The document discusses life for soldiers in Korea across different seasons. It notes how climate changes affect equipment maintenance, nutrition, hydration, and physical performance. Soldiers must adapt their training to new conditions. The scenery itself changes significantly, and locals even celebrate the short cherry blossom season. A soldier's weapon requires special care due to climate changes.
The document discusses life for soldiers in Korea across different seasons. It notes how climate changes affect equipment maintenance, nutrition, hydration, and physical performance. Soldiers must adapt their training to new conditions. The scenery itself changes significantly, and locals even celebrate the short cherry blossom season. A soldier's weapon requires special care due to climate changes.
The document discusses life for soldiers in Korea across different seasons. It notes how climate changes affect equipment maintenance, nutrition, hydration, and physical performance. Soldiers must adapt their training to new conditions. The scenery itself changes significantly, and locals even celebrate the short cherry blossom season. A soldier's weapon requires special care due to climate changes.
The document discusses life for soldiers in Korea across different seasons. It notes how climate changes affect equipment maintenance, nutrition, hydration, and physical performance. Soldiers must adapt their training to new conditions. The scenery itself changes significantly, and locals even celebrate the short cherry blossom season. A soldier's weapon requires special care due to climate changes.
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CHARGERS and CHARGER FAMILIES - first, I want to thank YOU
for all that yo do to s!!ort th" CHARGERS# $" r"%"ntly h"ld a
&olnt""r ln%h"on to r"%o'ni(" so )any of or 'r"at &olnt""rs thro'hot th" *attalion - yor "fforts *a%k ho)" ar" )oti&atin' s"&"ral of or CHARGERS h"r" to 'o ot and )ak" a diff"r"n%"# GREA+ stff# It is finally startin' to war) ! h"r" in ,or"a and w"-r" a*l" to "n.oy or trainin' and )aint"nan%" )%h )or" drin' th" 'ood w"ath"r/ +his )onth, I want to hi'hli'ht th" fa%t that on" of or tank %r"ws !ro&"d its"lf as th" 0ES+ tank %r"w in ,or"a, and will att"nd an Ar)y-wid" %o)!"tition to d")onstrat" that yor CHARGERS ar" th" *"st# If th"r" w"r" si)ilar %o)!"titions for th" oth"r %o)!ani"s, I ha&" no do*ts w" wold win thos" as w"ll# I-) !rod to s"r&" with yor CHARGER# -Char'"r 1 Commanders Corner S"r'"ant 2SG+-34 Mar5"(, a nati&" of Los An'"l"s, .oin"d th" Ar)y aft"r 'radatin' Hi'h S%hool in 6778/ Aft"r arri&in' at his n"w nit, h" was assi'n"d to th" 0attalion