American Wheat
American Wheat
American Wheat
American Wheat
June 10, 2009
Category Light Hybrid Beer
Subcategory American Wheat or Rye Beer
Recipe Type All Grain
Batch Size 5 gal.
Volume Boiled 6 gal.
Mash Efficiency 75 %
Total Grain/Extract 9.00 lbs.
Total Hops 2.0 oz.
Calories (12 fl. oz.) 189.4
Cost to Brew $33.25 (USD)
Cost per Bottle (12 fl. oz.) $0.62 (USD)
100 % overall
Apparent Real
Original Extract 11.88 °Plato 11.88 °Plato
Attenuation 77.9 % 63.2 %
Extract 2.62 °Plato 4.37 °Plato
% Weight % Volume
Alcohol 3.9 % 4.9 %
1 of 1 9/23/2009 11:33 AM