Mark V Control 2
Mark V Control 2
Mark V Control 2
GEH-6119 Issue Date: November 13. 1992 SPEEDTRONKF Mark V Turbine Control Bobcat Users Manual
This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, U.S.A. and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, and/or maintenance of the equipment described herein. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the prior written approval of GE Drive Systems, Salem, Virginia, U.S.A. 24153. The information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation and maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise that are not covered sufticiently for the purchasers purposes, the matter should be referred to GE Drive Systems, Salem, Virginia, U.S.A. 24153.
Copyright@ 1992 by General Electric Company, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
NOTICE This document containsproprietary information of General Electric Company, U.S.A. and is furnished to its customers solely to assistthat customerin the installation, testing, and/or maintenanceof the equipment described.This document shall not be reproducedin whole or in part nor shall its contentsbe disclosedto any third party without the written approval of GE Drive Systems, 1501 RoanokeBoulevard, Salem,Virginia 24153, U.S.A.
Users Manual
SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION .................................................. 1-i PURPOSE ........................................................ 1-2 CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL ................................. l-2-1 KEYBOARD CONVENTIONS ................................... l-2-2 OTHER CONVENTIONS ....................................... 1-3 WHAT IS BOBCAT? ................................................. l-4WHATKlNDOFPCISREQUIREDI ..................................... SECTION 2 - BOBCAT ARCHITECTURE ........................................... 2-1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... 2-2 LOGIN PROCEDURE (NETWORK VERSIONS ONLY) ........................ 2-2-l BOBCAT REINSTALL ......................................... SECTION 3 - DATA ENTRY AND VALIDATION ...................................... 3-1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... 3-2DATAENTRY.. .................................................... 3-2-l MENU SELECTION .......................................... 3-2-2 PRINTER SETUP ............................................ 3-2-3 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS .................................. 3-2-4 KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS ...................................... 3-3DATAVALlDATlON .................................................. SECTlON4-OUTPUTS.. ..................................................... 4-l INTRODUCTION .................................................... 4-2 HARDWARE BILLS OF MATERIAL (NElWORK VERSIONS ONLY) .............. 4-3 AUTOCAD DRAWINGS (NETWORK VERSIONS ONLY) ....................... 4-4 <I> SOFTWARE FILES .............................................. 4-51/o ............................................................. 4-81/O REPORT ...................................................... 4-6 I/O CONFIGURATION ............................................... 4-7 I/O CABLES (NETWORKVERSIONS ONLY) .............................. APPENDIX A - DEFINITIONS, NOMENCLATURE, and SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*........ APPENDIX B - FIGURES AND FLOWCHARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15
SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1-l PURPOSE This manual is intended as an aid to users of the BOBCAT Engineering Automation Tool set for the SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Turbine Control System. The manual discusses the following subjects: - Section 1, Introduction: provides a synopsis of each chapter, a list of conventions used in the manual, a brief description of BOBCAT, and a description of the hardware required to run BOBCAT. - Section 2, BOBCAT Architecture: provides a more detailed description of BOBCAT which entails the BOBCAT system architecture, functional descriptions of the primary executable programs, and database configurations. - Section 3, Data Entry and Validation: describes the front end data entry tool, the data entry process, and data validation. - Section 4, Outputs: describes the processes involved in getting the desired outputs from BOBCAT, and how these outputs should be utilized. Additionally, the following appendices provide descriptive information: - Appendix A, Definitions, Nomenclature, and Symbols, describes the terms, abbreviations (mnemonics), and symbols used. - Appendix 8, Figures and Flowcharts, shows additions figures and flowcharts. l-2 CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL 1-2-1 KEYBOARD CONVENTIONS BOBCAT interface keyboard keys are printed in a diierent typeface, for example, the Fl key would be ~1. When keys are to be pressed simultaneously, they will be shown with a + between them; for example, ALT+F~ 1 means to press and hold down the ALT key and then press the ~11 key. l-2-2 OTHER CONVENTIONS When refering to a drive path on the PC, the following conventions will be used: {drive) - will represent the drive on which the file being discussed is located (dir) - will represent the directory where the file being discussed is located l-3 WHAT IS BOBCAT? BOBCAT is the GE Drive Systems Engineering Automation Tool set. It is a PC based automation system that uses a standard set of core programs, and is customized per product line by populating application databases and writing application specific Al knowledgebases. BOBCAT can be configured in two ways. The first, is the networked version, which is used by Salem Engineering. The networked version of BOBCAT will be described in detail throughout this document. The second configuration, called the stand-alone version, allows BOBCAT to run independent of the Salem network. This version will be used by the BAs and Schenectady Engineering. x
