The document contains steam table data and functions for calculating steam properties like temperature, pressure, enthalpy, density, and heat capacity given other properties. The tables are provided freely according to IAPWS standards and no responsibilities are taken for errors in the code or damages.
The document contains steam table data and functions for calculating steam properties like temperature, pressure, enthalpy, density, and heat capacity given other properties. The tables are provided freely according to IAPWS standards and no responsibilities are taken for errors in the code or damages.
The document contains steam table data and functions for calculating steam properties like temperature, pressure, enthalpy, density, and heat capacity given other properties. The tables are provided freely according to IAPWS standards and no responsibilities are taken for errors in the code or damages.
The document contains steam table data and functions for calculating steam properties like temperature, pressure, enthalpy, density, and heat capacity given other properties. The tables are provided freely according to IAPWS standards and no responsibilities are taken for errors in the code or damages.
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Pressure(bar) 70
Sat temp (c) #VALUE!
Ref Property Temp (C) #VALUE! hf(!"#) #VALUE! h#(!"#) #VALUE! cp$(!"#%&) #VALUE! cp#(!"#%&) #VALUE! rho$(#"m'() #VALUE! rho#(#"m'() #VALUE! mu$(Pa%s) #VALUE! mu#(Pa%s) #VALUE! $()"m%&) #VALUE! #()"m%&) #VALUE! S*#ma(+"m) #VALUE! hf#(!"#) #VALUE! pr$ #VALUE! X Steam Tables E,ce$ macros- ./%07 Steam tab$es1 The e,ce$ scr*pts are store2 *3s*2e th*s 4orboo1 A comp$ete $*st of fu3ct*o3s for use *s a5a*$ab$e o3 the 6Ca$$*3# fu3ct*o3s6 4orsheet 7y8 9a#3us :o$m#re3 The steam tab$es are free a32 pro5*2e2 as *s1 )e tae 3o respo3s*b*$*t*es for a3y errors *3 the co2e or 2ama#e thereby1 ;7S8 Th*s 4orboo uses macros1 Set secur*ty opt*o3s *3 Too$s89acro8Secur*ty< to e3ab$e macros1 Saturation properties given temperature Saturation properties given pressure Temperature 100.00 =C Pressure 70.000 bar a Saturat*o3 pressure #VALUE! bar a Saturat*o3 temperature #VALUE! =C Liquid Liquid E3tha$py #VALUE! !"# E3tha$py #VALUE! !"# >e3s*ty #VALUE! #"m( >e3s*ty #VALUE! #"m( E3tropy #VALUE! !"#& E3tropy #VALUE! !"#& Vapour Vapour Vapour e3tha$py #VALUE! !"# Vapour e3tha$py #VALUE! !"# Vapour 2e3s*ty #VALUE! #"m( Vapour 2e3s*ty #VALUE! #"m( Vapour E3tropy #VALUE! !"#& 5apour E3tropy #VALUE! !"#& E5aporat*o3 e3er#y #VALUE! !"# E5aporat*o3 e3er#y #VALUE! !"# Properties given pressure and temperature Properties given pressure and enthalpy Pressure 1.00 bar a Pressure 12.7 bar a Temperature 20.00 =C E3tha$py 27!!.00 !"# E3tha$py #VALUE! !"# Temperature #VALUE! =C >e3s*ty #VALUE! #"m( >e3s*ty #VALUE! #"m( E3tropy #VALUE! !"#& E3tropy #VALUE! !"#& Vapour fract*o3 #VALUE! ? Vapour fract*o3 #VALUE! ? ./07 Re#*o3 #VALUE! ./07 Re#*o3 #VALUE! Phase "V#L$%& Phase "V#L$%& .sobar*c heat capac*ty #VALUE! !"# .sobar*c heat capac*ty #VALUE! !"# Spee2 of sou32 #VALUE! m"s Spee2 of sou32 #VALUE! m"s 4441,%e3#1com The e,ce$ scr*pts are store2 *3s*2e th*s 4orboo1 A comp$ete $*st of fu3ct*o3s for use *s a5a*$ab$e o3 the 6Ca$$*3# fu3ct*o3s6 4orsheet The steam tab$es are free a32 pro5*2e2 as *s1 )e tae 3o respo3s*b*$*t*es for a3y errors *3 the co2e or 2ama#e thereby1 ;7S8 Th*s 4orboo uses macros1 Set secur*ty opt*o3s *3 Too$s89acro8Secur*ty< to e3ab$e macros1 X Steam Tables 5@1A Steam tables by 'agnus (olmgren a))ording to *#P+S *,-.7 The e,ce$ scr*pts are store2 *3s*2e th*s 4orboo1 (+o e,tra f*$es are 3ee2e21 Start from a copy of th*s 4orboo1 Th*s pa#e ca3 be remo5e2) /or error%report*3#- fee2bac- other u3*ts etc1 co3tact8 The steam tab$es are free a32 pro5*2e2 as *s1 )e tae 3o respo3s*b*$*t*es for a3y errors *3 the co2e or 2ama#e thereby1 /0S1 This 2or3boo3 uses ma)ros. Set se)urity options in Tools1'a)ro1Se)urity4 to enable ma)ros. Temperature Tsat5p B bar "V#L$%& 67 Saturat*o3 temperature T5ph B bar B00 !"