2012 Annual Report

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LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Report 2012 2012 2014 Strategic Goals
In 2012 we adopted the following big picture goals. Raise student achievement and engagement Continue the development of our school curriculum Promote the place of Te Reo and Tikanga Maori in our school Develop and strengthen self review practices within the school Develop and strengthen IT capabilities across the school

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL 2012 2014 Strategic Goalsin review Raise Student Achievement and Engagement

Current Position: Baseline data gathered over the last 12 months of Yr 0-10 students achievements in relation to National Standards clearly indicated disproportion numbers of students in Below and Well Below classifications in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. Boys especially are under achieving. Goals: Strengthen practices of data gathering and identification of barriers to learning to better allow alignment of resources to target under achievement Build through professional development knowledge and understanding of National Standards, Moderation and Overall Teacher Judgments (OTJs) Work with Student Achievement Function (SAF) and gain external point of view and advice which can be translated into appropriate action that raise student achievement with a focus on Maori and Boys achievement Level 1 and Level 2 NCEA results exceed national norms Grow student input (voice) and enhance opportunities for student leadership with the school Promote teaching and learning practices that enhance student engagement

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Raising Student Achievement and Engagement


Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement 1. To improve achievement for all students Yr 0-10


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?


Responsibi lity Whole School BOT Staff Students Community

Budg et As indicat e in specifi c goals

A. Combine with Student Achievement Function and develop strategies to lift the number and percentage of students achieving AT or ABOVE in relation to National Standards Yr 0-10

Identify at risk students Implement targeted teaching and learning plans Engage positively with parents to gain their input

Traction positive movement eg < Well Below < Below > At > Above

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Raising Student Achievement and Engagement

As a school we worked with Chris Morris to clarify issues and develop strategies aimed at improving teaching and learning. All staff members committed to this process in a positive and proactive way. Outcomes for students and their families were equally positive. Data in relation to National Standards show significant shifts in student achievement (see Achievement Data Tracking document)

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

Self Review/ Reports


To improve Maori Learning and Achievement (2012)

Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement To improve Maori Literacy and mathematics achievement 2.


Durati on

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

To increase the number of Maori students reading at or above the National Standards from 75% to 90%.

1. Meet Term 1 collectively with all Maori families, sharing achievement information, gathering ideas

1. Successful hui/afterno on tea with review meeting date planned. Buy in from those present. Home/Schoo l partnership strengthene d

Managemen $300 - A very successful t Team and $500 evening hui was held Tash bringing together Mikaere parents and community members. Information on achievement was shared as were goals. 2012 EOY Achievement data showed 100% of Maori students reading At/Above the national standard (67% at EOY 2011)

Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement To improve Maori Literacy and mathematics achievement 2.


Durati on Term 1 and review each term

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Managemen t Team and Classroom Teachers

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports As above

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

To increase the number of Maori students writing at or above t he National Standards from 75% to 90%

2. Work with families to write an IEP for each Maori Student 3 way conferencing

2 Process becomes established. All parties see/reap benefit and review. IEPs at start of each term track progress and reshape goals

Personalized Learning Plans were co-constructed Teachers invested considerable time and effort with moderation to help ensure accurate OTJs 2012 EOY Achievement data showed 73% of Maori students writing At/Above the national standard (50% at EOY 2011)

Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement To improve Maori Literacy and mathematics achievement 2.


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Managemen t Team Sally Benington Teacher Aides Classroom Teacher

Budg et $8000 Teach er/Aid e $2400 releas e time for teache r relativ e to IEP $2400 for teache r releas e (Tash) to up skill throug h Ka Hikitia

Self Review/ Reports 2012 EOY Achievement data showed 67% of Maori students At/Above national standards in mathematics (33% at EOY 2011)
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

To increase the number of Maori students achieving at or above the relevant National Standard for mathematics from 67% to 85%

3. Arrange learning support through: Reading recovery Reading Support Bump It Spelling Support 1.1 Teacher Aide programme 4. Review and lead staff PD in and around teaching and learning strategies that work for Maori

3 Feedback to classroom teacher, for IEP review from support person

Term 1 and 2

4 Tash engages in PD relating Ka Hikitia, shares outcomes with teachers through leading PD

Teaching staff engaged in fortnightly PD lead by Tash Mikaere. PD was broad covering theory and practice, Te Reo and Tikanga Maori, delivery plans and preparation for whole school Te Ao Maori days

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Raising Student Achievement and Engagement

FROM TARGETS TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: To improve Boys learning and achievement (2012)

Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement 2. To improve Boys literacy and mathematics achievement


Durati on Term 1/3 2012

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity John, Pauline, Rob plus teaching Staff

Budg et
Progra mmes will need T/Aide support and release time for Pauline and Rob $1200 T/Aide $2400 release time for teacher relative to IEP

Self Review/ Reports At risk boys identified.