BOBCAT consists of four major components: Entering Engineering Data Validating Engineering Data Processing Engineering Data Releasing Engineering Data (Network Versions only)
BOBCAT requires the following PC as a minimum: - 386SX 20MHz PC - 80287 Math Co-processor - 4 MBytes PAM - 100 MByte Hard Disk (>=20 MByte Free on C: to install BOBCAT) - VGA Monitor - Mouse Driver - Expanded Memory Manager (QEMM 6.0 or equivalent) to allow 52OK+ free RAM - MS-DOS Ver 3.3 or higher (MS-DOS Ver 5.0 preferred) - 3COM Connection w/ 3MAIL Priviledges (reqd for network version only) The BOBCATshell also requires that several AUTOEXEC.BATand CONFIG.SYS changes be made. First, for networked versions of BOBCAT, FULL NETBIOS and MINSES12 must be run. This means that the following three lines must be in AUTOEXECBAT: C:\3COMM\NETBlOS /C /SlO /NlO /B300 MINSES12 lASTDRIVE=Z The following parameters must be changed for all versions of BOBCAT: FILES=55 BUFFERS=35 BOBCAT also requires at least 400 characters of environment space. To check how much environment space your machine currently has allocated, look for a line similar to the following in CONFIGSYS: SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C;\DOS /E:400
C:\Mkdsk Uoluv &da1 fkmbr is 3366-l3Dl
total disk apace is 3 hidden Piles im 183 directoriesi ie 2611 user riles swilable on disk
2848 kytcs is sacb allocation unit 51991 total mllocatim unity on disk 12453 available ~Ilncatioa units on disk Kssa68totalbytes~ !i9e224hytmfres
The /E: parameter must be >= 400 to provide the required environment space. The BOBCAT root directory (i.e. C:\BOBCAT) also needs to be added to the DOS PATH.
Once these changes have been made, the extended memory manager (EMM) optimize function must be run (refer to the EMM manual for details). After optimization has been completed, type CHKDSK at the DOS prompt. Figure 1 shows an example of the CHKDSK output. If bytes free is less than 520000 then appropriate steps must be taken, using the EMM software, to increase the amount of free memory. Please refer to the EMM documentation for details.
One class of outputs from the network version of BOBCAT is drawings, these drawings are created using AutoCAD@ Release 11. If these drawings are required, an additional change to AUTOEXEC.BAT is necessary. SET ACADCFG={drive}:\{dir} where {drive} is the disk partion and (dir} is the directory containing an AutoCAD@ configuration file If a valid AutoCAD@ configuration file does not exist, the drawing generator will not work. Please consult the AutoCAD@ documentation if problems arise. SECTION 2 - BOBCAT ARCHITECTURE 2-1 INTRODUCTION The BOBCAT architecture is divided into two groups. The first group is a standard tool set which can be used across product lines. This tool set consists of the following: - BOBCAT shell programs, - Data Entry Program (called BCALC), - Processing programs, - Miscellaneous Utilities used by BOBCAT, and - Non Application Specific Databases. The second group is the set of application specific databases and knowledgebases. The basic directory structure of the BOBCAT architecture is illustrated below: C:\BOBCAT
i / I
I I -
i-------job i job12 BCPLUS (Network Versions only)
The BOBCAT directory contains most of the standard tool set. It is from this directory that BOBCAT is invoked by typing BOBCAT at the C:\BOBCAT> prompt. The TC2000 directory is an application directory that serves two purposes. Initially, it is the BOBCAT working directory. All temporary files, as well as any requisition specific files are placed here (until they are copied to the appropriate JOBS\ob-n directory). Secondly, the TC2000 directory contains the application specific knowledgebases and those application specific databases created and\or populated by BOBCAT. The DBF directory contains most of the application specific databases that are required by BOBCAT to load data entry screens and manipulate the data properly. The JOBS directory and its sub-directories (i.e. job-n) are locations where BOBCAT information for each 3
requisition is stored. The job-n represents a unique character string to facilitate requisition tracking. The BCPLUS directory contains the files created by the Bill of Material Generator. These files are required by the BOM tools to provide validation of hardware configurations. 2-2 LOGIN PROCEDURE (NETWORK VERSIONS ONLY) To invoke BOBCAT, type BOBCAT from the BOBCAT> prompt The first BOBCAT display is the login screen (see Figure 3). This screen serves several purposes. First, it provides password protection of user configured requisitions. The login screen also allows BOBCAT to determine user priviledges, which will, in turn, determine which files the user needs on his/her machine. Finally, the login screen provides a means of determining whether the users workstation requires a file update. When the user enters the appropriate username and password (assigned by a BOBCAT developer) and strikes the <FlO> key, BOBCAT will go to the Main Menu. At the Main Menu, the user can select the task(s) that need to be performed. These tasks are described in detail in later chapters. For nonnetworked versions of BOBCAT, the user will enter the BOBCAT system at the Main Menu. If an update is required, BOBCAT will alert the user that files have changed. BOBCAT will then allow the user to the update the workstation at that time or defer the update until some later time. This automatic update procedure helps to insure that the version of BOBCAT on an engineering workstation is up to date.
