The document provides information about upcoming events and initiatives for the Knox County school system in Tennessee. It discusses approval of the fiscal year 2013 budget, input gathered for developing the next five-year strategic plan, upcoming achievement tests and end-of-course exams for students, and summer learning opportunities like the elementary summer academy and middle school boost camp. Dates are provided for community forums to provide feedback on the strategic planning process and for the administration of standardized tests.
The document provides information about upcoming events and initiatives for the Knox County school system in Tennessee. It discusses approval of the fiscal year 2013 budget, input gathered for developing the next five-year strategic plan, upcoming achievement tests and end-of-course exams for students, and summer learning opportunities like the elementary summer academy and middle school boost camp. Dates are provided for community forums to provide feedback on the strategic planning process and for the administration of standardized tests.
Original Description:
Knox County School's April 2014 Benchmarks Newsletter
The document provides information about upcoming events and initiatives for the Knox County school system in Tennessee. It discusses approval of the fiscal year 2013 budget, input gathered for developing the next five-year strategic plan, upcoming achievement tests and end-of-course exams for students, and summer learning opportunities like the elementary summer academy and middle school boost camp. Dates are provided for community forums to provide feedback on the strategic planning process and for the administration of standardized tests.
The document provides information about upcoming events and initiatives for the Knox County school system in Tennessee. It discusses approval of the fiscal year 2013 budget, input gathered for developing the next five-year strategic plan, upcoming achievement tests and end-of-course exams for students, and summer learning opportunities like the elementary summer academy and middle school boost camp. Dates are provided for community forums to provide feedback on the strategic planning process and for the administration of standardized tests.
Cn Monday, Aprll 14 Lhe knox CounLy 8oard of LducaLlon approved Lhe school sysLem's flscal year 2013 general purpose budgeL, represenLlng a LoLal lncrease of 2.97 over Lhe currenL year's budgeL. 1he general purpose budgeL, whlch musL be approved by Lhe knox CounLy Commlsslon, LoLals $432.333 mllllon and lncludes a 2.3 base salary lncrease for Leachers.
uescrlbed as no frllls," Lhe budgeL ls focused ln Lhree crlLlcal areas: 1) Lnhanclng Leacher compensaLlon 2) Cpenlng Lhe new Career MagneL Academy hlgh school on Lhe SLrawberry lalns campus of elllsslppl SLaLe 3) reservlng school-based lnsLrucLlonal poslLlons
conLlnuous lnsLrucLlonal lmprovemenL rlgorous academlc sLandards early llLeracy personallzed learnlng supporLed by lnsLrucLlonal Lechnology professlonal growLh Lhrough a developmenLal evaluaLlon lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe 1A SysLem aL 18 schools Leacher leadershlp educaLor collaboraLlon hlgh quallLy professlonal developmenL and supporL
1he l?13 budgeL wlll also allow Lhe knox CounLy Schools Lo LranslLlon and lnLegraLe lnLo Lhe Ceneral lund budgeL Lwo valuable educaLlonal lnlLlaLlves LhaL have been lncubaLed and flnanclally supporLed by Lhe CreaL Schools arLnershlp: pre- klndergarLen efforLs and Lhe summer brldge program, whlch successfully prepares sLruggllng sLudenLs for Lhe academlc LranslLlon from mlddle school Lo 9 Lh grade.
1he l?13 budgeL, along wlLh Lhe dlsLrlcL's caplLal lmprovemenL plan and Lhe school nuLrlLlon fund budgeL, musL be approved by CounLy Commlsslon ln early !une. lor more lnformaLlon or addlLlonal deLall, please vlslL our webslLe aL ut. Ilm Mclotyte, 5opetloteoJeot, ootlloes tbe l15 boJqet Jotloq o pobllc lopot meetloq teceotly belJ ot cbtlsteobetty lemeototy 5cbool.
ln 2009, Lhe knox CounLy 8oard of LducaLlon unanlmously approved Lhe knox CounLy Schools flve-year sLraLeglc plan, whlch provldes a deLalled blueprlnL of ongolng lnsLrucLlonal work. lL also serves as a pracLlcal documenL LhaL glves faculLy and sLaff guldance ln Lhe myrlad of lmporLanL declslons Lhey make every day Lo provlde an effecLlve educaLlon for all chlldren.
