Job Application Original
Job Application Original
Job Application Original
)om *anuar( 1+, ,!!.eneral Mana/er Paradise .arden 0otel 1P2t.3 4td. ,!, Park Road, 5aridhara, Dhaka 6 1,1,.
Application for the position of Receptionist cum Front Desk Assistant
Dear Sir, In response to (our 7o8 ad2ertisement pu8lished in the 5d7o8s.)om, I 9ould like to appl( for the position of Re)eptionist )um :ront Desk Assistant. I understand from (our ad2ertisement that (our or/anization needs (oun/ and d(nami) people for 9orkin/ in re)eptionist )um front desk assistant. I ha2e /ot m( 0ire Se)ondar( ;ertifi)ate in ;ommer)e from Mohammadpur ;entral <ni2ersit( ;olle/e and S)hool Se)ondar( ;ertifi)ate in ;ommer)e from Shamlapur 0i/h S)hool. I 8elie2e 9orkin/ in a reputed or/anization like (our one 9ill pro2ide me e=)ellent opportunit( for m( )areer /ro9th. I am )onfident that if I a)quire the pro2ided opportunit( to ser2e (our or/anization, I 9ill pro2e m(self to 8e an important asset for (our )ompan( throu/h m( dedi)ation, sin)erit( and hi/hest le2el of professionalism. I 9ould request for an inter2ie9 at (our )on2enien)e. :or an( quer(, (ou )an rea)h me at m( mo8ile !16"&!11 #$ 6% or 1res3 !1-1"& $- ", %,. >ou )an also e&mail me at ashfaqratul'(ahoo.)om. ?hank (ou. >ours trul(, Md. Ashfaqul Islam @n)l 1. Resume ,. Photo/raph