# "V#L$%& 67 Temperture as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py T5ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& 67 Temperture as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy T5hs B00 !"# 01@ !"(# &) "V#L$%& 67 Temperture as a fu3ct*o3 of e3tha$py a32 e3tropy Pressure psat5T B00 =C "V#L$%& bar Saturat*o3 pressure p5hs CD !"# 01( !"(# &) "V#L$%& bar Pressure as a fu3ct*o3 of h a32 s1 p5hrho ### !"# E #"m( "V#L$%& bar Pressure as a fu3ct*o3 of h a32 rho (2e3s*ty)1 Very u3accurate for so$*2 4ater re#*o3 s*3ce *tFs a$most *3compress*b$e! Enthalpy hV5p B bar "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 5apour e3tha$py hL5p B bar "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tha$py hV5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 5apour e3tha$py hL5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tha$py h5pT B bar @0 =C "V#L$%& 3893g E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 h5ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& 3893g E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 h5p: B bar 01E "V#L$%& 3893g E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 5apour fract*o3 h5T: B00 =C 01E "V#L$%& 3893g E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of temperature a32 5apour fract*o3 h5prho B bar @ #"m( "V#L$%& 3893g E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 2e3s*ty1 ;bser5e for $o4 temperatures ($*Gu*2) th*s eGuat*o3 has @ so$ut*o3s1 (+ot 5a$*2!!) Specific volume vV5p B bar "V#L$%& m;93g Saturate2 5apour 5o$ume vL5p B bar "V#L$%& m;93g Saturate2 $*Gu*2 5o$ume vV5T B00 =C "V#L$%& m;93g Saturate2 5apour 5o$ume vL5T B00 =C "V#L$%& m;93g Saturate2 $*Gu*2 5o$ume v5pT B bar B00 =C "V#L$%& m;93g Spec*f*c 5o$ume as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 v5ph B bar ### !"# "V#L$%& m;93g Spec*f*c 5o$ume as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py v5ps B bar E !"(# &) "V#L$%& m;93g Spec*f*c 5o$ume as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Density rhoV5p B bar "V#L$%& 3g9m; Saturate2 5apour 2e3s*ty rhoL5p B bar "V#L$%& 3g9m; Saturate2 $*Gu*2 2e3s*ty rhoV5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 3g9m; Saturate2 5apour 2e3s*ty rhoL5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 3g9m; Saturate2 $*Gu*2 2e3s*ty rho5pT B bar B00 =C "V#L$%& 3g9m; >e3s*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 rho5ph B bar ### !"# "V#L$%& 3g9m; >e3s*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py rho5ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& 3g9m; >e3s*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Specific entropy sV5p 010B bar "V#L$%& 389<3g => Saturate2 5apour e3tropy sL5p 010B bar "V#L$%& 389<3g => Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tropy sV5T 0 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g => Saturate2 5apour e3tropy sL5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g => Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tropy s5pT B bar @0 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g => Spec*f*c e3tropy as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature (Retur3s saturate2 5apour e3ta$py *f m*,ture1) s5ph B bar ### !"# "V#L$%& 389<3g => Spec*f*c e3tropy as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Specific internal energy uV5p B bar "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 5apour *3ter3a$ e3er#y uL5p B bar "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *3ter3a$ e3er#y http199222.:-eng.)om ma#3usH,%e3#1com uV5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 5apour *3ter3a$ e3er#y uL5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 3893g Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *3ter3a$ e3er#y u5pT B bar B00 =C "V#L$%& 3893g Spec*f*c *3ter3a$ e3er#y as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 u5ph B bar ### !"