Great Expectations - The Film - : 20th Century Fox
Great Expectations - The Film - : 20th Century Fox
Great Expectations - The Film - : 20th Century Fox
and Distributed by: 20th Century Fox Certification: Rated R (for language and some sexual ty) usic: !atr "# $oyle (Com%oser) usic by: !ori "mos Poe $un"an S&e # 'ono (ggy !o% S"ott )e land !ul% C&r s Cornell *&e +er,e ! %e Reef -auren C&r sty . s&er $a, d /ar0a /rateful $ead Cesar a 1,ora #oundtrac$ Release Date: January 2, 1998 Cast: . nnegan 3ell44444444444444444444444444441t&an 5a6#e 1stella44444444444444444444444444444444/6ynet& !altro6 )alter !lane4444444444444444444444444444445an# A0ar a Joe4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444C&r s Coo%er 's4 $ nsmoor4444444444444444444444444Anne 3an"roft !r soner7-ust g4444444444444444444444Ro8ert $e 9 ro Jerry Ragno444444444444444444444444444444444Jos& 'ostel 'agg e44444444444444444444444444444444444444: m $ "#ens 1r "a *&rall444444444444444444444444444449ell Cam%8ell ;6en4444444444444444444444444444444444444444/a8r el ' "# . nnegan at age 10444444444Jeremy James : ssner 1stella at age 1044444444444444444444Ra<uel 3eaudene Carter 'a"le s&444444444444444444444Ste%&en S% nella Rut& S&e%ard44444444444444444444444'arla Su"&aret0a -o s !o%e444444444444444444444444444(sa8elle Anderson 'an on !&one4444444444444444444444444!eter Ja"o8son 'ar"y444444444444444444444444444444444444$rena $e 9 ro Anton -e .arge44444444444444444444444-an"e Redd "# 'r4 3arro64444444444444444444444444444444Cra g 3raun
'rs4 3arro64444444444444444444444444444444: m Snyder Se"ur ty /uard444444444444444444449 "&olas )olfert *ed Ra8 no6 t04444444444444444444444/erry 3amman Senator 1l6ood4444444444444444444444$or n Seymoor 5 tman =1444444444444444444444444444444444Clem Caserta 5 tman =144444444444444444444444.ran# ! etrangolare 5 tman =344444444444444444444444444444$enn s !alad no 5 tman =>4444444444444444444444444444Clem Caserta, Jr4 Co% on 8oat444444444444444444444444444'ar" 'a"aulay Clemma4444444444444 444444444Ana Susana /erard no )a ter444444444444444444444444444444.ran" s $umaur er -o,er4444444444444444444444444444444444444!edro 3ar<u n ? year old g rl444444444444444444:endall ) ll amson S ng ng (nd an )oman44444444444444444S&o8&a Ja n S ng ng (nd an / rl4444444444444444444444444Ad t Ja n An"&or )oman4444444444444444444444444'argo !ea"e )a tress444444444444444444444444444444444: mmy Su0u# $oorman444444444444444444444444444444444Jo&n !4 Casey *ax $r ,er444444444444444444444444444Adusa& 3oa#ye /allery )a tress444444444444444444444444444$yan :ane /allery Re"e%t on st4444444444444444444444444Anne ;# /allery /uest444444444444444444444444444444Al,a