The Patchwork Garden / Pedacitos de Huerto by Diane de Ande
The Patchwork Garden / Pedacitos de Huerto by Diane de Ande
The Patchwork Garden / Pedacitos de Huerto by Diane de Ande
Diane de Anda
Esta edicin de Pedacitos de huerto ha sido subvencionada por medio de la ciudad de Houston a travs del Houston Arts Alliance, Clayton Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation y Simmons Foundation. Les agradecemos su apoyo. Piata Books are full of surprises! Piata Books estn llenos de sorpresas! Piata Books An Imprint of Arte Pblico Press University of Houston 4902 Gulf Fwy, Bldg 19, Rm 100 Houston, Texas 772042004
Publication of The Patchwork Garden is funded by grants from the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance, the Clayton Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Simmons Foundation. We are grateful for their support.
de Anda, Diane. The Patchwork Garden = Pedacitos de huerto / by/por Diane de Anda ; illustrations by/ilustraciones de Oksana Kemarskaya ; Spanish translation by/traduccin al espaol de Gabriela Baeza Ventura. In English and Spanish. ISBN 9781558857636 (alk. paper) 1. GardeningJuvenile fiction.2. VegetablesJuvenile fiction.3. GrandmothersJuvenile fiction.4. CommunitiesJuvenile fiction. [1. GardeningFiction. 2. VegetableFiction. 3. GrandmothersFiction. 4. Community lifeFiction. 5. Spanish language materialsBilingual.] I. Kemarskaya, Oksana, ill. II. Ventura, Gabriela Baeza. III. Title. IV. Title: Pedacitos de huerto. PZ73.D3865 2013 [E]dc23 2012038640 CIP The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.481984. Text Copyright 2013 by Diane de Anda Pedacitos de huerto 2013 by Arte Pblico Press Illustrations Copyright 2013 by Oksana Kemarskaya
Printed in Hong Kong in October 2012December 2012 by Book Art Inc. / Paramout Printing Company Limited 121110987654321
In memory of my father Salvador de Anda, who had the magic touch for growing vegetables, with zucchini the size of watermelons. DdA To my dearest friend Lucie Diotte for many hours of joyful gardening together. OK
En memoria de mi padre Salvador de Anda, quien posea el toque mgico para cultivar verduras, con calabazas del tamao de sandas. DdA Para mi querida amiga Lucie Diotte por todas las felices horas que jardineamos juntas. OK
Abuela sat near the window where she could see the tiny stitches she was making on the bright green square of cloth. She smiled because it was the last square she needed to finish the patchwork quilt. Abuela liked to tell stories about when she was a little girl. Toa loved the stories she told. When I was a girl, my family lived where there was lots of empty land. I planted a vegetable garden on my own little square patch of land. I can still taste the fresh tomatoes I grew. They taste much sweeter than the ones you buy in the store, said Abuela.
La abuela de Toa estaba sentada cerca de la ventana para poder ver las pequeas puntadas que haca en el pedazo de tela verde y brillante. Sonri porque saba que era el ltimo cuadro que le faltaba para terminar la colcha de retazos. A Abuela le gustaba contar historias de cuando era nia. A Toa le encantaban esas historias. Cuando era nia, mi familia viva donde haba muchos terrenos baldos. Yo sembr un huerto en mi propio pedacito de tierra. An puedo saborear los tomates frescos que sembr. Saben ms dulce que los que compras en el sper dijo Abuela.
I wish I could have my very own vegetable garden, replied Toa, but theres nothing but cement around our apartment building. All you need is a little patch of land, and you can grow some tomatoes, spinach and broccoli or even squash and carrots, encouraged Abuela. Hmm, said Toa. Theres a little patch of dirt behind the church. But its full of weeds. Thats a good sign, said Abuela. That means the soil is soft enough for plants to grow once you take out all the weeds.
Me gustara tener mi propio huerto dijo Toa, pero aqu slo hay cemento alrededor de nuestro departamento. Slo necesitas un pedacito de tierra para cultivar tomates, espinacas y brcoli o hasta calabazas y zanahorias alent Abuela. Ya dijo Toa. Hay un pedacito de tierra detrs de la iglesia. Pero est lleno de maleza. Eso es una buena seal dijo Abuela. Eso significa que la tierra est lo suficientemente blanda para que las plantas crezcan cuando saques toda la maleza.
