2 68895188-Uribe-Notes-Part-2
2 68895188-Uribe-Notes-Part-2
2 68895188-Uribe-Notes-Part-2
5+t the se##er wo+#d raise the defense, Bhindi 2o naan a#a na
resta+rant $+n( '+siness, e an( na(represent n( partnership si Att$. A5-,
so a2a#a #aw fir.C Is that a valid defense?
Ans.! "o. 0he *- wo+#d te## that the third part$ contractin( with the
partnership has the o'#i(ation to 2now at #east the nat+re of the '+siness of
the partnership. )n fact, he can deand for the presentation of the artic#es
of partnership in order for the third part$ to 2now the nat+re of the '+siness
of the partnership. ;or, if this tie, the partnership is a #aw office, and the
partner 'o+(ht a set of *-RA, that act of '+$in( a set of *-RA wi## 'e
considered apparent#$ for carr$in( the '+siness of the partnership the +s+a#
wa$. 0herefore, that contract wi## 'ind the partnership.
.2SSOL=02ONH 52N.2N; =% AN. 04RM2NA02ON
0hese are three different concepts. :pon disso#+tion of the partnership, it is
".0 4%%9%4 disso#&ed. )t wi## sti## ha&e to (o thro+(h the process of
windin( +p of the affairs of the '+siness of the partnership 'efore the
partnership itse#f wi## 'e terinated.
Q: hen would there be a dissolution of a partnership?
:nder the #aw, there wi## 'e a disso#+tion if there is a chan(e in
the re#ation of the partners ca+sed '$ an$ of the partners ceasin( to 'e
associated in the carr$in( on of the '+siness of the partnership. 0hat wi##
res+#t in the disso#+tion of the partnership. A(ain, if one of the partners
ceased to 'e associated in the carr$in( on of the '+siness of the
partnership, that wi## res+#t in the disso#+tion of the partnership.
CA=S4S O9 0:4 .2SSOL=02ON
1.7 %xtra/+dicia#O
2.7 A+dicia#.
4Atra-/icial cases:
1.7 &o#+ntar$O
2.7 in&o#+ntar$.
A+dicia# ca+ses are necessari#$ &o#+ntar$ 'eca+se it is '$ app#ication.
Q: If one of the partners in a partnership was elected a .enator, would
this dissolve the partnership by operation of law?
Ans.! "o.
Q: !ven if it is a partnership of lawyers or a law office?
Ans.! "o.
@/icial Cases: ;ron/s:
1.7 )nsanit$ or incapacit$!
=0he co+rts re1+ire that it sho+#d 'e peranent in characterO and
=s+ch incapacit$ or insanit$ +st affect the perforance of s+ch
partner of his o'#i(ations with respect to the partnership '+siness. )n
other words, 2+n( wa#a s$an( pa2ia#a sa ana(eent n( '+siness
n( partnership, insanit$ or incapacit$ is not a &a#id (ro+nd.
2.7 Lross iscond+ct!
a.7 wron(f+# exp+#sionO
'.7 if one partner wo+#d ref+se to a##ow another partner in the
ana(eent of the partnership '+siness, if he has s+ch ri(ht to participate
in the ana(eent O
c.7 if the ana(in( partner wo+#d ref+se to distri'+te the profits
of the partnership when there is s+ch o'#i(ation to distri'+te the profitsO
d.7 isappropriation of the incoe of the partnership '+siness.
Q: Upon the dissolution of the partnership, and there were assets left,
how will these be distributed? #o whom these assets be given?
A! As far as partnership assets are concerned!
1.7 8artnership creditors who are not partners.
2.7 8artnership creditors
3.7 )f there are reainin( assets, to the capita#ist partnersO
4.) %xcess profits = 'ased on their a(reeent as to profits.
$ <2N.S:
1.7 %xpress
2.7 )p#ied
2m&lie/ 0rst: $ <in/s:
1.7 res+#tin( tr+stO
2.7 constr+cti&e tr+st
0he c#assification of tr+st into two 2inds 6express and ip#ied7 and
ip#ied tr+st into two 2inds 6res+#tin( and constr+cti&e7 wo+#d 'e re#e&ant in
two concepts!
1.7 app#ica'i#it$ of the paro#e e&idence r+#eO and
2.) prescription, specifica##$, ac1+isiti&e prescription.
".5.! An express tr+st o&er an io&a'#e a$ not 'e pro&en '$ paro#e
e&idence. 0his eans that ip#ied tr+st o&er an io&a'#e a$ 'e pro&en
'$ paro#e e&idence or express tr+st o&er a o&a'#e, a$ 'e pro&ed '$
paro#e e&idence.
4D%R4SS 0R=S0
Q: <ay an e'press trust over an immovable be proven by mere
testimony of the witness?
A! Ges, if the #aw$er of the other part$ did not o'/ect to the presentation of
the witness.
2M%L24. 0R=S0
Resltin7 0rst
B!: A and B, brother and sister respectively, inherited two identical
parcels of land. For purposes of convenience, B, sister of A, agreed to
have the land registered in the name of A. 9owever, when the parcels
of land were registered in the name of A, A sold one of the parcels of
land to a buyer in good faith and for value. -an B recover the land
from the buyer? hat would be the remedy of B?
*A! 0his 1+estion c#ear#$ pertains to a res+#tin( tr+st. 0his is specifica##$,
Art. 1451 of the "--.
5 cannot reco&er the #and fro the '+$er. As disc+ssed in *a#es, a '+$er
who had 'o+(ht the propert$ fro a se##er who has no ri(ht to se##, '+t he
has apparent a+thorit$ to se##, who appears to 'e the owner and the '+$er
'o+(ht the propert$ in (ood faith, he wi## ac1+ire ownership o&er the thin(
e&en if the se##er has no ri(ht to se##.
;a$e 9arie -. 9artine@ , -hato -a'i(as , Aessica A. Lope@ , 4ian Rosapapan
"o&e'er 2008
5Ds reed$ wo+#d 'e to (o after her 'rother for 'reach of tr+st in se##in( the
propert$ witho+t her consent.
Res+#tin( tr+st inc#+des Artic#es 1448, 1451, 1449, 1450,1452,1453,1454.
Constrcti+e 0rst:
B!: A applied for the registration of a parcel of land in his name.
9owever, he was called in Lew Bor0 to be a chef in a hotel. .o, he
as0ed his cousin to follow up his application for registration of land
while he was in Lew Bor0. Instead of ensuring the registration of the
property in the name of A, he had the property registered in his
5cousin6 name. After which, he sold the property to a thi2rd person
who bought the land relying on the #-#. hen A returned to the
(hils., he learned of what his cousin had done. <ay A recover the
parcel of land from the 7
person who bought the property in good
faith and for value?
A! "o.
N.(.: Art. 1456, 1455.
Q: In constructive trust, may the trustee acCuire the property by
prescription by mere lapse of time, without repudiation?
A! Ges.
;a$e 9arie -. 9artine@ , -hato -a'i(as , Aessica A. Lope@ , 4ian Rosapapan
"o&e'er 2008