Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses and must agree in case with their antecedents. Who/whom is used for people, which is used for things, and that can be used for both people and things. That cannot be used after prepositions or commas. Compound relative pronouns like whoever, whichever, whatever include the antecedent. Relative adverbs like when, where, why can replace relative pronouns and prepositions. Examples are provided to illustrate the proper uses of relative pronouns, compound relative pronouns, and relative adverbs.
Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses and must agree in case with their antecedents. Who/whom is used for people, which is used for things, and that can be used for both people and things. That cannot be used after prepositions or commas. Compound relative pronouns like whoever, whichever, whatever include the antecedent. Relative adverbs like when, where, why can replace relative pronouns and prepositions. Examples are provided to illustrate the proper uses of relative pronouns, compound relative pronouns, and relative adverbs.
Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses and must agree in case with their antecedents. Who/whom is used for people, which is used for things, and that can be used for both people and things. That cannot be used after prepositions or commas. Compound relative pronouns like whoever, whichever, whatever include the antecedent. Relative adverbs like when, where, why can replace relative pronouns and prepositions. Examples are provided to illustrate the proper uses of relative pronouns, compound relative pronouns, and relative adverbs.
Relative pronouns are used to introduce relative clauses and must agree in case with their antecedents. Who/whom is used for people, which is used for things, and that can be used for both people and things. That cannot be used after prepositions or commas. Compound relative pronouns like whoever, whichever, whatever include the antecedent. Relative adverbs like when, where, why can replace relative pronouns and prepositions. Examples are provided to illustrate the proper uses of relative pronouns, compound relative pronouns, and relative adverbs.
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1. Relative pronouns and antecedents
Case Antecedent Su!ect O!ect Possessive People who whom whose Things which which whose / of which People/things that that - Subjective case: antecedent + subjective relative pronoun + verb Most of the people who were surveyed said that they preferred a smaller car The relative pronoun who is the subject of the relative clause - !bjective case: antecedent + objective relative pronoun + subject + verb The product which you purchased has to be returned within seven days for a full refund The relative pronoun "#ic# is the object of the verb purc#ased in the relative clause "ote that if the antecedent is a thing or an animal# you can use either "#ic# or t#at to begin a relative clause - Possessive case: antecedent + possessive relative pronoun + noun The custo$er whose name was on the waiting list just left the restaurant $The possessive relative pronoun "#ose is used regardless of whether the antecedent is a person or thing C#ec%& C#ec%& % The event received coverage in a newspaper &is widely distributed in the region '() who '*)whom '+) whose ',) that '. Relative pronoun (t#at) A. *T#at* can e used +or ot# people and t#in,s. The secretary reports every meeting t#at is arranged for the president The person 'that) we are loo-ing for is Mr .right !bjective relative pronouns can be omitted -. .#en to use and not to use *t#at* - That must be used when the antecedent is a combination of /persons + things/ or /persons + animals/ "ow you will watch the trainer and the seals t#at are the stars of our show - That must be used when the antecedent is modified by any of the following words: all/ ever0/ an0/ eac#/ t#e onl0/ t#e ver0/ and superlatives This is the most interesting novel t#at 0 have ever read 0t is the only phone in the office t#at wor-s - T#at is not used after prepositions Please meet Mr Schindler about that ' about whom) 0 told you yesterday - That is not used after a comma '#) (n appraisal of "avarro$s gold deposits was carried out in 122%# after that ' after which) a decision was made to proceed with the development of a mine 1 ,escribe any activities in & you participated for your community '() who '*) whom '+) which ',)that 1. Relative pronoun ("#at) and co$pound relative pronouns A. Relative pronoun *"#at* .