As LhaL lnlLlal flve-year sLraLeglc plan comes Lo an end, Lhe knox CounLy Schools ls ln Lhe process of plannlng and creaLlng Lhe nexL lLeraLlon of lLs sLraLeglc plan.
lor Lhe pasL several monLhs ln a varleLy of ways, Lhe knox CounLy Schools acLlvely soughL lnpuL from sLakeholders and recelved enLhuslasLlc response. 1here were 10 communlLy forums aLLended by close Lo 800 people, vlslLs wlLh nearly 700 sLudenLs, and numerous chaLLerbox sesslons" LhaL provlded an lnformal way for parenLs and communlLy organlzaLlon members Lo engage ln Lhe process. 1he school dlsLrlcL recelved almosL 1,200 onllne responses and 3,000 paper responses from a communlLy survey, held several large and small Leacher meeLlngs and offered a Leacher survey, Lo name a few.
lrom Lhls lnpuL-gaLherlng process, common Lhemes are beglnnlng Lo emerge, lncludlng
!/6'<78) /8 50*.2 B+'(*8+ MalnLaln rlgorous academlc sLandards buL seek ways Lo lndlvlduallze lnsLrucLlon, enrlchmenL and supporLs for each of Lhe more Lhan 36,000 chlldren.
@80*<+78) 78 H*/-I* Pelp ensure Leachers and sLaff feel valued, supporLed and are approprlaLely compensaLed for Lhe enormously lmporLanL work Lhey do for chlldren.
H3.+8*.78) C7+: B+3T*:/I(*.< Lnhance and sLrengLhen efforLs Lo open Lhe llnes of candld, collaboraLlve communlcaLlon wlLh sLakeholders.
5;1.3678) 3 >'I+'.* /4 5P6*II*86* CollecLlve and collaboraLlve engagemenL of sLakeholders rooLed ln a shared vlslon for hlgh expecLaLlons, ouLsLandlng lnsLrucLlon, conLlnuous lmprovemenL, muLual accounLablllLy and a consLanL focus on sLudenL learnlng.
lor more lnformaLlon on Lhe creaLlon of Lhe nexL flve-year sLraLeglc plan, please vlslL
9/C3.( DEDEF G-6/;78) B+.3+*)76 HI38 9/C8 J3II
upcomlng publlc lnpuL sesslons have been scheduled Lo glve sLakeholders an opporLunlLy Lo see how Lhe lnformaLlon gaLhered from Lhe communlLy over Lhe pasL several monLhs ls reflecLed ln plannlng for Lhe nexL flve-year sLraLeglc plan. 1he sesslons wlll be hosLed by ur. !lm MclnLyre, SuperlnLendenL of Lhe knox CounLy Schools.
lor Lhe flrsL Llme, Lhe knox CounLy Schools wlll uLlllze Lechnology Lo provlde a vlrLual" opporLunlLy for Lhe communlLy Lo recelve updaLes, ask quesLlons and provlde feedback on Lhe sLraLeglc plannlng process. An ln person" Lown hall wlll also be hosLed.
arLlclpanLs may choose Lo hear Lhe audlo for Lhls meeLlng Lhrough compuLer speakers or by dlallng Lhe followlng conference call lnformaLlon wlLh your phone:
lease noLe LhaL Lhe vlrLual sesslon ls llmlLed Lo Lhe flrsL 200 people who reglsLer, and parLlclpanLs wlll be able Lo ask quesLlons vla Lhe chaL" feaLure on Lhe sysLem.
A, *%#72, ?2@, 9$++0 1hursday, May 8, 2014 6 - 7:30 p.m. SLerchl LlemenLary (900 CakleLL urlve) SLreamed llve on or waLch llve on ComcasL ch. 10 or A11 u-verse ch. 99
AL Lhe forums, communlLy members wlll have an opporLunlLy Lo see how Lhe lnformaLlon gaLhered from Lhe communlLy over Lhe pasL several monLhs ls reflecLed ln plannlng for Lhe nexL flve years. 1he communlLy wlll be able ask quesLlons, seek clarlLy and provlde feedback on Lhe fuLure dlrecLlon of Lhe knox CounLy Schools.
