etc
• Language Bindings
GTK Sourse Code is Avalaible in Many Progarmming Languages which
make application development attractive
• Mobile
GNOME Mobile & Embedded has invold in mobile Application development
• Accommodating
GTK Provide number of great features for developers today. Like “Look and
feel,Theme Support,Thread safe,”
• Interfaces
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Open Solaris Operating System
Theme settings are configured from the Appearance Preferences screen accessed
from the System->Preferences->Appearance menu option. When the screen
appears make sure the Themes tab is selected so that the dialog appears as
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Open Solaris Operating System
Open Solaris is installed with numerous theme options; this represents a small
division of themes that are available online.
These themes could download through theme sub-category like Icons, Window
Border etc.
As an example in installing a new Window Border theme, on the right hand side of
the GNOME Art website click on the Window Border link beneath Desktop
Themes. This will filter the list of themes so that only Window Border themes are
displayed. Scroll down the list and click on a theme that is not currently available
on your Open Solaris installation (for this example we will use the “MegaGrip”
theme). After downloading the theme the desktop icon will appears.
These themes are now used to create a new desktop theme or to customize an
existing theme.
In this example we will create a custom theme which includes our new Window
Border design. Click on the Custom theme in the Appearance and on the
Customize... button. In the resulting Customize Theme dialog select the Window
Border tab so that the list of available window border themes appears.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Display Resolution
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Open Solaris Operating System
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Open Solaris Operating System
System Utilities
There are some System Utilities come with Open Solaris which helps Users to
keep the System well Maintained and the Check the System Status
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Open Solaris Operating System
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (2008). OpenSolaris Operating System. USA: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. 1-2.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Package Manager
The Package Manager is the Graphical User Interface for the Image Packaging
system (IPS)
The Package Manager can be found at System > Administration > Package
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Open Solaris Operating System
Network Repository
The Package Manager can interacts with a network Repository Install new
Packages to the system
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Open Solaris Operating System
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Open Solaris Operating System
ZFS Features
• Highly scalable
• Built in compression
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Open Solaris Operating System
ZFS Benchmarks
As the above Graph you can see that ZFS File system has a quite high file Write
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Open Solaris Operating System
LVM( logical volume manager) Used in Other Operating system which is based on
Linux Kernel.As This Chart We Can Imagine the ZFS File System has more
features than other Ordinary Linux File systems.
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Open Solaris Operating System
The Open Solaris Operating System has well configured Networking system which
helps users to have a great networking Experience
If the system starts without network media connected to the wired interface port,
NWAM disables the wired interface. Then, NWAM searches for wireless, or WiFi,
networks in the system's current physical location. If a wireless network is found,
NWAM attempts to connect to that network through the system's wireless
interface, for example, ath or iwk.
When a wireless interface becomes active, you receive a message similar to the
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Open Solaris Operating System
Network Settings
• Dialup Connections
• DSL Broadband
• Satellite Broadband
• Wireless Broadband(WiFi)
• Wireless Broadband (WiMAX)
• Symmetric Broadband
• Local Area Networks
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Open Solaris Operating System
Networking Features
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (2007). Solaris™ 10 OS Networking. USA: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. 2.
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Open Solaris Operating System
# tip /dev/term/0
Revision: M6500C-BBIRD-40304.135 [MAR 11 2005 14:00:00]
ESN: 0x5B123456
+GCAP: +CIS707-A, CIS-856, +MS, +ES, +DS, +FCLASS
99, 99
Characters in bold font are user input, the rest is modem output. at+csq shows
signal strength on this particular modem. Dialing #777 usually gets you on the
service provider's network - if the modem returns "NO CARRIER", it could mean
weak signal or refused connection from the network.
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Open Solaris Operating System
With out any hesitations Open Solaris can easily Recover Users data. there are lot
of 3rd party software’s which runs under Open Solaris OS.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Security Strategies
Secure Passwords
Open Solaris Needs more Secure passwords with mixed or Capital Letters and
simple letters. Password Length should be more than 8 characters.
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Open Solaris Operating System
There are few antivirus products which runs under open Solaris.
Example : Symantec, Trendmicro.
Clam Antivirus is a one of Open Source antivirus software that can be runs under
Open Solaris.
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Open Solaris Operating System
D Trace
This is a new facility for Solaris10, which was introduced to allow visibility into
system performance. There has never been this ability before. It can be run on
Solaris or Open Solaris.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Standard Support
Open Solaris OS offers numerous ways to support the users. Solaris Help System
offers number of ways to find answers user’s questions.
The Open Solaris Help System is based on GNOME Yelp Help Browser which will
be described later.
FAQ System
Open Solaris FAQ can be found at, which users
can take help for common problems
Online Community
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Open Solaris Operating System
The Yelp Help Browser application helps to view records about GNOME and other
apparatus through several formats, include HTML help pages, doc book files, man
pages and info pages.
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Open Solaris Operating System
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Open Solaris Operating System
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Open Solaris Operating System
Peter Baer Galvin (2006). Operating System Principles. 7th ed. India: John Wiley &
Sons. P39 - 392
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (2008). Open Solaris Operating System. USA: Sun
Microsystems, Inc.. 1-2.
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Open Solaris Operating System
Minutes of meeting
Date: 29th November 2008
Venue: APIIT Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Meeting Number: 1
Members attended:
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Open Solaris Operating System
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