TEDCO Kaizen

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Kaizen literally means to break apart or separate for the
Kai Zen

The word itself has been Kaizened to change for the

Kaizen is a system that involves every employee - from
upper management to the cleaning crew. Everyone is
encouraged to come up with small improvement
suggestions on a regular basis.

This is not a once a month or once a year activity. It is
continuous. At Japanese companies, such as Toyota
and Canon, a total of 60 to 70 suggestions per employee
per year are written down, shared and implemented.

In most cases these are not ideas for major changes.
Kaizen is based on making little changes on a regular
basis: always improving productivity, safety and
effectiveness while reducing waste.

Suggestions are not limited to a specific area such as
production or marketing. Kaizen is based on making
changes anywhere that improvements can be made.
-Western philosophy may be summarized as, "if it ain't
broke, don't fix it."
-The Kaizen philosophy is to "do it better, make it better,
improve it even if it isn't broken, because if we don't, we
can't compete with those who do."


Kaizen in Japan is a system of improvement that
includes both home and business life. Kaizen even
includes social activities. It is a concept that is applied in
every aspect of a person's life.

In business Kaizen encompasses many of the
components of Japanese businesses that have been
seen as a part of their success. Quality circles,
automation, suggestion systems, just-in-time delivery,
Kanban and 5S are all included within the Kaizen system
of running a business.


Kaizen is often referred to as a Lean Manufacturing tool.
It is really a Japanese cultural philosophy. In a business
context, it is a continuous improvement system that uses
many available tools or techniques. These include but
are not limited to:

Six Sigma 5S VSM
Kanban TPM DOE

Kaizen creates a constant
slope while innovation
creates a staircase effect.

Once a new system has
been installed as a result
of innovation, it will often
deteriorate unless Kaizen
is utilized to maintain and
improve it.


There are different types of Kaizens. Long term Kaisens
or Kaizen Projects are a type of Kaizen at the macro
level. They tend to last weeks or months. Six sigma
projects would fit in this category.

Jishuken are Kaizen projects that are conducted by a
workgroup or a self-directed team. They focus on one
topic such as productivity improvement, and typically last
3 months or so. This could be done by a workgroup but
would most likely involve people who are not workgroup
members also. A Kaizen Breakthrough can be part of a
jishuken activity.

A Kaizen Breakthrough, Event or Blitz is a term used for
running a one-time special event, normally 3-5 days
long, to drastically make changes in a process. It is really
a Kaikaku - a radical change while Kaizen means small
incremental changes.

The origin of a Kaizen Breakthrough can be traced to the
Shingijutsu Consulting Group founded by a group of
Toyota engineers in the late 1980's. They were
responsible for extending Lean principles to Toyota
suppliers. These engineers worked for Taiichi Ohno the
originator of the Toyota Production System (TPS).


The first Kaizen events conducted in the United States
were called three days and a night due to the long
hours required. The Shingijutsu Sensei's (masters) were
contracted on a per week basis. Some of the lean
consulting firms today have ties to the Shingijutsu
Consulting Group.

Kaizen Breakthrough at Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC)
is experienced daily. Toyota has done an outstanding job
of implementing the Toyota Production System, a
system that is intolerant to waste in all its forms.


Kaizen Inspires people to create solutions to issues that
are crucial to improving their environment. These
solutions are team based not management based.

Why do people often behave differently during a Kaizen
Breakthrough experience? Many become infected with a
desire to seek & destroy waste. We have heard of
Kaizen team members that were up all night thinking of
solution to problems they uncovered.

The common elements of a Kaizen Breakthrough are:

1: A cross-functional team

2: The emphasis on quick action

3: Improvement focused on the gemba (actual work

4: Decisions are made based on facts through direct
process observation

QC Circles are small groups of individuals who do
similar work (workgroups) who meet on a regular basis
to discuss and analyze problems, consider solutions,
and test them in their daily work. The kaizen focus
originates from, but is not limited to Quality Control (QC).
These are perpetual teams, though the membership
changes as workers transfer in and out of the area.

Kaizen Suggestions are the small and local. They are
most often ideas you can implement yourself. As a rule,
in an effective suggestion system the team leader or
supervisor will review and approve (or provide coaching
to improve the suggestion) within the same day that it is

The 2 unique challenges of a Kaizen Breakthrough for
project teams are elements 3 and 4.

3: Improvement focused on the gemba (actual work

4: Decisions are made based on facts through direct
process observation.