S%ot 3latoon/ H" had a dir"%t i)!a%t on th" !latoon i))"diat"ly aft"r arri&in', and has s"d his "9!"ri"n%" as a s%ot dis)ont to )"ntor oth"r :CO;s and soldi"rs/ H" has &olnt""r"d for n)"ros a%ti&iti"s in th" S%ot 3latoon and HHC/ H" %rr"ntly s"r&"s as th" s"nior dis)ont, !latoon ar)or"r and %o)!any fir" )arshal/ Sin%" arri&in' in ,or"a h" has 'on" on "&"ry )ission th" 3latoon has *""n 'i&"n to "9"%t"/ On thos" )issions h" has *""n &ital in !ro&idin' %o))and"rs th" infor)ation n""d"d to )ak" d"%isions on th" 'rond/ H" has work"d %ontl"ss hors workin' to i)!ro&" th" !latoon;s a*iliti"s to draw w"a!ons as 5i%kly and "ffi%i"ntly as !ossi*l"/ His ftr" 'oals in%ld" att"ndin' ALC and workin' to "arn his %ri)inal .sti%" d"'r""/ SG+ Mar5"( is )"ntally to'h, !hysi%ally fit and w"ll dis%i!lin"d/ H" li&"s th" :CO %r""d and trly r"!r"s"nts th" *"st in his !latoon, %o)!any and *attalion/ CHARGER OF THE WEEK Facebook: 1-12 Cav, 3BCT, 1CD Twitter: @Charger6i C!" Thom#son has treated over 1$$ Charger %o&diers to inc&'de more than si evac'ations to %t( )ar*+s ,os#ita& in -i.eongb', %o'th /orea( C!" Thom#son+s e00orts wi&& have a &asting im#act '#on the medica& #&atoon, ,,C 1-12, and the Charger B1( C!" Thom#son was recogni2ed b* "TC %e&&ers 0or his ste&&ar #er0ormance on 21 Febr'ar* 2$13 4%%-5 3 The Charger Chronicle The Charger Chronicle 1-12 CAV Chargers reporting from the Republic of Korea. Semper Paratus 67"-)5 1 859: 2$13 ,,C Com#an* ,e&&raiser 6 H"llo H"llrais"r fa)ili"s# All is w"ll h"r" in ,or"a and or Soldi"rs ar" doin' an "9%"!tional .o*/ $" ha&" *""n *sy this )onth with s"&"ral fi"ld "9"r%is"s for th" S%ots, Mortars and M"di%s as w"ll as )lti!l" int"'ration "9"r%is"s that ar" in%r"asin' or "ff"%ti&"n"ss on th" !"ninsla/ I a!!r"%iat" all th" !arti%i!ation and &olnt""rin' that y;all ar" doin' *a%k ho)" and ask that yo %ontin" to %onta%t s if yo ha&" any 5"stions/ +h" w"ath"r is *"'innin' to trn war) as w" start or downhill rn towards 'nn"ry fro) )id-<n" to )id-<ly, so don;t *" sr!ris"d if yo s"" %o))ni%ation d"%r"as" sli'htly drin' th" ti)"/ +hanks so )%h# -C3+ M"rriss %co't !&atoon )edic !&atoon +h" )"di% !latoon tr"ats a h"at %asalty in th" fi"ld drin' th" $M= int"'ration "9"r%is"/ +h" w""klon' "9"r%is" d")onstrat"d th" ra!id r"s!ons", and tr"at)"nt %a!a*iliti"s of th" *attalion aid station/ On >7 A!ril, th" S%ot 3latoon !arti%i!at"d in th" 0attalion 3latoon %o)!"tition/ ?1 !latoons !arti%i!at"d in th" "&"nt with a total of 1 stations/ Soldi"rs w"r" t"st"d on th"ir nit knowl"d'", :0C, Land :a&, 3+, w"a!ons and al"rt r"adin"ss/ +h" S%ots %ontin" to i)!ro&" th"ir warrior skills and ar" !r"!arin' for 'nn"ry %o)in' ! in <ly/ )ortar !