A*3<'.*< /4 K*3.878)= L./C+: M ,6:7*0*;*8+= 58( N4 >/'.<* 9*<+<
LlemenLary and mlddle school sLudenLs wlll soon Lake achlevemenL LesLs (1ennessee Comprehenslve AssessmenL rogram or 1CA) and hlgh school sLudenLs wlll Lake sLaLe prescrlbed end of course (LCC) LesLs. under sLaLe law, sLudenLs' scores on Lhe 1CA shall counL from 13 Lo 23 percenL of Lhe sLudenL's flnal reporL card grade durlng Lhe sprlng semesLer ln Lhe sub[ecL areas of maLh, readlng/language arLs, sclence and soclal sLudles. ln order Lo comply wlLh sLaLe law, knox CounLy Schools pollcy now requlres LhaL a sLudenL's 1CA scores counL as 13 percenL of Lhe sLudenL's second semesLer grade. 1hls affecLs sLudenLs ln grades 3 Lhrough 8. ln hlgh school, Lhe LCC ls 23 of Lhe flnal grade.
1he daLa from Lhe 1CA and LCC assessmenLs ls used Lo help deLermlne whaL supporLs or enrlchmenL a sLudenL needs, as well as help Lo Lhe dlsLrlcL Lo deLermlne whaL ad[usLmenLs are needed Lo lmprove our lnsLrucLlon and lnLervenLlon efforLs," sald nakla 1owns, Chlef AccounLablllLy Cfflcer for Lhe knox CounLy Schools.
We belleve LhaL Lhese assessmenLs are [usL anoLher opporLunlLy for sLudenLs Lo demonsLraLe Lhelr learnlng," sald 1owns. We hope LhaL parenLs wlll make sure Lhelr sLudenLs are ready for Lhese assessmenLs, as we hope Lhey are ready for school any oLher day - well- resLed wlLh a good breakfasL! Cur Leachers have helped sLudenLs Lo prepare all year long Lhrough Lhelr dally lnsLrucLlon. 1hese assessmenLs are Lhe culmlnaLlon of all Lhe efforL Leachers and sLudenLs have puL forLh Loward learnlng LhroughouL Lhe year."
9*<+ Q3+*<F Aprll 28 - May 1: AchlevemenL LesLs for grades 3-8 (all sLudenLs) May 3 - 8: klndergarLen - second grade assessmenL May 1 - 7: Lnd of Course LesLs May 1: Lngllsh 10 and u. S. PlsLory May 2: Lngllsh 11 and Algebra l May 3: Lngllsh 9 and Algebra ll May 6, 8lology and ChemlsLry May 7: Makeup day
Advanced lacemenL 1esLs are May 3 - 16
SLudenLs who mlssed Laklng LCCs durlng Lhe school year can Lake Lhem on !uly 7 aL WesL Plgh School (3300 SuLherland Avenue).
B';;*. K*3.878) N--/.+'87+7*<F JB B';;*. B6://I= 5I*;*8+3.2 B';;*. K*3.878) ,63(*;2 38( A7((I* B6://I &//<+ >3;- 1he knox CounLy Schools has announced Lhe daLes for lLs summer school offerlngs. All summer programs wlll occur May 27 - !uly 3, 2014. SLaLe exams wlll be Laken on !uly 7, 2014. All hlgh schools may offer boLh vlrLual summer school and exLended year summer school. AddlLlonal deLalls below:
9.3(7+7/83I B';;*. B6://I U:7): <6://IV M rovldes sLudenLs wlLh a second opporLunlLy Lo masLer or lmprove upon sub[ecL maLLer aLLempLed durlng Lhe prlor school year Lhrough dlrecL lnsLrucLlon ln Lhe classroom. 1radlLlonal summer school can also be for Lhose sLudenLs who need Lo obLaln a new credlL wlLh approval from Lhe prlnclpal and counselor. LocaLlon: WesL Plgh School (3326 SuLherland Avenue) 1wo sesslons: Sesslon l- May27-!une 13, Sesslon 2- !une 16- !uly 3. CosL: $120* SLudenL hours: 8:30 a.m. - noon Courses offered: Algebra l, Algebra ll, CeomeLry, 8rldge MaLh, Lngllsh lv and urlvers' LducaLlon All classes wlll be Lheme-based and wlll lncorporaLe pro[ecL-based learnlng.
S7.+'3I B';;*. B6://I U:7): <6://IV M compuLer-based program LhaL helps sLudenLs earn (recover) credlL for classes Lhey prevlously dld noL pass. CosL-$10* LocaLlon: AL sLudenL's zoned school SLudenL hours: 8:30 a.m. - noon Courses offered: Courses avallable Lhrough Cdyssey
5P+*8(*( "*3. B';;*. B6://I U:7): <6://IV M deslgned for sLudenLs who need Lo ralse a flnal grade Lo a 70 by compleLlng needed coursework. CosL- $10* LocaLlon: AL sLudenL's zoned school SLudenL hours: 8:30 a.m. - noon Courses offered: 1hose courses for whlch sLudenL's flnal grade ls 30 or above.