The next morning, Toa and Abuela went to the church and talked to Father Anselmo. It sounds like a great idea, said Father Anselmo. There will be beautiful green plants instead of the dry, ugly weeds. And you can take all the vegetables you want, added Toa. Ah, said Father Anselmo, thinking of fresh salads and steamed vegetables, beautiful and healthy.
A la maana siguiente, Toa y Abuela fueron a la iglesia para hablar con Padre Anselmo. Me parece una buena idea dijo Padre Anselmo. Habr lindas plantas verdes en vez de maleza seca y fea. Y usted podr quedarse con todas las verduras que quiera agreg Toa. Ah dijo Padre Anselmo, pensando en ensaladas frescas y en verduras cocidas al vapor lindas y sanas.
Later that afternoon, Toa, her big brother Carlos and her father stood on the little square of dirt. Toa and Carlos pulled and yanked out weeds. They used small hand shovels called trowels to dig out the bigger ones. Then their father used his big shovel and dug into the dirt. We need to turn the soil and soften it up for planting, he said as he worked. They also added some fertilizer to the soil, to help the seeds and plants grow. When they were done, they took big cans of water from their pickup truck and wet the soil down.
Ms tarde, Toa, su hermano mayor Carlos y su pap fueron al pedacito de tierra. Toa y Carlos arrancaron la maleza. Usaron pequeas palas para cavar la maleza ms grande. Despus su pap us la pala grande y cav en la tierra. Tenemos que revolver la tierra para ablandarla y poder sembrar dijo mientras trabajaba. Tambin agregaron abono a la tierra para ayudar a las semillas y a las plantas. Cuando acabaron, todos sacaron unos grandes botes de agua de la camioneta y mojaron la tierra.
After they finished, they picked up Abuela and drove to the garden store. Abuela helped Toa pick out packages of carrot, spinach and squash seeds. Then they chose little containers with small sprouting broccoli plants and tiny green tomato plants. The lady at the cash register handed Toa cards on small sticks with pictures of the vegetables she had bought. This tells you all the vitamins you will get from the different plants in your garden, she explained with a smile.
Cuando terminaron, fueron por Abuela y condujeron al vivero. Abuela le ayud a Toa a escoger paquetitos con semillas de zanahoria, espinaca y calabaza. Despus eligieron macetitas con brotes verdes de brcoli y pequeas plantitas verdes de tomate. La cajera le entreg a Toa tarjetas en pequeas paletitas con fotos de las verduras que haba comprado. Esto te dir todas las vitaminas que vas a recibir de las distintas plantas de tu huerto explic con una sonrisa.
The next day, Abuela and Toa arrived at the little patch of dirt with plants and seeds and their watering cans. First, we put on our straw hats to protect us from the sun while we work, warned Abuela. Toa was so excited she could barely tie the ribbon that helped keep the hat on her head. Now we dig the holes for the seeds and plants, said Abuela as she handed Toa a trowel. It was mine when I was a girl your age. It has planted so many seeds it can almost do it by itself, laughed Abuela.
Al da siguiente, Abuela y Toa llegaron al pedacito de huerto con plantas y semillas y sus regaderas. Primero nos ponemos los sombreros de paja para protegernos del sol mientras trabajamos advirti Abuela. Toa estaba tan emocionada que apenas poda amarrarse el listn del sombrero para sujetrselo. Ahora vamos a cavar hoyos paras las semillas y las plantas dijo Abuela al entregarle una pequea pala a Toa. sta era ma cuando tena tu edad. Ha sembrado tantas semillas que hasta puede hacerlo sola rio Abuela.
For the zucchini squash and spinach, they dug small holes only about an inch deep. They dropped in the seeds, then covered them over with the dirt they had taken out. Vines will grow with flowers on little stems that will turn into big green squash. Spinach will cover the ground with dark green leaves. Green vegetables are filled with vitamins, said Abuela. The carrots needed more work. Toa and Abuela had to loosen up the dirt so the carrots could grow long and deep. Carrots are roots. We need to make room for them to grow underground. Carrots keep our eyes healthy and help protect us from getting sick, explained Abuela.
