Pak Codeiii
Pak Codeiii
Pak Codeiii
!J"#$%&' %(%#%)*+
F1)2 1882 $) 1834 5)$6 %*&7"#%('
(Modified up to the 2
August, 1984)
V)7. III
!J"#$%&' %(%#%)*+
T6' $6%18 '8%$%)* )9 Pa:%#$a* C)8' %# a* a$$'2;$ $) #";;7< %* a &)*('*%'*$ a*8
;1a&$%&a7 91)2 )9 a* ";-$)-8a$' a*8 a"$6'*$%& ('1#%)* )9 a77 $6' A&$# a*8 O18%*a*&'=-
!%+ 2a8' 5< $6' F'8'1a$%)* )* F'8'1a7 #"5>'&$#?
!%%+ 2a8' 5< $6' F'8'1a$%)* )* P1)(%*&%a7 #"5>'&$# a*8 a;;7%&a57' $) 5)$6 $6'
P1)(%*&'#? a*8
!%%%+ 2a8' 5< $6' P1)(%*&'# )* w6a$ a1' *)w F'8'1a7 #"5>'&$#.
I$ 1';7a&'# $6' #'&)*8 '8%$%)* )9 $6' Pa:%#$a* C)8' ;"57%#6'8 %* #'('*$''* ()7"2'#
&)('1%*@ $6' ;'1%)8 '*8%*@ )* $6' 23
F'51"a1<, 1341.
2. $6' <'a1# $6a$ %*$'1('*'8 #aw :a7'%8)#&);%& &6a*@' %* $6' ;)7%$%&a7, #)&%a7 a*8
'&)*)2%& #&'*'#. T6' 8%#2'25'12'*$ )9 )*' "*%$ %* $6' -'#$'1* -%*@ )9 $6' &)"*$1<, $6'
&1'a$%)* )9 .a*@7a8'#6 a*8 $6' '*a&$2'*$ )9 a *'w C)*#$%$"$%)* %* 1343, *'&'##%$a$'8
'A$'*#%(' 1';'a7#, a2'*82'*$# a*8 a8a;$a$%)*# )9 $6' 'A%#$%*@ 7aw# a*8 '*a&$2'*$ )9 *'w
7aw# a5)"$ ;)7%$%&a7, #)&%a7 a*8 '&)*)2%& 1'&)*#$1"&$%)*. T6' ;a@'# )9 $6' Pa:%#$a* C)8'
w6%&6 &)2;1%#'# $w'*$< ()7"2'# 1'97'&$ $6'#' &6a*@'#.
3. V'1< 7%$$7' 8';a1$"1' 6a# 5''* 2a8' %* $6' #$<7' )9 ;1%*$%*@ a*8 )$6'1 2a$'1
91)2 $6' Pa:%#$a* C)8' 7a#$ ;"57%#6'8. T6' #$a$"$'# 6a(' 5''* a11a*@'8 &61)*)7)@%&a77<
a*8 9))$-*)$'# ;1)(%8' 1'9'1'*&'# $) S$a$'2'*$# )9 O5>'&$# a*8 R'a#)*#, 1';)1$# )9 $6'
S'7'&$ C)22%$$''#, *)$%9%&a$%)*# 1'@a18%*@ &)22'*&'2'*$, 'A$'*#%)* a*8 a;;7%&a$%)* )9
$6' #$a$"$'#, a*8 $6' 1"7'# a*8 )18'1# 2a8' $6'1'"*8'1, a*8 a7#) %*8%&a$' $6' &6a*@'# 2a8'
5< #"5#'B"'*$ 7'@%#7a$%)*#.
C. T6' &61)*)7)@%&a7 $a57' a99%A'8 $) 'a&6 ()7"2' @%('# #6)1$ $%$7'# )9 $6'
"*1';'a7'8 #$a$"$'# )9 $6' ;'1%)8 &)('1'8 5< %$. A 51%'9 %*8'A 6a# 5''* a88'8 a$ $6' '*8 )9
'a&6 ()7"2' a*8 a &)*#)7%8a$'8 %*8'A a$ $6' '*8 )9 $6' 7a#$.
5. E('1< '99)1$ 6a# 5''* 2a8' $) 2a:' $6' $'A$ )9 $6' #$a$"$'# 91'' 91)2 '11)1.
."$ a# $6' ;1';a1a$%)* a*8 ;1%*$%*@ )9 $6' ()7"2'# 6a8 $) 5' 1"#6'8 $61)"@6 $) 2''$ $6'
"1@'*$ 8'2a*8 91)2 a77 B"a1$'1# 9)1 a* ";-$)-8a$' '8%$%)* )9 $6' #$a$"$'#, $6' ;)##%5%7%$< )9
#7%@6$ ;1%*$%*@ )1 &7'1%&a7 '11)1# &a**)$ 5' 1"7'8 )"$. I*$%2a$%)* )9 a*< '11)1 )1 )2%##%)*
w)"78 5' w'7&)2' a*8 ;1)2;$7< a$$'*8'8 $).
Ministry of Justice and
Parliaentary Affairs!
"ated, the 1#
$o%e&er, 198'!
A.O., 1937 .. .. .. for The Government of India (Adaptation of
Indian Laws Order, 1937, as modified !" the
Government of India (Adaptation of Indian
Laws #$pp%ementar" Order, 1937.
A.O., 1949 .. .. .. & The Adaptation of 'entra% A(ts and
Ordinan(es Order, 1949 (G.G.O. 4 of 1949.
A.O., 19)1 .. .. .. & The 'entra% Laws (Adaptation Order, 19)1
(*.O. 1 of 19)1.
A.O., 19)4 .. .. .. & The 'entra% Adaptation of Laws Order, 19)4
(*.O. 1 of 19)4.
Amdt. .. .. .. & Amendment.
Art. .. .. .. & Arti(%e.
Arts. .. .. .. & Arti(%es.
+om. .. .. .. & +om!a".
+rit. ,na(t., I.#. .. .. & +ritish ,na(tments in for(e to Indian #tates.
'h. .. .. .. & 'hapter.
'%(s. .. .. .. & '%a$se(s.
'o%%. #tat. Ind. .. .. .. & 'o%%e(tion of #tat$tes re%atin- to India.
,.t. .. .. .. & ,.traordinar".
/.A.O. 1970 .. .. .. & /edera% Adaptation of Laws Order, 1970 (*.O.
4 of 1970.
Ga1. of *. .. .. .. & Ga1ette of *a2istan.
Gen. 34O. .. .. .. & Genera% #tat$tor" 3$%es and Orders.
G.G. in '. .. .. .. & Governer Genera% in 'o$n(i%.
G.G.O. .. .. .. & Governer Genera%5s Order.
G.G. of India in '. .. .. & Governer Genera% of India in 'o$n(i%.
G. in '. .. .. .. & Governer in 'o$n(i%.
G. of I. .. .. .. & Governer in India.
Govt. .. .. .. & Government.
Ins. .. .. .. & Inserted.
L.G. .. .. .. & Lo(a% Government.
6. 7. /. *. .. .. .. & 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e.
Ord. .. .. .. & Ordinan(e.
*. .. .. .. for *a-e.
*p. .. .. .. & *a-es.
*t. .. .. .. & *art.
3. 4 O. .. .. .. & 3$%es and Orders.
3e-. .. .. .. & 3e-$%ation.
3ep. .. .. .. & 3epea%ed.
#. .. .. .. & #e(tion.
#s. .. .. .. & #e(tions.
#(h. .. .. .. & #(hed$%e.
#$!s. .. .. .. & #$!stit$ted.
C61)*)7)@%&a7 Ta57' )9 $6' U*1';'a7'8 C'*$1a7 A&$#, 1882-1834
#hort tit%e or #$!:e(t
1;;2 II
The Tr$st A(t, 1;;2
The Transfer of *ropert" A(t, 1;;2
The ,asements A(t, 1;;2
The *owers8of8Attorne" A(t, 1;;2
1;;3 >I> The Land Improvement Loans A(t, 1;;3 131
1;;4 I<
The ,.p%osives A(t, 1;;4
The A-ri($%t$rists5 Loans A(t, 1;;4
1;;0 >III
The Te%e-raph A(t, 1;;0
The Land A(?$isition (@ines A(t, 1;;0
1;;) <I
The +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es 3e-istration A(t, 1;;)
The Tramwa"s A(t, 1;;)
1;;7 <II
The #$its <a%$ation A(t, 1;;7
The *rovin(ia% #ma%% 'a$se 'o$rts A(t, 1;;7
1;;; III The *o%i(e A(t, 1;;; 232
1;;9 I
The @eta%s To2en A(t, 1;;9
The @eas$res of Len-th A(t, 1;;9
The @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;9
1;9= I
The 3even$e 3e(over" A(t, 1;9=
The 'harita!%e ,ndowments A(t, 1;9=
The G$ardians and 7ards A(t, 1;9=
The 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;9=
The *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s A(t, 1;9=
1;91 ><III The +an2er5s +oo2s ,viden(e A(t, 1;91 301
1;92 II
The @arria-es <a%idation A(t, 1;92
The Lansdowne +rid-e A(t, 1;92
The Government @ana-ement of *rivate ,states A(t, 1;92
1;93 III
The Government Tenants (6orth87est /rontier A(t, 1;93
The *artition A(t, 1;93
1;94 I
The Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;94
The *risons A(t, 1;94
1;90 >< The Government Grants A(t, 1;90 41=
1;9) >> The #indh In($m!ered ,states A(t, 1;9) 411
1;97 III
The ,pidemi( Aiseases A(t, 1;97
The /isheries A(t, 1;97
The 3eformator" #(hoo%s A(t, 1;97
The Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97
1. #hort tit%e.
Lo(a% e.tent.
2. COmitted.D
3. Interpretation (%a$se.
,.pressions .defined in A(t I> of 1;72.
4. Lawf$% p$rpose.
0. Tr$st of immovea!%e propert".
Tr$st of movea!%e propert".
). 'reation of tr$st.
7. 7ho ma" (reate tr$sts.
;. #$!:e(t of tr$st.
9. 7ho ma" !e !enefi(iar".
Ais(%aimer !" !enefi(iar".
1=. 7ho ma" !e tr$stee.
6o one !o$nd to a((ept tr$st.
A((eptan(e of tr$st.
Ais(%aimer of tr$st.
11. Tr$stee to e.e($te tr$st.
12. Tr$stee to inform himse%f of state of tr$st8propert".
13. Tr$stee to prote(t tit%e to tr$st8propert".
14. Tr$stee not to set $p tit%e adverse to !enefi(iar".
10. 'are re?$ired from tr$stee.
1). 'onversion of perisha!%e propert".
17. Tr$stee to !e impartia%.
1;. Tr$stee to prevent waste.
19. A((o$nts and information.
2=. Investment of tr$st8mone".
2=A. *ower to p$r(hase redeema!%e sto(2 at a premi$m.
21. @ort-a-e of %and p%ed-ed to Government $nder A(t >><I of 1;71.
Aeposit in Government #avin-s +an2.
22. #a%e !" tr$stee dire(ted to se%% within spe(ified time.
23. Lia!i%it" for !rea(h of tr$st.
24. 6o set8off a%%owed to tr$stee.
20. 6on8%ia!i%it" for prede(essor5s defa$%t.
2). 6on8%ia!i%it" for (o8tr$stee5s defa$%t.
Eoinin- in re(eipt for (onformit".
27. #evera% %ia!i%it" of (o8tr$stees.
'ontri!$tion as !etween (o8tr$stees.
2;. 6on8%ia!i%it" of tr$stee pa"in- witho$t noti(e, of transfer !" !enefi(iar".
29. Lia!i%it" of tr$stee where !enefi(iar"5s interest is forfeited to the Government.
3=. Indemnit" of tr$stees.
31. 3i-ht to tit%e8deed.
32. 3i-ht to reim!$rsement of e.penses.
3i-ht to !e re(o$ped for erroneo$s over8pa"ment.
33. 3i-ht to indemnit" from -ainer !" !rea(h of tr$st.
34. 3i-ht to app%" to 'o$rt for opinion in mana-ement of tr$st8propert".
30. 3i-ht to sett%ement of a((o$nts.
3). Genera% a$thorit" of tr$stee.
37. *ower to se%% in %ots, and either !" p$!%i( a$(tion or private (ontra(t.
3;. *ower to se%% $nder spe(ia% (onditions.
*ower to !$" in and re8se%%.
Time a%%owed for se%%in- tr$st8propert".
39. *ower to (onve".
4=. *ower to var" investments.
41. *ower to app%" propert" of minors, et(., for their maintenan(e, et(.
42. *ower to -ive re(eipts.
43. *ower to (ompo$nd, et(.
44. *ower to severa% tr$stees of whom one dis(%aims or dies.
40. #$spension of tr$stee5s powers !" de(ree.
4). Tr$stee (annot reno$n(e after a((eptan(e.
47. Tr$stee (annot de%e-ate.
4;. 'o8tr$stees (annot a(t sin-%".
49. 'ontro% of dis(retionar" power.
0=. Tr$stee ma" not (har-e for servi(es.
01. Tr$stee ma" not $se tr$st8propert" for his own profit.
02. Tr$stee for sa%e or his a-ent ma" not !$".
03. Tr$stee ma" not !$" !enefi(iar"5s interest witho$t permission.
Tr$stee for p$r(hase.
04. 'o8tr$stees ma" not %end to one of themse%ves.
00. 3i-hts to rents and profits.
0). 3i-ht to spe(ifi( e.e($tion.
3i-ht to transfer of possession.
07 . 3i-ht to inspe(t and ta2e (opies of instr$ment of tr$st, a((o$nts, et(.
0;. 3i-ht to transfer !enefi(ia% interest.
09. 3i-ht to s$e for e.e($tion of tr$st.
)=. 3i-ht to proper tr$stees.
)1. 3i-ht to (ompe% to an" a(t of d$t".
)2. 7ron-f$% p$r(hase !" tr$stee.
)3. /o%%owin- tr$st8propert"BB
into the hands of third personsF
into that into whi(h it has !een (onverted.
)4. #avin- of ri-hts of (ertain transferees.
)0. A(?$isition by tr$stee of tr$st8propert" wron-f$%%" (onverted.
)). 3i-ht in (ase of !%ended propert".
)7. 7ron-f$% emp%o"ment !" partner8tr$stee of tr$st propert" for partnership p$rposes.
);. Lia!i%it" of !enefi(iar" :oinin- in !rea(h of tr$st.
)9. 3i-hts and %ia!i%ities of !enefi(iar"5s transferee.
7=. Offi(e how va(ated.
71. Ais(har-e of tr$stee.
72. *etition to !e dis(har-ed from tr$st.
73. Appointment of new tr$stees on death, et(.
74. Appointment !" 'o$rt.
3$%es for se%e(tin- new tr$stees.
70. <estin- of tr$st8propert" in new tr$stees.
*owers of new tr$stees.
7). #$rviva% of tr$sts.
77. Tr$st how e.tin-$ished.
7;. 3evo(ation of tr$st.
79. 3evo(ation not to defeat what tr$stees have d$%" done.
;=. 7here o!%i-ation in nat$re of tr$st is (reated.
;1. 7here it does not appear that transferor intended to dispose of !enefi(ia% interest.
;2. Transfer to one for (onsideration paid !" another.
;3. Tr$st in(apa!%e of e.e($tion or e.e($ted witho$t e.ha$stin- tr$st8propert".
;4. Transfer for i%%e-a% p$rpose.
;0. +e?$est for i%%e-a% p$rpose.
+e?$est of whi(h revo(ation is prevented !" (oer(ion.
;). Transfer p$rs$ant to res(inda!%e (ontra(t.
;7. Ae!tor !e(omin- (reditor5s representative.
;;. Advanta-e -ained !" fid$(iar".
;9. Advanta-e -ained !" of $nd$e inf%$en(e.
9=. Advanta-e -ained !" ?$a%ified owner.
91. *ropert" a(?$ired with noti(e of e.istin- (ontra(t.
92. *$r(hase !" person (ontra(tin- to !$" propert" to !e he%d on tr$st.
93. Advanta-e se(ret%" -ained !" one of severa% (ompo$ndin- (reditors.
94. 'onstr$(tive tr$sts in (ases not" provided for.
90. O!%i-or5s d$ties, %ia!i%ities and disa!i%ities.
9). #avin- of ri-hts of bona fide p$r(hasers.
ACT N). II OF 1882
C13th January, 1;;2D
A* A&$ $) 8'9%*' a*8 a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) P1%(a$' T1"#$# a*8 T1"#$''#.
P1'a257'. 7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to define and amend the %aw re%atin- to private tr$sts and
tr$steesF it is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsHI
1. S6)1$ $%$7', C)22'*&'2'*$.DThis A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
J Tr$sts A(t. 1;;2F and it
sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of @ar(h, 1;;2.
L)&a7 'A$'*$. Sa(%*@#.
CIt e.tends to
Cthe who%e of *a2istan.D. +$t nothin- herein (ontained
affe(ts the r$%es of
C@$s%imD %aw as to waqf, or the m$t$a% re%ations of the mem!ers of an
$ndivided fami%" as determined !" an" ($stomar" or persona% %aw, or app%ies to p$!%i( or private
re%i-io$s or (harita!%e endowments, or to tr$sts to distri!$te pri1es ta2en in war amon- the
(aptorsF and nothin- in the se(ond 'hapter of this A(t app%ies to tr$sts (reated !efore the said
2. Ce!ea" of ena#tment$.D Omitted !" the %edera" Law$ &e'i$ion and De#"aration(
Ordinan#e, 19;1 &))*++ of 19;1, s. 3 and S#h. ++.
3. I*$'1;1'$a$%)* &7a"#'. E$1"#$F. A &tr$stK is an o!%i-ation anne.ed to the ownership of
propert", and arisin- o$t of a (onfiden(e reposed in and a((epted !" the owner, or de(%ared and
a((epted !" him, for the !enefit of another, or of another and the ownerH
Ea"$6)1 )9 $6' $1"#$F= E$1"#$''F= E5'*'9%&%a1<F= E$1"#$ ;1);'1$<F= the person who reposes or
de(%ares the (onfiden(e is (a%%ed the &a$thor of the tr$stKH the person who a((epts the (onfiden(eH
is (a%%ed the &tr$steeKH the person for whose !enefit the (onfiden(e is a((epted is (a%%ed the
&!enefi(iar"K the s$!:e(t matter of the tr$st is (a%%edK tr$st8propert"K or tr$st8mone"K the
&!enefi(ia% interestK or &interestK of the !enefi(iar" is his ri-ht
/or 3eport of the Indian Law 'ommission on the *rivate Tr$sts +i%% whi(h the" were instr$(ted to (onsider amon- others, $ee Ga1ette of India,
1;;=, #$pp%ement, p. 1=4, and for the #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;=, *t. <, p. 47) F for report of the #e%e(t
'ommittee, $ee ibid.. #$pp%ement, 1;;1, p. 7)) F for f$rther 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., #$pp%ement, 1;;2, p. )7 F for *ro(eedin-s
in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., #$pp%ement, 1;;1, p. );7 F and ibid. #$pp%ement, 1;;2, p. );.
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain
modifi(ationsF and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6. 7./.*. other than *h$Iera with effe(t from s$(h date and s$!:e(t
to s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified,$ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
The word &IndianK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. ibid., for the first senten(e of this para-raph, as amended !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s.3 and 2nd #(h., forK a%% the *rovin(eK &with effect from the 1-th
O#tober, 1900.
#$!s. !" /. A. =., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for .@$hammadanK.
E5'*'9%&%a7 %*$'1'#$F? E%*#$1"2'*$ )9 $1"#$F a-ainst the tr$stee as owner of the tr$st8propert"F
and the instr$ment, if an", !" whi(h the tr$st is de(%ared is (a%%ed the &instr$ment of tr$stKH
E51'a&6 )9 $1"#$''F= a !rea(h of an" d$t" imposed on a tr$stee, as s$(h, !" an" %aw for the time
!ein- in for(e, is (a%%ed a &!rea(h of tr$stKH
E1'@%#$'1'8F= and in this A(t, $n%ess there !e somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,
&re-isteredK means re-istered $nder the %aw for the re-istration of do($ments for the time !ein-
in for(eH
E*)$%&'F. a person is said to haveK noti(eK of a fa(t either when he a(t$a%%" 2nows that fa(t, or
when, !$t for wi%f$% a!stention from in?$ir" or -ross ne-%i-en(e, he wo$%d have 2nown it, or
when information of the fa(t is -iven to or o!tained !" his a-ent, $nder the (ir($mstan(es
mentioned in the 'ontra(t A(t, 1;72, se(tion 229F
EA;1'##%)*# 8'9%*'8 %* A&$ I/ )9 1842. and a%% e.pressions $sed herein and defined in the
'ontra(t A(t, 1;72, sha%% !e deemed to have the meanin-s respe(tive%" attri!$ted to them !" that
C. Law9"7 ;"1;)#'. A tr$st ma" !e (reated for an" %awf$% p$rpose. The p$rpose of a tr$st
is %awf$% $n%ess it is &a( for!idden !" %aw, or &b( is of s$(h a nat$re that, if permitted, it wo$%d
defeat the provisions of an" %aw, or &#( is fra$d$%ent, or &d( invo%ves or imp%ies in:$r" to the
person or propert" of another, or &e( the 'o$rt re-ards it as immora% or opposed to p$!%i( po%i(".
,ver" tr$st of whi(h the p$rpose is $n%awf$% is void. And where a tr$st i$ (reated for two
p$rposes, of whi(h one is %awf$% and the other $n%awf$%, and the two p$rposes (annot !e
separated, the who%e tr$st is void.
E/!"anation.,In this se(tion the e.pression &%awK in(%$des. where the tr$st propert" is
immovea!%e and sit$ate in a forei-n (o$ntr", the %aw or s$(h (o$ntr".
&a( A (onve"s propert" to + in tr$st to app%" the profits to the n$rt$re of fema%e
fo$nd%in-s to !e trained $p as prostit$tes. The tr$st is void.
&b( A !e?$eaths propert" to + in tr$st to emp%o" it in (arr"in- on a sm$--%in-
!$siness, and o$t of the profits thereof to s$pport AMs (hi%dren. The tr$st is void.
&#( A, whi%e in inso%vent (ir($mstan(es, transfers propert" to + in tr$st for A d$rin-
his %ife, and after his death for +. A is de(%ared an inso%vent. The tr$st for A is inva%id as
a-ainst his (reditor.
5. T1"#$ )9 %22)('a57' ;1);'1$<. 6o tr$st in re%ation to immovea!%e propert" is va%id
$n%ess de(%ared !" a non8testamentar" instr$ment in writin- si-ned !" the a$thor of the tr$st or
the tr$stee and re-istered, or !" the wi%% of the a$thor of the tr$st or of the tr$stee.
I> of 1;72
T1"#$ )9 2)('a57' ;1);'1$<. 6o tr$st in re%ation to movea!%e propert" is va%id $n%ess
de(%ared as aforesaid, or $n%ess the ownership of the propert" is transferred to the tr$stee.
These r$%es do not app%" where the" wo$%d operate so as to effe(t$ate a fra$d.
G. C1'a$%)* )9 $1"#$. #$!:e(t to the provisions of se(tion 0, a tr$st is (reated when the
a$thor of the tr$st indi(ates with reasona!%e (ertaint" !" an" words or a(ts &a( an intention on his
part to (reate there !" a tr$st, &b( the p$rpose of the tr$st, &#( the !enefi(iar", and &d( the tr$st8
propert", and ($n%ess the tr$st is de(%ared !" wi%% or the a$thor of the tr$st is himse%f to !e the
tr$stee transfers the tr$st propert" to the tr$stee.
&a( A !e?$eaths (ertain propert" to +, &havin- the f$%%est (onfiden(e that he wi%% dispose of it for
the !enefit of 'K. This (reates a tr$st so far as re-ards A and '.
&b(A !e?$eaths (ertain propert" to +, &hopin- he wi%% (ontin$e it in the fami%"K. This does not
(reate a tr$st, as the !enefi(iar" is not indi(ated with reasona!%e (ertaint".
&#( A !e?$eaths (ertain propert" to +, re?$estin- him to distri!$te it amon- s$(h mem!ers of '5s
fami%" as + sho$%d thin2 most deservin-. This does not (reate a tr$st, for the !enefi(iaries are not
indi(ated with reasona!%e (ertaint".
&d( A !e?$eaths (ertain propert" to +, desirin- him to divide the !$%2 of it amon- C0$ (hi%dren.
This does not (reate a tr$st, for the tr$st8propert" is not indi(ated with s$ffi(ient (ertaint".
&e( A !e?$eaths a shop and sto(28in8trade to +, on (ondition that he pa"s AMs de!ts and a %e-a("
to '. This is a (ondition, not a tr$st for A5s (reditors and '. .
4. -6) 2a< &1'a$' $1"#$#. A tr$st ma" !e (reatedI
(a !" ever" person (ompetent to (ontra(t
, and
(! with the permission of a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion, !" or on
!eha%f of a minor F
!$t s$!:e(t in ea(h (ase to the %aw for the time !ein- in for(e as to the (ir($mstan(es and
e.tent in and to whi(h the a$thor of the tr$st ma" dispose of the tr$st propert".
8. S"5>'&$ )9 $1"#$. The s$!:e(t8matter of a tr$st m$st !e propert" transfera!%e to the
It m$st not !e mere%" !enefi(ia% interest $nder a s$!sistin- tr$st.
3. -6) 2a< 5' 5'*'9%&%a1<. ,ver" person (apa!%e of ho%din- propert" ma" !e a !e8
%#&7a%2'1 5< 5'*'9%&%a1<. A proposed !enefi(iar" ma" reno$n(e his interest
$nder the tr$st !" dis(%aimer addressed to the tr$stee, or !" settin- $p, with noti(e of the tr$st, a
(%aim in(onsistent therewith.
See se(tion 11 of the 'ontra(t A(t, 1;72 (9 of 1;72.
10. -6) 2a< 5' $1"#$''. ,ver" person (apa!%e of ho%din- propert" ma" !e a tr$steeF
!$t, where the tr$st invo%ves the of dis(retion, he (annot e.e($te it $n%ess he is
(ompetent to (ontra(t.
N) )*' 5)"*8 $) a&&';$ $1"#$. 6o one is !o$nd to a((ept a tr$st.
A&&';$a*&' )9 $1"#$. A tr$st is a((epted !" an" words or a(ts of the tr$stee indi(atin-
with reasona!%e (ertaint" s$(h a((eptan(e.
%#&7a%2'1 )9 $1"#$. Instead of a((eptin- a tr$st, the intended tr$stee ma", within a
reasona!%e period, dis(%aim it, and s$(h dis(%aimer sha%% prevent the tr$st8propert" from vestin-
in him.
A dis(%aimer !" one of two or more (o8tr$stees vests the tr$st8propert" in the other or
others, and ma2es him or them so%e tr$stee or tr$stees from the date of the (reation of the tr$st.
&a( A !e?$eaths (ertain propert" to + and ', his e.e($tors, as tr$stees for A, +and ' prove A5s
wi%%. This is in itse%f an a((eptan(e of the tr$st, and + and ' ho%d the propert" in tr$st for A.
&b( A transfers (ertain propert" to + in tr$st to se%% it and to pa" o$t of the pro(eeds A5s de!ts. +
a((epts the tr$st and se%%s the propert". #o far as re-ards +, a tr$st of the pro(eeds is (reated for
A5s (reditors.
&#( A !e?$eaths a %a2h of r$pees to + $pon (ertain tr$sts and appoints him his e.e($tor. + severs
the %a2h from the -enera% assets and appropriates it to the spe(ifi( p$rpose. This is an a((eptan(e
of the tr$st.
11. T1"#$'' $) 'A'&"$' $1"#$.DThe tr$stee is !o$nd to f$%fi% the p$rpose of the tr$st,
and to o!e" the dire(tions of the a$thor of the tr$st -iven at the time of its (reation, e.(ept as
modified !" the (onsent of a%% the !enefi(iaries !ein- (ompetent to (ontra(t.
7here the !enefi(iar" is in(ompetent to (ontra(t, his (onsent ma", for the p$rposes of this
se(tion, !e -iven !" a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to re?$ire a tr$stee to o!e" an" dire(tion when to do so
wo$%d !e impra(ti(a!%e, i%%e-a% or manifest%" in:$rio$s to the !enefi(iaries.
E/!"anation.,Ln%ess a (ontrar" intention !e e.pressed, the p$rpose of a tr$st for the pa"ment of
de!ts sha%% !e deemed to !e &a( to pa" on%" the de!ts of the a$thor of the tr$st e.istin- and
re(overa!%e at the date of the instr$ment of tr$st, or, when s$(h instr$ment is a wi%%, at the date of
his death, and &b( in the ease of de!ts not !earin- interest, to ma2e s$(h pa"ment witho$t
&a( A, a tr$stee, is simp%" a$thori1ed to se%% (ertain %and !" p$!%i( a$(tion. Ge (annot
se%% the %and !" private (ontra(t.
&b( A, a tr$stee of (ertain %and for >, 9 and N, is a$thori1ed to se%% the %and to + for a
spe(ified s$m >, 9 and N, !ein- (ompetent to (ontra(t, (onsent that A ma" se%% the %and to ' for
a %ess s$m. A ma" se%% the %and a((ordin-%".
&#( A, a tr$stee for + and her (hi%dren, is dire(ted !" the a$thor of the tr$st to %end,
on +5s re?$est, tr$st8propert" to +5s h$s!and, ', on the se($rit" of his !ond. ' !e(omes
inso%vent and + re?$ests A to ma2e the %oan. A ma" ref$se to ma2e it.
12. T1"#$'' $) %*9)12 6%2#'79 )9 #$a$' )9 $1"#$ ;1);'1$<. A tr$stee is !o$nd to
a(?$aint himse%f, as soon as possi!%e, with the nat$re and (ir($mstan(es of the tr$st8propert"F to
o!tain, where ne(essar", a transfer of the tr$st8propert" to himse%fF and (s$!:e(t to the provisions
of the instr$ment of tr$st to -et in tr$st8mone"s invested on ins$ffi(ient or ha1ardo$s se($rit".
&a( The tr$st8propert" is a de!t o$tstandin- on persona% se($rit". The instr$ment of tr$st
-ives the tr$stee no dis(retionar" power to %eave the de!t so o$tstandin-. The tr$stee5s d$t" is to
re(over the de!t witho$t $nne(essar" de%a".
&b( The tr$st8propert" is mone" in the hands of one of two (o8tr$stees. 6o dis(retionar"
power is -iven !" the instr$ment of tr$st. The other (otr$stee m$st not a%%ow the former to retain
the mone" for a %on-er period than the (ir($mstan(es of the (ase re?$ired.
13. T1"#$'' $) ;1)$'&$ $%$7' $) $1"#$ ;1);'1$<. A tr$stee is !o$nd to maintain and defend
a%% s$(h s$its, and (s$!:e(t to the provisions of the instr$ment of tr$st to ta2e s$(h other steps as,
re-ard !ein- had to the nat$re and amo$nt or va%$e of the tr$st8propert", ma" !e reasona!%"
re?$isite for the preservation of the tr$st8propert" and the assertion or prote(tion of the tit%e
The tr$st8propert" is immovea!%e propert" whi(h has !een -iven to the a$thor of the tr$st !" an
$nre-istered instr$ment. #$!:e(t to the provisions of the
Indian 3e-istration A(t, 1;77, the
tr$stee5s d$t" is to (a$se the instr$ment to !e re-istered.
1C. T1"#$'' *)$ $) #'$ "; $%$7' a8('1#' $) 5'*'9%&%a1<. The tr$stee m$st not for himse%f
or another set $p or aid an" tit%e to the tr$st8propert" adverse to the interest of the !enefi(iar".
15. Ca1' 1'B"%1'8 91)2 $1"#$''. A tr$stee is !o$nd to dea% with the tr$st8propert" as
(aref$%%" as a man of ordinar" pr$den(e wo$%d dea% with s$(h propert" if it were his ownF and, in
the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", a tr$stee so dea%in- is not responsi!%e for the %oss,
destr$(tion or deterioration of the tr$st8propert".
&a( A, %ivin- in
CLahoreD is a tr$stee for +, %ivin- in
COara(hiD. A remits tr$st f$nds to +
!" !i%%s drawn !" a person of $ndo$!ted (redit in favo$r of the tr$stee as s$(h, and pa"a!%e at
COara(hiD. The !i%%s8are dishono$red. A is not !o$nd to ma2e -ood the %oss.
See now the 3e-istration A(t, 19=; (1) of 19=;.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'hitta-on-K, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" the 'entra%
Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'a%($ttaK &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1122(.
#$!s. !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &+om!a"K &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober. 1900.
III of
&b( A, a tr$stee of %easeho%d propert", dire(ts the tenant to pa" the rents on a((o$nt of the
tr$st to a !an2er, +, then in (redit. The rents are a((ordin-%" paid to +, and A %eaves the mone"
with + on%" ti%% wanted. +efore the mone" is drawn o$t, + !e(omes inso%vent. A, havin- had no
reason to !e%ieve that + was in inso%vent (ir($mstan(es, is not !o$nd to ma2e -ood the %oss.
&#( A, a tr$stee of two de!ts for +, re%eases one and (ompo$nds the other, in -ood faith,
and reasona!%" !e%ievin- that it is for +5s interest to do so. A is not !o$nd to ma2e -ood an" %oss
(a$sed there!" to +.
&d( A, a tr$stee dire(ted to se%% the tr$st8propert" !" a$(tion, se%%s the same, !$t does not
advertise the sa%e and otherwise fai%s in reasona!%e di%i-en(e in invitin- (ompetition. A is !o$nd
to ma2e -ood the %oss (a(sed there!" to the !enefi(iar".
&e( A, a tr$stee for +, in e.e($tion of his tr$st, se%%s the tr$st8propert", !$t from want of
d$e di%i-en(e on his part fai%s to re(eive part of the p$r(hase mone". A is !o$nd to ma2e -ood
the %oss there!" (a$sed to +.
(f A, a tr$stee for + of a po%i(" of ins$ran(e, has f$nds in hand for pa"ment of the
premi$ms. A ne-%e(ts to pa" the premi$ms, and the po%i(" is (onse?$ent%" forfeited. A is !o$nd
to ma2e -ood the %oss to +.
&3(A !e?$eaths (ertain mone"s to +and ' as tr$stees, and a$thori1es them to (ontin$e
tr$st8mone"s $pon the persona% se($rit" of a (ertain firm in whi(h A had himse%f invested them.
A dies, and a (han-e ta2es p%a(e in the firm. + and ' m$st not permit the mone"s to remain $pon
the persona% se($rit" of the new firm.
&h(A, a tr$stee for +, a%%ows the tr$st to !e e.e($ted so%e%" !" this (o8tr$stee, '. '
misapp%ies the tr$st8propert". A is persona%%" answera!%e for the %oss res$%tin- to +.
1G. C)*('1#%)* )9 ;'1%#6a57' ;1);'1$<. 7here the tr$st is (reated for the !enefit of
severa% persons in s$((ession, and the tr$st8propert" is of a wastin- nat$re or a f$t$re or
reversionar" interest, the tr$stee is !o$nd, $n%ess an intention to the (ontrar" ma" !e inferred
from the instr$ment of tr$st, to (onvert the propert" into propert" of a permanent and
immediate%" profita!%e (hara(ter.
&a( A !e?$eaths to + a%% his propert" in tr$st for ' d$rin- his %ife, and on his death for
A and on A5s death for ,. A5s propert" (onsists of three %easeho%d ho$ses, and there is nothin- in
A5s wi%% to show that he intended the ho$ses to !e en:o"ed in spe(ie. + sho$%d se%% the ho$ses,
and invest the pro(eeds in a((ordan(e with se(tion 2=.
&b( A !e?$eaths to + his three %easeho%d ho$ses in
CP$ettaD and a%% the f$rnit$re
therein in tr$st for ' d$rin- his %ife, and on his death for A and on A5s death for ,. Gere an
intention that the ho$ses and f$rnit$re sho$%d !e en:o"ed in spe(ie appears (%ear%", and + sho$%d
not se%% them.
14. T1"#$'' $) 5' %2;a1$%a7. 7here there are more !enefi(iaries than one, the tr$stee is
!o$nd to !e impartia%, and m$st not e.e($te the tr$st for the advanta-e of one at the e.pense of
7here the tr$stee has a dis(retionar" power, nothin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to
a$thori1e the 'o$rt to (ontro% the reasona!%" and in -ood faith of s$(h dis(retion.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'hitta-on-K, whi(h was previo$s%"
s$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'a%($ttaK &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
A, a tr$stee for +, ' and A, is empowered to (hoose !etween severa% spe(ified modes of
investin- the tr$st8propert". A in -ood faith (hooses one of these modes. The 'o$rt wi%% not
interfere, a%tho$-h the res$%t of the (hoi(e ma" !e to var" the re%ative ri-hts of ,, ' and A.
18. T1"#$'' $) ;1'('*$ wa#$'. 7here the tr$st is (reated for the !enefit of severa%
persons in s$((ession and one of them is in possession of the tr$st propert", if he (ommits, or
threatens to (ommit, an" a(t whi(h is destr$(tive or permanent%" in:$rio$s thereto, the tr$stee is
!o$nd to ta2e meas$res to prevent s$(h a(t.
13. A&&)"*$# a*8 %*9)12a$%)*. A tr$stee is !o$nd &a( to 2eep (%ear and a(($rate
a((o$nts of the tr$st8propert", and &b(, at a%% reasona!%e times, at and the re?$est of the
!enefi(iar", to f$rnish him with f$%% and a(($rate information as to the amo$nt and state of the
20. I*('#$2'*$ )9 $1"#$ 2)*'<. 7here the tr$st8propert" (onsists of mone" and (annot
!e app%ied immediate%" or at an ear%" date to the p$rposes of the of tr$st, the tr$stee is !o$nd
(s$!:e(t to an" dire(tion (ontained in the instr$ment of tr$st to invest the mone" on the
fo%%owin- se($rities, and on no other H8
(a in promissor" notes, de!ent$res, sto(2 or other se($rities
Cof an"
GovernmentD orD of the
C/edera% GovernmentD, or of the Lnited Oin-dom of
Great +ritain and Ire%andH
C*rovided that se($rities, !oth the prin(ipa% whereof and the interest whereon sha%% have
!een f$%%" and $n(onditiona%%" -$aranteed !" an" s$(h Government, sha%% !e
deemed, for the p$rposes of this (%a$se, to !e se($rities of s$(h GovernmentFD
(! in !onds, de!ent$res and ann$ities
C(har-ed or se($red
C!efore the 10th A$-$st,
1947D !" the
Cpar%iament of the Lnited Oin-domD on the reven$es of India or of
CGovernor8Genera% in 'o$n(i%D or of an" *rovin(eD H
C*rovided that, after the fifteenth da" of /e!r$ar", 191), no mone" sha%% !e invested in
an" s$(h ann$it" !ein- a termina!%e ann$it" $n%ess a sin2in- f$nd has !een
esta!%ished in (onne(tion with s$(h ann$it"F !$t nothin- in this proviso sha%%
app%" to investments made !efore the date aforesaid FD
C(!! in India three and a ha%f per (ent sto(2, India three per (ent. sto(2, India two and a
ha%f per(ent sto(2 or an" other (apita% sto(2whi(h
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 192= (31 of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Lo(a% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Government of
IndiaK, to read as a!ove.
*roviso ins. !" the Indian Tr$sts (Amdt. A(t, 1934 (1; of 1934, s. 2.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, forK (har-ed !" the Imperia% *ar%iament on the reven$es of IndiaK.
Ins. !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art, 2 and #(h., for &Imperia% *ar%iamentK &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., forK /ederation &.
Ins. !" the Indian Tr$sts (Amdt. A(t, 191) (1 of 191), s. 2.
Cwas at an" timeD iss$ed !" the #e(retar" of #tate for India in 'o$n(i% $nder the a$thorit"
of an A(t of *ar%iament
Cof the Lnited Oin-domD and (har-ed on the reven$es of India
CwasD iss$ed !" the #e(retar" of #tate on !eha%f of the Governor Genera% in 'o$n(i%
$nder the provisions of *art >III of the Government of India A(t, 1930D ;]
(c) in sto(2 or de!ent$res of, or shares in, 3ai%wa" or other 'ompanies the interest whereon
sha%% have !een -$aranteed !" the #e(retar" of #tate for India in 'o$n(i%
Cor !" the
C/edera% GovernmentDD
Cin de!ent$res of the +om!a"
C*rovin(ia%D 'o8operative +an2
Limited, the interest whereon sha%% have !een -$aranteed, !" the #e(retar" of #tate for
India in 'o$n(i%D
Cor the *rovin(ia% Government of +om!a"D H
C*rovided that after the 31st da" of @ar(h, 1949 no tr$stee sha%% invest the mone" in de!ent$res
of the +om!a" *rovin(ia% 'o8operative +an2 LimitedFD
C(d in de!ent$res or other se($rities for mone" iss$ed, $nder the a$thorit" of an"
A(t or A(tD of a Le-is%at$re esta!%ished in
Ca *rovin(eD !" or on !eha%f of an" m$ni(ipa%
!od", port tr$st or (it" improvement tr$st in an" *residen("8town, or in 3an-oon Town,
or !" or on !eha%f of the tr$stees of the port of Oara(hiHD
C*rovided that after the 31st da" of @ar(h, 1949 no tr$stee sha%% invest the mone" in. an"
se($rities iss$ed !" or on !eha%f of a m$ni(ipa% !od", port tr$st or (it" improvement tr$st
in an" *residen("8town, or in 3an-oon Town FD
(e on a first mort-a-e of immovea!%e propert" sit$ate in
Ca *rovin(eD H *rovided that the
propert" is not a %easeho%d for a term of "ears and that the va%$e of the propert" e.(eeds
!" one8third, or, if (onsistin- of !$i%din-s, e.(eeds !" one8ha%f, the mort-a-e8mone"F or
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for &ma" at an" time hereafter !eK, (with effe#t from the 23rd 5ar#h, 190).
Ins. ibid. (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
Ins. !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for & ma" !eK (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
Ins. !" the Indian Tr$sts (Amdt. A(t, 191) (1 of 191), s. 2.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Government of IndiaK, to
read as a!ove.
Ins. !" the Indian Tr$sts (Amdt. A(t., 1917 (21 of 1917, s. 2.
#$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1920, (37 of 1920, s. 2 and #(h. I. forK 'entra% &.
*roviso ins. !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" the Indian Tr$sts (Amdt. A(t, 19=; (3 of 19=3, s. 2, for the ori-ina% (%a$se.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., forK A(t &.
#$!s. ibid., forK +ritish India &.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h., for &the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the
/ederationK whi(h were s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
2) Geo.
0, (h.
(f on an" other se($rit"" a$thori1ed !" the instr$ment of tr$st, or !" an" r$%e whi(h the
Gi-h 'o$rt ma" from time to time pres(ri!e in this !eha%f CForD
C(- in !onds, redeema!%e (apita%, de!t se($rities or instr$ments iss$ed !" the *a2istan 7ater and
*ower Aeve%opment A$thorit" and in %isted se($rities s$!:e(t to the (onditions as ma" !e
pres(ri!ed !" the GovernmentCForD
C(h in $nits iss$ed !" s(hemes esta!%ished $nder the Asset @ana-ement 'ompanies 3$%es, 1990D
*rovided that, where there is a person (ompetent to (ontra(t and entit%ed in possession to
re(eive the in(ome of the tr$st propert" for his %ife, or for an" -reater estate, no investment on
an" se($rit" mentioned or referred to in (%a$se (d, (e and (f sha%% !e made witho$t his (onsent
in writin-,
C20A. P)w'1 $) ;"1&6a#' 1'8''2a57' #$)&: a$ a ;1'2%"2.D(1 A tr$stee ma" invest
in an" of the se($rities mentioned or referred to in se(tion 2=, notwithstandin- that the same ma"
!e redeema!%e and that the pri(e e.(eeds the sto(2 redemption va%$eH
*rovided that a tr$stee ma" not p$r(hase at a pri(e e.(eedin- its redemption va%$e an"
se($rit" mentioned or referred to in (%a$ses (( and (d of se(tion 2= whi(h is %ia!%e to redeemed
within fifteen "ears of the date of p$r(hase at par or at some other fi.ed rate, or p$r(hase an"
s$(h se($rit" as is mentioned or referred to in the said (%a$ses whi(h is %ia!%e to !e redeemed at
par or at some other fi.ed rate at a pri(e e.(eedin- fifteen per (ent$m a!ove par or s$(h other
fi.ed rate.
(2 A tr$stee ma" retain $nti% redemption an" redeema!%e sto(2, f$nd or se($rit" whi(h
ma" have !een p$r(hased in a((ordan(e with this se(tion.D
21. M)1$@a@' )9 7a*8 ;7'8@'8 $) G)('1*2'*$ "*8'1 A&$ /I/ )9 1883. ';)#%$ %*
G)('1*2'*$ Sa(%*@# .a*:. 6othin- in se(tion 2= sha%% app%" to investments made !efore this
A(t (omes into for(e, or sha%% !e deemed to pre(%$de an investment on a mort-a-e of
immovea!%e propert" a%read" p%ed-ed as se($rit" for and advan(e $nder the
CLand Improvement
Loans A(t, 1;;3D, or, in (ase the tr$st8mone" does not e.(eed three tho$sand r$pees, a deposit
thereof in a Government #avin-s +an2.
22. Sa7' 5< $1"#$'' 8%1'&$'8 $) #'77 w%$6%* #;'&%9%'8 $%2'. 7here a tr$stee, dire(ted to
se%% within a spe(ified time e.tends s$(h time, the !$rden of provin-, as !etween himse%f and the
!enefi(iar", that the %atter is not pre:$di(ed !" the e.tension %ies $pon the tr$stee, $n%ess the
e.tension has !een a$thori1ed !" a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion.
A !e?$eaths propert" to +, dire(tin- him with a%% (onvenient speed and within five "ears
to se%% it, and app%" the pro(eeds for the !enefit of '. In the of reasona!%e dis(retion, +
postpones the sa%e for si. "ears. The sa%e is not there!" rendered inva%id, !$t ', a%%e-in- that he
has !een in:$red !" the postponement, instit$tes a s$it a-ainst + to o!tain (ompensation. In s$(h
s$it the !$rden of provin- that ' has not !een in:$red %ies on +.
23. L%a5%7%$< 9)1 51'a&6 )9 $1"#$.7here the tr$stee (ommits a !rea(h of tr$st, he is %ia!%e
to ma2e -ood the %oss whi(h the tr$st8propert" or the !enefi(iar" has there!" s$stained, $n%ess
the !enefi(iar" has !" fra$d ind$(ed the tr$stee to (ommit the !rea(h, or the !enefi(iar", !ein-
(ompetent to (ontra(t, has himse%f witho$t
#. 2=A ins. !" the Indian Tr$sts (Amdt. A(t, 191) (1 of 191), s. 3.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Land Improvement A(t, 1;71K.
#$!s. 4 added !" A(t >II of 1994, s.2.
#$!s. 4 added !" A(t 3 of 199;, s.2.
(oer(ion or $nd$e inf%$en(e havin- !een !ro$-ht to !ear on him, (on($rred in the !rea(h, or
s$!se?$ent%" a(?$ies(ed therein, with f$%% 2now%ed-e of the fa(ts of the (ase and of his ri-hts as
a-ainst the tr$stee.
A tr$stee (ommittin- a !rea(h of tr$st is not %ia!%e to pa" interest e.(ept in the fo%%owin-
(a where he has a(t$a%%" re(eived interestH
(! where the !rea(h (onsists in $nreasona!%e de%a" in pa"in- tr$st8mone" to the
(( where the tr$stee o$-ht to have re(eived interest, !$t has not done so H
(d where he ma" !e fair%" pres$med to have re(eived interest.
Ge is %ia!%e, in (ase (a, to a((o$nt for the interest a(t$a%%" re(eived, and, in (ases (!, (( and (d, to
a((o$nt for simp%e interest at the rate of si. per(ent per ann$m, $n%ess the 'o$rt otherwise dire(ts.
(e where the !rea(h (onsists in fai%$re to invest tr$st mone" and to a(($m$%ate the
interest or dividends thereon, he is %ia!%e to a((o$nt for (ompo$nd interest (with
ha%f8"ear%" rests at the same rate.
(f where the !rea(h (onsists in the emp%o"ment of tr$st propert" or the pro(eeds
thereof in trade or !$siness, he is %ia!%e to a((o$nt, at the option of the !enefi8
(iar", either for (ompo$nd interest (with ha%f8"ear%" rests at the same rate, or for
the net profits made !" s$(h emp%o"ment.
(a A tr$stee improper%" %eaves tr$st8propert" o$tstandin-, and it is (onse?$ent%" %ostH he
is %ia!%e to ma2e -ood the propert" %ost, !$t he is not %ia!%e to pa" interest thereon.
(! A !e?$eaths a ho$se to + in tr$st to se%% it and pa" the pro(eeds to '. + ne-%e(ts to
se%% the ho$se for a -reat %en-th of time, where!" the ho$se is deteriorated and its mar2et pri(e
fa%%s. + is answera!%e to ' for the %oss.
(( A tr$stee is -$i%t" of $nreasona!%e de%a" in investin- tr$st8mone" in a((ordan(e with
se(ti(n 2=, or in pa"in- it to the !enefi(iar". The tr$stee is %ia!%e to pa" interest thereon for the
period of the de%a".
(d The d$t" of the tr$stee is to invest tr$st8mone" in an" of the se($rities mentioned in
se(tion 2=, (%a$se (a, (!, (( or (d. Instead of so doin-, he retains the mone" in his hands. Ge is
%ia!%e, at the option of the !enefi(iar", to !e (har-ed either with the amo$nt of the prin(ipa%
mone" and interest, or with the amo$nt of s$(h se($rities as he mi-ht have p$r(hased with the
tr$rt8mone" when the investment sho$%d have !een made, and the intermediate dividends and
interest thereon,
(e The instr$ment of tr$st dire(ts the tr$stee to invest tr$st8mone" either in an" s$(h
se($rities or on mort-a-e or Immovea!%e propert". The tr$stee does neither. Ge is %ia!%e for the
prin(ipa% mone" and interest.
(f The instr$ment of tr$st dire(ts the tr$stee to invest tr$st8mone" in an" of s$(h
se($rities and to a(($m$%ate the dividends thereon. The tr$stee disre-ards the dire(tion. Ge is
%ia!%e, at the option of the !enefi(iar", to !e (har-ed either with the amo$nt of the prin(ipa%
mone" and (ompo$nd interest, or with the amo$nt of s$(h se($rities as he mi-ht have p$r(hased
with the tr$st8mone" when the investment sho$%d have !een made, to-ether with the amo$nt of
the a(($m$%ation whi(h wo$%d have arisen from a proper investment of the intermediate
(- Tr$st8propert" is invested in one of the se($rities mentioned in se(tion 2=, (%a$se (a,
(!, (( or (d. The tr$stee se%%s s$(h se($rit" for wm( p$rp(s( not a$thori1ed !" the terms of the
instr$ment of tr$st. Ge is %ia!%e, at the option of the !enefi(iar", either to rep%a(e the se($rit"
with the intermediate dividends and interest thereon, or to a((o$nt for the pro(eeds of the sa%e
with interest thereon.
(h The tr$st8propert" (onsists of %and. The tr$stee se%%s the %and to a p$r(haser for a
(onsideration witho$t noti(e of the tr$st. The tr$stee is %ia!%e, at the option of the !enefi(iar", to
p$r(hase other %and of e?$a% va%$e to !e sett%ed $pon the %i2e tr$st, or to !e (har-ed with the
pro(eeds of the sa%e with interest.
2C. N) #'$-)99 a77)w'8 $) $1"#$''. A tr$stee who is %ia!%e for a %oss o((asioned !" a
!rea(h of tr$st in respe(t of one portion of the tr$st8propert" (annot set8off a-ainst his %ia!i%it" a
-ain whi(h has a((r$ed to another portion of the tr$st8propert" thro$-h another and distin(t
!rea(h of tr$st.
25. N)*-7%a5%7%$< 9)1 ;1'8'&'##)1H# 8'9a"7$. 7here a tr$stee s$((eeds another, he is not,
as s$(h, %ia!%e for the a(ts or defa$%ts of his prede(essor.
2G. N)*-7%a5%7%$< 9)1 &)-$1"#$''H# 8'9a"7$. #$!:e(t to the provisions of se(tions 13 and
I0, one tr$stee is not, as s$(h, %ia!%e for a !rea(h of tr$st (ommitted !" his (o8tr$steeH
*rovided that, in the a!sen(e of an de(%aration to the (ontrar" in the instr$ment of
tr$st, a tr$stee is so %ia!%e8
(a where he has de%ivered tr$st8propert" to his (o8tr$stee witho$t seein- to its proper
(! where he a%%ows his (o8tr$stee to re(eive tr$st8propert" and fai%s to ma2e d$e
en?$ir" as to the (o8tr$stee5s dea%in-s therewith or a%%ows him to retain it %on-er
thanF the (ir($mstan(es of the (ase reasona!%" re?$ireH
(( where he !e(omes aware of a !rea(h of tr$st (ommitted or intended !" his (o8
tr$stee, and either a(tive%" (on(ea%s it or does not within a reasona!%e time ta2e
proper steps to prote(t the !enefi(iar"5s interest.
J)%*%*@ %* 1'&'%;$ 9)1 &)*9)12%$<. A (o8tr$stee who :oins in si-nin- a re(eipt for tr$st8
propert" and proves that he has not re(eived the same is not answera!%e, !" reason of s$(h
si-nat$re on%", for %oss or misapp%i(ation of the propert" !" his (o8tr$stee.
A !e?$eaths (ertain propert" to + and ', and dire(ts them to se%% it and invest the
pro(eeds for the !enefit of A. +and ' a((ordin-%" se%% the propert", and the p$r(hase8mone" is
re(eived !" + and retained in his hands. ' pa"s no attention to the matter for two "ears, and then
(a%%s on + to ma2e the investment. + is $na!%e to do so, !e(omes inso%vent, and the p$r(hase8
mone" is %ost. ' ma" !e (ompe%%ed to ma2e -ood the amo$nt.
24. S'('1a7 7%a5%7%$< )9 &)-$1"#$''#= 7here (o8tr$stees :oint%" (ommit a !rea(h of tr$st,
or where one of them !" his ne-%e(t ena!%es the other to (ommit a !rea(h of tr$st, ea(h is %ia!%e
to the !enefi(iar" for the who%e of the %oss o((asioned !" s$(h !rea(h.
C)*$1%5"$%)* a# 5'$w''* &)-$1"#$''#. +$t as !etween the tr$stees themse%ves, if one !e
%ess -$i%t" than another and has had to ref$nd the %oss, the former ma" (ompe% the %atter, or his
%e-a% representative to the e.tent of the assets he has re(eived, to ma2e -ood s$(h %ossF and, if a%%
!e e?$a%%" -$i%t". An"one or more of the tr$stees who has had to ref$nd the %oss ma" (ompe% the
others to (ontri!$te.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to a$thori1e a tr$stee who has !een -$i%t" offra$d
to instit$te a s$it to (ompe% (ontri!$tion.
28. N)*-7%a5%7%$< )9 $1"#$'' ;a<%*@ w%$6)"$ *)$%&' )9 $1a*#9'1 5< 5'*'9%&%a1<. 7hen
an" !enefi(iar"Ms interest !e(omes vested in another person, and the tr$stee, not havin- noti(e of
the vestin-, pa"s or de%ivers tr$st8propert" to the person who wo$%d have !een entit%ed thereto in
the a!sen(e of s$(h vestin-, the tr$stee is not %ia!%e for the propert" so paid or de%ivered.
23. L%a5%7%$< )9 $1"#$'' w6'1' 5'*'9%&%a1<H# %*$'1'#$ %# 9)19'$%'8 $) @)('1*2'*$. 7hen
the !enefi(iar"Ms interest is forfeited or awarded !" %e-a% ad:$di(ation
Cto the GovernmentD, the
tr$stee is !o$nd to ho%d the tr$st8propert" to the e.tent of s$(h interest for the !enefit of s$(h
person in s$(h manner as
Cthe *rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" dire(t in this !eha%f.
30. I*8'2*%$< )9 $1"#$''#. #$!:e(t to the provisions of the instr$ment of tr$st and of
se(tions 23, and 2), tr$stees sha%% !e respe(tive%" (har-ea!%e on%" for s$(h mone"s, sto(2s. f$nds
and se($rities as the" respe(tive%" a(t$a%%" re(eive and sha%% not !e answera!%e the one for the
other of them, nor for an" !an2er, !ro2er or other person in whose hands an" tr$st8propert" ma"
!e p%a(ed, nor for the ins$ffi(ien(" or defi(ien(" of an" sto(2s, f$nds or se($rities, nor otherwise
for invo%$ntar" %osses.
31. R%@6$ $) $%$7'-8''8. A tr$stee is entit%ed to have in his possession the instr$ment of
tr$st and a%% the do($ments of tit%e (if an" re%atin- so%e%" to the tr$st8propert".
32. R%@6$ $) 1'%25"1#'2'*$ )9 'A;'*#'#. ,ver" tr$stee ma" reim!$rse himse%f, or pa"
or dis(har-e o$t of the tr$st8propert", a%% e.penses proper%" in($rred in or a!o$t the e.e($tion of
the tr$st, or the rea%i1ation, preservation or !enefit of the tr$st8propert", or the prote(tion or
s$pport of the !enefi(iar".
If he pa"s s$(h e.penses o$t of his own po(2et, he has a first (har-e $pon the tr$st8propert" for
s$(h e.penses and interest thereonF !$t s$(h (har-e ($n%ess the e.penses have !een in($rred
The words &to GovernmentK have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1937 and A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 (with effe#t from the 43rd .5ar#h, 1166(,
to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the GovernmentK.
with the san(tion of a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion sha%% !e enfor(ed on%" !"
prohi!itin- an" disposition of the tr$st8propert" witho$t previo$s pa"ment of s$(h e.penses and
If the tr$st8propert" fai%, the tr$stee is entit%ed to re(over from the !enefi(iar" persona%%"
on whose !eha%f he a(ted, and at whose re?$est, e.pressed or imp%ied, he made the pa"ment, the
amo$nt of s$(h e.penses.
R%@6$ $) 5' 1'&)";'8 9)1 '11)*')"# )('1-;a<2'*$= 7here a tr$stee has !" mista2e
made an over8pa"ment to the !enefi(iar", he ma" reim!$rse the tr$st8propert" o$t of the
!enefi(iar"Ms interest. If s$(h interest fai%, the tr$stee is entit%ed to re(over from the !enefi(iar"
persona%%" the amo$nt of s$(h over8pa"ment.
33. R%@6$ $) %*8'2*%$< 91)2 @a%*'1 5< 51'a&6 )9 $1"#$. A person other than a tr$stee
who has -ained an advanta-e from a !rea(h of tr$st m$st indemnif", the tr$stee to the e.tent of
the amo$nt a(t$a%%" re(eived !" s$(h person $nder the !rea(hF and where he is a !enefi(iar" the
tr$stee has a (har-e on his interest for s$(h amo$nt.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to entit%e a tr$stee to !e indemnified who has, in
(ommittin- the !rea(h of tr$st, !een -$i%t" of fra$d,
3C. R%@6$ $) a;;7< $) C)"1$ 9)1 );%*%)* %* 2a*a@'2'*$ )9 $1"#$-;1);'1$<. An" tr$stee
ma", witho$t instit$tin- a s$it, app%" !" petition to a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion
for its a opinion, advi(e or dire(tion on an" present ?$estions respe(tin- (the mana-ement or
administration of the tr$st8propert" other than ?$estions of detai%, diffi($%t" or importan(e, not
proper in the opinion of the 'o$rt for s$mmar" disposa%.
A (op" of s$(h petition sha%% !e served $pon, and the hearin- thereof ma" !e attended !",
s$(h of the persons interested in the app%i(ation as the 'o$rt thin2s fit.
The tr$stee statin- in -ood faith the fa(ts in s$(h petition and a(tin- $pon the opinion,
advi(e or dire(tion -iven !" the 'o$rt sha%% !e deemed, so far as re-ards his own responsi!i%it",
to have dis(har-ed his d$t" as s$(h tr$stee in the s$!:e(t matter of the app%i(ation.
The (osts of ever" app%i(ation $nder this se(tion sha%% M!e in the dis(retion of the 'o$rt to
whi(h it is made.
35. R%@6$ $) #'$$7'2'*$ )9 a&&)"*$#. 7hen the d$ties of a tr$stee, as s$(h, are
(omp%eted, he is entit%ed to have the a((o$nts of his administration of the tr$st propert"
e.amined and sett%edF and, where nothin- is d$e to the !enefi(iar" $nder the tr$st, to an
a(2now%ed-ment in writin- to that effe(t.
3G. G'*'1a7 a"$6)1%$< )9 $1"#$''= In addition to the powers" (onferred !" this
A(t and !" the instr$ment of tr$st, and s$!:e(t to the restri(tions, if an", (ontained in s$(h
instr$ment, and to the provisions of se(tion 17, a tr$stee ma" do a%% a(ts whi(h are reasona!%e
and proper for the rea%i1ation, prote(tion or !enefit of the tr$st8propert", and for the prote(tion or
s$pport of a !enefi(iar" who is not (ompetent to (ontra(t.
,.(ept with the permission of a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion, no tr$stee
sha%% %ease tr$st8propert" for a term e.(eedin- twent"8one "ears from the date of e.e($tin- the
%ease, nor witho$t reservin- the !est "ear%" rent that (an !e reasona!%" o!tained.
34. P)w'1 $) #'77 %* 7)$# a*8 '%$6'1 5< ;"57%& a"&$%)* )1 ;1%(a$' &)*$1a&$. 7here the
tr$stee is empowered to se%% an" tr$st8propert", he ma" se%% the same s$!:e(t to prior (har-es or
not, and either to-ether or in %ots, !" p$!%i( a$(tion or private (ontra(t, and either at one time or
at severa% times, $n%ess the instr$ment of tr$st otherwise dire(ts.
38. P)w'1 $) #'77 "*8'1 #;'&%a7 &)*8%$%)*#. The tr$stee ma2in- an" s$(h sa%e ma" insert
s$(h reasona!%e stip$%ations either as to tit%e or eviden(e of tit%e, or otherwise, in an" (onditions
of sa%e or (ontra(t for sa%e, as he thin2s fitF and ma" a%so !$" in the propert" or an" part thereof
at an" sa%e !" a$(tion, and res(ind or var" an" (ontra(t for sa%e,
P)w'1 $) 5"< %* a*8 1'-#'77. and re8se%% the propert" so !o$-ht in, or as to whi(h the
(ontra(t is so res(inded, witho$t !ein- responsi!%e to the !enefi(iar" for an" %oss o((asioned
T%2' a77)w'8 9)1 #'77%*@ $1"#$-;1);'1$<. 7here a tr$stee is dire(ted to se%%
tr$st8propert" or to invest tr$st8mone" in the p$r(hase of propert", he ma" a reasona!%e
dis(retion as to the time of effe(tin- the sa%e or p$r(hase.
(a A !e?$eaths propert" to +, dire(tin- him to se%% it with a%% (onvenient speed and pa"
the pro(eeds to '. This does not render an immediate sa%e imperative.
(! A !e?$eaths propert" to +, dire(tin- him to se%% it at s$(h time and in s$(h manner as
he sha%% thin2 fit and invest the pro(eeds for the !enefit of '. This does not a$thori1e +, as
!etween him and ', to postpone the sa%e to an indefinite period.
33. P)w'1 $) &)*('<. /or the p$rpose of (omp%etin- an" s$(h sa%e, the tr$stee sha%% have
power to (onve" or otherwise dispose of the propert" so%d in s$(h manner as ma" !e ne(essar".
C0. P)w'1 $) (a1< %*('#$2'*$#. A tr$stee ma", at his dis(retion, (a%% in an"
tr$st8propert" invested in an" se($rit" and invest the same on an" of the se($rities mentioned or
referred to in se(tion 2=, and from time to time var" an" s$(h investments for others of the same
*rovided that, where there is a person (ompetent to (ontra(t and entit%ed at the time to
re(eive the in(ome of the tr$st8propert" for his %ife, or for an" -reater estate, no s$(h (han-e of
investment sha%% !e made witho$t his (onsent in writin-.
The se(ond para-raph of this se(tion was repea%ed !" the Amendin- A(t, 1;91 (12 of 1;91, s. 2 and #(h. I.
C1. P)w'1 $) a;;7< ;1);'1$< )9 2%*)1#, '$&., 9)1 $6'%1 2a%*$'*a*&', '$&. 7here an"
propert" is he%d !" a tr$stee in tr$st for a minor, s$(h tr$stee ma", at his dis(retion, pa" to the
-$ardians (if an" of s$(h minor, or otherwise app%" for or towards his maintenan(e or ed$(ation or
advan(ement in %ife, or the reasona!%e e.penses of his re%i-io$s worship, marria-e or f$nera%, the
who%e or an" part of the in(ome to whi(h he ma" !e entit%ed in respe(t of s$(h propert"F and s$(h
tr$stee sha%% a(($m$%ate a%% the resid$e of s$(h in(ome !" wa" of (ompo$nd interest !" investin- the
same and the res$%tin- in(ome thereof from time to time in an" of the se($rities mentioned or
referred to in se(tion 2=, for the !enefit of the person who sha%% $%timate%" !e(ome entit%ed to the
propert" from whi(h s$(h a(($m$%ations have arisenH
*rovided that s$(h tr$stee ma", at an" time, if he thin2s fit, app%" the who%e or an" part of
s$(h a(($m$%ations as if the same were part of the in(ome arisin- in the then ($rrent "ear.
7here the in(ome of the tr$st8propert" is ins$ffi(ient for the minorMs maintenan(e or
ed$(ation or advan(ement in %ife, or the reasona!%e e.penses of his re%i-io$s worship, marria-e or
f$nera%, the tr$stee ma", with the permission of a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion, !$t
not otherwise, app%" the who%e or an" part of s$(h propert" for or towards s$(h maintenan(e,
ed$(ation, advan(ement or e.penses.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to affe(t the provisions of an" %o(a% %aw for the time
!ein- in for(e re%atin- to the persons and propert" of minors.
C2. P)w'1 $) @%(' 1'&'%;$#. An" tr$stees or tr$stee ma" -ive a re(eipt in writin- for an"
mone", se($rities or other movea!%e propert" pa"a!%e, transfera!%e or de%ivera!%e to them or him !"
reason, or in the, of an" tr$st or powerF and, in the a!sen(e of fra$d, s$(h re(eipt sha%%
dis(har-e the person pa"in-, transferrin- or de%iverin- the same therefrom, and from seein- to the
app%i(ation thereof, or !ein- a((o$nta!%e for an" %oss or misapp%i(ation thereof.
C3. P)w'1 $) &)2;)"*8, '$&. Two or more tr$stees a(tin- to-ether ma", if and as the" thin2
(a a((ept an" (omposition or an" se($rit" for an" de!t or for an" propert" (%aimedF
(! a%%ow an" time for pa"ment of an" de!tF
(( (ompromise, (ompo$nd, a!andon, s$!mit to ar!itration or otherwise sett%e an" de!t,
a((o$nt, (%aim or thin- whatever re%atin- to the tr$stF and,
(d for an" of those p$rposes, enter into, -ive, e.e($te and do s$(h a-reements, instr$ments
of (omposition or arran-ement, re%eases and other thin-s as to them seem e.pedient,
witho$t !ein- responsi!%e for an" %oss o((asioned !" an" a(tor thin- so done !" them in
-ood faith.
The powers (onferred !" this se(tion on two or more tr$stees a(tin- to-ether ma" !e !" a so%e a(tin- tr$stee when !" the instr$ment of tr$st, if an", a so%e tr$stee is a$thori1ed
to e.e($te the tr$sts and powers thereof.
This se(tion app%ies on%" if and as far as a (ontrar" intention is not e.pressed in the
instr$ment of tr$st, if an", and sha%% have effe(t s$!:e(t to the terms of that instr$ment and to the
provisions therein (ontained.
This se(tion app%ies on%" to tr$sts (reated after this A(t (omes into for(e.
CC. P)w'1 $) #'('1a7 $1"#$''# )9 w6)2 )*' 8%#&7a%2 )1 8%'#. 7hen an a$thorit" to dea%
with the tr$st8propert" is -iven to severa% tr$stees and one of them dis(%aims or dies, the a$thorit"
ma" he !" the (ontin$in- tr$stees, $n%ess from the terms of the instr$ment of tr$st it is
apparent that the a$thorit" is to !e !" a n$m!er in e.(ess of the n$m!er of the remainin-
C5. S"#;'*#%)* )9 $1"#$''H# ;)w'1# 5< 8'&1''. 7here a de(ree has !een made in a s$it for
the e.e($tion of a tr$st, the tr$stee m$st not an" of his powers e.(ept in (onformit" with
s$(h de(ree, or with the san(tion of the 'o$rt !" whi(h the de(ree has !een made, or, where an
appea% a-ainst the de(ree is pendin-, of the Appe%%ate 'o$rt.
CG. T1"#$'' &a* *)$ 1'*)"*&' a9$'1 a&&';$a*&'. A tr$stee who has a((epted the tr$st (annot
afterwards reno$n(e it e.(ept (a with the permission of a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina%
:$risdi(tion, or (! if the !enefi(iar" is (ompetent to (ontra(t, with his (onsent, or (( !" virt$e of a
spe(ia% power in the instr$ment of tr$st.
C4. T1"#$'' &a* *)$ 8'7'@a$'. A tr$stee (annot de%e-ate his offi(e or an" of his d$ties either
to a (o8tr$stee or to a stran-er, $n%ess (a the instr$ment of tr$st so provides, or (! the de%e-ation is
in the re-$%ar (o$rse of !$siness, or (( the de%e-ation is ne(essar", or (d the !enefi(iar", !ein-
(ompetent to (ontra(t, (onsents to the de%e-ation.
E/!"anation., The appointment of an attorne" or pro." to do an a(t mere%" ministeria% and
invo%vin- no independent dis(retion is not a de%e-ation within the meanin- of this se(tion.
(a A !e?$eaths (ertain propert" to + and ' on (ertain tr$sts to !e e.e($ted !" them or the
s$rvivor of them or the assi-ns of s$(h s$rvivor. + dies. ' ma" !e?$eath the tr$st8propert" to A and
, $pon the tr$sts of AMs wi%%.
(! A is a tr$stee of (ertain propert" with power to se%% the same. A ma" emp%o" an
a$(tioneer to effe(t the sa%e.
(( A !e?$eaths to + fift" ho$ses %et at month%" rents in tr$st to (o%%e(t the rents and pa"
them to '. + ma" emp%o" a proper person to (o%%e(t these rents.
C8. C)-$1"#$''# &a**)$ a&$ #%*@7<. 7hen there are more tr$stees than one, a%% m$st :oin in
the e.e($tion of the tr$st, e.(ept where the instr$ment of tr$st otherwise provides.
C3. C)*$1)7 )9 8%#&1'$%)*a1< ;)w'1. 7here a dis(retionar" power (onferred on a tr$stee is
not reasona!%" and in -ood faith, s$(h power ma" !e (ontro%%ed !" a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt
of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion.
50. T1"#$'' 2a< *)$ &6a1@'# 9)1 #'1(%&'#. In the a!sen(e of dire(tions to the
(ontrar" (ontained in the instr$ment of tr$st or of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar" entered into with the
!enefi(iar" or the 'o$rt at the time of a((eptin- the tr$st, a tr$stee has no ri-ht to rem$neration for
his tro$!%e, s2i%% and %oss of time in e.e($tin- the tr$st.
6othin- in this se(tion app%ies to an" Offi(ia% Tr$stee, Administrator Genera%, *$!%i( '$rator
or person ho%din- a (ertifi(ate of administration.
51. T1"#$'' 2a< *)$ "#' $1"#$ ;1);'1$< 9)1 6%# )w* ;1)9%$. A tr$stee ma" not $se or dea%
with the tr$st8propert" for his own profit or for an" other p$rpose $n(onne(ted with the tr$st.
52. T1"#$'' 9)1 #a7' )1 $6%# a@'*$ 2a< *)$ 5"<. 6o tr$stee whose d$t" it is to se%%
tr$st8propert", and no a-ent emp%o"ed !" s$(h tr$stee for the p$rpose of the sa%e, ma", dire(t%" or
indire(t%", !$" the same or an" interest therein, on his own a((o$nt or as a-ent for a third person.
53. T1"#$'' 2a< *)$ 5"< 5'*'9%&%a1<H# %*$'1'#$ w%$6)"$ ;'12%##%)*. 6o tr$stee, and no
person who has re(ent%" (eased to !e a tr$stee, ma", witho$t the permission of a prin(ipa% 'ivi%
'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion, !$" or !e(ome mort-a-ee or %essee of the tr$st8propert" or an" part
thereofF and s$(h permission sha%% not !e -iven $n%ess the proposed p$r(hase, mort-a-e or %ease is
manifest%" for the advanta-e of the !enefi(iar".
T1"#$'' 9)1 ;"1&6a#'. And no tr$stee whose d$t" it is to !$" or to o!tain a mort-a-e or
%ease of parti($%ar propert" for the !enefi(iar" ma" !$" it, or an" part thereof, or o!tain a mort-a-e
or %ease of it, or an" part thereof, for himse%f.
5C. C)-$1"#$''# 2a< *)$ 7'*8 $) )*' )9 $6'2#'7('#. A tr$stee or (o8tr$stee whose d$t" it is
to invest tr$st mone" on mort-a-e or persona% se($rit" m$st not invest it on mort-a-e !", or on the
persona% se($rit" of, himse%f or one of his (o8tr$stees.
55. R%@6$# $) 1'*$# a*8 ;1)9%$#= The !enefi(iar" has, s$!:e(t to the provisions of the ins8
tr$ment of tr$st, a ri-ht to the rents and profits of the tr$st propert".
5G. R%@6$ $) #;'&%9%& 'A'&"$%)*. The !enefi(iar" is entit%ed to have the intention of the a$thor
of the tr$st spe(ifi(a%%" e.e($ted to the e.tent of the !enefi(iar"Ms interestF
R%@6$# $) $1a*#9'1 )9 ;)##'##%)*. and, where there is on%" one !enefi(iar" and he is
(ompetent to (ontra(t, or where there are severa% !enefi(iaries and the" are (ompetent to (ontra(t
and a%% of one mind, he or the" ma" re?$ire the tr$stee to transfer the tr$st8propert" to him or them,
or to s$(h person as he or the" ma" dire(t.
7hen propert" has !een transferred or !e?$eathed for the !enefit of a married woman, so
that she sha%% not have power to deprive herse%f of her !enefi(ia% interest, nothin- in the se(ond
(%a$se of this se(tion app%ies to s$(h propert" d$rin-8her marria-e.
(a 'ertain Government se($rities are -iven to tr$stees $pon tr$st to a(($m$%ate the interest
$nti% A attains the a-e of 24, and then to transfer the -ross amo$nt to him. A on attainin- ma:orit"
ma", as the person e.(%$sive%" interested in the tr$st8propert", re?$ire the tr$stees to transfer it
immediate%" to him.
(! A !e?$eaths 3s. 1=,=== to tr$stees $pon tr$st to p$r(hase an ann$it" for +, who has
attained his ma:orit" and is otherwise (ompetent to (ontra(t. + ma" (%aim the 3s. 1=,===.
(( A transfers (ertain propert" to + and dire(ts him to se%% or invest it for the !enefit of ',
who is (ompetent to (ontra(t. ' ma" e%e(t to ta2e the propert" in its ori-ina% (hara(ter.
54. R%@6$# $) %*#;'&$ a*8 $a:' &);%'# )9 %*#$1"2'*$ )9 $1"#$ a&&)"*$#, '$&. The
!enefi(iar" has a ri-ht, as a-ainst the tr$stee and a%% persons (%aimin- $nder him with noti(e of the
tr$st, to inspe(t and ta2e (opies of the instr$ment of tr$st, the do($ments of tit%e re%atin- so%e%" to the
tr$st8propert", the a((o$nts of the tr$st8propert" and the vo$(hers (if an" !" whi(h the" are s$p8
ported, and the (ases s$!mitted and opinions ta2en !" the tr$stee for his -$idan(e in the dis(har-e of
his d$t".
58. R%@6$ $) $1a*#9'1 5'*'9%&%a7 %*$'1'#$. The !enefi(iar", if (ompetent to (ontra(t, ma"
transfer his interest, !$t s$!:e(t to the %aw for the time !ein- in for(e as to the (ir($mstan(es and
e.tent in and to whi(h he ma" dispose of s$(h interestH
*rovided that when propert" is transferred or !e?$eathed for the !enefit of a married woman,
so that she sha%% not have power to deprive herse%f of her !enefi(ia% interest, nothin- in this se(tion
sha%% a$thori1e her to transfer s$(h interest d$rin- her marria-e.
53. R%@6$ $) #"' 9)1 'A'&"$%)* )9 $1"#$. 7here no tr$stees are appointed or a%% the tr$stees
die, dis(%aim, or are dis(har-ed, or where for an" other reason the e.e($tion of a tr$st !" the tr$stee
is or !e(omes impra(ti(a!%e, the !enefi(iar" ma" instit$te a s$it for the e.e($tion of the tr$st, and
the tr$st sha%%, so far as ma" !e possi!%e, !e e.e($ted !" the 'o$rt $nti% the appointment of a tr$stee
or new tr$stee.
G0. R%@6$ $) ;1);'1 $1"#$''#. The !enefi(iar" has a ri-ht (s$!:e(t to the provisions of the
instr$ment of tr$st that the tr$st8propert" sha%% !e proper%" prote(ted and he%d and administered !"
proper persons and !" a proper n$m!er of s$(h persons.
E/!"anation +8 The fo%%owin- are not proper persons within the meanin- of this se(tionH8
A person domi(i%ed a!roadH an a%ien enem"H a person havin- an interest in(onsistent with that
of the !enefi(iar"H a person in inso%vent (ir($mstan(esF and, $n%ess the persona% %aw of the
!enefi(iar" a%%ows otherwise, a married woman and a minor.
E/!"anation ++.87hen the administration of the tr$st invo%ves the re(eipt and ($stod" of
mone", the n$m!er of tr$stees sho$%d !e two at %east.
(a A, one of severa% !enefi(iaries, proves that +, the tr$stee, has improper%" disposed of part
of the tr$st8propert", or that the propert" is in dan-er from +5s !ein- in inso%vent (ir($mstan(es, or
that he is in(apa(itated from a(tin- as tr$stee. A ma" o!tain a re(eiver of the tr$st8propert".
(! A !e?$eaths (ertain :ewe%s to + in tr$st for '. + dies d$rin- A5s %ifetimeF then A dies, '
is entit%ed to have the propert" (onve"ed to a tr$stee for him.
(( A (onve"s (ertain propert" to fo$r tr$stees in tr$st for +. Three of the tr$stees die. + ma"
instit$te a s$it to have three new tr$stees appointed in the p%a(e of the de(eased tr$stees.
(d A (onve"s (ertain propert" to three tr$stees in tr$st for +. A%% the tr$stees dis(%aim. +
ma" instit$te a s$it to have three tr$stees appointed in p%a(e of the tr$stees so dis(%aimin-.
(e A, a tr$stee for +, ref$ses to a(t, or -oes to reside permanent%" o$t of
C*a2istanD or is
de(%ared an inso%vent, or (ompo$nds with his (reditors, or s$ffers a (o8tr$stee to (ommit a !rea(h of
tr$st. + ma" instit$te a s$it to have A removed and a new tr$stee appointed in his room.
G1. R%@6$ $) &)2;'7 $) a*< a&$ )9 8"$<. The !enefi(iar" has a ri-ht that his tr$stee sha%% !e
(ompe%%ed to perform an" parti($%ar a(t of his d$t" as s$(h, and restrained from (ommittin- an"
(ontemp%ated or pro!a!%e !rea(h of tr$st.
(a A (ontra(ts with + to pa" him month%" 3s. 1== for the !enefit of '. + writes and si-ns a
%etter de(%arin- that he wi%% ho%d in tr$st for ' the mone" so to !e paid. A fai%s to pa" the mone" in
a((ordan(e with his (ontra(t. ' ma" (ompe% + on a proper indemnit" to a%%ow ' to s$e on the
(ontra(t in +Ms name.
(! A is tr$stee of (ertain %and, with a power to se%% the same and pa" the pro(eeds to + and '
e?$a%%". A is a!o$t to ma2e an improvident sa%e of the %and. + ma" s$e on !eha%f of himse%f and '
for an in:$n(tion to restrain A from ma2in- the sa%e.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe(t from the 14th O(to!er, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
G2. -1)*@9"7 ;"1&6a#' 5< $1"#$''. 7here a tr$stee has wron-f$%%" !o$-ht tr$st8propert",
the !enefi(iar" has a ri-ht to have the propert" de(%ared s$!:e(t to the tr$st or retransferred !" the
tr$stee, if it remains in his hands $nso%d, or, if it has !een !o$-ht from him !" an" person with
noti(e of the tr$st, !" s$(h person. +$t in s$(h (ase the !enefi(iar" m$st repa" the p$r(hase8mone"
paid !" the tr$stee, with interest, and s$(h other e.penses (if an" as he has proper%" in($rred in the
preservation of the propert"F and the tr$stee or p$r(haser m$st (a a((o$nt for the net profits of the
propert", (! !e (har-ed with an o(($pation8rent, if he has !een in a(t$a% possession of the propert",
and (( a%%ow the !enefi(iar" to ded$(t a proportionate part of the p$r(hase8mone" if the propert"
has !een deteriorated !" the a(ts or omissions of the tr$stee or p$r(haser.
6othin- in this se(tion8
(a impairs the ri-hts of %essees and others who, !efore the instit$tion of a s$it to have the
propert" de(%ared s$!:e(t to the tr$st or retransferred, have (ontra(ted in -ood faith with
the tr$stee or p$r(haserF or
(! entit%es the !enefi(iar" to have the propert" de(%ared s$!:e(t to the tr$st or retransferred
where he, !ein- (ompetent to (ontra(t, has himse%f, witho$t (oer(ion or $nd$e inf%$en(e
havin- !een !ro$-ht to !ear on him, ratified the sa%e to the tr$stee with f$%% 2now%ed-e of
the fa(ts of the (ase and of his ri-hts as a-ainst the tr$stee.
G3. F)77)w%*@ $1"#$-;1);'1$< %*$) $6' 6a*8# )9 $6%18 ;'1#)*#? %*$) $6a$ )*$) w6%&6 %$ 6a#
5''* &)*('1$'8. 7here tr$st8propert" (omes into the hands of a third person in(onsistent%" with the
tr$st, the !enefi(iar" ma" re?$ire him to admit forma%%", or ma" instit$te a s$it for a de(%aration, that
the propert" is (omprised in the tr$st.
7here the tr$stee has disposed of tr$st8propert" and the mone" or other propert" whi(h he
has re(eived there for (an !e tra(ed in his hands, or the hands of his %e-a% representative or %e-atee,
the !enefi(iar" has, in respe(t thereof, ri-hts as mere%" as ma" !e the same as his ri-hts in respe(t of
the ori-ina% tr$st propert".
(a A, a tr$stee for + of 3s. 1=,===, wron-f$%%" invests the 3s. 1=,=== in the p$r(hase of
(ertain %and. + is entit%ed to the %and.
&b( A, a tr$stee, wron-f$%%" p$r(hases %and in his own name, part%" with his own mone",
part%" with mone" s$!:e(t to a tr$st for +. + is entit%ed to a (har-e on the %and for the amo$nt of the
tr$st8mone" so misemp%o"ed.
GC. Sa(%*@ )9 1%@6$# )9 &'1$a%* $1a*#9'1''#. 6othin- in se(tion )3 entit%es the !enefi(iar" to
an" ri-ht in respe(t of propert" in the hands of8
(a a transferee in -ood faith for (onsideration witho$t havin- noti(e of the tr$st, either
when the p$r(hase mone" was paid, or when the (onve"an(e was e.e($ted, or
(! a transferee for (onsideration from s$(h a transferee.
A :$d-ment8(reditor of the tr$stee atta(hin- and p$r(hasin- tr$st8propert" is not a transferee
for (onsideration within the meanin- of this se(tion.
6othin- in se(tion )3 app%ies to mone", ($rren(" notes and ne-otia!%e instr$ments in the
hands of a bona fide ho%der to whom the" have passed in (ir($%ation, or sha%% !e deemed to affe(t the
'ontra(t A(t, 1;72, se(tion 1=;, or the %ia!i%it" of a person to whom a de!t or (har-e is transferred.
G5. A&B"%#%$%)* 5< $1"#$'' )9 $1"#$-;1);'1$< w1)*@9"77< &)*('1$'8. 7here a tr$stee
wron-f$%%" se%%s or otherwise transfers tr$st8propert" and afterwards himse%f !e(omes the owner of
the propert", the propert" a-ain !e(omes s$!:e(t to the tr$st, notwithstandin- an" want of noti(e on
the part of intervenin- transferees in -ood faith for (onsideration.
GG. R%@6$ %* &a#' )9 57'*8'8 ;1);'1$<. 7here the tr$stee wron-f$%%" min-%es the
tr$st8propert" with his own, the !enefi(iar" is entit%ed to a (har-e on the who%e f$nd for the amo$nt
d$e to him.
G4. -1)*@9"7 '2;7)<2'*$ 5< ;a1$*'1-$1"#$'' )9 $1"#$-;1);'1$< 9)1 ;a1$*'1#6%;
;"1;)#'#. If a partner, !ein- a tr$stee, wron-f$%%" emp%o"s tr$st propert" in the !$siness, or on the
a((o$nt of the partnership, no other partner is %ia!%e there for in his persona% (apa(it" to the
!enefi(iaries, $n%ess he had noti(e of the !rea(h of tr$st.
The partners havin- s$(h noti(e are :oint%" and severa%%" %ia!%e for the !rea(h of tr$st.
(a A and + are partners. A dies, havin- !e?$eathed a%% his propert" to + in tr$st for N and
appointed + his so%e e.e($tor. +, instead of windin- $p the affairs of the partnership, retains a%% the
assets in the !$siness. N ma" (ompe% him, as partner, to a((o$nt for so m$(h of the profits as are
derived from A5s share of the (apita%. + is a%so answera!%e to N for the improper emp%o"ment of A5s
(! A, a trader, !e?$eaths his propert" to + in tr$st for ', appoints + his so%e e.e($tor, and
dies. + enters into partnership with > and 9 in the same trade, and emp%o"s A5s assets in the
partnership8!$siness. + -ives an indemnit" to > and 9 a-ainst the (%aims of '. Gere > and 9 are
:oint%" %ia!%e with + to ' as havin- 2nowin-%" !e(ome parties to the !rea(h of tr$st (ommitted !" +.
G8. L%a5%7%$< )9 5'*'9%&%a1< >)%*%*@ %* 51'a&6 )9 $1"#$. 7here one of severa% !enefi(iaries8
(a :oins in (ommittin- !rea(h of tr$st, or
(! 2nowin-%" o!tains an" advanta-e therefrom, witho$t the (onsent of the other
!enefi(iaries, or
(( !e(omes aware of a !rea(h of tr$st (ommitted or intended to !e (ommitted, and
either a(t$a%%" (on(ea%s it, or does not within a reasona!%e time ta2e proper steps
to prote(t the interests of the other !enefi(iaries, or
(d has de(eived the tr$stee and there!" ind$(ed him to (ommit a !rea(h of tr$st,
I> of
the other !enefi(iaries are entit%ed to have a%% his !enefi(ia% interest impo$nded as a-ainst him and a%%
who (%aim $nder him (otherwise than as transferees for (onsideration witho$t noti(e of the !rea(h
$nti% the %oss (a$sed !" the !rea(h has !een (ompensated.
7hen propert" has !een transferred or !e?$eathed for the !enefit of a married woman, so
that she sha%% not have power to deprive herse%f of her !enefi(ia% interest, nothin- in this se(tion
app%ies to s$(h propert" d$rin- her marria-e.
G3. R%@6$# a*8 7%a5%7%$%'# )9 5'*'9%&%a1<H# $1a*#9'1''. ,ver" person to whom a !enefi(iar"
transfers his interest has the ri-hts, and is s$!:e(t to the %ia!i%ities, of the !enefi(iar" in respe(t of
s$(h interest at the date of the transfer.
40. O99%&' 6)w (a&a$'8. The offi(e of a tr$stee is va(ated !" his death or !" his dis(har-e
from his offi(e.
41. %#&6a1@' )9 $1"#$''. The tr$stee ma" !e dis(har-ed from his offi(e on%" as fo%%owsF
(a !" the e.tin(tion of the tr$stF
(! !" the (omp%etion of his d$ties $nder the tr$stF
(( !" s$(h means as ma" !e pres(ri!ed !" the instr$ment of tr$stF
(d !" appointment $nder this A(t of a new tr$stee in his p%a(eF
(e !" (onsent of himse%f and the !enefi(iar", or, where there are more
!enefi(iaries than one, a%% the !enefi(iaries !ein- (ompetent to (ontra(t, or
(f !" the 'o$rt to whi(h a petition for his dis(har-e is presented $nder this A(t.
42. P'$%$%)* $) 5' 8%#&6a1@' 91)2 $1"#$. 6otwithstandin- the provisions of se(tion 11, ever"
tr$stee ma" app%" !" petition to a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion to !e dis(har-ed from
his offi(eF and, if the 'o$rt finds that there is s$ffi(ient reason for s$(h dis(har-e, it ma" dis(har-e
him a((ordin-%", and dire(t his (osts to !e paid o$t of the tr$st8propert". +$t, where there is no s$(h
reason, the 'o$rt sha%% not dis(har-e him, $n%ess a proper person (an !e fo$nd to ta2e his p%a(e.
43. A;;)%*$2'*$ )9 *'w $1"#$''# )* 8'a$6, '$&. 7henever an" person appointed a tr$stee
dis(%aims, or an" tr$stee, either ori-ina% of s$!stit$ted, dies, or is for a (ontin$o$s period of si.
months a!sent from
*a2istan, or %eaves *a2istan for the p$rpose of residin- a!road, or is de(%ared
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe(t from the 14th O(to!er, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
an inso%vent, or desires to !e dis(har-ed from the tr$st, or ref$ses or !e(omes, in the opinion of a
prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion, $nfit or persona%%" in(apa!%e to a(t in the tr$st, or
a((epts an in(onsistent tr$st, a new tr$stee ma" !e appointed in his p%a(e !"8
(a the person nominated for that p$rpose !" the instr$ment of tr$st (if an", or
(! if there !e no s$(h person, or no s$(h person a!%e and wi%%in- to a(t, the a$thor of the
tr$st if he !e a%ive and (ompetent to (ontra(t, or the s$rvivin- or (ontin$in- tr$stees or
tr$stee for the time !ein-, or %e-a% representative of the %ast s$rvivin- and (ontin$in-
tr$stee, or (with the (onsent of the 'o$rt the retirin- tr$stees, if the" a%% retire
sim$%taneo$s%", or (with the %i2e (onsent the %ast retirin- tr$stee.
,ver" s$(h appointment sha%% !e !" writin- $nder the hand of the person ma2in- it.
On an appointment of a new tr$stee the n$m!er of tr$stees ma" !e in(reased.
The Offi(ia% Tr$stee ma", with his (onsent and !" the order of the 'o$rt, !e appointed $nder
this se(tion, in an" (ase in whi(h on%" one tr$stee is to !e appointed and s$(h tr$stee is to !e the so%e
The provisions of this se(tion re%ative to a tr$stee who is dead in(%$de the (ase of a person
nominated tr$stee in a wi%% !$t d"in- !efore the testator, and those re%ative to a (ontin$in- tr$stee in8
(%$de a ref$sin- or retirin- tr$stee if wi%%in- to a(t in the e.e($tion of the power.
4C. A;;)%*$2'*$ 5< C)"1$. 7henever an" s$(h va(an(" or dis?$a%ifi(ation o(($rs and it is
fo$nd impra(ti(a!%e to appoint a new tr$stee $nder se(tion 73, the !enefi(iar" ma", witho$t
instit$tin- a s$it, app%" !" petition to a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion for the
appointment of a tr$stee or a new tr$stee, and the 'o$rt ma" appoint a tr$stee or a new tr$stee
R"7'# 9)1 #'7'&$%*@ *'w $1"#$''#. In appointin- new tr$stees, the 'o$rt sha%% have re-ard (a
to the wishes of the a$thor of the tr$st as e.pressed in or to !e inferred from the instr$ment of tr$stF
(! to the wishes of the person, if an", empowered to appoint new tr$steesF (( to the ?$estion
whether the appointment wi%% promote or impede the e.e($tion of the tr$stF and (d where there are
more !enefi(iaries than one, to the interests of a%% s$(h !enefi(iaries.
45. V'#$%*@ )9 $1"#$-;1);'1$< %* *'w $1"#$''#. 7henever an" new tr$stee is appointed
$nder se(tion 73 or se(tion 74, a%% the tr$st8propert" for the time !ein- vested in the s$rvivin- or
(ontin$in- tr$stees or tr$stee, or in the %e-a% representative of an" tr$stee, sha%% !e(ome vested in
s$(h new tr$stee, either so%e%" or :oint%" with the s$rvivin- or (ontin$in- tr$stees or tr$stee, as the
(ase ma" re?$ire.
P)w'1# )9 *'w $1"#$''#. ,ver" new tr$stee so appointed, and ever" tr$stee appointed !" a
'o$rt, either !efore or after the passin- of this A(t, sha%% have the same powers, a$thorities and
dis(retions, and sha%% in a%% respe(ts a(t, as if he had !een ori-ina%%" nominated a tr$stee !" the
a$thor of the tr$st.
4G. S"1(%(a7 )9 $1"#$#. On the death or dis(har-e of one of severa% (o8tr$stees, the tr$st s$rvives and
the tr$st8propert" passes to the others, $n%ess the instr$ment of tr$st" de(%ares otherwise.
44. T1"#$ 6)w 'A$%*@"%#6'8. A tr$st is e.tin-$ished8
(a when its p$rpose is (omp%ete%" f$%fi%%edF or
(! when its p$rpose !e(omes $n%awf$%F or
(( when the f$%fi%%ment of its p$rpose !e(omes impossi!%e !" destr$(tion of the
tr$st8propert" or otherwiseF or
(d when the tr$st, !ein- revo(a!%e, is" revo2ed.
48. R'()&a$%)* )9 $1"#$. A tr$st (reated !" wi%% ma" !e revo2ed at the p%eas$re of the
A tr$st otherwise (reated (an !e revo2ed on%"8
(a where a%% the !enefi(iaries are (ompetent to (ontra(t !" their (onsentF
(! where the tr$st has !een de(%ared !" a non8testamentar" instr$ment or !" word of
mo$th8in of a power of revo(ation" reserved to the a$thor of the
tr$stF or
(( where the tr$st is for the pa"ment of the de!ts of the a$thor of the tr$st, and has
not !een (omm$ni(ated to the (reditors8at the p%eas$re of the a$thor of the tr$st.
A (onve"s propert" to + in tr$st to se%% the same and pa" o$t of the pro(eeds the (%aims of
A5s (reditors. A reserves no power of revo(ation. If no (omm$ni(ation has !een made to the
(reditors, A ma" revo2e the tr$st. +$t if the (reditors are parties to the arran-ement, the tr$st (annot
!e revo2ed witho$t their (onsent.
43. R'()&a$%)* *)$ $) 8'9'a$ w6a$ $1"#$''# 6a(' 8"7< 8)*'. 6o tr$st (an !e revo2ed !" the
a$thor of the tr$st so as to defeat or pre:$di(e what the tr$stees ma" have d$%" done in e.e($tion of
the tr$st.
80. -6'1' )57%@a$%)* %* *a$"1' )9 $1"#$ %# &1'a$'8. An o!%i-ation in the nat$re of a tr$st is
(reated in the fo%%owin- (ases.
81. -6'1' %$ 8)'# *)$ a;;'a1 $6a$ $1a*#9'1)1 %*$'*8'8 $) 8%#;)#' )9 5'*'9%&%a7 %*$'1'#$#.
7here the owner of propert" transfers or !e?$eaths it and it (annot !e inferred (onsistent%" with the
attendant (ir($mstan(es that he intended to dispose of the !enefi(ia% interest therein, the transferee or
%e-atee m$st ho%d s$(h propert" for the !enefit of the owner or his %e-a% representative.
(a A (onve"s %and to + witho$t (onsideration and de(%ares no tr$st of an" part. It (annot,
(onsistent%" with the (ir($mstan(es $nder whi(h the transfer is made, !e inferred that A intended to
transfer the !enefi(ia% interest in the %and. + ho%ds the %and for the !enefit of A.
(! A (onve"s to + two fie%ds, 9 and N, and de(%ares a tr$st of 9, !$t sa"s nothin- a!o$t N. It
(annot, (onsistent%" with the (ir($mstan(es $nder whi(h the transfer is made, !e inferred that A
intended to transfer the !enefi(ia% interest in N. + ho%ds N for the !enefit of A.
(( A transfers (ertain sto(2 !e%on-in- to him into the :oint names of himse%f and +. It
(annot, (onsistent%" with the (ir($mstan(es $nder whi(h the transfer is made, !e inferred that A
intended to transfer the !enefi(ia% interest in the sto(2 d$rin- his %ife. A and + ho%d the sto(2 for the
!enefit of A d$rin- his %ife.
(d A ma2es a -ift of (ertain %and to his wife +. #he ta2es the !enefi(ia% interest in the %and
free from an" tr$st in favo$r of A, for it ma" !e inferred from the (ir($mstan(es that the -ift was for
+5s !enefit.
82. T1a*#9'1 $) )*' 9)1 &)*#%8'1a$%)* ;a%8 5< a*)$6'1. 7here propert" is transferred to
one person for a (onsideration paid or provided !" another person, and it appears that s$(h other
person did not intend to pa" or provide s$(h (onsideration for the !enefit of the transferee, the
transferee m$st ho%d the propert" for the !enefit of the person pa"in- or providin- the (onsideration.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% affe(t the provisions of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D.
83. T1"#$ %*&a;a57' )9 'A'&"$%)* )1 'A'&"$'8 w%$6)"$ 'A6a"#$%*@ $1"#$ ;1);'1$<. 7here a
tr$st is in(apa!%e of !ein- e.e($ted, or where the tr$st is (omp%ete%" e.e($ted witho$t e.ha$stin- the
tr$st8propert", the tr$stee, in the a!sen(e of a dire(tion to the (ontrar", m$st ho%d the tr$st8propert",
or so m$(h thereof as is $ne.ha$sted, for the !enefit of the a$thor of the tr$st or his %e-a% representa8
)9 1308
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s.3 and 2nd #(h., for the e.istin- para-raph.
(a) A conveys certain land to B-
&$pon tr$st,K and no tr$st is de(%aredF or
&$pon tr$st to !e thereafter de(%ared,K and no s$(h de(%aration is ever madeF or
$pon tr$sts that are too va-$e to !e e.e($tedF or
$pon tr$sts that !e(ome in(apa!%e of ta2in- effe(tF or
&in tr$sts for ',K and ' reno$n(es his interest $nder the tr$st.
In ea(h of these (ases + ho%ds the %and for the !enefit of A.
(! A transfers 3s. 1=,=== in the fo$r per(ents. to +, in tr$st to pa" the interest ann$a%%"
a((r$in- d$e to ' for her %ife. A dies. Then ' dies. + ho%ds the f$nd for the !enefit of A5s %e-a%
(( A (onve"s %and to + $pon tr$st to se%% it and app%" one moiet" of the pro(eeds for (ertain
(harita!%e p$rposes, and the other for the maintenan(e of the worship of an ido%. + se%%s the %and, !$t
the (harita!%e p$rposes who%%" fai%, and the maintenan(e of the worship does not e.ha$st the se(ond
moiet" of the pro(eeds. + ho%ds the first moiet" %and the part $napp%ied of the se(ond moiet" for the
!enefit of A or his %e-a% representative.
(d A !e?$eaths 3s. 1=,=== to +, to !e %aid o$t in !$"in- %and to !e (onve"ed for p$rposes
whi(h either who%%" or partia%%" fai% to ta2e effe(t. + ho%ds for the !enefit of A5$ %e-a% representative
the $ndisposed of interest in the mone" or %and if p$r(hased.
8C. T1a*#9'1 9)1 %77'@a7 ;"1;)#'. 7here the owner of propert" transfers it to another for an
i%%e-a% p$rpose and s$(h p$rpose is not (arried into e.e($tion, or the transferor is not as -$i%t" as the
transferee, or the effe(t of permittin- the transferee to retain the propert" mi-ht !e to defeat the
provisions of an" %aw, the transferee m$st ho%d the propert" for the !enefit of the transferor.
85. .'B"'#$ 9)1 %77'@a7 ;"1;)#'#. 7here a testator !e?$eaths (ertain propert" $pon tr$st and
the p$rpose of the tr$st appears on the fa(e of the wi%% to !e $n%awf$%, or d$rin- the testatorMs %ifetime
the %e-atee a-rees with him to app%" the propert" for an $n%awf$% p$rpose, the %e-atee m$st ho%d the
propert" for the !enefit of the testator5s %e-a% representative.
.'B"'#$ )9 w6%&6 1'()&a$%)* %# ;1'('*$'8 5< &)'1&%)*. 7here propert" is !e?$eathed and
the revo(ation of the !e?$est is prevented !" (oer(ion, the %e-atee m$st ho%d the propert" for the
!enefit of the testator5s %e-a% representative.
8G. T1a*#9'1 ;"1#"a*$ $) 1'#&%*8a57' &)*$1a&$. 7here propert" is transferred in p$rs$an(e
of a (ontra(t whi(h is %ia!%e to res(ission or ind$(ed !" fra$d or mista2e, the transferee m$st, on
re(eivin- noti(e to that effe(t, ho%d the propert" for the !enefit of the transferor, s$!:e(t to
repa"ment !" the %atter of the (onsideration a(t$a%%" paid.
84. '5$)1 5'&)2%*@ &1'8%$)1H# 1';1'#'*$a$%('. 7here a de!tor !e(omes the e.e($tor or
other %e-a% representative of his (reditor, he m$st ho%d the de!t for the !enefit of the persons
interested therein.
88. A8(a*$a@' @a%*'8 5< 9%8"&%a1<. 7here a tr$stee, e.e($tor, partner, a-ent, dire(tor of a
(ompan", %e-a% adviser, or other person !o$nd in a fid$(iar" (hara(ter to prote(t the interests of
another person, !" avai%in- himse%f of his (hara(ter, -ains for himse%f an" pe($niar" advanta-e, or
where an" person so !o$nd enters into an" dea%in-s $nder (ir($mstan(es in whi(h his own interests
are, or ma" !e, adverse to those of s$(h other person and there!" -ains for himse%f a pe($niar"
advanta-e, he m$st ho%d for the !enefit of s$(h other person the advanta-e so -ained.
(a A, an e.e($tor, !$"s at an $nderva%$e from +, a %e-atee, his (%aim $nder the wi%%. + is
i-norant of the va%$e of the !e?$est. A m$st ho%d for the !enefit of + the differen(e !etween the
pri(e and va%$e.
(! A, a tr$stee, $ses the tr$st8propert" for the p$rpose of his own !$siness. A ho%ds for the
!enefit of his !enefi(iar" the profits arisin- from s$(h $ser.
(( A, a tr$stee, retires from his tr$st in (onsideration of his s$((essor pa"in- him a s$m of
mone". A ho%ds s$(h mone" for the !enefit of his !enefi(iar".
(d A, a partner, !$"s %and in his own name with f$nds !e%on-in- to the partnership. A ho%ds
s$(h %and for the !enefit of the partnership.
(e A, a partner, emp%o"ed on !eha%f of himse%f and his (o8partners in ne-otiatin- the terms
of a %ease, (a%andestine%" stip$%ates with the %esser for pa"ment to himse%f of a %a2h of r$pees. A
ho%ds the %a2h for the !enefit of the partnership.
(f A and + are partners. A dies. +, instead of windin- $p the affairs of the partnership,
retains a%% the assets in the !$siness. + m$st a((o$nt to A5s %e-a% representative for the profits arisin-
from A5s share of the (apita%.
(- A, an a-ent emp%o"ed to o!tain a %ease for +, o!tains the %ease for himse%f. A ho%ds the
%ease for the !enefit of +.
(h A, a -$ardian, !$"s $p for himse%f in($m!ran(es on his ward +5s estate at an $nderva%$e.
A ho%ds for the !enefit of + the in($m!ran(es so !o$-ht, and (an on%" (har-e him with what !e has
a(t$a%%" paid.
83. A8(a*$a@' @a%*'8 5< 'A'1&%#' )9 "*8"' %*97"'*&'.7here, !" the of $nd$e
inf%$en(e, an" advanta-e is -ained in dero-ation of the interests of another, the person -ainin- s$(h
advanta-e witho$t (onsideration, or with noti(e that s$(h inf%$en(e has !een, m$st ho%d
the advanta-e for the !enefit of the person whose interests have !een so pre:$di(ed.
30. A8(a*$a@' @a%*'8 5< B"a7%9%'8 )w*'1. 7here a tenant for %ife, (o8owner, mort-a-ee or
other ?$a%ified owner of an" propert", !" avai%in- himse%f of his position as s$(h, -ains an advanta-e
in dero-ation of the ri-hts of the other persons interested in the propert", or where an" s$(h owner,
as representin- a%% persons interested in s$(h propert", -ains an" advanta-e, he m$st ho%d, for the
!enefit of a%% persons so interested, the advanta-e so -ained, !$t s$!:e(t to repa"ment !" s$(h
persons of their d$e share of the e.penses proper%" in($rred, and to an indemnit" !" the same
persons a-ainst %ia!i%ities proper%" (ontra(ted, in -ainin- s$(h advanta-e.
(a A, the tenant for %ife of %ease ho%d propert", renews the %ease in his own name and for his
own !enefit. A ho%ds the renewed %ease for the !enefit of a%% those interested in the o%d %ease.
(! A vi%%a-e !e%on-s to a Gind$ fami%". A, one of its mem!ers, pa"s na1rana to Government
and there!" pro($res his name to !e entered as the inamdar of the vi%%a-e. A ho%ds the vi%%a-e for the
!enefit of himse%f and the other mem!ers.
(( A mort-a-es %and to +, who enters into possession. + a%%ows the Government reven$e to
fa%% into arrear with a view to the %and !ein- p$t $p for sa%e and his !e(omin- himse%f the p$r(haser
of it. The %and is a((ordin-%" so%d to +. #$!:e(t to the repa"ment of the amo$nt d$e on the mort-a-e
and of his e.penses proper%" in($rred as mort-a-ee, + ho%ds the %and for the !enefit of A.
31. P1);'1$< a&B"%1'8 w%$6 *)$%&' )9 'A%#$%*@ &)*$1a&$. 7here a person a(?$ires propert"
with noti(e that another person has entered into an e.istin- (ontra(t affe(tin- that propert", of whi(h
spe(ifi( performan(e (o$%d !e enfor(ed, the former m$st ho%d the propert" for the !enefit of the
%atter to the e.tent ne(essar" to -ive effe(t to the (ontra(t.
32. P"1&6a#' 5< ;'1#)* &)*$1a&$%*@ $) 5"< ;1);'1$< $) 5' 6'78 )* $1"#$. 7here a person
(ontra(ts to !$" propert" to !e he%d on tr$st for (ertain !enefi(iaries and !$"s the propert"
a((ordin-%", he m$st ho%d the propert" for their !enefit to the e.tent ne(essar" to -ive effe(t to the
33. A8(a*$a@' #'&1'$7< @a%*'8 5< )*' )9 #'('1a7 &)2;)"*8%*@ &1'8%$)1#. 7here (reditors
(ompo$nd the de!ts d$e to them, and one of s$(h (reditors, !" a se(ret arran-ement with the de!tor,
-ains an $nd$e advanta-e over his (o8(reditors, he m$st ho%d for the !enefit of s$(h (reditors the
advanta-e so -ained.
3C. C)*#$1"&$%(' $1"#$# %* &a#'# *)$ 'A;1'##7< ;1)(%8'8 9)1. In an" (ase not (omin- within
the s(ope of an" of the pre(edin- se(tions, where there is no tr$st, !$t the person havin- possession
of propert" has not the who%e !enefi(ia% interest therein, he m$st ho%d the propert" for the !enefit of
the persons havin- s$(h interest, or the resid$e thereof (as the (ase ma" !e, to the e.tent ne(essar"
to satisf" their :$st demands.
(a A, an e.e($tor, distri!$tes the assets of his testator + to the %e-atees witho$t havin- paid
the who%e of +5s de!ts. The %e-atees ho%d for the !enefit of +5s (reditors, to the e.tent ne(essar" to
satisf" their :$st demands, the assets so distri!$ted.
(! A !" mista2e ass$mes the (hara(ter of a tr$stee for +, and $nder (o%o$r of the tr$st
re(eives (ertain mone". + ma" (ompe% him to a((o$nt for s$(h mone"s.
(( A ma2es a -ift of a %a2h of r$pees to +, reservin- to himse%f, with +5s assent, power to
revo2e at p%eas$re the -ift as to 3s. 1=,===. The -ift is void as to 3s. 1=,===, and + ho%ds that s$m
for the !enefit of A.
35. O57%@a$)1H# 8"$%'# 7%a5%7%$%'# a*8 8%#a5%7%$%'#. The person ho%din- propert" in
a((ordan(e with an" of the pre(edin- se(tions of this 'hapter m$st, so far as ma" !e, perform the
same d$ties, and is s$!:e(t, so far as ma" !e, to the same %ia!i%ities and disa!i%ities, as if he were a
tr$stee of the propert" for the person for whose !enefit he ho%ds itH
*rovided that (a where he ri-htf$%%" ($%tivates the propert" of emp%o"s it in trade or
!$siness, he is entit%ed to reasona!%e rem$neration for his tro$!%e, s2i%% and %oss of time in s$(h
($%tivation or emp%o"mentF and (! where he ho%ds the propert" !" virt$e of a (ontra(t with a person
for whose !enefit he ho%ds it, or with an" one thro$-h whom s$(h person (%aims, he ma", witho$t
the permission of the 'o$rt, !$" or !e(ome %essee of mort-a-ee of the propert" or an" part thereof.
3G. Sa(%*@ )9 1%@6$# )9 5)*a 9%8' ;"1&6a#'#. 6othin- (ontained in this 'hapter sha%% impair
the ri-ht of transferees in -ood faith for (onsideration, or (reate an o!%i-ation in evasion of an" %aw
for the time !ein- in for(e.
)*+ S,*+"-.+ Omitted by the %edera" Law$ &e'i$ion and De#"eration( ordinan#e$ ,
1171 &))*++ of 1171(, $.3 and S#h. ++.
1. #hort tit%e.
2. 3epea% of A(ts.
#avin- of (ertain ena(tments, in(idents, ri-hts, %ia!i%ities, et(.
3. Interpretation8(%a$se.
4. ,na(tments re%atin- to (ontra(ts to !e ta2en as part of 'ontra(t A(t.
&9( Tran$fer of :ro!erty, whether mo'eab"e or immo'eab"e
0. &Transfer of propert"K defined.
). 7hat ma" !e transferred.
7. *ersons (ompetent to transfer.
;. Operation of transfer.
9. Ora% transfer.
1=. 'ondition restrainin- a%ienation.
11. 3estri(tion rep$-nant to interest (reated.
12. 'ondition ma2in- interest determina!%e on inso%ven(" or attempted a%ienation.
13. Transfer for !enefit of $n!orn person.
14. 3$%e a-ainst perpet$it". .
10. Transfer to (%ass some of whom (ome $nder se(tions 13 and 14.
1). Transfer to ta2e effe(t on fai%$re of prior interest.
17. Aire(tion for a(($m$%ation.
1;. Transfer in perpet$it" for !enefit of p$!%i(.
19. <ested interest.
2=. 7hen $n!orn person a(?$ires vested interest on transfer for his !enefit.
21. 'ontin-ent interest.
22. Transfer to mem!ers of a (%ass who attain a parti($%ar a-e.
23. Transfer (ontin-ent on happenin- of spe(ified $n(ertain event.
24. Transfer to s$(h of (ertain persons as s$rvive at some period not spe(ified.
20. 'onditiona% transfer.
2). /$%fi%ment of (ondition pre(edent.
27. 'onditiona% transfer to one person (o$p%ed with transfer to another on fai%$re of prior
2;. L%terior transfer (onditiona% on happenin- or not happenin- of spe(ified event.
29. /$%fi%ment of (ondition s$!se?$ent.
3=. *rior disposition not affe(ted !" inva%idit" of $%terior disposition.
31. 'ondition that transfer sha%% (ease to have effe(t in (ase spe(ified $n(ertain event happens
or does not happen.
32. #$(h (ondition m$st not !e inva%id.
33. Transfer (onditiona% on performan(e of a(t, no time !ein- spe(ified for performan(e.
34. Transfer (onditiona% on performan(e of a(t, time !ein- spe(ified.
32. ,%e(tion when ne(essar".
3). Apportionment of periodi(a% pa"ments on determination of interest of person entit%ed.
37. Apportionment of !enefit of o!%i-ation on severan(e.
&;( Tran$fer of +mmo'eab"e :ro!erty
3;. Transfer !" person a$thori1ed on%" $nder (ertain (ir($mstan(es to transfer.
39. Transfer where third person is entit%ed to maintenan(e.
4=. +$rden of o!%i-ation imposin- restri(tion on $se of %and, or of o!%i-ation anne.ed to
ownership !$t not amo$ntin- to interest or easement.
41. Transfer !" ostensi!%e owner.
42. Transfer !" person havin- a$thorit" to revo2e former transfer.
43. Transfer !" $na$thori1ed person who s$!se?$ent%" a(?$ires interest in propert"
44. Transfer !" one (o8owner.
40. Eoint transfer for (onsideration.
4). Transfer for (onsideration !" persons havin- distin(t interests.
47. Transfer !" (o8owners of share in (ommon propert".
4;. *riorit" of ri-hts (reated !" transfer.
49. Transferee5s ri-ht $nder po%i(".
0=. 3ent bona fide paid to ho%der $nder defe(tive tit%e.
01. Improvements made !" bona fide ho%ders $nder defe(tive tit%es.
02. Transfer of propert" pendin- s$it re%atin- thereto.
03. /ra$d$%ent transfer.
03A. *art performan(e.
04. &#a%eK defined.
#a%e how made.
'ontra(t for sa%e.
00. 3i-hts and %ia!i%ities of !$"er and se%%er.
0). @arsha%%in- !" s$!se?$ent p$r(haser.
Di$#har3e of +n#umbran#e$ on Sa"e
07. *rovision !" 'o$rt for in($m!ran(e and sa%e freed therefrom.
0;. &@ort-a-e,K &mort-a-or,K &mort-a-ee,K &mort-a-e8mone"K and &mort-a-e8deedK
#imp%e mort-a-e.
@ort-a-e !" (onditiona% sa%e.
Ls$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-e.
,n-%ish mort-a-e.
@ort-a-e !" deposit of tit%e8deeds.
Anoma%o$s mort-a-e.
09. @ort-a-e when to !e !" ass$ran(e.
09A. 3eferen(es to mort-a-ors and mort-a-ees to in(%$de persons derivin- tit%e from them.
i3ht$ and Liabi"itie$ of 5ort3a3or
)=. 3i-ht of mort-a-or to redeem.
3edemption of portion of mort-a-ed propert".
)=A. O!%i-ation to transfer to third part" instead of re8transferen(e to mort-a-or.
)=+. 3i-ht to inspe(tion and prod$(tion of do($ments.
)1. 3i-ht to redeem separate%" or sim$%taneo$s%".
)2. 3i-ht of $s$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-or to re(over possession.
)3. A((ession to mort-a-ed propert".
A((ession a(?$ired in virt$e of transferred ownership.
)3A. Improvements to mort-a-ed propert".
)4. 3enewa% of mort-a-ed %ease.
)0. Imp%ied (ontra(ts !" mort-a-or.
)0A. @ort-a-orMs power to %ease.
)). 7aste !" mort-a-or in possession.
i3ht$ and Liabi"itie$ of 5ort3a3ee
)7. 3i-ht to fore(%os$re or sa%e.
)7A. @ort-a-ee when !o$nd to !rin- one s$it on severa% mort-a-es.
);. 3i-ht to s$e for mort-a-e8mone".
)9. *ower of sa%e when va%id.
)9A. Appointment of re(eiver.
7=. A((ession to mort-a-ed propert".
71. 3enewa% of mort-a-ed %ease.
72. 3i-hts of mort-a-ee in possession.
73. 3i-ht to pro(eeds of reven$e sa%e or (ompensation on a(?$isition.
748 70. Ce!ea"ed.D
7). Lia!i%ities of mort-a-ee in possession.
Loss o((asioned !" his defa$%t.
77. 3e(eipts in %ie$ of interest.
7;. *ostponement of prior mort-a-ee.
79. @ort-a-e to se($re $n(ertain amo$nt when$m is e.pressed.
;=. Ce!ea"ed.D
5ar$ha""in3 and Contribution
;1. @arsha%%in- se($rities.
;2. 'ontri!$tion to mort-a-e8de!t.
De!o$it in Court
;3. *ower to deposit in 'o$rt mone" d$e on mort-a-e.
3i-ht to mone" deposited !" mort-a-or.
;4. 'essation of interest.
;0 to 9=. Ce!ea"edD
91. 7ho ma" s$e for redemption.
92. #$!ro-ation.
93. *rohi!ition of ta(2in-.
94. 3i-hts of mesne mort-a-ee.
90. 3i-ht of redeemin- (o8mort-a-or to e.penses.
9). @ort-a-e !" deposit of tit%e8deeds.
97. Ce!ea"ed.D
9noma"ou$ 5ort3a3e$
9;. 3i-hts and %ia!i%ities of parties to anoma%o$s mort-a-es.
99. Ce!ea"ed.D
1==. 'har-es.
1=1. 6o mer-er in (ase of s$!se?$ent en($m!ran(e.
<oti#e and Tender
1=2. #ervi(e or tender on or to a-ent.
1=3. 6oti(e, et(., to or !" person in(ompetent to (ontra(t.
1=4. *ower to ma2e r$%es.
1=0. &LeaseK defined.
&Lessor,K &%essee,K &premi$mK and &rentK defined.
1=). A$ration of (ertain %eases in a!sen(e of written (ontra(t or %o(a% $sa-e.
1=7. Leases how made.
1=;. 3i-hts and %ia!i%ities of %essor and %essee.
1=9. 3i-hts of %essor5s transferee.
11=. ,.(%$sion of da" on whi(h term (ommen(es.
A$ration of %ease for a "ear.
Option to determine %ease.
111. Aetermination of %ease.
112. 7aiver of forfeit$re.
113. 7aiver of noti(e to ?$it.
114. 3e%ief a-ainst forfeit$re for non8pa"ment of rent.
114A. 3e%ief a-ainst forfeit$re in (ertain other (ases.
110. ,ffe(t of s$rrender and forfeit$re on $nder8%eases.
11). ,ffe(t of ho%din- over.
117. ,.emption of %eases for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposes.
11;. &,.(han-eK defined.
119. 3i-ht of part" deprived of thin- re(eived in e.(han-e.
12=. 3i-hts and %ia!i%ities of parties.
121. ,.(han-e of mone".
122. &GiftK defined.
A((eptan(e when to !e made.
123. Transfer how effe(ted.
124. Gift of e.istin- and f$t$re propert".
120. Gift to severa% of whom one does not a((ept.
12). 7hen -ift ma" !e s$spended or revo2ed.
127. Onero$s -ifts.
Onero$s -ift to dis?$a%ified person.
12;. Lniversa% donee.
129. #avin- of donations morti$ #au$a and @$s%im %aw.
13=. Transfer of a(tiona!%e (%aim.
%3=A. Transfer of po%i(" of marine ins$ran(e.
131. 6oti(e to !e in writin-, si-ned.
132. Lia!i%it" of transferee of a(tiona!%e (%aim.
133. 7arrant" of so%ven(" of de!tor.
134. @ort-a-ed de!t.
130. Assi-nment of ri-hts $nder po%i(" of ins$ran(e a-ainst fire.
130A. Assi-nment of ri-hts $nder po%i(" of marine ins$ran(e.
13). In(apa(it" of offi(ers (onne(ted with 'o$rts of E$sti(e.
137. #avin- of ne-otia!%e instr$ments, et(.
ACT N). IV OF 1882
C1=th %ebruary, 1;;2D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) $6' T1a*#9'1 )9 P1);'1$< 5< A&$ )9 Pa1$%'#.
P1'a257'. 7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to define and amend (ertain parts of the %aw re%atin-
to the transfer of propert" !" a(t of partiesF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. S6)1$ $%$7'. This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the Transfer of *ropert" A(t, 1;;2.
C)22'*&'2'*$. It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of E$%", 1;;2.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;77, :t. <, p. 171F for the *re%iminar" 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee $ee ibid.,
1;7;, *t. <, p. 4;F for the f$rther 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, see ibid., 1;79, *t. <, p. 1=)F for the third 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee
ibid., 1;;1, *t. <, p. 390F for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;77, #$pp%ement, p. 10);F ibid., 1;77, #$pp%ement, p. 1)9=F ibid., 1;;2.
#$pp%ement, pp. 9) and 1)9.
This A(t has !een e.tended with effe(t from 1st Ean$ar", 1910, to the *rovin(e of #indh, $ee +om. 3. 4 O.
#s. 04, 1=7 and 123 have !een e.tended from )th @a", 1930, to a%% @$ni(ipa%ities in the *$n:a! and a%% notified areas de(%ared and notified $nder
s. 241 of the *$n:a! @$ni(ipa% A(t, 1911, $ee *$n:a! Ga1ette ,.traordinar", 1920, p. 27.
#. 04, paras, 2 and 3, and ss. 09, 1=7 and 123 e.tend to ever" (antonment in the *rovin(es, et(., $ee s. 2;7 of the 'antonments A(t. 1924 (2 of
It has !een rep. as to 'rown Grants !" the 'rown Grants A(t, 1;90 (10 of 1;90 ,and amended in #indh !" #indh A(t 14 of 1939, s.2.
This A(t sha%% !e deemed to have !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of #indh, $ee #indh A(t 14 of 1939.
The A(t has !een e.tended, in respe(t of non8a-ri($%t$ra% %ands, to +a%$(histan #tates Lnion and the Ohairp$r #tate !" G.G.Os. 4 and 0 of 1903,
as amended respe(tive%".
The A(t has !een and sha%% !e deemed to have !een !ro$-ht into for(e in Gwad$r with effe(t from the ;th #eptemter, 190;, !" the Gwad$r
(App%i(ation of 'entra% Laws Ordinan(e, 19)= (37 of 19)=, s. 2.
The A(t, as in for(e in the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of 6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. 2 of 1974 has !een
app%ied to the *rovin(ia%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas of 'hitra%, Air, Oa%am, #wat and @a%a2and prote(ted Area, !" 6.7./.* 3e-$%ation 6o. 2
of 1974, s. 3.
CThisD A(t or an" *art thereof ma" !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette !e
e.tended to the who%e or an" part of
Ca *rovin(eD
C!" the *rovin(ia% GovernmentD.D
CAnd an"
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma",
J J J from time to time, !" notifi(ation in
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, e.empt either retrospe(tive%" or prospe(tive%", an" part of the territories
administered !" s$(h
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD from a%% or an" of the fo%%owin- provisions,
#e(tions 04, para-raphs 2 and 3, 09, 1=7 and 123.D
C6otwithstandin- an"thin- in the fore-oin- part of this se(tion, se(tions 04, para-raphs
2 and 3, 09, 1=7 and 123 sha%% not e.tend or !e e.tended to an" distri(t or tra(t of (o$ntr" for the
time !ein- e.(%$ded from the operation of the 3e-istration A(t,
C19=;D, $nder the power
(onferred !" the first se(tion of that A(t or otherwise.D
2. R';'a7 )9 A&$#, Sa(%*@ )9 &'1$a%* '*a&$2'*$#, %*&%8'*$#, 1%@6$#, 7%a5%7%$%'#, '$&. In
the territories to whi(h this A(t e.tends for the time !ein- the ena(tments spe(ified in the
s(hed$%e hereto anne.ed sha%% !e repea%ed to the e.tent therein mentioned. +$t nothin- herein
(ontained sha%% !e deemed to affe(tI
(a the provisions of an" ena(tment not here!"" repea%edH
The ori-ina% para-raph whi(h was first s$!s. !" A. O., 1937 and s$!se?$ent%" amended !" A. O., 1949 and A. O., 19)1 have !een omitted !" /.
A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for the
fo$rth para-raph, whi(h had !een amended !" A. O., 1937, A. O.,1949, and A(t 2) of 1901.
#$!s. !" /.A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for &+$t thisK.
#$!s. ibid., for &7est *a2istanK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for and the C/edera% Territor" of Oara(hiD !" the *rovin(ia% Government (on(ernedK. The words in
(rot(hets were s$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)1 (1 of 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.,. for &'apita% of the /ederationK.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" A(t, (1;;2 Amendment A(t, 1;;0 (3 of 1;;0, s. 1, for the ori-ina% para.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words &with the previo$s san(tion of the G. G. in '.K rep. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. 1.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
Ins. !" A(t 3 of 1;;0F it is to !e deemed to have !een added from the date on whi(h A(t 4 of 1;;2 (ame into for(e.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929 for &1;77K.
(! an" terms or in(idents of an" (ontra(t or (onstit$tion of propert" whi(h are
(onsistent with the provisions of this A(t, and are a%%owed !" the %aw for the time
!ein- in for(eH
(( an" ri-ht or %ia!i%it" arisin- o$t of a %e-a% re%ation (onstit$ted !efore this A(t
(omes into for(e, or an" re%ief in respe(t of an" s$(h ri-ht or %ia!i%it"H or
(d save as provided !" se(tion 07 and 'hapter I< of this A(t, an" transfer !"
operation of %aw or !", or in e.e($tion of, a de(ree or order of a 'o$rt of (om8
petent :$risdi(tionH
and nothin- in the se(ond (hapter of this A(t sha%% !e deemed to affe(t an" r$%e of
3. I*$'1;1'$a$%)* &7a"#'. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t
or (onte.t,I
&immovea!%e propert"K does not in(%$de standin- tim!er, -rowin- (rops or -rassH
&instr$mentK means a non8testamentar" instr$ment H
C&attestedK, in re%ation to an instr$ment, means
Cand sha%% !e deemed a%wa"s to
have meantD attested !" two or more witnesses ea(h of whom has seen the
e.e($tant si-n or affi. his mar2 to the instr$ment, or has seen some other person
si-n the instr$ment in the presen(e and !" the dire(tion of the e.e($tant, or has
re(eived from the e.e($tant a persona% a(2now%ed-ement or his si-nat$re or
mar2, or of the si-nat$re of s$(h other person, and ea(h of whom has si-ned the
instr$ment in the presen(e of the e.e($tantF !$t it sha%% not !e ne(essar" that
more than one of s$(h witnesses sha%% have !een present at the same time, and
no parti($%ar form of attestation sha%% !e ne(essar"HD
&re-isteredK means re-istered in
Ca provin(eD $nder the %aw
for the time !ein- in
for(e re-$%atin- the re-istration of do($mentsH
The word &Gind$Krep. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t,1929 (2= of 1929, s. 3.
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &@$hammadanK .
The words &or +$ddhistK rep. ibid., s. 3.
Ins. !" s. 2 or the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 192) (27 of 192).
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1927 (1= of 1927, s. 2 and #(h. 1.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &+ritish IndiaK.
See the 3e-istration A(t, 19=; (1) of 19=;.
&atta(hed to the earthK means
(a rooted in the earth, as in the (ase of trees and shr$!sF
(! im!edded in the earth, as in the (ase of wa%%s or !$i%din-sF or
(( atta(hed to what is so im!edded for the permanent !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of that
to whi(h it is atta(hedH
C&A(tiona!%e (%aimK means a (%aim to an" de!t, other than a de!t se($red !" mort-a-e of
immovea!%e propert" or !" h"pothe(ation or p%ed-e of movea!%e propert", or to
an" !enefi(ia% interest in movea!%e propert" not in the possession, either a(t$a% or
(onstr$(tive, of the (%aimant, whi(h the 'ivi% 'o$rts re(o-ni1e as affordin-
-ro$nds for re%ief, whether s$(h de!t or !enefi(ia% interest !e e.istent, a((r$in-,
(onditiona% or (ontin-entHD
C&a person is said to have noti(eK of a fa(t when he a(t$a%%" 2nows that fa(t, or when, !$t
for wi%f$% a!stention from an in?$ir" or sear(h whi(h he o$-ht to have made, or
-ross ne-%i-en(e, he wo$%d have 2nown it.
E/!"anation +.87here an" transa(tion re%atin- to immovea!%e propert" is re?$ired !" %aw to !e
and has !een effe(ted !" a re-istered instr$ment, an" person a(?$irin- s$(h propert" or an" part
of, or share or interest in, s$(h propert" sha%% !e deemed to have noti(e of s$(h instr$ment as
from the date of re-istration or,
Cwhere the propert" is not a%% sit$ated in one s$!8distri(t, or
where the re-istered instr$ment has !een re-istered $nder s$!8se(tion (2 of se(tion 3= of the
3e-istration A(t, 19=;, from the ear%iest date on whi(h an" memorand$m. of s$(h re-istered
instr$ment has !een fi%ed !" an" #$!83e-istrar within whose s$!8distri(t an" part of the propert"
whi(h is !ein- a(?$ired, or of the propert" wherein a share or interest is !ein- a(?$ired, is
sit$atedD H
*rovided thatI
(1 the instr$ment has !een re-istered and its re-istration (omp%eted in the manner pres(ri!ed
!" the 3e-istration A(t, 19=;, and the r$%es made there$nder,
Ins. !" s. 2 of the Transfer of *ropert" A(t, 19== (2 of 19==.
This para-raph with the e.p%anations and provisos was s$!s. for the ori-ina% para-raph !" s. 4 of the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2=
of 1929.
#$!s. !" s. 2 of the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 193= (0 of 193=.
><I of
><I of
(2 the instr$ment
Cor memorand$mD has !een d$%" entered or fi%ed, as the (ase ma" !e, in
!oo2s 2ept $nder se(tion 01 of that A(t, and
(3 the parti($%ars re-ardin- the transa(tion to whi(h the instr$ment re%ates have !een
(orre(t%" entered in the 2ept $nder se(tion 00 of that A(t.
E/!"anation II.8An" person a(?$irin- an" immovea!%e propert" or an" share or interest in an"
s$(h propert" sha%% !e deemed to have noti(e of the tit%e, if an", of an" person who is for the time
!ein- in a(t$a% possession thereof.
E/!"anation III.,A person sha%% !e deemed to have had noti(e of an" fa(t if his a-ent a(?$ires
noti(e thereof whi%st a(tin- on his !eha%f in the (o$rse of !$siness to whi(h that fa(t is materia%H
*rovided that, if the a-ent fra$d$%ent%" (on(ea%s the fa(t, the prin(ipa% sha%% not !e
(har-ed with noti(e thereof as a-ainst an" person who was a part" to or otherwise
(o-ni1ant of the fra$d.D
C. E*a&$2'*$# 1'7a$%*@ $) &)*$1a&$# $) 5' $a:'* a# ;a1$ )9 C)*$1a&$ A&$.DThe (hapters
and se(tions of this A(t whi(h re%ate to (ontra(ts sha%% !e ta2en as part of the 'ontra(t A(t, 1;72.
CAnd se(tions, 04 para-raphs 2 and 3, 09, 1=7 and 123, sha%% !e read as s$pp%ementa% to
the 3e-istration A(t,
&9( Tran$fer of :ro!erty, whether mo'eab"e or immo'eab"e
5. &T1a*#9'1 )9 ;1);'1$<F 8'9%*'8. In the fo%%owin- se(tions &transfer of propert"K means , an
a(t !" whi(h a %ivin- person (onve"s propert", in present or in f$t$re, to one or more other %ivin-
persons, or to himse%f,
Ins. !" s. 2 of the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 193= (0 of 193=.
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" A(t (1;;2 Amdt. A(t, 1;;0 (3 of 1;;0, s. 3.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, se(tion 0, for &1;77K.
I> of
><I of
Cor to himse%fD and one or more other %ivin- personsF and &to transfer propert"K is to perform
s$(h a(t.
CIn this se(tion &%ivin- personK in(%$des a (ompan" or asso(iation or !od" of individ$a%s,
whether in(orporated or not, !$t nothin- herein (ontained sha%% affe(t an" %aw for the time !ein-
in for(e re%atin- to transfer of propert" to or !" (ompanies, asso(iations or !odies of individ$a%s.D
G. -6a$ 2a< 5' $1a*#9'11'8. *ropert" of an" 2ind ma" !e transferred, e.(ept as
otherwise provided !" this A(t or !" an" other %aw for the time !ein- in for(e.
(a The (han(e of an heir8apparent s$((eedin- to an estate, the (han(e of a re%ation
o!tainin- a %e-a(" on the death of a 2insman, or an" other mere possi!i%it" of a %i2e nat$re,
(annot !e transferred.
(! A mere ri-ht of re8entr" for !rea(h of a (ondition s$!se?$ent (annot !e
transferred to an"one e.(ept the owner of the propert" affe(ted there!".
(( An easement (annot !e transferred apart from the dominant herita-e.
(d An interest in propert" restri(ted in its en:o"ment to the owner persona%%" (annot
!e transferred !" him.
C(dd A ri-ht to f$t$re maintenan(e, in whatsoever manner arisin-, se($red or
determined, (annot !e transferred.D
(e A mere ri-ht to s$e
J J J (annot !e transferred.
(f A p$!%i( offi(e (annot !e transferred, nor (an the sa%ar" of a p$!%i( offi(er,
whether !efore or after it has !e(ome pa"a!%e.
(- #tipends a%%owed to mi%itar"
C, nava%D,
Cair8for(eD and (ivi% pensioners of
GovernmentD and po%iti(a% pensions (annot !e transferred.
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. ).
'%a$se (dd ins. i!id., s. 7.
The words &for (ompensation for a fra$d or for harm i%%e-a%%" (a$sedK rep. !" the Transfer of *ropert" A(t, 19== (2 of 19==, s. 3 (i.
Ins. !" the Amendment A(t, 1934 (30 of 1934, s. 2 and #(h.
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1927 (1= of 1927, s. 2 and #(h. I. .
The ori-ina% word &GovernmentK was first s$!s. !" A. O., 1937 and then amended !" A. O., 19)1, Art.2 (with effe#t from the 23rd 5ar#h,
1126, to read as a!ove.
(h 6o transfer (an !e made (1 in so far as it is opposed to the nat$re of the interest
affe(ted there!", or (2
Cfor an $n%awf$% o!:e(t or (onsideration within the meanin- of se(tion 23
of the (ontra(t A(t, 1;72,D or (3 to a person %e-a%%" dis?$a%ified to !e transferee.
C(i 6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to a$thori1e a tenant havin- an
$ntransfera!%e ri-ht of o(($pan(", the farmer of an estate in respe(t of whi(h defa$%t has !een
made in pa"in- reven$e or the %essee of an estate $nder the mana-ement of a 'o$rt of 7ards, to
assi-n his interest as s$(h tenant, farmer or %essee.D
4. P'1#)*# &)2;'$'*$ $) $1a*#9'1. ,ver" person (ompetent to (ontra(t and entit%ed
to transfera!%e propert", or a$thori1ed to dispose of transfera!%e propert" not his own, is
(ompetent to transfer s$(h propert" either who%%" or in part, and either a!so%$te%" or
(onditiona%%", in the (ir($mstan(es, to the e.tent and in the manner a%%owed and pres(ri!ed !"
an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e.
8. O;'1a$%)* )9 $1a*#9'1. Ln%ess a different intention is e.pressed or ne(essari%"
imp%ied, a transfer of propert" passes forthwith to the transferee a%% the interest whi(h the
transferor is then (apa!%e of passin- in the propert", and in the %e-a% in(idents thereof.
#$(h in(idents in(%$de, where the propert" is %and, the easements anne.ed thereto, the rents and
profits thereof a((r$in- after the transfer, and a%% thin-s atta(hed to the earthF
and, where the propert" is ma(hiner" atta(hed to the earth, the movea!%e parts thereofF
and, where the propert" is a ho$se, the easements anne.ed thereto, the rent thereof a((r$in- after
the transfer, and the %o(2s, 2e"s, !ars, doors, windows, and a%% other thin-s provided for
permanent $se therewithF
and, where the propert" is a de!t or other a(tiona!%e (%aim, the se($rities therefor (e.(ept where
the" are a%so for other de!ts or (%aims not transferred to the transferee, !$t not arrears of interest
a((r$ed !efore the transferF
and, where the propert" is mone" or other propert" "ie%din- in(ome, the interest or in(ome
thereof a((r$in- after the transfer ta2es effe(t.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" A(t, 19== (2 of 19==, s. 3 (ii(, for &for an i%%e-a% p$rposeK.
'%a$se (i ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" A(t, (1;;2 Amendment A(t, 1;;0, (3 of 1;;0, s. 4.
I> of
3. O1a7 $1a*#9'1. A transfer of propert" ma" !e made witho$t writin- in ever" (ase in
whi(h a writin- is not" re?$ired !" %aw.
10. C)*8%$%)* 1'#$1a%*%*@ a7%'*a$%)*. 7here propert" is transferred s$!:e(t to a
(ondition or %imitation a!so%$te%" restrainin- the transferee or an" person (%aimin- $nder him
from partin- with or disposin- of his interest in the propert", the (ondition or %imitation is void,
e.(ept in the (ase of a %ease where the (ondition is for the !enefit of the %essor or those (%aimin-
$nder himH *rovided that propert" ma" !e transferred to or for the !enefit of a woman (not !ein-
a Gind$,
C@$s%imD or +$ddhist, so that she sha%% not have power d$rin- her marria-e to transfer
or (har-e the same or her !enefi(ia% interest therein.
11. R'#$1%&$%)* 1';"@*a*$ $) %*$'1'#$ &1'a$'8. 7here, on a transfer of propert", an
interest therein is (reated a!so%$te%" in favo$r of an" person, !$t the terms of the transfer dire(t
that s$(h interest sha%% !e app%ied or en:o"ed !" him in a parti($%ar manner, he sha%% !e entit%ed to
re(eive and dispose of s$(h interest as if there were no s$(h dire(tion.
C7here an" s$(h dire(tion has !een made in respe(t of one pie(e of immovea!%e
propert" for the p$rpose of se($rin- the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of another pie(e of s$(h propert",
nothin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to affe(t an" ri-ht whi(h the transferor ma" have to
enfor(e s$(h dire(tion or an" remed" whi(h he ma" have in respe(t of a !rea(h thereof.D
12. C)*8%$%)* 2a:%*@ %*$'1'#$ 8'$'12%*a57' )* %*#)7('*&< )1 a$$'2;$'8 a7%'*a$%)*.
7here propert" is transferred s$!:e(t to a (onditionH or %imitation ma2in- an" interest therein,
reserved or -iven to or for the !enefit of an" person, to (ease on his !e(omin- inso%vent or
endeavo$rin- to transfer or dispose of the same, s$(h (ondition or %imitation is void.
6othin- in this se(tion app%ies to a (ondition in a %ease for the !enefit of the %essor or
those (%aimin- $nder him.
13. T1a*#9'1 9)1 5'*'9%$ )9 "*5)1* ;'1#)*. 7here, on a transfer of propert", an interest
therein is (reated for the !enefit of a person not in e.isten(e at the date of the transfer, s$!:e(t to
a prior interest (reated !" the same transfer the interest (reated for the !enefit of s$(h person
sha%% not ta2e effe(t, $n%ess it e.tends to the who%e of the remainin- interest of the transferor in
the propert".
#$!s. !" /.A.O. 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &@$hammadanK.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929 s. ;, for the ori-ina% se(ond para-raph.
A transfers propert" of whi(h he is the owner to + in tr$st for A and his intended wife
s$((essive%" for their %ives, and, after the death of the s$rvivor, for the e%dest son of the intended
marria-e for %ife, and after his death for A5s se(ond son. The interest so (reated for the !enefit of
the e%dest son does not ta2e effe(t, !e(a$se it does not e.tend to the who%e of A5s remainin- in8
terest in the propert".
1C. R"7' a@a%*#$ ;'1;'$"%$<. 6o transfer of propert" (an operate to (reate an interest
whi(h is to ta2e effe(t after the %ife8time of one or more persons %ivin- at the date of s$(h
transfer, and the minorit" of some person who sha%% !e in e.isten(e at the e.piration of that
period, and to whom, if he attains f$%% a-e, the interest (reated is to !e%on-.
15. T1a*#9'1 $) &7a## #)2' )9 w6)2 &)2' "*8'1 #'&$%)*# 13 a*8 1C. If, on a transfer
of propert", an interest therein is (reated for the !enefit of a (%ass of persons with re-ard to some
of whom s$(h interest fai%s !" reason of an" of the r$%es (ontained in se(tions 13 and 14, s$(h
interest fai%s
Cin re-ard to those persons on%" and not in re-ard to the who%e (%assD.
C1G. T1a*#9'1 $) $a:' '99'&$ )* 9a%7"1' )9 ;1%)1 %*$'1'#$. 7here, !" reason of an" of the
r$%es (ontained in se(tions 13 and 14, an interest (reated for the !enefit of a person of or of a
(%ass of persons fai%s in re-ard to s$(h person or the who%e of s$(h (%ass, an" interest (reated in
the same transa(tion and intended to ta2e effe(t after or $pon fai%$re of s$(h prior interest a%so
14. %1'&$%)* 9)1 a&&"2"7a$%)*. (1 7here the terms of a transfer of propert" dire(t that
the in(ome arisin- from the propert" sha%% !e a(($m$%ated either who%%" or in part d$rin- a
period %on-er thanI
(a the %ife of the transferor, or
(! a period of ei-hteen "ears from the date of the transfer,
s$(h dire(tion sha%%, save as hereinafter provided, !e void to the e.tent to whi(h the
period d$rin- whi(h the a(($m$%ation is dire(ted e.(eeds the %on-er of the aforesaid periods, and
at the end of s$(h %ast8mentioned period the propert" and the in(ome thereof sha%% !e disposed of
as if the period d$rin- whi(h the a(($m$%ation has !een dire(ted to !e made had e%apsed.
(2 This se(tion sha%% not affe(t an" dire(tion for a(($m$%ation for the p$rpose of8
(i the pa"ment of the de!ts of the transferor or an" other person ta2in- an"
interest $nder the transfer, or
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, se(tion 9, for &as re-ards the who%e (%assK.
6ew ss. 1) to 1; were s$!s. ibid ., $. 1=, for the ori-ina% se(tions.
(ii the provision of portions for (hi%dren or remoter iss$e of the transferor or
of an" other person ta2in- an" interest $nder the transfer, or
(iii) the preservation or maintenan(e of the propert" transferredF and s$(h
dire(tion ma" !e made a((ordin-%".
18. T1a*#9'1 %* ;'1;'$"%$< 9)1 5'*'9%$ )9 ;"57%&. The restri(tions in se(tions 14, 1) and
17 sha%% not app%" in the (ase of a transfer of propert" for the !enefit of the p$!%i( in the
advan(ement of re%i-ion, 2now%ed-e, (ommer(e, hea%th, safet", or an" other o!:e(t !enefi(ia% to
13. V'#$'8 %*$'1'#$. 7here, on a transfer of propert", an interest therein is , (reated in
favo$r of a person witho$t spe(if"in- the time when it is to ta2e effe(t, or in terms spe(if"in-
that it is to ta2e effe(t forthwith or on the happenin- of an event whi(h m$st happen, s$(h
interest is vested, $n%ess a (ontrar" intention appears from the terms of the transfer.
A vested interest is not defeated !" the death of the transferee !efore he o!tains
E/!"anation., An intention that an interest sha%% not !e vested is not to !e inferred mere%"
from a provision where!" the en:o"ment thereof is postponed, or where!" a prior interest in the
same propert" is -iven or reserved to some other person, or where!" in(ome arisin- from the
propert" is dire(ted to !e a(($m$%ated $nti% the time of en:o"ment arrives, or from a provision
that if a parti($%ar event sha%% happen the interest sha%% pass to another person.
20. -6'* "*5)1* ;'1#)* a&B"%1'# ('#$'8 %*$'1'#$ )* $1a*#9'1 9)1 6%# 5'*'9%$. 7here,
on a transfer of propert", an interest thereinM is (reated for the !enefit of a person not then %ivin-,
he a(?$ires $pon his !irth, $n%ess a (ontrar" intention appear from the terms of the transfer, a
vested interest, a%tho$-h he ma" not !e entit%ed to the en:o"ment thereof immediate%" on his
21. C)*$%*@'*$ %*$'1'#$. 7here, on a transfer of propert", an interest therein is (reated in
favo$r of a person to ta2e effe(t on%" on the happenin- of a spe(ified $n(ertain event, or if a
spe(ified $n(ertain event sha%% not happen, s$(h person there!" a(?$ires a (ontin-ent interest in
the propert". #$(h interest !e(omes a vested interest, in the former (ase, on the happenin- of the
event, in the %atter, when the happenin- of the event !e(omes impossi!%e.
6ew ss. 1)81; s$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 1=, for the ori-ina% se(tions.
E/#e!tion.,7here, $nder a transfer of propert", a person !e(omes entit%ed to an interest
therein $pon attainin- a parti($%ar a-e, and the transferor a%so -ives to him a!so%$te%" the in(ome
to arise from s$(h interest !efore he rea(hes that a-e, or dire(ts the in(ome or so m$(h thereof as
ma" !e ne(essar" to !e app%ied for his !enefit, s$(h interest is not (ontin-ent.
22. T1a*#9'1 $) 2'25'1# )9 a &7a## w6) a$$a%* a ;a1$%&"7a1 a@'. 7here, on a transfer
of propert", an interest therein is (reated in favo$r of s$(h mem!ers on%" of a (%ass as sha%% attain
a parti($%ar a-e, s$(h interest does not vest in an" mem!er of the (%ass who has not attained that
23. T1a*#9'1 &)*$%*@'*$ )* 6a;;'*%*@ )9 #;'&%9%'8 "*&'1$a%* '('*$. 7here, on a
transfer of propert", an interest therein is to a((r$e to a spe(ified person if a spe(ified $n(ertain
event sha%% happen, and no time is mentioned for the o(($rren(e of that event, the interest fai%s
$n%ess s$(h event happens !efore, or at the same time as, the intermediate or pre(edent interest
(eases to
2C. T1a*#9'1 $) #"&6 )9 &'1$a%* ;'1#)*# a# #"1(%(' a$ #)2' ;'1%)8 *)$ #;'&%9%'8.
7here, on a transfer of propert", an interest therein is to a((r$e to s$(h of (ertain persons as
sha%% !e s$rvivin- at some period, !$t the e.a(t period is not spe(ified, the interest sha%% -o to
s$(h of them as sha%% !e a%ive when the intermediate or pre(edent interest (eases to, $n%ess a
(ontrar" intention appears , from the terms of the transfer.
A transfers propert" to + for %ife, and after his death to ' and A, e?$a%%" to !e divided
!etween them, or to the s$rvivor of them. ' dies d$rin- the %ife of +. A s$rvives +. At +5s death
the propert" passes to A.
25. C)*8%$%)*a7 $1a*#9'1. An interest (reated on a transfer of propert" and dependent
$pon a (ondition fai%s if the f$%fi%ment of the (ondition is impossi!%e, or is for!idden !" %aw, or is
of s$(h a nat$re that, if permitted, it wo$%d defeat the provisions of an" %aw, or is fra$d$%ent, or
invo%ves or imp%ies in:$r" to the person or propert" of another, or the 'o$rt re-ards it as immora%
or opposed to p$!%i( po%i(".
(a A %ets a farm to + on (ondition that he sha%% wa%2 a h$ndred mi%es in an ho$r. The
%ease is void.
(! A -ives 3s. 0== to + on (ondition that he sha%% marr" A5s da$-hter '. At the date of
the transfer ' was dead. The transfer is void.
(( A transfers 3s. 0== to + on (ondition that she sha%% m$rder '. The transfer is void.
&d( A transfers 3s. 0== to his nie(e ' if she wi%% desert, her h$s!and. The transfer is void.
2G. F"79%72'*$ )9 &)*8%$%)* ;1'&'8'*$. 7here the terms of a transfer of propert"
impose a (ondition to !e f$%fi%%ed !efore a person (an ta2e an interest in the propert", the
(ondition sha%% !e deemed to have !een f$%fi%%ed if it has !een s$!stantia%%" (omp%ied with.
(a A transfers 3s. 0,=== to + on (ondition that he sha%% marr" with the (onsent of ', A
and ,. , dies. + marries with the (onsent of ' and A. + is deemed to have f$%fi%%ed the (ondition.
(! A transfers 3s. 0,=== to + on (ondition that he sha%% marr" with the (onsent of ', A
and ,. + marries witho$t the (onsent of ', A and ,, !$t o!tains their (onsent after the marria-e.
+ has not f$%fi%%ed the (ondition.
24. C)*8%$%)*a7 $1a*#9'1 $) )*' ;'1#)* &)";7'8 w%$6 $1a*#9'1 $) a*)$6'1 )* 9a%7"1' )9
;1%)1 8%#;)#%$%)*. 7here, on a transfer of propert", an interest therein is (reated in favo$r of one
person, and !" the same transa(tion an $%terior disposition of the same interest is made in favo$r
of ' another, if the prior disposition $nder the transfer sha%% fai%, the $%terior disposition sha%%
ta2e effe(t $pon the fai%$re of the prior disposition, a%tho$-h the fai%$re ma" not have o(($rred in
the manner (ontemp%ated !" the transferor.
+$t, where the intention of the parties to the transa(tion is that the $%terior disposition
sha%% ta2e effe(t on%" in the event of the prior disposition fai%in- in a parti($%ar manner, the
$%terior disposition sha%% not ta2e effe(t $n%ess the prior disposition fai%s in that manner.
(a A transfers 3s. 0== to + on (ondition that he sha%% e.e($te a (ertain %ease within
three months after A5s death, and, if he sho$%d ne-%e(t to do so, to '. + dies in A5s %ife8time. The
disposition in favo$r of ' ta2es effe(t.
(! A transfers propert" to his wifeF !$t, in (ase she sho$%d die in his %ife8time,
transfers to + that whi(h he had transferred to her A and his wife perish to-ether, $nder
(ir($mstan(es whi(h ma2e it impossi!%e to prove that she died !efore him. The disposition in
favo$r of + does not ta2e effe(t.
28. U7$'1%)1 $1a*#9'1 &)*8%$%)*a7 )* 6a;;'*%*@ )1 *)$ 6a;;'*%*@ )9 #;'&%9%'8 '('*$.
On a transfer of propert" an interest therein ma" !e (reated to a((r$e to an" person with the
(ondition s$peradded that in (ase a spe(ified $n(ertain event sha%% happen s$(h interest sha%% pass
to another person, or that in (ase a spe(ified $n(ertain event sha%% not happen s$(h interest sha%%
pass to another person. In ea(h (ase the dispositions are s$!:e(t to the r$%es (ontained in se(tions
1=, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 20 and 27.
23. F"79%72'*$ )9 &)*8%$%)* #"5#'B"'*$. An $%terior disposition of the 2ind
(ontemp%ated !" the %ast pre(edin- se(tion (annot ta2e effe(t $n%ess the (ondition is stri(t%"
A transfers 3s. 0== to +, to !e paid to him on his attainin- his ma:orit" or marr"in-, with a
proviso that, if + dies a minor or marries witho$t '5s (onsent, the 3s. 0== sha%% -o to A. +
marries when on%" 17 "ears of a-e, witho$t '5s (onsent. The transfer to A ta2es effe(t.
30. P1%)1 8%#;)#%$%)* *)$ a99'&$'8 5< %*(a7%8%$< )9 "7$'1%)1 8%#;)#%$%)*. If the $%terior
disposition is not va%id, the prior disposition is not affe(ted !" it.
A transfers a farm to + for her %ife, and, if she do not desert her h$s!and, to '. + is
entit%ed to the farm d$rin- her %ife as if no (ondition had !een inserted.
31. C)*8%$%)* $6a$ $1a*#9'1 #6a77 &'a#' $) 6a(' '99'&$ %* &a#' #;'&%9%'8 "*&'1$a%*
'('*$ 6a;;'*# )1 8)'# *)$ 6a;;'*. #$!:e(t to the provisions of se(tion 12, on a transfer of
propert" an interest therein ma" !e (reated with the (ondition s$peradded that it sha%% (ease to in (ase a spe(ified $n(ertain event sha%% happen, or in (ase a spe(ified $n(ertain event sha%%
not happen.