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

To increase the number of Boys reading at or above the National Standards from 57% to 70%

2. Identify at risk boys through Barriers to Learning process supported by available data 3. Establish IEPs for at risk boys use 3 way conference to do so

Whole Year

5. Boys identified learning support organised 6. Review IEPs at start of each term track progress and reshape goals

Personalized Learning Plans put in place with ongoing review 2012 EOY Achievement data showed 70% of boys reading At/Above the national standard (63% at EOY 2011)

Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement 2. To improve Boys literacy and mathematics achievement


Durati on

Why / how do we know?


Responsibi lity

Budg et

To increase the number of Boys writing at or above the National Standards from 54% to 70%

7. Arrange Whole support Year programmes for at risk boys: Reading recovery Reading support Bump it Spelling support 1.1 Teacher Aide Programme

3 Feedback to classroom teacher for IEP review, from support person

Managemen As t Team above Sally Benington Teacher Aides Classroom Teacher

As above

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

Self Review/ Reports

2012 EOY Achievement data showed 61% of boys writing At/Above the national standard (43% at EOY 2011)

Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement 2. To improve Boys literacy and mathematics achievement


Durati on Term 1 2012

Why / how do we know?


Responsibi lity

Budg et Up to $1000 for PD suppo rt

To increase the number of Boys achieving at or above the relevant National Standard for mathematics from 62% to 75%

8. Review and lead staff PD in and around teaching and learning strategies that work for boys

4 Teachers John and include Rob strategies in planning share success at PLD

Regular staff focused on The Problem With Boys and best practice for teaching boys. Strategies as proposed by Joseph Driessan and the Lighthouse project formed the basis for discussion and teaching practice 2012 EOY Achievement data showed 72% of boys At/Above national standards in mathematics (55% at EOY 2011)

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

Self Review/ Reports

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Raising Student Achievement and Engagement

FROM TARGETS TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: Students achieve NCEA results that exceed national norms at NCEA Level 1 & 2
Goal A : Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement 3. Students achieve NCEA results that exceed national norms at NCEA Level 1 & 2


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Form Dean Managemen t Team Careers Advisor

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports All staff in the senior syndicate took a constructive and ongoing role in the shaping of courses relative to the career and learning pathway of individual students. All of our 2012 Yr13 students have tertiary pathways in 2013
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

Annually aim to have NCEA Level 1 & 2 pass rates that exceed national norms

4. Thorough course approval process based on career and learning pathways 5. Individualised programmes that meet individual needs

Whole Year

9. Course approval involves: Management Team Teacher Careers Advisor Student Parent 10.Success tracked throughout year any barriers identified 11.Support given to prepare for externals


Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Raising Student Achievement and Engagement

FROM GOAL TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: To raise student engagement

Goal A: Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement Goal B : Goals that focus on curriculum delivery, support programmes, community partnership and teacher development: 1. To enhance the positive community perception of our school


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity John, Pauline, Rob, Homeroom Teacher, Linda Howell (careers)

Budg et $2400 Teach er Releas e

Self Review/ Reports

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do Barriers to Learning process in place with twice yearly review of all students. Personalized Learning Plans were put in place for students Yr0 10 who were identified as not achieving or at risk of not achieving This involved teacher/parent/pupil in a goal setting/review process. Feedback has been very positive. A very clear next-steps reporting process is the next tier for Yr0-8 students. This practice needs to be extended more fully in Yr9-13 For Next Steps see 2013 Annual Plan

Regular three-way conferencing between students, parents and teachers take place for students in Year 7-10

At risk Yr 7/8 students, all Yr 9/10 students to have IEP/Personalised learning plan created in consultation with parents; Developing the concept of career and learning pathways

Review process established/linked with reporting process good attendance at conferences Positive feedback from all parties Positive lift in student achievement and engagement noted

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Raising Student Achievement and Engagement

FROM GOAL TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: To raise student engagement

Goal A: Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement Goal B : Goals that focus on curriculum delivery, support programmes, community partnership and teacher development: 2. To implement teaching practices that will lift levels of student engagement.