C& nn /allery /uest 444444444444444444444444444/434 *&omas /allery /uest44444444444444444444444444Al8ert @ &enn /allery /uest44444444444444444444444444444.r t0 ' "&el /allery /uest44444444444444444444444444444444- sa 5ert& /allery /uest4444444444444444444444444449 no !e% "ell /allery /uest444444444444444444444444444) lls Ro88 ns /allery /uest4444444444444444444444444444Je6el *urner /allery /uest44444444444444444J m *aylor '"9 "#le /allery /uest44444444444444444444444444444'art n Al, n /allery /uest44444444444444444444444) ll am Rot&le n
%ritten by:
'"rticle from !he (o)ely G*yneth Paltro* Pa&e' !itle +s From Dic$ens, the (oo$ From Donna -aran (8y Jean 9at&an) (tAs dus#, so n g&tfall &as ad,an"ed under t&e ,aulted entran"e to t&e C&am8ers Street su86ay stat on4 (n t&e sem Bdar#ness a gang of ur"& ns, saunter ng t&roug&, s d ,erted 8y a ta8le 8r mm ng 6 t& meats and %astr es, "&eeses and fru ts4 Just as t&e l ttle ;l ,er *6 sts ste% u% to t&e ta8le, a man a%%ears4 CCan 6e &a,e someDC C9o4C C!lease, s rDC C9o, tAs for t&e mo, e "re64C $ "#ens an s t&e %ro%er s% r t, 8ut t&e guardAs Ea"#et says C/reat 1x%e"tat onsC not C;l ,er *6 st4C *&e s"ene s 8e ng s&ot on t&e su86ay %latform 8elo6, 6&ere 1t&an 5a6#e (%lay ng ! %, no6 #no6n as . nn) s &ustl ng Ro8ert $e 9 ro (%lay ng 'ag6 "&, no6 #no6n as -ust g) onto t&e tra n to t&e %lane4 Really4 *&e f lmAs lo"at ons are em%&at "ally not any6&ere near $ "#ensAs 1nglandF C/reat 1x%e"tat onsC &as 8een s&oot ng n .lor daG Hon#ersG on )est >3d Street, at t&e Carter 5otel, 6&ere . nn n t ally l ,esG on .ran#l n Street n *r 3eCaG at an Astor !la"e loftG n Central !ar#, and at t&e U#ra n an (nst tue on . ft& A,enue and ?9t& Street4 And t&e d fferen"es extend 8eyond sett ngF 1stella (/6ynet& !altro6) 6ears almost 8la"# na l %ol s& and $onna :aran "lot&es4 5er f an"e, )alter (5an# A0ar a), s Cafra d of "omm tment4C . nn s &a, ng a de8ut s&o6 at a So5o gallery4 *&eyAre eat ng at :elly and ! ng4 . nnAs s ster s smo# ng %ot4 . nn 8r ngs a "on, "t "alled -ust g a .luffernutter sand6 "&, nstead of 'ag6 "&As 8randy, m n"emeat and %or# % e4
(n fa"t, t&e t tle tself may 8e t&e only re"ogn 0a8le element of C/reat 1x%e"tat onsC 6&en t&e d re"tor Alfonso Cuaron s t&roug&4 'any, n fa"t, feel t m g&t 8e 8etter to "ut t&e "ord "om%letely4 C(f t turns out to 8e a great mo, e,C 'r4 5a6#e sa d, Ct&eyAll t tle t A/reat 1x%e"tat ons4A (f tAs not, may8e t&eyAll "all t AClueless4A C Art - nson, t&e mo, eAs %rodu"er, addedF C*& s s not for %ur sts4 !eo%le 6&o ex%e"t A/reat 1x%e"tat onsA may 8e d sa%%o nted, 8ut t&ere 6ould 8e no aud en"e for t f 6e Eust f lmed t&e 8oo#4 (f 6e "an ma#e