&atoon +h" Mortars ha&" *""n *sy this )onth !r"!arin' for MOR+E3 and rnnin' an M@ ran'" for th" 0attalion Staff/ On 6A A3R, th" !latoon )o&"d to +A-?>7 to %ond%t )an"&"r trainin' in !r"!aration for 'nn"ry/ +h" Mania% 3latoon %ontin"s to stri&" thro'hot th" )onth to )aintain th" BFi'ht +oni'htC )"ntality h"r" in ,or"a/ %-1 %-2 In th" )onth of Mar%h th" int"lli'"n%" s"%tion has *""n fo%s"d on trainin' or Soldi"rs in skills th"y will n""d to Bfi'ht toni'htC/ +his is a%%o)!lish"d thro'h &arios ways/ Most !r"&al"nt has *""n th" s" of S"r'"ant;s ti)" trainin' %ond%t"d w""kly/ H"r" th"y will fo%s on indi&idal tasks that *"tt"r or Soldi"r;s skills/ An "9a)!l" wold *" )a! r"adin' 2!i%tr"d a*o&"4/ +his ti)" is in&ala*l" as it allows Soldi"rs in th" S? Sho! %ontin" to !ro&id" ad)inistrati&" s!!ort to *attalion/ +his )onth th" sho! fo%s was on %ond%tin' 0attalion wid" ==D>ESGLF !dat"s/ %-3 ;oint Fires Ce&& S@ Soldi"r 23FC Cth*"rtson4 %o)!"tin' in th" !latoon %o)!"tition in a t"a) with th" S1/ Always )oti&at"d, oft"n i)itat"d/ 8 <+ACs and ? <FO %ond%t"d a li&" fir" trainin' "9"r%is" with 6 OH-8A=s/+h"y w"r" a*l" to %all in 8 lin" CCA r"5"sts and !t 6/G8 in%h ro%k"ts and /87 CAL )nitions on tar'"ts fro) an O3/ Controllin' air has *""n a w""kly "&"nt *t this was th" first ti)" w" w"r" a*l" to fir" li&" )nitions/ It-s *""n 'r"at and "9%itin' trainin'# +h"y ha&" !ro&"n a'ain th"y ar" th" *"st Infantry)"n in th" 0ri'ad"/ $" additionally w"r" a*l" to fly in h"li%o!t"rs and assalt an o*."%ti&" whil" w"arin' or %h")i%al thr"at sits/ +his was a hot and ta9in' "&"nt *t only )ad" s )or" !rofi%i"nt as warriors/ $" will *" arond drin' May as w" !r"!ar" for or )onth and a half lon' trainin' "&"nt in <n" and <ly/ I a) %ontinally i)!r"ss"d *y th" a%tions of yor Soldi"rs and a) !rod to work with th") in th" Char'"r 0attalion/ +hr"" )onths down# -A++AC, 1 Ha!!y Lat" East"r to "&"ryon"/ $" )iss yo and ar" 'rat"fl for yor %ontin"d s!!ort/ +hank yo for !arti%i!atin' in th" East"r "&"nt and a *i' shot ot to or Folnt""rs# For start"rs, yor Soldi"rs w"r" "9!"rts in th" "9"%tion of or t"a) Li&" Fir" "&"nt/ +hird !latoon %ond%ts +"a) li&" fir" "9"r%is", in ord"r to %"rtify t"a) l"ad"rs, and !r"!ar" for s5ad li&" fir" in <n"/ 3rd !&atoon 6 nd 3latoon Soldi"rs %ond%tin' )"di%al trainin' drin' th" r"%"nt t"a) li&" fir" "&"nt/ 3F+ Fain s"nds in r"!orts aft"r his %rat"r analysis drin' FIS+ C"rtifi%ation for ?0C+ 6I= at Ca)! Ho&"y ?@-?AA3R/ 2nd !&atoon First !latoon soldi"rs ass"ss a %asalty drin' th" Co)!any;s +"a) Li&" Fir" E9"r%is"/ 1st !&atoon ,< !