(a A transfers a farm to + for his %ife, with a proviso that, in (ase + ($ts down a (ertain
wood, the transfer sha%% (ease to have an" effe(t. + ($ts down the wood. Ge %oses his %ife8interest
in the farm.
(! A transfers a farm to +, provided that, if + sha%% not -o to ,n-%and within three "ears
after the date of the transfer, his interest in the farm sha%% (ease. + does not -o to ,n-%and within
the term pres(ri!ed. Gis interest in the farm (eases.
32. S"&6 &)*8%$%)* 2"#$ *)$ 5' %*(a7%8. In order that a (ondition that an interest sha%%
(ease to ma" !e va%id, it is ne(essar" that the event to whi(h it re%ates !e one whi(h (o$%d
%e-a%%" (onstit$te the (ondition of the (reation of an interest.
33. T1a*#9'1 &)*8%$%)*a7 )* ;'19)12a*&' )9 a&$, *) $%2' 5'%*@ #;'&%9%'8 9)1
;'19)12a*&'. 7here, on a transfer of propert", an interest therein is (reated s$!:e(t to a
(ondition that the person ta2in- it sha%% perform a (ertain a(t, !$t no time is spe(ified for the
performan(e of the a(t, the (ondition is !ro2en when he renders impossi!%e, permanent%" or for
an indefinite period, the performan(e of the a(t.
3C. T1a*#9'1 &)*8%$%)*a7 )* ;'19)12a*&' )9 a&$, $%2' 5'%*@ #;'&%9%'8. 7here an a(t is
to !e performed !" a person either as a (ondition to !e f$%fi%%ed !efore an interest (reated on a
transfer of propert" is en:o"ed !" him, or as a (ondition on the non8f$%fi%ment of whi(h the
interest is to pass from him to another person, and a time is spe(ified for the performan(e of the
a(t, if s$(h performan(e within the spe(ified time is prevented !" the fra$d of a person who
wo$%d !e dire(t%" !enefited !" non8f$%fi%ment of the (ondition, s$(h f$rther time sha%% as a-ainst
him !e a%%owed for performin- the a(t as sha%% !e re?$isite to ma2e $p for the de%a" (a$sed !"
s$(h fra$d. +$t if no time is spe(ified for the performan(e of the a(t, then, if its performan(e is
!" the fra$d of a person interested in the non8f$%fi%ment of the (ondition rendered impossi!%e or
indefinite%" postponed, the (ondition sha%% as a-ainst him !e deemed to have !een f$%fi%%ed.
35. E7'&$%)* w6'* *'&'##a1<. 7here a person professes to transfer propert" whi(h he
has no ri-ht to transfer, and as part of the same transa(tion (onfers an" !enefit on the owner of
the propert", s$(h owner m$st e%e(t either to (onfirm s$(h transfer or to dissent from itF and in
the %atter (ase he sha%% re%in?$ish the !enefit so (onferred, and the !enefit so re%in?$ished sha%%
revert to the transferor or his representative as if it had not !een disposed of,
#$!:e(t neverthe%ess,
where the transfer is -rat$ito$s, and the transferor has, !efore the e%e(tion, died or
otherwise !e(ome in(apa!%e of ma2in- a fresh transfer,
and in a%% (ases where the transfer is for (onsideration,
to the (har-e of ma2in- -ood to the disappointed transferee the amo$nt or va%$e of the
propert" attempted to !e transferred to him.
The farm of
CL%ip$rD is the propert" of ' and worth 3s. ;==. A !" an instr$ment of -ift
professes to transfer it to +, -ivin- !" the same instr$ment 3s. 1,=== to '. ' e%e(ts to retain the
farm. Ge forfeits the -ift of 3s. 1,===.
In the same (ase, A dies !efore the e%e(tion. Gis representative m$st o$t of the 3s. 1,===
pa" 3s. ;== to +.
The r$%e in the first para-raph of this se(tion app%ies whether the transferor does or does
not !e%ieve that whi(h he professes to transfer to !e his own.
A person ta2in- no !enefit dire(t%" $nder a transa(tion, !$t derivin- a !enefit $nder it
indire(t%", need not e%e(t.
A person who in his one (apa(it" ta2es a !enefit $nder the transa(tion ma" in another
dissent therefrom.
E/#e!tion to the "a$t !re#edin3 four ru"e$.,7here a parti($%ar !enefit is e.pressed to !e
(onferred on the owner of the propert" whi(h the transferor professes to transfer, and s$(h
!enefit is e.pressed to !e in %ie$ of that propert", if s$(h owner (%aim the propert", he m$st
re%in?$ish the parti($%ar !enefit, !$t he is not !o$nd to re%in?$ish an" other !enefit (onferred
$pon him !" the same transa(tion.
A((eptan(e of the !enefit !" the person on whom it is (onferred (onstit$tes an e%e(tion
!" him to (onfirm the transfer, if he is aware of his d$t" to e%e(t and of those (ir($mstan(es
whi(h wo$%d inf%$en(e the :$d-ment of a reasona!%e man in ma2in- an e%e(tion, or if he waives
en?$ir" into the (ir($mstan(es.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &#$%tanp$rK (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
#$(h 2now%ed-e or waiver sha%%, in the a!sen(e of eviden(e to the (ontrar", !e pres$med,
if the person on whom the !enefit has !een (onferred has en:o"ed it for two "ears witho$t doin-
an" a(t to dissent.
#$(h 2now%ed-e or waiver ma" !e inferred from an" a(t of his whi(h renders it
impossi!%e to p%a(e the persons interested in the propert" professed to !e transferred in the same
(ondition as if s$(h a(t had not !een done.
A transfers to + an estate to whi(h ' is entit%ed, and as part of the same transa(tion -ives
' a (oa%8mine. ' ta2es possession of the mine and e.ha$sts it. Ge has there!" (onfirmed the
transfer of the estate to +.
If he does not within one "ear after the date of the transfer si-nif" to the transferor or his
representatives his intention to (onfirm or to dissent from the transfer, the transferor or his
representatives ma", $pon the e.piration of that period, re?$ire him to ma2e his e%e(tionF and, if
he does not (omp%" with s$(h re?$isition within a reasona!%e time after he has re(eived it, he
sha%% !e deemed to have e%e(ted to (onfirm the transfer.
In (ase of disa!i%it", the e%e(tion sha%% !e postponed $nti% the disa!i%it" (eases, or $nti% the
e%e(tion is made !" some (ompetent a$thorit".
3G. A;;)1$%)*2'*$ )9 ;'1%)8%&a7 ;a<2'*$# )* 8'$'12%*a$%)* )9 %*$'1'#$ )9 ;'1#)*
'*$%$7'8. In the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t or %o(a% $sa-e to the (ontrar", a%% rents, ann$ities, pensions,
dividends and other periodi(a% pa"ments in the nat$re of in(ome sha%%, $pon the transfer of the
interest of the person entit%ed to re(eive s$(h pa"ments, !e deemed, as !etween the transferor
and the transferee, to a((r$e d$e from da" to da", and to !e apportiona!%e a((ordin-%", !$t to !e
pa"a!%e on the da"s appointed for the pa"ment thereof.
34. A;;)1$%)*2'*$ )9 5'*'9%$ )9 )57%@a$%)* )* #'('1a*&'. 7hen, in (o se?$en(e of a
transfer, propert" is divided and he%d in severa% shares, and there$pon the !enefit of an"
o!%i-ation re%atin- to the propert" as a who%e passes from one to severa% owners of the propert",
the (orrespondin- d$t" sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar" amon-st the owners, !e
performed in favo$r of ea(h of s$(h owners in proportion to the va%$e of his share in the
propert", provided that the d$t" (an !e served and that the severan(e does not s$!stantia%%"
in(rease the !$rden of the o!%i-ationF !$t if the d$t" (annot !e severed, or if the severan(e wo$%d
s$!stantia%%" in(rease the !$rden of the o!%i-ation, the d$t" sha%% !e performed for the !enefit of
s$(h one of the severa% owners as the" sha%% :oint%" desi-nate for that p$rposeH
*rovided that no person on whom the !$rden of the o!%i-ation %ies sha%% !e answera!%e
for fai%$re to dis(har-e it in manner provided !" this se(tion, $n%ess and $nti% !e has !ad
reasona!%e noti(e of the severan(e.
6othin- in this se(tion app%ies to %eases for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposes $n%ess and $nti% the
GovernmentD !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette so dire(ts.
(a A se%%s to +, ' and A a ho$se sit$ate in a vi%%a-e and %eased to , at an ann$a% rent of
3s. 3= and de%iver" of one fat sheep, + havin- provided ha%f the p$r(hase8mone" and ' and A
one8?$arter ea(h. ,, havin- noti(e of this, m$st pa" 3s. 10 to +, 3s. 781Q2 to ', and 3s. 781Q2 to
A, and m$st de%iver the sheep a((ordin- to the :oint dire(tion of +, ' and A.
(! In the same (ase, ea(h ho$se in the vi%%a-e !ein- ro$nd to provide ten da"s %a!o$r
ea(h "ear on a d"2e to prevent in$ndation, , had a-reed as a term of his %ease to perform this
wor2 for A. +, ' and A severa%%" re?$ire , to perform the ten da"s5 wor2 d$e on a((o$nt of the
ho$se of ea(h. , is not !o$nd to do more than ten da"s5 wor2 in a%%, a((ordin- to s$(h dire(tions
as +, ' and A ma" :oin in -ivin-.
(/) )ransfer of (o%ea&le Property
38. T1a*#9'1 5< ;'1#)* a"$6)1%I'8 )*7< "*8'1 &'1$a%* &%1&"2#$a*&'# $) $1a*#9'1.
7here an" person, a$thori1ed on%" $nder (ir($mstan(es in their nat$re varia!%e to dispose of
immovea!%e propert", transfers s$(h propert" for (onsideration, a%%e-in- the e.isten(e of s$(h
(ir($mstan(es, the" sha%%, as !etween the transferee on the one part and the transferor and other
persons (if an" affe(ted !" the transfer on the other part, !e deemed to have e.isted, if the
transferee, after $sin- reasona!%e (are to as(ertain the e.istan(e of s$(h (ir($mstan(es, has a(ted
in -ood faith.
A, a Gind$ widow, whose h$s!and has %eft (o%%atera% heirs, a%%e-in- that the propert" he%d
!" her as s$(h is ins$ffi(ient for her maintenan(e, a-rees, for p$rposes neither re%i-io$s nor
(harita!%e, to se%% a fie%d, part of s$(h propert", to +. + satisfies himse%f !" reasona!%e en?$ir"
that the in(ome of the propert" is ins$ffi(ient for A5s maintenan(e, and that the sa%e of the fie%d
is ne(essar", and, a(tin- in -ood faith, !$"s the fie%d from A. As !etween + on the one part and
A and the (o%%atera% heirs on the other part, a ne(essit for the sa%e sha%% !e deemed to have
33. T1a*#9'1 w6'1' $6%18 ;'1#)* %# '*$%$7'8 $) 2a%*$'*a*&'. 7here a third person has
a ri-ht to re(eive maintenan(e, or a provision for advan(ement or marria-e, from the profits of
immovea!%e propert", and s$(h propert" is transferred
J J J, the ri-ht ma" !e enfor(ed a-ainst
the transferee, if he has noti(e
CthereofD or if the transfer is -rat$ito$sF !$t not a-ainst a
transferee for (onsideration and witho$t noti(e of the ri-ht, nor a-ainst s$(h propert" in his
C0. ."18'* )9 )57%@a$%)* %2;)#%*@ 1'#$1%&$%)* )* "#' )9 7a*8, 7here, for the more
!enefi(ia% en:o"ment of his own immovea!%e propert", a third person has, independent%" of an"
interest in the immovea!%e propert" of another or of an" easement thereon, a ri-ht to restrain the
Cin a parti($%ar manner of the %atter propert"D, or
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words &with the intention of defeatin- s$(h ri-htK rep. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 11.
#$!s. i!id., for &of s$(h intentionK.
The i""u$tration was rep., ibid.
#$!s. ibid., s. 12, for & of the %atter propert" or to (ompe% its en:o"ment in a parti($%ar mannerK.
)1 )9 )57%@a$%)* a**'A'8 $) )w*'1#6%; 5"$ *)$ a2)"*$%*@ $) %*$'1'#$ )1 'a#'2'*$.
7here a third person is entit%ed to the !enefit of an o!%i-ation arisin- o$t of (ontra(t and
anne.ed to the ownership of immovea!%e propert", !$t not amo$ntin- to an interest therein or
easement thereon,
s$(h ri-ht or o!%i-ation ma" !e enfor(ed a-ainst a transferee with noti(e thereof or a
-rat$ito$s transferee of the propert" affe(ted there!", !$t not a-ainst a transferee for
(onsideration and witho$t noti(e of the ri-ht or o!%i-ation, nor a-ainst s$(h propert" in his
A (ontra(ts to se%%
CL%ip$rD to +. 7hi%e the (ontra(t is sti%% in for(e he se%%s
CL%ip$rD to ',
who has noti(e of the (ontra(t. + ma" enfor(e the (ontra(t a-ainst ' to the same e.tent as
a-ainst A.
C1. T1a*#9'1 5< )#$'*#%57' )w*'1. 7here, with the (onsent, or imp%ied, of the
persons interested in immovea!%e propert", a person is the ostensi!%e owner of s$(h propert" and
transfers the same for (onsideration, the transfer sha%% not !e voida!%e on the -ro$nd that the
transferor was not a$thori1ed to ma2e itH provided that the transferee, after ta2in- reasona!%e (are
to as(ertain that the transferor had power to ma2e the transfer, has a(ted in -ood faith.
C2. T1a*#9'1 5< ;'1#)* 6a(%*@ a"$6)1%$< $) 1'():' 9)12'1 $1a*#9'1. 7here a person
transfers an" immovea!%e propert" reservin- power to revo2e the transfer, and s$!se?$ent%"
transfers the propert" for (onsideration to another transferee, s$(h transfer operates in favo$r of
s$(h transferee (s$!:e(t to an" (ondition atta(hed to the of the power as a revo(ation of
the former transfer to the e.tent of the power.
A %ets a ho$se to +, and reserves power to revo2e the %ease if, in the opinion of a
spe(ified s$rve"or, + sho$%d ma2e a $se of it detrimenta% to its va%$e. Afterwards A, thin2in-
that s$(h a $se has !een made, %ets the ho$se to '. This operates as a revo(ation of +5s %ease
s$!:e(t to the opinion of the s$rve"or as to +5s $se of the ho$se havin- !een detrimenta% to its
C3. T1a*#9'1 5< "*a"$6)1%I'8 ;'1#)* w6) #"5#'B"'*$7< a&B"%1'# %*$'1'#$ %* ;1);'1$<
$1a*#9'11'8. 7here a person
Cfra$d$%ent%" orD erroneo$s%" represents that he is a$thori1ed to
transfer (ertain immovea!%e propert" and professes to transfer s$(h propert" for (onsideration,
s$(h transfer sha%%, at the option of the transferee, operate on an" interest whi(h the transferor
ma" a(?$ire in s$(h propert" at an" time d$rin- whi(h the (ontra(t of transfer s$!sists.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, #.3 and 2nd #(h., for &#$%tanp$rK &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 13.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% impair the ri-ht of transferees in -ood faith for (onsideration
witho$t noti(e of the e.isten(e of the said option.
A, a Gind$, who has separated from his father +, se%%s to ' three fie%ds, >, 9 and N, representin-
that A is a$thori1ed to transfer the same. Of these fie%ds N does not !e%on- to A, it havin- !een
retained !" + on the partitionF !$t on +5s d"in- A as heir o!tains N. ', not havin- res(inded the
(ontra(t of sa%e, ma" re?$ire A to de%iver N to him.
CC. T1a*#9'1 5< )*' &)-)w*'1. 7here one of two or more (o8owners of immovea!%e
propert" %e-a%%" (ompetent in that !eha%f transfers his share of s$(h propert" or an" interest
therein, the transferee a(?$ires, as to s$(h share or interest, and so far as is ne(essar" to -ive
effe(t to the transfer, the transferor5s ri-ht to :oint possession or other (ommon or part en:o"ment
of the propert", and to enfor(e a partition of the same, !$t s$!:e(t to the (onditions and %ia!i%ities
affe(tin-, at the date of the transfer, the share or interest so transferred.
7here the transferee of a share of a dwe%%in-8ho$se !e%on-in- to an $ndivided fami%" is
not a mem!er of the fami%", nothin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to entit%e him to :oint
possession or other (ommon or part en:o"ment of the ho$se.
C5. J)%*$ $1a*#9'1 9)1 &)*#%8'1a$%)*. 7here immovea!%e propert" is transferred for
(onsideration to two or more persons, and s$(h (onsideration is paid o$t of a f$nd !e%on-in- to
them in (ommon, the" are, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", respe(tive%" entit%ed to
interests in s$(h propert" identi(a%, as near%" as ma" !e, with the interests to whi(h the" were
respe(tive%" entit%ed in the f$ndF and, where s$(h (onsideration is paid o$t of separate f$nds
!e%on-in- to them respe(tive%", the" are, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", respe(tive%"
entit%ed to interest in s$(h propert" in proportion to the shares of the (onsideration whi(h the"
respe(tive%" advan(ed.
In the a!sen(e of eviden(e as to the interests in the f$nd to whi(h the" were respe(tive%"
entit%ed, or as to the shares whi(h the" respe(tive%" advan(ed, s$(h persons sha%% !e pres$med to
!e e?$a%%" interested in the propert".
CG. T1a*#9'1 9)1 &)*#%8'1a$%)* 5< ;'1#)* 6a(%*@ 8%#$%*&$ %*$'1'#$#. 7here
immovea!%e propert" is transferred for (onsideration !" persons havin- distin(t interests therein,
the transferors are, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", entit%ed to share in the
(onsideration e?$a%%", where their interest in the propert" were of e?$a% va%$e, and, where s$(h
interests were of $ne?$a% va%$e, proportionate%" to the va%$e of their respe(tive interests.
(a A, ownin- a moiet", and + and ' ea(h a ?$arter share, of ma$1a
e.(han-e an ei-hth share of that ma$1a for a ?$arter share of ma$1a
C@ithap$2$rD. There !ein-
no a-reement to the (ontrar", A is entit%ed to an ei-hth share in
C@ithap$2$rD, and +and ' ea(h
to a si.teenth share in that ma$1a.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &#$%tanp$rK (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
#$!s. ibid., for &La%p$raK (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1122.
(! A, !ein- entit%ed to a %ife8interest in ma$1a
CEa%2othiD and + and ' to the reversion,
se%% the ma$1a for 3s. 1,===. A5s %ife8interest is as(ertained to !e worth 3s. )==, the reversion
3s. 4==. A is entit%ed to re(eive 3s. )== o$t of the p$r(hase8mone", + and ' to re(eive 3s. 4==.
C4. T1a*#9'1 5< &)-)w*'1 )9 #6a1' %* &)22)* ;1);'1$<. 7here severa% (o8owners of
immovea!%e propert" transfer a share therein witho$t spe(if"in- that the transfer is to ta2e effe(t
on an" parti($%ar share or shares of the transferors, the transfer, as amon- s$(h transferors, ta2es
effe(t on s$(h shares e?$a%%" where the shares were e?$a%, and, where the" were $ne?$a%,
proportionate%" to the e.tent of s$(h shares.
A, the owner of an ei-ht8anna share, and + and ', ea(h the owner of a fo$r8anna share, in
CL%ip$rD, transfer a two8anna share in the ma$1a to A, witho$t spe(if"in- from whi(h of
their severa% shares the transfer is made. To -ive effe(t to the transfer one8anna share is ta2en
from the share of A, and ha%f an anna share from ea(h of the shares of + and '.
C8. P1%)1%$< )9 1%@6$# &1'a$'8 5< $1a*#9'1. 7here a person p$rports to (reate !" transfer
at different times ri-hts in or over the same immovea!%e propert", and s$(h ri-hts (annot a%%
or !e to their f$%% e.tent to-ether, ea(h %ater (reated ri-ht sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a
spe(ia% (ontra(t or reservation !indin- the ear%ier transferees, !e s$!:e(t to the ri-hts previo$s%"
C3. T1a*#9'1''H# 1%@6$ "*8'1 ;)7%&<. 7here immovea!%e propert" is transferred for
(onsideration, and s$(h propert" or an" part thereof is at the date of the transfer ins$red a-ainst
%oss or dama-e !" fire, the transferee, in (ase of s$(h %oss or dama-e, ma", in the a!sen(e of a
(ontra(t to the (ontrar", re?$ire an" mone" whi(h the transferor a(t$a%%" re(eives $nder the
po%i(", or so m$(h thereof as ma" !e ne(essar", to !e app%ied in reinstatin- the propert".
50. R'*$ &ona0fide ;a%8 $) 6)78'1 "*8'1 8'9'&$%(' $%$7'. 6o person sha%% !e (har-ea!%e
with an" rents or profits of an" immovea!%e propert", whi(h he has in -ood faith paid or
de%ivered to an" person of whom he in -ood faith he%d s$(h propert", notwithstandin- it ma"
afterwards appear that the person to whom s$(h pa"ment or de%iver" was made had no ri-ht to
re(eive s$(h rents or profits.
A %ets a fie%d to + at a rent of 3s. 0=, and then transfers the fie%d to '. +, havin- no noti(e
of the transfer, in -ood faith pa"s the rent to A. + is not (har-ea!%e with the rent so paid.
51. I2;1)('2'*$# 2a8' 5< &ona0fide 6)78'1# "*8'1 8'9'&$%(' $%$7'#. 7hen the
transferee of immovea!%e propert" ma2es an" improvement on the propert", !e%ievin- in -ood
faith that he is a!so%$te%" entit%ed thereto, and he is s$!se?$ent%" evi(ted there from !" an"
person havin- a !etter tit%e, the transferee has a ri-ht to re?$ire the person (a$sin- the evi(tion
either to have the va%$e
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &#$%tanp$rK (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
#$!s. ibid., for &La%p$raK (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1122.
of the improvement estimated and paid or se($red to the transferee, or to se%% his interest in the
propert" to the transferee at the then mar2et va%$e thereof, irrespe(tive of the va%$e of s$(h im8
The amo$nt to !e paid or se($red in respe(t of s$(h improvement sha%% !e the estimated
va%$e thereof at the time of the evi(tion.
7hen, $nder the (ir($mstan(es aforesaid, the transferee has p%anted or sown on the
propert" (rops whi(h are -rowin- when he is evi(ted therefrom, he is entit%ed to s$(h (rops and
to free in-ress and e-ress to -ather and (arr" them.
52. T1a*#9'1 )9 ;1);'1$< ;'*8%*@ #"%$ 1'7a$%*@ $6'1'$). A$rin- the
Cpenden("D in an"
'o$rt havin- a$thorit" in
C*a2istanD, or esta!%ished !e"ond the %imits of
C*a2istanD !"
C/edera% GovernmentD
J J J, of
Can"D s$it or pro(eedin-
Cwhi(h is not (o%%$sive andD in
whi(h an" ri-ht to immovea!%e propert" is dire(t%" and spe(ifi(a%%" in ?$estion, the propert"
(annot !e transferred or otherwise dea%t with !" an" part" to the s$it or pro(eedin- so as to affe(t
the ri-hts of an" other part" thereto $nder an" de(ree or order whi(h ma" !e made therein,
e.(ept $nder the a$thorit" of the 'o$rt and on s$(h terms as it ma" impose.
CE/!"anation., /or the p$rposes of this se(tion, the penden(" of a s$it or pro(eedin-
sha%% !e deemed to (ommen(e from the date of the presentation of the p%aint or the instit$tion of
the pro(eedin- in a 'o$rt of (ompetent :$risdi(tion, and to (ontin$e $nti% the s$it or pro(eedin-
has !een disposed of !" a fina% de(ree or order and (omp%ete satisfa(tion or dis(har-e of s$(h
de(ree or order has !een o!tained, or has !e(ome $no!taina!%e !" reason of the e.piration of an"
period of %imitation pres(ri!ed for the e.e($tion thereof !" an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e.D
C53. F1a8"7'*$ $1a*#9'1.D(1 ,ver" transfer of immovea!%e propert" made with intent
to defeat or de%a" the (reditors of the transferor sha%% !e voida!%e at the option of an" (reditor so
defeated or de%a"ed.
6othin- in this s$!8se(tion sha%% impair the ri-hts of a transferee in -ood faith and for
#e(tion 02 has !een amended in #indh !" the Transfer *ropert" and the Indian 3e-istration (#indh Amdt. A(t, 1939 (14 of 1939, s. 2.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s.14, for &a(tive prose($tionK.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the G. G. in '.K
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
The words &or the 'rown 3epresentativeK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 14, for &a (ontentio$sK.
Ins. ibid.
E/!"anation ins., ibid.
#$!s. ibid., s. 10, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
6othin- in this s$!8se(tion sha%% affe(t an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e re%atin- to
A s$it instit$ted !" a (reditor (whi(h term in(%$des a de(ree ho%der whether he has or has
not app%ied for e.e($tion of his de(ree to avoid a transfer on the -ro$nd that it has !een made
with intent to defeat or de%a" the (reditors of the transferor, sha%% !e instit$ted on !eha%f of, or for
the !enefit of, a%% the (reditors.
(2 ,ver" transfer of immovea!%e propert" made witho$t (onsideration with intent to
defra$d a s$!se?$ent transferee sha%% !e voida!%e at the option of s$(h transferee.
/or the p$rposes of this s$!8se(tion, no transfer made witho$t (onsideration sha%% !e
deemed to have !een made with intent to defra$d !" reason on%" that a s$!se?$ent transfer for
(onsideration was made.D
C53A. Pa1$ ;'19)12a*&'. 7here an" person (ontra(ts to transfer for (onsideration an"
immovea!%e propert" !" writin- si-ned !" him or on his !eha%f from whi(h the terms ne(essar"
to (onstit$te the transfer (an !e as(ertained with reasona!%e (ertaint",
and the transferee has, in part performan(e of the (ontra(t, ta2en possession of the
propert" or an" part thereof, or the transferee, !ein- a%read" in possession, (ontin$es in
possession in part performan(e of the (ontra(t and has done some a(t in f$rtheran(e of the
and the transferee has performed or is wi%%in- to perform his part of the (ontra(t,
then, notwithstandin- that the (ontra(t, tho$-h re?$ired to !e re-istered, has not !een
re-istered, or, where there is an instr$ment of transfer, that the transfer has not !een (omp%eted in
the manner pres(ri!ed therefor !" the %aw for the time !ein- in for(e, the transferor or an" person
(%aimin- $nder him sha%% !e de!arred from enfor(in- a-ainst the transferee and persons (%aimin-
$nder him an" ri-ht in respe(t of the propert" of whi(h the transferee has ta2en or (ontin$ed in
possession, other than a ri-ht" provided !" the terms of the (ontra(tH
*rovided that nothin- in this se(tion sha%% affe(t the ri-hts of a transferee for
(onsideration who has no noti(e of the (ontra(t or of the part performan(e thereof.D
#. 03A ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s.1)
5C. ESa7'F 8'9%*'8. &#a%eK is a transfer of ownership in e.(han-e for a pri(e paid or
promised or part8paid and part8promised.
Sa7' 6)w 2a8'.
#$(h transfer, in the (ase of tan-i!%e immovea!%e propert" of the
va%$e of one h$ndred r$pees and $pwards, or in the (ase of a reversion or other intan-i!%e thin-,
(an !e made on%" !" a re-istered instr$ment.
In the (ase of tan-i!%e immovea!%e propert", of a va%$e %ess than one h$ndred r$pees,
s$(h transfer ma" !e made either !" a re-istered instr$ment or !" de%iver" of the propert".
Ae%iver" of tan-i!%e immovea!%e propert" ta2es p%a(e when the se%%er p%a(es the
!$"er, or s$(h person as he dire(ts, in possession of the propert".
C)*$1a&$ 9)1 #a7'. A (ontra(t for the sa%e of immovea!%e propert" is a (ontra(t that a
sa%e of s$(h propert" sha%% ta2e p%a(e on terms sett%ed !etween the parties.
It does not, of itse%f, (reate an" interest in or (har-e on s$(h propert".
55. R%@6$# a*8 7%a5%7%$%'# )9 5"<'1 a*8 #'77'1. In the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the
(ontrar", the !$"er and the se%%er of immovea!%e propert" respe(tive%" are s$!:e(t to the
%ia!i%ities, and have the ri-hts, mentioned in the r$%es ne.t fo%%owin-, or s$(h of them as are
app%i(a!%e to the propert" so%dH
(1 The se%%er is !o$ndR
(a to dis(%ose to the !$"er an" materia% defe(t in the propert"
Cor in the se%%er5s
tit%e theretoD of whi(h the se%%er is, and the !$"er is not, aware, and whi(h the
!$"er (o$%d not with ordinar" (are dis(overF
(! to prod$(e to the !$"er on his re?$est for e.amination a%% do($ments of tit%e
re%atin- to the propert" whi(h are in the se%%er5s possession or powerF
(( to answer to the !est of his information a%% re%evant ?$estions p$t to him !"
the !$"er In respe(t to the propert" or the tit%e theretoF
(d on pa"ment or tender of the amo$nt d$e in respe(t of the pri(e, to e.e($te a
proper (onve"an(e of the propert" when the !$"er tenders it to him for
e.e($tion at a proper time and p%a(eF
As to %imitation to the territoria% operation of para-raphs 2 and 3 of s. 04, $ee s. 1, $u!ra. These para-raphs e.tend to ever" (antonment in the
*rovin(es, et(., $ee s. 2;7 of the 'antonments A(t, 1924 (2 of 1924.
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (3) of 1929, s. 17
(e !etween the date of the (ontra(t of sa%e and the de%iver" of the propert", to
ta2e as m$(h (are of the propert" and a%% do($ments of tit%e re%atin- thereto
whi(h are in his possession as an owner of ordinar" pr$den(e wo$%d ta2e of
s$(h propert" and do($mentsF
(f to -ive, on !ein- so re?$ired, the !$"er, or s$(h person as he dire(ts, s$(h
possession of the propert" as its nat$re admitsF
(- to pa" a%% p$!%i( (har-es and rent a((r$ed d$e in respe(t of the propert" $p to
the date of the sa%e, the interest on a%% in($m!ran(es on s$(h propert" d$e on
s$(h date, and, e.(ept where the propert" is so%d s$!:e(t to in($m!ran(es, to
dis(har-e a%% in($m!ran(es on the propert" then e.istin-.
(2 The se%%er sha%% !e deemed to (ontra(t with the !$"er that the interest whi(h the
se%%er professes to transfer to the !$"er s$!sists and that he has power to transfer the sameH
*rovided that, where the sa%e is made !" a person in a fid$(iar" (hara(ter, he sha%% !e
deemed to (ontra(t with the !$"er that the se%%er has done no a(t where!" the propert" is
in($m!ered or where!" he is hindered from transferrin- it.
The !enefit of the (ontra(t mentioned in this r$%e sha%% !e anne.ed to, and sha%% -o
with, the interest of the transferee as s$(h, and ma" !e enfor(ed !" ever" person in whom that in,
terest is for the who%e or an" part thereof from time to time vested.
(3 7here the who%e of the p$r(hase8mone" has !een paid to the se%%er, he is a%so
!o$nd to de%iver to the !$"er a%% do($ments of tit%e re%atin- to the propert" whi(h are in the
se%%er5s possession or powerH
*rovided that, (a where the se%%er retains an" part of the propert" (omprised in s$(h
do($ments, he is entit%ed to retain them a%%, and, (! where the who%e of s$(h propert" is so%d to
different !$"ers, the !$"er of the %ot of -reatest va%$e i$ entit%ed to s$(h do($ments. +$t in (ase
(a the se%%er, and in (ase (! the !$"er, of the %ot of -reatest va%$e, is !o$nd, $pon ever" reason8
a!%e re?$est !" the !$"er, or !" an" of the other !$"ers, as the (ase ma" !e, and at the (ost of the
person ma2in- the re?$est, to prod$(e the said do($ments and f$rnish s$(h tr$e (opies thereof or
e.tra(ts therefrom as he ma" re?$ireF and in the mean time, the se%%er, or the !$"er of the %ot of
-reatest va%$e, as the (ase ma" !e, sha%% 2eep the said do($ments safe, $n(an(e%%ed and
$ndefa(ed, $n%ess prevented from so doin- !" fire or other inevita!%e a((ident.
(4 The se%%er is entit%edR
(a to the rents and profits of the propert" ti%% the ownership thereof passes to
the !$"erF
(! where the ownership of the propert" has passed to the !$"er !efore pa"ment
of the who%e of the p$r(hase mone", to a (har-e $pon the propert" in the
hands of the !$"er
Can" transferee witho$t (onsideration or an" transferee
with noti(e of the non8pa"mentD, for the amo$nt of the 8p$r(hase8mone", or
an" part thereof remainin- $npaid, and for interest on s$(h amo$nt or part
Cfrom the date on whi(h possession has !een de%iveredD.
(0 The !$"er is !o$ndR
(a to dis(%ose to the se%%er an" fa(t as to the nat$re or e.tent of the se%%er5s
interest in the propert" of whi(h the !$"er is aware !$t of whi(h he has reason
to !e%ieve that the se%%er is not aware, and whi(h materia%%" in(reases the va%$e
of s$(h interestF
(! to pa"or tender, at the time and p%a(e of (omp%etin- the sa%e, the p$r(hase8
mone" to the se%%er or s$(h person as he dire(tsH *rovided that, where the pro8
pert" is so%d free from in($m!ran(es, the !$"er ma" retain o$t of the
p$r(hase8mone" the amo$nt of an" in($m!ran(es on the propert" e.istin- at
the date of the sa%e, and sha%% pa" the amo$nt so retained to tit%e persons
entit%ed theretoF
(( where the ownership of the propert" has passed to the !$"er, to !ear an" %oss
arisin- from the destr$(tion, in:$r" or de(rease in va%$e of the propert" not
(a$sed !" the se%%erF
(d where the ownership of the propert" has passed to the !$"er, as !etween
himse%f and the se%%er, to pa" a%% p$!%i( (har-es and rent whi(h ma" !e(ome
pa"a!%e in respe(t of the propert", the prin(ipa% mone"s d$e on an"
in($m!ran(es s$!:e(t to whi(h the propert" is so%d, and the interest thereon
afterwards a((r$in- d$e.
() The !$"er is entit%edR
(a where the ownership of the propert" has passed to him, to the !enefit of an"
improvement in, or in(rease in va%$e of, the propert", and to the rents and
profits thereofF
(! $n%ess he has improper%" de(%ined to a((ept de%iver" of the propert", to a
(har-e on the propert", as a-ainst the se%%er and a%% persons (%aimin- $nder
J J J to the e.tent of the se%%er5s interest in the propert" for the amo$nt
of an" p$r(hase8mone" proper%" paid !"
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 17.
The words &with noti(e of the pa"mentK rep., ibid.
the !$"er in anti(ipation of the de%iver" and for interest on s$(h amo$ntF and,
when he proper%" de(%ines to a((ept the de%iver", a%so for the earnest (if an" and
for the (osts (if an" awarded to him of a s$it to (ompe% spe(ifi( performan(e of
the (ontra(t or to o!tain a de(ree for its res(ission.
An omission to ma2e s$(h dis(%os$res as are mentioned in this se(tion, para-raph (1,
(%a$se (a, and para-raph (0, (%a$se (a, is fra$d$%ent.
J5G. Ma1#6a77%*@ 5< #"5#'B"'*$ ;"1&6a#'1. If the owner of two or more properties
mort-a-es them to one person and then se%%s one or more of the properties to another person, the
!$"er is, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", entit%ed to have the mort-a-e8de!t satisfied
o$t of the propert" or properties not so%d to him, so far as the same wi%% e.tend, !$t not so as to
pre:$di(e the ri-hts of the mort-a-ee or persons (%aimin- $nder him or of an" other person who
has for (onsideration a(?$ired an interest in an" of the properties.D
"ischarge of (ncu&rances on Sale
54. P1)(%#%)* 5< C)"1$ 9)1 %*&"251a*&' a*8 #a7' 91''8 $6'1'91)2. (a 7here
immovea!%e propert" s$!:e(t to an" in($m!ran(e, whether immediate%" pa"a!%e or not, is so%d
!" the 'o$rt or in e.e($tion of a de(ree, or o$t of 'o$rt, the 'o$rt ma", if it thin2s fit, on the
app%i(ation of an" part" to the sa%e, dire(t or a%%ow pa"ment into 'o$rt,
(1 in (ase of an ann$a% or month%" s$m (har-ed on the propert", or of a (apita%
s$m (har-ed on a determina!%e interest in the propert"8of s$(h amo$nt as,
when invested in se($rities of the
C/edera% GovernmentD, the 'o$rt (onsiders
wi%% !e s$ffi(ient, !" means of the interest thereof, to 2eep down or otherwise
provide for that (har-e, and
(2 in an" other (ase of a (apita% s$m (har-ed on the propert" of the amo$nt
s$ffi(ient to meet the in($m!ran(e and an" interest d$e thereon.
+$t in either (ase there sha%% a%so !e paid into 'o$rt s$(h additiona% amo$nt as the
'o$rt (onsiders wi%% !e s$ffi(ient to meet the (ontin-en(" of f$rther (osts, e.penses and interest,
and an" other (ontin-en(", e.(ept depre(iation of investments, not e.(eedin- one8tenth part of
the ori-ina% amo$nt to !e paid in, $n%ess the 'o$rt for spe(ia% reasons (whi(h it sha%% re(ord
thin2s fit to re?$ire a %ar-er additiona% amo$nt.
(! There$pon the 'o$rt ma", if it thin2s fit, and after noti(e to the in($m!ran(er,
$n%ess the 'o$rt, for reasons to !e re(orded in writin-, thin2s fit to dispense with s$(h noti(e,
de(%are the
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 1;, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. of I.K, to read as a!ove.
propert" to !e freed from the in($m!ran(e, and ma2e an" order for (onve"an(e, or vestin- order,
proper for -ivin- effe(t to the sa%e, and -ive dire(tions for the retention and investment of the
mone" in 'o$rt.
(( After noti(e served on the persons interested in or entit%ed to the mone" or f$nd in
'o$rt, the 'o$rt ma" dire(t pa"ment or transfer thereof to the persons entit%ed to re(eive or -ive
a dis(har-e for the same, and -enera%%" ma" -ive dire(tions respe(tin- the app%i(ation or
distri!$tion of the (apita% or in(ome thereof.
(d An appea% sha%% %ie from an" de(%aration, order or dire(tion $nder this se(tion as if
the same were a de(ree.
(e In this se(tion &'o$rtK means (% a Gi-h 'o$rt in the of its ordinar" or
e.traordinar" ori-ina% (ivi% :$risdi(tion, (2 the 'o$rt of a Aistri(t E$d-e within the %o(a% %imits of
whose :$risdi(tion the propert" or an" part thereof is sit$ate, (3 an" other 'o$rt whi(h the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", from time to time, !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, de(%are
to !e (ompetent to the :$risdi(tion (onferred !" this se(tion.
58. EM)1$@a@',F E2)1$@a@)1,F 2)1$@a@'',F E2)1$@a@'-2)*'<F a*8 E2)1$@a@'-
8''8F 8'9%*'8.8(a A mort-a-e is the transfer of an interest in spe(ifi( immovea!%e propert" for
the p$rpose of se($rin- the pa"ment of mone" advan(ed or to !e advan(ed !" wa" of %oan, an
e.istin- or f$t$re de!t, or the performan(e of an en-a-ement whi(h ma" -ive rise to a pe($niar"
The transferor is (a%%ed a mort-a-or, the transferee a mort-a-ee F the prin(ipa% mone"
and interest of whi(h pa"ment is a se($red for the time !ein- are (a%%ed the mort-a-e8mone",
and the instr$ment (if an" !" whi(h the transfer is effe(ted is (a%%ed a mort-a-e8deed.
S%2;7' M)1$@a@'.(! 7here, witho$t de%iverin- possession of the mort-a-ed
propert", the mort-a-or !inds himse%f persona%%" to pa" the mort-a-e8mone", and a-rees," or imp%ied%", that, in the event of his fai%in- to pa" a((ordin- to his (ontra(t, the mort8
-a-ee sha%% have a ri-ht to (a$se the mort-a-ed propert" to !e so%d and the pro(eeds of sa%e to !e
app%ied, so far as ma" !e ne(essar", in pa"ment of the mort-a-e8mone", the transa(tion is (a%%ed
a simp%e mort-a-e and the mort-a-ee a simp%e mort-a-ee.
(( M)1$@a@' 5< &)*8%$%)*a7 #a7'. 7here, the mort-a-or ostensi!%" se%%s the
mort-a-ed propert"R
on (ondition that on defa$%t of pa"ment of the mort-a-e mone" on a (ertain date the
sa%e sha%% !e(ome a!so%$te, or
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
on (ondition that on s$(h pa"ment !ein- made the sa%e sha%% !e(ome void, or
on (ondition that on s$(h pa"ment !ein- made the !$"er sha%% transfer the propert" to
the se%%er,
the transa(tion is (a%%ed a mort-a-e !" (onditiona% sa%e and the mort-a-ee a
mort-a-ee !" (onditiona% sa%eH
C*rovided that no s$(h transa(tion sha%% !e deemed to !e a mort-a-e, $n%ess the
(ondition is em!odied in the do($ment whi(h effe(ts or p$rports to effe(t the sa%eFD
U#"91"&$"a1< 2)1$@a@'. (d 7here the mort-a-or de%ivers possession
or !" imp%i(ation !inds himse%f to de%iver possessionD of the mort-a-ed propert" to the
mort-a-ee, and a$thori1es him to retain s$(h possession $nti% pa"ment of the mort-a-e8mone",
and to re(eive the rents and profits a((r$in- from the propert"
Cor an" part of s$(h rents and
profits and to appropriate the sameD in %ie$ of interest, or in pa"ment of the mort-a-e8mone", or
part%" in %ie$ of interest
CorD part%" in pa"ment of the mort-a-e8mone", the transa(tion is (a%%ed
an $s$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-e and the mort-a-ee an $s$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-ee.
E*@7%#6 M)1$@a@'. (e 7here the mort-a-or !inds himse%f to re8pa" the mort-a-e8
mone", on a (ertain date, and transfers the mort-a-ed propert" a!so%$te%" to the mort-a-ee, !$t
s$!:e(t to a provision that he wi%% re8transfer it to the mort-a-or $pon pa"ment of the mort-a-e8
mone" as a-reed, the transa(tion is (a%%ed an ,n-%ish mort-a-e.
M)1$@a@' 5< 8';)#%$ )9 $%$7' 8''8#.
J!9+ 7here a person
JJJde%ivers to a (reditor or
his a-ent do($ments of tit%e to immovea!%e propert", with intent to (reate a se($rit" thereon, the
transa(tion is (a%%ed a mort-a-e !" deposit of tit%e8deeds.
C*rovided that, where as mort-a-e !" deposit of tit%e deeds is to !e (reated in favo$r
of a !an2in- (ompan" as defined in the +an2in- Tri!$na%s Ordinan(e, 19;4 (L<III of 19;4, the
same ma" a%so !e (reated !" an entr" in the re(ord of ri-hts a-ainst the entr" re%atin- to s$(h
immova!%e propert".D
A*)2a7)"# 2)1$@a@'. (- A mort-a-e whi(h is not a simp%e mort-a-e, a mort-a-e
!" (onditiona% sa%e, an $s$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-e, an ,n-%ish mort-a-e or a mort-a-e !" deposit of
tit%e8deeds within the meanin- of this se(tion is (a%%ed an anoma%o$s mort-a-e.D
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 19.
#$!s. ibid., for &and to appropriate themK.
#$!s. ibid., for &andK.
#$!8se(tions (f and (- ins., ibid.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &an" of the fo%%owin- towns, name%", the towns of 'a%($tta, @adras, +om!a" CandDK. The word in !ra(2ets was
ins. !" A. O., 1937.
The words &3an-oon, @o$%mein, +assein and A2"a!K rep. !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s. ibid., for &G. G. in. '.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
Omitted, s$!s. 4 added !" A(t, I of 19;), s. 2.
53. M)1$@a@' w6'* $) 5' 5< a##"1a*&'. 7here the prin(ipa% mone" se($red is one
h$ndred r$pees or $pwards, a mort-a-e
Cother than a mort-a-e !" deposit of tit%e8deedsD (an !e
effe(ted on%" !" a re-istered instr$ment si-ned !" the mort-a-or and attested !" at %east two
7here the prin(ipa% mone" se($red is %ess than one h$ndred r$pees, a mort-a-e ma"
!e effe(ted either !"
Ca re-istered instr$mentD si-ned and attested as aforesaid, or (e.(ept in the
(ase of a simp%e mort-a-e !" de%iver" of the propert",
J53A. R'9'1'*&' $) 2)1$@a@)1# a*8 2)1$@a@''# $) %*&7"8' ;'1#)*# 8'1%(%*@ $%$7'
91)2 $6'2. Ln%ess otherwise" provided, referen(es in this 'hapter to mort-a-ors and
mort-a-ees sha%% !e deemed to in(%$de referen(es to persons derivin- tit%e from them
i3ht$ and Liabi"itie$ of 5ort3a3or
G0. R%@6$ )9 2)1$@a@)1 $) 1'8''2. At an" time after the prin(ipa% mone" has
Cd$eD, the mort-a-or has a ri-ht, on pa"ment or tender, at a proper time and p%a(e, of the
mort-a-e8mone", to re?$ire the mort-a-ee &a( to de%iver
Cto the mort-a-or the mort-a-e8deed
and a%% do($ments re%atin- to the mort-a-ed propert" whi(h are in the possession or power of the
mort-a-eeD, &b( where the mort-a-ee is in possession of the mort-a-ed propert", to de%iver
possession thereof to the mort-a-or, and &#( at the (ost of the mort-a-or either to re8transfer the
mort-a-ed propert" to him or to s$(h third person as he ma" dire(t, or to e.e($te and (where the
mort-a-e has !een effe(ted !" a re-istered instr$ment to have re-istered an a(2now%ed-ement
in writin- that an" ri-ht in dero-ation of his interest transferred to the mort-a-ee has !een
*rovided that the ri-ht (onferred !" this se(tion has not !een e.tin-$ished !" the a(t
of the parties or !"
Cde(reeD of a 'o$rt.
The ri-ht (onferred !" this se(tion is (a%%ed a ri-ht to redeem and a s$it to enfor(e it is
(a%%ed a s$it for redemption,
As to %imitation to the territoria% operation of s . 09, $ee s. 1, $u!ra. #e(tion 09 e.tends to ever" (antonment in the *rovin(es, et(.Rsee s. 2;7 of
the 'antonments A(t, 1924 (2 of 1924.
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 2=.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 19=4 () of 19=4, s. 3, for &an instr$mentK.
The third para-raph was omitted !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 2=.
#e(tion 09A ins. ibid., s. 21.
#$!s. ibid., s. 22, for &pa"a!%eK.
#$!s. ibid., for &the mort-a-e8deed, if an", to the mort-a-orK.
#$!s. ibid., for &orderK.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to render inva%id an" provision to the effe(t
that, if the time fi.ed for pa"ment of the prin(ipa% mone" has !een a%%owed to pass or no s$(h
time has !een fi.ed, the mort-a-ee sha%% !e entit%ed to reasona!%e noti(e !efore pa"ment or
tender of s$(h mone".
R'8'2;$%)* )9 ;)1$%)* )9 2)1$@a@'8 ;1);'1$<. 6othin- in this se(tion sha%% entit%e
a person interested in a share on%" of the mort-a-ed propert" to redeem his own share on%", on
pa"ment of a proportionate part of the amo$nt remainin- d$e on the mort-a-e, e.(ept
where a mort-a-ee, or, if there are more mort-a-ees than one, a%% s$(h mort-a-ees, has or have
a(?$ired, in who%e or in part, the share of a mort-a-or.
JG0A. O57%@a$%)* $) $1a*#9'1 $) $6%18 ;a1$< %*#$'a8 )9 1'-$1a*#9'1'*&' $)
M)1$@a@)1.K(1 7here a mort-a-or is entit%ed to redemption, then, on the f$%fi%%ment of an"
(onditions on the f$%fi%%ment of whi(h he wo$%d !e entit%ed to re?$ire a re8transfer, he ma" re8
?$ire the mort-a-ee, instead of re8transferrin- the propert", to assi-n the mort-a-e8de!t and
transfer the mort-a-ed propert" to s$(h third person as the mort-a-or ma" dire(tF and the mort8
-a-ee sha%% !e !o$nd to assi-n and transfer a((ordin-%".
(2 The ri-hts (onferred !" this se(tion !e%on- to and ma" !e enfor(ed !" the
mort-a-or or !" an" en($m!ran(er notwithstandin- an intermediate en($m!ran(eF !$t the
re?$isition of an" en($m!ran(er sha%% prevai% over a re?$isition of the mort-a-or and, as !etween
en($m!ran(ers, the re?$isition of a prior en($m!ran(er sha%% prevai% over that of a s$!se?$ent
(3 The provisions of this se(tion do not app%" in the (ase of a mort-a-ee who is or
has !een in possession.
G0.. R%@6$ $) %*#;'&$%)* a*8 ;1)8"&$%)* )9 8)&"2'*$#. A mort-a-or, as %on- as
his ri-ht of redemption s$!sists, sha%% !e entit%ed at a%% reasona!%e times, at his re?$est and at his
own (ost, and on pa"ment of the mort-a-ee5s (osts and e.penses in this !eha%f, to inspe(t and
ma2e (opies or a!stra(ts of, or e.tra(ts from, do($ments of tit%e re%atin- to the mort-a-ed
propert" whi(h are in the ($stod" or power of the mort-a-ee.D
JG1. R%@6$ $) 1'8''2 #';a1a$'7< )1 #%2"7$a*')"#7<. A mort-a-or who has e.e($ted
two or more mort-a-es in favo$r of the same mort-a-ee sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the
(ontrar", when the prin(ipa% mone" of an" two or more of the mort-a-es has !e(ome d$e, !e
entit%ed to redeem an"one s$(h mort-a-e separate%", or an" two or more of s$(h mort-a-es
G2. R%@6$ )9 "#"91"&$"a1< 2)1$@a@)1 $) 1'&)('1 ;)##'##%)*. In the (ase of a
$s$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-e, the mort-a-or has a ri-ht to re(over possession of the propert"
with the mort-a-e8deed and a%% do($ments re%atin- to the mort-a-ed propert" whi(h are in the
possession or power of the mort-a-eD.
(a where the mort-a-ee is a$thori1ed to pa" himse%f the mort-a-e8mone"
from the rents and profits of the propert",8when s$(h mone" is paidF
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929,s.21.
#s. )=A and )=+ ins. ibid., s. 23.
#$!s. ibid., s. 24, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
Ins. ibid., s. 20.
(! where the mort-a-ee is a$thori1ed to pa" himse%f from s$(h rents and profits
Cor an" part thereof a part on%" of the mort-a-e8mone"D8when the term, if an",
pres(ri!ed for the pa"ment of the mort-a-e8mone" has e.pired and the
mort-a-or pa"s or tenders to the mort-a-ee
Cthe mort-a-e8mone" or the
!a%an(e thereofD or deposits it in 'o$rt as hereinafter provided.
G3. A&&'##%)* $) 2)1$@a@'8 ;1);'1$<. 7here mort-a-ed propert" in possession of
the mort-a-ee has, d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the mort-a-e, re(eived an" a((ession, the
mort-a-or, $pon redemption, sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", !e entit%ed as
a-ainst the mort-a-ee to s$(h a((ession.
A&&'##%)* a&B"%1'8 %* (%1$"' )9 $1a*#9'11'8 )w*'1#6%;. 7here s$(h a((ession has
!een a(?$ired at the e.pense of the mort-a-ee, and is (apa!%e of separate possession or
en:o"ment a witho$t detriment to the prin(ipa% propert", the mort-a-or desirin- to ta2e the
a((ession m$st pa" to the mort-a-ee the e.pense of a(?$irin- it. If s$(h separate possession or
en:o"ment is not possi!%e, the a((ession m$st !e de%ivered with the propert"F the mort-a-or
!ein- %ia!%e, in the (ase of an a(?$isition ne(essar" to preserve the propert" from destr$(tion,
forfeit$re or sa%e, or made with his assent, to pa" the proper (ost thereof, as an addition to the
prin(ipa% mone",
Cwith interest at the same rate as is pa"a!%e on the prin(ipa%, or, where no s$(h
rate is fi.ed, at the rate of nine per (ent. per ann$mD.
In the (ase %ast mentioned the profits, if an", arisin- from the a((ession sha%% !e
(redited to the mort-a-or.
7here the mort-a-e is $s$fr$(t$ar" and the a((ession has !een a(?$ired at the
e.pense of the mort-a-ee, the profits, if an", arisin- from the a((ession sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a
(ontra(t to the (ontrar", !e set off a-ainst interest, if an", pa"a!%e on the mone" so e.pended.
JG3A. I2;1)('2'*$# $) 2)1$@a@'8 ;1);'1$<. 8(1 7here mort-a-ed propert" in
possession of the mort-a-ee has, d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the mort-a-e, !een improved, the
mort-a-or, $pon redemption, sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", !e entit%ed to the
improvement F and the mort-a-or sha%% not, save on%" in (ases provided for in s$!8se(tion (2, !e
%ia!%e to pa" the (ost thereof.
(2 7here an" s$(h improvement was effe(ted at the (ost of the mort-a-ee and was
ne(essar" to preserve the propert" from destr$(tion or deterioration or was ne(essar" to prevent
the se($rit" from !e(omin- ins$ffi(ient, or was made in (omp%ian(e with the %awf$% order of an"
p$!%i( servant or p$!%i( a$thorit", the mort-a-or sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 20, for &the interest of the prin(ipa% mone"K.
#$!s. ibid., for &the prin(ipa% mone"K.
#$!s. ibid., s. 2). for &at the same rate of interestK.
#e(tion )3A, ins. ibid., s. 27.
!e %ia!%e to pa" the proper (ost thereof as an addition to the prin(ipa% mone" with interest at the
same rate as is pa"a!%e on the prin(ipa%, or, where no s$(h rate is fi.ed, at the rate of nine per(ent
per ann$m, and the profits, if an", a((r$in- !" reason of the improvement sha%% !e (redited to the
GC. R'*'wa7 )9 2)1$@a@'8 7'a#'. 7here the mort-a-ed propert" is a %ease
J J J,
and the mort-a-ee o!tains a renewa% of the %ease, the mort-a-or, $pon redemption, sha%%, in the
a!sen(e of a (ontra(t !" him to the (ontrar", have the !enefit of the new %ease.
G5. I2;7%'8 &)*$1a&$# 5< 2)1$@a@)1. In the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", the
mort-a-or sha%% !e deemed to (ontra(t with the mort-a-ee8
(a that the interest whi(h the mort-a-or professes to transfer to the mort-a-ee
s$!sists, and that the mort-a-or has power to transfer the sameF
(! that the mort-a-or wi%% defend, or if the mort-a-ee !e in possession of the
mort-a-ed propert", ena!%e him to defend, the mort-a-or5s tit%e theretoF
(( that the mort-a-or wi%%, so %on- as the mort-a-ee is not. in possession of the
mort-a-ed propert", pa" a%% p$!%i( (har-es a((r$in- d$e in respe(t of the
propert" F
(d and, where the mort-a-ed propert" is a %ease
J J J, that the rent pa"a!%e
$nder the %ease, the (onditions (ontained therein, and the (ontra(ts !indin- on
the %essee have !een paid, performed and o!served down to the (om8
men(ement of the mort-a-eF and that the mort-a-or wi%%, so %on- as the
se($rit" e.ists and the mort-a-ee is not in possession of the mort-a-ed
propert", pa" the rent reserved !" the %ease, or, if the %ease !e renewed, the
renewed %ease, perform the (onditions (ontained therein and o!serve the
(ontra(ts !indin- on the %essee, and indemnif" the mort-a-ee a-ainst a%%
(%aims s$stained !" reason of the non8pa"ment of the said rent or the non8
performan(e or non8o!servan(e of the said (onditions and (ontra(tsF
(e and, where the mort-a-e is a se(ond or s$!se?$ent in($m!ran(e on the
propert", that the mort-a-or wi%% pa" the interest from time to time a((r$in-
d$e on ea(h prior in($m!ran(e as and when it !e(omes d$e, and wi%% at the
proper time dis(har-e the prin(ipa% mone" d$e on s$(h prior in($m!ran(e.
The words &for a term of "earsK omitted !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 29 (2= of 1929, ss. 2; and 29.
'ertain words were omitted ibid.
The !enefit of the (ontra(ts mentioned in this se(tion sha%% !e anne.ed to and sha%% -o
with the interest of the mort-a-ee as s$(h, and ma" !e enfor(ed !" ever" person in whom that
interest is for the who%e or an" part thereof from time to time vested.
JG5A. M)1$@a@)1H# ;)w'1 $) 7'a#'. 8(1 #$!:e(t to the provisions of s$!8se(tion (2,
a mort-a-or, whi%e %awf$%%" in possession of the mort-a-ed propert", sha%% have power to ma2e
%eases thereof whi(h sha%% !e !indin- on the mort-a-ee.
(2 (a ,ver" s$(h %ease sha%% !e s$(h as wo$%d !e made in the ordinar" (o$rse of
mana-ement of the propert" (on(erned, and in a((ordan(e with an" %o(a% %aw, ($stom or $sa-e.
(! ,ver" s$(h %ease sha%% reserve the !est rent that (an reasona!%" !e o!tained, and no
premi$m sha%% !e paid or promised and no rent sha%% !e pa"a!%e in advan(e.
(( 6o s$(h %ease sha%% (ontain a (ovenant for renewa%.
(d ,ver" s$(h %ease sha%% ta2e effe(t from a date not %ater than si. months from the date
on whi(h it is made.
(e In the (ase of a %ease of !$i%din-s, whether %eased with or witho$t the %and on whi(h
the" stand, the d$ration of the %ease sha%% in no (ase e.(eed three "ears, and the %ease sha%%
(ontain a (ovenant for pa"ment of the rent and a (ondition of re8entr" on the rent not !ein- paid
within a time therein spe(ified.
(3 The provisions of s$!8se(tion (1 app%" on%" if and as far as a (ontrar" intention is
not e.pressed in the mort-a-e8deedF and the provisions of s$!8se(tion (2 ma" !e varied or
e.tended !" the mort-a-e8deed and, as so varied and e.tended, sha%%, as far as ma" !e, operate in
%i2e manner and with a%% %i2e in(idents, effe(ts and (onse?$en(es, as if s$(h variations or
e.tensions were (ontained in that s$!8se(tion.D
GG. -a#$' 5< 2)1$@a@)1 %* ;)##'##%)*. A mort-a-or in possession of the mort-a-ed
propert" is, not %ia!%e to the mort-a-ee for a%%owin- the propert" to deteriorate F !$t he m$st not
(ommit an" a(t whi(h is destr$(tive or permanent%" in:$rio$s thereto, if the se($rit" is
ins$ffi(ient or wi%% !e rendered ins$ffi(ient !" s$(h a(t.
E/!"anation., A se($rit" is ins$ffi(ient within the meanin- of this se(tion $n%ess the
va%$e of the mort-a-ed propert" e.(eeds !" one8third, or, if (onsistin- of !$i%din-s, e.(eeds !"
on !eha%f, the amo$nt for the time !ein- d$e on the mort-a-e.
1ights and .ia&ilities of Mortgagee
G4. R%@6$ $) 9)1'&7)#"1' )1 #a7'. In the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", the
mort-a-ee has at an" time after the mort-a-e8mone" has !e(ome
Cd$eD to him, and !efore a
de(ree has !een made for the redemption of the mort-a-ed propert" or the mort-a-e8mone" has
#e(tion )0A, ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 3=.
#$!s. ibid., s. 31, for &pa"a!%eK.
paid or deposited as hereinafter provided, a ri-ht to o!tain from the 'o$rt
Ca de(reeD that the
mort-a-or sha%% !e a!so%$te%" de!arred of his ri-ht to redeem the propert", or
Ca de(reeD that the
propert" !e so%d.
A s$it to o!tain
Ca de(reeD that a mort-a-or sha%% !e a!so%$te%" de!arred of his ri-ht
to redeem the mort-a-ed propert" is (a%%ed a s$it for fore(%os$re.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemedR
C(a to a$thorise an" mort-a-ee other than a mort-a-ee !" (onditiona% sa%e or a
mort-a-ee $nder an anoma%o$s mort-a-e !" the terms of whi(h he is entit%ed
to fore(%ose, to instit$te a s$it for fore(%os$re, or an $s$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-ee as
s$(h or a mort-a-ee !" (onditiona% sa%e as s$(h to instit$te a s$it for sa%eF orD
(! to a$thori1e a mort-a-or who ho%ds the mort-a-ee5s ri-hts as his tr$stee or
%e-a% representative, and who ma" s$e for a sa%e of the propert", to instit$te a
s$it for fore(%os$reF or
(( to a$thori1e the mort-a-ee of a rai%wa", (ana% or other wor2 in the
maintenan(e of whi(h the p$!%i( are interested, to instit$te a s$it for
fore(%os$re or sa%eF or
(d to a$thori1e a person interested in part on%" of the mort-a-e8mone" to instit$te
a s$it re%atin- on%" to a (orrespondin- part of the mort-a-ed propert", $n%ess
the mort-a-ees have, with the (onsent of the mort-a-or, severed their interests
$nder the mort-a-e.
JG4A. M)1$@a@'' w6'* 5)"*8 $) 51%*@ )*' #"%$ )* #'('1a7 2)1$@a@'#. A
mort-a-ee who ho%ds two or more mort-a-es e.e($ted !" the same mort-a-or in respe(t of ea(h
of whi(h he has a ri-ht to o!tain the same 2ind of de(ree $nder se(tion )7, and who s$es to
o!tain s$(h de(ree on an"one of the mort-a-es sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar",
!e !o$nd to s$e on a%% the mort-a-es in respe(t of whi(h the mort-a-e8mone" has !e(ome d$e.D
JG8. R%@6$ $) #"' 9)1 2)1$@a@'-2)*'<. 8(1 The mort-a-ee has a ri-ht to s$e for the
mort-a-e8mone" in the fo%%owin- (ases and no others, name%" H8
(a where the mort-a-or !inds himse%f to repa" the sameF
(! where, !" an" (a$se other than the wron-f$% a(t or defa$%t of the mort-a-or or
mort-a-ee, the mort-a-ed propert" is who%%" or partia%%" destro"ed or the se8
($rit" is rendered ins$ffi(ient within the meanin- of
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 31, for &an orderK.
#$!s. ibid., for the ori-ina% (%a$se.
#e(tion )7 A ins. ibid., s. 32.
#$!s. ibid., s. 33, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
se(tion )), and the mort-a-ee has -iven the mort-a-or a reasona!%e
opport$nit" of providin- f$rther se($rit" eno$-h to render the who%e se($rit"
s$ffi(ient, and the mort-a-or has fai%ed to do so F
(( where the mort-a-ee is deprived of the who%e or part of his se($rit" !" or in
(onse?$en(e of the wron-f$% a(t or defa$%t of the mort-a-orF
(d where, the mort-a-ee !ein- entit%ed to possession of the mort-a-ed propert",
the mort-a-or fai%s to de%iver the same to him, or to se($re the possession
thereof to him witho$t dist$r!an(e !" the mort-a-or or an" person (%aimin-
$nder a tit%e s$perior to that of the mort-a-or H
*rovided that, in the (ase referred to in (%a$se (a, a transferee from the mort-a-or or
from his %e-a% representative sha%% not !e %ia!%e to !e s$ed for the mort-a-e8mone".
(2 7here a s$it is !ro$-ht $nder (%a$se (a or (%a$se (! of s$!8se(tion (1, the 'o$rt
ma", at its dis(retion, sta" the s$it and a%% pro(eedin-s therein, notwithstandin- an" (ontra(t to
the (ontrar", $nti% the mort-a-ee has e.ha$sted a%% his avai%a!%e remedies a-ainst the mort-a-ed
propert" or what remains of it, $n%ess the mort-a-ee a!andons his se($rit" and, if ne(essar", re8
transfers the mort-a-ed propert".D
G3. P)w'1 )9 #a7' w6'* (a7%8.R
CAD mort-a-ee, or an" person a(tin-
on his !eha%f, sha%%, s$!:e(t to the provisions of this se(tion, have power to se%% or (on($r in
se%%in- the mort-a-ed propert", or an" part thereof, in defa$%t of pa"ment of the mort-a-e8
mone", witho$t the intervention of the 'o$rt, in the fo%%owin- (ases and in no others, name%" H8D
(a where the mort-a-e is an ,n-%ish mort-a-e, and neither the mort-a-or nor the
mort-a-ee is a Gind$,
C@$s%im or +$ddhist
Cor a mem!er of an" other ra(e,
se(t, tri!e or (%ass from time to time spe(ified in this !eha%f !"
Cthe *rovin(ia%
GovernmentD, in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteDDF
#e(tion )9 was n$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (1 !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 34.
#$!s. ibid., for (ertain ori-ina% words.
Omitted and s$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" /. A. O. 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &@$hammadanK.
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" A(t (1;;2 Amdt. A(t 1;;0 (3 of 1;;0, s. 0.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &the L. G., with the previo$s san(tion of the G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
Cwhere the mort-a-e is the /edera% Government or a *rovin(ia% Government
or a !an2in- (ompan" as defined in the +an2in- Tri!$na%s Ordinan(e 19;4,
L<III of 19;4.D
(( where
Ca power of sa%e witho$t the intervention of the 'o$rt is"
(onferred on the mort-a-ee !" the mort-a-e8deed andD the mort-a-ed propert"
or an" part thereof
Cwas, on the date of the e.e($tion of the mort-a-e8deedD,
sit$ate within the
Ctown ofD Oara(hi,
J J Jor in an" other town
areaD whi(h the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the
Ga1etteD, spe(if" in this !eha%f.
CA power $nder s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% notD !e $n%ess and $nti%R
C(aD noti(e in writin- re?$irin- pa"ment of the prin(ipa% mone" has !een served on
the mort-a-or, or on one of severa% mort-a-ors, and defa$%t has !een made in
pa"ment of the prin(ipa% mone", or of part thereof, for three months after s$(h
servi(eF or
C(!D some interest $nder the mort-a-e amo$ntin- at %east to five h$ndred r$pees is
in arrear and $npaid for three months after !e(omin- d$e
C*rovided that the power of a s(hed$%ed !an2 $nder (%a$se (! of s$!8se(tion (1
sha%% f$rther !e s$!:e(t to s$(h (onditions as ma" !e pres(ri!ed in this !eha%f !"
notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD in (ons$%tation
with the #tate +an2 of *a2istan.
Ins. !" The Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 34.
The ori-ina% words &the #e(retar" of #tate for India in 'o$n(i%K have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. O., 1937 and A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 (with
effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190), to read as a!ove.
Added !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 19)) (0 of 19)), s. 2.
#$!s. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 34, for &isK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &towns of 'a%($tta, @adras, +om!a"K.
The words &3an-oon, @o$%mein, +assein, A2"a!K rep. !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s. ibid., for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
The word &+$tK rep. !" A(t 2= of 1929 s. 34.
This para was n$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (2, ibid.
#$!s. !" A(t 0 of 19)), s. 2, for &no s$(h power sha%%K.
This (%a$se was %ettered (a, !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 34.
This (%a$se was %ettered (!, ibid.
#$!s. !" A(t 0 of 19)), s. 2, for f$%%8stop.
Added, ibid.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
C(3D 7hen a sa%e has !een made in professed of s$(h a power, the tit%e of
the p$r(haser sha%% not !e impea(ha!%e on the -ro$nd that no (ase had arisen to a$thori1e the
sa%e, or that d$e noti(e was not -iven, or that the power was otherwise improper%" or irre-$%ar%" !$t an" person damnified !" an $na$thori1ed or improper or irre-$%ar of the
power sha%% have his remed" in dama-es a-ainst the person the power.
C(4D The mone" whi(h is re(eived !" the mort-a-ee, arisin- from the sa%e, after
dis(har-e of prior in($m!ran(es, if an", to whi(h the sa%e is not made s$!:e(t, or after pa"ment
into 'o$rt $nder se(tion 07 of a s$m to meet an" prior in($m!ran(e, sha%%, in the a!sen(e of a
(ontra(t to the (ontrar", !e he%d !" him in tr$st to !e app%ied !" him, first, in pa"ment of a%%
(osts, (har-es and e.penses proper%" in($rred !" him as in(ident to the sa%e or an" attempted
sa%eF and, se(ond%", in dis(har-e of the mort-a-e mone" and (osts and other mone", if an", d$e
$nder the mort-a-eF and the resid$e of the mone" so re(eived sha%% !e paid to the person entit%ed
to the mort-a-ed propert", or a$thorised to -ive re(eipts for the pro(eeds of the sa%e thereof.
JG3A. A;;)%*$2'*$ )9 1'&'%('1. I(1 A mort-a-ee havin- the ri-ht to a
power of sa%e $nder se(tion )9 sha%%, s$!:e(t to the provisions of s$!8se(tion (2, !e entit%ed to
appoint, !" writin- si-ned !" him or on his !eha%f, a re(eiver of the in(ome of the mort-a-ed
propert" or an" part thereof.
(2 An" person who has !een named in the mort-a-e8deed and is wi%%in- and a!%e to
a(t as re(eiver ma" !e appointed !" the mort-a-ee.
If no person has !een so named, or if a%% persons named are $na!%e or $nwi%%in- to
a(t, or are dead, the mort-a-ee ma" appoint an" person to whose appointment the mort-a-or
a-reesF fai%in- s$(h a-reement, the mort-a-ee sha%% !e entit%ed to app%" to the 'o$rt for the
appointment of a re(eiver, and an" person appointed !" the 'o$rt sha%% !e deemed to have !een
d$%" appointed !" the mort-a-ee.
A re(eiver ma" at an" time !e removed !" writin- si-ned !" or on !eha%f of the
mort-a-ee and the mort-a-or, or !" the 'o$rt on app%i(ation made !" either part" and on d$e
(a$se shown.
This part was n$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (3, !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 34.
This part was n$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (4, ibid.
#$!8se(tion (0 whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. ibid., for the ori-ina% fifth para-raph, has !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and
Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
The %ast para-raph of the se(tion was rep. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 34.
#e(tion )9 A ins.ibid., s. 30.
A va(an(" in the offi(e of re(eiver ma" !e fi%%ed in a((ordan(e with the provisions of
this s$!8se(tion.
(3 A re(eiver appointed $nder the powers (onferred !" this se(tion sha%% !e deemed
to !e the a-ent of the mort-a-orF and the mort-a-or sha%% !e so%e%" responsi!%e for the re(eiver5s
a(ts or defa$%ts, $n%ess the mort-a-e8deed otherwise provides or $n%ess s$(h a(ts or defa$%ts are
d$e to the improper intervention of the mort-a-ee.
(4 The re(eiver sha%% have power to demand and re(over a%% the in(ome of whi(h he
is appointed re(eiver, !" s$it, e.e($tion or otherwise, in the name either of the mort-a-or or of
the mort-a-ee to the f$%% e.tent of the interest whi(h the mort-a-or (o$%d dispose of, and to -ive
va%id re(eipts a((ordin-%" for the same, and to an" powers whi(h ma" have !een
de%e-ated to him !" the mort-a-ee in a((ordan(e with the provisions of this se(tion.
(0 A person pa"in- mone" to the re(eiver sha%% not !e (on(erned to in?$ire if the
appointment of the re(eiver was va%id or not.
() The re(eiver sha%% !e entit%ed to retain o$t of an" mone" re(eived !" him, for his
rem$neration, and in satisfa(tion of a%% (osts, (har-es and e.penses in($rred !" him as re(eiver, a
(ommission at s$(h rate not e.(eedin- five per (ent. on the -ross amo$nt of a%% mone" re(eived
as is spe(ified in his appointment, and, if no rate is so spe(ified, then at the rate of five per (ent.
on that -ross amo$nt, or at s$(h other rate as the 'o$rt thin2s fit to a%%ow, on app%i(ation made
!" him for that p$rpose.
(7 The re(eiver sha%%, if so dire(ted in writin- !" the mort-a-ee, ins$re to the e.tent,
if an", to whi(h the mort-a-ee mi-ht have ins$red, and 2eep ins$red a-ainst %oss or dama-e !"
fire, o$t of the mone" re(eived !" him, the mort-a-ed propert" or an" part thereof !ein- of an
ins$ra!%e nat$re.
(; #$!:e(t to the provisions of this A(t as to the app%i(ation of ins$ran(e mone", the
re(eiver sha%% app%" a%% mone" re(eived !" him as fo%%ows, name%"H8
(i in dis(har-e of a%% rents,, %and reven$e, rates and o$t-oin-s whatever
affe(tin- the mort-a-ed propert"F
(ii in 2eepin- down a%% ann$a% s$ms or other pa"ments, and the interest on a%%
prin(ipa% s$ms, havin- priorit" to the mort-a-e in ri-ht whereof he is re(eiverF
(iii in pa"ment of his (ommission, and of the premi$ms on fire, %ife or other
ins$ran(es, if an", proper%" pa"a!%e $nder the mort-a-e8deed or $nder this
A(t, and the (ost of e.e($tin- ne(essar" or proper repairs dire(ted in writin-
!" the mort-a-eeF
(iv in pa"ment of the interest fa%%in- d$e $nder the mort-a-eF
(v in or towards dis(har-e of the prin(ipa% mone", if so dire(ted in writin- !" the
and sha%% pa" the resid$e, if an", of the mone" re(eived !" him to the person who, !$t for
the possession of the re(eiver, wo$%d have !een entit%ed to re(eive the in(ome of whi(h he is
appointed re(eiver, or who is otherwise entit%ed to the mort-a-ed propert".
(9 The provisions of s$!8se(tion (1 app%" on%" if and as far as a (ontrar" intention is
not e.pressed in the mort-a-e8deedF and the provisions of s$!8se(tions (3 to (; in(%$sive ma"
!e varied or e.tended !" the mort-a-e8deed, and, as so varied or e.tended, sha%%, as far as ma"
!e, operate in %i2e manner and with a%% the %i2e in(idents, effe(ts and (onse?$en(es, as if s$(h
variations or e.tensions were (ontained in the said s$!8se(tions.
(1= App%i(ation ma" !e made, witho$t the instit$tion of a s$it, to the 'o$rt for its
opinion, advi(e or dire(tion on an" present ?$estion respe(tin- the mana-ement or
administration of the mort-a-ed propert", other than ?$estions of diffi($%t" or importan(e not
proper in the opinion of the 'o$rt for s$mmar" disposa%. A (op" of s$(h app%i(ation sha%% !e
served $pon, and the hearin- thereof ma" !e attended !", s$(h of the persons interested in the
app%i(ation as the 'o$rt ma" thin2 fit.
The (osts of ever" app%i(ation $nder this s$!8se(tion sha%% !e in the dis(retion of the
(11 In this se(tion, &the 'o$rtK means the 'o$rt whi(h wo$%d have :$risdi(tion in a
s$it to enfor(e the mort-a-e.D
40. A&&'##%)* $) 2)1$@a@'8 ;1);'1$<. If, after the date of a mort-a-e, an" a((ession
is made to the mort-a-ed propert", the mort-a-ee, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar",
sha%%, for the p$rposes of the se($rit", !e entit%ed to s$(h a((ession.
(a A mort-a-es to + a (ertain fie%d !orderin- on a river. The fie%d is in(reased !"
a%%$vion. /or the p$rposes of his se($rit", + is entit%ed to the in(rease.
(! A mort-a-es a (ertain p%ot of !$i%din- %and to + and afterwards ere(ts a ho$se on
the p%ot. /or the p$rposes of his se($rit" + is entit%ed to the ho$se as we%% as the p%ot.
41. R'*'wa7 )9 2)1$@a@'8 7'a#'. 7hen the mort-a-ed propert" is a %ease
J J J, and
the mort-a-or o!tains a renewa% of the %ease, the mort-a-ee, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the
(ontrar", sha%%, for the p$rposes of the se($rit", !e entit%ed to the new %ease.
42. R%@6$# )9 2)1$@a@'' %* ;)##'##%)*.
CA mort-a-eeD ma" spend s$(h mone" as is
(! for
Cthe preservation of the mort-a-ed propert"D from destr$(tion, forfeit$re or
The words &for a term of "earsK rep. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 3).
#$!s. ibid., s. 37 for &7hen, d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the mort-a-e the mort-a-ee ta2es possession of the mort-a-ed propert", he.K.
'%a$se (a was rep., ibid.
#$!s. ibid., for &its preservationK.
(( for s$pportin- the mort-a-or5s tit%e to the propert"F
(d for ma2in- his own tit%e thereto -ood a-ainst the mort-a-or F and,
(e when the mort-a-ed propert" is a renewa!%e %ease8ho%d, for the renewa% of the
and ma", in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", add s$(h mone" to the prin(ipa%
mone", at the rate of interest pa"a!%e on the prin(ipa%, and where no s$(h rate is fi.ed, at the rate
of nine per (ent. per ann$m
C*rovided that the e.pendit$re of mone" !" the mort-a-ee $nder
(%a$se (! or (%a$se (( sha%% not !e deemed to !e ne(essar" $n%ess the mort-a-or has !een (a%%ed
$pon and has fai%ed to ta2e proper and time%" steps to preserve the propert" or to s$pport the
7here the propert" is !" its nat$re ins$ra!%e, the mort-a-ee ma" a%so, in the a!sen(e
of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", ins$re and 2eep ins$red a-ainst %oss or dama-e !" fire the who%e or
an" part of s$(h propert"F and the premi$ms paid for an" s$(h ins$ran(e sha%% !e
Cadded to the
prin(ipa% mone" with interest at the same rate as is pa"a!%e on the prin(ipa% mone" or, where no
s$(h rate is fi.ed, at the rate of nine per (ent. per ann$mD. +$t the amo$nt of s$(h ins$ran(e sha%%
not e.(eed the amo$nt spe(ified in this !eha%f in the mort-a-e8deed or (if no s$(h amo$nt is
therein spe(ified two8thirds of the amo$nt that wo$%d !e re?$ired in (ase of tota% destr$(tion to
reinstate the propert" ins$red.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to a$thori1e the mort-a-ee to ins$re when an
ins$ran(e of the propert" is 2ept $p !" or on !eha%f of the mort-a-or to the amo$nt in whi(h the
mort-a-ee is here!" a$thori1ed to ins$re.
J43. R%@6$ $) ;1)&''8# )9 1'('*"' #a7' )1 &)2;'*#a$%)* )* a&B"%#%$%)*.R (1
7here the mort-a-ed propert" or an" part thereof or an" interest therein is so%d owin- to fai%$re
to pa" arrears of reven$e or other (har-es of a p$!%i( nat$re or rent d$e in respe(t of s$(h
propert", and s$(h fai%$re did not arise from an" defa$%t of the mort-a-ee, the mort-a-ee sha%% !e
entit%ed to (%aim pa"ment of the mort-a-e8mone", in who%e or in part, o$t of an" s$rp%$s of the
sa%e pro(eeds remainin- after pa"ment of the arrears and of a%% (har-es and ded$(tions dire(ted
!" %aw.
(2 7here the mort-a-ed propert" or an" part thereof or an" interest therein is
a(?$ired $nder the Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;94, or an" other ena(tment for the time !ein- in
for(e providin- for the (omp$%sor" a(?$isition of immovea!%e propert", the mort-a-ee sha%% !e
entit%ed to (%aim pa"ment of the mort-a-e8mone", in who%e or in part, o$t of the amo$nt d$e to
the mort-a-or as (ompensation.
*roviso ins. !" s. 37 of the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929.
#$!s. ibid., for (ertain ori-ina% words.
#$!s. ibid., s. 3;, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
(3 #$(h (%aims sha%% prevai% a-ainst a%% other (%aims e.(ept those of prior
en($m!ran(ers, and ma" !e enfor(ed notwithstandin- that the prin(ipa% mone" on the mort-a-e
has not !e(ome d$e.D
4C. Ci3ht of $ub$equent mort3a3ee to !ay off !rior mort3a3ee.D e!. by the Tran$fer
of :ro!erty &9mendment( 9#t, 1929 &)) of 1141(,$.31.
45! Ci3ht$ of me$ne mort3a3ee a3ain$t !rior and $ub$equent mort3a3ee$.D e!. by
the Tran$fer of :ro!erty &9mendment( 9#t, 1929 &)) of 1929, $. 39.
4G. L%a5%7%$%'# )9 2)1$@a@'' %* ;)##'##%)*. 7hen, d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the
mort-a-e, the mort-a-ee ta2es possession of the mort-a-ed propert",8
(a he m$st mana-e the propert" as a person of ordinar" pr$den(e wo$%d mana-e it
if it were his ownF
(! he m$st $se his !est endeavo$rs to (o%%e(t the rents and profits thereofF
(( he m$st, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", o$t of the in(ome of the
propert", pa" the Government reven$e, a%% other (har-es of a p$!%i( nat$re
a%% rentD a((r$in- d$e in respe(t thereof d$rin- s$(h possession, and an" arrears
of rent in defa$%t of pa"ment of whi(h the propert" ma" !e s$mmari%" so%dF
(d he m$st, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", ma2e s$(h ne(essar"
repairs of the propert" as he (an pa" for o$t of the rents and profits thereof after
ded$(tin- from s$(h rents and profits the pa"ments mentioned in (%a$se (( and
the interest on the prin(ipa% mone"F
(e he m$st not (ommit an" a(t whi(h is destr$(tive or permanent%" in:$rio$s to the
(f where he has ins$red the who%e or an" part of the propert" a-ainst %oss or
dama-e !" fire, he m$st, in (ase of s$(h %oss or dama-e, app%" an" mone"
whi(h he a(t$a%%" re(eives $nder the po%i(" or so m$(h thereof as ma" !e
ne(essar", in reinstatin- the propert", or, if the mort-a-or so dire(ts, in
red$(tion or dis(har-e of the mort-a-e8mone"F
(- he m$st 2eep (%ear, f$%% and a(($rate a((o$nts of a%% s$ms re(eived and spent !"
him as mort-a-ee, and, at an" time d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the mort-a-e, -ive
the mort-a-or, at his re?$est and (ost, tr$e (opies of s$(h a((o$nts and of the
vo$(hers !" whi(h the" are s$pported F
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 4=.
(h his re(eipts from the mort-a-ed propert", or, where s$(h propert" is persona%%"
o(($pied !" him, a fair o(($pation8rent in respe(t thereof, sha%%, after ded$(tin-
the e.penses
Cproper%" in($rred for the mana-ement of the propert" and the
(o%%e(tion of rents and profits and the other e.pensesD mentioned in (%a$ses ((
and (d, and interest thereon, !e de!ited a-ainst him in red$(tion of the amo$nt
(if an" from time to time d$e to him on a((o$nt of interest
J J J and, so far as
s$(h re(eipts e.(eed an" interest d$e, in red$(tion or dis(har-e of the mort-a-e8
mone"F the s$rp%$s, if an", sha%% !e paid to the mort-a-orF
(i 7hen the mort-a-or tenders, or deposits in manner hereinafter provided, the
amo$nt for the time !ein- d$e on the mort-a-e, the mort-a-ee m$st, notwith8
standin- the provisions in the other (%a$ses of this se(tion, a((o$nt for his
re(eipts from the mort-a-ed propert" from the date of the tender or from the
ear%iest time when he (o$%d ta2e s$(h amo$nt o$t of 'o$rt, as the (ase ma" !e
Cand sha%% not !e entit%ed to ded$(t an" amo$nt therefrom on a((o$nt of an"
e.penses in($rred after s$(h date or time in (onne(tion with the mort-a-ed
L)## )&&a#%)*'8 5< 6%# 8'9a"7$. If the mort-a-ee fai% to perform an" of the d$ties
imposed $pon him !" this se(tion, he ma", when a((o$nts are ta2en in p$rs$an(e of a de(ree
made $nder this 'hapter, !e de!ited with the %oss, if an", o((asioned !" s$(h fai%$re.
44. R'&'%;$# %* 7%'" )9 %*$'1'#$. 6othin- in se(tion 7), (%a$ses (!, (d, (- and (h,
app%ies to (ases where there is a (ontra(t !etween the mort-a-ee and the mort-a-or that the
re(eipts from the mort-a-ed propert" sha%%, so %on- as the mort-a-ee is in possession of the
propert", !e ta2en in %ie$ of interest on the prin(ipa% mone", or in %ie$ of s$(h interest and
defined portions of the prin(ipa%.
48. P)#$;)*'2'*$ )9 P1%)1 2)1$@a@'. 7here, thro$-h the fra$d, misrepresentation
or -ross ne-%e(t of a prior mort-a-ee, another person has !een ind$(ed to advan(e mone" on the
se($rit" of the mort-a-ed propert", the prior mort-a-ee sha%% !e postponed to the s$!se?$ent
43. M)1$@a@' $) #'&"1' "*&'1$a%* a2)"*$ w6'* 2aA%2"2 %# 'A;1'##'8. If a
mort-a-e made to se($re f$t$re advan(es, the performan(e of an en-a-ement or the !a%an(e of a
r$nnin- a((o$nt, e.presses the$m to !e se($red there!", a s$!se?$ent mort-a-e of the
same propert" sha%%, if made with
%ns. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 4=.
The words &on the mort-a-e8mone"K rep., ibid.
The word &-rossK rep., ibid.
Ins., ibid.
noti(e of the prior mort-a-e, !e postponed to the prior mort-a-e in respe(t of a%% advan(es or
de!its not e.(eedin- the$m tho$-h made or a%%owed with noti(e of the s$!se?$ent
mort-a-es #$%tanp$r to his !an2ers, + 4 'o., to se($re the !a%an(e of his a((o$nt
with them to the e.tent of 3s. 1=,===. A then mort-a-es #$%tanp$r to ', to se($re 3s. 1=,===, '
havin- noti(e of the mort-a-e to + 4 'o., and ' -ives noti(e to + 4 'o. of the se(ond
mort-a-e. At the date of the se(ond mort-a-e, the !a%an(e d$e to + 4 'o. does not e.(eed
3s. 0,===. + 4 'o., s$!se?$ent%" advan(e to A s$ms ma2in- the !a%an(e of the a((o$nt a-ainst
him e.(eed the s$m of 3s. 1=,===. + 4 'o. are entit%ed, to the e.tent of 3s. 1=,===, to priorit"
over '.
80. CTa#>in3 abo"i$hed.D e!. by $. 41 of the Tran$fer of :ro!erty &9mendment( 9#t,
1929 &)) of 1929.
5ar$ha""in3 and Contribution
J81. Ma1#6a77%*@ #'&"1%$%'#. If the owner of two or more properties mort-a-es them
to one person and then mort-a-es one or more of the properties to another person, the s$!se?$ent
mort-a-ee is, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", entit%ed to have the prior mort-a-e8
de!t satisfied o$t of the propert" or properties not mort-a-ed to him, so far as the same wi%%
e.tend, !$t not so as to pre:$di(e the ri-hts of the prior mort-a-ee or of an" other person who
has for (onsideration a(?$ired an interest in an" of the properties.D
82. C)*$1%5"$%)* $) 2)1$@a@' 8'5$.
C7here propert" s$!:e(t to a mort-a-e
!e%on-s to two or more persons havin- distin(t and separate ri-hts of ownership therein, the
different shares in or parts of s$(h propert" owned !" s$(h persons are, in the a!sen(e of a
(ontra(t to the, %ia!%e to (ontri!$te ratea!%" to the de!t se($red !" the mort-a-e, and, for the
p$rpose of determinin- the rate at whi(h ea(h s$(h share or part sha%% (ontri!$te, the va%$e
thereof sha%% !e deemed to !e its va%$e at the date of the mort-a-e after ded$(tion of the amo$nt
of an" other mort-a-e or (har-e to whi(h it ma" have !een s$!:e(t on that date.D
7here, of two properties !e%on-in- to the same owner, one is mort-a-ed to se($re
one de!t and then !oth are mort-a-ed to se($re another de!t, and the former de!t is paid o$t of
the former propert", ea(h propert" is, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", %ia!%e to
(ontri!$te ratea!%" to the %atter de!t after ded$(tin- the amo$nt of the former de!t from the va%$e
of the propert" o$t of whi(h it has !een paid.
6othin- in this se(tion app%ies to a propert" %ia!%e $nder se(tion ;1 to the (%aim of the
Cs$!se?$entD mort-a-ee.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 42, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
#$!s. ibid., s. 43, for the ori-ina% para-raph.
#$!s. ibid., for &se(ondK.
"eposit in ,ourt
83. P)w'1 $) 8';)#%$ %* C)"1$ 2)*'< 8"' )* 2)1$@a@'. At an" time after the
prin(ipa% mone"
Cpa"a!%e in respe(t of an" mort-a-e has !e(ome d$eD and !efore a s$it for
redemption of the mort-a-ed propert" is !arred, the mort-a-or, or an" other person entit%ed to
instit$te s$(h s$it, ma" deposit, in an" 'o$rt in whi(h he mi-ht have instit$ted s$(h s$it, to the
a((o$nt of the mort-a-ee, the amo$nt remainin- d$e on the mort-a-e.
R%@6$ $) 2)*'< 8';)#%$'8 5< 2)1$@a@'. The 'o$rt sha%% there$pon (a$se written
noti(e of the deposit to !e served on the mort-a-ee, and the mort-a-ee ma", on presentin- a
petition (verified in manner pres(ri!ed !" %aw
for the verifi(ation of p%aints statin- the amo$nt
then d$e on the mort-a-e, and his wi%%in-ness to a((ept the mone" so deposited in f$%% dis(har-e
of s$(h amo$nt, and on depositin- in the same 'o$rt the mort-a-e8deed
Cand a%% do($ments in
his possession or power re%atin- to the mort-a-ed propert"D, app%" for and re(eive the mone",
and the mort-a-e8deed
Cand a%% s$(h other do($mentsD so deposited sha%% !e de%ivered to the
mort-a-or or s$(h other person as aforesaid.
C7here the mort-a-ee is in possession of the mort-a-ed propert", the 'o$rt sha%%,
!efore pa"in- to him the amo$nt so deposited, dire(t him to de%iver possession thereof to the
mort-a-or and at the (ost of the mort-a-or either to re8transfer the mort-a-ed propert" to the
mort-a-or or to s$(h third person as the mort-a-or ma" dire(t or to e.e($te and (where the
mort-a-e has !een effe(ted !" a re-istered instr$ment have re-istered an a(2now%ed-ement in
writin- that an" ri-ht in dero-ation of the mort-a-or5s interest transferred to the mort-a-ee has
!een e.tin-$ished.D
8C. C'##a$%)* )9 %*$'1'#$. 7hen mort-a-or or s$(h other person as aforesaid has
tendered or deposited in 'o$rt $nder se(tion ;3 the amo$nt remainin- d$e on the mort-a-e,
interest on the prin(ipa% mone" sha%% (ease from the date of the tender or
Cin the (ase of a
deposit, where no previo$s tender of s$(h amo$nt has !een madeD as soon as the mort-a-or or
s$(h other person as aforesaid has done a%% that has to !e done !" him to ena!%e the mort-a-ee to
ta2e s$(h amo$nt o$t of 'o$rt,
Cand the noti(e re?$ired !" se(tion ;3 has !een served on the
*rovided that, where the mort-a-or has deposited s$(h amo$nt witho$t havin- made
a previo$s tender thereof and has s$!se?$ent%" withdrawn the same or an" part thereof, interest
on the prin(ipa% mone" sha%% !e pa"a!%e from the date of s$(h withdrawa% D.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, se(tion 44, for &has !e(ome pa"a!%eK.
See the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t 0 of 19=;, #(h. I, Order <I, r$%e 10.
#$!s. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 44, for &if then in his possession or power,K.
Ins. ibid.
Ins. ibid., s. 40.
#$!s. ibid., for &as the (ase ma" !eK.
6othin- in this se(tion or in se(tion ;3 sha%% !e deemed to deprive the mort-a-ee of
his ri-ht to interest when there e.ists a (ontra(t that he sha%% !e entit%ed to reasona!%e noti(e
!efore pa"ment or tender of the mort-a-e8mone"
Cand s$(h noti(e has not !een -iven !efore the
ma2in- of the tender or deposit, as the (ase ma" !eD.
Suit$ for %ore#"o$ure, Sa"e or edem!tion
85. C:artie$ to $uit$ for fore#"o$ure, $a"e and redem!tion.D e!. by the Code of Ci'i"
:ro#edure, 19=; &9#t * of 11?7(, $. 10) and S#h. *.
%ore#"o$ure and Sa"e
J8G $) 30.L e!. by the Code of Ci'i" :ro#edure, 11?7 &9#t * of 11?7(, $. 10) and
S#h. *.
J31. P'1#)*# w6) 2a< #"' 9)1 1'8'2;$%)*. +esides the mort-a-or, an" of the
fo%%owin- persons ma" redeem, or instit$te a s$it for redemption of, the mort-a-ed propert",
name%" H8
(a an" person (other than the mort-a-ee of the interest so$-ht to !e redeemed who
has an" interest in, or (har-e $pon, the propert" mort-a-ed or in or $pon the
ri-ht to redeem the sameF
(! an" s$ret" for the pa"ment of the mort-a-e8de!t or an" part thereofF or
(( an" (reditor of the mort-a-or who has in a s$it for the administration of his
estate o!tained a de(ree for sa%e of the mort-a-ed propert".
J32. S"51)@a$%)*. An" of the persons referred to in se(tion 91 (other than the
mort-a-or and an" (o8mort-a-or sha%%, on redeemin- propert" s$!:e(t to the mort-a-e, have, so
far as re-ards redemption, fore(%os$re or sa%e of s$(h propert", the same ri-hts as the mort-a-ee
whose mort-a-e he redeems ma" have a-ainst the mort-a-or or an" other mort-a-ee.
The ri-ht (onferred !" this se(tion is (a%%ed the ri-ht of s$!ro-ation, and a person
a(?$irin- the same is said to !e s$!ro-ated to the ri-hts of the mort-a-ee whose mort-a-e he
Ins !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s.40.
/or the repea%ed provisions, as re8ena(ted, $ee the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t 0 of 19=;, #(h. I, Order >>>I<.
#$!s. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 4), for the ori-ina% se(tion.
#s. 92 to 94 were ins. +bid., s. 47.
A person who has advan(ed to a mort-a-or mone" with whi(h the mort-a-e has !een
redeemed sha%% !e s$!ro-ated to the ri-hts of the mort-a-ee whose mort-a-e has !een redeemed,
if the mort-a-or has !" a re-istered instr$ment a-reed that s$(h persons sha%% !e so s$!ro-ated.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to (onfer a ri-ht of s$!ro-ation on an" person
$n%ess the mort-a-e in respe(t of whi(h the ri-ht is (%aimed has !een redeemed in f$%%.
33. P1)6%5%$%)* )9 $a&:%*@. 6o mort-a-ee pa"in- off a prior mort-a-e, whether with
or witho$t noti(e of an intermediate mort-a-e, sha%% there!" a(?$ire an" priorit" in respe(t of his
ori-ina% se($rit"F and, e.(ept in the (ase provided for !" se(tion 79, no mort-a-ee ma2in- a
s$!se?$ent advan(e to the mort-a-or, whether with or witho$t noti(e of an intermediate
mort-a-e, sha%% there!" a(?$ire an" priorit" in respe(t of his se($rit" for s$(h s$!se?$ent
3C. R%@6$# )9 2'#*' 2)1$@a@''. 7here a propert" is mort-a-ed for s$((essive de!ts
to s$((essive mort-a-ees, a mesne mort-a-ee has the same ri-hts a-ainst mort-a-ees posterior to
himse%f as he has a-ainst the mort-a-or.D
J35. R%@6$ )9 1'8''2%*@ &)-2)1$@a@)1 $) 'A;'*#'#. 7here one of severa%
mort-a-ors redeems the mort-a-ed propert", he sha%%, in enfor(in- his ri-ht of s$!ro-ation $nder
se(tion 92 a-ainst his (o8mort-a-ors, !e entit%ed to add to the mort-a-e8mone" re(overa!%e from
them s$(h proportion of the e.penses proper%" in($rred in s$(h redemption as is attri!$ta!%e to
their share in the propert".
3G. M)1$@a@' 5< 8';)#%$ )9 $%$7'-8''8#. The provisions herein!efore (ontained
whi(h app%" to a simp%e mort-a-e sha%%, so far as ma" !e, app%" to a mort-a-e !" deposit of tit%e8
34. C9!!"i#ation of !ro#eed$.D e!. by the Code of Ci'i" :ro#edure, 11?7 &9#t * of
11?7(, $. 10) and S#h. *.
9noma"ou$ 5ort3a3e$
38. R%@6$# a*8 7%a5%7%$%'# )9 ;a1$%'# $) a*)2a7)"# 2)1$@a@'#. In the (ase of
anoma%o$s mort-a-eD the ri-hts and %ia!i%ities of the parties sha%% !e determined !" their (ontra(t
as eviden(ed in the mort-a-e8deed, and, so far as s$(h (ontra(t does not e.tend, !" %o(a% $sa-e.
33. C9tta#hment of mort3a3ed !ro!erty.D e!. by the Code of Ci'i" :ro#edure, 11?7
&9#t * of 11?7 , $. 10) and #(h. *.
#s. 90 and 9) were s$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 4;, for the ori-ina% se(tion 90.
/or the repea%ed provisions as re8ena(ted, $ee the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t 0 of 19=;, #(h. I, Order >>>I<, r$%es 12 and 13.
#$!s. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 49, for &a mort-a-e, not !ein- a simp%e mort-a-e, a mort-a-e !" (onditiona% sa%e, an $s$fr$(t$ar" mort-a-e or an
,n-%ish mort-a-e or a (om!ination of the first and third, or the se(ond and third, of s$(h formsK.
/or the repea%ed provisions as re8ena(ted, $ee. A(t 0 of 19=;, #(h. I, Order >>>I<, r$%e 14.
100. C6a1@'#. 7here immovea!%e propert" of one person is !" a(t of parties or
operation of %aw made se($rit" for the pa"ment of mone" to another, and the transa(tion does not
amo$nt to a mort-a-e, the %atter person is said to have a (har-e on the propert"F and a%% the
provisions herein!efore (ontained
Cwhi(h app%" to a simp%e mort-a-e sha%%, so far as ma" !e,
app%" to s$(h (har-eD.
6othin- in this se(tion app%ies to the (har-e of a tr$stee on the tr$st8propert" for
e.penses proper%" in($rred in the e.e($tion of his tr$st,
Cand, save as otherwise"
provided !" an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e no (har-e sha%% !e enfor(ed a-ainst an" propert"
in the hands, of a person to whom s$(h propert" has !een transferred for (onsideration and
witho$t noti(e of the (har-eD.
J101. N) 2'1@'1 %* &a#' )9 #"5#'B"'*$ '*&"251a*&'. An" mort-a-ee of or person
havin- a (har-e $pon immovea!%e propert", or an" transferee from s$(h mort-a-ee or (har-e8
ho%der, ma" p$r(hase or otherwise a(?$ire the ri-hts in the propert" of the mort-a-or or owner,
as the (ase ma" !e, witho$t there!" (a$sin- the mort-a-e or (har-e to !e mer-ed as !etween
himse%f and an" s$!se?$ent mort-a-ee of, or person havin- a s$!se?$ent (har-e $pon, the same
propert"F and no s$(h s$!se?$ent mort-a-ee or (har-e8ho%der sha%% !e entit%ed to fore(%ose or se%%
s$(h propert" witho$t redeemin- the prior mort-a-e or (har-e, or otherwise than s$!:e(t
<oti#e and Tender
102. S'1(%&' )1 $'*8'1 )* )1 $) a@'*$. 7here the person on or to whom an" noti(e
or tender is to !e served or made $nder this 'hapter does not reside in the distri(t in whi(h the
mort-a-ed propert" or some part thereof is sit$ate, servi(e or tender on or to an a-ent ho%din- a
-enera% power8of8attorne" from s$(h person or otherwise d$%" a$thori1ed to a((ept s$(h servi(e
or tender sha%% !e deemed s$ffi(ient.
C7here no person or a-ent on whom s$(h noti(e sho$%d !e served (an !e fo$nd or is
2nownD to the person re?$ired to serve the noti(e, the %atter person ma" app%" to an" 'o$rt in
whi(h a s$it mi-ht !e !ro$-ht for redemption of the mort-a-ed propert", and s$(h 'o$rt sha%%
dire(t in what manner s$(h noti(e sha%% !e served, and an" noti(e served in (omp%ian(e with s$(h
dire(tion sha%% !e deemed s$ffi(ientH
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 0=, for &as to a mort-a-or sha%%, so far as ma" !e, app%" to the owner of s$(h
propert", and the provisions of $$. ;1 and ;2 sha%%, so far as ma" !e, app%" to s$(h (har-eK.
Ins. ibid., $. 0=.
#$!s. ibid., s. 01, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
#$!s. ibid. $. 02, for &7here the person or a-ent on whom s$(h noti(e sho$%d !e served (annot !e fo$nd in the said distri(t, or is $n2nownK.
C *rovided that, in the (ase of a noti(e re?$ired !" se(tion ;3, in the (ase of a deposit,
the app%i(ation sha%% !e made to the 'o$rt in whi(h the deposit has !een made.D
C7here no person or a-ent to whom s$(h tender sho$%d !e made (an !e fo$nd or is
2nownD to the person desirin- to ma2e the tender, the %atter person ma" deposit
Cin an" 'o$rt in
whi(h a s$it mi-ht !e !ro$-ht for redemption of the mort-a-ed propert"D the amo$nt so$-ht to
!e tendered, and s$(h deposit sha%% have the effe(t of a tender of s$(h amo$nt.
103. N)$%&', '$&., $) )1 5< ;'1#)* %*&)2;'$'*$ $) &)*$1a&$. 7here, $nder the
provisions of this 'hapter, a noti(e is to !e served on or !", or a tender or deposit made or
a((epted or ta2en o$t of 'o$rt !", an" person in(ompetent to (ontra(t, s$(h noti(e ma" !e served
Con or !"D, or tender or deposit made, a((epted or ta2en, !" the %e-a% ($rator of the propert" of
s$(h personF !$t where there is no s$(h ($rator, and it is re?$isite or desira!%e in the interests of
s$(h person that a noti(e sho$%d !e served or a tender or deposit made $nder the provisions of
this 'hapter, app%i(ation ma" !e made to an" 'o$rt in whi(h a s$it mi-ht !e !ro$-ht for the
redemption of the mort-a-e to appoint a -$ardian ad "item for the p$rpose of servin- or re(eivin-
servi(e of s$(h noti(e, or ma2in- or a((eptin- s$(h tender, or ma2in- or ta2in- o$t of 'o$rt s$(h
deposit, and for the performan(e of a%% (onse?$entia% a(ts whi(h (o$%d or o$-ht to !e done !"
s$(h person if he were (ompetent to (ontra(ts
F and the provisions of
C Order >>>II in the /irst
#(hed$%e to the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D sha%%, so far as ma" !e, app%" to s$(h app%i(ation
and to the parties thereto and to the -$ardian appointed there$nder.
10C. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'#. The Gi-h 'o$rt ma", from time to time, ma2e r$%es
(onsistent with this A(t for (arr"in- o$t, in itse%f and in the 'o$rts of 'ivi% E$di(at$re s$!:e(t to
its s$perintenden(e, the provisions (ontained in this 'hapter.
105. L'a#' 8'9%*'8. A %ease of immovea!%e propert" is a transfer of a ri-ht to en:o"
s$(h propert", made for a (ertain time, or imp%ied, or in perpet$it", in (onsideration of a
pri(e paid or
*roviso ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929,s. 02.
#$!s. ibid., for &7here the person or a-ent to whom s$(h tender sho$%d !e made (annot !e fo$nd within the said distri(t, or is $n2nownK.
#$!s. ibid., for &in s$(h 'o$rt as %ast aforesaidK.
Ins. ibid., s. 03.
As to persons (ompetent to (ontra(t, $ee $$. 11 and 12 of the 'ontra(t A(t, 1;72 (9 of 1;72.
#$!s. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 03, for &'hapter >>>I of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$reK.
/or r$%es made !" different Gi-h 'o$rt, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
V )9 1308.
promised, or of mone", a share of (rops, servi(e or an" other thin- of va%$e, to !e rendered
periodi(a%%" or on spe(ified o((asions to the transferor !" the transferee, who a((epts the transfer
on s$(h terms.
L'##)1, 7'##'', ;1'2%"2 a*8 1'*$ 8'9%*'8. The transferor is (a%%ed the %essor, the
transferee is (a%%ed the %essee, the pri(e is (a%%ed the premi$m, and the mone", share, servi(e, or
other thin- to !e so rendered is (a%%ed the rent.
10G. "1a$%)* )9 &'1$a%* 7'a#'# %* a5#'*&' )9 w1%$$'* &)*$1a&$ )1 7)&a7 "#a@'. In
the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t or %o(a% %aw or $sa-e to the (ontrar", a %ease of immovea!%e propert"
for a-ri($%t$ra% or man$fa(t$rin- p$rposes sha%% !e deemed to !e a %ease from "ear to "ear,
termina!%e, on the part of either %essor or %essee, !" si. months noti(e e.pirin- with the end of a
"ear of the tenan("F and a %ease of immovea!%e propert" for an" other p$rpose sha%% !e deemed
to !e a %ease from month to month, termina!%e, on the part of either %essor or %essee, !" fifteen
da"s5 noti(e e.pirin- with the end of a month of the tenan(".
,ver" noti(e $nder this se(tion m$st !e in writin- si-ned !" or on !eha%f of the
person -ivin- it, and
Ceither !e sent !" post to the part" who is intended to !e !o$nd !" it or !e
tendered or de%ivered persona%%" to s$(h part"D, or to one of his fami%" or servants at his
residen(e, or (if s$(h tender or de%iver" is not pra(ti(a!%e affi.ed to a (onspi($o$s part of the
104. L'a#'# 6)w 2a8'. A %ease of immovea!%e propert" from "ear to "ear, or for
an" term e.(eedin- one "ear, or reservin- a "ear%" rent, (an !e made on%" !" a re-istered
CA%% other %eases of immovea!%e propert" ma" !e made either !" a re-istered
instr$ment or !" ora% a-reement a((ompanied !" de%iver" of possession.D
C7here a %ease of immovea!%e propert" is made !" a re-istered instr$ment, s$(h
instr$ment or, where there are more instr$ments than one, ea(h s$(h instr$ment sha%% !e e.e($ted
!" !oth the %essor and the %esseeHD
C*rovided that the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma",
J J J from time to time, !"
in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, dire(t that %eases of immovea!%e propert", other than
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 04, for &tendered or de%ivered either persona%%" to the part" who is intended
to !e !o$nd !" itK.
As to %imitation to the territoria% operation of s. 1=7, see s. 1, s$pra. #. 1=7 e.tends to ever" (antonment in the *rovin(es, et(., see s. 47= of the
'antonments A(t, 1924 (2 of 1924.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 19=4 () of 19=4, s. 0, for the ori-ina% para-raph.
Ins. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. 00.
*roviso ins. !" A(t ) of 19=4, s. 0.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
The words &with the previo$s san(tion of the G. G. in 'K. rep., ibid.
/or notifi(ations !" the *rovin(ia% Governments, $ee different %o(a% 3. and O.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1ette.K.
from "ear to "ear, or for an" term e.(eedin- one "ear, or reservin- "ear%" rent, or an" (%ass of
s$(h %eases ma" !e made !" $nre-istered instr$ment or !" ora% a-reement witho$t de%iver" of
108. R%@6$# a*8 7%a5%7%$%'# )9 7'##)1 a*8 7'##''. In the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t or %o(a%
$sa-e to the (ontrar", the %essor and the %essee of immovea!%e propert", as a-ainst one another,
respe(tive%", possess the ri-hts and are s$!:e(t to the %ia!i%ities mentioned in the r$%es ne.t
fo%%owin-F or s$(h of them as are app%i(a!%e to the propert" %eased H
&9( i3ht$ and Liabi"itie$ of the Le$$or
(a The %essor is !o$nd to dis(%ose to the %essee an" materia% defe(t in the propert",
with referen(e to its intended $se, of whi(h the former is and the %atter is not
aware, and whi(h the %atter (o$%d not with ordinar" (are dis(overH
(! the %essor is !o$nd on the %essee5s re?$est to p$t him in possession of the
(( the %essor sha%% !e deemed to (ontra(t with the %essee that, if the %atter pa"s the
rent reserved !" the %ease and performs the (ontra(ts !indin- on the %essee, he
ma" ho%d the propert" d$rin- the time %imited !" the %ease witho$t interr$ption.
The !enefit of s$(h (ontra(t sha%% !e anne.ed to and -o with the %essee5s interest as
s$(h, and ma" !e enfor(ed !" ever" person in whom that interest is for the who%e or an" part
thereof from time to time vested.
&;( i3ht$ and Liabi"itie$ of the Le$$ee
(d if d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the %ease an" a((ession is made to the propert",
s$(h a((ession (s$!:e(t to the %aw re%atin- to a%%$vion for the time !ein- in
for(e sha%% !e deemed to !e (omprised in the %easeH
(e if !" fire, tempest or f%ood, or vio%en(e of an arm" or of a mo! or other
irresisti!%e for(e, an" materia% part of the propert" !e who%%" destro"ed or
rendered s$!stantia%%" and permanent%" $nfit for the p$rposes for whi(h it was
%et, the %ease sha%%, at the option of the %essee, !e voidH
*rovided that, if the in:$r" !e o((asioned !" the wron-f$% a(t or defa$%t of the %essee,
he sha%% not !e entit%ed to avai% himse%f of the !enefit of this provisionH
(f if the %essor ne-%e(ts to ma2e, within a reasona!%e time after noti(e, an" repairs
whi(h he is !o$nd to ma2e to the propert", the %essee ma" ma2e the same
himse%f, and ded$(t the e.pense of s$(h repairs with interest from the rent, or
otherwise re(over it from the %essorH
(- if the %essor ne-%e(ts to ma2e an" pa"ment whi(h he is !o$nd to ma2e, and
whi(h, if not made !" him, is re(overa!%e from the %essee or a-ainst the
propert", the %essee ma" ma2e s$(h pa"ment himse%f, and ded$(t it with interest
from the rent, or otherwise re(over it from the %essorH
(h the %essee ma"
Ceven after the determination of the %easeD remove, at an" time
Cwhi%st he is in possession of the propert" %eased !$t not afterwardsD a%% thin-s
whi(h he has atta(hed to the earthH provided he %eaves the propert" in the state
in whi(h he re(eived it H
(i when a %ease of $n(ertain d$ration determines !" an" means e.(ept the fa$%t of
the %essee, he or his %e-a% representative is entit%ed to a%% the (rops p%anted or
sown !" the %essee and -rowin- $pon the propert" when the %ease determines,
and to free in-ress and e-ress to -ather and (arr" themH
(: the %essee ma" transfer a!so%$te%" or !" wa" of mort-a-e or s$!8%ease the who%e
or an" part of his interest in the propert", and an" transferee of s$(h interest or
part ma" a-ain transfer it. The %essee sha%% not, !" reason on%" of s$(h transfer,
(ease to !e s$!:e(t to an" of the %ia!i%ities atta(hin- to the %easeH
nothin- in this (%a$se sha%% !e deemed to a$thori1e a tenant havin- an $n8
transfera!%e ri-ht of o(($pan(", the farmer of an estate in respe(t of whi(h
defa$%t has !een made in pa"in- reven$e, or the %essee of an estate $nder the
mana-ement of a 'o$rt of 7ards, to assi-n his interest as s$(h tenant, farmer or
(2 the %essee is !o$nd to dis(%ose to the %essor an" fa(t as to the nat$re or e.tent of
the interest whi(h the %essee is a!o$t to ta2e, of whi(h the %essee is, and the
%essor is not, aware, and whi(h materia%%" in(reases the va%$e of s$(h interestH
(% the %essee is !o$nd to pa" or tender, at the proper time and p%a(e, the premi$m
or rent to the %essor or his a-ent in this !eha%fH
(m the %essee is !o$nd to 2eep, and on the termination of the %ease to restore, the
propert" in as -ood (ondition as it was in at the time when he was p$t in
possession, s$!:e(t on%" to the (han-es (a$sed !" reasona!%e wear and tear or
irresisti!%e for(e, and to a%%ow the %essor and his a-ents, at a%% reasona!%e times
d$rin- the term, to enter $pon the propert" and inspe(t the (ondition thereof and
-ive or %eave noti(e of an" defe(t
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 0).
#$!s. ibid., for &d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the %easeK.
in s$(h (ondition, and, when s$(h defe(t has !een (a$sed !" an" a(t or defa$%t
on the part of the %essee, his servants or a-ents, he is !o$nd to ma2e it -ood
within three months after s$(h noti(e has !een -iven or %eftH
(n if the %essee !e(omes aware of an" pro(eedin- to re(over the propert" or an"
part thereof, or of an" en(roa(hment made $pon, or an" interferen(e with, the
%essor5s ri-hts (on(ernin- s$(h propert", he is !o$nd to -ive, with reasona!%e
di%i-en(e, noti(e thereof to the %essorH
(o the %essee ma" $se the propert" and its prod$(ts (if an" as a person of ordinar"
pr$den(e wo$%d $se them if the" were his ownF !$t he m$st not $se, or permit
another to $se, the propert" for a p$rpose other than that for whi(h it was %eased,
or fe%%
Cor se%%D tim!er, p$%% down or dama-e !$i%din-s
C!e%on-in- to the %essor,
orD wor2 mines or ?$arries not open when the %ease was -ranted, or (ommit an"
other a(t whi(h is destr$(tive or permanent%" in:$rio$s theretoH
(p he m$st not, witho$t the %essor5s (onsent, ere(t on the propert" an" permanent
str$(t$re, e.(ept for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposesH
(? on the determination of the %ease, the %essee is !o$nd to p$t the %essor into
possession of the propert".
103. R%@6$# )9 7'##)1H# $1a*#9'1''. If the %essor transfers the propert" %eased, or an"
part thereof, or an" part of his interest therein, the transferee, in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the
(ontrar", sha%% possess a%% the ri-hts, and, if the %essee so e%e(ts, !e s$!:e(t to a%% the %ia!i%ities of
the %essor as to the propert" or part transferred so %on- as he is the owner of itF !$t the %essor sha%%
not, !" reason on%" of s$(h transfer, (ease to !e s$!:e(t to an" of the %ia!i%ities imposed $pon
him !" the %ease, $n%ess the %essee e%e(ts to treat the transferee as the person %ia!%e to himH
*rovided that the transferee is not entit%ed to arrears of rent d$e !efore the transfer,
and that, if the %essee, not havin- reason to !e%ieve that s$(h transfer has !een made, pa"s rent to
the %essor, the %essee sha%% not !e %ia!%e to pa" s$(h rent over a-ain to the transferee.
The %essor, the transferee and the %essee ma" determine what proportion of the
premi$m or rent reserved !" the %ease is pa"a!%e in respe(t of the part so transferred, and, in (ase
the" disa-ree, s$(h determination ma" !e made !" an" 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion to entertain a
s$it for the possession of the propert" %eased.
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 0).
110. EA&7"#%)* )9 8a< )* w6%&6 $'12 &)22'*&'#. 7here the time %imited !" a
%ease of immovea!%e propert" is e.pressed as (ommen(in- from a parti($%ar da", in (omp$tin-
that time s$(h da" sha%% !e e.(%$ded. 7here no da" of (ommen(ement is named, the time so
%imited !e-ins from the ma2in- of the %ease.
"1a$%)* )9 7'a#' 9)1 <'a1. 7here the time so %imited is a "ear or a n$m!er of "ears,
in the a!sen(e of an a-reement to the (ontrar", the %ease sha%% %ast d$rin- the who%e
anniversar" of the da" from whi(h s$(h time (ommen(es.
O;$%)* $) 8'$'12%*' 7'a#'. 7here the time so %imited is e.pressed to !e termina!%e
!efore its e.piration, and the %ease omits to mention at whose option it is so termina!%e, the
%essee, and not the %essor, sha%% have s$(h option.
111. '$'12%*a$%)* )9 7'a#'. A %ease of immovea!%e propert" determinesR
(a !" eff%$. of the time %imited there!"H
(! where s$(h time is %imited (onditiona%%" on the happenin- of some event8
!" the happenin- of s$(h eventF
(( where the interest of the %essor in the propert" terminates on, or his power
to dispose of the same e.tends on%" to, the happenin- of an" event8!" the
happenin- of s$(h eventH
(d in (ase the interests of the %essee and the %essor in the who%e of the
propert" !e(ome vested at the same time in one person in the same ri-htH
(e !" s$rrenderF that is to sa", in (ase the %essee "ie%ds $p his interest
$nder the %ease to the %essor, !" m$t$a% a-reement !etween themH
(f !" imp%ied s$rrenderH
(- !" forfeit$reF that is to sa", (1 in (ase the %essee !rea2s an
(ondition whi(h provides that on !rea(h thereof the %essor ma" re8enter
J JF or (2 in (ase the %essee reno$n(es his (hara(ter as s$(h !" settin- $p
a tit%e in a third person or !" (%aimin- tit%e in himse%fF
Cor (3 the %essee is
ad:$di(ated an inso%vent and the %ease provides that the %essor ma" re8enter
on the happenin- of s$(h eventDF and in
Can" of these (asesD the %essor or
his transferee
C-ives noti(e in writin- to the %essee ofD his intention to
determine the %easeH
(h on the e.piration of a noti(e to determine the %ease, or to ?$it, or of
intention to ?$it, the propert" %eased, d$%" -iven !" one part" to the other.
The words &or the %ease sha%% !e(ome voidK rep. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 07.
Ins. ibid.
#$!s. ibid., for &either (aseK.
#$!s. ibid., for &does some a(t showin-K.
+""u$tration to #"au$e &f(
A %essee a((epts from his %essor a new %ease of the propert" %eased, to ta2e effe(t
d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the e.istin- %ease. This is an imp%ied s$rrender of the former %ease, and
s$(h %ease determines there$pon.
112. -a%('1 )9 9)19'%$"1'. A forfeit$re $nder se(tion 111, (%a$se (-, is waived !"
a((eptan(e of rent whi(h has !e(ome d$e sin(e the forfeit$re, or !" distress for s$(h rent, or !"
an" other a(t on the part of the %essor showin- an intention to treat the %ease as s$!sistin-H
*rovided that the %essor is aware that the forfeit$re has !een in($rredH
*rovided a%so that, where rent is a((epted after the instit$tion of a s$it to e:e(t the
%essee on the ro$nd of forfeit$re, s$(h a((eptan(e is not a waiver.
113. -a%('1 )9 *)$%&' $) B"%$. A noti(e -iven $nder se(tion 111, (%a$se (h, is waived,
with the or imp%ied (onsent of the person to whom it is -iven, !" an" a(t on the part of
the person -ivin- it showin- an intention to treat the %ease as s$!sistin-.
&a( A, the %essor, -ives +, the %essee, noti(e to ?$it the propert" %eased. The noti(e
e.pires. + tenders, and A a((epts, rent whi(h has !e(ome d$e in respe(t of the propert" sin(e the
e.piration of the noti(e. The noti(e is waived.
&b( A, the %essor, -ives +, the %essee, noti(e to ?$it the propert" %eased. The noti(e
e.pires, and + remains in possession. A -ives to + as %essee a se(ond noti(e to ?$it. The first
noti(e is waived.
11C. R'7%'9 a@a%*#$ 9)19'%$"1' 9)1 *)*-;a<2'*$ )9 1'*$. 7here a %ease of
immovea!%e propert" has determined !" forfeit$re for non8pa"ment of rent, and the %essor s$es
to e:e(t the %essee, if, at the hearin- of the s$it, the %essee pa"s or tenders to the %essor the rent in
arrear, to-ether with interest thereon and his f$%% (osts of the s$it, or -ives s$(h se($rit" as the
'o$rt thin2s s$ffi(ient for ma2in- s$(h pa"ment within fifteen da"s, the 'o$rt ma", in %ie$ of
ma2in- a de(ree for e:e(tment pass an order re%ievin- the %essee a-ainst the forfeit$reF and
there$pon the %essee sha%% ho%d the propert" %eased as if the forfeit$re had not o(($rred.
J11CA. R'7%'9 a@a%*#$ 9)19'%$"1' %* &'1$a%* )$6'1 &a#'#. 7here a %ease of
immovea!%e propert" has determined !" forfeit$re for a !rea(h of an (ondition whi(h
provides that on !rea(h thereof the %essor ma" re8enter, no s$it for e:e(tment sha%% %ie $n%ess and
$nti% the %essor has served on the %essee a noti(e in writin-8
(a spe(if"in- the parti($%ar !rea(h (omp%ained of F and
(! if the !rea(h is (apa!%e of remed", re?$irin- the %essee to remed" the !rea(hF
and the %essee fai%s, within a reasona!%e time from the date of the servi(e of the
noti(e, to remed" the !rea(h, if it is (apa!%e of remed".
#. 114A ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, se(tion. 0;.
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% app%" to an (ondition a-ainst the assi-nin-,
$nder8%ettin-, partin- with the possession, or disposin-, of the propert" %eased, or to an
(ondition re%atin- to forfeit$re in (ase of non8pa"ment of rent.D
115. E99'&$ )9 #"11'*8'1 a*8 9)1-9'%$"1' )* "*8'1-7'a#'. The s$rrender, or
imp%ied, of a %ease of immovea!%e propert" does not pre:$di(e an $nder8%ease of the propert" or
an" part thereof previo$s%" -ranted !" the %essee, on (terms and (onditions s$!stantia%%" the same
(e.(ept as re-ards the amo$nt of rent as those of the ori-ina% %easeF !$t, $n%ess the s$rrender is
made for the p$rpose of o!tainin- a new %ease, the rent pa"a!%e !", and the (ontra(ts !indin- on,
the $nder8%essee sha%% !e respe(tive%" pa"a!%e to and enfor(ea!%e !" the %essor.
The forfeit$re of s$(h a %ease ann$%s a%% s$(h $nder8%eases e.(ept where s$(h
forfeit$re has !een pro($red !" the %essor in fra$d of the $nder8%essees, or re%ief a-ainst the
forfeit$re is -ranted $nder se(tion 114.
11G. E99'&$ )9 6)78%*@ )('1. If a %essee or $nder8%essee of propert" remains in
possession thereof after the determination of the %ease -ranted to the %essee, and the %essor or his
%e-a% representative a((epts rent from the %essee or $nder8%essee, or otherwise assents to his
(ontin$in- in possession, the %ease is, in the a!sen(e of an a-reement to the (ontrar", renewed
from "ear to "ear, or from month to month, a((ordin- to the p$rpose for whi(h the propert" is
%eased, as spe(ified in se(tion 1=).
&a( A %ets a ho$se to + for five "ears. + $nder%ets the ho$se to ' at a month%" rent of
3s. 1==. The five "ears e.pire, !$t ' (ontin$es in possession of the ho$se and pa"s the rent to A.
'5s %ease is renewed from month to month.
&b( A %ets a farm to + for the %ife of '. ' dies, !$t + (ontin$es in possession with A5s
assent. +5s %ease is renewed from "ear to "ear.
114. EA'2;$%)* )9 7'a#'# 9)1 a@1%&"7$"1a7 ;"1;)#'#. 6one of the provisions of this
'hapter app%" to %eases for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposes, e.(ept in so far as the
J J J ma", !"
notifi(ation p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, de(%are a%% or an"
of s$(h provisions to !e so app%i(a!%e
Cin the (ase of a%% or an" of s$(h %easesD, to-ether with, or
s$!:e(t to, those of the %o(a% %aw, if an", for the time !ein- in for(e.
#$(h notifi(ation sha%% not ta2e effe(t $nti% the e.pir" of si. months from the date of
its p$!%i(ation.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
The words &with the previo$s san(tion of the ',K rep. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=,
s. 2 and #(h. I.
/or notifi(ation iss$ed !" the Govt. of +om!a" $nder this se(tion, $ee +om!a" Ga1ette, 191=, *t.I, p. 09.
/or notifi(ation as to #indh, $ee i!id.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 19=4 () of 19=4, s. ).
118. EEA&6a*@'F 8'9%*'8. 7hen two persons m$t$a%%" transfer the ownership of one
thin- for the ownership of another, neither thin- or !oth thin-s !ein- mone" on%", the transa(tion
is (a%%ed an &e.(han-eK.
A transfer of propert" in (omp%etion of an e.(han-e (an !e made on%" in manner
provided for the transfer of s$(h propert" !" sa%e.
J113. R%@6$ )9 ;a1$< 8';1%('8 )9 $6%*@ 1'&'%('8 %* 'A&6a*@'. If an" part" to an e.8
(han-e or an" person (%aimin- thro$-h or $nder s$(h part" is !" reason of an" defe(t in the tit%e
of the other part" deprived of the thin- or an" part of the thin- re(eived !" him in e.(han-e,
then, $n%ess a (ontrar" intention appears from the terms of the e.(han-e, s$(h other part" is
%ia!%e to him or an" person (%aimin- thro$-h or $nder him for %oss (a$sed there!", or at the
option of the person so deprived, for the ret$rn of the thin- transferred, if sti%% in the possession
of s$(h other part" or his %e-a% representative or a transferee from him witho$t (onsideration.D
120. R%@6$# a*8 7%a5%7%$%'# )9 ;a1$%'#. #ave as otherwise provided in this 'hapter,
ea(h part" has the ri-hts and is s$!:e(t to the %ia!i%ities of a se%%er as to that whi(h he -ives, and
has the ri-hts and is s$!:e(t to the %ia!i%ities of a !$"er as to that whi(h he ta2es.
121. EA&6a*@' )9 2)*'<. On an e.(han-e of mone", ea(h part" there!" warrants the
-en$ineness of the mone" -iven !" him.
O/ GI/T#
122. EG%9$F 8'9%*'8. &GiftK is the transfer of (ertain e.istin- movea!%e or
immovea!%e propert" made vo%$ntari%" and witho$t (onsideration, !" one person, (a%%ed the
donor, to another, (a%%ed the donee, and a((epted !" or on !eha%f of the donee.
A&&';$a*&' w6'* $) 5' 2a8'. #$(h a((eptan(e m$st !e made d$rin- the %ifetime of
the donor and whi%e he is sti%% (apa!%e of -ivin-.
If the donee dies !efore a((eptan(e, the -ift is void.
123. T1a*#9'1 6)w '99'&$'8. /or the p$rpose of ma2in- a -ift of immovea!%e
propert", the transfer m$st !e effe(ted !" a re-istered instr$ment si-ned !" or on !eha%f of the
donor, and attested !" at %east two witnesses.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. 09, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
As to %imitation to the territoria% operation of s. 123, $ee s. 1, $u!ra. #. 123 e.tends to ever" (antonment in the *rovin(es, et(. $ee s. 2;7 of the
'antonments A(t, 1924 (2 of 1924.
/or the p$rpose of ma2in- a -ift of movea!%e propert", the transfer ma" !e effe(ted
either !" a re-istered instr$ment si-ned as aforesaid or !" de%iver".
#$(h de%iver" ma" !e made in the same wa" as -oods so%d ma" !e de%ivered.
12C. G%9$ )9 'A%#$%*@ a*8 9"$"1' ;1);'1$<. A -ift (omprisin- !oth e.istin- and
f$t$re propert" is void as to the %atter.
125. G%9$ $) #'('1a7 w6)2 )*' 8)'# *)$ a&&';$. A -ift of a thin- to two or more
donees, of whom one does not a((ept it, is void as to the interest whi(h he wo$%d have ta2en had
he a((epted.
12G. -6'* @%9$ 2a< 5' #"#;'*8'8 )1 1'():'8. The donor and donee ma" a-ree
that on the happenin- of an" spe(ified event whi(h does not depend on the wi%% of the donor a
-ift sha%% !e s$spended or revo2edF !$t a -ift whi(h the parties a-ree sha%% !e revo(a!%e who%%" or
in part, at the mere wi%% of the donor, is void who%%" or in part, as the (ase ma" !e.
A -ift ma" a%so !e revo2ed in an" of the (ases (save want or fai%$re of
(onsideration in whi(h, if it were a (ontra(t, it mi-ht !e res(inded.
#ave as aforesaid a -ift (annot !e revo2ed.
6othin- (ontained in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to affe(t the ri-hts of
transferees for (onsideration witho$t noti(e.
&a( A -ives a fie%d to +, reservin- to himse%f, with +5 assent, the ri-ht to ta2e !a(2 the
fie%d in (ase + and his des(endants die !efore A. + dies witho$t des(endants in A5 %ifetime. A
ma" ta2e !a(2 the fie%d.
&b( A -ives a %a2h of r$pees to +, reservin- to himse%f, with +5s assent, the ri-ht to
ta2e !a(2 at p%eas$re 3s. 1=,=== o$t of the %a2h. The -ift ho%ds -ood as to 3s. 9=,===, !$t is void
as to 3s. 1=,===, whi(h (ontin$e to !e%on- to A.
124. O*'1)"# @%9$. 7here a -ift i$ in the form of a sin-%e transfer to the same person
of severa% thin-s of whi(h one is, and the others are not, !$rden !" an o!%i-ation, the donee (an
ta2e nothin- !" the -ift $n%ess he a((epts it f$%%".
7here a -ift is in the form of two or more separate and independent transfers to the
same person of severa% thin-s, the donee is at %i!ert" to a((ept one of them and ref$se the others,
a%tho$-h the former ma" !e !enefi(ia% and the %atter onero$s.
O*'1)"# @%9$ $) 8%#B"a7%9%'8 ;'1#)*. A donee not (ompetent to (ontra(t and
a((eptin- propert" !$rdened !" an" o!%i-ation is not !o$nd !" his a((eptan(e. +$t if, after
!e(omin- (ompetent to (ontra(t and !ein- aware of the o!%i-ation, he retains the propert" -iven,
he !e(omes so !o$nd.
(a A has shares in, >, a prospero$s :oint sto(2 (ompan", and a%so shares in 9 a :oint
sto(2 (ompan", in diffi($%ties. Geav" (a%%s are
in respe(t of the shares in 9. A -ives + a%% his shares in :oint sto(2 (ompanies. + ref$ses to
a((ept the shares in 9. Ge (annot ta2e the shares in >.
(! A havin- a %ease for a term of "ears of a ho$se at a rent whi(h he and his
representatives are !o$nd to pa" d$rin- the term, and whi(h is more than the ho$se (an !e %et for,
-ives to + the %ease, and a%so, as a separate and independent transa(tion, a s$m of mone". +
ref$ses to a((ept the %ease. Ge does not !" this ref$sa% forfeit the mone".
128. U*%('1#a7 8)*''. #$!:e(t to the provisions of se(tion 127, where a -ift (onsists
of the donor5s who%e propert", the donee is persona%%" %ia!%e for a%% the de!ts d$e !"
%ia!i%ities ofD the donor at the time of the -ift to the e.tent of the propert" (omprised therein.
123. Sa(%*@ )9 8)*a$%)*# 2)1$%# &a"#' a*8 M"#7%2 7aw. 6othin- in this 'hapter
re%ates to -ifts of movea!%e propert" made in (ontemp%ation of death, or sha%% !e deemed to
affe(t an" r$%e of
C@$s%imD %aw
J J J.
130. T1a*#9'1 )9 a&$%)*a57' &7a%2.R(1 The transfer of an a(tiona!%e (%aim
Cwhether with or witho$t (onsiderationD sha%% !e effe(ted on%" !" the e.e($tion of an instr$ment
in writin- si-ned !" the transferor or his d$%" a$thori1ed a-ent,
J J J sha%% !e (omp%ete and
effe(t$a% $pon the e.e($tion of s$(h instr$ment, and there$pon a%% the ri-hts and remedies of the
transferor, whether !" wa" of dama-es or otherwise, sha%% vest in the transferee, whether s$(h
noti(e of the transfer as is hereinafter provided !e -iven or notH
*rovided that ever" dea%in- with the de!t or other a(tiona!%e (%aim !" the de!tor or
other person from or a-ainst whom the transferor wo$%d, !$t for s$(h instr$ment of transfer as
aforesaid, have !een entit%ed to re(over or enfor(e s$(h de!t or other a(tiona!%e (%aim, sha%%
(save where the de!tor or other person is a part" to the transfer or has re(eived noti(e
thereof as hereinafter provided !e va%id as a-ainst s$(h transfer.
(2 The transferee of an a(tiona!%e (%aim ma", $pon the e.e($tion of s$(h instr$ment
of transfer as aforesaid, s$e or instit$te pro(eedin-s for the same in his own name witho$t
o!tainin- the transferor5s (onsent to s$(h s$it or pro(eedin-s and witho$t ma2in- him a part"
Ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (2= of 1929, s. )=.
#$!s. !" /.A.O, 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &@$hammadanK.
The words &or, save as provided !" se(tion 123, an" r$%e of Gind$ or +$ddhist %awK rep. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. )1.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" A(t, 19== (2 of 19==, s. 4, for the ori-ina% 'hapter <III.
Ins. !" A(t 2= of 1929, s. )2.
The words &and notwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in s. 123K rep. ibid.
E/#e!tion.,6othin- in this se(tion app%ies to the transfer of a marine or fire po%i(" of
Cor affe(ts the provisions of se(tion 3; of the Ins$ran(e A(t, 193;D.
&i( A owes mone" to +, who transfers the de!t to '. + then demands the de!t from A,
who, not havin- re(eived noti(e of the transfer, as pres(ri!ed in se(tion 131, pa"s +. The
pa"ment is va%id, and ' (annot s$e A for the de!t.
&ii( A effe(ts a po%i(" on his own %ife with an Ins$ran(e 'ompan" and assi-ns it to a +an2
for se($rin- the pa"ment of an e.istin- or f$t$re de!t. If A dies, the +an2 is entit%ed to re(eive
the amo$nt of the po%i(" and to s$e on it witho$t the (on($rren(e of A5s e.e($tor, s$!:e(t to the
proviso in s$!8se(tion (1 of se(tion 13= and to the provisions of se(tion 132.
JI30A. T1a*#9'1 )9 ;)7%&< )9 2a1%*' %*#"1a*&'. 8(1 A po%i(" of marine ins$ran(e ma"
!e transferred !" assi-nment $n%ess it (ontains terms" prohi!itin- assi-nment, and ma"
!e assi-ned either !efore or after %oss.
(2 A po%i(" of marine ins$ran(e ma" !e assi-ned !" endorsement thereon or in an"
other ($stomar" manner.
(3 7here the ins$red person has parted with or %ost his interest in the s$!:e(t8matter
ins$red, and has not, !efore or at the time of so doin-," or imp%ied%" a-reed to assi-n the
po%i(", an" s$!se?$ent assi-nment of the po%i(" is inoperativeH
*rovided that nothin- in this s$!8se(tion affe(ts the assi-nment of the po%i(" after %oss.
(4 6othin- in (%a$se (e of se(tion ) sha%% affe(t the provisions of this se(tion.D
131. N)$%&' $) 5' %* w1%$%*@, #%@*'8. ,ver" noti(e of transfer of an a(tiona!%e (%aim
sha%% !e in writin-, si-ned !" the transferor or his a-ent d$%" a$thori1ed in this !eha%f, or, in (ase
the transferor ref$ses to si-n, !" the transferee or his a-ent, and sha%% state the name and address
of the transferee.
132. L%a5%7%$< )9 $1a*#9'1'' )9 a&$%)*a57' &7a%2. The transferee of an a(tiona!%e
(%aim sha%% ta2e it s$!:e(t to a%% the %ia!i%ities and e?$ities to whi(h the transferor was s$!:e(t in
respe(t thereof at the date of the transfer.
&i( A transfers to ' a de!t d$e to him !" +, A !ein- then inde!ted to +. ' s$es + for
the de!t d$e !" + to A. In s$(h s$it + is entit%ed to set off the de!t d$e !" A to himF a%tho$-h '
was $naware of it at the date of s$(h transfer.
&ii( A e.e($ted a !ond in favo$r of + $nder (ir($mstan(es entit%in- the former to have
it de%ivered $p and (an(e%%ed. + assi-ns the !ond to ' for va%$e and witho$t noti(e of s$(h
(ir($mstan(es. ' (annot enfor(e the !ond a-ainst A.
Added !" the Ins$ran(e A(t, 193; (4 of 193;, s. 121.
#. 13=A ins. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1944 () of 1944, se(tion 2.
IV )9
133. -a11a*$< )9 #)7('*&< )9 8'5$)1. 7here the transferor of a de!t warrants the
so%ven(" of the de!tor, the warrant", in the a!sen(e of a (ontra(t to the (ontrar", app%ies on%" to
his so%ven(" at the time of the transfer, and is %imited, where the transfer is made for (onsidera8
tion, to the amo$nt or va%$e of s$(h (onsideration.
13C. M)1$@a@'8 8'5$. 7here a de!t is transferred for the p$rpose of se($rin- an
e.istin- or f$t$re de!t, the de!t so transferred, if re(eived !" the transferor or re(overed !" the
transferee, is app%i(a!%e, first, in pa"ment of the (osts of s$(h re(over"H se(ond%", in or towards
satisfa(tion of the amo$nt for the time !ein- se($red !" the transferF and the resid$e, if an",
!e%on-s to the transferor or other person entit%ed to re(eive the same.
J135. A##%@*2'*$ )9 1%@6$# "*8'1 ;)7%&< )9 %*#"1a*&' a@a%*#$ 9%1'. ,ver" assi-nee
!" endorsement or other writin-, of a po%i(" of ins$ran(e a-ainst fire, in whom the propert" in
the s$!:e(t ins$red sha%% !e a!so%$te%" vested at the date of the assi-nment, sha%% have transferred
and vested in him a%% ri-hts of s$it as if the (ontra(t (ontained in the po%i(" had !een made with
J135A. A##%@*2'*$ )9 1%@6$# "*8'1 ;)7%&< )9 2a1%*' %*#"1a*&'.8( 1 7here a
po%i(" of marine ins$ran(e has !een assi-ned so as to pass the !enefi(ia% interest therein, the
assi-nee of the po%i(" is entit%ed to s$e thereon in his own nameF and the defendant is entit%ed to
ma2e an" defen(e arisin- o$t of the (ontra(t whi(h he wo$%d have !een entit%ed to ma2e if the
a(tion had !een !ro$-ht in the name of the person !" or on !eha%f of whom the po%i(" was
(2 7here the ins$rer pa"s for a tota% %oss, either of the who%e, or in the (ase of -oods,
of an" apportiona!%e part, of the s$!:e(t8matter ins$red, he there$pon !e(omes entit%ed to ta2e
over the interest of the ins$red person in whatever ma" remain of the s$!:e(t8matter so paid for,
and he is there!" s$!ro-ated to a%% the ri-hts and remedies of the ins$red person in and in respe(t
of that s$!:e(t8matter as from the time of the (as$a%t" (a$sin- the %oss.
(3 7here the ins$rer pa"s for a partia% %oss, he a(?$ires no tit%e to the s$!:e(t8matter
ins$red, or s$(h part of it as ma" remain, !$t he is there$pon s$!ro-ated to a%% ri-hts and
remedies of the ins$red person as from the time of the (as$a%t" (a$sin- the %oss, in so far as the
ins$red person has !een indemnified !" s$(h pa"ment for the %oss.
(4 6othin- in (%a$se (e of se(tion ) sha%% affe(t the provisions of this se(tion.D
13G. I*&a;a&%$< )9 )99%&'1# &)**'&$'8 w%$6 C)"1$# )9 J"#$%&'. 6o E$d-e, %e-a%
pra(titioner or offi(er (onne(ted with an" 'o$rt of E$sti(e sha%% !$" or traffi( in, or stip$%ate for,
or a-ree to re(eive an" share of, or interest in, an" a(tiona!%e (%aim, and no 'o$rt of E$sti(e sha%%
enfor(e, at his instan(e, or at the instan(e of an" person (%aimin- !" or thro$-h him, an"
a(tiona!%e (%aims, so dea%t with !" him as aforesaid.
#$!s. !" the Transfer of *ropert" (Amdt. A(t, 1944 () of 1944, s. 3, for the ori-ina% se(tion 130.
#. 130A ins. ibid., s. 4.
134. Sa(%*@ )9 *'@)$%a57' %*#$1"2'*$#, '$&. 6othin- in the fore-oin- se(tions of this
'hapter app%ies to sto(2s, shares or de!ent$res, or to instr$ments whi(h are for the time !ein-,
!" %aw or ($stom, ne-otia!%e, or to an" mer(anti%e do($ment of tit%e to -oods.
E/!"anation.,The e.pression &mer(anti%e do($ment of tit%e to -oodsK in(%$des a !i%% of
%adin-, do(28warrant, wareho$se82eeper5s (ertifi(ate, rai%wa" re(eipt, warrant or order for the
de%iver" of -oods, and an" other do($ment $sed in the ordinar" (o$rse of !$siness as proof of the
possession or (ontro% of -oods, or a$thori1in- or p$rportin- to a$thori1e, either !" endorsement
or !" de%iver", the possessor of the do($ment to transfer or re(eive -oods there!" represented.D
TG, #'G,ALL,
9ear and (hapter #$!:e(t ,.tent of repea%
27 Gen. <III, (.1=
13 ,%i1., (.0
27 ,%i1., (.4
4 7m. and @ar", (.1)
(a #TATLT,#
/ra$d$%ent (onve"an(es
/ra$d$%ent (onve"an(es
'%andestine mort-a-es
The who%e.
The who%e.
The who%e.
The who%e.
(! A'T# O/ TG, GO<,36O3 G,6,3AL I6 'OL6'IL
>I of 1;00
>><II of 1;))
I< of 1;72
@esne profits and
J Tr$stee A(t
*$n:a! Laws A(t
#e(tion 1F in the tit%e, the
words &to mesne profits and,K
and in the pream!%e &to %imit
the %ia!i%it" for mesne profits
#e(tion 31.
#o far as it re%ates to +en-a%
3e-$%ations I of 179; and
><II of 1;=).
I of 1;77 #pe(ifi( 3e%ief In se(tions 30 and 3) the
words &in writin-K.
Items re%atin- to A(t I> of 1;42, omitted !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t
from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
Items re%atin- to A(t >>>I of 1;04, omitted, ibid. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
The word &IndianK, repea%ed !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
Items re%atin- to A(t >> of 1;70, rep., ibid.
Items re%atin- to A(t ><III of 1;7), rep., ibid.
*art (' omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
1. #hort tit%e.
2. #avin-s.
3. COmitted.D
O/ ,A#,@,6T# G,6,3ALL9
4. &,asementK defined.
Aominant and servient herita-es and owners.
0. 'ontin$o$s and dis(ontin$o$s, apparent and non8apparent, easements.
). ,asement for %imited time or on (ondition.
7. ,asements restri(tive of (ertain ri-hts.
&a( ,.(%$sive ri-ht to en:o".
&b( 3i-hts to advanta-es arisin- from sit$ation.
TG, I@*O#ITIO6, A'PLI#ITIO6 A6A T3A6#/,3 O/ ,A#,@,6T#
;. 7ho ma" impose easements.
9. #ervient owners.
1=. Lessor and mort-a-or.
11. Lessee.
12. 7ho ma" a(?$ire easements.
13. ,asements of ne(essit" and qua$i easements.
14. Aire(tion of wa" of ne(essit".
10. A(?$isition !" pres(ription.
1). ,.(%$sion in favo$r of reversioner of servient herita-e.
17. 3i-hts whi(h (annot !e a(?$ired !" pres(ription.
1;. '$stomar" easements.
19. Transfer of dominant herita-e passes easement.
TG, I6'IA,6T# O/ ,A#,@,6T#
2=. 3$%es (ontro%%ed !" (ontra(t or tit%e.
In(idents of ($stomar" easements.
21. +ar to $se $n(onne(ted with en:o"ment.
22. ,.er(ise of easement.
'ofinement of of easement.
23. 3i-ht to a%ter mode of en:o"ment.
24. 3i-ht to do a(ts to se($re en:o"ment.
A((essor" ri-hts.
20. Lia!i%it" for e.penses ne(essar" for preservation of easement.
2). Lia!i%it" for dama-e from want of repair.
27. #ervient owner not !o$nd to do an"thin-.
2;. ,.tent of easements.
,asement of ne(essit".
Other ,asements8
&a( 3i-ht of wa".
&b( 3i-ht to %i-ht or air a(?$ired !" -rant.
&#( *res(riptive ri-ht to %i-ht or air.
&d( *res(riptive ri-ht to po%%$te air or water.
&e( Other pres(riptive ri-hts.
29. In(rease of easement.
3=. *artition of dominant herita-e.
31. O!str$(tion in (ase of e.(essive $ser.
TG, AI#TL3+A6', O/ ,A#,@,6T#
32. 3i-ht to en:o"ment witho$t dist$r!an(e.
33. #$it for dist$r!an(e of easement.
34. 7hen (a$se of a(tion arises for remova% of s$pport.
30. In:$n(tion to restrain dist$r!an(e.
3). A!atement of o!str$(tion of easement.
TG, ,>TI6'TIO6, #L#*,6#IO6 A6A 3,<I<AL O/ ,A#,@,6T#
37. ,.tin(tion !" disso%$tion of ri-ht of servient owner.
3;. ,.tin(tion !" re%ease.
39. ,.tin(tion !" revo(ation.
4=. ,.tin(tion on e.piration of %imited period or happenin- of disso%vin- (ondition.
41. ,.tin(tion on termination of ne(essit".
42. ,.tin(tion of $se%ess easement.
43. ,.tin(tion !" permanent (han-e in dominant herita-e.
44. ,.tin(tion on permanent a%teration of servient herita-e !" s$perior for(e.
40. ,.tin(tion !" destr$(tion of either herita-e.
4). ,.tin(tion !" $nit" of ownership.
47. ,.tin(tion !" non8en:o"ment.
4;. ,.tin(tion of a((essor" ri-hts.
49. #$spension of easement.
0=. #ervient owner not entit%ed to re?$ire (ontin$an(e. 'ompensation for dama-e
(a$sed !" e.tin-$ishment or s$spension.
01. 3eviva% of easements.
02. &Li(enseK defined.
03. 7ho ma" -rant %i(ense.
04. Grant ma" !e or imp%ied.
00. A((essor" %i(enses anne.ed !" %aw.
0). Li(ense when transfera!%e.
07. Grantor5s d$t" to dis(%ose defe(ts.
0;. Grantor5s d$t" not to render propert" $nsafe.
09. Grantor5s transferee not !o$nd !" %i(ense.
)=. Li(ense when revo(a!%e.
)1. 3evo(ation or imp%ied.
)2. Li(ense when deemed revo2ed.
)3. Li(ensee5s ri-hts on revo(ation.
)4. Li(ensee5s ri-hts on evi(tion.
ACT N). V OF 1882
C1=th %ebruary, 1;;2@
A* A&$ $) 8'9%*' a*8 a2'*8 $6' Law 1'7a$%*@ $) Ea#'2'*$# a*8 L%&'*#'#.
P1'a257'. 7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to define and amend the %aw re%atin- to
easements and %i(ensesF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1. S6)1$ $%$7'. This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
J ,asements A(t, 1;;2.
CLo#a" E/tent.D Omitted by 9. O., 1949, S#hedu"e.
C)22'*&'2'*$. And it sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of E$%", 1;;2.
2. Sa(%*@#. 6othin- herein (ontained sha%% !e deemed to affe(t an" %aw not here!"" repea%edF or to dero-ate fromR
(a an" ri-ht of the
CGovernmentD to re-$%ate the (o%%e(tion, retention and
distri!$tion of the water of rivers and streams f%owin- in nat$ra% (hanne%s, and
of nat$ra% %a2es and ponds, or of the water f%owin-, (o%%e(ted, retained or
distri!$ted in or !" an" (hanne% or other wor2 (onstr$(ted at the p$!%i( e.pense
for irri-ationF
(! an" ($stomar" or other ri-ht (not !ein- a %i(ense in or over immovea!%e
propert" whi(h the
CGovernmentD, the p$!%i( or an" person ma" possess
irrespe(tive of other immovea!%e propert"F or
(( an" ri-ht a(?$ired, or arisin- o$t of a re%ation (reated, !efore this A(t (omes
into for(e.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;=, *t. <, p. 494, for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., *t. <, p.1=21F and
for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;1, #$pp%ement, pp. );7 and 7))F and ibid., 1;;2, #$pp%ement, p. 172.
This A(t had !een e.tended to #indh whi(h was administered !" the Governor of +om!a" in 'o$n(i% !" A(t <III of 1;91.
This A(t had !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to
(ertain modifi(ationsF and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6. 7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and
s$!:e(t to s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=. This A(t has !een
e.tended to the who%e of *a2istan !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t
from the 1-th O#tober. 1900.
The word &IndianK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190) for &'rownK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Govt.K.
3. CCon$tru#tion of #ertain referen#e$ to 9#t )* of 1;77 and 9#t +) of 1;71,D
Omitted by the %edera" Law$ &e'i$ion and De#"aration( Ordinan#e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, $.3
and S#h. ++.
O/ ,A#,@,6T# G,6,3ALL9
C. EEa#'2'*$F 8'9%*'8. An easement is a ri-ht whi(h the owner or o(($pier of
(ertain %and possesses, as s$(h, for the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of that %and, to do and (ontin$e
to do somethin-, or to prevent and (ontin$e to prevent somethin- !ein- done, in or $pon, or
in respe(t of, (ertain other %and not his own.
)2%*a*$ a*8 #'1(%'*$ 6'1%$a@'# a*8 )w*'1#. The %and for the !enefi(ia%
en:o"ment of whi(h the ri-ht e.ists is (a%%ed the dominant herita-e, and the owner or o(($pier
thereof the dominant ownerF the %and on whi(h the %ia!i%it" is imposed is (a%%ed the servient
herita-e, and the owner or o(($pier thereof the servient owner.
E/!"anation.,In the first and se(ond (%a$ses of this se(tion, the e.pression &%andK
in(%$des a%so thin-s permanent%" atta(hed to the earthH the e.pression &!enefi(ia% en:o"mentK
in(%$des a%so possi!%e (onvenien(e, remote advanta-e, and even a mere amenit" F and the
e.pression &to do somethin-K in(%$des remova% and appropriation !" the dominant owner, for
the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of the dominant herita-e, of an" part of the soi% of the servient
herita-e or an"thin- -rowin- or s$!sistin- thereon.
&a( A, as the owner of a (ertain ho$se, has a ri-ht of wa" thither over his
nei-h!o$r +5s %and for p$rposes (onne(ted with the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of the ho$se. This
is an easement.
&b( A, as the owner of a (ertain ho$se, has the ri-ht to -o on his nei-h!o$r +5s
%and, and to ta2e water for the p$rposes of his ho$seho%d o$t of a sprin- therein, This is an
&#( A, as the owner of a (ertain ho$se, has the ri-ht to (ond$(t water from +5s
stream to s$pp%" the fo$ntains in the -arden atta(hed to the ho$se. This is an easement.
&d( A, as the owner of a (ertain ho$se and farm, has the ri-ht to -ra1e a (ertain
n$m!er of his own (att%e on +5s fie%d, or to ta2e, for the p$rpose of !ein- $sed in the ho$se,
!" himse%f, his fami%", -$ests, %od-ers and servants, water or fish o$t of '5s tan2, or tim!er
o$t of A5s wood, or to $se, for the p$rpose of man$rin- his %and, the %eaves whi(h have fa%%en
from the trees on ,5s %and, These are easements.
&e( A dedi(ates to the p$!%i( the ri-ht to o(($p" the s$rfa(e of (ertain %and for the
p$rpose of passin- and re8passin-. This ri-ht is not an easement.
&f( A is !o$nd to (%eanse a water(o$rse r$nnin- thro$-h his %and and 2eep it free
from o!str$(tion for the !enefit of +, a %ower riparian owner. This is not an easement.
5. C)*$%*")"# a*8 8%#&)*$%*")"#, a;;a1'*$ a*8 *)*-a;;a1'*$, 'a#'2'*$#.
,asements are either (ontin$o$s or dis(ontin$o$s, apparent or non8apparent.
A (ontin$o$s easement is one whose en:o"ment is, or ma" !e, (ontin$a% witho$t
the a(t of man.
A dis(ontin$o$s easement is one that needs the a(t of man for its en:o"ment.