Para las calabazas y las espinacas, cavaron pequeos hoyos de no ms de una pulgada de profundidad. Colocaron las semillas y despus las cubrieron con la tierra que haban sacado. Saldrn parras con flores y pequeos brotes que se transformarn en grandes calabazas verdes. Las espinacas cubrirn la tierra con hojas verde oscuro. Las verduras verdes estn llenas de vitaminas dijo Abuela. Las zanahorias requeran ms trabajo. Toa y Abuela tuvieron que aflojar la tierra para que las zanahorias pudieran crecer largas y profundas. Las zanahorias son races. Tenemos que hacerles espacio para que crezcan bajo la tierra. Las zanahorias nos ayudan a mantener sanos los ojos, y nos protegen de las enfermedades explic Abuela.
Finally, they took all the little tomato plants out of their small plastic pots, tickled the soil around the roots to loosen them up and dug holes just the right size. Toa patted the soil around each plant with her hands until the dirt was nice and flat. Then she stuck the cards with the picture of a tomato and a silvery-green flower of broccoli in front of the row of plants. Each card said VITAMIN C in big letters, and listed more vitamins in smaller letters. When she was done, Abuela sprinkled the garden with her big green watering can. I know one more thing that needs a sprinkle, said Toa stretching her arms and hands toward Abuela. They both laughed as Abuela poured out the last of the water and watched little rivers of mud roll down Toas arms and through her fingers.
Finalmente sacaron todas las plantas de tomate de las macetitas de plstico, les quitaron la tierra a las races para aflojarlas y cavaron hoyos del tamao apropiado. Con las manos, Toa aplast la tierra alrededor de cada planta hasta que sta qued bien plana. Luego puso las tarjetas con las fotos de un tomate y de una verde y plateada flor de brcoli enfrente de un surco. Cada tarjeta deca VITAMINA C en letras grandes, y listaba ms vitaminas en letras pequeas. Cuando termin, Abuela reg el huerto con su gran regadera verde. Yo s de algo ms que necesita regarse dijo Toa extendiendo los brazos y las manos hacia Abuela. Ambas rieron mientras Abuela verta el resto del agua y vean riachuelos de lodo deslizarse por los brazos de Toa y entre sus dedos.
Abuela walked Toa home each day after school right past their little patch of garden. And each day they would sprinkle the thirsty plants with their watering cans and pull out any weeds that had sneaked in between their plants. In a few short weeks, the garden was green with lacy carrot tops in a row, vines of squash curling on the ground and bushy green tomato plants. Wrinkled green spinach leaves lined the edge of the garden, and broccoli flowers bloomed. As the plants grew, more and more of the children and their parents passing by on their way home from school stopped to look and talk with Toa and Abuela about their garden. I wish we could have a garden, sighed many of the children. I wish we had a place for a garden, the parents sighed back.
Todos los das despus de la escuela, Abuela y Toa pasaban por su pequeo huerto camino a casa. Y cada da regaban las sedientas plantas con sus regaderas y sacaban la maleza que se haba colado entre las plantas. En unas cuantas semanas, el huerto estaba verde con un surco de zanahorias con hojas caladas, enredaderas de calabaza retorcindose en la tierra y plantas de tomate cubiertas de hojas. Arrugadas hojas verdes de espinaca rodeaban el huerto, y las flores de brcoli florecan. Mientras las plantas crecan, ms y ms nios y sus paps pasaban por el huerto camino a sus casas y se detenan para mirar y hablar con Toa y Abuela. Me gustara tener un huerto suspiraban muchos nios. Me gustara tener un espacio para un huerto suspiraban a su vez los paps.
