08.taksonomi Tumbuhan-Krt1 Ok
08.taksonomi Tumbuhan-Krt1 Ok
08.taksonomi Tumbuhan-Krt1 Ok
Tidak berklorofil : tidak berfotosintesis
Tubuhnya mempunyai benang-benang
Perkembangbiakan : vegetatif : dengan
spora, generatif, dengan isogami,
anisogami, oogami, gametangiogami dan
Hidup secara heterotrof sebagai saprofit
atau parasit
Jarang hidup di air, kebanyakan di
KRT-2010 1
Funguslike Protist
KRT-2010 3
KRT-2010 4
That's a bunch of fungus.
KRT-2010 5
. Mold is actually a type of fungus.
It has a shape called a zygote to be
exact. While yeasts are single celled
fungi, molds are multicellular fungi
Bread takes one kind of fungus
(yeast) to make it rise.
If you leave the bread out, another
type of fungus comes in (bread
mold) to break it down. It's not
amazing, but it's true.
KRT-2010 6
Let's look at Club Fungi
KRT-2010 7
So what is a mushroom exactly?
It is bunches of strands living
underground called hyphae
(pronounced hi-fah). Those strands
are the basic fungus in action,
decomposing leaves, or rotting bark
on the ground.
KRT-2010 8
When it's time to reproduce, they
develop a stalk and cap,the mushroom
that you see popping out of the ground.
KRT-2010 9
It'sonly one part of the
fungus. On the bottom of that
cap are a set of gills that
have little clubs with fungus
KRT-2010 10
When your bread gets old and green
or black, you are seeing a type of
zygote fungus in action. If you wait
long enough, you will see the stalks
develop and the zygotes released.
KRT-2010 11
Heterotrophic – they
cannot make their
own food molecules
Some like mycorrhizae
absorb essential
minerals from the soil
needed by plants
About 80% of plant
disease is caused by
fungi which are
Many decompose
organic matter
KRT-2010 12
Fungi absorb food after digesting it
outside their bodies
Secrete powerful enzymes that
digest their food externally then
absorb the nutrient molecules
Multicellular except yeast
Mycelium is a feeding network of
Mushroom is just the above
ground reproductive structure of
a much more extensive
underground mycelium
Not celllulose cell walls, but chitin
which is a polymer of a nitrogen-
containing sugar
No flagellated cells in their life
KRT-2010 13
KRT-2010 14
Mycorrhizae are symbiotic / mutual fungi on roots
a) increase surface area of roots
b) produce antibiotics to ward off
competing plants
c) Are specie specific to plants
d) Helped plants evolve on land
e) Seeds exposed to fungi spores
grow better
KRT-2010 15
I am not mold !
I am not rotting you!
I am Mycorrhizae,
I am a fun guy
KRT-2010 16
Fungi have enormous ecological
Decomposers and
recyclers of organic
Used to ripen cheese
Yeasts used in baking,
brewing and
Produce antibiotics
As well as the
mutualistic partners in
mycorrhizae and
KRT-2010 17
Yeast is used to make several types of
food for humans. We need yeast to
make breads. We also use them to
make alcohol. It's a whole process
called fermentation.
KRT-2010 18
Some fungi are beneficial.
Sugars are broken down in an
environment without oxygen. It's
called anaerobic fermentation. And
voila, alcohol. Even though they are
single celled, you may find them in
colonies. They reproduce very
quickly and hang out together. It
takes a lot of them (because they
are so small) to get a lot of work
KRT-2010 19
Parasitic fungi
KRT-2010 20
one of the first antibiotics was called
penicillin. It was developed from a
fungus (a fungus named Penicillium
found on an orange, to be exact).
KRT-2010 21
Classification of the plants we will cover in this course.