Durati on

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Pauline

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports Weekly syndicate meetings included: co-construction of curriculum, sharing planning, sharing best practice, peer review, moderation and OTJs
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

That whole-curriculum collaborative planning is implemented across junior school syndicates

Continue to Whole strengthen current Year practices within Junior Syndicate

Planning and ideas shared and discussed at Junior Syndicate

Goal A: Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement Goal B : Goals that focus on curriculum delivery, support programmes, community partnership and teacher development: 2. To implement teaching practices that will lift levels of student engagement.


Durati on

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Managemen t Team

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports Students across the school had input into the review of uniform. Senior school students helped shape both sport and LEOTC programmes . There are many avenues of student voice to explore in 2013
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

That students interests are identified and feed into the schools planning process

Consult students on a Whole range of formal Year matters: uniform, sports programme, safety , cell phone policy, as well as matters raised by students

Feedback gained on: Student well being and safety Uniform Sports programme Information Technology

Goal A: Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement Goal B : Goals that focus on curriculum delivery, support programmes, community partnership and teacher development: 2. To implement teaching practices that will lift levels of student engagement.


Durati on

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Pauline Susan Teaching Staff Year 0-10

Budg et $2400 teache r relief for moder ation in absen ce of Jumbo Day

Self Review/ Reports Teachers in Yr0 -8 engaged in ongoing PD focused on moderation and OTJs including a Jumbo Day Next Steps are now a core part of the planning and reporting process throughout the school.
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

That consistent assessment practices and systems are implemented across the school including: Data interpretation Application of data through the inquiry process at class, group and individual level

Identify and prioritise Term 1 the use of assessment tools that are both formative and summative; and will best inform overall teacher judgments (OTJs) in relation to national Whole standards. Year Engage in moderation processes that provide professional reassurance

assessment plan for year developed Teachers assured about their judgments next step teaching and learning plans documented and shared with students and parents

Goal A: Goals that focus on improving student learning and achievement Goal B : Goals that focus on curriculum delivery, support programmes, community partnership and teacher development: 2. To implement teaching practices that will lift levels of student engagement.


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports

Our Yr12/13 students proved to be excellent role models positively taking up leadership opportunities through all of the following: Head studentship, BOT rep, School Council, CDC Youth Council, MAD, Kepler Challenge, NZAS Leadership, NZAS Sport, ANZAC Day, Class Act, Bellview and more As role models these senior students set a great example which in turn meant younger students stepped up within their class acting responsibly and taking leadership roles. Job descriptions for a number of student leadership roles were coconstructed. Ongoing recognition and acknowledgement was made through assemblies, prize giving, newsletters, community forums. Yr12/13 students won a significant Trust Power award for voluntary contribution to community. 2012 marked ten years involvement with

To identify students with leadership ability and provide opportunities for these students to lead across the school

Share with students opportunities and expectations for leadership Clarify through job description the roles of student leaders Leadership roles clearly visible throughout school community

*Students ready to Managemen $500 undertake t Team leadership roles *Students coconstruct job descriptions *Students leaders profiled in newsletter. *Given public opportunities to fulfill their role, acknowledged * Opportunities should include but are not limited to Head Students, School Council, CDC Youth Council, Area Schools Leadership, Student BOT member, Class Act

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL 2012 2014 Strategic Goalsin review Continue the development of our school curriculum

Current Position: Professional Development for teachers has focused upon: Teaching as Inquiry, Key Competencies and the place of our school vision and values in the curriculum. The aim of this professional development was to create consistencies and strengthen curriculum delivery across the school. Translation into practice by individual teachers, syndicates and departments will need monitoring and supporting. Goals: To To To To
support teachers to translate new pedagogy into practice further develop a quality learning community that meets collective and individual needs for Professional Development link Professional Development to the goals of the schools strategic plan seek feedback from both students and the parent community on the school curriculum and ensure their voice is evidenced within it

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Continue the development of school curriculum

FROM GOAL TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: To develop a quality learning community

