Standard Simplex Method Example
Standard Simplex Method Example
Standard Simplex Method Example
a Simplex
See step 1
See step 2
The 1st SIMPLEX TABLEAU is below. Note missing z -column (correction by Steve Hulet)
See steps 3,4,5 of SIMPLEX METHOD as you handle INDICATORS, RATIOS, and PIVOTS.
Named below are the 4 row operations needed to pivot on the number "5" encircled in red
Below are the blue results of the numbers row operations are the named above new ISM
Since one INDICATOR (namely -1/5) remains negative, we must repeat steps 3-9
Named below are 4 row operations needed to pivot on the number(16/5) encircled in red
Above there was a tie for least non-negative ratio: either row 1 or row 2 could have become the pivot row, and either choice leads to the final tableau after one additional pivoting. At the right is the result of the final 3 row operations.
49 16
, 0,
1 16
Thus, as in step 8 of the SIMPLEX METHOD, the last tableau is a FINAL TABLEAU. Row operations of SIMPLEX METHOD are done. Thus, the basic solution for the tableau above is the solution to our original problem. [1st] set equal to 0 all variables NOT associated with the blue ISM, as at the right. Each column of the final tableau has a label naming it's variable. [2nd] convert each row of the final tableau (except the bottom row) back into equation form (as at the right) to find the values of the remaining variables. The value of the objective function is in the lower right corner of the final tableau.