# "V#L$%& 3893g Spec*f*c *3ter3a$ e3er#y as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py u5ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& 3893g Spec*f*c *3ter3a$ e3er#y as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Specific isobaric heat capacity 7pV5p B bar "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 5apour heat capac*ty 7pL5p B bar "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 $*Gu*2 heat capac*ty 7pV5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 5apour heat capac*ty 7pL5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 $*Gu*2 heat capac*ty 7p5pT B bar B00 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Spec*f*c *sobar*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 7p5ph B bar @00 !"# "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Spec*f*c *sobar*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py 7p5ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Spec*f*c *sobar*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Specific isochoric heat capacity 7vV5p B bar "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 5apour *sochor*c heat capac*ty 7vL5p B bar "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *sochor*c heat capac*ty 7vV5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 5apour *sochor*c heat capac*ty 7vL5T B00 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *sochor*c heat capac*ty 7v5pT B bar B00 =C "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Spec*f*c *sochor*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 7v5ph B bar @00 !"# "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Spec*f*c *sochor*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py 7v5ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& 389<3g67> Spec*f*c *sochor*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Speed of sound 2V5p B bar "V#L$%& m9s Saturate2 5apour spee2 of sou32 2L5p B bar "V#L$%& m9s Saturate2 $*Gu*2 spee2 of sou32 2V5T B00 =C "V#L$%& m9s Saturate2 5apour spee2 of sou32 2L5T B00 =C "V#L$%& m9s Saturate2 $*Gu*2 spee2 of sou32 25pT B bar B00 =C "V#L$%& m9s Spee2 of sou32 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 25ph B bar @00 !"# "V#L$%& m9s Spee2 of sou32 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py 25ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& m9s Spee2 of sou32 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Dynamic Viscosity V*scos*ty *s 3ot part of .AP)S Steam ./071 EGuat*o3s from 6Re5*se2 Re$ease o3 the .AP)S /ormu$at*o3 B0CE for the V*scos*ty of ;r2*3ary )ater Substa3ce6- @00( are use21 V*scos*ty *3 the m*,e2 re#*o3 (D) *s *3terpo$ate2 accor2*3# to the 2e3s*ty1 Th*s *s 3ot true s*3ce *t 4*$$ be t4o fases1 my5pT B bar B00 =C "V#L$%& Pa s V*scos*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 my5ph B bar B00 !"# "V#L$%& Pa s V*scos*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py my5ps B bar B !"(# &) "V#L$%& Pa s V*scos*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Prandtl Ca$cua$te2 as CpImy"tc pr5pT B bar @00 =C "V#L$%& - pr5ph B bar ### !"# "V#L$%& - Thermal Conductivity Re5*se2 re$ease o3 the .APS /ormu$at*o3 B0CE for the Therma$ Co32uct*5*ty of or2*3ary 4ater substa3ce (.AP)S B00C) t)L5p B00 bar "V#L$%& +9<m => Saturate2 5apour therma$ co32uct*5*ty t)V5p B bar "V#L$%& +9<m => Saturate2 $*Gu*2 therma$ co32uct*5*ty t)L5T B00 =C "V#L$%& +9<m => Saturate2 5apour therma$ co32uct*5*ty t)V5T B00 =C "V#L$%& +9<m => Saturate2 $*Gu*2 therma$ co32uct*5*ty t)5pT B00 bar (E0 =C "V#L$%& +9<m => Therma$ co32uct*5*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 t)5ph B bar (E0 !"(# &) "V#L$%& +9<m => Therma$ co32uct*5*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py t)5hs B00 !"(# &) 01(D !"