t& s lo,e story 8et6een t& s %oor # d and t& s r "& sno8 g rl "ome to l fe n some "ontem%orary 6ay 6 t& all t&e t6 sts and turns t&at $ "#ens g ,es t, &ey, t "ould 8e fa8ulous4C *&e mo, e, 6& "& also stars Anne 3an"roft as ' ss 5a, s&am (no6 "alled ' ss $ nsmoor), "om%leted f lm ng last 6ee# and 6 ll 8e released next fall4 (n t&e trea"&erous 8us ness of mo, e ma# ng, &ere s a rare nstan"e of 6&at 6ould seem to 8e %erfe"t %lanetary al gnmentF a "ast n"lud ng se,eral of t&e &ottest a"tors al ,e, a 8an#roll from I0t& Century .ox, a %rodu"t on team of rare "om%at 8 l ty and a s"reen%lay 8ased on a 6or# 8y a dead 6r ter 6&o "anAt "om%la n and 6&ose master% e"e s n t&e %u8l " doma n4 *&e r g&ts may 8e free, 8ut C/reat 1x%e"tat onsC s not free of r s#s4 C)&en you ta#e a 8elo,ed 6or# of l terature and ma#e a mo, e out of t, ( t& n# tAs al6ays # nd of an auda" ous mo,e,C 's4 !altro6 sa d4 'r4 - nson addedF CHou "an go t&e 6ay of AClueless,A C t&e f er"ely "ontem%orary u%date of Jane AustenAs C1mma,C C6& "& s terr f "ally funny and 8road, or you "an ta#e t ser ously, 6& "& s 6&at 6eAre do ng4 (tAs one 6ay or t&e ot&er4 And f 6e fall nto t&e "ra"#s 8et6een, (All 8e o%en ng u% a f lm "l n " n Argent na4C $ "#ens s dead4 *&ereAs e,en a "&a%ter t tle 8y t&at name n 'r4 - nsonAs re"ent 8oo#, CA !ound of .les&F !er lous *ales of 5o6 to !rodu"e 'o, es n 5olly6ood4C 3ut e,en dead, $ "#ens &as t& s %rodu"er ner,ous4
(tAs day 20Bsomet& ng n t&e s&oot, and 'r4 - nson s "ounter ng & s E tters 8y laun"& ng nto a "omedy rout ne4 C)&at s t& sD Art - nsonAs Eo8 n l fe to ta#e great l terature and destroy t,C &e says4 C/od4 )arn %eo%le4 (Am may8e t& n# ng of S&a#es%eare next t me4C 3a"# n & s tra ler, ans6er ng & s "ellular %&one, &e muses to 3ryan '"9ally, t&e 9e6 Hor# restaurateur, a8out 6&at ot&er aut&ors &e "ould troun"eF C'ay8e *&omas 'ann4 5e 6rote some good 8oo#s4 'ay8e Camus4 $ d &e &a,e anyt& ng goodDC ;ff t&e %&oneF C5o6 ( e,er got myself nto t& s mess, ( really donAt #no64C A"tually, &e #no6s ,ery 6ell4 (n 1820, C&arles $ "#ens 6rote C/reat 1x%e"tat ons,C t&e story of a %oor or%&an 6&o 8e"ame a gentleman t&an#s to a myster ous 8enefa"tor and 6&ose &eart s 8ro#en 8y t&e or%&aned g rl 1stella4 Cons dered to &a,e t&e most modern sens 8 l ty of any of $ "#ensA no,els, C/reat 1x%e"tat onsC s also "ons dered t&e most %erfe"tly "onstru"ted4 *&e 8est #no6n mo, e ,ers on of t&e 8oo# 6as made n 19>2 8y t&e great d re"tor $a, d -ean4 As de from ntrodu" ng a fe6 tal# ng trees, -eanAs ,ers on stu"# t g&t to t&e or g nal story4 (n 199>, Jo&n - nson, 6&o 6or#s for & s fat&er and s a "oB%rodu"er of t&e f lm, 6as re, e6 ng -eanAs mo, es4 5e