Homework Organizer April 7 - 11
Homework Organizer April 7 - 11
Homework Organizer April 7 - 11
Homework Organizer
April 7 - 11, 2014
**These assignments must be completed and turned in by Friday! Please follow the directions by each assignment and place this sheet back in your childs folder signed and completed on Friday.**
Reading1. Please complete the attached reading selection. Remember to write answers in complete sentences. We will have a Test on Friday covering the reading skills story sequence. 2. Read every night and fill in the Reading Log. It must be completed in its entirety by Friday. Return with Parent Signature DAILY! The reading log will be graded as a minor grade.
Math- Complete the fraction pages on relating fractions and whole numbers
and fractions naming part of a group. Continue to study multiplication facts.
Spelling- Use your discretion to determine if your child needs to practice the
spelling words each night. Use the spelling menu for ideas! Our test will be on Thursday.
Fabulous Facts: Review the facts every night. There will be a quiz on
By signing this you are stating that your child has completed all homework assignments listed above.