Goal D: Goals that focus on curriculum delivery and teacher development

1. Further develop a school curriculum in line with New Zealand Curriculum



Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Managemen t Team

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports Unit Plan templates were further refined to constructively include all elements of teaching as inquiry as well as connecting to our school vision through KCs, Values and Principles. Appraisal processes reviewed effective pedagogy acknowledging evidence of T as I in practice in classrooms
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

To see Teaching as Inquiry evidenced in all planning To see the development of key competencies prioritised in all teaching and learning

1. Syndicated meetings to become a forum in which planning and reflection are regularly shared with feedback given 2. Appraisal process focuses on teacher planning

1. Teachers at ease with Teaching as inquiry, comfortable with sharing and peer review 2. Appraisal process positively acknowledge s evidence

Term 1 Term 2

Susan Holgate (mentoring)

Goal D:

Goals that focus on curriculum delivery and teacher development

1. Further develop a school curriculum in line with New Zealand Curriculum



Durati on

Why / how do we know?


Responsibi lity

Budg et

Professional development is liked to Strategic Plan

1. PD in Te Reo Whole Maori, Tikanga Year continues through 2012 2. PD in use of data/moderatio n/ OTJ continues in 2012 (National Standards) 3. PD re strategies for teaching boys, Maori initiated in 2012

1. Teachers Tash gain skills and knowledge programmes more evident in classrooms 2. Teachers comfortable/ competent in making OTJs 3. Teachers include strategies in planning and teaching

Pauline/Juni or Syndicate

John & Rob Susan (mentoring)

Whole staff and syndicate PD was based around: 1)Te Reo and Tikanga Maori 2) Best practice teaching and learning for our identified priority students; boys and Maori. These was ongoing throughout 2012

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

Self Review/ Reports

Junior syndicate teachers focused on moderation, whilst senior syndicate teachers focused on alignment of standards.

Goal D:

Goals that focus on curriculum delivery and teacher development

1. Further develop a school curriculum in line with New Zealand Curriculum



Durati on Term 1 and Term 2

Why / how do we know?


Responsibi lity

Budg et

Curriculum concepts, ideas, overview is shared with community and students Feedback and feed forward sought

Newsletter used as a forum Parent evening used as a forum Extended form times used as a forum

Parents, community John and students feel they have voice with regard school curriculum

Articles on aspects of curriculum were regularly featured in the school newsletter

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

Self Review/ Reports

Parent forums in 2012 focused on the promotion of the senior school and successes therein.

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL 2012 2014 Strategic Goalsin review Promote the place of Te Reo Maori and Tikanga in Our School
Current Position:
Having recognized this as an area for development in 2011 staff: Engaged in professional development in Te Reo Constructed delivery plans Hosted a Matariki day that involved the community and sought feedback Reviewed the place of Te Reo and Tikanga in their classroom Began to raise the profile of Maori within the school

Goals: Establish effective practices for constructive consultation with our Maori community Tikanga and Te Reo Maori is positively reflected in school and class environments and within classroom programmes Engage in professional development and school improvement programmes such as Ka Hikitia to continue to build teacher skills and knowledge Focus on and raise the achievement of Maori students working closely with parents and whanau

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012 Strategic Goal: Promote the place of Tikanga and Te Reo Maori in our school

FROM GOAL TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: To develop a quality learning community (2012)

Goal B: Goals that focus on curriculum delivery, support programmes, community partnership and teacher development: 1. To enhance the place of Maori within our school


Durati on Jan/Feb 2012

Why / how do we know?


Responsibi lity Managemen t Team Tash Mikaere Staff Community

Budg et $2400 Releas e Teach er

Consultation with the schools Maori community takes place

Meet with Maori parents; share achievement data, share delivery programmes and seek feedback

Feedback gained from parents ideas generated indicating the Maori community ideas for strengthening Tikanga and Te Reo Maori: Commitment to future involvement/help/fu ture meeting planned

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do A very well attended meeting/hui was held. Achievement of Maori was discussed and goals agreed upon Te Reo and Tikanga Maori programs were discussed with support offered as well as commitment to further discussion and input.

