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Grade level: 2nd
Observation: 1 2 3 4 general goals of LESSON long term: o better !nderstand different forms of "riting and story telling# short term: o better !nderstand ho" $vi "rites his boo%s and "hat it means to thin% from a "riter&s 'ers'e(tive# s'e(ifi( goals of lesson long term: )nderstand %ey (on(e'ts and ty'es of s'ee(h !sed in *$ +eginning, $ -!ddle, and $n End. short term: En/oy the read alo!d "hile !nderstanding "hat is going on thro!gho!t (ha'ters 012# 1# title of 3esear(h Lesson: $von and Ed"ard&s +ig $dvent!res 2# standards addressed: C.C.2.R.I.445raft and str!(t!re: 6etermine the meaning of "ords and 'hrases in a te7t relevant to a grade 2 to'i( of s!b/e(t area8 C.C.2.R.I.645raft and str!(t!re: 9dentify the main '!r'ose of a te7t, in(l!ding "hat the a!thor "ants to ans"er, e7'lain, or des(ribe8 C.C.2.SL.245om'rehension and (ollaboration: 3e(o!nt or des(ribe %ey ideas or details from a te7t read alo!d or info 'resented orally or thro!gh other media8 C.C.2.SL.1.a45om'rehension and 5ollaboration: follo" agreed1!'on r!les for dis(!ssion :e#g#: gaining the floor in res'e(tf!l "ays, listening to others "ith (are, s'ea%ing one at a time abo!t the to'i(s and te7ts !nder dis(!ssion; 3# ba(%gro!nd of the LESSON: he (hildren have already read the 'revio!s boo% *he End of the +eginning. and are familiar "ith the (hara(ters and ty'e of "riting# he (hildren have also heard the first si7 (ha'ters of this boo%# <esterday, they dis(!ssed homo'hones and homonyms, and have already learned those terms earlier on in the year# =# lesson 'ro(ed!res 'age: 1 time activities :6ivide this into se(tions# Se(tions might in(l!de: Set1 !', 9ntrod!(tion, ea(her1g!ided instr!(tion, 9ndivid!al >ra(ti(e, Gro!' ?or%, Sharing 9deas, S!mmary, et(#; dialoge :ea(her&s @!estions8 $nti(i'ated St!dent 3es'onses; e!vi"o!me!t :-aterials, Strategies, $da'tations# comme!ts 11:1=am :5hildren "ill be sitting in their ro"s on the r!g# 9 "ill be sitting !' front#; 1>re1@!estions before read1alo!dA 16is(!ss vo(ab "ords that may not be !nderstood by st!dents 13addle, 'g# B2 1dogma, 'g# 02 1antidote, 'g# 0= 1-e: 9 "ant to start off "ith some "ords that might be a little tri(%y in these three (ha'ters# One of the "ords is *raddled.A"ho "ants to g!ess "hat this meansC 1$S3: -aybe li%e a riddleC 1$S3: 6oes it mean to sha%eC 1-e: -aybeAthis is a really tri(%y one# 9 even had to loo% it !'# *3addled. is to t"ist or braid together# 1-e: ?hat abo!t *dogma. 1$S3: )m, maybe it has to do "ith something bad and a dogC 1-e: Not D!ite, *dogma. is a *'rin(i'le or set of 'rin(i'les that are made by 'eo'le of a!thority and %no"n as tr!e., so %ind of li%e a belief or a *(ode. 1-e: ?hat abo!t *antidote.C 1$S3: Ooh an antidote is li%e something that ma%es someone better# 1-e: <eah 'retty (loseE 9t&s a medi(ine that&s given to 'eo'le to hel' them if they&re 'oisoned or have an !n'leasant feeling 1>oster board on dry erase board Listed: 1"ords "ith senten(es and 'age n!mbers 1Homo'hones and homogra'hs (hart, "ords from yesterday and s'a(e for today 1S'e(ifi( D!ote from boo% to tal% abo!t 19dioms, ones "e tal%ed abo!t yesterday and ne" e7am'les from boo% (ha'ters 16o the (hildren seem to !nderstand the basi( meaning of the "ordC B# eval!ation: :Ho" "ill yo! %no" "hether or not yo! have a(hieved yo!r short1term s'e(ifi( goalsC ?hat did the (hildren&s res'onses to this lesson tell yo! abo!t "hether yo!r goals "ere metC 1$re the (hildren ans"ering the D!estions "ith tho!ghtf!l res'onses :or are they *silly.;C 1$re the (hildren sitting and listening to the boo%C Or are they "iggling aro!nd and having side (onversationsC 1$re the (hildren la!ghing at f!nny 'arts in the boo%C 6o they seem to !nderstand "hat is going on in the boo%C 16o the (hildren remember "hat "e dis(!ssed yesterdayC 6o they relate it to e7am'les from the boo% todayC 0# 'ost1lesson refle(tion: ?hat "o!ld yo! (hange abo!t this lesson and "hy "o!ld those (hanges im'rove itC 9 "o!ld definitely 'i(% fe"er to'i(s to dis(!ss so "e (o!ld go more in de'th "ith one or t"o to'i(s# 9 "o!ld also read one less (ha'ter be(a!se "e "ere r!nning o!t of time# 9 realiFed that it is o%ay if 9 don&t get thro!gh everything, as long as 9 get most of my 'oints a(ross# 9n regards to the vo(ab!lary, 9 "o!ld ta%e more time to tal% abo!t the "ords "hen "e got to them in the (ha'ter# 9 r!shed tal%ed abo!t them in the beginning and then never bro!ght them !' again# Ne7t time 9 "ill sto' at that "ord and as% the (hildren if they !nderstood the (onte7t of the "ord, if they remember "hat the "ord means, and other D!estions related to the "ord in (onte7t# 9 "ill also as% them abo!t the *'lay. on "ords that $vi !ses# 6id he !se this "ord on '!r'ose to (onvey a s'e(ifi( 'ointC 9 "ill be (onstantly "or%ing on (lassroom management te(hniD!es as "ell# Ne7t time 9 "ill try and tell (hildren to ta%e moments more often for negative behavior# 9 "ill also "or% on (om'limenting the (hildren for the good things they do as "ell# Ho" did yo!r organiFation and materials affe(t the s!((ess of the lessonC he 'oster board 9 made "as very !sef!l# 9 feel as tho!gh it definitely aided in my 'resentation to the (hildren# Ne7t time, li%e 9 said above, 9 "ill 'i(% fe"er items to tal% abo!t and go more in de'th "ith maybe one or t"o to'i(s# 9 also "ant to !se the 'oster more to "rite ideas from the (hildren, or have it be more intera(tive# Overall, 9 "as very organiFed for the entire lesson# ?hat "ere some (hallenges "ith this lessonC ?hat s!r'rised yo!C he (lassroom management "as the most (hallenging 'art of my lesson# 9t&s really diffi(!lt to read alo!d "hile also telling (hildren to ta%e a moment and (ome ba(% from the moment# $s "ell, it gets really (hallenging "hen it is a f!nny boo% and the (hildren get silly and a little !n(ontrollable# 9 have never really had a 'roblem "ith (lassroom management in other (lassrooms, b!t N!rt!red Heart is a lot different than many other (lassroom management te(hniD!es# additional (ommentsC 9 tho!ght this "ent really "ell for my first lessonE 9 "as r!shed for time, ho"ever, be(a!se 9 didn&t realiFe ho" long my lesson "o!ld ta%e# Loo%ing ba(%, there are many things 9 (an do :and have 'ra(ti(ed sin(e ?ednesday; to enhan(e my read alo!d and dis(!ssion "ith the (hildren#