Figure 3: BOBCAT Login Screen 2-2-l BOBCAT REINSTALL From time to time changes are made to BOBCAT that require the installation of new files to the workstation. When these changes occur, the user will be told that a re-install is required. If a reinstall is to be carried out, the user should go back to the BOBCAT, prompt and type BOBCAT INSTALL When the FlO key is struck, BOBCAT will prompt the user with the first of several system configuration screens. Upon selecting the type of workstation by moving the pick bar to the desired type, the user will be asked several site and job specific questions. These questions, allow BOBCAT to determine which files 4
BOBCAT Users Manual are requiredby the workstation. SECTION 3 - DATA ENTRY AND VAUDATION 3-I INTRODUCTION
Data is entered into BOBCAT using BCALC, a SuperCalc type spreadsheet program developed by the GE Drive Systems Engineering Automation Group. BCALC is a menu driven program that offers three levels of on-screen help as well as immediate cell data validation. The spreadsheet presentation is customized per application through the use of data templates and picklists. For the Mark V product, there are six sets of information (templates), that allow easy entry of specific requisition data. Figure 8 shows the Mark V templates. The presentation of data in BCALC can be adjusted by using *presentation goals. These goals allow the user to see only those questions which are pertinent for the type of output required. There are three levels of goals: INDUSTRY, JOB, and TEMPLATE. For example, if the user wants only to see questions that pertain to a Gas Turbine Control and only wants to order hardware, the GAS INDUSTRY goal would be checked (Figure 4 in Appendix B shows the INDUSTRY goals) and HARDWARE JOB goals would be checked (Figure 5 in Appendix B show the JOB goals). TEMPLATE goals are not utilized at this time. Once the data entry has been completed, the data must be validated. This can be accomplished by first returning to the BCALC menu bar (pressing / ) and selecting /more. When the second part of the menu bar appears, the process is completed by selecting Validate. Validation also occurs automatically upon Releasing data (see Section 4). 3-2 DATA ENTRY BCALC is the front end of the Bobcat system. It uses Dbase template files and validates data during user entry. BCALC has a similar look and feel to SuperCa/p, with Lotus 7-Z-3@ style menus and familiar key functions like the following:
Fl F2 F3 ?iLT+V
: Backout of operation or menu : Display Main Menu : Help : Edit Field (in Edit Mode) : Review validation error file : Alternate view of spreadsheet as form
3-2-l MENU SELECTION Menu items (including Picklists) are selected by moving the cursor (colored bar) to the desired item and pressing ENTER, or, by hitting the highlighted character of the menu item. Note that menu items are dynamically protected to minimize user errors. The bottom line of the screen provides online help while the line immediately above provides system feedback to the user. 3-2-2 PRINTER SETUP BCALC requires configuring the systems printer only once. First, select the Print menu item. Next, select printer configurations. Now, select Configure/save and back up to the main menu by striking the escape key twice. Note that this file can be editted in exactly the same manner as a template file except for the fact that Configure/Save must be re-selected to save this configuration database. 5
Assuming that the configurations have been saved, choose Select and pick the printer that has been configured.