t&oug&t C/reat 1x%e"tat onsC 6as r %e for a rema#e 8e"ause t 6as st ll rele,ant4 C( sa d, A(tAs a &orr 8le, &orr 8le dea, 8ut t&an#s any6ay,A C 'r4 - nson re"alls tell ng & s son4 *&en &e 6at"&ed t&e mo, e, read t&e 8oo# and "&anged & s m nd4 ;t&ers n,ol,ed n t&e %roEe"t 6ere also s#e%t "al at f rst, among t&em ' t"& /la0er, a longt me fr end of 'r4 - nsonAs, and t&e s"reen6r ter for CS"rooged,C 6&o 6rote t&e s"r %t4 C( t&oug&t t seemed so s%e" f " to $ "#ensAs t me,C 'r4 /la0er sa d4 C(n t ally, ( "ouldnAt t& n# of &o6 you 6ould u%date t4 3ut t&e more ( t&oug&t a8out t, t&ere 6as a lot n t&ere t&at 6as t meless and really Eust great and %o6erful stuff4 C( gre6 u% n ' am ,C &e sa d, Cand for ,a"at ons 6e 6ould ta#e a dr ,e u% to !alm 3ea"& and 6e 6ould dr ,e %ast &uge mans ons4 ' ss 5a, s&am, 6&o s s&eD *&e
dea of t&e ru ned, e""entr " lady from !alm 3ea"& 6as an easy 6ay nto t4 And t& n# ng t&at t&e ! % "&ara"ter "ould 8e t&e ne%&e6 of a f s&erman or a gardener 6&o goes off to 6or# on t&e la6n of ' ss 5a, s&amAs mans on, and meets &er n e"e, 1stella4C So 'r4 /la0er made ! % an art st 6&o goes to 9e6 Hor# and tr es to 6 n 1stella 8y 8e"om ng a "ele8r ty art st4 5e also el m nated many of t&e su8%lots4 C*&ere 6ere Eust too many "o n" den"es % led on to% of ea"& ot&er,C &e sa d4 And t&e name "&angesD CAlmost from t&e start, ( #ne6 ( 6as go ng to "&ange t&e names,C &e sa d4 C( 6as afra d t&ey 6ould ta#e %eo%le out of t&e mo, e4 A' ss 5a, s&am,A A! %,A A'ag6 "&,A 6ere almost untou"&a8le to me4 *o #ee% t&e names m g&t s gnal a l teral rema#e4C At t& s %o nt t&e f lm 6as st ll 6 t&out a d re"tor, and 'r4 Cuaron, 6&o &ad made CA - ttle !r n"ess,C 6as n !ar s, 6onder ng 6&at to do next4 C( &ad made a "ons" ous de" s on t&at ( 6asnAt go ng to do anyt& ng t&at &ad to do 6 t& tales or "& ldren 6&en Art started &arass ng me a8out A/reat 1x%e"tat ons4A ( sa d, A9o 6ay4A 5e sa d, AAt least read I0 %ages so you "an %ass4A ( read I0 %ages, and &ere ( am4C *&ree mont&s ago, t&e "ast and "re6 6ent to 6or# n Corte0, .la4, 6&ere . nn (a # a ! %) s 8orn and ra sed and 6&ere &e en"ounters -ust g, ' ss $ nsmoor, Un"le Joe (%layed 8y C&r s Coo%er) and 1stella (6&ose name 6as #e%t, a""ord ng to Art - nson, C8e"ause 6e "ould ne,er to% tC)4 *&en t&ey mo,ed to 9e6 Hor#4 ;ne n g&t t&ey "ould 8e found sett ng u% to s&oot . nnAs f rst So5o gallery s&o6 (6 t& %a nt ngs 8y .ran"es"o Clemente) at t&e *&rall /allery, 6&ose o6ner s %layed 8y 9ell Cam%8ell4 'r4 Cuaron &ad & s 'ex "an "ont ngent 6 t& & mF 1mmanuel -u8e0# , 6&o s d re"tor of %&otogra%&y, and t&e "amera o%erator Rodr go /ar" a, 6&o s t&e son of t&e 6r ter /a8r el /ar" a 'ar<ue04 A sl g&tly less l terary grou% 6as made u% of 6&at 'r4 5a6#e (6&ose o6n no,el, C*&e 5ottest State,C 6as re"ently %u8l s&ed) "alls t&e C5olly6ood ty%es,C 'r4 /la0er and 'r4 - nson4 'r4 /la0er 6as marr ed to & s f rst 6 fe at 'r4 - nsonAs &ome, and 'r4 /la0er and & s se"ond 6 fe, :elly -yn"&, 6ere t6o of f ,e guests at 'r4 - nsonAs se"ond 6edd ng n 5a6a last year4