(# &) "V#L$%& +9<m => Therma$ co32uct*5*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of e3tha$py a32 e3tropy Surface Tension .AP)S Re$ease o3 Surface Te3s*o3 of ;r2*3ary )ater Substa3ce- September B00D st5T B00 =C "V#L$%& ?9m Surface te3s*o3 for t4o phase 4ater"steam as a fu3ct*o3 of T st5p B bar "V#L$%& ?9m Surface te3s*o3 for t4o phase 4ater"steam as a fu3ct*o3 of T Vapour fraction :5ph B bar ### !"# "V#L$%& Vapour fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py :5ps B bar D !"(# &) "V#L$%& Vapour fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Vapour Volume Fraction ;bser5e that 5apour 5o$ume fract*o3 *s 5ery se3s*t*5e1 Vapour 5o$ume *s about B000 t*mes #reater tha3 $*Gu*2 5o$ume a32 therfore 5apour 5o$ume fract*o3 #ets c$ose to the accura3cy of steam ./%07 v:5ph B bar DBC !"# "V#L$%& Vapour 5o$ume fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py v:5ps B bar D !"(# &) "V#L$%& Vapour 5o$ume fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Version history ?e2s in V2.@ I Error *3 5a$*2 re#*o3 for fu3ct*o3 tcJptrho I Error *3 fu3ct*o3 h(Jpt for temperatures 3ear the saturat*o3 po*3t1 ?e2s in V2. I >LL 2*strubut*o3 for use *3 other app$*cat*o3s I /reebas*c tra3s$at*o3 I /*,e2 sma$$ error *3 C5 Re#*o3 E pKB000bar ?e2s in V2.Aa I ToS.U3*t for hJps re#*o3 D1 (+o effect *3 S. u3*t 5ers*o3)1 ?e2s in V2.A I /u3ct*o3s by p-rho *3p$eme3te2 *3 mat$ab a$so1 I 9a3y m*ss*3# L *3 mat$ab caus*3# pr*3touts 2etecte21 I ;pe3;ff*ce 5ers*o3 *3tro2uce21 (/*,e2 ca$cu$at*o3 2*ffere3ces *3 ope3 off*ce a32 e,ce$) I 9at$ab error #*5*3# 5ara*b$e u32ef*3e2 *3 some bac4ar2s so$ut*o3s f*,e21 ?e2s in V2.; I ;pt*o3 E,p$*c*t- #*5es more eff*c*e3t ca$cu$at*o3s1 I E,te3s*5e test*3# I myJph 3ot 2ef*3e2 *3 re#*o3 D1 I Prob$ems at re#*o3 bor2er for hDVJp to a2ress so$5er prob$ems at the e,act bor2er1 I Prob$em at fast bor2er chec *3 re#*o3Jph f*,e21 ?e2s in V2.2 I E,te3s*5e test*3# I /*,e2 error *3 CpJph I /u3ct*o3 pJhrho a22e21 (Very #oo2 for ca$cua$t*3# pressure 4he3 heat*3# a 5o$ume 4*th 4ater"steam m*,ture1) I /*,e2 error *3 TJhs retur3 3o 5a$ue for 5et re#*o3 be$$o4 the 4ater saturat*o3 $*3e1 I Pra32t$ 3umber a22e2 ?e2s in V2.1 I Ca$$*3# fu3ct*o3 hJprho I /*,e2 prob$em 4*th C5 report*3# +a+ *3 re#*o3 E1 I EGu*5*5a$e3t to the 9at$ab 5ers*o31 (>o43$oa2ab$e from 4441,%e3#1com) ?e2s in V2 I Ca$$*3# fu3ct*o3s of h a32 s a22e21 I Therma$ co32uct*5*ty- Surface te3s*o3 a22e2 I Ca$$*3# fu3ct*o3s hJp, a32 hJt, a22e21 I Cp- C5 a32 4 u32ef*3e2 *3 the m*,e2 re#*o31 (7efore *3terpo$at*o3 4*th the 5apor fract*o3 4as use21) I A 4or sheet 6Propert*es6 for s*mp$e $ooups a22e21 The e,ce$ scr*pts are store2 *3s*2e th*s 4orboo1 (+o e,tra f*$es are 3ee2e21 Start from a copy of th*s 4orboo1 Th*s pa#e ca3 be remo5e2) Saturat*o3 temperature Temperture as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Temperture as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy Temperture as a fu3ct*o3 of e3tha$py a32 e3tropy Pressure as a fu3ct*o3 of h a32 s1 Pressure as a fu3ct*o3 of h a32 rho (2e3s*ty)1 Very u3accurate for so$*2 4ater re#*o3 s*3ce *tFs a$most *3compress*b$e! Saturate2 5apour e3tha$py Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tha$py Saturate2 5apour e3tha$py Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tha$py E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 5apour fract*o3 E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of temperature a32 5apour fract*o3 E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 2e3s*ty1 ;bser5e for $o4 temperatures ($*Gu*2) th*s eGuat*o3 has @ so$ut*o3s1 (+ot 5a$*2!!) Saturate2 5apour 5o$ume Saturate2 $*Gu*2 5o$ume Saturate2 5apour 5o$ume Saturate2 $*Gu*2 5o$ume Spec*f*c 5o$ume as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 Spec*f*c 5o$ume as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Spec*f*c 5o$ume as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Saturate2 5apour 2e3s*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 2e3s*ty Saturate2 5apour 