An apparent easement is one the e.isten(e of whi(h is shown !" some permanent
si-n whi(h, $pon (aref$% inspe(tion !" a (ompetent person, wo$%d !e visi!%e to him.
A non8apparent easement is one that has no s$(h si-n.
&a( A ri-ht anne.ed to +5s ho$se to re(eive %i-ht !" the windows witho$t
o!str$(tion !" his nei-h!o$r A. This is a (ontin$o$s easement.
&b( A ri-ht of wa" anne.ed to A5s ho$se over A5s %and. This is a dis(ontin$o$s
&#( 3i-hts anne.ed to A5s %and to %ead water thither a(ross A5s %and !" an
a?$ed$(t and to draw off water then(e !" a drain. The drain wo$%d !e dis(overed $pon
(aref$% inspe(tion !" a person (onversant with s$(h matters. These are apparent easements.
&d( A ri-ht anne.ed to A5s ho$se to prevent + from !$i%din- on his own %and. This
is a non8apparent easement.
G. Ea#'2'*$ 9)1 7%2%$'8 $%2' )1 )* &)*8%$%)*. An easement ma" !e permanent,
or for a term of "ears or other %imited period, or s$!:e(t to periodi(a% interr$ption, or!%e on%" at a (ertain p%a(e, or at (ertain times, or !etween (ertain ho$rs, or for a
parti($%ar p$rpose, or on (ondition that it sha%% (ommen(e or !e(ome void or voida!%e the
happenin- of a spe(ified event or the performan(e or non8performan(e of a spe(ified a(t.
4. Ea#'2'*$# 1'#$1%&$%(' )9 &'1$a%* 1%@6$#. ,asements are restri(tions of one or
other of the fo%%owin- ri-hts (name%" H8
!a+ EA&7"#%(' 1%@6$ $) '*>)<. The e.(%$sive ri-ht of ever" owner of
immovea!%e propert" (s$!:e(t to an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e to
en:o" and dispose of the same and a%% prod$(ts thereof and a((essions
!5+ R%@6$# $) a8(a*$a@'# a1%#%*@ 91)2 #%$"a$%)*. The ri-ht of ever" owner of
immovea!%e propert" (s$!:e(t to an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e to
en:o" a, witho$t dist$r!an(e !" another the nat$ra% advanta-es a arisin-
from its sit$ation.
+""u$tration$ of the ri3ht$ abo'e referred to
&a( The e.(%$sive ri-ht of ever" owner of %and in a town to !$i%d on s$(h %and,
s$!:e(t to an" m$ni(ipa% %aw for the time !ein- in for(e.
&b( The ri-ht of ever" owner of %and that the air passin- thereto sha%% not !e
$nreasona!%" po%%$ted !" other persons.
&#( The ri-ht of ever" owner of a ho$se that his ph"si(a% (omfort sha%% not !e
interfered with materia%%" and $nreasona!%" !" noise or vi!ration (a$sed !" an" other person.
&d( The ri-ht of ever" owner of %and to so m$(h %i-ht and air as pass verti(a%%"
&e( The ri-ht of ever" owner of %and that s$(h %and, in its nat$ra% (ondition, sha%%
have the s$pport nat$ra%%" rendered !" the s$!:a(ent and ad:a(ent soi% of another person.
E/!"anation.,Land is in its nat$ra% (ondition when it is not e.(avated and not
s$!:e(ted to artifi(ia% press$reF and the &s$!:a(ent and ad:a(ent soi%K mentioned in this
i%%$stration means s$(h soi% on%" as in its nat$ra% (ondition wo$%d s$pport the dominant
herita-e in its nat$ra% (ondition.
&f( The ri-ht of ever" owner of %and that, within his own %imits, the water whi(h
nat$ra%%" passes or per(o%ates !", over or thro$-h his %and sha%% not, !efore so passin- or
per(o%atin-, !e $nreasona!%" po%%$ted !" other persons.
&3( The ri-ht of ever" owner of %and to (o%%e(t and dispose within his own %imits of a%%
water $nder the %and whi(h does not pass in a defined (hanne% and a%% water on its s$rfa(e
whi(h does not pass in a defined (hanne%.
&h( The ri-ht of ever" owner of %and that the water of ever" nat$ra% stream whi(h
passes !", thro$-h or over his %and in a defined nat$ra% (hanne% sha%% !e a%%owed !" other
persons to f%ow within s$(h owner5s %imits witho$t interr$ption and witho$t materia%
a%teration in ?$antit", dire(tion, for(e or temperat$reF the ri-ht of ever" owner of %and
a!$ttin- on a nat$ra% %a2e or pond into or o$t of whi(h a nat$ra% stream f%ows, that the water
of s$(h %a2e or pond sha%% !e a%%owed !" other persons to remain with in s$(h owner5s %imit
witho$t materia% a%teration in ?$antit" or temperat$re.
&i( The ri-ht of ever" owner of $pper %and that water nat$ra%1" risin- in, or fa%%in-, on
s$(h %and, and not passin- in defined (hanne%s, sha%% !e a1%owed !" the owner of ad:a(ent
%ower %and to r$n nat$ra%%" thereto.
&A( The ri-ht of ever" owner of %and a!$ttin- on a nat$ra% stream, %a2e or pond to $se
and (ons$me its water for drin2in-, ho$seho%d p$rposes and waterin- his (att%e and sheepF
and the ri-ht of ever" s$(h owner to $se and (ons$me the water for irri-atin- s$(h %and and
for the p$rposes of an" man$fa(tor" sit$ate thereonH *rovided that he does not there!" (a$se
materia% in:$r" to other %i2e owners.
E/!"anation.,A nat$ra% stream is a stream, whether permanent or intermittent,
tida% or tide%ess, on the s$rfa(e of %and or $nder-ro$nd, whi(h f%ows !" the operation of
nat$re on%" and in a nat$ra% and 2nown (o$rse.
TG, I@*O#ITIO6, A'PLI#ITIO6 A6A T3A6#/,3 O/ ,A#,@,6T#
8. -6) 2a< %2;)#' 'a#'2'*$#. An easement ma" !e imposed !" an" one in the
(ir($mstan(es, and to the e.tent, in and to whi(h he ma" transfer his interest in the herita-e
on whi(h the %ia!i%it" is to !e imposed.
&a( A is tenant of +5s %and $nder a %ease for an $ne.pired term of twent" "ears,
and has power to transfer his interest $nder the %ease. A ma" impose an easement on the %and
to (ontin$e d$rin- the time that the %ease e.ists or for an" shorter period.
&b( A is tenant for his %ife of (ertain %and with remainder to + a!so%$te%". A
(annot, $n%ess with +5s (onsent, impose an easement thereon whi(h wi%% (ontin$e after the
determination of his %ife8interest.
&#( A, + and ' are (o8owners of (ertain %and. A (annot, witho$t the (onsent of +
and ', impose an easement on the %and or on an" part thereof.
&d( A and + are %essees of the same %essor, A of a fie%d > for a term of five "ears,
and + of a fie%d 9 for a term of ten "ears. A5s interest $nder his %ease is transfera!%eF +5s is
not. A ma" impose on >, in favo$r of +, a ri-ht of wa" termina!%e with A5s %ease.
3. S'1(%'*$ )w*'1#. #$!:e(t to the provisions of se(tion ;, a servient owner ma"
impose on the servient herita-e an" easement that does not %essen the $ti%it" of the e.istin-
easement. +$t he (annot, with o$t the (onsent of the dominant owner, impose an easement on
the servient herita-e whi(h wo$%d %essen s$(h $ti%it".
&a( A has, in respe(t of his mi%%, a ri-ht to the $niterr$pted f%ow thereto from
s$nrise to noon of the water of +5s stream. + ma" -rant to ' the ri-ht to divert the water of
the stream from noon to s$nsetH *rovided that A5s s$pp%" is not there!" diminished.
&b( A has, in respe(t of his ho$se, a ri-ht of wa" over +5s %and. + ma" -rant to ',
as the owner of a nei-h!o$rin- farm, the ri-ht to feed his (att%e on the -rass -rowin- on the
wa"H *rovided that A5s ri-ht of wa" is not there!" o!str$(ted.
10. L'##)1 a*8 2)1$@a@)1. #$!:e(t to the provisions of se(tion ;, a %essor ma"
impose, on the propert" %eased, an" easement that does not dero-ate from the ri-hts of the
%essee as s$(h, and a mort-a-or ma" impose, on the propert" mort-a-ed, an" easement that
does not render the se($rit" ins$ffi(ient. +$t a %essor or mort-a-or (annot, witho$t the
(onsent of the %essee or mort-a-ee, impose an" other easement on s$(h propert", $n%ess it !e
to ta2e effe(t on the termination of the %ease or the redemption of the mort-a-e.
E/!"anation.,A se($rit" is ins$ffi(ient within the meanin- of this se(tion $n%ess
the va%$e of the mort-a-ed propert" e.(eeds !" one8third, or, if (onsistin- of !$i%din-s,
e.(eeds !" one8ha%f, the amo$nt for the time !ein- d$e on the mort-a-e.
11. L'##''. 6o %essee or other person havin- a derivative interest ma" impose on
the propert" he%d !" him as s$(h an easement to ta2e effe(t after the e.piration of his own
interest, or in dero-ation of the ri-ht of the %essor or the s$perior proprietor.
12. -6) 2a< a&B"%1' 'a#'2'*$#. An easement ma" !e a(?$ired !" the owner of
the immovea!%e propert" for the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of whi(h the ri-ht is (reated, or on his
!eha%f, !" an" person in possession of the same.
One of two or more (o8owners of immovea!%e propert" ma", as s$(h, with or
witho$t the (onsent of the other or others, a(?$ire an easement for the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment
of s$(h propert".
6o %essee of immovea!%e propert" (an a(?$ire, for the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of
other immovea!%e propert" of his own, an easement in or over the propert" (omprise in his
13. Ea#'2'*$# )9 *'&'##%$< a*8 2uasi 'a#'2'*$#. 7here one person transfers or
!e?$eaths immovea!%e propert" to another, 8
(a if an easement in other immovea!%e propert" of the transferor or testator is
ne(essar" for en:o"in- the s$!:e(t of the transfer or !e?$est, the transferee or
%e-atee sha%% !e entit%ed to s$(h easementF or
(! if s$(h an easement is apparent and (ontin$o$s and ne(essar" for en:o"in-
the said s$!:e(t as it was en:o"ed when the transfer or !e?$est too2 effe(t,
the transferee or %e-atee sha%%, $n%ess a different intention is e.pressed or
ne(essari%" imp%ied, !e entit%ed to s$(h easementF
(( if an easement in the s$!:e(t of the transfer or !e?$est is ne(essar" for
en:o"in- other immovea!%e propert" of the transferor or testator, the
transferor or the %e-a% representative of the testator sha%% !e entit%ed to s$(h
easementF or
(d if s$(h an easement is apparent and (ontin$o$s and ne(essar" for en:o"in-
the said propert" as it was en:o"ed when the transfer or !e?$est too2 effe(t,
the transferor, or the %e-a% representative of the testator, sha%%, $n%ess a
different intention is e.pressed or ne(essari%" imp%ied, !e entit%ed to s$(h
7here a partition is made of the :oint propert" of severa% persons,8
(e if an easement over the share of one of them is ne(essar" for en:o"in- the
share of another of them, the %atter sha%% !e entit%ed to s$(h easement, or
(f if s$(h an easement is apparent and (ontin$o$s and ne(essar" for en:o"in-
the share of the %atter as it was en:o"ed when the partition too2 effe(t, he
sha%%, $n%ess a different intention is e.pressed or ne(essari%" imp%ied, !e
entit%ed to s$(h easement.
The easements mentioned in this se(tion, (%a$ses (a, (( and (e, are (a%%ed
easements of ne(essit".
7here immovea!%e propert" passes !" operation of %aw, the persons from and to
whom it so passes are, for the p$rpose of this se(tion, to !e deemed, respe(tive%", the
transferor and transferee.
&a( A se%%s + a fie%d then $sed for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposes on%". It is ina((essi!%e
e.(ept !" passin- over A5s ad:oinin- %and or !" trespassin- on the %and of a stran-er. + is
entit%ed to a ri-ht of wa", for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposes on%", over A5s ad:oinin- %and to the fie%d
&b( A, the owner of two fie%ds, se%%s one to +, and retains the other. The fie%d
retained was, at the date of the sa%e, $sed for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposes on%", and is ina((essi!%e
e.(ept !" passin- over the fie%d so%d to +. A is entit%ed to a ri-ht of wa", for a-ri($%t$ra%
p$rposes on%", over +5s fie%d to the fie%d retained.
&#( A se%%s + a ho$se with windows over%oo2in- A5s %and, whi(h A retains. The
%i-ht whi(h passes over A5s %and to the window is ne(essar" for en:o"in- the ho$se as it was
en:o"ed when the sa%e too2 effe(t. + is entit%ed to the %i-ht, and A (annot afterwards o!str$(t
it !" !$i%din- on his %and.
(d A se%%s + a ho$se with windows over%oo2in- A5s %and. The %i-ht passin- over A5s
%and to the windows is ne(essar" for en:o"in- the ho$se as it was en:o"ed when the sa%e too2
effe(t. Afterwards A se%%s the %and to '. Gere ' (annot o!str$(t the %i-ht !" !$i%din- on the
%and, for he ta2es it s$!:e(t to the !$rdens to whi(h it was s$!:e(t in A5s hands.
(e A is the owner of a ho$se and ad:oinin- %and. The ho$se has windows
over%oo2in- the %and. A sim$%taneo$s%" se%%s the ho$se to + and the %and to '. The %i-ht
passin- over the %and is ne(essar" for en:o"in- the ho$se as it was en:o"ed when the sa%e too2
effe(t. Gere A imp%ied%" -rants + a ri-ht to the %i-ht, and ' ta2es the %and s$!:e(t to the
restri(tion that he ma" not !$i%d so as to o!str$(t s$(h %i-ht.
(f A is the owner of a ho$se and ad:oinin- %and. The ho$se has windows
over%oo2in- the %and. A, retainin- the ho$se, se%%s the %and to +, witho$t" reservin-
an" easement. The %i-ht passin- over the %and is ne(essar" for en:o"in- the ho$se as it was
en:o"ed when the sa%e too2 effe(t. A is entit%ed to the %i-ht, and + (annot !$i%d on the %and so
as to o!str$(t s$(h %i-ht.
(3 A, the owner of a ho$se, se%%s + a fa(tor" !$i%t on ad:oinin- %and. + is entit%ed, as
a-ainst A, to po%%$te the air, when ne(essar", with smo2e and vapo$rs from the fa(tor".
(h A, the owner of two ad:oinin- ho$ses, 9 and N, se%%s 9 to +, and retains N. + is
entit%ed to the !enefit of a%% the -$tters and drains (ommon to the two ho$ses and ne(essar"
for en:o"in- 9 as it was en:o"ed when the sa%e too2 effe(t, and A is entit%ed to the !enefit of
a%% the -$tters and drains (ommon to the two ho$ses and ne(essar" for en:o"in- N as it was
en:o"ed when the sa%e too2 effe(t.
(i A, the owner of two ad:oinin- !$i%din-s, se%%s one to +, retainin- the other. + is
entit%ed to a ri-ht to %atera% s$pport from A5s !$i%din-, and A is entit%ed to a ri-ht to %atera%
s$pport from +5s !$i%din-.
(A A, the owner of two ad:oinin- !$i%din-s, se%%s one to + and the other to '. ' is
entit%ed to %atera% s$pport from +5s !$i%din-, and + is entit%ed to %atera% s$pport from '5s
(> A -rants %ands to + for the p$rpose of !$i%din- a ho$se thereon. + is entit%ed to
s$(h amo$nt of %atera% and s$!:a(ent s$pport from A5s %and as is ne(essar" for the safet" of
the ho$se.
(% Lnder the
CLand A(?$isition A(t, 1;94D, a 3ai%wa" 'ompan" (omp$%sori%"
a(?$ires a portion of +5s %and for the p$rpose of ma2in- a sidin-. The 'ompan" is entit%ed to
s$(h amo$nt of %atera% s$pport from +5s ad:oinin- %and as is essentia% for the safet" of the
(m Owin- to the partition of :oint propert", A !e(omes the owner of an $pper room
in a !$i%din-, and + !e(omes the owner of the portion of the !$i%din- immediate%" !eneath it.
A is entit%ed to s$(h amo$nt of verti(a% s$pport from +5s portion as is essentia% for the safet"
of the $pper room.
(n A %ets a ho$se and -ro$nds to + for a parti($%ar !$siness. + has no a((ess to them
other than !" (rossin- A5s %and. + is entit%ed to a ri-ht of wa" over that %and s$ita!%e to the
!$siness to !e (arried on !" + in the ho$se and -ro$nds.
1C. %1'&$%)* )9 wa< )9 *'&'##%$<.- 7hen
Ca ri-htD to a wa" of ne(essit" is (reated
$nder se(tion 13, the transferor, the %e-a% representative of the testator, or the owner of the
share over whi(h the ri-ht is, as the (ase ma" !e, is entit%ed to set o$t the wa"F !$t
it m$st !e reasona!%" (onvenient for the dominant owner.
I )9 183C.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=K.
#$!s. !" the Amendin- A(t, 1;91 (12 of 1;91, for &ri-htK.
7hen the person so entit%ed to set o$t the wa" ref$ses or ne-%e(ts to do so, the
dominant owner ma" set it o$t.
15. A&B"%#%$%)* 5< ;1'#&1%;$%)*. 7here the a((ess and $se of %i-ht or air to and for
an" !$i%din- have !een pea(ea!%" en:o"ed therewith, as an easement, witho$t interr$ption,
and for twent" "ears,
and where s$pport from one person5s %and or thin-s affi.ed thereto has !een
pea(ea!%" re(eived !" another person5s %and s$!:e(ted to artifi(ia% press$re or !" thin-s
affi.ed thereto, as an easement, witho$t interr$ption, and for twent" "ears,
and where a ri-ht of wa" or an" other easement has !een pea(ea!%" and open%"
en:o"ed !" an" person (%aimin- tit%e thereto, as an easement, and as of ri-ht, witho$t
interr$ption, and for twent" "ears,
the ri-ht to s$(h a((ess and $se of %i-ht or air, s$pport or other easement sha%% !e
,a(h of the said periods of twent" "ears sha%% !e ta2en to !e a period endin- within
two "ears ne.t !efore the instit$tion of the s$it wherein the (%aim to whi(h s$(h period re%ates
is (ontested.
E/!"anation I.86othin- is an en:o"ment within the meanin- of this se(tion when it has
!een had in p$rs$an(e of an a-reement with the owner or o(($pier of the propert" over whi(h
the ri-ht is (%aimed, and it is apparent from the a-reement that s$(h ri-ht has not !een -ranted
as an easement, or, if -ranted as an easement, that it has !een -ranted for a %imited period, or
s$!:e(t to a (ondition on the f$%fi%ment of whi(h it is to (ease.
E/!"anation ++.,6othin- is an interr$ption within the meanin- of this se(tion $n%ess
where there is an a(t$a% (essation of the en:o"ment !" reason of an o!str$(tion !" the a(t of
some person other than the (%aimant, and $n%ess s$(h o!str$(tion is s$!mitted to or
a(?$ies(ed in for one "ear after the (%aimant has noti(e thereof and of the person ma2in- or
a$thori1in- the same to !e made.
E/!"anation +++.8#$spension of en:o"ment in p$rs$an(e of a (ontra(t !etween the
dominant and servient owners is not an interr$ption within the meanin- of this se(tion.
E/!"anation +*.,In the (ase of an easement to po%%$te water, the said period of twent"
"ears !e-ins when the po%%$tion first pre:$di(es per(epti!%" the servient herita-e.
7hen the propert" over whi(h a ri-ht is (%aimed $nder this se(tion !e%on-s to
C the
GovernmentD, this se(tion sha%% !e read as if, for the words &twent" "earsK the words &si.t"
"earsK were s$!stit$ted.
The ori-ina% word &Govt.K has s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1937, and A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 ( with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190),
to read as a!ove.
(a A s$it is !ro$-ht in 1;;3 for o!str$(tin- a ri-ht of wa". The defendant admits the
o!str$(tion, !$t denies the ri-ht of wa". The p%aintiff proves that the ri-ht was pea(ea!%" and
open%" en:o"ed !" him, (%aimin- tit%e thereto as an easement and as of ri-ht, witho$t
interr$ption, from 1st Ean$ar", 1;)2, to 1st Ean$ar", 1;;2. The p%aintiff is entit%ed to
(b In a %i2e s$it the p%aintiff shows that the ri-ht was pea(ea!%" and open%" en:o"ed
!" him for twent" "ears. The defendant proves that for a "ear of that time the p%aintiff was
entit%ed to possession of the servient herita-e as %essee thereof and en:o"ed the ri-ht as s$(h
%essee. The s$it sha%% !e dismissed, for the ri-ht of wa" has not !een en:o"ed &as an
easementK for twent" "ears.
(# In a %i2e s$it the p%aintiff shows that the ri-ht was pea(ea!%" and open%" en:o"ed
!" him for twent" "ears. The defendant proves that the p%aintiff on one o((asion d$rin- the
twent" "ears had admitted that the $ser was not of ri-ht and as2ed his %eave to en:o" the ri-ht.
The s$it sha%% !e dismissed, for the ri-ht of wa" has not !een en:o"ed &as of ri-htK for twent"
1G. EA&7"#%)* %* 9a()"1 )9 1'('1%)*#'1 )9 #'1()%'*$ 6'1%$a@'. *rovided that, when
an" %and $pon, over or from whi(h an" easement has !een en:o"ed or derived has !een he%d
$nder or !" virt$e of an" interest for %ife or an" term of "ears e.(eedin- three "ears from the
-rantin- thereof, the time of the en:o"ment of s$(h easement d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of s$(h
interest or term sha%% !e e.(%$ded in the (omp$tation of the said %ast8mentioned period of
twent" "ears, in (ase the (%aim is, within three "ears ne.t after the determination of s$(h
interest or term, resisted !" the person entit%ed, on s$(h determination, to the said %and.
A s$es for a de(%aration that he is entit%ed to a ri-ht of wa" over +5s %and. A proves
that he has en:o"ed the ri-ht for twent"8five "earsF !$t + shows that d$rin- ten of these "ears
' had a %ife8interest in the %andF that on '5s death + !e(ame entit%ed to the %andF and that
within two "ears after '5s death he (ontested A5s (%aim to the ri-ht. The s$it m$st !e
dismissed, as A, with referen(e to the provisions of this se(tion, has on%" proved en:o"ment
for fifteen "ears.
14. R%@6$# w6%&6 &a**)$ 5' a&B"%1'8 5< ;1'#&1%;$%)*. ,asements a(?$ired $nder
se(tion 10 are said to !e a(?$ired !" pres(ription, and are (a%%ed pres(riptive ri-hts.
6one of the fo%%owin- ri-hts (an !e so a(?$iredH8
(a a ri-ht whi(h wo$%d tend to the tota% destr$(tion of the s$!:e(t of the ri-ht, or
the propert" on whi(h, if the a(?$isition were made, %ia!i%it" wo$%d !e
(! a ri-ht to the free passa-e of %i-ht or air to an open spa(e of -ro$ndF
(( a ri-ht to s$rfa(e8water not f%owin- in a stream and not permanent%" (o%%e(ted
in a poo%, tan2 or otherwiseF
(d a ri-ht to $nder-ro$nd water not passin- in a defined (hanne%.
18. C"#$)2a1< 'a#'2'*$#. An easement ma" !e a(?$ired in virt$e of a %o(a% ($stom.
#$(h easements are (a%%ed ($stomar" easements.
(a +" the ($stom of a (ertain vi%%a-e ever" ($%tivator of vi%%a-e %and is entit%ed, as
s$(h, to -ra1e his (att%e on the (ommon past$re. A, havin- !e(ome the tenant of a p%ot of
$n($%tivated %and in the vi%%a-e, !rea2s $p and ($%tivates that p%ot. Ge there!" a(?$ires an
easement to -ra1e his (att%e in a((ordan(e with the ($stom.
(b +" the ($stom of a (ertain town no owner or o(($pier of a ho$se (an open a new
window therein so as s$!stantia%%" to invade his nei-h!o$r5s priva(". A !$i%ds a ho$se in the
town near +5s ho$se. A there$pon a(?$ires an easement that + sha%% not open new windows
in his ho$se so as to (ommand a view of the portions of A5s ho$se whi(h are ordinari%"
e.(%$ded from o!servation, and + a(?$ires a %i2e easement with respe(t to A5s ho$se.
13. T1a*#9'1 )9 8)2%*a*$ 6'1%$a@' ;a##'# 'a#'2'*$. 7here the dominant herita-e
is transferred or devo%ves, !" a(t of parties or !" operation of %aw, the transfer or devo%$tion
sha%%, $n%ess a (ontrar" intention appears, !e deemed to pass the easement to the person in
whose favo$r the transfer or devo%$tion ta2es p%a(e.
A has (ertain %and to whi(h a ri-ht of wa" is anne.ed. A %ets the %and to + for twent"
"ears. The ri-ht of wa" vests in + and his %e-a% representative so %on- as the %ease (ontin$es.
20. R"7'# &)*$1)77'8 5< &)*$1a&$ )1 $%$7'. The r$%es (ontained in this (hapter are
(ontro%%ed !" an" (ontra(t !etween the dominant and servient owners re%atin- to the servient
herita-e, and !" the provisions of the instr$ment or de(ree, if an", !" whi(h the easement
referred to was imposed.
I*&%8'*$# )9 &"#$)2a1< 'a#'2'*$#. And when an" in(ident of an" ($stomar"
easement is in(onsistent with s$(h r$%es, nothin- in this (hapter sha%% affe(t s$(h in(ident.
21. .a1 $) "#' "*&)**'&$'8 w%$6 '*>)<2'*$. An easement m$st not !e $sed for an"
p$rpose not (onne(ted with the en:o"ment of the dominant herita-e.
(a A, as owner of a farm 9, has a ri-ht of wa" over +s %and to 9. L"in- !e"ond 9, A
has another farm N, the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of whi(h is not ne(essar" for the !enefi(ia%
en:o"ment of 9. Ge m$st not $se the easement for the p$rpose of passin- to and from N.
(b A, as owner of a (ertain ho$se, has a ri-ht of wa" to and from it. /or the p$rpose
of passin- to and from the ho$se, the ri-ht ma" !e $sed, not on%" !" A, !$t !" the mem!ers
of his fami%", his -$ests, %od-ers, servants wor2men, visitors and ($stomersF for this is a
p$rpose (onne(ted with the en:o"ment of the dominant herita-e. #o, if A %ets the ho$se, he
ma" $se the ri-ht of wa" for the p$rpose of (o%%e(tin- the rent and seein- that the ho$se is
2ept in repair.
22. EA'1&%#' )9 'a#'2'*$. C)*9%*'2'*$ )9 'A'1&%#' )9 'a#'2'*$. The dominant
owner m$st his ri-ht in the mode whi(h is %east onero$s to the servient ownerF and,
when the of an easement (an witho$t detriment to the dominant owner !e (onfined
to a determinate part of the servient herita-e, s$(h sha%%, at the re?$est of the servient
owner, !e so (onfined.
(a A has a ri-ht of wa" over +5s fie%d. A m$st enter the wa" at either end and not at
an" intermediate point.
(b A has a ri-ht anne.ed to his ho$se to ($t that(hin-8-rass in +5s swamp. A, when his easement, m$st ($t the -rass so that the p%ants ma" not !e destro"ed.
23. R%@6$ $) a7$'1 2)8' )9 '*>)<2'*$. #$!:e(t to the provisions of se(tion 22, the
dominant owner ma", from time to time, a%ter the mode and p%a(e of en:o"in- the easement,
provided that he does not there!" impose an" additiona% !$rden on the servient herita-e.
+3ception!,The dominant owner of a ri-ht of wa" (annot var" his %ine of passa-e at
p%eas$re, even tho$-h he does not there!" impose an" additiona% !$rden on the servient
(a A, the owner of a saw8mi%%, has a ri-ht to a f%ow of water s$ffi(ient to wor2 the
mi%%. Ge ma" (onvert the saw8mi%% into a (orn8mi%%, provided that it (an !e wor2ed !" the
same amo$nt of water.
(b A has a ri-ht to dis(har-e on +5s %and the rain8water from the eaves of A5s ho$se.
This does not entit%e A to advan(e his eaves if, !" so doin-, he imposes a -reater !$rden on
+5s %and.
(# A, as the owner of a paper8mi%%, a(?$ires a ri-ht to po%%$te a stream !" po$rin- in
the ref$se8%i?$or prod$(ed !" ma2in- in the mi%% paper from ra-s. Ge ma" po%%$te the stream
!" po$rin- in simi%ar %i?$or prod$(ed !" ma2in- in the mi%% paper !" a new pro(ess from
!am!oos, provided that he does not s$!stantia%%" in(rease the amo$nt, or in:$rio$s%" (han-e
the nat$re, of the po%%$tion.
(d A, a riparian owner, a(?$ires, as a-ainst the %ower riparian owners, a pres(riptive
ri-ht to po%%$te a stream !" throwin- sawd$st into it. This does not entit%e A to po%%$te the
stream !" dis(har-in- into it poisono$s %i?$or.
2C. R%@6$ $) 8) a&$# $) #'&"1' '*>)<2'*$. The dominant owner is entit%ed
, as
a-ainst the servient owner, to do a%% a(ts ne(essar" to se($re the f$%% en:o"ment of the
easement, !$t s$(h a(ts m$st !e done at s$(h time and in s$(h manner as, witho$t detriment
to the dominant owner, to (a$se the servient owner as %itt%e in(onvenien(e as possi!%eF and
the dominant owner m$st repair, as far as pra(ti(a!%e, the dama-e (if an" (a$sed !" the a(t
to the servient herita-e.
A&&'##)1< 1%@6$#. 3i-hts to do a(ts ne(essar" to se($re the f$%% en:o"ment of an
easement are (a%%ed a((essor" ri-hts.
(a A has an easement to %a" pipes in +5s %and to (onve" water to A5s (istern. A ma"
enter and di- the %and in order to mend the pipes, !$t he m$st restore the s$rfa(e to its
ori-ina% state.
+$t $ee s. 3), infra, as to a!atement of o!str$(tion of easement.
(b A has an easement of a drain thro$-h +5s %and. The sewer with whi(h the drain
(omm$ni(ates is a%tered. A ma" enter $pon +5s %and and a%ter the drain, to adapt it to the new
sewer, provided that he does not there!" impose an" additiona% !$rden on +5s %and.
(# A, as owner of a (ertain ho$se, has a ri-ht of wa" over +5s %and. The wa" is o$t of
repair, or a tree is !%own down and fa%%s a(ross it. A ma" enter on +5s %and and repair the wa"
or remove the tree from it.
(d A, as owner of a (ertain fie%d, has a ri-ht of wa" over +5s %and. + renders the wa"
impassa!%e. A ma" deviate from the wa" and pass over the ad:oinin- %and of +, provided that
the deviation is reasona!%e.
(e A, as owner of a (ertain ho$se, has a ri-ht of wa" over +5s fie%d. A ma" remove
ro(2s to ma2e the wa".
(f A has an easement of s$pport from +5s wa%1. The wa%% -ives wa". A ma" enter
$pon +5s %and and repair the wa%%.
(- A has an easement to have his %and f%ooded !" means of a dam in +5s stream. The
dam is ha%f swept awa" !" an in$ndation. A ma" enter $pon +5s %and and repair the dam.
25. L%a5%7%$< 9)1 'A;'*#'# *'&'##a1< 9)1 ;1'#'1(a$%)* )9 'a#'2'*$. The e.penses
in($rred in (onstr$(tin- wor2s, or ma2in- repairs, or doin- an" other a(t ne(essar" for the
$se of preservation of an easement, m$st !e defra"ed !" the dominant owner.
2G. L%a5%7%$< 9)1 8a2a@' 91)2 wa*$ )9 1';a%1. 7here an easement is en:o"ed !"
means of an artifi(ia% wor2, the dominant owner is %ia!%e to ma2e (ompensation for an"
dama-e to the servient herita-e arisin- from the want of repair of s$(h wor2.
24. S'1(%'*$ )w*'1 *)$ 5)"*8 $) 8) a*<$6%*@. The servient owner is not !o$nd to
do an"thin- for the !enefit of the dominant herita-e, and he is entit%ed, as a-ainst the
dominant owner, to $se the servient herita-e in an" wa" (onsistent with the en:o"ment of the
easementH !$t he m$st not do an" a(t tendin- to restri(t the easement or to render its
%ess (onvenient.
(a A, as owner of a ho$se, has a ri-ht to %ead water and send sewa-e thro$-h +5s
%and. + is not !o$nd, as servient owner, to (%ear the water(o$rse or s(o$r the sewer.
(b A -rants a ri-ht of wa" thro$-h his %and to + as owner of a fie%d. A ma" feed his
(att%e on -rass -rowin- the wa", provided that +5s ri-ht of wa" is not there!" o!str$(tedF !$t
he m$st not !$i%d a wa%% at the end of his %and so as to prevent + from -oin- !e"ond it, nor
m$st he narrow the wa" so as to render the of the ri-ht %ess eas" than it was at the
date of the -rant.
(# A, in respe(t of his ho$se, is entit%ed to an easement of s$pport from +5s wa%%. + is
not !o$nd, as servient owner, to 2eep the wa%% standin- and in repair. +$t he m$st not p$%%
down or wea2en the wa%% so as to ma2e it in(apa!%e of renderin- the ne(essar" s$pport.
(d A, in respe(t of his mi%%, is entit%ed to a water(o$rse thro$-h +5s %and. + m$st not
derive sta2es so as to o!str$(t the water(o$rse.
+$t $ee s. 0=, infra, as to e.tin-$ishment or s$spension of easement.
(e A, in respe(t of his ho$se, is entit%ed to a (ertain ?$antit" of %i-ht passin- over +5s
%and. + m$st not p%ant trees so as to o!str$(t the passa-e to A5s windows of that ?$antit" of
28. EA$'*$ )9 'a#'2'*$#. 7ith respe(t to the e.tent of easements and the mode of
their en:o"ment, the fo%%owin- provisions sha%% ta2e effe(tH
Ea#'2'*$ )9 *'&'##%$<. An easement of ne(essit" is (o8e.tensive with the ne(essit"
as it e.isted when the easement was imposed.
O$6'1 'a#'2'*$#. The e.tent of an" other easement and the mode of its en:o"ment
m$st !e fi.ed with referen(e to the pro!a!%e intention of the parties and the p$rpose for
whi(h the ri-ht was imposed or a(?$ired.
In the a!sen(e of eviden(e as to s$(h intention and p$rpose
R%@6$ )9 wa<.
(a a ri-ht of wa" of an" one 2ind does not in(%$de a ri-ht of wa" of
an" other 2indH
R%@6$ $) 7%@6$ )1 a%1 a&B"%1'8 5< @1a*$.
(! the e.tent of a ri-ht to the passa-e of %i-ht or air to a (ertain window,
door or other openin-, imposed !" a testamentar" or non8testamentar"
instr$ment, is the ?$antit" of %i-ht or air that entered the openin- at the
time the testator died or the non8testamentar" instr$ment was madeH
P1'#&1%;$%(' 1%@6$ $) 7%@6$ )1 a%1.
(( the e.tent of a pres(riptive ri-ht to the passa-e of %i-ht or air to a
(ertain window, door or other openin- is that ?$antit" of %i-ht or air
whi(h has !een a(($stomed to enter that openin- d$rin- the who%e of
the pres(riptive period irrespe(tive%" of the p$rposes for whi(h it has
!een $sedH
P1'#&1%;$%(' 1%@6$ $) ;)77"$' a%1 )1 wa$'1.
(d the e.tent of a pres(riptive ri-ht to po%%$te air or water is the e.tent of
the po%%$tion at the (ommen(ement of the period of $ser on (omp%etion
of whi(h the ri-ht aroseH and
O$6'1 ;1'#&1%;$%(' 1%@6$#.
(e the e.tent of ever" other pres(riptive ri-ht and the mode of its
en:o"ment m$st !e determined !" the a(($stomed $ser of the ri-ht.
23. I*&1'a#' )9 'a#'2'*$. The dominant owner (annot, !" mere%" a%terin- or addin-
to the dominant herita-e, s$!stantia%%" in(rease an easement.
7here an easement has !een -ranted or !e?$eathed so that its e.tent sha%% !e
proportionate to the e.tent of the dominant herita-e, if the dominant herita-e is in(reased !"
a%%$vion, the easement is proportionate%" in(reased, and, if the dominant herita-e is
diminished !" di%$vion, the easement is proportionate%" diminished.
#ave as aforesaid, no easement is affe(ted !" an" (han-e in the e.tent of the dominant
or the servient herita-e.
(a A, the owner of a mi%%, has a(?$ired a pres(riptive ri-ht to divert to his mi%% part of
the water of a stream. A a%ters the ma(hiner" of his mi%%. Ge (annot there!" in(rease his ri-ht
to divert water.
(b A has a(?$ired an easement to po%%$te a stream !" (arr"in- on a man$fa(t$re on
its !an2s !" whi(h a (ertain ?$antit" of fo$% matter is dis(har-ed into it. A e.tends his wor2s
and there!" in(reases the ?$antit" dis(har-ed. Ge is responsi!%e to the %ower riparian owners
for in:$r" done !" s$(h in(rease.
(# A, as the owner of a farm, has a ri-ht to ta2e, for the p$rpose of man$rin- his
farm, %eaves whi(h have fa%%en from the trees on +5s %and. A !$"s a fie%d and $nites it to his
farm. A is not there!" entit%ed to ta2e %eaves to man$re this fie%d.
30. Pa1$%$%)* )9 8)2%*a*$ 6'1%$a@'. 7here a dominant herita-e is divided !etween
two or more persons, the easement !e(omes anne.ed to ea(h of the shares, !$t not so as to
in(rease s$!stantia%%" the !$rden on the servient herita-eH *rovided that s$(h anne.ation is
(onsistent with the terms of the instr$ment, de(ree or reven$e8pro(eedin- (if an" $nder
whi(h the division was made, and, in the (ase of pres(riptive ri-hts, with the $ser d$rin- the
pres(riptive period.
(a A ho$se to whi(h a ri-ht of wa" !" a parti($%ar path is anne.ed is divided into two
parts, one of whi(h is -ranted to A, the other to +. ,a(h is entit%ed, in respe(t of his part, to a
ri-ht of wa" !" the same path.
(b A ho$se to whi(h is anne.ed the ri-ht of drawin- water from a we%% to the e.tent
of fift" !$(2ets a da" is divided into two distin(t herita-es, one of whi(h is -ranted to A, the
other to +. A and + are ea(h entit%ed, in respe(t of his herita-e, to draw from the we%% fift"
!$(2ets a da"F !$t the amo$nt drawn !" !oth m$st not e.(eed fift" !$(2ets a da".
(# A, havin- in respe(t of his ho$se an easement of %i-ht, divides the ho$se into three
distin(t herita-es. ,a(h of these (ontin$es to have the ri-ht to have its windows $no!str$(ted.
31. O5#$1"&$%)* %* &a#' )9 'A&'##%(' "#'1. In the (ase of e.(essive $ser of an
easement the servient owner ma", witho$t pre:$di(e to an" other remedies to whi(h he ma"
!e entit%ed, o!str$(t the $ser, !$t on%" on the servient herita-eH *rovided that s$(h $ser (annot
!e o!str$(ted when the o!str$(tion wo$%d interfere with the %awf$% en:o"ment of the ease8
A, havin- a ri-ht to the free passa-e over +5s %and of %i-ht to fo$r windows, si. feet !" fo$r,
in(reases their si1e and n$m!er. It is impossi!%e to o!str$(t the passa-e of %i-ht to the new windows
witho$t a%so o!str$(tin- the passa-e of %i-ht to the an(ient windows. + (annot o!str$(t the e.(essive
32. R%@6$ $) '*>)<2'*$ w%$6)"$ 8%#$"15a*&'. The owner or o(($pier of the
dominant herita-e is entit%ed to en:o" the easement witho$t dist$r!an(e !" an" other person.
A, as owner of a ho$se, has a ri-ht of wa" over +5s %and. ' $n%awf$%%" enters on +5s
%and, and o!str$(ts A in his ri-ht of wa". A ma" s$e ' for (ompensation, not for the entr",
!$t for the o!str$(tion.
33. S"%$ 9)1 8%#$"15a*&' )9 'a#'2'*$. The owner of an" interest in the dominant
herita-e, or the o(($pier of s$(h herita-e, ma" instit$te a s$it for (ompensation for the
dist$r!an(e of the easement or of an" ri-ht a((essor" theretoF provided that the dist$r!an(e
has a(t$a%%" (a$sed s$!stantia% dama-e to the p%aintiff.
E/!"anation +.8 The doin- of an" a(t %i2e%" to in:$re the p%aintiff !" affe(tin- the
eviden(e of the easement, or !" materia%%" diminishin- the va%$e of the dominant herita-e, is
s$!stantia% &dama-e within the meanin- of this se(tion and se(tion 34.
E/!"anation ++.87here the easement dist$r!ed is a ri-ht to the free passa-e of %i-ht
passin- to the openin-s in a ho$se, no dama-e is s$!stantia% within the meanin- of this
se(tion $n%ess it fa%%s within the first E/!"anation, or interferes materia%%" with the ph"si(a%
(omfort of the p%aintiff, or prevents him from (arr"in- on his a(($stomed !$siness in the
dominant herita-e as !enefi(ia%%" as he had done previo$s to instit$tin- the s$it.
E/!"anation +++., 7here the easement dist$r!ed is a ri-ht to the free passa-e of air to
the openin-s in a ho$se, dama-e is s$!stantia% within the meanin- of this se(tion if it
interferes materia%%" with the ph"si(a% (omfort of the p%aintiff, tho$-h it is not in:$rio$s to his
(a A p%a(es a permanent o!str$(tion in a path over whi(h +, as tenant of '5s ho$se,
has a ri-ht of wa". This is s$!stantia% dama-e to ', for it ma" affe(t the eviden(e of his
reversionar" ri-ht to the easement.
(b A, as owner of a ho$se, has a ri-ht to wa%2 a%on- one side of +5s ho$se. + !$i%ds a
verandah overhan-in- the wa" a!o$t ten feet from the -ro$nd, and so as not to o((asion an"
In(onvenien(e to foot8passen-ers $sin- the wa". This is not s$!stantia% dama-e to A.
3C. -6'* &a"#' )9 a&$%)* a1%#'# 9)1 1'2)(a7 )9 #";;)1$. The remova% of the means
of s$pport to whi(h a dominant owner is entit%ed does not -ive rise to a ri-ht to re(over
(ompensation $n%ess and $nti% s$!stantia% dama-e is a(t$a%%" s$stained.
35. I*>"*&$%)* $) 1'#$1a%* 8%#$"15a*&'. #$!:e(t to the provisions of the #pe(ifi(
3e%ief A(t, 1;77, se(tions 02 to 07 (!oth in(%$sive, an in:$n(tion ma" !e -ranted to restrain
the dist$r!an(e of an easementI
(a if the easement is a(t$a%%" dist$r!edIwhen (ompensation for s$(h dist$r!an(e
mi-ht !e re(overed $nder this 'hapterH
(! if the dist$r!an(e is on%" threatened or intendedIwhen the a(t threatened or
intended m$st ne(essari%", if performed, dist$r! the easement.
I )9
3G. A5a$'2'*$ )9 )5#$1"&$%)* )9 'a#'2'*$. 6otwithstandin- the provisions of
se(tion 24, the dominant owner (annot himse%f a!ate a wron-f$% o!str$(tion of an easement.
TG, ,>TI6'TIO6, #L#*,6#IO6 A6A 3,<I<AL O/ ,A#,@,6T#
34. EA$%*&$%)* 5< 8%##)7"$%)* )9 1%@6$ )9 #'1(%'*$ )w*'1. 7hen, from a (a$se whi(h
pre(eded the imposition of an easement, the person !" whom it was imposed (eases to have
an" ri-ht in the servient herita-e, the easement is e.tin-$ished.
E/#e!tion.,6othin- in this se(tion app%ies to an easement %awf$%%" imposed !" a
mort-a-or in a((ordan(e with se(tion 1=.
(a A transfers
CL%ip$rD to + on (ondition that he does not marr" '. + imposes an
easement on
CL1ip$rD. Then + marries '. +5s interest in
CL%ip$rD ends, and with it the
easement is e.tin-$ished.
(b A, in 1;)= %et
CL%ip$rD to + for thirt" "ears from the date of the %ease. +, in 1;)1,
imposes an easement on the %and in favo$r of ', who en:o"s the easement pea(ea!%" and
open%" as an easement witho$t interr$ption for twent"8nine "ears. +5s interest
CL%ip$rD then
ends, and with it '5s easement.
(# A and +, tenants of ', have permanent transfera!%e interests in their respe(tive
ho%din-s. A imposes on his ho%din- an easement to draw water from a tan2 for the p$rpose of
irri-atin- +5s %and. + en:o"s the easement for twent" "ears. Then A5s rent fa%%s into arrear
and his interest is so%d. +5s easement is e.tin-$ished.
(d A mort-a-es
CL%ip$rD to +, and %awf$%%" imposes an easement on the %and in
favo$r of ' in a((ordan(e with the provisions of se(tion 1=. The %and is so%d to A in
satisfa(tion of the mort-a-e8de!t. The easement is not there!" e.tin-$ished.
38. EA$%*&$%)* 5< 1'7'a#'. An easement is e.tin-$ished when the dominant owner
re%eases it," or imp%ied%", to the servient owner.
#$(h re%ease (an !e made on%" in the (ir($mstan(es and to the e.tent in and to whi(h
the dominant owner (an a%ienate the dominant herita-e.
An easement ma" !e re%eased as to part on%" of the servient herita-e.
E/!"anation +.8An easement is imp%ied%" re%eased8
(a where the dominant owner" a$thori1es an a(t of a permanent
nat$re to !e done on the servient herita-e, the ne(essar" (onse?$en(e
of whi(h is to prevent his f$t$re en:o"ment of the easement, and s$(h
a(t is done in p$rs$an(e of s$(h a$thorit"F
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=,.s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &#$%tanp$rK ( with effe#t from the 1-th
(! where an" permanent a%teration is made in the dominant herita-e of
s$(h a nat$re as to show that the dominant owner intended to (ease to
en:o" the easement in f$t$re.
E/!"anation ++.8@ere non8$ser of an easement is not an imp%ied re%ease within the
meanin- of this se(tion.
(a A, + and ' are (o8owners of a ho$se to whi(h an easement is anne.ed. A, witho$t
the (onsent of + and ', re%eases the easement. This re%ease is effe(t$a% on%" as a-ainst A and
his %e-a% representative.
(b A -rants + an easement over A5s %and for the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of his ho$se. +
assi-ns the ho$se to '. + then p$rports to re%ease the easement. The re%ease is ineffe(t$a%.
(# A, havin- the ri-ht to dis(har-e his eavesdroppin-s into +5s "ard,"
a$thori1es + to !$i%d over this "ard to a hei-ht whi(h wi%% interfere with the dis(har-e. +
!$i%ds a((ordin-%". A5s easement is e.tin-$ished to the e.tent of the interferen(e.
(d A, havin- an easement of %i-ht to a window, !$i%ds $p that window with !ri(2s
and mortar so as to manifest an intention to a!andon the easement permanent%". The
easement is imp%ied%" re%eased.
(e A, havin- a pro:e(tin- roof !" means of whi(h he en:o"s an easement to dis(har-e
eavesdroppin-s on +5s %and, permanent%" a%ters the roof so as to dire(t the rain8water into a
different (hanne% and dis(har-e it on '5s %and. The easement is imp%ied%" re%eased.
33. EA$%*&$%)* 5< 1'()&a$%)*. An easement is e.tin-$ished when the servient owner,
in of a power reserved in this !eha%f, revo2es the easement.
C0. EA$%*&$%)* )* 'A;%1a$%)* )9 7%2%$'8 ;'1%)8 )1 6a;;'*%*@ )9 8%##)7(%*@
&)*8%$%)*. An easement is e.tin-$ished where it has !een imposed for a %imited period, or
a(?$ired on (ondition that it sha%% !e(ome void on the performan(e or non8performan(e of a
spe(ified a(t, and the period e.pires or the (ondition is f$%fi%%ed.
C1. EA$%*&$%)* )* $'12%*a$%)* )9 *'&'##%$<. An easement of ne(essit" is
e.tin-$ished when the ne(essit" (omes to an end.
A -rants + a fie%d ina((essi!%e e.(ept !" passin- over A5s ad:oinin- %and. +
afterwards p$r(hases a part of that %and over whi(h he (an pass to his fie%d. The ri-ht of wa"
over A5s %and whi(h + had a(?$ired is e.tin-$ished.
C2. EA$%*&$%)* )9 "#'7'## 'a#'2'*$. An easement is e.tin-$ished when it !e(omes
in(apa!%e of !ein- at an" time and $nder an" (ir($mstan(es !enefi(ia% to the dominant
C3. EA$%*&$%)* 5< ;'12a*'*$ &6a*@' %* 8)2%*a*$ 6'1%$a@'. 7here, !" an"
permanent (han-e in the dominant herita-e, the !$rden on the servient herita-e is materia%%"
in(reased and (annot !e red$(ed !" the servient owner witho$t interferin- with the %awf$%
en:o"ment of the easement, the easement is e.tin-$ished, $n%ess8
(a it was intended for the !enefi(ia% en:o"ment of the dominant herita-e, to whatever
e.tent the easement sho$%d !e $sedF or
(! the in:$r" (a$sed to the servient owner !" the (han-e is so s%i-ht that no
reasona!%e person wo$%d (omp%ain of it F or
(( the easement is an easement of ne(essit".
6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to app%" to an easement entit%in- the dominant
owner to s$pport of the dominant herita-e.
CC. EA$%*&$%)* )* ;'12a*'*$ a7$'1a$%)* )9 #'1(%'*$ 6'1%$a@' 5< #";'1%)1 9)1&'. An
easement is e.tin-$ished where the servient herita-e is !" s$perior for(e so permanent%"
a%tered that the dominant owner (an no %on-er en:o" s$(h easementH
*rovided that, where a wa" of ne(essit" is destro"ed !" s$perior for(e, the dominant
owner has a ri-ht to another wa" over the servient herita-eF and the provisions of se(tion 14
app%" to s$(h wa".
(a A -rants to +, as the owner of a (ertain ho$se, a ri-ht to fish in a river r$nnin-
thro$-h A5s %and. The river (han-es its (o$rse permanent%" and r$ns thro$-h '5s %and. +5s
easement is e.tin-$ished.
(b A((ess to a path over whi(h A has a ri-ht of wa" is permanent%" ($t off !" an
earth?$a2e. A5s ri-ht is e.tin-$ished.
C5. EA$%*&$%)* 5< 8'#$1"&$%)* )9 '%$6'1 6'1%$a@'. An easement is e.tin-$ished when
either the dominant or the servient herita-e is (omp%ete%" destro"ed.
A has a ri-ht of wa" over a road r$nnin- a%on- the foot of a sea8(%i%f. The road is
washed awa" !" a permanent en(roa(hment of the sea. A5s easement is e.tin-$ished.
CG. EA$%*&$%)* 5< "*%$< )9 )w*'1#6%;. An easement is e.tin-$ished when the same
person !e(omes entit%ed to the a!so%$te ownership of the who%e of the dominant and servient
(a A, as the owner of a ho$se, has a ri-ht of wa" over +5s fie%d. A mort-a-es his
ho$se and + mort-a-es his fie%d to '. Then ' fore(%oses !oth mort-a-es and !e(omes
there!" a!so%$te owner of !oth ho$se and fie%d. The ri-ht of wa" is e.tin-$ished.
(b The dominant owner a(?$ires on%" part of the servient herita-eH the easement is
not e.tin-$ished, e.(ept in the (ase i%%$strated in se(tion 4%.
(# The servient owner a(?$ires the dominant herita-e in (onne(tion with a third
personH the easement is not e.tin-$ished.
(d The separate owners of two separate dominant herita-es :oint%" a(?$ire the
herita-e whi(h is servient to the two separate herita-esH the easements are not e.tin-$ished.
(e The :oint owners of the dominant herita-e :oint%" a(?$ire the servient herita-eH the
easement is e.tin-$ished.
(f A sin-%e ri-ht of wa" e.ists over two servient herita-es for the !enefi(ia%
en:o"ment of a sin-%e dominant herita-e. The dominant owner a(?$ires one on%" of the
servient herita-es. The easement is not e.tin-$ished.
(3 A has a ri-ht of wa" over +5s road. + dedi(ates the road to the p$!%i(. A5s ri-ht of
wa" is not e.tin-$ished.
C4. EA$%*&$%)* 5< *)*-'*>)<2'*$. A (ontin$o$s easement is e.tin-$ished when it
tota%%" (eases to !e en:o"ed as s$(h for an $n!ro2en period of twent" "ears.
A dis(ontin$o$s easement is e.tin-$ished when, for a %i2e period, it has not !een
en:o"ed as s$(h.
#$(h period sha%% !e re(2oned, in the (ase of a (ontin$o$s easement, from the da" on
whi(h its en:o"ment was o!str$(ted !" the servient owner, or rendered impossi!%e !" the
dominant ownerF and, in the (ase of a dis(ontin$o$s easement, from the da" on whi(h it was
%ast en:o"ed !" an" person as dominant ownerH
*rovided that if, in the (ase of a dis(ontin$o$s easement, the dominant owner, within
s$(h period, re-isters, $nder the
C3e-istration A(t, 19=;D, a de(%aration of his intention to
retain s$(h easement, it sha%% not !e e.tin-$ished $nti% a period of twent" "ears has e%apsed
from the date of the re-istration.
7here an easement (an !e %e-a%%" en:o"ed on%" at a (ertain p%a(e, or at (ertain times
or !etween (ertain ho$rs, or for a parti($%ar p$rpose, its en:o"ment d$rin- the said period at
another p%a(e, or at other times, or !etween other ho$rs, or for another p$rpose, does not
prevent its e.tin(tion $nder this se(tion.
The (ir($mstan(e that, d$rin- the said period, no one was in possession of the servient
herita-e, or that the easement (o$%d not !e en:o"ed, or that a ri-ht a((essor" thereto was
en:o"ed, or that the dominant owner was not aware of its e.isten(e, or that he en:o"ed it in
i-noran(e of his ri-ht to do so, does not prevent its e.tin(tion $nder this se(tion.
An easement is not e.tin-$ished, $nder this se(tionI
(a where the (essation is in p$rs$an(e of a (ontra(t !etween the dominant and
servient ownersF
(! where the dominant herita-e is he%d in (o8ownership, and one of the (o8owners
en:o"s the easement within the said period, or
(( where the easement is ,a ne(essar" easement.
7here severa% herita-es are respe(tive%" s$!:e(t to ri-hts of wa" for the !enefit of a
sin-%e herita-e, and the wa"s are (ontin$o$s, s$(h ri-hts sha%%, for the p$rposes of this
se(tion, !e deemed to !e a sin-%e easement.
A has, as anne.ed to his ho$se, ri-hts of wa" from the hi-h road thither over the
herita-es > and N and the intervenin- herita-e 9. +efore the twent" "ears e.pire, A
his ri-ht of wa" over >. Gis ri-hts of wa" over 9 and N are not e.tin-$ished.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1 , s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &3e-istration A(t, 1;77.K
/VI )9
C8. EA$%*&$%)* )9 a&&'##)1< 1%@6$#. 7hen an easement is e.tin-$ished, the ri-hts (if an"
a((essor" thereto are a%so e.tin-$ished.
A has an easement to draw water from +5s we%%. As a((essor" thereto he has a ri-ht of
wa" over +5s %and to and from the we%%. The easement to draw water is e.tin-$ished $nder
se(tion 47. The ri-ht of wa" is a%so e.tin-$ished.
C3. S"#;'*#%)* )9 'a#'2'*$. An easement is s$spended when the dominant owner
!e(omes entit%ed to possession of the servient herita-e for a %imited interest therein, or when the
servient owner !e(omes entit%ed to possession of the dominant herita-e for a %imited interest
50. S'1(%'*$ )w*'1 *)$ '*$%$7'8 $) 1'B"%1' &)*$%*"a*&'. The servient owner has no
ri-ht to re?$ire that an easement !e (ontin$edF and, notwithstandin- the provisions of se(tion 2),
he is not entit%ed to (ompensation for dama-e (a$sed to the servient herita-e in (onse?$en(e of
the e.tin-$ishment or s$spension of the easement, if the dominant owner has -iven to the
servient owner s$(h noti(e as wi%% ena!%e him, witho$t $nreasona!%e e.pense, to prote(t the
servient herita-e from s$(h dama-e.
C)2;'*#a$%)* 9)1 8a2a@' &a"#'8 5< 'A$%*@"%#6'8 )1 #"#;'*#%)*. 7here s$(h noti(e
has not !een -iven, the servient owner is entit%ed to (ompensation for dama-e (a$sed to the
servient herita-e in (onse?$en(e of s$(h e.tin-$ishment or s$spension.
A, in of an easement, diverts to his (ana% the water of +5s stream. The diversion
(ontin$es for man" "ears, and d$rin- that time the !ed of the stream part%" fi%%s $p. A then
a!andons his easement, and restores the stream to its an(ient (o$rse. +5s %and is (onse?$ent%"
f%ooded + s$es A for (ompensation for the dama-e (a$sed !" the f%oodin-. It is proved that A
-ave + a month5s noti(e of his intention to a!andon the easement, and that s$(h noti(e was
s$ffi(ient to ena!%e +, witho$t $nreasona!%e e.pense, to have prevented the dama-e. The s$it
m$st !e dismissed.
51. R'(%(a7 )9 'a#'2'*$. An easement e.tin-$ished $nder se(tion 40 revives (a when
the destro"ed herita-e is, !efore twent" "ears have e.pired, restored !" the deposit of a%%$vionF
(b when the destro"ed herita-e is a servient !$i%din- and !efore twent" "ears have e.pired s$(h
!$i%din- is re!$i%t $pon the same siteF and (# when the destro"ed herita-e is a dominant !$i%din-
and !efore twent" "ears have e.pired s$(h !$i%din- is re!$i%t $pon the same site and in s$(h a
manner as not to impose a -reater !$rden on the servient herita-e.
An easement e.tin-$ished $nder se(tion 4) revives when the -rant or !e?$est !" whi(h
the $nit" of ownership was prod$(ed is set aside !" the de(ree of a (ompetent 'o$rt. A
ne(essar" easement e.tin-$ished $nder the same se(tion revives when the $nit" of ownership
(eases from an" other (a$se.
A s$spended easement revives if the (a$se of s$spension is removed !efore the ri-ht is
e.tin-$ished $nder se(tion 47.
A, as the a!so%$te owner of fie%d 9, has a ri-ht of wa" thither over +5s fie%d N. A o!tains from +
a %ease of N for twent" "ears. The easement is s$spended so %on- as A remains %essee of N. +$t
when A assi-ns the %ease to ', or s$rrenders it to +, the ri-ht of wa" revives.
52. EL%&'*#'F 8'9%*'8. 7here one person -rants to another, or to a definite n$m!er of
other persons, a ri-ht to do, or (ontin$e to do, in or $pon the immovea!%e propert" of the -rantor,
somethin- whi(h wo$%d, in the a!sen(e of s$(h ri-ht, !e $n%awf$%, and s$(h ri-ht does not
amo$nt to an easement or an interest in the propert", the ri-ht is (a%%ed a %i(ense.
53. -6) 2a< @1a*$ 7%&'*#'. A %i(ense ma" !e -ranted !" an" one in the (ir($mstan(es
and to the e.tent in and to whi(h he ma" transfer his interests in the propert" affe(ted !" the
5C. G1a*$ 2a< 5' 'A;1'## )1 %2;7%'8. The -rant of a %i(ense ma" !e or imp%ied
from the (ond$(t of the -rantor, and an a-reement whi(h p$rports to (reate an easement, !$t is
ineffe(t$a% for that p$rpose, ma" operate or to (reate a %i(ense.
55. A&&'##)1< 7%&'*#'# a**'A'8 5< 7aw. A%% %i(enses ne(essar" for the en:o"ment of an"
interest, or the of an" ri-ht, are imp%ied in the (onstit$tion of s$(h interest or ri-ht. #$(h
%i(enses are (a%%ed a((essor" %i(enses.
A se%%s the trees -rowin- on his %and to +. + is entit%ed to -o on the %and and ta2e awa"
the trees.
5G. L%&'*#' w6'* $1a*#9'1a57'. Ln%ess a different intention is e.pressed or ne(essari%"
imp%ied, a %i(ense to attend a p%a(e of p$!%i( entertainment ma" !e transferred !" the %i(enseeF
!$t, save as aforesaid, a %i(ense (annot !e transferred !" the %i(ensee or !" his servants
or a-ents.
(a A -rants + a ri-ht to wa%2 over A5s fie%d whenever he p%eases. The ri-ht is not
anne.ed to an" immovea!%e propert" of +. The ri-ht (annot !e transferred.
(b The Government -rant + a %i(ense to ere(t and $se temporar" -rain sheds on
Government %and. In the a!sen(e of provisions to the (ontrar". +5s servants ma" enter on
the %and for the p$rpose of ere(tin- sheds, ere(t the same, deposit -rain therein and remove -rain
54. G1a*$)1H# 8"$< $) 8%#&7)#' 8'9'&$#. The -rantor of a %i(ense is !o$nd to dis(%ose to
the %i(ensee an" defe(t in the propert" affe(ted !" the %i(ense, %i2e%" to !e to !e dan-ero$s to the
person or propert" of the %i(ensee, of whi(h the -rantor is, and the %i(ensee is not, aware.
58. G1a*$)1H# 8"$< *)$ $) 1'*8'1 ;1);'1$< "*#a9'. The -rantor of a %i(ense is !o$nd
not to do an"thin- %i2e%" to render the propert" affe(ted !" the %i(ense dan-ero$s to the person or
propert" of the %i(ensee.
53. G1a*$)1H# $1a*#9'1'' *)$ 5)"*8 5< 7%&'*#'. 7hen the -rantor of the %i(ense
transfers the propert" affe(ted there!", the transferee is not as s$(h !o$nd !" the %i(ense.
G0. L%&'*#' w6'* 1'()&a57'. A %i(ense ma" !e revo2ed !" the -rantor, $n%essI
(a it is (o$p%ed with a transfer of propert" and s$(h transfer is in for(eH
(! the %i(ensee, a(tin- $pon the %i(ense, has e.e($ted a wor2 of a permanent
(hara(ter and in($rred e.penses in the e.e($tion.
G1. R'()&a$%)* 'A;1'## )1 %2;7%'8. The revo(ation of a %i(ense ma" !e or
(a A, the owner of a fie%d, -rants a %i(ense to + to $se a path a(ross it. A, with intent to
revo2e the %i(ense, %o(2s a -ate a(ross the path. The %i(ense is revo2ed.
(b A, the owner of a fie%d, -rants a %i(ense to + to sta(2 ha" on the fie%d. A %ets or se%%s
the fie%d to '. The %i(ense is revo2ed.
G2. L%&'*#' w6'* 8''2'8 1'():'8. A %i(ense is deemed to !e revo2edI
(a when, from a (a$se pre(edin- the -rant of it, the -rantor (eases to have an"
interest in the propert" affe(ted !" the %i(enseH
(b when the %i(ensee re%eases it," or imp%ied%", to the -rantor or his
(# where it has !een -ranted for a %imited period, or a(?$ired on (ondition that it
sha%% !e(ome void on the performan(e or non8performan(e of a spe(ified a(t,
and the period e.pires or the (ondition is f$%fi%%edH
(d where the propert" affe(ted !" the %i(ense is destro"ed or !" s$perior for(e so
permanent%" a%tered that the %i(ensee (an no %on-er his ri-htH
(e where the %i(ensee !e(omes entit%ed to the a!so%$te ownership of the propert"
affe(ted !" the %i(enseH
(f where the %i(ense is -ranted for a spe(ified p$rpose and the p$rpose is attained,
or a!andoned, or !e(omes impra(ti(a!%eH
(3 where the %i(ense is -ranted to the %i(ensee as ho%din- a parti($%ar offi(e,
emp%o"ment or (hara(ter, and s$(h of offi(e emp%o"ment or (hara(ter (eases to
&h( where the %i(ense tota%%" (eases to !e $sed as s$(h for an $n!ro2en period of
twent" "ears, and s$(h (essation is not in p$rs$an(e of a (ontra(t !etween the
-rantor and the %i(enseeH
&i( in the (ase of an a((essor" %i(ense, when the interest or ri-ht to whi(h it is
a((essor" (eases to
G3. L%&'*#''H# 1%@6$# )* 1'()&a$%)*. 7here a %i(ense is revo2ed, the %i(ensee is entit%ed
to a reasona!%e time to %eave the propert" affe(ted there!" and to remove an" -oods whi(h !e
has !een a%%owed to p%a(e on s$(h propert".
GC. L%&'*#''H# 1%@6$# )* '(%&$%)*. 7here a %i(ense has !een -ranted for a (onsideration,
and the %i(ensee, witho$t an" fa$%t of his own, is evi(ted !" the I -rantor !efore he has f$%%"
en:o"ed, $nder the %i(ense, the ri-ht for whi(h he (ontra(ted, he is entit%ed to re(over
(ompensation from the -rantor.
A'T 6O. <II O/ 1;;2
C24th %ebruary, 1;;2D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) P)w'1#-)9-A$$)1*'<
/or the p$rpose of amendin- the %aw re%atin- to *owers8of8Attorne"F It is here!"
ena(ted as fo%%ows F
1. S6)1$ $%$7'. This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the *owers8of8Attorne" A(t, 1;;2.
L)&a7 'A$'*$.
CIt e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDF
C)22'*&'2'*$. and it sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of @a" 1;;2.
2. EA'&"$%)* "*8'1 ;)w'1-)9-a$$)1*'<. The donee of a power8of8attorne" ma", if he
thin2s fit, e.e($te or do an" ass$ran(e, instr$ment or thin- in and with his own name and
si-nat$re, and his own sea%, where s(a%in- is re?$ired, !" the a$thorit" of the donor of the powerF
and ever" ass$ran(e, instr$ment and thin- so e.e($ted and done, sha%% !e as effe(t$a% in %aw as if
it had !een e.e($ted or done !" the donee of the power in the name, and with the si-nat$re and
sea%, of the donor thereof.
This se(tion app%ies to powers8or8attorne" (reated !" instr$ments e.e($ted either
!efore or after this A(t (omes into for(e.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;1, *t. <, p. 1473F for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee. ibid., 1;;1, #$pp%ement, p.
14=9, and ibid., 1;;2, #$pp%ement, p. 2=4.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &It
app%ies to Ca%% the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationDK. The words in (rot(hets were s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &the
who%e of +ritish IndiaK.
3. Pa<2'*$ 5< a$$)1*'< "*8'1 ;)w'1, w%$6)"$ *)$%&' )9 8'a$6, '$&., @))8. An"
person ma2in- or doin- an" pa"ment or a(t in -ood faith, in p$rs$an(e of a power8of8attorne",
sha%% not !e %ia!%e in respe(t of the pa"ment or a(t !" reason that, !efore the pa"ment or a(t, the
donor of the power had died or !e(ome %$nati(, of $nso$nd mind, or !an2r$pt, or inso%vent, or
had revo2ed the power, if the fa(t of death, %$na(", $nso$ndness of mind, !an2r$pt(", inso%ven("
or revo(ation was not, at the time of the pa"ment or a(t, 2nown to the person ma2in- or doin-
the same.
+$t this se(tion sha%% not affe(t an" ri-ht a-ainst the pa"ee of an" person interested in
an" mone" so paidF and that person sha%% have the %i2e remed" a-ainst the pa"ee as he wo$%d
have had a-ainst the pa"er, if the pa"ment had not !een made !" him.
This se(tion app%ies on%" to pa"ments and a(ts made or done after this A(t (omes into
C. ';)#%$ )9 )1%@%*a7 %*#$1"2'*$# &1'a$%*@ ;)w'1-)9-a$$)1*'<. (a An instr$ment
(reatin- a power8of8attorne", its e.e($tion !ein- verified !" affidavit, stat$tor" de(%aration or
other s$ffi(ient eviden(e, ma", with the affidavit or de(%aration, if an", !e deposited in the Gi-h
'o$rt within the %o(a% %imits of whose :$risdi(tion the instr$ment ma" !e.
(! A separate fi%e of instr$ments so deposited sha%% !e 2eptF and an" person ma"
sear(h that fi%e, and inspe(t ever" instr$ment so depositedF and a (ertified (op" thereof sha%% !e
de%ivered o$t to him on re?$est.
(( A (op" of an instr$ment so deposited ma" !e presented at the offi(e and ma" !e
stamped or mar2ed as a (ertified (op", and, when so stamped or mar2ed, sha%% !e(ome and !e a
(ertified (op".
(d A (ertified (op" of an instr$ment so deposited sha%%, witho$t f$rther proof, !e
s$ffi(ient eviden(e of the (ontents of the instr$ment and of the deposit thereof in the Gi-h 'o$rt.
(e The Gi-h 'o$rt ma", from time to time, ma2e r$%es for the p$rposes of this
se(tion, and pres(ri!in-, with the (on($rren(e of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, the fees to !e
ta2en $nder (%a$ses (a, (!, and ((.
(- This se(tion app%ies to instr$ments (reatin-, powers8of8attorne" e.e($ted either
!efore or after this A(t (omes into for(e.
5. P)w'1-)9-a$$)1*'< )9 2a11%'8 w)2'*. A married woman, whether a minor or
not, sha%%, !" virt$e of this A(t, have power, as if she were $nmarried and of f$%% a-e, !" a non8
testamentar" instr$ment, to appoint an attorne" on her !eha%f, for the p$rpose of e.e($tin- an"
non8testamentar" instr$ment or doin- an" other a(t whi(h she mi-ht herse%f e.e($te or doF and
the provisions of this A(t, re%atin- to instr$ments (reatin- powers8of8attorne", sha%% app%"
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K
'%. (f rep. !" the Lower +$rma 'o$rts A(t, 19== () of 19==, s. 4; and #(h. II.
CThis se(tion sho$%d not app%" to a @$s%im married womanD
G. C9#t ))*+++ of 1766, $.31, re!ea"ed.D e!. by the 9mendin3 9#t, 1711 ()++ of 1711
ACT NO. /I/ OF 1883
O#tober, 1;;3D
A* A&$ $) &)*#)7%8a$' a*8 a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) 7)a*# )9 2)*'< 5< $6'
G)('1*2'*$ 9)1 a@1%&"7$"1a7 %2;1)('2'*$#.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to (onso%idate and amend the %aw re%atin- to %oans of
mone" !" the Government for a-ri($%t$ra% improvementsF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1. S6)1$ $%$7'. 8(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the Land Improvement Loans A(t, 1;;3.
!2+ L)&a7 'A$'*$, C)22'*&'2'*$. It e.tends to
Cthe who%e of *a2istanD, !$t sha%%
not (ome into for(e in an"
Cpart thereofD $nti% s$(h date as the
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1 s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for (ertain words.
/or the #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;2, *t. <., p. 904F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid.,
1;;3, #$pp%ement, p. 129)F for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;2, #$pp%ement, pp. 1494 and 1)97F ibid., 1;;3, #$pp%ement, p. 2=71.
Instr$ments e.e($ted !" persons ta2in- %oansF or !" their s$reties, as se($rit" for the repa"ment of s$(h %oans, are e.empted from
stamp8d$t"8$ee the #tamp A(t, 1;99 (2 of 1;99, #(h. I, Art. 4=, e.emption &+(, and notifi(ation $nder s. 9.
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*.,
s$!:e(t to (ertain modifi(ationsF $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=F and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area
of Lpper Tanawa% (6.87./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from 1st E$ne, 1901, $et, 6.7./.*.. Ga1ette, ,.traordinar", dated 1st E$ne, 1901.
It has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913, s. 3.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O. 3 of 190=F and
app%ied in the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I. p. 1499.
The provision of this A(t has !een e.tended to the Aistri(t of Ohairp$r &with effe#t from the 12th 5ar#h, 19)1, $ee Ga1ette of 7est
*a2istan, 19)1, *t. I, p. 140.
The A(t as infor(e in the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of 6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. II of
1974, has !een app%ied to the *rovin(ia%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas of 'hitra%, Air, Oa%am, #wat and @a%a2and *rote(ted Area, !" 6.7./.*.
3e-$%ation 6o. II of 1974,s. 3.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)=., (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
1900, for &a%% the provin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &the who%e of +ritish
#$!s. !" A. O., 1941, #(h., for &part of +ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
J J J ma", !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, appoint in
this !eha%f
2. A&$# //VI )9 1841 a*8 //I )9 184G 1';'a7'8. 8(1 The Land Improvement A(t,
1;71, and A(t >>I of 1;7) &9n 9#t to amend the Land +m!ro'ement 9#t, 17=1, sha%%, e.(ept as
re-ards the re(over" of advan(es made !efore this A(t (omes into for(e and (osts in($rred !" the
Government in respe(t of s$(h advan(es, !e repea%ed.
(2 7hen in an" A(t, 3e-$%ation or 6otifi(ation passed or iss$ed !efore this A(t
(omes into for(e, referen(e is made to either of those A(ts, the referen(e sha%%, so far as ma" !e
pra(ti(a!%e !e read as app%"in- to this A(t or the (orrespondin- part of this A(t.
3. EC)77'&$)1F 8'9%*'8. In this A(t, &'o%%e(torK means the 'o%%e(tor of %and reven$e
of a distri(t, or the Aep$t" 'ommissioner, or an" offi(er empowered !" the
GovernmentD !" name or !" virt$e of his offi(e to dis(har-e the f$n(tions of a 'o%%e(tor
this A(t.
C. P"1;)#'# )9 w6%&6 7)a*# 2a< 5' @1a*$'8 "*8'1 $6%# A&$. 8(1 #$!:e(t to s$(h
r$%es as ma" !e made $nder se(tion 1=, %oans ma" !e -ranted $nder this A(t, !" s$(h offi(er as
ma", from time to time, !e empowered in this !eha%f !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, for the
p$rpose of ma2in- an" improvement, to an" person havin- a ri-ht to ma2e that improvement, or,
with the (onsent of that person, to an" other person.
(2 &ImprovementK means an" wor2 whi(h adds to the %ettin- va%$e of %and, and
in(%$des the fo%%owin-, name%" H8
&a( the (onstr$(tion of we%%s, tan2s and other wor2s for the stora-e, s$pp%" or
distri!$tion of water for the p$rposes of a-ri($%t$re, or for the $se of men and
(att%e emp%o"ed in a-ri($%t$reF
&b( the preparation of %and for irri-ationF
&#( the draina-e, re(%amation from rivers or other waters, or prote(tion from f%oods
or from erosion or other dama-e !" water, of %and $sed for a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposes
or waste8%and whi(h is ($%t$ra!%e F
&d( the re(%amation, (%earan(e, en(%os$re or permanent improvement of %and for
a-ri($%t$ra% p$rposesF
&e( the renewa% or re(onstr$(tion of an" of the fore-oin- wor2s, of a%terations
therein or additions theretoF and
The words &with the previo$s san(tion of the G. G. in '.K rep. !" the Land Improvement and A-ri($%t$rists5 Loans (Amdt. A(t, 19=) (; of
19=), s.2.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
As to the date when this A(t (ame into for(e in different provin(es and tri!a% areas (onne(ted thereto, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
Cf.s. 3 (1= of the Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97 (1= of 1;97.
&f( s$(h other wor2s as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
J J Jma", from time to time,
!" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, de(%are to !e improvements for the p$rposes
of this A(t.
5. M)8' )9 8'a7%*@ w%$6 a;;7%&a$%)*# 9)1 7)a*#. 8(1 7hen an app%i(ation for a %oan
is made $nder this A(t, the offi(er to whom the app%i(ation is made ma", if it is, in his opinion,
e.pedient that p$!%i( noti(e !e -iven of the app%i(ation, p$!%ish a noti(e, in s$(h manner as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", from time to time dire(t, (a%%in- $pon a%% persons o!:e(tin- to the
%oan to appear !efore him at a time and p%a(e fi.ed therein and s$!mit their o!:e(tions.
(2 The offi(er sha%% (onsider ever" o!:e(tion s$!mitted $nder s$!8se(tion (1, and
ma2e an order in writin- either admittin- or overr$%in- it H
*rovided that, when the ?$estion raised !" an o!:e(tion is, in the opinion of the
offi(er, one of s$(h a nat$re that it (annot !e satisfa(tori%" de(ided e.(ept !" a 'ivi% 'o$rt, he
sha%% postpone his pro(eedin-s on the app%i(ation $nti% the ?$estion has !een so de(ided.
G. P'1%)8 9)1 1';a<2'*$ )9 7)a*#. 8(1 ,ver" %oan -ranted $nder this A(t sha%% !e
made repa"a!%e !" insta%%ments (in the form of an ann$it" or otherwise, within s$(h period from
the date of the a(t$a% advan(e of the %oan, or, when the %oan is advan(ed in insta%%ments,
the date of the advan(e of the %ast insta%%ment a(t$a%%" paidD as ma", from time to time, !e fi.ed
!" the r$%es made $nder this A(t.
(2 The period fi.ed as aforesaid sha%% not ordinari%" e.(eed thirt"8five "ears.
(3 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
J J J in ma2in-
J J the r$%es the period,
sha%%, in (onsiderin- whether the period sho$%d e.tend to thirt"8five "ears, or whether it sho$%d
e.tend !e"ond thirt"8five "ears, have re-ard to the d$ra!i%it" of the wor2 for the p$rpose of
whi(h the %oan is -ranted, and to the e.pedien(" of the (ost of the wor2 !ein- paid !" the
-eneration of persons who wi%% immediate%" !enefit !" the wor2.
This (%a$se has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan (e.(ept the 'apita% of the /ederation !" the 7est *a2istan
A(t 6o. 1) of 1907, s. 3(3 and 3rd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words &with the previo$s san(tion of the G.G. in '.K rep. !" the Land Improvement and A-ri($%t$rists Loans (Amdt. A(t, 19=)
(; of 19=), s. 2.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
#$!s. !" s. 2 of the Land Improvement Loans (Amdt. A(t, 1;99 (1; of 1;99, for &from the date of the a(t$a% advan(e of the %ast
The words &and G. G. in '.K rep. !" the Land Improvement and A-ri($%t$rists Loans (Amdt. A(t, 19=) (; of 19=), s. 3.
The words &and san(tionin-K rep., ibid.
4. R'&)('1< )9 7)a*#. (1 #$!:e(t to s$(h r$%es as ma" !e made $nder se(tion 1=, ,a%%
%oans -ranted $nder this A(t, a%% interest (if an" (har-ea!%e thereon, and (osts (if an" in($rred
in ma2in- the same, sha%%, when the" !e(ome d$e, !e re(overa!%e !" the 'o%%e(tor in a%% or an"
of the fo%%owin- modes, name%" H
&a( from the !orrower8as if the" were arrears of %and reven$e d$e !" himF
&b( from his s$ret" (if an"8as if the" were arrears of %and8reven$e d$e !" himF
&#( o$t of the %and for the !enefit of whi(h the %oan has !een -ranted8as if the" were
arrears of %and8reven$e d$e in respe(t of that %and F
&d( o$t of the propert" (omprised in the (o%%atera% se($rit" (if an"8a((ordin- to the
pro(ed$re for the rea%i1ation of %and8reven$e !" the sa%e of immovea!%e propert"
other than the %and on whi(h that reven$e is d$eH
*rovided that no pro(eedin- in respe(t of an" %and $nder (%a$se &#( sha%% affe(t an"
interest in that %and whi(h e.isted !efore the date of the order -rantin- the %oan, other than the
interest of the !orrower, and of mort-a-ees of, or persons havin- (har-es on, that interest, and,
where the %oan is -ranted $nder se(tion 4 with the (onsent of another person, the interest of that
person, and of mort-a-ees of, or persons havin- (har-es on, that interest.
(2 7hen an" s$m d$e on a((o$nt of an" s$(h %oan, interest or (osts is paid to the
'o%%e(tor !" a s$ret" or an owner of propert" (omprised in an" (o%%atera% se($rit", or is
re(overed $nder s$!8se(tion (1 !" the 'o%%e(tor from a s$ret" or o$t of an" s$(h propert", the
'o%%e(tor sha%%, on the app%i(ation of the s$ret" or the owner of that propert" (as the (ase ma"
!e, re(over that s$m on his !eha%f from the !orrower, or o$t of the %and for the !enefit of whi(h
the %oan has !een -ranted, in manner provided !" s$!8se(tion (1.
(3 It sha%% !e in the dis(retion of a 'o%%e(tor a(tin- $nder this se(tion to determine
the order in whi(h he wi%% resort to the vario$s modes of re(over" permitted !" it.
8. O18'1 @1a*$%*@ 7)a* &)*&7"#%(' )* &'1$a%* ;)%*$#. A written order $nder the
hand of an offi(er empowered to ma2e %oans $nder this A(t -rantin- a %oan to, or with the (on8
sent of, a person mentioned therein, for the p$rpose of (arr"in- o$t a wor2 des(ri!ed therein, for
the !enefit of %and spe(ified therein, sha%%, for the p$rposes of this A(t, !e (on(%$sive eviden(e8
&a( that the wor2 des(ri!ed is an improvement within the meanin- of this A(tF
&b( that the person mentioned had at the date of the order a ri-ht to ma2e s$(h an
improvementF and
&#( that the improvement, is one !enefitin- the %a$d spe(ified.
3. L%a5%7%$< )9 >)%*$ 5)11)w'1 a# a2)*@ $6'2#'7('#. 7hen a %oan is made $nder
this A(t to the mem!ers of a vi%%a-e8(omm$nit" or to an" other persons on s$(h terms that a%% of
them are :oint%" and severa%%" !o$nd to the Government for the pa"ment of the who%e amo$nt
pa"a!%e in respe(t, thereof, and a statement showin- the portion of that amo$nt whi(h as amon-
themse%ves ea(h is !o$nd to (ontri!$te is entered $pon the order -rantin- the %oan and is si-ned
!" ea(h of them and !" the offi(er ma2in- the order, that statement sha%% !e (on(%$sive eviden(e
of the portion of that amo$nt whi(h as amon- themse%ves ea(h of those persons is !o$nd to
10. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'#. The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
J J J ma", from time to
time, !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, ma2e r$%es
(onsistent with this A(t to provide for
the fo%%owin- matters, name%" H.
&a( the manner of ma2in- app%i(ations for %oansF
&b( the offi(ers !" whom %oans ma" !e -rantedF
&#( the manner of (ond$(tin- in?$iries re%ative to app%i(ations for %oans, and the
powers to !e !" offi(ers (ond$(tin-, those in?$iriesF
&d( the nat$re of the se($rit" to !e ta2en for the d$e app%i(ation and repa"ment of the
mone", the rate of interest at whi(h, and the (onditions $nder whi(h, %oans ma" !e
-ranted, and the manner and time of -rantin- %oansF
&e( the inspe(tion of wor2s for whi(h %oans have !een -rantedF
&f( the insta%%ments !" whi(h, and the mode in whi(h, %oans, the interest to !e (har-ed
on them and the (osts in($rred in the ma2in- thereof, sha%% !e paidF
&3( the manner of 2eepin- and a$ditin- the a((o$nts of the e.pendit$re of %oans and
of the pa"ments made in respe(t of the sameF and
&h( a%% other matters pertainin- to the wor2in- of the A(t.
11. EA'2;$%)* )9 %2;1)('2'*$# 91)2 a##'##2'*$ $) 7a*8-1'('*"'. 7hen %and is
improved with the aid of a %oan -ranted $nder this A(t, the in(rease in va%$e derived from the
improvement sha%% not !e ta2en into a((o$nt in revisin- the assessment of %and8reven$e on the
*rovided as fo%%ows H8
(1 where the improvement (onsists of the re(%amation of waste8%and, or of the
irri-ation of %and assessed at
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words &s$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the G. G. in '.K rep. !" the Ae(entra%i1ation A(t, 1914 (4 of 1914, s. 2 and #(h., *art I.
The words &s$!:e(t to this (ontro%K had !een s$!s for the words &with the previo$s san(tionK !" the Land Improvement and
A-ri($%t$rist Loans (Amdt. A(t, (; of 19=), s. 4.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
/or notifi(ation ma2in- s$(h r$%es, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
$nirri-ated rates, the in(rease ma" !e so ta2en into a((o$nt after the e.piration of
s$(h period as ma" !e fi.ed !" r$%es
to !e framed !" the
(2 nothin- in this se(tion sha%% entit%e an" person to (a%% in ?$estion an" assessment
of %and8reven$e otherwise than as it mi-ht have !een (a%%ed in ?$estion if this A(t
had not !een passed.
J12. C'1$a%* ;)w'1# )9 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) 5' 'A'1&%#a57' 5< .)a18 )9
R'('*"' )1 F%*a*&%a7 C)22%##%)*'1. The powers (onferred on a
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD !"
se(tions 4(1,0(1 and 1= ma", in a provin(e for whi(h there is a +oard of 3even$e or a /inan(ia%
'ommissioner, !e in the %i2e manner and s$!:e(t to the %i2e (onditions !" s$(h +oard
or /inan(ia% 'ommissioner, as the (ase ma" !e H *rovided that r$%es made !" a +oard of
3even$e or /inan(ia% 'ommissioner sha%% !e s$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the
1. #hort tit%e.
Lo(a% e.tent.
2. 'ommen(ement.
3. Ce!ea"ed.D
4. Aefinitions.
0. *ower to ma2e r$%es as to %i(ensin- of the man$fa(t$re, possession, $se, sa%e,
transport and importation of e.p%osives.
). *ower for appropriate Government to prohi!it the man$fa(t$re, possession or
importation of spe(ia%%" dan-ero$s e.p%osives.
7. *ower to ma2e r$%es (onferrin- powers of inspe(tion, sear(h, sei1$re, detention
and remova%.
;. 6oti(e of a((idents.
9. In?$ir" into a((idents.
/or s$(h r$%es, $ee different %o(a% 3. and O.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words &with the approva% of the G. G. in '.K rep. !" the Land Improvement and A-ri($%t$rist Loans (Amdt. A(t, 19=) (; of 19=), s.0.
#. 12 was ins. !" the Ae(entra%i1ation A(t, 1914 (4 of 1914, s.12 and #(h. *t. I. The ori-ina% s. 12 was rep. !" the 3e-istration A(t, 19=; (1) of
9A. In?$ir" into more serio$s a((idents.
1=. /orfeit$re of e.p%osives.
11. Aistress of vesse%.
12. A!etment and attempts.
13. *ower to arrest witho$t warrant persons (ommittin- dan-ero$s offen(es.
14. #avin- and power to e.empt.
10. #avin- of Arms A(t, 1;7;.
1). #avin- as to %ia!i%it" $nder other %aw.
17. ,.tension of definition of &e.p%osiveK to other e.p%osive s$!stan(es.
1;. *ro(ed$re for ma2in- p$!%i(ation and (onfirmation of r$%es.
ACT N). IV OF 188C
C46th %ebruary, 1;;4D
A* A&$ $) 1'@"7a$' $6' 2a*"9a&$"1', ;)##'##%)*, "#', #a7', $1a*#;)1$ a*8 %2;)1$a$%)*
)9 EA;7)#%('#.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to re-$%ate the man$fa(t$re, possession, $se, sa%e,
transport and importation of e.p%osivesF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1. S6)1$ T%$7'. 8(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
J ,.p%osives A(t, 1;;4F and
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;3, *t. <, p. 22F for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;2, p. 1;0), and ibid.,
1;;3, #$pp%ement, p. 43, and ibid., 1;;4, #$pp%ement, p. 377.
This A(t has !een de(%ared, $nder s. 0, of the #(hed$%ed Aistri(ts A(t, 1;74 (14 of 1;74, to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan,8see Ga1ette of India,
1931, *t. II8A, p. 30;.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O.3 of 190= F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
This A(t has !een e.tended to the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion, $ee the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion (/edera% Laws (,.tension Order, 1903 (G. G. O.
4 of 1903, as amended !" the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion (/edera% Laws (,.tension (#e(ond Amdt. Order, 1903 (G. G. O. 19 of 1903.
It has !een e.tended to the #tate of +ahawa%p$r, $ee the +ahawa%p$r (,.tension of /edera% Laws Order 1903 (G. G. O. 11 of 1903, as amended
!" the +ahawa%p$r (,.tension of /edera% Laws (Amdt. Order, 1903 (G. G. O. 21 of 1903.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Ohairp$r #tate, $ee G. G. O. 0 of 1903, as amended !" G. G. O. 24 of 1903.
The A(t has !een and sha%% !e deemed to have !een !ro$-ht into for(e in Gwad$r with effe(t from the ;th #eptem!er, 190;, !" the Gwad$r
(App%i(ation of 'entra% Laws Ordinan(e, 19)= (37 of 19)=, s. 2.
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain modi 8
fi(ationsF $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=. It has !een e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa%
other than *h$%era !" the 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190= and de(%ared to !e in for(e in that area with effe(t
from 1st E$ne, 1901, $ee 6.7./.*. Ga1ette, ,.traordinar", dated 18)81901.
/or the %aw re%atin- to e.p%osive s$!stan(es, $ee a%so the ,.p%osive #$!stan(es A(t, 19=; () of 19=;.
The word &IndianK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
J!2+ L)&a7 'A$'*$. It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanD.
2. C)2'*&'2'*$. 8(1 This A(t sha%% (ome into for(e on s$(h da"
as the
GovernmentD, !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, appointsH
3. Ce!ea" of !ortion$ of 9#t )++ 17=2.D e!. by the +ndian :ort$ 9#t, 1;;9 &) of
, $. 2 and S#h. ++.
C. '9%*%$%)*#. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or
C(1 &e.p%osivesK8
&a( means -$npowder, nitro-%"(erine, nitro-%"(o%, -$n (otton, dinitroto%$en(e, trinitro
to%$ene, pi(ri( a(id, dinitro8pheno%, trinitro resor(ino% (st"phni( a(id, ("(%o
trimeth"%en(e trinitramine, penta er"thrito% tetranitrate, tetr"%, nitro-$anidine, %ead
a1ide, %ead st"ph"nate, f$%minate of mer($r" or an" other meta%, dia1o dinitro
pheno%, (o%o$red fires or an" other s$!stan(es whether a sin-%e (hemi(a%
(ompo$nd or a mi.t$re of s$!stan(es, whether so%id or %i?$id or -aseo$s $sed or
man$fa(t$red with a view to prod$(e a pra(ti(a% effe(t !" e.p%osion or
p"rote(hini( effe(tF and
&b( in(%$des,8
(i (hemi(a% (ompo$nds, (ompositions or mi.t$re of whi(h wi%% prod$(e, $pon
re%ease of its potentia% ener-", a s$dden o$t!$rst of -ases, there!" e.ertin- hi-h
press$res on its s$rro$ndin-s. ,.p%osives ma" !e so%id, %i?$id or -as, nitro
(ompo$nd or in the form of water -e% or s%$rr"F
(ii fo- si-na%s, firewor2, f$ses, ro(2ets, pre($ssion8(aps, detonators, (artrid-es,
amm$nition of a%% des(riptions and ever" adaptation or preparation of an
e.p%osives as defined in this (%a$seF and
(iii s$(h other s$!stan(e as the /edera% Government ma", !" notifi(ation in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette, spe(if" for the p$rposes of this s$!8se(tion.
(2 &@an$fa(t$reK in(%$des the preparation of e.p%osive or an" (omponent parts of an
e.p%osive, the admi.t$re or other treatment of the same, the !rea2in- $p or $nma2in-
of an" e.p%osive, or ma2in- fit for $se an" dama-ed e.p%osive of the pro(essin- of
an" s$!stan(e or matter with a view to (a$sin- an e.p%osion, imp%osion or
disinte-ration, and the pro(ess of rema2in-, a%terin- or repairin- an" e.p%osiveFD
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900 for &a%%
the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &the who%e of +ritish IndiaK.
The 1st E$%" 1;;78$ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;7, *t. I, p. 3=7.
#$!s. !" /. A. O. 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. ibidC for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
#$!8se(tion (2 was rep. !" the Amendin- A(t, 1;91 (12 of 1;91.
3ep. !" the *orts A(t, 19=; (10 of 19=;.
#$!s. !" Ord. 1=0 of =2, s.3.
(3 &vesse%K in(%$des ever" ship, !oat and other vesse% $sed in navi-ation, whether
prope%%ed !" oars or otherwiseH
(4 &(arria-eK in(%$des an" (arria-e, wa-on, (art, tr$(2, vehi(%e or other means of
(onve"in- -oods, or passen-ers !" %and, in whatever manner the same ma" !e
C(0 &masterK,8
(a in re%ation to an" vesse% or ship means an" person, other than a pi%ot,
har!o$r master, assistant har!o$r master or !erthin- master, havin- for the
time !ein- the (har-e or (ontro% of s$(h vesse% or air(raft, as the (ase ma"
(! in re%ation to an" !oat !e%on-in- to a ship, means the master of that shipF
(( in re%ation to air(raft means (aptain of the air(raftFD
#$!s. !" Ord. 1=0 of =2, s.3.
() &importK means to !rin- into
C*a2istanD !" sea
C,airD or %and.
C(7 &air(raftK means an" ma(hine whi(h (an derive s$pport in the atmosphere from
the rea(tions of the air, other than the rea(tions of the air a-ainst the earth5s
s$rfa(e, and in(%$des !a%%oons, whether fi.ed or free, airships, 2ites, -%iders and
f%"in- ma(hine, for this ordinan(e air(raft means (ar-o air(raftF
(; &e.portK means ta2in- o$t of *a2istan to a p%a(e o$tside *a2istan !" %and, sea or
(9 &pres(ri!edK means pres(ri!ed !" r$%esF and
(1= &r$%esK means an" r$%es made $nder the A(t.D
5. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'# a# $) 7%&'*#%*@ )9 $6' 2a*"9a&$"1', ;)##'##%)*, "#', #a7',
$1a*#;)1$ a*8 %2;)1$a$%)* )9 'A;7)#%('#. 8(1 The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" for an" part of
J J J ma2e r$%es
(onsistent with this A(t to re-$%ate or prohi!it, e.(ept $nder and
in a((ordan(e with the (onditions of a %i(ense -ranted as provided !" those r$%es, the
man$fa(t$re, possession, $se, sa%e, transport
C,import and e.portD of e.p%osives, or an" spe(ified
(%ass of e.p%osives.
(2 3$%es $nder this se(tion ma" provide for a%% or an" of the fo%%owin-, amon- other
matters, that is to sa" H8
&a( the a$thorit" !" whi(h %i(enses ma" !e -rantedF
&b( the fees to !e (har-ed for %i(enses, and the other s$ms (if an" to !e paid for
e.penses !" app%i(ants for %i(ensesF
&#( the manner in whi(h app%i(ations for %i(enses m$st !e made, and the matters to !e
spe(ified in s$(h app%i(ations F
&d( the form in whi(h, and the (onditions on and s$!:e(t to whi(h, %i(enses m$st !e
&e( the period for whi(h %i(enses are to remain in for(eFCJJD
&f( the e.emption a!so%$te%" or s$!:e(t to (onditions of an" e.p%osives from the
operation of the r$%esF
C&3( the a$thorit" to whi(h appea%s ma" !e preferred and the pro(ed$re to !e fo%%owin-
!" s$(h a$thorit"F
&h( the tota% ?$antit" of e.p%osives that a %i(ensee ma" possess in a -iven period of
timeF and
&i( the import and e.port of e.p%osives !" %and, sea or air.D
C3$%es made $nder this se(tion ma"D impose pena%ties on a%% persons man$fa(t$rin-,
possessin-, $sin-, se%%in-, transportin-
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
Added !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
The word &man$fa(t$reK, omitted !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
#$!s. ibid., Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
The words &and ea(h L. G. with the previo$s san(tion of the G. G. in '., ma" for an" part of the territories $nder its administration,K rep. !" A.
O., 1937.
/or r$%es made !" the 'entra% Government $nder this se(tion and se(tion 7 to re-$%ate the man$fa(t$re, possession, sa%e, transport and importa8
tion of e.p%osives, $ee Gen, 3. and O.
/or the Oara(hi #$pp%ementar" ,.p%osives 3$%es, 1904, $ee Ga1ette of *a2istan, 1904, *t. I, pp. 2398242.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &The a$thorit" ma2in- r$%es $nder this se(tion ma" !" the r$1esK.
Ins. s$!s 4 omitted !" Ord. 1=0 of =2, s. 3.
or importin- e.p%osives in !rea(h of the r$%es, or otherwise (ontravenin- the r$%esH
*rovided that the$m pena%t" whi(h ma" !e imposed !" an" s$(h r$%es sha%%
not e.(eedR
(a in the (ase of a person so importin-
C,e.portin-D or man$fa(t$rin- an e.p%osive, a
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cthirt"D tho$sand r$peesF
(! in the (ase of a person so possessin-, $sin- or transportin- an e.p%osive, a fine
whi(h ma" e.tend to
CtenD tho$sand r$peesF
(( in the (ase of a person so se%%in- an e.p%osive, a fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five
Ctho$sandD r$peesF and
(d in an" other (ase, two
Ctho$sandD r$pees.
JEG. P)w'1 )9 $6' F'8'1a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) ;1)6%5%$ $6' 2a*"9a&$"1'#,
;)##'##%)*, "#', #a7', $1a*#;)1$, %2;)1$ )1 'A;)1$ )9 #;'&%a77< 8a*@'1)"# 'A;7)#%('#.R(1
6otwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in this A(t, the /edera% Government ma" from time to time,
!" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, prohi!it, either a!so%$te%" or s$!:e(t to (onditions, the
man$fa(t$re, possession, $se, sa%e, transport, import or e.port of na" e.p%osive whi(h is of so
dan-ero$s a (hara(ter that, in the opinion of the /edera% Government, it is e.pedient for the
p$!%i( safet" to iss$e s$(h notifi(ation.
(2 The '$stoms A(t, 19)9 (I< of 19)9, sha%% have effe(t in re%ation to an" e.p%osive
with re-ard to the important of whi(h a notifi(ation has !een iss$ed $nder s$!8se(tion (1, and
the vesse%, (arria-e or air(raft (ontainin- s$(h e.p%osive, as the said A(t, have has in re%ation to
na" arti(%e the importation of whi(h is prohi!ited or re-$%ated there$nder, and sha%% app%"
a((ordin-%" to the vesse%, (arria-e or air(raft (ontainin- s$(h arti(%e.
(3 an" person man$fa(t$rin-, possessin-, $sin-, se%%in-, transportin-, importin- or
e.portin- an" e.p%osive in (ontravention of a notifi(ation iss$ed $nder s$!8se(tion (1, sha%% !e
p$nisha!%e with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to thirt" tho$sand r$pees, and, in the (ase of importation
!" water, the owner and master of the vesse% and in the (ase of importation !" water, the owner
and master of the vesse% and in the (ase of importation !" air, the owner and the master of the
air(raft, in whi(h the e.p%osive is imported sha%%, in the a!sen(e of reasona!%e e.($se, ea(h !e
p$nisha!%e with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to thirt" tho$sand r$pees.
GA. P1)6%5%$%)* )9 2a*"9a&$"1', ;)##'##%)*, #a7' )1 "#', $1a*#;)1$, %2;)1$ a*8
'A;)1$ )9 'A;7)#%('# 5< <)"*@ ;'1#)*# a*8 &'1$a%* )$6'1 ;'1#)*#.R(1 6otwithstandin-
an"thin- (ontained in this A(tR
(a an" personR
(i who has not (omp%eted the a-e of ei-hteen "earsF or
(ii who has !een senten(ed on (onvi(tion of an" offen(e invo%vin- vio%en(e
or mora% t$rpit$de for a term of not %ess than si. months at an" time d$rin-
a period of five "ears after the e.piration of the senten(eF or
#$!s. !" ord. 1=0 of =2, ss. 48).
(iii who has !een ordered to e.e($te $nder the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re,
1;9; (A(t < of 1;9;, a !ond for 2eepin- the pea(e or for -ood !ehavior,
at an"time d$rin- the terms of the !ondF or
(iv whose %i(en(e $nder this A(t has !een (an(e%%ed, for (ontravention of the
provisions of this A(t or of the r$%es made there$nder, at an" time d$rin- a
period of five "ears from the date of (an(e%%ation of s$(h %i(en(eF
sha%% notR
(i man$fa(t$re, se%%, transport import or e.port an" e.p%osiveF or
(ii possess or $se an" s$(h e.p%osive as the /edera% Government ma", havin-
re-ard to the nat$re thereof, !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, spe(if"F
(! no person sha%% se%%, de%iver or dispat(h an" e.p%osive to a person whom he
2nows or has reason to !e%ieve at the time of s$(h sa%e, de%iver" or dispat(hR
(i to !e prohi!ited $nder (%a$se (a to man$fa(t$re, se%%, $se, transport,
import, e.port, or possess s$(h e.p%osiveF or
(ii to !e of $nso$nd mind or havin- ph"si(a% disa!i%it".
(2 7hoeverR
(a man$fa(t$res, possesses, se%%s, transports, imports or e.ports an"
e.p%osive in (ontravention of the provision of (%a$se (a of s$!8se(tion
(1F or
(! se%%s, de%ivers or dispat(hes an" e.p%osive in (ontravention of the
provisions of (%a$se (! of s$!8se(tion (1.
sha%% !e p$nisha!%e with a fine not e.(eedin- thirt" tho$sand r$pees.D
#$!s. !" ord. 1=0 of =2, ss. 48).
4. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'# &)*9'11%*@ ;)w'1# )9 %*#;'&$%)*, #'a1&6, #'%I"1',
8'$'*$%)* a*8 1'2)(a7. (1 The
/edera%D GovernmentD
J J J ma" ma2e r$%es (onsistent with
this A(t a$thori1in- an" offi(er, either !" name or in virt$e of his offi(e8
&a( to enter, inspe(t and e.amine an" p%a(e, (arria-e
C,air(raftD or vesse% in whi(h
an e.p%osive is !ein- man$fa(t$red, possessed, $sed, so%d,
Ce.portedD or
imported $nder a %i(ense -ranted $nder this A(t, or in whi(h he has reason to
!e%ieve that an e.p%osive has !e man$fa(t$red, possessed, $sed, so%d,
Ce.portedD or imported in (ontravention of this A(t or of the r$%es made $nder
this A(tF
&b( to sear(h for e.p%osives thereinF
&#( to ta2e samp%es of an" e.p%osive fo$nd therein on pa"ment of the va%$e thereofF
&d( to sei1e, detain, remove and, if ne(essar", destro" an" e.p%osive fo$nd therein.
(2 The provisions of the
C'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9;D re%atin- to sear(hes
$nder that 'ode sha%%, so far as the same are app%i(a!%e, app%" to sear(hes !" offi(ers a$thori1ed
!" r$%es $nder this se(tion.
8. N)$%&' )9 a&&%8'*$#. 8
C(1D 7henever there o(($rs in or a!o$t, or in (onne(tion
with, an" p%a(e in whi(h an e.p%osive is man$fa(t$red, possessed or $sed, or an" (arria-e
C,air(raftDor vesse% either (onve"in- an e.p%osive on or from whi(h an e.p%osive is !ein- %oaded
or $n%oaded, an" a((ident !" e.p%osion or !" fire attended with %oss of h$man %ife or serio$s
in:$r" to person or propert", or of a des(ription $s$a%%" attended with s$(h %oss or in:$r", the
o(($pier of the p%a(e or the master of the vesse%
C,air(raftDor the person in8(har-e of the (arria-e,
as the (ase ma" !e, sha%%
Cwithin s$(h time and in s$(h manner, as ma" !e !" r$%e pres(ri!ed
-ive noti(e thereof and of the attendant %oss of h$man %ife or persona% in:$r", if an", to the
C'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in *a2istanD and to the offi(er in (har-e of the nearest po%i(e8
C(2 7hoever in (ontravention of s$!8se(tion (1 fai%s to -ive noti(e of an" a((ident
sha%% !e p$nisha!%e with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five
Ctho$sandD r$pees or if the a((ident is
attended !" %oss of h$man %ife, with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three months,
or with fine, or with !oth.D
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
The words &or the L.G. with the previo$s san(tion of the G. G. in '.K rep. !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s. !" Ordinan(e 27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'rimina% pro(ed$reK.
3e8n$m!ered !" the ,.p%osives (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 1940 (1; of 1940, s. 2.
#$!s. ibid., for &forthwith -ive noti(e thereofK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in IndiaK.
Added !" Ordinan(e 1; of 1940, s. 2.
Ins. 4 s$!s. !" ord. 1=0 of =2, ss. 78;.
A(t <
J3.I*B"%1< %*$) a&&%8'*$#. 8(1 7here an" a((ident s$(h as is referred to in se(tion ;
o(($res in or a!o$t or in (onne(tion with an" p%a(e, (arria-e
C,air(raftD or vesse% $nder the
(ontro% of an" of
Cthe armed for(es of *a2istanD, an in?$ir" into the (a$ses of the a((ident sha%%
!e he%d !" the nava%, mi%itar", or air for(e a$thorit" (on(erned, and where an" s$(h a((ident
o(($rs in an" other (ir($mstan(es, the distri(t @a-istrate
J J Jsha%%, in (ases attended !" %oss of
h$man %ife, or ma", in an" other (ase, ho%d or dire(t a @a-istrate s$!8ordinate to him to ho%d,
s$(h an in?$ir".
(2 An" person ho%din- an in?$ir" $nder this se(tion sha%% have a%% the powers of a
@a-istrate in ho%din- an in?$ir" into an offen(e $nder the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; and
ma" s$(h of the powers (onferred on an" offi(er !" r$%es $nder se(tion 7 as he ma"
thin2 it ne(essar" or e.pedite to for the p$rposes of the in?$ir".
(3. The person ho%din- an in?$ir" $nder this se(tion sha%% ma2e a report to the
GovernmentD statin- the (a$ses of the a((ident and its (ir($mstan(es.
(4 The
/edera%D GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es
&a( to re-$%ate the pro(ed$re at in?$iries $nder this se(tionF
&b( to ena!%e the
C'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in *a2istanD to !e present or
represented at an" s$(h in?$ir"F
&#( to permit the
C'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in *a2istanD or his representative
to e.amine an" witnesses at the in?$ir"F
&d( to provide that where the
C'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in *a2istanD is not
present or represented at an" s$(h in?$ir", a report of the pro(eedin-s thereof
sha%% !e sent to himF
&e( to pres(ri!e the manner in whi(h and the time within whi(h noti(es referred to
in se(tion ; sha%% !e -iven.
3A. I*B"%1< %*$) 2)1' #'1%)"# a&&%8'*$#. 8(1 The
GovernmentD ma", where
it is of opinion, whether or not it has re(eived the report of an in?$ir" $nder se(tion 9, that an
in?$ir" of more forma% (hara(ter sho$%d !e he%d into the (a$ses of an a((ident s$(h as is referred
to in se(tion ;, appoint the
C'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in *a2istanD or an" other (ompetent
person to ho%d s$(h in?$ir", and ma" a%so appoint one or more persons possessin- %e-a% or
spe(ia% 2now%ed-e to a(t as assessors in s$(h in?$ir".
#$!s. !" the ,.p%osives (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 1940 (1; of 1940, s. 2, for the ori-ina% se(tion 9, as amended !" A .O., 1937.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for &Gis @a:est"Ms /or(esK &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
The words and !ra(2etsK (or in a *residen("8town, the 'ommissioner of *o%i(eK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., forK 'entra% Government &.,
#$!s. !" A.O., 1949, #(h., forK 'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in IndiaK.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and de(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901 s.4 and #(h III, for &'hief Inspe(tor of ,.p%osives in IndiaK.
Ins. !" Ord. 1=0 of =2, s. 2.
< of
(2 7here the
C/edera%D GovernmentD orders an in?$ir" $nder this se(tion, it ma" a%so dire(t
that an" in?$ir" $nder se(tion 9 pendin- at the time sha%% !e dis(ontin$ed.
(3 The person appointed to ho%d an in?$ir" $nder this se(tion sha%% have a%% the powers of a 'ivi%
'o$rt $nder the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;, for the p$rposes of enfor(in- the attendan(e of witnesses
and (ompe%%in- the prod$(tion of do($ments and materia% o!:e(tsF and ever" person re?$ired !" s$(h
person as aforesaid to f$rnish an" information sha%% !e deemed to !e %e-a%%" !o$nd so to do within the
meanin- of se(tion 17) of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
(4 An" person ho%din- an in?$ir" $nder this se(tion ma" s$(h of the powers (onferred
on an" offi(er !" r$%es $nder se(tion 7 as he ma" thin2 it ne(essar" or e.pedient to for the
p$rposes of the in?$ir".
(0 The person ho%din- an in?$ir" $nder this se(tion sha%% ma2e a report to the
GovernmentD statin- the (a$ses of the a((ident and its (ir($mstan(es, and addin- an" o!servations whi(h
he or an" of the assessors ma" thin2 fit to ma2eF and the
C/edera%D GovernmentD sha%% (a$se ever"
report so made to !e p$!%ished at s$(h time and in s$(h manner as it ma" thin2 fit.
() The
C/edera%D GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es for re-$%atin- the pro(ed$re at in?$iries $nder
this se(tion.D
J3.. O99'*&'# 5< &)2;a*%'#. 7here the person -$i%t" of an offen(e $nder this A(t, is a
(ompan", (orporation, firm or instit$tion, ever" dire(tor, partner and (on(erned emp%o"ee of the
(ompan", (orporation, firm or instit$tion sha%%, $n%ess he proves that the offen(e was (ommitted witho$t
his 2now%ed-e or (onsent, !e -$i%t" of the offen(eD.
10. F)19'%$"1' )9 'A;7)#%('#. 7hen a person is (onvi(ted of an offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder this A(t
or the r$%es made $nder this A(t, the 'o$rt !efore whi(h he is (onvi(ted ma" dire(t that the e.p%osive, or
in-redient of the e.p%osive, or the s$!stan(e (if an" in respe(t of whi(h the offen(e has !een (ommitted,
or an" part of that e.p%osive, in-redient or s$!stan(e, sha%%, with the re(epta(%es (ontainin- the same, !e
J11. %#$1'## )9 a%1&1a9$ )1 ('##'7. 7here the owner or master of an" air(raft or vesse% is
ad:$d-ed $nder this A(t or the r$%es, to pa" a fine for an" offen(e (ommitted with, or in re%ation to, that
air(raft or vesse%, the 'o$rt ma", in addition to an" other power it ma" have for the p$rpose of (ompe%%in-
pa"ment of the fine, dire(t it to !e %evied !" distress and sa%e of,8
(a the air(raft and its f$rnit$re or so m$(h of the f$rnit$reF or
(! the vesse% and the ta(2%e, appare% and f$rnit$re of s$(h vesse% or so m$(h of the ta(2%e,
appare% and f$rnit$re thereof,
as is ne(essar" for the pa"ment of the fine.D
12. A5'$2'*$ a*8 a$$'2;$#. 7hoever a!ets, within the meanin- of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode, the
(ommission of an offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder this A(t, or the r$%es made $nder this A(t, or attempts to
(ommit an" s$(h offen(e and in s$(h attempt does an" a(t towards the (ommission of the same, sha%% !e
p$nished as if he had (ommitted the offen(e.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'entra% GovernmentK.
Ins. #$!s. !" ord. 1=0 of =2, ss. 1=811.
< of
>L< of
13. P)w'1 $) a11'#$ w%$6)"$ wa11a*$ ;'1#)*# &)22%$$%*@ 8a*@'1)"# )99'*&'#.
7hoever is fo$nd (ommittin- an" a(t for whi(h he is p$nisha!%e $nder this A(t or the r$%es
$nder this A(t, and whi(h tends to (a$se e.p%osion or fire in or a!o$t an" p%a(e where an
e.p%osive is man$fa(t$red or stored, or an" rai%wa" or port, or an" (arria-e,
Cair(raft or vesse%D,
ma" !e apprehended witho$t a warrant !" a *o%i(e8offi(er, or !" the o(($pier of, or the a-ent or
servant of, or other person a$thori1ed !" the o(($pier of, that p%a(e, or !" an" a-ent or servant
of, or other person a$thori1ed !", the rai%wa" administration of (onservator of the port
Cor the
offi(er in(har-e of airportD, and !e removed from the p%a(e where he is arrested and (onve"ed as
soon as (onvenient%" ma" !e !efore a @a-istrate.
1C. Sa(%*@ a*8 ;)w'1 $) 'A'2;$. 8(1 6othin- in this A(t, e.(ept se(tions ;, 9 and
9A, sha%% app%" to the man$fa(t$re, possession, $se, transport or
Cimport and e.portD of an"
&a( !" an" of
Cthe armed for(es of *a2istanD in a((ordan(e with r$%es or
re-$%ations made !"
J J J the
C/edera% GovernmentD F
&b( !" an" person emp%o"ed $nder
Cthe appropriate Government
J J J in
e.e($tion of this A(t.
(2 The
C/edera%D GovernmentD ma" !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette e.empt,
a!so%$te%" or s$!:e(t to an" s$(h (onditions as it ma" thin2 fit to impose, an" e.p%osive from a%%
or an" of the provisions of this A(t.
15. Sa(%*@ )9 A12# A&$, 1848. 6othin- in this A(t sha%% affe(t the provisions of the
Arms A(t,1;7;
Cand the *a2istan Arms Ordinan(e, 19)0.D
*rovided that an a$thorit" -rantin- a %i(ense $nder this A(t for the man$fa(t$re,
possession sa%e, transport
C,import and e.portD of an e.p%osive ma", if empowered in this !eha%f
!" the r$%es $nder whi(h the %i(ense is -ranted, dire(t !" an order written on the %i(ense that it
sha%% have the effe(t of a %i2e %i(ense -ranted $nder the said Arms A(t.
#$!s. !" the ,.p%osives (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 1940 (1; of 1940, s. 4, for the ori-ina% se(tion 14, as amended !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin-
A(t, 1927 (1= of 1927, s. 2 and #(h. I, and A. O., 1937.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, 9rt. 2 and #(h., for &Gis @a:est"Ms /or(esK &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
The words &Gis @a:est"5s Government in the Lnited Oin-dom orK omitted, ibid. &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
The ori-ina% words &'entra% Government.K , have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h. and /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and
#(h., to read as a!ove.
The ori-ina% words &an" Government in +ritish IndiaK have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. O., 1949, #(h. and A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.,
to read as a!ove.
The words &or an" *rovin(ia% GovernmentK , omitted !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'entra% GovernmentK.
Ins. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. 4 ins. !" Ord. 1=0 of =2, ss. 12814.
1G. Sa(%*@ a# $) 7%a5%7%$< "*8'1 )$6'1 7aw. 6othin- in this A(t or the r$%es $nder this A(t sha%%
prevent an" person from !ein- prose($ted $nder an" other %aw for an" a(t or omission whi(h (onstit$tes
an offen(e a-ainst this A(t or those r$%es, or from !ein- %ia!%e $nder that other %aw to an" other or hi-her
p$nishment or pena%t" than that provided !" this A(t or those r$%esH *rovided that a person sha%% not !e
p$nished twi(e for the same offen(e.
14. EA$'*#%)* )9 8'9%*%$%)* )9 E'A;7)#%('F $) )$6'1 'A;7)#%(' #"5#$a*&'#. The
GovernmentD ma", from time to time, !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, de(%are
that an" s$!stan(e
whi(h appears to the
C/edera%D GovernmentD to !e spe(ia%%" dan-ero$s to %ife or propert", !" reason
either of its e.p%osive properties or of an" pro(ess in the man$fa(t$re thereof !ein- %ia!%e to e.p%osion,
sha%% !e deemed to !e an e.p%osive within the meanin- of this A(t, and the provisions of this A(t (s$!:e(t
to s$(h e.(eptions, %imitations and restri(tions as ma" !e spe(ified in the notifi(ation sha%% a((ordin-%"
e.tend to that s$!stan(e in %i2e manner as if it were in(%$ded in the definition of the term &e.p%osiveK in
this A(t.
18. P1)&'8"1' 9)1 2a:%*@ ;"57%&a$%)* a*8 &)*9%12a$%)* )9 1"7'#.
(1 An a$thorit" ma2in-
r$%es $nder this A(t sha%%, !efore ma2in- the r$%es, p$!%ish a draft of the proposed r$%es for the
information of persons %i2e%" to !e affe(ted there!".
(2 The p$!%i(ation sha%% !e made in s$(h manner as the
C/edera%D GovernmentD, from time to
time, !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD pres(ri!es
(3 There sha%% !e p$!%ished with the draft a noti(e spe(if"in- a date at or after whi(h the draft
wi%% !e ta2en into (onsideration.
(4 The a$thorit" ma2in- the r$%es sha%% re(eive and (onsider an" o!:e(tion or s$--estion whi(h
ma" !e made !" an" person with respe(t to the draft !efore the date so spe(ified.
(0 A r$%e made $nder this A(t sha%% not ta2e effe(t
JJJ $nti% it has !een p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD,
J J J.
() The p$!%i(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD of a r$%e p$rportin- to !e made $nder this A(t sha%%
!e (on(%$sive eviden(e that it has !een d$%" made, and, if it re?$ires san(tion, that it has !een d$%"
(7 A%% powers to ma2e r$%es (onferred !" this A(t ma" !e from time to time as
o((asion re?$ires.
C13. T1a*#;)1$a$%)* )9 'A;7)#%('# 5< a%1. The transportation of e.p%osives !" air sha%% !e
(arried o$t !" (ar-o and other permissi!%e air(raft and not !" passen-er air(raft in a((ordan(e with the
r$%es and re-$%ations of Internationa% 'ivi% Aviation Or-ani1ation (I'AO, Internationa% Air Transport
Asso(iation (IATA and 'ivi% Aviation A$thorit" of *a2istan ('AA.D
C20. R'2)(a7 )9 8%99%&"7$%'#. If an" diffi($%t" arises in -ivin- effe(t to an" provision of this
Ordinan(e, the /edera% Government ma", !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, ma2e s$(h provisions,
not in(onsistent with the provisions of this Ordinan(e, as ma" appear to it to !e appropriate or ne(essar"
for the p$rpose of removin- s$(h diffi($%t".D
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
*i(ri( a(id with (ertain e.(eptions has !een de(%ared to !e an ,.p%osive within the meanin- of this A(t, $ee Ga1ette of India, 192), *t. I, p. 12)4.
#$!8se(tions (1 to (4 of se(tion 1; were deemed to have !een omitted d$rin- the 'ontin$an(e of the ,.p%osives (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 1940 (1;
of 1940, sin(e rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2)of 1901, s. 2.
/or mode pres(ri!ed, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1927, *t. I, p. 7)9.
The words &if it is made !" the G.G. in '.K rep. !" A. O., 1937.
The words &and if it is made !" the L. G. $nti% it has !een p$!%ished in the %o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK rep., ibid.
Ins. !" Ord. 1=0 of =2, s.10
ACT N). /II OF 188C
C4-th Ju"y, 1;;4D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 a*8 ;1)(%8' 9)1 $6' 'A$'*#%)* )9 $6' N)1$6'1* I*8%a Ta::a(% A&$, 1843.
P1'a2a57'. 7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to amend the 6orthern India Ta22avi A(t, 1;79,
and provide for it e.tension to
Can" provin(eD F It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. S6)1$ $%$7'.D(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the A-ri($%t$rists5Loans A(t, 1;;4 F and
(2 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of A$-$st, 1;;4.
2. L)&a7 EA$'*$.D(1 This se(tion and se(tion 3 e.tend to
Cthe who%e of *a2istanD.
C(2 The rest of this A(t e.tends in the first instan(e to #ind, the Oara(hi Aivision, the
*$n:a!, the 6orth87est /rontier and Aistri(t of #"%het.D
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;4, *t. <, p. 2 F for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., #$pp%ement, pp. 41, 1)0 and
This A(t has !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O. 3 of 190= F and app%ied in
the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
This A(t has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of *$n:a!, !" *$n:a! A(t 6o. 1= of 1901 and A(t. 0 of 1900, s. 2.
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain
modifi(ationsF and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6.7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and s$!:e(t to
s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified8see 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=. It has !een amended in its app%i8
(ation to #ind *rovin(e, $ee #ind A(t 1= of 1941.
This A(t has !een repea%ed in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan, !" 7. *. A(t 6o. 17 of 190;, s. 0.
#$!s. !" A, O., 1949, #(h., for .an" part of +ritish IndiaK.
#. 2 de(%ared in for(e in +a%$(histan !" +a%$(histan 3e-. II of 1913, s. 3.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 1960 (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &a%%
the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949 Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &the who%e of +ritish IndiaK.
The ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2 has s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. O., 1949, #(h., the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of
1901, Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #eh. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)1 (1 of 19)1, $.
3, and 2nd #(h., and A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., to read as ,a!ove.
> of 1;79
(3 +$t
Cthe *rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", from time to time, !" notifi(ation in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette, e.tend, the rest of this A(t to
Cthe remainder or an" other part of the *rovin(eD.
3. C e!ea" of 9#t > of 1;79, and $e#tion$ 4 and 0 of 9#t )* of 1;;=.D e!. !" the
e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; &+ of 193;, s. 2 and S#hedu"e.
C. P)w'1 9)1 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) 2a:' 1"7'#.D(1 The
Cor, in a provin(e for whi(h there is a +oard of 3even$e or /inan(ia%
'ommissioner, s$(h +oard or /inan(ia% 'ommissioner, s$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the
GovernmentDD ma", from time to time,
J J J ma2e r$%es
as to %oans to !e made to owners and
o(($piers of ara!%e %and, for the re%ief of distress, the p$r(hase of seed or (att%e, or an" other
p$rpose not spe(ified in the Land Improvement Loans A(t, 1;;3, !$t (onne(ted with a-ri($%t$ra%
(2 A%% s$(h r$%es sha%% !e p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD.
5. R'&)('1< )9 7)a*#. ,ver" %oan made in a((ordan(e with s$(h r$%es, a%% interest (if
an" (har-ea!%e thereon, and (osts (if an" in($rred in ma2in- or re(overin- the same, sha%%,
when the" !e(ome d$e, !e re(overa!%e from the person to whom the %oan ,was made, or from
an" person who has !e(ome s$ret" for there pa"ment thereof, as if the" were arrears of %and8
reven$e or (osts in($rred in re(overin- the same d$e !" the person to whom the %oan was made
or !" his s$ret". .
G. L%a5%7%$< )9 >)%*$ 5)11)w'1# a# a2)*@ $6'2#'7('#. 7hen a %oan is made $nder this
A(t to the mem!ers of a vi%%a-e (omm$nit" or to an" other persons on s$(h terms that a%% of them
are :oint%" and severa%%" !o$nd to the Government for the pa"ment of the who%e amo$nt pa"a!%e
in respe(t thereof, and a statement showin- the portion of that amo$nt whi(h as amon-
themse%ves ea(h is !o$nd to (ontri!$te is entered $pon the order -rantin- the %oan and is si-ned,
mar2ed, or sea%ed !" ea(h of them or his a-ent d$%" a$thorised in this !eha%f and !" the offi(er
ma2in- the order, that statement sha%% !e (on(%$sive eviden(e of the portion of that amo$nt
whi(h as amon- themse%ves ea(h of those persons is !o$nd to (ontri!$te.
The ori-ina% words &an" other L.G.K have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. O., 1937, A. O., 1949, #(h, A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 &with
effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190) and the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)1 (1 of 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., to read as a!ove.
The ori-ina% words &the who%e or an" part of the territories $nder its administrationK were first s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., and then
amended !" Ord. 1 of 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#e(tions 4 and 0 have !een amended in their app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of #ind, $ee #ind A(t 1= of 1941, ss. 2 and 3 F and s$!8
se(tion (1 of se(tion 4, has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *$n:a!, !" *$n:a! A(t 1= of 1901, s. 2.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
Ins. !" the Ae(entra%i1ation A(t, 1914 (4 of 1914, $. 2 and #(h. *t. I.
The words &s$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the G. G. in (.K rep., ibid.
/or r$%es $nder this power, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
>I> of
1. #hort tit%e, %o(a% e.tent and (ommen(ement.
4. Ce!ea"ed.D
3. Aefinitions.
4. ,.(%$sive privi%e-e in respe(t of te%e-raphs, and power to -rant %i(enses.
0. *ower for Government to ta2e possession of %i(ensed te%e-raphs and to order
inter(eption of messa-es.
). *ower to esta!%ish te%e-raph on %and of 3ai%wa" 'ompan".
7. *ower to ma2e r$%es for the (ond$(t of te%e-raphs.
7A. 3e(over" of d$es in respe(t of te%e-raph, et(.
;. 3evo(ation of %i(enses.
9. Government not responsi!%e for %oss or dama-e.
1=. *ower for te%e-raph a$thorit" to p%a(e and maintain te%e-raph %ines and posts.
11. *ower to enter on propert" in order to repair or remove te%e-raph %ines or posts.
Pro%isions applica&le to Property %ested %* or under the
,ontrol or Manageent of .ocal Authorities!
12. *ower for %o(a% a$thorit" to -ive permission $nder se(tion 1=, (%a$se ((, s$!:e(t
to (onditions.
13. *ower for %o(a% a$thorit" to re?$ire remova% or a%teration of te%e-raph %ine or post.
14. *ower to a%ter position of -as or water pipes or drains.
10. Aisp$tes !etween te%e-raph a$thorit" and %o(a% a$thorit".
Pro%isions applica&le to other Property
1). ,.er(ise of powers (onferred !" se(tion 1=, and disp$tes as to (ompensation, in
(ase of propert" other than that of a %o(a% a$thorit".
17. 3emova% or a%teration of te%e-raph %ine or post on propert" other than that of a
%o(a% a$thorit".
Pro%isions applica&le to all Property
1;. 3emova% of trees interr$ptin- te%e-raphi( (omm$ni(ation.
19. Te%e-raph %ines and posts p%a(ed !efore the passin- of this A(t.
19A. *erson %e-a% ri-ht %i2e%" to dama-e te%e-raph or interfere with
te%e-raphi( (omm$ni(ation to -ive noti(e.
19+. *ower to (onfer $pon %i(ensee powers of te%e-raph a$thorit" $nder this *art.
2=. ,sta!%ishin-, maintainin- or wor2in- $na$thori1ed te%e-raph.
2=A. +rea(h of (ondition of %i(ense.
21. Lsin- $na$thori1ed te%e-raphs.
22. Opposin- esta!%ishment of te%e-raphs on rai%wa" %and.
23. Intr$sion into si-na%8room, trespass in te%e-raph offi(e or o!str$(tion.
24. Ln%awf$%%" attemptin- to %earn (ontents of messa-es.
20. Intentiona%%" dama-in- or tamperin- with te%e-raphs.
20A. In:$r" to or interferen(e with a te%e-raph %ine or post.
20+. Theft of te%e-raph %ine.
20'. *ena%t" for temperin-, et(., of te%e-raph %ine.
20A. *ena%t" for (a$sin- anno"an(e, et(.
20,. App%i(ation of 'hapter >>, A(t < of 1;9;.
20/. +$rden of proof in (ertain (ases.
2). Te%e-raph offi(er or other offi(ia% ma2in- awa" with or a%terin- or $n%awf$%%"
inter(eptin- or dis(%osin- messa-es, or div$%-in- p$rport of si-na%s.
27. Te%e-raph offi(er fra$d$%ent%" sendin- messa-es with o$t pa"ment.
2;. @is(ond$(t.
29. #endin- fa!ri(ated or o!s(ene messa-es.
29A. *ena%t".
3=. 3etainin- a messa-e de%ivered !" mista2e.
31. +ri!er".
32. Attempts to (ommit offen(es.
33. *ower to emp%o" additiona% po%i(e in p%a(es where mis(hief to te%e-raphs is
repeated%" (ommitted.
34. COmitted.D
A&$ NO. /III OF 1885
C44nd Ju"y, 1;;0D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) T'7'@1a;6# %*
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to amend the %aw re%atin- to te%e-raphs in
C*a2istanDF It is
here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. S6)1$ $%$7', 7)&a7 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.D(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
Te%e-raph A(t, 1;;0.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istan, and it app%ies a%so to a%% (iti1ens of *a2istan
and persons in the servi(e of Government wherever the" ma" !e.D
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of O(to!er, 1;;0.
2. Ce!ea" and $a'in3$.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; &+ of 193; $. 2 and S#h.
3. '9%*%$%)*#. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,8
C(1 &te%e-raphK means an" apparat$s, e?$ipment or p%ant $sed for transmittin-,
emittin-, ma2in- or re(eivin- si-ns, si-na%s, writin-, spee(h, so$nd or inte%%i-en(e
of an" nat$re !" wire, radio or vis$a% or e%e(troma-neti( s"stemHDF
J The A(t was repea%ed !" Ord. LI of 1994, !$t the same has !een revived !" Ord .6o L>III of 1990, s.33.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;4 *t. <, p. 4;1F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;;0, *t. I< p.
192F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;4, #$pp%ement, pp. 11)9 and 129), and ibid., 1;;0, #$pp%ement, p. 11;1.
This A(t was de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913, s. 3 and #(h.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain modi 8
fi(ationsF and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6.7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and s$!:e(t to s$(h
modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h., for &IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1949, #(h., for &IndiaK.
The word &IndianK omitted !" A. O.,1949, #(h.
The ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2 was first s$!s. !" the Indian Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (7 of 1914, s. 2 and then s$((essive%" !een amended !"
A. O., 1949, #(h., and A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and S#h., (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190), to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 2, for the e.istin- (%a$se (1.
(2 &te%e-raph offi(erK means an" person emp%o"ed either permanent%" or temporari%"
in (onne(tion with a te%e-raph esta!%ished, maintained or wor2ed !"
ra% GovernmentDD or !" a person %i(ensed $nder this A(tH
C(3 &messa-eK means an" (omm$ni(ation, whether in written, printed, pi(toria% or
spo2en form, transmitted, emitted, made, re(eived or de%ivered !" te%e-raph or
-iven to a te%e-raph offi(er to !e transmitted or emitted, and in(%$des a%% (ontents
(4 &te%e-raph %ineK means a wire or (a!%e $sed for the p$rpose of te%e-raph,
in(%$din- an" (asin-, (oatin-, t$!e, t$nne%, d$(t or pipe en(%osin- the same, and
in(%$des an" apparat$s (onne(ted therewith HDF
(0 &postK means a post, po%e, standard, sta", str$t or other
J J (ontrivan(e for
(arr"in-, s$spendin- or s$pportin- a te%e-raph %ine
Cand in(%$des masts and
towers re?$ired for te%e-raphDH
() &te%e-raph a$thorit"K means the
CAire(tor8Genera%, *a2istan Te%e-raph and
Te%ephone AepartmentD, and in(%$des an" offi(er empowered !" him to perform
a%% or an" of the f$n(tions of the te%e-raph a$thorit" $nder this A(tH
(7 &%o(a% a$thorit"K means an" m$ni(ipa% (ommittee, distri(t !oard, !od" of port
(ommissioners or other a$thorit" %e-a%%" entit%ed to, or entr$sted !"
C/edera%D or an" *rovin(ia% GovernmentD with, the (ontro% or mana-ement of an"
m$ni(ipa% or %o(a% f$nd
C(; &wor2sK means a manho%e, (a!inet, ho$sin- for (a!%e repeater or radio repeater or
an" other str$(t$re a!ove or $nder the -ro$nd, re?$ired for a post or te%ephone
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &the GovtK.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970, ()7 of 1970, s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. i!id., for the ori-ina% (%a$ses (3 and (4.
The words &a!ove -ro$ndK, omitted ibid.
Added ibid.
#$!s. !" the *osts and Te%e-raphs (Amdt. A(t, 19)2 (0 of 19)2, s. 2 (1, &with effe#t from the 1$t Ju"y, 19)2, for &Aire(tor Genera% of C*osts
and Te%e-raphsDK. The words in (rot(hets were s$!s. !" the Indian *ost Offi(e and Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (14 of 1914, s. 2, for
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &GovtK.
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e for &'entra%K.
#$!s. !" A(t )7 of 1970, s. 3, for f$%% stop.
Added ibid.
*3I<IL,G,#A6A *O7,3# O/ TG, GO<,36@,6T
C. EA&7"#%(' ;1%(%7'@' %* 1'#;'&$ )9 $'7'@1a;6#, a*8 ;)w'1 $) @1a*$ 7%&'*#'#.D
C*a2istanD, the
C/edera% GovernmentD sha%% have the e.(%$sive privi%e-e of esta!%ishin-,
maintainin- and wor2in- te%e-raphsH
*rovided that the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" -rant a %i(ense, on s$(h (onditions and in
(onsideration of s$(h pa"ments as
CitD thin2s fit, to an" person to esta!%ish, maintain or wor2 it
te%e-raph within an" part of
C*rovided f$rther that the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" r$%es made $nder this A(t and
p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, permit, s$!:e(t to s$(h restri(tions and (onditions as
thin2s fit, the esta!%ishment, maintenan(e and wor2in-8
(a of wire%ess te%e-raphs on ships within
C*a2istanD territoria% waters
Cand on
air(raft within or a!ove
C*a2istanD, or
C*a2istanD territoria% watersD, and
(b of te%e-raphs other than wire%ess te%e-raphs within an" part of
(2 The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, de%e-ate to
the te%e-raph a$thorit" a%% or an" of
CitsD powers $nder the first proviso to s$!8se(tion (1.
The !" the te%e-raph a$thorit" of an" power so de%e-ated sha%% !e s$!:e(t to s$(h
restri(tions and (onditions as the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" the notifi(ation, thin2 fit to im8
5. P)w'1 9)1 G)('1*2'*$ $) $a:' ;)##'##%)* )9 7%&'*#'8 $'7'@1a;6# a*8 $) )18'1
%*$'1&';$%)* )9 2'##a@'#.D(1 On the o(($rren(e of an" p$!%i( emer-en(", or in the interest of
the p$!%i( safet", the
C/edera% GovernmentD or a
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, or an" offi(er
spe(ia%%" a$thori1ed
#. 4 was ren$m!ered s. 4 (1 and the se(ond proviso and s$!8se(tion (2 were added to that se(tion !" the Indian Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (7
of 1914, s. 4.
#$!s. !" A, O., 1949, #(h., for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G. G. in
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &heK.
#$!s. ibid., for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &IndianK.
Ins. !" the Indian Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 193= (27 of 193=.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &hisK.
#$!s. ibid., for &L.G.K.
in this !eha%f
C!" the
C/edera% GovernmentD or a *rovin(ia% GovernmentD, ma"I
&a( ta2e temporar" possession of an" te%e-raph esta!%ished, maintained or
wor2ed !" an" person %i(ensed $nder this A(tF or
&b( order that an" messa-e or (%ass of messa-es to or from an" person or
(%ass of persons or re%atin- to an" parti($%ar s$!:e(t !ro$-ht for
transmission !", or transmitted or re(eived !", an" te%e-raph, sha%% not !e
transmitted, or sha%% !e inter(epted or detained, or sha%% !e dis(%osed to
Cthe Government ma2in- the orderD or an offi(er thereof mentioned in the
(2 If an" do$!t arises as to the e.isten(e of a p$!%i( emer-en(", or whether an" a(t done
$nder s$!8se(tion (1 was in the interest of the p$!%i( safet",
Ca (ertifi(ate of the
C/edera% Go8
vernmentD or, as the (ase ma" !e, the *rovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%% !e (on(%$sive proof on the
G. P)w'1 $) '#$a57%#6 $'7'@1a;6 )* 7a*8 )9 Ra%7wa< C)2;a*<.
CThe 3ai%wa"
AdministrationD, on !ein- re?$ired so to do !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD, sha%% permit the
Government to esta!%ish and maintain a te%e-raph $pon an" part of the %and
C$nder the
mana-ement or (ontro% of the AdministrationD, and sha%% -ive ever" reasona!%e fa(i%it" for
wor2in- the same.
4. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'# 9)1 $6' &)*8"&$ )9 $'7'@1a;6#.D(1 The
C/edera% GovernmentD
ma", from time to time, !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, ma2e r$%es
(onsistent with this
A(t for the (ond$(t of a%% or an" te%e-raphs esta!%ished, maintained or wor2ed !" the
Government or !" persons %i(ensed $nder this A(t.
(2 3$%es $nder this se(tion ma" provide for a%% or an" of the fo%%owin-, amon- other
matters, that is to sa"H8
&a( the rates at whi(h, and the other (onditions and restri(tions s$!:e(t to
whi(h, messa-es sha%% !e transmittedF
&b( the pre(a$tions to !e ta2en for preventin- the improper inter(eption or
dis(%os$re of messa-esF
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &!" the G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 4, for &'entra%K.
#$!s.!" A. O., 1937, for &the Govt.K.
#$!s. ibid., for, &a (ertifi(ate si-ned !" a #e(retar" to the G. of I or to the L. G.K.
#$!s. !" A(t )7 of 1970, s. 0, for &An" 3ai%wa" 'ompan"K. .
#$!s. ibid., for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was s$!s. !" A. O. 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" A(t )7 of 1970, s. 0, for &of the 'ompan"K.
#$!s. !" A. O.,1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
/or the *a2istan Te%e-raph 3$%es, 1901 $ee Ga1. of *., 1901 *t. I pp. 701879) and for the 7ire%ess 3e(eivin- Apparat$s (Li(ensin- 3$%es, 1907
$ee ibid., 1907, *t. I, pp. 1))81)7.
&#( the period for whi(h, and the (onditions s$!:e(t to whi(h, te%e-rams and
other do($ments !e%on-in- to, or !ein- in the ($stod" of, te%e-raph offi(ers
sha%% !e preservedF and
&d( the fees to !e (har-ed for sear(hin- for te%e-rams or other do($ments in the
($stod" of an" te%e-raph offi(er.
(3 7hen ma2in- r$%es for the (ond$(t of an" te%e-raph esta!%ished, maintained or
wor2ed !" an" person %i(ensed $nder this A(t, the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" the r$%es,
pres(ri!e fines for an" !rea(h of the sameH
*rovided that the fines so pres(ri!ed sha%% not e.(eed the fo%%owin- %imits, name%"H
(i when the person %i(ensed $nder this A(t is p$nisha!%e for the !rea(h, one
tho$sand r$pees, and in the (ase of a (ontin$in- !rea(h a f$rther fine of
two h$ndred r$pees for ever" da" after the first d$rin- the who%e or an"
part of whi(h the !rea(h (ontin$esF
(ii when a servant of the person so %i(ensed, or an" other person, is
p$nisha!%e for the !rea(h, one8fo$rth of the amo$nts spe(ified in (%a$se
C4A. R'&)('1< )9 8"'# %* 1'#;'&$ )9 $'7'@1a;6, '$&. If an" person does not pa" an"
s$m d$e from him $nder this A(t in respe(t of an" te%e-raph or messa-e, the s$m so d$e ma", on
app%i(ation made !" the te%e-raph a$thorit" in this !eha%f, !e re(overed from s$(h person, as if it
were a fine imposed $nder this A(t !" an" @a-istrate havin- :$risdi(tion where that person ma"
for the time !ein- !e residentF and the te%e-raph a$thorit" ma" f$rther dire(t that an" messa-e,
J J not !ein- on *a2istan #tate #ervi(e, addressed to that person, sha%% !e withhe%d from him
$nti% the s$m so d$e is paid or re(overed as aforesaid.D
8. R'()&a$%)* )9 7%&'*#'#. The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", at an" time, revo2e an"
%i(ense -ranted $nder se(tion 4, on the !rea(h of an" of the (onditions therein (ontained, or in
defa$%t of pa"ment of an" (onsideration pa"a!%e there$nder.
3. G)('1*2'*$ *)$ 1'#;)*#%57' 9)1 7)## )1 8a2a@'. The
CGovernmentD sha%% not !e
responsi!%e for an" %oss or dama-e whi(h ma" o(($r in (onse?$en(e of an" te%e-raph offi(er
fai%in- in his d$t" with respe(t to the re(eipt, transmission or de%iver" of an" messa-eF and no
s$(h offi(er sha%% !e responsi!%e for an" s$(h %oss or dama-e $n%ess he (a$ses the same
ne-%i-ent%", ma%i(io$s%" or fra$d$%ent%".
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G. G. in 'K.
#. 7A ins. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1907 (20 of 1907, s. 2.
Omitted !" A(t, )7 of 1970, s. ).
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190), for &'rownK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &#e(retar" of #tate
for India in 'o$n(i%K.
10. P)w'1 9)1 $'7'@1a;6 a"$6)1%$< $) ;7a&' a*8 2a%*$a%* $'7'@1a;6 7%*'# a*8 ;)#$#.
CThe te%e-raph a$thorit" ma" p%a(e, set $p, repair, a%ter and maintain or (a$se to !e p%a(ed, set
$p, repaired, a%tered and maintained a te%e-raph %ine, post or wor2s $nder, over, a%on-, a(ross or
thro$-h an" %and, seashore, road, stream, water or an" immova!%e propert", ma" !rea2, e.(avate
and remove soi% to the e.tent and depth re?$ired for p%a(in- or removin- te%e-raph %ine, post or
wor2s, and, for the p$rpose of (onstr$(tin- or maintainin- a te%e-raph %ine or post, ma" di- earth,
stone and -rave% and fe%% treesD.
*rovided thatI
(a the te%e-raph a$thorit" sha%% not the powers (onferred !" this
se(tion e.(ept for the p$rposes of a te%e-raph esta!%ished or maintained !"
C/edera% GovernmentD, or to !e so esta!%ished or maintainedF
(! the
C/edera% GovernmentD sha%% not a(?$ire an" ri-ht other than that of
$ser on%" in the propert" $nder, over, a%on-, a(ross, in or $pon whi(h the
te%e-raph a$thorit" p%a(es an" te%e-raph %ine or postF and
(( e.(ept as hereinafter provided, the te%e-raph a$thorit" sha%% not
those powers in respe(t of an" propert" vested in or $nder the (ontro% or
mana-ement of an" %o(a% a$thorit", witho$t the permission of that
a$thorit"F and
(d in the of the powers (onferred !" this se(tion, the te%e-raph
a$thorit" sha%% do as %itt%e dama-e as possi!%e, and, when it has
those powers in respe(t of an" propert" other than that referred to in
(%a$se ((, sha%% pa" f$%% (ompensation to a%% persons interested for an"
dama-e s$stained !" them !" reason of the of those powers.
11. P)w'1 $) '*$'1 )* ;1);'1$< %* )18'1 $) 1';a%1 )1 1'2)(' $'7'@1a;6 7%*'# )1 ;)#$#.
The te%e-raph a$thorit" ma", at an" time, for the p$rpose of e.aminin-, repairin-, a%terin- or
removin- an" te%e-raph %ine
C, post or wor2sD, enter on the propert" $nder, over, a%on-, a(ross,
in or $pon whi(h the %ine or post has !een p%a(ed.
:ro'i$ion$ a!!"i#ab"e to :ro!erty 'e$ted in or under the Contro" or 5ana3ement of Lo#a"
12. P)w'1 9)1 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$< $) @%(' ;'12%##%)* "*8'1 #'&$%)* 10, &7a"#' !&+, #"5>'&$
$) &)*8%$%)*#.
C(1D An" permission -iven !" a %o(a% a$thorit" $nder se(tion 1=, (%a$se ((, ma"
!e -iven s$!:e(t to s$(h reasona!%e
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 7, for (ertain words.
#$!s. ibid., s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was s$!s. !" A. O., 1937 for &Govt.K.
#$!s. !" A(t )7 of 1970, s. ;, for &or postK.
3e8n$m!ered, as s$!8se(tion (1 of that se(tion, ibid., s. 9.
(onditions as that a$thorit" thin2s fit to impose, as to the pa"ment of an" e.penses to whi(h the
a$thorit" wi%% ne(essari%" !e p$t in (onse?$en(e of the of the powers (onferred !" that
se(tion, or as to the time or mode of e.e($tion of an" wor2, or as to an" other thin- (onne(ted
with or re%ative to an" wor2 . $nderta2en !" the te%e-raph a$thorit" $nder those powers [ : ]
[*rovided that, notwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in an" other %aw for the time !ein- in
for(e, the %o(a% a$thorit" sha%% not impose an" (ondition whi(h re?$ires the te%e-raph a$thorit" to
pa" rent or ro"a%t" for settin- $p or p%a(in- a te%e-raph %ine over, a(ross, a%on- or thro$-h the
propert" of that a$thorit". D
C(2 An" disp$te re-ardin- the amo$nt of the e.penses pa"a!%e !" the te%e-raph
a$thorit" $nder s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% !e determined in a((ordan(e with se(tion 10H
*rovided that permission to the te%e-raph a$thorit" sha%% not !e withhe%d on a((o$nt of
s$(h disp$te.D
13. P)w'1 9)1 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$< $) 1'B"%1' 1'2)(a7 )1 a7$'1a$%)* )9 $'7'@1a;6 7%*' )1
;)#$. 7hen, $nder the fore-oin- provisions of this A(t, a te%e-raph %ine
Cpost or wor2sD has !een
p%a(ed !" the te%e-raph a$thorit" $nder, over, a%on-, a(ross, in or $pon an" propert" vested in or
$nder the (ontro% or mana-ement of a %o(a% a$thorit", and the %o(a% a$thorit", havin- re-ard to
(ir($mstan(es whi(h have arisen sin(e the te%e-raph %ine
C, post or wor2sD was so p%a(ed,
(onsiders it e.pedient that it sho$%d !e removed or that its position sho$%d !e a%tered, the %o(a%
a$thorit" ma" re?$ire the te%e-raph a$thorit" to remove it or a%ter its position, as the (ase ma"
1C. P)w'1 $) a7$'1 ;)#%$%)* )9 @a# )1 wa$'1 ;%;'# )1 81a%*#. The te%e-raph a$thorit"
ma", for the p$rpose of the power (onferred $pon it !" this A(t in respe(t of an"
propert" vested in or $nder the (ontro% or mana-ement of a %o(a% a$thorit", a%ter the position
there$nder on an" pipe (not !ein- a main for the s$pp%" of -as or water, or of an" drain (not
!ein- a main drainH
*rovided that8
(a when the te%e-raph a$thorit" desires to a%ter the position of an" s$(h pipe
or drain, it sha%% -ive reasona!%e noti(e of its intention to do so, spe(if"in-
the time at whi(h it wi%% !e-in to do so, to the %o(a% a$thorit", and, when
the pipe or drain is not $nder the (ontro% of the %o(a% a$thorit", to the
person $nder whose (ontro% the pipe or drain isF
(! a %o(a% a$thorit" or person re(eivin- noti(e $nder (%a$se (a ma" send a
person to s$perintend the wor2, and the te%e-raph a$thorit" sha%% e.e($te
the wor2 to the reasona!%e satisfa(tion of the person so sent.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 9, for f$%%8stop.
Added ibid.
#$!s. ibid., s. 1=, for &or postK.
15. %#;"$'# 5'$w''* $'7'@1a;6 a"$6)1%$< a*8 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$<.D(1 If an" disp$te
arises !etween the te%e-raph a$thorit" and a %o(a% a$thorit" in (onse?$en(e of the %o(a% a$thorit"
ref$sin- the permission referred to in se(tion 1=, (%a$se ((, or pres(ri!in- an" (ondition $nder
se(tion 12, or in (onse?$en(e of the te%e-raph a$thorit" omittin- to (omp%" with a re?$isition
made $nder se(tion 13, or otherwise in respe(t of the of the powers (onferred !" this
A(t, it sha%% !e determined !" s$(h offi(er as the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" appoint either
-enera%%" or spe(ia%%" in this !eha%f.
(2 An appea% from the determination of the offi(er so appointed sha%% %ie to the
GovernmentDF and the order of the
C/edera% GovernmentD sha%% !e fina%.
:ro'i$ion$ a!!"i#ab"e to other :ro!erty
1G. EA'1&%#' )9 ;)w'1# &)*9'11'8 5< #'&$%)* 10, a*8 8%#;"$'# a# $) &)2;'*#a$%)*, %*
&a#' )9 ;1);'1$< )$6'1 $6a* $6a$ )9 a 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$<.D(1 If the of the powers
mentioned in se(tion 1= in respe(t of propert" referred to in (%a$se (d of that se(tion is resisted
or o!str$(ted, the Aistri(t @a-istrate ma", in his dis(retion, order that the te%e-raph a$thorit"
sha%% !e permitted to them.
(2 If, after the ma2in- of an order $nder s$!8se(tion (1, an" person resists the
of those powers, or, havin- (ontro% over the propert", does not -ive a%% fa(i%ities for their !ein-, he sha%% !e deemed to have (ommitted an offen(e $nder se(tion 1;; of the *a2istan
*ena% 'ode.
(3 If an" disp$te arises (on(ernin- the s$ffi(ien(" of the (ompensation to !e paid $nder
se(tion 1=, (%a$se (d, it sha%%, on app%i(ation for that p$rpose !" either of the disp$tin- parties to
the Aistri(t E$d-e within whose :$risdi(tion the propert" is sit$ate, !e determined !" him.
(4 If an" disp$te arises as to the persons entit%ed to re(eive (ompensation or as to the
proportions in whi(h the persons interested are entit%ed to share in it, the te%e-raph a$thorit" ma"
pa" into the 'o$rt of the Aistri(t E$d-e s$(h amo$nt as he deems s$ffi(ient, or, where a%% the
disp$tin- parties have in writin- admitted the amo$nt tendered to !e s$ffi(ient or the amo$nt has
!een determined $nder s$!8se(tion (3, that amo$ntF and the Aistri(t E$d-e, after -ivin- noti(e to
the parties and hearin- s$(h of them as desire to !e heard, sha%% determine the persons entit%ed to
re(eive the (ompensation or, as the (ase ma" !e, the proportions in whi(h the persons interested
are entit%ed to share in it.
(0 ,ver" determination of a disp$te !" a Aistri(t E$d-e $nder s$!8se(tion (3 or s$!8
se(tion (4 sha%% !e fina%H
*rovided that nothin- in this s$!8se(tion sha%% affe(t the ri-ht of an" person to re(over !"
s$it the who%e or an" part of an" (ompensation paid !" the te%e-raph a$thorit" from the person
who has re(eived the same.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was ori-ina%%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
14. R'2)(a7 )1 a7$'1a$%)* )9 $'7'@1a;6 7%*' )1 ;)#$ )* ;1);'1$< )$6'1 $6a* $6a$ )9 a
7)&a7 a"$6)1%$<.D(1 7hen, $nder the fore-oin- provisions of this A(t, a te%e-raph %ine if ,
or wor2sD has !een p%a(ed !" the te%e-raph a$thorit" $nder, over, a%on-, a(ross, in or $pon an"
propert", not !ein- propert" vested in or $nder the (ontro% or mana-ement of a %o(a% a$thorit",
and an" person entit%ed to do so desires to dea% with that propert" in s$(h a manner as to render it
ne(essar" or (onvenient that the te%e-raph %ine or post sho$%d !e removed to another part thereof
or to a hi-her or %ower %eve% or a%tered in form, he ma" re?$ire the te%e-raph a$thorit" to remove
or a%ter the %ine or post a((ordin-%"H
*rovided that, if (ompensation has !een paid $nder se(tion 1=, (%a$se (d, he sha%%, when
ma2in- the re?$isition, tender to the te%e-raph a$thorit" the amo$nt re?$isite to defra" the
e.pense of the remova% or a%teration, or ha%f of the amo$nt paid as (ompensation, whi(hever ma"
!e the sma%%er s$m.
(2 If the te%e-raph a$thorit" omits to (omp%" with the re?$isition, the person ma2in- it
ma" app%" to the Aistri(t @a-istrate within whose :$risdi(tion the propert" is sit$ate to order the
remova% or a%teration.
(3 A Aistri(t @a-istrate re(eivin- an app%i(ation $nder s$!8se(tion (2 ma", in his
dis(retion, re:e(t the same or ma2e an order a!so%$te%" or s$!:e(t to (onditions, for the remova%
of the te%e-raph %ine or post to an" other part of the propert" or to a hi-her or %ower %eve%, or for
the a%teration of its formF and the order so made sha%% !e fina%.
:ro'i$ion$ a!!"i#ab"e to a"" :ro!erty
18. R'2)(a7 )9 $1''# %*$'11";$%*@ $'7'@1a;6%& &)22"*%&a$%)*.D(1 If an" tree standin-
or %"in- near a te%e-raph %ine interr$pts, or is %i2e%" to interr$pt, te%e-raphi( (omm$ni(ation, a
@a-istrate of the first or se(ond (%ass ma", on the app%i(ation of the te%e-raph a$thorit", (a$se
the tree to !e removed or dea%t with in s$(h other wa" as he deems fit.