&atoon !l"asr" of %li)*in' so)" of th" n"ar*y )ontains h"r" and all had a 'r"at ti)"/ Additionally, th" 'arrison has off"r"d s"&"ral )o&i"s at or lo%al th"at"r that th" *oys w"r" a*l" to att"nd/ Lookin' into May, w" ar" !lannin' on ha&in' a Co)!any tri! to th" =MH for all th" Co)!any -A++AC, G $" ar" D7 days into or d"!loy)"nt now and ha&" start"d '"ttin' so)" 'ood trainin' in# +his )onth w" w"r" a*l" to %ond%t so)" s)all ar)s ran'"s and additionally w" %ond%t"d +"a) Li&" Fir"s whi%h all w"nt 'r"at/ A 'ood a)ont of th" %o)!any had th" 9ttack = 9ttack 6 9ttack Com#an* Bonecr'sher Com#an* CAM3 HOFEY, ,OREA I +h" harshn"ss of th" ,or"an wint"r is finally o&"r and th" s!rin' is *"'innin' to do)inat" th" !"ninsla/ :"w otdoor a%ti&at"s and o!!ortniti"s ar" now *"%o)in' a&aila*l"J for )any Soldi"rs it is a lon' await"d !"riod/ ,or"a is a %ontry that "9!"ri"n%"s all for distin%t s"asons/ On a&"ra'", t")!"ratr"s thro'hot th" y"ar %an ran'" *"low -@K F to o&"r A1K F/ As a Soldi"r, %li)at" %han'"s )any o!"ratin' !ro%"dr"s/ E5i!)"nt )aint"nan%", to ntrition and hydration r"5ir")"ntsJ th" !r"&ios )st all *" )odifi"d d" to th" %han'" in %li)at"/ +h" *ody;s !hysi%al !"rfor)an%" is also str"ss"d *y th" si'nifi%ant %li)at" %han'" and Soldi"rs %ons"5"ntly ha&" to alt"r th" way th"y train/ +h" %han'" in s%"n"ry its"lf is so)"thin' that %annot 'o nnoti%"d/ ,or"an lo%als "&"n ha&" a s!"%ial f"sti&al d"di%at"d to th" %h"rry *losso)in' !"riod, whi%h only lasts a f"w days a y"ar/ on";s !"rsonal w"a!on, th" M@ %ar*in" rifl", is on" of th" first and )ost i)!ortant 5alifi%ations that all Soldi"rs nd"r'o/ E&"n "9!"ri"n%"d and s"ason"d Soldi"rs )st %ontin" to r"%"rtify th"ir 5alifi%ation and it is th"ir r"s!onsi*ility to t"a%h th" 'r""n"r '"n"ration th" !ro!"r shootin' t"%hni5"s as w"ll as )or" ad&an%"d on"s/ +h" fnda)"ntals of shootin' n"&"r %han'"/
0t th" art of flyin' isn;t th" only as!"%t whi%h has to *" )ast"r"d *y 0ra&o Co)!any Soldi"rs/ So)"ti)"s in wors" %as" s%"narios, th"r" will *" %asalti"s and th" r"%o&"ry fro) s%h in%id"nts )st also *" train"d/ M"r" s"%onds and th" diff"r"n%" *"tw""n a 'ood d"%ision, a *ad on" or th" la%k of any d"%ision )akin' )ay %ost th" lif" of th" Ar)y;s )ost &ala*l" ass"t/ Alon' with all th" oth"r trainin', 0ra&o Co)!any )st still not for'"t th" *asi%s/ 0"in' 5alifi"d on CAM3 CASEY, ,OREA I +h" Ar)y is !ow"rfl *"%as" of its str"n'th in n)*"rs, *"in' a*l" to %oordinat" with ad.a%"nt nits is a )st/ So)" *attalions ha&" 'rond !ow"r and ass"ts s%h as th" M? A*ra)s tanks and M6 0radl"ys, oth"rs ha&" 0irdsJ th" )i'hty h"li%o!t"rs/ +h" int"'ration of all this "5i!)"nt is %r%ial to *attl" and war/ E&"n in for"i'n nations s%h as ,or"a, th" US Ar)y )st %ontin" to )ast"r s%h