400MYBP Vascular tissues (tracheids or derivatives)
KRT-2010 22
Nonvascular Plants
KRT-2010 24
Small, nonvascular,
Gametophyte dominates life
cycle; has leaflike, stemlike,
and rootlike parts
Usually live in wet habitats
KRT-2010 26
Vascular Plants
Majority of plants
Have internal tissues that carry
water and solutes
Two groups
– Seedless vascular plants
– Seed-bearing vascular plants
KRT-2010 27
Seedless Vascular Plants
Arose during the Devonian
Produce spores but no seeds
Whisk ferns
KRT-2010 28
Seedless vascular plants
Includes ferns
Well-developed roots
and rigid stems
Flagellated sperm that
require water to reach
In many species the
leaves sprout from
stems that grow along
the ground
KRT-2010 29
Seedless Vascular Plants
Like bryophytes
– Live in wet, humid places
– Require water for
Unlike bryophytes
– Sporophyte is free-living
and has vascular tissues
KRT-2010 30
Seedless Vascular Plants
Whisk ferns
Ferns (Pterophyta)
KRT-2010 31
Pteridophytes: ferns, horsetails,
club mosses and allies.
Pteridophytes are the group of plants which first (as far as we can tell…)
developed the tracheid cells which permit stems to rise high above any
water supply, and as such were the first colonists of dry land, at least 400
MYBP. We have a good fossil record of them (in fact our industry has
depended on burning this fossil record since the inception of the
industrial revolution!). The facets which fossilise show that apart from
the extinction of the giant forms, this group has changed little since the
Like mosses these plants have two genetically distinct phases in their life
cycle, but here the dominant phase is the sporophyte, the familiar fern
leaves etc.
KRT-2010 32
These are ancient but still successful forms, in which the spore-bearing
stage is very familiar. Bracken Pteridium aquilinum is one of the most
widespread and pernicious weeds on the planet! We still have tree ferns,
native to Gondwanaland (Australasia, South America, Africa) but now
widely planted in tropical, subtropical and frost-free temperate areas. In
all cases spores are shed from the underside of the leaves (fronds).
KRT-2010 33
Ferns (Pterophyta)
12,000 species, mostly tropical
Most common sporophyte structure
– Perennial underground stem (rhizome)
– Roots and fronds arise from rhizome
– Young fronds are coiled “fiddleheads”
– Mature fronds divided into leaflets
– Spores form on lower surface of some
KRT-2010 34
Fern Life Cycle
zygote rhizome
Diploid Stage
fertilization meiosis
Haploid Stage Spores
Spores develop are
Figure 23.9 mature
KRT-2010 35
Page 391 gametophyte Spore germinates
Horsetails (Sphenophyta): Equisetacea
These plants are every-day miracles.
There are only about 15 species in the
world, all in the genus Equisetum. It has
changed hardly at all since the
carboniferous period. I know of a
Carboniferous site in Yorkshire where
one can find 2m high horsetails still
standing, fossilised in a cliff, looking
exactly like living forms (only rather
bigger, though giant horsetail E.
telmateia can grow nearly this tall).
Also known as Lego plants, because the
stems comes apart at the nodes.
KRT-2010 36
Horsetails, contd. The needle-like leaves are reinforced
with silica, and have been used as pan
scrubs. Few animals find them
For all their ancientness and oddity they
are a serious weed, with immensely
deep root systems and an ability to
shrug off herbicides.
Gardeners’ Question Time (BBC)
advice on how to respond to horsetails
in your garden
Sell your house, in winter when the
stems aren’t visible.
KRT-2010 37
Club mosses
These rather nondescript crawling
plants are nowadays confined to a
minor role in northern forests on acid
soils. Present in the UK but easily
overlooked. The sole survivors of a
large group including vast forest-
forming trees in the carboniferous, the
first terrestrial forests. The have a
vascular system, and always one vein
running along the leaf axis.
KRT-2010 38
Pteridophyta / Filicophyta (Tumbuhan paku / paku-pakuan
Daur hidup (metagenesis) :
- Daur hidup tumbuhan paku : pergiliran keturunan, yang terdiri dari dua
fase utama:gametofit dan sporofit. Tumbuhan paku yang mudah kita
lihat merupakan bentuk fase sporofit karena menghasilkan spora.
Bentuk generasi fase gametofit dinamakan protalus (prothallus) atau
protalium (prothallium), yang berwujud tumbuhan kecil berupa
lembaran berwarna hijau, mirip lumut hati, tidak berakar (tetapi
memiliki rizoid sebagai penggantinya), tidak berbatang, tidak berdaun.