(2 7hen disposin- of an app%i(ation $nder s$!8se(tion (1, the @a-istrate sha%%, in the
(ase of an" tree in e.isten(e !efore the te%e-raph %ine was p%a(ed, award to the persons interested
in the tree s$(h (ompensation as he thin2s reasona!%e, and the award sha%% !e fina%.
13. T'7'@1a;6 7%*'# a*8 ;)#$# ;7a&'8 5'9)1' $6' ;a##%*@ )9 $6%# A&$. ,ver" te%e-raph
C, post or wor2sD p%a(ed !efore the passin- of this A(t $nder, over, a%on-, a(ross, in or $pon
an" propert", for the p$rposes of a te%e-raph esta!%ished or maintained !" the
GovernmentD, sha%% !e deemed to have !een p%a(ed in of the powers (onferred !", and
after o!servan(e of a%% the re?$irements of, this A(t.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 11, for &or postK.
#$!s. ibid., s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Govt.K.
C13A. P'1#)* 'A'1&%#%*@ 7'@a7 1%@6$ 7%:'7< $) 8a2a@' $'7'@1a;6 )1 %*$'19'1' w%$6
$'7'@1a;6%& &)22"*%&a$%)* $) @%(' *)$%&'.D(1 An" person desirin- to dea% in the %e-a%
of a ri-ht with an" propert" in s$(h a manner as is %i2e%" to (a$se dama-e to a te%e-raph %ine
post or wor2sD whi(h has !een d$%" p%a(ed in a((ordan(e with the provisions of this A(t, or to
interr$pt or interfere with te%e-raphi( (omm$ni(ation, sha%% -ive not %ess than one month5s noti(e
in writin- of the intended of s$(h ri-ht to the te%e-raph a$thorit", or to an" te%e-raph
offi(er whom the te%e-raph a$thorit" ma" empower in this !eha%f.
(2 If an" s$(h person witho$t havin- (omp%ied with the provisions of s$!8se(tion (1
dea%s with an" propert" in s$(h a manner as is %i2e%" to (a$se dama-e to an" te%e-raph %ine
post or wor2sD, or to interr$pt or interfere with te%e-raphi( (omm$ni(ation, a @a-istrate of the
first or se(ond (%ass ma", on the app%i(ation of the te%e-raph a$thorit", order s$(h person to
a!stain from dea%in- with s$(h propert" in s$(h manner for a period not e.(eedin- one month
from the date of his order and forthwith to ta2e s$(h a(tion with re-ard to s$(h propert" as ma"
!e in the opinion of the @a-istrate ne(essar" to remed" or prevent s$(h dama-e, interr$ption or
interferen(e d$rin- s$(h period.
(3 A person dea%in- with an" propert" in the manner referred to in s$!8se(tion (1 with
the bona fide intention of avertin- imminent dan-er of persona% in:$r" to himse%f or an" other
h$man !ein- sha%% !e deemed to have (omp%ied with the provisions of the said s$!8se(tion if he
-ives s$(h noti(e of the intended of the ri-ht as is in the (ir($mstan(es possi!%e, or
where no s$(h previo$s noti(e (an !e -iven witho$t in($rrin- the imminent dan-er referred to
a!ove, if he forthwith -ives noti(e of the a(t$a% of s$(h ri-ht to the a$thorit" or offi(er
spe(ified in the said s$!8se(tion.D
C13.. P)w'1 $) &)*9'1 ";)* 7%&'*#'' ;)w'1# )9 $'7'@1a;6 a"$6)1%$< "*8'1 $6%# Pa1$.
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, (onfer $pon an"
%i(ensee $nder se(tion 4, in respe(t of the e.tent of his %i(ense and s$!:e(t to an" (onditions and
restri(tions whi(h the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" thin2 fit to impose and to the provisions of
this *art, a%% or an" of the powers whi(h the te%e-raph a$thorit" possesses $nder this *art with
re-ard to a te%e-raph esta!%ished or maintained !" the Government or to !e so esta!%ished or
*rovided that the noti(e pres(ri!ed in se(tion 19A sha%% a%wa"s !e -iven to the te%e-raph
a$thorit" or offi(er empowered to re(eive noti(e $nder se(tion 19A (1.D
#.19A ins. !" the Indian Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (7 of 1914, s. 0.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 12, for &or postK .
#.19+ ins. !" A(t 7 of 1914, s. 0.
#$!s. !" A(t )7 of 1970, s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G. G. in 'K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
C20. E#$a57%#6%*@ 2a%*$a%*%*@ )1 w)1:%*@ "*a"$6)1%I'8 $'7'@1a;6.D(1 If an"
person esta!%ishes, maintains or wor2s a te%e-raph within
C*a2istanD in (ontravention of the
provisions of se(tion 4 or otherwise than as permitted !" r$%es made $nder that se(tion, he
sha%% !e p$nished, if the te%e-raph is a wire%ess te%e-raph, with imprisonment whi(h ma"
e.tend to three "ears, or with fine, or with !oth, and, in an" other (ase, with a fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to one tho$sand r$pees.
(2 6otwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9;,
offen(es $nder this se(tion in respe(t of a wire%ess te%e-raph sha%%, for the p$rposes of the said
'ode, !e !ai%a!%e and non8(o-ni1a!%e.
(3 7hen an" person is (onvi(ted of an offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder this se(tion, the
'o$rt !efore whi(h he is (onvi(ted ma" dire(t that the te%e-raph in respe(t of whi(h the
offen(e has !een (ommitted, or an" part of s$(h te%e-raph, !e forfeited to
C20A. .1'a&6 )9 &)*8%$%)* )9 7%&'*#'. If the ho%der of a %i(ense -ranted $nder
se(tion 4 (ontravenes an" (ondition (ontained in his %i(ense, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine
whi(h ma" e.tend to one tho$sand r$pees, and with a f$rther fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five
h$ndred r$pees for ever" wee2 d$rin- whi(h the !rea(h of the (ondition (ontin$es.D
21. U#%*@ "*a"$6)1%I'8 $'7'@1a;6#. If an" person, 2nowin- or havin- reason to
!e%ieve that a te%e-raph has !een esta!%ished or is maintained or wor2ed, in (ontravention of
this A(t, transmits or re(eives an" messa-e !" s$(h te%e-raph, or performs an" servi(e
in(identa% thereto, or de%ivers an" messa-e for transmission !" s$(h te%e-raph, or a((epts
de%iver" of an" messa-e sent there!", he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
fift" r$pees.
22. O;;)#%*@ '#$a57%#62'*$ )9 $'7'@1a;6# )* 1a%7wa< 7a*8. If
Cthe 3ai%wa"
AdministrationD or an offi(er of
Cthe 3ai%wa" AdministrationD ne-%e(ts or ref$ses to (omp%"
with the provisions of se(tion ), it or he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one
tho$sand r$pees for ever" da" d$rin- whi(h the ne-%e(t or ref$sa% (ontin$es.
23. I*$1"#%)* %*$) #%@*a7-1))2, $1'#;a## %* $'7'@1a;6 O99%&' )1 )5#$1"&$%)*. If an"
C(a witho$t permission of (ompetent a$thorit", enters a !$i%din-, or a portion
thereof, ho$sin- e?$ipment !e%on-in- to the te%e-raph a$thorit" or to a person
%i(ensed $nder this A(t, orD
#$!s. !" the Indian Te1e-rnph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (7 of 1914, s. ), for the ori-ina% se(tion.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art, 2, for &Gis @a:est"K &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#e(tion 2=A ins. !" A(t 7 of 1914, s. 7.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 14, for &a 3ai%wa" 'ompan"K.
)#$!s. ibid.. s. 01 for (%a$se &(aK.
< of
(b enters a fen(ed en(%os$re ro$nd s$(h a te%e-raph offi(e in (ontravention of an"
r$%e or noti(e not to do so, or
(# ref$ses to ?$it s$(h room or en(%os$re on !ein- re?$ested to do so !" an" offi(er
or servant emp%o"ed therein, or
(d wi%f$%%" o!str$(ts or impedes an" s$(h offi(er or servant in the performan(e of his
he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five h$ndred r$pees.
2C. U*7aw9"77< a$$'2;$%*@ $) 7'a1* &)*$'*$# )9 2'##a@'#. If an" person does an" of
the a(ts mentioned in se(tion 23 with the intention of $n%awf$%%" %earnin- the (ontents of an"
messa-e, or of (ommittin- an" offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder this A(t, he ma" (in addition to the
fine with whi(h he is p$nisha!%e $nder se(tion 23 !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term
whi(h ma" e.tend to one "ear.
25. I*$'*$%)*a77< 8a2a@%*@ )1 $a2;'1%*@ w%$6 $'7'@1a;6#. If an" person, intendin-8
(a to prevent or o!str$(t the transmission or de%iver" of an" messa-e, or
(b to inter(ept or to a(?$aint himse%f with the (ontents of an" messa-e, or
(# to (ommit mis(hief,
dama-es, removes, tampers with or to$(hes an" !atter", ma(hiner", te%e-raph %ine, post or
other thin- whatever, !ein- part of or $sed in or a!o$t an" te%e-raph or in the wor2in-
thereof, he sha%% !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three "ears,
or with fine, or with !oth.
J25A. I*>"1< $) )1 %*$'19'1'*&' w%$6 a $'7'@1a;6 7%*' )1 ;)#$. If, in an" (ase not
provided for !" se(tion 20, an" person dea%s with an" propert" and there!" wi%f$%%" or
ne-%i-ent%" dama-es an" te%e-raph %ine
C,post or wor2sD d$%" p%a(ed on s$(h propert" in
a((ordan(e with the provisions of this A(t, he sha%% !e %ia!%e to pa" the te%e-raph a$thorit"
s$(h e.penses (if an" as ma" !e in($rred in ma2in- -ood s$(h dama-e, and sha%% a%so, if the
te%e-raphi( (omm$ni(ation is !" reason of the dama-e so (a$sed interr$pted, !e p$nisha!%e
with a fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one tho$sand r$peesH
*rovided that the provisions of this se(tion sha%% not app%" where s$(h dama-e or
interr$ption is (a$sed !" a person dea%in- with an" propert" in the %e-a% of a ri-ht if
he has (omp%ied with the provisions of se(tion 19A (1.D
J25.. T6'9$ )9 $'7'@1a;6 7%*'. If an" person (ommits theft of a te%e-raph %ine, (opper
wire, (a!%e or (a!%e a((essor", he sha%% !e p$nished with ri-oro$s imprisonment for a term
whi(h is not %ess than one "ear and not more than seven "ears and a%so with fine.
#e(tion 20A ins. !" the Indian Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (7 of 1914, s. ;.
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 1), for &or postK.
Ins. ibid., s.17.
+3planation.,+n this se(tion, &theftK has the same meanin- as in the *a2istan *ena%
25C. P'*a7$< 9)1 $a2;'1%*@, '$&., )9 $'7'@1a;6 7%*'. An" person, in(%$din- a
te%e-raph offi(er, who tampers with or $ses a te%e-raph %ine or te%e-raph in order to (a$se
wron-f$% %oss to the Government or to an" s$!s(ri!er or to (a$se wron-f$% -ain to an"
s$!s(ri!er or an" other person sha%%, witho$t pre:$di(e to an" a(tion whi(h the te%e-raph
a$thorit" is (ompetent to ta2e $nder this A(t, !e p$nisha!%e with ri-oro$s imprisonment for a
term whi(h is not %ess than one "ear and not more than seven "ears, with or witho$t fine.
25. P'*a7$< 9)1 &a"#%*@ a**)<a*&', '$&. An" person, in(%$din- a te%e-raph offi(er,
who $ses an" te%ephone, p$!%i( or private, for (a$sin- anno"an(e or intimidation to an"
person, whether a s$!s(ri!er or not, or for o!$s (a%%s sha%%, witho$t pre:$di(e to an"
other a(tion whi(h the te%e-raph a$thorit" is (ompetent to ta2e $nder this A(t, !e p$nisha!%e
with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three "ears, or with fine, or with !oth.
25E. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 C6a;$'1 // A&$ V )9 1838. The provisions of 'hapter >> of
the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; sha%% app%" to the tria% of offen(es p$nisha!%e $nder
this A(t.
25F. ."18'* )9 ;1))9 %* &'1$a%* &a#'#. An" person who is fo$nd to !e in possession
of, or havin- $nder his (ontro%, witho$t %awf$% a$thorit", te%e-raph %ine, (opper wire, (a!%e or
(a!%e a((essor" of a 2ind notified !" the te%e-raph a$thorit" to !e -enera%%" $sed !" the
*a2istan Te%e-raph and Te%ephone Aepartment sha%%, $n%ess he proves that he has s$(h
a$thorit", !e deemed to have (ommitted the offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder se(tion 20+.D
2G. T'7'@1a;6 )99%&'1 )1 )$6'1 )99%&%a7 2a:%*@ awa< w%$6 )1 a7$'1%*@ )1
"*7aw9"77< %*$'1&';$%*@ )1 8%#&7)#%*@ 2'##a@'#, )1 8%("7@%*@ ;"1;)1$ )9 #%@*a7#. If an"
te%e-raph offi(er, or an" person, not !ein- a te%e-raph offi(er !$t havin- offi(ia% d$ties
(onne(ted with an" offi(e whi(h is $sed as a te%e-raph offi(e,I
(a wi%f$%%" se(retes, ma2es awa" with or a%ters an" messa-e whi(h he has
re(eived for transmission or de%iver", or
(b wi%f$%%" and otherwise than in o!edien(e to an order of the
GovernmentD or of a
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, or of an offi(er spe(ia%%"
C!" the
C/edera%D or a *rovin(ia% GovernmentD to ma2e the order,
omits to transmit, or inter(epts or detains, an" messa-e or an" part thereof, or
otherwise than in p$rs$an(e of his offi(ia% d$t" or in o!edien(e to the dire(tion
of a (ompetent 'o$rt, dis(%oses the (ontents or an" part of the (ontents of an"
messa-e, to an" person not entit%ed to re(eive the same, or
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Arndt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s., !" A.O., 1937, forK G.
G. in 'K.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G,K.
#$!s. ibid., for &!" the G.G. in '.K .
#$!s. !" /. A.O., 1970. Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra%K.
A(t >L<
A(t < of
(# div$%-es the p$rport of an" te%e-raphi( si-na% to an" person not entit%ed to !e(ome
a(?$ainted with the same,
he sha%% !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three "ears or with
fine, or with !oth.
24. T'7'@1a;6 )99%&'1 91a"8"7'*$7< #'*8%*@ 2'##a@'# w%$6)"$ ;a<2'*$. If an"
te%e-raph offi(er transmits !" te%e-raph an" messa-e on whi(h the (har-e pres(ri!ed !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD, or !" a person %i(ensed $nder this A(t, as the (ase ma" !e, has not
!een paid, intendin- there!" to defra$d the
C/edera% GovernmentD or that person, he sha%% !e
p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three "ears, or with fine, or with
28. M%#&)*8"&$. If an" te%e-raph offi(er, or an" person not !ein- a te%e-raph offi(er
!$t havin- offi(ia% d$ties (onne(ted with an" offi(e whi(h is $sed as a te%e-raph offi(e, is
-$i%t" of an" a(t of dr$n2enness, (are%essness or other mis(ond$(t where!" the (orre(t
transmission or the de%iver" of an" messa-e is impeded or de%a"ed, or if an" te%e-raph offi(er
%oiters or de%a"s in the transmission or de%iver" of an" messa-e, he sha%% !e p$nished with
imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three months, or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
one h$ndred r$pees, or with !oth.
J23. S'*8%*@ 9a51%&a$'8 )1 )5#&'*' 2'##a@'#. If an" person transmits or (a$ses to
!e transmitted !" te%e-raph a messa-e whi(h he 2nows or has reason to !e%ieve to !e fa%se or
fa!ri(ated, or a messa-e whi(h is inde(ent or o!s(ene, he sha%% !e p$nished with
imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three "ears, or with fine, or with !oth.D
J23A. P'*a7$<. If an" person, witho$t d$e a$thorit",I
&a( ma2es or iss$es an" do($ment of a nat$re reasona!%" (a%($%ated to (a$se it to
!e !e%ieved that the do($ment has !een iss$ed !", or $nder the a$thorit" of,
CAire(tor Genera%, *a2istan Te%e-raph and Te%ephone AepartmentD, or
&b( ma2es on an" do($ment an" mar2 in imitation of, or simi%ar to, or p$rportin-
to !e, an" stamp or mar2 of an" te%e-raph offi(e $nder the
CAire(tor Genera%,
*a2istan Te%e-raph and Te%ephone AepartmentD, or a mar2 of a nat$re
reasona!%" (a%($%ated to (a$se it to !e !e%ieved that the do($ment so mar2ed
has !een iss$ed !", or $nder the a$thorit" of, the
CAire(tor Genera%, *a2istan
Te%e-raph and Te%ephone AepartmentD,
he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees.D
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1970 ()7 of 1970, s. 2, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A.O.,1937, for
#$!s. !" the Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 190= (77 of 190=, s. 2, for the ori-ina% se(tion 29.
#e(tion 29A ins. !" the Indian Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (7 of 1914, s. 9.
#$!s. !" the *osts and Te%e-raphs (Amdt. A(t, 19)2 (0 of 19)2, s. 2, for &Aire(tor Genera% of Cposts and Te%e-raphsDK &with effe#t from
the 1$t Ju"y, 19)2. The words in (rot(hets were s$!s. !" the Indian *ost Offi(e and Te%e-raph (Amdt. A(t, 1914 (14 of 1914, s. 2, for
30. R'$a%*%*@ a 2'##a@' 8'7%('1'8 5< 2%#$a:'. If an" person fra$d$%ent%" retains, or
wi%f$%%" se(retes, ma2es awa" with or detains a messa-e whi(h o$-ht to have !een de%ivered
to some other person, or, !ein- re?$ired !" a te%e-raph offi(er to de%iver $p an" s$(h
messa-e, ne-%e(ts or ref$ses to do so, he sha%% !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term
whi(h ma" e.tend to two "ears, or with fine, or with !oth.
31. .1%5'1<. A te%e-raph offi(er sha%% !e deemed a p$!%i( servant within the meanin-
of se(tions 1)1, 1)2, 1)3, 1)4 and 1)0 of the *a2istan *ena% 'odeF and in the definition of
&%e-a% rem$nerationK (ontained in the said se(tion 1)1, the word &GovernmentK sha%%, for the
p$rposes of this A(t, !e deemed to in(%$de a person %i(ensed $nder this A(t.
32. A$$'2;$# $) &)22%$ )99'*&'#. 7hoever attempts to (ommit an" offen(e
p$nisha!%e $nder this A(t sha%% !e p$nished with the p$nishment herein provided for the
33. P)w'1 $) '2;7)< a88%$%)*a7 ;)7%&' %* ;7a&'# w6'1' 2%#&6%'9 $) $'7'@1a;6# %#
1';'a$'87< &)22%$$'8.- (1 7henever it appears to the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD that an" a(t
(a$sin- or %i2e%" to (a$se wron-f$% dama-e to an" te%e-raph is repeated%" and ma%i(io$s%"
(ommitted in an" p%a(e, and that the emp%o"ment of an additiona% po%i(e8for(e in that p%a(e is
there!" rendered ne(essar", the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" send s$(h additiona% po%i(e8
for(e as it thin2s fit to the p%a(e, and emp%o" the same therein so %on- as, in the opinion of
that Government, the ne(essit" of doin- so (ontin$es.
(2 The inha!itants of the p%a(e sha%% !e (har-ed with the (ost of the additiona% po%i(e8
for(e, and the Aistri(t @a-istrate sha%%, s$!:e(t to the orders of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD,
assess the proportion in whi(h the (ost sha%% !e paid !" the inha!itants a((ordin- to his
:$d-ment of their respe(tive means.
(3 A%% mone"s pa"a!%e $nder s$!8se(tion (2 sha%% !e re(overa!%e either $nder the
warrant of a @a-istrate !" distress and sa%e of the movea!%e propert" of the defa$%ter within
the %o(a% %imits of his :$risdi(tion, or !" s$it in an" (ompetent 'o$rt.
(4 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" order in writin-, define the %imits of an"
p%a(e for the p$rposes of this se(tion.
3C. C9!!"i#ation of 9#t to 9##edin3 State$.D Omitted by the %edera" Law$ &e'i$ion
and De#"aration( Ordinan#e, 19;1 &))*++ of 19;1, s. 3 and S#h. ++
#$!s. !" A.O.,1937, for &L. G.K.
A(t >L<
of 1;)=
1. #hort tit%e, (ommen(ement and %o(a% e.tent.
2. #avin- for minera% ri-hts of the Government.
3. Ae(%aration that mines are not needed.
4. 6oti(e to !e -iven !efore wor2in- mines %"in- $nder %and.
0. *ower to prevent or restri(t wor2in-.
). @ode of determinin- persons interested and amo$nt of (ompensation.
7. If *rovin(ia% Government does not offer to pa" (ompensation, mines ma" !e
wor2ed in a proper manner.
;. @inin- (omm$ni(ations.
9. *rovin(ia% Government to pa" (ompensation for in:$r" done to mines.
1=. And a%so for in:$r" arisin- from an" airwa" or other wor2.
11. *ower to offi(er of *rovin(ia% Government to enter and inspe(t the wor2in- of
12. *ena%t" for ref$sa% to a%%ow inspe(tion.
13. If mines wor2ed (ontrar" to provisions of this A(t, *rovin(ia% Government ma"
re?$ire means to !e adopted for safet" of %and a(?$ired.
14. 'onstr$(tion of A(t when %and a(?$ired has !een transferred to a %o(a% a$thorit"
or 'ompan".
10. Ce!ea"ed.D
1). Aefinition of %o(a% a$thorit" and 'ompan".
17. This A(t to !e read with Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=.
ACT N). /VIII OF 1885
[1)th O#tober, 1;;0D
A* A&$ $) ;1)(%8' 9)1 &a#'# %* w6%&6 M%*'# )1 M%*'1a7# a1' #%$"a$' "*8'1 7a*8 w6%&6 %$
%# 8'#%1'8 $) a&B"%1' "*8'1 $6'
JLa*8 A&B"%#%$%)* A&$, 183CL.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to provide for (ases in whi(h mines or minera%s are sit$ate
$nder %and whi(h it is desired to a(?$ire $nder the
CLand A(?$isition A(t, 1;94D F it is
here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H8
1. S6)1$ $%$7', &)22'*&'2'*$ a*8 7)&a7 'A$'*$.8 (1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
Land A(?$isition (@ines A(t, 1;;0 F and
(2 It sha%% (ome into for(e at on(e.
C(3 The *rovin(ia% Government ma", from time to time, !" notifi(ation in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette, e.tend this A(t to the who%e or an" spe(ified part of the territor" $nder its
2. Sa(%*@ 9)1 2%*'1a7 1%@6$# )9 $6' G)('1*2'*$. ,.(ept as" provided !"
this A(t, nothin- in this A(t sha%% affe(t the ri-ht of
Cthe GovernmentD to an" mines, or
3.'&7a1a$%)* $6a$ 2%*'# a1' *)$ *''8'8.8(1 7hen the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
ma2es a de(%aration $nder se(tion ) of the
CLand A(?$isition A(t, 1;94D, that %and is needed
for a p$!%i( p$rpose or for a 'ompan", it ma", if it thin2s fit, insert in the de(%aration a
statement that the mines of (oa%, ironstone, s%ate or other minera%s %"in- $nder the %and or an"
parti($%ar portion of the %and, e.(ept on%" s$(h parts of the mines or minera%s as it ma" !e
ne(essar" to di- or (arr" awa" or $se in the (onstr$(tion of the wor2 for the p$rpose of whi(h
the %and is !ein- a(?$ired, are not needed.
(2 7hen a statement as aforesaid has not !een inserted in the de(%aration made in
respe(t of an" %and $nder se(tion ) of the
CLand A(?$isition A(t 1;94D, and the 'o%%e(tor is
of opinion
/or the #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;0, *t. <, p. 140F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., *t. I<, p.
2)4F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., #$pp%ement, pp. 33) and 102=, and ibid., ,.tra, #$pp%ement, dated 14th @ar(h, 1;;0, p. 41.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=K.
#$!8se(tion (3 whi(h was ori-ina%%" amended !" A.O., 1949, have !een s$!s., ibid.
The ori-ina% word &GovernmentK has s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O.,1937, and A. O.,19)1, Art. 2 &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h,
190), to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
I of 1;94
I of 1;94
I of 1;94
that the provisions of this A(t o$-ht to !e app%ied to the %and, he ma" a!stain from tenderin-
(ompensation $nder se(tion 11 of the said Land A(?$isition A(t in respe(t of the mines, and
(a when he ma2es an award $nder se(tion
C11D of that A(t, insert s$(h a statement in
his awardF
(b when he ma2es a referen(e to the 'o$rt $nder se(tion
C19D of that A(t, insert s$(h
a statement in his referen(eF or
(# when he ta2es possession of the %and $nder se(tion 17 of that A(t, p$!%ish s$(h a
statement in s$(h manner as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", from time to time,
(3 If an" s$(h statement is inserted in the de(%aration, award or referen(e, or
p$!%ished as aforesaid, the mines of (oa%, ironstone, s%ate or other minera%s $nder the %and or
portion of the %and spe(ified in the statement, e.(ept as aforesaid, sha%% not vest in
GovernmentD when the %and so vests $nder the said A(t.
C. N)$%&' $) 5' @%('* 5'9)1' w)1:%*@ 2%*'# 7<%*@ "*8'1 7a*8. If the person for the
time !ein- immediate%" entit%ed to wor2 or -et an" mines or minera%s %"in- $nder an" %and so
a(?$ired is desiro$s of wor2in- or -ettin- the same, he sha%% -ive the
GovernmentD noti(e in writin- of his intention so to do si.t" da"s !efore the (ommen(ement
of wor2in-.
5. P)w'1 $) ;1'('*$ )1 1'#$1%&$ w)1:%*@.- (1 At an" time or times after the re(eipt
of a noti(e $nder the %ast fore-oin- se(tion and whether !efore or after the e.piration of the
said period of si.t" da"s, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" (a$se the mines or minera%s to
!e inspe(ted !" a person appointed !" it for the p$rposeF and
(2 If it appears to the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD that the wor2in- or -ettin- of the
mines or minera%s, or an" part thereof, is %i2e%" to (a$se dama-e to the s$rfa(e of the %and or
an" wor2s thereon, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" p$!%ish
J J J a de(%aration of its
wi%%in-ness, either8
(a to pa" (ompensation for the mines or minera%s sti%% $nwor2ed or $n-otten, or that
part thereof, to a%% persons havin- an interest in the sameF or
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &14K.
#$!s. ibid., for &10K.
#$!s. !" A .O.,1937, for the words &L. G.K, whi(h had !een s$!s. for &G. G. in '.K !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h.
The ori-ina% word &GovernmentK has s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1937, and A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h,
190), to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A.O.,1937, for &L.G.K.
The words &in s$(h manner as the G.G. in '. ma", from time to time, dire(tK rep. !" A(t 3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
(b to pa" (ompensation to a%% s$(h persons in (onsideration of those mines or
minera%s, or that part thereof, !ein- wor2ed or -otten in s$(h manner and s$!:e(t
to s$(h restri(tions as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" in its de(%aration
(3 If the de(%aration mentioned in (ase (a is made, then those mines or minera%s, or
that part thereof, sha%% not thereafter !e wor2ed or -otten !" an" person.
(4 If the de(%aration mentioned in (ase (b is made, then those mines or minera%s, or
that part thereof, sha%% not thereafter !e wor2ed or -otten !" an" person save in the manner
and s$!:e(t to the restri(tions spe(ified !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD.
C(0 ,ver" de(%aration made $nder this se(tion sha%% !e p$!%ished in s$(h manner as
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" dire(t.D
G. M)8' )9 8'$'12%*%*@ ;'1#)*# %*$'1'#$'8 a*8 a2)"*$ )9 &)2;'*#a$%)*. 7hen
the wor2in- or -ettin- of an" mines or minera%s has !een prevented or restri(ted $nder
se(tion 0, the persons interested in those mines or minera%s and the amo$nts of (ompensation
pa"a!%e to them respe(tive%" sha%%, s$!:e(t to a%% ne(essar" modifi(ations, !e as(ertained in
the manner provided !" the
CLand A(?$isition A(t, 1;94D, for as(ertainin- the persons
interested in the %and to !e a(?$ired $nder that A(t, and the amo$nts of (ompensation pa"a!%e
to them, respe(tive%".
4. I9 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ 8)'# *)$ )99'1 $) ;a< &)2;'*#a$%)*, 2%*'# 2a< 5'
w)1:'8 %* a ;1);'1 2a**'1.- (1 If !efore the e.piration of the said si.t" da"s the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD does not p$!%ish a de(%aration as provided in se(tion 0, the owner,
%essee or o(($pier of the mines ma", $n%ess and $nti% s$(h a de(%aration is s$!se?$ent%"
made, wor2 the mines or an" part thereof in a manner proper and ne(essar" for the !enefi(ia%
wor2in- thereof, and a((ordin- to the $s$a% manner of wor2in- s$(h mines in the %o(a% area
where the same are sit$ate.
(2 If an" dama-e or o!str$(tion is (a$sed to the s$rfa(e of the %and or an" wor2s
thereon !" improper wor2in- of the mines, the owner, %essee or o(($pier of the mines sha%% at
on(e, at his own e.pense, repair the dama-e or remove the o!str$(tion, as the (ase ma"
(3 If the repair or remova% is not at on(e effe(ted, or, if the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
so thin2s fit, witho$t waitin- for the same to !e effe(ted !" the owner, %essee or o(($pier, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" e.e($te the same and re(over from the owner, %essee or
o(($pier the e.pense o((asioned there!".
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
Ins. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=K.
I )9
8. M%*%*@ &)22"*%&a$%)*#. If the wor2in- of an" mines is prevented or restri(ted
$nder se(tion 0, the respe(tive owners, %essees and o(($piers of the mines, if their mines
e.tend so as to %ie on !oth sides of the mines the wor2in- of whi(h is prevented or restri(ted,
ma" ($t and ma2e s$(h and so man" airwa"s, headwa"s, -atewa"s or water8%eve%s thro$-h
the mines, meas$res or strata, the wor2in- whereof is prevented or restri(ted, as ma" !e
re?$isite to ena!%e them to venti%ate, drain and wor2 their said minesF !$t no s$(h airwa",
headwa", -atewa" or water8%eve% sha%% !e of -reater dimensions or se(tion than ma" !e
pres(ri!ed !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD in this !eha%f, and, where no dimensions are so
pres(ri!ed, not -reater than ei-ht feet wide and ei-ht feet hi-h, nor sha%% the same !e ($t or
made $pon an" part of the s$rfa(e or wor2s, or so as to in:$re the same, or to interfere with
the $se thereof.
3. P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) ;a< &)2;'*#a$%)* 9)1 %*>"1< 8)*' $) 2%*'#. The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%%, from time to time, pa" to the owner, %essee or o(($pier of
an" s$(h mines e.tendin- so as to %ie on !oth sides of the mines, the wor2in- of whi(h is
prevented or restri(ted, a%% s$(h additiona% e.penses and %osses as ma" !e in($rred !" him !"
reason of the severan(e of the %ands %"in- over those mines or of the (ontin$o$s wor2in- of
those mines !ein- interr$pted as aforesaid, or !" reason of the same !ein- wor2ed in s$(h
manner and $nder s$(h restri(tions as not to pre:$di(e or in:$re the s$rfa(e or wor2s, and for
an" minera%s not a(?$ired !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD whi(h (annot !e o!tained !"
reason of the a(tion ta2en $nder the fore-oin- se(tions F and if an" disp$te or ?$estion arises
!etween the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD and the owner, %essee or o(($pier as afore said,
to$(hin- the amo$nt of those %osses or e.penses, the same, sha%% !e sett%ed as near%" as ma"
!e in the manner provided for the sett%ement of ?$estions to$(hin- the amo$nt of (om8
pensation pa"a!%e $nder the
CLand A(?$isition A(t, 1;94D.
10. A*8 a7#) 9)1 %*>"1< a1%#%*@ 91)2 a*< a%1wa< )1 )$6'1 w)1:. If an" %oss or
dama-e is s$stained !" the owner or o(($pier of the %ands %"in- over an" s$(h mines, the
wor2in- whereof has !een so prevented or restri(ted as aforesaid (and not !ein- the owner,
%essee or o(($pier of those mines, !" reason of the ma2in- of an" s$(h airwa" or other
wor2s as aforesaid, whi(h or an" %i2e wor2 it wo$%d not have !een ne(essar" to ma2e !$t for
the wor2in- of the mines havin- !een so prevented or restri(ted as aforesaid, the
GovernmentD sha%% pa" f$%% (ompensation to that owner or o(($pier of the s$rfa(e %ands for
the %oss or dama-e so s$stained !" him.
11. P)w'1 $) )99%&'1 )9 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) '*$'1 a*8 %*#;'&$ $6' w)1:%*@
)9 2%*'#. /or !etter as(ertainin- whether an" mines %"in- $nder %and a(?$ired in a((ordan(e
with the provisions of this A(t are !ein- wor2ed, or have !een wor2ed, or are %i2e%" to !e
wor2ed so as to dama-e the %and or the wor2s thereon, an offi(er appointed for this p$rpose
!" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", after -ivin-
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the words &L. G.K whi(h had !een s$!s. for the word &G. G. in '.K !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2
and #(h. I.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=K.
I of
twent"8fo$r ho$rs noti(e in writin-, enter into and ret$rn from an" s$(h mines or the wor2s
(onne(ted therewithF and for that p$rpose the offi(er so appointed ma" ma2e $se of an"
apparat$s or ma(hiner" !e%on-in- to the owner, %essee or o(($pier of the mines, and $se a%%
ne(essar" means for dis(overin- the distan(e from an" part of the %and a(?$ired to the parts
of the mines whi(h have !een, are !ein- or are a!o$t to !e wor2ed.
12. P'*a7$< 9)1 1'9"#a7 $) a77)w %*#;'&$%)*. If an" owner, %essee or o(($pier of an"
s$(h mines or wor2s ref$ses to a%%ow an" offi(er appointed !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
for that p$rpose to enter into and inspe(t an" s$(h mines or wor2s in manner aforesaid, he
sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two h$ndred r$pees.
13. I9 2%*'# w)1:'8 &)*$1a1< $) ;1)(%#%)*# )9 $6%# A&$, P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$
2a< 1'B"%1' 2'a*# $) 5' a8);$'8 9)1 #a9'$< )9 7a*8 a&B"%1'8. If it appears that an" s$(h
mines have !een wor2ed (ontrar" to the provisions of this A(t, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
ma", if it thin2s fit, -ive noti(e to the owner, %essee or o(($pier thereof to (onstr$(t s$(h
wor2s and to adopt s$(h means as ma" !e ne(essar" or proper for ma2in- safe the %and
a(?$ired, and the wor2s thereon, and preventin- in:$r" theretoF and if, after s$(h noti(e, an"
s$(h owner, %essee or o(($pier does not forthwith pro(eed to (onstr$(t the wor2s ne(essar"
for ma2in- safe the %and a(?$ired and the wor2s thereon, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma"
itse%f (onstr$(t the wor2s and re(over the e.pense thereof from the owner, %essee or o(($pier.
1C. C)*#$1"&$%)* )9 A&$ w6'* 7a*8 a&B"%1'8 6a# 5''* $1a*#9'11'8 $) a 7)&a7
a"$6)1%$< )1 C)2;a*<. 7hen a statement $nder se(tion 3 has !een made re-ardin- an"
%and, and the %and has !een a(?$ired !" the Government, and has !een transferred to, or has
vested, !" operation of %aw, in a %o(a% a$thorit" or 'ompan", then se(tions 4 to 13, !oth
in(%$sive, sha%% !e read as if for the words &the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentDK, wherever the"
o(($r in those se(tions
Ce.(ept in se(tion 0, s$!8se(tion (0, and se(tion ;,D the words &the
%o(a% a$thorit" or 'ompan", as the (ase ma" !e, whi(h has a(?$ired the %and,K were
15. C:endin3 #a$e$.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 and 9mendin3 9#t, 1937 &)) of 1937, $.
3 and S#hedu"e ++.
1G. '9%*%$%)* )9 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$< a*8 C)2;a*<. In this A(tI
(a &%o(a% a$thorit"K means an" m$ni(ipa% (ommittee, distri(t !oard, !od" of port
(ommissioners or other a$thorit" %e-a%%" entit%ed to, or entr$sted !" the Go8
vernment with, the (ontro% or mana-ement of an" m$ni(ipa% or %o(a% f$ndF and
(! &'ompan"K means a (ompan" re-istered $nder an" of the ena(tments re%atin-
to 'ompanies from time to
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
Ins. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
time in for(e inK
C*a2istanD, or formed in p$rs$an(e of an A(t of *ar%iament or
!" 3o"a% 'harter or Letters *atent.
14. T6%# A&$ $) 5' 1'a8 w%$6 La*8 A&B"%#%$%)*. This A(t sha%%, for the p$rposes of
a%% ena(tments for theF time !ein- in for(e, !e read with and ta2en as part of the
CLand D
A(?$isition A(t, 1;94D.
1. #hort tit%e and (ommen(ement.
2. Lo(a% e.tent.
3. Aefinitions.
4. #avin- of %o(a% %aws.
0. *owers!%e from time to time.
G,6,3AL 3,GI#T39 O//I',# O/ +I3TG#, A,ATG# A6A @A33IAG,#
). ,sta!%ishment of -enera% re-istr" offi(es and appointment of 3e-istrars
7. to !e 2ept at -enera% re-istr" offi(e.
;. to !e open to inspe(tion.
9. 'opies of entries to !e admissi!%e in eviden(e,
1=. #$perintenden(e of 3e-istrars !" 3e-istrar Genera%.
9.,9!!"i#ation of thi$ Cha!ter.
11. *ersons whose !irths and deaths are re-istra!%e.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s, 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effect from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for
&the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O. 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e. 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s, 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=K.
I of
;.,e3i$tration E$tab"i$hment
12. *ower for *rovin(ia% Government to appoint 3e-istrars for its territories.
13. *ower for /edera% Government to appoint 3e-istrars for A((edin- #tates.
14. 3e-istrar to !e deemed a p$!%i( servant.
10. Ce!ea"ed.D
1). Offi(e and attendan(e of 3e-istrar.
17. A!sen(e of 3e-istrar or va(an(" in his offi(e.
1;. 3e-ister !oo2s to !e s$pp%ied and preservation of re(ords to !e provided
C.,5ode of e3i$tration
19. A$t" of 3e-istrar to re-ister !irths and deaths of whi(h noti(e is -iven.
2=. *ersons a$thori1ed to -ive noti(e of !irth.
21. *ersons a$thorised to -ive noti(e of death.
22. ,ntr" of !irth or death to !e si-ned !" person -ivin- noti(e.
23. Grant of (ertifi(ate of re-istration of !irth or death.
24. A$t" of 3e-istrars as to sendin- (ertified (opies of entries in re-ister
!oo2s to 3e-istrar Genera%.
20. #ear(hes and (opies of entries in re-ister !oo2s.
2). ,.(eptiona% provision for re-istration of (ertain !irths and deaths.
D.,:ena"ty for %a"$e +nformation
27. *ena%t" for wi%f$%%" -ivin- fa%se information.
E.,Corre#tion of Error$
2;. 'orre(tion of entr" in re-ister of !irths or deaths.
29831. Ce!ea"ed.D
#*,'IAL *3O<I#IO6# A# TO ',3TAI6 ,>I#TI6G 3,GI#T,3#
32. *ermission to persons havin- ($stod" of (ertain re(ords to send them
within one "ear to 3e-istrar Genera%.
33. Appointment of 'ommissioners to e.amine re-isters.
34. A$ties of 'ommissioners.
30. #ear(hes of %ists prepared !" 'ommissioners and -rant of (ertified (opies
of entries.
30A. 'onstit$tion of additiona% 'ommissions for p$rposes of this 'hapter.
3). 3$%es
37. Ce!ea"ed.D
ACT N). VI OF 188G
C7th 5ar#h, 1;;)D
A* A&$ $) ;1)(%8' 9)1 $6' ()7"*$a1< R'@%#$1a$%)* )9 &'1$a%* .%1$6# a*8 'a$6#,
9)1 $6' '#$a57%#62'*$ )9 G'*'1a7 R'@%#$1< O99%&'# 9)1 :'';%*@ R'@%#$'1# )9 &'1$a%*
.%1$6#, 'a$6# a*8 Ma11%a@'#, a*8 9)1 &'1$a%* )$6'1 ;"1;)#'#.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to provide for the vo%$ntar" re-istration of !irths and
deaths amon- (ertain (%asses of persons, for the more effe(t$a% re-istration of those !irths and
deaths and of the marria-es re-istered $nder A(t III of 1;72, or the 'hristian @arria-e A(t,
1;72, and of (ertain marria-es re-istered $nder the *arsi @arria-e and Aivor(e A(t, 1;)0
and for the esta!%ishment of -enera% re-istr" offi(es for 2eepin- re-isters of those !irths,
deaths and marria-esF
A6A 7G,3,A# it is a%so e.pedient to provide for the a$thenti(ation and ($stod" of
(ertain e.istin- re-isters made otherwise than in the performan(e of a d$t" spe(ia%%" en:oined
!" the %aw of the (o$ntr" in whi(h the re-isters were 2ept, and to de(%are
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee &Ga1ette of India, 1;;0, *t. <,p.12F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;;), *t. I<,
p. 1=3F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;0, #$pp%ement, pp. 14 and ;7, and ibid., 1;;), p. 29=.
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to
(ertain modifi(ationsF and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6.7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date
and s$!:e(t to s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6.7./H*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
This A(t has !een repea%ed to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor", $ee Ord. 6o. 27 of 19;1, s. 4 and 3rd #(h.
See now the *arsi @arria-e and Aivor(e A(t, 193) (3 of 193).
>< of
>< of
that (opies of the entries in those re-isters sha%% !e admissi!%e in eviden(e F
It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows HI
1. S6)1$ $%$7' a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.-(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the +irths, Aeaths and
@arria-es 3e-istration A(t, 1;;) F and
(2 It sha%% (ome into for(e on s$(h da"
as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !"
notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, dire(ts.
2. L)&a7 'A$'*$. This A(t e.tends to
Cthe who%e of *a2istanD and app%ies a%so
(iti1ens of *a2istan in A((edin- #tatesD.
3. '9%*%$%)*. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,I
&si-nK in(%$des mar2, when the person ma2in- the mar2 is $na!%e to write his nameH
&pres(ri!edK means pres(ri!ed !" a r$%e made
J J J $nder this A(tH and
& 3e-istrar of +irths and AeathsK means a 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths appointed
$nder this A(t.
The 1st O(to!er, 1;;;, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;;, *t. I, p. 33).
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h was s$!s. !" A.O.,1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
#$!8se(tion (3 rep. !" the Amendin- A(t, 1;91 (12 of 1;91.
It has !een de(%ared in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation (2 of 1913, s. 3 and #(h.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in
the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1. of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900 for
&a%% the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &the who%e of +ritish IndiaK.
The ori-ina% words &within the dominions of *rin(es and #tates in India in a%%ian(e with Ger @a:est", to +ritish s$!:e(ts in those
dominionsK have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. O.,1937, the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and
3rd #(h., and A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190), to read as a!ove.
The words &!" the G.G. in '.K rep. !" A.O., 1937.
C. Sa(%*@ )9 7)&a7 7aw#. 6othin- in this A(t, or in an" r$%e made tinder this A(t, sha%%
affe(t an" %aw here!efore or hereafter passed providin- for the re-istration of !irths and
deaths within parti($%ar %o(a% areas.
5. P)w'1# 'A'1&%#a57' 91)2 $%2' $) $%2'. A%% powers (onferred !" this A(t ma" !e from time to time as o((asion re?$ires.
G,6,3AL 3,GI#T39 O//I',# O/ +I3TG#, A,ATG# A6A @A33IAG,#
G. E#$a57%#62'*$ )9 @'*'1a7 1'@%#$1< )99%&'# a*8 a;;)%*$2'*$ )9 R'@%#$1a1#
G'*'1a7.- (1 ,a(h
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD8
(a sha%% esta!%ish
a -enera% re-istr" offi(e for 2eepin- s$(h (ertified (opies of
re-isters of !irths and deaths re-istered $nder this A(t, or marria-es
re-istered $nder A(t III of 1;72 (to !ro'ide a"arm of marria3e in #ertain
#a$e$ or of the 'hristian @arria-e A(t, 17=4, or,
J J J, $nder
the *arsi @arria-e and Aivor(e A(t, 1;)0
, as ma" !e sent to it $nder this
A(t, or $nder an" of the three %ast8mentioned A(ts, as amended !" this A(tF
(b ma" appoint
to the (har-e of that offi(e an offi(er, to !e (a%%ed the 3e-istrar
Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es, for the territories $nder its
4. I*8'A'# $) 5' :';$ a$ @'*'1a7 1'@%#$1< )99%&'. ,a(h 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths,
Aeaths and @arria-es sha%% (a$se of a%% the (ertified (opies of re-isters sent to his !e
offi(e $nder this A(t, or $nder A(t III of 1;72, the 'hristian @arria-e A(t, 1;72, or the *arsi
@arria-e and Aivor(e A(t, 1;)0
, as amended !" this A(t, to !e made and 2ept in his offi(e
in the pres(ri!ed form.
8. I*8'A'# $) 5' );'* $) %*#;'&$%)*. #$!:e(t to the pa"ment of the pres(ri!ed fees,
the so made sha%% !e at a%% reasona!%e times open to inspe(tion !" an" person
app%"in- to inspe(t them, and (opies of entries in the (ertified (opies of the re-isters to whi(h
the re%ate sha%% !e -iven to a%% persons app%"in- for them.
#$!s. !" A.O,,1937, for &L. G.K,
/or Genera% 3e-istr" Offi(es esta!%ished for different provin(es, $ee %o(a% 3. 4 O.
The words &!e"ond the %o(a% %imits of the ordinar" ori-ina% (ivi% :$risdi(tion of the Gi-h 'o$rt of :$di(at$re at +om!a"K omitted !" A.O.,
1949. #(h.
See now the *arsi @arria-e and Aivor(e A(t, 193) (3 of 193).
/or 3e-istrars Genera% appointed for different provin(es, $ee %o(a% 3.4O.
#$!8se(tion (2 rep. !" A.O., 1937.
>< of
>< of
>< of
>< of
3. C);%'# )9 '*$1%'# $) 5' a82%##%57' %* '(%8'*&'. A (op" of an entr" -iven $nder
the %ast fore-oin- se(tion sha%% !e (ertified !" the 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and
@arria-es, or !" an offi(er a$thori1ed
in this !eha%f !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, and
sha%% !e admissi!%e in eviden(e for the p$rpose of provin- the !irth, death or marria-e to
whi(h the entr" re%ates.
10. S";'1%*$'*8'*&' )9 1'@%#$1a1# 5< R'@%#$1a1 G'*'1a7. ,a(h 3e-istrar Genera% of
+irths, Aeaths and @arria-es sha%% a -enera% s$perintenden(e over the 3e-istrars of
+irths and Aeaths in the territories for whi(h he is appointed.
9.,9!!"i#ation of thi$ Cha!ter
11. P'1#)*# w6)#' 5%1$6# a*8 8'a$6# a1' 1'@%#$'1a57'.- (1 The persons whose
!irths and deaths sha%%, in the first instan(e, !e re-istera!%e $nder this 'hapter ar( the
fo%%owin- name%"HI
(a in
Cthe *rovin(esD, the mem!ers of ever" ra(e, se(t. or tri!e to whi(h the
Indian #$((ession A(t, 1;)0
, app%ies, and in respe(t of whi(h an order $nder
se(tion 332 of that A(t is not for the time !ein- in for(e, and a%% persons
professin- the 'hristian re%i-ionF
(b in
CA((edin- #tatesD,
C(iti1ens of *a2istanD !ein- mem!ers of a %i2e ra(e, se(t
or tri!e or professin- the 'hristian re%i-ionH
(2 +$t the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, ma"
J J Je.tend the operation of this 'hapter to an" other (%ass of persons either
-enera%%" or in an" %o(a% area.
;.,e3i$tration E$tab"i$hment
12. P)w'1 9)1 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) a;;)%*$ R'@%#$1a1# 9)1 %$# $'11%$)1%'#.
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" appoint, either !" name or !" virt$e of their offi(e, so
man" persons as it thin2s
/or s$(h a$thori1ations, $ee %o(a% 3.4 O.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
The ori-ina% words &+ritish IndiaK have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and (4, the 3epea%in- and Amendin-
Ordinan(e 19)1 (1 of 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., and A.O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., to read as a!ove.
See now the #$((ession A(t, 1920 (39 of 1920, s. 3.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h., for &Indian #tatesK whi(h had !een s$!s.
!" A .O., 1937, for &the dominions of *rin(es and #tates in India in a%%ian(e with Ger @a:est"K.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for &+ritish s$!:e(tsK (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
The words &with the previo$s approva% of the G. G. in '.K were omitted !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
As to 3e-istrars appointed $nder this se(tion, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders and Gen. 3. 4 O.
> of
ne(essar" to !e 3e-istrars of +irths and Aeaths for s$(h %o(a% areas within the territories
$nder its administration as it ma" define and, if it sees fit, for an" (%ass of persons within an"
part of those territories.
13. P)w'1 9)1
JF'8'1a7 G)('1*2'*$L $) a;;)%*$ R'@%#$1a1# 9)1 A&&'8%*@ S$a$'#.
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, appoint, either !"
name or !" virt$e of their offi(e, so man" persons as
CitD thin2s ne(essar" to !e
3e-istrars of
+irths and Aeaths for s$(h %o(a% areas within
Can" A((edin- to #tateD as
CitD ma" define and,
CitD sees fit, for an" (%ass of persons within an" part of
Cthose #tatesD.
1C. R'@%#$1a1 $) 5' 8''2'8 a P"57%& #'1(a*$. ,ver" 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths
sha%% !e deemed to !e a p$!%i( servant within the meanin- of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
15. C:ower to remo'e e3i$trar$.D e!. by 9.O., 1937.
1G. O99%&' a*8 a$$'*8a*&' )9 R'@%#$1a1. (1 ,ver" 3e-ister of +irths and Aeaths
sha%% have an offi(e in the %o(a% area, or within the part of the territories or dominions, for
whi(h he is appointed.
(2 ,ver" 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths to whom the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma"
dire(t this s$!8se(tion to app%" sha%% attend at his offi(e for the p$rpose of re-isterin- !irths
and deaths on s$(h da"s and at s$(h ho$rs as the 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and
@arria-es ma" dire(t, and sha%% (a$se to !e p%a(ed in some (onspi($o$s p%a(e on or near the
o$ter door of his offi(e his name, with the addition of 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths for the
%o(a% area or (%ass for whi(h he is appointed, and the da"s and ho$rs of his attendan(e.
14. A5#'*&' )9 R'@%#$1a1 )1 (a&a*&< %* 6%# )99%&'.- (1 7hen an" 3e-istrar of +irths
and Aeaths to whom the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" dire(t this se(tion to app%",
J J J,
is a!sent, or when his offi(e is temporari%" va(ant
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
#$!s. ibid., for &heK.
/or 3e-istrars of +irths and Aeaths appointed $nder this se(tion forI
(1 +a%$(histan A-en(" Territories, $ee Ga1ette of India, 19=3, *t. I, p. 91).
(2 G"dera!ad #tate, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;9 and 1;9=, *t. I, p. )21 and 4);, respe(tive%".
#$!s. !" A(t 2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h., for &an" Indian #tateK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the dominions of an" *rin(e or
#tate in India in a%%ian(e with Ger @a:est"K.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &those dominionsK.
The proviso whi(h was added !" the Aevo%$tion, A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I, rep. !" A.O., 1937.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words ¬ !ein- a 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths for a %o(a% area in the town of 'a%($tta, @adras or +om!a"K omitted !" A.O., 1949,
>L< of
an" person whom the 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es appoints in this
!eha%f, or, in defa$%t of s$(h appointment, the E$d-e of the Aistri(t 'o$rt within the %o(a%
%imits of whose :$risdi(tion the 3e-istrar5s offi(e is sit$ate, or s$(h other offi(er as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD appoints in this !eha%f, sha%% !e the 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths
d$rin- s$(h a!sen(e or $nti% the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD fi%%s the va(an(".
(3 The 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es sha%% report to the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD a%% appointments made !" him $nder this se(tion.
18. R'@%#$1a1 5)):# $) 5' #";;7%'8 a*8 ;1'#'1(a$%)* )9 1'&)18# $) 5' ;1)(%8'8
9)1. The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%% s$pp%" ever" 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths with a
s$ffi(ient n$m!er of re-ister !oo2s of !irths and of re-ister !oo2s of deaths, and sha%% ma2e
s$ita!%e provision for the preservation of the re(ords (onne(ted with the re-istration of !irths
and deaths.
,!4 Mode of 1egistration
13. "$< )9 R'@%#$1a1 $) 1'@%#$1a1 5%1$6# a*8 8'a$6# )9 w6%&6 *)$%&' %# @%('*.
,ver" 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths, on re(eipt of noti(e of a !irth or death within the %o(a%
area or amon- the (%ass for whi(h he is appointed, sha%%, if the noti(e is -iven within the
pres(ri!ed time and in the pres(ri!ed mode !" a person a$thori1ed !" this A(t to -ive the
noti(e, forthwith ma2e an entr" of the !irth or death in the proper re-ister !oo2 .
*rovided thatI
(a if he has reason to !e%ieve the noti(e to !e in an" respe(t fa%se, he ma" ref$se to
re-ister the !irth death $nti% he re(eives an order from the E$d-e of the Aistri(t
'o$rt dire(tin- him to ma2e the entr" and pres(ri!in- the manner in whi(h the
entr" is to !e madeF and
(b he sha%% not enter i%% the re-ister the name of an" person as father of an
i%%e-itimate (hi%d, $n%ess at the re?$est of the mother and of the person
a(2now%ed-in- himse%f to !e the father of the (hi%d.
20. P'1#)*# a"$6)1%#'8 $) @%(' *)$%&' )9 5%1$6. An" of the fo%%owin- persons -ive
noti(e of a !irth, name%" HI
(a the father or mother of the (hi%dF
(! an" person present at the !irthF
(( an" person o(($p"in-, at the time of the !irth, an" part of the ho$se wherein
the (hi%d was !orn and havin- 2now%ed-e of the (hi%d havin- !een in the
(d an" medi(a% pra(titioner in attendan(e after the !irth and havin- persona%
2now%ed-e of the !irth havin- o(($rredF
(e an" person havin- (har-e of the (hi%d.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K
#$!8se(tion (2 omitted, ibid.
21. P'1#)*# a"$6)1%I'8 $) @%(' )9 *)$%&' 8'a$6. An" of the fo%%owin- persons ma"
-ive noti(e of a death, name%" HI
(a an" re%ative of the de(eased havin- 2now%ed-e of an" of the parti($%ars
re?$ired to !e re-istered (on(ernin- the deathF
(! an" person present at the deathF
(( an" person o(($p"in-, at the time of the death, an" part of the ho$se wherein
the death o(($rred and havin- 2now%ed-e of the de(eased havin- died in the
(d an" person in attendan(e d$rin- the %ast i%%ness of the de(easedF
(e an" person who has seen the !od" of the de(eased after death.
22. E*$1< )9 5%1$6 )1 8'a$6# $) 5' #%@*'8 5< ;'1#)* @%(%*@ *)$%&'.- (1 7hen an entr"
of a !irth or death has !een made !" the 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths $nder se(tion %9, the
person -ivin- noti(e of the !irth or death m$st si-n the entr" in the re-ister in the presen(e of
the 3e-istrar H
C*rovided that it sha%% not !e ne(essar" for the person -ivin- noti(e to attend !efore
the 3e-istrar or to si-n the entr" in the re-ister if he has -iven s$(h noti(e in writin- and has
f$rnished to the satisfa(tion of the 3e-istrar s$(h eviden(e of his identit" as ma" !e re?$ired
!" an" r$%es made !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD in this !eha%f.D
(2 Lnti% the entr" has !een so si-ned
Cor the (onditions spe(ified in the proviso to
s$!8se(tion (1 have !een (omp%ied withD, the !irth or death sha%% not !e deemed to !e
re-istered $nder this A(t.
(3 7hen the !irth of an i%%e-itimate (hi%d is re-istered, and the mother and the person
a(2now%ed-in- himse%f to !e the father of the (hi%d :oint%" re?$est that that person ma" !e
re-istered as the father, the mother and that person m$st !oth si-n the entr" in the re-ister in
the presen(e of the 3e-istrar.
23. G1a*$ )9 &'1$%9%&a$' )9 1'@%#$1a$%)* )9 5%1$6 )1 8'a$6. The 3e-istrar of +irths
made at the time of re-isterin- an" !irth or death !" the person -ivin- noti(e of the !irth or
death, and on pa"ment !" him of the pres(ri!ed fee, -ive to the app%i(ant a (ertifi(ate in the
pres(ri!ed form, si-ned !" the 3e-istrar, of havin- re-istered the !irth or death.
2C. "$< )9 R'@%#$1a1# a# $) #'*8%*@ &'1$%9%'8 &);%'# )9 '*$1%'# %* 1'@%#$'1 5)):# $)
R'@%#$1a1 G'*'1a7.- (1 ,ver" 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths in
C*a2istanD sha%% send to the
3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es for the territories within whi(h the %o(a%
area or (%ass
Ins. !" the +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es 3e-istration (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (9 of 1911, s. 2.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=,s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900 for
&the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
for whi(h he is appointed is sit$ate or resides, at the pres(ri!ed interva%s, a tr$e (op" (ertified
!" him, in the pres(ri!ed form, of a%% the entries of !irths and deaths in the re-ister !oo2 2ept
!" him sin(e the %ast of those interva%sH
*rovided that in the (ase of 3e-istrars of +irths and Aeaths who are (%er-"men of the
'h$r(hes of ,n-%and, 3ome and #(ot%and, the 3e-istrar ma", if so dire(ted !" his
e((%esiasti(a% s$perior, send the (ertified (opies in the first instan(e to that s$perior, who sha%%
send them to the proper 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es.
In this s$!8se(tion &'h$r(h of ,n-%andK and &'h$r(h of #(ot%andK mean the 'h$r(h
of ,n-%and and the 'h$r(h of #(ot%and as !" %aw esta!%ished respe(tive%"F and &'h$r(h of
3omeK means the 'h$r(h whi(h re-ards the *ope of 3ome as its spirit$a% head.
(2 The provisions of s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% app%" to ever" 3e-istrar of +irths and
Aeaths in
Can" A((edin- #tateD with this modifi(ation that the (ertified (opies referred to in
that s$!8se(tion sha%% !e sent to s$(h one of the 3e-istrars Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and
@arria-es as the
C/edera% GovernmentD, !" notifi(ation
in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, appoints in
this !eha%f.
25. S'a1&6'# a*8 &);%'# )9 '*$1%'# %* 1'@%#$'1 5)):#.- (1 ,ver" 3e-istrar of +irths
and Aeaths sha%%, on pa"ment of the pres(ri!ed fees, at a%% reasona!%e times, a%1ow sear(hes
to !e, made in the re-ister !oo2s 2ept !" him and -ive a (op" of an" entr" in the same.
(2 ,ver" (op" of an entr" in a re-ister !oo2 -iven $nder this se(tion sha%% !e (ertified
!" the 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths and sha%% !e admissi!%e in eviden(e for the p$rpose of
provin- the !irth or death to whi(h the entr" re%ates.
2G. EA&';$%)*a7 ;1)(%#%)* 9)1 1'@%#$1a$%)* )9 &'1$a%* 5%1$6# a*8 8'a$6#.
6otwithstandin- an"thin- in se(tion 19, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es
a$thori1in- 3e-istrars of +irths and Aeaths, on (onditions and in (ir($mstan(es to !e
spe(ified in the r$%es, to re-ister !irths and deaths o(($rrin- o$tside the %o(a% areas or (%asses
for whi(h the" are appointed.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, for &an" Indian #tateK whi(h had !een s$!s. for &the
dominions of an" *rin(e or #tate in India in a%%ian(e with Ger @a:est"K !" A.O., 1937.
See foot8note 1 on p. 177, $u!ra.
/or an instan(e of s$(h notifi(ation, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1923, *t. I, p. 2=4.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
The proviso added !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I, rep. !" A.O., 1937.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the words &L. G.K, whi(h had !een s$!s. for the words &G. G. in '.K !" the +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es
3e-istration (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (9 of 1911, s. 3.
/or r$%es made $nder s. 2) (on:oint%" with ss. 2; and 3), $ee Gen. 3. 4 O., and different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders. A%% r$%es made !" the G.
G. in '. $nder this A(t !efore 1911 sha%% !e deemed to have !een made !" the *rovin(ia% Government, $ee. s. ) of A(t 9 of 1911.
"!0Penalty for 5alse (nforation
24. P'*a7$< 9)1 w%79"77< @%('* 9a7#' %*9)12a$%)*. If an" person wi%f$%%" ma2es, or
(a$ses to !e made for the p$rpose of !ein- inserted in an" re-ister of !irths or deaths, an"
fa%se statement in (onne(tion with an" noti(e of a !irth or death $nder this A(t, he sha%% !e
p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three "ears, or with fine, or with
+!0,orrection of +rrors
28. C)11'&$%)* )9 '*$1< %* 1'@%#$'1 )9 5%1$6# )1 8'a$6#.- (% If it is proved to the
satisfa(tion of a 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths that an" entr" of a !irth or death in an"
re-ister 2ept !" him $nder this A(t is erroneo$s in form or s$!stan(e, he ma", s$!:e(t to s$(h
as ma" !e made !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD with respe(t to the (onditions and
(ir($mstan(es on and in whi(h errors ma" !e (orre(ted, (orre(t the error !" entr" in the
mar-in, witho$t an" a%teration of the ori-ina% entr", and sha%% si-n the mar-ina% entr" and add
thereto the date of the (orre(tion.
(2 If a (ertified (op" of the entr" has a%read" !een sent to the 3e-istrar Genera% of
+irths, Aeaths and @arria-es, the 3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths sha%% ma2e and send a
separate (ertified (op" of the ori-ina% erroneo$s entr" and of the mar-ina% (orre(tion therein
A@,6A@,6T OfM @A33IAG, A'T#
Ce!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; (1 of 193;, s. 2 and S#hedu"eD
#*,'IAL *3O<I#IO6# A# TO ',3TAI6 ,>I#TI6G 3,GI#T,3#
32. P'12%##%)* $) ;'1#)*# 6a(%*@ &"#$)8< )9 &'1$a%* 1'&)18# $) #'*8 $6'2 w%$6%*
)*' <'a1 $) R'@%#$1a1 G'*'1a7. If an" person in
C*a2istanD or in
Can" A((edin- #tateD, has
for the time !ein- the ($stod" of an" re-ister or re(ord
/or r$%es made $nder s. 2) (on:oint%" with ss. 2; and 3), $ee Gen. 3. 4 O., and different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders. A%% r$%es made !" the
G.G. in '. $nder this A(t !efore 1911 sha%% !e deemed to have !een made !" the *rovin(ia% Government, $ee s.) of A(t 9 of 1911.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the words &L. G.K whi(h had !een s$!s. for the words &G. G. in '.K !" the +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es
3e-istration (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (9 of 1911, s. 3.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1122, for
&the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish India.K
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h. for &an" Indian #tateK whi(h had !een
s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the dominions of an" *rin(e or #tate in India in a%%ian(e with Ger @a:est"K.
of !irth, !aptism, namin-, dedi(ation, death or !$ria% of an" persons of the (%asses referred to
in se(tion 11, s$!8se(tion (1, or of an" re-ister or re(ord of marria-e of an" persons of the
(%asses to whi(h A(t III of 1;72 or the 'hristian @arria-e A(t, 1;72, or the *arsi @arria-e
and Aivor(e A(t, 1;)0
, app%ies, F and if s$(h re-ister or re(ord has !een made otherwise than
in performan(e of a d$t" spe(ia%%" en:oined !" the %aw of the (o$ntr" in whi(h the 3e-ister
or re(ord was 2ept, he ma",
Cat an" time !efore the first da" of Apri% 1;91D, send the re-ister
or re(ord to the offi(e of the 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es for the
territories within whi(h he resides, or, if he resides within
C an" A((edin- #tateD, to s$(h one
of the 3e-istrars Genera% as aforesaid as the
C/edera% GovernmentD, !" notifi(ation
in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, dire(ts in this !eha%fH
33. A;;)%*$2'*$ )9 C)22%##%)*'1# $) 'Aa2%*' 1'@%#$'1#.
C(1 An"
GovernmentD in the (ase of re-isters or re(ords sent $nder se(tion 32 to the 3e-istrar Genera%
for the territories $nder its administration, and the
C/edera% GovernmentD, in the (ase of
re-isters or re(ords so sent to an" other 3e-istrar Genera% appointed !"
CitD $nder the said
se(tion, ma" appoint so man" persons as it
J J J thin2s fit to !e 'ommissioners for
e.aminin- s$(h re-isters or re(ords.D
(2 The 'ommissioners so appointed sha%% ho%d offi(e for s$(h period as the
Ca$thorit" appointin- themD, !" the order of appointment, or an" s$!se?$ent order, dire(ts.
3C. "$%'# )9 C)22%##%)*'1#.- (1 The 'ommissioners appointed $nder the %ast fore8
-oin- se(tion sha%% en?$ire into the state, ($stod" and a$thenti(it" of ever" s$(h re-ister or
re(ord as ma" !e sent to the 3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es $nder se(tion
and sha%% de%iver to the 3e-istrar Genera% a des(riptive %ist or des(riptive %ists of a%%
s$(h re-isters or re(ords, or portions of re-isters or re(ords, as the" find to !e a(($rate and
See now the *arsi @arria-e and Aivor(e A(t, 193) (3 of 193).
#$!s. for &within one "ear from the date on whi(h this A(t (omes into for(eK !" the +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es 3e-istration A(t, (1;;)
Amendment A(t, 1;9= (1) of 1;9=, s. I.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd s(h., for &an" Indian #tateK whi(h had !een
s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the dominions of an" *rin(e or #tate in India in a%%ian(e with Ger @a:est"K.
See foot8note 1 on p. 177, $u!ra.
/or an instan(e of s$(h notifi(ation, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;99, *t. I, p.424.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of India.K.
*roviso whi(h was inserted !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2, and #(h. I, and s$!se?$ent%" amended !" A.O., 1937, omitted
!" A.O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" A(t 3; of 192= s. 2 and #eh. I, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (1
#$!s. !" A, O., 1937, for &L. G,K.
#$!s, i!id., for &himK.
The words &or he, as the (ase ma" !e,K rep., ibid.
#$!s. !" A(t 3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h., I, for &G. G. in '.K.
>< of
>< of
(2 The %ist or %ists sha%% (ontain the pres(ri!ed parti($%ars and refer to the re-isters or
re(ords, or to the portions of the re-isters or re(ords, in the pres(ri!ed manner.
(3 The 'ommissioners sha%% a%so (ertif" in writin-, $pon some part of ever" separate
!oo2 or vo%$me (ontainin- an" s$(h re-ister or re(ord, or portion of a re-ister or re(ord, as is
referred to in an" %ist or %ists made !" the 'ommissioners, that it is one of the re-isters or
re(ords, or portions of re-isters or re(ords, referred to in the said %ist or %ists.
35. S'a1&6'# )9 7%#$# ;1';a1'8 5< C)22%##%)*'1# a*8 @1a*$ )9 &'1$%9%'8 &);%'# )9
'*$1%'#.- (1 #$!:e(t to the pa"ment of the pres(ri!ed fees, the des(riptive %ist or %ists of
re-isters or re(ords, or portions of re-isters or re(ords, de%ivered !" the 'ommissioners to the
3e-istrar Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es sha%% !e, at a%% reasona!%e times, open to
inspe(tion !" an" person app%"in- to inspe(t it or them, and (opies of entries in those
re-isters or re(ords sha%% !e -iven to a%% persons app%"in- for them.
(2 A (op" of an entr" -iven $nder this se(tion sha%% !e (ertified !" the 3e-istrar
Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es, or !" an offi(er or person
a$thori1ed in this !eha%f
!" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD and sha%% !e admissi!%e in eviden(e for the p$rpose of
provin- the !irth, !aptism, namin-, dedi(ation, death, !$ria% or marria-e to whi(h the entr"
J35A. C)*#$%$"$%)* )9 a88%$%)*a7 C)22%##%)*# 9)1 ;"1;)#'# )9 $6%# C6a;$'1.- (1
C/edera% GovernmentD or the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
Cma" !" notifi(ation in the
offi(ia% Ga1etteD appoint more 'ommissions
than one for the p$rposes of se(tion 33, ea(h
s$(h 'ommission (onsistin- of so man" and s$(h mem!ers, and havin- its f$n(tions
restri(ted to the disposa%, $nder this A(t and the r$%es there$nder, of s$(h re-isters and
re(ords sent $nder se(tion 32 to the 3e-istrar Genera% as ma" !e spe(ified in the notifi(ation.
(2 If more 'ommissions than one are appointed in of the power (onferred !"
s$!8se(tion (1, then referen(es in this A(t to the 'ommissioners sha%% !e (onstr$ed as
referen(es to the mem!ers (onstit$tin- a, 'ommission so appointed.D
/or s$(h a$thori1ations, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
#. 30A was added !" the +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es 3e-istration A(t (1;;) Amendment A(t, 1;9= (1) of 1;9=, s. 2, whi(h was
repea%ed !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 3 and #(h. II. The present s$!8se(tion (1 was s$!s. for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion !" A(t
3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. 1 and s$!8se(tion (2, whi(h is the same as the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2, was ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin-
A(t, 1934 (24 of 1934 s. 2 and #(h. I.
See foot8note 1 on p. 177, $u!ra.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &if he or it thin2s fit, ma" !" notifi(ation in the Ga1ette of India or the %o(a% offi(ia% Ga1ette, as the (ase ma" !eK.
/or 'ommissioners appointed $nder this se(tion, $ee Gen. 3. 4 O.
J3G. R"7'#.-
C(1 The *rovin(ia% Government, for ea(h *rovin(e, and the
GovernmentD, for
C(iti1ens of *a2istanD in
CA((edin- #tatesD, ma" ma2e r$%es to (arr" o$t
the p$rposes of this A(t.D
(2 In parti($%ar and witho$t pre:$di(e to the -enera%it" of the fore-oin- power, s$(h
r$%es ma"I
(a fi. the fees pa"a!%e $nder this A(tF
(b pres(ri!e the forms re?$ired for the p$rposes of this A(tF
(# pres(ri!e the time within whi(h, and the mode in whi(h, persons
a$thori1ed $nder this A(t to -ive noti(e of a !irth or death to a
3e-istrar of +irths and Aeaths m$st -ive the noti(eF
(d pres(ri!e the eviden(e of identit" to !e f$rnished to a 3e-istrar of
+irths and Aeaths !" persons -ivin- noti(e of a !irth or death in (ases
where persona% attendan(e !efore s$(h 3e-istrar is dispensed withF
(e pres(ri!e the re-isters to !e 2ept and the form and manner in whi(h
3e-istrars of +irths and Aeaths are to re-ister !irths and deaths $nder
this A(t, and the interva%s at whi(h the" are to send to the 3e-istrar
Genera% of +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es tr$e (opies of the entries of
!irths and deaths in the re-isters 2ept !" themF
(f pres(ri!e the (onditions and (ir($mstan(es on and in whi(h 3e-istrars
of +irths and Aeaths ma" (orre(t entries of !irths and deaths in
re-isters 2ept !" themF
(3 pres(ri!e the parti($%ars whi(h the des(riptive %ist or %ists to !e
prepared !" the 'ommissioners appointed $nder 'hapter < are to
(ontain, and the manner in whi(h the" are to refer to the re-isters or
re(ords, or portions of re-isters or re(ords, to whi(h the" re%ateF and
(h pres(ri!e the ($stod" in whi(h those re-isters or re(ords are to !e 2ept.
#$!s. !" the +irths, Aeaths and @arria-es 3e-istration (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (9 of 1911,s. 4, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion.
#$!s. !" /. A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for &+ritish s$!:e(tsK (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h., for &Indian #tatesK.
(3 ,ver" power to ma2e r$%es (onferred !" this A(t is s$!:e(t to the (ondition of the
r$%es !ein- made after previo$s p$!%i(ation.
(4 A%% r$%es made $nder this A(t sha%% !e p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, and on
s$(h p$!%i(ation sha%% have effe(t as if ena(ted in this A(t.D
34. C:ro#edure for ma>in3 and !ub"i#ation of ru"e$.D e! by the ;irth$, Death$ and
5arria3e$ e3i$tration 9mendment 9#t, 1911 (+) of 1911, $. 0.
1. #hort tit%e and (ommen(ement.
2. Lo(a% e.tent.
3. Aefinitions.
4. App%i(ation for and (onsent ne(essar" to ma2in- of order.
0. 'onsent of %o(a% or road8a$thorit" not ne(essar" in (ertain (ases.
). *ro(ed$re for ma2in- order.
7. 'ontents of order.
;. /$rther order.
9. *ower to a$thori1e :oint wor2 !" %o(a% a$thorities.
1=. 'essation of powers -iven !" an order.
11. @ode of formation of tramwa".
12. Inspe(tion of tramwa" !efore openin-.
13. A-reement !etween road8a$thorit" and promoter as to repair of roadwa".
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
14. 3i-hts of promoter and the p$!%i( over tramwa"s.
10. To%%s %evia!%e !" promoter or %essee.
1). 'arria-e of dan-ero$s or offensive -oods.
17. Grant to third parties of %i(enses to $se tramwa" in (ertain events.
1;. Li(ensee to -ive to promoter or %essee an a((o$nt of traffi(.
19. 'essation of powers of promoter and %essee on dis(ontin$an(e of tramwa".
2=. *owers of road8a$thorit" on (essation of powers of promoter.
21. *ro(eedin-s in (ase of inso%ven(" of promoter.
22. /$t$re p$r(hase of $nderta2in- !" %o(a% a$thorit".
23. Lease of, or wor2in- of, tramwa" !" %o(a% a$thorit".
24. *ower to ma2e r$%es.
20. *ower to impose pena%t" !" r$%e.
2). *ro(ed$re for ma2in- and p$!%i(ation of, r$%es.
27. *ena%t" for fai%$re of promoter, %essee or %i(ensee to (omp%" with a(t or
2;. *ena%t" for o!str$(tin- promoter in of his powers.
29. *ena%t" for interferin- with tramwa".
3=. *ena%t" for $sin- tramwa" with (arria-e havin- f%an-ewhee%s.
31. *ena%t" for evadin- pa"ment or proper to%%.
32. *ena%t" for ta2in- or sendin- dan-ero$s or offensive -oods witho$t -ivin- noti(e.
33. *ena%t" for %i(ensee not -ivin- to promoter or %essee an a((o$nt of traffi( or -ivin-
fa%se a((o$nt.
34. #avin- of prose($tions $nder other %aws.
30. Aifferen(es !etween promoters or %essees and a$thorities.
3). 3e(over" of mone"s d$e from promoters and, in (ertain (ases, from %essees. .
37. 3e(over" of to%%s from %i(ensees.
3;. 3e(over" of to%%s from passen-ers.
39. *romoter to have ri-ht of $ser on%".
4=. #avin- of power over roads traversed !" tramwa"s.
41. #avin- of power of %o(a% a$thorit" and po%i(e to re-$%ate traffi( on roads.
42. *romoters, %essees and %i(ensees to !e responsi!%e for a%% in:$ries.
43. 7ant of f$nds not a s$ffi(ient reason for defa$%t.
44. *ower to e.empt from m$ni(ipa% ta.ation.
40. App%i(atioi1 !" %o(a% a$thorities of %o(a% f$nd to tramwa"s.
4). ,.tension of A(t to e.istin- tramwa"s.
47. *rohi!ition of (onstr$(tion of tramwa" e.(ept $nder this A(t.
4;. Transfer of (ontro% on e.(%$sion of %o(a% area from (ir(%e of %o(a% a$thorit".
49. Ce!ea"ed.D
0=. *owers of Government!%e from time to time.
ACT N). /I OF 188G
C14th 5ar#h, 1;;)D
A* A&$ $) 9a&%7%$a$' $6' &)*#$1"&$%)* a*8 $) 1'@"7a$' $6' w)1:%*@ )9 T1a2wa<#
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to fa(i%itate the (onstr$(tion and to re-$%ate the wor2in- of
tramwa"sF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows HI
1. S6)1$ $%$7' a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.- (1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
J Tramwa"s A(t,
1;;) F and
(2 It sha%% (ome into for(e at on(e.
2. L)&a7 'A$'*$.-
C(1 It e.tends in the first instan(e to
Cthe *$n:a!D and the
7est /rontier *rovin(eD.D
C(2 This A(t ma" !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette !e e.tended to the who%e or
an" part of the said territories !" the *rovin(ia% Government (on(erned.D
3. '9%*%$%)*#. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or
(1 &%o(a% a$thorit"K means a m$ni(ipa% (ommittee, distri(t !oard, !od" of port
(ommissioners or other a$thorit" %e-a%%" entit%ed to, or entr$sted !"
GovernmentD or an" *rovin(ia% GovernmentD with, the (ontro% or mana-ement of a
m$ni(ipa% or %o(a% f$ndH
/or #ett%ement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;0, *t. <, p. 3=; F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;;), *t.
I<, p. 131F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;0, #$pp%ement, p. 1044 F and ibid., 1;;), #$pp%ement, pp. 7 and 41;.
This A(t has !een e.tended to the town of Oara(hi and its s$!$r!s, $ee +om!a" Ga1ette, 1;;7, *t. I. p. ;99.
/or separate A(ts on the s$!:e(t of tramwa"s in8
Oara(hi, $ee the Oara(hi Tramwa"s A(t, 1;;3 (+om. 2 of 1;;3.
The word &IndianK omitted !" A.O.,1949, #(h.
#$!s. ibid., for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion(I.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. ;, for &7est *$n:a!K.
#$!s. !" /.A.O, 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for &6orth 7est /rontierK whi(h was amended !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e,
19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A.O.,1937, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion(2.
#$!s. ibid., for &the Govt.K.
#$!s. !" /. A.O., 1970 , Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
'%a$se (1a whi(h was ins, !" A.O.,19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190), has !een omitted !" A.O.,19)4, Art. 2
and #(h.
(2 &roadK means the wa" of a road, street, thoro$-h fare, passa-e or p%a(e a%on- or
a(ross whi(h a tramwa" a$thori1ed $nder this A(t is, or is intended to !e, %aid, and
in(%$des the s$rfa(e8soi% and s$!8soi% of a road, and the footwa", !erms, drains
and dit(hes of a road, and an" !rid-e, ($%vert or (a$sewa" formin- part of a roadH
(3 &road8a$thorit"K, in re%ation to a road, meansI
(a if a %o(a% a$thorit" maintain and repairs the road, then that a$thorit"F
(b if a %o(a% a$thorit" does not maintains and repair the road, and the road
is neither vested in
CGovernmentD nor maintained and repaired !"
C/edera% GovernmentD or an" *rovin(ia% GovernmentD, then the person
in whom the road is vestedF and
(# if a %o(a% a$thorit" does not maintain and repair the road, and the road
is vested in
CGovernmentD or maintained and repaired !"
C/edera% GovernmentD or an" *rovin(ia% GovernmentD, then
Government for whose p$rposes a road is so vested or !" whi(h the
road is maintained and repaired, as the (ase ma" !eD H
(4 &(ir(%eK , in re%ation to a %o(a% a$thorit" or road a$thorit", means the area within
the (ontro% of that a$thorit"H
C(0 &tramwa"K means a tramwa" havin- one, two or more rai%s, and in(%$desI
&a( an" part of a tramwa", or an" sidin-, t$rno$t, (onne(tion, %ine or tra(2
!e%on-in- to a tramwa"F
(b an" e%e(tri(a% e?$ipment of a tramwa"F and
(# an" e%e(tri( s$pp%"8%ine transmittin- power from a -eneratin- station or
s$!8station to a tramwa" or from a -eneratin- station to a s$!8station
from whi(h power is transmitted to a tramwa".D
() &orderK means an order a$thori1in- the (onstr$(tion of a tramwa" $nder this A(t,
and in(%$des a f$rther order s$!stit$ted for, or amendin-, e.tendin- or var"in-,
that orderH
(7 &promoterK means a %o(a% a$thorit" or person in whose favo$r an order has !een
made, and in(%$des a %o(a% a$thorit" or person on whom the ri-hts and %ia!i%ities
(onferred and imposed on the promoter !" this A(t and !" the order and an" r$%es
made $nder this A(t as to the (onstr$(tion, maintenan(e and $se of the tramwa",
have devo%vedH
#$!s. !" A.O.,19)1, Art. 2, for &Ger @a:est"K (with effe#t from the 43
5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the Govt.K.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the L. G.K.
#$!s. !" the Indian Tramwa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (0 of 1911, s. 2, for the ori-ina% (%a$se.
(; &$nderta2in-K in(%$des a%% movea!%e and immovea!%e propert" of the promoter
s$ita!%e to and $sed !" him for the p$rposes of the tramwa"H
(9 &(arria-eK, in the (ase of a tramwa" on whi(h steam power or an" other
me(hani(a% power
Cor e%e(tri(a% powerD is $sed, in(%$des an en-ine wor2ed on the
tramwa" for the p$rpose of prod$(in-
Cor $ti%i1in-D that powerH
(1= &to%%K in(%$des an" (har-e %evia!%e in respe(t of the $se of it tramwa"H
(11 &%esseeK means a person to whom a %ease has !een -ranted of the ri-ht of $ser of a
tramwa" and of demandin- and ta2in- the a$thori1ed to%%sH
(12 &Aistri(t @a-istrateK in(%$des an offi(er empowered !" the
CGovernmentD !"
name or !" virt$e of his offi(e to dis(har-e within an" %o(a% area a%% or an" of the
f$n(tions of a Aistri(t @a-istrate $nder this A(tH
(13 &Aistri(t 'o$rtK means a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion, and
in(%$des a Gi-h 'o$rt havin- ordinar" ori-ina% (ivi% :$risdi(tionH
(14 &'o%1e(torK means the (hief offi(er in (har-e of the reven$e8administration of a
distri(t, and in(%$des an offi(er empowered !" the
CGovernmentD !" name or !"
virt$e of his offi(e to dis(har-e within an" %o(a% area the f$n(tions of a 'o%%e(tor
$nder this A(tH
(10 &pres(ri!edK means pres(ri!ed !" r$%es made !" the
CGovernmentD $nder this
C(1) &GovernmentK means the *rovin(ia% GovernmentD.D
C. A;;7%&a$%)* 9)1 a*8 &)*#'*$ *'&'##a1< $) 2a:%*@ )9 )18'1.- (1 The
CGovernmentD ma" ma2e an order a$thori1in- the (onstr$(tion of a tramwa" in a (ir(%e on
app%i(ation made HI
(a !" the %o(a% a$thorit" of the (ir(%e with the (onsent of the road8a$thorit" of an"
road or part of a road whi(h is to !e traversed !" the tramwa" and of whi(h the
%o(a% a$thorit" is not itse%f the road8a$thorit"F or
Ins. !" the Indian Tramwa"s (Arndt. A(t, 1911 (0 of 1911, s. 3.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The word &andK rep., ibid.
1ns. ibid.
'%a$se (1) whi(h was ins. !" A.O., 1937, and s$!se?$ent%" amended !". A.O., 1949, #(h. and A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. &with effe#t
from the 43rd 5ar#h ,190=(, has !een s$!s. !" A. O. ,19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
&b( !" an" person with the (onsent of the %o(a% a$thorit" of the (ir(%e, and of the
road8a$thorit" of an" road or part of a road whi(h is to !e traversed !" the
tramwa" and of whi(h the %o(a% a$thorit" is not the road a$thorit" H
(2 A %o(a% a$thorit" sha%% not ma2e an app%i(ation for an order or !e deemed to
(onsent to an app%i(ation !ein- made !" an" person for an order, $n%ess the ma2in- of the
app%i(ation or the -ivin- of the (onsent has !een approved !" the %o(a% a$thorit" in manner
5. C)*#'*$ )9 7)&a7 )1 1)a8 a"$6)1%$< *)$ *'&'##a1< %* &'1$a%* &a#'#. 7hen it is
proposed to %a" a tramwa" in two or more (ir(%es, and a %o(a% a$thorit" or road8a$thorit"
havin- (ontro% in either or an" of the (ir(%es does not (onsent thereto, or atta(hes (onditions
to its (onsent, the
CGovernmentD ma", neverthe%ess, ma2e an order a$thori1in- the
(onstr$(tion of the tramwa" in the (ir(%e, or !" the order impose on the promoter an" (ondi8
tions whi(h it deems fit, if, after (onsiderin- the reasons of the a$thorit" for withho%din- its
(onsent or atta(hin- the (onditions thereto, it is satisfied that the (onstr$(tion of the tramwa"
in the (ir(%e is e.pedient, or, as the (ase ma" !e, that the (onditions atta(hed !" the a$thorit"
to its (onsent o$-ht not to !e imposed.
G. P1)&'8"1' 9)1 2a:%*@ )18'1.- (1 The
CGovernmentD on re(eivin- an app%i(ation
sha%% (onsider it, and, if satisfied as to the propriet" of pro(eedin- thereon, p$!%ish in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette, and in s$(h other manner as it deems s$ffi(ient for -ivin- information to
persons interested, a draft of a proposed order a$thori1in- the (onstr$(tion of the tramwa".
(2 A noti(e sha%% !e p$!%ished with the draft statin- that an" o!:e(tion or s$--estion
whi(h an" person ma" desire to ma2e with respe(t to the proposed order wi%%, if s$!mitted to
CGovernmentD on or !efore a date to !e spe(ified in the noti(e, !e re(eived and
(3 If, after (onsiderin- an" o!:e(tions or s$--estions whi(h ma" have !een made
with respe(t to the draft on or !efore the date so spe(ified, the
CGovernmentD is of opinion
that the app%i(ation sho$%d !e -ranted, with or witho$t addition or modifi(ation, or s$!:e(t or
not to an" restri(tion or (ondition, it ma" ma2e an order a((ordin-%".
(4 ,ver" order a$thori1in- the (onstr$(tion of a tramwa" sha%% !e p$!%ished in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette in ,n-%ish, and in the other pres(ri!ed %an-$a-e or %an-$a-es, if an"F and that
p$!%i(ation sha%% !e (on(%$sive proof that the order has !een made as re?$ired !" this se(tion.
The proviso to s$!8se(tion 4(1 rep. !" A.O., 1937.
#$!s. ibid., for &L. G.K.
4. C)*$'*$# )9 )18'1.- (1 An order made $nder se(tion ) sha%% empower the promoter
therein spe(ified to (onstr$(t an maintain the tramwa" therein des(ri!ed in the manner therein
provided, and sha%% spe(if" the time within whi(h the tramwa" sha%% !e (ommen(ed and the time
within whi(h it sha%% !e (omp%eted and opened for p$!%i( traffi(.
(2 The order ma" a%so provide in manner (onsistent with this A(t, for a%% or an" of the
fo%%owin-, amon- other matters, that is to sa" H
(a a period !efore the e.piration of whi(h the tramwa" sha%% not !e (ommen(ed, and
the (onditions s$!:e(t to whi(h the %o(a% a$thorit", when it is not itse%f the
promoter, ma", within that period e%e(t to !e s$!stit$ted in the p%a(e of the
promoter in respe(t of the $nderta2in- or of so m$(h thereof as is within its (ir(%eF
and the %imits of time within whi(h, and the terms $pon whi(h, the %o(a% a$thorit"
ma", after the tramwa" has !een (onstr$(ted, re?$ire the promoter to se%% to it the
$nderta2in- or so m$(h thereof as is within its (ir(%e F
(b the a(?$isition !" the promoter of %and for the p$rposes of the tramwa", and the
disposa% !" him of %and whi(h has !een a(?$ired !$t is no %on-er re?$ired for those
(# the (onditions s$!:e(t to whi(h roads ma" !e opened and !ro2en $p for the
p$rposes of the (onstr$(tion or maintenan(e of the tramwa" or an" part thereof,
and the method of, and materia%s to !e $sed in, the reinstatin- of the roads, and the
approva% of the method and materia%s !" the
CGovernmentD or the road8a$thorit"
!efore the (ommen(ement of the wor2F
(d the (onditions on whi(h the tramwa" ma" !e (onstr$(ted over a !rid-e or a(ross a
rai%wa" or tramwa" when the (arria-ewa" over the !rid-e is to form part of the
tramwa" or when the tramwa" is to (ross a rai%wa" or another tramwa" on the
C(e the spa(e whi(h sha%% ordinari%" intervene !etween the o$tside of the (arria-ewa"
on either side of a road whereon the tramwa" is to !e (onstr$(ted, andI
(i in the (ase of a tramwa" havin- one rai%, the rai% of the tramwa", or
&ii( in the (ase of a tramwa" havin- two or more rai%s, the nearest rai% of the
and the (onditions on whi(h a sma%%er spa(e ma" !e permitted FD
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
#$!s. !" the Indian Tramwa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (0 of 1911, s. 4, for the ori-ina% (%a$se.
&f( the -a$-e of the tramwa", the rai%s to !e $sed, and the mode in whi(h, and the
%eve% at whi(h, the" sha%% !e %aid and maintainedF and the adoption and app%i(ation
!" the promoter of s$(h improvements in the rai%s, and in, their sit$ation, and in
the s$!8str$(t$re $pon whi(h the" rest, as the
CGovernmentD ma" from time to
time re?$ireF
&3( the portion of the road or roads traversed !", the tramwa" to !e 2ept in repair !"
the promoterF the maintenan(e !" the promoter to the satisfa(tion of the
CGovernmentD or the road8a$thorit", or !oth, of that portion of the road or roadsF
and the %ia!i%it" of the promoter, on the re?$isition of the
CGovernmentD, from
time to time to adopt and app%" s$(h improvements in the tramwa" as the
CGovernmentD ma" (onsider ne(essar" or desira!%e for the safet" or (onvenien(e
of the p$!%i(, and to a%ter the position or %eve% of the tramwa" to s$it f$t$re
a%terations in the road or roadsF
&h( the app%i(ation of materia% e.(avated !" the promoter in the (onstr$(tion or
maintenan(e of the tramwa"F
&i( the provision of s$(h (rossin-s, passin-8p%a(es, sidin-s, :$n(tions and other
wor2s, in addition to those spe(ified in or a$thori1ed !" the order, as ma" from
time to time !e ne(essar" or (onvenient to the effi(ient wor2in- of the tramwa"F
&A( the powers whi(h ma" from time to time !e !" the
CGovernmentD, the
%o(a% a$thorit", the road a$thorit" or an" person in respe(t of sewers, drains,
te%e-raph8%ines, -as8pipes, water8pipes or other thin-s in or on %and o(($pied !"
the tramwa"F the noti(e (if an" to !e -iven of the intended of those
powersF the manner in whi(h the powers sha%% !e and the e.tent to
whi(h the tramwa" and the traffi( thereon ma" !e interfered with in the
&>( the (onditions s$!:e(t to whi(h the promoter ma" from time to time interfere with,
or a%ter or re?$ire the a%teration of the position of, drains (not !ein- sewers or
main drains, te%e-raph8%ines, -as8pipes, water8pipes or other thin-s as aforesaidF
&"( the provision of a temporar" tramwa" in p%a(e of a part of a tramwa" whi(h has
!een removed, or of whi(h the $se has !een dis(ontin$ed !" reason of the
e.e($tion of an" wor2 affe(tin- a road a%on- whi(h the part of the tramwa" was
%aid, or !" reason of the $se of the road !ein- interr$pted !" f%oods or other (a$seF
#$!s. !". A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
&m( the motive power to !e $sed on the tramwa", and the (onditions on whi(h
steam8power or an" other me(hani(a% power
Cor e%e(tri(a% powerD ma" !e $sedF
&n( the nat$re, dimensions, fittin-s, app%ian(es and apparat$s of the (arria-es to !e
$sed on the tramwa", and the inspe(tion and e.amination thereof !" offi(ers of
CGovernmentD or the %o(a% a$thorit", and the %ia!i%it" of the promoter or
%essee, on the re?$isition of the
CGovernmentD, from time to time, to adopt and
app%" s$(h improvements in the (arria-es, and in the fittin-s, app%ian(es and
apparat$s, as the
CGovernmentD ma" (onsider ne(essar" or desira!%e for the
safet" or (onvenien(e of the p$!%i(F
&o( the traffi( whi(h ma" !e (arried on the tramwa", the traffi( whi(h the promoter
or %essee sha%% !e !o$nd to (arr", and the traffi( whi(h he ma" ref$se to (arr"F
the to%%s to !e %evia!%e !" the promoter or %essee, and the periodi(a% revision
thereof !" the
CGovernmentDF and the re-$%ation of the traffi( and of the %ev" of
the to%%sF
&!( the $se of the tramwa" free of to%% !" the %o(a% a$thorit", with its own (arria-es,
for spe(ified p$rposes, d$rin- spe(ified ho$rs, with power to the %o(a% a$thorit"
to ma2e s$(h sidin-s and other wor2s as ma" !e ne(essar" for (omm$ni(ation
!etween its premises and the tramwa"F
&q( the (onditions s$!:e(t to whi(h the promoter ma" transfer the $nderta2in-, or
an" part thereof, !" sa%e, mort-a-e, %ease, e.(han-e or otherwiseF and the (on8
ditions s$!:e(t to whi(h the %o(a% a$thorit" ma" !e the transfereeF
(r the performan(e !" the
CGovernmentD or !" the %o(a% a$thorit" or road8
a$thorit" of an" wor2 re?$ired !" the A(t or the order to !e done !" the
promoterF and
&$( the pena%t" to !e in($rred !" the promoter or %essee for fai%$re to o!serve an"
(ondition or dire(tion (ontained in the order, and the app%i(ation of the pena%t"
when re(overed.
(3 The
CGovernmentD ma", in providin- in the order for the a(?$isition of %and for
the p$rposes of a tramwa" of whi(h the promoter is not a (ompan", dire(t that %and ma" !e
a(?$ired for the promoter $nder the provisions of the Land A(?$isition A(t,
C1;94D, in the
same manner and on the same (onditions as it mi-ht !e a(?$ired for the p$rposes of the
tramwa" if a (ompan" were the promoter.
Ins. !" the Indian Tramwa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (0 of 1911, s. 0
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &1;7=K.
I of 1;94
(4 The order sha%% imp%" the (onditionI
&a( in the (ase of a tramwa" of whi(h a %o(a% a$thorit" is the promoter, that
a %ease thereof sha%% !e -ranted on%" in manner !" this A(t providedF and
&b( in the (ase of a tramwa" of whi(h a %o(a% a$thorit" is not the promoter,
that a %ease thereof sha%% !e on%" of the ri-ht of $ser and of demandin-
and ta2in- the a$thori1ed to%%s, and sha%% not (onfer or impose on the
%essee an" of the powers or d$ties of the promoter in respe(t of the
(onstr$(tion or maintenan(e of the tramwa".
8. F"1$6'1 )18'1.D(1 The
CGovernmentD ma", on the app%i(ation of the promoter,
revo2e, amend, e.tend or var" the order !" a f$rther order.
(2 An app%i(ation for a f$rther order sha%% !e made in the same manner and
s$!:e(t to the same (onditions as an app%i(ation for an order.
(3 The
CGovernmentD ma", in its dis(retion, either -rant or re:e(t the
(4 If it -rants the app%i(ation, it sha%% ma2e the f$rther order in the same
manner as an order, e.(ept that no addition to, or modifi(ation of, the ri-hts, powers and
a$thorities as2ed for in the app%i(ation, or restri(tion or (ondition with respe(t thereto, sha%% !e
made or imposed !" the f$rther order witho$t the (onsent in writin- of the promoter.
3. P)w'1 $) a"$6)1%I' >)%*$ w)1: 5< 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$%'#.D(1 #$!:e(t to, and in
a((ordan(e with, the provisions of this A(t, the
CGovernmentD ma", on a :oint app%i(ation, or
on two or more separate app%i(ations, ma2e an order empowerin- two or more %o(a%
a$thorities, respe(tive%", :oint%" to (onstr$(t the who%e, or separate%" to (onstr$(t parts, of a
tramwa", and :oint%" or separate%" to own the who%e or parts thereof.
(2 A%% the provisions of this A(t whi(h re%ate to the (onstr$(tion of tramwa"s sha%%
e.tend and app%" to the (onstr$(tion of the who%e and the separate parts of the tramwa", and
the form of the order ma" !e adapted to the (ir($mstan(es of the (ase.
10. C'##a$%)* )9 ;)w'1# @%('* 5< a* )18'1.D(1 If a promoter a$thori1ed !" an order
to (onstr$(t a tramwa"8
&a( does not within the time spe(ified in the order s$!stantia%%" (ommen(e the
(onstr$(tion of the tramwa", or
&b( havin- (ommen(ed the (onstr$(tion s$spends it witho$t a reason s$ffi(ient in
the opinion of the
CGovernmentD to warrant the s$spension, or
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
&#( does not within the time spe(ified in the order (omp%ete the tramwa" and open it
for p$!%i( traffi(,
the fo%%owin- (onse?$en(es sha%% ens$eHI
(i the powers -iven !" the order to the promoter for (onstr$(tin- the tramwa" and
otherwise in re%ation thereto sha%%, $n%ess the
CGovernmentD, !" spe(ia%
dire(tion in writin-, pro%on-s the time or (ondones the s$spension, (ease to !e e.(ept as to so m$(h of the tramwa" as is then (omp%etedF
(ii as to so m$(h of the tramwa" as is then (omp%eted, the
CGovernmentD ma"
either permit, or ref$se to permit, the powers -iven !" the order to (ontin$eF
(iii if the
CGovernmentD ref$ses to permit the powers to (ontin$e, then so m$(h of
the tramwa" as is then (omp%eted ma" !e dea%t with, $nder the provisions of this
A(t re%atin- to the dis(ontin$an(e of tramwa"s, as a tramwa" of the wor2in-
whereof the dis(ontin$an(e has !een proved to the satisfa(tion of the
(2 A notifi(ation p$!%ished !" the
CGovernmentD in the offi(ia% Ga1ette to the effe(t
that on a date spe(ified in the notifi(ation the (onstr$(tion of a tramwa" had not !een s$!s8
tantia%%" (ommen(ed or a tramwa" had not !een (omp%eted and opened for p$!%i( traffi(, or
that the (onstr$(tion of a tramwa" had !een s$spended witho$t s$ffi(ient reason, sha%%, for the
p$rposes of this se(tion !e (on(%$sive proof of the matter stated therein.
'O6#T3L'TIO6 A6A @AI6T,6A6', O/ T3A@7A9#
11. M)8' )9 9)12a$%)* )9 $1a2wa<. A tramwa" sha%% !e (onstr$(ted and maintained
in the manner provided !" the order.
12. I*#;'&$%)* )9 $1a2wa< 5'9)1' );'*%*@. A tramwa", or portion or e.tension of, or
addition to, a tramwa", sha%% not !e opened for p$!%i( traffi(
C$nti% it has !een inspe(ted and
(ertified to !e fit for s$(h traffi( !" an en-ineer appointed
C!" the GovernmentDD.
13. A@1''2'*$ 5'$w''* 1)a8 a"$6)1%$< a*8 ;1)2)$'1 a# $) 1';a%1 )9 1)a8wa<.
#$!:e(t to the provisions of an" order for the time !ein- in for(e with respe(t to the matters
mentioned in se(tion 7, s$!8se(tion (2, (%a$se &3( the road8a$thorit" and the promoter ma"
from time to time enter into, a-reements as to the 2eepin- in repair of the who%e or a part of a
road traversed !" a tramwa", and as to the proportion to !e paid !" either of them of the
e.pense of 2eepin- the road or part in repair.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
#$!s, ibid., for &$nti% an en-ineer appointed in this !eha%f !" the L.G. has inspe(ted it and (ertified it to !e fit for s$(h traffi(K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for the dash and (%a$ses &a( and (! as amended !" A.O., 1949 #(h.
T3A//I' O6 T3A@7A9#
1C. R%@6$# )9 ;1)2)$'1 a*8 $6' ;"57%& )('1 $1a2wa<#.D(1 The promoter of a tramwa"
sha%%, s$!:e(t to the provisions of s$!8se(tion (2 and to the other provisions of this A(t and of
the order, have the e.(%$sive $se of the tramwa" for a (arria-es with f%an-e8whee%s or other
whee%s s$ita!%e to r$n on the rai% des(ri!ed in the order as the rai% to !e $sed on the tramwa"H
*rovided that nothin- in this A(t or in the order or an" r$%e made $nder this A(t sha%%
affe(t the ri-ht of an" person a$thori1ed to $se a tramwa" or rai%wa" to pass a(ross a tramwa"
(onstr$(ted $nder this A(t with (arria-es havin- whee%s s$ita!%e to r$n on the rai% thereof.
(2 The p$!%i( sha%% have a ri-ht to pass a%on- or a(ross an" part of a road a%on- or
a(ross, whi(h a tramwa" is (onstr$(ted, whether on or off the tramwa", with (arria-es not havin-
f%an-e8whee%s or other whee%s s$ita!%e to r$n on the rai% of the tramwa"H
&a( that this s$!8se(tion sha%% not app%" where the tramwa" is (onstr$(ted on
%and the ri-ht to the e.(%$sive possession of whi(h has !een a(?$ired !"
the promoterF and
&b( that the
CGovernmentD ma" !" an order a$thori1e the (onstr$(tion of a
tramwa" on an" part of a road with rai%s raised a!ove the s$rfa(e of the
road, if it is satisfied that the (onvenien(e of the p$!%i( wi%% not !e
in:$rio$s%" affe(ted there!".
15. T)77# 7'(%a57' 5< ;1)2)$'1 )1 7'##''.D(1 The promoter or %essee ma" demand and
ta2e, in respe(t of the tramwa", to%%s not e.(eedin- the %imits spe(ified in or determina!%e $nder
the order, or, if the order (ontains no provision in this !eha%f, then s$(h s$ms as ma" from time
to time !e fi.ed !" the promoter or %essee with the previo$s san(tion of the
(2 A %ist of a%% the to%%s a$thori1ed to !e %evied sha%% !e e.hi!ited, in s$(h %an-$a-es
as the Aistri(t @a-istrate ma" dire(t, in a (onspi($o$s p%a(e inside and o$tside ea(h of the
(arria-es $sed $pon the tramwa".
1G. Ca11%a@' )9 8a*@'1)"# )1 )99'*#%(' @))8#.D(1 A person sha%% not !e entit%ed to
(arr" or to re?$ire to !e (arried, on a tramwa" (onstr$(ted $nder this A(t, an" -oods of a
dan-ero$s or offensive nat$re.
(2 A person ta2in- s$(h -oods with him on the tramwa" sha%%, !efore enterin- the
(arria-e, -ive noti(e of their nat$re to the servant of the promoter or %essee in (har-e of the
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
(3 A person sendin- s$(h -oods !" the tramwa" sha%% distin(t%" mar2 their nat$re on
the o$tside of the pa(2a-e (ontainin- them, or otherwise -ive noti(e thereof in writin- to the
servant of the promoter or %essee with whom he %eaves them for the p$rpose of their !ein- sent
!" the tramwa".
(4 An" servant of the promoter or %essee ma" ref$se to (arr" $pon the tramwa" a
par(e% whi(h he s$spe(ts to (ontain -oods of a dan-ero$s or offensive nat$re, and, if an" s$(h
par(e% !as !een re(eived for the p$rpose of !ein- (arried $pon the tramwa", ma" stop the transit
thereof $nti% he is satisfied as to the nat$re of its (ontents.
(0 7here a servant of the promoter or %essee ref$ses $nder s$!8se(tion (4 to (arr" a
par(e% whi(h has !een re(eived for the p$rpose of !ein- (arried $pon the tramwa", he sha%%, as
soon as ma" !e, -ive noti(e of his ref$sa% to the (onsi-nor or (onsi-nee if he ref$ses at a time
when neither of them is present.
LI',6#,# TO L#, T3A@7A9#
14. G1a*$ $6%18 ;a1$%'# )9 7%&'*#'# $) "#' $1a2wa< %* &'1$a%* '('*$#. If, at an" time
after a tramwa" or part of a tramwa" has !een for three "ears opened for p$!%i( traffi( in a (ir(%e,
the %o(a% a$thorit" of the (ir(%e represents in writin- to the
CGovernmentD that the p$!%i( is
deprived of the f$%% !enefit of the tramwa" or of the part thereof, the
CGovernmentD ma", if after
(onsiderin- an" statement whi(h the promoter or %essee or !oth ma" desire to ma2e, and after
s$(h f$rther en?$ir" as it deems ne(essar", it is satisfied as to the tr$th of the representation,
-rant a %i(ense to an" person to $se the tramwa" (onforma!%" to this A(t and to the order and the
r$%es made $nder this A(t, s$!:e(t to the fo%%owin- provisions, name%"H
&a( the %i(ense sha%% !e for a period not %ess than one "ear or more than three "ears
from the date of the %i(ense, !$t the
CGovernmentD ma" in its dis(retion renew itF
&b( the %i(ense sha%% !e to $se the who%e of the tramwa" for the time !ein- opened for
p$!%i( traffi(, or s$(h part or parts of the tramwa" as the
CGovernment,D havin-
re-ard to the (a$se for -rantin- the %i(ense, thin2s fitF
&#( the %i(ense sha%% spe(if" the n$m!er of (arria-es whi(h the %i(ensee sha%% r$n $pon
the tramwa", the mode in whi(h, and times at whi(h, the (arria-es sha%% !e r$n,
the to%%s to !e paid to the promoter or %essee !" the %i(ensee for the $se of the
tramwa", and the to%%s, !ein- those for the time !ein- %evia!%e !" the promoter or
%essee, whi(h the %i(ensee ma" demand and ta2e for the $se of his (arria-esF
&d( the %i(ensee and his offi(ers and servants sha%% permit one person, d$%" a$thori1ed
for that p$rpose !" the promoter or %essee, to trave% free of to%% in or $pon ea(h
(arria-e of the %i(ensee r$n $pon the tramwa" for the who%e or an" part of a
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
&e( an" provision of this A(t, or of the order or r$%es made $nder this a(t, re%atin- to
the f$n(tions of a servant of a promoter or %essee sha%% !e (onstr$ed, so far as ma"
!e, as referrin- to a servant of the %i(enseeF and
&f( the
CGovernmentD ma" revo2e, a%ter or modif" the %i(ense for an" (a$se s$ffi(ient
in its opinion to warrant the revo(ation, a%teration or modifi(ation thereof.
18. L%&'*#'' $) @%(' $) ;1)2)$'1 )1 7'##'' a* a&&)"*$ )9 $1a99%&. A %i(ensee sha%%, on
demand, -ive to an offi(er or servant a$thori1ed in that !eha%f !" the promoter or %essee an e.a(t
a((o$nt in writin-, si-ned !" the %i(ensee, of the n$m!er of passen-ers, or n$m!er or ?$antit" of
-oods, (onve"ed !" an" and ever" (arria-e $sed !" him on the tramwa".
AI#'O6TI6LA6', O/ T3A@7A9#
13. C'##a$%)* )9 ;)w'1# )9 ;1)2)$'1 a*8 7'##'' )* 8%#&)*$%*"a*&' )9 $1a2wa<. If it is
proved to the satisfa(tion of the
CGovernmentD, at an" time after the openin- of a tramwa" for
p$!%i( traffi(, that the wor2in- of the tramwa", or an" part thereof, has !een a pra(ti(a%%"
dis(ontin$ed, for the spa(e of three months, witho$t a reason s$ffi(ient, in the opinion of the
CGovernmentD, to a warrant the dis(ontin$an(e, the
CGovernmentD, if it thin2s fit, ma", !"
notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, de(%are that the powers of the promoter and of the %essee, if
an", in respe(t of the tramwa" or the part thereof of whi(h the wor2in- has !een so dis(ontin$ed,
sha%%, from the date of the notifi(ation, !e at an endF and there$pon the said powers sha%% (ease
and determine, e.(ept in so far as the" ma" !e p$r(hased !" a %o(a% a$thorit" in manner !" this
A(t provided.
20. P)w'1# )9 1)a8-a"$6)1%$< )* &'##a$%)* )9 ;)w'1# )9 ;1)2)$'1.D(1 7here a
notifi(ation has !een p$!%ished $nder se(tion 19, the road8a$thorit" ma", at an" time after the
e.piration of two months from the date of the notifi(ation, remove the tramwa" or part of the
tramwa" of whi(h the wor2in- has !een so dis(ontin$ed, and $sed the materia%s thereof in
reinstatin- the road.
(2 The promoter sha%% pa" to the road8a$thorit" the (ost in($rred !" that a$thorit" in
removin- the tramwa" or the part thereof and in reinstatin- the road.
(3 The (ost sha%% !e (ertified !" an offi(er of the road a$thorit", and his (ertifi(ate,
(o$ntersi-ned !" the Aistri(t @a-istrate, sha%% !e (on(%$sive proof as to the (ost in($rred.
(4 If the promoter does not pa" the amo$nt so (ertified within one month after the
de%iver" to him of the (ertifi(ate or of a (op" thereof, the road8a$thorit" ma", witho$t an"
previo$s noti(e to the promoter and witho$t pre:$di(e to an" other remed" whi(h it ma" have for
the re(over" of the amo$nt, se%% and dispose of s$(h materia%s of the tramwa" or part thereof
removed as it has not $sed in reinstatin- the road, either !" p$!%i( a$(tion or !" private sa%e, and
for s$(h s$m or s$ms, and to s$(h person or persons, as it thin2s fit, and ma", o$t of the pro(eeds
of the sa%e, pa" and reim!$rse itse%f the amo$nt
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
of the (ost aforesaid and of the e.penses of the sa%e, and sha%% pa" over the resid$e (if an" of the
pro(eeds of the sa%e to the promoter.
I6#OL<,6'9 O/ *3O@OT,3
21. P1)&''8%*@# %* &a#' )9 %*#)7('*&< )9 ;1)2)$'1.D(1 If, at an" time after the openin-
of a tramwa" in a (ir(%e for p$!%i( traffi(, it appears to the road8a$thorit" or %o(a% a$thorit" of the
(ir(%e that the promoter of the tramwa" is inso%vent, so that he is $na!%e to maintain the tramwa",
or to wor2 it with advanta-e to the p$!%i(, and either of those a$thorities ma2es a representation
to that effe(t to the
CGovernmentD, the
CGovernmentD ma", if after (onsiderin- an" statement
whi(h the promoter ma" desire to ma2e, and after s$(h f$rther en?$ir" as it deems ne(essar", it
is satisfied as to the tr$th of the representation, de(%are, !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette,
that the powers of the promoter sha%%, at the e.piration of si. months from the p$!%i(ation of the
notifi(ation, !e at an endF and the powers of the promoter sha%% (ease and determine at the
e.piration of that period, e.(ept in so far as the" ma" !e p$r(hased !" a %o(a% a$thorit" in
manner !" this A(t provided.
(2 7here a notifi(ation has !een p$!%ished $nder s$!8se(tion (1, the road8a$thorit"
ma", at an" time after the e.piration of si. months from the date thereof, remove the tramwa" in
the same manner, and s$!:e(t to the same provisions as to the pa"ment of the (ost of the remova%
and to the same remed" for re(over" of the (ost, in ever" respe(t as in (ases of remova% $nder
se(tion 2=.
*L3'GA#, O/ T3A@7A9#
22. F"$"1' ;"1&6a#' )9 "*8'1$a:%*@ 5< 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$<.D(1 7here the promoter of a
tramwa" in a (ir(%e is not the %o(a% a$thorit", the %o(a% a$thorit", with the previo$s san(tion of
CGovernmentD, ma"I
&a( within s$(h %imits of time as ma" !e spe(ified in this !eha%f in the order, or
&b( if a time was not spe(ified in the order, then within si. months after the
e.piration of a period of twent" one "ears from the date of the order, and within
si. months after the e.piration of ever" s$!se?$ent period of seven "ears, or
&#( within two months after the p$!%i(ation of a notifi(ation $nder se(tion 19 or
within si. months after the p$!%i(ation of a notifi(ation $nder se(tion 2,
!" noti(e in writin-, re?$ire the promoter to se%% to the %o(a% a$thorit" his $nderta2in- or the part
thereof whi(h is within the (ir(%e of the %o(a% a$thorit"F and there$pon the promoter sha%% se%% the
same $pon the terms spe(ified in the order, or, if the terms were not spe(ified in the order, then
$pon the terms
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
of pa"in- the then va%$e of the $nderta2in- or of the part thereof, e.(%$sive of an" a%%owan(e for
past or f$t$re profits of the $nderta2in- or an" (ompensation for (omp$%sor" sa%e or other (onsi8
deration whatsoever.
(2 A re?$isition sha%% not !e made $nder s$!8se(tion (1 $n%ess the ma2in- thereof has
!een approved !" the %o(a% a$thorit" in manner pres(ri!ed.
(3 7hen a sa%e has !een made $nder this se(tion, a%% the ri-hts, powers and a$thorities of
the promoter in respe(t of the $nderta2in- or part thereof so%d, or, where a notifi(ation has !een
p$!%ished $nder se(tion 19 or se(tion 21, a%% the ri-hts, powers and a$thorities of the promoter
previo$s to the p$!%i(ation of the notifi(ation in respe(t of the $nderta2in- or part thereof so%d,
sha%% !e transferred to the a$thorit" to whom the $nderta2in- or part has !een so%d, and sha%% vest
in, and ma" !e !", that a$thorit" in the same manner as if the tramwa" had !een
(onstr$(ted !" it $nder an order made $nder this A(t.
(4 #$!:e(t to, and in a((ordan(e with, the pre(edin- provisions of this se(tion, two or
more %o(a% a$thorities ma" :oint%" p$r(hase an $nderta2in- or so m$(h thereof as is within their
7O3OI6G O/ T3A@7A9# O76,A +9 LO'AL ALTGO3ITI,#
23. L'a#' )9, )1 w)1:%*@ )9, $1a2wa< 5< 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$<.D(1 7hen a %o(a% a$thorit"
has $nder the a$thorit" of an order (omp%eted a tramwa", or has $nder the provisions of this A(t
or of an order a(?$ired possession of a tramwa", it ma", !" a %ease to !e approved !" the
CGovernmentD %et to an" person at the ri-ht of $ser of the tramwa" and of demandin- and ta2in-
the a$thori1ed to%%s.
(2 On the determination of a %ease the %o(a% a$thorit" ma" from time to time %et the ri-ht
for s$(h f$rther term and on s$(h (onditions as the
CGovernmentD ma" approve.
(3 ,ver" %ease made $nder this se(tion sha%% imp%" a (ondition of re8entr" if at an" time
after the ma2in- thereof it is proved to the satisfa(tion of the
CGovernmentD that the %essee has
pra(ti(a%%" dis(ontin$ed the wor2in- of the tramwa" %eased, or of an" part thereof, for the spa(e
of one month witho$t a reason s$ffi(ient, i%% the opinion of the
CGovernmentD, to warrant the
(4 6oti(e of the intention of the %o(a% a$thorit" to ma2e a %ease sha%% !e -iven in manner
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
(0 If the %o(a% a$thorit" (annot !" means of a %ease o!tain what it deems to !e a fair rent
for the tramwa", it ma" itse%f, with the previo$s san(tion of the
CGovernmentD and for s$(h term
as the
CGovernmentD dire(ts, p%a(e and r$n (arria-es $pon the tramwa", and demand and ta2e
the a$thori1ed to%%s in respe(t of the $se of the (arria-es.
2C. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'#.D(1 In addition to an" other power to ma2e r$%es" or
!" imp%i(ation (onferred !" this A(t, the
CGovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es (onsistent with this A(t8
&a( as to the form in whi(h an app%i(ation for an order sha%% !e madeF
&b( as to the (osts to !e paid !" an app%i(ant in respe(t of an order, and the time when,
and the p%a(e where, those (osts sha%% !e paidF
&#( as to the pa"ment of mone" or %od-ment of se($rities, !" wa" of deposit, !" the
app%i(ant for an order !efore the order is p$!%ished $nder se(tion ), s$!8se(tion
(4, or a f$rther order is made $nder se(tion ; the investment of mone" so paidF
the disposa% of interest or dividends from time to time a(($rin- d$e on mone" or
se($rities so paid, %od-ed or investedF the app%i(ation of the mone" or se($rities or
the prod$(e thereof to the dis(har-e of an" %ia!i%it" in($rred !" the promoterF and
the forfeit$re, repa"ment or ret$rn of the mone" or se($ritiesF
(d as to the p%ans and se(tions of an" wor2s to !e deposited !" app%i(ants for orders
or !" promotersF
&e( for re-$%atin- the $se of steam8power or an" other me(hani(a% power
e%e(tri(a% powerD on a tramwa"F
(f as to an" matter spe(ified in se(tion 7, s$!8se(tion (2, (%a$ses &#(, &d(, &e(, (: and
&>(, as a matter whi(h ma" !e provided for in an order, when that matter has not
!een so provided for, or has not, in the opinion of the
CGovernmentD, !een
effe(t$a%%" so provided forF
&3( as to the periodi(a% s$!mission, !" promoters, %essees and %i(ensees, of a((o$nts
of traffi( and re(eipts to the
CGovernmentD or as that Government dire(ts, and as
to the forms in whi(h those a((o$nts are to !e s$!mittedF
&h( as to the a((idents of whi(h report is to !e made to the
CGovernmentD or as that
Government dire(tsF
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
1ns. !" the Indian Tramwa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (0 of 1911, s. ).
&i( as to an" matter respe(tin- whi(h r$%es ma" !e made $nder this se(tion !" a %o(a%
a$thorit" or a promoter or %esseeF and
&A( -enera%%", as to an" other matter or thin- in respe(t of whi(h it ma" seem to the
CGovernmentD to !e e.pedient to ma2e r$%es for (arr"in- o$t the p$rposes of this
(2 A %o(a% a$thorit" ma", from time to time, with the previo$s san(tion of the
CGovernmentD, ma2e r$%es (onsistent with this A(t and with the order and an" r$%es made !" the
CGovernmentD $nder this A(t, for re-$%atin-
&a( the rate of speed to !e o!served in trave%%in- $pon a tramwa" within the (ir(%e of
the %o(a% a$thorit"F
&b( the $se of anima% power on the tramwa"F
&#( the distan(es at whi(h (arria-es $sin- the tramwa" are to !e a%%owed to fo%%ow
one after the otherF
&d( the stoppin- of (arria-es $sin- the tramwa", and the , noti(e to !e -iven to the
p$!%i( of their approa(hF
&e( the manner in whi(h (arria-es $sin- the tramwa" after s$nset and !efore s$nrise
are to !e %i-htedF
&f( the traffi( on roads a%on- or a(ross whi(h the tramwa" is %aidF
&3( the n$m!er of passen-ers whi(h ma" !e (arried in an" (arria-eF
&h( the %i(ensin- and (ontro% of drivers, (ond$(tors and other persons havin- (har-e
of the (arria-es of the promoter or %essee or a %i(enseeF and,
&i( -enera%%", the mode of $se of the tramwa"H
(3 The promoter or %essee of a tramwa" ma", from time to time, with the previo$s
san(tion of the
CGovernmentD, ma2e r$%es (onsistent with this A(t and with the order and an"
r$%es made $nder this A(tI
&a( for preventin- the (ommission of an" n$isan(e in or $pon an" (arria-e, or in or
a-ainst an" premises, !e%on-in- to him F and
&b( for re-$%atin- the trave%%in- in an" (arria-e !e%on-in- to him.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
*roviso whi(h was ins. !" A. O., 1937, of the G. of I. A(t, 1930 (2) Geo. 0, (. 2 s. 1;1 (3 and definition of rai%wa", has !een omitted !" A. O.,
19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
(4 The
CGovernmentD ma" (an(e% an" r$%e made !" a %o(a% a$thorit" or !" a promoter or
%essee $nder this se(tion.
25. P)w'1 $) %2;)#' ;'*a7$< 5< 1"7'. The a$thorit" ma2in- an" r$%e $nder se(tion 24
ma" dire(t that a !rea(h of it sha%% !e p$nisha!%e with fine whi(h ma" e.tend,
&a( if the a$thorit" ma2in- the r$%e is the
CGovernmentD, to two h$ndred r$pees, and,
&b( if that a$thorit" is a %o(a% a$thorit" or a promoter or %essee, to twent" r$peesF
and, when the !rea(h is a (ontin$in- !rea(h, with a f$rther fine whi(h ma" e.tend,8
&#( if the a$thorit" ma2in- the r$%e is the
CGovernmentD, to fift" r$pees, and,
&d( if that a$thorit" is a %o(a% a$thorit" or a promoter or %essee, to five r$pees,
for ever" da" after the first d$rin- whi(h the !rea(h (ontin$es.
2G. P1)&'8"1' 9)1 2a:%*@, a*8 ;"57%&a$%)* )9, 1"7'#.D(1 ,ver" a$thorit" havin- power
to ma2e r$%es $nder an" se(tion of this A(t sha%%, !efore ma2in- the r$%es, p$!%ish a draft of the
proposed r$%es for the information of persons %i2e%" to !e affe(ted there!".
(2 The p$!%i(ation sha%% !e made, in the (ase of r$%es made !" the
CGovernmentD, in
s$(h manner as ma" in its opinion !e s$ffi(ient for -ivin- information to persons interested, and,
in the (ase of r$%es made !" a %o(a% a$thorit" or !" a promoter or %essee, in manner pres(ri!ed.
(3 There sha%% !e p$!%ished with the draft a noti(e spe(if"in- a date, not ear%ier than the
e.piration of one month after the date of p$!%i(ation, at or after whi(h the draft wi%% !e ta2en into
(4 The a$thorit" sha%% re(eive and (onsider an" o!:e(tion or s$--estion whi(h ma" !e
made !" an" person with respe(t to the draft !efore the date so spe(ified.
(0 The p$!%i(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette of a r$%e p$rportin- to !e made $nder this A(t
sha%% !e (on(%$sive proof that it has !een d$%" made.
24. P'*a7$< 9)1 9a%7"1' )9 ;1)2)$'1, 7'##'' )1 7%&'*#'' $) &)2;7< w%$6 a&$ )1 )18'1. If
a promoterI
&a( (onstr$(ts or maintains a tramwa" otherwise than in a((ordan(e with the order, or
&b( opens the tramwa" for traffi(, or permits it to !e so opened, !efore it has !een
inspe(ted and (ertified in manner re?$ired !" se(tion 12, or
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
&#( fai%s to o!serve an" re?$irement or (ondition of the order for ne-%e(t or !rea(h
whereof no pena%t" has !een" provided in the order,
or if a promoter, %essee or %i(ensee r$ns a ,(arria-e on a tramwa" otherwise than in
a((ordan(e with the order,
he sha%% (witho$t pre:$di(e to the enfor(ement or spe(ifi( performan(e of the
re?$irements of this A(t or of the order, or to an" other remed" whi(h ma" !e o!tained a-ainst
him in a 'ode of 'ivi% E$di(at$re, on (omp%aint made !" the
CGovernmentD or !" the %o(a%
a$thorit" or road8a$thorit" or !" the Aistri(t @a-istrate or, with the previo$s san(tion of the
Aistri(t @a-istrate, !" an" person in:$rio$s%" affe(ted !" the a(t or omission, !e p$nished with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two h$ndred r$pees, and in the (ase of a (ontin$in- offen(e to a f$rther
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees for ever" da" after the first d$rin- whi(h the offen(e
(ontin$es to !e (ommitted.
28. P'*a7$< 9)1 )5#$1"&$%*@ ;1)2)$'1 %* 'A'1&%#' )9 6%# ;)w'1#. If an" person witho$t
%awf$% e.($se, the !$rden of provin- whi(h sha%% %ie $pon him, wi%f$%%" o!str$(ts an" person
a(tin- $nder the a$thorit" of the promoter in the %awf$% of his powers in (onstr$(tin- or
maintainin- a tramwa", or in:$res or destro"s an" mar2 made for the p$rpose of settin- o$t the
%ine of the tramwa", he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees.
23. P'*a7$< 9)1 %*$'19'1%*@ w%$6 $1a2wa<. If an" person witho$t %awf$% e.($se, the
!$rden of *ena% provin- whi(h sha%% %ie $pon him, wi%f$%%" does an" of the fo%%owin- name%"HI
&a( interferes with, removes or a%ters an" part of a tramwa" (onstr$(ted $nder this
A(t, or of the wor2s (onne(ted therewith, or
&b( p%a(es or throws $pon or a(ross an" s$(h tramwa" an" wood, stone, ref$se or
other thin-, or
&#( does an"thin- in s$(h a manner as to o!str$(t an" (arria-e $sin- an" s$(h
tramwa", For
&d( a!ets within the meanin- of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode the doin- of, or attempts to
do, an"thin- mentioned in (%a$se (a, (%a$se (!, or (%a$se ((,
he sha%% (witho$t pre:$di(e to an" other remed" whi(h ma" !e o!tained a-ainst him in a 'o$rt of
'ivi% E$di(at$re !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one h$ndred r$pees.
30. P'*a7$< 9)1 "#%*@ $1a2wa< w%$6 &a11%a@' 6a(%*@ 97a*@' w6''7#. If an" person,
e.(ept $nder a %ease from, or !" a-reement with, the promoter, or $nder %i(ense from the
CGovernmentD -ranted $nder this A(t, $ses on a tramwa", otherwise than as permitted !" se(tion
14, a (arria-e havin- f%an-e8whee%s or other whee%s s$ita!%e to r$n on the rai% of the tramwa", he
sha%% !e p$nished with a fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two h$ndred r$pees.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
>L< of
31. P'*a7$< 9)1 '(a8%*@ ;a<2'*$ )9 ;1);'1 $)77.D(1 If an" person trave%%in- or havin-
trave%%ed in a (arria-e of the promoter or %essee or of a %i(ensee evades or attempts to evade
pa"ment of to%%, or if an" person havin- paid to%% for a (ertain distan(e wi%f$%%" pro(eeds in an"
s$(h (arria-e !e"ond that distan(e and does not pa" the additiona% to%% for the additiona% distan(e
or attempts to evade pa"ment thereof, or if an" person wi%f$%%" ref$ses or ne-%e(ts on arrivin- at
the point to whi(h he has paid to%% to ?$it the (arria-e, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to ten r$pees.
(2 7hen a person (ommits an offen(e $nder this se(tion and ref$ses on demand of a
servant of the promoter, %essee or %i(ensee to -ive his name and residen(e, or -ives a name or
residen(e whi(h the servant has reason to !e%ieve to !e fa%se, he ma" !e arrested and ta2en to the
nearest po%i(e8station !" the servant or an" person whom the servant ma" (a%% to his aid.
(3 7hen the person is ta2en to the po%i(e8station he sha%% with the %east possi!%e de%a" !e
forwarded to the nearest @a-istrate, $n%ess his tr$e name and residen(e are as(ertained, in whi(h
(ase he sha%% !e re%eased on his e.e($tin- a !ond for his appearan(e !efore a @a-istrate if so
32. P'*a7$< 9)1 $a:%*@ )1 #'*8%*@ 8a*@'1)"# )1 )99'*#%(' @))8# w%$6)"$ @%(%*@
*)$%&'. If an" person ta2es or sends !" tramwa" an" -oods of a dan-ero$s or offensive nat$re
witho$t -ivin- the noti(e re?$ired !" se(tion 1), he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to fift" r$pees.
33. P'*a7$< 9)1 7%&'*#'' *)$ @%(%*@ $) ;1)2)$'1 )1 7'##'' a* a&&)"*$ )9 $1a99%& )1
@%(%*@ 9a7#' a&&)"*$.D(1 If a %i(ensee fai%s on damand to -ive the a((o$nt mentioned in se(tion
1;, or, with intent to evade the pa"ment of to%%s, -ives a fa%se a((o$nt when he is (a%%ed $pon to
-ive an a((o$nt $nder that se(tion, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift"
(2 The fine sha%% !e in addition to an" to%%s pa"a!%e !" the %i(ensee to the promoter or
%essee in respe(t of the passen-ers or -oods (onve"ed !" the (arria-e or (arria-es $sed !" the
%i(ensee on the tramwa".
3C. Sa(%*@ )9 ;1)#'&"$%)*# "*8'1 )$6'1 7aw#. 6othin- in this A(t sha%% prevent a person from
!ein- prose($ted $nder an" other %aw for an a(t or omission whi(h (onstit$tes an offen(e a-ainst
this A(t or the r$%es made $nder it, or from !ein- %ia!%e $nder that other %aw to an" other or
hi-her p$nishment or pena%t" than that provided !" this A(t or the r$%es made $nder itH
*rovided that a person sha%% not !e p$nished twi(e for the same offen(e.
35. %99'1'*&'# 5'$w''* ;1)2)$'1# )1 7'##''# a*8 a"$6)1%$%'#.D(1 If an" differen(e
arises !etween the promoter or %essee on the one hand and the
CGovernmentD, or the %o(a%
a$thorit", or the road8a$thorit", or a person havin- the (har-e of an" sewers, drains, te%e-raph8
%ines, -as8pipes, water8pipes or
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
other thin-s in or on %and o(($pied !" the tramwa", on the other hand, with respe(t to an"
interferen(e or (ontro% or (%aimed to !e !", or on !eha%f of, either part" !"
virt$e of this or an" other A(t, or of the order or the r$%es made $nder this A(t, or with respe(t to
the propriet" of, or the mode of, the e.e($tion of an" wor2, or with respe(t to an" (ompensation
to !e made !" or to the promoter or %essee, or on the ?$estion whether an" wor2 is s$(h as o$-ht
reasona!%" to satisf" the
CGovernmentD or the road8a$thorit" or !oth, or with respe(t to an"
other s$!:e(t or thin- re-$%ated !", or (omprised in, this A(t or the order or the r$%es made $nder
this A(t, and not otherwise" provided for therein, the matter in differen(e sha%%, e.(ept
where the parties e%e(t to pro(eed $nder
Cthe Ar!itration A(t, 194=D, !e sett%ed, on the
app%i(ation of either a part", !" a referee.
(2 7here the differen(e isI
&a( !etween the promoter or %essee on the one hand and the
either as s$(h or as the road a$thorit", on the other, or
&b( !etween the promoter on the one hand and the %o(a% a$thorit" on the
other, with respe(t to the s$m to !e paid !" the %o(a% a$thorit" for an
$nderta2in- or part of an $nderta2in- whi(h that a$thorit" has re?$ired the
promoter to se%% $nder se(tion 22,
the referee sha%% !e the Aistri(t 'o$rt within the :$risdi(tion of whi(h the tramwa" is sit$ate, or,
where the tramwa" is within the :$risdi(tion of more than one Aistri(t 'o$rt, the Aistri(t 'o$rt
within the :$risdi(tion of whi(h the -reater part of the tramwa" is sit$ate.
(3 In other (ases the referee sha%% !e appointed !" the
(4 ,.(ept where the referee is the Aistri(t 'o$rt, the powers and pro(ed$re of the referee
ma" !e pres(ri!ed.
(0 In the (ase of a differen(e !etween a promoter on the one hand and a %o(a% a$thorit"
on the other, with respe(t to the s$m to !e paid !" the %o(a% a$thorit" for an $nderta2in- or part
of an $nderta2in- whi(h that a$thorit" has re?$ired the promoter to se%% $nder se(tion 22, an
appea% sha%% %ie to the Gi-h 'o$rt from the award of the referee as from an ori-ina% de(ree of the
Aistri(t 'o$rt.
() In the (ase of ever" other differen(e the award of the referee sha%% !e fina%.
#$!s.!" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2
#(h., for &se(tion 023 of the 'ode of 'ivi%
> of
3,'O<,39 O/ TOLL#
3G. R'&)('1< )9 2)*'<# 8"' 91)2 ;1)2)$'1# a*8 %* &'1$a%* &a#'#, 91)2 7'##''#. An"
of the fo%%owin- mone"s, name%", an" rent d$e to a %o(a% a$thorit" from a %essee, an" pena%t"
re(overa!%e from a promoter or %essee $nder an order, an" s$m pa"a!%e !" a promoter or %essee
$nder an award of a referee, the (ost of the performan(e $nder this A(t !" the
CGovernmentD or
!" a %o(a% a$thorit" or road8a$thorit" of an" wor2 re?$ired !" this A(t or !" an order to !e done
!" a promoter, and the (ost in($rred !" a road8a$thorit" in removin- a tramwa" and reinstatin- a
road $nder this A(t, ma", witho$t pre:$di(e to an" other remed" that the a$thorit" to whi(h the
mone" is d$e ma" have !" s$it or otherwise, !e re(overed !" that a$thorit", on app%i(ation made
in this !eha%f to the 'o%%e(tor, as if the s$m d$e were an arrear of %and8reven$e d$e !" the
promoter or %essee or his s$ret" (if an"H
*rovided that nothin- in this se(tion sha%% a$thori1e the arrest of the promoter or %essee or
his s$ret" in e.e($tion of an" pro(ess iss$ed !" the 'o%%e(tor.
34. R'&)('1< )9 $)77# 91)2 7%&'*#''.D(1 If a %i(ensee fai%s to pa" on demand the to%%s d$e
for the $se of a tramwa", the promoter or %essee to whom the to%%s are d$e ma", witho$t pre:$di(e
to the remed" whi(h he ma" have !" s$it, app%" to a @a-istrate to re(over the amo$nt of the to%%s
and the @a-istrate ma", after -ivin- noti(e to the %i(ensee, if possi!%e, and a%%owin- him an
opport$nit" of !ein- heard, pro(eed to re(over the amo$nt !" distress and sa%e of an" (arria-es
or other movea!%e propert" of the %i(ensee whi(h ma" !e fo$nd on the tramwa" or on premises
(onne(ted therewith.
(2 7hen a %i(ensee has fai%ed to pa" on demand the to%%s d$e from him, the promoter or
%essee to whom the to%%s are d$e ma" sei1e an" (arria-e or other movea!%e propert" of the
%i(ensee on the tramwa" or on premises (onne(ted therewith, and detain the same for fort"8ei-ht
ho$rs $n%ess the to%%s are sooner paid.
(3 7hen app%i(ation is made to a @a-istrate $nder s$!se(tion (1, he ma" ma2e an
interim order of distraint pendin- his fina% de(ision.
38. R'&)('1< )9 $)77# 91)2 ;a##'*@'1#. An" to%%s d$e to a promoter, %essee or %i(ensee
from a passen-er ma" !e re(overed either !" s$it or, on app%i(ation to a @a-istrate havin-
:$risdi(tion within an" %o(a% area in whi(h an" part of the tramwa" is %aid, !" distress and sa1e of
an" movea!%e propert" !e%on-in- to the passen-er within the %o(a% %imits of the :$risdi(tion of
the @a-istrate.
33. P1)2)$'1 $) 6a(' 1%@6$ )9 "#'1 )*7<.D(1 6otwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in this
A(t, or in an order or an" r$%e made $nder this A(t, a promoter sha%% not a(?$ire an" ri-ht other
than that of $ser on%" over a road a%on- or a(ross whi(h he %a"s a tramwa", nor sha%% an"thin-
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
in this A(t, or in an order or an" r$%e made $nder this A(t, e.empt the promoter of a tramwa", or
an" other person $sin- the tramwa", from the pa"ment of s$(h (har-es as ma" %awf$%%" !e %evied
in respe(t of the $se of a road or !rid-e a%on- or a(ross whi(h the tramwa" is %aid.
(2 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", if it thin2s fit, fi. rates at whi(h a promoter,
%essee or %i(ensee ma" (ompo$nd for the (har-es pa"a!%e in respe(t of the $se of a road or
C0. Sa(%*@ )9 ;)w'1 )('1 1)a8# $1a('1#'8 5< $1a2wa<#.D(1 6othin- in this A(t, or in
an order or an" r$%e made $nder this A(t, sha%% ta2e awa" or a!rid-e an" power whi(h a road
a$thorit", %o(a% a$thorit" or other person has !" %aw to !rea2 $p, widen, a%ter, divert or improve a
road, rai%road or tramwa" a%on- or a(ross whi(h a tramwa" is %aid.
(2 The road8a$thorit", %o(a% a$thorit" or other person e.e($tin- an" wor2 referred to in
s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% not !e %ia!%e to pa" to a promoter, %essee or %i(ensee an" (ompensation for
in:$r" done to a tramwa" !" the e.e($tion of the wor2 or for %oss of traffi( o((asioned !" the
reasona!%e $se of an" powerf$%%" for the e.e($tion thereof.
C1. Sa(%*@ )9 ;)w'1 )9 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$< a*8 ;)7%&' $) 1'@"7a$' $1a99%& )1 1)a8#. 6othin-
in this A(t, or in an order or an" r$%e made $nder this A(t, sha%% affe(t the powers of a %o(a%
a$thorit" or of a @a-istrate or po%i(e8offi(er to re-$%ate the passa-e of traffi( a%on- or a(ross a
road a%on- or a(ross whi(h a tramwa" is %aidF and the a$thorit", @a-istrate or offi(er aforesaid
ma" its or his powers as we%% on as off the tramwa" and with respe(t as we%% to the
traffi( of a promoter, %essee or %i(ensee as to the traffi( of other persons.
#L**L,@,6TAL *3O<I#IO6#
C2. P1)2)$'1# 7'##''# a*8 7%&'*&''# $) 5' 1'#;)*#%57' 9)1 a77 %*>"1%'#. A promoter,
%essee or %i(ensee sha%% !e answera!%e for a%% in:$ries happenin- thro$-h his a(t or defa$%t or
thro$-h the a(t or defa$%t of an" person in his emp%o"ment, !" reason or in (onse?$en(e of an"
of his (arria-es or wor2s, and sha%% save harm%ess a%% a$thorities and persons (o%%e(tive%" and
individ$a%%", and their offi(ers and servants, from a%% dama-es and (osts in respe(t of in:$ries so
C3. -a*$ )9 9"*8# *)$ a #"99%&%'*$ 1'a#)* 9)1 8'9a"7$. /or the p$rposes of this A(t want
of f$nds sha%% not !e deemed to !e a s$ffi(ient reason for the s$spension of the (onstr$(tion, or
the dis(ontin$an(e of the wor2in-, of a tramwa" !" a promoter or %essee.
CC. P)w'1 $) 'A'2;$ 91)2 2"*%&%;a7 $aAa$%)*. 7hen a tramwa" is (onstr$(ted $nder
this A(t within the %imits of a m$ni(ipa%it", the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" e.empt the
anima%s, p%ant, ro%%in-8sto(2, "ards, wor2shops,
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
Ce%e(tri(a% -eneratin- stations or s$!8stationsD and depots of the promoter, %essee
or %i(ensee, for s$(h period as it thin2s fit, from a%% or an" m$ni(ipa% %evia!%e within those
C5. A;;7%&a$%)* 5< 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$%'# )9 7)&a7 9"*8# $) $1a2wa<#.D(1 The f$nd to or
with the (ontro% or mana-ement of whi(h the %o(a% a$thorit" of a m$ni(ipa%it", (antonment or
distri(t is entit%ed or entr$sted sha%%, notwithstandin- an"thin- in an" ena(tment respe(tin- the
p$rposes to whi(h that f$nd ma" !e app%ied, !e app%i(a!%e, s$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the
Cappropriate GovernmentD, to the pa"ment of e.penses in(identa% to the of the powers
and f$n(tions whi(h ma" !e vested in, or !", a %o(a% a$thorit" $nder this A(t.
(2 The f$nd sha%% a%so !e app%i(a!%e, with the previo$s san(tion of the
GovernmentD, to a -$arantee of the pa"ment of interest on mone" to !e app%ied, with the (on8
($rren(e in writin- of the %o(a% a$thorit", within the %imits of the %o(a% area $nder its (ontro%, to
an" of the p$rposes to whi(h the f$nd mi-ht !e app%ied !" the %o(a% a$thorit" $nder s$!8se(tion
C(3 In this se(tion Tthe appropriate Government5 means the Government,
C/edera%D or
*rovin(ia%, whose e.e($tive a$thorit" e.tends over the %o(a% a$thorit" in ?$estion.D
CG. EA$'*#%)* )9 A&$ $) 'A%#$%*@ $1a2wa<#. The
CGovernmentD ma", with the (onsent
of the %o(a% a$thorit" and road8a$thorit" and of the promoter and his %essee (if an", e.tend an"
part of this A(t, or an" r$%es made $nder this A(t either with or witho$t modifi(ation, to the
who%e or an" part of a tramwa" (onstr$(ted, or a$thori1ed !" the
CGovernmentD to !e
(onstr$(ted, !efore the passin- of this A(t, and ma" withdraw an" part of the A(t or an" r$%es so
C4. P1)6%5%$%)* )9 &)*#$1"&$%)* )9 $1a2wa<# 'A&';$ "*8'1 $6%# A&$.D(1 A tramwa" of
whi(h the (onstr$(tion has not !een a$thori1ed !" the
CGovernmentD !efore the passin- of this
A(t sha%% not, after the passin- of this A(t, !e (onstr$(ted for p$!%i( traffi( in an" p%a(e to whi(h
this A(t e.tends, e.(ept in p$rs$an(e of an order made $nder this A(t.
(2 A person (onstr$(tin- a tramwa" in (ontravention of s$!8se(tion (1 of this se(tion,
or after the passin- of this A(t maintainin- or $sin- for p$!%i( traffi(, otherwise than in
p$rs$an(e of an order made $nder this A(t, a tramwa" whi(h was not (onstr$(ted, or a$thori1ed
!" the
CGovernmentD to !e (onstr$(ted, !efore the passin- of this A(t,
sha%% !e %ia!%e, on the (omp%aint of the
CGovernmentD or %o(a% a$thorit", to do$!%e the
pena%t" to whi(h a promoter a(tin- otherwise than in a((ordan(e with an order is %ia!%e $nder
se(tion 27.
Ins. !" the Indian Tramwa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1911 (0 of 1911, s. 7.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
#$!8se(tion (3 ins. ibid.,
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra%K.
C8. T1a*#9'1 )9 &)*$1)7 )* 'A&7"#%)* )9 7)&a7 a1'a 91)2 &%1&7' )9 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$<. If at
an" time a %o(a% area (omprisin- a tramwa" to whi(h this A(t or an" part thereof or an" r$%e
there$nder app%ies (eases to !e in(%$ded in the (ir(%e of a %o(a% a$thorit", the f$n(tions of that
a$thorit" $nder this A(t, or the part thereof or the r$%e there$nder, and $nder the order (if an",
sha%%, in respe(t of that %o(a% area, devo%ve on the
CGovernmentD or, if that Government so
dire(ts, on the %o(a% a$thorit" of the (ir(%e in whi(h the tramwa" has !een in(%$ded.
C3. CE/!"anation and amendment of $e#tion 04 of ai"way 9#t.D e!. by the ai"way$ 9#t,
1;9= &+) of 1;9=, $. 2 and S#h. +.
50. P)w'1# )9 G)('1*2'*$ 'A'1&%#a57' 91)2 $%2' $) $%2'. A%% powers (onferred !" this
A(t on
Cthe GovernmentD ma" !e from time to time as o((asion re?$ires.
ACT N). VII OF 1884
C11th %ebruary, 1;;7D
A* A&$ $) ;1'#&1%5' $6' 2)8' )9 (a7"%*@ &'1$a%* #"%$# 9)1 $6' ;"1;)#' )9 8'$'12%*%*@ $6'
>"1%#8%&$%)* )9 C)"1$# w%$6 1'#;'&$ $6'1'$).
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to pres(ri!e the mode of va%$in- (ertain s$its for the p$rpose
of determinin- the :$risdi(tion of 'o$rts with respe(t theretoF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. T%$7'. This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the #$its <a%$ation A(t, 1;;7.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
The ori-ina% words a &L.G.K. have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1937 and A.O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., to read as a!ove.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;), *t. <, p. 791 F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;;7,
*t. I<, p. 1; F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;), #$pp%ement, pp. 1131 and 1100, and ibid., 1;;7, *t. <I, pp. 1) and 21.
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%o(histan !" the +ritish +a%o(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913. It has a%so
!een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%o(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in the /ederated
Areas of +a%o(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
The A(t has !een amended in the *$n:a! !" the #$its <a%$ation (*$n:a! Amdt. A(t, 193; (1 of 193; and the #$its <a%$ation (*$n:a! Amdt.
A(t, 1942 (13 of 1942.
The A(t as in for(e in the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of 6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. II of 1974, has !een
app%ied to the *rovin(ia%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas of 'hitra%, Air Oa%am, #wat and @a%a2and *rote(ted Area, !" 6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. II
of 1974, Art. 3.
This A(t has !een amended to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor", $ee Ordinan(e 6o. 27 of 19;1, s. 0 and 4th #(h.
2. EA$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$ )9 Pa1$ I. This part sha%% e.tend to s$(h %o(a% areas, and
(ome into for(e therein on s$(h dates, as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, dire(ts
3. P)w'1 9)1 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) 2a:' 1"7'# 8'$'12%*%*@ (a7"' )9 7a*8 9)1
>"1%#8%&$%)*a7 ;"1;)#'#.D(1 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma"
J J J ma2e r$%es
for determinin- the va%$e of %and for p$rposes of :$risdi(tion in the s$its mentioned in the 'o$rt8
fees A(t, 1;7=, se(tion 7, para-raphs v and vi, and para-raph ., (%a$se &d(.
(2 The r$%es ma" determine the va%$e of an" (%ass of %and, or of an" interest in %and, in
the who%e or an" part of a %o(a% area and ma" pres(ri!e different va%$es for different p%a(es
within the same %o(a% area.
C. Va7"a$%)* )9 1'7%'9 %* &'1$a%* #"%$# 1'7a$%*@ $) 7a*8 *)$ $) 'A&''8 $6' (a7"' )9 $6'
7a*8. 7here a s$it mentioned in the 'o$rt8fees A(t, 1;7=, < se(tion 7, para-raph iv, or #(hed$%e
II, arti(%e 17, re%ates to %and or an interest in %and of whi(h the va%$e has !een determined !"
r$%es $nder the %ast fore-oin- se(tion, the amo$nt at whi(h for p$rposes of :$risdi(tion the re%ief
so$-ht in the s$it is va%$ed sha%% not e.(eed the va%$e of the %and or interest as determined !"
those r$%es.
5. Ma:%*@ a*8 '*9)1&'2'*$ )9 1"7'#.D(1 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%%, !efore
ma2in- r$%es $nder se(tion 3, (ons$%t the Gi-h 'o$rt with respe(t thereto.
(2 A r$%e $nder that se(tion sha%% not ta2e effe(t ti%% the e.piration of one month after the
r$%e has !een p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD.
G. Ce!ea" of $e#tion 14 of the 5adra$ Ci'i" Court$ 9#t, 1;73.D Omitted by 9.O., 1949,
S#hedu"e. 88888888
4. EA$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$ )9 Pa1$ II. This *art e.tends to
Cthe who%e of *a2istanD,
and sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of E$%", 1;;7.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G.G. in '.K.
#$!s. ibid, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
*art 1 of the A(t has, $nder s. 2, !een de(%ared to e.tend to the *$n:a!, and to (ome into for(e therein on the 1st da" of @ar(h, 1;;9, $ee Ga1ette
of India, 1;;9, *t. 1, p. 1=7.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
The words &Cs$!:e(t to the (ontro%D of the G. G. in '.K rep. !" A.O. 1937. The words in !ra(2ets were s$!s. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of
192=, s. 2 and #(h. I, for &with the previo$s san(tionK.
This se(tion has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *$n:a! !" the *$n:a! A(t 1 of 193;, s. 2.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Law (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &a%% the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O. 1949, Arts8 3 (2 and 4, forK the who%e of +ritish IndiaK.
<II of
<II of
8. C)"1$-9'' (a7"' a*8 >"1%#8%&$%)*a7 (a7"' $) 5' $6' #a2' %* &'1$a%* #"%$#. 7here in
s$its other than those referred to in the 'o$rt8fees A(t, 1;7=, se(tion 7, para-raphs, v, vi and i.,
and para-raph ., (%a$se &d(, (o$rt8fees are pa"a!%e ad 'a"orem $nder the 'o$rt8fees A(t, 1;7=,
the va%$e as determina!%e for the (omp$tation of (o$rt8fees and the va%$e for p$rposes of
:$risdi(tion sha%% !e the same.
3. '$'12%*a$%)* )9 (a7"' )9 &'1$a%* #"%$# 5< ,%@6 C)"1$. 7hen the s$!:e(t8matter of
s$its of an" (%ass, other than s$its mentioned in the 'o$rt8fees A(t, 1;7=, se(tion 7, para-raphs v
and vi, and para-raph ., (%a$se &d(, is s$(h that in the opinion of the Gi-h 'o$rt it does not admit
of !ein- satisfa(tori%" va%$ed, the Gi-h 'o$rt ma", with the previo$s san(tion of the
GovernmentD, dire(t that s$its of that (%ass sha%%, of for the p$rposes of the 'o$rt8fees A(t, 1;7=,
and of this A(t and an" other ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e, !e treated as if their s$!:e(t8
matter were of s$(h va%$e as the Gi-h 'o$rt thin2s fit to spe(if" in this !eha%f
10. Ce!ea" of $. 32, :unAab Court$ 9#t, 1;;4 &)*+++ of 1;;4.D e!. by the 9mendin3
9#t, 1;91 ()++ of 1;91(, $. 2 and S#h. +.
11. P1)&'8"1' w6'1' )5>'&$%)* %# $a:'* )* a;;'a7 )1 1'(%#%)* $6a$ a #"%$ )1 a;;'a7
wa# *)$ ;1);'17< (a7"'8 9)1 >"1%#8%&$%)*a7 ;"1;)#'#.D(1 6otwithstandin- an"thin- in se(tion
C99 of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t < of 19=;D an o!:e(tion that !" reason of the
overva%$ation or $nder8va%$ation of a s$it or appea% a 'o$rt of first instan(e or %ower appe%%ate
'o$rt whi(h had not :$risdi(tion with respe(t to the s$it or appea% :$risdi(tion with
respe(t thereto sha%% not !e entertained !" an appe%%ate 'o$rt $n%ess8
&a( the o!:e(tion was ta2en in the 'o$rt of first instan(e at or !efore the hearin- at
whi(h iss$es were first framed and re(orded, or in the %ower appe%%ate 'o$rt in the
memorand$m of appea% to that 'o$rt, or
&b( the appe%%ate 'o$rt is satisfied, for reasons to !e re(orded !" it in writin-, that the
s$it or appea% was over8va%$ed or $nder8va%$ed, and that the over8va%$ation or
$nder8va%$ation thereof has pre:$di(ia%%" affe(ted the disposa% of the s$it or appea%
on its merits.
(2 If the o!:e(tion was ta2en in the manner mentioned in (%a$se &a( of s$!8se(tion (1,
!$t the appe%%ate 'o$rt is not satisfied as to !oth the matters mentioned in (%a$se &b( of that s$!8
se(tion and has !efore it the materia%s ne(essar" for the determination of the other -ro$nds of
appea% to itse%f, it sha%% dispose of the appea% as if their had !een no defe(t of :$risdi(tion in the
'o$rt of first instan(e or %ower appe%%ate 'o$rt.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
/or r$%es as to va%$ation of (ertain (%asses of s$its $nder this se(tion, $ee different %o(a% 3. 4 O.
This se(tion has !een amended in the *$n:a! !" *$n:a! A(t 13 of 1942, s. 3.
See now s. 99 of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t 0 of 19=;.
#$!s. !" Ord. >><II of 19;1, s. 0, #(h. I< (on%" to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad (apita% territor".
<II of
<II of
<II of
(3 If the o!:e(tion was ta2en in that manner and the appe%%ate 'o$rt is satisfied as to !oth
those matters and has not those materia%s !efore it, it sha%% pro(eed to dea% with the appea% $nder
the r$%es app%i(a!%e to the 'o$rt with respe(t to the hearin- of appea%sF !$t if it remands the s$it
or appea%, or frames and refers iss$es for tria%, or re?$ires additiona% eviden(e to !e ta2en, it sha%%
dire(t its order to a 'o$rt (ompetent to entertain the s$it or appea%.