The following text summarizes the normal sequence of operations after the system printer is configured: Create job Load job -when selected, prompts the user for a jobname to be entered via a command line. -when selected, prompts the user for a jobname to be entered via a command line , or from the picklist displayed on the screen. After loading a job, the user may select from a picklist of templates.
Select Goals -upon loading a job, a goals submenu Industry Global Template * appears which the user may select from. After selecting a goal class, a picklist of goals is displayed which may be enabled or disabled. On completion, a previously displayed template will have its fields updated to reflect the selected goals. The goals are categories of data which the user is interested in viewing and editing (Ex.HW, SW, Drawings). Industry and Global goals selectively filter fields across all templates, as contrasted with Template Goals which filter a specific template. Select Template -The user may select from the picklist of templates any time while editing and any edits will be saved to temporary files until the user saves or quits. F2 key provides additional descriptions for each template.
Edit Template -The user may edit the template in two ways; 1. By hitting ESC or selecting Edit, the user may directly edit a field by moving the cursor to the desired field and typing or by hitting ~2 key. The F2 key will produce a picklist for those fields which have enumerated values or will move the cursor to the end of the data field for those fields which do not have enumerated values. 2. By selecting Menu items which perform actions at the following levels: Record Level: Move Insert COPY Delete - move record cursor is on, to a new position - inserts specified number of records after cursor position. - copy record cursor is on, to a new position - delete record cursor is on, confirmation required
EraseRecord - erases all visible fields of the selected record Cell Level: COPY - copy contents of one cell to another cell in the same vector
Cell range - copy a range of fields to a range of records Edit - change contents of cell (via ~2, or typing). To blankout a field, hit SPACEBAR followed by ENTERkey. The ~1 key provides additional help with cell descriptions.
Autocursor - automatically moves cursor to next field determined by arrow key used on completion of entering data. Auto cursor is activated/deactivated by pressing ALT+F~ when in edit mode. Replicate Search Highlight - within the same vector, the cell contents, cursor is on, is copied to all cells up to and including the target cell. - searches cell descriptions for user-entered string. - current cursor position highlights cell.
Note data validation is performed immediately after detecting ENTER. On error:, if an enumerated value isexpected, a picklist of correct values will appear. If the value is numeric and fell outside a range of values, the range will appear. Finally, if the value is a formatted type, the format will appear and indicate the point of error.
Validate job -Runs expert system rule set against all template data, returning an errlog.txt file for review while editing. F3 will invoke the validation process. Save Job Print Release Quit
-Updates job-nxxx.dbf files by replacing current job-nxxx.dbf files with temporary dbf files created during edit session. -choice of printing all template dbf files or printing displayed template. -Must Validate first in order to save and release job by saving all job-nxxxdbf files and then copying all job-nxxx.dbf files to tmpltOxx.dbf files. -No changes to templates are saved
- backout of menu, picklist, or prompt with no effect - context sensitive help for vector - toggle auto cursor movement - toggle between spreadsheet view and forms view (ii exist) - review errlogtxt file while editing template - edit cell (or keyboard alpha-numerfc entry) - move page up
- move page down
- for cell navigation, picklists and set cursor direction when in AutoCursor mode. Status appears on screen. - right one page (ctrl right arrow) - left one page (ctrl left arrow) - got0 top row, same vector (similar for vertical presentation)
BOBCAT Users Manual - go to bottom row, same vector (similar for vertical presentation) - go to vector 1, record 1 - go to vector n, record n - displays main menu at bottom of display (Spreadsheet view only) - move to first form of template, same record (Forms View Only) - move to last form of template, same record (Forms View Only)
This editor creates and deletes numerous support files which may eventually slow down the response time of loading jobs and templates. Therefore, be diligent about compressing your drive, using the compression tool of yuor choice. 