- Prothallium tumbuh dari spora yang jatuh di tempat yang lembab. Dari
prothallium berkembang anteridium (antheridium, organ penghasil
spermatozoid atau sel kelamin jantan) dan arkegonium
(archegonium, organ penghasil ovum atau sel telur). Pembuahan
mutlak memerlukan bantuan air sebagai media spermatozoid
berpindah menuju archegonium.
- Ovum yang terbuahi berkembang menjadi zigot, yang tumbuh menjadi
tumbuhan paku Setelah terjadi pembuahan (zigot berkembang),
protalium hilang
KRT-2010 39
KRT-2010 40
Berdasarkan klasifikasi baru (Smith et al., 2006),
tumbuhan paku dapat dikelompokkan sebagai
KRT-2010 41
Kelas Psilotopsida
Bangsa Ophioglossales
Suku Ophioglossaceae (termasuk Botrychiaceae,
Bangsa Psilotales
Suku Psilotaceae (termasuk Tmesipteridaceae)
Kelas Equisetopsida [=Sphenopsida]
Bangsa Equisetales
Suku Equisetaceae
Kelas Marattiopsida
Bangsa Marattiales
Suku Marattiaceae (termasuk Angiopteridaceae, Christenseniaceae,
Danaeaceae, Kaulfussiaceae)
Kelas Polypodiopsida [=Filicopsida, Pteridopsida]
Bangsa Osmundales
Suku Osmundaceae
Bangsa Hymenophyllales
Suku Hymenophyllaceae (termasuk Trichomanaceae)
Bangsa Gleicheniales
Suku Gleicheniaceae (termasuk Dicranopteridaceae,
Suku Dipteridaceae (termasuk Cheiropleuriaceae)
Suku Matoniaceae KRT-2010 42
Bangsa Schizaeales
Suku Lygodiaceae
Suku Anemiaceae (termasuk Mohriaceae)
Suku Schizaeaceae
Bangsa Salviniales
Suku Marsileaceae (termasuk Pilulariaceae)
Suku Salviniaceae (termasuk Azollaceae)
Bangsa Cyatheales
Suku Thyrsopteridaceae
Suku Loxomataceae
Suku Culcitaceae
Suku Plagiogyriaceae
Suku Cibotiaceae
Suku Cyatheaceae (termasuk Alsophilaceae,
Suku Dicksoniaceae (termasuk Lophosoriaceae)
Suku Metaxyaceae
Bangsa Polypodiales
Suku Lindsaeaceae (termasuk Cystodiaceae,
Suku Saccolomataceae
Suku Dennstaedtiaceae (termasuk Hypolepidaceae,
Monachosoraceae, Pteridiaceae)
KRT-2010 43
Suku Pteridaceae (termasuk Acrostichaceae,
Actiniopteridaceae, Adiantaceae, Anopteraceae,
Antrophyaceae, Ceratopteridaceae, Cheilanthaceae,
Cryptogrammaceae, Hemionitidaceae,
Negripteridaceae, Parkeriaceae, Platyzomataceae,
Sinopteridaceae, Taenitidaceae, Vittariaceae)
Suku Aspleniaceae
Suku Thelypteridaceae
Suku Woodsiaceae (termasuk Athyriaceae,
Suku Blechnaceae (termasuk Stenochlaenaceae)
Suku Onocleaceae
Suku Dryopteridaceae (termasuk Aspidiaceae,
Bolbitidaceae, Elaphoglossaceae, Hypodematiaceae,
Suku Lomariopsidaceae (termasuk Nephrolepidaceae
KRT-2010 44
Suku Tectariaceae
Suku Oleandraceae
Suku Davalliaceae
Suku Polypodiaceae (termasuk Drynariaceae,
Grammitidaceae, Gymnogrammitidaceae,
Loxogrammaceae, Platyceriaceae,
KRT-2010 45
Seed-Bearing Vascular Plants
Gymnosperms arose
– Cycads
– Ginkgos
– Gnetophytes
– Conifers
Angiosperms arose later
– Monocots
– Dicots
KRT-2010 46
Evolutionary Trend
Figure 23.2
zygote Page 386
KRT-2010 47
Traits of
Seed-Bearing Plants
Pollen grains
– Arise from megaspores
– Develop into male gametophytes
– Can be transported without water
– Embryo sporophyte inside nutritive
tissues and a protective coat
– Can withstand hostile conditions