(4 The provisions of this se(tion with respe(t to an appe%%ate 'o$rt sha%%, so far as the"
(an !e made app%i(a!%e, app%" to a 'o$rt revisiona% :$risdi(tion $nder
of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t < of 19=;Dor other ena(tment for the time !ein- in
(0 This se(tion e.tends to
Cthe who%e of *a2istanD, and sha%% (ome into for(e on the first
da" of E$%", 1;;7.
12. P1)&''8%*@# ;'*8%*@ a$ &)22'*&'2'*$ )9 Pa1$ I )1 Pa1$ II. 6othin- in *art I or
*art II sha%% !e (onstr$ed to affe(t the :$risdi(tion of an" 'o$rtI
(a with respe(t to an" s$it instit$ted !efore r$%es $nder *art I app%i(a!%e to the
va%$ation of the s$it ta2e effe(t, or *art II has (ome into for(e, as the (ase ma" !e,
(! with respe(t to an" appea% arisin- o$t of an" s$(h s$it.
see now s. 110 of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t 0 of 19=;.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s.3 and 2
#(h. (with effe(t from the 14
O(to!er, 1900, for &a%% the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &the who%e of +ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" Ord. >><II of 19;1, s. 0, #(h. I< (on%" to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad (apita% territor".
A(t 6o. III of 1;;;
/e!r$ar", 1;;;D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' Law 1'7a$%*@ $) $6' 1'@"7a$%)* )9 P)7%&'
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to re%a. those provisions of A(ts for the re-$%ation of po%i(e
whi(h restri(t the emp%o"ment of po%i(e8offi(ers to the presiden(", provin(e or p%a(e of the
po%i(e esta!%ishment of whi(h the" are mem!ersF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. T%$7' a*8 'A$'*$.8(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the *o%i(e A(t, 1;;;.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDF
J2. C)*#$%$"$%)* )9 ;)7%&' 9)1&'# 9)1 #;'&%a7 ;"1;)#'#. 8(1 6otwithstandin- an"thin-
J J J, the *o%i(e A(t, 1;)1,
J J J, the
GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation
in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, (reate a spe(ia% po%i(e distri(t
em!ra(in- parts of two. or more *rovin(es, and e.tend to ever" part of the said distri(tU the
powers and :$risdi(tion of mem!ers of a po%i(e for(e !e%on-in- to an" part of
spe(ified in the notifi(ation.
(2 #$!:e(t to an" orders whi(h the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" ma2e in this !eha%f,
mem!ers of the said po%i(e for(e sha%%
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;;, *t. <, p. 13=F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;;;, *t. I<, p. ;F
and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;7, *t. <I, p. 1==, and ibid., 1;;;, pp. 37 and 4=.
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%o(histan !" the +ritish +a%o(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%o(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190= F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%o(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
#$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, has !een s$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of
19)=. s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
The word &andK at the end of s$!8se(tion (2, and s$!8se(tion (3, were rep. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914, s. 3 and
#(h. II.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for the ori-ina% se(tion as amended !" the Amendin- A(t, 1;91 (12 of 1;91.
The words and fi-$res &the @adras Aistri(t *o%i(e A(t, 1;09K, omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
The words &or an" A(t re%atin- to the *o%i(e in an" *residen("8townK, omitted, ibid.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
/or s$(h notifi(ations, $ee Gen. 3. 4 O., and the Ga1ette of India, 1937, ,.traordinar", dated 1st Apri%, 1937, pp. )71 and )72, and ibid., *t. I,
pp. ;73 and 1003.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from 1-
O#tober, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
< of 1;)1.
I< of
have, within ever" part of an" *rovin(e of whi(h an" part is in(%$ded in the said distri(t, the
powers, d$ties, privi%e-es and %ia!i%ities whi(h, as po%i(e offi(ers, the" have in their own
(3 An" mem!er of the said po%i(e for(e whom the
C/edera% GovernmentD sha%%
-enera%%" or spe(ia%%" empower to a(t $nder this s$!8se(tion ma", s$!:e(t to an" orders whi(h the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" ma2e in this !eha%f, within an" *rovin(e an" part of whi(h
is in(%$ded in the said distri(t an" of the powers of the offi(er in (har-e of a po%i(e8station in that
*rovin(e, and when so an" s$(h powers, sha%%, s$!:e(t to an" s$(h order as aforesaid,
!e deemed to !e an offi(er in (har-e of a po%i(e8station dis(har-in- the f$n(tions of s$(h an
offi(er within the %imits of his station.
(4 A part of a *rovin(e in(%$ded in the said distri(t sha%% not !" reason of that in(%$sion
(ease, for the p$rposes of an" ena(tment re%atin- to po%i(e, to !e part of that *rovin(e.
3. E2;7)<2'*$ )9 ;)7%&' )99%&'1# 5'<)*8 $6' P1)(%*&' $) w6%&6 $6'< 5'7)*@.
6otwithstandin- an"thin- in an" of the A(ts mentioned or referred to in the %ast fore-oin-
se(tion, !$t s$!:e(t to an" orders whi(h the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" ma2e in this !eha%f, a
mem!er of the
Cpo%i(e for(eD of an"
C*rovin(eD ma" dis(har-e the f$n(tions of a po%i(e8offi(er
in an" part of
C*a2istanD !e"ond the %imits of the
C*rovin(eD and sha%%, whi%e so dis(har-in-
s$(h f$n(tions, !e deemed to !e a mem!er of the
Cpo%i(e for(e of that part and !e vested with
the powers, f$n(tions and privi%e-es, and !e s$!:e(t to the %ia!i%ities, of a po%i(e8offi(er
!e%on-in- to
Cthat po%i(e for(eD.
JC. C)*#'*$ )9 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) 'A'1&%#' )9 ;)w'1# a*8 >"1%#8%&$%)*.
6othin- in this A(t sha%% !e deemed to ena!%e the po%i(e of one *rovin(e to powers and
:$risdi(tion in an" area within another *rovin(e, not !ein- a rai%wa" area, witho$t the (onsent of
the Government of that other *rovin(e.D
ACT NO. I OF 1883
C1$t %ebruary, 1;;9D
A* A&$ 9)1 $6' P1)$'&$%)* )9 C)%*a@' a*8 )$6'1 ;"1;)#'#
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to prohi!it the ma2in-, or the *ossession for iss$e or the
iss$e, !" private persons, of pie(es of meta% for $se as mone"F
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970. Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'etrna% GovernmentK.
#$!s. ibid., for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1937. for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &po%i(e8esta!%ishmentK.
#$!s. ibid., for &presiden(", provin(e or p%a(eK.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe(t from the 14th O(to!er, 1900. for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O.,1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK,
#$!s, !" A.O., 1937, for &that esta!%ishmentK.
Ins. ibid., (f., the Govt. of India A(t, 1930, #(h. <II. List I, entr" 39.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, see Ga1ette of India, 1;;;, *t. < F p 19F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee. $ee ibid., 1;;9, *t. I<. p. 3F
and for Ae!ates in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;;, *t. <I, pp 4= and ;1, and i!id., 1;;9, *t. <I, pp. 3 and 9.
And whereas it is a%so e.pedient to amend se(tion 2; of the *a2istan *ena% 'odeF
It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H8
1.T%$7' a*8 'A$'*8.8(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the @eta% To2ens A(t, 1;;9.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDF
2. '9%*%$%)*. In this A(t &iss$eK means to p$t a pie(e of meta% into (ir($%ation for the
first time for $se as mone" in
C*a2istanD s$(h pie(e havin- !een made in (ontravention of this
A(t or !ro$-ht into
C*a2istanD !"
Cair, sea or %andD in (ontravention of an" notifi(ation for the
time !ein- in for(e $nder se(tion
C1) of the ($stoms A(t, 19)9D.
3. P1)6%5%$%)* )9 2a:%*@ 5< ;1%(a$' ;'1#)*# )9 ;%'&'# )9 2'$a7 $) 5' "#'8 a# 2)*'<.
6o pie(e of (opper or !ron1e or of an" other meta% or mi.ed meta%, whi(h, whether stamped or
$nstamped, is intended to !e $sed as mone", sha%% !e made e.(ept !" the a$thorit" of the
C/edera% GovernmentD.
C. P'*a7$< 9)1 "*7aw9"7 2a:%*@, %##"' )1 ;)##'##%)* )9 #"&6 ;%'&'#.8 (1 In either of
the fo%%owin- (ases, name%" H8
(a if an" person ma2es in (ontravention of the %ast fore-oin- se(tion, or iss$es or
attempts to iss$e, an" s$(h pie(e as is mentioned in that se(tion,
(! if, after the e.piration of three months from the (ommen(ement of this A(t, an"
person has in his possession, ($stod" or (ontro% an" s$(h pie(e as is mentioned in
the %ast fore-oin- se(tion, with intent to iss$e the pie(e,
the person sha%% !e p$nished,
(i if he has not !een previo$s%" (onvi(ted $nder this se(tion, with imprisonment
whi(h ma" e.tend to one "ear, or with fine, .or with !othF or,
(ii if he has !een previo$s%" (onvi(ted $nder this se(tion, with imprisonment whi(h
ma" e.tend to three "ears, or with fine, or with !oth.
(2 If an" person is (onvi(ted of an offen(e $nder s$!8se(tion (1, he sha%%, in addition
to an" other p$nishment to whi(h he ma" !e senten(ed, forfeit a%% s$(h pie(es as aforesaid, and
#$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, has !een s$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of
19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
The word &andK at the end of s$!8se(tion (2, and s$!8se(tion (3, were rep. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914, s. 3 and
#(h. II.
#$!s. !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, of &the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK
whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &sea or !" %andK.
#$!s. ibid., for &19 of the #ea '$stoms A(t, 1;7;K.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G. O. in '.K, to read as
>L< of
I< of
instr$ments and materia%s for the ma2in- of s$(h pie(es, whi(h ma" have !een fo$nd in his
possession, ($stod" or (ontro%.
(3 If in the tria% of an" s$(h offen(e the ?$estion arises whether an" pie(e of meta% or
mi.ed meta% was intended to !e $sed or to !e iss$ed for $se as mone", the !$rden of provin- that
the pie(e was not intended to !e so $sed or iss$ed sha%% %ie on the a(($sed person.
5. C)@*%Ia*&' )9 )99'*&'# "*8'1 $6' 7a#$ 9)1'@)%*@ #'&$%)*.8(1 The offen(e of
ma2in-, in (ontravention of se(tion 3, an" s$(h pie(e as is mentioned in that se(tion sha%% !e a
(o-ni1a!%e offen(e.
(2 6otwithstandin- an"thin- in the
C'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9;D, no other
offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder se(tion 4 sha%% !e a (o-ni1a!%e offen(e, or
J J J !e
ta2en (o-ni1an(e of !" an" @a-istrate, e.(ept a Aistri(t @a-istrate or #$!8Aivisiona%
@a-istrate, witho$t the previo$s san(tion of the Aistri(t @a-istrate or #$!8Aivisiona%
G. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 &'1$a%* )9 $6' 9)1'@)%*@ ;1)(%#%)*# )9 $6%# A&$ $) %2;)1$a$%)* )9
;%'&'# )9 2'$a7 9)1 "#' a# 2)*'<.
CIf at an" time the /edera% Government sees fit, !"
notifi(ation $nder se(tion 1) of the '$stoms A(t, 19)9, to prohi!it to restri(t the !rin-in- !" air,
sea or %and into *a2istan of an" s$(h pie(es of meta% as are mentioned in se(tion 3, it ma" !"
notifi(ation dire(t that an" person (ontravenin- the prohi!ition or restri(tion sha%% !e %ia!%e to the
p$nishment to whi(h he wo$%d !e %ia!%e if he were (onvi(ted $nder this A(t of ma2in- s$(h
pie(es in *a2istan, instead of to the pena%t" mentioned in se(tion 10) of the '$stoms A(t, 19)9,
and that the provisions of s$!8se(tion (3 of se(tion 4 and s$!8se(tion (1 of se(tion 0, or of
either s$!8se(tion, in re%ation to the offen(e of ma2in- s$(h pie(es sha%%, notwithstandin-
an"thin- in the '$stoms A(t, 19)9, app%", so far as the" (an !e made app%i(a!%e, to the offen(e
of (ontravenin- the prohi!ition or restri(tion notified $nder se(tion 1) of that A(tD.
4. C9ddition to $e#tion 9;, 9#t ) of 1;;2.D 3ep. !" the Code of Crimina" :ro#edure,
1;9; (* of 1;9;.
8. P1)6%5%$%)* )9 1'&'%;$ 5< 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$%'# a*8 1a%7wa<# a# 2)*'< )9 2'$a7 w6%&6 %#
*)$ &)%*.R (1 6o pie(e of meta% whi(h is not (oin as defined in the *a2istan *ena% 'ode sha%%
!e re(eived as mone" !" or on !eha%f of an" rai%wa"8administration or %o(a% a$thorit".
(2 If an" person on !eha%f of a rai%wa"8administration, or on !eha%f of a %o(a% a$thorit",
or on !eha%f of the %essee of the (o%%e(tion of an" to%% or other impost %evia!%e !" a rai%wa" is
administration or %o(a% a$thorit", re(eives as mone" an" pie(e of meta% whi(h is not s$(h (oin as
aforesaid, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to ten r$pees.
3. C9mendment of $e#tion 2; of the +ndian :ena" Code.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t,
193; (+ of 193;, s. 2 and S#h.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;;2K.
The words &!e"ond the %imits of a presiden(" townK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#e(tion ) s$!s. !" Ord. 27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
< of
I< of
I< of
ACT NO. II OF 1883
C12th %ebruary, 1;;9D
A* A&$ $) 8'&7a1' $6' %2;'1%a7 #$a*8a18 <a18 9)1 $6' U*%$'8 K%*@8)2 $) 5' $6'
7'@a7 #$a*8a18 2'a#"1' )9 7'*@$6 %*
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to de(%are the imperia% standard "ard for the Lnited
Oin-dom to !e the %e-a% standard meas$re of %en-th in
C*a2istanDF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows
1. T%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.8(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the @eas$res of
Len-th A(t, 1;;9.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDF and
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on s$(h
da" as the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" appoint in
this !eha%f.
2. S$a*8a18 <a18. The imperia% standard "ard for the Lnited Oin-dom sha%% !e the
%e-a% standard meas$re of %en-th in
C*a2istanD and !e (a%%ed the standard "ard.
3. M'a#"1' 9)1 8'$'12%*%*@ 7'*@$6 )9 #$a*8a18 <a18. A (op", approved !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, of the imperia% standard for determinin- the %en-th of the imperia%
standard "ard for the Lnited Oin-dom sha%% !e 2ept in s$(h p%a(e within the %imits of the
C*rovin(eD as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" pres(ri!e, and sha%% !e the standard for
determinin- the %en-th of the standard "ardH
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;;, *t. <, p. 41F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1 ;;9, *t. I<, p. )H
and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;;, *t. <%, pp. )) and ;2, and ibid., 1;;9, *t. <I, p. 2=.
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the8 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to
(ertain modifi(ations and a%so e.tended to the e.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6.7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and
s$!:e(t to s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
It sha%% !e deemed to have !een repea%ed in the 6.7./.*. when part < of the 6.7./.*. A(t 23 of 1947 (omes into for(e in that *rovin(e, $ee s. 42
of the 6.7./.*. 7ei-hts and @eas$res A(t, 1947 (23 of 1947, and sha%% a%so !e deemed to have !een repea%ed in an" area in the *$n:a! when
*art <I of *$n:a! A(t 12 of 1941 (omes into for(e in that Area.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900 for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 4, has !een s$!s. !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. ( with effe#t from the 1-th
O#tober, 1900.
The A(t was !ro$-ht into for(e on the 10th E$ne, 1;;9, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;9, *t. I, p. 3=0.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h had !een s$!s, A.O., 1937. for &G. G. in 'K,
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G.G. in '.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &Town of 'a%($ttaK.
C. S$a*8a18 9))$ a*8 %*&6. One8third part of the standard "ard sha%% !e (a%%ed a
standard foot, and one8thirt" part of s$(h a "ard sha%% !e (a%%ed a standard in(h.
5. P1'#"2;$%)* %* 9a()"1 )9 a&&"1a&< )9 &'1$%9%'8 2'a#"1'#. An" meas$re havin-
stamped thereon or affi.ed thereto a (ertifi(ate p$rportin- to !e made
C!efore the first da" of
Apri%, 1937, $nder the a$thorit" of an" Government in
C*a2istanD or on or after that date $nder
the a$thorit" of the *rovin(ia% GovernmentD and statin- that the meas$re is of the %en-th of the
standard "ard or that a meas$re mar2ed thereon as a foot or in(h is of the %en-th of the standard
foot or standard in(h, as the (ase ma" !e, sha%%, when prod$(ed !efore an" 'o$rt !" an" p$!%i(
servant havin- (har-e of the meas$re in p$rs$an(e of an" dire(tion p$!%ished in an offi(ia%
C!" order of the *rovin(ia% GovernmentD, or !" an" person a(tin- $nder the -enera% or
spe(ia% a$thorit" of s$(h a p$!%i( servant, !e deemed to !e (orre(t $nti% its ina(($ra(" is proved.
G. I*#;'&$%)* )9 &'1$%9%'8 2'a#"1'# 5< $6' ;"57%&. A p$!%i( servant havin- in
p$rs$an(e of s$(h a dire(tion (har-e of s$(h a meas$re as is mentioned in the %ast fore-oin-
se(tion sha%% a%%ow an" person to inspe(t it free of (har-e at a%% reasona!%e times and to (ompare
therewith or with an" meas$re mar2ed thereon an" meas$re whi(h s$(h person ma" have in his
4. C'1$%9%'8 2'a#"1'# $) 5' :';$ 5< a"$6)1%$%'# 1'B"%1'8 5< 'A%#$%*@ '*a&$2'*$# $)
:''; 2'a#"1'# )9 7'*@$6. There sha%% !e 2ept
J J J !" the Aistri(t @a-istrate $nder
se(tion 2= of 3e-$%ation >II of 1;27 of the +om!a" 'ode, s$(h (ertified meas$res of the
standard "ard, standard foot and standard in(h as are mentioned in se(tion 0.
TG, @,3'GA6AI#, @A3O# A'T, 1;;9
1. Tit%e, e.tent and (ommen(ement.
2. Aefinitions.
*roviso whi(h was ins. !" A. O., 1937, omitted !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &$nder the a$thorit" of the G. G. in '. or of a L. G.K.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober. 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h !ad !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &!" order of the G. G. in '. or the L. G.K.
The words and fi-$res &!" the 'ommissioner of *o%i(e in the Town of 'a%($tta $nder se(tion 00, of the 'a%($tta *o%i(e A(t, 1;)), J J J !"
the 'ommissioner of *o%i(e in the 'it" of @adras $nder se(tion 32 of the @adras 'it" *o%i(e A(t, 1;;;, !" the @$ni(ipa% 'ommissioner in the
'it" of +om!a" $nder se(tion 41; of the 'it" of +om!a" @$ni(ipa% A(t, 1;;;, andK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h. The asteris2s in this footnote
indi(ate the omission of the words and fi-$res &!" the 'ommissioners in 'a%($tta $nder se(tion 37= of the 'a%($tta @$ni(ipa% 'onso%idation A(t,
1;;; whi(h were rep. !" A(t 24 of 1934, s. 2 and #(h. I.
3. Ce!ea"ed.D
4. *rovisions s$pp%ementa% to the definition of fa%se trade des(ription.
0. App%i(ation of trade des(riptions.
0A. *ower to re?$ire -oods to show indi(ation of ori-in.
). *ena%t" for app%"in- a fa%se trade des(ription.
7. *ena%t" for se%%in- -oods to whi(h a fa%se trade des(ription is app%ied.
;. Lnintentiona% (ontravention of the %aw re%atin- to mar2s and des(riptions.
9. /orfeit$re of -oods.
A@,6A@,6T O/ TG, #,A 'L#TO@# A'T, 1;7;
1=811. Ce!ea"ed.D
12. #tampin- of %en-th of pie(e8-oods man$fa(t$red in *a2istan.
13. ,viden(e of ori-in of -oods imported !" sea.
14. 'osts of defen(e or prose($tion.
10. Limitation of prose($tion.
1). A$thorit" of the C/edera% GovernmentD to iss$e instr$(tions as to administration
of this A(t.
17. Imp%ied warrant" on sa%e of mar2ed -oods.
1;. #avin-s.
19. Aefinition of pie(e8-oods.
2=. Aetermination of (hara(ter of -oods !" samp%in-.
21. Information as to (ommission of offen(e.
22. *$nishment of a!etment in *a2istan of a(ts done o$t of *a2istan.
ACT N). IV OF 1883
C1st 5ar#h, 1;;9D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' Law 1'7a$%*@ $) F1a"8"7'*$ Ma1:# )* M'1&6a*8%#'.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to amend the %aw re%atin- to fra$d$%ent mar2s on
mer(handiseF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H8
1.T%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.8(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
J @er(handise
@ar2s A(t, 1;;9.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDF and
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of Apri%, 1;;9.
2. '9%*%$%)*#. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or
C(1 &trade mar2K means an" mar2 s$red for denotin- that -oods as are the man$fa(t$re
or mer(handise of a parti($%ar person and in(%$des an" trade mar2 whi(h is re-istered in the
re-ister of trade mar2s 2ept $nder the Trade @ar2s A(t, 194=.D
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;;, *t. <, p. 1=9C for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;;9, *t. <, p. 27
F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;;, *t. <I, pp. 111 and 13), and ibid., 1;;9, *t. <I, p. 3;.
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain modi 8
fi(ationsF and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6.7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and s$!:e(t to s$(h
modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
The A(t has !een e.tended to the #tate of +ahawa%p$r $ee G. G. O. 11 of 1903, as amended.
The A(t has !een app%ied to +a%o(histan, !" 3e-. 13 of 194= ($ee a%so 3e-. 3 of 1904.
It has !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%o(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%o(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
,.tended to the +a%o(histan #tates Lnion, $ee G. G. O. 4 of 1903, s. 2 and #(h.
The A(t has !een and sha%% !e deemed to have !een !ro$-ht into for(e in Gwad$r with effe(t from the ;th #eptem!er, 190;, !" the Gwad$r
(App%i(ation of 'entra% Laws Ordinan(e, 19)= (37 of 19)=, s. 2.
The word &IndianK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, has !een s$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of
19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
The words &s$!:e(t to the provision of the %ast se(tion of this A(tK rep. !" the Indian @er(handise @ar2s and #ea '$stoms A(ts Amdt. A(t,
1;91 (9 of 1;91, s. 1.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for the e.istin- (%a$se (1.
< of
Ktrade des(riptionK means an" des(ription, statement or other indi(ation, dire(t or
&a( as to the n$m!er, ?$antit", meas$re, -a$-e or wei-ht of an" -oods, or
&b( as to the p%a(e or (o$ntr" in whi(h, or the time at whi(h, an" -oods were made or
prod$(ed, or
&#( as to the mode of man$fa(t$rin- or prod$(in- an" -oods, or
&d( as to the materia% of whi(h an" -oods are (omposed, or
&e( as to an" -oods !ein- the s$!:e(t of an e.istin- patent, privi%e-e or (op"ri-htF
and the $se of an" n$mera%, word or mar2 whi(h a((ordin- to the ($stom of the
trade is (ommon%" ta2en to !e an indi(ation of an" of the a!ove matters sha%% !e
deemed to !e a trade des(ription within the meanin- of this A(tH
Kfa%se trade des(riptionK means a trade des(ription whi(h is $ntr$e in a materia%
respe(t as re-ards the -oods to whi(h it is app%ied, and in(%$des ever" a%teration of a trade
des(ription, whether !" wa" of addition, effa(ement or otherwise, where that a%teration ma2es
the des(ription $ntr$e in a materia% respe(t, and the fa(t that a trade des(ription is a trade mar2 or
part of a trade mar2 sha%% not prevent s$(h trade des(ription !ein- a fa%se trade des(ription within
the meanin- of this A(tH
(4 &-oodsK means an"thin- whi(h is the s$!:e(t of trade or man$fa(t$reH and
(0 &nameK in(%$des an" a!!reviation of a name.
3. CSub$titution of new $e#tion$ for $e#tion$ 47; to 4;9 of the +ndian :ena" Code.D e!.
by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; (+ of 193;, $. 2 and S#hedu"e.
C.KP1)(%#%)*# #";;7'2'*$a7 $) $6' 8'9%*%$%)* )9 9a7#' $1a8' 8'#&1%;$%)*. (1 The
provisions of this A(t respe(tin- the app%i(ation of a fa%se trade des(ription to -oods, or
respe(tin- -oods to whi(h a fa%se trade des(ription is app%ied, sha%% e.tend to the app%i(ation to
-oods of an" s$(h n$mera%s, words or mar2s, or arran-ement or (om!ination thereof, whether
in(%$din- a trade mar2 or not, as are or is reasona!%" (a%($%ated to %ead persons to
Cf. the @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;7 (0= 4 01 <i(t., (.2;, s. 3 (2.
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1 s. 3 and 2
!e%ieve that the -oods are the man$fa(t$re or mer(handise of some person other than the person
whose man$fa(t$re or mer(handise the" rea%%" are, and to -oods havin- s$(h n$mera%s, words or
mar2s, or arran-ement or (om!ination, app%ied thereto.
(2 The provisions of this A(t respe(tin- the app%i(ation of a fa%se trade des(ription
to -oods, or respe(tin- -oods to whi(h a fa%se trade des(ription is app%ied, sha%% e.tend to the
app%i(ation to -oods of an" fa%se name or initia%s of a person, and to -oods with the fa%se name or
initia%s of a person app%ied, in %i2e manner as if s$(h name or initia%s were a trade des(ription,
and for the p$rpose of this ena(tment the e.pression fa%se name or initia%s means as app%ied to
an" -oods an" name or initia%sR
&a( not !ein- a trade mar2, or part of a trade mar2, and
&b( !ein- identi(a% with, or a (o%o$ra!%e imitation of, the name or initia%s of a
person (arr"in- on !$siness in (onne(tion with -oods of the same des(ription
and not havin- a$thori1ed the $se of s$(h name or initia%s.
(3 A trade des(ription whi(h denotes or imp%ies that there are (ontained in an" -oods
to whi(h it is app%ied more "ards, feet or in(hes than there are (ontained therein standard "ards,
standard feet or standard in(hes is a fa%se trade des(ription.
0.RA;;7%&a$%)* )9 $1a8' 8'#&1%;$%)*#. (1 A person sha%% !e deemed to app%"
des(ription to -oods whoR
&a( app%ies it to the -oods themse%ves, or
&b( app%ies it to an" (overin-, %a!e%, ree% or other thin- in or with whi(h the -oods
are so%d or are e.posed or had in possession for sa%e or an" p$rpose of trade or
man$fa(t$re, or
&#( p%a(es, en(%oses or an" -oods whi(h are so%d, or are e.posed or had in
possession for sa%e or an" p$rpose of trade or man$fa(t$re, in, with or to an"
(overin-, %a!e%, ree% or other thin- to whi(h a trade des(ription has !een app%ied,
&d( $ses a trade des(ription in an" manner reasona!%" (a%($%ated to %ead to the !e%ief
that the -oods in (onne(tion with whi(h it is $sed are desi-nated or des(ri!ed !"
that trade des(ription.
(2 A trade des(ription sha%% !e deemed to !e app%ied whether it is woven, impressed
or otherwise wor2ed into or anne.ed or affi.ed to the -oods or an" (overin-, %a!e%, ree% or other
(3 The e.pression &(overin-K in(%$des an" stopper, (as2, !ott%e, vesse%, !o., (over,
(aps$%e, (ase, frame or wrapper, and the e.pression &%a!e%K in(%$des an" !and or ti(2et.
Cf. the @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;7 (0= 4 01 <i(t., (. 2;, s. 3 (3.
Cf. ibid., s. 0.
J5A.KP)w'1 $) 1'B"%1'8 @))8# $) #6)w %*8%&a$%)* )9 )1%@%*. (1 The /edera%
Government ma", !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, re?$ire that -oods of an" (%ass spe(ified
in the notifi(ation whi(h are made or prod$(ed !e"ond the %imits of *a2istan and imported into
*a2istan, or whi(h are made or prod$(ed within the %imits of *a2istan, sha%%, from s$(h date as
ma" !e appointed !" the notifi(ation not !ein- %ess than three months from its iss$e, have
app%ied to them an indi(ation of the (o$ntr" or p%a(e in whi(h the" were made or prod$(ed, or of
the name and address of the man$fa(t$rer or the person for whom the -oods were man$fa(t$red.
(2 The notifi(ation ma" spe(if" the manner in whi(h s$(h indi(ation sha%% !e app%ied,
that is to sa", whether to the -oods themse%ves or in an" other manner, and the times or o((asions
on whi(h the presen(e of the indi(ation sha%% !e ne(essar", that is to sa", whether on importation
on%", or a%so at the time of sa%e, whether !" who%esa%e or retai% or !oth.
(3 6o notifi(ation $nder this se(tion sha%% !e iss$ed, $n%ess app%i(ation is made for
its iss$e !" persons or asso(iations s$!stantia%%" representin- the interests of dea%ers in, or
man$fa(t$rers, prod$(ers, or $sers of, the -oods (on(erned, or $n%ess the /edera% Government is
otherwise (onvin(ed that it is ne(essar" in the p$!%i( interest to iss$e the notifi(ation, with or
witho$t s$(h in?$ir" as the /edera% Government ma" (onsider ne(essar".
(4 The provisions of se(tion 23 of the Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97, sha%% app%" to the
iss$e of a notifi(ation $nder this se(tion as the" app%" to the ma2in- of r$%es or !"e8%aws the
ma2in- of whi(h is s$!:e(t to the (ondition of previo$s p$!%i(ation.
(0 A notifi(ation $nder this se(tion sha%% not app%" to -oods made or prod$(ed
!e"ond the %imits of *a2istan and imported into *a2istan, if in respe(t of those -oods the
'o%%e(tor of '$stoms is satisfied at the time of importation that the" are intended for e.portation
whether after transhipment in or transit thro$-h *a2istan or otherwise.D
C() A%% -oods imported into *a2istan to whi(h an" notifi(ation $nder this se(tion
app%ies sha%% !e deemed to !e -oods of whi(h the !rin-in- into or ta2in- o$t of *a2istan has !een
prohi!ited or restri(ted $nder se(tion 1) of the '$stoms A(t, 19)9, and a%% the provisions of that
A(t sha%% have effe(t a((ordin-%".
(7 7hoever (ontravenes the provisions of an" notifi(ation $nder this se(tion in
re%ation to an" -oods made or prod$(ed in *a2istan, or se%%s, or e.poses or has in his possession
for sa%e or an" p$rposes of trade or man$fa(t$re, an" -oods in re%ation to whi(h the provision of
an" notifi(ation $nder this se(tion has
Ins. !" the @er(handise @ar2s (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 19;= (14 of 19;=, s. 2.
Added !" the @er(handise @ar2s (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 19;1 (2; of 19;1 s.2.
> of
I< of
!een (ontravened, sha%%, $n%ess he f$rnishes the proof provided for in se(tion 7, !e %ia!%e to the
p$nishment provided for in that se(tion and the 'o$rt (onvi(tin- or a(?$ittin- him ma" dire(t
the forfeit$re to Government of a%% -oods in re%ation to whi(h the offen(e has !een (ommitted or,
!$t for s$(h proof as aforesaid, wo$%d have !een (ommitted.D
G. P'*a7$< 9)1 a;;7<%*@ a 9a7#' $1a8' 8'#&1%;$%)*. If a person app%ies a fa%se trade
des(ription to -oods, he sha%%, s$!:e(t to the provisions of this A(t, and $n%ess he proves that he
a(ted witho$t intent to defra$d, !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to
three months or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two h$ndred r$pees, and in the (ase of a se(ond
or s$!se?$ent (onvi(tion with imprisonment whi(h ma" e.tend to one "ear, or with fine, or with
4. P'*a7$< 9)1 #'77%*@ @))8# $) w6%&6 a# 9a7#' $1a8' 8'#&1%;$%)* %# a;;7%'8. If a
person se%%s, or e.poses or has in possession for sa%e or an" p$rpose of trade or man$fa(t$re, an"
-oods or thin-s to whi(h a fa%se trade des(ription is app%ied, he sha%%, $n%ess he provesR
(a that, havin- ta2en a%% reasona!%e pre(a$tions a-ainst (ommittin- an offen(e
a-ainst this se(tion, he had at the time of the (ommission of the a%%e-ed offen(e
no reason to s$spe(t the -en$ineness of the trade des(ription, and
(! that, on demand made !" or on !eha%f of the prose($tor, he -ave a%% the
information in his power with respe(t to the persons from whom he o!tained
s$(h -oods or thin-s, or
(( that otherwise he had a(ted inno(ent%",
!e p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three months, or with fine whi(h
ma" e.tend to two h$ndred r$pees, and in (ase of a se(ond or s$!se?$ent (onvi(tion with
imprisonment whi(h ma" e.tend to one "ear, or with fine, or with !oth.
L6I6T,6TIO6AL 'O6T3A<,6TIO6 O/ TG, LA7 3,LATI6G TO @A3O# A6A
8. U*%*$'*$%)*a7 &)*$1a('*$%)* )9 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) 2a1:# a*8 8'#&1%;$%)*#. 7here
a person is a(($sed $nder se(tion 4;2 of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode of $sin- a fa%se trade mar2 or
propert" mar2 !" reason of his havin- app%ied a mar2 to an" -oods, propert" or re(epta(%e in the
manner mentioned in se(tion 4;= in or se(tion 4;1 of that 'ode, as the (ase ma" !e, or $nder
se(tion ) of this A(t of app%"in- to -oods an" fa%se trade des(ription, or $nder se(tion 4;0 of the
*a2istan *ena% 'ode of ma2in- an"
Cf. the @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;7 (0= 4 01 <i(t., (. 2;, s. 2(1.
Cf. ibid., s. ).
>L< of
>L< of
die, p%ate or other instr$ment for the p$rpose of (o$nterfeitin- a trade mar2 or propert" mar2,
and provesR
(a that in the ordinar" (o$rse of his !$siness he is emp%o"ed, on !eha%f of other
persons, to app%" trade mar2s or propert" mar2s, or trade des(riptions, or, as the
(ase ma" !e, to ma2e dies, p%ates or other instr$ments for ma2in-, or !ein- $sed
in ma2in-, trade mar2s or propert" mar2s, and that in the (ase whi(h is the
s$!:e(t of the (har-e he was so emp%o"ed and was not interested in the -oods or
other thin- !" wa" of profit or (ommission dependent on the sa%e thereof, and
(! that he too2 reasona!%e pre(a$tions a-ainst (ommittin- the offen(e (har-ed, and
(( that he had, at the time of the (ommission of the a%%e-ed offen(e, no reason to
s$spe(t the -en$ineness of the mar2 or des(ription, and
(d that, on demand made !" or on !eha%f of the prose($tor, he -ave a%% the
information in his power with respe(t to the persons on whose !eha%f the mar2
or des(ription was app%ied,
he sha%% !e a(?$itted.
3.KF)19'%$"1' )9 @))8#. (1 7hen a person is (onvi(ted $nder se(tion 4;2 of the
*a2istan *ena% 'ode of $sin- a fa%se trade mar2, or $nder se(tion 4;) of that 'ode of se%%in-, or
e.posin- or havin- in possession for sa%e or an" p$rpose of trade or man$fa(t$re, an" -oods or
thin-s with a (o$nterfeit trade mar2 app%ied thereto, or $nder se(tion 4;7 or se(tion 4;; of that
'ode of ma2in-, or ma2in- $se of a fa%se mar2, or $nder se(tion ) or se(tion 7 of this A(t of
app%"in- a fa%se trade des(ription to -oods or of se%%in-, or e.posin- or havin- in possession for
sa%e or an" p$rpose of trade or man$fa(t$re, an" -oods or thin-s to whi(h a fa%se trade
des(ription is app%ied, or is a(?$itted on proof of the matter or matters spe(ified in se(tion 4;) of
the *a2istan *ena% 'ode or se(tion 7 or se(tion ; of this A(t, the 'o$rt (onvi(tin- or a(?$it tin-
him ma" dire(t the forfeit$re to
CGovernmentD of a%% -oods and thin-s !" means of, or in re%ation
to, whi(h the offen(e has !een (ommitted or, !$t for s$(h proof as aforesaid, wo$%d have !een
(2 7hen a forfeit$re is dire(ted on a (onvi(tion, and an appea% %ies a-ainst the
(onvi(tion, an appea% sha%% %ie a-ainst the forfeit$re a%so.
Cf. the @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;7 (0= 4 01 <i(t., (.2;, s. 2 (3 (iii.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2, for &Ger @a:est"K (with effe#t from tire 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
(3 7hen a forfeit$re is dire(ted on an a(?$itta% and the -oods or thin-s to whi(h the
dire(tion re%ates are of va%$e e.(eedin- fift" r$pees, an appea% a-ainst the forfeit$re ma" !e
preferred, within thirt" da"s from the date of the dire(tion, to the 'o$rt to whi(h in appea%a!%e
(ases appea%s %ie from senten(es of the 'o$rt whi(h dire(ted the forfeit$re.
10 P 11. C9mendment of the Sea Cu$tom$ 9#t, 1;7;.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t,
193; (+ of 193;, $. 2 and S#hedu"e.
12. S$a2;%*@ )9 7'*@$6 )9 ;%'&'-@))8# 2a*"9a&$"1'8 %* Pa:%#$a*.K(1 *ie(e8-oods,
s$(h as are ordinari%" so%d !" %en-th or !" the pie(e, whi(h have !een man$fa(t$red in premises
whi(h are a fa(tor" as defined in the
C/a(tories A(t, 1934D, sha%% not !e removed from those
premises witho$t havin- (onspi($o$s%" stamped in
CAra!i( n$mera%sD on ea(h pie(e the %en-th
thereof in standard
CmetresD or in standard
CmetresD and a fra(tion of s$(h a
CmetreD a((ordin-
to the rea% %en-th of the pie(e.
(2 If an" person removes or attempts to remove an" s$(h pie(e8-oods from an" s$(h
premises witho$t the %en-th of ea(h pie(e !ein- stamped in the manner mentioned in s$!8se(tion
(1, ever" s$(h pie(e, and ever"thin- $sed for the pa(2in- or remova% thereof, sha%% !e forfeited
CGovernmentD, and s$(h person sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one
tho$sand r$pees.
13. E(%8'*&' )9 )1%@%* )9 @))8# %2;)1$'8 5< #'a. In the (ase of -oods !ro$-ht into
C*a2istanD !" sea, eviden(e of the *ort of shipment sha%%, in a prose($tion for an
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" Ord. 27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Indian /a(tories A(t, 1;;1K.
#$!s. ibid., for &,n-%ish n$mera%sK.
#$!s. ibid., for &"ardsK.
#$!s. ibid., for &"ardK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art 2, for &Ger @a:est"K (with effe#t from the23rd @ar(h, 190).
Cf. the @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;7 (0= 4 01 <i(t., (. 2;, s. 1=(2.
offen(e a-ainst this A(t or se(tion
C10 of the '$stoms A(t, 19)9D, !e !rima fa#ie eviden(e of the
p%a(e or (o$ntr" in whi(h the -oods were made or prod$(ed.
1C. C)#$# )9 8'9'*&' )1 ;1)#'&"$%)*.K(1 On an" s$(h prose($tion as is mentioned in
the %ast fore-oin- se(tion or on an" prose($tion for an offen(e a-ainst an" of the se(tions of the
*a2istan *ena% 'ode as amended !" this A(t, whi(h re%ate to trade, propert" and other mar2s, the
'o$rt ma" order (osts to !e paid to the defendant !" the prose($tor or to the prose($tor !" the
defendant, havin- re-ard to the information -iven !" and the (ond$(t of the defendant and
prose($tor respe(tive%".
(2 #$(h (osts sha%%, on app%i(ation to the 'o$rt, !e re(overa!%e as if the" were a fine.
15. L%2%$a$%)* )9 ;1)#'&"$%)*. 6o s$(h prose($tion as is mentioned in the %ast fore8
-oin- se(tion sha%% !e (ommen(ed after the e.piration of three "ears ne.t after the (ommission
of the offen(e, or one "ear after the first dis(over" thereof !" the prose($tor, whi(hever
e.piration first happens.
1G. A"$6)1%$< )9 $6' F'8'1a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) %##"' %*#$1"&$%)*# a# $)
a82%*%#$1a$%)* )9 $6%# A&$.K(1 The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation
Cin the
offi(ia% Ga1etteD, iss$e
Cinstr$(tions for o!servan(e !" 'rimina% 'o$rts in -ivin- effe(t to an" of
the provisions of this A(t.
(2 Instr$(tions $nder s$!8se(tion (1 ma" provide, amon- other matters, for the
%imits of variation, as re-ards n$m!er, ?$antit", meas$re, -a$-e or wei-ht, whi(h are to !e
re(o-ni1ed !" 'rimina% 'o$rts as permissi!%e in the (ase of an" -oods.
14. I2;7%'8 wa11a*$< )* #a7' )9 2a1:'8 @))8#. On the sa%e or in the (ontra(t for
the sa%e of an" -oods to whi(h a trade mar2 or mar2 or trade des(ription has !een app%ied, the
se%%er sha%% !e deemed to warrant that the mar2 is a -en$ine mar2 and not (o$nterfeit or fa%se%"
$sed, or that the trade des(ription is not a fa%se trade des(ription within the meanin- of this A(t,
$n%ess the (ontrar" is e.pressed in some writin- si-ned !" or on !eha%f of the se%%er and
de%ivered at the time of the sa%e or (ontra(t to and a((epted !" the !$"er.
18. Sa(%*@#.K(1 6othin- in this A(t sha%% e.empt an" person from an" s$it or other
pro(eedin- whi(h mi-ht, !$t for an"thin- in this A(t, !e !ro$-ht a-ainst him.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for (ertain words.
Cf. the @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;7 (0= 4 01 <i(t., (. 2;, s. 14.
Cf. ibid., s. 10.
The word a &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h were previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O.,1937 for &G. G. in. '.K, have !een s$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and
Ta!%e, to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &in the Ga1ette of India and in %o(a% offi(ia% Ga1ettesK.
/or notifi(ation (ontainin- s$(h instr$(tions, $ee Gen. 3. 4 O.
Cf. the @er(handise @ar2s A(t, 1;;7 (0= 4 01 <i(t., (. 2;, s. 17.
Cf. ibid., $. 19.
I< of
(2 6othin- in this A(t sha%% entit%e an" person to ref$se to ma2e a (omp%ete
dis(over" or to answer an" ?$estion or interro-ator" in an" s$it or other pro(eedin-, !$t s$(h
dis(over" or answer sha%% not !e admissi!%e in eviden(e a-ainst s$(h person in an" s$(h
prose($tion as is mentioned in se(tion 14.
(3 6othin- in this A(t sha%% !e (onstr$ed so as to render %ia!%e to an" prose($tion or
p$nishment an" servant of a master resident in
C*a2istanD who in -ood faith a(ts in o!edien(e to
the instr$(tions of s$(h master, and on demand made !" or on !eha%f of the prose($tor, has -iven
f$%% information as to his master and as to the instr$(tions whi(h he has re(eived from his master.
J13. '9%*%$%)* )9 ;%'&'-@))8#. /or the p$rpose of se(tion 12 of this A(t and (%a$se (f
of se(tion
C10 of the '$stoms A(t, 19)9D, the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD,
de(%are what (%asses of -oods are in(%$ded in the e.pression Tpie(e8-oods,
s$(h as are ordinari%" so%d !" %en-th or !" the pie(e.5
20. '$'12%*a$%)* )9 &6a1a&$'1 )9 @))8# 5< #a2;7%*@.K(1 The
GovernmentD ma" ma2e
r$%es, for the p$rposes of this A(t, to provide, with respe(t to an" -oods
whi(h p$rport or are a%%e-ed to !e of $niform n$m!er, ?$antit", -o meas$re, -a$-e or wei-ht, for
the n$m!er of samp%es to !e se%e(ted and tested and for the se%e(tion of the samp%es.
(2 7ith respe(t to an" -oods for the se%e(tion and testin- of samp%es of whi(h
provision is not made in an" r$%es for the time !ein- in for(e $nder s$!8se(tion (1, the 'o$rt or
offi(er of '$stoms, as the (ase ma" !e, havin- o((asion to as(ertain the n$m!er, ?$antit",
meas$re, -a$-e or wei-ht of the -oods, sha%%, !" order in writin-, determine the n$m!er of
samp%es to !e se%e(ted and tested and the manner in whi(h the samp%es are to !e se%e(ted.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
The ori-ina% se(tion 19 re%atin- to the date of (ommen(ement of the A(t as re-ards $nstamped pie(e8-oods, and the words &Transitor"
*rovisionK prefi.ed thereto, were rep. !" the Indian @er(handise @ar2s and #ea '$stoms A(ts Amendment A(t, 1;91 (9 of 1;91, s. 2F and the
present ss. 19 to 22 were ins. ibid., s. 4.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for (ertain words.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O, 1937, for &G. G. in ' .K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
/or r$%es made $nder this se(tion, $ee Gen. 3. 4 O.
I< of
(3 The avera-e of the res$%ts of the testin- in p$rs$an(e of r$%es $nder s$!8se(tion
(1 or of an order $nder s$!8se(tion (2 sha%% !e !rima fa#ie eviden(e of the n$m!er, ?$antit",
meas$re, -a$-e or wei-ht as the (ase ma" !e, of the -oods.
(4 If a person havin- an" (%aim to, or in re%ation to, an" -oods of whi(h samp%es
have !een se%e(ted and tested in p$rs$an(e of r$%es $nder s$!8se(tion (1 or of an order $nder
s$!8se(tion (2, desires that an" f$rther samp%es of the -oods !e se%e(ted and tested, the" sha%%,
on his written app%i(ation and on the pa"ment in advan(e !" him to the 'o$rt or offi(er of
'$stoms, as the (ase ma" !e, of s$(h s$ms for defra"in- the (ost of the f$rther se%e(tion and
testin- as the 'o$rt or offi(er ma" from time to time re?$ire, !e se%e(ted and tested to s$(h
e.tent as ma" !e permitted !" r$%es to !e made !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD in this !eha%f or as,
in the (ase of -oods with respe(t to whi(h provision is not made in s$(h r$%es, the 'o$rt or
offi(er of '$stoms ma" determine in the (ir($mstan(es to !e reasona!%e, the samp%es !ein-
se%e(ted in manner pres(ri!ed $nder s$!8se(tion (1, or in s$!8se(tion (2, as the (ase ma" !e.
(0 The avera-e of the res$%ts of the testin- referred to in s$!8se(tion (3 and of the
f$rther testin- $nder s$!8se(tion (4 sha%% !e (on(%$sive proof of the n$m!er, ?$antit", meas$re,
-a$-e or wei-ht, as the (ase ma" !e, of the -oods.
() 3$%es $nder this se(tion sha%% !e made after previo$s p$!%i(ation.
21. I*9)12a$%)* a# $) &)22%##%)* )9 )99'*&'. An offi(er of the Government whose
d$t" it is to ta2e part in the enfor(ement of this A(t sha%% not !e (ompe%%ed in an" 'o$rt to sa"
when(e he -ot an" information as to the (ommission of an" offen(e a-ainst this A(t.
22. P"*%#62'*$ )9 a5'$2'*$ %* Pa:%#$a* )9 a&$# 8)*' )"$ )9 Pa:%#$a*. If an" person,
!ein- within
C*a2istanD, a!ets the (ommission, witho$t
C*a2istanD, of an" A(t whi(h, if
(ommitted in
C*a2istanD, wo$%d, $nder this A(t, or $nder an" se(tion of that part of 'hapter
><III of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode whi(h re%ates to trade, propert" and other mar2s, !e an
offen(e, he ma" !e tried for s$(h a!etment in an" p%a(e in
C*a2istanD in whi(h he ma" !e fo$nd,
and !e p$nished therefor with the p$nishment to whi(h he wo$%d !e %ia!%e if he had himse%f
(ommitted in that p%a(e the a(t whi(h he a!etted.D
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K .
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. ( with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O. 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
ACT NO. I OF 1830
/e!r$ar", 1;9=D
A* A&$ $) 2a:' 5'$$'1 ;1)(%#%)* 9)1 1'&)('1%*@ &'1$a%* ;"57%& 8'2a*8#
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to ma2e !etter provision for re(overin- (ertain p$!%i(
demandsF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%1owsH8
1. T%$7' a*8 'A$'*$.K(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the 3even$e 3e(over" Tit A(t,
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanD.
2. '9%*%$%)*#. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or
(2 &'o%%e(torK means the (hief offi(er in (har-e of the %and8reven$e administration
of a distri(tH and
(3 &defa$%terK means a person from whom an arrear of %and8reven$e, or a s$m
re(overa!%e as an arrear of %and8reven$e, is d$e, and in(%$des a person who is
responsi!%e as s$ret" for the pa"ment of an" s$(h arrear or s$m.
3. R'&)('1< )9 ;"57%& 8'2a*8# 5< '*9)1&'2'*$ )9 ;1)&'## %* )$6'1 8%#$1%&$# $6a*
$6)#' %* w6%&6 $6'< 5'&)2' ;a<a57'.K(1 7here an arrear of %and8reven$e, or a s$m8
re(overa!%e as an arrear of %and8reven$e, is pa"a!%e to a 'o%%e(tor !" a defa$%ter !ein- or havin-
propert" in a distri(t other than that in whi(h the arrear a((r$ed or the s$m is pa"a!%e, the
'o%%e(tor of ma" send to the (o%%e(tor of that other distri(t a (ertifi(ate in the form as near%" as
ma" !e of the s(hed$%e, statin-R
(a the name of the defa$%ter and s$(h other parti($%ars as ma" !e ne(essar" for his
identifi(ation, and
(b the amo$nt pa"a!%e !" him and the a((o$nt on whi(h it is d$e.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee 8Ga1ette of India, 1;;7, *t. <, p.12;F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid.. 1;9=, *t. <, p. 11F
and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;7, *t, <I. pp. )) and )7, and ibid.. 1;9=, *t. <I. pp. 7 and 12.
,.tended to the #tate of +ahawa%p$r, $ee D. D. O. 2 of 1902, Art. 2. ,.tended to Ohairp$r #tate, s$!:e(t to (ertain modifi(ation, $ee the Ohairp$r
(/edera% Laws (#e(ond ,.tension Order, 1903 (G. D. O.14 of 1903.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion !" G.G.O. 1; of 1903, in respe(t of pro(eedin-s $nder (ertain spe(ified %aws.
The e.istin- s$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" the /edera% Laws (3evi sion and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h., the +$rma
Laws A(t, 1;9; (13 of 1;9;, s. 1; and #(h. <, the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t , 1914 (1= of 1914,s.3 and 2nd #(h. the G.G.O. 2 of 1947, #(h.,
has !een s$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
The ori-ina% (%a$se (1 omitted !" A.O., 1949. #(h.
(2 The (ertifi(ate sha%% !e si-ned !" the 'o%%e(tor ma2in- it
Cor !" an" offi(er to
whom s$(h 'o%%e(tor ma", !" order in writin-, de%e-ate this d$t",D and, save as otherwise
provided !" this A(t, sha%% !e (on(%$sive proof of the matters therein stated.
(3 The 'o%%e(tor of the other distri(t sha%%, on re(eivin- the (ertifi(ate, pro(eed to
re(over the amo$nt stated therein as if it were an arrear of %and8reven$e whi(h had a((r$ed in his
own distri(t.
C. R'2'8< a(a%7a57' $) ;'1#)* 8'*<%*@ 7%a5%7%$< $) ;a< a2)"*$ 1'&)('1'8 "*8'1
7a#$ 9)1'@)%*@ #'&$%)*.-(1 7hen pro(eedin-s are ta2en a-ainst a person $nder the %ast fore-oin-
se(tion for the re(over" of an amo$nt stated in a (ertifi(ate, that person ma", if he denies his
%ia!i%it" to pa" the amo$nt or an" part thereof and pa"s the same $nder protest made in writin- at
the time of pa"ment and si-ned !" him or his a-ent, instit$te a s$it for the repa"ment of the
amo$nt or the part thereof so paid.
(2 A s$it $nder8s$!8se(tion (1 m$st !e instit$ted in a 'ivi% 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion
in the %o(a% area in whi(h the offi(e of the 'o%%e(tor who made the (ertifi(ate is sit$ate, and the
s$it sha%% !e determined in a((ordan(e with the %aw in for(e at the p%a(e where the arrear a((r$ed
or the %ia!i%it" for the pa"ment of the s$m arose.
(3 In the s$it the p%aintiff ma", notwithstandin- an"thin- in the %ast fore-oin-
se(tion, !$t s$!:e(t to the %aw in for(e at the p%a(e aforesaid, -ive eviden(e with respe(t to an"
matter stated in the (ertifi(ate.
C(4 This se(tion sha%% app%" if $nder this A(t as in for(e as part of the %aw of India,
or $nder an" other simi%ar A(t formin- part of the %aw of India, pro(eedin-s are ta2en a-ainst a
person in India for the re(over" of an amo$nt stated in a (ertifi(ate made !" a 'o%%e(tor in
5. R'&)('1< 5< C)77'&$)1# )9 #"2# 1'&)('1a57' a# a11'a1# )9 1'('*"' 5< )$6'1
;"57%& )99%&'1# )1 5< 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$%'#. 7here an" s$m is re(overa!%e as an arrear of %and
reven$e !" an" p$!%i( offi(er other than a 'o%%e(tor or !" an" %o(a% a$thorit", the 'o%%e(tor of
the distri(t in whi(h the offi(e of that offi(er or a$thorit" is sit$ate sha%%, on the re?$est of the
offi(er or a$thorit", pro(eed to re(over the s$m as if it were an arrear of %and8reven$e whi(h has
a((r$ed in his own distri(t, and ma" send a (ertifi(ate of the amo$nt to !e re(overed to the
'o%%e(tor of another distri(t $nder the fore-oin- provisions of this A(t, as if the s$m were
pa"a!%e to himse%f.
G. P1);'1$< 7%a57' $) #a7' "*8'1 $6%# A&$.-(1 7hen the 'o%%e(tor of a distri(t
re(eives a (ertifi(ate $nder this A(t, he ma" iss$e a pro(%amation prohi!itin- the transfer or
(har-in- of an" immovea!%e propert" !e%on-in- to the defa$%ter in the distri(t.
Ins. !" the Ae(entra%i1ation A(t, 1914 (4 of 1914, s. 2 and #(h., *t. I.
#$!8se(tion (4 whi(h was previo$s%" ins. !", A.O., 1937, has !een s$!s. !" /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of
19;1, s.3 and 2
(2 The 'o%%e(tor ma" at an" time, !" order in writin-, withdraw the pro(%amation,
and it sha%% !e deemed to !e withdrawn when either the amo$nt stated in the (ertifi(ate has !een
re(overed or the propert" has !een so%d for the re(over" of that amo$nt.
(3 An" private a%ienation of the propert" or of an" interest of the defa$%ter therein,
whether !" sa%e, -ift, mort-a-e or otherwise, made after the iss$e of the pro(%amation and !efore
the withdrawa% thereof, sha%% !e void as
Ca-ainst the
CGovernmentDD and an" person who ma"
p$r(hase the propert" at a sa%e he%d for the re(over" of the amo$nt stated in the (ertifi(ate.
(4 #$!:e(t to the fore-oin- provisions of this se(tion, when pro(eedin-s are ta2en
a-ainst an" immovea!%e propert" $nder this A(t for the re(over" of an amo$nt stated in a
(ertifi(ate the interests of the defa$%ter a%one therein sha%% !e so pro(eeded a-ainst, and no
in($m!ran(es (reated, -rants made or (ontra(ts entered into !" him in
-ood faith sha%% !e
rendered inva%id !" reason on%" of pro(eedin-s !ein- ta2en a-ainst those interests.
(0 A pro(%amation $nder this se(tion sha%% !e made !" !eat of dr$m or other
($stomar" method and !" the postin- of a (op" thereof on it (onspi($o$s p%a(e in or near the
propert" to whi(h it re%ates.
4. Sa(%*@ )9 7)&a7 7aw# 1'7a$%*@ $) 1'('*"'. 6othin- in the fore-oin- se(tions sha%%
!e (onstr$ed8
(a to impair an" se($rit" provided !", or affe(t the provisions of, an" other
ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e for the re(over" of %and8reven$e or of s$ms
re(overa!%e as arrears of %and8reven$e, or
(! to a$thori1e the arrest of an" person for the re(over" of an" ta., pa"a!%e to the
(orporation, (ommissioner, (ommittee, !oard, (o$n(i% or person havin- a$thorit"
over a m$ni(ipa%it" $nder an" ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e.
8. R'&)('1< %* Pa:%#$a* )9 &'1$a%* ;"57%& 8'2a*8# a1%#%*@ 5'<)*8 Pa:%#$a*.
7hen this A(t has !een app%ied to an" %o(a% area whi(h is $nder the administration of
C/edera% GovernmentD
JJJD !$t whi(h is not part of
J J J *a2istanD, an arrear of %and8
reven$e a((r$in- in that %o(a% area, or a s$m re(overa!%e as an arrear of %and8reven$e and
pa"a!%e to a 'o%%e(tor or other p$!%i( offi(er or to a %o(a% a$thorit" in that %o(a% area, ma" !e
re(overed $nder this A(t in
J J J *a2istanD.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &a-ainst the Govt.K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2, for &'rownK (with effe#t from the 43
5ar#h, 190).
See definition in the Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97 (1= of 1;97, s. 3(2=.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &the G. G. in, '.K.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
The words &or the 'rown 3epresentativeK omitted !" G.G.O. 2 of 1947, #(h., *art I<.
#$!s. ibid., for &+ritish IndiaK.
The words &the *rovin(es ofK have !een omitted !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with
effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
3. Ce#o'ery in :a>i$tan of "and,re'enue$, et#., a##ruin3 in ;urma,D Omitted by the
%edera" Law$ &e'i$ion and De#"aration( Ordinan#e, 19;1 &))*++ of 19;1, $. 3 and S#h. ++.
10. "$< )9 C)77'&$)1# $) 1'2%$ 2)*'<# &)77'&$'8 %* &'1$a%* &a#'#. 7here a
'o%%e(tor re(eives a (ertifi(ate $nder this A(t from a 'o%%e(tor
Cin the other *rovin(eD or a
'o%%e(tor in
J J he sha%% remit an" s$m re(overed !" him !" virt$e of that (ertifi(ate to
that 'o%%e(tor, after ded$(tin- his e.penses in (onne(tion with the matter.D
11. Ce#o'ery in the :ro'in#e$ of "and,re'enue, et#., a##ruin3 in an 9##edin3 State.D
Omitted by the %edera" Law$ &e'i$ion and De#"aration( Ordinan#e, 19;1 &))*++ of 19;1, $. 3
and S#h. ++.
CSee se(tion 3, s$!8se(tion (1D
The 'o%%e(tor of
The 'o%%e(tor of
Aated the of 1; .
The s$m of 3s. is pa"a!%e on
a((o$nt of !"
, son of , resident
of , who is !e%ieved (to !e
at ( to have propert" (onsistin-
of at in "o$r
#$!:e(t to the provisions of the 3even$e 3e(over" A(t, 1;9=, the said s%im is
re(overa!%e !" "o$ as if it were an arrear of %and reven$e whi(h had a((r$ed in "o$r own distri(t,
and "o$ are here!" desired so to re(over it and to remit it to m" offi(e at
9. ;.,
Co""e#tor of
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s.3 and 2nd #(h. ( with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900 for &of
another *rovin(eK.
Ins. !" G. G. O. 2 of 1947, #(h., *t. I< &from 12th 9u3u$t, 11-=(.
The words &or +$rmaK omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s.3 and 2nd #(h.
#e(. 11 added !" the 3even$e 3e(over" (Amdt. A(t, 190= (0) of 190=, s.2.
ACT N). VI OF 1830
C=th 5ar#h, 1;9=D
A* A&$ $) ;1)(%8' 9)1 $6' V'#$%*@ a*8 A82%*%#$1a$%)* )9 P1);'1$<
6'78 %* $1"#$ 9)1 &6a1%$a57' ;"1;)#'#.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to provide for the vestin- and administration of propert"
he%d in tr$st for (harita!%e p$rposesF
It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1. T%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.K(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the 'harita!%e
,ndowments A(t, 1;9=.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanD F and
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of O(to!er, 1;9=.
2. '9%*%$%)*. In this A(t, &(harita!%e p$rposeK in(%$des re%ief of the poor, ed$(ation,
medi(a% re%ief and the advan(ement of an" other o!:e(t of -enera% p$!%i( $ti%it", !$t does not
in(%$de a p$rpose whi(h re%ates e.(%$sive%" to re%i-io$s tea(hin- or worship
3. A;;)%*$2'*$ a*8 %*&)1;)1a$%)* )9 T1'a#"1'1 )9 C6a1%$a57' E*8)w2'*$#.-
C(1 The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" appoint an offi(er of the Government !" the name of his
offi(e to !e Treas$rer a of 'harita!%e ,ndowments for
C *a2istanD, and the Government
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;9, *t. <, p. 137 F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid.. 1;9=, p. )0F and
for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;9, *t. <I, pp. 117 and 19=, and ibid., 1;9=, *t. <I, p. 37.
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*. s$!:e(t to (ertain modi8
fi(ations F and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6. 7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and s$!:e(t to
s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6. 7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
This A(t has !een repea%ed in so far as it re%ates to (harita!%e endowments the o!:e(ts of whi(h do not e.tend !e"ond the 6.7./.*. $ee the 6orth8
7est /rontier *rovin(e @$s%im 7a?f A(t, 1947 (22 of 1947, s. 37 and #(h.
It has !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
See a%so s. ; of. the 'harita!%e /$nds (3e-$%ation of 'o%%e(tions A(t, 1903 (31 of 1903.
The e.istin- s$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, the +$rma Laws A(t, 1;9; (13 of 1;9;, s. 1; and #(h. < and A(t (2)
of 1901, s. ;, has !een s$!s. !" Ordinan(e 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., (with effe#t from 1-th O#tober, 1900.
See a%so s. ; of the 'harita!%e /$nds (3e-$%ation of 'o%%e(tions A(t, 1903 (31 of 1903.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (1.
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &IndiaK.
of an" *rovin(e ma" appoint an offi(er of the Government !" the name of his offi(e to !e
Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments for the *rovin(e.D
(2 #$(h Treas$rer sha%%, for the p$rposes of ta2in-, ho%din- and transferrin-
movea!%e or immovea!%e propert" $nder the a$thorit" of this A(t, !e a (orporation so%e !" the
name of the Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments for
C *a2istanD or, as the (ase ma" !e, the
*rovin(eD, and, as s$(h treas$rer, sha%% have perpet$a% s$((ession and a (orporate sea%, and ma"
s$e and !e s$ed in his (orporate name.
J3A. '9%*%$%)* )9 Ea;;1);1%a$' G)('1*2'*$F, '$&. In the s$!se?$ent provisions of
this A(t &the appropriate GovernmentK means, as respe(ts a (harita!%e endowment, the o!:e(ts of
whi(h do not e.tend !e"ond a sin-%e *rovin(e and are not o!:e(ts to whi(h the e.e($tive
a$thorit" of the
C/edera% GovernmentD e.tends, the Government of the *rovin(e, and as respe(ts
an" other (harita!%e endowment the
C/edera% Government.D
C. O18'1# ('#$%*@ ;1);'1$< %* T1'a#"1'1.K(1 7here an" propert" is he%d or is to
!e app%ied in tr$st for a (harita!%e p$rpose, the
Cappropriate GovernmentD, if it thin2s fit, ma",
on app%i(ation made as hereinafter mentioned, and s$!:e(t to the other provisions of this se(tion,
order, !"
notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, that the propert" !e vested in the Treas$rer of
'harita!%e ,ndowments on s$(h terms as to the app%i(ation of the propert" or the in(ome thereof
as ma" !e a-reed on !etween the
Cappropriate GovernmentD and the person or persons ma2in-
the app%i(ation, and the propert" sha%% there$pon so vest a((ordin-%".
(2 7hen an" propert" has vested $nder this se(tion in a Treas$rer of 'harita!%e
,ndowments, he is entit%ed to a%% do($ments of tit%e re%atin- thereto.
(4 An order $nder this se(tion vestin- propert" in a Treas$rer of 'harita!%e
,ndowments sha%% not re?$ire or !e deemed to re?$ire him to administer the propert", or impose
or !e deemed to impose $pon him the d$t" of a tr$stee with respe(t to the administration thereof.
5. S&6'2'# 9)1 a82%*%#$1a$%)* )9 ;1);'1$< ('#$'8 %* $6' T1'a#"1'1.K(1 On
app%i(ation made as hereinafter mentioned, and with the (on($rren(e of the person or persons
ma2in- the app%i(ation, the
Cappropriate GovernmentD, if it thin2s fit, ma"
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &the territories s$!:e(t to the L.G.K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(hF for &IndiaK.
Ins. !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s, !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
/or notifi(ations iss$ed $nder this se(tion in (on:$n(tion with s. 0, $ee different %o(a% 3. 4 O.
#$!8se(tion (3 rep. !" A. O., 1937.
sett%e a
s(heme for the administration of an" propert" whi(h has !een or is to !e vested in the
Treas$rer of 'harita!%e endowments, and ma" in s$(h s(heme appoint, !" name or offi(e, a
person or persons, not !ein- or in(%$din- s$(h Treas$rer, to administer the propert".
(2 On app%i(ation made as hereinafter mentioned, and with the (on($rren(e of the
person or persons ma2in- the app%i(ation, the
Cappropriate GovernmentD ma", if it thin2s fit,
modif" an" s(heme sett%ed $nder this se(tion or s$!stit$te another s(heme in its stead.
(3 A s(heme sett%ed, modified or s$!stit$ted $nder this se(tion sha%%, s$!:e(t to the
other provisions of this se(tion, (ome into operation on a da" to !e appointed !" the
priate GovernmentD in this !eha%f, and sha%% remain in for(e so %on- as the propert" to whi(h it
re%ates (ontin$es to !e vested in the Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments or $nti% it has !een
modified or another s$(h s(heme has !een s$!stit$ted in its stead.
(4 #$(h a s(heme, when it (omes into operation, sha%% s$persede an" de(ree or
dire(tion re%atin- to the s$!:e(t8matter thereof in so far as s$(h de(ree or dire(tion is in an" wa"
rep$-nant thereto, and its va%idit" sha%% not !e ?$estioned in an" 'o$rt, nor sha%% an" 'o$rt -ive,
in (ontravention of the provisions of the s(heme or in an" wa" (ontrar" or in addition thereto, a
de(ree or dire(tion re-ardin- the administration of the propert" to whi(h the s(heme re%atesH
C *rovided that nothin- in this s$!8se(tion sha%% !e (onstr$ed as pre(%$din- a 'o$rt
from in?$irin- whether the Government !" whi(h a s(heme was made was the appropriate
(0 In the sett%ement of s$(h a s(heme effe(t sha%% !e -iven to the wishes of the a$thor
of the tr$st so far as the" (an !e as(ertained, and, in the opinion of the
Cappropriate Govern8
mentD, effe(t (an reasona!%" !e -iven to them.
() 7here a s(heme has !een sett%ed $nder this se(tion for the administration of
propert" not a%read" vested in the Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments, it sha%% not (ome into
operation $nti% the propert" has !e(ome so vested.
G. M)8' )9 a;;7<%*@ 9)1 ('#$%*@ )18'1# a*8 #&6'2'#.-(1 The app%i(ation referred
to in the two %ast fore-oin- se(tions m$st !e made,8
&a( if the propert" is a%read" he%d in tr$st for a (harita!%e p$rpose, then !" the
person a(tin- in the administration of the tr$st, or, where there are more persons
than one so a(tin-, then !" those persons or a ma:orit" of themF and
/or notifi(ation settin- a s(heme for the Administration of the *a2istan Arm" ,ndowment /$nd Tr$st /$nd, $ee Ga1ette of *a2istan, 190;, *t. I,
pp. 1; and 2=.
#$!s. !" A. OF 1937, for &L.G.K.
*roviso ins. ibid.
&b( if the propert" is to !e app%ied in tr$st for s$(h a p$rpose, then !" the person
or persons proposin- so to app%" it.
(2 /or the p$rposes of this se(tion the e.e($tor or administrator of a de(eased
tr$stee of propert" he%d in tr$st for a (harita!%e p$rpose sha%% !e deemed to !e a person a(tin-
in the administration of the tr$st.
4. CE/er#i$e by Do'ernor Denera" in Coun#i" of !ower$ of Lo#a" Do'ernment.D
e!. by 9.O., 1937.
8. .a1' $1"#$''#6%; )9 T1'a#"1'1.K(1 #$!:e(t to the provisions of this A(t, a
Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments sha%% not, as s$(h Treas$rer, a(t in the administration of
an" tr$st whereof an" of the propert" is for the time !ein- vested in him $nder this A(t.
(2 #$(h Treas$rer sha%% 2eep a separate a((o$nt of ea(h propert" for the time
!ein- so vested in so far as the propert" (onsists of se($rities for mone", and sha%% app%" the
propert" or the in(ome thereof in a((ordan(e with the provision made in that !eha%f in the
vestin- order $nder se(tion 4 or in the s(heme, if an", $nder se(tion 0, or in !oth those
(3 In the (ase of an" propert" so vested other than se($rities for mone", s$(h
Treas$rer sha%%, s$!:e(t to an" spe(ia% order whi(h he ma" re(eive from the a$thorit" !"
whose order the propert" !e(ame vested in him, permit the persons a(tin- in the
administration of the tr$st to have the possession, mana-ement and (ontro% of the propert",
and the app%i(ation of the in(ome thereof, as if the propert" had !een vested in them.
3. A**"a7 ;"57%&a$%)* )9 7%#$ )9 ;1);'1$%'# ('#$'8 %* T1'a#"1'1. A Treas$rer of
'harita!%e ,ndowments sha%% (a$se to !e p$!%ished ann$a%%" in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, at s$(h
time as the
Cappropriate GovernmentD ma" dire(t, a %ist of a%% properties for the time !ein-
vested in him $nder this A(t and an a!stra(t of a%% a((o$nts 2ept !" him $nder s$!8se(tion (2
of the %ast fore-oin- se(tion.
10. L%2%$a$%)* )9 9"*&$%)*# a*8 ;)w'1# )9 T1'a#"1'1.K(% A Treas$rer of
'harita!%e ,ndowments sha%% a%wa"s !e a sa%e tr$stee, and sha%% not, as s$(h Treas$rer, ta2e
or ho%d an" propert" otherwise than $nder the provisions of this A(t, or s$!:e(t to those
provisions, transfer an" propert" vested in him e.(ept in o!edien(e to a de(ree divestin- him
of the propert", or in (omp%ian(e with a dire(tion in that !eha%f iss$in- from the a$thorit" !"
whose order the propert" !e(ame vested in him.
(2 #$(h a dire(tion ma" re?$ire the Treas$rer to se%% or otherwise dispose of an"
propert" vested in him, and, with the san(tion of the a$thorit" iss$in- the dire(tion, to invest
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Lo(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
#$!s. ibid., for &L.G.K.
pro(eeds of the sa%e or other disposa% of the propert" in an" s$(h se($rit" for mone" as is
Cspe(ified in the dire(tionD, or in the p$r(hase of immovea!%e propert".
(3 7hen a Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments is divested, !" a dire(tion of
appropriate GovernmentD $nder this se(tion, of an" propert", it sha%% vest in the person or
persons a(tin- in the administration thereof and !e he%d !" him or them on the same tr$sts as
those on whi(h it was he%d !" s$(h Treas$rer.
11. P1)(%#%)* 9)1 &)*$%*"a*&' )9 )99%&' )9 T1'a#"1' %* &'1$a%* &)*$%*@'*&%'#. If the
offi(e he%d !" an offi(er of the Government who has !een appointed to !e a Treas$rer of
'harita!%e ,ndowments is a!o%ished or its name is (han-ed, the
Cappropriate GovernmentD
ma" appoint the same or another offi(er of the Government !" the name of his offi(e to !e
s$(h Treas$rer, and there$pon the ho%der of the %atter offi(e sha%% !e deemed for the p$rposes
of this A(t to !e the s$((essor in offi(e of the ho%der of the former offi(e.
J12. T1a*#9'1 )9 ;1);'1$< 91)2 )*' T1'a#"1'1 $) a*)$6'1. If !" reason of an"
a%teration of areas or !" reason of the appointment of a Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments
C*a2istanD or for an" *rovin(e for whi(h s$(h a Treas$rer has not previo$s%" !een
appointed or for an" other reason it appears to the
C/edera% GovernmentD that an" propert"
vested in a Treas$rer of 'harita!%e ,ndowments sho$%d !e vested in another s$(h Treas$rer,
that Government ma" dire(t that the propert" sha%% !e so vested and there$pon it sha%% vest in
that other Treas$rer and his s$((essors as f$%%" and effe(t$a%%" for the p$rposes of this A(t as
if it had !een ori-ina%%" vested in him $nder this A(t .D
C13.P)w'1 $) 91a2' 9)12# a*8 2a:' 1"7'#.
;J J J J J J J
(2 The
Cappropriate GovernmentD m" ma2e r$%es (onsistent with this A(t forI
(a pres(ri!in- the fees to !e paid to the Government in respe(t of an"
propert" vested $nder this A(t in a Treas$rer of 'harita!%e
(b re-$%atin- the (ases and the mode in whi(h s(hemes or an"
modifi(ation thereof are to !e p$!%ished !efore the" are sett%ed or
made $nder se(tion 0F
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &mentioned in se(tion 4, s$!8se(tion (3, (%a$se (a, (b, (#, (d or (eK.
#$!. ibid., for &the L. G. or the G. G. in 'K.
#$!s. ibid., for &L. G.K whi(h had !een s$!s. for &G. G. in '.K !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. 1.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the ori-ina% s. 12.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1949, #(h., for &IndiaK.
#$!s. !" /. A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" A(t, 3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I, for the ori-ina% se(tion 13.
#$!8se(tion (1 rep. !" A.O.,1937.
#$!s. ibid., for &L. G.K.
(# pres(ri!in- the forms in whi(h a((o$nts are to !e 2ept !" Treas$rers of
'harita!%e ,ndowments and the mode in whi(h s$(h a((o$nts are to !e
a$ditedF and
(d -enera%%" (arr"in- into effe(t the p$rposes of this A(tD
1C. I*8'2*%$< $) G)('1*2'*$ a*8 T1'a#"1'. 6o s$it sha%% !e instit$ted a-ainst the
CGovernmentD in respe(t of an"thin- done or p$rportin- to !e done $nder this a(t, or in
respe(t of an" a%%e-ed ne-%e(t or omission to perform an" d$t" devo%vin- on the Government
$nder this A(t, or in respe(t of the of, or the fai%$re to, an" power (onferred
!" this A(t on the Government, nor sha%% an" s$it !e instit$ted a-ainst a Treas$rer of
'harita!%e ,ndowments e.(ept for divestin- him of propert" on the -ro$nd of its !ein-
s$!:e(t to a tr$st for a (harita!%e p$rpose, or for ma2in- him (har-ea!%e with or a((o$nta!%e
for the %oss at misapp%i(ation of an" propert" vested in him, or the in(ome thereof, where the
%oss or misapp%i(ation has !een o((asioned !" or thro$-h his wi%f$% ne-%e(t or defa$%t.
J15. Sa(%*@ )9 ;1)(%#%)*# )9 $6' O99%&%a7 T1"#$''# A&$, 1313. 6othin- in this A(t
sha%% !e (onstr$ed to impair the operation of the Offi(ia% Tr$stees A(t, 1913D.
1G. CDenera" #ontro""in3 authority of Do'ernor Denera" in Coun#i".D e!.by the
De'o"ution 9#t, 114? ()))*+++ of 114?, s. 2 and S#hedu"e. +, :t. +.
1. Tit%e, e.tent and (ommen(ement.
2. Ce!ea"ed.D
3. #avin- of :$risdi(tion of 'o$rts of 7ards and 'hartered Gi-h 'o$rts.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 &with effe#t from the 43rd5ar#h, 190), for &'rownK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.OF 1937, for &Govt.K.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2
#(h., for the e.istin- se(tion 10, whi(h
was amended !" A. O., 1949 and A(t 2 of 1913.
4. Aefinitions.
4A. *ower to (onfer :$risdi(tion on s$!ordinate :$di(ia% offi(ers and to transfer
pro(eedin-s to s$(h offi(ers.
0. COmitted.D
). #avin- of power to appoint in other (ases.
7. *ower of the 'o$rt to ma2e order as to -$ardianship.
;. *ersons entit%ed to app%" for order.
9. 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion to entertain app%i(ation.
1=. /orm of app%i(ation.
11. *ro(ed$re on admission of app%i(ation.
12. *ower to ma2e inter%o($tor" order for prod$(tion of minor and interim
prote(tion of person and propert".
13. Gearin- of eviden(e !efore ma2in- of order.
14. #im$%taneo$s pro(eedin-s in different 'o$rts.
10. Appointment or de(%aration of severa% -$ardians.
1). Appointment or de(%aration of -$ardian for propert" !e"ond :$risdi(tion of the
17. @atters to !e (onsidered !" the 'o$rt in appointin- -$ardian.
1;. Appointment or de(%aration of 'o%%e(tor in virt$e of offi(e.
19. G$ardian not to !e appointed !" the 'o$rt in (ertain (ases.
2=. /id$(iar" re%ation of -$ardian to ward.
21. 'apa(it" of minors to a(t as -$ardians.
22. 3em$neration of -$ardian.
23. 'ontro% of 'o%%e(tor as -$ardian.
Duardian of the :er$on
24. A$ties of -$ardian of the person.
20. Tit%e of -$ardian to ($stod" of ward.
2). 3emova% of ward from :$risdi(tion.
Duardian of :ro!erty
27. A$ties of -$ardian of propert".
2;. *owers of testamentar" -$ardian.
29. Limitation of powers of -$ardian of propert" appointed or de(%ared !" the
3=. <oida!i%it" of transfers made in (ontravention of se(tion 2; or se(tion 29.
31. *ra(ti(e with respe(t to permittin- transfers $nder se(tion 29.
32. <ariation of powers of -$ardian of propert" appointed or de(%ared !" the
33. 3i-ht of -$ardian so appointed or de(%ared to app%" to the 'o$rt for opinion in
mana-ement of propert" of ward.
34. O!%i-ations on -$ardian of propert" appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt.
34A. *ower to award rem$neration for a$ditin- a((o$nts.
30. #$it a-ainst -$ardian where administration8!ond was ta2en.
3). #$it a-ainst -$ardian where administration8!ond was not ta2en.
37. Genera% %ia!i%it" of -$ardian as tr$stee.
Termination of Duardian$hi!
3;. 3i-ht of s$rvivorship amon- :oint -$ardians.
39. 3emova% of -$ardian.
4=. Ais(har-e of -$ardian.
41. 'essation of a$thorit" of -$ardian.
42. Appointment of s$((essor to -$ardian dead, dis(har-ed or removed.
43. Orders for re-$%atin- (ond$(t or pro(eedin-s of -$ardians, and enfor(ement of
those orders.
44. *ena%t" for remova% of ward from :$risdi(tion.
40. *ena%t" for (ont$ma(".
4). 3eports !" 'o%%e(tors and #$!ordinate 'o$rts.
47. Orders appea%a!%e.
4;. /ina%it" of other orders.
49. 'osts.
0=. *ower of Gi-h 'o$rt to ma2e r$%es.
01. COmitted.D
02. Ce!ea"ed.D
03. Ce!ea"ed.D
)*+ S,*+"-.+!0J1epealed!L
ACT N). VIII OF 1830
C41$t 5ar#h, 171?D
A* A&$ $) &)*#)7%8a$' a*8 a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) G"a18%a* a*8 -a18.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to (onso%idate and amend the %aw re%atin- to -$ardian and
wardF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsHI
1. T%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.-(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the G$ardians and
7ards A(t, 1;9=.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;;) *t. <, p. 77 F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;9=, *t. <,
*. 77, and for Ae!ates in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;), #$pp%ement, pp. 419 and ))), and ibid., 1;9=, *t. <I, pp. 33 and 40.
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*, s$!:e(t to
(ertain modifi(ations andF a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6.7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date
and s$!:e(t to s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6. 7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa1 (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
,.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190= F and app%ied in the /ederated
Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
,.tended to the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion !" the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion (/edera% Laws (,.tension Order, 1903 (G.G.O. 4 of 1903, as
,.tended to the Ohairp$r #tate !" the Ohairp$r (/edera% Laws (,.tension Order, 1903 (G.G.O. 0 of 1903, as amended.
The A(t has !een and sha%% !e deemed to has !een !ro$-ht into for(e in Gwad$r with effe(t from the ;th #eptem!er, 190;, !" the Gwad$r
(App%i(ation of 'entra% Laws Ordinan(e, 19)= (37 of 19)=, s. 2.
The A(t, as in for(e in the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of 6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. II of 1974, has
!een app%ied to the *rovin(ia%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas of 'hitra%, Air, Oa%am, #wat and @a%a2and *rote(ted Area, !" 6.7./.*.
3e-$%ation, 6o. II of 1974, s. 3.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istan FD and
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of E$%", 1;9=.
2. Ce!ea".D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; &+ of 193;, $.2 and S#hedu"e.
3. Sa(%*@ )9 >"1%#8%&$%)* )9 C)"1$# )9 -a18# a*8 C6a1$'1'8 ,%@6 C)"1$#. This
A(t sha%% !e read s$!:e(t to ever" ena(tment heretofore or hereafter passed re%atin- to an"
'o$rt of 7ards !"
Can" (ompetent %e-is%at$re, a$thorit" or personD in
C*a2istanD, and
nothin- in this A(t sha%% !e (onstr$ed to affe(t, or in an" wa" dero-ate from, the :$risdi(tion
or a$thorit" of an" 'o$rt of 7ards, or to ta2e awa" an" power possessed !"
Can" Gi-h 'o$rt
C. '9%*%$%)*#. In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or
(1 &minorK means a person who, $nder the provisions of the @a:orit" A(t, 1;70,
is to !e deemed not to have attained his ma:orit"H
(2 &-$ardianK means a person havin- the (are of the person of a minor or of his
propert", or of !oth his person and propert"H
(3 &wardK means a minor for whose person or propert", or !oth, there is a
(4 &Aistri(t 'o$rtK has the meanin- assi-ned to that e.pression in the
C'ode of
'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D and in(%$des a Gi-h 'o$rt in the of its
ordinar" ori-ina% (ivi% :$risdi(tionH
C(0 &the 'o$rtK meansI
(a the Aistri(t 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion to entertain an app%i(ation $nder
this A(t for an order appointin- or de(%arin- a person to !e a -$ardianF
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. ( with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for
the e.istin- s$!8se(tion (2, whi(h was amended !" the +$rma Laws A(t, 1;9; (13 of 1;9;, s. 1; and #(h. <, A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4,
and the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. ;.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the G. G. in '. or !" a Governor or Lie$tenant8Governor in 'o$n(i%K.
#$!s. !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK,
whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish India.K
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &an" Gi-h 'o$rt esta!%ished $nder the #tat$te 24 and 20 <i(t, (. 1=4 (an 9#t for e$tab"i$hin3 Hi3h Court$ of
Judi#ature in +ndiaK.
The words &esta!%ished in Cthe *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationD !" Letters *atentK omitted !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd
#(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900. The words in (rot(hets were s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish India.K.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$reK.
#$!s. !" the G$ardians and 7ards (Arndt. A(t, 192) (4 of 192), s. 3, for the ori-ina% (%. (0.
I/ )9 1845.
A&$ V )9
(b where a -$ardian has !een appointed or de(%ared in p$rs$an(e of an" s$(h
(i the 'o$rt whi(h, or the 'o$rt of the Offi(er who, appointed or de(%ared
the -$ardian or is $nder this A(t deemed to have appointed or de(%ared
the -$ardianF or
(ii in an" matter re%atin- to the person of the ward the Aistri(t 'o$rt
havin- :$risdi(tion in the p%a(e where the ward for the time !ein-
ordinari%" residesF or
(# in respe(t of an" pro(eedin- transferred $nder se(tion 4A, the 'o$rt of the
offi(er to whom s$(h pro(eedin- has !een transferred.D
() &'o%%e(torK means the (hief offi(er in (har-e of the reven$e8administration of
a distri(t, and in(%$des an" offi(er whom the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !"
noti fi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, ma", !" name or in virt$e of his Offi(e,
appoint to !e a 'o%%e(tor in an" %o(a% area, or with respe(t to an" (%ass of
persons, for a%% or an" of the p$rposes of this A(tH
(; &pres(ri!edK means pres(ri!ed !" r$%es made !" the Gi-h 'o$rt $nder this
JCA. P)w'1 $) &)*9'1 >"1%#8%&$%)* )* #"5)18%*a$' >"8%&%a7 )99%&'1# a*8 $) $1a*#9'1
;1)&''8%*@# $) #"&6 )99%&'1#.-(1 The Gi-h 'o$rt ma", !" -enera% or spe(ia% order, empower
an" offi(er ori-ina% (ivi% :$risdi(tion s$!8ordinate to a Aistri(t 'o$rt, or a$thorise
the E$d-e of an" Aistri(t 'o$rt to empower an" s$(h offi(er s$!ordinate to him, to dispose of
an" pro(eedin-s $nder this A(t transferred to s$(h offi(er $nder the provisions of this se(tion.
(2 The E$d-e of a Aistri(t 'o$rt ma", !" order in writin-, transfer at an" sta-e an"
pro(eedin- $nder this A(t pendin- in his 'o$rt for disposa% to an" offi(er s$!ordinate to him
empowered $nder s$!8se(tion (1.
(3 The E$d-e of a Aistri(t 'o$rt ma" at an" sta-e transfer to his own 'o$rt or to an"
offi(er s$!ordinate to him empowered $nder s$!8se(tion (1 an" pro(eedin- $nder this A(t
pendin- in the 'o$rt of an" other s$(h offi(er.
(4 7hen an" pro(eedin-s are transferred $nder this se(tion in an" (ase in whi(h a
-$ardian has !een appointed or de(%ared, the E$d-e of the Aistri(t 'o$rt ma", !" order in
writin-, de(%are that the 'o$rt of the E$d-e or offi(er to whom the" are transferred sha%%, for
a%% or an" of the p$rposes of this A(t, !e deemed to !e the 'o$rt whi(h appointed or de(%ared
the -$ardian.D
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordnan(e, 19;1 (27 of19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#. 4A ins. !" the G$ardians and 7ards (Amdt. A(t, 192) (4 of 192), s. 2.
5. C:ower of !arent$ to a!!oint in #a$e of Euro!ean ;riti$h $ubAe#t$.D Omitted by the
%edera" Law$ (e'i$ion and De#"aration Ordinan#e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
G. Sa(%*@ )9 ;)w'1 $) a;;)%*$ %* )$6'1 &a#'#.- In the (ase of a minor who is not an
,$ropean +ritish s$!:e(t, nothin- in this A(t sha%% !e (onstr$ed to ta2e awa" or dero-ate from
an" power to appoint a -$ardian of his person or propert", or !oth, whi(h is va%id !" the %aw
to whi(h the minor is s$!:e(t.
4. P)w'1 )9 $6' C)"1$ $) 2a:' )18'1 a# $) @"a18%a*#6%;.-(1 7here the 'o$rt is
satisfied that it is for the we%fare of a minor that an order sho$%d !e madeI
(a appointin- a -$ardian of his person or propert", or !oth, or
(b de(%arin- a person to !e s$(h a -$ardian,
the 'o$rt ma" ma2e an order a((ordin-%".
(2 An order $nder this se(tion sha%% imp%" the remova% of an" -$ardian who has not
!een appointed !" wi%% or other instr$ment or appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt.
(3 7here a -$ardian has !een appointed !" wi%% or other instr$ment or appointed or
de(%ared !" the 'o$rt, an order $nder this se(tion appointin- or de(%arin- another person to
!e -$ardian in his stead sha%% not !e made $nti% the powers of the -$ardian appointed or
de(%ared as aforesaid have (eased $nder the provisions of this A(t.
8. P'1#)*# '*$%$7'8 $) a;;7< 9)1 )18'1. An order sha%% not !e made $nder the %ast
fore-oin- se(tion e.(ept on the app%i(ation ofI
(a the person desiro$s of !ein-, or (%aimin- to !e, the -$ardian of the minor, or
(b an" re%ative or friend of the minor, or
(# the 'o%%e(tor of the distri(t or other %o(a% area within whi(h the minor
ordinari%" resides or in whi(h he has propert", or
(d the 'o%%e(tor havin- a$thorit" with respe(t to the (%ass to whi(h the minor
3. C)"1$ 6a(%*@ >"1%#8%&$%)* $) '*$'1$a%* a;;7%&a$%)*.-(1 If the app%i(ation is with
respe(t to the -$ardianship of the person of the minor, it sha%% !e made to the Aistri(t 'o$rt
havin- :$risdi(tion in the p%a(e where the minor ordinari%" rersides.
(2 If the app%i(ation is with respe(t to the -$ardianship of the propert" of the minor, it
ma" !e made either to the Aistri(t 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion in the p%a(e where the minor
ordinari%" resides or to a Aistri(t 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion in a p%a(e where he has propert".
(3 If an app%i(ation with respe(t to the -$ardianship of the propert" of a minor is
made to a Aistri(t 'o$rt other than that havin- :$risdi(tion in the p%a(e where the minor
ordinari%" resides, the 'o$rt ma" ret$rn the app%i(ation if in its opinion the app%i(ation wo$%d
!e disposed of more :$st%" or (onvenient%" !" an" other Aistri(t 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion.
10. F)12 )9 a;;7%&a$%)*.-(1 If the app%i(ation is not made !" the 'o%1e(tor, it sha%%
!e !" petition si-ned and verified in manner pres(ri!ed !" the
C'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re,
19=;D for the si-nin- and verifi(ation of a p%aint, and statin-, so far as (an !e as(ertained,I
(a the name, se., re%i-ion, date of !irth and ordinar" residen(e of the minorF
(b where the minor is a fema%e, whether she is married, and, if so, the name and
a-e of her h$s!andF
(# the nat$re, sit$ation and appro.imate va%$e of the propert", if an", of the
(d the name and residen(e of the person havin- the ($stod" or possession of the
person or propert" of the minorF
(e what near re%ations the minor has, and where the" resideF
(f whether a -$ardian of the person or propert", or !oth, of the minor has !een
appointed !" an" person entit%ed or (%aimin- to !e entit%ed !" the %aw to whi(h
the minor is s$!:e(t to ma2e s$(h an appointmentF
(3 whether an app%i(ation has at an" time !een made to the 'o$rt or to an" other
'o$rt with respe(t to the -$ardianship of the person or propert", or !oth, of
the minor, and, if so, when, to what 'o$rt and with what res$%t F
(h whether the app%i(ation is for the appointment or de(%aration of a -$ardian of
the person of the minor, or of his propert", or of !othF
(i where the app%i(ation is to appoint a -$ardian, the ?$a%ifi(ations of the
proposed -$ardianF
(A where the app%i(ation is to de(%are a person to !e a -$ardian, the -ro$nds on
whi(h that person (%aimsF
(> the (a$ses whi(h have %ed to the ma2in- of the app%i(ationF and
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. for &'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re.K
A&$ V )9
(+ s$(h other parti($%ars, if an", as ma" !e pres(ri!ed or as the nat$re of the
app%i(ation renders it ne(essar" to state.
(2 If the app%i(ation is made !" the 'o%%e(tor, it sha%% !e !" %etter addressed to the
'o$rt and forwarded !" post or in s$(h other manner as ma" !e fo$nd (onvenient, and sha%%
state as far as possi!%e the parti($%ars mentioned in s$!8se(tion (1.
(3 The app%i(ation m$st !e a((ompanied !" a de(%aration of the wi%%in-ness of the
proposed -$ardian to a(t and the de(%aration m$st !e si-ned !" him and attested !" at %east
two witnesses.
11. P1)&'8"1' )* a82%##%)* )9 a;;7%&a$%)*.- (1 If the 'o$rt is satisfied that there is
-ro$nd for pro(eedin- on the app%i(ation, it sha%% fi. a da" for the hearin- thereof and (a$se
noti(e of the app%i(ation and of the date fi.ed for the hearin-I
(a to !e served in the manner dire(ted in the
C'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D,
(i the parents of the minor if the" are residin- in
(ii the person, if an", named in the petition or %etter as havin- the ($stod" or
possession of the person or propert" of the minor,
(iii the person proposed in the app%i(ation %etter to !e appointed or de(%ared
-$ardian, $n%ess that person is himse%f the app%i(ant, and
(iv an" other person to whom, in the opinion of the 'o$rt, spe(ia% noti(e of
the app%i(ation sho$%d !e -ivenF and
(b to !e posted on some (onspi($o$s part of the (o$rtho$se, and of the residen(e
of the minor, and otherwise p$!%ished in s$(h manner as the 'o$rt, s$!:e(t to
an" r$%es made !" the Gi-h 'o$rt $nder this A(t, thin2s fit.
(2 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" -enera% or spe(ia% order, re?$ire that, when
an" part of the propert" des(ri!ed in a petition $nder se(tion 1=, s$!8se(tion (1, is %and of
whi(h a 'o$rt of 7ards (o$%d ass$me the s$perintenden(e, the 'o$rt sha%% a%so (a$se a noti(e
as aforesaid to !e served on the 'o%%e(tor in whose distri(t the minor ordinari%" resides, and
on ever" 'o%%e(tor in whose distri(t an" portion of the %and is sit$ate, and !e 'o%%e(tor ma"
(a$se the noti(e to !e p$!%ished in an" manner he deems fit.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1,(27 of 19;1,sF 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$reK.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. ( with effect from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for
&the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
A&$ V )9
(3 6o (har-e sha%% !e made !" the 'o$rt or the 'o%%e(tor for the servi(e or
p$!%i(ation of an" noti(e served or p$!%ished $nder s$!8se(tion (2.
12. P)w'1 $) 2a:' %*$'17)&"$)1< )18'1 )9 ;1)8"&$%)* )9 2%*)1 a*8 %*$'1%2
;1)$'&$%)* )9 ;'1#)* a*8 ;1);'1$<.-(1 The 'o$rt ma" dire(t that the person, if an", havin-
the ($stod" of the minor sha%% prod$(e him or (a$se him to !e prod$(ed at s$(h p%a(e and
time and !efore s$(h person as it appoints, and ma" ma2e s$(h order for the temporar"
($stod" and prote(tion of the person or propert" of the minor as it thin2s proper.
(2 If the minor is a fema%e who o$-ht not to !e (ompe%%ed to appear in p$!%i(, the
dire(tion $nder s$!8se(tion (1 for her prod$(tion sha%% re?$ire her to !e prod$(ed in
a((ordan(e with the ($stoms and manners of the (o$ntr".
(3 6othin- in this se(tion sha%% a$thorise I
(a the 'o$rt to p%a(e a fema%e minor in the temporar" ($stod" of a person
(%aimin- to !e her -$ardian on the -ro$nd of his !ein- her h$s!and,
$n%ess she is a%read" in his ($stod" with the (onsent of her parents, if
an", or
(b an" person to whom the temporar" ($stod" and prote(tion of the
propert" of a minor is entr$sted to dispossess otherwise than !" d$e
(o$rse of %aw an" person i%% possession of an" of the propert".
13. ,'a1%*@ )9 '(%8'*&' 5'9)1' 2a:%*@ )9 )18'1. On the da" fi.ed for the hearin- of
the app%i(ation, or as soon afterwards as ma" !e, the 'o$rt sha%% hear s$(h eviden(e as ma"
!e add$(ed in s$pport of or in opposition to the app%i(ation.
1C. S%2"7$a*')"# ;1)&''8%*@# %* 8%99'1'*$ C)"1$.-(1 If pro(eedin-s for the
appointment or de(%aration of a -$ardian of a minor are ta2en in more 'o$rts than one, ea(h
of those 'o$rts sha%%, on !ein- apprised of the pro(eedin-s in the other 'o$rt or 'o$rts, sta"
the pro(eedin-s !efore itse%f.
(2 If the 'o$rts are !oth or a%% s$!ordinate to the same Gi-h 'o$rt, the" sha%% report
the (ase to the Gi-h 'o$rt, and the Gi-h 'o$rt sha%% determine in whi(h of the 'o$rts the
pro(eedin-s with respe(t to the appointment or de(%aration of a -$ardian of the minor sha%% !e
C(3 In an" other (ase in whi(h pro(eedin-s are sta"ed $nder s$!8se(tion (1, the
'o$rts sha%% report the (ase to, and !e -$ided !" s$(h orders as the" ma" re(eive from, their
respe(tive *rovin(ia% Governments.D
15. A;;)%*$2'*$ )1 8'&7a1a$%)* )9 #'('1a7 @"a18%a*#.-(1 If the %aw to whi(h the
minor is s$!:e(t admits of his havin- two or more :oint -$ardians of his person or propert", or
!oth, the 'o$rt ma", if it thin2s fit, appoint or de(%are them.
2J J J J J J J
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (3.
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Odinan(e 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
(4 #eparate -$ardians ma" !e appointed or de(%ared of the person and of the
propert" of a minor.
(0 If a minor has severa% properties. 'o$rt ma", if it thin2s fit, appoint or de(%are a
separate -$ardian for an" one or more of the properties.
1G. A;;)%*$2'*$ )1 8'&7a1a$%)* )9 @"a18%a* 9)1 ;1);'1$< 5'<)*8 >"1%#8%&$%)* )9
$6' C)"1$. If the 'o$rt appoints or de(%ares a -$ardian for an" propert" sit$ate !e"ond the
%o(a% %imits of its :$risdi(tion, the 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion in the p%a(e where the propert" is
sit$ate sha%%, on prod$(tion of a (ertified (op" of the order appointin- or de(%arin- the
-$ardian, a((ept him as d$%" appointed or de(%ared and -ive effe(t to the order.
14. Ma$$'1# $) 5' &)*#%8'1'8 5< $6' C)"1$ %* a;;)%*$%*@ @"a18%a*.- (1 In
appointin- or de(%arin- the -$ardian of a minor, the 'o$rt sha%%, s$!:e(t to the provisions of
this se(tion, !e -$ided !" what, (onsistent%" with the %aw to whi(h the minor is s$!:e(t,
appears in the (ir($mstan(es to !e for the we%fare of the minor.
(2 In (onsiderin- what wi%% !e for the we%fare of the minor, the 'o$rt sha%% have
re-ard to the a-e, se. and re%i-ion of the minor, the (hara(ter and (apa(it" of the proposed
-$ardian and his nearness of 2in to the minor, the wishes, if an", of a de(eased parent, and
an" e.istin- or previo$s re%ations of the proposed -$ardian with the minor or his propert".
(3 If the minor is o%d eno$-h to form an inte%%i-ent preferen(e, the 'o$rt ma"
(onsider that preferen(e.
(0 The 'o$rt sha%% not appoint or de(%are an" person to !e a -$ardian a-ainst his wi%%.
18. A;;)%*$2'*$ )1 8'&7a1a$%)* )9 C)77'&$)1 %* (%1$"' )9 )99%&'.- 7here a 'o%%e(tor
is appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt in virt$e of his offi(e to !e -$ardian of the person or
propert", or !oth, of a minor, the order appointin- or de(%arin- him sha%% !e deemed to
a$thorise and re?$ire the person for the time !ein- ho%din- the offi(e to a(t as -$ardian of the
minor with respe(t to his person or propert", or !oth, as the (ase ma" !e.
13. G"a18%a* *)$ $) 5' a;;)%*$'8 5< $6' C)"1$ %* &'1$a%* &a#'#. 6othin- in this
'hapter sha%% a$thorise the 'o$rt to appoint or de(%are a -$ardian of the propert" of a minor
whose propert" is $nder the s$perintenden(e of a 'o$rt of 7ards, or to appoint or de(%are a
-$ardian of the personI
(a of a minor who is a married fema%e and whose h$s!and is not, in the
opinion of the 'o$rt, $nfit to !e -$ardian of her person, or
JJJ of a minor whose father is %ivin- and is not, in the opinion of the
'o$rt, $nfit to !e -$ardian of the person of the minor, or
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1. s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
(( of a minor whose propert" is $nder the s$perintenden(e of a 'o$rt of
7ards (ompetent to appoint a -$ardian of the person of the minor.
20. F%8"&%a1< 1'7a$%)* )9 @"a18%a* $) wa18.-(1 A -$ardian stands in a fid$(iar"
re%ation to his ward, and, save as provided !" the wi%% or other instr$ment, if an", !" whi(h he
was appointed, or !" this A(t, he m$st not ma2e an" profit o$t of his offi(e.
(2 The fid$(iar" re%ation of a -$ardian to his ward e.tends to and affe(ts p$r(hases
!" the -$ardian of the propert" of the ward, and !" the ward of the propert" of the -$ardian,
immediate%" or soon after the ward has (eased to !e a minor, and -enera%%" a%% transa(tions
!etween them whi%e the inf%$en(e of the -$ardian sti%% %asts or is re(ent.
21. Ca;a&%$< )9 2%*)1# $) a&$ a# @"a18%a*#. A minor is in(ompetent to a(t as
-$ardian of an" minor e.(ept his own wife or (hi%d or, where he is the mana-in- mem!er of
an $ndivided Gind$ fami%", the wife or (hi%d of another minor mem!er of that fami%".
22. R'2"*'1a$%)* )9 @"a18%a*.-(1 A -$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt
sha%% !e entit%ed to s$(h a%%owan(e, if an", as the 'o$rt thin2s fit for his (are and pains in the
e.e($tion of his d$ties.
(2 7hen an offi(er of Government, as s$(h offi(er, is so appointed or de(%ared to !e
-$ardian, s$(h fees sha%% !e paid to the Government o$t of the propert" of the ward as the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD, !" -enera% or spe(ia% order, dire(ts.
23. C)*$1)7 )9 C)77'&$)1 a# @"a18%a*. A 'o%%e(tor appointed or de(%ared !" the
'o$rt to !e -$ardian of the person or propert", or !oth, of a minor sha%%, in a%% matters
(onne(ted with the -$ardianship of his ward, !e s$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the
GovernmentD or of s$(h a$thorit" as that Government, !"
notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette,
appoints in this !eha%f.
Duardian of the :er$on
2C. "$%'# )9 @"a18%a* )9 $6' ;'1#)*.- A -$ardian of the person of a ward is (har-ed
with the ($stod" of the ward and m$st %oo2 to his s$pport, hea%th and ed$(ation and s$(h
other matters as the %aw to whi(h the ward is s$!:e(t re?$ires.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
/or notifi(ations appointin- a$thorities to whose (ontro% 'o%%e(tors appointed $nder the A(t sha%% !e s$!:e(t, $ee different %o(a% 3. 4. O.
25. T%$7' )9 @"a18%a* $) &"#$)8< )9 wa18.-(1 If a ward %eaves or is removed from
the ($stod" of a -$ardian of his person, the 'o$rt, if it is of opinion that it wi%% !e for the
we%fare of the ward to ret$rn to the ($stod" of his -$ardian, ma" ma2e an order for his ret$rn,
and for the p$rpose of enfor(in- the order ma" (a$se the ward to !e arrested and to !e
de%ivered into the ($stod" of the -$ardian.
(2 /or the p$rpose of arrestin- the ward, the 'o$rt ma" the power (onferred
on a @a-istrate of the first (%ass !" se(tion 1== of the
C'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9;D.
(3 The residen(e of a ward a-ainst the wi%% of his -$ardian with a person who is not
his -$ardian does not of itse%f terminate the -$ardianship.
2G. R'2)(a7 )9 wa18 91)2 >"1%#8%&$%)*.-(1 A -$ardian of the person appointed or
de(%ared !" the 'o$rt, $n%ess he is the 'o%%e(tor or is a -$ardian appointed !" wi%% or other
instr$ment, sha%% not, witho$t the %eave of the 'o$rt !" whi(h he was appointed or de(%ared,
remove the ward from the %imits of its :$risdi(tion e.(ept for s$(h p$rposes as ma" !e
(2 The %eave -ranted !" the 'o$rt $nder s$!8se(tion (1 ma" !e spe(ia% or -enera%,
and ma" !e defined !" the order -rantin- it.
Duardian of :ro!erty
24. "$%'# )9 @"a18%a* )9 ;1);'1$<. A -$ardian of the propert" of a ward is !o$nd to
dea% therewith as (aref$%%" as a man of ordinar" pr$den(e wo$%d dea% with it if it were his
own, and, s$!:e(t to the provisions of this 'hapter, he ma" do a%% a(ts whi(h are reasona!%e
and proper for the rea%isation, prote(tion or !enefit of the propert".
28. P)w'1# )9 $'#$a2'*$a1< @"a18%a*. 7here a -$ardian has !een appointed !" wi%%.
or other instr$ment, his power to mort-a-e or (har-e, or transfer !" sa%e, -ift, e.(han-e or
otherwise, immovea!%e propert" !e%on-in- to his ward is s$!:e(t to an" restri(tion whi(h ma"
!e imposed !" the instr$ment, $n%ess he has $nder this A(t !een de(%ared -$ardian and the
'o$rt whi(h made the de(%aration permits him !" an order in writin-, notwithstandin- the
restri(tion, to dispose of an" immovea!%e propert" spe(ified in the order in a manner
permitted !" the order.
23. L%2%$a$%)* )9 ;)w'1# )9 @"a18%a* )9 ;1);'1$< a;;)%*$'8 )1 8'&7a1'8 5< $6'
C)"1$. 7here a person other than a 'o%%e(tor, or than a -$ardian appointed !" wi%% or other
instr$ment, has !een appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt to !e -$ardian of the propert" of a
ward, he sha%% not, witho$t the previo$s permission of the 'o$rt,8
(a mort-a-e or (har-e, or transfer !" sa%e, -ift, e.(han-e or otherwise,
an" part of the immovea!%e propert" of his ward, or
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re,
A&$ V )9
(! %ease an" part of that propert" for a term e.(eedin- five "ears or for
an" term e.tendin- more than one "ear !e"ond the date on whi(h the
ward wi%% (ease to !e a minor.
30. V)%8a5%7%$< )9 $1a*#9'1# 2a8' %* &)*$1a('*$%)* )9 #'&$%)* 28 )1 #'&$%)* 23. A
disposa% of immovea!%e propert" !" a -$ardian in (ontravention of either of the two %ast
fore-oin- se(tions is voida!%e at the instan(e of an" other person affe(ted there!".
31. P1a&$%&' w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) ;'12%$$%*@ $1a*#9'1 "*8'1 #'&$%)* 23.-(1 *ermission
to the -$ardian to do an" of the a(ts mentioned in se(tion 29 sha%% not !e -ranted !" the 'o$rt
e.(ept in (ase of ne(essit" or for an evident advanta-e to the ward.
(2 The order -rantin- the permission sha%% re(ite the ne(essit" or advanta-e, as the
(ase ma" !e, des(ri!e the propert" with respe(t to whi(h the a(t permitted is to !e done, and
spe(if" s$(h (onditions, if an", as the 'o$rt ma" see fit to atta(h to the permissionF and it
sha%% !e re(orded, dated and si-ned !" the E$d-e of the 'o$rt with his own hand, or when
from an" (a$se he is prevented from re(ordin- the order with his own hand, sha%% !e ta2en
down in writin- from his di(tation and !e dated and si-ned !" him,
(3 The 'o$rt ma" in its dis(retion atta(h to the permission the fo%%owin- amon- other
(onditions, name%"H
(a that a sa%e sha%% not !e (omp%eted witho$t the san(tion of the 'o$rtF
(b that a sa%e sha%% !e made to the hi-hest !idder !" p$!%i( a$(tion, !efore the 'o$rt
or some person spe(ia%%" appointed !" the 'o$rt for that p$rpose, at a time and
p%a(e to !e spe(ified !" the 'o$rt, after s$(h pro(%amation of the intended sa%e as
the 'o$rt, s$!:e(t to an" r$%es made $nder this A(t !" the Gi-h 'o$rt, dire(tsF
(# that a %ease sha%% not !e made in (onsideration of a premi$m or sha%% !e made for
s$(h term of "ears and s$!:e(t to s$(h rents and (ovenants as the 'o$rt dire(ts F
(d that the who%e or an" part of the pro(eeds of the a(t permitted sha%% !e paid into
the 'o$rt !" the -$ardian, to !e dis!$rsed therefrom or to !e invested !" the 'o$rt
on pres(ri!ed se($rities or to !e otherwise disposed of as the 'o$rt dire(ts.
(4 +efore -rantin- permission to a -$ardian to do an a(t mentioned in se(tion 29, the
'o$rt ma" (a$se noti(e of the app%i(ation for the permission to !e -iven to an" re%ative or
friend of the ward who sho$%d, in its opinion, re(eive noti(e thereof, and sha%% hear and re(ord
the statement of an" person who appears in opposition to the app%i(ation.
32. Va1%a$%)* )9 ;)w'1# )9 @"a18%a* )9 ;1);'1$< a;;)%*$'8 )1 8'&7a1'8 5< $6'
C)"1$. 7here a -$ardian of the propert" of a ward has !een appointed or de(%ared !" the
'o$rt and s$(h -$ardian is not the 'o%%e(tor, the 'o$rt ma", from time to time, !" order,
define, restri(t or e.tend his powers with respe(t to the propert" of the
ward in s$(h manner and to s$(h e.tent as it ma" (onsider to !e for the advanta-e of
the ward and (onsistent with the %aw to whi(h the ward is s$!:e(t.
33. R%@6$ )9 @"a18%a* #) a;;)%*$'8 )1 8'&7a1'8 $) a;;7< $) $6' C)"1$ 9)1 );%*%)*
%* 2a*a@'2'*$ )9 ;1);'1$< )9 wa18.- (1 A -$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt
ma" app%" !" petition to the 'o$rt whi(h appointed or de(%ared him for its opinion, advi(e or
dire(tion on an" present ?$estion respe(tin- the mana-ement or administration of the
propert" of his ward.
(2 If the 'o$rt (onsiders the ?$estion to !e proper for s$mmar" disposa%, it sha%%
(a$se a (op" of the petition to !e served on, and the hearin- thereof ma" !e attended !", s$(h
of the persons interested in the app%i(ation as the 'o$rt thin2s tit.
(3 The -$ardian statin- in
-ood faith the fa(ts in the petition and a(tin- $pon the
opinion, advi(e or dire(tion -iven !" the 'o$rt sha%% !e deemed, so far as re-ards his own
responsi!i%it", to have performed his d$t" as -$ardian in the s$!:e(t8matter of the app%i(ation.
3C. O57%@a$%)*# )* @"a18%a* )9 ;1);'1$< a;;)%*$'8 )1 8'&7a1'8 5< $6' C)"1$.
7here a -$ardian of the propert" of a ward has !een appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt and
s$(h -$ardian is not the 'o%%e(tor, he sha%%,I
(a if so re?$ired !" the 'o$rt, -ive a !ond, as near%" as ma" !e in the pres(ri!ed
form, to the E$d-e of the 'o$rt to ens$re for the !enefit of the E$d-e for the time
!ein-, with or witho$t s$reties, as ma" !e pres(ri!ed, en-a-in- d$%" to a((o$nt for
what he ma" re(eive in respe(t of the propert" of the wardF
(! if so re?$ired !" the 'o$rt, de%iver to the 'o$rt, within si. months from the date
of his appointment or de(%aration !" the 'o$rt or within s$(h other time as the
'o$rt dire(ts, a statement of the immova!%e propert" !e%on-in- to the ward, of the
mone" and other movea!%e propert" whi(h he has re(eived on !eha%f of the ward
$p to the date of de%iverin- the statement, and of the de!ts d$e on that date to or
from the wardF
(( if so re?$ired !" the 'o$rt, e.hi!it his a((o$nts in the 'o$rt at s$(h times and in
s$(h form as the 'o$rt from time to time dire(tsF
(d if so re?$ired !" the 'o$rt, pa" into the 'o$rt at s$(h time as the 'o$rt dire(ts the
!a%an(e d$e from him on those a((o$nts, or so m$(h thereof as the 'o$rt dire(tsF
(e app%" for the maintenan(e, ed$(ation and advan(ement of the ward and of s$(h
persons as are dependent on him, and for the (e%e!ration of (eremonies to whi(h
/or definition of T-ood faith5, $ee s. 3(2= of the Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97 (1= of 1;97.
ward or an" of those persons ma" !e a part", s$(h portion of the in(ome of the
propert" of the ward as the 'o$rt from time to time dire(ts, and, if the 'o$rt so
dire(ts, the who%e or an" part of that propert".
J3CA. P)w'1 $) awa18 1'2"*'1a$%)* 9)1 a"8%$%*@ a&&)"*$#. 7hen a((o$nts are
e.hi!ited !" a -$ardian of the propert" of a ward in p$rs$an(e of a re?$isition made $nder
(%a$se (( of se(tion 34 or otherwise, the 'o$rt ma" appoint a person to a$dit the a((o$nts,
and ma" dire(t that rem$neration for the wor2 !e paid o$t of the in(ome of the propert".D
35. S"%$ a@a%*#$ @"a18%a* w6'1' a82%*%#$1a$%)* 5)*8 wa# $a:'*. 7here a
-$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt has -iven a !ond d$%" to a((o$nt for what he
ma" re(eive in respe(t of the propert" of his ward, the 'o$rt ma", on app%i(ation made !"
petition and on !ein- satisfied that the en-a-ement of the !ond has not !een 2ept, and $pon
s$(h terms as to se($rit", or providin- that an" mone" re(eived !e paid into the 'o$rt, or
otherwise as the 'o$rt thin2s fit, assi-n the !ond to some proper person, who sha%% there$pon
!e entit%ed to s$e on the !ond in his own name as if the !ond had !een ori-ina%%" -iven to him
instead of to the E$d-e of the 'o$rt and sha%% !e entit%ed to re(over thereon as tr$stee for the
ward, in respe(t of an" !rea(h thereof.
3G. S"%$ a@a%*#$ @"a18%a* w6'1' a82%*%#$1a$%)* 5)*8 wa# $a:'*.-(1 7here a
-$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt has not -iven a !ond as aforesaid, an" person,
with the %eave of the 'o$rt, ma", as ne.t friend, at an" time d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the
minorit" of the ward, and $pon s$(h terms as aforesaid, instit$te a s$it a-ainst the -$ardian,
or, in (ase of his death, a-ainst his representative, for an a((o$nt of what the -$ardian has
re(eived in respe(t of the propert" of the ward, and ma" re(over in the s$it, as tr$stee for the
ward, s$(h amo$nt as ma" !e fo$nd to !e pa"a!%e !" the -$ardian or his representative, as
the (ase ma" !e.
34. G'*'1a7 7%a5%7%$< )9 @"a18%a* a# $1"#$''. 6othin- in either of the two %ast
fore-oin- se(tions sha%% !e (onstr$ed to deprive a ward or his representative of an" remed"
a-ainst his -$ardian, or the representative of the -$ardian, whi(h, not !ein-"
provided in either of those se(tions, an" other !enefi(iar" or his representative wo$%d have
a-ainst his tr$stee or the representative of the tr$stee.
Termination of Duardian$hi!
38. R%@6$ )9 #"1(%()1#6%; a2)*@ >)%*$ @"a18%a*#. On the death of one of two or
more :oint -$ardians, the -$ardianship (ontin$es to the s$rvivor or s$rvivors $nti% a f$rther
appointment is made !" the 'o$rt.
#. 34A ins. !" the G$ardians and 7ards (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (17 of 1929, s. 2.
2Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
33. R'2)(a7 )9 @"a18%a*. The 'o$rt ma", on the app%i(ation of an" person inter8
ested, or of its own motion, remove a -$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt, or a
-$ardian appointed !" wi%% or other instr$ment, for an" of the fo%%owin- (a$ses, name%" F8
(a for a!$se of his tr$stF
(b for (ontin$ed fai%$re to perform the d$ties of his tr$stF
(# for in(apa(it" to perform the d$ties of his tr$stF
(d for i%%8treatment, or ne-%e(t to ta2e proper (are, of his ward F
(e for (ont$ma(io$s disre-ard of an" provision of this
A(t or of an" order of the 'o$rtF
(f for (onvi(tion of an offen(e imp%"in-, in the opinion of the 'o$rt, a defe(t of
(hara(ter whi(h $nfits him to !e the -$ardian of his wardF
(3 for havin- an interest adverse to the faithf$% performan(e of his d$tiesF
(h for (easin- to reside within the %o(a% %imits of the :$risdi(tion of the 'o$rtF
(i in the (ase of a -$ardian of the propert", for !an2r$pt(" or inso%ven("F
(A !" reason of the -$ardianship of the -$ardian (easin-, or !ein- %ia!%e to (ease,
$nder the %aw to whi(h the minor is s$!:e(tH
*rovided that a -$ardian appointed !" wi%% or other instr$ment, whether he has !een
de(%ared $nder this A(t or not, sha%% not !e removedI
(a for the (a$se mentioned in (%a$se (- $n%ess the adverse interest a((r$ed after the
death of the person who appointed him, or it is shown that that person made and
maintained the appointment in i-noran(e of the e.isten(e of the adverse interest,
(b for the (a$se mentioned in (%a$se (h $n%ess s$(h -$ardian has ta2en $p s$(h a
residen(e as, in the opinion of the 'o$rt, renders it impra(ti(a!%e for him to
dis(har-e the f$n(tions of -$ardian.
C0. %#&6a1@' )9 @"a18%a*.-(1 If a -$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt
desires to resi-n his offi(e, he ma" app%" to the 'o$rt to !e dis(har-ed.
(2 If the 'o$rt finds that there is s$ffi(ient reason for the app%i(ation, it sha%%
dis(har-e him, and if the -$ardian ma2in-
the app%i(ation is the 'o%%e(tor and the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD approves of is app%"in- to
!e dis(har-ed, the 'o$rt sha%% in an" (ase dis(har-e him.
C1. C'##a$%)* )9 a"$6)1%$< )9 @"a18%a*.-(1 The powers of a -$ardian of the person
(a !" his death, remova% or dis(har-eF
(b !" the 'o$rt of 7ards ass$min- s$perintenden(e of the person of the wardF
(# !" the ward (easin- to !e a minorF
(d in the (ase of a fema%e ward, !" her marria-e to a h$s!and who is not $nfit to !e
-$ardian of her person or, if the -$ardian was appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt,
!" her marria-e to a h$s!and who is not, in the opinion of the 'o$rt, so $nfitF or,
(e in the (ase of a ward whose father was $nfit to !e -$ardian of the person of the
ward, !" the father (easin- to !e so or, if the father was deemed !" the 'o$rt to !e
so $nfit, !" his (easin- to !e so in the opinion of the 'o$rt.
(2 The powers of a -$ardian of the proper%" (ease
(a !" his death, remova% or dis(har-eF
(b !" the 'o$rt of 7ards ass$min- s$perintenden(e of the propert" of the
wardF or
(# !" the ward (easin- to !e a minor.
(3 7hen for an" (a$se the powers of a -$ardian (ease, the 'o$rt ma" re?$ire him
or, if he is dead, his representative to de%iver as it dire(ts an" propert" in his possession or
(ontro% !e%on-in- to the ward or an" a((o$nts in his possession or (ontro% re%atin- to an" past
or present propert" of the ward.
(4 7hen he has de%ivered the propert" or a((o$nts as re?$ired !" the 'o$rt, the
'o$rt ma" de(%are him to !e dis(har-ed from his %ia!i%ities save as re-ards an" fra$d whi(h
ma" s$!se?$ent%" !e dis(overed.
C2. A;;)%*$2'*$ )9 #"&&'##)1 $) @"a18%a* 8'a8, 8%#&6a1@'8 )1 1'2)('8. 7hen a
-$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt is dis(har-ed, or, $nder the %aw to whi(h the
ward is s$!:e(t, (eases to !e entit%ed to a(t, or when an" s$(h -$ardian or a -$ardian
appointed !" wi%% or other instr$ment is removed or dies, the 'o$rt, of its own motion or on
app%i(ation $nder 'hapter II, ma", if the ward is sti%% a minor, appoint or de(%are another
-$ardian of his person or propert", or !oth, as the (ase ma" !e.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
C3. O18'1# 9)1 1'@"7a$%*@ &)*8"&$ )1 ;1)&''8%*@# )9 @"a18%a*#, a*8 '*9)1&'2'*$
)9 $6)#' )18'1#.-(1 The 'o$rt ma", on the app%i(ation of an" person interested or of its own
motion, ma2e an order re-$%atin- the (ond$(t or pro(eedin-s of an" -$ardian appointed or
de(%ared !" the 'o$rt.
(2 7here there are more -$ardians than one of a ward, and the" are $na!%e to a-ree
$pon a ?$estion affe(tin- his we%fare, an" of them ma" app%" to the 'o$rt for its dire(tion,
and the 'o$rt ma" ma2e s$(h order respe(tin- the matter in differen(e as it thin2s fit.
(3 ,.(ept where it appears that the o!:e(t of ma2in- an order $nder s$!8se(tion (1
or s$!8se(tion (2 wo$%d !e defeated !" the de%a", the 'o$rt sha%%, !efore ma2in- the order,
dire(t noti(e of the app%i(ation therefor or of the intention of the 'o$rt to ma2e it, as the (ase
ma" !e, to !e -iven, in a (ase $nder s$!8se(tion (1, to the -$ardian or, in a (ase $nder s$!8
se(tion (2, to the -$ardian who has not made the app%i(ation.
(4 In (ase of diso!edien(e to an order made $nder s$!8se(tion (1 or s$!8se(tion (2,
the order ma" !e enfor(ed in the same manner as an in:$n(tion -ranted $nder
Cr$%es 1 and 2
of order >>>I> of the /irst #(hed$%e to the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D in a (ase $nder
s$!8se(tion (1, as if the ward were the p%aintiff and the -$ardian were the defendant or, in a
(ase $nder s$!8se(tion (2, as if the -$ardian who made the app%i(ation were the p%aintiff and
the other -$ardian were the defendant.
(0 ,.(ept in a (ase $nder s$!8se(tion (2, nothin- in this se(tion sha%% app%" to a
'o%%e(tor who is, as s$(h, a -$ardian.
CC. P'*a7$< 9)1 1'2)(a7 )9 wa18 91)2 >"1%#8%&$%)*.- If, for the p$rpose or with the
effe(t of preventin- the 'o$rt from its a$thorit" with respe(t to award, a -$ardian
appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt removes the ward from the %imits of the :$risdi(tion of the
'o$rt in (ontravention of the provisions of se(tion 2), he sha%% !e %ia!%e, !" order of the
'o$rt, to fine not e.(eedin- one tho$sand r$pees, or to imprisonment in the (ivi% :ai% for a
term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months.
C5. P'*a7$< 9)1 &)*$"2a&<.-(1 In the fo%%owin- (ases, name%"H8
(a if a person havin- the ($stod" of a minor fai%s to prod$(e him or (a$se him to
!e prod$(ed in (omp%ian(e with a dire(tion $nder se(tion 12, s$!8se(tion (1,
or to do his $tmost to (ompe% the minor to ret$rn to the ($stod" of his -$ardian
in o!edien(e to an order $nder se(tion 20, s$!8se(tion (1, or
(b if a -$ardian appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rt fai%s to de%iver to the 'o$rt,
within the time a%%owed !" or
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for (ertain words.
A&$ V )9
$nder (%a$se (! of se(tion 34, a statement re?$ired $nder that (%a$se, or to
e.hi!it a((o$nts in (omp%ian(e with a re?$isition $nder (%a$se (( of that
se(tion, or to pa" into the 'o$rt the !a%an(e d$e from him on those a((o$nts in
(omp%ian(e with a re?$isition $nder (%a$se (d of that se(tion, or
(# if a person who has (eased to !e a -$ardian, or the representative of s$(h a
person, fai%s to de%iver an" propert" or a((o$nts in (omp%ian(e with a re?$isi8
tion $nder se(tion 41, s$!8se(tion (3,
the person, -$ardian or representative, as the (ase ma" !e, sha%% !e %ia!%e, !" order of the
'o$rt, to fine not e.(eedin- one h$ndred r$pees, and in (ase of re($san(" to f$rther fine not
e.(eedin- ten r$pees for ea(h da" after the first d$rin- whi(h the defa$%t (ontin$es, and not
e.(eedin- five h$ndred r$pees in the a--re-ate, and to detention in the (ivi% :ai% $nti% he
$nderta2es to prod$(e the minor or (a$se him to !e prod$(ed, or to (ompe% his ret$rn, or to
de%iver the statement or to e.hi!it the a((o$nts, or to pa" the !a%an(e, or to de%iver the
propert" or a((o$nts, as the (ase ma" !e.
(2 If a person who has !een re%eased from detention on -ivin- an $nderta2in- $nder
s$!8se(tion (1 fai%s to (arr" o$t the $nderta2in- within the time a%%owed !" the 'o$rt, the
'o$rt ma" (a$se him to !e arrested and re8(ommitted to the (ivi% :ai%.
CG. R';)1$# 5< C)77'&$)1# a*8 S"5)18%*a$' C)"1$#.-(1 The 'o$rt ma" (a%% $pon
the 'o%%e(tor, or $pon an" 'o$rt s$!ordinate to the 'o$rt, for a report on an" matter arisin-
in an" pro(eedin- $nder this A(t and treat the report as eviden(e.
(2 /or the p$rpose of preparin- the report the 'o%%e(tor or the E$d-e of the
#$!ordinate 'o$rt, as the (ase ma" !e, sha%% ma2e s$(h in?$ir" as he deems ne(essar", and
ma" for the p$rposes of the in?$ir" an" power of (ompe%%in- the attendan(e of a
witness to -ive eviden(e or prod$(e a do($ment whi(h is (onferred on a 'o$rt !" the
of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D.
C4. O18'1# a;;'a7a57'. An appea% sha%% %ie to the Gi-h 'o$rt from an order made !"
J 'o$rt,8
(a $nder se(tion 7, appointin- or de(%arin- or ref$sin- to appoint or de(%are a
-$ardianF or
(! $nder se(tion 9, s$!8se(tion (3, ret$rnin- an app%i(ation F or,
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$reK.
The word &Aistri(tK rep. !" s. 4 of the G$ardians and 7ards (Arndt. A(t, 192) (4 of 192).
A(t <
(( $nder se(tion 20, ma2in- or ref$sin- to ma2e an order for the ret$rn of a ward
to the ($stod" of his -$ardianF or,
(d $nder se(tion 2), ref$sin- %eave for the remova% of a ward from the %imits of the
:$risdi(tion of the 'o$rt, or imposin- (onditions with respe(t theretoF or,
(e $nder se(tion 2; or se(tion 29, ref$sin- permission to a -$ardian to do an a(t
referred to in the se(tionF or,
(f $nder se(tion 32, definin-, restri(tin- or e.tendin- the powers of a -$ardianF
(- $nder se(tion 39, removin- a -$ardianF or,
(h $nder se(tion 4=, ref$sin- to dis(har-e a -$ardianF or,
(i $nder se(tion 43 re-$%atin- the (ond$(t or pro(eedin-s of a -$ardian or sett%in-
a matter in differen(e !etween :oint -$ardians, or enfor(in- the orderF or,
(: $nder se(tion 44 or se(tion 40, imposin- a pena%t"
Cprovided that, where the order from whi(h an appea% is preferred is passed !" an
offi(er s$!ordinate to a Aistri(t 'o$rt, the appea% sha%% %ie to the Aistri(t 'o$rt.D
C8. F%*a7%$< )9 )$6'1 )18'1#. #ave as provided !" the %ast fore-oin- se(tion and !"
Cse(tion 110 of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D an order made $nder this A(t sha%% !e
fina% and sha%% not !e %ia!%e to !e (ontested !" s$it or otherwise.
C3. C)#$#. The (osts of an" pro(eedin- $nder this A(t, in(%$din- the (osts of
maintainin- a -$ardian or other person in the (ivi% :ai%, sha%%, s$!:e(t to an" r$%es made !" the
Gi-h 'o$rt $nder this A(t, !e in the dis(retion of the 'o$rt in whi(h the pro(eedin- is had.
50. P)w'1 )9 ,%@6 C)"1$ $) 2a:' 1"7'#.-(1 In addition to an" other power to ma2e
r$%es (onferred" or imp%ied%" !" this A(t, the Gi-h 'o$rt ma" from time to time
ma2e r$%es (onsistent with this A(tI
(a as to the matters respe(tin- whi(h, and the time at whi(h, reports sho$%d !e (a%%ed
for from 'o%%e(tors and #$!ordinate 'o$rts ;
(b) as to the a%%owan(es to !e -ranted to, and the se($rit" to !e re?$ired from,
-$ardians, and the (ases in whi(h s$(h a%%owan(es sho$%d !e -rantedF
#$!s. and added !" the G$ardians and 7ards (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 19;= (11 of 19;=, s. 2
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &se(tion )22 of the 'ode of
'ivi% *ro(ed$reK.
A(t < of
(# as to the pro(ed$re to !e fo%%owed with respe(t to app%i(ations of -$ardians for
permission to do a(ts referred to in se(tions 2; and 29 F
(d as to the (ir($mstan(es in whi(h s$(h re?$isitions as are mentioned in (%a$ses (a,
(!, (( and (d of se(tion 34 sho$%d !e madeF
(e as to the preservation of statements and a((o$nts de%ivered and e.hi!ited !"
(f as to the inspe(tion of those statements and a((o$nts !" persons interestedF
C(ff as to the a$dit of a((o$nts $nder se(tion 34A, the (%ass of persons who sho$%d !e
appointed to a$dit a((o$nts, and the s(a%es of rem$neration to !e -ranted to themFD
(3 as to the ($stod" of mone", and se($rities for mone", !e%on-in- to wardsF
(h as to the se($rities on whi(h mone" !e%on-in- to wards ma" !e investedF
(i as to the ed$(ation of wards for whom -$ardians, not !ein- 'o%%e(tors, have !een
appointed or de(%ared !" the 'o$rtF and,
(A -enera%%", for the -$idan(e of the 'o$rts in (arr"in- o$t the p$rposes of this A(t.
(2 3$%es $nder (%a$ses (a and (i of s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% not have effe(t $nti% the"
have !een approved !" the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD, nor sha%% an" r$%e $nder this se(tion
have effe(t $nti% it has !een p$!%ished in the offi(ia% Ga1ette.
51. C9!!"i#abi"ity of 9#t to 3uardian$ a"ready a!!ointed by Court.D Omitted by the
%edera" Law$ &e'i$ion and De#"aration( Ordinan#e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, $. 3 and S#h. ++.
52. C9mendment of +ndian 5aAority 9#t.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; &+ of 193;,
$. 2 and S#hedu"e.
53. C9mendment of Cha!ter )))+ of the Code of Ci'i" :ro#edure.D e!. by the Code
of Ci'i" :ro#edure, 19=; &* of 19=;, $. 10) and S#hedu"e *.
THE SCHEDULE.,CE<9CT5E<TS E:E9LED.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; &+ of
193;, $. 2 and S#hedu"e.
'%a$se (ff ins. !" the G$ardians and 7ards (Amdt. A(t, 1929 (17 of 1929, s. 3.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K
1. Tit%e, e.tent and (ommen(ement.
2. Ce!ea"ed.D
3. Aefinitions.
4. Appointment and d$ties of Inspe(tors.
0. *owers of Inspe(tors.
). /a(i%ities to !e afforded to Inspe(tors.
7. A$thorit" of rai%wa" administrations to e.e($te a%% ne(essar" wor2s.
;. A%teration of pipes, wires and drains.
;A. *rote(tion for Government propert".
9. Temporar" entr" $pon %and for repairin- or preventin- a((ident.
1=. *a"ment of (ompensation for dama-e (a$sed !" %awf$% of powers $nder
the fore-oin- provisions of this 'hapter.
11. A((ommodation wor2s.
12. *ower for owner8o(($pier or %o(a% a$thorit" to (a$se additiona% a((ommodation
wor2s to !e made.
13. /en(es, s(reens, -ates and !ars.
14. Over and $nder !rid-es.
10. 3emova% of trees dan-ero$s to or o!str$(tin- the wor2in- of a rai%wa".
1). 3i-ht to $se %o(omotives.
17. 6oti(e of intended openin- of a rai%wa".
1;. #an(tion of the /edera% Government a (ondition pre(edent to the openin- of a
19. *ro(ed$re in san(tionin- the openin- of a rai%wa".
2=. App%i(ation of the provisions of the three %ast fore-oin- se(tions to materia%
a%terations of a rai%wa".
21. ,.(eptiona% provision.
22. *ower to ma2e r$%es with respe(t to the openin- of rai%wa"s.
23. *ower to (%ose an opened rai%wa".
24. 3e8openin- of a (%osed rai%wa".
20. Ae%e-ation of powers $nder this 'hapter to Inspe(tors.
2)84=. Ce!ea"ed.D
41. +ar of :$risdi(tion of ordinar" 'o$rts in (ertain matters.
42. A$t" of rai%wa" administrations to arran-e for re(eivin- and forwardin-
traffi( witho$t $nreasona!%e de%a" and witho$t partia%it".
42A. *rohi!ition of $nd$e preferen(e.
42+. *owers of the /edera% Government to fi.$m and minim$m rates.
43. Lnd$e preferen(e in (ase of $ne?$a% rates for %i2e traffi( for servi(es.
44. *rovision for fa(i%ities and e?$a% treatment where ships or !oats are $sed whi(h
are not part of a rai%wa".
40. Termina%s.
4). *ower of /edera% Government to fi. termina%s.
4)A. Ae(isions in a((ordan(e with this 'hapter sha%% !e !indin-.
4)+. COmitted.D
47. Genera% r$%es.
4;. Aisposa% of differen(es !etween rai%wa"s re-ardin- (ond$(t of :oint traffi(.
49. A-reements with an" /edera% Government for (onstr$(tion or %ease of ro%%in-8
0=. *owers of rai%wa" (ompanies to enter into wor2in- a-reements.
01. ,sta!%ishment of ferries and roadwa"s for a((ommodation of traffi(.
01A. Additiona% power to provide and maintain transport servi(es.
02. 3ert$ns.
,arriage of Property
03.$m %oad for wa-ons.
04. *ower for rai%wa" administrations to impose (onditions for wor2in- traffi(.
00. Lien for rates, termina%s and other (har-es.
0). Aisposa% of $n(%aimed thin-s on a rai%wa".
07. *ower for rai%wa" administrations to re?$ire indemnit" on de%iver" of -oods in
(ertain (ases.
0;. 3e?$isitions for written a((o$nts of des(ription of -oods.
09. Aan-ero$s or offensive -oods.
)=. ,.hi!ition to the p$!%i( of a$thorit" for ?$oted rates.
)1. 3e?$isitions on rai%wa" administrations for detai%s of -ross (har-es.
Carria3e of :a$$en3er$
)2. 'omm$ni(ation !etween passen-ers and rai%wa" servants in(har-e of trains.
)3.$m n$m!er of passen-ers for ea(h (ompartment.
)4. 3eservation of (ompartments for fema%es.
)0. ,.hi!ition of time8ta!%es and ta!%es of fares at stations.
)). #$pp%" of ti(2ets on pa"ment of fares.
)7. *rovision for (ase in whi(h ti(2ets have !een iss$ed for trains not havin- room
avai%a!%e for additiona% passen-ers.
);. *rohi!ition a-ainst trave%%in- witho$t pass or ti(2et.
)9. ,.hi!ition and s$rrender of passes and ti(2ets.
7=. *rohi!ition a-ainst transfer of (ertain ti(2ets.
71. *ower to ref$se to (arr" persons s$fferin- from infe(tio$s or (onta-io$s
LI@ITATIO6 O/ ,@*LO9@,6T O/ 3AIL7A9 #,3<A6T#
71A. Aefinitions.
7%+. App%i(ation of 'hapter <IA.
7%'. Limitation of ho$rs of wor2.
71A. Grant of periodi(a% rest.
7%,. *ower to ma2e r$%es.
71/. 3ai%wa" servant to remain on d$t".
71G. #$pervisors of 3ai%wa" La!o$r.
7IG. *ena%t".
72. @eas$re of the -enera% responsi!i%it" of a rai%wa" administration as a (arrier of
anima%s and -oods.
73. /$rther provision with respe(t to the %ia!i%it" of a rai%wa" administration as a
(arrier of anima%s.
74. /$rther provision with respe(t to the %ia!i%it" of a rai%wa" administration as a
(arrier of %$--a-e.
70. /$rther provision with respe(t to the %ia!i%it" of a rai%wa" administration as a
(arrier of arti(%es of spe(ia% va%$e.
7). +$rden of proof in s$its in respe(t of %oss of anima%s or -oods.
77. 6otifi(ation of (%aims to ref$nds of over(har-es and to (ompensation for %osses.
7;. ,.oneration from responsi!i%it" in (ase of -oods fa%se%" des(ri!ed.
79. #ett%ement of (ompensation for in:$ries to offi(ers, so%diers, airmen and fo%%owers
on d$t".
;=. #$its for (ompensation for in:$r" to thro$-h8!oo2ed traffi(.
;1. Ce!ea"ed.D
;2. COmitted.D
;2A. Lia!i%it" of rai%wa" administration in respe(t of a((idents to trains (arr"in-
;3. 3eport of rai%wa" a((idents.
;4. *ower to ma2e r$%es re-ardin- noti(es of and in?$iries into a((idents.
;0. #$!mission of ret$rn of a((idents.
;). *rovision for (omp$%sor" medi(a% e.amination of person in:$red in rai%wa"
%orfeiture$ by ai"way Com!anie$
;7. *ena%t" for defa$%t in (omp%ian(e with re?$isition $nder se(tion 13.
;;. *ena%t" for (ontravention of se(tion 1), 1;, 19, 2=, 21 or 24.
;9. *ena%t" for not havin- (ertain do($ments 2ept or e.hi!ited at stations $nder
se(tion 04 or )0.
9=. *ena%t" for not ma2in- r$%es as re?$ired !" se(tion 47.
91. *ena%t" for fai%$re to (omp%" with de(ision $nder se(tion 4;.
92. *ena%t" for de%a" in s$!mittin- ret$rns $nder se(tion 02 or ;0.
93. *ena%t" for ne-%e(t of provisions of se(tion 03 or )3 with respe(t to (arr"in-
(apa(it" of ro%%in-8sto(2.
94. *ena%t" for fai%$re to (omp%" with re?$isition $nder se(tion )2 for maintenan(e of
means of (omm$ni(ation !etween passen-ers and rai%wa" servants.
90. *ena%t" for fai%$re to reserve (ompartments for fema%es $nder se(tion )4.
9). *ena%t" for omittin- to -ive the noti(es of a((idents re?$ired !" se(tion ;3 and
$nder se(tion ;4.
97. 3e(over" of pena%ties.
9;. A%ternative or s$pp%ementar" (hara(ter of remedies afforded !" the fore-oin-
provisions of this 'hapter.
8ffences &y 1ail9ay Ser%ants
99. +rea(h of d$t" imposed !" se(tion )=.
1==. Ar$n2enness.
1=1. ,ndan-erin- the safet" of persons.
1=2. 'ompe%%in- passen-ers to enter (arria-es a%read" f$%%.
1=3. Omission to -ive noti(e of a((ident.
1=4. O!str$(tin- %eve%8(rossin-s.
1=0. /a%se ret$rns.
8ther 8ffences
1=). Givin- fa%se a((o$nt of -oods.
1=7. Ln%awf$%%" !rin-in- dan-ero$s or offensive -oods $pon a rai%wa".
1=;. 6eed%ess%" interferin- with means of (omm$ni(ation in a train.
1=9. ,nterin- (ompartment reserved or a%read" f$%% or resistin- entr" into a
(ompartment not f$%%.
11=. #mo2in-.
111. Aefa(in- p$!%i( noti(es.
112. /ra$d$%ent%" trave%%in- or attemptin- to trave% witho$t proper pass or ti(2et.
113. Trave%%in- witho$t pass or ti(2et or with ins$ffi(ient pass or ti(2et or !e"ond
a$thorised distan(e.
113A. *ower to remove persons from rai%wa" (arria-e.
114. *ena%t" for transfer of ti(2ets.
110. Aisposa% of fines $nder the two %ast fore-oin- se(tions.
11). A%terin- or defa(in- pass or ti(2et.
117. +ein- or s$fferin- person to trave% on rai%wa" with infe(tio$s or (onta-io$s
11;. ,nterin- (arria-e in motion, or otherwise improper%" trave%%in- on a rai%wa".
119. ,nterin- (arria-e or other p%a(e reserved for fema%es.
12=. Ar$n2enness or n$isan(e on a rai%wa".
121. O!str$(tin- rai%wa" servant in his d$t".
122. Trespass and ref$sa% to desist from trespass.
123. Aiso!edien(e of omni!$s drivers to dire(tions of rai%wa" servants.
124. Openin- or not proper%" sh$ttin- -ates.
120. 'att%e8trespass.
12). @a%i(io$s%" wre(2in- or attemptin- to wre(2 a train.
127. @a%i(io$s%" h$rtin- or attemptin- to h$rt persons trave%%in- !" rai%wa".
12;. ,ndan-erin- safet" of persons trave%%in- !" rai%wa" !" wi%f$% a(t or omission.
129. ,ndan-erin- safet" of persons trave%%in- !" rai%wa" !" rash or ne-%i-ent a(t or
13=. #pe(ia% provision with respe(t to the (ommission !" (hi%dren of a(ts endan-erin-
safet" of persons trave%in- !" rai%wa".
13=A. *ower to detain and sear(h in (ases of s$spe(ted theft.
131. Arrest for offen(es a-ainst (ertain se(tions.
132. Arrest of persons %i2e%" to a!s(ond or $n2nown.
133. @a-istrates havin- :$risdi(tion $nder A(t.
133A. 'ertain 3ai%wa" servants to have powers of @a-istrate.
134. *%a(e of tria%.
130. Ta.ation of rai%wa"s !" %o(a% a$thorities.
13). 3estri(tion on e.e($tion a-ainst rai%wa" propert".
137. 3ai%wa" servants to !e p$!%i( servants for the p$rposes of 'hapter I> of the
*a2istan *ena% 'ode.
13;. *ro(ed$re for s$mmar" de%iver" to rai%wa" administration of propert" detained !"
rai%wa" ,servant.
139. Ce!ea"ed.D
14=. #ervi(e of noti(es on rai%wa" administrations.
141. #ervi(e of noti(es !" rai%wa" administrations.
142. *res$mption where noti(e is served !" post.
143. *rovisions with respe(t to r$%es.
144. COmitted.D
140. 3epresentation of @ana-ers and A-ents of 3ai%wa"s in 'o$rts.
14). *ower to e.tend A(t to (ertain tramwa"s.
147. *ower to e.empt rai%wa" from A(t.
14;. @atters s$pp%ementa% to the definitions of &rai%wa"K and &rai%wa" servantK.
149. Ce!ea"ed.D
10=. Ce!ea"ed.D
)*+ 5(1S) S,*+"-.+!0J1epealed!L
A&$ NO.I/ OF 1830
@ar(h, 1;9=D
A* A&$ $) &)*#)7%8a$', a2'*8 a*8 a88 $) $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) Ra%7wa<#
J J.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to (onso%idate, amend and add to the %aw re%atin- to rai%wa"s
J JF It is here!"ena(ted as fo%%owsHI
1. T%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.D(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the
J 3ai%wa"s A(t,
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istan and app%ies a%so to a%% (iti1ens of *a2istan
wherever the" ma" !e.D
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of @a", 1;9=.
2. C3epea%.D 3ep. !" the 3epea%in- A(t, 193; (1 of 193;, s.2 and #(hed$%e.
JThe fo%%owin- -enera% amendments have a%so !een made !" Ord.92 of 2==2HI
(i for the words &rai%wa" servantK wherever o(($rrin- the read. &rai%wa" emp%o"eeK
(ii in se(tions 7 to 10, 40, 4), 03 to )), );, )9, 71 to 7;, ;=, ;2A, ;0, 1=;, 1=9, 111
to 110, 11;, 119, 122, 120, 13=A, 13) to 13;, 14=, 141 and 14; for &rai%wa"
administrationKF or &administrationK read &%i(enseeK.
(iii In se(tions 13, 4), 03 to 00, )2, )3, 72, ;4, ;0, ;7, ;9, 92 to 9), 9;, 134 4 13) for
&/edera% Govt.K or &Govt.K read &A$thorit"K.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, see Ga1ette of India, 1;;;, *t.<, p.133F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee. ibid., 1;9=, *t.<, p.23
and for de!ates in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;;;, *t.<I, pp. 124 and 137, and ibid., 1;9=, *t.<I, pp.10 and 4;.
This A(t has !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190=, and in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t.I.p.1499.
'hapter <IA of this A(t has !een e.tended toI
(a the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion, $ee, G.G.O. 4 of 1903, as amended,
(! the Ohairp$r #tate, $ee G.G.O. 0 of 1903, as amended !" G.G.O. 24 of 1903, and
(( the #tate of +ahawa%p$r, $ee G.G.O. 11 of 1903
The 3ai%wa" +oard Ordinan(e, 1909 (4; of 1909, sha%% !e read with, and ta2en as part of this A(t, and sha%% !e (onstr$ed a((ordin-%", $ee
se(tion 2 of the said Ordinan(e.
The A(t has !een and sha%% !e deemed to has !een !ro$-ht into for(e in Gowad$r with effe(t from the ;
#eptem!er, 190;, !" the Gwad$r
(App%i(ation of 'entra% Laws Ordinan(e, 19)= (37 of 19)=, s.2.
The words &in IndiaK omitted !" A.O., 1949, #(h.
The word &IndianK omitted !" A.O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s.3 and 2
#(h. (with effe(t from the 14
O(to!er, 1900, for the
ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" the +$rma Laws A(t, 1;9;, (13 of 1;9;, s.1;, A.O., 1949, #(h. And the /edera% Laws (3evision and
Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. ;.
C3. '9%*%$%)*#.DIn this A(t, $n%ess there is an"thin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,I
(a &a((identK means as defined in the Ordinan(e,
(! &A$thorit"K means as defined in the Ordinan(e,
(( &'o%%e(torK means the (hief offi(er in (har-e of the %and8reven$e administration of a
distri(t, and in(%$des an" offi(er spe(ia%%" appointed !" the *rovin(ia% Government to
dis(har-e the f$n(tions of a 'o%%e(tor $nder this A(tF
(d &ferr"K in(%$des a !rid-e of !oats, pontoons or rafts, a swin- !rid-e, a f%"in- !rid-e and a
temporar" !rid-e, and the approa(hes to, and %andin- p%a(es of, a ferr"F
(e &-oodsK means as defined in the Ordinan(eF
(f &in%and waterK means an" (ana%, river, %a2e or navi-a!%e waterF
(h &%i(en(eK means as defined in the Ordinan(eF
(i &%i(enseeK means as defined in the Ordinan(eF
(: &one 2i%o-ramK means a wei-ht of one tho$sand -rams, ea(h -ram !ein- a wei-ht of one
tho$sand mi%%i-ramsF
(2 &Ordinan(eK means the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ator" A$thorit" Ordinan(e, 2==2 ( of 2==2F
(% &passK means an a$thorit" -iven !" a %i(ensee, or !" a person appointed !" s$(h %i(ensee
in this !eha%f, and a$thori1in- the person to whom it is -iven to trave% -rat$ito$s%" on a
train operated !" that %i(enseeF
(m &rai%wa"K means a rai%wa", or an" portion of a rai%wa", for the p$!%i( (arria-e of
passen-ers, anima%s or -oods, and in(%$desI
(i a%% %and within the fen(es or other !o$ndar"8mar2s indi(atin- the %imits of the
%and app$rtenant to a rai%wa"F
(ii a%% %ines of rai%s, sidin-s, or !ran(hes wor2ed over for the p$rposes of, or in
(onne(tion with, a rai%wa"F
(iii a%% stations, offi(es, wareho$ses, wharves, wor2shops, man$fa(tories, fi.ed p%ant
and ma(hiner" and other wor2s (onstr$(ted for the p$rposes of, or in (onne(tion
with, a rai%wa"F
(iv a%% ferries, ships, !oats and rafts whi(h are $sed on in%and waters for the p$rposes
of the traffi( of a rai%wa" and !e%on- to or are hired or wor2ed !" the a$thorit"
administerin- the rai%wa"F and
(v rai%wa" infrastr$(t$re, as defined in the Ordinan(eF
(n &rai%wa" administrationK means as defined in the Ordinan(eF
(p &rai%wa" emp%o"eeK means as defined in the Ordinan(eF
(? &rateK in(%$des an" fare, (har-e or other pa"ment for the (arria-e of an" passen-er,
anima% or -oodsF
(r &ro%%in-8sto(2K means as defined in the Ordinan(eF
(s &termina%sK in(%$des (har-es in respe(t of stations, wharves, depots, wareho$ses, (ranes
and other simi%ar matters and of an" servi(es rendered thereatF
(t &thro$-h traffi(K means traffi( whi(h is (arried over the rai%wa" of two or more rai%wa"
($ &ti(2etK in(%$des a sin-%e ti(2et, a ret$rn ti(2et and a season ti(2etF
(v &traffi(K in(%$des ro%%in-8sto(2 of ever" des(ription, as we%% as passen-ers, anima%s and
-oodsF and
(w &tramwa"K means a tramwa" (onstr$(ted $nder the Tramwa"s A(t, 1;;) (>I of 1;;), or
an" spe(ia% A(t re%atin- to tramwa"s.D
#$!s. and omitted !" ord. 92 of =2, s.44 and #(h. II.
4. A"$6)1%$< )9 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)*# $) 'A'&"$' a77 *'&'##a1< w)1:#.D(1 #$!:e(t
to the provisions of this A(t and, in the (ase of immovea!%e propert" not !e%on-in- to the rai%wa"
administration, to the provisions of an" ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e for the a(?$isition
of %and for p$!%i( p$rposes and for (ompanies,
Cand s$!:e(t a%so, in the (ase of %i(ensees, to the
provisions of their %i(en(e, a rai%wa" or the a((ommodation or other wor2s (onne(ted therewith,
and notwithstandin- an"thin- in an" other ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(eD,I
&a( ma2e or (onstr$(t in, $pon, a(ross, $nder or over an" %ands, or an" streets, hi%%s
va%%e"s, roads, rai%wa"s or tramwa"s, or an" rivers, (ana%s, !roo2s, streams or
other waters, or an" drains, water8pipes, -as8pipes or te%e-raph %ines, s$(h
temporar" or permanent in(%ined p%anes, ar(hes, t$nne%s, ($%verts, em!an2ments,
a?$ed$(ts, !rid-es, roads,
C%ines of rai%wa"D, wa"s, passa-es, (ond$its, drains,
piers, ($ttin-s and fen(es as the rai%wa" administration thin2s properF
(b a%ter the (o$rse of an" rivers, !roo2s, streams, or water(o$rses, for the p$rpose of
(onstr$(tin- and maintainin- t$nne%s, !rid-es, passa-es or other wor2s over or
$nder them, and divert or a%ter, as we%% temporari%" as permanent%", the (o$rse of
an" rivers, !roo2s, streams or water(o$rses or an" roads, streets or wa"s, or raise
or sin2 the %eve% thereof, in order the more (onvenient%" to (arr" them over or
$nder or !" the side of the rai%wa", as the rai%wa" administration thin2s properF
(# ma2e drains or (ond$its into, thro$-h or $nder an" %ands ad:oinin- the rai%wa"
for the p$rpose of (onve"in- water from or to the rai%wa"F
&d( ere(t and (onstr$(t s$(h ho$ses, wareho$ses, offi(es and other !$i%din-s, and
s$(h "ards, stations, wharves, en-ines, ma(hiner", apparat$s and other wor2s and
(onvenien(es as the rai%wa" administration thin2s properF
(e a%ter, repair or dis(ontin$e s$(h !$i%din-s, wor2s and (onvenien(es as aforesaid or
an" of them and s$!stit$te others in their steadF and
C(f s$!:e(t to the terms of a %i(en(e, do a%% other a(ts ne(essar" for ma2in-
maintainin- , a%terin- or repairin- and $sin- the rai%wa".D
'f the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., '. 2=, s. 1).