trainin' skills and th" int"'ration of diff"r"nt !ow"rs in ord"r to *" s%%"ssfl/ Bonecr'sher 6 R"a!"r 3latoon has *""n workin' hard this )onth honin' or warrior skills and str"n'th"nin' allian%"s with or host nation for%"s/ +his )onth w" had th" o!!ortnity to %ond%t dri&"r trainin', t"stin' th" li)its of or Soldi"rs skill and t"%hni%al !rofi%i"n%y/ So)" of or n"w dri&"rs w"r" a*l" to l"arn so)" k"y *asi% tankin' skills s%h as *r"akin' tra%k, dri&in' at ni'ht, standin' in th" trr"t whil" tra&"rsin' o&"r diff"r"nt t"rrain/ Or soldi"rs ha&" doin' &"ry w"ll ada!tin' to th" ,or"an t"rrain and ha&" )ad" th"ir l"ad"rshi! &"ry !rod of th"ir "fforts/ $" r"%"ntly !arti%i!at"d in th" Char'"r 3latoon Chall"n'" and "9%"ll"d/ +h" %hall"n'" was t"stin' or soldi"rs on th"ir *asi% warrior skills/ L%kily, or !latoon had *""n trainin' and stdyin' th"s" skills "arli"r on in this d"!loy)"nt/ $" w"r" !hysi%ally and )"ntally %hall"n'"d *t th" "&"nt *ro'ht s %los"r as a nit/ $" %ontin" to s" or fa)ily "n&iron)"nt to "9%"l at "&"rythin' w" do and as always w" stri&" to )ak" yo !rod# +hr"" )")*"rs of s"%ond !latoons &"ry own ha&" *""n s"l"%t"d to r"!r"s"nt th" S"%ond Infantry =i&ision at th" Slli&an C! in Fort 0"nnin', G"or'ia/ +h" r"st of th" !latoon has *""n k""!in' *sy with dri&"rs trainin' l"ad *y or %o)!any )ast"r dri&"r SSG 3lido/ +h" !latoon also !arti%i!at"d in a *attalion wid" !latoon %o)!"tition whi%h in%ld"d a !hysi%al fitn"ss station, land na&i'ation, "&alat" a %asalty, w"a!ons ass")*ly whil" *lind fold"d, and a HMM$F !ll/ $" ha&" also *""n !r"!arin' for or ti)" ot in th" fi"ld wh"r" w" will *" %ond%tin' !latoon )an"&"rs trainin' as w"ll as a !latoon *r"a%h lan"/ Aft"r )an"&"r trainin' th" %o)!any will *"'in !r"!!in' for *attalion 'nn"ry/ $" a!!r"%iat" yor s!!ort and always look forward to yor %ar" !a%ka'"s/ Fro) all of s h"r" in ,or"a stay saf"# ?st 3L+ has *""n "9tr")"ly *sy this !ast )onth %ond%tin' =ri&"r;s +rainin', AG+S, :0C +rainin', and Skill L"&"l ? $arrior +asks/ +h" 3L+ r"%"ntly !arti%i!at"d in a 0attalion-wid" 3latoon Co)!"tition whi%h in%ld"d !hysi%al trainin', w"a!ons ass")*ly, a HMM$F 3ll, Land :a&i'ation, and an Al"rt E&"nt/ All !arti%i!ants r"!r"s"nt"d ? st
3L+ BChaosC w"ll and had a 'ood ti)" in th" !ro%"ss/ R"%"ntly S3C Gon(al"s was th" only )")*"r in th" "ntir" 0attalion s"l"%t"d for th" All Ar"a ? Soft*all +"a)/ In th" n"9t f"w w""ks th" 3L+ will *" %ond%tin' Man"&"r +rainin' at th" +win 0rid'"s +rainin' Ar"a wh"r" w" will !arti%i!at" in 3L+ S+L Lan"s, a 0r"a%h lan", and a S"%tion Man"&"r Lan"/ U!on %o)!l"tion of this trainin' th" 3L+ will *"'in to !r"!ar" for Gnn"ry in "arly <n" %ontinin' AG+S, and *"'innin' GS+ +rainin'/ E&"ry )")*"r of th" 3L+ %ontin"s to work hard )""tin' and "9%""din' all "9!"%tations within th" Co)!any and *attalion/ $" all a!!r"%iat" yor %ontin"d s!!ort and %ar" !a%ka'"s# 1st !&atoon 1st !&atoon 2nd !&atoon 2nd !&atoon 3rd !&atoon 3rd !&atoon