Challenge with element #3: The Project Gemba.
It's important that the scope be well-defined and
actionable within the 5-day (for example) duration of the
kaizen event. The important thing is to define the project
gemba which are the places where actual work gets
done and where improvement is meaningful.

The scope of a Kaizen event should not encompass an
entire project or an entire value stream, but by nature the
entire project may be considered the gemba. That is the


Challenge with element #4: Direct Process
Observation. As we have defined them, Kaizen Projects
take longer than a day. This can be a challenge for
Kaizen Breakthrough teams.

In Kaizen, you have to go to where the work is done
(genchi or gemba) and observe the facts with the
gembutsu (actual elements of the process). At the
gemba, you need to observe the actual work being done
to get the facts of the current situation.

You need to be able to observe the process, identify the
waste, make improvements, observe the results,
measure the impact, and document the new process and
remaining action items. All in one week. The risk of not
doing this is that your changes to one observed part of
the project may have unintended consequences on
another part of the work of the project.

In manufacturing terms this would be like observing only
one section of an assembly line and doing kaizen to it,
without understanding the effect this will have on the
next process immediately downstream.


So unless you have a very large team, or a very short
project, this can be difficult to do and you will need to
limit your scope or run multiple kaizen events to enable
genchi gembutsu for a kaizen breakthrough.

To have a kaizen event on an entire project may be
possible if the project is a very short one. It may also be
possible a similar project is in progress and you can
observe this in a stage-by-stage fashion and use this to
design a new method for a similar project.

There has been a lot written about how to manage
kaizen events in a step by step fashion. The way to
conduct a kaizen breakthrough for project teams would
not be any different from how you do kaizen in any other
type of work environment. There are three basic phases:

The main aspects of kaizen preparation phase involve:
-setting targets and defining a scope
-selecting the team members by following guidelines to
make sure you have a good cross functional mix
-coordinating resources to make sure the process can be
observed and that supporting data is available
-and communicating with stakeholders.
The Kaizen week phase is when you come together as
a team to observe, redesign and test new methods and
applying various Lean tools to get rid of waste.
1. Go to the gemba where each member of the project
team does the actual work
2. Identify waste and categorize them by the *7 types to
make sure you understand them
3. Write this down on a Kaizen report
4. Identify the root causes
5. Apply countermeasures
6. Test results
7. Standardize new method
8. Repeat


The 7 Wastes Some Related Questions
1. Waiting
Can some tasks be done in parallel
Rather than in series?
2. Transportation
Can the process be configured to
move product to the next operations
(rather than have people do the
3. Processing Itself
Can some tasks be combined or
4. Motion
What aids, such as fixtures, new
equipment, or special tools, could
speed up the process?
5. Poor Quality
Where can error-proofing be used
to eliminate or reduce errors or
6. Inventory
Is a supermarket needed just-in-case
or can we operate without it?
7. Overproduction
Can the operation produce to order
rather than

To set standards in the case of a project team whose
work is not as easy to fit into a process with a set time,
you may revisit the promises you made and renew them
as "standards" for the work you are responsible for.

Kaizen follow-up phase which includes continuing to
monitor the new process until it is stable, completing
action items required to implement all Kaizen ideas, and
handing over the day to day sustaining and continuous
improvement of the target process to the area managers.

Seeing Waste During a Kaizen Breakthrough
Project team members may not be used to thinking in
terms of waste and value in their individual work, their
workgroup, and work stream so an emphasis on
understanding the 7 types of waste in the project setting
is essential. Examples of wastes within the work of a
project team include:

Overproduction due to unclear requirements from the
upstream process
Waiting time for information from another project team
member before work can be completed
Inventory of projects or project tasks that are in process
Motion of switching from one multi-task activity to
Defects and rework loops
Transportation and the delays and loss of information
caused by hand-offs

Advantages of Kaizen Breakthrough for Project
Experience has shown that during a Kaizen
Breakthrough, a team gets more improvement done in 5
days with 8 people than you can with the same people
putting in the same 50 hours extended over 2 months, as
they would in a project.

Decisions are made in real-time based on observed facts
and new methods are tried during a Kaizen
Breakthrough, taking the place of many useless
meetings that are conducted away from the gemba in a
typical project.

The cross-functional team aspect of a Kaizen
Breakthrough allows you to look at things from a new
perspective rather than just your own specialist
perspective or role within the project, which can be
powerful in a project team environment where these
functions are working together already.