B';;*. &.7()* H./).3; U.7<78) W +: ).3(*.<V M prepares sLruggllng sLudenLs for Lhe academlc LranslLlon from mlddle school Lo 9 Lh grade. CosL: no cosL LocaLlon: AusLln-LasL MagneL Plgh School, 8earden Plgh School, CarLer Plgh School, lulLon Plgh School, Palls Plgh School, karns Plgh School, SouLh-uoyle Plgh School and owell Plgh School SLudenL hours: 8:30 a.m. - noon Courses offered: Language ArLs, MaLh, and llfe/sLudy skllls lease conLacL your chlld's prlnclpal aL hls/her zoned school for addlLlonal lnformaLlon or Lo have speclflc quesLlons answered.
*Aoy stoJeot, teqotJless of floooclol stotos, moy tepoest o fee wolvet - tepoest fotms ote qlveo to eocb stoJeot ptlot to tbe stott of sommet scbool.
9:* O8/P >/'8+2 5I*;*8+3.2 B';;*. K*3.878) ,63(*;2 38( A7((I* B6://I &//<+ >3;- wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh exclLlng learnlng experlences Lo lncrease achlevemenL ln readlng and maLh. 1he expllclL, sysLemaLlc lnsLrucLlon ls speclflcally deslgned Lo prevenL Lhe loss of skllls ofLen assoclaLed wlLh summer break. arLlclpaLlon ln Lhls program wlll offer opporLunlLles Lo pracLlce and bulld Lhe skllls needed Lo close Lhe achlevemenL gap for sLruggllng sLudenLs. 1he goal of Lhe program ls Lo lncrease achlevemenL and prevenL summer loss of skllls for low performlng sLudenLs.
1he program beglns Monday, !une 2 and ends lrlday, !une 27, 2014. SelecLed sLudenLs currenLly enrolled ln grades k-3 are ellglble. arenLs recelved a referral leLLer ln March lf Lhelr sLudenL was selecLed. arenLs wlll reglsLer sLudenLs aL Lhe slLe of Lhelr cholce on Aprll 10, from 3 - 7 p.m. (1hls ls a change from lasL year ln LhaL only rlslng sLudenLs ln k-4 were lncluded. 1hls year sLudenLs ln 3 Lh or rlslng lnLo 6 Lh wlll be a parL of Lhe Mlddle School 8oosL Camp lnlLlaLlve.)
School slLes: Cedar 8luff LlemenLary**, ChrlsLenberry, uogwood LlemenLary**, Creen MagneL Academy, Palls LlemenLary, Lonsdale LlemenLary, norwood LlemenLary, 8lLLa LlemenLary**, Sarah Moore Creene MagneL Academy**.
** loJlcotes scbools tbot wlll bost MlJJle 5cbool 8oost comps.
O8/P >/'8+2 B6://I< ,66*-+*( 78+/ Q7)7+3I H./;7<* K*3)'* /4 @88/03+70* B6://I< kc5 selecteJ to jolo ootloool oetwotk of scbool Jlsttlcts commltteJ to Jemoosttotloq, evolootloq ooJ scolloq looovotloo
ulglLal romlse, a naLlonal, lndependenL nonproflL organlzaLlon auLhorlzed by Congress Lo acceleraLe lnnovaLlon ln educaLlon, named Lhe knox CounLy Schools as one of nlne new members accepLed lnLo Lhe League of lnnovaLlve Schools.
1he League of lnnovaLlve Schools ls a naLlonal coallLlon of school dlsLrlcLs and educaLlonal agencles LhaL ls boLh a professlonal learnlng neLwork and an lncubaLor for lnnovaLlve educaLlonal pracLlces. 1he League brlngs LogeLher educaLors, researchers and enLrepreneurs Lo demonsLraLe, evaluaLe and repllcaLe promlslng ldeas, wlLh Lhe goal of lmprovlng sLudenL achlevemenL.
We are Lhrllled Lo be selecLed Lo engage ln Lhls unlque collaboraLlve learnlng opporLunlLy," sald ur. !lm MclnLyre, SuperlnLendenL of Lhe knox CounLy Schools. 1he League wlll help us Lo learn from oLher lnnovaLlve school dlsLrlcLs, as well as beLLer leverage Lhe Lremendous LalenLs of our Leachers and classroom Lechnology Lo beLLer prepare our sLudenLs for success ln our lncreaslngly dlglLal world."