#at is the relative pronoun that has already included its antecedent That ' .hat) occurs at the construction site must be reported to the supervisor The things that '3 The things which) occur at the construction site must be reported to the supervisor "#at 3 the thing's) that / the thing's) which -. Co$pound relative pronouns 4orm5 6elative pronouns + -ever These relative pronouns have already included their antecedents and are used to introduce noun clauses who'm)ever '7 anyone who'm)) whichever '3 anything that/which) whatever '3 anything that/which) .#oever turns in the report first will get an additional point "#oever 3 anyone who 0$ll ta-e "#ic#ever tent you$re not using "#ic#ever introduces a noun clause as the object of ta%e. .ithin the noun clause# "#ic#ever functions as a modifier to the noun tent. .hat ' .hatever) you decide to do# there will be support from the company .#atever is the object of to do# meaning anything that/which. 8 ( paid holiday will be given to & team has the highest sales '() which '*) whichever '+) who ',) whoever 4. Relative advers and co$pound relative advers A. Relative advers ( relative adverb can be used in place of a relative pronoun + a preposition and is e9uivalent to the structure of a preposition + which "#en :;presses time# meaning /at which/ or /on which/ "#ere :;presses place# meaning /in which/ or /on which/ "#0 :;presses reason# meaning /for which/ #o" :;presses manner# meaning /in which/ The manager will report at < o$cloc- "#en '3 at which time) she gets the results .#en refers to < o$cloc- The instructor will tell you #o" '3 the way in which) you can operate the machine "ote that t#e "a0 #o" is hardly used -. Co$pound relative advers ( compound relative adverb begins an adverbial clause and it also includes an antecedent Ti$e 2 place .henever 3 at any time when .herever 3 to or in any place where Concession .henever 3 no matter when .herever 3 no matter where =owever 3 no matter how +hoose "#erever you want to visit 3o"ever convenient the courier service is# 0 don$t trust it > & you go# it will be an honor to accompany you '() .herever '*) .hatever '+) .homever ',) .hoever 144. C#oose t#e appropriate "ords in t#e rac%ets. % Ms Page is the author 'who / whom) 0 always tal-ed about 1 The office supplies# 'that / which) were 9uite e;pensive# have been distributed to the staff 8 0 wanted to -now the reason 'when / why) Mr Peterson was transferred > '.henever / .hatever) you place an order# it is o-ay with us 546. Correct t#e underlined "ords or p#rases. < The item which code number includes four fives is the one 0 ordered ? The last two resumes of the applicants whom 0 loo-ed through left a lasting impression @ The company announced their new leave policy# that will go into effect in two wee-s A Ms +raig insists that she ta-e responsibility for every accident what happened during the construction 741'. Select t#e est ans"er t#at co$pletes eac# sentence. B Mr *ic-erson will lead you to the building & you should go to '() who '*) which '+) whose ',) whom %2 Mr Simon# & is the head of the main office# is responsible for all administrative functions '() who '*) he '+) whose ',) whom %% & you send the pac-age# just ma-e sure it gets there before noon tomorrow '() .herever '*) =owever '+) .here ',) .henever %1 This is the spot & the terrible car accident happened '() when '*) where '+) why ',) how Vocaular0 related to tradin, co$panies corporation a multinational corporation 8uarter 0n the fourth 9uarter# our unit labor costs fell by 8% percent pro+it unrealiCed profit 'paper profit) in t#e red 0 am in the red +ir$ move up in a firm 9uestions 144 re+er to t#e +ollo"in, article. (fter several years of disappointing results# it appears that the (cme +orporation is actually going to '%) & a profit this 9uarter :;perts don$t e;pect the numbers to amount to anything significant# but considering that the company has been in the red and has accumulated '1) & losses over the past five years# this is a reason to celebrate 0nsiders say the company has its new +:!