3-3 DATA VALIDATION Data validation is performed on two different levels: cell level and template level. Cell data is validated immediately following data entry (as described above in the Data Entry section). Template data is validated via two methods. The first is by using the Validate Job menu selection while in BCALC. This returns a viewable file called errlogtxt, that will contain a list of errors. The second means of template validation is the most frequently used. Once all data has been entered into BCALC and the user is ready to process outputs, the engineering information is ready to be released. This release is accomplished by first selecting exit from the main menu bar in BCALC. Next select Release, this will cause the Process Goals to pop-up onto the screen (see Figure 6). Select the Process Goals desired (this will be discussed in greater detail in the following section) and hit ENTER. The job information will be saved and the validation process invoked. If any errors are found, the main menu will show a new row labeled ERROR LOG (see Figure 7). Selecting this menu pick allows the user to display, print, or delete the error log. SECTION 4 - OUTPUTS 4-1 INTRODUCTION Once data has been entered and validated, it is time to get output from BOBCAT. The BOBCAT system, as implemented for the Mark V product, has nine available outputs. They are: Hardware Bills of Material (Network Versions Only) Case Outline Drawings (Network Versions Only) Case Layout Drawings (Network Versions Only) Case Wiring Drawings (Network Versions Only) <I> Software ASCII files I/O Loading (Template 17 Generation) I/O Reports l/O Configuration I/O Cables (Network Versions Only)
Outputs are generated according to the selections made by the user via the Process Goals. To select an output or process, move the menu bar to the desired location and strike the SPACEBAR. If all outputs are desired, CTRL+J will select (or deleect) all processes. Once the desired processes are selected hit ENTER. This will automatically invoke the validation routine. After ensuring that there are no errors (by checking the file as described in the Data Validation section), move the menu bar to Process
Engineering Data (or hit P) and strike the ENTER key. Figures 2.1-2.5 in Appendii B show the BOBCAT Process Flow. The following subsections will explain what each process will do.
Selecting this process from BOBCAT will generate the set of files required to place a bill of material for Mark V panel(s) and <I> processer(s) on the MRP system. After processing, one step remains. A BOBCAT release must be initiated. To do this, move the main menu bar to the RELEASE ENGINEERING DATA line and hit ENTER. If there is anything in the release queue, a release menu will pop-up. This pop-up menu will display all queued jobs. By moving the menu pick bar to any of the queued jobs, and hitting ENTER, you will be allowed to place any job on hold or to delete any job in the queue simply by toggling the appropriate target selection. Moving the menu pick bar to the START RELEASE NOW line and hitting ENTER causes the release procedure to begin. The first step of the release procedure is to send information to the BCPLUS sub-system for processing of structured panels and cores. The balance of the bill of material will be sent to the BOBCAT Gateway in three ML files via cmail. The result will be a parenting tree bill of material on the IBM MRP system. For the Bill of Material to be ordered, order requirements must be issued via a purchase order through the Order Entry system.
There are three classifications of drawings generated by BOBCAT. Before discussing each classification, a brief statement of MKV drawing philosophy is required. For each requisition, there is a single A-size and a single B-size drawing number for the MKV. Multiple drawing types are handled through the use of a two character suffix attached to the end of a typical drawing number. For MKV, the following drawing number sulfiies are currently being used: -CL WWD xxxBxxxxOD - Case Layout Drawing - Case Wiring Diagram - Case Outline Drawing
For Gas Turbine Prime jobs, the B-size number is the same as the Cab Elementary number (generally assigned by Schenectady). For those requisitions which do not have preassigned drawing numbers, the next available drawing number from the master drawing book should be checked out. NOTE: There is a block of A-size drawing numbers reserved for MKV requisitions (these numbers begin with #323A3600), please be sure to get the next available A-size number from this area. The first drawing classification is the Case Outline Drawing. This is a B-size mecahanical drawing that depicts the mechanical dimensions and properties of the MKV case. These are typically required at DPE. The second drawing classification is the Case Layout Drawing. The Case Layout Drawing is an A-size drawing showing the configuration of cores on the back panel. It also shows card configurations within the cores and typical types of terminations on those cards. These are typically required at DPE and are used by the Salem factory to build the MarkV panel. The third drawing classification is the Case Wiring Diagram. The Case Wiring Diagram shows the interand intra-core connections. These drawings are sent with the panel as an aid in troubleshooting the core and case level wiring. The Wiring Diagram is also used by the Salem factory to build the MarkV panel.
All three of the drawings are customer specific and, not max case. As a result, they must be assigned a unique number (using the numbering scheme discussed above) and stored for later reference and use. Until a SuperCARS to BOBCAT interface is operational BOBCAT will create a the following directory structures on the TURBlNE386460A:ISO:DSO\MK5DWGS sharename:
i cL
These drawings can be modified and\or plotted through the use of AutoCAD.