Ins !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s A(t (1;9= Amendment A(t, 1;9) (9 of 1;9), s.1
#$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II
C(2 The of the powers (onferred on a %i(ensee !" s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% !e
s$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the /edera% Government or, the A$thorit", as the (ase ma" !e.D
8. A7$'1a$%)* )9 ;%;'#, w%1'# a*8 81a%*#. A rai%wa" administration ma", for the p$rpose
of the powers (onferred $pon it !" this A(t, a%ter the position of an" pipe for the
s$pp%" of -as, water or (ompressed air or the position of an" e%e(tri( wire or of an" drain not
!ein- a main drainH
*rovided thatI
(a when the rai%wa" administration desires to a%ter the position of an" s$(h pipe,
wire or drain, it sha%% -ive reasona!%e noti(e of its intention to do so, and of the
time at whi(h it wi%% !e-in to do so, to the
%o(a% a$thorit" or (ompan" havin-
(ontro% over the pipe, wire or drain, or, when the pipe, wire or drain is not $nder
the (ontro% of a %o(a% a$thorit" or (ompan", to the person $nder whose (ontro% the
pipe, wire or drain isF
(! a %o(a% a$thorit", (ompan" or person re(eivin- noti(e $nder proviso (a ma" send
a person to s$perintend the wor2, and the rai%wa" administration sha%% e.e($te the
wor2 to the reasona!%e satisfa(tion of the person so sent and sha%% ma2e
arran-ements for (ontin$in- d$rin- the e.e($tion of the wor2 the s$pp%" of -as,
water, (ompressed air or e%e(tri(it" or the maintenan(e of the draina-e, as the (ase
ma" !e.
C8A. P1)$'&$%)* 9)1 G)('1*2'*$ ;1);'1$<. 6othin- in the two %ast pre(edin- se(tions
sha%% a$thorise the doin- of an"thin- on or to an" wor2s, %ands, or !$i%din-s vested in, or in the
possession of,
J J J the
C/edera% GovernmentD witho$t the (onsent of that Government, or
the doin- of an"thin- on or to an" wor2s, %ands or !$i%din-s vested in, or in the possession of,
J J a *rovin(e witho$t the (onsent of the *rovin(ia% Government
Cor the doin- of an"thin- on or
to an" wor2s, %ands or !$i%din-s vested in, or in the possession of, the Government of an
A((edin- #tate witho$t the (onsent of that GovernmentD.D
3. T'2;)1a1< '*$1< ";)* 7a*8 9)1 1';a%1%*@ )1 ;1'('*$%*@ a&&%8'*$. The
GovernmentD ma" a$thorise an" rai%wa" administration, in (ase of an" s%ip or other a((ident
happenin- or !ein- apprehended to an" ($ttin-, em!an2ment or other wor2 $nder the (ontro% of
the rai%wa" administration,
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for &*rovin(ia% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'entra%
GovernmentK as amended !" A. O., 1937 and A. O., 19)1.
/or definition of &%o(a% a$thorit"K, $ee s. 3 (2; of the Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97 (1= of 1;97.
#e(tion ;A ins. !" A.O., 1937.
The words &Gis @a:est" for the p$rposes ofK omitted !" A.O.,19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
Added !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
Cf. the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;42 (0 4 ) <iet., (. 00, s. 14.
#$!s. !" /. A. O.,1970, Art. 2 and s(h., for &*rovin(ia% GovernmentK whi(h had !een amended !" A. O., 1937, A.O., 1949 and A. O.,19)4, Art.
2 and #(h., to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" Ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II.
to enter $pon an" %ands ad:oinin- its rai%wa" for the p$rpose of repairin- or preventin- the
a((ident, and to do a%% s$(h wor2s as ma" !e ne(essar" for the p$rpose.
(2 In (ase of ne(essit" the rai%wa" administration ma" enter $pon the %ands and do the
wor2s aforesaid witho$t havin- o!tained the previo$s san(tion of the
Cor the A$thorit", as the
(ase ma" !eD, !$t in s$(h a (ase sha%%, within sevent"8two ho$rs after s$(h entr", ma2e a report
to the
Cor the A$thorit", as the (ase ma" !eD, spe(if"in- the nat$re of the a((ident or
apprehended a((ident, and of the wor2s ne(essar" to !e done, and the power (onferred on the
rai%wa" administration !" this s$!8se(tion
Cor a %i(enseD sha%% (ease and determine if the
Cor the
A$thorit", as the (ase ma" !eD, after (onsiderin- the report, (onsiders that the of the
power is not ne(essar" for the p$!%i( safet".
10. Pa<2'*$ )9 &)2;'*#a$%)* 9)1 8a2a@' &a"#'8 5< 7aw9"7 'A'1&%#' )9 ;)w'1# "*8'1
$6' 9)1'@)%*@ ;1)(%#%)*# )9 $6%# C6a;$'1.D(1 A rai%wa" administration sha%% do as %itt%e
dama-e as possi!%e in the of the powers (onferred !" an" of
Cthe fore-oin- provisions
of this 'hapterD, and (ompensation sha%% !e paid for an" dama-e (a$sed !" the thereof.
(2 A s$it sha%% not %ie to re(over s$(h (ompensation, !$t in (ase of disp$te the amo$nt
thereof sha%%, on app%i(ation to the 'o%%e(tor, !e determined and paid in a((ordan(e, so far as
ma" !e,
Cwith the provisions of se(tions 11 to 10, !oth in(%$sive, se(tions 1; to 34, !oth
in(%$sive, and se(tions 03 and 04 of the Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;94, and the provisions of
se(tions 01 and 02 of that A(t sha%% app%" to the award of (ompensationD.
11. A&&)22)8a$%)* w)1:#.D(1 A rai%wa" administration sha%% ma2e and maintain the
fo%%owin- wor2s for the a((ommodation of the owners and o(($piers of %ands ad:oinin- the
rai%wa", name%"HI
&a( s$(h and so man" (onvenient (rossin-s, !rid-es, ar(hes, ($%verts and passa-es
over, $nder or !" the sides of, or %eadin- to or from, the rai%wa" as ma", in the
opinion of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !e ne(essar" for the p$rpose of ma2in-
-ood an" interr$ptions (a$sed !" the rai%wa" to the $se of the %ands thro$-h
whi(h the rai%wa" is made, and
(! a%% ne(essar" ar(hes, t$nne%s, ($%verts, drains, water (o$rses or other passa-es,
over or $nder or !" the sides of the rai%wa", of s$(h dimensions as wi%%, in the
opinion of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !e s$ffi(ient at a%% times to (onve" water
as free%" from or to the %ands %"in- near or affe(ted !" the rai%wa" as !efore the
ma2in- of the rai%wa", or as near%" so as ma" !e.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &the three %ast fore-oin- se(tionsK.
#$!s. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s A(t (1;9= Amendment A(t, 1;9) (9 of 1;9), s. 2, for &with the provisions of
se(tions 11 to 10, !oth in(%$sive, and se(tions 1; to 42, !oth in(%$sive, of the Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=, and the
provisions of se(tions 07 and 0; of that A(t sha%% app%" to the award of (ompensationK.
Cf the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. );.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
Ins 4 #$!s. !" Ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II.
I of
(2 #$!:e(t to the other provisions of this A(t, the wor2 spe(ified in (%a$ses &a( and &b( of
s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% !e made d$rin- or immediate%" after the %a"in- o$t or formation of the
rai%wa" over the %ands traversed there!" and in s$(h manner as to (a$se as %itt%e dama-e or
in(onvenien(e as possi!%e to persons interested in the %ands or affe(ted !" the wor2s.
(3 The fore-oin- provisions of this se(tion are s$!:e(t to the fo%%owin- provisos,
&a( a rai%wa" administration sha%% not !e re?$ired to ma2e an" a((ommodation wor2s
in s$(h a manner as wo$%d prevent or o!str$(t the wor2in- or $sin- of the
rai%wa", or to ma2e an" a((ommodation wor2s with respe(t to whi(h the owners
and o(($piers of the %ands have a-reed to re(eive and have !een paid
(ompensation in (onsideration of their not re?$irin- the wor2s to !e madeF
(! save as hereinafter in this 'hapter provided, a rai%wa" administration sha%% not,
e.(ept on the re?$isition of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !e (ompe%%ed to defra"
the (ost of e.e($tin- an" f$rther or additiona% a((ommodation wor2s for the $se
of the owners or o(($piers of the %ands after the e.piration of ten "ears from the
date on whi(h the rai%wa" passin- thro$-h the %ands was first opened for p$!%i(
(( where a rai%wa" administration has provided s$ita!%e a((ommodation for the
(rossin- of a road or stream, and the road or stream is afterwards diverted !" the
a(t or ne-%e(t of the person havin- the (ontro% thereof, the administration sha%% not
!e (ompe%%ed to provide other a((ommodation for the (rossin- of the road or
(4 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" appoint a time for the (ommen(ement of an"
wor2 to !e e.e($ted $nder s$!8se(tion (1, and if for fo$rteen da"s ne.t after that time the
rai%wa" administration fai%s to (ommen(e the wor2 or, havin- (ommen(ed it, fai%s to pro(eed
di%i-ent%" to e.e($te it in a s$ffi(ient manner, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" e.e($te it and
re(over from the rai%wa" administration the (ost in($rred !"
CitD in the e.e($tion thereof.
12. P)w'1 9)1 )w*'1-)&&";%'1 )1 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$< $) &a"#' a88%$%)*a7 a&&)22)8a$%)*
w)1:# $) 5' 2a8'. If an owner or o(($pier of an" %and affe(ted !" a rai%wa" (onsiders the
wor2s made $nder the %ast fore-oin- se(tion to !e ins$ffi(ient for the (ommodio$s $se of the
Cor if the /edera% Government desires to (onstr$(t a nationa%
Cf the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 7;.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
Cf the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 7=.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &himK.
Cf. the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 71.
%ns. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
hi-hwa" or a strate-i( roadD, or if the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD or a %o(a% a$thorit" desires to
(onstr$(t a p$!%i( road or other wor2 a(ross, $nder or over a rai%wa", he or it, as the (ase ma" !e,
ma" at an" time re?$ire the rai%wa" administration to ma2e at his or its e.pense s$(h f$rther
a((ommodation wor2s as he or it thin2s ne(essar" and are a-reed to !" the rai%wa"
administration or as, in (ase of differen(e of opinion, ma" !e a$thori1ed !" the
13. F'*&'#, #&1''*#, @a$'# a*8 5a1#. The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" re?$ire that,
within a time to !e spe(ified in the re?$isition, or within s$(h f$rther time as
CitD ma" appoint in
this !eha%f, I
(a !o$ndar"8mar2s or fen(es !e provided or renewed !" a rai%wa" administration
for a rai%wa" or an" part thereof and for roads (onstr$(ted in (onne(tion there8
(! an" wor2s in the nat$re of a s(reen near to or ad:oinin- the side of an" p$!%i( road
(onstr$(ted !efore the ma2in- of a rai%wa" !e provided or renewed !" a rai% wa"
administration for the p$rpose of preventin- dan-er to passen-ers on the road !"
reason of horses or other anima%s !ein- fri-htened !" the si-ht or noise of the
ro%%in-8sto(2 movin- on the rai%wa"F
(( s$ita!%e -ates, (hains, !ars, sti%es or hand8rai%s !e ere(ted or renewed !" a rai%wa"
administration at p%a(es where a rai%wa" (rosses a p$!%i( road on the %eve%F
(d) persons !e emp%o"ed !" a rai%wa" administration to open and sh$t s$(h -ates,
(hains or !ars.
1C. O('1 a*8 "*8'1 51%8@'#.D(1 7here a rai%wa" administration has (onstr$(ted a
rai%wa" a(ross a p$!%i( road on the %eve%, the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" at an" time, if it
appears to
CitD ne(essar" for the p$!%i( safet", re?$ire the rai%wa" administration, within s$(h
time as
CitD thin2s fit, to (arr" the road either $nder or over the rai%wa" !" means of a !rid-e or
ar(h, with (onvenient as(ents and des(ents and other (onvenient approa(hes, instead of (rossin-
the road on the %eve%, or to e.e($te s$(h other wor2s as, in the (ir($mstan(es of the (ase, ma"
appear to the
C/edera% Government D to !e !est adapted for removin- or diminishin- the dan-er
arisin- from the %eve% (rossin-.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
See foot8note 1 on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
Cf the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;42 (0 4 ) <i(t., (. 00, s. 1=.
See foot8note ; on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &heK.
Cf the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <iet., (. 2=, s. )3.
Cf the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;42 (0 4. ) <iet., (. 00, s. 9.
Cf the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 4;.
Cf the 3ai%wa"s .'%a$ses A(t, 1;)3 (2) 4 27 <i(t., (. 92, s. 7.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &himK.
(2 The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" re?$ire as a (ondition of ma2in- a re?$isition $nder
s$!8se(tion (1, that the %o(a% a$thorit", if an", whi(h maintains the road, sha%% $nderta2e to pa"
the who%e of the (ost to the rai%wa" administration of (omp%"in- with the re?$isition or s$(h
portion of the (ost as the
C/edera% GovernmentD thin2s :$st.
J1CA. Term &%i(enseeK as $sed in this 'hapter means the rai%wa" administration or s$(h
other %i(ensee who is the ho%der of an inte-rated %i(ensee the terms of whi(h sha%% ma2e it the
d$t" of s$(h %i(ensee to (arr" o$t the f$n(tions set o$t in this 'hapter.D
15. R'2)(a7 )9 $1''# 8a*@'1)"# $) )1 )5#$1"&$%*@ $6' w)1:%*@ )9 a 1a%7wa<.D(1 In
either of the fo%%owin- (ases, name%"HI
&a( where there is dan-er that a tree standin- near a rai%wa" ma" fa%% on the rai%wa"
so as to o!str$(t traffi(,
(! when a tree o!str$(ts the view of an" fi.ed si-na%,
the rai%wa" administration ma", with the permission of an" @a-istrate, fe%% the tree or dea% with
it in s$(h other manner as wi%% in the opinion of the rai%wa" administration avert the dan-er or
remove the o!str$(tion, as the (ase ma" !e.
(2 In(ase of emer-en(" the power mentioned in s$!8se(tion (1 ma" !e !"
a rai%wa" administration witho$t the permission of a @a-istrate.
(3 7here a tree fe%%ed or otherwise dea%t with $nder s$!se(tion (I or s$!8se(tio%% (2
was in e.isten(e !efore the rai%wa" was (onstr$(ted or the si-na% was fi.ed, an" ma-istrate ma",
$pon the app%i(ation of the persons interested in the tree, award to those persons s$(h
(ompensation as he thin2s reasona!%e.
(4 #$(h an award, s$!:e(t, where made
J J J !" an" @a-istrate other than the
Aistri(t @a-istrate, to revision !"
J J J the Aistri(t @a-istrate,
J J J, sha%% !e fina%.
(0 A 'ivi% 'o$rt sha%% not entertain a s$it to re(over (ompensation for an" tree fe%%ed
or otherwise dea%t with $nder this se(tion.
Cf the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 9=F the 3ai%wa" and 'ana% Traffi( A(t, 1;04 (17 4 1; <i(t., (. 31, s. 2F and the
3ai%wa" and 'ana% Traffi( A(t, 1;;; (01 4 02 <i(t., (. 20, s. 1).
#ee foot8note ; on pa-e 293, #$pra
Cf. the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;); (31 4 32 <i(t., (. 119, s. 24.
The words &in a presiden(" town !" an" @a-istrate other than the 'hief *residen(" @a-istrate or where made e%sewhereK omitted !" A.O.,
1949, #(h.
The words &the 'hief *residen(" @a-istrate, orK omitted, ibid.
The words &as the (ase ma" !eK omitted, ibid.
Cf. the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (.2=, s.;).
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art, 2 and #(h., for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was amended !" A.O., 1937 and A.O., 19)4, #(h., to read as a!ove.
/or notifi(ations san(tionin- the s$e of motive power and ro%%in-8sto(2 on rai%wa"s, $ee different %o(a% 3. 4 O.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s.4.
2G $) C0. Ce"atin3 to ai"way Commi$$ion$.D e!. by 9.O., 1937.
C1. .a1 )9 >"1%#8%&$%)* )9 )18%*a1< C)"1$# %* &'1$a%* 2a$$'1#. ,.(ept as provided in
this A(t, no s$it sha%% !e instit$ted or pro(eedin- ta2en for an"thin- done or an" omission made
!" a rai%wa" administration in vio%ation or (ontravention of an" provision of this 'hapter
J J J.
5 J J
JS'&$%)*# C2 $) C2A )2%$$'8 5< O18.N).32 )9 2002L
#$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1939 (34 of 1939, s. 2 and #(h. I, for &3ai%wa" 'ommissions and Traffi( /a(i%itiesK.
The s$!8headin- &3ai%wa" 'ommissionsK omitted, ibid.
Cf the 3ai%wa" and 'ana% Traffi( A(t, 1;04 (17 4 1; <i(t., (. 31, s. ).
The words &or of an" order made there$nder !" the 'ommissioners or !" a Gi-h 'o$rtK rep. !" A. O., 1937.
The s$!8headin- &Traffi( /a(i%itiesK omitted !" A(t 34 of 1939, s. 2 and #(h. I.
CC2.. P)w'1# )9 $6' F'8'1a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) 9%A 2aA%2"2 a*8 2%*%2"2 1a$'#.D(1
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" !" -enera% or spe(ia% order fi.$m and minim$m rates for
the who%e or an" part of a rai%wa",
J J J and pres(ri!e the (onditions in whi(h s$(h rates wi%%
(2 An" (omp%aint that a rai%wa" administration is (ontravenin- an" order iss$ed !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD in a((ordan(e with the provisions of this se(tion sha%% !e determined !"
Cthat GovernmentD.D
C3. U*8"' ;1'9'1'*&' %* &a#' )9 "*'B"a7 1a$'# 9)1 7%:' $1a99%& 9)1 #'1(%&'#.D(1
7henever it is shown that a rai%wa" administration (har-es one trader or (%ass of traders, or to
the traders in an" %o(a% areas %ower rates for the same or simi%ar anima%s or -oods, or %ower
rates for the same or simi%ar servi(es, than it (har-es to other traders or (%asses of
traders, or to the traders in another %o(a% area, the !$rden provin- that s$(h %ower (har-e does not
amo$nt to an $nd$e preferen(e sha%% %ie on the rai%wa" administration.
(2 In de(idin- whether a %ower (har-e does or does not amo$nt to an $nd$e preferen(e,
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", so far as
Cit thin2sD reasona!%e, in addition to an" other
(onsiderations affe(tin- the (ase, ta2e into (onsideration whether s$(h %ower (har-e is ne(essar"
for the p$rpose of se($rin-, in the interests of the p$!%i(, the traffi( in respe(t of whi(h it is
CC. P1)(%#%)* 9)1 9a&%7%$%'# a*8 'B"a7 $1'a$2'*$ w6'1' #6%;# )1 5)a$# a1' "#'8 w6%&6
a1' *)$ ;a1$ )9 a 1a%7wa<. 7here a rai%wa" administration is a part" to an a-reement for
pro($rin- the traffi( of the rai%wa" to !e (arried on an" in%and water !" an" ferr", ship , !oat or
raft whi(h does not !e%on- to or is not hired or wor2ed !" the rai%wa" administration, the
provisions of the two %ast fore-oin- se(tions app%i(a!%e to a rai%wa" sha%% e.tend to the ferr",
ship, !oat or raft in so far as it is $sed for the p$rpose of the traffi( of the rai%wa".D
#. 42+ ins. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1939 (33 of 1939 s. 2.
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for &*rovin(ia% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" amended !" A.O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for
&'entra% GovernmentK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, #(h., for &/edera% 3ai%wa" A$thorit"K.
The words &other then a minor rai%wa"K, omitted !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &that A$thorit"K.
Cf the 3ai%wa" and 'ana% Traffi( A(t, 1;;; (01 4 02 <iet., (. 20, s. 27.
The ori-ina% word &'ommissionersK has s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1937, A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. (with effe#t from the 43
5ar#h, 190), and A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h. has !een s$!s. !" /.A.O. 1970. Art. 2 and #(h., to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &the" thin2K.
Cf the 3ai%wa" and 'ana% Traffi( A(t, 1;;; (01 4 02 <iet., (. 20, s. 20.
C5. T'12%*a7#.DA rai%wa" administration ma" (har-e reasona!%e termina%s.
CG. P)w'1 )9 F'8'1a7 G)('1*2'*$ $) A $'12%*a7#.-
C(1 The
C/edera% GovernmentD
sha%% de(ided an" ?$estion or disp$te whi(h ma" arise with respe(t to the termina%s (har-ed !" a
rai%wa" administration.D
CG.. CSa'in3 for fun#tion$ of ai"way ate$ Committee and ai"way Tribuna".D
Omitted by 9. O., 11-1, S#hedu"e.
C4. G'*'1a7 R"7'#.
CThe /edera% Government sha%%D
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (1.
The ori-ina% words &(entra% GovernmentK s$((essive%" amended !" A.O., 1949, A.O., 19)1, A.O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., has !een s$!s. !"
/.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., to read as a!ove.
#. 4)+ was ins. !" A. O., 1937.
'f the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;4= (3 4 4 <i(t., (. 97, ss, 7 to 9 and the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 1=.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s.).
-enera% r$%es (onsistent with this A(t for the fo%%owin- p$rposes, name%"HI
(a for re-$%atin- the mode in whi(h, and the speed at whi(h, ro%%in-8sto(2 $sed on
the rai%wa" is to !e moved or prope%%edF
(b for providin- for the a((ommodation and (onvenien(e of passen-ers and
re-$%atin- the (arria-e of their %$--a-eF
(# for de(%arin- what sha%% !e deemed to !e, for the p$rposes of this A(t, dan-ero$s
or ffensive -oods, and for re-$%atin- the (arria-e of s$(h -oodsF
(d for re-$%atin- the (onditions on whi(h the rai%wa" administration wi%% (arr"
passen-ers s$fferin- from infe(tio$s or (onta-io$s disorders, and providin- for
the disinfe(tion of (arria-es whi(h have !een $sed !" s$(h passen-ersF
C(e for providin- for and re-$%atin- the d$ties of rai%wa" servants in re%ation to train
operationsF D
(f for re-$%atin- the terms and (onditions on whi(h the rai%wa" administration wi%%
wareho$se or retain -oods at an" station on !eha%f of the (onsi-nee or ownerF and
(3 -enera%%", for re-$%atin- the trave%in- $pon, and the $se, wor2in- and
mana-ement of, the rai%wa"
C(2 The r$%es made $nder s$!8se(tion (1 ma" provide that an" person (ommittin- a
!rea(h of an of those r$%es, e.(ept those fa%%in- $nder (%a$se (e of that s$!8se(tion, sha%% !e
p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to an" s$m not e.(eedin-
Cfive h$ndred r$peesD.
(3 A r$%e made $nder this se(tion sha%% not ta2e effe(t $nti% it has re(eived the san(tion
J J J, the
C/edera% GovernmentDD and !een p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia1 Ga1etteDH
/or -enera% r$%es for wor2in- rai%wa"s $nder (onstr$(tion, and not open for traffi(, $ee the 3ai%wa" Aepartment (3ai%wa" +oard 6otifi(ation
6o. 37738T., dated 20th O(to!er, 1937, p$!%ished in the Ga1ette of India, 1937, *I. I, pp. 1707817;4. See a%so the @inistr" of 'omm$ni(ations
(3ai%wa" Aivision 6otifn. 6o. 0=.QInsp.Q3==28T., dated 10th E$ne, 190=, Ga1. of *., 1901, *t. I, #e(. 1 pp. 11=810).
#$!s. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1907 (2) of E907, s. 2, for the ori-ina% (%a$se (e.
/or r$%es $nder this (%a$se app%i(a!%e to a%% rai%wa"s in the *rovin(es, et(., $ee Gen. 3. 4 O.
Cf. the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;)3, (2) 4 27 <iet., (. 92, s. 32,
#$!s. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1907 (2) of 1907, s. 2, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &the G. G. in '.K.
The words &the -enera% (ontro%%in- a$thorit" and Cwhere that a$thorit" is not the 'entra% Government a%so ofDK omitted !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2
and #(h. (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190). The words in (rot(hets were ins. !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, for &safet" (ontro%%in-
#$!s. !" A. O.,1937, for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A(t. I< of 1990, s.).
J#e(tions 4; to 01 Omitted !" Ord.92 of 2==2D.
Omitted !" A(t 4 of 1990, s.7
Omitted !" Ord.92 of 2==2, s.44 4 #(h.II
52. R'$"1*#. ,ver" rai%wa" administration sha%%, in forms to !e pres(ri!ed !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD, prepare, ha%f8"ear%" or at s$(h interva%s as the
C/edera% GovernmentD
ma" pres(ri!e, s$(h ret$rns of its (apita% and reven$e transa(tions and of its traffi( as the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" re?$ire, and sha%% forward a (op" s$(h ret$rns to the
GovernmentD at s$(h times as
CitD ma" dire(t.
Carria3e of :ro!erty
53. MaA%2"2 7)a8 9)1 wa@)*#.D(1 ,ver" rai%wa" administration sha%% determine the$m %oad for ever" wa-on or tr$(2 in its possession, and sha%% e.hi!it the words or fi-$res
representin- the %oad so determined in a (onspi($o$s manner on the o$tside of ever" s$(h wa-on
or tr$(2.
(2 ,ver" person ownin- a wa-on or tr$(2 whi(h passes over a rai%wa" sha%% simi%ar%"
determine and e.hi!it, the$m %oad for the wa-on or tr$(2.
(3 The -ross wei-ht of an" s$(h wa-on or tr$(2 !earin- on the a.%es when the wa-on or
tr$(2 is %oaded to s$(h$m %oad sha%% not e.(eed s$(h %imit as ma" !e fi.ed !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD for the (%ass of a.%e $nder the wa-on or tr$(2.
5C. P)w'1 9)1 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)*# $) %2;)#' &)*8%$%)*# 9)1 w)1:%*@ $1a99%&.D(1
#$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the
C/edera% GovernmentD, a rai%wa" administration ma" impose
(onditions, not in(onsistent
Cwith its powers and f$n(tionsD with respe(t to the re(eivin-,
forwardin- or de%iverin- of an" anima%s or -oods.
(2 The rai%wa" administration sha%% 2eep at ea(h station on its rai%wa" a (op" of the
(onditions for the time !ein- in for(e $nder s$!8se(tion (1 at the station, and sha%% a%%ow an"
person to inspe(t it free of (har-e at a%% reasona!%e times.
(3 A rai%wa" administration sha%% not !e !o$nd to (arr" an" anima% s$fferin- from an"
infe(tio$s or (onta-io$s disorder.
See foot8note 1 on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
Cf, the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;4= (3 4 4 <i(t., (. 97, s. 3 F the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;); (31 4 32 <i(t., (. 119, ss.3 and 4 F and
the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;71 (34 4 30 <iet., (. 7;, ss. 9 and 1=.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &heK.
Cf, the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;42 (0 4 ) <i(t., (. 00, s. 1).
See foot8note ; on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
#$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II.
55. L%'* 9)1 1a$'#, $'12%*a7# a*8 )$6'1 &6a1@'#.D(1 If a person fai%s to pa" on demand
made !" or on !eha%f of a rai%wa" administration an" rate, termina% or other (har-e d$e from him
in respe(t of an" anima%s or -oods, the rai%wa" administration ma" detain the who%e or an" of the
anima%s or -oods or, if the" have !een removed from the rai%wa", an" other anima%s or -oods of
s$(h person then !ein- in or thereafter (omin- into its possession.
(2 7hen an" anima%s or -oods have !een detained $nder s$!8se(tion (1, the rai%wa"
administration ma" se%% !" p$!%i( a$(tion, in the (ase of perisha!%e -oods at on(e, and in the (ase
of other -oods or of anima%s on the e.piration of at %east fifteen da"s5 noti(e of the intended
a$(tion, p$!%ished in one or more of the %o(a% newspapers, or where there are no s$(h
newspapers, in s$(h manner as the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" pres(ri!e, s$ffi(ient of s$(h
anima%s or -oods to prod$(e a s$m e?$a% to the (har-e, and a%% e.penses of s$(h detention, noti(e
and sa%e, in(%$din-, in the (ase of anima%s, the e.penses of the feedin-, waterin- and tendin-
(3 O$t of the pro(eeds of the sa%e the rai%wa" administration ma" retain a s$m e?$a% to
the (har-e and the e.penses aforesaid, renderin- the s$rp%$s, if an", of the pro(eeds, and s$(h of
the anima%s or -oods (if an" as remain $nso%d, to the person entit%ed thereto.
(4 If a person on whom a demand for an" rate, termina% or other (har-e d$e from him
has !een made fai%s to remove from the rai%wa" within a reasona!%e time an" anima%s or -oods
whi(h have !een detained $nder s$!8se(tion (1 or an" anima%s or -oods whi(h have remained
$nso%d after a sa%e $nder s$!8se(tion (2, the rai%wa" administration ma" se%% the who%e of them
and dispose of the pro(eeds of the sa%e as near%" as ma" !e $nder the provisions of s$!8se(tion
(0 6otwithstandin- an"thin- in the fore-oin- s$!8se(tions, the rai%wa" administration
ma" re(over !" s$it an" s$(h rate, termina% or other (har-e as aforesaid or !a%an(e thereof.
5G. %#;)#a7 )9 "*&7a%2'8 $6%*@# )* a 1a%7wa<.D(1 7hen an" anima%s or -oods have
(ome into the possession of a rai%wa" administration for (arria-e or otherwise and are not
(%aimed !" the owner or other person appearin- to the rai%wa" administration to !e entit%ed
thereto, the rai%wa" administration sha%%, if s$(h owner or person is 2nown, (a$se a noti(e to !e
served $pon him, re?$irin- him to remove the anima%s or -oods.
(2 If s$(h owner or person is not 2nown, or the noti(e (annot !e served $pon him, or he
does not (omp%" with the re?$isition in the noti(e, the rai%wa" administration ma" within a
reasona!%e time, s$!:e(t to the provisions of an" other ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e, se%%
the anima%s or -oods as near%" as ma" !e $nder the provisions of the %ast fore-oin- se(tion,
renderin- the s$rp%$s, if an", of the pro(eeds of the sa%e to an" person entit%ed thereto.
Cf. the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 97.
See foot8note ; on paae 293, $u!ra.
54. P)w'1 9)1 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)*# $) 1'B"%1' %*8'2*%$< )* 8'7%('1< )9 @))8# %*
&'1$a%* &a#'#. 7here an" anima%s, -oods or sa%e8pro(eeds in the possession of a rai%wa"
administration are (%aimed !" two or , more persons, or the ti(2et or re(eipt -iven for the anima%s
or -oods is not forth(omin-, the rai%wa" administration ma" withho%ds de%iver" of the anima%s,
-oods or sa%e8pro(eeds $nti% the person entit%ed in its opinion to re(eive them has -iven an
indemnit", to the satisfa(tion of the rai%wa" administration, a-ainst the (%aims of an" other
person with respe(t to the anima%s, -oods or sa%e8pro(eeds.
58. R'B"%#%$%)*# 9)1 w1%$$'* a&&)"*$# )9 8'#&1%;$%)* )9 @))8#.D(1 The owner or person
havin- (har-e of an" -oods whi(h are !ro$-ht $pon a rai%wa" for the p$rpose of !ein- (arried
thereon, and the (onsi-nee of an" -oods whi(h have !een (arried on a rai%wa", sha%%, on the
re?$est of an" rai%wa" servant appointed in this !eha%f !" the rai%wa" administration, de%iver to
s$(h servant an a((o$nt in writin- si-ned !" s$(h owner or person, or !" s$(h (onsi-nee, as the
(ase ma" !e, and (ontainin- s$(h a des(ription of the -oods as ma" !e s$ffi(ient to determine the
rate whi(h the rai%wa" administration is entit%ed to (har-e in respe(t thereof.
(2 If s$(h owner, person or (onsi-nee ref$ses or ne-%e(ts to -ive s$(h an a((o$nt, and
ref$ses to open the par(e% or pa(2a-e (ontainin- the -oods in order that their des(ription ma" !e
as(ertained, the rai%wa" administration ma", (a in respe(t of -oods whi(h have !een !ro$-ht for
the p$rpose of !ein- (arried on the rai%wa", ref$se to (arr" the -oods $n%ess in respe(t thereof a
rate is paid not e.(eedin-F the hi-hest rate whi(h ma" !e in for(e at the time on the rai%wa" for
an" (%ass of -oods or, (b in respe(t of -oods whi(h have !een (arried on the rai%wa", (har-e a
rate not e.(eedin- s$(h hi-hest rate.
(3 If an a((o$nt de%ivered $nder s$!8se(tion (1 is materia%1" fa%se with respe(t to the
des(ription of an" -oods to whi(h it p$rports to re%ate, and whi(h have !een (arried on the
rai%wa", the rai%wa" administration ma" (har-e in respe(t of the (arria-e of the -oods a rate not
e.(eedin- do$!%e the hi-hest rate whi(h ma" !e in for(e at the time on the rai%wa" for an" (%ass
of -oods.
(4 If an" differen(e arises !etween a rai%wa" servant and the owner or person havin-
(har-e, or the (onsi-nee, of an" -oods whi(h have !een !ro$-ht to !e (arried or have !een
(arried on a rai%wa", respe(tin- the des(ription of -oods of whi(h an a((o$nt has !een de%ivered
$nder this se(tion, the rai%wa" servant ma" detain and e.amine the -oods.
(0 If it appears from the e.amination that the des(ription of the -oods is different from
that stated in an a((o$nt de%ivered $nder s$!8se(tion (1, the person who de%ivered the a((o$nt,
or, if that person is not the owner of the -oods, then that person and the owner :oint%" and
severa%%", sha%% !e %ia!%e to pa" to the rai%wa" administration the (ost of the detention and
e.amination of the -oods, and the rai%wa" administration sha%% !e e.onerated from a%%
responsi!i%it" for an" %oss whi(h ma" have !een (a$sed !" the detention or e.amination thereof.
Cf., the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (;4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 1=1.
() If it appears that the des(ription of the -oods is not different from that stated in an
a((o$nt de%ivered $nder s$!8se(tion (1, the rai%wa" administration sha%% pa" the (ost of the
detention and e.amination, and !e responsi!%e to the owner of the -oods for an" s$(h %oss as
53. a*@'1)"# )1 )99'*#%(' @))8#.R(1 6o person sha%% !e entit%ed to ta2e with him,
or to re?$ire a rai%wa" administration to (arr", an" dan-ero$s or offensive -oods $pon a rai%wa".
(2 6o person sha%% ta2e an" s$(h -oods with him $pon a rai%wa" witho$t -ivin- noti(e
of their nat$re to the stationmaster or other rai%wa" servant in (har-e of the p%a(e where he
!rin-s the -oods $pon the rai%wa", or sha%% tender or de%iver an" s$(h -oods for (arria-e $pon a
rai%wa" witho$t distin(t%" mar2in- their nat$re on the o$tside of the pa(2a-e (ontainin- them or
otherwise -ivin- noti(e in writin- of their nat$re to the rai%wa" servant to whom he tenders or
de%ivers them.
(3 An" rai%wa" servant ma" ref$se to re(eive s$(h -oods for (arria-e, and, when s$(h
-oods have !een so re(eived witho$t s$(h noti(e as is mentioned in
Cs$!8se(tion (2D havin- to
his 2now%ed-e !een -iven, ma" ref$se to (arr" them or ma" stop their transit,
(4 If an" rai%wa" servant has reason to !e%ieve an" s$(h -oods to !e (ontained in a
pa(2a-e with respe(t to the (ontents whereof s$(h noti(e as is mentioned in s$!8se(tion (2 has
not to his 2now%ed-e !een -iven, he ma" (a$se the pa(2a-e to !e opened for the p$rpose of
as(ertainin- its (ontents,
(0 6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e (onstr$ed to dero-ate from the ,.p%osives A(t, 1;;4,
or an" r$%e $nder that A(t, and nothin- in s$!8se(tions (1, (3 and (4 sha%% !e (onstr$ed to app%"
to an" -oods tendered or de%ivered for (arria-e !" order or on !eha%f of the Government or to
an" -oods whi(h an offi(er, so%dier, sai%or,
CairmanD or po%i(e8offi(er or
Ca mem!er of the
*a2istan 6ationa% G$ard,D ma" ta2e with him $pon a rai%wa" in the (o$rse of his emp%o"ment or
d$t" as s$(h.
G0. EA6%5%$%)* $6' ;"57%& )9 a"$6)1%$< 9)1 B")$'8 1a$'#. At ever" station at whi(h a
rai%wa" administration ?$otes a rate to an" other station for the (arria-e of traffi( other than
passen-ers and their %$--a-e, the rai%wa" servant a appointed !" the administration to ?$ote the
rate sha%%, at the re?$est of an" person, show to him at a%% reasona!%e times,
#$!s. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s A(t, (1;9= Amendment A(t, 1;9) (9 of 1;9), s. 3, for &s$!8se(tion (1K.
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1927 (1= of 1927, s. 2 and #(h. I.
The ori-ina% words and fi-$res &a person enro%%ed as a vo%$nteer $nder the Indian <o%$nteers A(t, 1;)9,K were first s$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and
Amendin- A(t, 1923 (11 of 1923. s.2 and #(h. I and then amended !" A. O., 1949, #(h., to read as a!ove.
Cf the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;73 (3) 4 37 <iet., (, 4;, s. 14. and the 3ai%wa" and 'ana% Traffi( A(t, 1;;; (01 4 02 <iet., (. 20, s. 33.
< of 1;;4
and witho$t pa"ment of an" fee, the rate !oo2s or other do($ments in whi(h the rate is
a$thorised !" the administration or administrations (on(erned.
G1. R'B"%#%$%)*# )* 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)*# 9)1 8'$a%7# )9 @1)## &6a1@'#.8(1 7here
an" (har-e is made !" and paid to a rai%wa" administration in respe(t of the (arria-e of -oods
over its rai%wa", the administration sha%%, on the app%i(ation of the person !" whom or on whose
!eha%f the (har-e has !een paid, render to the app%i(ant an a((o$nt showin- how m$(h of the
(har-e (omes $nder ea(h of the fo%%owin- heads, name%"H8
(a the (arria-e of the -oods on the rai%wa"H
(b termina%sF
(# dem$rra-eF and
(d (o%%e(tion, de%iver" and other e.pensesF
!$t witho$t parti($%ari1in- the severa% items of whi(h the (har-e $nder ea(h head (onsists.
(2 The app%i(ation $nder s$!8se(tion (1 m$st !e in writin- and !e made to the rai%wa"
administration within one month after the date of the pa"ment of the (har-e !" or on !eha%f of
the app%i(ant, and the a((o$nt m$st !e rendered !" the administration within two months after
the re(eipt of the app%i(ation.
Carria3e of :a$$en3er$
G2. C)22"*%&a$%)* 5'$w''* ;a##'*@'1# a*8 1a%7wa< #'1(a*$# %* &6a1@' )9 $1a%*#.
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" re?$ire an" rai%wa" administration to provide and maintain in
proper order, in an" train wor2ed !" it whi(h (arries passen-ers, s$(h effi(ient means of
(omm$ni(ation !etween the passen-ers and the rai%wa" servants in (har-e of the train as the
C/edera% GovernmentD has approved.
G3. MaA%2"2 *"25'1 )9 ;a##'*@'1# 9)1 'a&6 &)2;a1$2'*$. ,ver" rai%wa"
administration sha%% fi., s$!:e(t to the approva% of the
C/edera% GovernmentD, the$m
n$m!er of passen-ers whi(h ma" !e (arried in ea(h (ompartment of ever" des(ription of
(arria-e, and sha%% e.hi!it the n$m!er so fi.ed in a (onspi($o$s manner inside or o$tside ea(h
(ompartment, in ,n-%ish or in one or more of the verna($%ar %an-$a-es in (ommon $se in the
territor" traversed !" the rai%wa", or !oth in ,n-%ish and in one or more of s$(h verna($%ar
%an-$a-es as the
C/edera% GovernmentD, after (ons$%tation with the rai%wa" administration, ma"
GC. R'#'1(a$%)* &)2;a1$2'*$# 9)1 9'2a7'#.8(1 On and after the first da" of Ean$ar",
1;91, ever" rai%wa" administration sha%%, in ever" train (arr"in- passen-ers, reserve for the
e.(%$sive $se of fema%es one (ompartment at %east of the %owest (%ass of (arria-e formin- part of
the train.
Cf the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;); (31 4 32 <i(t., (.119, s.17.
Cf the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;73 (3) 4 37 <i(t., (. 4;, s. 14.
Cf the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;); (31 4 32 <iet., (. 119, s.22.
See foot8note ; on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
See foot8note 1 on pa-e 213, $u!ra.
G5. EA6%5%$%)* )9 $%2' $a57'# a*8 $a57'# 9a1'# a$ #$a$%)*#. ,ver" rai%wa"
administration sha%% (a$se to !e posted in a (onspi($o$s and a((essi!%e p%a(e at ever" station on
its rai%wa", in ,n-%ish and in a verna($%ar %an-$a-e in (ommon $se in the territor" where the
station is sit$ate, a (op" of the time ta!%es for the time !ein- in for(e on the rai%wa", and %ists of
the fares (har-ea!%e for trave%in- from the station where the %ists are posted to ever" p%a(e for
whi(h (ard8ti(2ets are ordinari%" iss$ed to passen-ers at that station.
GG. S";;7< )9 $%&:'$# )* ;a<2'*$ )9 9a1'#.8(1 ,ver" person desiro$s of trave%in- on a
rai%wa" sha%%, $pon pa"ment of his fare, !e s$pp%ied,
C!" a rai%wa" servant or an a-ent a$thori1ed
!" the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%fD with a ti(2et, spe(if"in- the (%ass of (arria-e for
whi(h, and the p%a(e from and the p%a(e to whi(h, the fare has !een paid, and the amo$nt of the
(2 The matters re?$ired !" s$!8se(tion (1 to !e spe(ified on a ti(2et sha%% !e set forth
(a if the (%ass of (arria-e to !e spe(ified thereon is the %owest (%ass, then in a
verna($%ar %an-$a-e in (ommon $se in the territor" traversed !" the rai%wa", and
(b if the (%ass of (arria-e to !e so spe(ified is an" other than the %owest (%ass, then in
G4. P1)(%#%)* 9)1 &a#' %* w6%&6 $%&:'$# 6a(' 5''* %##"'8 9)1 $1a%*# *)$ 6a(%*@ 1))2
a(a%7a57' 9)1 a88%$%)*a7 ;a##'*@'1#.K (1 /ares sha%% !e deemed to !e a((epted, and ti(2ets to
!e iss$ed, s$!:e(t to the (ondition of there !ein- room avai%a!%e in the train for whi(h the ti(2ets
are iss$ed.
(2 A person to whom a ti(2et has !een iss$ed and for whom there is not room avai%a!%e
in the train for whi(h the ti(2et was iss$ed sha%% on ret$rnin- the ti(2et within three ho$rs after
the depart$re of the train !e entit%ed to have his fare at on(e ref$nded.
(3 A person for whom there is not room avai%a!%e in the (%ass of (arria-e for whi(h he
has p$r(hased a ti(2et and who is o!%i-ed to trave% in a (arria-e of a %ower (%ass sha%% !e entit%ed
on de%iverin- $p his ti(2et to a ref$nd of the differen(e !etween the fare paid !" him and the fare
pa"a!%e for the (%ass of (arria-e in whi(h he trave%ed.
JG8. P1)6%5%$%)* a@a%*#$ $1a('7%*@ w%$6 )"$ ;a## )1 $%&:'$. 6o person sha%%, witho$t
the permission of a rai%wa" servant, enter
Cor remain inD an" (arria-e on a rai%wa" for the
p$rpose of trave%in- therein as a passen-er $n%ess he has with him a proper pass or ti(2et.
Ins. !" the 3ai%wa" (Amdt. A(t, 197) (20 of 197), s. 2.
#. ); re8n$m!ered as ); (1 !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1941 () of 1941, s. 2.
Ins. ibid.
omitted !" A(t I< of 1990, s.7.
(2 A rai%wa" servant when -rantin- the permission referred to in s$!8se(tion (1 sha%%
ordinari%", if empowered in this !eha%f !" the rai%wa" administration, -rant to the passen-er a
(ertifi(ate that the passen-er has !een permitted to trave% in s$(h (arria-e $pon (ondition that he
s$!se?$ent%" pa"s the fare pa"a!%e for the distan(e to !e trave%ed.D
G3. EA6%5%$%)* a*8 #"11'*8'1 )9 ;a##'# a*8 $%&:'$#. ,ver" passen-er !" rai%wa" sha%%,
on the re?$isition of an" rai%wa" servant appointed !" the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f,
present his pass or ti(2et to the rai%wa" servant for e.amination, and at or near the end of the
:o$rne" for whi(h the pass or ti(2et was iss$ed, or, in the (ase of a season pass or ti(2et, at the
e.piration of the period for whi(h it is ($rrent, de%iver $p the pass or ti(2et to the rai%wa" servant.
J40. P1)6%5%$%)* a@a%*#$ $1a*#9'1 )9 &'1$a%* $%&:'$#. A ti(2et a-ainst whi(h
reservation of a seat or !erth has !een made, or a ret$rn ti(2et or season ti(2et, sha%% not !e
transfera!%e and ma" !e $sed on%" !" the person for whose :o$rne" to Mand from the p%a(es
spe(ified thereon it was iss$edH
*rovided that nothin- herein sha%% prevent m$t$a% transfer of seats or !erths reserved
a-ainst a proper ti(2et !" passen-ers trave%in- !" the same train.D
41. P)w'1 $) 1'9"#' $) &a11< ;'1#)*# #"99'1%*@ 91)2 %*9'&$%)"# )1 &)*$a@%)"#
8%#)18'1.8(1 A rai%wa" administration ma" ref$se to (arr", e.(ept in a((ordan(e with the
(onditions pres(ri!ed
C!" sa%esD a person s$fferin- from an" infe(tio$s or (onta-io$s disorder.
(2 A person s$fferin- from s$(h a disorder sha%% not enter or trave% $pon a rai%wa"
witho$t the spe(ia% permission of the station8master or other rai%wa" servant in (har-e of the
p%a(e where he enters $pon the rai%wa".
(3 A rai%wa" servant -ivin- s$(h permission as is mentioned in s$!8se(tion (2 m$st
arran-e for the separation of the person s$fferin- from the disorder from other persons !ein- or
trave%in- $pon the rai%wa".
#$!8se(tion (2 added, !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1941 () of 1941, s, 2.
#$!s. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 197) (20 of 197), s. 3, for the e.istin- se(tion.
#$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II.
C'GA*T,3 <IA
LI@ITATIO6 O/ ,@*LO9@,6T O/ 3AIL7A9 #,3<A6T#
'hap. <IA was ins. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 193= (14 of 193=, for #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons of whi(h, $ee Ga1ette of
India, 1929, *t. <, p. 147F and for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 193=, *t. <, p. 0).
This 'hapter to !e deemed to have !een inserted with effe(t on and from the twent" da" of @ar(h, 193=, .$ee the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, (41
of 190=, s. 2. .
This 'hapter has !een e.tended toR
(1 the +a%$(histan #tates Lnion !" G.G.O. 4 of 1903, as Amended and
(2 the #tates of +ahawa%p$r and Ohairp$r !" G.G.O. 11 of 1903 and G.G.O. 0 of 1903, respe(tive%".
Omitted !" ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II.
42. M'a#"1' )9 $6' @'*'1a7 1'#;)*#%5%7%$< )9 a 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)* a# a &a11%'1
)9 a*%2a7# a*8 @))8#.8(1 The responsi!i%it" of a rai%wa" administration for the %oss, destr$(tion
or deterioration of anima%s or -oods de%ivered to the administration to !e (arried !" rai%wa" sha%%,
s$!:e(t to the other provisions of this A(t
Cand the ordinan(eD , !e that of a !ai%ee $nder se(tions
101,102 and 1)1 of the 'ontra(t A(t, 1;72.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h. /or &provin(ia% GovernmentK whi(h was first s$!s. !" A. O., 1937 for &G. G. in '.K and then amended
!" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990 s. ;
#$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h. II.
I> of
(2 An a-reement p$rportin- to %imit that responsi!i%it" sha%%, in so far as it p$rports to
effe(t s$(h %imitation, !e void, $n%ess it8
(a is in writin- si-ned !" or on !eha%f of the persons sendin- or de%iverin- to the
rai%wa" administration the anima%s or -oods, and
(b is otherwise in a
form approved !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD.
(3 6othin-
J J J in the 'arriers A(t, 1;)0 re-ardin- the responsi!i%it" of
(ommon (arriers with respe(t to the (arria-e of anima%s or -oods, sha%% affe(t the responsi!i%it"
as in this se(tion defined of a rai%wa" administration.
43. F"1$6'1 ;1)(%#%)* w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) $6' 7%a5%7%$< )9 a 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)* a# a
&a11%'1 )9 a*%2a7#.8
C(1 The responsi!i%it" of a rai%wa" administration $nder the %ast fore-oin-
se(tion for the %oss, destr$(t ion or deterioration of anima%s de%ivered to the administration to !e
(arried on a rai%wa" sha%% not, in an" (ase, e.(eedR
(a in the (ase of e%ephants
Cfift" tho$sandD r$pees per head,
(b in the (ase of horses
Cten tho$sandD r$pees per head,
(# in the (ase of m$%es, (ame%s or horned (att%e,
Cfifteen tho$sandD r$pees per head,
(d in the (ase of don2e"s, sheep, -oats, do-s or other anima%s Cone tho$sandD r$pees
per head,
$n%ess the person sendin- or de%iverin- them to the administration (a$sed them to !e de(%ared or
de(%ared them, at the time of their de%iver" for (arria-e !" rai%wa", to !e respe(tive%" of hi-her
va%$e than one tho$sand five h$ndred, seven h$ndred and fift", two h$ndred or thirt" r$pees per
head, as the (ase ma" !e.
(2 7here s$(h hi-her va%$e has !een de(%ared, the rai%wa" administration ma" (har-e,
in respe(t of the in(reased ris2, a per(enta-e $pon the e.(ess of the va%$e so de(%ared over the
respe(tive s$ms aforesaid.
(3 In ever" pro(eedin- a-ainst a rai%wa" administration for the re(over" of
(ompensation for the %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration of an" anima%, the !$rden of provin- the
va%$e of the anima%, and, where the anima% has !een in:$red, the e.tent of the in:$r", sha%% %ie
$pon the person (%aimin- the (ompensation.
/or ris28note forms pres(ri!ed $nder this (%a$se, $ee Gen. 3. 4 O.
#$!s. !" /.A.O, 1970 Art. 2 and #(h. for &*rovin(ia% GovernmentK whi(h was first s$!s. !" A. O. 1937 for &G. G. in '.K and then amended !"
A. O.,1949 and A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., to read as a!ove,
'ertain words omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
Cf the 3ai%wa" and 'ana% Traffi( A(t, 1;04 (17 and 1; <iet., '. 31, se(tion 7.
#$!s. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1907 (2) of 1907, s. 3, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (1, as amended !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s A(t, (1;9=
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s.9.
4C. F"1$6'1 ;1)(%#%)* w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) $6' 7%a5%7%$< )9 a 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)* a# a
&a11%'1 )9 7"@@a@'. A rai%wa" administration sha%% not !e responsi!%e for the %oss, destr$(tion or
deterioration of an" %$--a-e !e%on-in- to or in (har-e of a passen-er $n%ess a rai%wa" servant has
!oo2ed and -iven a re(eipt therefor.
45.F"1$6'1 ;1)(%#%)* w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) $6' 7%a5%7%$< )9 a 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)* a# a
&a11%'1 )9 a1$%&7'# )9 #;'&%a7 (a7"'.8(1 7hen an" arti(%es mentioned in the se(ond s(hed$%e are
(ontained in an" par(e% or pa(2a-e de%ivered to a rai%wa" administration for (arria-e !" rai%wa",
and the va%$e of s$(h arti(%es in the par(e% or pa(2a-e e.(eeds
Cten tho$sand r$peesD, the rai%wa"
administration sha%% not !e responsi!%e for the %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration of the par(e% or
pa(2a-e $n%ess the persons sendin- or de%iverin- the par(e% or pa(2a-e to the administration
(a$sed its va%$e and (ontents to !e de(%ared or de(%ared them at the time of the de%iver" of the
par(e% or pa(2a-e for (arria-e !" rai%wa", and, if so re?$ired !" the administration, paid or
en-a-ed to pa" a per(enta-e on the va%$e so de(%ared !" wa" of (ompensation for in(reased ris2.
(2 7hen an" par(e% or pa(2a-e of whi(h the va%$e has !een de(%ared $nder s$!8se(tion
(1 has !een %ost or destro"ed or has deteriorated, the (ompensation re(overa!%e in respe(t of
s$(h %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration sha%% not e.(eed the va%$e so de(%ared, and the !$rden of
provin- the va%$e so de(%ared to have !een the tr$e va%$e sha%%, notwithstandin- an"thin- in the
de(%aration, %ie on the person (%aimin- the (ompensation.
(3 A rai%wa" administration ma" ma2e it a (ondition of (arr"in- a par(e% de(%ared to
(ontain an" arti(%e mentioned in the se(ond s(hed$%e that a rai%wa" servant a$thorised in this
!eha%f has !een satisfied !" e.amination or otherwise that the par(e% a(t$a%%" (ontains the arti(%e
de(%ared to !e therein.
4G. ."18'* )9 ;1))9 %* #"%$# %* 1'#;'&$ )9 7)## )9 a*%2a7# )1 @))8#. In an" s$it
a-ainst a rai%wa" administration for (ompensation for %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration of
anima%s or -oods de%ivered to a rai%wa" administration for (arria-e !" rai%wa", it sha%% not !e
ne(essar" for the p%aintiff to prove how the %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration was (a$sed.
44. N)$%9%&a$%)* )9 &7a%2# )9 1'9"*8# )9 )('1&6a1@'# a*8 $) &)2;'*#a$%)* 9)1 7)##'#.
A person sha%% not !e entit%ed to a ref$nd of an over (har-e in respe(t of anima%s or -oods (arried
!" rai%wa" or to (ompensation for the %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration of anima%s or -oods
de%ivered to !e so (arried, $n%ess his (%aim to the ref$nd or (ompensation has !een preferred in
writin- !" him or on his !eha%f to the rai%wa" administration within si. months from the date of
the de%iver" of the anima%s or -oods for (arria-e !" rai%wa".
48. EA)*'1a$%)* 91)2 1'#;)*#%5%7%$< %* &a#' )9 @))8# 9a7#'7< 8'#&1%5'8.
6otwithstandin- an"thin- in the fore-oin- provisions of this 'hapter, a rai%wa" administration
sha%% not !e responsi!%e for the %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration of an" -oods with respe(t
Cf the 'arriers A(t, 1;3= (11 Geo. 4 4 1 7i%%, 4,(. )9,s.1.
#$!s. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt.A(t, 1947 () of 1947, for &one h$ndred r$peesK.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s. 1=.
to the des(ription of whi(h an a((o$nt materia%%" fa%se has !een de%ivered $nder s$!8se(tion (1
of se(tion 0; if the %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration is in an" wa" !ro$-ht a!o$t !" the fa%se
a((o$nt, nor in an" (ase for an amo$nt e.(eedin- the va%$e of the -oods if s$(h va%$e were
(a%($%ated in a((ordan(e with the des(ription (ontained in the fa%se a((o$nt.
43. S'$$7'2'*$ )9 &)2;'*#a$%)* 9)1 %*>"1%'# $) )99%&'1#, #)78%'1#, a%12'* a*8
9)77)w'1# )* 8"$<. 7here an offi(er, so%dier,
CairmanD or fo%%ower, whi%e !ein- or
trave%in- as s$(h on d$t" $pon a rai%wa" !e%on-in- to, and wor2ed !", the Government
J J J,
%oses his %ife or re(eives an" persona% in:$r" in s$(h (ir($mstan(es that, if he were not an offi(er,
CairmanD or fo%%ower !ein- or trave%in- as s$(h on d$t" $pon the rai%wa",
(ompensation wo$%d !e pa"a!%e $nder A(t
6o. >III of 1;00 or to him, as the (ase ma" !e, the
form and amo$nt of the (ompensation to !e made in respe(t of the %oss of his %ife or his in:$r"
sha%%, where there is an" provision in this !eha%f in the mi%itar",
Cor air8for(eD
C%awD to
whi(h he was immediate%" !efore his death, or is, s$!:e(t, !e determined in a((ordan(e with
C%awD, and not otherwise.
80. S"%$# 9)1 &)2;'*#a$%)* 9)1 %*>"1< $) $61)"@6 5)):'8 1a99%&. 6otwithstandin-
an"thin- in an" a-reement p$rportin- to %imit the %ia!i%it" of a rai%wa" administration with
respe(t to traffi( whi%e on the rai%wa" of another administration, a s$it for (ompensation for %oss
of the %ife of, or persona% in:$r" to, a passen-er, or for %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration of
anima%s or -oods where the passen-er was or the anima%s or -oods were !oo2ed thro$-h over the
rai%wa"s of two or more rai%wa" administrations, ma" !e !ro$-ht either a-ainst the rai%wa"
administration from whi(h the passen-er o!tained his pass or p$r(hased his ti(2et, or to whi(h
the anima%s or -oods were de%ivered !" the (onsi-nor thereof, as the (ase ma" !e, or a-ainst the
rai%wa" administration on whose rai%wa" the %oss, in:$r", destr$(tion or deterioration o(($rred.
81. CLimitation of "iabi"ity of rai"way admini$tration in re$!e#t of traffi# on in"and
water$ by 'e$$e" not bein3 !art of rai"way.D e!. by the +ndian ai"way$ 9#t &171?( 9mendment
9#t, 1;9) (+) of 1;9), $. 0.
82. CLimitation of "iabi"ity of rai"way admini$tration in re$!e#t of a##ident$ at $ea.D
Omitted by the %edera" Law$ (e'i$ion and De#"aration Ordinan#e. 19;1 (27 of 19;1, $. 3 and
S#h. ++.
Ins. !" the Amendin- A(t, 1934 (30 of 1934, s. 2 and #(h.
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1927 (1= of 1927, s. 2 and #(h. I.
The words &or an A((edin- #tateK whi(h was ins. !" A. O., 1949, have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration
Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and #(h. II.
The8 /ata% A((idents A(t, 1;00.
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1927 (1= of 1927, s. 2 and #(h.1.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s.3 and 2nd #(h., for &re-$%ationsK.
Cf. the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;); (31 4 32 <i(t., (. 119 ,s. 14. and the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;71 (34 4 30 <i(t, (. 7;, s. 12.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s. 11.
J82A. L%a5%7%$< )9 Ra%7wa< A82%*#$1a$%)* %* 1'#;'&$ )9 a&&%8'*$# $) $1a%*# &a11<%*@
;a##'*@'1#.-C(1 7hen in the (o$rse of wor2in- a rai%wa" an a((ident o(($rs, !ein- either a (o%%ision
!etween trains of whi(h one is a train (arr"in- passen-ers or the derai%ment of or other a((ident to a train
or an" part of a train (arr"in- passen-ers, then, whether or not there has !een an" wron-f$% a(t, ne-%e(t or
defa$%t on the part of the rai%wa" administration s$(h as wo$%d entit%e a person who has !een in:$red or
has s$ffered %oss to maintain an a(tion and re(over dama-es in respe(t thereof, the rai%wa" administration
sha%%, notwithstandin- an" other provision of %aw to the (ontrar", !e %ia!%e to pa" (ompensation
provided in s$!8se(tion (2D for %oss o((asioned !" the death of a passen-er d"in- as a res$%t of s$(h
a((ident, and for persona% in:$r" and %oss, destr$(tion or deterioration of anima%s or -oods owned !" the
passen-er and a((ompan"in- the passen-er in his (ompartment or on the train, s$stained as a res$%t of
s$(h a((identCHD
C*rovided that where in s$(h a((ident a person other than a passen-ers dies or is in:$red, the
rai%wa" administration sha%%, after s$(h in?$ir" as to the wron-f$% a(t, ne-%e(t or defa$%t of rai%wa"
administration, pa" (ompensation to the heirs of de(eased or, as the (ase ma" !e to the in:$red to the
e.tent as provided in s$!8se(tion (2D.
C(2 The %ia!i%it" of rai%wa" administration $nder this se(tion sha%% !e one h$ndred tho$sand
r$pees for a passen-er d"in- as a res$%t of rai%wa" a((ident referred to in s$!8se(tion (1 and ten tho$sand
r$pees for an in:$red passen-er.D
J83. R';)1$ )9 $6' 1a%7wa< a&&%8'*$#. 7hen an" of the fo%%owin- a((idents o(($r in the
(o$rse of wor2in- a rai%wa", name%"H8
(a an" a((ident attended with %oss of h$man %ife, or with -rievo$s h$rt as defined in the
*a2istan *ena% 'ode (A(t >L< of 1;)=, or with serio$s in:$r" to propert",
(! an" (o%%ision !etween trains of whi(h one is a passen-er trainF
(( the derai%ment of an" train (arr"in- passen-ers or of an" part of s$(h trainF
(d an" a((ident of a des(ription $s$a%%" attended with %oss of h$man %ife or with s$(h
-rievo$s hart as aforesaid or with serio$s in:$r" to propert"F and
(e an" other a((ident whi(h the /edera% Government on advi(e of the A$thorit" ma" notif"
in this !eha%f in the offi(ia% Ga1etteF
the %i(ensee wor2in- in the rai%wa" and, if s$(h a((ident happens to a train !e%on-in- to an" other
%i(ensee, the other %i(ense a%so sha%%, witho$t $nne(essar" de%a", send noti(e of the a((ident to the /edera%
Government and the A$thorit" and the station8master nearest to the p%a(e at whi(h the a((ident o(($rred
or, where there is no station8master, the rai%wa" emp%o"ee in(har-e of that se(tion of the rai%wa" on
whi(h the a((ident o(($rred sha%%, witho$t $nne(essar" de%a" -ive noti(e of the a((ident to the nearest
E$di(ia% @a-istrate, in whi(h the a((ident o(($rredF and the offi(er in(har-e of the po%i(e station within
the %o(a% %imits of whi(h it o(($rred, or to s$(h other @a-istrate and po%i(e offi(er the /edera%
Government appoints in this !eha%f.D
#.;2. ins. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1943 (3 of 1943, s.2.
#$!s. added !" A(t I< of 1990, s. 12.
Ins. #$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s. 44 4 #(h. II
8C. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'# 1'@a18%*@ *)$%&'# )9 a*8 %*B"%1%'# %*$) a&&%8'*$#. The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es
(onsistent with this A(t
Cthe ordinan(eD and an" other
ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e for a%% or an" of the fo%%owin- p$rposes, name%"H8
(a for pres(ri!in- the forms of the noti(es mentioned in the %ast fore-oin- se(tion,
and the parti($%ars of the a((ident whi(h those noti(es are to (ontainF
(! for pres(ri!in- the (%ass of a((idents of whi(h noti(e is to !e sent !" te%e-raph
immediate%" after the a((ident has o(($rred F
(( for pres(ri!in- the d$ties of rai%wa" servants, po%i(e offi(ers,
Cthe A$thorit"D and
@a-istrates on the o(($rren(e of an a((ident.
85. S"52%##%)* )9 1'$"1* )9 a&&%8'*$#. ,ver" rai%wa" administration sha%% send to the
C/edera% GovernmentD a ret$rn of a((idents o(($rrin- $pon its rai%wa", whether attended with
persona% in:$r" or not, in s$(h form and manner and at s$(h interva%s of time as the
GovernmentD dire(ts
8G. P1)(%#%)* 9)1 &)2;"7#)1< 2'8%&a7 'Aa2%*a$%)* )9 ;'1#)* %*>"1'8 %* 1a%7wa<
a&&%8'*$. 7henever an" person in:$red !" an a((ident on a rai%wa" (%aims (ompensation on
a((o$nt of the in:$r", an" 'o$rt or person havin- !" %aw or (onsent of parties a$thorit" to
determine the (%aim ma" order that the person in:$red !e e.amined !" some d$%" ?$a%ified
medi(a% pra(titioner named in the order and not !ein- a witness on either side, and ma" ma2e
s$(h order with respe(t to the (ost of the e.amination as it or he thin2s fit.
#ee foot note ; on pa-e 293, s$pra.
/or r$%es $nder ss.;4 and ;0 as to noti(es of a((idents o(($rin- in the (o$rse for wor2in- a rai%wa", see Gen 3. 4 O.
Cf the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;);(314 32 <i(t., (. 119, s.2).
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s.13
Ins 4 s$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h. II.
%orfeiture$ by ai"way Com!anie$
84. P'*a7$< 9)1 8'9a"7$ %* &)2;7%a*&' w%$6 1'B"%#%$%)* "*8'1 #'&$%)* 13. If
rai%wa" administration and a %i(ense who is the ho%der of an inte-rated %i(enseD fai%s to (omp%"
with an" re?$isition made $nder se(tion 13, it sha%% forfeit to the
C/edera% GovernmentD the s$m
of two h$ndred r$pees for the defa$%t and a f$rther s$m of fift" r$pees for ever" da" after the
first d$rin- whi(h the defa$%t (ontin$es.
83. P'*a7$< 9)1 *)$ 6a(%*@ &'1$a%* 8)&"2'*$# :';$ )1 'A6%5%$'8 a$ #$a$%)*# "*8'1
#'&$%)* 5C )1 G5. If a rai%wa" (ompan" fai%s to (omp%" with the provisions of
J J Jse(tion 04,
s$!8se(tion (2, or se(tion )0, with respe(t to the !oo2s or other do($ments to !e 2ept open to
inspe(tion or (onspi($o$s%" posted at stations on its rai%wa", it sha%% forfeit to the
GovernmentD the s$m of fift" r$pees for ever" da" d$rin- whi(h the defa$%t (ontin$es.
See foot note ; on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
The words and fi-$res &se(tion 47, s$!8se(tion ()K rep. !" A. O. 1937.
Ins. !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s. Omitted !" ord. 92 of =2, s. 44 4 s(h. II.
32. P'*a7$< 9)1 8'7a< %* #"52%$$%*@ 1'$"1*# "*8'1 #'&$%)* 52 )1 85. If a
fai%s to (omp%" with the provisions of se(tion ;0 with respe(t to the s$!mission of an" ret$rn, it
sha%% forfeit to the
C/edera% GovernmentD the s$m of fift" r$pees for ever" da" d$rin- whi(h the
defa$%t (ontin$es after the fo$rteenth da" from the date pres(ri!ed for the s$!mission of the
33. P'*a7$< 9)1 *'@7'&$ )9 ;1)(%#%)*# )9 #'&$%)* 53 )1 G3 w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) &a11<%*@
&a;a&%$< )9 1)77%*@-#$)&:. If a
C%i(enseeD (ontravenes the provisions of se(tion 03 or se(tion )3,
with respe(t to the$m %oad to !e (arried in an"
Cro%%in- sto(2D or the$m n$m!er
of passen-ers to !e (arried in an" (ompartment, or the e.hi!ition of s$(h %oad on the
sto(2D or of s$(h n$m!er in or on the (ompartment, or 2nowin-%" s$ffers an" person ownin- a
Cro%%in- sto(2D passin- over its rai%wa" to (ontravene the provisions of the former of those
se(tions, it sha%% forfeit to the
C/edera% GovernmentD the s$m of twent" r$pees for ever" da"
d$rin- whi(h either se(tion is (ontravened.
3C. P'*a7$< 9)1 9a%7"1' $) &)2;7< w%$6 1'B"%#%$%)* "*8'1 #'&$%)* G2 9)1
2a%*$'*a*&' )9 2'a*# )9 &)22"*%&a$%)* 5'$w''* ;a##'*@'1# a*8 1a%7wa< #'1(a*$#. If a
C%i(enseeD fai%s to (omp%" with an" re?$isition of the
C/edera% GovernmentD $nder se(tion )2,
for the provision and maintenan(e in proper order, in an" train wor2ed !" it, whi(h (arries
passen-ers, of s$(h effi(ient means of (omm$ni(ation as the
C/edera% GovernmentD has
approved, it sha%% forfeit to the
C/edera% GovernmentD the s$m of twent" r$pees for ea(h train
r$n in disre-ard of the re?$isition.
35. P'*a7$< 9)1 9a%7"1' $) 1'#'1(' &)2;a1$2'*$# 9)1 9'2a7'# "*8'1 #'&$%)* GC. If a
C%i(enseeD fai%s to (omp%" with the re?$irements of se(tion )4 with respe(t to the reservation of
(ompartments for fema%es
CJ J JD, it sha%% forefeit to the
C/edera% GovernmentD the s$m of
twent" r$pees for ever" train in respe(t of whi(h the defa$%t o(($rs.
3G. P'*a7$< 9)1 )2%$$%*@ $) @%(' $6' *)$%&'# )9 a&&%8'*$# 1'B"%1'8 5< #'&$%)* 83 a*8
"*8'1 #'&$%)* 8C. If a
C%i(enseeD omits to -ive s$(h noti(e of an a((ident as is re?$ired !"
se(tion ;3 and the r$%es for the time !ein- in for(e $nder se(tion ;4, it sha%% forfeit to the
C/edera% GovernmentD the s$m of one h$ndred r$pees for ever" da" d$rin- whi(h the omission
See foot8note 1 on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
#e(ond para-raph whi(h was first ins. !" A. O., 1937, and then amended !" A. O., 1949, has !een omitted !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. (with
effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
Cf. the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;); (31 4 32 <i(t., (. 119, s. 22.
See foot8note ; on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art, 2. and #(h., for &*rovin(ia% GovernmentK whi(h was previo$s%" amended !" A. O., 1937, and A. O., 19)4, Art. 2
and #(h., to read as a!ove.
Omitted !" A(t, I< of 1990, s. 14.
#$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s. 44 4 #(h. II.
34. R'&)('1< )9 ;'*a7$%'#.8(1 7hen a
C%i(enseeD has thro$-h an" a(t or omission
forfeited an" s$m
J J J $nder the fore-oin- provisions of this 'hapter, the s$m sha%% !e
re(overa!%e !" s$it in the Aistri(t 'o$rt havin- :$risdi(tion in the p%a(e where the a(t or
omission or an" part thereof o(($rred.
C(2 6othin- in this 'hapter sha%% !e (onstr$ed as re?$irin- an" a$thorit" to re(over
an" pena%t" in an" (ase in whi(h it thin2s it proper to refrain from so doin-.D
38. A7$'1*a$%(' )1 #";;7'2'*$a1< &6a1a&$'1 )9 1'2'8%'# a99)18'8 5< $6' 9)1'@)%*@
;1)(%#%)*# )9 $6%# C6a;$'1. 6othin-
Cin the fore-oin- provisions of this 'hapterD sha%% !e
(onstr$ed to pre(%$de the
C/edera% GovernmentD from resortin- to an" other mode of pro(eedin-
instead of, or in addition to, s$(h a s$it as is mentioned in the %ast fore-oin- se(tion, for the
p$rpose of (ompe%%in- a
C%i(enseeD to dis(har-e an" o!%i-ation imposed $pon it !" this A(t.
Offen#e$ by ai"way Ser'ant$
33. .1'a&6 )9 8"$< %2;)#'8 5< #'&$%)* G0. If a rai%wa" servant whose d$t" it is to
(omp%" with the provisions of se(tion )= ne-%i-ent%" or wi%%f$%%" omits to (omp%" therewith, he
sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to twent" r$pees.
J100. 1"*:'**'##. If a rai%wa" servant is in a state of into.i(ation whi%e on d$t" he
sha%%, witho$t pre:$di(e to an" pena%t" to whi(h he ma" !e %ia!%e $nder an" other %aw for the
time !ein- in for(e, !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees, or, where the
improper performan(e of the d$t" is %i2e%" to endan-er the safet" of an" person trave%in- or
!ein- $pon a rai%wa", with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to one "ear, or with fine,
or with !oth.D
101. E*8a*@'1%*@ $6' #a9'$< )9 ;'1#)*#. If a rai%wa" servant, when on d$t",
endan-ers the safet" of an" person8
(a !" diso!e"in- an" -enera% r$%e made, san(tioned, p$!%ished and notified $nder
this A(t, or
Cor ordinan(eD
(! !" diso!e"in- an" r$%e or order whi(h is not in(onsistent with an" s$(h -enera%
r$%e, and whi(h s$(h servant was !o$nd !" the terms of his emp%o"ment to o!e",
and of whi(h he had noti(e, or
The words &to the Govt.K rep. !" A. O., 1937.
#$!s. i!id., for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tions (2 and (3.
#$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1939 (34 of 1939, s. 2 and #(h. I, for &in those provisionsK.
See foot note 1, on pa-e 293, $u!ra,
Cf. the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;42 (0 4 ) <i(t., (. 00, s. 17.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for the e.istin- se(tion.
Cf. the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;4= (3 4 4 <i(t., e. 97 ss. 13 and 14, and the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;42 (0 4 ) <i(t., (. 00 s. 17.
Ins. !" ord. 92 of =2, s. 44 4 s(h. II.
(( !" an" rash or ne-%i-ent a(t or omission,
(d !" tamperin- with rai%wa"5s e?$ipment, ma(hiner" or insta%%ation or mis$e or non8$se
(e !" diso!e"in- an" provision of this A(t or the Ordinan(e.
he sha%% !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma"
Cfive "ears imprisonment of either
des(riptionDe.tend to or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cten tho$sandD r$pees, or with !oth.
102. C)2;'77%*@ ;a##'*@'1# $) '*$'1 &a11%a@'# a71'a8< 9"77. If a rai%wa" servant (ompe%s or
attempts to (ompe%, or (a$ses, an" passen-er to enter a (ompartment whi(h a%read" (ontains the$m n$m!er of passen-ers e.hi!ited therein or thereon $nder se(tion )3, he sha%% !e p$nished with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to twent" r$pees.
103. O2%##%)* $) @%(' *)$%&' )9 a&&%8'*$. If a station8master or a rai%wa" servant in (har-e of
a se(tion of a rai%wa" omits to -ive s$(h noti(e of an a((ident as is re?$ired !" se(tion ;3 and the r$%es
for the time !ein- in for(e $nder se(tion ;4
Cor the ordinan(eD he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to
Cfive tho$sandD r$pees.
10C. O5#$1"&$%*@ 7'('7-&1)##%*@#. If a rai%wa" servant $nne(essari%"R
(a a%%ows an" ro%%in-8sto(2 to stand a(ross a p%a(e where the rai%wa" (rosses a p$!%i( road
on the %eve%, or
(! 2eeps a %eve%8(rossin- (%osed a-ainst the p$!%i(,
he sha%% !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months, or with fine whi(h
ma" e.tend to one tho$sand r$pees, or with !oth.D
105. Fa7#' 1'$"1*#. If an" ret$rn whi(h is re?$ired !" this A(t
Cor the ordinan(eD is fa%se in
an" parti($%ar to the 2now%ed-e of an" person who si-ns it, that person sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h
ma" e.tend to
Ctwo tho$sandD r$pees, or with imprisonment whi(h ma" e.tend to one "ear, or with !oth.
Other Offen#e$
10G. G%(%*@ 9a7#' a&&)"*$ )9 @))8#. If a person re?$ested $nder se(tion 0; to -ive an a((o$nt
with respe(t to an" -oods -ives an a((o$nt whi(h is materia%%" fa%se, he and, if he is not the owner of the
-oods, the owner a%so sha%% !e p$nished with
Cor with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five tho$sand r$peesD
and the fine sha%% !e in addition to an" rate or other (har-e to whi(h the -oods ma" !e %ia!%e.
104. U*7aw9"77< 51%*@%*@ 8a*@'1)"# )1 )99'*#%(' @))8# ";)* a 1a%7wa<. If in (ontravention
of se(tion 09 a person ta2es with him an" dan-ero$s or offensive -oods $pon a rai%wa", or tenders or
de%ivers an" s$(h -oods for (arria-e $pon a rai%wa", he sha%% !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term
whi(h ma" e.tend to two "ears, or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD and
sha%% a%so !e responsi!%e for an" %oss, in:$r" or dama-e whi(h ma" !e (a$sed !" reason of s$(h -oods
havin- !een so !ro$-ht $pon the rai%wa".
Cf. the 3ai%wa" '%a$ses A(t, 1;)3 (2) 4 27 <i(t., (. 92, s. 0.
Cf. the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;71 (34 4 30 <i(t., (. 7 ;, s. 1=.
Cf. the 3ai%wa" '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (2 4 9 <i(t., (. 2=, ss., 99 and 102, respe(tive%".
Added 4 s$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, ss. 10 to 2=.
Added, ins 4 s$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s. 44 4 s(h. II.
108. N''87'##7< %*$'19'1%*@ w%$6 2'a*# )9 &)22"*%&a$%)* %* a $1a%*. If a passen-er,
witho$t reasona!%e and s$ffi(ient (a$se, ma2es $se of or interferes with an" means provided !" a
rai%wa" administration for (omm$ni(ation !etween passen-ers and the rai%wa" servants in (har-e
of a train, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Ctwo tho$sandD r$pees.
103. E*$'1%*@ &)2;a1$2'*$ 1'#'1('8 )1 a71'a8< 9"77 )1 1'#%#$%*@ '*$1< %*$) a
&)2;a1$2'*$ *)$ 9"77.K(1 If a passen-er, havin- entered a (ompartment whi(h is reserved !"
a rai%wa" administration for the $se of another passen-er, or whi(h a%read" (ontains the$m n$m!er of passen-ers e.hi!ited therein or thereon $nder se(tion )3, ref$ses to %eave it
when re?$ired to do so !" an" rai%wa" servant, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend
Cone tho$sandD r$pees.
(2 If a passen-er resists the %awf$% entr" of another passen-er into a (ompartment not
reserved !" the rai%wa" administration for the $se of the passen-er resistin- or not a%read"
(ontainin- the$m n$m!er of passen-ers e.hi!ited therein or thereon $nder se(tion )3, he
sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to Cone tho$sandD r$pees.
(3 In addition to the fine imposed on the passen-er referred to in s$!8se(tions (1 and
(2, he sha%% !e removed from the (ompartment.D
110. S2):%*@.-(1 If a person, witho$t the (onsent of his fe%%ow passen-ers, if an", in
the same (ompartment, smo2es in an" (ompartment e.(ept a (ompartment spe(ia%%" provided for
the p$rpose, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to twent" r$pees.
(2 If an" person persists in so smo2in- after !ein- warned !" an" rai%wa" servant to
desist, he ma", in addition to in($rrin- the %ia!i%it" mentioned in s$!8se(tion (1, !e removed !"
an" rai%wa" servant from the (arria-e in whi(h he is trave%in-.
111. '9a&%*@ ;"57%& *)$%&'#. If a person, witho$t a$thorit" in this !eha%f, p$%%s down
or wi%%f$%%" in:$res an" !oard or do($ment set $p or posted !" order of a rai%wa" administration
on a rai%wa" or an" ro%%in-8sto(2, or o!%iterates or a%ters an" of the %etters or fi-$res $pon an"
s$(h !oard or do($ment, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cone tho$sandD
J112.8(1D F1a"8"7'*$7< $1a('7%*@ )1 a$$'2;$%*@ $) $1a('7 w%$6)"$ ;1);'1 ;a## )1
$%&:'$. If a person, with intent to defra$d a rai%wa" administration,R
&a( enters
Cor remains in an" (arria-e on a rai%wa" in (ontravention of se(tion );D, or
&b( $ses or attempts to $se a sin-%e pass or sin-%e ti(2et whi(h has a%read" !een $sed
on a previo$s :o$rne" or, in the (ase of a ret$rn ti(2et, a ha%f thereof whi(h has
a%read" !een so $sed,
'f the 3e-$%ation of 3ai%wa"s A(t, 1;); (31 4 32 <i(t., (. 119, s. 22.
'f the 'ompanies '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 1), s. 14).
#. 112 re8n$m!ered as 112 (1 !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1941 () of 1941, s.3.
#$!s. ibid., for &in (ontravention of se(tion ); an" (arria-e on a rai%wa"K.
#$!s. 4 added !" A(t I< of 1990, s. 21, 23 4 24.
he sha%% !e p$nished
Cwith imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to
Csi. months orD with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Ctwo tho$sandD r$pees in addition to the amo$nt of the sin-%e fare for
an" distan(e whi(h he ma" have trave%ed.
CThe !$rden of proof that there was no intention to
defra$d sha%% %ie on the a(($sed.D
C(2 6otwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in se(tion )0 of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode, the
'o$rt (onvi(tin- an offender $nder this se(tion ma" dire(t that the offender in defa$%t of
pa"ment of an" fine inf%i(ted !" the 'o$rt, sha%% s$ffer imprisonment for a term whi(h ma"
e.tend to three months.D
113.T1a('77%*@ w%$6)"$ ;a## )1 $%&:'$ )1 w%$6 %*#"99%&%'*$ ;a## )1 $%&:'$ )1 5'<)*8
a"$6)1%I'8 8%#$a*&'.8(1 If a passen-er trave%s in a train witho$t havin- a proper pass or a
proper ti(2et with him, or, !ein- in or havin- a%i-hted from a train, fai%s or ref$ses to present for
e.amination or to de%iver $p pass or ti(2et immediate%" on re?$isition !ein- made therefor $nder
se(tion )9, he sha%% !e %ia!%e to pa", on the demand of an" rai%wa" servant appointed !" the
rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f, the e.(ess (har-e hereinafter in this se(tion mentioned, in
addition to the ordinar" sin-%e fare
Cfrom the station from whi(h the train ori-ina%%" startedD
J J J.
(2 If a passen-er trave%s or attempts to trave% in or on a (arria-e, or !" a train, of a
hi-her (%ass than that for whi(h he has o!tained a pass or p$r(hased a ti(2et, or trave%s in or on a
(arria-e !e"ond the p%a(e a$thorised !" his pass or ti(2et, he sha%% !e %ia!%e to pa", on the
demand of an" rai%wa" servant appointed !" the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f, the e.(ess
(har-e hereinafter in this se(tion mentioned, in addition to an" differen(e !etween an" fare paid
!" him and the fare pa"a!%e in respe(t of s$(h :o$rne" as he has made.
C(3 The e.(ess (har-e referred to in s$!8se(tion (1 and s$!8se(tion (2 sha%% !e a s$m
e?$iva%ent to the amo$nt otherwise pa"a!%e $nder those s$!8se(tions.
*rovided that where the passen-er has immediate%" after in($rrin- the (har-e and
!efore !ein- dete(ted !" a rai%wa" servant notified to the rai%wa" servant on d$t" with the train
the fa(t of the
Ins. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1941 () or 1941, s. 3.
Added !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s A(t (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 194; (2 of 1941, s.2.
Ins. !" A(t ) of 1941, s. 3.
Cf. the /ren(h and German 3ai%wa" Law.
#$!s. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1907 (2) of 1907, s. 4, for (ertain words.
#$!s. !" Ord. 2 of 194;, s. 2, for (omma.
'ertain words omitted, ibid.
#$!s. !" A(t ) of 1941, s. 4, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (3.
s$!s., omitted !" A(t. I< of 1990, s. 24 4 20.
(har-e havin- !een in($rred, the e.(ess (har-e sha%% !e of the e.(ess (har-e otherwise
pa"a!%e (a%($%ated to the nearest
*rovided f$rther that if the passen-er has with him a (ertifi(ate -ranted $nder s$!8
se(tion (2 of se(tion );, no e.(ess (har-e sha%% !e pa"a!%e.D
(4 If a passen-er %ia!%e to pa" the e.(ess (har-e and fare mentioned in s$!8se(tion (1,
or the e.(ess (har-e and an" differen(e of fare mentioned in s$!8se(tion (2, fai%s or ref$ses to
pa" the same on demand !ein- made therefor $nder one or other of those s$!8se(tions, as the
(ase ma" !e,
Can" rai%wa" servant appointed !" the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f ma"
app%" to
CorD @a-istrate of the first or se(ond (%assD for the re(over" of the s$m
pa"a!%e as if it were a fine, and the @a-istrate if satisfied that the s$m is pa"a!%e sha%% order it to
!e so re(overed, and ma" order that the person %ia!%e for the pa"ment sha%% in defa$%t of pa"ment
s$ffer imprisonment of either des(ription for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to one month. An" s$m
re(overed $nder this s$!8se(tion sha%%, as it is re(overed, !e paid to the rai%wa" administrationD.
J113A. P)w'1 $) 1'2)(' ;'1#)*# 91)2 1a%7wa< &a11%a@'. An" person who, witho$t
havin- o!tained the permission of a rai%wa" servant, trave%s or attempts to trave% in a (arria-e
witho$t havin- a proper pass or ti(2et with him, or in a (arria-e of a hi-her (%ass than that for
whi(h he has o!tained a pass or p$r(hased a ti(2et, or in a (arria-e !e"ond the p%a(e a$thorised
!" his pass or ti(2et, or who !ein- in a (arria-e fai%s or ref$ses to present for e.amination or to
de%iver $p his pass or ti(2et immediate%" on re?$isition !ein- made therefor $nder se(tion )9,
ma" !e removed from the (arria-e !" an" rai%wa" servant a$thorised !" the rai%wa"
administration in this !eha%f or !" an" other person whom s$(h rai%wa" servant ma" (a%% to his
aid, $n%ess he then and there pa"s the fare and the e.(ess (har-e whi(h he is %ia!%e to pa" $nder
se(tion 113 H
*rovided that nothin- in this se(tion sha%% !e deemed to pre(%$de a person removed
from a (arria-e of a hi-her (%ass from (ontin$in- his :o$rne" in a (arria-e of a (%ass for whi(h he
ho%ds a pass or ti(2etH
*rovided f$rther that women and (hi%dren, if $na((ompanied !" ma%e passen-ers, sha%%
not !e so removed e.(ept either at the station at whi(h the" first enter the train or at a :$n(tion or
termina% station or station at the head?$arters of a (ivi% distri(t and on%" !etween the ho$rs of )
a.m. and ) p.m.D
#$!s. !" the Indian 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 1941 () of 1941, s. 4, for &the s$m pa"a!%e !" him sha%%, on app%i(ation made to an" @a-istrate !"
an" rai%wa" servant appointed !" the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f, !e re(overed !" the @a-istrate from the passen-er as if it were a fine
imposed on the passen-er !" the @a-istrate and sha%%, as it is re(overed, !e paid to the rai%wa" administrationK.
#$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1940 () of 1940, for &an" @a-istrate of the first or se(ond (%assK.
The words &*residen(" @a-istrateK omitted !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)1 (1 of 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#eems to !e red$ndant.
#. 113A added !" A(t, ) of 1941, s. 0.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s. 2).
J11C. P'*a7$< 9)1 $1a*#9'1 )9 $%&:'$#. If a person, not !ein- a rai%wa" servant or an a
-ent a$thorised !" the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f,8
(a se%%s, or attempts to se%% an" ti(2et or an" ha%f of a ret$rn ti(2et, or
(! parts or attempts to part with the possession of a ti(2et a-ainst whi(h reservation
of a seat or !erth has !een made, or an" ha%f of a ret$rn ti(2et or season ti(2et,
in order to ena!%e an" other person to trave% therewith, he sha%% !e p$nished with imprisonment
for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cone "ear, or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to ten tho$sand
r$pees, or with !othD.
115. %#;)#a7 )9 9%*'# "*8'1 $6' $w) 7a#$ 9)1'@)%*@ #'&$%)*#. That portion of an" fine
imposed $nder se(tion 112 or the %ast fore-oin- se(tion whi(h represents the sin-%e fare therein
mentioned sha%% as the fine is re(overed, !e paid to the rai%wa" administration !efore an" portion
of the fine is (redited to the Government.
11G. A7$'1%*@ )1 8'9a&%*@ ;a## )1 $%&:'$. If a passen-er wi%%f$%%" a%ters or defa(es his
pass or ti(2et so as to render the date, n$m!er or materia% portion thereofM i%%e-i!%e, he sha%% !e
p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months, or with fine whi(h
ma" e.tend to two tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD.
114. .'%*@ )1 #"99'1%*@ ;'1#)* $) $1a('7 )* 1a%7wa< w%$6 %*9'&$%)"# )1 &)*$a@%)"#
8%#)18'1.8(1 If a person s$fferin- from an infe(tio$s or (onta-io$s disorder enters or trave%s
$pon a rai%wa" in (ontravention of se(tion 71, s$!8se(tion (2, he, and an" person havin- (har-e
of him $pon the rai%wa" when he so entered or trave%ed thereon, sha%% !e p$nished with fine
whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cfive h$ndredD r$pees, in addition to the forfeit$re of an" fare whi(h either
of them ma" have paid, and of an" pass or ti(2et whi(h either of them ma" have o!tained or
p$r(hased, and ma" !e removed from the rai%wa" !" an" rai%wa" servant.
(2 If an" s$(h rai%wa" servant as is referred to in se(tion 71, s$!8se(tion (2, 2nowin-
that a person is s$fferin- from an" infe(tio$s or (onta-io$s disorder, wi%%f$%%" permits the person
to trave% $pon a rai%wa" witho$t arran-in- for his separation from other passen-ers, he sha%% !e
p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cone tho$sandD r$pees.
118. E*$'1%*@ &a11%a@' %* 2)$%)*, )1 )$6'1w%#' %2;1);'17< $1a('7%*@ )* a 1a%7wa<. 8
(1 If a passen-er enter or %eaves or attempts to enter or %eave, an" (arria-e whi%e the train is in
motion, or e%sewhere than at the side of the (arria-e ad:oinin- the p%atform or other p%a(e
appointed !" the rai%wa" administration for passen-ers to enter or %eave the (arria-e, or opens the
side8door of an" (arria-e whi%e the train is in motion, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to
Cfive h$ndredD.
(2 If a passen-er, after !ein- warned !" a rai%wa" servant to desist, persists in trave%in-
on the roof, steps or foot!oard of
#$!s. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 197) (20 or 197). s. 4, for the e.istin- se(tion.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s. 29.
an" (arria-e or on an en-ine, or in an" other part of a train not in tended for the $se of passen-ers, he
sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cone tho$sandD r$pees and ma" !e removed from the
rai%wa" !" an" rai%wa" servant
113. E*$'1%*@ &a11%a@' )1 )$6'1 ;7a&' 1'#'1('8 9)1 9'2a7'#. If a ma%e person, 2nowin- a
(arria-e, (ompartment, room or other p%a(e to !e reserved !" a rai%wa" administration for the e.(%$sive
$se of fema%es, enters the p%a(e witho$t %awf$% e.($se, or, havin- entered it, remains therein after havin-
!een desired !" an" rai%wa" servant to %eave it, he sha%% !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h
ma" e.tend to si. months, or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD in
addition to the forfeit$re of an" fare whi(h he ma" have paid and of an" pass or ti(2et whi(h he ma" have
o!tained or p$r(hased, and ma" !e removed from the rai%wa" !" an" rai%wa" servant.
120. 1"*:'**'## )1 *"%#a*&' )* a 1a%7wa<. If a person in
Cro%%in- sto(2D or $pon an" part of
a rai%wa"R
(a is in a state of into.i(ation, or
(b (ommits an" n$isan(e or a(t of inde(en(", or $ses o!s(ene or a!$sive %an-$a-e, or
(# wi%%f$%%" and witho$t %awf$% e.($se interferes with the (omfort of an" passen-er or
e.tin-$ishes an" %amp,
he sha%%
Cwitho$t pre:$di(e to an" other pena%t" to whi(h he ma" !e %ia!%e $nder an" other %aw for the
time !ein- in for(e,D !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months, or with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD in addition to the forfeit$re of an" fare
whi(h he ma" have paid and of an" pass or ti(2et whi(h he ma" have o!tained or p$r(hased, and ma" !e
removed from the rai%wa" !" an" rai%wa" servant.
121. O5#$1"&$%*@ 1a%7wa< #'1(a*$ %* 6%# 8"$<. If a person wi%%f$%%" o!str$(ts or impedes an"
rai%wa" servant in the dis(har-e of his d$t", he sha%% !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h
ma" e.tend to three months, or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD.
122.T1'#;a## a*8 1'9"#a7 $) 8'#%#$ 91)2 $1'#;a##.8(1 If a person $n%awf$%%" enters $pon a
rai%wa", he sha%% !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three months, or with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD.
(2 If a person so enterin- ref$ses to %eave the rai%wa" on !ein- re?$ested to do so !" an"
rai%wa" servant, or !" an" other person on !eha%f of the rai%wa" administration, he sha%% !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment of either des(ription for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months, or with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to two tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD, and ma" !e removed from the rai%wa" !" s$(h servant or
other person.
C(3 7hoever trespasses $pon and ma2es or attempts to ma2e or a!ets or he%ps or aids to ma2e
an $na$thori1ed temporar" or permanent (onstr$(tion over the rai%wa" or on its propert" or (ommits or
attempts to (ommit an" a(t whi(h ma" !e to the detriment or a-ainst the interest of the rai%wa", sha%% !e
p$nished with imprisonment of either des(ription for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three "ears, or with fine
whi(h ma" e.tend to twent" tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD.
123. %#)5'8%'*&'# )9 )2*%5"# 81%('1# $) 8%1'&$%)*# )9 1a%7wa< #'1(a*$#. If a driver or
(ond$(tor of a tram(ar, omni!$s, (arria-e or other vehi(%e whi%e $pon the premises of a rai%wa" diso!e"s
the reasona!%e dire(tions of an" rai%wa" servant or po%i(e8offi(er, he sha%% !e p$nished with
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three months, or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one
tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD.
Ins. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1
(27 of 19;1, s.3 and 2nd #(h.
Cf. the 3ai%wa" 3e-$%ation A(t, 1;4= (3 4 4 <i(t., (. 97, s. 1).
#$!s. 4 added !" A(t I< of 1990. ss. 29 to 34.
#$!s. !" ord. 92 of =2, s. 44 4 #(h. II.
12C. O;'*%*@ )1 *)$ ;1);'17< #6"$$%*@ @a$'#. In either of the fo%%owin- (ases, name%"H8
(a if a person 2nowin- or havin- reason to !e%ieve that an en-ine or train is
approa(hin- a%on- a rai%wa", opens an" -ate set $p on either side of the rai%wa"
a(ross a road, or passes or attempts to pass, or drives or ta2es, or attempts to drive
or ta2e, an" anima%, vehi(%e or other thin- a(ross the rai%wa",
(b if, in the a!sen(e of a -ate82eeper, a person omits to sh$t and fasten s$(h a -ate as
aforesaid as soon as he and an" anima%, vehi(%e or other thin- $nder his (har-e
have passed thro$-h the -ate,
the person sha%% !e p$nished
Cimprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months, or with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five tho$sand r$pees, or with !othD.
125. Ca$$7' $1'#;a##.8(1 The owner or person in (har-e of an" (att%e stra"in- on a
rai%wa" provided with fen(es s$ita!%e for the e.(%$sion of (att%e sha%% !e p$nished with fine
whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cfift"D r$pees for ea(h head of (att%e, in addition to an" amo$nt whi(h ma"
have !een re(overed or ma" !e re(overa!%e $nder the 'att%e8trespass A(t, 1;71.
(2 If an" (att%e are wi%%f$%%" driven, or 2nowin-%" permitted to !e, on an" rai%wa"
otherwise than for the p$rpose of %awf$%%" (rossin- the rai%wa" or for an" other %awf$% p$rpose,
the person in (har-e of the (att%e or, at the option of the rai%wa" administration, the owner of the
(att%e sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
Cfift"D r$pees for ea(h head of (att%e, in
addition to an" amo$nt whi(h ma" have !een re(overed or ma" !e re(overa!%e $nder the 'att%e8
trespass A(t, 1;71.
(3 An" fine imposed $nder this se(tion ma", if the 'o$rt so dire(ts, !e re(overed in
manner provided !" se(tion 20 of the 'att%e8trespass A(t, 1;71.
(4 The e.pression &p$!%i( roadK in se(tions 11 and 2) of the 'att%e8trespass A(t, 1;71,
sha%% !e deemed to in(%$de a rai%wa", and an" rai%wa" servant an" the powers (onferred
on offi(ers of po%i(e !" the former of those se(tions.
(0 The word &(att%eK has the same meanin- in this se(tion as in the 'att1e8trespass A(t,
12G. Ma7%&%)"#7< w1'&:%*@ )1 a$$'2;$%*@ $) w1'&:$1a%*. If a person $n%awf$%%"R
(a p$ts or throws $pon or a(ross an" rai%wa" an" wood, stone or other matter or
thin-, or
(b ta2es $p, removes, %oosens or disp%a(es an" rai%, s%eeper or other matter or thin-
!e%on-in- to an" rai%wa", or
Cf. the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4,9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 10.
Cf. the @a%i(io$s Aama-e A(t, 1;)1 (24 4 20 <i(t., (. 97, s. 30, and the Offen(es a-ainst the *erson A(t, 1;)1 (24 4 20 <i(t., (. 1== s. 32.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, ss. 30 4 3).
I of 1;71.
I of 1;71.
I of 1;71.
I of
I of
(( t$rns, moves, $n%o(2s or diverts an" points or other ma(hiner" !e%on-in- to an"
rai%wa", or
(d ma2es or shows, or hides or removes, an" si-na% or %i-ht $pon or near to an"
rai%wa", or
C(e does or attempts to do or (a$ses to !e done or a!ets or (onspires the doin- of an
a(t whi(h (a$ses or is %i2e%" to (a$se, an" e.p%osion !" an e.p%osive s$!stan(e or
!" an" other means $pon or near rai%wa" or an" propert" !e%on-in- to rai%wa"s,DF
with intent, or with 2now%ed-e that he is %i2e%", to endan-er the safet" to an" person trave%%in- or
!ein- $pon the rai%wa" or
Can" propert" !e%on-in- to the rai%wa" or of s$(h propert", he sha%%,
whether and in:$r" to an" person or propert" has a(t$a%%" !een (a$sed or not, !e p$nished with
death or imprisonment for %ife and ha%% a%so !e %ia!%e to forfeit$re of propert" and fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to twent" tho$sand r$pees.D
C,.p%anation.RIn this se(tion and se(tion 127, the e.pression &e.p%osive s$!stan(eK
sha%% have the same meanin- as in the ,.p%osive #$!stan(e A(t, 19=; (<I of 19=;.D
C124. Ma7%&%)"#7< 6"1$%*@ )1 a$$'2;$%*@ $) 6"1$ ;'1#)*# $1a('77%*@ 5<
1a%7wa< )1 8a2a@%*@ ;1);'1$< 5'7)*@%*@ $) 1a%7wa<.RIf a person $n%awf$%%" throws or (a$ses
to fa%% or stri2e at, a-ainst, into or $pon an" propert" !e%on-in- to an" rai%wa", in(%$din- ro%%in-8
sto(2 formin- part or a train, an" e.p%osive s$!stan(e, woodF stone or other matter or thin- with
intent, or with 2now%ed-e that he is %i2e%", to endan-er the safet" of an" person !ein- in or $pon
s$(h propert", he sha%% !e p$nished with death or imprisonment for %ife, and sha%% a%so !e %ia!%e
to forfeit$re of propert" and fine whi(h ma" e.tend to twent" tho$sand r$pees.D
128. E*8a*@'1%*@ #a9'$< )9 ;'1#)*# $1a('77%*@ 5< 1a%7wa< 5< w%79"7 a&$ )1
)2%##%)*. If a person, !" an" $n%awf$% a(t or !" an" wi%%f$% omission or ne-%e(t, endan-ers or
(a$ses to !e endan-ered the safet" of an" person trave%%in- or !ein- $pon an" rai%wa", or
o!str$(ts or (a$ses to !e o!str$(ted or attempts to o!str$(t an" ro%%in- sto(2 $pon an" rai%wa",
he sha%% !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to two "ears.
123. E*8a*@'1%*@ #a9'$< )9 ;'1#)*# $1a('77%*@ 5< 1a%7wa< 5< 1a#6 )1 *'@7%@'*$ a&$
)1 )2%##%)*. If a person rash%" or ne-%i-ent%" does an" a(t, or omits to do what he is %e-a%%"
!o$nd to do, and the a(t or omission is %i2e%" to endan-er the safet" of an" person trave%%in- or
!ein- $pon a rai%wa", he sha%% !e p$nished with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to
Ctwo "ears,D or with fine, or with !oth.
130. S;'&%a7 ;1)(%#%)* w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) $6' &)22%##%)* 5< &6%781'* )9 a&$#
'*8a*@'1%*@ #a9'$< )9 ;'1#)*# $1a('77%*@ 5< 1a%7wa<. 8(1 If a minor $nder the a-e of twe%ve
"ears is with respe(t to an" rai%wa" -$i%t" of an" of the a(ts or omissions mentioned or referred
to in an" of the fo$r %ast fore-oin- se(tions, he sha%% !e deemed, notwithstandin- an"thin- in
se(tion ;2 or se(tion ;3 of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode, to have (ommitted an offen(e, and the 'o$rt
(onvi(tin- him ma"
J J J re?$ire the father or -$ardian of the minor to e.e($te, within s$(h
time as the 'o$rt ma" fi., a !ond !indin- himse%f, in s$(h pena%t" as the 'o$rt dire(ts, to
prevent the minor from !ein- a-ain -$i%t" of an" of those a(ts or omissions.
Cf. the offen(es a-ainst the *erson A(t, 1;)1 (24 4 20 <i(t., (. 1==, s.33.
Cf. ibid.. s. 34, and the @a%i(io$s Aama-e A(t, 1;)1 (24 4 20 <i(t., (. 97. s. 3)
#$!s. added 4 omitted !" A(t I< of 1990, ss. 37 to 4=.
(2 The amo$nt of the !ond, if forfeited, sha%% !e re(overa!%e !" the 'o$rt as if it were a
fine imposed !" itse%f.
(3 If a father or -$ardian fai%s to e.e($te a !ond $nder s$!8se(tion (1 within the time
fi.ed !" the 'o$rt, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees.
J130A. P)w'1 $) 8'$a%* a*8 #'a1&6 %* &a#'# )9 #"#;'&$'8 $6'9$. 6otwithstandin-
an"thin- (ontained in an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e, an" rai%wa" servant, not !ein- !e%ow
the ran2 of Gead 7at(hman, and a$thori1ed in this !eha%f !" the rai%wa" administration, ma"
detain and sear(h an" person who is emp%o"ed in, or is fo$nd in or in the vi(init" of an" rai%wa"
wor2shops, store, depot or other p%a(e for the deposit or hand%in- of an" propert" entr$sted or
!e%on-in- to the rai%wa" administration, and is s$spe(ted of removin- s$(h propert" witho$t
131.A11'#$ 9)1 )99'*&'# a@a%*#$ &'1$a%* #'&$%)*#.K(1 If a person (ommits an"
offen(e mentioned in se(tion 1==, 1=1,
C1=3, 1=0, 1=;, 112, 114,D 119, 12=, 121,
127, 12; or 129 or in se(tion 13=, s$!8se(tion (1, he ma" !e arrested witho$t warrant or other
written a$thorit" !" an" rai%wa" servant or po%i(e8offi(er, or !" an" other person whom s$(h
servant or offi(er ma" (a%% to his aid.
(2 A person so arrested sha%%, with the %east possi!%e de%a", !e ta2en !efore a
@a-istrate havin- a$thorit" to tr" him or
CsendD him for tria%.
J131A. S"22a1< $1%a7 )9 &'1$a%* )99'*&'#.R6otwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in
the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (A(t < of 1;9;, offen(es $nder se(tions 121, 123, 124
and 120 ma" !e tried s$mmari%".D
132. A11'#$ )9 ;'1#)*# 7%:'7< $) a5#&)*8 )1 "*:*)w*.-(1 If a person (ommits an"
offen(e $nder this A(t other than an offen(e mentioned in the %ast fore-oin- se(tion, or fai%s or
ref$ses to pa" an" e.(ess (har-e or other s$m demanded $nder se(tion 113, and there is reason
to !e%ieve that he wi%% a!s(ond or his name and address are $n2nown, and he ref$ses on demand
to -ive his name and address, or there is reason to !e%ieve that the name or address -iven !" him
is in(orre(t, an" rai%wa" servant or po%i(e8offi(er, or an" other person whom s$(h rai%wa"
servant or po%i(e8offi(er ma" (a%% to his aid, ma", witho$t warrant or other written a$thorit",
arrest him.
(2 The person arrested sha%% !e re%eased on his -ivin- !ai% or, if his tr$e name and
address are as(ertained, on his e.e($tin- a !ond witho$t s$reties for his appearan(e !efore a
@a-istrate when re?$ired.
(3 If the person (annot -ive !ai% and his tr$e name and address are not as(ertained, he
sha%% with the %east possi!%e de%a" !e ta2en !efore the nearest @a-istrate havin- :$risdi(tion.
See s. 3;) to 3;9 of the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (0 of 1;9;.
Ins. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t,1907, s. 0.
Cf. the 'ompanies '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; 4 9 <i(t., (. 1) s. 10).
s$!s. ins. !" A(t I< of 1990, ss. 41 4 42.
(4 The provisions of 'hapters >>>I> and >LII of the
C'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re,
1;9;,D sha%%, so far as ma" !e, app%" to !ai% -iven and !onds e.e($ted $nder this se(tion.
133. Ma@%#$1a$'# 6a(%*@ >"1%#8%&$%)* "*8'1 A&$. 6o @a-istrate other
J J J than a
Cof the first (%assD sha%% tr" an" offen(e $nder this A(t.
C133A. C'1$a%* 1a%7wa< #'1(a*$# $) 6a(' ;)w'1# )9 Ma@%#$1a$'. 6otwithstandin-
an"thin- (ontained in the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; or in se(tion 133, an" rai%wa"
servant, not inferior in ran2 to a rai%wa" servant in
C+asi( pa" s(a%e 17D, who is a$thorised !" the
/edera% Government in this !eha%f ma" the powers of a @a-istrate of the first (%ass
$nder the said 'ode, in respe(t of offen(es p$nisha!%e $nder se(tion 12, se(tion 114, or se(tion
*rovided that s$(h rai%wa" servant sha%% have a$thorit" to award a senten(e of fine on%".D
13C. P7a&' )9 $1%a7.D(1 An" person (ommittin- an" offen(e a-ainst this A(t
Cor the
Ordinan(eDor an" r$%e there$nder sha%% !e tria!%e for s$(h offen(e in an" p%a(e in whi(h he ma"
!e or whi(h the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma"
notif" in this !eha%f, as we%% as in an" other p%a(e in
whi(h he mi-ht !e tried $nder an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e.
(2 ,ver" notifi(ation $nder s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% !e p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD,
and a (op" thereof sha%% !e e.hi!ited for the information of the p$!%i( in some (onspi($o$s p%a(e
at ea(h of s$(h rai%wa" stations as the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" dire(t.
135. TaAa$%)* )9 1a%7wa<# 5< 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$%'#. 6otwithstandin- an"thin- to the
(ontrar" in an" ena(tment or in an" a-reement or award !ased on an" ena(tment, the fo%%owin-
r$%es sha%% re-$%ate the %ev" of in respe(t of
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration, Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re,
The words &than a *residen(" @a-istrate orK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 197) (20 of 197), s. 0, for (ertain words.
%ns. ibid., s. ).
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for &*rovin(ia% GovernmentK, whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
/or instan(es of notifi(ations iss$ed $nder this power, $ee different %o(a% 3. and O.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK,
See a%so the 3ai%wa"s (Lo(a% A$thoritiesM Ta.ation A(t, 1941 (20 of 1941.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s.43.
Ins.!" Ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II.
A(t <
rai%wa"s and from rai%wa" administrations in aid of the f$nds of %o(a% a$thorities, name%"H8
(1 A rai%wa" administration sha%% not !e %ia!%e to pa" an" ta. in aid of the f$nds of
%o(a% a$thorit" $n%ess the
C/edera% GovernmentD has, !" notifi(ation in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette, de(%ared the rai%wa" administration to !e %ia!%e to pa" the ta.
(2 7hi%e a notifi(ation of the
C/edera% GovemmentD $nder (%a$se (1 of this se(tion
is in for(e, the rai%wa" administration sha%% !e %ia!%e to pa" to the %o(a% a$thorit"
either the ta. mentioned in the notifi(ation or, in %ie$ thereof, s$(h s$m, if an", as
an offi(er appointed in this !eha%f !" the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", havin-
re-ard to a%% the (ir($mstan(es of the (ase, from time to time determine to !e fair
and reasona!%e.
(3 The
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" at an" time revo2e or var" a notifi(ation $nder
(%a$se (1 of this se(tion
(4 6othin- in this se(tion is to !e (onstr$ed as de!arrin- an" rai%wa" administration
from enterin- into a (ontra(t with an" %o(a% a$thorit" for the s$pp%" of water or
%i-ht, or for the s(aven-in- of rai%wa" premises, or for an" other servi(e whi(h the
%o(a% a$thorit" ma" !e renderin- or !e prepared to render within an" part of the
%o(a% area $nder its (ontro%.
(0 &Lo(a% a$thorit"K in this se(tion means a %o(a% a$thorit" as defined in the
CGenera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97D and in(%$des an" a$thorit" %e-a%%" entit%ed to or
entr$sted with the (ontro% or mana-ement of an" f$nd for the maintenan(e of
C'how2idar or +ai%darD or for the (onservan(" of a river.
13G. R'#$1%&$%)* )* 'A'&"$%)* a@a%*#$ 1a%7wa< ;1);'1$<.D(1 6one of the ro%%in-8
sto(2, ma(hiner", p%ant, too%s fittin-s, materia%s or effe(ts $sed or provided !" a rai%wa" ad8
ministration for the p$rpose of the traffi( on its rai%wa", or of its stations or wor2shops, sha%% !e
%ia!%e to !e ta2en in e.e($tion of an" de(ree or order of an" 'o$rt
Cor of an" %o(a% a$thorit"
/or definition of &%o(a% a$thorit"K, $ee s$!8se(tion (0, infra, and the Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97 (1= of 1;97, s. 3 (2;.
See foot note 1 on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
(1 /or notifi(ation $nder this se(tion de(%arin- ever" rai%wa" administration to !e %ia!%e to pa" ever" ta. whi(h it is %awf$%%" re?$ired to pa" !"
or on !eha%f of an" %o(a% a$thorit" in aid of the f$nds of s$(h a$thorit", $ee Ga1ette of India, 19=7, *t. I,p.%=70.
(2 /or notifi(ation imposin- water8rates on the ,ast Indian 3ai%wa" in respe(t of (ertain @$ni(ipa%ities, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;93 and 1;94, *t.
I, pp. 30; and 43;, respe(tive%".
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;;7K.
Cf. the 3ai%wa" 'ompanies A(t, 1;)7 (3= and 31 <i(t., (. 127, s. 4.
Ins. !" Indian 3ai%wa"s A(t (1;9= Amdt. A(t, 1;9) (9 of1;9),s. 7.
#$!s. !" A(t I< of 1990, s.44.
> of
or person havin- !" %aw power to atta(h or distrain propert" or otherwise to (a$se propert" to !e
ta2en in e.e($tionD witho$t the previo$s san(tion of the
C/edera% Government.D
(2 6othin- in s$!8se(tion (1 is to !e (onstr$ed as affe(tin- the a$thorit" of an"
'o$rt to atta(h the earnin-s of a rai%wa" in e.e($tion of a de(ree or order.
134. Ra%7wa< #'1(a*$# $) 5' ;"57%& #'1(a*$# 9)1 $6' ;"1;)#'# )9 C6a;$'1 I/ )9 $6'
Pa:%#$a* P'*a7 C)8'.D
(3 A rai%wa" servant sha%% notI
(a p$r(hase or !id for, either in person or !" a-ent, in his own name or in that of
another, or :oint%" or in shares with others, an" propert" p$t $p to a$(tion
$nder se(tion 00 or se(tion 0), or,
(b in (ontravention of an" dire(tion of the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f,
en-a-e in trade.
138. P1)&'8"1' 9)1 #"22a1< 8'7%('1< $) 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)* )9 ;1);'1$<
8'$a%*'8 5< 1a%7wa< #'1(a*$.DIf a rai%wa" servant is dis(har-ed or s$spended from his offi(e, or
dies, a!s(onds or a!sents himse%f, and he or his wife or widow, or an" of his fami%" or
representatives, ref$ses or ne-%e(ts, after noti(e in writin- for that p$rpose, to de%iver $p to the
rai%wa" administration, or to a person appointed !" the rai%wa" administration in this !eha%f, an"
station, dwe%%in-8ho$se, offi(e or other !$i%din- with its app$rtenan(es, or an" !oo2s, papers or
other matters, !e%on-in- to the rai%wa" administration and in the possession or ($stod" of s$(h
rai%wa" servant at the o(($rren(e of an" s$(h event as aforesaid,
J J J @a-istrate of the
first (%assD ma", on app%i(ation made !" or on !eha%f of the rai%wa" administration, order an"
po%i(e8offi(er, with proper assistan(e, to enter $pon the !$i%din- and remove an" person fo$nd
therein and ta2e possession thereof, or to ta2e possession of the !oo2s, papers or other matters,
and to de%iver the same to the rai%wa" administration or a person appointed !" the rai%wa"
administration in that !eha%f.
133. C5ode of $i3nifyin3 #ommuni#ation$ from the Do'ernor Denera" in Coun#i".D
e!. by 9.O., 1937.
See foot note ; on pa-e 293, $u!ra.
#$!8se(tions (1 and (2 omitted !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 190) (23 of 190), s. 2.
#$!8se(tion (4 omitted ibid.
Cf. the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; and 9 <i(t, (. 2=, s.1=).
#$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1940 () of 1940, s. 3 and #(h. II, for &an" @a-istrate of the first (%assK.
The words &*residen(" @a-istrate orK omitted !" A. O., 1949.
1C0. S'1(%&' )9 *)$%&'# )* 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)*#.DAn" noti(e or other do($ment
re?$ired or a$thorised !" this A(t to !e served on a rai%wa" administration ma" !e served,
J on the @ana-er
(a !" de%iverin- the noti(e or other do($ment to the @an-er
J JF or
(b !" %eavin- it at his offi(eF or
(# !" forwardin- it !" post in a prepaid %etter addressed to the @ana-er
J J at his
offi(e and re-istered $nder
Cthe post offi(e A(t, 1;9;.D
1C1. S'1(%&' )9 *)$%&'# 1a%7wa< a82%*%#$1a$%)*#.DAn" noti(e or other do($ment re?$ired
or a$thorised !" this A(t to !e served on an" *erson !" a rai%wa" administrations ma" !e served8
(a !" de%iverin- it to the personF or
(b !" %eavin- it at the $s$a% or %ast 2nown p%a(e of a!ode of the personF or
(# !" forwardin- it !" post in a prepaid %etter addressed to the person at his $s$a% or %ast
2nown p%a(e of a!ode and re-istered $nder
Cthe *ost Offi(e A(t, 1;9;.D
1C2. P1'#"2;$%)* w6'1' *)$%&' %# #'1('8 5< ;)#$. 7here a noti(e or other do($ment is
served !" post, it sha%% !e deemed to have !een served at the time when the %etter (ontainin- it
wo$%d !e de%ivered in the ordinar" (o$rse of post, and in provin- s$(h servi(e it sha%% !e
s$ffi(ient to prove that the %etter (ontainin- the noti(e or other do($ment was proper%" addressed
and re-istered.
1C3. P1)(%#%)*# w%$6 1'#;'&$ )9 1"7'#.D(1 A r$%e $nder se(tion 22, se(tion 34 or se(tion
;4, or the (an(e%%ation, res(ission or variation of a r$%e $nder an" of those se(tions or $nder
se(tion 47, s$!8se(tion (4, sha%% not ta2e effe(t $nti% it has !een p$!%ished in the
(2 7here an" r$%e made $nder this A(t, or the (an(e%%ation res(ission or variation of an"
s$(h r$%e, is re?$ired !" this A(t to !e p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, it sha%%, !esides !ein-
so p$!%ished, !e f$rther notified to persons affe(ted there!" in
The words &in the (ase of a rai%wa" administered !" the Government or a 6ative #tateK rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t,
1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
The words and (ommas &and, in the (ase of a rai%wa" administered !" a rai%wa" (ompan", on the A-ent in India of the rai%wa" (ompan"K rep.
The words &or A-entK rep., ibid.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. for &*art8III of the Indian *ost Offi(e A(t,
Cf. the 'ompanies '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; and 9 <iet., #.16, $.13), and the 3ai%wa"s '%a$ses A(t, 1;40 (; and 9 <i(t., (. 2=, s. 34.
#$!s. !" A. O.1937. for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
<I of 1;9;.
<I of 1;9;.
s$(h manner as the
Ca$thorit" ma2in-, (an(e%%in-, res(indin- or var"in- the r$%eD, !" -enera% or
spe(ia% order, dire(ts.
1CC. C+nter!retation a$ re$!e#t$ 9##edin3 State$.D Omitted by the %edera" Law$
&e'i$ion and De#"aration( Ordinan#e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, $. 3 and S#h. ++.
1C5. R';1'#'*$a$%)* )9 Ma*a@'1# a*8 A@'*$# )9 Ra%7wa<# %* C)"1$#.I(1 The
@ana-er of a rai%wa"
J J J ma", !" instr$ment in writin-, a$thorise an" rai%wa" servant or
other person to a(t for or represent him in an" pro(eedin- !efore an" 'ivi%, 'rimina% or
other 'o$rt.
(2 A person a$thorised !" a @ana-er
J J to (ond$(t prose($tions on !eha%f of a
rai%wa" administration sha%%, notwithstandin- an"thin- in se(tion 490 of the
C'ode of 'rimina%
*ro(ed$re, 1;9;D !e entit%ed to (ond$(t s$(h prose($tions witho$t the permission of the
C1CG. P)w'1 $) 'A$'*8 A&$ $) &'1$a%* $1a2wa<#.D
C(1 This A(t or an" portion thereof
ma", !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, !e e.tended to an" tramwa" !" the *rovin(ia%
(2 This se(tion does not app%" to an" tramwa" not wor2ed !" steam or other me(hani(a%
C1C4. P)w'1 $) 'A'2;$ 1a%7wa< 91)2 $6' );'1a$%)* )9 $6' ;1)(%#%)*# )9 $6' A&$.D
The *rovin(ia% Government, in re%ation to se(tions ;A and 11, and the /edera% Government or
the A$thorit", as the (ase ma" !e, in re%ation to the remainin- provisions of the A(t, ma", !"
notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, e.empt an" rai%wa" from the operation thereof.D
1C8. Ma$$'1# #";;7'2'*$a7 $) $6' 8'9%*%$%)*# )9 E1a%7wa<F a*8 E1a%7wa< #'1(a*$F.D
(1 /or the p$rposes of se(tion 3, (%a$ses (0, () and (7, and se(tions 4 of 19 (!oth in(%$sive,
47 to 02 (!oth in(%$sive, 09, 79, ;3 to 92 (!oth in(%$sive, 9), 97, 9;, 1==, 1=1, 1=3, 1=4, 1=7,
111, 122, 124 to 132 (!oth in(%$sive, 134 to 13; (!oth in(%$sive, 14=, 141
J 140, and the word
&rai%wa"K, whether
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &G.G. in '.K.
#$!8se(tion (3 whi(h read &The G. G. in '. ma" (an(e% or var" an" r$%e made !" him $nder this A(t,K was rep., ibid.
#e(tion 144 ins. !" A. O., 1949, #(h. The ori-ina% se(tion 144 re-H Ae%e-ation of *owers of Governor8Genera% in 'o$n(i% was repea%ed !" A. O.,
The words and (ommas &administered !" the Government or a 6ative #tate and the A-ent in India of a rai%wa" administered !" a rai%wa"
(ompan",K rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
The words &or A-entK rep., ibid.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;;2K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for the ori-ina% se(tion.
#$!8se(tion (1 as amended !" A. O., 1949, and A. O., 19)1, has !een s$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
#e(tion 147 whi(h was first s$!s. !" A. O., 19)4, have !een f$rther s$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., to read as a!ove.
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1. s.3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" Ord. 92 of =2, s.44 4 #(h.II.
A(t <
it o(($rs a%one or as a prefi. to another word, has referen(e to a rai%wa" or portion of a rai%wa"
$nder (onstr$(tion and to a rai%wa" or portion of a rai%wa" not $sed for the p$!%i( (arria-e of
passen-ers, anima%s or -oods as we%t as to a rai%wa" fa%%in- within the definition of that word in
se(tion 3, (%a$se (4.
(2 /or the p$rposes of se(tions 0, 21, ;3, 1==, 1=1, 1=3, 1=4, 121, 122, 120 and
13;, the e.pression &rai%wa" servantK in(%$des a person emp%o"ed $pon a rai%wa" in (onne(tion
with the servi(e thereof !" a person f$%fi%%in- a (ontra(t with the rai%wa" administration.
1C3. C9mendment of the +ndian :ena" Code.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; (1 of 193;, $.
2 and S#hedu"e.
150. C9mendment of the Sindh,:i$hin ai"way 9#t, 1;;7.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193;
(1 of 193;, $. 2 and S#hedu"e.
THE %+ST SCHEDULE.,CE<9CT5E<TS E:E9LED.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t,
193; (1 of 193;, $. 2 and S#hedu"e.
&See se(tion 70
(a -o%d and si%ver, (oined or $n(oined, man$fa(t$red or $nman$fa(t$redF
(! p%ated arti(%esF
(( (%oths and tiss$e and %a(e of whi(h -o%d or si%ver forms part, not !ein- the $niform or
part of the $niform of an offi(er, so%dier, sai%or, po%i(e8offi(er
J J J or of
an" p$!%i( offi(er,
C*a2istanD or forei-n, entit%ed to wear $niformF
(d pear%s, pre(io$s stones, :ewe%%er" and trin2etsF
(e wat(hes, (%o(2s and timepie(es of an" des(riptionF
(f Government se($ritiesF
(- Government stampsF
(h !i%%s of e.(han-e, h$ndis, promissor", notes, !an28notes, and orders or other
se($rities for pa"ment of mone"F
(i maps, writin-s and tit%e8deedsF
(: paintin-s, en-ravin-s, %itho-raphs, photo-raphs, (arvin-s, s($%pt$re and other wor2s
of art F
'ertain words and fi-$res omitted !" the 3ai%wa"s (Amdt. A(t, 190) (23 of 190), s. 3.
'ertain words omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd ;th.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for &+ritishK (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
C(:: *ens and pen(i%s (imported FD
(2 art potter" and a%% arti(%es made of -%ass, (hina or mar!%eF
(% si%2s in a man$fa(t$red or $nman$fa(t$red state, and whether wro$-ht $p or not
wro$-ht $p with other materia%sF
(m shaw%s
C&and woo%%en 'arpetsKD F
(n %a(e and f$rsF
(o opi$mF
(p ivor", e!on", (ora% and sanda%woodF
(? m$s2, sanda%wood8oi% and other essentia% oi%s $sed in the preparation of itr or other
(r m$si(a% and s(ientifi( instr$mentsF
C@er($r" (P$i(2 #i%verD F
C(rr te%evision sets, tape re(orders, washin- ma(hines, refri-erators, air8(onditioners,
e%e(tri( shavers, 2nittin- ma(hines, >8ra" ma(hines, ,.'..G. ma(hines, te%ephone8
apparat$s, (a%($%ators and (omp$tersF
(rrr motor vehi(%es and motor tra(tors e.(eedin- r$pees ten tho$sand in va%$eFD
C(rrrr e%e(tri( (oo2in- ran-e, e%e(tri( mi(rowave oven, e%e(tri( -easer, video (assette
re(order, video (assette p%a"er, deep free1er, persona% (omp$ter, amp%ifier, (amera,
movie (amera, (omp$ter dis2.KD
(s an" arti(%e of spe(ia% va%$e whi(h the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD add to this s(hed$%e
Ins. !" #.3.O. 743(1Q77 dt. the ;th A$-$st, 1977, $ee Ga1., of *a2., 1977 (%!d. ,.t., *t. II, p. 1417.
Added !" 6otifi(ation 6o. 292; T.'., dated the 2nd A$-$st, 1944.
#ee foot8note 2 on pa-e 3=2, $u!ra.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Ga1ette of the IndiaK.
/or Arts. added to this #(hed$%e !" 6otifi(ation, $ee Gen. 3. and O. and for s$(h an instan(e, $ee Da1. of *., *t. I, dated the 7th #eptem!er,
1901. p. 012.
Ins.!" A(t I< of 1990, s.40.
A&$ N). /I OF 1830
C41$t 5ar#h, 1;9=D
A* A&$ 9)1 $6' P1'('*$%)* )9 C1"'7$< $) A*%2a7#
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to ma2e f$rther provision for the prevention of (r$e%t" to
anima%sF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. T%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$, a*8 #";'1#'##%)* )9 )$6'1 '*a&$2'*$#.D(1 This A(t
ma" !e (a%%ed the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s A(t, 1;9=.
(2 This se(tion e.tends to
Cthe who%e of *a2istanD and the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma",
!" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, e.tend, on and from a date to !e spe(ified in the notifi(a8
tion, the who%e or an" part of the rest of this A(t to an" s$(h %o(a% area as it thin2s fit.
(3 7hen an" part of this A(t has !een e.tended $nder s$!se(tion (2 to a %o(a% area, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, dire(t that the who%e or
an" part of an" other ena(tment in for(e in the %o(a% area for the prevention of (r$e%t" to anima%s
sha%%, e.(ept as re-ards an"thin- done or an" offen(e (ommitted or an" fine or pena%t" in($rred
or an" pro(eedin-s (ommen(ed, (ease to have effe(t in the %o(a% area, and s$(h who%e or part
sha%% (ease to have effe(t a((ordin-%" $nti% the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, !" a %i2e notifi(ation,
otherwise dire(ts.
(4 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" (an(e% or var" a notifi(ation $nder s$!8se(tion (2 or
s$!8se(tion (3.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;9=, *t. <, p. 4 F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., p. 90, and for pro8
(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., *t. <I, pp. 4, 1= and )2.
This A(t has !een de(%ared in for(e in +a%$(histan !" s. 3 of the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913 F
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is App%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain
modifi(ations F and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6.7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and s$!:e(t
to s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, pt. I, p. 1499.
This A(t has !een amended to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor", $ee Ordinan(e 6o. 27 of 19;1, s. 0 and 4th #(h.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &a%%
the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4 for &the who%e of +ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for the words &Lo(a% GovernmentK.
2. '9%*%$%)*#.DIn this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,I
(1 &anima%K means an" domesti( or (apt$red anima%H
(2 &#treetK in(%$des an" wa", road, %ane, s?$are, (o$rt, a%%e", passa-e or open spa(e,
whether a thoro$-hfare or not, to whi(h the p$!%i( have a((essH
C(3 !hoo>a or doom de' in(%$des an" pro(ess of introd$(in- air or an" s$!stan(e into the
fema%e or-an of a mi%(h anima% with the o!:e(t of drawin- off from the anima% an"
se(retion of mi%2.D
C3. P'*a7$< 9)1 &1"'$7< $) a*%2a7# a*8 9)1 #a7' )9 a*%2a7# :%77'8 w%$6 "**'&'##a1<
&1"'7$<. If an" person I
(a overdrives, !eats, or otherwise treats an" anima% so as to s$!:e(t it to $nne(essar" pain
or s$fferin-, or
(! !inds, 2eeps, (arries or (onsi-ns for (arria-e an" anima% in s$(h manner or position as
to s$!:e(t it to $nne(essar" pain or s$fferin-, or
(( offers for sa%e or witho$t reasona!%e (a$se has in his possession an" %ive anima% whi(h
is s$fferin- pain !" reason of m$ti%ation, starvation, thirst, over8(rowdin- or other i%%8
treatment, or
(d offers for sa%e an" dead anima% or part of a dead anima% whi(h he has reason to !e%ieve
has !een 2i%%ed in an $nne(essari%" (r$e% manner, or
(e witho$t reasona!%e (a$se a!andons an" anima% in (ir($mstan(es whi(h render it %i2e%"
that it wi%% s$ffer pain !" reason of starvation or thirst,
he sha%% !e p$nished, in the (ase of a first offen(e, with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees, or
with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to one month and, in the (ase of a se(ond or
s$!se?$ent offen(e (ommitted within three "ears of the previo$s offen(e, with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to one h$ndred r$pees, or with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to three
months, or with !oth.D
C3A. P'*a7$< 9)1 )('17)a8%*@ a*%2a7#.D(1 If an" person over%oads an" anima%, he sha%%
!e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees, or with imprisonment for a term whi(h
ma" e.tend to one month.
(2 If the owner of an" anima%, or an" person who either as a trader, (arrier or (ontra(tor or
!" virt$e of his emp%o"ment !" a trader, (arrier or (ontra(tor, is in possession of, or in (ontro% of
the %oadin- of, an" anima%, permits the over%oadin- of s$(h anima%, he sha%% !e p$nished with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one h$ndred r$pees.
The word &andK was omitted !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 193; (20 of 193;, s. 2.
'%a$se (3 added, ibid.
#$!s. ibid., s.3, for the ori-ina% se(tion 3.
#. 3A ins.i!id., s.4.
CC. P'*a7$< 9)1 ;1a&$%#%*@ phoo:a.D(1 If an" person performs $pon an" (ow or other
mi%(h anima% the operation (a%%ed !hoo>a or doom de', or permits s$(h operation to !e
performed $pon an" s$(h anima% in his possession or $nder his (ontro%, he sha%% !e p$nished with
fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five h$ndred r$pees, or with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma"
e.tend to two "ears, or with !oth, and the anima% on whi(h the operation was performed sha%% !e
forfeited to GovernmentH
*rovided that in the (ase of a se(ond or s$!se?$ent (onvi(tion of a person $nder this
se(tion he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to five h$ndred r$pees and with
imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to two "ears.
(2 A 'o$rt ma" order pa"ment o$t of an" fine imposed $nder this se(tion of an amo$nt
not e.(eedin- one8tenth of the fine to an" person other than a po%i(e offi(er or offi(er of a
so(iet" or instit$tion (on(erned with the prevention of (r$e%t" to anima%s who has -iven
information %eadin- to the (onvi(tion.D
5. P'*a7$< 9)1 :%77%*@ a*%2a7# w%$6 "**'&'##a1< &1"'7$< a*<w6'1'. If an" person 2i%%s
an" anima% in an $nne(essari%" (r$e% manner, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
two h$ndred r$pees, or with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months, or with
C5A. P'*a7$< 9)1 5'%*@ %* ;)##'##%)* )9 $6' #:%* )9 a @)a$ :%77'8 w%$6 "**'&'##a1<
&1"'7$<. If an" person has in his possession the s2in of a -oat, and has reason to !e%ieve that the
-oat has !een 2i%%ed in an $nne(essari%" (r$e% manner, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to one h$ndred r$pees, or with imprisonment whi(h ma" e.tend to three months, or with
!oth, and the s2in sha%% !e (onfis(ated.
5.. P1'#"2;$%)*# a# $) ;)##'##%)* )9 $6' #:%* )9 a @)a$. If an" person is (har-ed with
the offen(e of 2i%%in- a -oat (ontrar" to the provisions of se(tion 0, or with an offen(e p$nisha!%e
$nder se(tion 0A, and it is proved that s$(h person had in his possession, at the time the offen(e
was a%%e-ed to have !een (ommitted, the s2in of a -oat with an" part of the s2in of the head
atta(hed thereto, it sha%% !e pres$med, $nti% the (ontrar" !e proved, that s$(h -oat was 2i%%ed in
an $nne(essari%" (r$e% manner, and that the person in possession of s$(h s2in had reason so to
G. P'*a7$< 9)1 '2;7)<%*@ a*<w6'1' a*%2a7# "*9%$ 9)1 7a5)"1.
JIf an" person emp%o"s in
an" wor2 or %a!o$r an" anima% whi(h !" reason of an" disease, infirmit", wo$nd, sore or other
(a$se is $nfit to !e so emp%o"ed, or permits an" s$(h $nfit anima% in his possession or $nder his
(ontro% to !e so emp%o"ed, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one h$ndred
#$!s. !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 193; (20 of 193;. s. 0, for the ori-ina% se(tion 4.
#s. 0A and 0+ were ins. !" s. 2 of the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 1917 (14 of 1917.
The fi-$re and !ra(2ets &(1K omitted !" s.) of A(t 20 of 193;.
#$!8se(tions (2 to (), were omitted, ibid.
CGA. I*$'1;1'$a$%)*.D/or the p$rposes of se(tions 3A and ), an owner or other person
in possession or (ontro% of an anima% sha%% !e deemed to have permitted an offen(e if he has
fai%ed to reasona!%e (are and s$pervision with a view to the prevention of s$(h offen(e,
and, for the p$rposes of se(tion 4, if he fai%s to prove that he has s$(h (are and
G.. T1'a$2'*$ a*8 &a1' )9 a*%2a7#.D(1 The *rovin(ia% Government ma", !" -enera%
or spe(ia% order, appoint infirmaries for the treatment and (are of anima%s in respe(t of whi(h
offen(es a-ainst this A(t have !een (ommitted, and ma" a$thorise the detention therein of an"
anima% pendin- its prod$(tion !efore a @a-istrate.
(2 The @a-istrate !efore whom a prose($tion for an offen(e a-ainst this A(t has !een
instit$ted ma" dire(t that the anima% (on(erned sha%% !e treated and (ared for in an infirmar",
$nti% it is fit to perform its $s$a% wor2 or is otherwise fit for dis(har-e, or that it sha%% !e sent to a
!inAra!o"e, or, if the <eterinar" Offi(er in (har-e of the area in whi(h the anima% is fo$nd or s$(h
other <eterinar" Offi(er, as ma" !e a$thorised in this !eha%f !" r$%es made $nder se(tion 10
(ertifies that it is in($ra!%e or (annot !e removed witho$t (r$e%t", that it sha%% !e destro"ed.
(3 An anima% sent for (are and treatment to an infirmar" sha%% not, $n%ess the @a-istrate
dire(ts that it sha%% !e sent to a !inAra!o"e or that it sha%% !e destro"ed, !e re%eased from s$(h
p%a(e e.(ept $pon a (ertifi(ate of its fitness for dis(har-e iss$ed !" the <eterinar" Offi(er in
(har-e of the area in whi(h the infirmar" is sit$ated or s$(h other <eterinar" Offi(er as ma" !e
a$thorised in this !eha%f !" r$%es made $nder se(tion 10.
(4 The (ost of transportin- an anima% to an infirmar" or !inAra!o"e, and of its
maintenan(e and treatment in an infirmar" sha%% !e pa"a!%e !" the owner of the anima% in
a((ordan(e with a s(a%e of rates to !e pres(ri!ed !" the Aistri(t @a-istrate
*rovided that when the @a-istrate so order, on a((o$nt of the povert" of the owner of the
anima%, no (har-e sha%% !e pa"a!%e for the treatment of the anima%.
(0 If the owner ref$ses or ne-%e(ts to pa" s$(h (ost or to remove the anima% within s$(h
time as a @a-istrate ma" pres(ri!e, the @a-istrate ma" dire(t that the anima% !e so%d and that the
pro(eeds of the sa%e !e app%ied to the pa"ment of s$(h (ost.
() The s$rp%$s, if an", of the pro(eeds of s$(h sa%e sha%%, on app%i(ation made !" the
owner within two months from the date of the sa%e, !e paid to him.
#e(tions ) A, )+ and )' ins. !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 193; (20 of 193;, s. 7.
The words &or, in *residen("8towns, !" the8'ommissioner of *o%i(eK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
GC. P'*a7$< 9)1 5a%$%*@ )1 %*&%$%*@ a*%2a7# $) 9%@6$.DIf an" personI
(a in(ites an" anima% to fi-ht, or
(! !aits an" anima%, or
(( aids or a!ets an" s$(h in(itement or !aitin-,
he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees.
E/#e!tion.,It sha%% not !e an offen(e $nder this se(tion to in(ite anima%s to fi-ht if s$(h
fi-htin- is not %i2e%" to (a$se in:$r" or s$fferin- to s$(h anima%s and a%% reasona!%e pre(a$tions
are ta2en to prevent in:$r" or s$fferin- from !ein- so (a$sed.D
4. P'*a7$< 9)1 ;'12%$$%*@ 8%#'a#'8 a*%2a7# $) @) a$ 7a1@' )1 $) 8%' %* ;"57%& ;7a&'#. If
an" person wi%f$%%" permits an" anima% of whi(h he is the owner
Cor is in (har-eD to -o at %ar-e
in an" street whi%e the anima% is affe(ted with (onta-io$s or infe(tio$s disease, or witho$t
reasona!%e e.($se permits an" diseased or disa!%ed anima% of whi(h he is the owner
Cor is in
(har-eD to die in an" street, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to one h$ndred
Cwhere he is the owner of the anima%, or to fift" r$pees where he is in (har-e of !$t not
the owner of the anima%D.
C4A. S;'&%a7 ;)w'1 )9 #'a1&6 a*8 #'%I"1' %* 1'#;'&$ )9 &'1$a%* )99'*&'#.DC(1D If a
po%i(e8offi(er, not !e%ow the ran2 of s$!8inspe(tor, has reason to !e%ieve that an offen(e $nder
se(tion 0, in respe(t of a -oat, is !ein- or is a!o$t to !e, or has !een, (ommitted in an" p%a(e, or
that an" person has in his possession the s2in of a -oat with an" part of the s2in of the head
atta(hed thereto, he ma" enter and sear(h s$(h p%a(e or an" p%a(e in whi(h he has reason to
!e%ieve an" s$(h s2in to !e, and ma" sei1e an" s$(h s2in and an" arti(%e or thin- $sed or
intended to !e $sed in the (ommission of s$(h offen(e.D .
C(2 If a po%i(e8offi(er, not !e%ow the ran2 of s$!8inspe(tor, or an" person spe(ia%%"
a$thorised !" the *rovin(ia% Government in this !eha%f has reason to !e%ieve that !hoo>a or
doom de' has :$st !een or is !ein- performed on an" anima% within the %imits of his :$risdi(tion,
he ma" enter an" p%a(e in whi(h he has reason to !e%ieve s$(h anima% to !e, and ma" sei1e the
anima% and prod$(e it for e.amination !" the <eterinar" Offi(er in (har-e of the area in whi(h
the anima% is sei1ed.D
8. S'a1&6-wa11a*$H#.D(1 If a @a-istrate of the first
Cor se(ond (%ass,
J JD #$!8
divisiona% @a-istrate,
J J J or Aistri(t #$perintendent of *o%i(e, $pon information in writin-
and after s$(h in?$ir" as
#s. )A, )+ and )' ins. !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 193; (20 of 193;, s. 7.
Ins. ibid., s. ;.
Added, ibid.
#. 7A ins. !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 1917 (14 of 1917, s. 3.
#e(tion 7 A re8n$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (1 of that se(tion !" A(t 20 of 193;, s. 9.
#$!8se(tion (2 added, ibid.
#$!s. for the word &(%assK !" A(t 20 of 193;, s. 1=.
The words &*residen(" @a-istrateK omitted !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
The words &'ommissioner of *o%i(eK, omitted, ibid.
he thin2s ne(essar", has reason to !e%ieve that an offen(e
Ca-ainst this A(tD is !ein- or is a!o$t
to !e or has !een (ommitted in an" p%a(e, he ma" either himse%f enter and sear(h or !" his
warrant a$thorise an" po%i(e8offi(er
Cnot !e%ow the ran2 of s$!8inspe(torD to enter and sear(h the
(2 The provisions of the
C'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9;,(A(t < of 1;9;D re%atin- to
sear(hes $nder that 'ode sha%%, so far as those provisions (an !e made app%i(a!%e, app%" to a
sear(h $nder s$!se(tion (1
Cor $nder se(tion 7AD.
3. L%2%$a$%)* 9)1 ;1)#'&"$%)*#. A prose($tion for an offen(e a-ainst this A(t sha%% not
!e instit$ted after the e.piration of three months from the date of the (ommission of the offen(e.
10. '#$1"&$%)* )9 #"99'1%*@ a*%2a7#.D
C(1D 7hen an" @a-istrate,
J J J or Aistri(t
#$perintendent of po%i(e has reason to !e%ieve that an offen(e a-ainst this A(t has !een
(ommitted in respe(t of an" anima%, he ma" dire(t the immediate destr$(tion of the anima% if in
his opinion its s$fferin-s are s$(h as to render s$(h a dire(tion proper.
C(2 An" po%i(e8offi(er a!ove the ran2 of a (onsta!%e who finds an" anima% so
diseased, or so severe%" in:$red, or in s$(h a ph"si(a% (ondition that it (annot, in his opinion, !e
removed witho$t (r$e%t", ma", if the owner is a!sent or ref$ses to (onsent to the destr$(tion of
the anima%, forthwith s$mmon the <eterinar" Offi(er in (har-e of the area in whi(h the anima% is
fo$nd and if the <eterinar" Offi(er (ertifies that the anima% is morta%%" in:$red, or so severe%"
in:$red or in s$(h a ph"si(a% (ondition that its destr$(tion is desira!%e, the po%i(e8offi(er ma",
after o!tainin- orders from a @a-istrate, destro" the anima% or (a$se it to !e destro"ed. D
11. Sa(%*@ w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) 1'7%@%)"# 1%$'# a*8 "#a@'#. 6othin- in this A(t sha%% render it
an offen(e to 2i%% an" anima% in a manner re?$ired !" the re%i-ion or re%i-io$s rites and $sa-es of
an" ra(e, se(t, tri!e or (%ass.
12. P1)(%#%)* #";;7'2'*$a1< $) #'&$%)* 1 w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) 'A$'*$ )9 A&$.
6otwithstandin- an"thin- in se(tion 1, se(tions
C4 and 13, se(tions 9 and 1=, and se(tions )A, 7
A, ; and 10 so far as the" re%ate to offen(es $nder se(tion 4D sha%% e.tend to ever" %o(a% area in
whi(h an" se(tion of this A(t (onstit$tin- an offen(e is for the time !ein- in for(e.
#$!s. for the words and fi-$res &a-ainst se(tion 4, se(tion 0 or se(tion )K !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 193; (20 of
193;, s. 1=.
#$!s. ibid., for the words &a!ove the ran2 of a (onsta!%eK.
See now the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (A(t 0 of 1;9;.
Added !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t, 1917 (14 of 1917, s. 4.
#. 1= re8n$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (1 of that se(tion !" A(t 20 of 193;, s. 11.
The words &'ommissioner of *o%i(eK omitted, !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!8se(tion (2 added, !" A(t. 20 of 193;.
#$!s. ibid., s. 12, for the word and fi-$res &9, 1= and 11K.
#$!s. !" ord >><II of 19;1, s.0 4 #(h. I<(on%" to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% territor"
> of
C13. O99'*&' "*8'1 #'&$%)* C $) 5' &)@*%Ia57'. 6otwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in
the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9;, an offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder se(tion 4 sha%% !e a
(o-ni1a!%e offen(e within the meanin- of that 'ode.
1C. G'*'1a7 ;)w'1 $) #'%I"1' 9)1 'Aa2%*a$%)*. An" po%i(e8offi(er a!ove the ran2 of a
(onsta!%e or an" person a$thorised !" the *rovin(ia% Government in this !eha%f, who has reason
to !e%ieve that an offen(e a-ainst this A(t has !een or is !ein- (ommitted in respe(t of an"
anima%, ma", if in his opinion the (ir($mstan(es so re?$ire, sei1e the anima% and prod$(e the
same for e.amination !" the nearest @a-istrate or !" s$(h <eterinar" Offi(er as ma" !e
desi-nated in this !eha%f !" r$%es made $nder se(tion 10F and s$(h po%i(e8offi(er or a$thorised
person ma", when sei1in- the anima%, re?$ire the person in (har-e thereof to a((ompan" it to the
p%a(e of e.amination.
15. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'#.D(1 The *rovin(ia% Government ma", !" notifi(ation in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette, and s$!:e(t to the (ondition of previo$s p$!%i(ation, ma2e r$%es to (arr" o$t the
p$rposes of this A(t.
(2 In parti($%ar, and witho$t pre:$di(e to the -enera%it" of the fore-oin- power, the
*rovin(ia% Government ma" ma2e r$%esI
(a pres(ri!in- the$m wei-ht of %oads to !e (arried or drawn !" an" anima%F
(b pres(ri!in- (onditions to prevent the over8(rowdin- of anima%sF
(# pres(ri!in- the period d$rin- whi(h, and the ho$rs !etween whi(h, !$ffa%oes sha%%
not !e $sed for dra$-ht p$rposesF
(d pres(ri!in- the p$rposes to whi(h fines rea%i1ed $nder this A(t ma" !e app%ied,
in(%$din- s$(h p$rposes as the maintenan(e of infirmaries, !inAra!o"e$, and
veterinar" hospita%sF
(e prohi!itin- the $se of an" !it or harness invo%vin- (r$e%t"F
(f re?$irin- persons (arr"in- on the !$siness of a farrier to !e %i(ensed and
(3 re?$irin- persons ownin-, or in (har-e of, premises in whi(h anima%s are 2ept or
mi%2ed to re-ister s$(h premises, to (omp%" with pres(ri!ed (onditions as to the
!o$ndar" wa%%s or s$rro$ndin-s of s$(h premises, to permit their inspe(tion for
the p$rpose of as(ertainin- whether an" offen(e a-ainst se(tion 4 is !ein-, or has
!een, (ommitted therein, and to e.pose in s$(h premises (opies of se(tion 4 of
this A(t in a %an-$a-e or %an-$a-es (ommon%" $nderstood in the %o(a%it"F and
#e(tions 13 to 17 added !" the *revention of 'r$e%t" to Anima%s (Amdt. A(t. 193; (20 of 193;. s. 13.
A(t <
of 1;9;.
(h pres(ri!in- the manner in whi(h (att%e ma" !e impo$nded in an" p%a(e appointed
for the p$rpose, so as to se($re the provision of ade?$ate spa(e, food and water.
(3 If an" person (ontravenes, or a!ets the (ontravention of, an" r$%e made $nder this
se(tion, he sha%% !e p$nished with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to fift" r$pees.
1G. P'1#)*# a"$6)1%#'8 "*8'1 #'&$%)* 1C $) 5' ;"57%& #'1(a*$#. ,ver" person
a$thorised !" the *rovin(ia% Government $nder se(tion 14 sha%% !e deemed to !e a p$!%i( servant
within the meanin- of se(tion 21 of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
14. I*8'2*%$<. 6o s$it, prose($tion or other %e-a% pro(eedin- sha%% %ie a-ainst an" person
who is, or who is deemed to !e, a p$!%i( servant within the meanin- of se(tion 21 of the *a2istan
*ena% 'ode, in respe(t of an" thin- in -ood faith done or intended to !e done $nder this A(t. D
ACT N). /VIII OF 1831
C1$t O#tober, 1;91D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' Law )9 E(%8'*&' w%$6 1'#;'&$ $) .a*:'1#H .)):#.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to amend the Law of ,viden(e with respe(t to +an2ers5 +oo2sF It
is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. T%$7' a*8 'A$'*$.D(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the +an2ers5 +oo2s ,viden(e, 1;91.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;91, *t. v, *. 24H for report of the #e%e(t 'ommitte, $ee ibid., p.
1;9, and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., *t. <I, pp. 10,20,117,130 and 14=.
The A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G .O. 3 of 190=F and
app%ied in the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
The A(t and the r$%es, notifi(ations and orders made there$nder, have !een app%ied to the who%e of the /edera%%" Administered
Tri!a% Areas or to the parts of those Areas to whi(h the" do not a%read" app%", !" 3e-$%ation 6o.I of 1970, s. 2 and the #(hed$%e.
The A(t and the r$%es, notifi(ations and orders made there$nder, as in for(e in 6.7./.*. !efore the 10th E$%", 1970, have !een
app%ied to the Aistri(ts of 'hitra%, Air and #wat and @a%a2and *rote(ted Areas of the 6.7./.*. !" 3e-. 6o. III of 1970, s. 2 and #(h.
>L< of
>L< of
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDF
2. '9%*%$%)*#.DIn this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,I
C(1 &(ompan"K means a (ompan" re-istered $nder an" of the ena(tments re%atin- to
(ompanies for the time !ein- in for(e in an" part of Gis @a:est"5s dominions or
in(orporated !" an A(t of *ar%iament
Cof the Lnited Oin-domD or !" an
C*a2istanD %aw or !" 3o"a% 'harter or !" Letters *atentHD
(2 &!an2K and &!an2erK meanI
(a an" (ompan" (arr"in- on the !$siness of !an2ers,
(b an" partnership or individ$a% to whose !oo2s the provisions of this A(t sha%% have
!een e.tended as hereinafter provided,
C(# an" post offi(e savin-s !an2 or mone" order offi(eHD
(3 &!an2ers5 !oo2sK in(%$de %ed-ers, da"8!oo2s, (ash8!oo2s, a((o$nt8!oo2s and a%%
other !oo2s $sed in the ordinar" !$siness of a !an2H
(4 &%e-a% pro(eedin-K means an" pro(eedin- or in?$ir" in whi(h eviden(e is or ma"
!e -iven, and in(%$des an ar!itrationH
(0 &the 'o$rtK means the person or persons !efore whom a %e-a% pro(eedin- is he%d
or ta2enH
() &E$d-eK means a E$d-e of a Gi-h 'o$rtH
(7 &tria%K means an" hearin- !efore the 'o$rt at whi(h eviden(e is ta2enH and
(; &(ertified (op"K means a (op" of an" entr" in the !oo2s of a !an2 to-ether with a
(ertifi(ate written at the foot of s$(h (op" that it is a tr$e (op" of s$(h entr", that
s$(h entr" is (ontained in one of the ordinar" !oo2s of the !an2 and was made in
the $s$a% and ordinar" (o$rse of !$siness, and that s$(h !oo2 is sti%% in the
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
1900, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4.
The word &andK at the end of s$!8se(tion (2, and s$!8se(tion (3 rep. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for previo$s definition whi(h had !een s$!s., for ori-ina% definition !" the +an2ers5 +oo2s ,viden(e A(t,
19== (12 of 19==.
%ns. !" A, O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &IndiaK.
'%. (( was added !" s. 2 of the +an2ers5 +oo2s ,viden(e A(t, 1;93 (1 of 1;93.
($stod" of the !an2, s$(h (ertifi(ate !ein- dated and s$!s(ri!ed !" the prin(ipa%
a((o$ntant or mana-er of the !an2 with his name and offi(ia% tit%e.
3. P)w'1 $) 'A$'*8 ;1)(%#%)*# )9 A&$.-The
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", from time to
time, !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, e.tend the provisions of the A(t to the !oo2s of an"
partnership or individ$a% (arr"in- on the !$siness of !an2ers within the territories $nder its ad8
ministration, and 2eepin- a set of not %ess than three ordinar" a((o$nt !oo2s, name%", a (ash8
!oo2, a da"8!oo2 or :o$rna%, and a %ed-er, and ma" in %i2e manner res(ind an" s$(h notifi(ation.
C. M)8' )9 ;1))9 )9 '*$1%'# 5a*:'1#H 5)):#.D#$!:e(t to the provisions of this A(t a
(ertified (op" of an" entr" in a !an2er5s !oo2 sha%% in a%% %e-a% pro(eedin-s !e re(eived as !rima
fa#ie eviden(e of the e.isten(e of s$(h entr", and sha%% !e admitted as eviden(e of the matters,
transa(tions and a((o$nts therein re(orded in ever" (ase where, and to the same e.tent as, the
ori-ina% entr" itse%f is now !" %aw admissi!%e, !$t not f$rther or otherwise.
5. Ca#' %* w6%&6 )99%&'1 )9 5a*: *)$ &)2;'77a57' $) ;1)8"&' 5)):#.D6o offi(er of a
!an2 sha%% in an" %e-a% pro(eedin- to whi(h the !an2 is not a part" !e (ompe%%a!%e to prod$(e
an" !an2er5s !oo2 the (ontents of whi(h (an !e proved $nder this A(t, or to appear as a witness
to prove the matters, transa(tions and a((o$nts therein re(orded, $n%ess !" order of the 'o$rt or a
E$d-e made for spe(ia% (a$se.
G. I*#;'&$%)* )9 5)):# )9 )18'1 )9 C)"1$ )1 J"8@'.D(1 On the app%i(ation of an" part"
to a %e-a% pro(eedin- the 'o$rt or a E$d-e ma" order that s$(h part" !e at %i!ert" to inspe(t and
ta2e (opies of an" entries in a !an2er5s !oo2 for an" of the p$rposes of s$(h pro(eedin-, or ma"
order the !an2 to prepare and prod$(e, within a time to !e spe(ified in the order (ertified (opies
of a s$(h entries, a((ompanied !" a f$rther (ertifi(ate that no other entries are to !e fo$nd in the
!oo2s of the !an2 re%evant to the matters in iss$e in s$(h pro(eedin-, and s$(h f$rther (ertifi(ate
sha%% !e dated and s$!s(ri!ed in manner herein!efore dire(ted in referen(e to (ertified (opies
(2 An order $nder this or the pre(edin- se(tion ma" !e made either with or witho$t
s$mmonin- the !an2, and sha%% !e served on the !an2 three (%ear da"s (e.(%$sive of !an2
ho%ida"s !efore the same is to !e o!e"ed, $n%ess the 'o$rt or E$d-e sha%% otherwise dire(t.