KRT-2010 48
Rise of Seed-Bearing Plants
Seeds appeared about 360 million
years ago
Seed ferns and gymnosperms
were dominant at first
Angiosperms arose later
KRT-2010 49
Giant lycophytes and horsetails
Formation of coal
KRT-2010 50
Seed-Bearing Plants
Microspores that give rise to
pollen grains
Megaspores inside ovules
More water-conserving than
seedless vascular plants
KRT-2010 51
-Tingkat perkembangan yang paling tinggi
-Telah menghasilkan biji: tumbuhan berbiji
-Biji berasal dari bunga : Tumbuhan Berbunga (Anthophyta)
-Dibagi menjadi 2 sub divisi: tumbuhan berbiji telanjang
(Gymnospermae) dan berbiji tertutup = bakal biji terbungkus
oleh karpela/daun buah (Angiospermae)
- Angiospermae terdiri dari dua kelas : Dicotyledoneae
(tumbuhan biji belah/memiliki dua daun lembaga) dan
Monocotyledoneae ( mempunyai satu daun lembaga)
KRT-2010 52
- Kesepakatan umum tentang bagaimana tumbuhan
berbunga dikelompokkan mulai tercapai sejak hasil
"Angiosperm Phylogeny Group" (APG) dikeluarkan pada
tahun 1998 dan diperbaharui (update) pada tahun 2003
sebagai Sistem Klasifikasi APG II.
- Jenisnya diperkirakan berkisar antara 250 000 hingga
400 000 yang dikelompokkan menjadi 462 suku/famili
(APG, 1998).
- Dari keseluruhan spesies: monokotil = 23%
dikotil= 75%.
KRT-2010 53
Sepuluh besar suku tumbuhan menurut banyaknya jenis
adalah sebagai berikut:
Asteraceae atau Compositae (suku kenikir-kenikiran): 23.600
Orchidaceae (suku anggrek-anggrekan): 21.950
Fabaceae atau Leguminosae (suku polong-polongan): 19.400
Rubiaceae (suku kopi-kopian): 13.183
Poaceae, Glumiflorae, atau Gramineae (suku rumput-
rumputan): 10.035
Lamiaceae atau Labiatae (suku nilam-nilaman): 7.173
Euphorbiaceae (suku kastuba-kastubaan): 5.735
Cyperaceae (suku teki-tekian): 4.350
Malvaceae (suku kapas-kapasan): 4.225
Araceae (suku talas-talasan): 4.025
Orchidaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae dan Araceae adalah
KRT-2010 54
Kesepuluh suku di atas mencakup beragam jenis
tumbuhan penting dalam kehidupan manusia, baik
dalam bidang pertanian, kehutanan maupun industri.
KRT-2010 55
Beberapa suku penting lainnya dalam kehidupan manusia adalah:
- Solanaceae (suku terong-terongan), sebagai sumber pangan
penting terutama sayuran
- Cucurbitaceae (suku labu-labuan), sebagai sumber sayuran
- Brassicaceae atau Cruciferae (suku sawi-sawian), sebagai
sumber sayuran dan minyak pangan penting
- Alliaceae (suku bawang-bawangan), sebagai sumber sayuran
bumbu penting
- Piperaceae (suku sirih-sirihan), sebagai sumber rempah-rempah
- Arecaceae atau Palmae (suku pinang-pinangan), sebagai
pendukung kehidupan penting masyarakat agraris daerah
- Rutaceae (suku jeruk-jerukan), Rosaceae (suku mawar-
mawaran), dan Myrtaceae (suku jambu-jambuan) banyak
menghasilkan buah-buahan penting. -
KRT-2010 56
Tumbuhan berbunga juga menjadi pemasok
sumberdaya alam dalam bentuk kayu, kertas,
serat (misalnya kapas, kapuk, and henep,
serat manila), obat-obatan (digitalis, kamfer),
tumbuhan hias (ruangan maupun terbuka), dan
berbagai daftar panjang kegunaan lain.