# Michael Dato# to than- for its sudden '8) & Mr Dato has made it his mission to transform (cme into a profitable firm 0t appears that he has been successful5 however# it remains to be seen if this is a one-time event or '>) & of things to come E have a person to than- % '() deliver '*) turn '+) collect ',) distribute 1 '() staggering '*) miniscule '+) unearned ',) considered 8 '() revolution '*) turnaround '+) upheaval ',) reverse > '() an omen '*) a portent '+) an image ',) a loo- Part : .ordlist personnel a personnel divisionFdepartmentG co$petent =e is competent to do the tas- inco$petent =e is incompetent to manageFfor managingG the hotel adapt adapt oneself to circumstances collea,ue a colleague at wor- pa0roll be placed on the regular payroll appoint appoint a new secretary de$otion =is new appointment is a demotion $orale improve the morale +ire =e was fired from his job la0 o++ .hy do we have to lay off half of the wor-ersH resi,n =is visage clearly showed that he would resign enterprise a small-scale enterprise #ead8uarters =ave you ever been to the head9uarters in Ios (ngelesH ranc# .e are about to open a new branch in your area susidiar0 =e set up an independent subsidiary company a++iliate an affiliated wor-shop trans+er =er husband has been transferred to another branch in *oston liailit0 a joint and several liability ter$ a one-year term of office C#ec%4up Test Part V Select t#e est ans"er t#at co$pletes eac# sentence. % !f the fifty applicants & registered today# most had more than three years of e;perience in the field '() who '*) which '+) of which ',) what 1 (t certain shops in populous areas# they sell imitation bags and shoes# & is illegal '() where '*) and '+) but ',) which 8 & you said to Ms Johanssen was clearly inappropriate and unprofessional '() .ho '*) That '+) .hat ',) .hom > The only benefit given to employees is health insurance# & only covers B2K of medical bills '() which '*) that '+) it ',) they < Those of you & passports have e;pired should inform the travel agency '() who is '*) whose '+) whom ',) what ? 0 would li-e to see the manager with & 0 tal-ed on the phone yesterday '() who '*) when '+) whom ',) that @ & you as- for information# we will be happy to help you with all our heart '() .hoever '*) .herever '+) .hatever ',) .henever A 6oaming service ma-es it possible to use your mobile phone you go in 4rance# Japan# or +anada '() what '*) wherever '+) whatever ',) whomever B Mr Jer-in & for home by the time his sales staff reported their figures for the day '() has left '*) had left '+) had been left ',) is leaving %2 *oth sides in the conflict have & to the terms of the peace treaty '() agreed '*) consisted '+) approved ',) protested %% The President & us that time was running short and ordered the e;ecutives to appoint a financial advisor immediately '() mention '*) mentioned '+) mentioning ',) mentioned to %1 The representatives from .estside has announced that they are considering & clothing for teenagers '() ma-e '*) to ma-e '+) made ',) ma-ing %8 The e;hibition on ancient remains of +hina# & attracted a large number of people# will last until the end of the month '() whose '*) which '+) what ',) that %> ( customer as-ed for a refund for a & refrigerator he bought a wee- ago '() decisive '*) defective '+) delicate ',) definite %< ( streetcar# & is easy to find in San 4rancisco# is one of the means of transportation that people use fre9uently '() which '*) what '+) whom ',) who %? The psychologists pointed out that a child who communicates well with his/her parents often handles problems as & as some adults '() efficiently '*) efficient '+) efficiency ',) most efficient Part VI ;or eac# e$pt0 space in t#e te<t/ select t#e est ans"er to co$plete t#e te<t. 9uestions 1=417 re+er to t#e +ollo"in, article. *rand recognition is what all mar-eting e;perts hope their product can attain .hen a brand is recogniCed by a majority of the people# its sales are practically & to %@ '() guaranteed '*) determined '+) fortunate ',) re9uired increase 4urthermore# when a brand becomes associated with a certain -ind of product# it is sure to attain the dominant position in the & # a position from which its competitors %A '() world '*) business '+) mar-et ',) advertisement will li-ely not be able to dislodge it Ta-e +oca +ola for e;ample +o-e has become so & with cola that the two words are practically interchangeable That is a perfect %B '() ubi9uitous '*) synonymous '+) respected ',) related e;ample of a product with high brand name recognition Similarly# Lero; has entered the language as another word for McopyN 0t is no surprise# therefore# that Lero; copiers have long been best sellers
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