C CCr rra aa2 22* **h hho oor rrs sse ee C CCo oom mm# ##a aan nn* ** CAM3 HOFEY, ,OREA I It has *""n anoth"r "&"nt-fill"d )onth for th" ="athrid"rs# $" ha&" d"!loy"d as a %o)!any twi%" in th" last )onth, to %ond%t r*an o!"rations trainin' and dri&"rs trainin'/ In addition to trainin' or Soldi"rs, w" ha&" also tak"n ti)" to 'i&" *a%k to th" !"o!l" of Soth ,or"a thro'h s"r&i%" !ro."%ts/ Or Soldi"rs %ontin" to "9!lor" th" lo%al ar"a "s!"%ially now that th" S!rin' has arri&"d and on ,or"an 3"ninsla/ -C3+ For"st 3i"r%" +$I: 0RI=GES +RAI:I:G AREA, ,OREA I +h" dri&"rs of ="lta Co)!any !arti%i!at"d in trainin' for thr"" days and ni'hts at th" "nd of A!ril/ Soldi"rs !ra%ti%"d not .st on th"ir !ri)ary &"hi%l", *t also l"arn"d to dri&" s"&"ral oth"r &"hi%l"s in th" fl""t/ Or )"%hani%s, s!!ort, and h"ad5art"rs Soldi"rs also had th" o!!ortnity to dri&" th" tanks drin' this trainin'/ 3ri&at" Er&in', of th" Fir" S!!ort +"a), dro&" a tank for th" first ti)" drin' this trainin' and said that it was Baw"so)"#C RO=RIGUEH LIFE FIRE COM3LEL, ,OREA I +h" !latoons *ro'ht th"ir tanks ot for th" first ti)" this )onth to %ond%t r*an o!"rations trainin' in a si)lat"d town/ Soldi"rs !ra%ti%"d th"ir skills in )an"&"rin' *oth tanks and Soldi"rs whil" d"f"atin' "n")y for%"s within th" town/ ="athrid"r Soldi"rs also !ra%ti%"d %l"arin' *ildin's within th" r*an sit"/ $" first !ra%ti%"d 'oin' roo) to roo) drin' th" day, th"n s"d ni'ht &ision 'o''l"s lat" in th" "&"nin'# +h" !latoons also w"r" a*l" to %t loos" and !lay th" rol" of th" O!!osin' For%"s a'ainst oth"r !latoons in th" %o)!any/ +his trainin' "&"nt was an o!!ortnity to !ra%ti%" or tank"r skills in a n"w "n&iron)"nt/ UI<EO:G0U, ,OREA ="lta Co)!any Soldi"rs !arti%i!at"d in th" annal ,or"an Ar*or =ay in A!ril to 'i&" *a%k to th" !"o!l" of Soth ,or"a/ +h"y took to th" hills srrondin' Ui."on'* to !lant tr""s on what on%" was a *arr"n hillsid"/ +h" ,or"ans hold natr" in hi'h r"'ard and w"r" &"ry thankfl to ha&" A)"ri%an Soldi"rs h"l!in' to *"atify th"ir %ontry# Soldi"rs work"d hand in hand with Soth ,or"an %i&ilians to %l"ar *rsh, di' hol"s, and !lant yon' !in" sa!lin's/ +his "&"nt !ro&id"d or Soldi"rs with an o!!ortnity to )""t lo%al ,or"ans, )any of who) w"r" "a'"r to )""t th" A)"ri%an Soldi"rs who h"l! to d"f"nd Soth ,or"a/ Death 6 Death 6 Deathrider Com#an* Deathrider Com#an* CAM3 S+A:LEY, ,OREA I +his )onth, H"ad5art"rs