KRT-2010 57
Naked seed
because it isn’t
produced in a
Conifers – pine,
spruce, and fir are
the largest group
KRT-2010 58
This group contains many well-known plants, including all
coniferous trees (pines, larch, spruce etc), yews and allies, along
with other ‘living fossils’ the cycads, plus a few simple plain
oddities thrown in to keep botanists happy.
KRT-2010 59
Plants with “naked seeds”
Seeds don’t form inside an
Four groups
Conifers Ginkgos
Cycads Gnetophytes
KRT-2010 60
Conifer Characteristics
Widest known, largest number of
living species
Woody trees or shrubs
Most are evergreen
Bear seeds on exposed cone scales
Most produce woody cones
KRT-2010 61
Most people know one group of gymnosperms;
Conifers the conifers. Literally the cone bearers – these
are pines, spruces, larches, firs etc.
Pollen-bearing and
seed-bearing cones
on different plants Do not
post on
Figure 23.14e Strobilus of a “female” cycad
KRT-2010 63
Page 394
These plants look rather like stunted palms, or possibly
Cycads rather tough tree ferns, but are neither. They are
gymnosperms that have changed little since the Jurassic
period, when they were dominant land cover and
presumably staple food for herbivorous dinosaurs.
Diverse during
age of dinosaurs Do not
One surviving
species, Ginkgo
Deciduous trees
are male or
Fig. 65
Ginkgo biloba – the wonderful
People had since the early days of fossil hunting been recovering
well-preserved fossil leaves from Ancient (Jurassic and earlier)
which looked like an unrolled pine needle. No living plant matched
this pattern.
Ephedra Do not
post on
Sporophyte of Ephedra
Figure 23.16a
KRT-2010 67
Page 395
Welwitschia mirabilis
This is certainly one of the strangest plants in the world, whose
classification inside the gymnosperms has long been assumed but is
confirmed by DNA analyses.
KRT-2010 68
Pine Cones
Woody scales of a “pine cone”
are the parts where megaspores
formed and developed into
female gametophytes
Male cones, where microspores
and pollen are produced, are not
KRT-2010 69
through one
surface view of one cone scale ovule
(houses two ovules)
Pine Life Cycle ovule
sporophyte seed section through a
coat pollen-producing sac
seeding embryo Diploid
seed fertilization meiosis
pollen tube
sperm- eggs form
producing cell pollination form
Figure 23.17
KRT-2010 70
Page 396
Conifer Distribution
Reproduce more slowly than
angiosperms; at competitive
disadvantage in many habitats
dominate in far north, at
higher elevations, and in certain
parts of southern hemisphere
KRT-2010 71
Flowering plants
KRT-2010 72
Flowering plants
Dominant land plants (260,000
Ovulesand (after fertilization)
seeds are enclosed in an ovary
main groups: magnoliids,
monocots, and eudicots
KRT-2010 73
Angiosperm Evolutionary Tree
water star
Amborella lilies anise magnoliids monocots eudicots
KRT-2010 75
Plant Life Double fertilization
Meiosis Meiosis
Cycle mitosis
pollination cytoplasmic
Figure 23.20
KRT-2010 female gametophyte 76
Page 399
Angiosperms: Monocotyledons
and Dicotyledons
Flowering plants (phylum Anthophyta) come in two fundamentally
different ‘designs’ or classes, known as the Monocotyledons and
Dicotyledons. Or Monocots and Dicots in botanical jargon.
KRT-2010 78
KRT-2010 79
Dicotyledons. Actually the
eudicotyledons plus a few others…
It is here that I have to confess to a certain
oversimplification. Neat though the division was, recent
(late 1990s) DNA work has shown that the group known
as ‘Dicots’ consists of 4 groups, all as unrelated to each
other as they are to the monocots. Fortunately, virtually
all the ones you are likely to meet are in a good
monophyletic group, now called the Eudicotyledons.
KRT-2010 81
People and Plants
domestication began about
11,000 years ago
KRT-2010 82
Nonfood Uses of Plants
Lumber, paper, and fuel
Thatched roofing
Natural insecticides
KRT-2010 83
Plants of Abuse
Tobacco plants are Nicotiana sp.
Cannabis sativa is source of
Coca leaves are used to produce
Toxic plant alkaloids, such as
henbane and belladona, have been
used as poisons and as medicine
KRT-2010 84
KRT-2010 85