A Kaizen Breakthrough complements project teams well
because projects team typically lack speed and a bias
for action, while Kaizen Breakthroughs can fail due to a
lack of follow up and structure, which the project
management can provide.


Kaizen Breakthroughs are a good way to give a "boost"
to a traditional project by rapidly accomplishing some
core section of work as a team in a short period of time
while improving communication and clarifying customer-
supplier requirements.

In the long view all organizations are temporary. Project
teams are created with a termination date in mind. A
kaizen team is by nature temporary, forming to solve
problems, set standards and to disband typically after a

Temporary organizations such as these need to learn to
be effective quickly within their short lifespan. Learning
and applying the principles that make kaizen teams
successful can help make temporary organizations such
as project teams more effective also.

Getting Started With Kaizen
For most American companies Kaizen involves a
significant change in the corporate culture. This is key.
The attitudes of employees - from top management
down to new hires will need to change.

Kaizen needs to become something all employees do
because they want to, and because they know it is good
for them and the company.

It can not be something employees do because
management dictates that it be done. That means that if
management isn't ready to lead by example, Kaizen will
not get off the ground.

Employee training and communication is important.
Combined with that, direct involvement by the
management is critical. For example, a manager
spending a week on the shop floor working with
employees to help and encourage them to develop
suggestions will help.

That manager should also ensure employees see their
suggestions acted on immediately. Suggestions should
not be implemented next month or next week, but today.
In some cases, a suggestion submitted in the morning
can be implemented that afternoon, or sooner.

Keep employees informed about what happens with their
suggestions. Don't have suggestions disappear into a
management "black hole."


To get Kaizen started it can be helpful to bring in outside
experts. They can work in your facility identifying
problems that those close to the work may not see. This
serves as a "seed" allowing employees to see how
Kaizen works and to experience the benefits of Kaizen.

A significant obstacle to Kaizen in many corporations is
that problems are seen as negatives. We don't like
problems. Someone who is associated with a problem is
likely to be negatively impacted (a lower raise, missed
promotion, or even fired). In Kaizen, problems are
opportunities to improve. With Kaizen we want to find,
report, and fix problems. Kaizen encourages and
rewards the identification of problems by all employees.

To encourage the submission of suggestions, a part of
each supervisor's evaluation should be based on the
number of suggestions submitted by those they
supervise. Don't evaluate employees on the number of
suggestions they submit, evaluate your supervisors and
managers and how well they are doing at getting those
who work for them to actively participate in Kaizen.

Managers should develop methods to help create
suggestions and increase the number of suggestions.
For example, set up teams of five to 12 people to
evaluate work areas, processes, quality, productivity,
and equipment availability/reliability. The team then
makes suggestions for improvements, and they may
even implement those improvements.
Train employees in using Kaizen tools such as 5S,
Kanban, and Line Balancing.
Keep in mind that Kaizen is about action. Taking action
to generate suggestions, and taking action to implement
those suggestions immediately.
Kaizen is focused on making small improvements on a
continuous basis.
What Are The Benefits Resulting From Kaizen?
Kaizen involves every employee in making change--in
most cases small, incremental changes. It focuses on:
-identifying problems at their source
-solving them at their source
-changing standards to ensure the problem stays solved

It's not unusual for Kaizen to result in 25 to 30
suggestions per employee, per year, and to have over
90% of those implemented. For example, Toyota is well-
known as one of the leaders in using Kaizen. In 1999 at
one U.S. plant, 7,000 Toyota employees submitted over
75,000 suggestions, of which 99% were implemented.

These continual small improvements add up to major
benefits. They result in improved productivity, improved
quality, better safety, faster delivery, lower costs, and
greater customer satisfaction. On top of these benefits to
the company, employees working in Kaizen-based
companies generally find work to be easier and more
enjoyable--resulting in higher employee moral and job
satisfaction, and lower turn-over.

With every employee looking for ways to make
improvements, you can expect results such as:

-Kaizen Reduces Waste in areas such as inventory,
waiting times, transportation, worker motion, employee
skills, over production, excess quality and in processes.

-Kaizen Improves space utilization, product quality, use
of capital, communications, production capacity and
employee retention.


Kaizen provides immediate results. Instead of focusing
on large, capital intensive improvements, Kaizen focuses
on creative investments that continually solve large
numbers of small problems.

Large, capital projects and major changes will still be
needed, and Kaizen will also improve the capital projects
process, but the real power of Kaizen is in the on-going
process of continually making small improvements that
improve processes and reduce waste.

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