Maint"nan%" ran a %o)*at-fo%s"d 3R+ s"ssion *y %r"atin' a MMotor!ool R"layM %ors" for < Co Soldi"rs *y tili(in' "5i!)"nt %o))only fond within th" )otor !ool and fr"5"ntly s"d in )aint"nan%"Esstain)"nt o!"rations/ +h" a%ti&iti"s in th" %ors" in%ld"d a %hain %arry and a tir" fli! 2sin' LM+F tir"s4, %arryin' wat"r .'s and %hains to a HMM$F, and th" HMM$F ?77 )"t"rs/ +his was a ti)"d "&"nt, %r"atin' a fri"ndly %o)!"tition *"tw""n s5ads and *ildin' %a)arad"ri" and "s!irit d" %or!s/ CAM3 S+A:LEY, ,OREA I +h" )onth of A!ril w"nt *y 5i%kly for th" distri*tion !latoon *"%as" s!!ortin' th" *attalion with food, f"l, and a))nition k"!t th" !latoon flly "n'a'"d "&"ry day/ +h" %lass F or a))nition s"%tion of th" distri*tion !latoon !i%k"d ! and d"li&"r"d o&"r ?77,777 ronds of a))nition for th" *attalion to s!!ort th" n)"ros ran'"s th" *attalion shot at/ +h" %lass III or f"l s"%tion of th" !latoon was also h"a&ily "n'a'"d with s!!ortin' th" *attalion *y r"%"i&in'Eissin' o&"r 68,777 'allons of f"l in th" )onth of A!ril/ +h" !latoon as a whol" s!!ort"d th" *attalion with lo'isti%al r"s!!ly !oints 2LR3s4 on ?1 days of th" >7 days that ar" in A!ril/ +h" LR3s %onsist"d of Soldi"rs r"s!!lyin' th" *attalion with food and f"l to allow th" *attalion to train with )ini)al *r"aks "nsrin' th"y 'ot o!ti)al ti)" to train/ CAM3 S+A:LEY, ,OREA I Good Aft"rnoon fro) th" R"!*li% of Soth ,or"a## $" ar" %losin' in on or third )onth of *"in' in %ontry and I )st say th" ti)" is flyin' *y/ Or 'nn"ry is ri'ht arond th" %orn"r and or Soldi"rs ar" hard at work in !r"!aration for that trainin' "&"nt/ +h" w"ath"r is startin' to '"t war)"r whi%h adds "9tra )oti&ation to or alr"ady )oti&at"d Soldi"rs/ I wold lik" to tak" this o!!ortnity to "9t"nd a h"artf"lt thank yo to all or fa)ili"s *a%k at Fort Hood, arond th" stat"s and o&"rs"as for yor %ontin"d s!!ort/ Or .o*s ar" hard *t yors ar" *y far hard"r# +hank Yo## $" look for forward to th" !%o)in' )onths as w" %ontin" to )o&" forward in "fforts to *" r"ady to Mfi'ht toni'htM# First +"a)## S"%ond to :on"## -?SG Moody CAM3 S+A:LEY, ,OREA I H"llo a'ain fro) th" R"!*li% of ,or"a# $" ar" offi%ially ?E> of th" way thro'h with or rotation, and ti)" is flyin' *y/ +h" <a%kals %ontin" to stay *sy with &"hi%l" and "5i!)"nt s"r&i%"s, !ro&idin' lo'isti%s s!!ort to ran'"s and oth"r trainin' "&"nts, and %ond%tin' or own dri&"rs trainin'/ +h" *attalion has also !arti%i!at"d in )lti!l" trainin' "9"r%is"s with or !artn"r"d nits in ord"r to !ra%ti%" or warti)" )ission/ I-) !rod of "&"rythin' or Soldi"rs ar" a%%o)!lishin' "a%h day# +hanks for yor %ontin"d s!!ort/ - C3+ <onathan L"''"tt ;acka& 6 ;acka& Com#an*