I feel sad, Abuela, said Toa one day. Why, mijita, dont you like working in the garden? asked Abuela wrinkling her forehead. Oh, no, I love the garden. It just makes me sad when other kids wish they had one too. Wed need a big space for all the kids who would like to have a garden. Hmm, said Abuela, all we really need are little patches of land to make their wishes come true. Toas eyes got very wide. The sadness she had felt seemed to melt away, and she began to jump up and down. Over and over again she crowed, I know where some are! I know where some are! It would be just like your patchwork quilt. All the little squares would make one big garden.
Estoy triste, Abuela dijo Toa un da. Por qu, mijita, no te gusta trabajar en el huerto? pregunt Abuela frunciendo el ceo. Ay, no, me encanta mi huerto. Me entristece cuando los nios tambin desean uno. Necesitamos un espacio grande para todos los nios que quieren un huerto. Bueno dijo Abuela, lo nico que necesitamos son unos pedacitos de tierra para cumplir sus deseos. Los ojos de Toa se hicieron grandes. La tristeza que senta de repente se desapareci, y empez a saltar. Una y otra vez alarde Yo s dnde hay! Yo s dnde hay! Ser como tu colcha de retazos. Todos los cuadritos formarn un huerto grande.
The next few days were very busy for Toa and Abuela. First Toa made a list of all the little patches of empty land she had noticed in the neighborhood. There were two at the park where flowers or bushes had dried up and had not been replaced. There were little patches of dirt in front of different stores she and Abuela passed on their way to school. Next she asked Abuela to come with her to talk with the store owners. Think how beautiful it would be to have a garden right next to your store, Toa told them. Think how much easier it will be to keep your store clean without the empty spaces. No more customers carrying dirt into your store on their dusty shoes, added Abuela. Yes, said Mr. Snchez, the owner of the shoe repair store.
Toa y Abuela estuvieron muy ocupadas los siguientes das. Primero, Toa hizo una lista de todos los pedacitos de tierra balda que haba en el barrio. Haba dos en el parque donde flores o arbustos se haban secado y no haban sido remplazados. Haba pequeos pedazos de tierra enfrente de varias tiendas por las que ella y Abuela pasaban camino a la escuela. Luego le pidi a Abuela que la acompaara a hablar con los dueos de las tiendas. Imaginen qu lindo sera tener un huerto al lado de su tienda les dijo Toa. Ser ms fcil mantener la tienda limpia sin esos espacios vacos. Los clientes no metern tierra a la tienda con sus zapatos sucios agreg Abuela. S dijo Seor Snchez, el dueo de la zapatera.
Id love to have a garden here, said Miss Ruiz, pointing to the space in front of her beauty salon. It would be great to have a vegetable garden in front of the family clinic, said Dr. Martnez. Vegetables make you healthy, you know, she added with a wink. And because you eat them fresh from the garden, they have more vitamins than the ones in the store that have traveled so far from where they grew. The park director liked the idea so much that he put up a little wire fence around the two little gardens so no one would trample the plants when they played in the park.
Me encantara tener un huerto aqu dijo Seorita Ruiz al sealar el espacio enfrente del saln de belleza. Sera fantstico tener un huerto enfrente de la clnica familiar dijo Doctor Martnez. Las verduras son saludables, sabes? agreg con un guio. Y porque las comes recin cosechadas, tienen ms vitaminas que las que se compran en el sper porque sas tienen que viajar desde lejos, desde el lugar donde se cultivaron. Al director del parque le gust tanto la idea que puso un pequeo cerco de alambre alrededor de los dos pedacitos de huerto para que nadie pisara las plantas mientras jugaba en el parque.
When she got home, Toa wrote the address of each garden patch on a card. At the top of each card, she wrote: The Patchwork Garden Club. Throughout the next week, Toa gave cards to all the children who sighed and wished they had a garden of their own. All they were asked to do was to bring some of their vegetables to the farmers market in the park to share with others who did not get a piece of the patchwork garden. This way everyone in the neighborhood will have a chance to have fresh vegetables to make healthy meals, Toa told each new member of The Patchwork Garden Club.