(3 The !an2 ma" at an" time !efore the time %imited for o!edien(e to an" s$(h order
as aforesaid either offer to prod$(e their !oo2s at the tria% or -ive noti(e of their intention to
show (a$se a-ainst s$(h order, and there$pon the same sha%% not !e enfor(ed witho$t f$rther
4. C)#$#.D(1 The (osts of an" app%i(ation to the 'o$rt or a E$d-e $nder or
for the p$rposes of this A(t and the (osts of an"thin- done or to !e done $nder an
order of the 'o$rt or a E$d-e made $nder or for the p$rposes of this A(t sha%% !e
in the dis(retion of the 'o$rt or E$d-e, who ma" f$rther order s$(h (osts or an"
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
part thereof to !e paid to an" part" !" the !an2 if the" have !een in($rred in (onse?$en(e of an"
fa$%t or improper de%a" on the part of the !an2.
(2 An" order made $nder this se(tion for the, pa"ment of (osts to or !" a !an2 ma" !e
enfor(ed as if the !an2 were a part", to the pro(eedin-.
(3 An" order $nder this se(tion awardin- (osts ma", on app%i(ation to an" 'o$rt of 'ivi%
E$di(at$re desi-nated in the order, !e e.e($ted !" s$(h 'o$rt, as if the order were a de(ree for
mone" passed !" itse%fH
*rovided that nothin- in this s$!8se(tion sha%% !e (onstr$ed to dero-ate from an" power
whi(h the 'o$rt or E$d-e ma2in- the order ma" possess for the enfor(ement of its or his
dire(tions with respe(t to the pa"ment of (osts.
ACT N). II OF 1832
C41th January, 1;92D
A* A&$ $) (a7%8a$' &'1$a%* 2a11%a@'# #)7'2*%I'8 "*8'1 Pa1$ VI )9 $6' C61%#$%a* Ma11%a@'
A&$, 1842.
7G,3,A# provision is made in *art <I of the 'hristian @arria-e A(t, 1;72, for the
so%emni1ation of marria-es !etween persons of whom !oth are 6ative 'hristians, !$t not of
marria-es !etween persons of whom one on%" is a 6ative 'hristianF
And whereas persons %i(ensed $nder se(tion 9 of the said A(t have in divers parts of
C*a2istanD thro$-h i-noran(e of the %aw, permitted marria-es to !e so%emni1ed in their presen(e
#hort tit%e -iven !" the #hort Tit%es A(t, 1;97 (14 of 1;97.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of I ndia,.1;91 ,
*t. <. p. 142F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;92, *t. <, p, 0 and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;91, *t. <I, p. 117, and
ibid., 1;92, *t. <I, ,p.%1.
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 1903 F and
app%ied in the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
This A(t has !een and sha%% !e deemed to have !een e.tended to the who%e of *a2istan !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform
Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)= , s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
#$!s. ibid, (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900 for &the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s, !" A.
O.,1949, Arts. .3(2 .and 4, for &+ritish India.K .
>< of
the said *art !etween persons of whom one is a 6ative 'hristian and the other is not a 6ative
And whereas it is e.pedient that s$(h marria-es, havin- !een so%emni1ed in -ood faith,
sho$%d !e va%idatedF
It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsHI
1. CCommen#ement.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 and 9mendin3 9#t, 1914 (1= of 1914.
2. '9%*%$%)*.DIn this A(t the e.pression &6ative 'hristianK has the same meanin- as in
the 'hristian @arria-e A(t, 1;72.
3.Va7%8a$%)* )9 %11'@"7a1 2a11%a@'#.DA%% marria-es whi(h have a%read" !een
so%emni1ed $nder *art <I of the 'hristian @arria-e A(t, 1;72, !etween persons of whom one
on%" was a 6ative 'hristian, sha%% !e as -ood and va%id in %aw as if s$(h marria-es had !een
so%emni1ed !etween persons of whom !oth were 6ative 'hristiansH
*rovided that nothin- in this se(tion sha%% app%" to an" marria-e whi(h had !een
:$di(ia%%" de(%ared to !e n$%% and void, or to an" (ase where either of the parties has, sin(e the
so%emni1ation of s$(h marria-e and prior to the (ommen(ement of this A(t, (ontra(ted a va%id
C. Va7%8a$%)* )9 1'&)18# )9 %11'@"7a1 2a11%a@'#.D'ertifi(ates of marria-es whi(h are
de(%ared !" the %ast fore-oin- se(tion to !e -ood and va%id in %aw, and re-ister8!oo2s, and
(ertified (opies of tr$e and d$%" a$thenti(ated e.tra(ts therefrom, deposited in (omp%ian(e with
the %aw for the time !ein- in for(e, in so far as the re-ister8!oo2s and e.tra(ts re%ate to s$(h
marria-es as aforesaid, sha%% !e re(eived as eviden(e of s$(h marria-es as if s$(h marria-es had
!een so%emni1ed !etween persons of whom !oth were 6ative 'hristians.
5. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 A&$ $) 2a11%a@'# "*8'1 A&$ V )9 18G5.D3eferen(es in this A(t to the
'hristian @arria-e A(t, 1;72, sha%%, so far as ma" !e re?$isite, !e (onstr$ed as app%"in- a%so to
the (orrespondin- portions of the
Indian @arria-e A(t 1;)0.
G. P'*a7$< 9)1 #)7'2*%I%*@ %11'@"7a1 2a11%a@'#.DIf an", person %i(ensed $nder se(tion
9 of the said A(t to -rant (ertifi(ates of marria-e !etween 6ative 'hristians sha%% at an" time
after the (ommen(ement of this A(t so%emni1e or affe(t to so%emni1e an" marria-e $nder *art <I
of the said A(t or -rant an" s$(h (ertifi(ate as thereinH mentioned, 2nowin- that one of the
parties to s$(h marria-e or affe(ted marria-e was at the date of s$(h so%emni1ation not a
'hristian, he sha%% !e %ia!%e to have his %i(ense (an(e%1ed, and in addition thereto he sha%% !e
deemed to have !een -$i%t" of an offen(e prohi!ited !" se(tion 73 of the said A(t, and sha%% !e
p$nisha!%e a((ordin-%".
3ep. (e.(ept as to #traits #ett%ements !" the 'hristian @arria-e A(t, 1;72 (10 of 1;72.
>< of
>< of
>< of
< of 1;)0.
ACT N). VIII OF 1832
C44nd O#tober, 1;92D
A* A&$ $) 1'2)(' 8)"5$# a# $) $6' 7'(< a*8 &)77'&$%)* )9 $)77# ";)* $6' La*#8)w*' .1%8@'
)('1 $6' I*8"# a$ S"::"1 %*
JS%*8L, a*8 9)1 )$6'1 ;"1;)#'#.
7G,3,A# !" an A(t passed !" the Governor of +om!a" in 'o$n(i%, instit$ted &an A(t
for ena!%in- Government to %ev" to%%s on p$!%i( roads and !rid-es in the *residen(" of +om!a"K,
the &A(t of the Governor Genera% in 'o$n(i%K for ena!%in- Government to %ev" to%%s on p$!%i(
roads and !rid-esK was repea%ed as for as it affe(ted the *residen(" of +om!a"F
And whereas the !rid-e on the %ine of the 6orth87estern 3ai%wa" over the Ind$s at
Cformer%"D in the said *residen(" of +om!a", (ommon%" 2nown as & The Lansdowne
+rid-e &, was made and is repaired at the e.pense of the
C/edera% GovernmentD F
And whereas, in (onse?$en(e of s$(h repea% as aforesaid, do$!ts have arisen whether or
not there is an" s$!sistin- a$thorit" (ompetent to impose and %ev" to%%s for the $se of the said
!rid-e, and it is e.pedient to remove s$(h do$!tsF
It is ena(ted as fo%%owsHI
7. T%$7' a*8 'A$'*$.D(1This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the Lansdowne +rid-e A(t, 1;92 F
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDH
2. L'(< )9 $)77#.D6otwithstandin- the repea% of the %ast%" herein!efore mentioned A(t
Cthe *rovin(ia%
GovernmentD ma" (a$se s$(h rates of to%%, not e.(eedin- the rates mentioned in the s(hed$%e anne.ed to
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;92, *t. <, p. )7 and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;92, *t. <I,
pp. 7= and 70.
The word &theK rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1949, #(h., for &*residen(" of +om!a"K.
The To%%s A(t, 1;01 (; of 1;01.
Ins. !" A. O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, forK 'entra% GovernmentK 7hi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, #(h., for &Government of
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2 as ended
!" A. O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4.
The word &andK rep. !" the 3epea%in- and Am din- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914, s. 3 and #(h. II.
#$! se(tion (3 was rep. ibid.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, forK the G.G. in '.K
that A(t, as
CitD ma" thin2 fit to !e %evied in respe(t of the said Lansdowne +rid-e, and ma"
p%a(e the (o%%e(tion of s$(h to%%s $nder the mana-ement of s$(h persons as ma" appear to
proper, and a%% the provisions of the said %ast mentioned A(t sha%% app%" to s$(h to%%s and the
(o%%e(tion and re(over" thereof in the same manner as if s$(h provisions were herein re8ena(ted
3. Va7%8a$%)* )9 ;a#$ 7'(< )9 $)77#.DA%% to%%s heretofore %evied or (o%%e(ted $pon the said
Lansdowne +rid-e $nder the a$thorit" of the
C/edera% GovernmentD or of the
Government of +om!a"D sha%% !e deemed to have !een d$%" %evied and (o%%e(ted $nder the a$8
thorit" of the said A(t as if the same had not !een repea%ed.
C. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 A&$ $) ;"57%& 1)a8 a*8 51%8@'#.D7here an" p$!%i( road or !rid-e has
or sha%% have !een made and repaired at the e.pense of
Cthe /edera% Government or an"
*rovin(ia% GovernmentD and no other ade?$ate provision sha%% have !een made for the %ev" and
(o%%e(tion of to%%s thereon,
Cthe *rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the
Ga1etteD, app%" this A(t to s$(h road or !rid-e, and there$pon a%% the provisions of this A(t sha%%
app%" to s$(h road or !rid-e as if the same had !een herein named in addition to the said
Lansdowne +rid-e.
ACT N). / OF 1832
C20th O#tober, 1;92D
A* A&$ $) ;1)(%8' 9)1 $6' 7'(< )9 a 1a$' )* ;1%(a$' '#$a$'# "*8'1 $6' 2a*a@'2'*$ )9 $6'
G)('1*2'*$ $) 2''$ $6' &)#$ )9 #";'1(%#%)* a*8 2a*a@'2'*$.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to provide for the %ev" of a rate on private estates $nder the
mana-ement of the Government to (over the (ost of a%% Government esta!%ishments in so for as
the" are emp%o"ed in the s$pervision and mana-ement of s$(h estates, other than esta!%ishments
spe(ia%%" entertained for an" parti($%ar
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &heK.
#$!s. ibid., for &himK.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K .
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Governor of +om!a" in 'o$n(i%K.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK whi(h was s$!s. !" A.O.,1937 ,for &the G. of I.K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &the G. G. in. '.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &Ga1ette of IndiaK.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;92, *t. <, p. 14F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;92,
*t. <, p. )9 and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;92, *t. <I, p. 73.
This A(t has !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G. G. O. 3 of 190=F and
app%ied in the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
This A(t has !een amended to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor", $ee Ord. 6o. 27 of 19;1, s. 0 and 4th #(h.
estate or -ro$p of estates, and to meet a%% (ontin-ent e.pendit$re in($rred !" the Government in
(onne(tion with s$(h s$pervision and mana-ementF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1. T%$7' a*8 'A$'*$.D(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the Government @ana-ement of *rivate
,states A(t, 1;92.
(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istan.D F
2. '9%*%$%)*#.DIn this A(t, $n%ess there is some thin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or
(% &immovea!%e propert"K in(%$des %and, !$i%din-s, hereditar" a%%owan(es, ri-hts
to wa"s, %i-hts, ferries, fisheries or an" other !enefit to arise o$t of %and, and
thin-s atta(hed to the earth or permanent%" fastened to an"thin- whi(h is
atta(hed to the earth !$t not standin- tim!er, -rowin- (rops or -rassF
(2 &-ross in(omeK in(%$des a%% re(eipts of ever" 2ind in prod$(e or (ash, e.(ept
mone" !orrowed, re(overies of prin(ipa% and the pro(eeds of sa%e of
immovea!%e propert" or of movea!%e propert" proper%" (%assed as (apita%F and
(3 &private estates $nder Government mana-ementK in(%$deI
(a estates $nder the 'o$rt of 7ardsF
(b en($m!ered estates $nder Government mana-ementF
(# estates atta(hed for defa$%t of pa"ment of Government reven$eF
(d minors5 estates p%a(ed $nder the -$ardianship of a reven$e8offi(er of the
Government !" a 'ivi% 'o$rtF
(e estates mana-ed !" a 'o%%e(tor in p$rs$an(e of an" order made $nder the
C'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t < of 19=;D and
(f a%% other estates made over to or ta2en $nder the mana-ement of a reven$e8
offi(er of the Government as s$(h $nder an" %aw for the time !ein- in for(e or
in virt$e of an" a-reement.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd &,#(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
1900, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2, as amended !" the +$rma Laws A(t, 1;9; (13 of 1;9;, s. 1; and #(h. <, the /edera% Laws (3evision and
Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. ;, and A. O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4.
The wordK and & at the end of s$!8se(tion (2, and s$!8se(tion (3 rep. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914, 11.3
and #(h. II.
#$! !" ord. >>>II of 19;1, s d 4 #(h. I< (on%" to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor"
>L< of
3. P)w'1 $) 7'(< 1a$'.DIt sha%% !e %awf$% for the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentDI
(1 to %ev" on a%% private estates $nder Government mana-ement a rate not
e.(eedin- five per(ent. on the -ross in(ome, (a%($%ated, as near%" as ma" !e
possi!%e, to (over
(a the (ost of a%% Government esta!%ishments in so far as the" ma" !e
emp%o"ed in the s$pervision or mana-ement of s$(h estates other than
esta!%ishments spe(ia%%" entertained for the s$pervision or mana-ement of an"
parti($%ar estate or -ro$p of estates, and
(b a%% (ontin-ent e.pendit$re in($rred in (onse?$en(e of s$(h s$pervision or
(2 from time to time to var" s$(h rateF and
(3 to red$(e or remit s$(h rate in an" spe(ia% (ase or (ases as ma" !e e?$ita!%eH
*rovided that, in de(idin- the amo$nt of the rate to !e %evied $nder this A(t on an"
parti($%ar estate or -ro$p of estates, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%% (onsider the e.pendit$re
in($rred on spe(ia% esta!%ishments for s$(h estate or estates.
C. P)w'1 $) 7'(< #;'&%a7 &6a1@'#.DIn (ases where an offi(er of the Government is
emp%o"ed to -ive %e-a% advi(e or to a$dit a((o$nts on !eha%f of an" estate, the
GovernmentD, if it (onsiders the servi(es rendered to !e of a spe(ia% nat$re, ma", in its dis(retion,
dire(t a spe(ia% (har-e to !e made a-ainst that estate on a((o$nt of s$(h servi(es, irrespe(tive of
the rate %evia!%e $nder the %ast fore-oin- se(tion.
5. Sa(%*@ a# $) #;'&%a7 'A;'*8%$"1'.D6othin- in this A(t sha%% app%" to the (ost of
esta!%ishments spe(ia%%" entertained or to e.pendit$re of an" des(ription spe(ia%%" in($rred in
respe(t of an" parti($%ar estate or estates.
G. Va7%8a$%)* )9 7'(< )9 ;a#$ 1a$'#.DA%% rates for -enera% s$pervision or mana-ement
%evied !" an"
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD !efore the (ommen(ement of this A(t sha%% !e deemed to
have !een %evied $nder this A(t.
4. P)w'1# $) 2a:' 1"7'#.DThe
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" ma2e an" r$%es
and iss$e
an" orders whi(h ma" !e ne(essar" for (arr"in- this A(t into effe(t, and whi(h are (onsistent
8. EA'2;$%)* 91)2 >"1%#8%&$%)* )9 C)"1$#.D7here an" Government esta!%ishment is
emp%o"ed in s$(h s$pervision as aforesaid, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%% !e the so%e :$d-e
of the (ost attri!$ta!%e to s$(h emp%o"ment, and its de(ision thereon sha%% not !e ?$estioned in
an" 'o$rt of Law or otherwise.
3. Ce!ea".D e!.by the e!ea"in3 and 9mendin3 9#t, 1914 () of 1914, s.3 and S#hedu"e
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
/or r$%es made $nder this se(tion, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
ACT N). III OF 1833
C3rd %ebruary, 1;93D
A* A&$ $) ;1)(%8' 9)1 $6' @1a*$ )9 S;'&%a7 T'*a*&%'# %*
M G)('1*2'*$ 7a*8# %* $6'
-'#$ F1)*$%'1
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to provide for the -rant !" the Government of spe(ia%
tenan(ies in
J %ands in the
C6orth87est /rontier
J D whi(h are the propert" of the Government
It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH
1. S6)1$ $%$7' a*8 'A$'*$.
CD(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the Government Tenants (6orth8
7est /rontier 4J A(t, 1;93.
(2 It e.tends to
J J J the 6orth87est /rontier
2. 9%*%$% )*.DIn this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,
&Aep$t" 'ommissionerK in(%$des a%so an" offi(er appointed !" the
C *rovin(ia% GovernmentD to
perform a%% or an" of the f$n(tions of the Aep$t" 'ommissioner $nder this A(t.
3. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 A&$.DThe
C *rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia%
Ga1ette, app%" the provisions of this A(t to an" tra(t of %and whi(h is the propert" of the
J J J.
C. I##"' )9 #$a$'2'*$# )9 &)*8%$%)*# )9 $'*a*&%'#.D7hen this A(t has !een so app%ied
to an" tra(t, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" iss$e a statement or statements of the (onditions
on whi(h it is wi%%in- to -rant to tenants %ands sit$ate in s$(h tra(t.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1. of India, 1;93, *t. <, p. 14F for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., *t. <I, pp. 12 and
The word &(ertainK rep. !" A(t 14 of 1;9), s. 1(1.
#$!s. !" the #e(ond 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (17 of 1914, s. 2 and #(h. I, for &*$n:a!K.
The word &*rovin(eK omitted !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3efrom Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., (with effe#t
from the 1-th O#tober, 1900,
The words &and are who%%" or part%" irri-a!%e from Government (ana%sK rep. !" A(t 14 of 1;9), s, 1 (2.
#$!s. !" A(t 17 of 1914, s. 2 and #(h. I, for the ori-ina% se(tion 1.
The words &the territories for the time !ein- administered !" the 'hief 'ommissioner ofK rep. !" A.O., 1937,
#$!s. ibid., for &L. G.K.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190), for &'rownK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &Govt.K.
The words &and is who%%" or part%" irri-a!%e from a (ana% the propert" of the GovernmentK rep. !" A(t 14 of 1;9), s. 1(3.
5. Ma%*$'*a*&' )9 1'@%#$'1# )9 $'*a*&%'#.- (1 7hen an" s$(h statement has !een
iss$ed for an" tra(t, the Aep$t" 'ommissioner sha%%, in manner hereinafter provided, open
and maintain for s$(h tra(t a re-ister or re-isters of tenan(ies -ranted on the (onditions
pres(ri!ed in s$(h statement.
(2 ,ver" s$(h re-ister sha%% have prefi.ed thereto a (op" of the statement of
(onditions to whi(h it re%ates, and sha%% !e in s$(h form and sha%% (ontain s$(h parti($%ars as
to the tenan(ies re-istered therein as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" pres(ri!e.
G. E*$1< %* 1'@%#$'1 a*8 #%@*a$"1' $6'1')9 )* @1a*$ )9 $'*a*&<.- +efore a tenan(" is
-ranted to an" person in an" s$(h tra(t, the pres(ri!ed parti($%ars re-ardin- the proposed
-rant sha%% !e d$%" entered in the appropriate re-ister, and the entr" sha%% !e si-ned !" the
proposed tenant and !" the Aep$t" 'ommissioner.
4. E99'&$ )9 #%@*a$"1' )9 '*$1<.- 7hen an" entr" in an" s$(h re-ister has !een so
si-ned as dire(ted in the %ast fore-in- se(tion, the person si-nin- the same as proposed tenant
and his s$((essors in interest sha%%, notwithstandin- an" previo$s a-reement or an"thin-
(ontained in the *$n:a! Tenan(" A(t, 1;;7, or the Ga1ara Tenan(" 3e-$%ation, 1;;7, or an"
other ena(tment now in for(e, !e deemed to have a((epted and to ho%d the %ands des(ri!ed in
s$(h entr" as a tenant from the
C GovernmentD on the (onditions pres(ri!ed in the statement
prefi.ed to s$(h re-ister.
8. T1a*#9'1 )9 1%@6$# )9 $'*a*$#.- The ri-hts or interests vested in a tenant !" or
$nder this A(t sha%% Aot !e (apa!%e of !ein- atta(hed or so%d in e.e($tion of a de(ree or order
of an" 'o$rt or in an" inso%ven(" pro(eedin-s, nor sha%% the" or an" of them, witho$t the
previo$s (onsent in writin- of the /inan(ia% 'ommissioner, !e transferred or (har-ed !" an"
sa%e, -ift, mort-a-e or other private (ontra(t. .
3. S"2# 8"' %* 1'#;'&$ $) $'*a*&< 1'&)('1a57' a# a11'a1# )9 7a*8 1'('*"'.- A%%
s$ms d$e to the
CGovernmentD in respe(t of a tenan(" -ranted in p$rs$an(e of this A(t sha%%
!e re(overa!%e as if the" were arrears of %and reven$e d$e from the tenant in respe(t of s$(h
A(t 6o. I< O/ 1;93
C1th 5ar#h 1;93D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' Law 1'7a$%*@ $) Pa1$%$%)*
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to amend the %aw re%atin- to partitionF
It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows HI
1. T%$7', 'A$'*$# a*8 #a(%*@.- (1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the *artition A(t, 1;93F
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanDF J
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
#$!s. !" A.O.,19)1, Art. 2 (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h,1126,for &'rownK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1. of India, 1;92, *t <. p. 4)F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;93,
*t. <, p. 01 and for *ro(eedin- in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;93, *t <I, *I. pp.3; and 49.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th
o#tober,1900, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2, as amended !" A.O., 1949.
The word &andK at the end of s$!8se(tion (2, and .s$!8se(tion (3, rep. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin-. A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914,
s. 3 .and #(h. II.
/VI )9
1884 R'@.
/III )9
(4 +$t nothin- herein (ontained sha%% !e deemed to affe(t an" %o(a% %aw providin- for
the partition of immovea!%e propert" pa"in- reven$e to Government.
2. P)w'1 $) C)"1$ $) )18'1 #a7' %*#$'a8 )9 8%(%#%)* %* ;a1$%$%)* #"%$#.- 7henever in
an" s$it for partition in whi(h, if instit$ted prier to the (ommen(ement of this A(t, a de(ree
for partition mi-ht have !een made, it appears to the 'o$rt that, !" reason of the nat$re or the
propert" to whi(h the s$it re%ates, or of the n$m!er of the shareho%ders therein or of an" other
spe(ia% (ir($mstan(e, a division of the propert" (annot reasona!%" or (onvenient%" !e made,
and that a sa%e of the propert", and distri!$tion, of the pro(eeds wo$%d !e more !enefi(ia% for
a%% the shareho%ders, the (o$rt ma", if it thin2s fit, on the re?$est of an" of s$(h shareho%ders
interested individ$a%%" or (o%%e(tive%" to the e.tent of one moiet" or $pwards, dire(t a sa%e of
the propert" and a distri!$tion of the pro(eeds.
3. P1)&'8"1' w6'* #6a1'1 "*8'1$a:'# $) 5"<. -(1 If, in an" (ase in whi(h the 'o$rt
is re?$ested $nder the %ast fore-oin- se(tion to dire(t a sa%e, an" other shareho%der app%ies for
%eave to !$" at a va%$ation the share or shares of the part" or parties as2in- for a sa%e, the
'o$rt sha%% order a va%$ation of the share or shares in s$(h manner as it ma" thin2 fit and
offer to se%% the same to s$(h shareho%der at the pri(e so as(ertained, and ma" -ive a%%
ne(essar" and proper dire(tions in that !eha%f.
(2 If two or more shareho%ders severa%%" app%" for %eave to !$" as provided in s$!8
se(tion (1, the 'o$rt sha%% order a sa%e of the share or shares to the shareho%der who offers to
pa" the hi-hest pri(e a!ove the va%$ation made !" the 'o$rt.
(3 If no s$(h shareho%der is wi%%in- to !$" s$(h share or shares at the pri(e so
as(ertained, the app%i(ant or app%i(ants sha%% !e %ia!%e to pa" a%% (osts of or in(ident to the
app%i(ation or app%i(ations.
C. Pa1$%$%)* #"%$ 5< $1a*#9'1'' )9 #6a1' %* 8'w'77%*@ 6)"#'.-(1 7here a share of a
dwe%%in-8ho$se !e%on-in- to an $ndivided fami%" has !een transferred to a person who is not
a mem!er of s$(h fami%" and s$(h transferee s$es for partition, the 'o$rt sha%%, if an"
mem!er of the fami%" !ein- a shareho%der sha%% $nderta2e to !$" the share of s$(h transferee,
ma2e a va%$ation of s$(h share in s$(h manner as it thin2s fit and dire(t the sa%e of s$(h share
to s$(h shareho%der, and ma" -ive a%% ne(essar" and proper dire(tions in that !eha%f.
(2 If in an" (ase des(ri!ed in s$!8se(tion (1 two or more mem!ers of the fami%"
!ein- s$(h shareho%ders severa%%" $nderta2e to !$" s$(h share, the 'o$rt sha%% fo%%ow the
pro(ed$re pres(ri!ed !" s$!8se(tion (2 of the %ast fore-oin- se(tion.
5. R';1'#'*$a$%)* )9 ;a1$%'# "*8'1 8%#a5%7%$<.- In an" s$it for partition a re?$est for
sa%e ma" !e made or an $nderta2in-, or app%i(ation for %eave, to !$" ma" !e -iven or made
on !eha%f of an" part" $nder disa!i%it" !" an" person a$thorised to a(t on !eha%f of s$(h part"
in s$(h s$it, !$t the 'o$rt sha%% not !e !o$nd to (omp%" with an" s$(h re?$est, $nderta2in- or
app%i(ation $n%ess it is of opinion that the sa%e or p$r(hase wi%% !e for the !enefit of the part"
$nder s$(h disa!i%it".
G. R'#'1('8 5%88%*@ a*8 5%88%*@ 5< #6a1'6)78'1.
(1 ,ver" sa%e $nder se(tion 2
sha%% !e s$!:e(t to a reserved !iddin-, and the amo$nt of, s$(h !iddin- sha%% !e fi.ed !" the
'o$rt in s$(h manner as it ma" thin2 fit and ma" !e varied from time to time.
(2 On an" s$(h sa%e an" of the shareho%ders sha%% !e at %i!ert" to !id at the sa%e on
s$(h terms as to non8pa"ment of deposit or as to settin- off or a((o$ntin- for the p$r(hase8
mone" or an" part thereof instead of pa"in- the same as to the 'o$rt ma" seem reasona!%e.
(3 If two or more persons, of whom one is a shareho%der in the propert", respe(tive%"
advan(e the same s$m at an" !iddin- at s$(h sa%e, s$(h !iddin- sha%% !e deemed to !e the
!iddin- of the shareho%der.
4. P1)&'8"1' $) 5' 9)77)w'8 %* &a#' )9 #a7'#.- #ave as herein!efore provided, when
an" propert" is dire(ted to !e so%d $nder this A(t, the fo%%owin- pro(ed$re sha%%, as far as
pra(ti(a!%e, !e adopted, name%" H8
(! if the propert" !e so%d $nder a de(ree or order of an" other 'o$rt, s$(h
pro(ed$re as the Gi-h 'o$rt ma" from time to time !" r$%es pres(ri!e in this
!eha%f, and $nti% s$(h r$%es are made, the pro(ed$re pres(ri!ed in the
of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;Din respe(t of sa%es in e.e($tion of de(rees.
8. O18'1# 9)1 #a7' $) 5' 8''2'8 8'&1''#.- An" order for sa%e made !" the 'o$rt
$nder se(tion 2, 3 or 4 sha%% !e deemed to !e a de(ree within the meanin- of se(tion 2 of the
C'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;D.
3. Sa(%*@ )9 ;)w'1 $) )18'1 ;a1$7< ;a1$%$%)* a*8 ;a1$7< #a7'.- In an" s$it for
partition the 'o$rt ma", if it sha%% thin2 fit, ma2e a de(ree for a partition of part of the
propert" to whi(h the s$it re%ates and a sa%e of the, remainder $nder this A(t.
10. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 A&$ $) ;'*8%*@ #"%$#.- This A(t sha%% app%" to s$its instit$ted
!efore the (ommen(ement thereof, in whi(h no s(heme for the partition of the propert" has
!een fina%%" approved !" the 'o$rt.
1. #hort tit%e, e.tent and (ommen(ement.
2. Ce!ea"ed.D
3. Aefinitions.
Omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. ibid., for &'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re.K.
A&$ V )9
A&$ V )9
:re"iminary +n'e$ti3ation
4. *$!%i(ation of pre%iminar" notifi(ation and powers of offi(ers there$pon.
0. *a"ment for dama-e.
0A. Gearin- of o!:e(tions.
De#"aration of intended 9#qui$ition
). Ae(%aration that %and is re?$ired for a p$!%i( p$rpose.
7. After de(%aration 'o%%e(tor to ta2e order for a(?$isition.
;. Land to !e mar2ed o$t, meas$red and p%anned.
9. 6oti(e to persons interested.
1=. *ower to re?$ire and enfor(e the ma2in- of statements as to names and interests.
Enquiry into 5ea$urement$, *a"ue and C"aim$, and 9ward by the Co""e#tor
11. ,n?$ir" and award !" 'o%%e(tor.
12. A ward of 'o%%e(tor when to !e fina%.
13. Ad:o$rnment of en?$ir".
14. *ower to s$mmon and enfor(e attendan(e of witnesses and prod$(tion of
10. @atters to !e (onsidered and ne-%e(ted.
Ta>in3 :o$$e$$ion
1). *ower to ta2e possession.
17. #pe(ia% powers in (ases of $r-en(".
3,/,3,6', TO 'OL3T A6A *3O',AL3, TG,3,O6
1;. 3eferen(e to 'o$rt.
19. 'o%%e(torMs statement to the 'o$rt.
2=. #ervi(e of noti(e.
21. 3estri(tion on s(ope of pro(eedin-s.
22. *ro(eedin-s to !e in open 'o$rt.
23. @atters to !e (onsidered in determinin- (ompensation.
24. @atters to !e ne-%e(ted in determinin- (ompensation.
20. 3$%es as to amo$nt of (ompensation.
2). /orm of awards.
27. 'osts.
2;. 'o%%e(tor ma" !e dire(ted to pa" interest on e.(ess (ompensation.
29. *arti($%ars of apportionment to !e spe(ified.
3=. Aisp$te as to apportionment.
31. *a"ment of (ompensation or deposit of same in 'o$rt
32. Investment of mone" deposited in respe(t of %ands !e%on-in- to persons
in(ompetent to a%ienate.
33. Investment of mone" deposited in other (ases.
34. *a"ment of interest.
30. Temporar" o(($pation of waste or ara!%e %and.
*ro(ed$re when differen(e as to (ompensation e.ists.
3). *ower to enter and ta2e possession, and (ompensation on restoration.
37. Aifferen(e to (ondition of %and.
3;. 'ompan" ma" !e a$thorised to enter and s$rve".
3;A. Ind$stria% (on(ern to !e deemed 'ompan" for (ertain p$rposes.
39. *revio$s (onsent of *rovin(ia% Government and e.e($tion of a-reement
4=. *revio$s en?$ir".
41. A-reement with *rovin(ia% Government.
42. *$!%i(ation of a-reement.
43. #e(tions 39 to 42 not to app%" where Government !o$nd !" a-reement to provide
%and for 'ompanies.
44. Gow a-reement with 3ai%wa" 'ompan" ma" !e proved.
40. #ervi(e of noti(es.
4). *ena%t" for o!str$(tin- a(?$isition of %and.
47. @a-istrate to enfor(e s$rrender.
4;. 'omp%etion of a(?$isition not (omp$%sor", !$t (ompensation to !e awarded when
not (omp%eted.
49. A(?$isition of part of ho$se or !$i%din-.
0=. A(?$isition of %and at (ost of a %o(a% a$thorit" or 'ompan".
01. ,.emption from stamp8d$t" and fees.
02. 6oti(e in (ase of s$its for an"thin- done in p$rs$an(e of A(t.
03. 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re to app%" to pro(eedin-s !efore 'o$rt.
04 Appea%s in pro(eedin-s !efore 'o$rt.
00. *ower to ma2e r$%es.
ACT N). I OF 183C
C4nd %ebruary, 1;94D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' 7aw 9)1 $6' a&B"%#%$%)* )9 7a*8 9)1 ;"57%& ;"1;)#'# a*8 9)1
7G,3,A# i t i s e .pe di e nt t o a me nd t he % a w f or t he a ( ?$i s i t i on
of % a nd ne e de d f or p$!% i ( p$r pos e s a nd f or 'ompa n i e s a nd f or
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1. of India, 1;92, *t. <., p. 32F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;94,
*t. <, *. 23 and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;92, *t. <I, p. 20, and ibid., 1;94, ,*p. 19,24 to 42.
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913, s. 3 and
#(h. I.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190=F and
app%ied in the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1. of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t
to (ertain modifi(ations, $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
It has !een e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% other than *h$%era !" the 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded
Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190= and de(%ared to !e in for(e in that area with effe#t from 1$t June, 1901, $ee 6.87./.*. Ga1ette, ,.traordinar",
dated 18).01.
It has !een amended in the 6.7./.*. !" the Land A(?$isition (6.7./.*. Arndt. A(t, 1947 (19 of 1947 and the Land
A(?$isition (6.7./.*. Arndt. A(t, 1902, 6.7./.*. A(t 9 of 1902.
/or modifi(ations in this A(t to ma2e provision for the a(?$isition of %and (i in the *$n:a!, $ee the *$n:a! Town Improvement
A(t, 1922 (*$n:a! 4 of 1922, s. 09 and #(h., and the Tha% Aeve%opment A(t, 1949 (*$n:a! 10 of 1949, s. 30 and #(h., (ii in Oara(hi, $ee
the Oara(hi Improvement Tr$st A(t, 190= (4; of 190=, s. 72 (a and #(h.
The A(t has f$rther !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *$n:a! !" the Land A(?$isition (*$n:a! Amdt. A(t, 1904 (*$n:a!
A(t, 12 of 1904 and *$n:a! #oi% A(t, 1902 (12 and 21 of 1902, #(h.
This A(t, to-ether with r$%es, if an", made there$nder as in for(e for the time !ein- in the *$n:a!, sha%% app%" to the e.(%$ded
areas of Aera Gha1i Ohan Aistri(t, $ee Ga1. of *$n:a!, 1900, ,.t., p. 373.
This A(t has a%so !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan (e.(ept the 'apita% of the /ederation !"
7est *a2istan A(t 1) of 1907, s. 3 (3 and 3rd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
This a(t has a%so !een amended in its app%i(ation to the /edera% 'apita%, !" the Oara(hi Aeve%opment A$thorit" Order, 1907
(*.O. 0 of 1907, Art. 90 and #(h.
It has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan !" 7est *a2istan A(t, 27 of 190;.
This A(t has f$rther !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan !" 7.*. Ord. 1 of 19)0 (with effe#t from
the 13th %ebruary, 19)0.
The A(t, as in for(e in the 6orth 7est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of 6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. II
of 1974, has !een app%ied to the *rovin(ia%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas of 'hitra%, Air, Oa%am, #wat and @a%a2and *rote(ted Area, !"
6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. II. of 1974, s. 3.
This A(t has a%so !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan, !" 7. *. A(t. 6o. III of 19)9, and !" the
7.*. Ordinan(e 6o. >LI> of 19)9.
This A(t has !een amended to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor", $ee Ordinan(e 6o. 27 of 19;1, s. 0 and 4th #(h.
determinin- the amo$nt of (ompensation to !e made on a((o$nt of s$(h a(?$isitionF It is
here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H8
1.S6)1$ $%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$.- (1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the Land
A(?$isition A(t, 1;94F
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanD F and
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of @ar(h, 1;94.
2. Ce!ea".D e!. !art"y by the e!ea"in3 and 9mendin3 9#t, 111- &) of 1914, $. 3
and S#hedu"e ++, and !art"y by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; (1 of 193;, $. 2 and S#hedu"e.
3. '9%*%$%)*#.- In this A(t, $n%ess there is somethin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or
(a the e.pression &%andK in(%$des !enefits to arise o$t of %and, and thin-s atta(hed
to the earth or permanent%" fastened to an"thin- atta(hed to the earthH
(! the e.pression &person interestedK in(%$des a%% persons (%aimin- an interest in
(ompensation to !e made on a((o$nt of the a(?$isition of %and $nder this A(tF
and a person sha%% !e deemed to !e interested in %and if he is interested in an
easement affe(tin- the %andH
(( the e.pression &'o%%e(torK means the 'o%%e(tor of a distri(t, and in(%$des a
Aep$t" 'ommissioner and an" offi(er spe(ia%%" appointed !" the
GovernmentD to perform the f$n(tions of a 'o%%e(tor $nder this A(tH
(d the e.pression &'o$rtK means a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of ori-ina% :$risdi(tion,
$n%ess the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD has appointed (as it is here!" empowered
to do a spe(ia% :$di(ia% offi(er within an" spe(ified %o(a% %imits to perform the
f$n(tions of the 'o$rt $nder this A(tH
(e the e.pression &'ompan"K means a 'ompan" re-istered $nder the
'ompanies A(t, 1;;2, or $nder the (,n-%ish 'ompanies A(ts, 1;)2 to
1;9=, or in(orporated !" an A(t of *ar%iament
Cof the Lnited Oin-domD
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
1900, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2, as amended !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
See now the 'ompanies A(t, 1913 (7 of 1913.
Ins. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. (with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h,190).
<I of
Ca *a2istan %awDD, or !" 3o"a% 'harter or Letters *atent
Cand in(%$des
a so(iet" re-istered $nder the #o(ieties 3e-istration A(t, 1;)=, and a
re-istered so(iet" within the meanin- of the 'o8operative #o(ieties A(t,
(f the e.pression &p$!%i( p$rposeK in(%$des the provision of vi%%a-e8sites in
distri(ts in whi(h the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%% have de(%ared !"
notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette that it is ($stomar" for the Government to
ma2e s$(h provisionH and
(- the fo%%owin- persons sha%% !e deemed persons &entit%ed to a(tK as and to the
e.tent hereinafter provided (that is to sa"I
tr$stees for other persons !enefi(ia%%" interested sha%% !e deemed the persons
entit%ed to a(t with referen(e to an" s$(h (ase, and that to the same e.tent as
the persons !enefi(ia%%" interested (o$%d have a(ted if free from disa!i%it"F
the -$ardians of minors and the (ommittees or mana-ers of %$nati(s or idiots
sha%% !e deemed respe(tive%" the persons so entit%ed to a(t, to the same e.tent
as the minors, %$nati(s or idiots themse%ves, if free from disa!i%it", (o$%d have
*rovided thatI
(i no person sha%% !e deemed &entit%ed to a(tK whose interest in the s$!:e(t8
matter sha%% !e shown to the satisfa(tion of the 'o%%e(tor or 'o$rt to !e
adverse to the interest of the person interested for whom he wo$%d otherwise
!e entit%ed to a(tF
(ii in ever" s$(h (ase the person interested ma" appear !" a ne.t friend or, in
defa$%t of his appearan(e !" a ne.t friend, the 'o%%e(tor or 'o$rt, as the (ase
ma" !e, sha%% appoint a -$ardian for the (ase to a(t on his !eha%f in the
(ond$(t thereofF
(iii the provisions of
C&Order >>>II of the /irst #(hed$%e to the 'ode of 'ivi%
*ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t < of 19=;D sha%%, mutati$ mutandi$, app%" in the (ase
of persons interested appearin- !efore a 'o%%e(tor or 'o$rt !" a ne.t friend,
or !" a -$ardian for the (ase, in pro(eedin-s $nder this A(tF and
The ori-ina% words &of the G.G. in '.K were first s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, and then amended !" A.O., 1949, #(h., to read as a!ove.
Ins. !" the Land A(?$isition (Amdt. A(t, 1919 (17 of 1919, s. 2.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
#$!s, added and Omitted !" Ord. >><II of 19;1, s. s s(h. I< (on%" to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Terriort"
//I )9
II )9
/IV )9
(iv no person &entit%ed to a(tK sha%% !e (ompetent to re(eive the (ompensation8
mone" pa"a!%e to the person for whom he is entit%ed to a(t $n%ess he wo$%d
have !een (ompetent to a%ienate the %and and re(eive and -ive a -ood
dis(har-e for the p$r(hase8mone" on a vo%$ntar" sa%e.
:re"iminary +n'e$ti3ation
C. P"57%&a$%)* )9 ;1'7%2%*a1< *)$%9%&a$%)* a*8 ;)w'1# )9 )99%&'1# $6'1'";)*.- (1
7henever it appears to the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD that %and in an" %o(a%it"
Cis needed orD
is %i2e%" to !e needed for an" p$!%i( p$rpose, a notifi(ation to that effe(t sha%% !e p$!%ished in
the offi(ia% Ga1ette, and the 'o%%e(tor sha%% (a$se p$!%i( noti(e of the s$!stan(e of s$(h
notifi(ation to !e -iven at (onvenient p%a(es in the said %o(a%it".
(2 There$pon it sha%% !e %awf$% for an" offi(er, either -enera%%" or spe(ia%%"
a$thorised !" s$(h Government in this !eha%f, and for his servants and wor2men,I
to enter $pon and s$rve" and ta2e %eve%s of an" %and in s$(h %o(a%it"F
to di- or !ore into the s$!soi%F
to do a%% other a(ts ne(essar" to as(ertain whether the %and is adapted for s$(h
to set o$t the !o$ndaries of the %and proposed to !e ta2en and the intended %ine of the
wor2 (if an" proposed to !e made thereonF
to mar2 s$(h %eve%s, !o$ndaries and %ine !" p%a(in- mar2s and ($ttin- tren(hesF and,
where otherwise the s$rve" (annot !e (omp%eted and the %eve%s ta2en and the
!o$ndaries and %ine mar2ed, to ($t down and (%ear awa" an" part of an" standin-
(rop, fen(e or :$n-%eH
*rovided that no person sha%% enter into an" !$i%din- or $pon an" en(%osed (o$rt or
-arden atta(hed to a dwe%%in-8ho$se ($n%ess with the (onsent of the o(($pier thereof witho$t
previo$s%" -ivin- s$(h o(($pier at %east seven da"s5 noti(e in writin- of his intention to do
As to amendments with whi(h this se(tion sho$%d !e read when %and is re?$ired for the p$rposes of a 'ompan", $ee s. 3; (2,
A prote(ted mon$ment ma" !e a(?$ired $nder this A(t as if its preservation were a &p$!%i( p$rposeK within the meanin- of the
A(t, $ee s. 1= of the An(ient @on$ments *reservation A(t, 19=4 (7 of 19=4.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
Ins. !" the Land A(?$isition (Amdt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923, s. 2.
5. Pa<2'*$ 9)1 8a2a@'.- The offi(er so a$thorised sha%% at the time of s$(h entr" pa"
or tender pa"ment for a%% ne(essar" dama-e to !e done as aforesaid, and, in (ase of disp$te as
to the s$ffi(ien(" of the amo$nt so paid or tendered, he sha%% at on(e refer the disp$te to the
de(ision of the 'o%%e(tor or other (hief reven$e8offi(er of the distri(t, and s$(h de(ision sha%%
!e fina%.
5A. ,'a1%*@ )9 )5>'&$%)*#.- (1 An" person interested in an" %and whi(h has !een
notified $nder se(tion 4, s$!8se(tion (1, as !ein- needed or %i2e%" to !e needed for a p$!%i(
p$rpose or for a 'ompan" ma", within thirt" da"s after the iss$e of the notifi(ation, o!:e(t to
the a(?$isition of the %and or of an" %and in the %o(a%it", as the (ase ma" !e.
(2 ,ver" o!:e(tion $nder s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% !e made to the 'o%%e(tor in writin-,
and the 'o%%e(tor sha%% -ive the o!:e(tor an opport$nit" of !ein- heard either in person or !"
p%eader and sha%%, after hearin- a%% s$(h o!:e(tions and after ma2in- s$(h f$rther in?$ir", if
an", as he thin2s ne(essar", s$!mit the (ase for the de(ision of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD,
to-ether with the re(ord of the pro(eedin-s he%d !" him and a report (ontainin- his
re(ommendations on the o!:e(tions. The de(ision of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD on the
o!:e(tions sha%% !e fina%.
(3 /or the p$rposes of this se(tion, a person sha%% !e deemed to !e interested in %and
who wo$%d !e entit%ed to (%aim an interest in (ompensation if the %and were a(?$ired $nder
this A(t.D
De#"aration of intended 9#qui$ition
G. '&7a1a$%)* $6a$ 7a*8 %# 1'B"%1'8 9)1 a ;"57%& ;"1;)#'.- (1 #$!:e(t to the
provisions of *art <II of this A(t,
Cwhen the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD is satisfied, after
(onsiderin- the report, if an", made $nder se(tion 0A, s$!8se(tion (2,D that an" parti($%ar
%and is needed for a p$!%i( p$rpose, or for a 'ompan", a
de(%aration sha%% !e made to that
effe(t $nder the si-nat$re of a #e(retar" to s$(h Government or of some offi(er d$%"
a$thorised to (ertif" its ordersH
*rovided that no s$(h de(%aration sha%% !e made $n%ess the (ompensation to !e awarded
for s$(h propert" is to !e paid !" a 'ompan", or who%%" or part%" o$t of p$!%i( reven$es or
some f$nd (ontro%%ed or mana-ed !" a %o(a% a$thorit".
(2 The de(%aration sha%% !e p$!%ished in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, and sha%% state the distri(t or
other territoria% division in whi(h the %and is sit$ate, the p$rpose for whi(h it is needed, its
appro.imate area and, where a p%an sha%% have !een made of the %and, the p%a(e where s$(h
p%an ma" !e inspe(ted.
#$!8headin- and se(tion 0A ins. !" the Land A(?$isition (Amdt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923, s.3. .
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
#$!s. !" the Land A(?$isition (Amdt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923 , s.4, for &whenever it appears to the L. G.K.
/or spe(imen, $ee Ga1. of *., 1903, *t. I. p. 233.
(3 The said de(%aration sha%% !e (on(%$sive eviden(e that the %and is needed for a
p$!%i( p$rpose or for a 'ompan", as the (ase ma" !eF and, after ma2in- s$(h de(%aration, the
(provin(ia% GovernmentD ma" a(?$ire the %and in manner hereinafter appearin-.
4. A9$'1 8'&7a1a$%)* C)77'&$)1 $) $a:' )18'1 9)1 a&B"%#%$%)*.- 7henever an" %and
sha%% have !een so de(%ared to !e needed for a p$!%i( p$rpose or for a 'ompan", the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, or some offi(er a$thorised !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD in this
!eha%f. sha%% dire(t the 'o%%e(tor to ta2e order for the a(?$isition of the %and.
8. La*8 $) 5' 2a1:'8 )"$, 2'a#"1'8 a*8 ;7a**'8.- The 'o%%e(tor sha%% there$pon
(a$se the %and ($n%ess it has !een a%read" mar2ed o$t $nder se(tion 4 to !e mar2ed o$t. Ge
sha%% a%so (a$se it to !e meas$red, and if no p%an has !een made thereof, a p%an to !e made of
the same.
3. N)$%&' $) ;'1#)*# %*$'1'#$'8.- (1 The 'o%%e(tor sha%% then (a$se p$!%i( noti(e to
!e -iven at (onvenient p%a(es on or near the %and to !e ta2en statin- that the Government
intends to ta2e possession of the %and, and that (%aims to (ompensation for a%% interests in
s$(h %and ma" !e made to him.
(2 #$(h noti(e sha%% state the parti($%ars of the %and so needed, and sha%% re?$ire a%%
persons interested in the %and to appear persona%%" or !" a-ent !efore the 'o%%e(tor at a time
and p%a(e therein mentioned (s$(h time not !ein- ear%ier than fifteen da"s after the date of
p$!%i(ation of the noti(e, and to state the nat$re of their respe(tive interests in the %and and
the amo$nt and parti($%ars of their (%aims to (ompensation for s$(h interests and their
o!:e(tions( if an" to the meas$rements made $nder se(tion ;. The 'o%%e(tor ma" in an" (ase
re?$ire s$(h statement to !e made in writin- and si-ned !" the part" or his a-ent.
(3 The 'o%%e(tor sha%% a%so serve noti(e to the same effe(t on the o(($pier (if an" of
s$(h %and and on a%% s$(h persons 2nown or !e%ieved to !e interested therein, or to !e entit%ed
to a(t for persons so interested, as reside or have a-ents a$thorised to re(eive servi(e on their
!eha%f, within the reven$e8distri(t in whi(h the %and is sit$ate.
(4 In (ase an" person so interested resides e%sewhere, and has no s$(h, a-ent, the
noti(e sha%% !e sent to him !" post in a %etter addressed to him at his %ast 2nown residen(e,
address or p%a(e of !$siness and re-istered $nder
C the *ost Offi(e EA(t, 1;9; (<I of 1;9;D.
10. P)w'1 $) 1'B"%1' a*8 '*9)1&' $6' 2a:%*@ )9 #$a$'2'*$# a# $) *a2'# a*8
%*$'1'#$#.- (1 The 'o%%e(tor ma" a%so re?$ire an" s$(h person to ma2e or de%iver to him. at a
time and p%a(e mentioned (s$(h time not !ein- ear%ier than fifteen da"s after the date of the
re?$isition a statement (ontainin-, so far as ma" !e pra(ti(a!%e, the name of ever" other
person possessin- an" interest in the %and or an" part
#$!s. !" A.O.. 1937, for &L.G.K.
#$!s. +" Ord. >><II of 19;1, s. 0 4 #(h. I< (on%" to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor".
thereof as (o8proprietor, s$!8proprietor, mort-a-ee, tenant or otherwise, and of the nat$re of
s$(h interest, and of the rents and profits (if an" re(eived or re(eiva!%e on a((o$nt thereof
for three "ears ne.t pre(edin- the date of the statement.
(2 ,ver" person re?$ired to ma2e or de%iver a statement $nder this se(tion or se(tion
9 sha%% !e deemed to !e %e-a%%" !o$nd to do so within the meanin- of se(tions 170 and 17) of
the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
Enquiry into 5ea$urement$, *a"ue and C"aim$, and 9ward by the Co""e#tor.
11. E*B"%1< a*8 awa18 5< C)77'&$)1.- On the da" so fi.ed, or on an" other da" to
whi(h the en?$ir" has !een ad:o$rned, the 'o%%e(tor sha%% pro(eed to en?$ire into the
o!:e(tions (if an" whi(h an" person interested has stated p$rs$ant to a noti(e -iven $nder
se(tion 9 to the meas$rements made $nder se(tion ;, and into the va%$e of the %and
Cat the
date of the p$!%i(ation of the notifi(ation $nder se(tion 4, s$!8se(tion (1D, and into the
respe(tive interests of the persons (%aimin- the (ompensation and sha%% ma2e an award $nder
his hand of
(i the tr$e area of the %andF
(ii the (ompensation whi(h in his opinion sho$%d !e a%%owed for the %andF and
(iii the apportionment of the said (ompensation amon- a%% the persons 2nown or
!e%ieved to !e interested in the %and, of whom, or of whose (%aims, he has
information, whether or not the" have respe(tive%" appeared !efore him.
12. Awa18 )9 C)77'&$)1 w6'* $) 5' 9%*a7.- (1 #$(h award sha%% !e fi%ed in the
'o%%e(tor5s offi(e and sha%%, e.(ept as hereinafter provided, !e fina% and (on(%$sive eviden(e,
as !etween the 'o%%e(tor and the persons interested, whether the" have respe(tive%" appeared
!efore the 'o%%e(tor or not, of the tr$e area and va%$e of the %and, and the apportionment of
the (ompensation amon- the persons interested.
(2 The 'o%%e(tor sha%% -ive immediate noti(e of his award to s$(h of the persons
interested as are not present persona%%" or !" their representatives when the award is made.
13. A8>)"12'*$ )9 '*B"%1<.- The 'o%%e(tor ma", for an" (a$se he thin2s fit, from
time to time ad:o$rn the en?$ir" to a da" to !e fi.ed !" him.
1C. P)w'1 $) #"22)* a*8 '*9)1&' a$$'*8a*&' )9 w%$*'##'# a*8 ;1)8"&$%)* )9
8)&"2'*$#.- /or the p$rpose of en?$iries $nder this A(t the 'o%%e(tor sha%% have power to
s$mmon and enfor(e the attendan(e of witnesses, in(%$din- the parties interested or an" of
them, and to (ompe% the prod$(tion of do($ments !" the same means, and (so far as ma" !e
in the same manner as is provided in the (ase of a 'ivi% 'o$rt $nder the
'ode of 'ivi%
*ro(ed$re.C'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (A(t < of 19=;D.
Ins. !" the Land A(?$isition (Amdt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923, s. 0.
See now tho 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (0 of 19=;.
#$!s !" Ord. >><II of 19;1, s. 0 4 #(h. I< (on%" to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor".
/IV )9
/LV )9
15. Ma$$'1# $) 5' &)*#%8'1'8 a*8 *'@7'&$'8.- In determinin- the amo$nt of
(ompensation, the 'o%%e(tor sha%% !e -$ided !" the provision in se(tions 23 and 24.
Ta>in3 !o$$e$$ion
1G. P)w'1 $) $a:' ;)##'##%)*.- 7hen the 'o%%e(tor has made an award $nder se(tion
11, he ma" ta2e possession of the %and, whi(h sha%% there$pon
Cvest a!so%$te%" in the
2CGovernmentD, free from a%% en($m!ran(es.
14. S;'&%a7 ;)w'1# %* &a#'# )9 "1@'*&<.- (1 In (ases of $r-en(", whenever the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD so dire(ts, the 'o%%e(tor, tho$-h no s$(h award has !een made,
ma", on the e.piration of fifteen da"s from the p$!%i(ation of the noti(e mentioned in se(tion
9, s$!8se(tion (1, ta2e possession of an" waste or ara!%e %and needed for p$!%i( p$rposes or
for a 'ompan". #$(h %and sha%% there$pon
Cvest a!so%$te%" in the
CGovernmentDD, free from
a%% en($m!ran(es.
(2 7henever, owin- to an" s$dden (han-e in the (hanne% of an" navi-a!%e river or
other $nforeseen emer-en(", it !e(omes ne(essar" for an" 3ai%wa" Administration to a(?$ire
the immediate possession of an" %a$d for the maintenan(e of their traffi( or for the p$rpose of
ma2in- thereon a river8side or -hat station, or of providin- (onvenient (onne(tion with or
a((ess to an" s$(h station, the 'o%%e(tor ma", immediate%" after the p$!%i(ation of the noti(e
mentioned in s$!8se(tion (1 and with the previo$s san(tion of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD,
enter $pon and ta2e possession of s$(h %and, whi(h sha%% there$pon
Cvest a!so%$te%" in the
CGovernmentDD free from a%% en($m!ran(esH
*rovided that the 'o%%e(tor sha%% not ta2e possession of an" !$i%din- or part of a
!$i%din- $nder this s$!8se(tion witho$t -ivin- to the o(($pier thereof at %east fort"8ei-ht
ho$rs noti(e of his intention so to do, or s$(h %on-er noti(e as ma" !e reasona!%" s$ffi(ient to
ena!%e s$(h o(($pier to remove his movea!%e propert" from s$(h !$i%din- witho$t
$nne(essar" in(onvenien(e.
(3 In ever" (ase $nder either of the pre(edin- s$!8se(tions the 'o%%e(tor sha%% at the
time of ta2in- possession offer to the persons interested (ompensation for the standin- (rops
and trees (if an" on s$(h %and and for an" other dama-e s$stained !" them (a$sed !" s$(h
s$dden dispossession and not e.(epted in se(tion 24F and, in (ase s$(h offer is not a((epted,
the va%$e of s$(h (rops and trees and the amo$nt of s$(h other dama-e sha%% !e a%%owed for in
awardin- (ompensation for the %and $nder the provisions herein (ontained.
C(4 In the (ase of an" %and to whi(h, in the opinion of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, the
provisions of s$!8se(tion (1 or s$!8se(tion (2 are app%i(a!%e, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &vest a!so%$te%" in the Govt.K.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2, for &'rownK &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K
#$!8se(tion (4 ins. !" the Land A(?$isition (Amdt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923, s. ).
ma" dire(t that the provisions of se(tion 0A sha%% not app%", and, if it does so dire(t, a
de(%aration ma" !e made $nder se(tion ) in respe(t of the %and at an" time after the
p$!%i(ation of the notifi(ation $nder se(tion 4, s$!8se(tion (1.D.
18. R'9'1'*&' $) C)"1$.- (1 An" person interested who has not a((epted the award ma", !"
written app%i(ation to the 'o%%e(tor, re?$ire that the matter !e referred !" the 'o%%e(tor for the
determination of the 'o$rt, whether his o!:e(tion !e to the meas$rement of the %and, the
amo$nt of the (ompensation, the persons to whom it is pa"a!%e, or the apportionment of the
(ompensation amon- the persons interested.
(2 The app%i(ation sha%% state the -ro$nds on whi(h o!:e(tion to the award is ta2enH
*rovided that ever" s$(h app%i(ation sha%% !e made,
(a if the person ma2in- it was present or represented !efore the 'o%%e(tor at the time
when he made his award, within si. wee2s from the e%ate of the 'o%%e(torMs awardF
(b in other (ases, within si. wee2s of the re(eipt of the noti(e from the 'o%%e(tor
$nder se(tion 12, s$!8se(tion (2 or within si. months from the date of the
'o%%e(torMs award, whi(hever period sha%% first e.pire.2
13. C)77'&$)1H# #$a$'2'*$ $) $6' C)"1$.- (1 In ma2in- the referen(e, the 'o%%e(tor sha%%
state for the information of the 'o$rt, in writin- $nder his hand,
(a the sit$ation and e.tent of the %and, with parti($%ars of an" trees, !$i%din-s or
standin- (rops thereonF
(b the names of the persons whom he has reason to thin2 interested in s$(h %andF
(# the amo$nt awarded for dama-es and paid or tendered $nder se(tions 0 and 17,
or either of them, and the amo$nt of (ompensation awarded $nder se(tion 11F
(d if the o!:e(tion !e to the amo$nt of the (ompensation, the -ro$nds on whi(h
the amo$nt of (ompensation was determined.
/or 6otifn. dire(tin- that ss. 0 and 0A of this A(t sha%% not app%" to (ertain areas of 3awa%pindiF $ee 7est *a2istan Ga1ette, 1909, ,.t. pp.
Two new se(tions 1;8A and 1;8+ have !een ins. in the 6.7./.*., $ee the Land A(?$isition (6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e Amendment
A(t, 1947 (6.7./.*. A(t 19 of 1947.
(2 To the said statement sha%% !e atta(hed a s(hed$%e -ivin- the parti($%ars of the noti(es
served $pon, and of the statements in writin- made or de%ivered !", the parties interested
20. S'1(%&' )9 *)$%&'.- The 'o$rt sha%% there$pon (a$se a noti(e spe(if"in- the da" on whi(h
the 'o$rt wi%% pro(eed to determine the o!:e(tion, and dire(tin- their appearan(e !efore the
'o$rt on that da", to !e served on the fo%%owin- persons, name%" H8
(a the app%i(antF
(! a%% persons interested in the o!:e(tion, e.(ept s$(h (if an" of them as have
(onsented witho$t protest to re(eive pa"ment of the (ompensation awardedF
(( if the o!:e(tion is in re-ard to the area of the %and or to the amo$nt of the
(ompensation, the 'o%%e(tor.
21. R'#$1%&$%)* )* #&);' )9 ;1)&''8%*@#.- The s(ope of the in?$ir" in ever" s$(h pro(eedin-
sha%% !e restri(ted to a (onsideration of the interests of the persons affe(ted !" the o!:e(tion.
22. P1)&''8%*@# $) 5' %* );'* C)"1$.- ,ver" s$(h pro(eedin- sha%% ta2e p%a(e in open 'o$rt,
and a%% persons entit%ed to pra(tise in an" 'ivi% 'o$rt in the provin(e sha%% !e entit%ed to
appear, p%ead and a(t (as the (ase ma" !e in s$(h pro(eedin-.
23. Ma$$'1# $) 5' &)*#%8'1'8 %* 8'$'12%*%*@ &)2;'*#a$%)*.- (1 In determinin- the
amo$nt of (ompensation to !e awarded for %and a(?$ired $nder this A(t, the 'o$rt sha%% ta2e
into (onsiderationI
fir$t, the mar2et8va%$e of the %and at the date of the p$!%i(ation of the
%Cnotifi(ation $nder se(tion 4, s$!8se(tion (1DF
$e#ond"y, the dama-e s$stained !" the person interested, !" reason of the ta2in- of
an" standin- (rops or trees whi(h ma" !e on the %and at the time of the
'o%%e(torMs ta2in- possession thereofF
third"y, the dama-e (if an" s$stained !" the person interested, at the time of the
'o%%e(torMs ta2in- possession of the %and, !" reason of severin-, s$(h %and
from his other %andF
fourth"y the dama-e (if an" s$stained !" the person interested, at the time of the
'o%%e(torMs ta2in- possession of the %and, !" reason of the a(?$isition
in:$rio$s%" affe(tin- his other propert", movea!%e or immovea!%e, in an"
other manner, or his earnin-sF
fifth"y, if, in (onse?$en(e of the a(?$isition of the %and !" the 'o%%e(tor, the person
interested is (ompe%%ed to (han-e his residen(e or p%a(e of !$siness, the
reasona!%e e.penses (if an" in(identa% to s$(h (han-eF and
#$!s. !" the Land A(?$isition (Arndt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923, s. 7, for &de(%aration re%atin- thereto $nder s. )K.
$i/th"y, the dama-e (if an" bona fide res$%tin- from dimin$tion of the profits of the
%and !etween the time of the p$!%i(ation of the de(%aration $nder se(tion ) and
the time of the 'o%%e(torMs ta2in- possession of the %and.
(2 In addition to the mar2et8va%$e of the %and as a!ove provided, the 'o$rt sha%% in
ever" (ase award a s$m of fifteen per (ent$m on s$(h mar2et8va%$e, in (onsideration of the
(omp$%sor" nat$re of the a(?$isition.
2C. Ma$$'1# $) 5' *'@7'&$'8 %* 8'$'12%*%*@ &)2;'*#a$%)*.- +$t the 'o$rt sha%% not ta2e
into (onsiderationI
fir$t, the de-ree of $r-en(" whi(h has %ed to the a(?$isitionF
$e#ond"y, an" disin(%ination of the person interested to part with the %and a(?$iredF
third"y, an" dama-e s$stained !" him whi(h, if (a$sed !" a private person, wo$%d not
render s$(h person %ia!%e to a s$itF
fourth"y, an" dama-e whi(h is %i2e%" to !e (a$sed to the %and a(?$ired, after the date of
the p$!%i(ation of the de(%aration $nder se(tion ), !" or in (onse?$en(e of the $se to
whi(h it wi%% !e p$tF
fifth"y, an" in(rease to the va%$e of the %and a(?$ired %i2e%" to a((r$e from the $se to
whi(h it wi%% !e p$t when a(?$iredF
$i/th"y, an" in(rease to the va%$e of the other %and of the person interested %i2e%" to a((r$e
from the $se to whi(h the %and a(?$ired wi%% !e p$tF or
$e'enth"y, an" o$t%a" or improvements on, or disposa% of, the %and a(?$ired, (ommen(ed,
made or effe(ted with o$t the san(tion of the 'o%%e(tor after the date of the
p$!%i(ation of the
Cnotifi(ation $nder se(tion 4, s$!se(tion (1D.
25. R"7'# a# $) a2)"*$ )9 &)2;'*#a$%)*.- (1 7hen the app%i(ant has made a (%aim to
(ompensation, p$rs$ant to an" noti(e -iven $nder se(tion 9, the amo$nt awarded to him !"
the 'o$rt sha%% not e.(eed the amo$nt w (%aimed or !e %ess than the amo$nt awarded !" the
'o%%e(tor $nder se(tion 11.
(2 7hen the app%i(ant has ref$sed to ma2e s$(h (%aim or has omitted witho$t s$ffi(ient
reason (to !e a%%owed !" the E$d-e to ma2e s$(h (%aim, the amo$nt awarded !" the 'o$rt
sha%% in no (ase e.(eed the amo$nt awarded !" the 'o%%e(tor.
(3 7hen the app%i(ant has omitted for a s$ffi(ient reason (to !e a%%owed !" the E$d-e to
ma2e s$(h (%aim, the amo$nt awarded to him !" the 'o$rt sha%% not !e %ess than, and ma"
e.(eed, the amo$nt awarded !" the 'o%%e(tor.
#$!s. !" the Land A(?$isition (Arndt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923, s. #. for &de(%aration $nder s. )K.
J2G.- F)12 )9 awa18#.- (1D ,ver" award $nder this part sha%% !e in writin- si-ned !" the
E$d-e, and sha%% spe(if" the amo$nt award8ed $nder (%a$se first of s$!8se(tion (1 of se(tion
23, and a%so the amo$nts (if an" respe(tive%" awarded $nder ea(h of the other (%a$ses of the
same s$!8se(tion, to-ether with the -ro$nds of awardin- ea(h of the said amo$nts.
C(2 ,ver" s$(h award sha%% !e deemed to !e a de(ree and the statement of the -ro$nds
of ever" s$(h award a :$d-ment within the meanin- of se(tion 2, (%a$se (2, and se(tion 2,
(%a$se (9, respe(tive%", of the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;.D
24. C)#$#.- (1 ,ver" s$(h award sha%% a%so state the amo$nt of (osts in($rred in the
pro(eedin-s $nder this part, and !" what persons and in what proportions the" are to !e paid.
(2 7hen the award of the 'o%%e(tor is not $phe%d, the (osts sha%% ordinari%" !e paid !"
the 'o%%e(tor, $n%ess the 'o$rt sha%% !e of opinion that the (%aim of the app%i(ant was so
e.trava-ant or that he was so ne-%i-ent in p$ttin- his (ase !efore the 'o%%e(tor that some
ded$(tion from his (osts sho$%d !e made or that he sho$%d pa" a part of the 'o%%e(torMs (osts.
28. C)77'&$)1 2a< 5' 8%1'&$'8 $) ;a< %*$'1'#$ )* 'A&'## &)2;'*#a$%)*.- If the s$m whi(h
in the opinion of the 'o$rt, the 'o%%e(tor o$-ht to have awarded as (ompensation is in e.(ess
of the s$m whi(h the 'o%%e(tor did award as (ompensation, the award of the 'o$rt ma" dire(t
that the 'o%%e(tor sha%% pa" interest on s$(h e.(ess at the rate of si. per (ent$m per ann$m
from the date on whi(h he too2 possession of the %and to the date of pa"ment of s$(h e.(ess
into 'o$rt.
23. Pa1$%&"7a1# )9 a;;)1$%)*2'*$ $) 5' #;'&%9%'8.- 7here there are severa% persons
interested, if s$(h persons a-ree in the apportionment of the (ompensation, the parti($%ars of
s$(h apportionment sha%% !e spe(ified in the award, and as !etween s$(h persons the award
sha%% !e (on(%$sive eviden(e of the (orre(tness of the apportionment.
30. %#;"$' a# $) a;;)1$%)*2'*$.- 7hen the amo$nt of (ompensation has !een sett%ed $nder
se(tion 11, if an" disp$te arises as to the apportionment of the same or an" part thereof, or as
to the persons to whom the same or an" part thereof is pa"a!%e, the 'o%%e(tor ma" refer s$(h
disp$te to the de(ision of the (o$rt.
#. 2) was re8n$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (1 of that se(tion !" the Land A(?$isition (Arndt A(t, 1921 (19 of 1921, s. 2.
#$!8se(tion (2 ins., ibid.
V )9
31. Pa<2'*$ )9 &)2;'*#a$%)* )1 8';)#%$ )9 #a2' %* C)"1$.- (1 On ma2in- an award $nder
se(tion 11, the 'o%%e(tor sha%% tender pa"ment of the (ompensation awarded !" him to the
persons interested entit%ed thereto a((ordin- to the award, and sha%% pa" it to them $n%ess
prevented !" some one or more of the (ontin-en(ies mentioned in the ne.t s$!8se(tion.
(2 If the" sha%% not (onsent to re(eive it, or if there !e no person (ompetent to a%ienate
the %and, or if there !e an" disp$te as to the tit%e to re(eive the (ompensation or as to the
apportionment of it, the 'o%%e(tor sha%% deposit the amo$nt of the (ompensation in the 'o$rt
to whi(h a referen(e $nder se(tion 1; wo$%d !e s$!mittedH
*rovided that an" person admitted to !e interested ma" re(eive s$(h pa"ment $nder
protest as to the s$ffi(ien(" of the amo$ntH
*rovided a%so that no person who has re(eived the amo$nt otherwise than $nder protest
sha%% !e entit%ed to ma2e an" app%i(ation $nder se(tion 1;H
*rovided a%so that nothin- herein (ontained sha%% affe(t the %ia!i%it" of an" person, who
ma" re(eive the who%e or an" part of an" (ompensation awarded $nder this A(t, to pa" the
same to the person %awf$%%" entit%ed thereto.
(3 6otwithstandin- an"thin- in this se(tion the 'o%%e(tor ma", with the san(tion of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, instead of awardin- a mone" (ompensation in respe(t of an" %and,
ma2e an" arran-ement with a person havin- a %imited interest in s$(h %and, either !" the -rant
of other %ands in e.(han-e, the remission of %and8reven$e on other %ands he%d $nder the same
tit%e, or in s$(h other wa" as ma" !e e?$ita!%e havin- re-ard to the interests of the parties
(4 6othin- in the %ast fore-oin- s$!8se(tion sha%% !e (onstr$ed to interfere with or %imit
the power of the 'o%%e(tor to enter into an" arran-ement with an" person interested in the
%and and
(ompetent to (ontra(t in respe(t thereof.
32. I*('#$2'*$ )9 2)*'< 8';)#%$'8 %* 1'#;'&$ )9 7a*8# 5'7)*@%*@ $) ;'1#)*# %*&)2;'$'*$
$) a7%'*a$'.- (1 If an" mone" sha%% !e deposited in 'o$rt $nder s$!8se(tion (2 of the %ast
pre(edin- se(tion and it appears that the %and in respe(t whereof the same was awarded
!e%on-ed to an" person who had no power to a%ienate the same, the 'o$rt sha%%
(a order the mone" to !e invested in the p$r(hase of other %ands to !e he%d $nder
the %i2e tit%e and (onditions of ownership as the %and in respe(t of whi(h s$(h
mone" sha%% have !een deposited was he%d, or
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
As to persons who are (ompetent to (ontra(t, see s. 11 of the 'ontra(t A(t, 1;72 (9 of 1;72.
&b( if s$(h p$r(hase (annot !e effe(ted forthwith, then in s$(h Government or
other approved se($rities as the (o$rt sha%% thin2 fitF
and sha%% dire(t the pa"ment of the interest or other pro(eeds arisin- from s$(h investment to
the person or persons who wo$%d for the time !ein- have !een entit%ed to the possession of
the said %and, and s$(h mone"s sha%% remain so deposited and invested $nti% the same !e
(i in the p$r(hase of s$(h other %ands as aforesaidF or
(ii in pa"ment to an" person or persons !e(omin- a!so%$te%" entit%ed
(2 In a%% (ases of mone"s deposited to whi(h this se(tion app%ies the 'o$rt sha%% order the
(osts of the fo%%owin- matters, in(%$din- therein a%% reasona!%e (har-es and e.penses in(ident
thereto, to !e paid !" the 'o%%e(tor, name%"H
&a( the (osts of s$(h investments as aforesaidF
&b( the (osts of the orders for the pa"ment of the interest or other pro(eeds, of the
se($rities $pon whi(h s$(h mone"s are for the time !ein- invested, and for the
pa"ment o$t of 'o$rt of the prin(ipa% of s$(h mone"s, and of a%% pro(eedin-s
re%atin- thereto, e.(ept s$(h as ma" !e o((asioned !" %iti-ation !etween
adverse (%aimants.
33. I*('#$2'*$ 2)*'< 8';)#%$'8 %* )$6'1 &a#'#.- 7hen an" mone" sha%% have !een
deposited in B'o$rt $nder this A(t for an" (a$se other than that mentioned in the %ast
pre(edin- se(tion, the 'o$rt ma", on the app%i(ation of an" part" interested or (%aimin- an
interest in s$(h mone", order the same to !e invested in s$(h Government or other approved
se($rities as it ma" thin2 proper, and ma" dire(t the interest or other pro(eeds of an" s$(h
investment to !e a(($m$%ated and paid in s$(h manner as it ma" (onsider wi%% -ive the parties
interested therein the same !enefit therefrom as the" mi-ht have had from the %and in respe(t
whereof s$(h mone" sha%% have !een deposited or as8 near thereto as ma" !e.
3C. Pa<2'*$ )9 %*$'1'#$.- 7hen the amo$nt of s$(h (ompensation is not paid deposited on or
!efore ta2in- possession of the %and, the 'o%%e(tor sha%% pa" the amo$nt awarded with interest
thereon at 8 the rate of si. per (ent$m per ann$m from the time of so ta2in- possession $nti% it
sha%% have !een so paid or deposited.
35. T'2;)1a1< )&&";a$%)* )9 wa#$' )9 a1a57' 7a*8 P1)&'8"1'.- (1 #$!:e(t to the
provisions of *art <II of this A(t, whenever it appears to the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD that
the temporar" o(($pation and $se of an" waste or ara!%e %and are
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
w6'* 8%99'1'*&' a# $) &)2;'*#a$%)* 'A%#$#. 6eeded for an" p$!%i( p$rpose, or for a
'ompan", the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" dire(t the 'o%%e(tor to pro($re the o(($pation
and $se of the same for s$(h term as it sha%% thin2 fit, not e.(eedin- three "ears from the
(ommen(ement of s$(h o(($pation.
(2 The 'o%%e(tor sha%% there$pon -ive noti(e in writin- to the persons interested in s$(h
%and of the p$rpose for whi(h the same is needed, and sha%%, for the o(($pation and $se
thereof for s$(h term as aforesaid, and for the materia%s (if an" to !e ta2en therefrom, pa" to
them s$(h (ompensation, either in a -ross s$m of mone", or !" month%" or other periodi(a%
pa"ments a(F sha%% !e a-reed $pon in writin- !etween him and s$(h persons respe(tive%".
(3 In (ase the 'o%%e(tor and the persons interested differ as to the s$ffi(ien(" of the
(ompensation or apportionment thereof, the 'o%%e(tor sha%% refer s$(h differen(e to the
de(ision of the 'o$rt.
3G. P)w'1 $) '*$'1 a*8 $a:' ;)##'##%)*, a*8 &)2;'*#a$%)* )* 1'#$)1a$%)*.- (1 On
pa"ment of s$(h (ompensation, or on e.e($tin- s$(h a-reement or on ma2in- a referen(e
$nder se(tion 30, the 'o%%e(tor ma" enter $pon and ta2e possession of the %and, and $se or
permit the $se thereof in a((ordan(e with the terms of the said noti(e.
(2 On the e.piration of the term, the 'o%%e(tor sha%% ma2e or tender to the persons
interested (ompensation for the dama-e (if an" done to the %and and not provided for !" the
a-reement, and sha%% restore the %and to the persons interested thereinH
*rovided that, if the %and has !e(ome permanent%" $nfit to !e $sed for the p$rpose for whi(h
it was $sed immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of s$(h term, and if the persons interested
sha%% so re?$ire, the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%% pro(eed $nder this A(t to a(?$ire the %and
as if it was needed permanent%" for a p$!%i( p$rpose or for a 'ompan".
34. %99'1'*&' a# $) &)*8%$%)* )9 7a*8.- In (ase the 'o%%e(tor and persons interested differ as
to Aifferen(e as the (ondition of the %and at the e.piration of the term, or as to (ondition an"
matter (onne(ted with the said a-reement, the 'o%%e(tor of %and sha%% refer s$(h differen(e to
the de(ision of the 'o$rt.
A'PLI#ITIO6 O/ LA6A /O3 'O@*A6I,#
38. C)2;a*< 2a< 5' a"$6)1%#'8 $) '*$'1 a*8 #"1('<.- (1 2J J J The
GovernmentD ma" a$thorise an" offi(er of an" 'ompan" desirin- to a(?$ire %and for its
p$rposes to the powers (onferred !" se(tion 4.
#$!s. !" A. O. 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words &#$!:e(t to s$(h r$%es as the G.G. of India in '. ma" from time to time pres(ri!e in this !eha%fK rep. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192=
(3; of 192=, s. 2 aa. #(h. I
(2 In ever" s$(h (ase se(tion 4 sha%% !e (onstr$ed as if for the words &for s$(h
p$rposeK the wordsK for the p$rposes of the 'ompan"K were s$!stit$tedF and se(tion # sha%%
!e (onstr$ed as if after the words &the offi(erK the wordsK of the 'ompan"K were inserted.
J38A. I*8"#$1%a7 &)*&'1* $) 5' 8''2'8 C)2;a*< 9)1 &'1$a%* ;"1;)#'#.- An ind$stria%
(on(ern, ordinari%" emp%o"in- not %ess then one h$ndred wor2men owned !" an individ$a% or
!" an asso(iation of individ$a%s and not !ein- a 'ompan", desirin- to a(?$ire %and for the
ere(tion of dwe%%in- ho$ses for wor2men emp%o"ed !" the (on(ern or for the provision of
amenities dire(t%" (onne(ted therewith sha%%, so for as (on(erns the a(?$isition of s$(h %and,
!e deemed to !e a 'ompan" for the p$rposes of this *art, and the referen(es to 'ompan" in
se(tions #A, ), 7, 17 and #O sha%% !e interpreted as referen(es a%so to s$(h (on(ern.D
33. P1'(%)"# &)*#'*$ )9 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$ a*8 'A'&"$%)* )9 a@1''2'*$ *'&'##a1<.-
The provisions of se(tions ) to 37 (!oth in(%$sive sha%% not !e p$t in for(e in order to a(?$ire
%and for an" 'ompan", $n%ess with the previo$s (onsent of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD nor
$n%ess the 'ompan" sha%% have e.e($ted the a-reement hereinafter mentioned.
C0. P1'(%)"# '*B"%1<.- (1 #$(h (onsent sha%% not !e -iven $n%ess the
GovernmentD !e satisfied,
Ceither on the report of the 'o%%e(tor $nder se(tion #A, s$!8se(tion
(2, orD !" an en?$ir" he%d as hereinafter provided,8
C(a that the p$rpose of the a(?$isition is to o!tain %and for the ere(tion of dwe%%in-
ho$ses for wor2men emp%o"ed !" the 'ompan" or for the provision of amenities
dire(t%" (onne(ted therewith, or
(b that s$(h a(?$isition is needed for the (onstr$(tion of some wor2, and that s$(h
wor2 is %i2e%" to prove $sef$% to the p$!%i(.D
(2 #$(h en?$ir" sha%% !e he%d !" s$(h offi(er and at s$(h time and p%a(e as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD sha%% appoint.
(3 #$(h offi(er ma" s$mmon and enfor(e the attendan(e of witnesses and (ompe% the
prod$(tion of do($ments !" the same means and, as far as possi!%e, in the same manner as is
provided !" the
'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re in the (ase of a 'ivi% 'o$rt.
C1. A@1''2'*$ w%$6 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$.-
J J J If the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD is
satisfied with
Cafter (onsiderin- the report, if an", of the 'o%%e(tor $nder se(tion 0A, s$!8
se(tion (2, or on the report of the offi(er ma2in-
#. 3;A ins. !" the Land A(?$isition (Amdt. A(t, 1933 (1) of 1933, s.).
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
In#. !" the Land A(?$isition (Arndt. A(t, 1923 (3; of 1923, s. 9=
#$!s. !" A(t, 1) of 1933, s. 3, for the ori-ina% (%a$ses &a( and &b(.
See now the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (0 of 19=;.
The words &#$(h offi(er sha%% report to the L. G. the res$%t of the en?$ir", andK rep. !" A(t, 3; of 1923, s. 1=.
Ins. ibid.
/IV )9
an in?$ir" $nder se(tion 4=D that
Cthe p$rpose of the proposed a(?$isition is to o!tain %and
for the ere(tion of dwe%%in- ho$ses for wor2men emp%o"ed !" the 'ompan" or for the
provision of amenities dire(t%" (onne(ted therewith, or thatD the proposed a(?$isition is
needed for the (onstr$(tion of a wor2, and that s$(h wor2 is %i2e%" to prove $sef$% to the
p$!%i(, it sha%%
J J 8 J re?$ire the 'ompan" to enter into an a-reement
Cwith the *rovin(ia%
GovernmentD, providin- to the satisfa(tion of the 4Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD for the fo%%owin-
matters, name%" H
(1 the
Cpa"ment to the *rovin(ia% GovernmentD of the (ost of the a(?$isitionF
(2 the transfer, on s$(h pa"ment, of the %and to the 'ompan"F
(3 the terms on whi(h the %and sha%% !e he%d !" the 'ompan"F
C(4 where the a(?$isition is for the p$rpose of ere(tin- dwe%%in- ho$ses or the
provision of amenities (onne(ted therewith, the time within whi(h, the (onditions on
whi(h and the manner in whi(h the dwe%%in- ho$ses or amenities sha%% !e ere(ted or
providedF and
(0 where the a(?$isition is for the (onstr$(tion of an" other wor2, the time within
whi(h and the (onditions on whi(h the wor2 sha%% !e e.e($ted and maintained,
and the terms on whi(h the p$!%i( sha%% !e entit%ed to $se the wor2D
C2. P"57%&a$%)* )9 a@1''2'*$.- ,ver" s$(h a-reement sha%%, as soon as ma" !e after its
e.e($tion, !e p$!%ished
J J J in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD and sha%% there$pon (so far as
re-ards the terms on whi(h the p$!%i( sha%% !e entit%ed to $se the wor2 have the same effe(t
as if it had formed part of this A(t.
C3. S'&$%)*# 33 $) C2 *)$ $) a;;7< w6'1' G)('1*2'*$ 5)"*8 5< a@1''2'*$ $) ;1)(%8'.-
The provisions of se(tions 39 to 42, !oth in(%$sive, sha%% not app%" and the (orrespondin-
se(tions of the 9Land A(?$isition A(t, 1;7=, sha%% !e deemed never to have app%ied, to the
a(?$isition of %and for an" 3ai%wa" or other 'ompan", for the p$rposes of whi(h,
an" a-reement with s$(h 'ompan",
Ins. !" the Land A(?$isition (Arndt. A(t, 1933 (1) of 1933, s. 4.
The words &s$!:e(t to s$(h r$%es as the G.G. in '. ma" from time to time pres(ri!e in this !eha%fK rep. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of
192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1931, for &with the #e(retar" of #tate for India in 'o$n(i%K.
#$!s. ibid., for &L, G.K
#$!s. ibid., for &pa"ment to Govt.K.
#$!s. !" A(t1) of1933, s. 4, for the ori-ina% (%a$ses (4 and (0.
The words &in the Ga1ette of India and a%so & rep. !" A.O., 1937.
#$!s. ibid., for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
3ep. !" this A(t.
#$!s. !" A.O.,1937, for &$nder an" a-reement !etween s$(h (ompan" and the #e(retar" of #tate for India in 'o$n(i%, the Govt. is, or was,
!o$nd to provide %andK.
La*8 9)1 C)2;a*%'#.- the #e(retar" of #tate for India in 'o$n(i%, the #e(retar" of #tate,
C/edera% GovernmentD or an" *rovin(ia% GovernmentD is or was !o$nd to provide %andD.
CC. ,)w a@1''2'*$ w%$6 Ra%7wa< C)2;a*< 2a< 5' ;1)('8.- In the (ase of the a(?$isition of
%and for the p$rposes of a 3ai%wa" 'ompan", the e.isten(e of s$(h an a-reement as is mentioned
in se(tion 43 ma" !e proved !" the prod$(tion of a printed (op" thereof p$rportin- to !e printed
!" order of Government.
C5. S'1(%&' )9 *)$%&'#.- (1 #ervi(e of an" noti(e $nder this A(t sha%% !e made !" de%iverin- or
tenderin- a (op" thereof si-ned, in the (ase of a noti(e $nder se(tion 4, !" the offi(er therein
mentioned, and, in the (ase of an" other noti(e, !" or !" order of the 'o%%e(tor or the E$d-e.
(2 7henever it ma" !e pra(ti(a!%e, the servi(e of the noti(e sha%% !e made on the person
therein named.
(3 7hen s$(h person (annot !e fo$nd, the servi(e ma" !e made on an" ad$%t ma%e mem!er
of his fami%" residin- with himF and, if no s$(h ad$%t ma%e mem!er (an !e fo$nd, the noti(e ma"
!e served !" the (op" on the o$ter door of the ho$se in whi(h the person therein named
ordinari%" dwe%%s or (arries on !$siness, or !" a (op" thereof in some (onspi($o$s p%a(e in
the offi(e of the offi(er aforesaid or of the 'o%%e(tor or in the (o$rt8ho$se, and a%so in some
(onspi($o$s part of the %and to !e a(?$iredF
*rovided that, if the 'o%%e(tor or E$d-e sha%% so dire(t, a noti(e ma" !e sent !" post, in a
%etter addressed to the person named therein at his %ast 2nown residen(e, address or p%a(e of
!$siness and re-istered $nder *art III of the 41ndian *ost Offi(eH A(t, 1;)), and servi(e of it
ma" !e proved !" the prod$(tion of the addresseeMs re(eipt.
CG. P'*a7$< 9)1 )5#$1"&$%*@ a&B"%#%$%)* )9 7a*8.- 7hoever wi%f$%%" o!str$(ts an" person in
doin- an" of the a(ts a$thorised !" se(tion 4 or se(tion ;, or wi%f$%%" fi%%s $p, destro"s, dama-es
or disp%a(es an" tren(h or mar2 made $nder se(tion 4, sha%%, on (onvi(tion !efore a @a-istrate,
!e %ia!%e to imprisonment for an" term not e.(eedin- one month, or to fine not e.(eedin- fift"
r$pees, or to !oth.
#$!s. !" A .O., 1949, #(h., for &or an" Government in +ritish IndiaK.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art, 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
This se(tion !as !een amended in 6.7./.*. !" the Land A(?$isition (6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e Arndt. A(t, 1947 (6.7./.*. A(t 19 of
See now the *ost Offi(e A(t, 1;9; () of 1;9;.
/IV )9
C4. Ma@%#$1a$' $) '*9)1&' #"11'*8'1 = If the 'o%%e(tor is opposed or impeded in ta2in-
possession $nder this A(t of an" %and, he sha%%, if a @a-istrate, enfor(e the s$rrender of the %and
to himse%f, and if not a @a-istrate, he sha%% app%" to a @a-istrate
and s$(h @a-istrate
sha%% enfor(e the s$rrender of the %and to the 'o%%e(tor.
C8. C)2;7'$%)* )9 a&B"%#%$%)* *)$ &)2;"7#)1<, 5"$ &)2;'*#a$%)* $) 5' awa18'8 w6'* *)$
&)2;7'$'8 = (1 ,.(ept in the (ase provided for in #e(tion 3), the Government sha%% !e at %i!ert"
to withdraw from the a(?$isition of an" %and of whi(h possession has not !een ta2en.
(2 7henever the Government withdraws from an" s$(h a(?$isition, the 'o%%e(tor sha%%
determine the amo$nt of (ompensation d$e for the dama-e s$ffered !" the owner in (onse?$en(e
of the noti(e or of an" pro(eedin-s there$nder, and sha%% pa" s$(h amo$nt to the person
interested, to-ether with a%% (osts reasona!%" in($rred !" him in the prose($tion of the
pro(eedin-s $nder this A(t re%atin- to the said %and.
(3 The provisions of *art III of this A(t sha%% app%", so far as ma" !e, to the determination of the
(ompensation pa"a!%e $nder this se(tion.
C3. A&B"%#%$%)* )9 ;a1$ )9 6)"#' )1 5"%78%*@ = (1 The provisions of this A(t sha%% not !e p$t in
for(e for the p$rpose of a(?$irin- a part on%" of an" ho$se, man$fa(tor" or other !$i%din-, if the
owner desires that the who%e of s$(h ho$se, man$fa(tor" or !$i%din- sha%% !e so a(?$iredH
*rovided that the owner ma", at an" time !efore the 'o%%e(tor has made his award $nder #e(tion
11, !" noti(e in writin-, withdraw or modif" his e.pressed desire that the who%e of s$(h ho$se,
man$fa(tor" or !$i%din- sha%% !e so a(?$iredH
*rovided a%so that, if an" ?$estion sha%% arise as to whether an" %and proposed to !e ta2en $nder
this A(t does or does not form part of a ho$se, man$fa(tor" or !$i%din- within the meanin- of
this se(tionF the 'o%%e(tor sha%% refer the determination of s$(h ?$estion to the 'o$rt and sha%% not
ta2e possession of s$(h %and $nti% after the ?$estion has !een determined.
In de(idin- on s$(h a referen(e the 'o$rt sha%% have re-ard to the ?$estion whether the %and
proposed to !e ta2en in reasona!%" re?$ired for the f$%% and $nimpaired $se of the ho$se,
man$fa(tor" or !$i%din-.
(2 If, in the (ase of an" (%aim $nder #e(tion 23, s$!8se(tion (1 third%", !" a person interested,
on a((o$nt of the severin- of the %and to !e a(?$ired from his other %and, the
Government is of opinion that the (%aim is $nreasona!%e or e.(essive, it ma", at an" time !efore
the 'o%%e(tor has made his award, order the a(?$isition of the who%e of the %and of whi(h the
%and first so$-ht to !e a(?$ired forms a part.
The words and !ra(2ets &or (within the towns of 'a%($ta, @adras and +om!a" to the 'ommissioner of *o%i(eK Omitted !" A.O , 1949m #(h.
The words and !ra(2ets & or 'ommissioner (as the (ase ma" !eK Omitted , i!id,
#$!s. !" A. =.,1937, for &L. G.K
(3 In the (ase %ast herein!efore provided for, no fresh de(%aration or other pro(eedin-s $nder
#e(tions ) to 1=, !oth in(%$sive, sha%% !e ne(essar"F !$t the 'o%%e(tor sha%% witho$t de%a" f$rnish
a (op" of the order of the
C*rovin(ia% Government to the person interested and sha%% thereafter
pro(eed to ma2e his award $nder #e(tion 11.
50. A&B"%#%$%)* )9 7a*8 a$ &)#$ )9 a 7)&a7 a"$6)1%$< )1 C)2;a*< = (1 7here the provisions of
this A(t are p$t in for(e for the p$rpose of a(?$irin- %and at the (ost of an" f$nd (ontro%%ed or
mana-ed !" a %o(a% a$thorit" or of an" 'ompan", the (har-es of and in(identa% .to s$(h
a(?$isition sha%% !e defra"ed from or !" s$(h f$nd or 'ompan".
(2 In an" pro(eedin- he%d !efore a 'o%%e(tor or 'o$rt in s$(h (ases the %o(a% a$thorit" or
'ompan" (on(erned ma" appear and add$(e eviden(e for the p$rpose of determinin- the amo$nt
of (ompensationH
*rovided that no s$(h %o(a% a$thorit" or 'ompan" sha%% !e entit%ed to demand a referen(e
$nder se(tion 1;.
51. EA'2;$%)* 91)2 #$a2; 8"$< a*8 9''#=- 6o award or a-reement made $nder this A(t sha%%
!e (har-ea!%e with stamp d$t", and no person (%aimin- $nder an" s$(h award or a-reement sha%%
!e %ia!%e to pa" an" fee for a (op" of the same.
52. N)$%&' %* &a#' )9 #"%$# 9)1 a*<$6%*@ 8)*' %1' ;"1#"a*&' )9 A&$= 6o s$it or other pro(eedin-
sha%% !e (ommen(ed or prose($ted a-ainst an" person for an"thin- done in p$rs$an(e of this A(t,
witho$t -ivin- to s$(h person a monthMs previo$s noti(e in writin- of the intended pro(eedin-,
and of the (a$se thereof, nor after tender of s$ffi(ient amends.
53. C)8' )9 C%(%7 P1)&'8"1' $). a;;7< $) ;1)&''8%*@# 5'9)1' C)"1$= #ave in so far as the"
ma" !e in(onsistent with an"thin- (ontained in this A(t, the provisions of the
'ode of 'ivi%
*ro(ed$re, 19=; (< of 19=; sha%% app%" to a%% pro(eedin-s !efore the 'o$rt $nder this A(t.
5C. A;;'a7# %* ;1)&''8%*@# 5'9)1' $6' C)"1$ = #$!:e(t to the provisions of the 'ode of 'ivi%
*ro(ed$re, 19=;, app%i(a!%e to appea%s from ori-ina% de(rees, and notwith8standin- an"thin- to
the (ontrar" (ontained in an" ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e, an appea% sha%% on%" %ie in
an" pro(eedin-s $nder this A(t to the Gi-h 'o$rt from the award, or from an" part of the award,
of the 'o$rt and from an" de(ree of the Gi-h 'o$rt passed on s$(h appea% as aforesaid an appea%
sha%% %ie to
Cthe #$preme 'o$rtD s$!:e(t to the provisions (ontained in #e(tion 11= of the 'ode
of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;, and in Order >L< thereof.D
#$!s, !" A.O , 1937, for &L.GK.
#ee now the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=; (0 of 19=;
#$!s. !" #. 3 of the Land A(?$isition (Amendment A(t, (1= of 1921, for the ori-ina% se(tion
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for &Gis @a:est"8in8'o$n(i%K.(with effe(t from the 23
@ar(h, 190)
>I< of
< of
< of
55. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'# = (1 The
C*rovin(ia% Government sha%%
J J J have power to ma2e
r$%es (onsistent with this A(t for the -$idan(e of offi(ers in a%% matters (onne(ted with its
enfor(ement, and ma" from time to time a%ter and add to the r$%es so made.
4J J J J J J J
(2 The power to ma2e, a%ter ana% add to r$%es $nder s$!8se(tion %1 sha%% !e s$!:e(t to the
(ondition of the r$%es !ein- made, a%tered or added to after previo$s p$!%i(ation.
(3 A%% s$(h r$%es, a%teration and additions sha%%
0J J J
!e p$!%ished in the offi(ia% Ga1ette,
and sha%% there$pon have the for(e of %aw.
1. Tit%e, e.tent and (ommen(ement. 2. Be!ea"ed.@
3. Aefinitions.
4. A((ommodation for prisoners.
0. Inspe(tor Genera%.
). Offi(ers of prisons.
7. Temporar" a((ommodation for prisoners.
;. 'ontro% and d$ties of offi(ers of prisons.
9. Offi(ers not to have !$siness dea%in-s with prisoners.
1=. Offi(ers not to !e interested in prison8(ontra(ts.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &L. G.K.
The words &s$.!:e(Ht to the (ontro% of the G.G. in (.K whi(h had !een ins. !" the Ae(entra%I1atIon A(t, 1914 (4 of 1914, were rep. !" the
Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
3/or r$%%es made $nder this se(tion, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
4The proviso, whi(h had !een added !" s. 2 and #(h. I of the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192=, was rep. !" A.O., 1937.
0The words &when san(tioned !" the G.G in 'M were rep. !" the Ae(entra%i1ation A(t, 1914 (4 of 1914, s. 2 and #(h., *t. I.
11. #$perintendent.
12. 3e(ords to !e 2ept !" #$perintendent.
5edi#a" Offi#er
13. A$ties of @edi(a% Offi(er.
14. @edi(a% Offi(er to report in (ertain (ases.
10. 3eport on death of prisoner.
1). Eai%er.
17. Eai%er to -ive noti(e of death of prisoner. 1;. 3esponsi!i%it" of Eai%er.
19. Eai%er to !e present at ni-ht.
2=. *owers of Aep$t" and Assistant Eai%ers.
Subordinate Offi#er$
21. A$ties of -ate82eeper.
22. #$!ordinate offi(ers not to !e a!sent witho$t %eave.
23. 'onvi(t Offi(ers.
24. *risoners to !e e.amined on admission.
20. ,ffe(ts of prisoners.
2). 3emova% and dis(har-e of prisoners.
27. #eparation of prisoners.
2;. Asso(iation and se-re-ation of prisoners.
29. #o%itar" (onfinement.
3=. *risoners $nder senten(e of death
31. @aintenan(e of (ertain prisoners from private so$r(es.
32. 3estri(tion on transfer of food and (%othin- !etween (ertain prisoner.
33. #$pp%" of (%othin- and !eddin- to (ivi% and $n(onvi(ted (rimina% prisoners,
34. ,mp%o"ment of (ivi% prisoners.
30. ,mp%o"ment of (rimina% prisoners.
3). ,mp%o"ment of (rimina% prisoners senten(ed to simp%e
37. #i(2 prisoners.
3;. 3e(ord of dire(tions of @edi(a% Offi(ers.
39. Gospita%.
4=. <isits to (ivi% and $n(onvi(ted (rimina% prisoners.
41. #ear(h of visitors.
42. *ena%t" for introd$(tion or remova% of prohi!ited arti(%es
into or from prison and (omm$ni(ation with prisoners.
43. *ower to arrest for offen(e $nder se(tion 42.
44. *$!%i(ation of pena%ties.
40. *rison8offen(es.
4). *$nishment of s$(h offen(es.
47. *%$ra%it" of p$nishments $nder se(tion 4).
4;. Award of p$nishments $nder se(tions 4) and 47.
49. *$nishments to !e in a((ordan(e with fore-oin- se(tions.
0=. @edi(a% Offi(er to (ertif" to fitness of prisoner for p$nishment.
01. ,ntries in p$nishment8!oo2
02. *ro(ed$re on (ommitta% of heino$s offen(e.
03. 7hippin-.
04. Offen(es !" prison s$!ordinates.
00. ,.tram$ra% ($stod", (ontro% and emp%o"ment of prisoners.
0). 'onfinement in irons.
07. 'onfinement of prisoners $nder senten(e of transportation in irons.
0;. *risoners not to !e ironed !" Eai%er e.(ept $nder ne(essit".
09. *ower to ma2e r$%es.
)=. &e!ea"ed.@
)1. ,.hi!ition of (opies of r$%es.
)2. ,.er(ise of powers of #$perintendent and @edi(a%
THE SCH EDU LE.,Be!ea"ed.@
ACT N). I/ OF 183C
B44nd 5ar#h, 171-@
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) P1%#)*#
7hereas it is e.pedient to amend the %aw re%atin- to prisons in *a2istan, and to provide r$%es for
the re-$%ation of s$(h prisonsH It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. T%$7', 'A$'*$ a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$= (1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the *risons A(t, 1;94.
(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istan.
(3 It sha%% (ome into for(e on the first da" of E$%", 1;94.
(4 6othin- in this A(t sha%% app%" to (ivi% :ai%s in #ind and the Oara(hi Aivision and those :ai%s
sha%% (ontin$e to !e administered $nder the provisions of #e(tion 9 to 1) (!oth in(%$sive
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and M3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;94, *t. <, p. 14 F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., p. )3, and for
*ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., *t. <I, pp.%=, 21,93,12) and 139.
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain
modifi(ationsF $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
It has !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1. of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
It has !een e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper T1inawa% other than *h$%era !" the 6.7./.*., (Lper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws
3e-$%ation, 190= and de(%ared to !e in for(e in that area with effe(t from 1 st E$ne, 1901 , $ee 67./.*., Ga1ette, ,.traordinar", dated 1st E$ne,
It has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan
!" 7est *a2istan A(t 41 of 190;. . M
The A(t, as in for(e in the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. n of 1974U has !een
app%ied to the *rovin(ia%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas of 'hitra%, A11M, Oa%am, #wat and @a%a2and *rote(ted Area !" 6.7./.*., 3e-$%ation, 6o.
n of 1974, s. 3.
This A(t has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the provin(e of #ind !"
the #ind A(t 6o. 17 of 1970, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
This A(t has !een amended to the e.tent. of . Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor"
$ee Ordinan(e 6o. 27 of19;1, #. 0 and #(h. I<. M
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of
19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t AiEom the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for &the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !"
1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish India.K. M
3 #
$!s. !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 14V1 O#tober, 1900, for the e.istin- s$!8se(tion (2, as amended !" the /edera%
Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901.
#$!s. !" A. =.,1949, #(h. f$r8K the *residen(" of8+om!a" o$tside the
(it" of +om!a"K.
#$!s. !" A. =., 19)4, ArtH28and #(h., for &/edera% T(rritor" of Oara(hiK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 1 9)1
(1 of 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &'apita% of the /edorationKH
+om!a" A(t, II of 1;74, as amended !" s$!se?$ent ena(tments.
2. C3ep. !" the repea%in- A(t, 193; (I of 193;, #. 2 and #(hed$%e.D
3. '9%*%$%)*#= In this A(t88
(1 &prisonK means an" :ai% or p%a(e $sed permanent%" or temporari%" $nder the -enera% or
spe(ia% orders of a
C*rovin(ia% Government for the detention of prisoners, and in(%$des a%%
%ands and !$i%din-s app$rtenant thereto, !$t does not in(%$de88
(a an" p%a(e for the (onfinement of prisoners who are e.(%$sive%" in the ($stod" of the
po%i(e F
(! an" p%a(e spe(ia%%" appointed !" the
*rovin(ia% Government $nder #e(tion 041 of
'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (A(t < of 1;9;D F or
(( an" p%a(e whi(h has !een de(%ared !" the *rovin(ia% Government,. !" -enera% or
spe(ia% order, to !e a s$!sidiar" :ai% F
(2 &(rimina% prisonerK means an" prisoner d$%" (ommitted to ($stod" $nder the writ, warrant or
order of an" 'o$rt or a$thorit" (rimina% :$risdi(tion, or !" order of a
'o$rt8martia% F
(3 &(onvi(ted (rimina% prisonerK means an" (rimina% prisoner $nder senten(e of a 'o$rt or
'o$rt8martia%, and in(%$des a person detained in prison $nder the provisions of 'hapter <III of
C'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (A(t < of 1;9;D or $nder the
C*risoners A(t, 19== (III
of 19==D F
(4 &(ivi% prisonerK means an" prisoner who is not a (rimina% prisonerF
(0 &remission s"stemK means the r$%es for the time !ein- in for(e re-$%atin- the award of mar2s
to and the (onse?$ent shortenin- of senten(es of, prisoners in :ai%s F
() &histor"8ti(2etK means the ti(2et e.hi!itin- s$(h information as is re?$ired in respe(t of ea(h
prisoner !" this A(t or the r$%es there$nder
(7 &Inspe(tor8Genera%K means the Inspe(tor8Genera% of *risons F
C(78A &Aep$t" Inspe(tor8Genera%K means the Aep$t" Inspe(tor8Genera% of *risonD F
The 'ivi% Eai%s A(t, 1;74.
#$!EF,!"H A. =.,1937, for &L. G.K.
#ee now the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (0 of 1;9;.
K#ee now the *risoners A(t, 19== (3 of 19==,
> of 1;;2
> of 1;;2
< of 1;71
(; &@edi(a% #$!ordinateK means an Assistant #$r-eon, Apothe(ar" or ?$a%ified Gospita%
Assistant F and
(9 &prohi!ited arti(%eK means an arti(%e the introd$(tion or remova% of whi(h into or o$t of a
prison is prohi!ited !" an" r$%e $nder this A(t.
C. A&&)22)8a$%)* 9)1 ;1%#)*'1#= The
*rovin(ia% Government sha%% provide, for the prisoners
in the territories $nder s$(h Government, a((ommodation in prisons (onstr$(ted and re-$%ated in
s$(h manner as to (omp%" with the re?$isitions of this A(t in respe(t of the separation of
5. I*#;'&$)1-G'*'1a7= An Inspe(tor8Genera%
sha%% !e appointed for the territories s$!:e(t to
ea(h *rovin(ia% Government, and sha%%, s$!:e(t to the orders of the *rovin(ia%
Government, the -enera% (ontro% and s$perintenden(e of a%% prisons sit$ated in the territories
$nder s$(h Government.
G. O99%&'1# )9 ;1%#)*#= /or ever" prison there sha%% !e a #$perintendent, a @edi(a% Offi(er
(7ho ma" a%so !e the #$perintendent, a @edi(a% #$!ordinate, a Eai%er and s$(h other offi(ers as
the *rovin(ia% Government thin2s ne(essar".
4. T'2;)1a1< a&&)22)8a$%)* 9)1 ;1%#)*'1#= 7henever it appears to me iri)pe(tor8Genera%
that the n$m!er of prisoners in an" prison is -reater than (an (onvenient%" or safe%" !e 2ept
therein, and it is not (onvenient to transfer the e.(ess n$m!er to some other prison F or whenever
from the o$t!rea2 of epidemi( disease a within an" prison, or for an" other reason, it is desira!%e
to provide for the temporar" she%ter and safe ($stod" of an" prisoners, provision sha%% !e made,
!" s$(h offi(er and in s$(h manner as the *rovin(ia% Government ma" dire(t, for the she%ter and
safe ($stod" in temporar" prisons of so man" of the prisoners as (annot !e (onvenient%" or safe%"
2ept in the prison.
or whenever from the o$t!rea2 of epidemi( disease within an" prison, or for an" other reason, it
is desira!%e to provide for the temporar" she%ter and safe ($stod" of an" prisoners,
provision sha%% !e made, !" s$(h offi(er and in s$(h manner as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD
ma" dire(t, for the she%ter and safe ($stod" in temporar" prisons of so man" of the prisoners as
(annot !e (onvenient%" or safe%" 2ept in the prison.
#$!s. !" A. =.,1937, for &L. G.K.
/or notifi(ation appointin- an Inspe(tor Genera% for the 6.7./.*., $ee Ga1ette of India , 19=1, *t. II, p. 13=0.
A f$rther proviso has !een added to s.) in its app%i(ation to the *$n:a! !" the *risons (*$n:a! Amdt. A(t, 192) (*$n:a! 9 of
192), s.2.
The Ori-ina% proviso as amended !" A.O. 1937, omitted !" A.O., 1949, #(h.
8. C)*$1)7 a*8 8"$%'# )9 )99%&'1# )9 ;1%#)*#= A%% offi(ers of a prison sha%% o!e" the dire(tions of
the #$perintendentF a%% offi(ers s$!ordinate to the Eai%er sha%% perform s$(h d$ties as ma" !e
imposed on them !" the Eai%er with the san(tion of the #$perintendent or !e pres(ri!ed !" r$%es
$nder #e(tion 09
3. O99%&'1# *)$ $) 6a(' 5"#%*'## 8'a7%*@# w%$6 ;1%#)*'1#= 6o offi(er of a prison sha%% se%% or %et,
nor sha%% an" person in tr$st for or emp%o"ed !" him se%% or %et, or derive an" !enefit from,
se%%in- or %ettin-, an" arti(%e to an" prisoner or have an" mone" or other !$siness dea%in-s
dire(t%" or indire(t%" with an" prisoner.
10. O99%&'1# *)$ $) 5' %*$'1'#$'8 %* ;1%#)* &)*$1a&$#= 6o offi(er of a prison sha%%, nor sha%% an"
person in tr$st for or emp%o"ed !" him, have an" interest, dire(t or indire(t, in an" (ontra(t for
the s$pp%" of the prisonH nor sha%% he derive an" !enefit, dire(t%" or indire(t%", from the sa%e or
p$r(hase of an" arti(%e on !eha%f of the prison or !e%on-in- to a prisoner.
11. S";'1%*$'*8'*$= (1 #$!:e(t to the orders of the Inspe(tor8Genera%, the #$perintendent sha%%
mana-e the prison in a%% matters re%atin- to dis(ip%ine, %a!o$r, e.pendit$re, p$nishment an (ontro%
(2 #$!:e(t to s$(h -enera% or spe(ia% dire(tions as ma"!e -iven !" the *rovin(ia% GovernmentF
the #$perintendent of a prison other than a (entra% prison or a prison sit$ated in a presiden("8
town sha%% o!e" a%% orders not in(onsistent with this A(t or an" r$%e there$nder whi(h ma" !e
-iven respe(tin- the prison !" the Aistri(t @a-istrate, and sha%% report to theM Inspe(tor8Genera%
a%% s$(h orders and the a(tion ta2en thereon.
12. R'&)18# $) 5' :';$ 5< S";'1%*$'*8'*$= The #$perintendent sha%% 2eep or (a$se to !e 2ept,
the fo%%owin- re(ordsH88
(1 a re-ister of prisoners admitted F
(2 a !oo2 showin- when ea(h prisoner is to !e re%easedF
(3 a p$nishment8!oo2 for the entr" of the p$nishments inf%i(ted. on prisoners for prison8
offen(es F
(4 a visitorsM !oo2 for the entr" of an" o!servations made !" the visitors to$(hin- an" matters
(onne(ted with the administration of the prison F
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &)=K
#$!s.i!id., for &L.G.K.
(0 a re(ord of the mone" and other arti(%es ta2en from prisoners F
and a%% s$(h other re(ords as ma" !e pres(ri!ed !" r$%es $nder #e(tion 09.
1 J J J
5edi#a" Offi#er
13. "$%'# )9 M'8%&a7 O99%&'1= #$!:e(t to the (ontro% of the #$perintendent, the @edi(a% Offi(er
sha%% have (har-e of the sanitar" administration of the prison, and sha%% perform s$(h
d$ties as
ma" !e pres(ri!ed !" r$%es made !" the
C*rovin(ia% Government $nder #e(tion
1C. M'8%&a7 O99%&'1 $) 1';)1$ %* &'1$a%* &a#'#= 7henever the @edi(a% Offi(er has reason to
!e%ieve that the mind of a prisoner is, or is %i2e%" to !e, in:$rio$s%" affe(ted !" the dis(ip%ine or
treatment to whi(h he is s$!:e(ted, the @edi(a% Offi(er sha%% report the (ase in writin- to the
#$perintendent, to-ether with s$(h o!servations as he ma" thin2 proper.
This report, with the orders of the #$perintendent thereon, sha%% forthwith !e sent thro$-h A.I.G.
to the Inspe(tor8Genera% for information.
15. R';)1$ )* 8'a$6 )9 ;1%#)*'1= On the death of an" prisoner, the @edi(a% Offi(er sha%%
forthwith re(ord in a re-ister the fo%%owin- parti($%ars, so far as the" (an !e as(ertained, name%"H
(1 the da" on whi(h the de(eased first (omp%ained of i%%ness or was o!served to !e i%%,
(2 the %a!o$r, if an", on whi(h he. was en-a-ed on that da",
(3 the s(a%e of his diet on that da",
(4 the da" on whi(h he was admitted to hospita%,
(0 the da" on whi(h the @edi(a% Offi(er was first informed of the i%%ness,
() the nat$re of the disease,
(7 when the de(eased was %ast seen !efore his death !" the @edi(a% Offi(er or @edi(a%
(; when the prisoner died, and
(9 (in (ases where a post8mortem e.amination is made an a((o$nt of the appearan(es after
to-ether with an" spe(ia% remar2s that appear to the @edi(a% Offi(er to !e re?$ired.
The words and fi-$res &or se(tion )=K rep. !" A. =., 1937.
/or r$%es as to @edi(a% Offi(erMs d$ties $nder s. 13, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &L. G.K.
#$hs. ibid., for &)=K.
1G. Ja%7'1= (1 The Eai%er sha%% reside in the prison, $n%ess the #$perintendent permits him in
writin- to reside e%sewhere.
(2 The Eai%er sha%% not, witho$t the Inspe(tor8Genera%Ms san(tion in writin-, !e (on(erned in an"
other emp%o"ment.
14. Ja%7'1 $) @%(' *)$%&' )9 8'a$6 )9 ;1%#)*'1= Lpon the death of a prisoner, the Eai%er sha%% -ive
immediate noti(e thereof to the #$perintendent and the @edi(a% #$!ordinate.
18. R'#;)*#%5%7%$< )9 Ja%7'1= The Eai%er sha%% !e responsi!%e for the safe ($stod" of the re(ords to
!e 2ept $nder #e(tion 12, for the (ommitment warrants and a%% other do($ments (onfided to his
(are, and for the mone" and other arti(%es ta2en from prisoners.
13. Ja%7'1 $) 5' ;1'#'*$ a$ *%@6$= The Eai%er sha%% not !e a!sent from the prison for a ni-ht
witho$t permission in writin- from the #$perintendentF !$t, if a!sent witho$t %eave for a ni-ht
from $nvoida!%e ne(essit", he sha%% immediate%" report the fa(t and the (a$se of it to the
20. P)w'1# )9 ';"$< a*8 A##%#$a*$ Ja%7'1#= 7here a Aep$t" Eai%er or Assistant Eai%er is
appointed to a prison, he sha%%, s$!:e(t to the orders of the #$perintendent, !e (ompetent to
perform an" of the d$ties, and !e s$!:e(t to a%% the responsi!i%ities, of a Eai%er $nder this A(t or
an" r$%e there$nder.
Subordinate Offi#er$
21. "$%'# )9 @a$'-:'';'1= The offi(er a(tin- as -ate82eeper, or an" other offi(er of the prison,
ma" e.amine an"thin- (arried in or o$t of the prison, and ma" stop and sear(h or (a$se to !e
sear(hed an" person s$spe(ted of !rin-in- an" prohi!ited arti(%e into or o$t of the prison, or of
(arr"in- o$t an" propert" !e%on-in- to the prison, and, if an" s$(h arti(%e or propert" !e fo$nd,
sha%% -ive immediate noti(e thereof to the Eai%er.
22. S"5)18%*a$' O99%&'1# *)$ $) 5' a5#'*$ w%$6)"$ 7'a('= Offi(ers s$!ordinate to the Eai%er
sha%% not !e a!sent from the prison witho$t %eave from the #$perintendent or from the Eai%er.
23. C)*(%&$ )99%&'1#= *risoners who have !een appointed as offi(ers of prisons sha%% !e deemed
to !e *$!%i( servants within the meanin- of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
2C. P1%#)*'1# $) 5' 'Aa2%*'8 )* a82%##%)*= (1 7henever a prisoner is admitted into prison,
he sha%% !e sear(hed, and a%% weapons and prohi!ited arti(%es sha%% !e ta2en from him.
A(t >L<
of 1;)=
(2 ,ver" (rimina% prisoner sha%% a%so, as soon as possi!%e after admission, !e e.amined $nder the
-enera% or spe(ia% orders of the @edi(a% Offi(er, who sha%% enter or (a$se to !e entered in a !oo2,
to !e 2ept !" the Eai%er, a re(ord of the state of the prisonerMs hea%th, and of an" wo$nds or mar2s
on his person, the (%ass of %a!o$r he is fit for if senten(ed to ri-oro$s imprisonment, and an"
o!servations whi(h the @edi(a% Offi(er thin2s fit to add.
(3 In the (ase of fema%e prisoners the sear(h and e.amination sha%% !e (arried o$t !" the matron
$nder the -enera% or spe(ia% orders of the medi(a% Offi(er.
25. E99'&$# )9 ;1%#)*'1#= A%% mone" or other arti(%es in respe(t whereof no order of a (ompetent
'o$rt has !een made, and whi(h ma" with proper a$thorit" !e !ro$-ht into the prison !" an"
(rimina% prisoner or sent to the prison for his $ser sha%% !e p%a(ed In the ($stod" of the Eai%er.
2G. R'2)(a7 a*8 8%#&6a1@' )9 ;1%#)*'1#= (1 A%% prisoners, previo$s%" to !ein- removed to an"
other prison, sha%% !e e.amined !" the @edi(a% Offi(er.
(2 6o prisoner sha%% !e removed from one prison to another $n%ess @edi(a% Offi(er (ertifies that
the prisoner is from an" i%%ness renderin- him $nfit for remova%.
(3 6o prisoner sha%% !e dis(har-ed a-ainst his wi%% from prison, if %a!orin- $nder an" a($te or
dan-ero$s distemper, nor $nti%, In the opinion of the @edi(a% Offi(erF s$(h dis(har-e is safe.
24. S';a1a$%)* )9 ;1%#)*'1#= The re?$isitions of this A(t with respe(t to the separation of
prisoners are as fo%%owsH8
(1 in a prison (ontainin- fema%e as we%% as ma%e prisoners, the fema%es sha%% !e imprisoned in
separate !$i%din-s, or separate parts of the same !$i%din-, in s$(h manner as to prevent their
seein-, or (onversin- or ho%din- an" inter(o$rse with, the ma%e prisoners F
(2 in a prison where ma%e prisoners $nder the a-e of
Ctwent"8oneD are (onfined, means sha%% !e
provided for separatin- them a%to-ether from the other prisoners and for separatin- those of them
who have arrived at the a-e of p$!ert" from those who have notF
(3 $n(onvi(ted (rimina% prisoners sha%% !e 2ept apart from (onvi(ted (rimina% prisonersF and
(4 (ivi% prisoners sha%% !e 2ept apart from (rimina% prisoners.
#$!s. !" the *risons (Arndt. A(t, 193= () of 1939 s. 2, for &ei-hteenK.
28. A##)&%a$%)* a*8 #'@1'@a$%)* )9 ;1%#)*'1#= #$!:e(t to the re?$irements of the %ast fore-oin-
se(tion (onvi(ted (rimina% prisoners ma" !e (onfined, either in asso(iation or individ$a%%" in
(e%%s or part%" in one wa" and part%" in the other.
23. S)7%$a1< &)*9%*'2'*$= 6o (e%% sha%% !e $sed for so%itar" (onfinement $n%ess it is f$rnished
with the means of ena!%in- the prisoners to (omm$ni(ate at an" time with an offi(er of the
prison, and ever" prisoner so (onfined in a (e%% for more than twent"8fo$r ho$rs, whether as a
p$nishment or otherwise, sha%% !e visited at %east on(e a da" !" the @edi(a% Offi(er or @edi(a%
30. P1%#)*'1# "*8'1 #'*$'*&' )9 8'a$6= (1 ,ver" prisoner $nder senten(e of death sha%%,
immediate%" on his arriva% in the prison after senten(e, !e sear(hed !", or !" order of, the Eai%er
and a%% arti(%es sha%% !e ta2en from him whi(h the Eai%er deems it dan-ero$s or independent to
%eave in his possession.
(2 ,ver" s$(h prisoner sha%% !e (onfined in a (e%% apart from a%% other prisoners, and sha%% !e
p%a(ed !" da" and !" ni-ht $nder the (har-e of a -$ard.
31. Ma%*$'*a*&' )9 &'1$a%* ;1%#)*'1 91)2 ;1%(a$' #)"1&'#= A (ivi% prisoner or an $n(onvi(ted
(rimina% prisoner sha%% !e permitted to maintain himse%f, and to p$r(hase, or re(eive from private
so$r(es at proper ho$rs, food, (%othin-, !eddin- or other ne(essaries, !$t s$!:e(t to e.amination
and to s$(h r$%es as ma" !e approved !" the Inspe(tor8Genera%.
32. R'#$1%&$%)* )* $1a*#9'1 )9 9))8 a*8 &7)$6%*@ 5'$w''* &'1$a%* ;1%#)*'1#= 6o part of an"
food, (%othin-, !eddin- or other ne(essaries !e%on-in- to an" (ivi% or $n(onvi(ted (rimina%
prisoner sha%% !e -iven, hired or so%d to an" other prisonerF and an" prisoner trans-ressin- the
provisions of this se(tion sha%% %os) the privi%e-e of p$r(hasin- food or re(eivin- it from private
so$r(es, for s$(h time as the #$perintendent thin2s proper.
33. S";;7< )9 &7)$6%*@ a*8 5'88%*@ $) &%(%7 a*8 "*&)*(%*&'8 &1%2%*a7 ;1%#)*'1#= (1 ,ver"
(ivi% prisoner and $n(onvin(ed $na!%e to provide himse%f with s$ffi(ient (%othin- and !eddin-
sha%% !e s$pp%ied !" the #$perintendent with s$(h (%othin- and !eddin- as ma" !e ne(essar".
(2 7hen an" (ivi% prisoner has !een (ommitted to prison in e.e($tion of a de(ree in favo$r of a
private person, s$(h person, or his representative, sha%% within fort"8ei-ht ho$rs after the re(eipt
!" him of a demand in writin-, pa" to the #$perintendent the (ost of the (%othin- and !eddin- so
s$pp%ied to the prisonerF and in defa$%t of s$(h pa"ment the prisoner ma" !e re%eased.
3C. E2;7)<2'*$ )9 &%(%7 ;1%#)*'1#= (1 'ivi% prisoners ma"F with the #$perintendentMs
permission, wor2 and fo%%ow an" trade or profession.
(2 'ivi% prisoners findin- their own imp%ements, and not maintained at the e.pense of the
prison, sha%% !e a%%owed to re(eive the who%e of their earnin-sF !$t the earnin-s of s$(h as are
f$rnished with imp%ements or are maintained at the e.pertise of the prison sha%% !e s$!:e(t to a
ded$(tion, to !e determined !" the #$perintendent, for the $se of imp%ements and the (ost of
35. E2;7)<2'*$ )9 &1%2%*a7 ;1%#)*'1#= (1 6o (rimina% prisoner senten(ed to %a!o$r or
emp%o"ed on %a!o$r at his own desire sha%%, e.(ept on an emer-en(" with the san(tion in writin-
of the #$perintendent, !e 2ept to %a!o$r for more than nine ho$rs in an" one da".
(2 The @edi(a% Offi(er sha%% from time to time e.amine the %a!o$rin- prisoners whi%e the" are
emp%o"ed, and sha%% at %east on(e in ever" fortni-ht (a$se to !e re(orded $pon the histor"8ti(2et
of ea(h prisoner emp%o"ed on %a!o$r the wei-ht of s$(h prisoner at the time.
(3 7hen the @edi(a% Offi(er is of opinion that the hea%th of an" prisoners s$ffers from
emp%o"ment on an" 2ind or (%ass of %a!o$r, s$(h prisoner sha%% not !e emp%o"ed on that %a!o$r
!$t sha%% !e p%a(ed on s$(h other 2ind or (%ass of %a!o$r as the @edi(a% Offi(er ma" (onsider
s$ited for him.
3G. E2;7)<2'*$ )9 &1%2%*a7 ;1%#)*'1# #'*$'*&'8 $) #%2;7' %2;1%#)*2'*$= *rovision sha%% !e
made !" the #$perintendent for the emp%o"ment (as %on- as the" so desire of a%% (rimina%
prisoners senten(ed to simp%e imprisonmentF !$t no prisoner not senten(ed to ri-oro$s
imprisonment sha%% !e p$nished for ne-%e(t of wor2 e.(eptin- !" s$(h a%teration in the s(a%e of
diet as ma" !e esta!%ished !" the r$%es of the prison in the (ase of ne-%e(t of wor2 !" s$(h a
34. S%&: ;1%#)*'1#= (1 The names of prisoner desirin- to see the @edi(a% #$!ordinate or
appearin- o$t of hea%th in mind or !od" sha%%, witho$t de%a", !e reported !" the offi(er in
immediate (har-e of s$(h prisoners to the Eai%er.
(2 The Eai%er sha%%, witho$t de%a", (a%% the attention of the @edi(a% #$!ordinate to an" prisoners
desirin- to see him, or who is i%%, or whose state of mind or !od" appears to re?$ire attention, and
sha%% (arr" into effe(t a%% written dire(tions -iven !" the @edi(a% Offi(er or @edi(a% #$!ordinate
respe(tin- a%terations of the dis(ip%ine or treatment of an" s$(h prisoner.
38. R'&)18 )9 8%1'&$%)*# )9 M'8%&a7 )99%&'1#= A%% dire(tions -iven !" the @edi(a% Offi(er or
@edi(a% #$!ordinate in re%ation to an" prisoner, with the e.(eption of orders for the s$pp%" of
medi(ines or dire(tions re%atin- to s$(h @atters as are (arried into effe(t !" the @edi(a% Offi(er
himse%f or $nder his s$perintenden(e, sha%% !e entered da" !" da" in the prisonerMs histor"8ti(2et
or in s$(h other re(ord as the
*rovin(ia% Government ma" !" r$%e dire(t, and the Eai%er sha%%
ma2e an entr" in its proper p%a(e statin- in respe(t of ea(h dire(tion the fa(t of its havin- !een or
not havin- !een (omp%ied with, a((ompanied !" s$(h o!servations, if an", as the Eai%er thin2s fit
to ma2e, and the date of the entr".
C0. V%#%$# $) &%(%7 a*8 "*&)*(%&$'8 &1%2%*a7 ;1%#)*'1#= A$e provision sha%% !e made for the
admission, at proper times and $nder proper restri(tions, into ever" prison of persons with whom
(ivi% or $n(onivted (rimina% prisoners ma" desire to (omm$ni(ate, (are !ein- ta2en that so far as
ma" !e (onsistent with the interests of :$sti(e, prisoners $nder8tria% ma" see their d$%" ?$a%ified
%e-a% advisers witho$t the presen(e of an" other person.
C1. S'a1&6 )9 (%#%$)1#= (1 The Eai%er ma" demand the name and address of an" visitor to a
prisoner, and, when the Eai%er has an" -ro$nd for s$spi(ion, ma" sear(h an" visitor, or (a$se him
to !e sear(hed !$t the sear(h sha%% not !e made in the presen(e of an" prisoner or of another
(2 In (ase of an" s$(h visitor ref$sin- to permit himse%f to !e sear(hed, the Eai%er ma" den" him
admissionF and the -ro$nds of s$(h pro(eedin-, with the parti($%ars thereof, sha%% !e entered in
s$(h re(ord as the provin(ia% Government ma" dire(t.
C2. P'*a7$< 9)1 %*$1)8"&$%)* )1 1'2)(a7 )9 ;1)6%5%$'8 a1$%&7' %*$) )1 91)2 ;1%#)* a*8
&)22"*%&a$%)* w%$6 ;1%#)*'1#= 7hoever, (ontrar" to an" r$%e $nder #e(tion
09 introd$(es or
removes or attempts !" an" means whatever to introd$(e or remove, into or from an" prison, or
s$pp%ies or attempts to s$pp%" to an" prisoner o$tside the %imits of a prison, an" prohi!ited
and ever" offi(er of a prison who, (ontrar" to an" s$(h r$%e, 2nowin-%" s$ffers an" s$(h arti(%e
to !e introd$(ed into or removed from an" prison, to !e possessed !" an" prisoner, or to !e
s$pp%ied to an" prisoner o$tside the %imits of a prison,
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, forK L. G.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &)=K.
and whoever, (ontrar" to an" s$(h r$%e, (omm$ni(ates or attempts to (omm$ni(ate Mwith an"
and whoever a!ets an" offen(e made p$nisha!%e !" this se(tion,
sha%%, on (onvi(tion !efore a @a-istrate, !e %ia!%e to imprisonment for a term not e.(eedin- si.
months, or to fine not e.(eedin- two h$ndred r$pees, or to !oth,
C3. P)w'1 $) a11'#$ 9)1 )99'*&' "*8'1 #'&$%)* C2. 7hen an" person, in the presen(e of an"
offi(er of a prison, (ommits an" offen(e spe(ified in the %ast fore-oin- se(tion, and ref$ses on
demand of s$(h offi(e to state his name and residen(e, or -ives a name or residen(e whi(h s$(h
offi(er 2nows, or has reason to !e%ieve, to !e fa%se, s$(h offi(er ma" arrest him, and sha%% witho$t
$nne(essar" de%a" ma2e him over to a *o%i(e Offi(er, and there$pon s$(h *o%i(e8offi(er sha%%
pro(eed as if the offen(e had !een (ommitted in his presen(e.
CC. P"57%&a$%)* )9 ;'*a7$%'#. T6' #$perintendent sha%% (a$se to !e affi.ed, in a (ons8
*$!%i(ation pi($o$s p%a(e o$tside the prison, a noti(e in ,n-%ish and the <erna($%ar settin- forth
the a(ts prohi!ited $nder se(tion 42 and the pena%ties in($rred !" their (ommission.
C5. P1%#)*-)99'*&'#. The fo%%owin- a(ts are de(%ared to !e prison8offen(es when (ommitted !" a
prisoner H8
(1 s$(h wi%f$% diso!edien(e to an" re-$%ation of the prison as sha%% have !een
de(%ared !" r$%es made $nder se(tion 09 to !e a prison8offen(eF
(2 an" assa$%t or $se of (rimina% for(e.
(3 the $se of ins$%tin- or threatenin- %an-$a-eF
(4 immora% or inde(ent or disorder%" !ehavio$rF
(0 wi%f$%%" disa!%in- himse%f from %a!o$r F
() (ont$ma(io$s%" ref$sin- to wor2F
(7 fi%in-, ($ttin-, a%terin- or removin- hand($ffs, fetters or !ars witho$t d$e
(; 7i%f$% id%eness or ne-%i-en(e at wor2 !" an" prisoner senten(ed to ri-oro$s
(9 7i%f$% mismana-ement of wor2 !" an" prisoner senten(ed to ri-oro$s
(1= 7i%f$% dama-e to prison8propert"F
(11 tamperin- with or defa(in- histor" ti(2ets, re(ords or do($ments,
(12 re(eivin-, possessin- or transferrin- an" prohi!ited arti(%e F
(13 fei-nin- i%%nessF
(14 wi%f$%%" !rin-in- a fa%se a(($sation a-ainst an" offi(er or prisonerF
(10 omittin- or ref$sin- to report, as soon as it (omes8to his 2now%ed-e, the
o(($rren(e of an" fire, an" p%ot or (onspira(", an" es(ape, attempt or
preparation to es(ape, and an", atta(2 or preparation for atta(2 $pon an"
prisoner or prison8offi(ia%F and
(1) (onspirin- to es(ape, or to assist in es(apin-, or to (ommit an" other of the
offen(es aforesaid.
CG. P"*%#62'*$ )9 #"&6 )99'*&'#. The #$perintendent ma" e.amine an" person to$(hin- an"
s$(h offen(e, and determine there$pon, and p$nish s$(h offen(e !"8
(1 a forma% warnin- H
E/!"anation.,9 forma% warnin- sha%% mean a warnin- persona%%" addressed to a
prisoner !" the #$perintendent and re(orded in the p$nishment8!oo2 and on the
prisonerMs histor"8ti(2etF
(2 (han-e of %a!o$r to some more ir2some or severe form
Cfor s$(h period as ma"
!e pres(ri!ed !" r$%es made !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentDD C
(3 hard %a!o$r for a period not e.(eedin- seven da"s in the (ase of (onvi(ted
(rimina% prisoners not senten(ed to ri-oro$s imprisonmentF
(4 s$(h %oss of privi%e-es admissi!%e $nder the remission s"stem8for the time !ein-
in for(e as ma" !e pres(ri!ed !" r$%es made !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentDF
(0 the s$!stit$tion of -$nn" or other (oarse fa!ri( for (%othin- of other materia%, not
!ein- woo%%en, for a period whi(h sha%% not e.(eed three monthsF
/or r$%es iss$ed with referen(e to (%a$ses (4, () and (7 of se(tion 4), see Gen. 3. 4 O.
Ins. !" s. 2(a of the *risons (Amdt. A(t, 1920(17 of 1920.
3 #$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G.G. in '.K.
() imposition of hand($ffs of s$(h pattern and wei-ht, in s$(h manner and for s$(h
period, as ma" !e pres(ri!ed !" r$%es made !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentDF
(7 imposition of fetters of s$(h pattern and wei-ht, in s$(h manner and for s$(h
period, as ma" !e pres(ri!ed !" r$%es made !" the 1C*rovin(ia% GovernmentDF
(; separate (onfinement for an" period not e.(eedin- 2CthreeD months H
E/!"anation.GSe!arate #onfinement mean$ $u#h #onfinement with or witho$t %a!o$r as se(%$des
a prisoner from (omm$ni(ation with, !$t not from si-ht of, other prisoners, and
a%%ows him not %ess than one ho$r5s per diem and to have his mea%s in
asso(iation with one or more other prisonersF
(9 pena% diet,88that is, restri(tion of diet in s$(h manner and s$!:e(t to s$(h
(onditions re-ardin- %a!o$r as ma" !e pres(ri!ed !" the 3C*rovin(ia%
GovernmentD H
*rovided that s$(h restri(tion of diet sha%% in no (ase !e app%ied to a prisoner form ore than
ninet"8si. (onse($tive ho$rs, and sha%% not !e repeated e.(ept for a fresh
offen(e nor $nti% after an interva% of one wee2F
(1= (e%%$%ar (onfinement for an" period not ,e.(eedin- fo$rteen da"sH
*rovided that after ea(h period of (e%%$%ar (onfinement an interva% of not %ess d$ration than s$(h
period m$st e%apse !efore the prisoner is a-ain senten(ed to (e%1$Iar or so%itar"
,.p%anation.R'e%%$%ar (onfinement means s$(h (onfinement with or witho$t %a!o$r as entire%"
se(%$des a prisoner from (omm$ni(ation with, !$t not from si-ht of, other
C(11D pena% diet .as defined in (%a$se 8(9 (om!ined with
C(12D whippin-, provided that the n$m!er of stripes sha%% not e.(eed thirt"F
s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" the *risons (Arndt. A(t, 1920(17 of 1920,;.2 &b(, for &si.K.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &L. G.K.
Ori-ina% (%a$se (11 was rep. and (%a$ses (12 and (13 were ren$m!ered (111and(12, respe(tive%" !" A(t 17 of.1920, ;. 2.
#$!s. ibid., for &so%itar" &.
The words &as defined in (%a$se (11K rep., ibid..
*rovided that nothin- in this se(tion sha%% render an" fema%e or (ivi% prisoner %ia!%e to the
imposition of an" form of hand($ffs or fetters, or to whippin-.
JC4. P7"1a7%$< )9 ;"*%#62'*$# "*8'1 #'&$%)* CG= -!1+L An" two of the p$nishments en$merated
in the %ast fore-oin- se(tion ma" !e awarded for an" s$(h offen(e in (om!ination, s$!:e(t to the
fo%%owin- e.(eptions, name%" H
(I forma% warnin- sha%% not !e (om!ined with an" other p$nishment e.(ept %oss of
privi%e-es $nder (%a$se (4 of that se(tionF
(2 pena% diet sha%% not !e (om!ined with (han-e of %a!o$r $nder (%a$se (2 of that
se(tion, nor sha%% an" additiona% period of pena% diet awarded sin-%" !e (om!ined with an"
period of pena% diet awarded in (om!ination with
C(e%%$%arD (onfinementF
C(3 (e%1$%ar (onfinement sha%% not !e (om!ined with separate (onfinement, so as to
pro%on- the tota% period of se(%$sion to whi(h the prisoner sha%% !e %ia!%e FD
(4 whippin- sha%% not !e (om!ined with an" other form of p$nishment e.(ept
CandD separate (onfinement and %oss of privi%e-es admissi!%e $nder the remission
C(0 no p$nishment wi%% !e (om!ined with an" other p$nishment in (ontravention of
r$%es made !" the )C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD.D
C(2 6o p$nishment sha%% !e awarded for an" s$(h offen(e so. as to (om!ine, with
the p$nishment awarded for an" other s$(h offen(e, two of the p$nishments whi(h ma" not !e
awarded in (om!ination for an" s$(h offen(e.D
C8.K!1+ Awa18 )9 ;"*%#62'*$# "*8'1 #'&$%)*# CG a*8 C4. The #$perintendent sha%% have
power to award an" of the p$nishments en$merated in the two %ast fore-oin- se(tions, s$!:e(t, in
the (ase of separate (onfinement for a period e.(eedin- one month, to the previo$s (onfirmation
of the Inspe(tor Genera%.
(2 6o offi(er s$!ordinate to the #$perintendent sha%% have power to award an"
p$nishment whatever.,
C3. P"*%#62'*$# $) 5' %* a&&)18a*&' w%$6 9)1'@)%*@ #'&$%)*#. ,.(ept !" order of a 'o$rt of
E$sti(e, no p$nishment other than the p$nishments spe(ified in the fore-oin- se(tions sha%% !e
inf%i(ted on an" prisoner, and no p$nishment sha%% !e inf%i(ted on an" prisoner otherwise than in
a((ordan(e with the provisions of those se(tions.
The ori-ina% se(tion 47 was ren$m!ered as se(tion 47(1 !" the *risons (Amdt. A(t, 1920 (17 of .1920, s. 3.
#$!s. . ibid., s. 2 for &so%itar"K.
#$!s, ibid., s. 3, for the ori-ina% e.(eption (3.
#$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914, s. 2 and #(h, I, for &orK.
,.(eption (0 and s$! se(tion (2 were ins, !" A(t 17 of 1920, s. .3,
#$!s. !" A. =. 1937, for &G.G. in 'K.
50.- M'8%&a7 O99%&'1 $) &'1$%9< $) 9%$*'## )9 ;1%#)*'1 9)1 ;"*%#62'*$. (1 6o p$nishment of
pena% diet, either sin-%" or in (om!ination, or of whippin-, or of (han-e of %a!o$r $nder se(tion
4), (%a$se (2, sha%% !e e.e($ted $nti% the prisoner to whom s$(h p$nishment has !een awarded
has !een e.amined !" the @edi(a% Offi(er, who, if he (onsiders the prisoner fit to $nder-o the
p$nishment, sha%% (ertif" a((ordin-%" in the appropriate (o%$mn of the p$nishment8!oo2
pres(ri!ed in se(tion 12.
(2 If he (onsiders the prisoner $nfit to $nder-o the p$nishment, he sha%% in %i2e
manner re(ord his opinion in writin- and sha%% state whether the prisoner is a!so%$te%" $nfit for
p$nishment of the 2ind awarded, or whether he (onsiders an" modifi(ation ne(essar".
(3 In the %atter (ase he sha%% state what e.tent of p$nishment he thin2s the prisoner
(an $nder-o witho$t in:$r" to his hea%th.
51.- E*$1%'# %* ;"*%#62'*$ 5)):. (1 In the p$nishment8!oo2 pres(ri!ed in se(tion 12 there
sha%% !e re(orded, in respe(t of ever" p$nishment inf%i(ted, the prisonerMs name, re-ister n$m!er
and the (%ass (whether ha!it$a% or not to whi(h he !e%on-s, the prison8offen(e of whi(h he was
-$i%t", the date on whi(h s$(h prison8offen(e was (ommitted, the n$m!er of previo$s prison8
offen(es re(orded a-ainst the prisoner, and the date of his %ast prison8offen(e, the p$nishment
awarded, and the date of inf%i(tion.
(2 In the (ase of ever" serio$s prison8offen(e, the names of the witnesses provin- the
offen(e sha%% !e re(orded, and, in the (ase of offen(es for whi(h whippin- is awarded, the
#$perintendent sha%% re(ord the s$!stan(e of the eviden(e of the witnesses, the defen(e of the
prisoner, and the findin- with the reasons therefore.
(3 A-ainst the entries re%atin- to ea(h p$nishment the Eai%er arid #$perintendent sha%%
affi. their initia%s as eviden(e of the (orre(tness of the entries,
52. DP1)&'8"1' )* &)22%$$a7 )9 6'%*)"# )99'*&'. If an" prisoner is -$i%t" of an" offen(e
a-ainst prison dis(ip%ine whi(h, !" reason of his havin- fre?$ent%" (ommitted s$(h offen(es or
otherwise, in the opinion of the #$perintendent, is not ade?$ate%" p$nisha!%e !" the inf%i(tion of
an" p$nishment whi(h he has power $nder this A(t to award, the #$perintendent ma" forward
s$(h prisoner to the 'o$rt of the Aistri(t @a-istrate or of an" @a-istrate of the first (%ass
havin- :$risdi(tion, to-ether with a statement of the (ir($mstan(es, and s$(h @a-istrate sha%%
there$pon in?$ire into and tr" the (har-e so !ro$-ht a-ainst the prisoner, and, $pon (onvi(tion,
ma" senten(e him to imprisonment whi(h ma" e.tend to one "ear, s$(h term to !e in addition to
an" term for whi(h s$(h prisoner was $nder-oin- imprisonment when he (ommitted s$(h
offen(e, or ma" senten(e him to an" of the p$nishments en$merated in se(tion 4) H
The ori-ina% words &or *residen(" @a-istrateK whi(h were ins. !" the *risons (Amdt. A(t, 191= (13 of191=, s. 2 (1, omitted !" A.O., 1949,
Cprovided that an" s$(h (ase ma" !e transferred, for in?$ir" and tria% !" the Aistri(t
@a-istrate to an" @a-istrate of the first (%ass
J J JH andD
*rovided a%so that no person sha%% !e p$nished twi(e for the same offen(e.
53.--6%;;%*@. (1 6o p$nishment of whippin- sha%% !e inf%i(ted in insta%%ments, or e.(ept in the
presen(e of the #$perintendent and @edi(a% Offi(er or @edi(a% #$!ordinate.
(2 7hippin- sha%% !e inf%i(ted with a %i-ht ratan not %ess than ha%f8 an in(h in diameter on the
!$tto(2s, and in (ase of prisoners $nder the a-e of si.teen it sha%% !e inf%i(ted, in the wa" of
s(hoo% dis(ip%ine, with a %i-hter ratan.
5C.-O99'*&'# 5< ;1%#)* #"5)18%*a$'#. (1 ,ver" Eai%er or offi(er of a prison s$!ordinate to .him
whoM sha%% !e -$i%t" of an" vio%ation of d$t" or wi%f$% !rea(h or ne-%e(t of an" r$%e or re-$%ation
or %awf$% order made !" (ompetent a$thorit", .or who sha%% withdraw from the d$ties of his
offi(e witho$t permission, or witho$t havin- -iven previo$s noti(e in writin- of his intention for
the period of two months, or who sha%% wi%f$%%" oversta" an" %eave -ranted to him, or who sha%%
en-a-e witho$t a$thorit" in an" emp%o"ment other than his prison8d$t", or who sha%% !e -$i%t" of
(owardi(e, sha%% !e %ia!%e, on (onvi(tion M!efore a @a-istrate, to fine not e.(eedin- two h$ndred
r$pees, or to imprisonment for a period not e.(eedin- three months, or to !oth.
(2S.6o person sha%% $nder this se(tion !e p$nished twi(e for the same offen(e.
55. EA$1a2"1a7 &"#$)8<, &)*$1)7 a*8 '2;7)<2'*$ )9 ;1%#)*#. A prisoner, when !ein- ta2en to
or from an" prison in whi(h he ma" !e %awf$%%" (onfined, or whenever he is wor2in- o$tside or
is otherwise !e"ond the %imits of an" s$(h prison in or $nder the %awf$% ($stod" or (ontro% of a
prison offi(er !e%on-in- to8s$(h M*rison, sha%% !e deemed to !e in prison and sha%% !e s$!:e(t to
a%% the same in(idents as if he were a(t$a%%" in prison.
5G. C)*9%*'2'*$ %* %1)*#= 7henever the #$perintendent (onsiders it ne(essar" (with referen(e
either to the state of the prison or the (hara(ter of the prisoners for the safe ($stod" of an"
prisoners that the" sho$%d !e (onfined in irons, he ma", s$!:e(t to s$(h r$%es and instr$(tions as
ma" !e %aid down !" the Inspe(tor Genera% with the san(tion of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, so
(onfine them.
#$!s. !" the *risons (Arndt. A(t, 191= (13 of 191=, s. 2 (2, for the ori-ina% proviso.
The words &and !" a 'hief *residen(" @a-istrate to an" other *residen(e" @a-istrateK omitted !" A.O., 1949, #(h.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K
54.-C)*9%*'2'*$# )9 ;1%#)*'1# "*8'1 #'*$'*&' )9 $1a*#;)1$a$%)* %* %1)*#. (1 *risoners $nder
senten(e of
(imprisonment for %ifeD ma", Cs$!:e(t to an" r$%es made $nder se(tion
C09D, !e
(onfined in fetters for the first three months after admission to prison.
(2 #ho$%d the #$perintendent (onsiderate ne(essar", either for the safe ($stod" of the
prisoner himse%f or for an" other reason, that fetters sho$%d !e retained on an" s$(h prisoner for
more than three months, he sha%% app%" to the Inspe(tor Genera% for san(tion to their retention for
the period for whi(h he (onsiders their retention ne(essar", and the Inspe(tor Genera% ma"
san(tion s$(h retention a((ordin-%".
58. P1%#)*'1# *)$ $) 5' %1)*'8 5< Ja%7'1 'A&';$ "*8'1 *'&'##%$<. 6o prisoner sha%% !e p$t in
irons or $nder me(hani(a% restraint !" the Eai%er of his own a$thorit", e.(ept in (ase of $r-ent to
!e ne(essit", in whi(h (ase noti(e thereof sha%% !e forthwith -iven to the #$perintendent.
53. P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7's.
CThe *rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es8(onsistent *ower to
with this A(tR.
(1 definin- the a(ts whi(h sha%% (onstit$te prison8offen(esF
(2 determinin- the (%assifi(ation of prison8offen(es into serio$s and minor offen(esF
(3 the p$nishments admissi!%e $nder this A(t whi(h sha%% !e awarda!%e for
(ommission of prison8offen(es Of (%asses thereofF
(4 de(%arin- the (ir($mstan(es in whi(h a(ts (onstit$tin- !oth a prison8offen(e and
an offen(e $nder the *a2istan *ena% 'ode ma"or ma" not !e dea%t with as a
prison offen(e F
(0 for the award of mar2s and the shortenin- of senten(es
Cso, however, that a
senten(e of imprisonment for %ife is not shortened to a period of imprisonment
%ess than fifteen "earsDF
() re-$%atin- the $se of arms a-ainst an" prisoner or !od" of prisoners in the (ase of
an o$t!rea2 or attempt to es(apeF
#$!s. !" the Law 3eforms Ordinan(e, 1972 (12 of 1972, s. 2 and #(h., for &transportationK.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937.8for &)=K.
#$!s. ibid., for &The O. O. in '. ma" for an" part of +ritish India, and ea(h L.G. with the previo$s san(tion of the G. G. in '. ma" for the
territories $nder its administrationK.
Added !" O@ .12 of 1972, s. H2 and #(h.
(7 definin- the (ir($mstan(es and re-$%atin- the (onditions $nder whi(h prisoners in
dan-er of death ma" !e re%easedF
C(; for the (%assifi(ation of prisons, and des(ription and (onstr$(tion of wards, (e%%s
and other p%a(es of detention F
(9 for the re-$%ation !" n$m!ers, %en-th or (hara(ter of senten(es, or otherwise, of
the prisoners to !e (onfined in ea(h (%ass of prisonsF
(1= for the -overnment of prisons and for the appointment of a%% offi(ers appointed
$nder this A(tF
(11 as to the food, !eddin- and (%othin- of (rimina% prisoners and of (ivi% prisoners
maintained otherwise than at their own (ostF
(12 for the emp%o"ment, instr$(tion and (ontro% of (onvi(ts within or witho$t
(13 for definin- arti(%es the introd$(tion or remova% of whi(h into or o$t of prisons
witho$t d$e a$thorit" is prohi!ited F
(14 for (%assif"in- and pres(ri!in- the forms of %a!o$r and re-$%atin- the periods of
rest from %a!o$rF
(10 for re-$%atin- the disposa% of the pro(eeds of emp%o"ment of prisonersF
(1) for re-$%atin- the (onfinement in fetters of prisoners senten(ed to
Cimprisonment for %ifeD F
(17 for the (%assifi(ation and the separation of prisonersF
(1; for re-$%atin- the (onfinement of (onvi(ted (rimina% prisonMs $nder se(tion 2; F
(19 for the preparation and maintenan(e of histor"8ti(2etsF
(2= for the se%e(tion and appointment of prisoners as offi(ers of prisons F
(21 for rewards for -ood (ond$(tF
(22 for re-$%atin- the transfer of prisoners whose term of
#$!s. !" A. =.,1937, for the ori-ina% (%a$ses (; and (9.
#$!s. !" Law ,3eforms Ordinan(e, 1972, (12 of 1972s. 2 and #(h., for., &transportationK.
Cimprisonment for %ife or shorterD imprisonment is a!o$t to e.pire,
s$!:e(t, however, to the (onsent of the *rovin(ia% Government of an"
other *rovin(e to whi(h a prisoner is to !e transferredF
(23 for the treatment, transfer and disposa% of (rimina% %$nati(s or re(overed
(rimina% %$nati(s (onfined in prisonsF
(24 /or re-$%atin- the transmission of appea%s and petitions from prisoners and their
(omm$ni(ation with their friendsF
(20 for the appointment and -$idan(e of visitors of prisonsF
(2) for e.tendin- an" or a%% of the provisions of this A(t of the r$%es there$nder to
s$!sidiar" :ai%s or spe(ia% p%a(es of (onfinement appointed $nder se(tion 041 of
'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;;2, and to the offi(ers emp%o"ed, and the
prisoners (onfined, thereinF
(27 in re-ard to the admission, ($stod", emp%o"ment, dietin-, treatment and re%ease8
of prisonersF and
(2; -enera%%" for (arr"in- into effe(t the p$rposes of this A(t.D
G0. C*ower of Lo(a% Government to ma2e r$%es.D 3ep. !" A.O., 1937.
G1. EA6%5%$%)* )9 &);%'# )9 1"7'#. 'opies of r$%es, $nder 4Cse(tion 09D so far as the" affe(t the
-overnment of prisons, sha%% !e e.hi!ited, !oth in ,n-%ish and in the <erna($%ar, in some p%a(e
to whi(h a%% persons emp%o"ed within a prison have a((ess,
G2. EA'1&%#' )9 ;)w'1# )9 S";'1%*$'*8'*$ a*8 M'8%&a7 O99%&'1. A%% or an" of the powers and
d$ties (onferred and imposed !" this A(t on a #$perintendent or @edi(a% Offi(er ma" in his
a!sen(e !e and performed !" s$(h other offi(er as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma"
appoint in this !eha%f either !" name or !" his offi(ia% desi-nation.
TG, #'G,ALL,.RC,6A'T@,6T# 3,*,AL,A.D 3ep. !"
the 3epea%in- A(t, 193; (I of 193;, s.2 and #(h.
#$!s., !" the Law 3eforms Ordinan(e, 1972, (12 of 1972, s.2 and #(h., for &transportation orK.
#ee now the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (0 of 1;9;.
This se(tion has !een in(orporated with s%i-ht medi(ation in (%a$ses (; to (27 of s. 09.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &se(tions 09 and )=H.
#$!s. ibid., for &L.G.K.
FACT N). /V OF 1835
B1?th O#tober 1;90D
A*. A&$ $) 'A;7a%* $6' T1a*#9'1 )9 P1);'1$< A&$, 1882, #) 9a1 a# 1'7a$'# $) @1a*$#
91)2 $6'
JG)('1*2'*$L, a*8 $) 1'2)(' &'1$a%* 8)"5$# a# $) $6' ;)w'1# )9 $6'
JG)('1*2'*$L %* 1'7a$%)* $) #"&6 @1a*$#.
7G,3,A# do$!ts have arisen as to the e.tent and operation of I< of the Transfer of
*ropert" A(t, 1;;2, and as to the power of the 1;;2
CGovernmentD to impose %imitations and
restri(tions $pon -rants and other transfers of %and made !" it or $nder its a$thorit", and it is
e.pedient to remove s$(h do$!tsF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1.KT%$7' a*8 'A$'*$. (1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the 2CGovernmentD Grants A(t, 1;90.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanD F 4J
2. T1a*#9'1 )9 P1);'1$< A&$, 1882, *)$ $) a;;7< $) G)('1*2'*$ @1a*$#. 6othin- in the
Transfer of *ropert" A(t, 1;;2, (ontained sha%% app%" or !e deemed ever to have app%ied to an"
-rant or other transfer of %and or of an" interest therein heretofore made or hereafter to !e made
0C!" or on !eha%f of the 2CGovernmentDD to, or in favo$r of, an" person whomsoeverF !$t ever"
s$(h -rant and transfer sha%% !e (onstr$ed and ta2e effe(t as if the said A(t had not !een passed.
