KML 2 Tab
KML 2 Tab
KML 2 Tab
This is just a knowledge sharing. What we need:
Internet connection
Google Earth
1. Prepare your M!"M# file consist path$ point or polygon created in Google
Earth. %&a'e your route first as M!"M#(.
). *irst$ create a folder which we will use to sa'e the routes. *ill the *older +a,e.
-. .ight/click on the new folder and choose 0dd Path.
1. 2reate the path as the route needed. &e'eral paths can 3e created. 0fter the route
finished$ .ight/click on the folder and choose &a'e Place 0s4
&a'e the file as .M#.
5. Go to http:""www.6onu,,"online"k,l)7.php. 8ou will see this page. &elect
DXF - AutoCAD.
9. :n Projection choose !at"!on. :n Data Tpe to !"port choose Pat#. Then
click 3utton $p%oa& KML/KMZ Fi%e.
;. !ocate your M! file on your hard dri'e 3y 2hoose *ile and 0ccept. This will
upload your M! to the ser'er.
<. 0 new page consist the =M! code will 3e displayed. 2lick !"port.
>. 0 new window consist so,e code will appear. ?ust si,ply copy all and paste it in
a +otepad. &a'e it as a @.A=* file.
1B. :pen Mapinfo and select Ta'%e -( Import) !ocate your data and select the *ile
type C AutoCAD DXF *+)DXF,
11. 0 warning ,essage will appear. &elect -o .arnin/s or Continue se'eral ti,es.
1). 2lick on Projection and select Lon/itu&e 0 Latitu&e then :. &a'e the T0D
1-. :pen your T0D file. *inish