Cuando lleg a casa, Toa escribi la direccin de cada pedazo de huerto en una tarjeta. Encima de cada tarjeta, escribi: Club Pedacitos de Huerto. Durante la siguiente semana, Toa le dio una tarjeta a cada nio que deseaba tener un huerto propio. Lo nico que les pidi fue que llevaran parte de sus verduras al mercado en el parque para compartir con los que no haban obtenido un pedacito de huerto. De esta manera, todos en el barrio tendrn la oportunidad de tener verduras frescas para preparar comida sana le dijo Toa a cada miembro del Club Pedacitos de Huerto.
Soon, all across the neighborhood, where there had been bare patches of dirt, little green sprouts began to break through the earth. In a few weeks, long squash lay hidden under green leafy vines that covered the ground. Bouquets of broccoli stood in a row, and a carpet of spinach leaves circled the garden. Red tomatoes hung like Christmas bulbs from dark green stalks. The delicate tops of carrots danced in the breeze. Then all of a sudden, a sound like the softest hum filled the air for blocks and blocks. Mmmm, said all the children standing in the patchwork garden squares across the neighborhood as they bit into the sweetest tomatoes they had ever tasted!
Poco despus, en todo el barrio, donde antes haba terrenos baldos, empezaron a brotar retoos verdes de la tierra. En unas semanas, haba largas calabazas escondidas debajo de las ramas verdes y frondosas que cubran la tierra. Los ramilletes de brcoli se erguan alineados, y una alfombra de hojas de espinaca rodeaba el huerto. Los tomates rojos colgaban de tallos verde-oscuros como lucecitas de Navidad. Las delicadas hojas de las zanahorias bailaban en la brisa. De pronto, un sonido como un murmullo suave llen el aire a lo largo de muchas y muchas cuadras. Mmmm dijeron los nios parados en los pedacitos de huerto repartidos por todo el barrio al morder uno de los tomates ms dulces que haban probado!
Diane de Anda es autora de seis libros juveniles sobre familias latinas: The Ice Dove and Other Stories, The Immortal Rooster and Other Stories, Dancing Miranda / Baila, Miranda, baila, Kikiriki/ Quiquiriqu, The Monster in the Mattress and Other Stories / El monstruo en el colchn y otros cuentos (ganadora del segundo lugar en International Latino Book Awards 2012) y A Day without Sugar / Un da sin azcar, todos publicados por Piata Books. Tambin ha publicado poesa en destacadas revistas. Diane se jubil de UCLA donde prepar a trabajadores socia les para ayudar a nios, jvenes y sus familias. Vive con su esposo Don en Los ngeles en una casa llena de criaturas peludas: tres perros, dos gatos y una chin chilla llamada Diego. Tienen dos hijos, Dominic y Daniel.
Diane de Anda is the author of six books for young read ers that feature Latino families: The Ice Dove and Other Stories, The Immortal Rooster and Other Stories, Danc ing Miranda / Baila, Miranda baila, Kikiriki/ Quiquiriqu, The Monster in the Mattress and Other Stories / El mons truo en el colchn y otros cuentos (which received a sec ond place award at the International Latino Book Awards 2012) and A Day without Sugar / Un da sin az car, all published by Piata Books. She has also written poetry for children in leading childrens magazines. She is a retired UCLA professor who prepared social workers to help children, teens and their families. She lives with her husband, Don, in Los Angeles in a house filled with furry creatures: three dogs, two cats and a chinchilla named Diego. They have two sons, Dominic and Daniel.
Oksana Kemarskaya naci y se cri en Ucrania que antes era parte de la Unin Sovitica. Estudi dibujo en The Academic School of Russian Fine Art. Su pasin por el dibujo empez cuando ape nas tenas tres aos. A los 24, Oksana decidi explorar el mundo y experimentar nuevas visiones y estilos de vida, por lo que se mud a Norte Amrica. En la actua lidad vive en Canad donde trabaja como ilustradora independiente para editoria les infantiles internacionales.
Oksana Kemarskaya was born and raised in Ukraine which was formerly part of the Soviet Union. Her educa tion and drawing skills have deep roots in The Academic School of Russian Fine Art. Her passion to draw began when she was three years old. By the age of 24, Oksana decided to explore the world and to experience new visions and lifestyles, so she moved to North America. She lives in Canada and works as a freelance illustrator for many international childrens publishers.