3. G)('1*2'*$ @1a*$# $) $a:' '99'&$ a&&)18%*@ $) $6'%1 $'*)1. A%% provisions, restri(tions,
(onditions and %imitations -rants to ta2e over (ontained in an" s$(h -rant or transfer as aforesaid
sha%% !e effe(t a((ordin- va%id and ta2e effe(t a((ordin- to their tenor, an" r$%e of %aw, stat$te or
ena(tment of the Le-is%at$re to the (ontrar" notwithstandin-.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;90, *t. <, p. 1)9, and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid.. *t. <I, pp. 2; and 300.
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913, s. 3 and #(h . I.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190=, (G. G. O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
#$!s. !" A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for &'rownK &with effe#t from the, 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21of 19)=, s. 3 and, 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for the
(ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2 as amended !" A. =., 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4.
The word &andK at the end of s$!8se(tion (2, and s$!8se(tion (3, rep. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1 = of 1914, s. 3 and #(h. II.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &!" or on !eha%f of Ger @a:est" the P$e ,mpress, Ger heirs or s$((essors, or !" or on !eha%f of the #e(retar" of #ta
for India in 'o$n(i%K.
1. Tit%e and (ommen(ement.
2. Aefinitions.
3. App%i(ation for the !enefit of this A(t.
4. Order to in?$ire.
0. Interim order of prote(tion.
). <erified statement to !e s$!mitted.
7. 3eport of in?$ir" and pro(eedin-s thereon.
;. Order of mana-ement.
9. ,ffe(t of order of mana-ement.
1=. *owers of mana-er.
11. *a"ments to !e made !" mana-er and order thereof.
12. 6oti(e to (%aimants a-ainst de!tor.
13. '%aimants to present f$%% parti($%ars and do($ments.
14. '%aim not d$%" notified to !e !arred.
10. Aetermination of de!ts and %ia!i%ities.
1). *ower to ran2 de!ts and to fi. interest.
17. &Li?$idation8s(heme.K
1;. *ro(eedin-s of 'ommissioner on s$!mission of Li?$idation8s(heme.
19. *ower to re%in?$ish mana-ement.
2=. ,ffe(ts of san(tionin- s(heme.
21. *ower to remove mort-a-ee i%% possession.
22. *ower to in?$ire into (onsideration -iven for %eases.
23. *ower to %ease.
24. *ower to raise mone" !" mort-a-e or sa%e.
20. #eparation of part of :a-ir %ands s$!:e(t to %apse.
2). @ana-er5s re(eipt to !e a dis(har-e.
27. Termination of mana-ement.
2;. Aeath of de!tor d$rin- mana-ement.
29. @ort-a-es, et(., made !"M restored :a-irdar va%id on%" for his %ife.
3=. *ower to revise %i?$idation8s(heme.
31. Appea1.
32. *ower to (a%% for pro(eedin-s and pass order thereon.
33. *ower to ma2e r$%es.
34. *ower to appoint new mana-er.
30. @ana-ers to !e p$!%i( servants.
3). Investi-ation to !e deemed a E$di(ia% pro(eedin-.
37. *ower to s$mmon witnesses and (ompe% prod$(tion of do($ments.
3;. !ar of s$its.
39. #avin- of :$risdi(tion of 'o$rts in #indh in respe(t of (ertain s$its.
A&$ N). // OF 183G
O(to!er, 1;9)D
A* a&$ $) a2'*8 $6' 7aw ;1)(%8%*@ 9)1 $6' 1'7%'9 )9 >a@%18a1# a*8 Ia2%*8a1# %* S%*86.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to amend the %aw providin- for the re%ief of :a-irdars and
1amindars in #indhF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsR
1.KT%$7' a*8 &)22'*&'2'*$. (1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the #indh in($m!ered ,state A(t,
1;9)F and
(2 It sha%% (ome into for(e at on(e.
2. '9%*%$%)*#. In this A(tR
(1 &Ea-ir %andK in(%$des a%so a share he%d hereditari%" of the reven$es of a
Government vi%%a-e, !$t does not in(%$de $iri or mamu" or -arden -rantsF
(2 &:a-irdarK means a person who, or shoes an(estor, was fo$nd in possession of
:a-ir %and in #indh on the seventeenth da" of /e!r$ar", 1;43, and to whom the
said %and, or a portion of the same, or other %and in %ie$ thereof, has !een
(ontin$ed !" the
Cas a :a-irDH
(3 &1amindarK means a person ho%din- %ands in #indh on the a--re-ate of whi(h
he or his an(estor has !een assessed !" the Government, on a((o$nt of %and8
reven$e for an" one of the five reven$e8"ears ne.t !efore the 4Cma2in- of an
app%i(ation $nder se(tion 3 !" or in respe(t of or on !eha%f of s$(h personD a
s$m not %ess than three h$ndred r$peesF and a person ho%din- %ands in #indh
whi(h, havin- !een (omprised in the :a-ir %ands of a :a-irdar and havin-
(eased to !e :a-ir %ands,
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;9), *t. <.p. 202F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, see i!id., *t. <I , pp. 23) and
This A(t has !een and sha%% !e deemed to have !een e.tended to the who%e of *a2istan !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21
of 19)=, s.3 and 2
#(h. (with effe(t from the 14
O(to!er, 1900.
This A(t has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of #ind !" the #ind A(t, 6o. 17 of 1970, s. 3 and 2
The word &+ritishK omitted !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. (with effe#t from the 43
5ar#h, 1126(.
#$!s. !" the #indh In($m!ered ,states (Amdt. A(t, 19=) (2 of 19=), s.2(a, for &and to whom, or to whose an(estor, a sanad has !een, or
hereafter ma" !e, -ranted (onfirmin- s$(h (ontin$an(eK.
#$!s. !" s. 2(!, ibid., for &(ommen(ement of this A(tK.
are as essed !" the Government on a((o$nt of %and reven$e at a s$m not %ess than
three h$ndred r$pees per "ear, and, where a :oint fami%" or an" other !od" of (o8
owners ho%d %ands of either of those des(riptions, ea(h mem!er of that fami%" or !od"
who wo$%d !e entit%ed to demand a partition of the %andsH and
(4 &'ommissionerK means the 'ommissioner in #indh.
3.-A;;7%&a$%)* 9)1 $6' 5'*'9%$ )9 $6%# A&$. (1 At an" time after the (ommen(ement of this A(t,
an" :a-irdar or 1amindar or an" person who wo$%d !e so%e heir or one of the heirs to s$(h
:a-irdar or 1amindar if he then died intestate, ma" app%" in writin- to the 'ommissioner, statin-
that s$(h :a-irdar or 1amindar is s$!:e(t to de!ts or %ia!i%ities, other than de!ts d$e, or %ia!i%ities
Cto the GovernmentD, or that his immovea!%e propert" is (har-ed with de!ts or
%ia!i%ities other, than as aforesaid, and re?$estin- that the provisions of this A(t !e app%ied to his
(2 7hen an" :a-irdar, 1amindar or other person entit%ed to ma2e an app%i(ation $nder
this se(tion is a minor, or of $nso$nd mind, or an idiot, s$(h app%i(ation ma" !e made on his
!eha%f !" the -$ardian or other %e-a% ($rator of his person, or !" the %e-a%%" (onstit$ted
administrator or mana-er of his estate.
C.KO18'1 $) %*B"%1'. (1 7hen an" s$(h app%i(ation is made !" or on !eha%f of a :a-irdar or the
person who wo$%d !e his so%e heir if he then died, the 'ommissioner sha%% dire(t an in?$ir" to !e
made !" s$(h offi(er, as he thin2s fit, into the nat$re and amo$nt of s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities,
and the s$ffi(ien(" of the de!torMs propert", whether movea!%e or immovea!%e, to dis(har-e the
(2 7hen s$(h an app%i(ation is made in an" other (ase, it sha%%8 !e . in the dis(retion of the
'ommissioner, s$!:e(t to an" -enera% ro%es whi(h ma" from time to time !e made !" the 2C*ro8
vin(ia% GovernmentD in this !eha%f, either to re:e(t s$(h app%i(ation, or to dire(t an in?$ir" to !e
made as aforesaid.
J5.KI*$'1%2 )18'1 )9 ;1)$'&$%)*.!1D 7hen the 'ommissioner has dire(ted an in?$ir"
$nder se(tion 4, he ma", if he thin2s fit, f$rther dire(t that, $nti%
The ori-ina% words &to Govt.K have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1937 and A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 (with effe(t from the 23
@ar(h, 190) to
read as a!ove.
B#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &Governor of +om!a" in 'o$n(i%K.
The ori-ina%.. 2 was r%8n$m!ered as a$ !8ae(tion (1 of that se(tion !"
the #indh BIn($m!ered ,atates (Amdt. A(t. 19=) (2 of 19=) . I. 3.
he dismisses the app%i(ation or appoints an offi(er $nder se(tion 7, s$!8se(tion (2, (%a$se &#(,, ,
&a( a%% pro(eedin-s then pendin- in an" 'ivi% or 3even$e 'o$rt or Offi(e in
C*a2istanS, in respe(t of an" of the de!ts and %ia!i%ities to whi(h the de!tor is
s$!:e(t, or whi(h are (har-ed on the who%e or an" part of his immovea!%e
propert", sha%% !e sta"ed, and the operation of a%% pro(esses, e.e($tions and
atta(hments then in for(e for, or in respe(t of, s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities sha%% !e
s$spendedF and
&b( no fresh pro(eedin-s, pro(esses, e.e($tion or atta(hments sha%% !e instit$ted in,
or iss$ed !", an" 'ivi% 'o$rt or 3even$e 'o$rt or Offi(e in
C*a2istanD in
respe(t of s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities.
C(2 ,ver" dire(tion -iven $nder s$!8se(tion (1 sha%% !e deemed to afford prote(tion to s$reties
of the de!tor as we%% as to the de!tor himse%f, $n%ess in an" (ase a s$ret" has, !" his !ond," a((epted %ia!i%it" there$nder in the event of an Morder !ein- made in respe(t of the
de!torMs propert" $nder se(tion 7, s$!8se(tion (2, (%a$se &#(.
G.-V'1%9%'8 #$a$'2'*$ $) 5' #"52%$$'8. (1 7hen an in?$ir" has !een dire(ted $nder se(tion 4,
the app%i(ant sha%%, within a period to !e fi.ed !" the 'ommissioner, s$!mit to the offi(er
appointed to ma2e s$(h in?$ir" a statement d$%" verified !" the said app%i(ant or !" some other
(ompetent person in the manner re?$ired !" %aw for the verifi(ation of p%aints and (ontainin-, so
far as ma" !e pra(ti(a!%e, s$(h detai%s as to the de!ts and %ia!i%ities, and as to the s$ffi(ien(" of
the de!torMs propert", whether movea!%e or immova!%e, to meet the same, as. the 'ommissioner,
or the said offi(er s$!:e(t to his (ontro%, ma" re?$ire.
(2 If an" s$(h statement (ontains an" averment whi(h the person ma2in- the
verifi(ation 2nows or !e%ieves to !e fa%se, or does not 2now or !e%ieve to !e tr$e, s$(h person
sha%% !e deemed to have intentiona%%" -iven fa%se eviden(e within the meanin- of the *a2istan
*ena% 'ode. .
4.-R';)1$ )9 %*B"%1< a*8 ;1)&''8%*@# $6'1')*. .(1 The offi(er so appointed, after ma2in-
in?$ir", sha%% 3eport of s$!mit a report of the pro(eedin-s to the 'ommissioner.
(2 On re(eipt of s$(h report, the 'ommissioner ma"R
(a dire(t a f$rther in?$ir"F or
(! dismiss the app%i(ationF or,
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, forK the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK, whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. =.,1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
#$!.se(tion (2 ins. !" the #indh In($m!ered ,states (Arndt. 19=) (2 of 19=), s.3.
>L< of
&#( !" order p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD,.appoint an offi(er (hereinafter
(a%%ed the mana-er to mana-e them movea!%e propert" of the de!tor, and to
arran-e for the %i?$idation of his8de!ts in manner hereinafter provided.
8.KO18'1 )9 2a*a@'2'*$. (1 An order made $nder se(tion 7, s$!8se(tion (2, (%a$se ((
(hereinafter (a%%ed &the order of mana-ementK, sha%% e.tend to a%% immovea!%e propert",
in(%$din- an" interest in :oint immovea!%e propert", of or to whi(h the de!tor is on the date of its
p$!%i(ation possessed or entit%ed in his own ri-ht, or whi(h he is entit%ed to redeem, or whi(h
ma" !e a(?$ired !" or devo%ve on him d$rin- the (ontin$an(e of the mana-ement, an" to a%%
de!ts and %ia!i%ities to whi(h he is s$!:e(t, or whi(h are (har-ed on the who%e or an" part of his
immovea!%e propert" on the said date, and to the amo$nt of an" %oan whi(h ma" !e re(eived !"
the mana-er in the manner hereinafter provided.
(2 The mana-ement sha%% !e deemed to (ommer(e from the date on whi(h the order
is p$!%ished.
3. E99'&$ )9 )18'1 )9 2a*a@'2'*$. On the p$!%i(ation of the order of mana-ement the
fo%%owin- (onse?$en(es sha%% ens$e H8
(1 a%% pro(eedin-s then pendin- in an" 'ivi% 'o$rt or 3even$e 'o$rt or Offi(e in
C*a2istanD in respe(t to the de!ts and %ia!i%ities mentioned in se(tion, ; sha%% !e
sta"edF and the operation of a%% pro(esses, e.e($tions and atta(hments then in
for(e for, or in respe(t of, s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities sha%% !e s$spendedF
(2 so %on- as the mana-ement (ontin$es, no fresh pro(eedin-s, pro(esses, e.e($tions
or atta(hments sha%% !e instit$ted in or iss$ed !" an" 'ivi% 'o$rt or 3even$e
'o$rt or Offi(e in 2C*a2istanD in respe(t of s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%itiesF
C(2a (%a$se (1 and (2 sha%% !e deemed to afford prote(tion to s$reties of the de!tor
as we%% as to the de!tor himse%f, $n%ess in an" (ase a s$ret" has, !" his !ond," a((epted %ia!i%it" there$nder in the event of an order !ein- made in
respe(t of the de!tor5s propert" $nder se(tion 7, s$!8se(tion (2, (%a$se ((FD
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &#indh Offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s.3 and 2
#(h. (with effe(t from the 14
O(to!er, 1900. for & the
*rovides and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h has !een s$!s. !" A.O., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
'%a$se (2a ins. !" the #indh In($m!ered ,states (Amdt. A(t, 19=) (2 of 19=), s.4.
(3 so %on- as the mana-ement (ontin$es, the de!tor sha%% !e in(ompetent
&a( to enter into an" (ontra(t invo%vin- him in pe($niar" %ia!i%it", or
&b( to mort-a-e, (har-e, %ease or a%ienate the propert" $nder mana-ement or an" part
thereof, or
&#( to -rant va%id re(eipts for the rents and profits arisin- or a((r$in- therefromH
*rovided that nothin- (ontained in this (%a$se sha%% !e deemed to pre(%$de the mana-er from
%ettin-, and the de!tor from ta2in-, the M7ho%e or an" part of s$(h propert" on s$(h
terms (onsistent with this A(t as ma" !e a-reed $pon !etween the partiesF
(4 so %on- as the mana-ement (ontin$es, no person other than the mana-er sha%% !e
(ompetent to mort-a-e, (har-e, %ease or a%ienate s$(h propert" or an" part thereof.
10. P)w'1# )9 2a*a@'1. The mana-er sha%%, d$rin- the mana-ement of the propert", have a%%
powers whi(h the owner thereof mi-ht, as s$(h, have %e-a%%", and sha%% re(eive and
re(over a%% rents,
Cprofits and other s$msD d$e in respe(t of the propert" $nder mana-ement, and
for the p$rpose of re(overin- s$(h rents, %Cprofits and other s$msD sha%% have, in addition to an"
powers possessed !" a :a-irdar or 1amindar, as the (ase ma" !e, a%% the powers possessed !" a
'o%%e(tor $nder the %aw for the time !ein- in for(e for the re(over" of %and8reven$e d$e to
Government, 2Cin(%$din- the power (onferred !" se(tion 17) of the +om!a" Land8reven$e
'ode, 1;79DH
*rovided that he sha%% not, !efore the %i?$idation8s(heme hereinafter mentioned has
!een san(tioned, demise the propert" $nder mana-ement, or an" part thereof, for an" term
e.(eedin- two "ears, to ta2e effe(t in possession.
11.-Pa<2'*$# $) 5' 2a8' 5< 2a*a@'1 a*8 )18'1 $6'1')9. (1 /rom the s$ms re(eived or
re(overed $nder se(tion 1=, the mana-er sha%% pa"
fir$t, the (osts of the mana-ement, in(%$din- the (osts of ne(essar" repairsF
$e#ond"y, the Government reven$e and a%% de!ts and %ia!i%ities for the time !ein- d$e
or in($rred 3Cto the GovernmentD in respe(t of the propert" $nder mana-ementF
third"y, the rent (if an" d$e to the :a-irdar or other s$perior ho%der in respe(t of the
said propert"F
#$!s. !" the #indh In($m!ered ,states (Amdt. 9#t, 19=) (2 of 19=), s. 0 (a, for &and profitsK.
Ins. ibid., s.0 (!
The ori-ina% wordsK to GovernmentK have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. =., 1937, and A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 &with effe#t from the 43
190) to read as a!ove.
+om.< of
fourth"y, s$(h periodi(a% a%%owan(es as the 'ommissioner ma", from time to time, fi.
for the maintenan(e of the de!tor and his fami%" F
fifth"y, the (ost of s$(h improvements of the said propert" as he thin2s ne(essar", and
are approved !" the 'ommissioner.
(2 The resid$e sha%% !e retained !" the mana-er for the %i?$idation, in manner
hereinafter .provided, of the de!ts and %ia!i%ities mentioned in se(tion ; other than those so d$e
or in($rred
Cto the GovernmentD, and a%so for the repa"ment, either !efore or after the %i?$idation
of s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities, of an" %oan re(eived !" the mana-er $nder this A(t.
12. N)$%&' $) &7a%2a*$# a@a%*#$ 8'5$)1#. On the p$!%i(ation of the order of mana-ement, the
mana-er sha%% p$!%ish in the 2Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD a noti(e in ,n-%ish and #indhi, (a%%in- $pon a%%
persons havin- (%aims a-ainst the de!tor, or the propert" $nder mana-ement, to notif" the same
in writin- to s$(h mana-er within si. months from the date of the p$!%i(ation, and sha%% a%so
(a$se (opies of s$(h noti(e to !e e.hi!ited at the m$2htiar2ars 2a(hahris in the distri(t in whi(h
the said propert" %ies, and at s$(h other p%a(es as he thin2s fit.
13.KC7a%2a*$# $) ;1'#'*$ 9"77 ;a1$%&"7a1# a*8 8)&"2'*$#. (1 ,ver" s$(h (%aimant sha%%,
a%on- with his (%aim, present f$%% parti($%ars thereof.
(2 ,ver" do($ment on whi(h the (%aimant fo$nds his (%aim, or on whi(h he re%ies in
s$pport thereof, sha%% !e de%ivered to the mana-er a%on- with the (%aim.
(3 If the do($ment is an entr" in an" !oo2, the (%aimant sha%% prod$(e the !oo2 to the
mana-er, to-ether with a (op" of the entr" on whi(h he re%ies. The mana-er sha%% mar2 the !oo2
for the p$rpose of identifi(ation and, after e.aminin- and (omparin- the (op" with the ori-ina%,
sha%% ret$rn the !oo2 to the (%aimant.
(4 If an" do($ment in the possession or $nder the (ontro% of the (%aimant is not
de%ivered or prod$(ed !" him to the mana-er a%on- with the (%aim, the mana-er ma" ref$se to
re(eive s$(h do($ment in eviden(e on the (%aimantMs !eha%f at the investi-ation of the (ase.
1C. C7a%2 *)$ 8"7< *)$%9%'8 $) 5' 5a11'8. ,ver" s$(h (%aim (other than (%aims
C of the Govern8
mentD not notified to the mana-er within the time and in the manner re?$ired !" s$(h noti(e
sha%%, e.(ept as provided in
The ori-ina% words &to GovernmentK have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A.O., 1937, and A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 (with effe(t from the 23
190), to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &#indh offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
se(tion 19, (%a$se &d(, !e deemed for a%% p$rposes and on a%% o((asions, whether d$rin- the
(ontin$an(e of the mana-ement or afterwards, to have !een d$%". dis(har-edH
*rovided that, when proof is made to theM mana-er that the (%aimant was $na!%e to (omp%" with
the provisions of se(tion 12, the mana-er ma" re(eive s$(h (%aim within the f$rther period of si.
months from the e.piration of the ori-ina% period of si. months.
15. '$'12%*a$%)* )9 8'5$# a*8 7%a5%7%$%'#. The mana-er sha%% in?$ire into the histor" and
merits of ever" (%aim re(eived $nder se(tions 12 and 14, and sha%%, in a((ordan(e with the r$%es
to !e made $nder this A(t, determine the amo$nt of the de!ts and %ia!i%ities (if an" :$st%" d$e to
the severa% (%aimants.
1G. P)w'1 $) 1a*: 8'5$# a*8 $) 9%A %*$'1'#$. If s$(h amo$nt (annot !e paid at on(e, the
mana-er sha%% then pro(eed to ran2 s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities a((ordin- to the order in whi(h the"
sha%% !e paid, and to fi. the interest (if an"S to !e paid thereon, respe(tive%", from the date of the
fina% de(ision thereon to the date of the pa"ment and dis(har-e thereof.
14.KL%B"%8a$%)* #&6'2'. (1 7hen the tota% amo$nt of the de!ts and %ia!i%ities (in(%$din-
those d$e and in($rred
Cto the GovernmentD has !een fina%%" determined, the mana-er sha%%
prepare and s$!mit to the 'ommissioner a s(hed$%e of s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities, and a s(heme
(hereinafter (a%%ed the %i?$idation8s(heme showin- the mode in whi(h it is proposed to pa" and
dis(har-e the same, whether from the in(ome of the propert" $nder mana-ement, or with the aid
of f$nds raised $nder the powers hereinafter (onferred, or part%" in one of s$(h8wa"s and part%"
in the other.
(2 ,ver" %i?$idation8s(heme sha%% f$rther provide for the (ontin$an(e of the
pa"ments to !e made !" the mana-er $nder se(tion 11, and for the repa"ment of the mone" (if
an" whi(h the mana-er proposes to !orrow $nder this A(tF and ma" provide for the
improvement of the propert" $nder mana-ement either from the said in(ome or with the aid of
the f$nds raised as aforesaidF or part%" in one of s$(h wa"s and part%" in the other.
18. P1)&''8%*@# )9 C)22%##%)*'1 )* #"52%##%)* )9 7%B"%8a$%)* #&6'2'. The 'ommissioner
(a as often as he thin2s fit send !a(2 s$(h s(heme to the mana-er for revision, and
dire(t him to ma2e s$(h f$rther in?$ir" as ma" !e re?$isite for the proper
preparation of the s(heme, or
(! san(tion an" %i?$idation8s(heme or an" revised %i?$idation8s(heme s$!mitted to
him, either as it stands, or s$!:e(t to s$(h modifi(ations as he ma" deem
The ori-ina%. words. &to.. GovetA%%1entK have s$((essive%" !een amended !" A. =., 1937 andM A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 &with effe#t from the 43rd
5ar#h, 190), to read as a!ove.
13.KP)w'1 $) 1'7%*B"%#6 2a*a@'2'*$. (1 At an" time !efore he has san(tioned a %i?$idation
s(heme $nder se(tion 1;, the 'ommissioner ma", !" an order mana-ement. p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, dire(t that on a date fi.ed !" s$(h order the mana-ement sha%% !e
(2 On the date so fi.edR
&a( the mana-ement sha%% terminateF
&b( the owner of the propert" $nder mana-ement sha%% !e restored to the
possession thereof, s$!:e(t to an" %eases -ranted $nder se(tion 1= F
&#( an" resid$e of the rents and profits of the said propert" retained $nder se(tion
11, s$!8se(tion (2, sha%% !e paid to himF and
&d( the pro(eedin-s, pro(esses, e.e($tions and atta(hments sta"ed and s$spended
$nder se(tion 9, and the de!ts and %ia!i%ities !arred !" se(tion 14, sha%%
(3 In (a%($%atin- the periods of %imitation app%i(a!%e to s$its to re(over and enfor(e
de!ts and %ia!i%ities revived $nder this se(tion, the time d$rin- whi(h the mana-ement has
(ontin$ed sha%% !e e.(%$ded.
20. E99'&$# )9 #a*&$%)*%*@ #&6'2'. 7hen the 'ommissioner san(tions the %i?$idation s(heme,
he sha%% notif" the fa(t of s$(h san(tion at s$(h p%a(es and in s$(h manner as the
GovernmentD ma" from time to time !" r$%e dire(tF and there$pon
(1 a%% pro(eedin-s, pro(esses, e.e($tions and atta(hments sta"ed or s$spended
$nder se(tion 9 sha%% !e for ever !arred, and
(2 ever" de!t or %ia!i%it" d$e or owin- to an" person whi(h was prova!%e !efore
the mana-er sha%% !e e.tin-$ishedF and s$(h person sha%% !e entit%ed to
re(eive $nder the %i?$idation8s(heme the amo$nt (if an" fina%%" awarded to
him $nder 'hapter I< in respe(t of s$(h de!t or %ia!i%it".
21.-P)w1' $) 1'2)(' 2)1$@a@' %* ;)##'##%)*. (1 If the propert" $nder mana-ement or an" part
thereof is in the possession of a mort-a-ee or (onditiona% vendee, the mana-er, at an" time after
the %i?$idation8s(heme has !een
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &#indh offi(ia% Ga1etteK
#$!s. ibid., for &L. G.K.
san(tioned as aforesaid, ma", !" an order in writin-, re?$ire s$(h in($m!ran(er to de%iver $p
possession of the same to him at the end of the then ($rrent reven$e8"ear.
(2 if s$(h in($m!ran(er ref$ses or ne-%e(ts to o!e" s$(h order, the mana-er ma", witho$t
resortin- to a 'ivi% 'o$rt, enter $pon the propert" and s$mmari%" evi(t therefrom the said
in($m!ran(er and an" other person o!str$(tin- or resistin- on his !eha%f.
(3 6othin- in this se(tion sha%% !e he%d to affe(t the ri-ht of an" in($m!ran(er to
re(eive, $nder the %i?$idation8s(heme, the amo$nt (if an" awarded to him $nder 'hapter I<.
J22.-P)w'1 $) %*B"%1' %*$) &)*#%8'1a$%)* @%('* 9)1 7'a#'#. (1D If the propert" $nder
mana-ement or an" part thereof is in the possession of an" person (%aimin- to ho%d $nder a %ease,
J J J the mana-er, with the san(tion of the 'ommissioner, ma" in?$ire into the s$ffi(ien(" of
the (onsideration for whi(h the %ease was -ranted, and if s$(h (onsideration appears to him
ins$ffi(ient, ma" !" written order, at an" time after the %i?$idation8s(heme !as !een san(tioned
as aforesaid, either set aside the %ease, or re?$ire the person so in possession to pa" s$(h
(onsideration for the said %ease as the mana-er thin2s fit F and, in defa$%t of s$(h pa"ment, the
%ease sha%% !e (an(e%%ed.
C(2 7henever the mana-er sets aside or (an(e%s a %ease $nder s$!8se(tion (1, he
sha%%, !" written order. award to the %essee s$(h (ompensation, if an", as ma" appear to the
mana-er to !e e?$ita!%e in the (ir($mstan(esF and, s$!:e(t to the provisions of 'hapter <I, no
(ompensation in e.(ess of the amo$nt 11= awarded sha%% !e re(overa!%e !" the %essee in a 'ivi%
'o$rt or otherwise.
(3 An" (ompensation awarded !" the mana-er $nder s$!se(tion (2 sha%% !e deemed
to !e a de!t mentioned in se(tion ;, and sha%% ran2 in priorit" to a%% other de!ts and %ia!i%ities
other than de!ts or %ia!i%ities d$e or in($rred
Cto the GovernmentD.
(4 If an" %essee whose %ease has !een so set aside or (an(e%%ed ref$ses or ne-%e(ts to
-ive $p possession when re?$ired to do so !" the mana-er, the mana-er ma", witho$t resortin-
to a 'ivi% 'o$rt, enter $pon the propert" and s$mmari%" evi(t therefrom the said %essee and an"
other person o!str$(tin- or resistin- on his !eha%f.D
23. P)w'1 $) 7'a#'. #$!:e(t to the r$%es made $nder se(tion 33, the mana-er, after the
%i?$idation8s(heme has !een san(tioned as aforesaid, tease sha%% have power to demise a%% or an"
part of the propert" $nder mana-ement for an" term of "ears not e.(eedin- twent" "ears
1The ori-ina% se(tion 22 was re8n$m!ered as se(tion 22 (1 !" the #indh In($m!ered ,states (Arndt. A(t, 19=) (2 of 19=), s. 6&a(.
The wordsK dated within the three "ears immediate%" pre(edin- the (ommen(ement of the mana-ementK were rep. ibid., s. 6&b(.
#$!8se(tions (2, (3 and (4 ins. ibid., s. 6&#(.
Se" foot note 1 on pa-e 419, supra.
a!so%$te, to ta2e effe(t in possession, in (onsideration of the pa"ment to him of an" fine, or
witho$t fine, and reservin- s$(h rents, and $nder s$(h (onditions as ma" !e a-reed $pon.
2C. P)w'1 $) 1a%#' 2)*'< 5< 2)1$@a@' )1 #a7'. At an" time after the %i?$idation8s(heme has
!een san(tioned as aforesaid, the mana-er, with the previo$s assent of the 'ommissioner, sha%%
have power to raise an" mone" whi(h ma" !e re?$ired for (arr"in- o$t s$(h s(heme
(a !" demisin- !" wa" of mort-a-e the who%e or an" part of the propert" $nder
mana-ement for a term not e.(eedin- twent" "ears from the p$!%i(ation of the
order of mana-ementF or
(! !" se%%in-, !" p$!%i( a$(tion or !" private (ontra(t, and $pon s$(h terms as the
mana-er thin2s fit, s$(h portion of the said propert" as ma" appear e.pedientF
(( !" !orrowin- mone" at s$(h rate of interest as appears reasona!%e to the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD.
25. S';a1a$%)* )9 ;a1$ )9 >a@%1 7a*8# #"5>'&$ )9 7a;#'. 7hen :a-ir %and $nder mana-ement is
he%d on this (ondition, that on the happenin- of a (ertain event a share of the %and sha%% %apse, !$t
that it sha%% !e in the dis(retion of the person then entit%ed as :a-irdar to divide off and re%in?$ish
in respe(t of the %apse s$(h part of the %and, !ein- a fair e?$iva%ent of that share, as he thin2s fit,
the mana-er ma", if he deems it (onvenient for the !etter of the powers (onferred !"
se(tions 23 and 24, at an" time, after s$(h (ons$%tation with persons interested as he thin2s
ne(essar", a%%ot !" written order, for re%in?$ishment on the happenin- of the event, s$(h part of
the %and as he thin2s fit F and there$pon that part and no other sha%%, on the happenin- of the
event, !e re%in?$ished.
2G. Ma*a@'1H# 1'&'%;$ $) 5' a 8%#&6a1@'. The mana-erMs re(eipt for an" mone"s, rents or profits
raised or re(eived !" him $nder this A(t sha%% dis(har-e the person pa"in- the same therefrom
and from !ein- (on(erned to see to the app%i(ation thereof.
24.KT'12%*a$%)* )9 2a*a@'2'*$. (1 7hen the de!ts and %ia!i%ities mentioned in the
%i?$idation8s(heme and the amo$nt of an" %oan re(eived $nder se(tion 24, (%a$se ((, to-ether
with the interest (if an" d$e there on, have !een paid and dis(har-ed, the mana-er sha%% p$!%ish
in the 3Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD a noti(e a date for the termination of the8 mana-ement.
(2 On the date so fi.ed the mana-ement sha%% terminate, and the owner sha%% !e
restored to the possession and en:o"ment of the propert" $nder mana-ement, or of s$(h part
thereof as has not !een so%d !" the mana-er $nder the power (onferred !"
This se(tion has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan (e.(ept the 'apita% of the /ederation !" 7est *a2istan A(t
1) of 1901,;. 3 (3 and 3rd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1931, for &L. G.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &#indh offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
se(tion 24, !$t s$!:e(t to the %eases and mort-a-es (if an" -ranted and made !" the mana-er
$nder the powers (onferred !" se(tions 1=, 23 and 24.
28. 'a$6 )9 8'5$)1 8"1%*@ 2a*a@'2'*$. If the de!tor dies after the p$!%i(ation of the order of
mana-ement and !efore the mana-ement has !een terminated in either of the modes herein!efore
(1 the mana-ement sha%% (ontin$e and pro(eed in a%% respe(ts as if s$(h de!tor
were sti%% %ivin- F
(2 an" person s$((eedin- to the who%e or an" portion of the propert" $nder
mana-ement sha%%, whi%e s$(h mana-ement (ontin$es, !e s$!:e(t in respe(t of
s$(h propert" to the disa!i%ities imposed !" se(tion 9, (%a$se (3, s$!8(%a$ses
&b( and &#( F and
(3 no 'ivi% 'o$rt or 3even$e 'o$rt or Offi(e in %C*a2istanD sha%%, d$rin- the
(ontin$an(e of the mana-ement, iss$e an" atta(hment or other pro(ess a-ainst
an" portion of the propert" $nder mana-ement for, or in respe(t of, an" de!t or
%ia!i%it" in($rred !" an" s$(h person whether !efore or after his said s$((ession.
23. M)1$@a@'#, '$&., 2a8' 5< 1'#$)1'8 >a@%18a1 (a7%8 )*7< 9)1 $6%# 7%9'. 7hen a :a-irdar or
1amindar has !een restored $nder se(tion 27, s$!8se(tion (2, to the possession of an" propert",
no mort-a-e, (har-e, %ease or a%ienation of s$(h propert", or of an" part thereof, made or -ranted
!" s$(h :a-irdar or 1amindar sha%% !e va%id as to an" time !e"ond his nat$ra% %ife 2C$n%ess made
or -ranted with the previo$s san(tion of the 'ommissionerD,
Cor in the (ase of a %oan -ranted $nder the Land Improvement Loans A(t, 1;;3, or
the A-ri($%t$rists, Loans A(t, 1;;4, with the previo$s san(tion of the offi(er -rantin- s$(h %oanD.
30. P)w'1 $) 1'(%#' 7%B"%8a$%)* #&6'2'. 6otwithstandin- an"thin- (ontained in this A(t, the
'ommissioner ma", at an" time after he has, whether !efore or after the (ommen(ement of this
A(t, san(tioned the %i?$idation s(heme, revise and modif" the same, !$t not so as to affe(t the
ri-ht of an" person to re(eive in f$%% !efore the termination of the mana-ement the amo$nt
fina%%" awarded to him $nder 'hapter I<.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, forK the
*rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. =K 1949, Arts. 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
Ins. !" the +om!a" 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1919 (+om. 2 of 1919, s. 2 and #(h..1.
Ins. !" the #indh In($m!ered ,states (Arndt. A(t, 1929 (+om. 11 of 1929, s. 2.
31.-A;;'a7. (1 An appea% a-ainst an" de(ision or order $nder se(tions 14, 10, 1) and 22, and
imposin- a fine or imprisonment in of the powers (onferred !" se(tion 37, sha%% %ie
to the 'ommissioner, if preferred within si. wee2s from the date of s$(h de(ision or order.
(2 There sha%% !e no appea% a-ainst the de(ision of the 'om missioner on s$(h
J32. P)w'1 $) &a77 9)1 ;1)&''8%*@# a*8 ;a## )18'1 $6'1')*. The *rovin(ia% Government
ma", of its own motion or on the app%i(ation of an" person (on(erned, (a%% for the pro(ee8
din-s in an" (ase $nder this A(t, and pass s$(h order thereon (onsistent with the provisions
of this A(t as it thin2s fitD
33.-P)w'1 $) 2a:' 1"7'#. (1 The 'ommissioner, with the previo$s san(tion of the
2C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, ma", from time to time, ma2e r$%es (onsistent with this A(t
&a( to re-$%ate the se($rit" to !e re?$ired from s$!ordinate offi(ers $nder this
&b( to re-$%ate the pro(ed$re in a11 (ases $nder this A(tF
&#( for the -$idan(e of offi(ers in?$irin- into and determinin- on (%aims $nder
'hapter I< F and in parti($%ar as to the a%%owan(e of interest (if an" on ea(h
of the prin(ipa% de!ts and %ia!i%ities so determined, from the date on whi(h it
was in($rred down to the date of the determination, and on the a--re-ate
amo$nt of s$(h de!ts and %ia!i%ities, from the date of the determination down
to the date of pa"ment, and as to the order of pa"in- de!ts and %ia!i%ities and
repa"in- an" %oan re(eived here$nderF
&d( for investin- an" mone"s re(eived or raised !" the mana-er $nder this A(t in
an" Government se($rities of 3C*a2istanD, and for the sa%e of s$(h se($ritiesF
&e( -enera%%" to (arr" o$t the provisions of this A(t.
#$!s. !" the #ind In($m!ered ,states (Arndt. A(t, 1901 (#ind A(t %7 of 1901, s. 2, for the ori-ina% s. 32.
This se(tion has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan (e.(ept the 'apita% of the /ederation. !" the 7est
*a2istan A(t 1) of 1907, s. 3 (3 and 3rd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &Governor of +om!a" in 'o$n(i%K.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)= s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-
O#tober, 1900, forK
the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. = 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
(2 #$(h r$%es sha%% !e p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, and sha%% there$pon have the
for(e of %aw.
3C. P)w'1 $) a;;)%*$ *'w 2a*a@'1.- 7henever the 'ommissioner thin2s fit, he ma"
s$spend or remove an" mana-er, and ma" appoint an" offi(er in the stead of an" mana-er
appointed $nder this A(tF and there$pon the mana-ement then vested $nder this A(t in the
former mana-er sha%% !e(ome vested in the new mana-er, and the new mana-er sha%% have the
same powers as if he had !een ori-ina%%" appointed.
35. Ma*a@'1# $) 5' ;"57%& #'1(a*$#.- ,ver" mana-er appointed $nder this A(t sha%% !e
deemed @ana-ers to a p$!%i( servant within the meanin- of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
3G. I*('#$%@a$%)* $) 5' 8''2'8 a >"8%&%a7 ;1)&''8%*@.- ,ver" investi-ation (ond$(ted
!" the mana-er with referen(e to an" (%aim preferred !efore him $nder this A(t, or to an"
matter (onne(ted with an" s$(h (%aim, sha%% !e ta2en to !e a :$di(ia% pro(eedin- within the
meanin- of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
34. P)w'1 $) #"22)* w%$*'##'# a*8 &)2;'7 ;1)8"&$%)* )9 8)&"2'*$#.- /or the
p$rposes of this A(t, the mana-er
Cor an" offi(er s$!ordinate to him, not !e%ow the ran2 of a
@$2htiar2ar,D ma" s$mmon and enfor(e the attendan(e of witnesses and (ompe% them to -ive
eviden(e, and (ompe% the prod$(tion of do($ments, !" the same means and, as far as possi!%e
in the same manner, as is provided in the (ase of a 'ivi% 'o$rt !" the
'ode of 'ivi%
38. .a1 )9 #"%$#.- 6o s$it or other pro(eedin- sha%% !e maintained a-ainst +ar of s$its.
an" person in respe(t of an"thin- done !" him bona fide p$rs$ant to this A(t.
33. Sa(%*@ )9 >"1%#8%&$%)* )9 C)"1$# %* S%*86 %* 1'#;'&$ )9 &'1$a%* #"%$#.- 6othin- in
this A(t pre(%$des the 'o$rts in #indh havin- :$risdi(tion in s$its re%atin- to the s$((ession to
an" immovea!%e propert" !ro$-ht $nder the operation of this A(t from entertainin- and
disposin- of s$(h s$itsF !$t to a%% s$(h s$its the mana-er of s$(h propert" sha%% !e made a
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &#indh offi(ia1 Ga1etteK.
Ins. !" the In($m!ered ,states and 'o$rt of 7ards (#ind Arndt. A(t, 1947 (1) of 1947, s. 2.
See now the 'ode of 'ivi% *ro(ed$re, 19=;.(0 of 19=;.
A&$ N). III OF 1834
C-th %ebruary, 1;97D
An A(t to provide for the !etter prevention of the spread of Aan-ero$s ,pidemi(
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to provide for the !etter prevention of the spread of dan-ero$s
epidemi( diseaseF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1. S6)1$ $%$7' aD(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the ,pidemi( Aiseases A(t, 1;97.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istanD.
3J J J J J J J
2. P)w'1 $) $a:' #;'&%a7 2'a#"1'# a*8 ;1'#&1%5' 1'@"7a$%)*# a# $) 8a*@'1)"# ';%8'2%&
8%#'a#'D(1 7hen at an" time the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD is satisfied that
Cthe *rovin(eD or
an" part thereof is visited !", or threatened with, an o$t!rea2 of an" dan-ero$s epidemi(
disease, the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD, if
CitD thin2s that the ordinar" provisions of the %aw
for the time !ein- in for(e are ins$ffi(ient for the p$rpose, ma" ta2e, or re?$ire or empower
an" person to ta2e, s$(h meas$res and, !" p$!%i( noti(e, pres(ri!e s$(h temporar" re-$%ations
to !e o!served !" the p$!%i( or !" an" person or (%ass of persons8as
CitD sha%% deem ne(essar"
to prevent the
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;97, *t. <, p. 21F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee i!id., p. 23 F and for
*ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., *t. <I, pp. 1; and 24. .
This A(t has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.87./.*., s$!:e(t to
(ertain modifi(ations, $ee 6.87./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190=F and apo%ied in
the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, M*. 1499.
It has !een e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% other than *h$%era !" the 6.87./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws
3e-$%ation, 190= and de(%ared to !e in for(e in that area with effe(t from the 1st E$ne, 1901, $ee 6.87./.*. Ga1ette, ,.t. dated the 1st E$ne,
It has a%so !een amended in the *$n:a! !" the ,pidemi( Aiseases (*$n:a! Amdt. A(t, 1944 (p$n. A(t 3 of 1944.
This A(t has !een repea%ed in its app%i(ation to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan !" 7est *a2istan A(t 3) of 190;.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for
the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2, as amended !" the +$rma Laws A(t, 1;9; (13 of 1;9;, the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914,
A.O., 1949 and the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. ;.
#$!8se(tion (3, rep. !" A(t 1=iof 1914, s. 3 and #(h.II.
/or notifi(ations iss$ed $nder this se(tion, $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &India.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &heK.
o$t!rea2 of s$(h disease or the spread thereof, and ma" determine in what manner and !"
whom an" e.penses in($rred (in(%$din- (ompensation if an" sha%% !e defra"ed.
(2 In parti($%ar and witho$t pre:$di(e to the -enera%it" of the fore-oin- provisions, the
%Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" ta2e meas$res and pres(ri!e re-$%ations for
2J J J J J J J
(b the inspe(tion of persons trave%%in- !" rai%wa" or otherwise, and the se-re-ation, in
hospita%, temporar" a((ommodation or otherwise, of persons s$spe(ted !" the inspe(tin-
offi(er of !ein- infe(ted with an" s$(h disease.
3J J J J J J J
J2A. P)w'1# )9 F'8'1a7 G)('1*2'*$.- 7hen the
C/edera% GovernmentD is satisfied that
C*a2istanD or, an" part thereof is visited !", or threatened with, an o$t8!rea2 of anS
dan-ero$s epidemi( disease and that the ordinar" provisions of the %aw for the time !ein- in
for(e are ins$ffi(ient to prevent the o$t!rea2 of s$(h disease or the spread thereof, the
C/edera% GovernmentD ma" ta2e meas$res and pres(ri!e
re-$%ations for the inspe(tion of
an" ship or vesse% %eavin- or arrivin- at an" port in
C*a2istanD and for s$(h detention thereof,
or of an" person intendin- to sai% therein, or arrivin- there!", as ma" !e ne(essar".D
3. P'*a7$<.- An" person diso!e"in- an" re-$%ation or order made *ena%t" $nder this A(t sha%%
!e deemed to have (ommitted an offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder se(tion 1;; of the *a2istan *ena%
C. P1)$'&$%)* $) ;'1#)*# a&$%*@ "*8'1 A&$.- 6o s$it or other %e-a% pro(eedin- sha%% %ie
a-ainst an" *rote(tion to person for an"thin- done or in -ood faith intended to !e done
persons a(tin- $nder this A(t $nder A(t.
#$!s. !" A. O.,1937, for &G. G. in '.K.
'%a$se (a p. ibid.
#$!8se(tion (3 rep. !" the Aevo%$tion A(t, 192= (3; of 192= s.2 and #(h. I.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for s. 2A as ins. !" A(t, 3; of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I.
#$!s. !" /. A. O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 4 and 3rd #(h., for &IndiaK.
/or s$(h 3e-$%ations, $ee Ga1. of *., 190;, *t. I, p. 1)7.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. (with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for
&the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O., 1949, Arts, 3 (2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
/LV of
ACT N). IV OF 1834
C-th %ebruary, 1;97D
A* A&$ $) ;1)(%8' 9)1 &'1$a%* 2a$$'1# 1'7a$%*@ $) F%#6'1%'# %*
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to provide for (ertain matters re%atin- to fisheries in
C*a2istanD F It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsH8
1. T%$7' a*8 'A$'*$.-(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the 3J /isheries A(t, 1;97.
C(2 It e.tends to the who%e of *a2istan.D
0J J J J J J J
2. A&$ $) 5' 1'a8 a# #";;7'2'*$a7 $) )$6'1 F%#6'1%'# Law#.-. #$!:e(t to the provisions of
se(tions ; and 1= of the
Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;;7, this A(t sha%% !e read as s$pp%ementa% to
an" other ena(tment7 for the time !ein- in for(e re%atin- to fisheries in an" part
;J J.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;93, *t. <, p. 1=1 F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., 1;97, *t.
<, ,p. 10 F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;93, *t. <I, p. 2=7, ibid., 1;9), p. 20=, and ibid., 1;97, p. 21.
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in( +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913, s. 3 and #(h. I.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O. 3 of 190=F and app%ied in
the /ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga1ette ofIndia, 1937, *t. I, p.1499.
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain
modin(ations F and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% other than *h$Uera with effe(t from s$(h date and Ms$!:e(t to s$(h
modifi(ations as ma" !e notified, $ee 6.7./.*. (Lpper Ta%%awa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation, 190=.
It has !een amended in its app%i(ation to the /edera% ('apita% !" Ord.32=f1909,s.2.
This A(t has !een amended to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor", $ee Ord. 6o. 27 of 19;1, s. 0 and 4th #(h.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#toberH 1900, for
&the *rovin(es and the 'apita% of the /ederationK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" AO., 1949, Arts. 3(2 and 4, for &+ritish IndiaK.
The word &IndianK rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. HX and #(h. II.
#$!s. !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900, for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (2, as amended !" the
3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 914 (1= of 1914, A.O., 1937 and A. =., 1949.
#$!8se(tion (3, rep. !" A(t, 1= of 1914, s. 3 and #(h. II.s.3 and #(h.II.
See now ss. 4 and 2) of the Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97 (1= of 1;97.
/or %aw re%atin- to /isheries in8
(1 *$n:a!, $ee the *$n:a! /isheries A(t, 1914 (*$n:a! 2 of 1914.
The words &e.(ept +$rmaK rep. !" A.O., 1937.
I )9 1884
3. '9%*%$%)*.- In this A(t, $n%ess there is an"thin- rep$-nant in the Aefinitions s$!:e(t or
(1 &fishK in(%$des she%%8fishH
(2 &fi.ed en-ineK means an" net, (a-e, trap or other (ontrivan(e for ta2in- fish, fi.ed in
the soi% or made stationar" in an" other wa"H and
(3 &private waterK means water whi(h is the e.(%$sive propert" of an" person or in
whi(h an" person has for the time !ein- an e.(%$sive ri-ht of fisher" whether as owner,
%essee or in an" other (apa(it".
+3planation.,Iater sha%% not (ease to !e &private waterK within the meanin- of this
definition !" reason on%" that other persons ma" have !" ($stom a ri-ht of fisher" therein.
C.-'#$1"&$%)* )9 9%#6 5< 'A;7)#%('# %* %*7a*8 wa$'1# a*8 )* &)a#$#.- (1 If an" person $ses
an" d"namite or other e.p%osive s$!stan(e in an" water with intent there!" to (at(h destro"
an" of the fish that ma" !e therein, he sha%% !e p$nisha!%e with imprisonment for a term
whi(h ma" e.tend to two months, or with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to two h$ndred r$pees.
(2 In s$!8se(tion (1 the word &waterK in(%$des the sea within a distan(e of one marine
%ea-$e of the sea8(oastH and an offen(e (ommitted $nder that s$!8se(tion in s$(h sea ma" !e
tried, p$nished and in a%% respe(ts dea%t with as if it had !een (ommitted on the %and a!$ttin-
on s$(h (oast.
5. '#$1"&$%)* )9 9%#6 5< ;)%#%*@ wa$'1#.8(1 If an" person p$ts an" poison, %ime or$s
materia% into an" water with intent there!" to (at(h or destro" an" fish, he sha%% !e p$nisha!%e
with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to two months, or with fine whi(h ma"
e.tend to two h$ndred r$pees.
(2 The %C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette, s$spend the
operation of this se(tion in an" spe(ified area, and ma" in %i2e manner modif" or (an(e% an"
s$(h notifi(ation.
G. P1)$'&$%)* )9 9%#6 %* #'7'&$'8 wa$'1# 5< 1"7'# )9 P1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$.-(1 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es
for the p$rposes hereinafter in this se(tion
mentioned, and ma" !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette app%" a%% or an" of s$(h r$%es to
s$(h waters, not !ein- private waters, as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" spe(if" in the
said notifi(ation.
(2 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" a%so, !" a %i2e notifi(ation, app%" s$(h r$%es or an"
of them to an" private water with the (onsent in writin- of the owner thereof and of a%%
persons havin- for the time !ein- an" e.(%$sive ri-ht of fisher" therein.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &L. G.K.
/or r$%es $nder s. ), $ee different %o(a% 3$%es and Orders, and for Oara(hi "ee Ga1. of *. 1902, *t. <I, p. 17.
(3 #$(h r$%es ma" prohi!it or re-$%ate a%% or an" of the fo%%owin- matters, that is
to sa"
&a( the ere(tion and $se of fi.ed en-inesF
&b( the (onstr$(tion of weirsF and
&#( the dimension and 2ind of the nets to !e $sed and the modes of $sin- them.
(4 #$(h r$%es ma" a%so prohi!it a%% fishin- in an" spe(ified water for a period not
e.(eedin- two "ears.
(0 In ma2in- an" r$%e $nder this se(tion the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma"8
(a dire(t that a !rea(h of it sha%% !e p$nisha!%e with fine whi(h ma" e.tend to
one h$ndred r$pees, and, when the !rea(h is a (ontin$in- !rea(h, with a
f$rther fine whi(h ma" e.tend to ten r$pees for ever" da" after the date of
the first (onvi(tion d$rin- whi(h the !rea(h is proved to have !een
persisted inF and
(b provide for8
(i the sei1$re, forefeit$re and remova% of fi.ed en-ines, ere(ted, or
$sed, or nets $sed, in (ontravention of the r$%e, and
(ii the forfeit$re of an" fish ta2en !" means of an" s$(h fi.ed en-ine
or net.
() The power to ma2e r$%es $nder this se(tion is s$!:e(t to the (ondition that the"
sha%% !e made after previo$s p$!%i(ation.
4. A11'#$ w%$6)"$ wa11a*$ 9)1 )99'*&'# "*8'1 $6%# A&$.-(1 An" po%i(e8offi(er, or
other person spe(ia%%" empowered !" the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD in this !eha%f, either !"
name or as ho%din- an" offi(e, for the time !ein-, ma", witho$t an order from a @a-istrate
and witho$t warrant, arrest an" person (ommittin- in his view an" offen(e p$nisha!%e $nder
se(tion 4 or 0 or $nder an" r$%e $nder se(tion )
(a if the name and address of the person are $n2nown to him, and
(b if the person de(%ines to -ive his name and address, or if there is reason to do$!t
the a(($ra(" of the name and address if -iven.
(2 A person arrested $nder this se(tion ma" !e detained $nti% his name and address
have !een (orre(t%" as(ertainedH
*rovided that no person so arrested sha%% !e detained %on-er than ma" !e ne(essar" for
!rin-in- him !efore a @a-istrate, e.(ept $nder the order of a @a-istrate for his detention.
/or the amendment of s$!8se(tion (0 in its app%i(ation to the /edera% 'apita%, $ee the /isheries A(t (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 1909, (32 of 1909,
s. 2.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937. for &L.G.K.
1. Tit%e and e.tent.
283. Ce!ea"ed.D
4. Aefinitions.
0. *ower to esta!%ish and dis(ontin$e 3eformator" #(hoo%s.
). 3e?$isites of s(hoo%s.
7. Inspe(tion of 3eformator" #(hoo%s.
;. *ower of 'o$rts to dire(t "o$thf$% offenders to !e sent to 3eformator" #(hoo%s.
9. *ro(ed$re where @a-istrate is not empowered to pass an order $nder se(tion ;.
1=. *ower of @a-istrates to dire(t !o"s $nder fifteen senten(ed to imprisonment to !e
sent to 3eformator" #(hoo%s.
11. *re%iminar" in?$ir" and findin- as to a-e of "o$thf$% offender.
12. Government to determine 3eformator" #(hoo% to whi(h s$(h offenders sha%% !e
13. *ersons fo$nd to !e over ei-hteen "ears not to !e detained in 3eformator"
14. Ais(har-e or remova% !" order of Government.
10. A-reement !etween *rovin(es.
1). 'ertain orders not s$!:e(t to appea% or revision.
17. Appointment of #$perintendent and 'ommittee of <isitors or +oard of
1;. #$perintendent ma" %i(ense "o$thf$% offenders to emp%o"ers of %a!o$r.
19. 'an(e%%ation of %i(ense.
2=. Aetermination of %i(ense.
21. 'an(e%%ation of %i(ense in (ase of i%%8treatment.
22. #$perintendent to !e deemed -$ardian of "o$thf$% offenders.
*ower to apprenti(e "o$thf$% offender.
23. A$ties of 'ommittee of <isitors.
24. *owers of +eard of @ana-ement.
20. *ower to appoint Tr$stees or other @ana-ers of a s(hoo% to !e a +oard of
2). *ower of +oard to ma2e r$%es.
27. *ena%t" for introd$(tion or remova% or s$pp%" of prohi!ited arti(%es and
(omm$ni(ation with "o$thf$% offenders.
2;. *ena%t" for a!ettin- es(ape of "o$thf$% offender.
29. Arrest of es(aped "o$thf$% offender,
3=. Ce!ea"ed.D
31. *ower to dea% in other wa"s with "o$thf$% offenders, in(%$din- -ir%s.
32. *ro(ed$re when "o$thf$% offender $nder detention in a 3eformator" #(hoo% is a-ain
(onvi(ted and senten(ed.
ACT N). VIII OF 1834
C11th 5ar#h, 1;97D
A* A&$ $) a2'*8 $6' 7aw 1'7a$%*@ $) R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7# a*8 $) 2a:' 9"1$6'1
;1)(%#%)* 9)1 8'a7%*@ w%$6 <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1#.
7G+3,A# it is e.pedient to amend the %aw re%atin- to 3eformator" #(hoo%s and to ma2e
f$rther provision for dea%in- with "o$thf$% offendersF It is here!" ena(ted as fo%%ows H
1. T%$7' a* 'A$'*$.8(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the 3eformator" #(hoo%s A(t, 1;97F
C(3 This se(tion and se(tion 2 sha%% e.tend to
Cthe who%e of *a2istanD.
CThe other
se(tions sha%% e.tend in the first instan(e to #ind and the Oara(hi Aivision and ,ast *a2istan,
!$t the Government of 7est *a2istan ma" at an" time, !" notifi(ation in the offi(ia% Ga1ette,
e.tend these se(tions to other parts of 7est *a2istan from s$(h da" as ma" !e fi.ed in an"
s$(h notifi(ationD.D
2 a*8 3. Ce!ea"$.D e!. by the e!ea"in3 9#t, 193; &+ of D 93;, $. 2 and S#hedu"e.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Oa1ette ofIndia, 1;9), *t <, p. 1;7 F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., p.1;97, *t.
<I, p. 00F and for *ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, $ee ibid., 1;9), *t. <, pp. 222 and 201 F and ibid., 1;9), *t. <I. pp. 44 and );.
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation. 1913 (2 of 1913, s. 3 and #(h. I.
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan. $ee the Leased Areas Laws Order, 190= (=.=.=.3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee Oa1ette of India. 1937, *t. I. p. 1499.
The A(t, as in for(e in the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of 6.7./.*. 3e-$%ation 6o. II of 1974. has
!een app%ied to the *rovin(ia%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas of 'hitra%. Air, Oa%am. #wat and @a%a2and *rote(ted Area, !" 6.7./.*.
3e-$%ation, 6o. II of 1974. s. 3.
This A(t has !een amended to the e.tent of Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor". $ee Ordinan(e 6o. 27 of 19;1. s. 0 and 4th #(h.
The word &andK at the e1U..i of s$!8se(tion (1 and s$!8se(tion (2. rep, !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t. 1914 (1= =(1914, s. 3 and
#(h. L.
#$!s. !" A.O., t 949, #(h., for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (3 as amended !" A.O., 1937.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e. 19)= (21 of 19)=. s. 3 and 2nd #e%%. for &a%% the *rovin(esK &with effe#t from the
O#tober. 1900.
#$!s. !" A.O.. 19)4. Art 2 and #(h.. for (ertain words as amended !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)1 (1 of 19)1, and A.O.,
C. '9%*%$%)*#.- In this A(t, $n%ess there is an"thin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,8
(a &"o$thf$% offenderK means an" !o" who has !een (onvi(ted of an" offen(e
p$nisha!%e with transportation or imprisonment and who, at the time of s$(h
(onvi(tion, was $nder the a-e of fifteen "earsH
(! &Inspe(tor Genera%K in(%$des an" offi(er appointed !" the
GovernmentD to perform a%% or an" of the d$ties imposed !" this A(t on the
Inspe(tor Genera% H and
3J J J J J J J
5. P)w'1 $) '#$a57%#6 a*8 8%#&)*$%*"' R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7#.
J J J The
GovernmentD ma"8
(a esta!%ish and maintain 3eformator" #(hoo%s at s$(h p%a(es as it ma" thin2 fitF
(! $se as 3eformator" #(hoo%s s(hoo%s 2ept !" persons wi%%in- to a(t in (onformit"
with s$(h r$%es, (onsistent with this A(t, as the 2C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma"
pres(ri!e in this !eha%fF
(( dire(t that an" s(hoo% so esta!%ished or $sed sha%% (ease to as a 3eformator"
#(hoo% or to !e $sed as s$(h.
G. R'B"%#%$'# )9 #&6))7#.- ,ver" s(hoo% so esta!%ished or $sed m$st provide
(a s$ffi(ient means of separatin- the inmates at ni-htF
(! proper sanitar" arran-ements, water8s$pp%", food, (%othin- and !eddin- for the
"o$thf$% offenders detained thereinF
(( the means of -ivin- s$(h "o$thf$% offenders ind$stria% trainin-F ,
(d an infirmar" or proper p%a(e for the re(eption of s$(h "o$thf$% offenders when
4. I*#;'&$%)* )9 R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7#.-(1 ,ver" s(hoo% intended to !e esta!%ished or $sed
as a 3eformat;t9 3eformator" #(hoo% sha%%, !efore !ein- $sed as s$(h, !e inspe(ted #(hoo%s
!" the Inspe(tor Genera%, and if he finds that the re?$irements of se(tion ) have !een
(omp%ied with, and that, in his opinion, s$(h s(hoo% is fitted for the re(eption of s$(h "o$thf$%
offenders as ma" !e sent there $nder this A(t, he sha%% (ertif" to that effe(t, and s$(h
In #ind the a-e8%imit has !een raised to 1)H $ee the +om!a", 'hi%dren A(t, 1924 (+orn. 13 of 1924. s. 4.
#$!s. !" A. =., 1937, for &L.G.K.
'%a$se (( omitted !" A.O., 1949. #(h.
The words &7ith the previo$s san(tion of the Go, G. in '.K rep. !" the Ae(entra%i1ation A(t, 1914 (4 of 1914. s. 2 and #(h., *t. I,
(ertifi(ate sha%% !e p$!%ished in the
Coffi(ia% Ga1etteD, to-ether with. an order of the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD esta!%ishin- the s(hoo% as a 3eformator" #(hoo% or dire(tin- that it
sha%% !e $sed as s$(h, and the s(hoo% sha%% there$pon !e deemed to !e a 3eformator" #(hoo%.
(2 ,ver" s$(h s(hoo% sha%%, from time to time, and at %east on(e in ever" "ear, !e visited
!" the said Inspe(tor Genera%, who sha%% send to the 2C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD a report on the
(ondition of the s(hoo% in s$(h form as the 2Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" pres(ri!e.
8. P)w'1 )9 C)"1$# $) 8%1'&$ <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1# $) 5' #'*$ $) R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7#.-(1
7henever an" "o$thf$% offender is senten(ed to transportation or imprisonment, and is, in the
:$d-ement of the 'o$rt !" whi(h he is senten(ed, a proper person to !e an inmate of a
3eformator" #(hoo%, the 'o$rt ma", s$!:e(t to an" r$%es made !" the
GovernmentD, dire(t
that, instead of $nder-oin- his senten(e, he sha%% !e sent to s$(h a
s(hoo%, and !e there detained for a period whi(h sha%% !e not %ess than
three or more than
seven "ears.
(2 The powers so (onferred on the (o$rt !" this se(tion sha%% !e on%" !" (a the
Gi-h 'o$rt, (b, a 'o$rt of #ession, (# a Aistri(t @a-istrate, and (d an" @a-istrate spe(ia%%"
empowered !" the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD in this !eha%f, and ma" !e !" s$(h
'o$rts whether the (ase (omes !efore them ori-ina%%" or on apea%.
(3 The
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es for
(a definin- what "o$thf$% offenders sho$%d !e sent to 3eformator" #(hoo%s, havin-
re-ard to the nat$re of their offen(es or other (onsiderations, and
(b re-$%atin- the periods for whi(h "o$thf$% offenders ma" !e sent to s$(h s(hoo%s
a((ordin- to their a-es or other (onsiderations).
3. P1)&'8"1' w6'1' Ma@%#$1a$' %# *)$.- (1 7hen an" @a-istrate not empowered to pass an
order *ro(ed$re $nder the %ast fore-oin- se(tion is of opinion that a "o$thf$% offender
(onvi(ted !" him is a proper person to !e an inmate of
#$!s. !" A.A., 1937, for &%o(a% offi(ia% Ga1etteK.
#$!s. ibid., for &L. G.K.
/or de%e-ation of powers of a L.G. to the 'ommissioner in #ind $nder this se(tion, $ee +orn. Govt. Ga1ette, 1912, *t, I. p. 1193.
This part of the se(tion has !een amended in #ind !" the +om!a" 'hi%dren A(t, 1924, (+orn. 13 of 1924, s. 4.
/or r$%es made $nder this (%a$se !" the *$n:a! Government, $ee *$n:a! Ga1ette, dated the 2nd O(to!er, 19=3, ,.traordinar", p. 3.
/or r$%es made !" the 'hief 'ommissioner of +a%$(histan, $ee Ga%. of *., 1904, *t. <I, pp. 93894.
/or r$%es re-$%atin- the period for whi(h "o$thf$% offenders ma" !e sent to 3eformatories, $ee different %o(a% 3. 4 O.
'2;)w'1'8 $) ;a## a* )18'1 "*8'1 #'&$%)* 8. a 3eformator" #(hoo%, he ma", witho$t
passin- senten(e, re(ord s$(h opinion and s$!mit his pro(eedin-s and forward the "o$thf$%
offender to the Aistri(t @a-istrate to whom he is s$!ordinate.
(2 The @a-istrate to whom the pro(eedin-s are so s$!mitted ma" ma2e s$(h f$rther
in?$ir" (if an" as he ma" thin2 fit and pass s$(h senten(e and order for the detention in a
3eformator" #(hoo% of the "o$thf$% offender, or otherwise, as he mi-ht have passed if s$(h
"o$thf$% offender had !een ori-ina%%" tried !" him.
10. P)w'1 )9 Ma@%#$1a$'# $) 8%1'&$ 5)<# "*8'1 9%9$''* #'*$'*&'8 $) %2;1%#)*2'*$ $) 5'
#'*$ $) R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7#.-The offi(er in (har-e of a prison in whi(h a "o$thf$% offender
is (onfined, in e.e($tion of a senten(e of imprisonment, ma" !rin- him, if he has not then
attained the a-e of fifteen "ears, !efore the Aistri(t @a-istrate within whose :$risdi(tion s$(h
prison is sit$ateF and s$(h @a-istrate ma", if s$(h "o$thf$% offender appears to !e a proper
person to !e an inmate of a 3eformator" #(hoo%, dire(t that, instead of $nder-oin- the resid$e
of his senten(e, he sha%% !e sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo%, and there detained for a period
whi(h sha%% !e s$!:e(t to the same %imitations as are pres(ri!ed !" or $nder se(tion ;, with
referen(e to the period of detention there!" a$thorised.
11. P1'7%2%*a1< %*B"%1< a*8 9%*8%*@ a# $) a@' )9 <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1.- (% +efore dire(tin-
an" "o$thf$% offender to !e sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo% $nder se(tion ;, se(tion 9, or
se(tion 1=, the 'o$rt or @a-istrate sha%% in?$ire into the ?$estion of his a-e and,
after ta2in- s$(h eviden(e (If an" as ma" !e deemed ne(essar", sha%% re(ord a findin-
thereon, statin- his a-e as near%" as ma" !e.
(2 A simi%ar in?$ir" sha%% !e made and findin- re(orded !" ever" @a-istrate not
empowered to pass an order $nder se(tion ; !efore s$!mittin- his pro(eedin-s and
forwardin- the "o$thf$% offender to the Aistri(t @a-istrate as re?$ired !" se(tion 9, s$!8
se(tion (1.
12. G)('1*2'*$ $) 8'$'12%*' R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7 $) w6%&6 )99'*8'1# #6a77 5' #'*$.-
,ver" "o$thf$% offender dire(tedM !" a 'o$rt or @a-istrate to !e sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo%
sha%% !e sent to s$(h 3eformator" #(hoo% as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma", !" -enera% or
spe(ia% order, appoint for the re(eption of "o$thf$% offenders so dea%t with !" s$(h 'o$rt or
*rovided that, if a((ommodation in a 3eformator" #(hoo% is not immediate%" avai%a!%e
for s$(h "o$thf$% offender, he ma" !e detained in the :$veni%e ward or s$(h other s$ita!%e
part of a prison as the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" dire(t
(a $nti% he (an !e sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo%, or
(b $nti% the term of his ori-ina% senten(e e.pires,
whi(hever event ma" first happen. 8 #ho$%d the term of his ori-ina% senten(e first e.pire, he
sha%% there$pon !e re%eased, !$t sho$%d he !e sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo%, then the period of
detention previo$s%" $nder-one sha%% !e treated as detention in a 3eformator" #(hoo%.
#$!s.!" A.O., 1937 , for &L.G.K.
13. P'1#)*# 9)"*8 $) 5' )('1 '%@6$''* <'a1# *)$ $) 5' 8'$a%*'8 %* R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7.-
(1 If at an" time after a "o$thf$% offender has !een sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo% it appears
to the 'ommittee of <isitors or +oard of @ana-ement, as the (ase ma" !e, that the a-e of
s$(h "o$thf$% offender has !een $nderstated in the order for detention, and that he wi%% attain
the a-e of ei-hteen "ears !efore the e.piration of the period for whi(h he has !een ordered to
!e detained, the" sha11 report the (ase for the orders of the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD.
(2 6o person sha%% !e detained in a 3eformator" #(hoo% after he has !een fo$nd !" the
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD to have attained the a-e of ei-hteen "ears. .
1C. %#&6a1@' 1'2)(a7 5< )18'1 )9 G)('1*2'*$.- The
Cprovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" at an"
time order Ais(har-e or an" "o$thf$% offender8
(a to !e dis(har-ed from a 3eformator" #(hoo%F
(b to !e removed from one 3eformator" #(hoo% to another s$(h s(hoo% sit$ate within
the territories s$!:e(t to s$(h GovernmentH *rovided that the who%e period of his
detention in a 3eformator" #(hoo% sha%% not !e in(reased !" s$(h remova%.
J15. A@1''2'*$ 5'$w''* P1)(%*&'#.- The *rovin(ia% Governments of an" two *rovin(es
ma" after m$t$a% a-reement, -enera%%" or spe(ia%%", notif" in their respe(tive offi(ia% Ga1ettes
that an" 3eformator" #(hoo% sit$ated in one of the *rovin(es sha%% !e avai%a!%e for the
re(eption of "o$thf$% offenders dire(ted to !e sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo% !" an" 'o$rt or
@a-istrate in the other *rovin(e and ma" there$pon .ma2e provision for the remova% of
"o$thf$% offenders a((ordin-%".D
1G. C'1$a%* )18'1# *)$ #"5>'&$ $) a;;'a7 )1 1'(%#%)*.- 6othin- (ontained in the 3'ode of
'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;;2, sha%% !e (onstr$ed to a$thorise an" 'o$rt or @a-istrate to a%ter or
reverse in appea% or revision an" order passed with respe(t to the a-e of a "o$thf$% offender
or the s$!stit$tion of an order for detention in a 3eformator" #(hoo% for transportation or
14. A;;)%*$2'*$ )9 S";'1%*$'*8'*$ a*8 C)22%$$'' )9 V%#%$)1# )1 .)a18 )9
Ma*a@'2'*$.- (1 /or the (ontro% and mana-ement of ever" 3eformator" #(hoo%, the
%(provin(ia% GovernmentD sha%%
appoint either (a a #$perintendent and a 'ommittee of
<isitors, or (b a +oard of @ana-ement.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L. G.KF
#$!s. ibid., for the ori-ina% se(tion 10.
#ee now the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(od$re,1;9; (0 of 1;9;.
/or notifi(ation ma2in- s$(h appointments, See different %o(a% 3$1es and Orders.
/ )9
(2 ,ver" 'ommittee and ever" +oard so appointed m$st (onsist of not %ess than five
persons, of whom two at %east sha%% !e
C(iti1ens ofD *a2istanD.
(3 The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" s$spend or remove an" #$perintendent or an"
@em!er of a 'ommittee or +oard so appointed.
18. S";'1%*$'*8'*$ 2a< 7%&'*#' <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1# $) '2;7)<'1# )9 7a5)"1.-(1 ,ver"
#$perintendent so appointed ma", with the san(tion of the 'ommittee, !" %i(ense $nder his
hand, permit an" "o$thf$% offender sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo%, who has attained the a-e of
fo$rteen "ears, to %ive $nder the (har-e of an" tr$stworth" and respe(ta!%e person named in
the %i(ense, or an" offi(er of Government or of a @$ni(ipa%it", !ein- an emp%o"er of %a!o$r
and wi%%in- re(eive and ta2e (har-e of him, on the (ondition that the emp%o"er sha%% 2eep
s$(h "o$thf$% offender emp%o"ed at some trade, o(($pation or (a%%in-.
(2 The %i(ense sha%% !e in for(e for three months and no %on-er, at an" time and from
time to time $nti% the e.piration of the period for whi(h the "o$thf$% offender has !een
dire(ted to !e detained, !e renewed for three months at a time.
13. Ca*&'77a$%)* )9 7%&'*#'.- The %i(ense sha%% !e (an(e%%ed at the desire of the emp%o"er 8
named in the %i(ense.
20. '$'12%*a$%)* )9 7%&'*#'.- If d$rin- the term of the %i(ense the emp%o"er named therein
dies, or (eases from !$siness or to emp%o" %a!o$r, or the period for whi(h the "o$thf$%
offender has !een dire(ted to !e detained in the 3eformator" #(hoo% e.pires, Mthe %i(ense
.sha%% there$pon (ease and determine.
21. Ca*&'77a$%)* )9 7%&'*#' %* &a#' )9 %77-$1'a$2'*$.- If it appears to the #$perintendent that
the emp%o"er of %i(ense in has i%%8treated the "o$thf$% offender, or has not ade?$ate%"
provided for his %od-in- and maintenan(e, the #$perintendent ma" (an(e% the %i(ense.
22. S";'1%*$'*8'*$ $) 5' 8''2'8 @"a18%a* )9 <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1#.- (1 The #$perintendent
of a 3eformator" #(hoo% sha%% !e deemed to !e the -$ardian of ever" "o$thf$% offender
detained Min s$(h s(hoo%, within then1eanin- of
A(t 6o. >I> of 1;0= (#on#ernin3 the
bindin3 of a!!renti#e$
P)w'1 $) a;;1'*$%&' <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1.- (2 If it appears to the #$perintendent that an"
"o$thf$% offender %i(ensed, $nder se(tion 1; has !ehaved we%% d$rin- one or more periods of
his %i(ense, the #$perintendent ma", with the san(tion, of the 'ommittee, apprenti(e him
$nder the provisions of the, said A(t, and on s$(h apprenti(ement the ri-ht to detain s$(h
"o$thf$% offender in a 3eformator" #(hoo% sha%% (ease, and the $ne.pired term (if an" of his
senten(e sha%% !e (an(e%%ed.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1949, #(h., for &6atives of IndiaK.
#$!s. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and s(h. for &+ritish s$!:e(ts domi(i%ed inK &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 1126.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
T!e Apprenti(es A(t, 1;0=.
23. "$%'# )9 C)22%$$'' )9 V%#%$)1#.- (1 ,ver" 'ommittee of <isitors appointed $nder
se(tion 17 for a 3eformator" #(hoo% sha%%, at %east on(e in ever" monthI
(a visit, the s(hoo%, to hear (omp%aints and see that the re?$irements of se(tion )
have !een (omp%ied with, and that the mana-ement of the s(hoo% is proper in
a%% respe(tsF
(b e.amine the p$nishment8!oo2F
(( !rin- an" spe(ia% (ases to the noti(e of the Inspe(tor Genera%F and
(d $ee that no person is i%%e-a%%" detained in the #(hoo%.
(2 If an" mem!er of a 'ommittee of <isitors so appointed fai%s or ne-%e(ts, d$rin- a
period of si. (onse($tive months, to visit the s(hoo% and assist in the dis(har-e of the d$ties
aforesaid, he sha%% (ease to !e a mem!er of s$(h 'ommittee.
2C. P)w'1# )9 .)a18 )9 Ma*a@'2'*$.- If, in of the power (onferred !" se(tion 17,
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD appoints a +oard of @ana-ement for an" 3eformator"M #(hoo%,
s$(h +oard sha%% have the powers and perform the f$n(tions of the #$perintendent $nder
se(tions 1; to 22, !oth in(%$siveF and the %i(ense mentioned in se(tion 1; ma" !e $nder the
hand of their (hairmanF and the" sha%% !e deemed to !e the -$ardians of the "o$thf$%
offenders detained in s$(h s(hoo%.
25. P)w'1 $) a;;)%*$ T1"#$''# )1 )$6'1 Ma*a@'1# )9 a #&6))7 $) 5' a .)a18 )9
Ma*a@'2'*$.- The
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" de(%are an" !od" of Tr$stees or
@ana-ers of a s(hoo%, who are wi%%in- to a(t in (onformit" with the r$%es referred to in
se(tion 0, (%a$se (!, to !e a +oard of @ana-ement $nder this A(t, and there$pon s$(h !od"
or @ana-er sha%% have a%% the powers and perform a%% the f$n(tions of s$(h +oard of
2G. P)w'1 )9 .)a18 $) 2a:' 1"7'#.8 (I 7ith the previo$s san(tion of the
GovernmentD, ever" +oard of @ana-ement of a 3eformator" #(hoo% ma" from time to time
ma2e r$%es (onsistent with this A(tI
(i pres(ri!e the arti(%es whi(h are to !e deemed to !e &prohi!ited
arti(%esKF and
(ii to re-$%ate8
(a the (ond$(t of !$siness of the +oardF
(! the mana-ement of the s(hoo%F
(( the ed$(ation and ind$stria% trainin- of "o$thf$% offendersF
(d visits to, and (omm$ni(ation with, "o$thf$% offendersF
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937. for &L.G.K.
(e the terms and (onditions $nder whi(h an" arti(%es de(%ared !" the +oard to !e
&prohi!ited arti(%esK ma" !e introd$(ed into or removed o$t of the s(hoo%F
(f the manner in whi(h s$(h arti(%es are to !e removed when introd$(ed witho$t
d$e a$thorit"F
(- the (onditions and %imitations $nder whi(h s$(h arti(%es ma" !e s$pp%ied
o$tside the s(hoo% to an" "o$thf$% offender $nder order of detention thereinF
(h the (onditions on whi(h the possession !" an" s$(h "o$thf$% offender of s$(h
arti(%es ma" !e san(tionedF
(i the pena%ties to !e imposed for the s$pp%" or possession of s$(h arti(%es when
s$pp%ied or possessed witho$t d$e a$thorit"F
(: the p$nishment of offen(es (ommitted !" "o$thf$% offendersF and .
(2 the -rantin- of %i(enses for the emp%o"ment of "o$thf$% offenders.
(2 In the a!sen(e of a +oard of @ana-ement the
C*rovin(ia% GovernmentD ma" ma2e r$%es
(onsistent with this A(t to re-$%ate for an" 3eformator" #(hoo% the matters mentioned in an"
(%a$se of s$!8se(tion (1, other than (%a$se (ii, (a, and a%so the mode in whi(h the 'ommittee of
<isitors sha%% (ond$(t their !$siness.
24. P'*a7$< 9)1 %*$1)8"&$%)* )1 1'2)(a7 )1 #";;7< )9 ;1)6%5%$'8 a1$%&7'# a*8 &)22"*%&a$%)*
w%$6 <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1#.- 7hoever, (ontrar" to an" r$%e made $nder se(tion 2), introd$(es or
removes or attempts !" an" means whatever to introd$(e or remove into or from an"
3eformator" #(hoo%, or s$pp%ies or attempts to s$pp%" o$tside the %imits of an" 3eformator"
#(hoo% to an" "o$thf$% offender $nder order of detention therein, an" prohi!ited arti(%e,
and ever" offi(er or person in (har-e of a 3eformator" #(hoo% who, (ontrar" to an" s$(h
r$%e, 2nowin-%" s$ffers an" s$(h arti(%e to !e introd$(ed into or removed from an" 3eformator"
#(hoo%, to !e possessed !" an" "o$thf$% offender detained therein, or to !e s$pp%ied to an" s$(h
"o$thf$% offender o$tside its %imits,
and whoever, (ontrar" to an" s$(h r$%e, (omm$ni(ates or attempts to (omm$ni(ate with an"
s$(h "o$thf$% offender,
and whoever a!ets an" offen(e made p$nisha!%e $nder this se(tion, sha%%, on (onvi(tion
!efore a @a-istrate, !e %ia!%e to imprisonment for a term not e.(eedin- si. months, or to fine not
e.(eedin- two h$ndred r$pees, or to !oth.
28. P'*a7$< 9)1 a5'$$%*@ '#&a;' )9 <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1.- 7hoever a!ets an es(ape, or an attempt
to es(ape on the part of a "o$thf$% offender from a 3eformator" #(hoo%, or from the emp%o"er of
s$(h "o$thf$% offender, sha%% !e p$nisha!%e
#$!s. !". A.O., 1937, for &L.G.K.
with imprisonment for a term whi(h ma" e.tend to si. months, or with fine not e.(eedin- two
h$ndred r$pees, or with !oth.
23. A11'#$ )9 '#&a;'8 <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1.DA *o%i(e8offi(er ma", witho$t orders from a
@a-istrate and witho$t a warrant, arrest an" "o$thf$% offender sent to a 3eformator" #(hoo%
$nder this A(t, who has es(aped from s$(h s(hoo% or from his emp%o"er, and. ta2e him !a(2 to
s$(h s(hoo% or to his emp%o"er.
30. B9!!"i#ation of 9#t )* of 1;)9 to youthfu" offender$. detained in eformatory S#hoo"$.@ e!.
!" the :ri$oner$ 9#t, 11?? &+++ of 11??(, $. 03 and S#hedu"e +++.
31. P)w'1 $) 8'a7 %* )$6'1 wa<# w%$6 <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1# %*&7"8%*@ @%17#.D(1 6otwithstandin-
an"thin- (ontained in this A(t or / in an" other ena(tment for the time !ein- in for(e, an" 'o$rt
ma", if it sha%% thin2 fit, instead of senten(in- an" "o$thf$% offender to transportation or
imprisonment or dire(tin- him to !e detained in a 3eformator" #(hoo%, order him to !e8
&a( dis(har-ed after d$e admonition, or
&b( de%ivered to his parent or to his -$ardian or nearest ad$%t re%ative, on s$(h parent,
-$ardian or re%ative e.e($tin- a !ond, with or witho$t s$reties, as the 'o$rt ma"
re?$ire, to !e responsi!%e for the -ood !ehavio$r of the "o$thf$% offender for an"
period not e.(eedin- twe%ve months.
(2 /or the p$rposes of this se(tion the term &"o$thf$% offenderK sha%% in(%$de a -ir%.
(3 The powers (onferred on the 'o$rt !" this se(tion sha%% !e on%" !" 'o$rts
empowered !" or $nder se(tion ;.
(4 7hen an" "o$thf$% offender is (onvi(ted !" a 'o$rt not empowered to a(t $nder this
se(tion and the 'o$rt is of opinion that the powers (onferred !" this se(tion sho$%d !e
in respe(t of s$(h "o$thf$% offender, it ma" re(ord s$(h opinion and s$!mit the pro(eedin-s and
forward the "o$thf$% offender to the Aistri(t @a-istrate to whom s$(h 'o$rt is s$!ordinate.
(0 The Aistri(t @a-istrate to whom the pro(eedin-s are so% s$!mitted ma" there$pon
ma2e s$(h order or pass s$(h senten(e as he mi-ht have made or passed if the (ase had ori-ina%%"
!een tried !" him.
32. P1)&'8"1' w6'* <)"$69"7 )99'*8'1 "*8'1 8'$'*$%)* %* a R'9)12a$)1< S&6))7 %# a@a%*
&)*(%&$'8 a*8 #'*$'*&'8.D7hen a "o$thf$% offender d$rin- his period of detention in a
3eformator" #(hoo% is a-ain (onvi(ted !" a 'rimina% 'o$rt, the senten(e of s$(h 'o$rt sha%%
(ommen(e at on(e, notwithstandin- an"thin- to the (ontrar" in se(tion 397 of the
'ode of
'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;;2, !$t the 'o$rt sha%% forthwith report the matter to the
GovernmentD , whi(h sha%% have power to dea% with the matter in an" wa" in whi(h it thin2s fit.
See now the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (0 of1;9;.
#$!s. !" A. =.. 1937. for &L G.K.
1. #hort tit%e.
2. Be!ea"ed.@
3. Aefinitions.
4. App%i(ation of fore-oin- definitions to previo$s ena(tments.
4A. App%i(ation of (ertain definitions to a%% *a2istan %aws.
0. 'omin- into operation of ena(tments.
09. BOmitted.@
). ,ffe(t of repea%.
)A. 3epea% !f A(t ma2in- te.t$a% amendment in A(t or 3e-$%ation.
7. 3eviva% of repea%ed ena(tments.
;. 'onstr$(tion of referen(es to repea%ed ena(tments.
9. 'ommen(ement and termination of time.
1=. 'omp$tation of time.
11. @eas$rement of distan(es.
12. A$t" to !e ta2en !ro rata in ena(tments.
13. Gender and n$m!er.
13A. BOmitted.@
14. *owers (onferred to !e!%e from time to time.
10. *ower to appoint to in(%$de power to appoint e/ Offi#io.
1). *ower to appoint to in(%$de power to s$spend or dismiss.
17. #$!stit$tion of f$n(tionaries.
1;. #$((essors.
19. Offi(ia% (hiefs and s$!ordinates.
2=. 'onstr$(tion of orders, et(., iss$ed $nder ena(tments.
21. *ower to ma2e, to in(%$de power to add to, amend, var" or res(ind, orders, r$%es or !"e8%aws.
22. @a2in- of r$%es or !"e8%aws and iss$in- of orders !etween passin- and (ommen(ement of
23. *rovisions app%i(a!%e to ma2in- of r$%es or !"e8%aws after previo$s p$!%i(ation.
24. 'ontin$ation, of orders, et(., iss$ed $nder ena(tments repea%ed and re8ena(ted.
20. 3e(over" of fines.
2). *rovision as to offen(es p$nisha!%e $nder two or more ena(tments.
27. @eanin- of servi(e !" post.
2;. 'itation of ena(tments.
29. #avin- for previo$s ena(tments, r$%es and !"e8%aws.
3=. App%i(ation of A(t to Ordinan(es.
3=A.31. Be!ea"ed.@
31. App%i(ation of A(t to Orders made !" the *resident.
THE SCHEDULE.,Be!ea"ed.@
A&T N). / OF 1834
B11th 5ar#h, 1;97D
A* A&$ $) &)*#)7%8a$' a*8 'A$'*8 $6' G'*'1a7 C7a"#'# A&$#, 18G8 a*8 1884.
7G,3,A# it is e.pedient to (onso%idate and e.tend the Genera% '%a$ses A(ts, 1;); and
1;;7 F Utis here!" ena(ted as fo%%owsHI
1. S6)$ $%$7'.D(1 This A(t ma" !e (a%%ed the. Genera% '%a$ses A(t, 1;97F 2
2. Be!ea".@.e!. by the e!ea"in3 and 9mendin3 9#t, 19=3 &+ of 19=3, $. 4 and S#hedu"e +++.
3. '9%*%$%)*#.DIn this A(t, and in a%%
C'entra% A(tsD and 3e-$%ations made after the
(ommen(ement of this A(t, $n%ess there is an"thin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,
(1 EA5'$F.DKa!etK, with its -rammati(a% variations and (o-nate e.pressions, sha%%
have the same meanin- as in the *a2istan *ena% 'ode.
/or #tatement of O!:e(ts and 3easons, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;97, *t. <, p. 3;F for 3eport of the #e%e(t 'ommittee, $ee ibid., p. 77 F and for
*ro(eedin-s in 'o$n(i%, see ibid. *t. <I, pp. 30, 4=, 0) and 7).
This A(t has !een de(%ared to !e in for(e in +a%$(histan !" the +ritish +a%$(histan Laws 3e-$%ation, 1913 (2 of 1913.
It has !een app%ied to *h$%era in the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% to the e.tent the A(t is app%i(a!%e in the 6.7./.*., s$!:e(t to (ertain modi8
fi(ationsF and a%so e.tended to the ,.(%$ded Area of Lpper Tanawa% (6o 7./.*. other than *h$%era with effe(t from s$(h date and s$!:e(t to
s$(h modifi(ations as ma" !e notifiedI see 6.7./.*. (Lpper Tanawa% (,.(%$ded Area Laws 3e-$%ation. 190=. .
It has a%so !een e.tended to the Leased Areas of +a%$(histan, $ee the Leased Areas (Laws Order, 190= (G.G.O.3 of 190=F and app%ied in the
/ederated Areas of +a%$(histan. $ee Ga1ette of India, 1937, *t. I, p. 1499.
The A(t has !een e.tended to the who%e of *a2istan and sha%% !e deemed to have !een so e.tended on the 14th da" of O(to!er, 1900, $ee the
'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 1Y= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and #e(ond #(h.
The provisions of this A(t have !een e.tended to the #pe(ia% Areas of 7est *a2istan !" 7est *a2istan 3e-$%ation 6o.1 of 19)1 &with effe#t .from
the 13th Se!tember. 19)1.
he word &andK in s$!8se(tion (1 and the who%e of s$!8se(tion (2 rep. !" the 3epea%in4 and Amendin- A(t. 1914 (1= of 1914, ;. IU. and ite3.
#$!s. !" .A. =. 1937. for &A(ts of the G.G. in '.K.
(2 &A&$F N)*-A&&'8%*@ S$a$'.DKa(t &, $sed with referen(e to an offen(e or a (ivi% wron-,
sha%% in(%$de a series of a(ts, and words whi(h refer to a(ts done e.tend a%so to i%%e-a%
(3 EA99%8a(%$F.DKaffidavitK sha%% in(%$de affirmation and de(%aration in the (ase of persons
!" %aw a%%owed to affirm or de(%are instead of swearin-H
(3( E.a7"&6%#$a*F.DK+a%$(histanK sha%% mean the territories (omprised in &+ the 'hief
'ommissionerMs *rovin(e of +a%$(histan immediate%" !efore the fo$rteenth da" of
O(to!er, 1900
Cand after the first da" of E$%", 197=, the *rovin(e of +a%$(histan,
(omprisin- the territories mentioned in the #(hed$%e to the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan
(Aisso%$tion Order, 197=HD
(4 E.a11%#$'1F.DK!arristerK sha%% mean a !arrister of ,n-%and or Ire%and, or a mem!er of the
/a($%t" of Advo(ates in #(ot%andH
'1. (%a as amended !" A. =., 1949, #(h., has !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration, Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1 s. 3
and 2nd #(h.
'%s. &3a( and &3b( as amended !" A(t 1= of 1914, s. 2 and #(h. I, A(t 24 of 1917, s. 2 and #(h. I, A(t 1; of 192;, s. 2 and #(h. I, A.O., 1937, and
Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &w.e.f. 1-th O#tober, 1900, has !een omitted !" Ord. 27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s.Hand added%!" /. A. =., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
,%. (3d omitted !" Ord. 27 of 19;1, s. 3 and #(h. II.
C1. (0 as amended !" A(t 1= of1914, s. 2 and #(h. I and A(t 24 of 1917, s. 2 and #(h. I, has !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and
Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1 s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'1. (0a re%atin- to &+erarK, whi(h was ins. !" A.O., 1937, rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and
2nd #(h.
'%. (0! re%atin- to &+ihar and Orissa A(tK, whi(h was first ins. as (1. (#a !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (1= of 1914, s. 2 and #(h.
I and then re8n$m!ered as (1. (0! !" A. =., 1937, rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901, (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'I. (0( whi(h was ins. !" A. =., 1937, rep. !" A(t. 2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'I. () as amended !" vario$s ena(tments has !een omitted !" the /%dara% Laws (3evision 4 Ae(%aratiens Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s. 3
and 2nd #(h.
C(7 E.1%$%#6 I*8%aF.DF+ritish IndiaK sha%% mean, as respe(ts the period !efore the
2(ommen(ement of *art III of the Government of India A(t, 1930, an territories and
p%a(es within Gis @a:est"Ms dominions whi(h were for the time !ein- -overned !"
Gis @a:est" thro$-h the Governor Genera% of India or thro$-h an" Governor or
offi(er s$!ordinate to the Governor Genera% of India, and as respe(ts an" period after
that date
Cand !efore the esta!%ishment of the /ederation of *a2istanD means a%%
territories for the time !ein- (omprised within the GovernorsM *rovin(es and the 'hief
'ommissionersM *rovin(es, e.(ept that a referen(e to +ritish India in an Indian %aw
passed or made !efore the 2 (ommen(ement of *art III of the Government of India
A(t, 1930, sha%% 0, not in(%$de a referen(e to +erarHD.
(; E.1%$%#6 ;)##'##%)*F.DK+ritish possessionK sha%% mean an" part of Ger @a:est"Ms
dominions, e.(%$sive of the Lnited Oin-dom, and, where parts of those dominions
are $nder !oth a (entra% and a %o(a% %e-is%at$re, a%% parts $nder the 'entra% Le-is%at$re
sha%%, for the p$rposes of this definition, !e deemed to !e one +ritish possessionH
C(;aa EC'*$1a7 A&$F.DK'entra% A(tK sha%% mean an A(t of the 'entra% %a-is%at$re, and sha%%
in(%$de, e.(ept in se(tion s, an A(t made !" the Governor Genera% $nder se(tion )7 +
of the Government of India A(t,
C(;a! EF'8'1a7 G)('1*2'*$F.DK;C/edera% GovernmentD & sha%%I
&a( in re%ation to an"thin- done !efore the
(ommen(ement of *art III of the Government
of India A(t, 1930, mean the Governor Genera% in 'o$n(i%or the a$thorit" (ompetent
at the re%evant date to the f$n(tions (orrespondin- to those s$!se?$ent%" !" theM Governor Genera%F
&b( in re%ation to an"thin- done after the
(ommen(ement of *art III of the said A(t, !$t
!efore the esta!%ishment of the /ederation of *a2istan, mean, as respe(ts matters with
respe(t to whi(h the Governor Genera% was
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the ori-ina% (%a$se (7.
+.e., the 1st Apri%, 1937.
Ins. !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (G. G. O. 2= of 1947.
'EF (#a re%atin- to &+$rma A(tK whi(h was ins. !" the Amendin- A(t, 19=3 (1 of 19=3, s. 3 and #(h. II, rep. !" the /edera% Laws
(3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
Ins. !" A. =., 1937.
The words and fi-$res &or se(tion 44 of the Government of India A(t, 1930K omitted !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan
Laws Order, 1947 (G. G. O. 2= of 1947.
#$!s. ibid., for (%a$se (sa!, whi(h had !een ins. !" A. =., 1931.
#$!s. !" /.A.O. ,1970 for Art. 2 and Ta!%e f$r, &'entra% GovernmentK
!" or $nder the provisions of the said A(t then in for(e re?$ired to a(t in his dis(retion, the
Governor Genera% and as respe(ts other matters, the Governor Genera% in 'o$n(i% F1J
&#( in re%ation to an"thin- done
J J J after the esta!%ishment of the /ederation of
C!$t !efore the twent"8third da" of @ar(h, 190)D, mean the Governor Genera%F
and sha%% in(%$deI
(i in re%ation to f$n(tions entr$sted $nder s$!8se(tion (1 of se(tion 124 of the said A(t to
the Government of a *rovin(e, the *rovin(ia% Government a(tin- within the s(ope of the
a$thorit" -iven to it $nder that s$!8se(tionF and
(ii in re%ation to the administration
C!efore the fo$rteenth da" of O(to!er, 1900,D of a 'hief
'ommissionerMs *rovin(e, the 'hief 'ommissioner a(tin- within the s(ope of the
a$thorit" -iven to him $nder s$!8se(tion (3 of se(tion 94 of the said A(t
B&d( in re%ation to an"thin- done or to !e done, after the twent"8third da" of @ar(h, 190),
mean the *residentF and sha%% in(1$de in re%ation to f$n(tions entr$sted to the
Government of a *rovin(e, the *rovin(ia% Government a(tin- within the s(ope of the
a$thorit" -iven to it !" the *resident
C F andDD
C(e in re%ation to an"thin- done or to !e done, after the fo$rteenth da" of A$-$st, 1973, mean
the *rime @inister and the /edera% @inistersF and sha%% in(%$de in re%ation to f$n(tions
entr$sted to the Government of a *rovin(e, the *rovin(ia% Government a(tin- within the
s(ope of the a$thorit" -iven to or power (onferred on it !" the /edera% Government FD
C(;a( EC'*$1a7 L'@%#7a$"1'F.DK'entra% Le-is%at$reK sha%% mean the Governor Genera% in
'o$n(i% a(tin- in a %e-is%ative (apa(it" $nder the Government of India A(t, 1;33, the
Government of
The word &andK omitted !" A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
The words &or to !e doneK omitted ibid. &with effe#t from the 43
5ar#h, 190).
Ins. ibid. &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
Ins. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and #e(ond #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
#$!,. !" A. =.,19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for the f$%% stop &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
Omitted, s$!s. and added !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
#$!.8(%a$se (d ins. !" A.O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
'I. (#a( ins. !" A. =., 1937.
India A(t, 1;Z3, the Indian 'o$n(i%s A(ts, 1;)1 to 19=9, or an" of those A(ts, or the
Government of India A(t, 1910, the Indian Le-is%at$re a(tin- $nder 1 the Government of India
A(t, or the Government of India A(t, 1930, or the /edera% Le-is%at$re a(tin- $nder the
Government of India A(t, 1930,
Cor the *ar%iament a(tin- $nder the 'onstit$tion
Cof 190) or
the 'entra% Le-is%at$re a(tin- $nder the 'onstit$tion of 19)2D
C or the /edera% Le-is%at$re a(tin-
$nder the Interim 'onstit$tion of 1972, or *ar%iament a(tin- $nder the 'onstit$tion of 1973D as
the (ase ma" re?$ire HD
(9 EC6a;$'1F.DK'hapterK sha%% mean a 'hapter of the A(t or 3e-$%ation in whi(h the word
C(9a EC6%'9 R'('*"' A"$6)1%$<F.DK'hief 3even$e A$thorit"K sha%% mean the +oard of
3even$e of a *rovin(eHD
(1= &Aistri(t Offi(er (3even$eK sha%% means the (hief offi(er in (har-e of reven$e
administration of a Aistri(tHD
(12 EC)22'*&'2'*$F.DK(ommen(ementK, $sed with referen(e to an A(t or 3e-$%ation,
mean the da" on whi(h the A(t or 3e-$%ation (omes into for(eH
'ertain words ins, !" A. =.,19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. &with effe#t from the 43
5ar#h, 190).
Ins. !" A. =., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
Ins. !" /. A. =., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
'%. (;! re%atin- to &'entra% *rovin(es A(tK whi(h was ins. !" the #e(ond 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (17 of 1914, s. 2 and #(h. I, rep.
!" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'I. (;( re%atin- to &'entra% *rovin(es and +erar A(t &, whi(h was ins. !" A. =.,1937, rep. !" A(t 2) of 1901, s. 3, and II #(h.
#$!s. !" A. =., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h., for d. (9a, whi(h was first ins. !" A. =., 1937 and s$!se?$ent%" amended !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of
,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (G.G.O. 2= of 1947, A(t 2) of 1901, s.3 and 2nd #(h., the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e,19)=
(21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., A. =.,19)1, Art. 2 and s(hF and the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)1 (1 of 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" G.G.O. 2= of 1947, #(h., for the ori-ina% (%a$se (1=.
Added !" the Genera% '%a$ses (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 19)1 (29 of 19)1, se(tion 2.
'%a$se (11 re%atin- to &(o%on"K, whi(h was amended !" vario$s ena(tments have !een omitted !" /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration
Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1 s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#ee se(tion 0 on pa-e 40;, infra.
#$!s. !" Ord. 3) of of =1, s.2 (w.e.f 148=;8=1
C(13a EC)*#$%$"$%)*F.DK'onstit$tionK means the 'onstit$tion of the Is%ami( MH4 3ep$!%i( of
*a2istan !ro$-ht into for(e on the
Cfo$rteenth da" of A$-$st, 1973D HD
(14 EC)*#"7a1 O99%&'1F.DK'ons$%ar offi(erK sha%% in(%$de (ons$%8-enera%, (ons$%, vi(e8
(ons$%, (ons$%ar a-ent pro8(ons$% and an" person for the time !ein- a$thori1ed to
perform the d$ties of (ons$%8-enera%, (ons$%, vi(e8(ons$% or (ons$%ar a-entH
(10 E%#$1%&$ J"8@'F.DKAistri(t E$d-eK sha%% mean the E$d-e of a prin(ipa% 'ivi% 'o$rt of
ori-ina% :$risdi(tion, !$t sha%% not in(%$de a Gi-h 'o$rt in the of its ordinar" or
e.traordinar" ori-ina% (ivi% :$risdi(tionH
(1) E)&"2'*$F.DKdo($mentK sha%% in(%$de an" matter written, e.pressedKD or des(ri!ed
$pon an" s$!stan(e !" means of %etters, fi-$res or mar2s, or !" more than one of those
means whi(h is intended to !e $sed, or whi(h ma" !e $sed, for the p$rpose of re(ordin-
that matterH
(17 EE*a&$2'*$F.DKena(tmentK sha%% in(%$de a 3e-$%ation (as hereinafter defined and an"
3e-$%ation of the +en-a%,
J or +om!a" 'ode, and sha%% a%so in(%$de an" provision
(ontained in an" A(t or in an" s$(h 3e-$%ation as aforesaidH
(1; EFa$6'1F.DKfather &, in the (ase of an"one whose8 persona% %aw permits adoption, sha%%
in(%$de an adoptive fatherH
Added !" the Genera% '%a$ses (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 19)1 (29 of 19)1, se(tion 2.
'%. (13a ins. !" A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. &with effe#t from the 43
5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" /. A. =F, 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for &ei-hth8da" of E$ne 19)2 &whi(h was previo$s%" s$!s.!"A. =., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.,for &twent"
third da" of @ar(h, 190)K, to read as a!ove.
Cf. the 'ons$%ar #a%aries and /ees A(t, 1;91 (04 4 00 <iet., (. 3), s.3.
C"$. (%4a (14! (%4(, (14d, (14e, (14f and (14-, whi(h were firstF ins. !" A. =., 1937, and then amended !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of
,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (GF G. O. 2= of 1947, #(h., omitted !" A. =., 19)1 Art. 2 and #(h. &with effe#t fJrom the 43rd 5ar#h,
'%a$ses (1)a, (1)! and (1)( whi(h were ins. !" A(t 1= of 1914, G.G.O. 2= of 1947 and A. =., 19)1 respe(tive%", have !een omitted !" the
/edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s.3 E. and 2nd #(h.
The wordK @adrasK omitted !" G.G.O. 2= of 1947, #(h.
'%a$ses (1;a and (1;1 re%atin- to &/edera% Government,K andK /edera% 3ai%wa" A$thorit" &respe(tive%" omitted +bid.
Omitted !" Ord. 3) of =1, s.2 (w.e.f 148=;8=1.
C(19 EF%*a*&%a7 <'a1F.DK finan(ia% "earK meansI
&a( as respe(ts the period !ef=re the first da" of Apri%, 1909, the "ear (ommen(in- on the
first da" of Apri% and endin- on the thirt" first da" of @ar(hF
&b( as respe(ts the period from the first da" of Apri%, 1909, to the thirtieth da" of E$ne, 1909,
!oth da"s in(%$sive, that period F and
&#( thereafter, the "ear (ommen(in- on the first da" of E$%" and endin- on the thirtieth da" of
E$ne HD
(2= EG))8 9a%$6F.Da thin- sha%% !e deemed to !e done in &-ood faithK where it is in fa(t done
honest%", whether it is done ne-%i-ent%" or notH
(2=A. 3$%es and OrderF et(., to !e p$!%ished.IA%% r$%es, Orders, re-$%ations and (ir($%ars
havin- the effe(t of %aw made or iss$ed $nder an" ena(tment sha%% !e p$!%ished in the
offi(ia% Ga1ette.K.D
C(21 EG)('1*2'*$F.DKGovernmentK or &the GovernmentK sha%% in(%$de !oth the
GovernmentD and an" *rovin(ia% GovernmentHD
(20 EI22)('a57' ;1);'1$<F.DKimmovea!%e propert"K sha%% in(%$de %and, !enefits to arise
o$t of %and, and thin-s atta(hed to the earth, or permanent%" fastened to an"thin- atta(hed
to the earthH
(2) EI2;1%#)*2'*$F.DKimprisonmentK sha%% mean imprisonment of either des(ription as
defined in the *a2istan *ena% 'odeH
C(27 EI*8%aF.DKIndiaK sha%% meanI
&a( as respe(ts an" period !efore the esta!%ishment of the /ederation of *a2istan,
+ritish India to-ether with a%% territories of an" Indian r$%er then $nder the
s$1eraint" of Gis @a:est", a%% territories $nder the s$1eraint" of s$(h an Indian
r$%er, and the tri!a% areasF and
&b( as respe(ts an" period after the esta!%ishment of the /ederation of *a2istan a%%
territories for the time !ein- in(%$ded in the Aominion of India
Cor the Lnion of
IndiaD HD
#$!s. !" the Genera% '%a$ses (Amdt. Ordinan(e, 1909 (14 of 1909, Cse(tion 2, for the ori-ina% (%a$se 19.
Cf. the *a2istan *ena% 'ode (A(t 40 of 1;)=, s. 02, the +i%%s of ,.(han-e A(t. 1;;2 (40 4 4) <i(t., (. )1, s. 9=, and the #a%e of Goods A(t,
1;93 (0) 4 07 <iet., (. 71, s. )2. /or dis($ssion in 'o$n(i% re-ardin- this (%a$se, $ee Ga1ette of India, 1;97, *art <I, pp. 0) to )2 and 7) to 79.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for the ori-ina% definition.
#$!s. !" /.A.=.,1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% GovernmentK.
'%. (21a to (24 previo$s%" amended !" vario$s ena(tments have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1
(27 of 19;1 s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" G.G.O. 2= of 1947, #(h., for (%a$se (27 whi(h had !een s$!s. for the ori-ina% (%a$se !" A. =., 1937.
Ins. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and #e(ond #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober, 1900.
#$!s. ins !" Ord. 33 of =2.
(2; EL)&a7 a"$6)1%$<F.DK%o(a% a$thorit"K sha%% mean a m$ni(ipa% (ommittee, distri(t !oard,
!od" of port (ommissioners or other a$M a$thorit" %e-a%%" entit%ed to, or entr$sted !" the
Government with, the (ontro% or mana-ement of a m$ni(ipa% or %o(a% f$ndF
(31 EMa@%#$1a$'F.DK@a-istrateK sha%% in(%$de ever" person a%% or an" of the
powers of a @a-istrate $nder the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re for the time !ein- in for(eH
(32 EMa#$'1H !)9 a #6%;+.DKmasterK, $sed with referen(e to a ship, sha%% mean an" person
(e.(ept a pi%ot or har!o$r8master havin- for the time !ein- (ontro% or (har-e of the shipH
(33 EM)*$6F.DKmonthK sha%% mean a month re(2oned a((ordin- to the +ritish (a%endarH
(34 EM)('a57' ;1);'1$<F.DKmovea!%e propert"K sha%% mean propert" of ever"K des(ription,
e.(ept immovea!%e propert"H
C(34a1 EN)1$6--'#$ F1)*$%'1F.DK6orth87est /rontierK sha%% mean the territories (omprised in
the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e immediate%" !efore the fo$rteenth da" of O(to!er,
1900 0C , DD
Cand on or after the first8da" of E$%", 197=, the 6orth 7est /rontier *rovin(e (omprisin-
the territories mentioned inM the #(hed$%e to the *rovin(e of 7est8*a2istan (Aisso%$tion
Order, 197=HD
C(34a EN)1$6--'#$ F1)*$%'1 P1)(%*&' A&$F.DK6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e A(tK sha%% mean
an A(t made !" the %o(a% Le-is%at$re or the Governor of the 6orth87est /rontier
*rovin(e $nder the Government of India A(t, or !" the *rovin(ia% Le-is%at$re or the
Governor of the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(e $nder the Government of India A(t,
1930 HD
'I. (27a re%atin- to &Indian LawK, whi(h was ins. !" A. =., 1937, omitted !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order,
1947 (=.=.=. 2= of 1947.
'%a$ses (27! and (27( previo$s%" amended !" vario$s ena(tments have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration
Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'I. (29 definin-K L. G.K, rep. !" A. =., 1937 and d. (3= definin- &@adras A(tK rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t,
1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'I, (34a1. IA#. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober,
#$!s. and added !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
Ins. !" A. =., 1937.
(3) EOa$6F.DKoathK sha%% in(%$de affirmation and de(%aration in the (ase of persons !" %aw
a%%owed to affirm or de(%are instead of swearin-H
(37 EO99'*&'F.DKoffen(eK sha%% mean an" a(t or omission made p$nisha!%e !" an" %aw for
the time !ein- in for(eH
C(37a EO99%&%a7 GaI'$$'F.DKoffi(ia% Ga1etteK or &Ga1etteK sha%% mean the Ga1ette of
C*a2istanD, or, as the (ase ma" !e, the offi(ia% -a1ette of a *rovin(eHD
C(37! EPa:%#$a* LawF.DK*a2istan %awK sha%% mean an" A(t, Ordinan(e, 3e-$%ation, r$%e,
order, !"e8%aw or an" other instr$ment whi(h has or had the for(e of %aw in *a2istan or
an" part thereofF !$t does not in(%$de an A(t of *ar%iament of the Lnited Oin-dom or an"
Order8in8'o$n(i%, r$%e or other instr$ment made there$nderF D
(3; EPa1$F.DK*artK sha%% mean a *art of the A(t or 3e-$%ation in whi(h the word o(($rsH
(39 EP'1#)*F.DKpersonK sha%% in(%$de an" (ompan" or asso(iation or !od" of individ$a%s,
whether in(orporated or notH
C(4= EP)7%$%&a7 A@'*$F.DK*o%iti(a% A-entK sha%%,
&a( as respe(ts the period !efore the fo$rteenth da" of O(to!er, 1900, mean the prin(ipa%
offi(er !" what ever name (a%%ed representin- the
C/edera% GovernmentD in an A((edin-
#tate or -ro$p of A((edin- #tates or in an" territor" or p%a(e in the Tri!a% Areas
Cand as
respe(ts the period after the twent" first da" of Apri%, 1972, mean the prin(ipa% offi(er !"
whatever name (a%%ed representin- the /edera% Government in the /edera%%"
Administered Tri!a% AreasDF and
'%a$se (30 definin- &6orth87estern *rovin(es and O$dh A(tK rep. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3
and 2nd #(h.
Ins. !" A. A., 1937.
#$!s. !" t11= *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (G.G.O. 2= of 1947, #(h., for .India &.
'%a$se (37= whi(h was ori-ina%%" ins. !" G.G.A. 2= of 1947 and s$!se?$ent%" #$!s. !" A. =.,19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. have !een s$!s. !" the
/edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1F s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'%. (37! re%atin- to &Orrisa A(tK omitted !" the Genera% '%a$ses (Arndt. A(t, 1901 (27 of 1901, s. 2 &with effe#t from the 1-th 9u3u$t, 1947.
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)=8 (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th O#tober. 1900, for
(%a$se (4=, whi(h was ins. !" A.A., 1949, #(h. CThe ori-ina% (%a$se (4= as amended !" A. =., 1937, had !een omitted !" the *a2istan
(Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (G.G.A. 2= of 1947, #(h.D
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, 9rt. 2 and Ta!%e, forK 'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. ibid., Art. 2 and #(h.. forH or 1eased areasK.
(! as respe(ts the period after the thirteenth8da" of O(to!er, 1900,
Cand !efore the twent"8
first da" of Apri%, 1972,D mean the prin(ipa% offi(er !" whatever name (a%%ed (i
representin- the
C/edera% GovernmentD in an A((edin- #tate or (ii representin- the
*rovin(ia% Government in the
CTri!a% AreasD
Cand as respe(ts the period after the
twent"8first da" of Apri%, 1972, mean the prin(ipa% offi(er !" whatever name (a%%ed
representin- the /edera% Government in the /edera%%" Administered Tri!a% Areas and the
*rovin(ia% Government in the *rovin(ia%%" Administered tri!a% AreasD HD
C(43ai EP1)(%*&%a7 A&$F.DK*rovin(ia% A(tK sha%% mean an A(t made !" theK *rovin(ia% Governor
in 'o$n(i%, or 'hief 'ommissioner in 'o$n(i%, Lie$tenant8Governor in 'o$n(i%, or 'hief
'ommissioner in 'o$n(i% of a *rovin(e $nder an" of the Indian 'o$n(i%s A(ts or the
Government of India8A(t, 1910 or an A(t made !" the %o(a% Le-is%at$re or the Governor
of a *rovin(e $nder the Government of India A(t, or an A(t made !" the *rovin(ia%
Le-is%at$re or Governor of a *rovin(e $nder the Government of India A(t, 1930, or an
A(t made !" the *rovin(ia% Le-is%at$re esta!%ished or (ontin$ed $nder the 'onstit$tion
Cof 190) or an A(t made !" the *rovin(ia% Le-is%at$re esta!%ished $nder the 'onstit$tion
of 19)2D
Cor an A(t passed !" a *rovin(ia% Assem!%" esta!%ished $nder the Interim
'onstit$tion of 1972, or the 'onstit$tion of 1973D H D
C(43a EP1)(%*&%a7 G)('1*2'*$F.DK*rovin(ia% GovernmentKI
C(a as respe(ts an"thin- done after the esta!%ishment of the /ederation of *a2istan !$t !efore
the fo$rteenth da" of O(to!er, 1900, sha%% mean in a GovernorMs *rovin(e, the Governor,
and in a 'hief 'ommissionerMs *rovin(e, the /edera% GovernmentD F
Ins. !" /.A,O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
#$!s. i!id, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for .'entra% GovernmentK.
#$!s. !" A. =.,19)4, Art..2 and #(h., for &#pe(ia% AreasK.
'I. (41 definin-K *residen(" townK omitted !" G.G.O. 29 of 1947 #(h.
'%a$ses (42 and (43 whi(h were amended !" A. =.,1937F Ord. 21 of 19)=, A. =., 19)1, have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and
Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, #. 3 and 2nd #(h.
Ins. !" A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. &with,effe#t from the 43
Ins. !" A. =., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
#$!s. !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws, Order, 1947C(=.G.=. 2= of 1947, #(hK for the. (%a$se (43a, whi(h was ins. !" A.
=., 1937H
#$!s. !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s.3 and 2
#(h., for s$!8(%a$se (a &with effe#t from the 1-th
O#tober. 1122(
The 'hief Administrator to !e the *rovin(ia% Government in respe(t I.'.T see #.3.O 131) (IQ;=, dated 318128;=.
&aa( as respe(ts an"thin- done or to !e done after the thirteenth da" of O(to!erF 1900, sha%%
mean the Governor, and where the administration of an" area
Cvested in the Governor
Genera% or vests in the *residentD, the
C/edera% GovernmentDF
B&aaa( as respe(ts an" thin- done or to !e done after the fo$rteenth da" of A$-$st, 1973, sha%%
mean the 'hief @inisters and the *rovin(ia% @inisters and sha%% in(%$de, in re%ation to
f$n(tions entr$sted to the /edera% Government, the /edera% Government a(tin- within ti%e
s(ope of a$thorit" -iven to it !" the *rovin(ia% GovernmentD F
B&aaaa( as respe(ts an"thin- done or to !e done after the thirtieth da" of E$ne, 197=, in re%ation
to the Is%ama!ad 'apita% Territor" $nder an" %aw (omin- into for(e after that da", sha%%
mean the /edera% GovernmentFD
(! as respe(ts an"thin- done !efore the esta!%ishment 2) of the /ederation of *a2istan, !$t
after the
C(ommen(ement of *art III of the Government. of India A(t, 1930, sha%% mean
In a GovernorMs *rovin(e, the Governor a(tin- or not a(tin- in his dis(retion, and or not his individ$a% :$d-ment, a((ordin- to the provision in that
!eha%f made !" and $nder the said A(t, and in a 'hief 'ommissionerMs *rovin(e, the
C/edera% GovernmentD F and
(( as respe(ts an"thin- done !efore the (ommen(ement of *art III of the said A(t, sha%%
mean the a$thorit" or person a$thori1ed at the re%evant date to administer e.e($tive
-overnment in the *rovin(e in ?$estionHD
(44 EP"57%& *"%#a*&'F.DKp$!%i( n$isan(eK sha%% mean a p$!%i( n$isan(e as defined in the
*a2istan *ena% 'odeH
(40 ER'@%#$'1'8F.DKre-isteredK, $sed with referen(e to a do($ment, sha%% mean re-istered in
Ca *rovin(eD $nder the %aw for the time !ein- in for(e for the re-istration of do($mentsH
#$!s. !" A. =., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h., for .vests in the Governor Genera%K &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for .'entra% Government &.
Ins. i!id., Art. 2 and #(h.
Ins. !" the Genera% '%a$ses (Amdt. Ord., 1979 (32 of 1979, s. 2.
+.e., the 1st Apri%, 1937.
'13. (44a% and (44a whi(h were amended !" vario$s ena(tments have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration
Ordinan(e, 19;1, (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (G.G.O. 2= of 1947, #(h., for &+ritish IndiaK.
(4) ER'@"7a$%)*F.DK3e-$%ationK sha%% mean a 3e-$%ation made
C!" the
GovernmentD $nder the Government of India A(t, 1;7=,
Cor the Government of India
A(t, 1910,D 4C=1 the Government of India A(t,D
C=1 $nder se(tion 90 or se(tion 9) of the
Government of India A(t, 1930D
Cor !" the Governor $nder Arti(%e 1=3 or Arti(%e 1=4 of
the 'onstit$tion. of 190), or !" the *resident or !" the Governor $nder Arti(%e 223 of the
'onstit$tion of 19)2D
Cor !" the *resident or !" the Governor $nder Arti(%e 247 of
the 'onstit$tion of 1973HD
(47 ER"7'F.DKr$%eK sha%% mean a r$%e made in of a powerKD (onferred !" an"
ena(tment, and sha%% in(%$de a re-$%ation made as a r$%e $nder an" ena(tmentH
(4; ES&6'8"7'F.DKs(hed$%eK sha%% mean a s(hed$%e to the A(t or 3e-$%ation in whi(h the
word o(($rsH
(49 ES&6'8"7'8 %#$1%&$F.DK#(hed$%ed Aistri(tK sha%% mean a &#(hed$%ed Aistri(tK as
defined in the #(hed$%ed Aistri(ts A(t, 1;74H
(0= ES'&$%)*F.DKse(tionK sha%% mean a se(tion of the A(t or 3e-$%ation in whi(h the word
(01 ES6%;F.DKshipK sha%% in(%$de ever" des(ription of vesse% $sed inK navi-ation not
e.(%$sive%" prope%%ed !" oarsH
(02 ES%@*F.DKsi-nK, with its -rammati(a% variations and (o-nate e.pressions, sha%%, with
referen(e to a person who is $na!%e to write his name, in(%$de &mar2K, with its
-rammati(a% variations and (o-nate e.pressionsH
(03 ES)*F.DKsonK, in the (ase of an"one whose persona% %aw permits adoption, sha%% in(%$de
an adopted sonH
(04 ES"5-#'&$%)*F.DKs$!8se(tionK sha%% mean a s$!8se(tion of the se(tion in whi(h the word
Ins. .!" A. =., 1937.
#$!s. !" /..A.O., 1970 Art. 2 and Ta!%e, for &'entra% Government &.
Added !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1917 (24 of 1917, s. 2 and #(h. I.
Ins., !" A(t 1; of 192;, s. 2 and #(h. I.
Ins. !" A. =., 19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
#$!s. and added !" /.A.O., 1970 Art. 2 and #(h.
This (%a$se was first amended !" the 'entra% Laws (#tat$te 3eform Ordinan(e, 19)= (21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 1-th
O#tober, 1900 and then revived, retrospe(tive%" !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)1 (%or 19)1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'%s. (02a% and (02a whi(h were ins. !" A. =., 1937 and Ord. 21 of 19)= and amended !" /.A.O., 1970, have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws
(3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
'%. (03a, re%atin- to #pe(ia% Areas whi(h was ins., !" Ord. 21 of 19)=, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. &with effe#t from the 14th O#tober, 1900, has !een
omitted !" A. =.,19)4, Art. 2 and #(h.
'%a$se (04a, whi(h was ins. !" A. =.,1937 and s$!s. !" A. =.,19)1 have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration
Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1. s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
(00 ESw'a1F.DKswearK, with its -rammati(a% variations and (o-nate e.pressions, sha%%
in(%$de affirmin- and de(%arin- in the (ase of persons !" %aw a%%owed to affirm or de(%are instead
of swearin-H
C(00a ET1%5a7 A1'a#F.DKTri!a% AreasK sha%%
&i( as respe(ts the period after the first da" of E$%", 197= mean the areas in *a2istan whi(h
immediate%" !efore that da" were the Tri!a% Area and in(%$de
&a( the Tri!a% Areas of +a%$(histan and the 6orth87est /rontier *rovin(eF and
&b( the former #tates of Am!, 'hitra%, Air and #watF
&ii( as respe(ts the period on or after the tenth da" of Ean$ar" 19)4, and !efore the first da" of
E$%", 197= mean, the areas in the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan whi(h, on the thirteenth da"
of O(to!er, 1900, wereI
&a( the Tri!a% Areas of +a%$(histan the *$n:a! and the 6orth87est /rontierF and
&b( the #tates of Am!, 'hitra%, Air and #watF
&iii( as respe(ts the period on or after the ei-ht da" of E$ne, 19)2, and !efore the tenth da" of
Ean$ar" 19)4, mean the areas in the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan whi(h, on the thirteenth
da" of O(to!er, 1900, wereI
&a( the Tri!a% Areas of +a%$(histan, the *$n:a! and the 6orth87est /rontier F and
&b( the #tates of Am!, 'hitra%, Air and #wat and the area in the *rovin(e of ,ast
*a2istan 2nown as 'hitta-on- Gi%% Tra(tF
&i'( as respe(ts the period on or after the twent"8third da" of @ar(h, 190), and !efore the
ei-ht da" of E$ne, 19)2, mean the areas of the *rovin(e of 7est *a2istan whi(h
immediate%" !efore the (ommen(ement of the ,sta!%ishment of 7est *a2istan A(t, 1900,
&a( the Tri!a% Areas of +a%$(histan, the *$n:a! and the 6orth87est /rontierF and
&b( the #tates of Am!, 'hitra%, Air and #watF and
&'( as respe(ts the period !efore the twent"8third da" of @ar(h, 190), mean the areas in
*a2istan whi(h
'%a$se (00a.definin- &Lnited *rovin(es A(tK whi(h was ori-ina%%" ins. !" the Amendin- A(t,D 9=3 (I of 19=3, s. 3, #(h. II, repea%ed !" the
/edera% Laws [3evision and Ae(%aration A(t, 1901 (2) of 1901, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., and a-ain ins !" A.O, 19)4, Art. 1 and #(h., have !een s$!s.
!" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h.
immediate%" !efore that da" were the Tri!a% Areas and in(%$deI
(a the Tri!a% Areas of +a%$(histan, the *$n:a! and the 6orth &7est /rontier
*rovin(eF and
&b( the #tates of Am!, 'hitra%, Air and #watD
(0) EV'##'7F.DKvesse%K sha%% in(%$de an" ship or .!oat or an" other des(ription of vesse% $sed
in navi-ation .
(07 E-%77F.DKwi%%K sha%% in(%$de a (odi(i% and ever" writin- ma2in- a vo%$ntar" posth$mo$s
disposition of propert"H
(0; E-1%$%*@F.De.pressions referrin- to &writin-K sha%% !e (onstr$ed as in(%$din- referen(es
to printin-, %itho-raph"K photo-raph" and. other modes of representin- or reprod$(in-
words in a visi!%e formH and
(09 EY'a1F.DK"earK sha%% mean a "ear re(2oned a((ordin- to the +ritish (a%endar.
C. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 9)1'@)%*@ 8'9%*%$%)*# $) ;1'(%)"# '*a&$2'*$#.D(1The definitions in se(tion
3 of the, fo%%owin- words and e.pressions that is to sa" &affidavitK &!arristerK
J J of &Aistri(t
E$d-eK, &fatherK,
J J &immovea!%e propert"K, &imprisonmentK,
&@a-istrateK, &monthK, &movea!%e propert"K, &oathK, &personK, &se(tionK, ,KsonK, &swearK,
&wi%%K and &"earK app%" a%so, $n%ess there is an"thin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t, to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD made after the third8da" of Ean$ar", 1;);, and to a%% 3e-$%ations made on or after
the fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
(2 The definitions in the said se(tion of the fo%%owit1- words .and e.pressions, that is
to sa", &a!etK, &'hapterK, &(ommen(ementKH &finan(ia% "earK, &%o(a% a$thorit"K, &masterK,.
&offen(eK, &partK, &p$!%i( n$isan(eK, &re-isteredK,. &s(hed$%eK, &shipK, &si-nK, &s$!8se(tionK and
&writin-K app%" a%so, $n%ess there is
'f. s. 742 of the @er(hant #hippin- A(t, 1;94(07 4 0; <iet., (. )=. This definition s$pp%ements the definition of ship in (%a$se (01, $u!ra. See
a%so definition of vesse% in s. 4; of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode (A(t 40 of 1;)=, and in s. 3 (4 of the 'ana% and Araina-e A(t, 1;73 (; of 1;738and
ins. 2 (- of the '$stoms A(t, 19)9 (4 of 19)9.
'IsH (0)a and (0)aa whi(h were ins. !" G.G.O. 2= of 1947 and Ord. 21 of 19)= respe(tive%", have !een 9mitted !" Ord. 27 ofE9;1, s. 3 and 2nd
'f. the definition of &wi%% & in se(tion 2 of the #$((ession A(t, 1920 (39 of 1920.K
'f. s. 2= of the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 4 03 <i(t., (. )3.
The wordsK +ritish India &, &G. of I. &, &Gi-h 'o$rtK andK L. G,K rep. !" A.O.,1937.
The wordsK Ger @a:est"K or M the P$eenM rep, by the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1919 (1; pf 1919, s. 3 and #(h. II.
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for &A(ts, of the G.G in '.K.
an"thin- rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t, to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD and 3e-$%ations made on or
after the fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
CCA. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 &'1$a%* 8'9%*%$%)*# $) a77 Pa:%#$a*.D
C(1 The definitions in
se(tion 3 of the e.pressions &+ritish IndiaK ,K'entra% A(tK, &
C/edera% GovernmentK, 'entra%
to Le-is%at$reK, &'hief 3even$e A$thorit"K, &Ga1etteK, &Gi-h 'o$rtK, &IndiaK, &Offi(ia% Ga1etteK,
&*a2istan %awK, and &*rovin(ia% GovernmentK app%" a%so, $n%ess there is an"thin- rep$-nant in
the s$!:e(t or (onte.t, to a%% *a2istan %aws.D.
G,6,3AL 3LL,# O/ 'O6#T3L'TIO6
5. C)2%*@ %*$) );'1a$%)* )9 '*a&$2'*$#.D
C(1 7here an" 'entra% A(t is not e.pressed to
(ome into operation on an" parti($%ar da", then it sha%% (ome into operation on the da" on whi(h
it re(eives the assent,I
(a in the (ase of a 'entra% A(t made !efore the twent"8third da" of @ar(h, 190),
of the Governor8Genera%, and
&b( in the (ase of a 'entra% A(t made after that date, of the *resident.D
1J J J J J J J
(3 Ln%ess the (ontrar" is e.pressed, a
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation sha%% !e
(onstr$ed as (omin- into operation immediate%" on the e.piration of the da" pre(edin- its
5A. CComin3 into o!eration of Do'ernor,Denera"E$ 9#t.@ Omitted by the :a>i$tan &9da!tation
of E/i$tin3 :a>i$tan Law$( Order, 1947 ( D. D. O. 4? of 1947, S#hedu"e.
G. E99'&$ )9 1';'a7.D7here this A(t, or an"
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made afterthe
(ommen(ement of this A(t, repea%s an" ena(tment
#$!s. !" A.O., 1937, for & A(ts of the G. G. in '. &.
Ins. ibid.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for s$!8se(tion (1, whi(h was pre8
vio$s%" amended !" vario$s ena(tments.
#$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art. 2 and #(h., for & 'entra% Government &.
#$!8se(tions (2 and (3 whi(h were amended !" vario$s ena(tments have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration
Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1 s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" A. O., 19)1, Art. 2 and #(h. &with effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h,190), for the ori-ina% s$!8se(tion (1, as amended !" A. O., 1937.
#$!8se(tion (2, whi(h was first s$!s. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1917 (24 of 1917, s. 2 and #(h. I, and then amended !" A. O., 1937
and the *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (G. G.O..2= of 1947, #(h., omitted !" A. O., 19)1. Art. 2 and #(h. &with
effe#t from the 43rd 5ar#h,.190). .
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937. for &A(t of the G..G. in ' &. ,
#. 09 was ins. !" A. O., 1937.
hitherto made or hereafter to !e made, then, $n%ess a different intention appears, the repea% sha%%
(a revive an"thin- not in for(e or e.istin- at the time whi(h the repea% ta2es effe(tF or
(! affe(t the previo$s operation of an" ena(tment so repea%ed or an"thin- d$%" done or
s$ffered there$nderF or
(( affe(t an" ri-ht, privi%e-e, o!%i-ation or %ia!i%it" a(?$ired, a((r$ed or in($rred $nder
an" ena(tment so repea%edF
(d affe(t an" pena%t", forfeit$re or p$nishment in($rred in respe(t of an" offen(e
(ommitted a-ainst an" ena(tment so repea%edF or
(e affe(t an" investi-ation, %e-a% pro(eedin- or remed" in respe(t of an" s$(h ri-ht,
privi%e-e, o!%i-ation, %ia!i%it", pena%t", forfeit$re or p$nishment as aforesaidF
and an" s$(h investi-ation, %e-a% pro(eedin- or remed" ma" !e instit$ted, (ontin$ed or enfor(ed,
and an" s$(h pena%t", forfeit$re or p$nishment ma" !e imposed as if the repea%in- A(t or
3e-$%ation had not !een passed.
CGA. R';'a7 )9 A&$ 2a:%*@ $'A$"a7 a2'*82'*$ %* A&$ )1 R'@"7a$%)*.D7here an"
C 'entra% A(t D or 3e-$%ation made after the (ommen(ement of this A(t repea%s an" ena(tment
!" whi(h the te.t of an"
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation was amended !" the omission,
insertion or s$!stit$tion of an" matter, then, $n%ess a different intention appears, the repea% sha%%
not affe(t the (ontin$an(e of an" s$(h amendment made !" the ena(tment so repea%ed and in
operation at the time of s$(h repea%.D
4. R'(%(a7 )9 1';'a7'8 '*a&$2'*$#.D(1 In an"
C 'entra% A(tD or .3e-$%ation made after the
3e(ommen(ement of this A(t, It sha%% !e ne(essar", for the p$rpose of revivin-, either who%%" or
partia%%", an" ena(tment who%%" or partia%%" repea%ed," to state that p$rpose.
(2 This se(tion app%ies a%so to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD made after the third da" of Ean$ar",
1;);, and to a%% 3e-$%ations made on or after the fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
C8. C)*#$1"&$%)* )9 1'9'1'*&'# $) 1';'a7'8 '*a&$2'*$#.D(1D
7here this A(t, or an"
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after the (ommen(ement of this A(t, repea%s and of ena(ts,
with or witho$t modifi(ation, an" provision of a former ena(tment, then referen(es in an" other
ena(tment or in an" instr$ment to the provision so repea%ed sha%%, $n%ess a different intention
appears, !e (onstr$ed as referen(es to the provision so re8ena(ted.
In.. !" the Genera% '%a$ses (Amdt. A(t, 193) (19 of 193), s. 2.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &A(t of the G. G. in '.K.
Cf, s. 11 of the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 4 03 <i(t., (. )3. &.
.#$!s. !" A. O.,1937, for &A(ts of the G. G. in '.K.
The ori-ina% s. ; was ren$m!ered as s$!8se(tion (I of that se(tion !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1919(1; of 1919, s. 2 and #(h. I.
Cf, s. 3; (I of the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 403 <i(t., (. )3.
3. C)22'*&'2'*$ a*8 $'12%*a$%)* )9 $%2'.D(1 In an" ,
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made
after the (ommen(ement of this A(t, it sha%% !e s$ffi(ient, for the p$rpose of e.(%$din- the
first in a series of da"s or an" other period of time, to $se the word &fromK, and, for the p$rpose
of in(%$din- the %ast in a series of da"s or an" other period of time, to $se the word &toK.
(2 This se(tion app%ies a%so to a%%
C 'entra% A(tsD made after the third da" of Ean$ar". 1;);,
and to a%% 3e-$%ations made on or after the fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar". 1;;7.
10. C)2;"$a$%)* )9 $%2'.I(1 7here, !" an"
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after. the
(ommen(ement of this A(t, an" a(t or pro(eedin- is dire(ted or a%%owed to !e done or ta2en in
an" 'o$rt or offi(e on a (ertain da" or within a pres(ri!ed period, then, if the 'o$rt or offi(e is
(%osed on that da" or the %ast da" of the pres(ri!ed period, the a(t or pro(eedin- sha%% !e
(onsidered as done or ta2en in d$e time if it is done or ta2en on the ne.t da" afterwards on whi(h
the 'o$rt or offi(e is openH
*rovided that nothin- in this se(tion sha%% app%" to an" a(t or pro(eedin- to whi(h the
C Limitation A(t, 19=;S, app%ies.
(2 This se(tion app%ies a%so to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD and 3e-$%ations made on or a%ter the
fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
11. M'a#"1'2'*$ )9 8%#$a*&'#.DIn the meas$rement of an" distan(e, for the p$rposes of an"
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after the (ommen(ement of this A(t, that distan(e sha%% $n%ess
a different intention appears, !e meas$red in a strai-ht %ine on a hori1onta% p%ane.
12. "$< $) 5' $a:'* ;1)1a$' %* '*a&$2'*$#.D7here, !" an" ena(tment now in for(e or
hereafter to !e in for(e, an" d$t" of ($stoms or e.(ise, or in the nat$re thereof, is %evia!%e on an"
-iven ?$antit". !" wei-ht, meas$re or va%$e of an" -oods or mer(handi1e then a %i2e d$t" is
%evia!%e a((ordin- to the same rate on an" -reater or %ess ?$antit".
13. G'*8'1 a*8 *"25'1.D In a%%
C 'entra% A(tsD and 3e-$%ations, $n%ess there is an"thin-
rep$-nant in the s$!:e(t or (onte.t,
(1 words importin- the mas($%ine -ender sha%% !e ta2en to in(%$de fema%esF and
(2 words in the sin-$%ar sha%% in(%$de the p%$ra%, and 'i#e 'er$a.
#$!8se(tion (2 whi(h was ins. !" A(t 1; of 1919 s. 2 and #(h. E, have !een omitted !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e,
19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h.
#$!s. !" A. O.,1937, for &A(t of the G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. ibid., for &A(ts of the G. G. in '.K
#$!s. !". the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e, 19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., for &Indian Limitation A(t, 1;77K.
Cf. s. 34 of the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9(02 4 03 <i(t., (. )3.
I> of
13A. Beferen#e$ to the So'erei3n.@ Omitted by 9. O., 19)1, 9rt. 2 and S#h. ( with effe#t from
the 43rd 5ar#h, 190).
1C. P)w'1# &)*9'11'8 $) 5' 'A'1&%#a57' 91)2 $%2' $) $%2'.D(1 7here, !" an"
C'entra% A(tD
or 3e-$%ation made after the (ommen(ement of this A(t, an" power is (onferred 3J J then,
C $n%ess a different intention appearsD, that power ma" !e from time to time as
o((asion re?$ires.
(2 This se(tion app%ies a%so to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD and 3e-$%ations made on or after the
fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
15. P)w'1 $) a;;)%*$ $) %*&7"8' ;)w'1 $) a;;)%*$ 'A )99%&%).I7here, !" an"
C'entra% A(tD or
3e-$%ation, a power to appoint an" person to fi%% an" offi(e or e.e($te an" f$n(tion is (onferred,
then, $n%ess it is otherwise" provided, an" s$(h appointment, if it is made after the
(ommen(ement of this A(t, ma" !e made either !" name or !" virt$e of offi(e.
1G. P)w'1 $) a;;)%*$ $) %*&7"8' ;)w'1 $) #"#;'*8 )1 8%#2%##.D7here, !" an"
C'entra% A(tD
or 3e-$%ation, a power to ma2e an" appointment is (onferred, then, $n%ess a different intention
appears, the a$thorit" havin-
Cfor the time !ein-D power to ma2e the appointment sha%% a%so
have power to s$spend or dismiss an" person appointed
Cwhether !" itse%f or an" other
a$thorit"D in of that power.
14. S"5#$%$"$%)* )9 9"*&$%)*a1%'#.D(1 In an"
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after the
(ommen(ement of this A(t, it sha%% !e s$ffi(ient, for the p$rpose of indi(atin- the app%i(ation of
a %aw to ever" person or n$m!er of persons for the time !ein- e.e($tin- the f$n(tions of an
offi(eF to mention the offi(ia% tit%e of the offi(er at present e.e($tin- the f$n(tions, or that of the
offi(er !" whom the f$n(tions are (ommon%" e.e($ted. .
(2 This se(tion app%ies a%so to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD made after the third da" of Ean$ar", 1;);,
and to a%% 3e-$%ations made on or after the fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
18. S"&&'##)1#.D(1 In an"
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after the (ommen(ement of this
A(t, it sha%% !e s$ffi(ient, for the p$rpose of indi(atin- the re%ation of a %aw to the s$((essors of
an" f$n(tionaries or of (orporations havin- perpet$a% s$((ession, to its re%ation to the
f$n(tionaries or (orporations.
(2 This se(tion app%ies a%so to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD made after the third da" of Ean$ar", 1;);, and
to a%% 3e-$%ations made on or after the fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
#.13A was ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1919 (1; of 1919,
s. 2 and #(h. I, and then amended !" A., O., 1937. .
#$!s. !" AF OH, ,1937, for &A(t of the G.G. in '.K.
The words & on the Govt..K rep. !" A(t 1; of 1919, s. 2 and #(h. I.
Ins. +bid.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937. for &A(ts of the G. G. in '.K
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 192; (1; of 192;, s. 2. and #(h. I. .
#$!s. ibid., for & !" itK.
13. O99%&%a7 &6%'9# a*8 #"5)18%*a$'#.D(1 In an"
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after the
(ommen(ement of this A(t, it sha%% !e s$ffi(ient, for the p$rpose of e.pressin- that a %aw re%ative
to the (hief or s$perior of an offi(e sha%% app%" to the dep$ties or s$!ordinates %awf$%%"
performin- the d$ties of that offi(e in the p%a(e of their s$perior, to pres(ri!e the d$t" of the
(2 This se(tion app%ies a%so to a%%
C'entra% A(tsD made after the third da" of Ean$ar", 1;);,
and to a%% 3e-$%ations made on or after the fo$rteenth da" of Ean$ar", 1;;7.
20. C)*#$1"&$%)* )9 )18'1#, '$&. %##"'8 "*8'1 '*a&$2'*$#.D7here, !" an"
C'entra% A(tD or
3e-$%ation, a power to iss$e an"
Cnotifi(ationD, order, s(heme, r$%e, form or !"e8%aw is
(onferred, then e.pressions $sed in the
(notifi(ationD, order, s(heme, r$%e, form or !"e8%aw, if it
is made after the (ommen(ement of this A(t, sha%%, $n%ess there is an"thin- rep$-nant in the
s$!:e(t or (onte.t, have the same respe(tive meanin-s as in the A(t or 3e-$%ation (onferrin- the
21. P)w'1 $) 2a:', $) %*&7"8' ;)w'1 $) a88 $), a2'*8, (a1< )1 1'#&%*8, )18'1#, 1"7'# )1
5<'-7aw#.D7here, !" an"
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation, a power to
C iss$e notifi(ationsD, orders,
r$%es, or !"e8%aws is (onferred, then that power in(%$des a power,!%e in the %i2e manner
and s$!:e(t to the %i2e san(tion and (onditions (if an", to add to,
amend, var" or res(ind an"
Cnotifi(ationsD, orders, r$%es or !"e8%aws so
C iss$ed D.
22. Ma:%*@ )9 1"7'# )1 5<'-7aw# a*8 %##"%*@ )1 )18'1# 5'$w''* ;a##%*@ a*8
&)22'*&'2'*$ )9 '*a&$2'*$.D7here, !" an"
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation whi(h is not to
(ome into for(e immediate%" on the passin- thereof, a power is (onferred to ma2e r$%es or !"e8
%aws, or to iss$e orders with respe(t to the app%i(ation of the A(t or 3e-$%ation, or with respe(t to
the esta!%ishment of an" 'o$rt or offi(e or the appointment of an" E$d-e or offi(er there$nder, or
with respe(t to the person !" whom, or the time when, or the p%a(e where, or the manner in
whi(h, or the fees for whi(h, an"thin- is to !e done $nder the A(t or 3e-$%ation, then that power
ma" !e at an" time after the passin- of the A(t or 3e-$%ationF !$t r$%es, !"e8%aws or
orders so made or iss$ed sha%% not ta2e effe(t ti%% the (ommen(ement of the A(t or 3e-$%ation.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &A(t of the G. G. in '.K
#$!s. ibid., for &A(ts of the G. G. in '.K.
Cf. s. 31 of the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 4 03 <i(t.,.(. )3.
Ins. !" the Amendin- A(t, 19=3 (1 of 19=3, s. 3 and #(h. II.
Cf. s. 32 (3 of the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 4 03 <i(t.,(. )3.
#$!s. !" A(t 1 of 19=3, s. 3 and #(h. II, for & ma2eK.
Ins. +bid.
#$!s. ibid., for & madeK.
Cf. s. 37 of the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 4 03 <iet., (. )3.
23. P1)(%#%)*# a;;7%&a57' $) 2a:%*@ )9 1"7'# )1 5<'-7aw# a9$'1 ;1'(%)"# ;"57%&a$%)*.D7here,
!" an"
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation, a power to ma2e r$%es or !"e8%aws is e.pressed to !e -iven
s$!:e(t to the (ondition of the r$%es or !"e8%aws !ein- made after previo$s p$!%i(ation, then the
fo%%owin- provisions sha%% app%", name%"HI
(1 the a$thorit" havin- power to ma2e the r$%es or !"e%aws sha%%, !efore ma2in-
them, p$!%ish a draft of the proposed r$%es or !"e8%aws for the information of
persons %i2e%" to !e affe(ted there!"F
(2 the p$!%i(ation sha%% !e made in s$(h manner as that a$thorit" deems to !e
s$ffi(ient, or, if theM (ondition with respe(t to previo$s p$!%i(ation so re?$ires, in
s$(h manner as the
C/edera% GovernmentD or the
C *rovin(ia% Government D
(3 there sha%% !e p$!%ished with the draft a noti(e spe(if"in- a date on or after whi(h
the draft wi%% !e ta2en into (onsiderationF
(4 the a$thorit" havin- power to ma2e the r$%es or !"e%aws, and, where the r$%es or
!Se8%aws are to !e made with the san(tion, approva% or (on($rren(e of another
a$thorit", that a$thorit" a%so, sha%% (onsider an" o!:e(tion or s$--estion whi(h
ma" !e re(eived !" the a$thorit" havin- power to ma2e the r$%es or !"e8%aws
from an" person with respe(t to the draft !efore the date so spe(ifiedF
(0 the p$!%i(ation in the
C offi(ia% Ga1etteD of a r$%e or !"e8%aw p$rportin- to have
!een made in of a power to ma2e r$%es or !"e8%aws after previo$s p$!%i8
(ation sha%% !e (on(%$sive proof that the r$%e or !"e%aw has !een d$%" made.
2C. C)*$%*"a$%)*, )9 )18'1#, '$&., %##"'8 "*8'1 '*a&$2'*$# 1';'a7'8 a*8 1'-'*a&$'8.D7here
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation is, after the (ommen(ement of this A(t, repea%ed and re8
ena(ted with or witho$t modifi(ation, then, $n%ess it is otherwise" pro8vided, an"
appointment, notifi(ation D, order, s(heme, r$%e, form or !"e8%aw
C made orD iss$ed $nder the
repea%ed A(t or 3e-$%ation, sha%%, so far as it is not in(onsistent with the provisions re8ena(ted,
(ontin$e in for(e, and !e deemed to have !een
Cmade orD iss$ed $nder the provisions so re8
ena(ted, $n%ess and $nti% it is s$perseded !" an"
Cappointment, notifi(ationD, order, s(heme, r$%e,
form or !"e8%aw
Cmade orD iss$ed $nder the provisions so
#$!s. !" A. O., 1937, for &A(t of the G. G. in '.K.
The words & 'entra% GovernmentK, whi(h were previo$s%" s$!s. !" A.O., 1937, forK G. G. in '.K have !een f$rther s$!s. !" /.A.O., 1970, Art.
2 and Ta!%e, to read as a!ove.
#$!s. !" A. O., 1931, for & L. G.K.
#$!s. ibid., for & Ga1ette &.
Ins. !" ti%e Amendin- A(t, 19=3 (1 of 19=3. s. 3 and #(h.II.
Cand when an"
C'entra% A(t or 3e-$%ation, whi(h, !" a notifi(ation $nder
C an"
%awD, has !een e.tended to an" %o(a% area, has, !" a s$!se?$ent notifi(ation, !een withdrawn
from and re8e.tended to s$(h area or an" part thereof, the provisions of s$(h A(t or 3e-$%ation
sha%% !e deemed to have !een repea%ed and re8ena(ted in s$(h area or part within the meanin- of
this se(tion D.
2CA. EA'1&%#' )9 ;)w'1 "*8'1 '*a&$2'*$#.D(1 7here, !" or $nder an" ena(tment, a power to
ma2e an" order or -ive an" dire(tion is (onferred on an" a$thorit", offi(e or person s$(h power
sha%% !e reasona!%", fair%", :$st%" and for the advan(ement of the p$rposes of the
(2 The a$thorit", offi(e or person ma2in- an" order or iss$in- an" dire(tion $nder the
powers (onferred !" or $nder an" ena(tment sha%% so far as ne(essar" or appropriate, -ive
reasons for ma2in- the order or as the (ase ma" !e for iss$in- the dire(tion and sha%% provide a
(op" of the order or as the (ase ma" !e the dire(tion to the person affe(ted pre:$di(ia%%".
25. R'&)('1<.D#e(tions )3 to 7= of the *a2istan *ena% 'ode and the
provisions of the 'ode of
'rimina% *ro(ed$re for the time !ein- in for(e in re%ation to the iss$e and the e.e($tion of
warrants for the %ev" of fines #ha%% app%" to a%% fines imposed $nder an" A(t 3e-$%ation, r$%e or
!"e8%aw $n%ess the A(t, 3e-$%ation, r$%e or !"e8%aw (ontains an provision to the
2G. P1)(%#%)* a# $) )99'*&'# ;"*%#6a57' "*8'1 $w) )1 2)1' '*a&$2'*$#.D7here an a(t or
omission (onstit$tes an offen(e $nder two or more ena(tments, then the offender sha%% !e %ia!%e
to !e prose($ted and p$nished $nder either or an" of those ena(tments, !$t sha%% not !e %ia!%e to
!e p$nished twi(e for the same offen(e.
24. M'a*%*@ )9 #'1(%&' 5< ;)#$.D7here an"
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after the
(ommen(ement of this A(t a$thori1es or re?$ires an" do($ment to !e served !" post, whether
the e.pressionK serveK or either of the e.pressions & -iveK or &sendK or an" other e.pression is
$sed, then, $n%ess a different intention appears, the servi(e sha%% !e deemed to !e effe(ted !"
proper%" addressin-, pre8pa"in- and postin- !" re-istered post, a %etter (ontainin- the do($ment,
and, $n%ess the (ontrar" is proved, to have !een effe(ted at the time at whi(h the %etter wo$%d !e
de%ivered in the ordinar" (o$rse of post.
28. C%$a$%)* )9 '*a&$2'*$#.D (1 In an"
C 'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation, and in an" r$%e, !"e8%aw,
instr$ment or do($ment, made $nder, or with referen(e to, an" s$(h A(t or 3e-$%ation, an"
ena(tment ma" !e (ited !" referen(e to the tit%e or short tit%e (if an" (onferred thereon or !"
referen(e to the n$m!er and "ear thereof, and an" provision in an ena(tment ma" !e (ited !"
referen(e to the se(tion or s$!8se(tion of the ena(tment in whi(h the prevision is (ontained.
(2 In this A(t and in an"
C'entra% A(tD or 3e-$%ation made after the (ommen(ement of this A(t,
a des(ription or (itation of a portion of another ena(tment sha%%, $n%ess a different intention
Ins. !" the #e(ond 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (17 of 1914,
se(tion 2 and #(h. I.
#$!s. !" A. O.,1937, for &A(t of the G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. !" the /edera% Laws (3evision and Ae(%aration Ordinan(e,
19;1 (27 of 19;1, s. 3 and 2nd #(h., forK se(tion 0 or 0A of the #(hed$%ed Aistri(ts A(t, 1;74, or an" %i2e %awK.
See the 'ode of 'rimina% *ro(ed$re, 1;9; (0 of 1;9;, s. 3;) et, $eq.
Of. the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 4 03 <iet., (. )3, s. 2).
Of. ibid., s.30.
Ins. +" A(t I> of 1997, s.2
appears, !e (onstr$ed as in(%$din- the word, se(tion or other part mentioned or referred to as
formin- the !e-innin- and as formin- the end of the portion (omprised in the des(ription or
23. Sa(%*@ 9)1 ;1'(%)"# '*a&$2'*$#, 1"7'# a*8 5<'-7aw#.DThe provisions of this A(t
respe(tin- the (onstr$(tion of A(ts, 3e-$%ations, r$%es or !"e8%aws made after the (ommen(e8
ment of this A(t sha%% not affe(t the (onstr$(tion of an" A(t, 3e-$%ation, r$%e or !"e8%aw
made !efore the (ommen(ement of !" this A(t, a%tho$-h the A(t, 3e-$%ation, r$%e =1 !"e8%aw
is (on
tin$ed or amended !" an A(t, 3e-$%ation, t$%e or !"e8%aw made after the (ommen(ement of
this A(t.
C 30. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 A&$ $)* O18%*a*&'#.DIn this A(t the e.pression &
C 'entra% A(tDK
wherever it o(($rs, e.(ept in se(tion 0, and the word &A(tK in (%a$ses (9, (12, (3;, (4; and
(0= of se(tion 3 and in se(tion 20 sha%% !e deemed to in(%$de an Ordinan(e made and
prom$%-ated !" the
C Governor Genera%D $nder se(tion 23 of the Indian 'o$n(i%s A(t, 1;)1
or se(tion 72 of the Government of India A(t, 1910D
C or se(tion 42
J J J of the Government
of India A(t, 1930
C or an Ordinan(e made and prom$%-ated !" the *resident on or after the
twent"8third da" of @ar(h, 190) DD.D
C 31. A;;7%&a$%)* )9 A&$ $) )18'1# 2a8' 5< $6' P1'#%8'*$.DThe provisions of this A(t
sha%% app%" for the interpretation of an" Order made !" the *resident on or after the twent"
third da" of @ar(h, 190), as the" app%" for the interpretation of a 'entra% A(t, as if ever"
s$(h Order were a 'entra% A(t.D
THE SCHEDULE., C,6A'T@,6T# 3,*,AL,A.D e!. by the
9mendin3 9#t, 11?3 ( + of 11?3(, $. 4 and S#hedu"e +++.
Cf. the Interpretation A(t, 1;;9 (02 4 03 <i(t., (.)3, s. 4=.
Ins. !" the #e(ond 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1914 (17 of 1914,s. 2 and #(h I.
#$!. !" A. O., 1937, for &A(t of the G. G. in '.K.
#$!s. and sha%% !e deemed to. have !een so. s$!s. on the twent"8third
da" of @ar(h, 190), !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- Ordinan(e, 19)0
(1= of 19)0, s. 3 and 2nd #(h. for &*residentK whi(h had !een s$!s. !" A. O.,
19)1, Art. 2, for the words &Governor Genera%K &with effe#t from the 43rd, 5ar#h, 190).
Ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1917 (24 of 1917, s. 2 and #(h. I.
Ins. !" A. O., 1937.
The words and fi-$res &or se(tion 43 omitted !" the *a2istan (Adaptation of ,.istin- *a2istan Laws Order, 1947 (G. G. O. 2= of 1947,
Added !" the Genera% '%a$ses (#e(ond Amdt. Ordinan(e, 1909
(37 of 1909, ss. 2 and 3.
#s. 3=A and 31 re-ardin- &App%i(ation of A(t to A(ts made !" the Governor Genera%K and &'onstr$(tion of referen(es to. Lo(a%
Government of a *rovin(e & whi(h were ins. !" the 3epea%in- and Amendin- A(t, 1923 (11 of 1923, s. 2 and #(h. I and the 3epea%in- and
Amendin- A(t, 192= (31 of 192=, s. 2 and #(h. I, respe(tive%", were rep. !" A. O., 1937.