Ciss Presentation
Ciss Presentation
Ciss Presentation
Instrument for
Bright Students- know the answers, work
hard, interested, 6-8 repetitions for mastery,
complete assessments, copy accurately, enjoy
TAG Students- ask the questions, are
highly curious, have silly, wild ideas,
elaborate, 1-2 repetitions for mastery, initiate
projects, are intense, enjoy learning,
inventive, learn in different ways
* Students with learning disabilities cannot be
* Students with less than perfect grades cannot
be gifted.
* Gifted students are always motivated,
happy, well-adjusted and organized.
* Gifted students are gifted in all core
* Gifted students are such because their
parents push them.
CISS stands for Characteristics Instrument for
CISS is one of the two screenings completed through
school year to help identify Talented and Gifted
characteristics so that appropriate services may be
provided for these students.
CISS is only a screening and does not place students
gifted classes. DO NOT tell parents that their child is
being tested for TAG.
Screening CISS process , All teachers observe
over 10 day period for characteristics.
Referral - Students who have at least 5 checks in 5
different categories as well as supporting data qualify for
testing. Parents will have the opportunity to either accept
reject testing.
Testing- Students are tested in each of the following
mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation.
Eligibility -Students who meet criteria in at least 3 of the
testing areas qualify for gifted services.
ALL certified teachers need to fill out a CISS form, even if
you are not a general education teacher.
If a student is already in TAG, they do not need to be CISSed.
Just because a student has an IEP does not mean that
he/she may not be TAG CISS them!
Seeing a student do something once does not mean
that box should be checked on the CISS form it
should be a consistent & superior behavior.
Just because you put 5 checkmarks in the boxes on
the CISS form does not mean a student will
automatically be placed in TAG it doesnt even
mean theyll definitely be tested. The CISS form is
just one aspect of screening.
Just because you dont put 5 checkmarks in the boxes on the
CISS form does not mean a student wont go further in the
screening process another teacher may have checked
different boxes for a total of 5, or they may have met other
(testing) criteria.
Remember, some of the behaviors associated with those
listed on the CISS form may not always be demonstrated in a
positive way, but that does not mean they dont exist!
Some activities and behaviors may fit multiple
If in doubt about a student showing
characteristic, check it.
Consider childrens interests and
accomplishments outside of schoolnot just in
the classroom.
CISS characteristics form is given to
Teachers observe students and check
characteristics on form over the entire ten
day period.
The teacher will then turn in form
completed with supporting
information to grade level chair.
Student has the desire to learn and the need to
attain a goal.
Persistent, self-selected tasks without outside
Can be both inside and outside of school
Enthusiastic learner
Has goals and aspirations to be someone
Student participates in activities with
special meaning to them. Student gives
special attention to said activity.
Could be an unusual topic or advance
topic beyond age group
Student uses various methods to
communicate ideas.
Both verbal and nonverbal
Loves codes and languages
High vocabulary
Uses gestures, fine arts, illustrations of
Student is able to identify a problem and
determine the necessary steps to find a
Uses unconventional strategies
Ability to be flexible and adjust strategies
Ability to create new designs or
Student is able to remember information and
retrieve information.
Uses background knowledge at different
Student needs less repetitions than peers for
mastery (1-2).
Has a wide range of knowledge/topics
Has large storehouse of information
Pays special attention to detail
Student seeks knowledge, understanding
and information.
Student questions, experiments, explores
Asks seemingly unusual questions for age
Takes time to muddle through ideas
Uses creative ways to get information
Student quickly discovers the right answers to
High inference skills
Appears to be a good guesser
Very observant
Makes unusual connections and sees
diverse or unusual relationships
Integrates ideas/concepts
Student takes a more logical, critical thinking
approach to finding solutions
Uses metaphors and analogies
Finds reasonable answers
Thinks things through logically.
Student may form abstract images of
objects or situations that may not be
apparent to others.
Problem solves through non-traditional
patterns of thinking
Shows ingenuity in using common,
everyday materials
Seemingly wild or silly ideas
Student can understand ideas or problems
using humor. Students have advanced use of
word timing and gestures.
Finds unusual relationships
Deep emotional and sensory awareness
sensitive to feelings of others
Extreme sense of fairness
Uses inappropriate humor
(class clown)
As you observe the child on the
video, fill out your CISS form based
on the characteristics that the child
*Is the child in the video bright or gifted?
*Discuss with your team
Allow for higher order thinking activities in the
classroom. This will help you spot the 10
characteristics easier in your students and also help
in the overall success of students.
Activities that allow for:
Advanced communication skills
Advanced research skills
Creative thinking and creative problem solving
Higher order critical thinking skills
Start Date: Wednesday, January 8
End Date: Wednesday, January 22
Turn in completed form with supporting
information to your grade level chair
before you leave on Thursday, January
Grade level chairs Please turn in all
grade level folders in Ms. Bosse or Ms.
Caines box before you leave on the 23
Make sure to list all students who are not already gifted on your
CISS form. Students who are High Potential still need to be
o If you are not sure which students are High Potential and which are gifted, ask
myself or Ms. Caine.
Please put students FULL name legal first name and both last
names if hyphenated (whatever is in e-schools)
DONT FORGET ALL certified teachers that see your students
must fill out CISS form and initial your CISS folder.
The CISS form is a LEGAL DOCUMENT and parents have
a right to view their childs CISS results. The CISS form
and folder should NEVER be handled by a student! Folder
should be locked when not in use and students should
never be allowed to transport them.
* DO NOT put more than one check in each category once
that characteristic is checked, there is no need to check it
* If a student has been CISSed in 5 of the 10 characteristics,
homeroom teacher must look for supporting information.
* There is a green form in your folder that lists examples of supporting
information specific to each grade level. There is also a chart with what
is considered advanced level on the BAS reading assessment. You may
need to look in students permanent records to find supporting
* If a student has been CISSed and has at least one piece of
supporting information, homeroom teacher must add his or
her name to the form on the back of CISS folder (STEP 2)
and fill in student information. The only information you do
not need to worry about are the columns labeled Product,
GRSM, and Mental Ability. Everything else needs to be filled
in by HR teacher.
Four check marked categories on the CISS form is all you
need to be tested for TAG.
ITBS scores and placement in advanced LA and/or Math can
be used to determine if the child will be referred.
It is ok to turn in the CISS form 24 hours after distribution
Once the student has been CISSed then he/she will be
eligible for TAG.
It is best practice to use information about a students
activities outside of school when determining checks on
the CISS form.
I shouldnt bother filling out a form if a student has been
tested because he/she wont be tested again.
All teachers that work with a student are required to fill out a
CISS form, due to the fact, students may perform dissimilar
in different settings.
It is ok to inform a parent that their child will be tested for
TAG or will be in TAG.
Upon completing the CISS form, hang on to it
because the TAG teacher will stop by each class to
pick them up as well as have a mini conference.
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