BOBCAT currently generates a subset of the ASCII files that are required for the cl> processor. These include sequencing files, control constants, alarms, I/O, etc. Below is the list of files that BOBCAT will change during the SOFIWARE process: NOTE: F: is substituted for C:\IDP\{shortname)
F:\CONFIG.DAT - contains the configuration data for the cl> processor. F:\UNITl\SEQ TRBl .SRC - co&&s the first part of the primary engine control sequencing and BBLs F:\UNITl\SEQ TRB2.SRC - con&s the remaining primary engine control sequencing and BBLs F:\UNITl\SEQ LOAD.SRC - cont&s the load control sequencing and BBLs. For generator applications, this seqment will contain the generator synchronization, generator auxiliaries, etc. For mechanical drive applications this segment can be used to add the control sequencing required. F:\UNITl\SEQ NOX.SRC - con&&s the NOx control sequencing and BBLs. F:\UNIT-l\SEQ AUX.SRC - contaks auxiliary control sequencing. Functions such as Water Wash, Abrasive Cleaning, I miscellaneous alarms, etc. are contained in this seqment. F:\UNlTl\MSTR-SEQ.CFG - file used by the sequencing compiler and documenter to determine which control software seqments exist and need to be manipulated. F:\UNITl\ALLOCSSP.ASG - assignment file used to assign signal names to double word variables and spare alarm drops F:\UNITlVIlARM.BCT - file containing the alarm text for alarms allocated using ALLOCSSP.ASG
F:\UNITl\FACTORY.ASG - allocation file used by BOBCAT and GEDS engineers to assign signal names to unused logic and analog database software points F:\UNITl\IO.ASG - allocation file used by BOBCAT and GEDS engineers to assign signal names to unused logic and analog database I/O points. F:\UNITl\CONST QSRC - file cont&ing control constant values for the FIST controllers. This file is compiled using the table compiler. F:\UNITl\UNIT.A - file used by the animator to create the Unit Control Display F:\UNITl\EXHAUST.A - file used by the animator to create the Exhaust Thermocouple Display F:\UNITi\COUNTERS.A - file used by the animator to create the Timer/Counter Display F:\UNITl\VIB.A - file used by the animator to create the Vibration Display F:\UNITl\WHEELSPC.A - file used by the animator to create the Wheelspace Thermocouple Display F:\UNITl\HIST-B.SRC - file containing the list of points used by the trip history logger F:\UNITl\EPA-BSRC - file containing the list of points used by the EPA logger F:\UNITl\TOTT-Q.SRC - file containing the signals that drive the totalizers (i.e L30CMIS driver for Manually Initiated Starts Counter). The file also defines the totalizer type, timer or counter. F:\UNITl\CBLRJJ.SRC - file containing the Cable Remote definition. 4-s I/O Selecting this process pick will generate an I/O template (Template 017) that contains the I/O loading for the functions selected in the other five BOBCAT templates. Template 017 is generated in 2 passes. The first pass places a blank record in the template for each termination screw contained in the panel being configured. BOBCAT will automatically place the required records in Template 017 for the optional hardware (i.e. proximeter inputs) if it has been selected. The second pass then load the standard I/O devices into predetermined locations in Template 017. Because there are more total turbine devices then there are terminations in the Mark V, there may be I/O loading conflicts. If any I/O conflicts arise, an error log (can be viewed, printed or deleted from the Main Menu) will be created that describes the conflict. To correct these conflicts the I/O point that was not added to Template 017 must be added at some unused point of the same class. Below is an example of the information placed in the error log. 11
GEH-6119 IO Device corm to Core TB Scr Dev land on same scr wire Cable Pt 63QA-2 <QDl> DTBA 005 63QA-1 652 J32 16 63QA-2 <QDl> DTBA 006 63QA-1 107
The example above shows that device 63QA-2 was located a eQDl> DTBA 005 and 006, but that BOBCAT also tried to load device 63QA1 at the same two termination locations. Device 63QA-1 WAS NOT loaded into Template 017 and must be added manually to a different set of termination locations. Once the standard loading of Template 017 is complete, custom I/O and resolution of I/O loading conflicts can be handled by loading Template 017 in BCALC and editting the appropriate records. NOTE: If manual changes are made to Template 017 (i.e. conflicts have been resolved or custom I/O added) the I/O Process pick should not be reselected as Template 017 will be recreated. 4-6 I/O REPORT This process pick generates two reports. The first is a detailed summary showing all external I/O connections into or out of the Mark V panel. The l/O Report, contains all pertinient connection information (shown in the list below). device name signal name wire number J-cable number J-cable pin (if applicable) core, board and screw numbers of termination device nomenclature