1he knox CounLy Schools was selecLed from a compeLlLlve and naLlonal pool of appllcanLs, based on lLs leadershlp, evldence of resulLs, lnnovaLlve vlslon for learnlng powered by Lechnology, and commlLmenL Lo collaboraLlng wlLh oLher League members. upon [olnlng Lhe League, members wlll share lessons learned, parLlclpaLe ln naLlonal and reglonal forums, and parLner wlLh research lnsLlLuLlons, Lechnology developers, and one anoLher Lo dellver beLLer resulLs for sLudenLs.
1he ldea behlnd Lhe League ls slmple buL amblLlous: lnnovaLlve superlnLendenLs can supporL each oLher ln Lransformlng Lhe learnlng envlronmenL and lmprovlng engagemenL and achlevemenL," sald karen CaLor, resldenL and Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer of ulglLal romlse. 8y addlng Lhese nlne new members and Lhe sum of Lhelr experlences, Lhe League can become an even sLronger caLalysL for lmprovlng opporLunlLy for sLudenLs around Lhe counLry."
1he nlne members of Lhe League of lnnovaLlve Schools sprlng 2014 cohorL are: - ueparLmenL of uefense LducaLlon AcLlvlLy kalserslauLern ulsLrlcL - 8aumholder, Cermany - Plghllne ubllc Schools - 8urlen, WA - knox CounLy Schools - knoxvllle, 1n - LexlngLon CounLy School ulsLrlcL Cne - LexlngLon, SC - MenLor ubllc Schools - MenLor, CP - ascack valley 8eglonal Plgh School ulsLrlcL - MonLvale, n! - 8lchland School ulsLrlcL 1wo - Columbla, SC - 8owan-Sallsbury Schools - Sallsbury, nC - SouLh layeLLe 1ownshlp School ulsLrlcL - Mcuonald, A
WlLh Lhese addlLlons, Lhe League now lncludes 46 school dlsLrlcLs and educaLlon agencles ln 23 sLaLes, represenLlng nearly 3 mllllon sLudenLs.
nexL monLh, hlgh school senlors ln Lhe knox CounLy Schools wlll sLep onLo Lhe sLage and lnLo Lhelr fuLures as Lhey graduaLe. Whlle Lhls ls a momenLous occaslon for all graduaLes, one group perhaps feels Lhe lmporLance a blL more.
Cn AugusL 11, 2011, Lhe flrsL freshman class walked Lhrough Lhe doors of a new and unlque hlgh school ln knox CounLy: L&n S1LM Academy. now, four years laLer, Lhls group of ploneers wlll graduaLe as Lhe flrsL class ln Lhe school's hlsLory.
LocaLed ln knoxvllle's hlsLorlc L&n SLaLlon, Lhe academy works Loward a mlsslon 1o lmparL, Lo empower, Lo lnsplre." School leaders, Leachers and sLaff belleve Lhey are developlng Lhe mosL preclous resource for 21 sL CenLury [obs and creaLlng an lnfrasLrucLure for enlarglng Lhe capaclLy naLlonwlde for S1LM (sclence, Lechnology, englneerlng, maLhemaLlcs) educaLlon. WhaL drlves Lhem ls Lhelr deslre Lo be an agenL of LransformaLlonal change ln S1LM educaLlon where all sLudenLs achleve aL Lhelr hlghesL levels.
1hose are blg expecLaLlons for Lhe graduaLlng class of 2014 and all Lhose who follow. WhaL do some of Lhese Cryphons, who are Lhe flrsL Lo graduaLe from Lhe L&n Academy, say abouL Lhelr leadlng Lhe way for oLhers aL Lhe school.abouL Lhelr fuLures.abouL Lhelr educaLlon aL Lhe lnnovaLlve school?
WhaL Lwo Cryphon senlors have Lo say.