Self Review/ Reports

Goal B: Goals that focus on curriculum delivery, support programmes, community partnership and teacher development: 1. To enhance the place of Maori within our school


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Managemen t Team Tash Mikaere Staff Community

Budg et $300 $500 For Hui

Self Review/ Reports

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do Teachers have effectively included Te Reo within their class programs growing their own and their students skills. Classrooms display elements of Te Reo and Tikanga Te Ao Maori Days have brought the whole school and community together in shared learning experiences.

That Tikanga and Te Reo Maori is reflected in each classrooms environment and programme

Use feedback/feed forward from Hui to review the delivery plans and strengthen Te Reo Maori programme

Strong evidence within classroom/school activities/newsletter of Te Reo Maori and Tikanga. Students engaging positively and gaining skills and knowledge

That all teachers will visit Maori parents to discuss their childs achievement and 2012 learning goals

Teacher, parent and pupil to draw up IEP using three way conferencing Lead teacher to guide staff through targeted PD; Te Reo, Tikanga, Ka Hikitia

Whole year

Process established and successful

Managemen $2400 Teachers met with parents and pupils and t Team put in place Personalized Classroom Learning Plans for Maori Teachers students. These have Tash Teaching Staff
helped involve parents more fully in school and have contributed positively to improved student achievement. Tash Mikaere planned and delivered very effective PD.

Tash to undertake PD in Ka Hikitia then lead staff PD

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL 2012 2014 Strategic Goalsin review Develop and strengthen self review practices within the school
Current Position:
The Board would like to stream line and be more assured in its self review practices: Strategic planning, annual planning, policy and procedure review, curriculum review, appraisal process

Goals: To have an overview and timeframe for all self review process To develop stronger links between strategic goals and self review to better inform future planning Further develop and refine staff appraisal practices that are timely, linked to strategic goals and personal professional development, transparent, proactive and productive Curriculum reviews to reflect big picture, to be linked to strategic goals and inform board of future needs e.g. professional development, student support, resourcing

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Develop and strengthen self review

FROM TARGETS TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: To implement effective school operation systems

Goal C: Goals the focus on implementing effective school operations systems (eg Personnel Issues, Financial and Resource Management)


Durati on Term 1

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity John

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports Curriculum Review timetable adopted in Term1 and followed throughout year
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

1. The Board through the principal has a single document/timetable covering all areas of self review 2. The Board maintains timetable and records of self review process: Strategic Plan/Charter Annual Plan Policy and Procedure

Principal to oversee creation of timetable

Timetable adopted March/April

In consultation with Board and other stakeholders the Principal drafts annual documents and submits for approval at December meeting. Ongoing NAG based review of Policy and Procedure

Term 1 2012

Draft review and plans adopted at December BOT meeting

John Victoria Crawford BOT

Strategic Plan and Annual Plan reviewed in January/February and adopted Policy and Procedure review completed Term 4 with alterations to be processed/adopted

Goal C: Goals the focus on implementing effective school operations systems (eg Personnel Issues, Financial and Resource Management)


Durati on

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity BOT Managemen t Team Staff

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports Timetable adapted/adopted Term 1

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

3. 1. The Board and Teaching Staff timetable curriculum review.

1. Timetable adopted Whole at February meeting. year All curriculum areas reviewed annually. 2. HOD and TIC 2. Curriculum review prepare plain English to look at big review and forward to picture and provides Board such information that allows the Board to make future strategic decisions

Curriculum reviews provided prior to monthly meetings HOD to present and respond to questions Findings can be used for future strategic planning aimed at meeting needs of pupils

Quality big picture information was provided by HODs/TICs to BOT. Data from reviews used to inform teaching programs, as well as learning support for individuals

Goal C: Goals the focus on implementing effective school operations systems (eg Personnel Issues, Financial and Resource Management)


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Managemen t Team Teachers

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports The majority of staff meetings were successfully used for whole school PD based around school goals and targets: teaching as inquiry NZC review of achievement data Te Reo and Tikanga Maori Diary entries were shared at syndicate meetings in relation to both PD and reviewing individual learners
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

4. That all PLD meetings include reflection against the schools targets and outcomes and refer to the school charter and strategic plan

Information/data is shared on student achievement in relation to targets at whole school and/or syndicate review at least once a month

Evidence of traction or ongoing barriers Strategies revisited

5. That all teaching staff maintain a professional journal of self-reflection which is discussed at regularly scheduled professional supervision

Ideas about journals discussed Exemplars shared Regular time slot at meetings on agenda