All the information in the I/O Report is extracted from the I/O template (Template 017). The l/O report is saved in a file called TC2KREPT.X and copied to the C:\lDP\{shortname}\UNITl directory. During the processing of the I/O Report, the BOBCAT user will be asked if a hardcopy is desired. If Y is answered at the prompt, a copy of the report will sent to the printer connected to LPTl:. For the networked version of BOBCAT, the user will be asked to select the printer to be connected to LPTl:. NOTE: If a printer connection to LPTl : does not exist and the hardcopy is requested, the PC may hangup. The second report is a list of devices (sorted alphabetically) that are used in Template 017. This file is left in the C:\BOBCAnTC2000 directory and can be copied directly to a printer. This file is not saved automatically. The IO.ASG file will also be generated during the I/O Report process. The IO.ASG file is used by cl> to attach a signal name and scale code to a hardware name. The IO.ASG is copied to the C:\lDP\{shortname}\UNITl directory. IO.ASG has the following form: ex. HDW-NAME TClO-25-40-V SIGNAL FTG SCALE OPTIONAL COMMENTS TC ;TCQA_TCl 0-Q TCs
4-6 I/O CONFIGURATION The I/O Configuration process selection generates requisition specific I/O configuration files (required by <I>). BOBCAT determines the I/O configuration requirements for the requisistion and uses them to run the I/O Configurator in batch mode; which creates the I/O configuration data files required by cl>.
The I/O Cable process selection generates requisition specific cable databases. The cable databases are required for GEDS factory assembly of Cab, ECC, or Skid Gas Turbine cable and wire harnesses. This function is performed by retrieving the standard cable database from a networked server and processing cable information that is found in Template 017 to form a new database that contains standard as well as requisition specific cable data. Resultant databases are then moved back to the server under a unique sub-directory. The Cable processor also flags any non-supported cables or wires that are found in Template 017 and writes those records to an ERRWIRE database. This database must be reviewed in order to mark for deletion those records that are not required (a database manager can be used to fascilitate is completion). The cable database must be complete before factory cable data is produced. This database will then be appended to the requisition cable database and outputs will be processed.
GEH-6119 APPENDIX A - DEFINITIONS, NOMENCLATURE, and SYMBOLS Al -- Acronym for Artificial Intelligence.
BA - Acronym for Business Associate BCALC - The GEDS intelligent spreadsheet used for BOBCAT data entry. BCPLUS - Product Level BOBCAT, processing sub-system for structured bills of material. BOBCAT - GEDS Engineering Automation tool set. BOBCAT Gateway - Hardware to interface GEDS PC network with GEDS mainframes. BOM - Bill of Material EEM -- Generic acronym for Extended Memory Manager. GEDS uses QEMM386. GEDS - Acronym for General Electric Drive Systems. <I> - PC based Mark V operator interface. MRP -- Materials Resource Planning system on the GEDS IBM mainframe. Network - GEDS Local Area Network (LAN). PC - IBM compatable personal computer. Template - terminology used to describe a class of BOBCAT input information. The BOBCAT Templates are actually DBase III databases.
BOBCAT Users Manual APPENDIX B - FIGURES AND FLOWCHARTS The following 5 figures show the detail process flow for BOBCAT.
Figure 2.1 shows the flow of information for the Bill of Materials generation portion of BOBCAT. This process is only applicable for networked versions of BOBCAT. Figure 2.2 shows the flow of information for the Drawing Generation portion of BOBCAT. This process is only applicable for networked versions of BOBCAT. figure 2.3 shows the flow of information for the I/O Generation portion of BOBCAT. Figure 2.4 shows the flow of information for the Software Generation and I/O Configurator portions of BOBCAT. Figure 2.5 shows the flow of information for the I/O Report and I/O Cables Generation portions of BOBCAT. The latter is only applicable for networked versions of BOBCAT.
Process Flow
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