Entry and Exit Procedures
Entry and Exit Procedures
Entry and Exit Procedures
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1he !"#$$%&&' )#*#+,',*- serles provldes examples of
Leachers worklng wlLh sLudenLs Lo creaLe learnlng
envlronmenLs LhaL fosLer achlevemenL and growLh. 1he
segmenLs ln Lhls serles complemenL each oLher wlLhln a
framework of flve evldence-based componenLs: vlslon
and Plgh LxpecLaLlons, Clear rocedures, 8elaLlonshlps
and SupporL, Lngaglng lnsLrucLlon, and lnLervenLlon and
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1. WhaL enLry and exlL procedures do you use ln your
class? Pow do Lhey help sLudenLs make Lhe besL use
of Lhelr Llme ln your classroom?
Entry and Exit Procedures
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LlemenLary Leachers aL Aklll Academy ln new Crleans,
Loulslana, demonsLraLe enLry and exlL procedures. 1hese
procedures help sLudenLs Lo LranslLlon lnLo and ouL of
class ln an efflclenL and orderly manner, enabllng Lhem
Lo maxlmlze lnsLrucLlonal Llme.
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1. WhaL classroom condlLlons are necessary for
successful lmplemenLaLlon of enLry and exlL
2. ln Lerms of a hollsLlc approach Lo classroom
managemenL (see below lefL), how do sLraLegles LhaL
develop Clear rocedures conLrlbuLe Lo oLher
componenLs ln Lhls model?
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!"#$$%&&' )#*#+,',*-. u 360 program. hLLp://www.pd360.com/.
Classlc: Classroom ManagemenL." !"#$$/0. 1,#02,% 3*450-/&* #*4 ),*-&%/*+. u 360 program.
1eachlng rocedures." !&*$0/&5$ !"#$$%&&' )#*#+,',*- 6 7",',*-#%8 74/-/&*9 u 360 program.
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CarreLL 1racey. SLudenL-CenLered and 1eacher-CenLered Classroom ManagemenL: A Case SLudy of 1hree
LlemenLary 1eachers." :&5%*#" &; !"#$$%&&' 3*-,%#0-/&* 43 (2008): 34-47.
C'nelll, Sue CaLherlne and !ennlfer SLephenson. 1he MeasuremenL of Classroom ManagemenL Self-Lfflcacy: A
8evlew of MeasuremenL lnsLrumenL uevelopmenL and lnfluences." 7450#-/&*#" <$802&"&+8 31 (2011): 261-
299. hLLp://www.Landfonllne.com/dol/abs/10.1080/01443410.2010.343344 - .uo4os418ap4.
Slmonsen, 8randl, eL al. Lvldence-8ased racLlces ln Classroom ManagemenL: ConslderaLlons for 8esearch Lo
racLlce." 7450#-/&* #*4 1%,#-',*- &; !2/"4%,* 31, no. 3 (2008): 331-80.
Wubbels, 1heo. An lnLernaLlonal erspecLlve on Classroom ManagemenL: WhaL Should rospecLlve 1eachers
Learn?" 1,#02/*+ 7450#-/&* 22 (2011): 113-131.
hLLp://www.Landfonllne.com/dol/abs/10.1080/10476210.2011.367838 - .uo4p8418ap4.
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Classroom ManagemenL and uoor LnLry and LxlL rocedures," Alexander, 8randy, klmerly erslanl-8ecker, and
SLeve Sprlnger, LducaLlon.com, accessed november 23, 2013.
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lollowlng Lhe dlscusslon, parLlclpanLs can use Lhe
followlng Lo reflecL on new learnlng and ldeas.
1. Pow were Lhe elemenLs of effecLlve enLry and exlL
procedures (llsLed Lo Lhe rlghL) demonsLraLed
effecLlvely ln Lhls segmenL? WhaL oLher elemenLs
could conLrlbuLe Lo effecLlve enLry and exlL
2. Pow can you lncorporaLe effecLlve enLry-exlL
procedures lnLo your own classroom managemenL
3. WhaL oLher sLraLegles or Lechnlques mlghL you
develop Lo faclllLaLe orderly LranslLlons and
maxlmlze lnsLrucLlonal Llme for sLudenLs?
2013 School lmprovemenL neLwork
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lncluslve (lnvolve all sLudenLs)
MalnLaln focus
Maxlmlze lnsLrucLlonal Llme
Entry and Exit Procedures
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