Whole Year

Teachers see and value purpose Synergies achieved Solutions found Feedback given

Managemen t Team Staff

Goal C: Goals the focus on implementing effective school operations systems (eg Personnel Issues, Financial and Resource Management)


Durati on

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Managemen t Team Pauline Rob

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports A vastly improved appraisal system was put in place to support and provide feedback/feed forward to teachers. Appraisal system refined to include registered teacher criteria All teachers were responsible for the development and review of PLPs. Best practice was a big part of PD and evidence of this formed a major part of appraisal
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

6. That all teaching staff receive regular feedback on their work, including the identification of professional goals and next steps

A robust and Whole transparent appraisal Year system is in place February 2012. The process will ensure term by term feedback to teachers based on their professional goals and school wide goals Strategic goals for student achievement and data will be evidenced in the appraisal process Whole Year

All parties find appraisal process constructive All parties find appraisal system professional Professional goals established for 2013

7. Student engagement and achievement data is included in the schools performance management system

Teachers demonstrate awareness of strategic goals and are able to show through their teaching improvements in student achievement and engagement relative to these

Managemen t Team Pauline Rob

Goal C: Goals the focus on implementing effective school operations systems (eg Personnel Issues, Financial and Resource Management)


Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity All parties

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports Aligning documentation to strategic has begun with a review of curriculum documents underway.
Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

8. That the schools documentation is aligned with the schools charter and strategic plan

Aspects of and reference to the charter and strategic plan should be included in school documentation

Goals are not disparities but are aligned to the schools strategic plan

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL 2012 2014 Strategic Goalsin review Develop and strengthen IT capabilities across the school

Current Position: In terms of hardware and technical support we are well positioned as a school to move forward. We have a functioning network of computers, a pool of interactive whiteboards, SNUP, teacher laptops, video conferencing facilities and ready access to a technician. However in terms of personnel skills vary. In terms of integration of Information Technologies into classroom programmes there too is variance. The school lacks an overarching IT vision. Goals: Develop a vision for our school and students and their use of IT Carry out a stock take of resource Plan a professional development programme which focuses on both skills and pedagogy Develop a school website

LAWRENCE AREA SCHOOL Annual Plan 2012in review Strategic Goal: Develop and Strengthen IT capabilities across the school

FROM GOAL TO STRATEGIES/ACTIONS: Develop and Strengthen IT capabilities across the school
Goal: Develop and Strengthen IT capabilities across the school


Durati on Term 1 2012

Why / how do we know?


Responsibi lity Managemen t Team Jeff Howell Jon Vaudery Gillian May

Budg et

A. Carry out a stock take of IT resource and report strengths/weakness

Create a list of assets: Hardware Software Personnel Systems

A full list of resources is established This is evaluated using PMI or equivalent Reporting prepared for staff/BOT. A plan created for hardware A vision created that is aspiration but achievable within the confines of budget and resource

Physical resources reviewedformal plan, ads below, to be completed early in 2013

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

Self Review/ Reports

B. Develop a vision for IT within the school

Consult stakeholders; Term 2 Students, staff, 2012 parent community about what they want from IT, what they need from IT

Managemen t Team Gillian May

Completed and presented to BOT in Term4 under the leadership of Kris Watsonvision completed. Action Plan to be coconstructed early 2013


Develop and Strengthen IT capabilities across the school



Durati on Whole Year

Why / how do we know?

Responsibi lity Gillian May Jon Vaudery

Budg et

Self Review/ Reports

Where did we get to? What do we intend to do

C. Develop a school website

Research school websites to identify design that suits our school and communities needs for a website Research technicalities of design/upkeep

Other school web sites explored/evaluated Create website for school which reflects school vision and IT vision Website up and running 2012 Process of review/upgrading established PD targets needs of: School Individual Reviewed in December

$3000 Gillian May invested considerable time and effort in creating an exciting and informative school website/blog. 2013 focus will be to further refine/improve as well as develop awareness/use by parent community Support and PD delivered by College of Education personnel, quite specific and directed at individuals rather than school wide. Goal for 2013

D. Plan an effective long term PD programme for staff

Professional Whole development needs Year will vary for individuals. Create a multi tiered approach based on information gathered during stock take

Outside providers: College of Education Active Board Gillian May

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