Nonviolent Communication - Evaluative Words
Nonviolent Communication - Evaluative Words
Nonviolent Communication - Evaluative Words
Evaluative Word
Abandoned Abused
Giraffe Feeling(s)
Terrified, hurt, bewildered, sad, frightened, lonely Angry, frustrated, frightened
Giraffe Need(s)
Nurturing, connection, belonging, support, caring Caring, nurturing, support, emotional safety, physical safety, consideration, for livings things to flourish Inclusion, connection, community, belonging, contribution, respect Safety, consideration Respect, autonomy, seen for true self, acknowledgement, appreciation Trust, dependability, honesty, honor, commitment, clarity Accountability, causality, fairness, justice
(Un) accepted
Attacked Belittled
Scared, angry, defiant, hostile Angry, frustrated, tense, distressed Angry, hurt, disappointed, enraged Angry, scared, confused, antagonistic, hostile, bewildered, hurt Angry, scared, pressured
Betrayed Blamed
Autonomy, choice, safety, consideration Caged/boxed in Angry, thwarted, scared, anxious Autonomy, choice, freedom Cheated Resentful, hurt, angry Honesty, fairness, justice, trust, reliability Coerced Angry, frustrated, frightened, Autonomy, choice, freedom thwarted, scared Cornered Angry, scared, anxious, thwarted Autonomy, freedom Criticized In pain, scared, anxious, Understanding, frustrated, humiliated, angry, acknowledgement, recognition, embarrassed accountability, respectful communication Discounted/diminished Hurt, angry, embarrassed, Acknowledgement, inclusion, frustrated recognition, respect Disliked Sad, lonely, hurt Connection, appreciation, understanding, acknowledgement, friendship, inclusion Distrusted Sad, frustrated Trust, honesty Dumped on Angry, overwhelmed Respect, consideration Harassed Angry, frustrated, pressured, Respect, space, consideration, frightened peace Hassled Irritated, distressed, angry, Serenity, autonomy, choice of frustrated pace and method, calm, space
Nonviolent Communication
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Lonely, afraid, scared Resentful, scared, hurt, angry Sad, lonely, anxious Sad, disappointed, frightened Angry, scared, powerless, thwarted, frustrated Sad, angry Upset, angry, frustrated Lonely, scared
Angry, helpless, confused Angry, tired, frustrated, exhausted Angry, frustrated, resentful Anxious, resentful, overwhelmed Angry, frustrated, hostile, antagonistic, resentful Angry, sad, embarrassed Hurt, scared, angry, defiant
Ripped off/screwed
Nonviolent Communication
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Embarrassed, angry, resentful Sad, angry, hostile, hurt Sad, hostile, frustrated Sad, bewildered, frustrated
Sad, anxious, frustrated Sad, hurt, resentful Sad, anxious, frustrated Sad, angry, resentful Frightened, helpless Sad, anxious, agitated Angry, hurt, resentful, irritated
Nonviolent Communication
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