*&en t&ere 6as 6&at 'r4 5a6#e "alls t&e 9e6 Hor# a"tor grou%, referr ng to & mself and 's4 !altro6, 6&o are old fr ends4 And 'r4 $e 9 ro, of "ourse, 6&o &as done four %re, ous f lms 6 t& 'r4 - nson4 *&en t&ereAs $rena $e 9 ro, 'r4 $e 9 roAs daug&ter, 6&o &as a "ameo role as a gallery ass stant4 And t&en t&ereAs t&e "olor green4 1,eryone BB 8e& nd t&e "amera and n front BB 6as 6ear ng somet& ng green, a "olor t&e d re"tor fa,ors4 - #e 'r4 CuaronAs C- ttle !r n"ess,C C/reat 1x%e"tat onsC 6as des gned almost ent rely n s&ades of green4 C( &a,e to say t&at green s t&e only "olor ( understand,C ex%la ned 'r4 Cuaron4 C( "an really frame tG ( #no6 &o6 to 6or# 6 t& t4 ( see ot&er "olors, and t&ey feel al en4 ( "annot g ,e you a rat onal ex%lanat on 6&y4 C*&ere are a 6&ole lot of t& ngs,C &e added laug& ng4 C(Am try ng to get my green "ard and green l g&ts for my mo, es4C 's4 !altro6 %ut t anot&er 6ayF CAlfonso &as a green %ro8lem4 ( t& n# &eAs "l n "ally nsane, 8ut n a ,ery "&arm ng 6ay4C So, %ro8a8ly, d d 's4 :aran, t&e <ueen of 8la"#, 6&o 6as as#ed to des gn 's4 !altro6As 6ardro8e 8ut only n s&ades of green4 So, %ro8a8ly, d d t&e 1J0 extras 6&o a%%ear at . nnAs gallery o%en ng, 6&o 6ere told to 6ear some "om8 nat on of 8la"# and green4 CSome days t ma#es me nsane, and somet mes t ma#es t eas er,C sa d t&en "ostume des gner Jud anna 'a#o,s#y4 C3ut all f lms &a,e a %alette, and you &a,e to #ee% n m nd t&at green "an 8e any6&ere from #&a# to dar# 8la"# green4C 's4 !altro6 sa d s&e e,en 6ore l g&t green na l %ol s& n one s"ene Cas my ode to Alfonso4C 3ut 'r4 Cuaron may not &a,e as mu"& nfluen"e 6 t& t&e mo, eAs t tle as &e &as &ad 6 t& ts %alette4 C( &o%e 6e "an "&ange t&e t tle,C &e sa d4 C(tAs s"ary 8e"ause you 6 ll "reate all t&ese great ex%e"tat ons a8out A/reat 1x%e"tat ons,A 6& "&, n a 6ay, s not A/reat 1x%e"tat ons4A *&at 6as so smart 6&at t&ey d d 6 t& AClueless4A *&ey d dnAt %retend to 8e A1mma,A 8ut t&ey d dnAt deny t4C
*&e %ro8lem, sa d 'r4 /la0er, s t&at t&e Ct tle s exa"tly 6&at t&e mo, eAs a8out4C C(tAs t&e greatest t tle t&ere s,C 'r4 - nson sa d4 C(f ( &ad a "andy 8ar, (Ad "all t A/reat 1x%e"tat ons4A C CR1$(*F 1t&an 5a6#e, as . nn (a4#4a4 ! %) and /6ynet& !altro6, as 1stella4 (!& ll % Caruso7I0t& Century .ox) Co%yr g&t 1992 *&e 9e6 Hor# * mes