2e3s*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 2e3s*ty >e3s*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 >e3s*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py >e3s*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Saturate2 5apour e3tropy Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tropy Saturate2 5apour e3tropy Saturate2 $*Gu*2 e3tropy Spec*f*c e3tropy as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature (Retur3s saturate2 5apour e3ta$py *f m*,ture1) Spec*f*c e3tropy as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Saturate2 5apour *3ter3a$ e3er#y Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *3ter3a$ e3er#y Saturate2 5apour *3ter3a$ e3er#y Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *3ter3a$ e3er#y Spec*f*c *3ter3a$ e3er#y as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 Spec*f*c *3ter3a$ e3er#y as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Spec*f*c *3ter3a$ e3er#y as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Saturate2 5apour heat capac*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 heat capac*ty Saturate2 5apour heat capac*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 heat capac*ty Spec*f*c *sobar*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 Spec*f*c *sobar*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Spec*f*c *sobar*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Saturate2 5apour *sochor*c heat capac*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *sochor*c heat capac*ty Saturate2 5apour *sochor*c heat capac*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 *sochor*c heat capac*ty Spec*f*c *sochor*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 Spec*f*c *sochor*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Spec*f*c *sochor*c heat capac*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Saturate2 5apour spee2 of sou32 Saturate2 $*Gu*2 spee2 of sou32 Saturate2 5apour spee2 of sou32 Saturate2 $*Gu*2 spee2 of sou32 Spee2 of sou32 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 Spee2 of sou32 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Spee2 of sou32 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 V*scos*ty *s 3ot part of .AP)S Steam ./071 EGuat*o3s from 6Re5*se2 Re$ease o3 the .AP)S /ormu$at*o3 B0CE for the V*scos*ty of ;r2*3ary )ater Substa3ce6- @00( are use21 V*scos*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 V*scos*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py V*scos*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 Saturate2 5apour therma$ co32uct*5*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 therma$ co32uct*5*ty Saturate2 5apour therma$ co32uct*5*ty Saturate2 $*Gu*2 therma$ co32uct*5*ty Therma$ co32uct*5*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 temperature1 Therma$ co32uct*5*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Therma$ co32uct*5*ty as a fu3ct*o3 of e3tha$py a32 e3tropy Surface te3s*o3 for t4o phase 4ater"steam as a fu3ct*o3 of T Surface te3s*o3 for t4o phase 4ater"steam as a fu3ct*o3 of T Vapour fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Vapour fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 ;bser5e that 5apour 5o$ume fract*o3 *s 5ery se3s*t*5e1 Vapour 5o$ume *s about B000 t*mes #reater tha3 $*Gu*2 5o$ume a32 therfore 5apour 5o$ume fract*o3 Vapour 5o$ume fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tha$py Vapour 5o$ume fract*o3 as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 e3tropy1 E3ta$py as a fu3ct*o3 of pressure a32 2e3s*ty1 ;bser5e for $o4 temperatures ($*Gu*2) th*s eGuat*o3 has @ so$ut*o3s1 (+ot 5a$*2!!) )ater pcMa"(@7(b'@)) aM@7(RTc)'@"(ADpc) pc(Pa) @1@0A00EN07 TcMCa"(@7Rb) bMRTc"(Cpc) 5c(m'("#) (1BEE00E%0( 5cM(b bM5c"( Tc(&) A1D700AEN0@ R(!"mo$%&) C1(BD00EN0( RJ:@;(!"#%&) D1ABCC0EN0@ a(PaI(m'("#)'@) B170CD0EN0( b(m'("#) B1A0(A0E%0( b B1A0(A0E%0( RTc"(Cpc) b B10EBA7E%0( 5c"(