[My years aL L&n have] been full of counLless opporLunlLles for me Lo puL myself ouL lnLo Lhe real world and experlence someLhlng LhaL only a hand full of hlgh school Leens can say LhaL Lhey have experlenced..We have some of Lhe mosL glfLed arL sLudenLs l have seen.. We have amazlng aLhleLes.. So, lf you musL Lake one Lhlng, lL musL be LhaL S1LM does noL only lnclude Lechnology aL Lhe forefronL of educaLlon buL also amazlngly well rounded lndlvlduals who are speclal ln Lhelr own rlghL. BC#$," D$43$,,
As Lhe flrsL generaLlon of L&n graduaLes, we all lefL someLhlng-schools, frlends, our communlLles-Lo come Lo S1LM. 1haL loss ls lnconsequenLlal when compared Lo whaL we have galned: 8eal-world skllls, professlonal experlence and a communlLy of llke-mlnded peers. As a 2014 S1LM graduaLe, l would llke Lo say Lhank you Lo every Leacher, admlnlsLraLor, supporL sLaff and parenL who made my school posslble. B!$#$; !3'";
CommencemenL for Lhe L&n S1LM Academy ls seL for May 13, 2014, 6 p.m., aL 1hompson-8ollng Arena on Lhe unlverslLy of 1ennessee campus. Cn May 14, 2014, a group of creaLlve Lhlnkers and problem Next mootb, 16 seolots wlll be tbe fltst to qtoJoote ftom l&N 51M AcoJemy. 1bls tlqbt-kolt qtoop, sbowo bete oftet o locolty vs. 5toJeots floq footboll qome, wlll qtoJoote oo Moy 1J.
Next mootb, 16 seolots wlll be tbe fltst to qtoJoote ftom l&N 51M AcoJemy. 1bls tlqbt-kolt qtoop, sbowo bete oftet o locolty vs. 5toJeots floq footboll qome, wlll qtoJoote oo Moy 1J.
solvers from Lhe L&n Academy wlll enLer Lhe world well prepared Lo face Lhelr fuLures. (See below for a llsL of graduaLlon ceremonles for all hlgh schools ln Lhe knox CounLy Schools.)
As a magneL school, L&n S1LM Academy accepLs Lransfers from knox CounLy Schools mlddle and hlgh schools. lor lnformaLlon abouL requesLlng a Lransfer, vlslL
norLhwesL Mlddle School recenLly was commended for achlevlng a school-wlde college-readlness culLure Lhrough Lhe Avlu program.
Avlu (AdvancemenL vla lndlvldual ueLermlnaLlon) ls an lnLernaLlonal college- readlness sysLem LhaL works Lo close Lhe achlevemenL gap by preparlng all sLudenLs for college and success ln a global socleLy. A LoLal of elghL mlddle and hlgh schools ln Lhe knox CounLy Schools offer Lhe Avlu elecLlve class, whlch ls deslgned Lo reach sLudenLs ln Lhe academlc mlddle, and as demonsLraLed aL norLhwesL Mlddle School, Lhe Avlu sLraLegles can be lnLegraLed lnLo all classes Lo develop a culLure of college readlness for all sLudenLs.
1he Avlu CenLer recenLly recognlzed norLhwesL as one of only 10 of Lhe almosL 3,000 Avlu school slLes achlevlng a sLudenL populaLlon of aL leasL 10 ln Lhe Avlu elecLlve and lmplemenLlng Lhe Avlu sLraLegles ln all classes. norLhwesL Mlddle School ls Lhe only school ln Lhe knox CounLy Schools Lo have reached Lhls level.
lL's Lhrough Lhe leadershlp and vlslonlng of Lhe Avlu Leam aL norLhwesL and Lhe supporL of Lhe school's admlnlsLraLlon LhaL Lhls school-wlde lmplemenLaLlon of Avlu ls even posslble," sald PeaLher Mounce, knox CounLy Schools Avlu ulsLrlcL CoordlnaLor.
1eachers now have a Loolbox provlded by Lhelr Lralnlng ln Avlu sLraLegles, whlch allgn wlLh Common Core, Lo help sLudenLs be lndependenL Lhlnkers and problem solvers," sald Mlchelle SLaal, Avlu CoordlnaLor for norLhwesL Mlddle School. Cur Leachers are phenomenal aL Laklng a sLraLegy LhaL works for Lhem and modlfylng and dlfferenLlaLlng lL for each level of learner."
Avlu helps sLudenLs be ready for college Lhrough focuslng lnsLrucLlon on wrlLlng, lnqulry, collaboraLlon and readlng. Llke Common Core, lL emphaslzes sLraLeglc Lhlnklng, analyzlng and problem solvlng.
@;-/.+38+ Q3+*< 38( @84/.;3+7/8
,-.7I #Y MJ/I7(32 M L//( !.7(32 knox CounLy Schools, CenLral Cfflce, and MalnLenance wlll be closed.
,-.7I D# MJ/I7(32 knox CounLy Schools, CenLral Cfflce, and MalnLenance wlll be closed.