POM Project (2012748)
POM Project (2012748)
POM Project (2012748)
2) Find Problems
The second step to implement Kaizen is to accept and
find problems in your organization. For this, you need to
take a 360 degree feedback and involve your employees.
You can list out all the processes within the organization
which needs improvements.
4) Implement
Small-scale implementation is the best way to test out
new theories especially in larger organizations.
Many people delay this stage due to overthinking,
complacency or plain ignorance. They think of making
organization-wide changes instead of taking small steps
at a time and running new ideas in a pilot environment (a
small office perhaps).
5) Check
Many times during implementation, there is just
communication of ideas to juniors wherein the buck is
passed to someone else. This is what makes it difficult to
implement Kaizen and where checking
and auditing comes into play. You need to ensure that
implementation is done to the ground level so that the
results are proper.
6) Standardize
If the results are not positive, you need to go back to the
3rd step wherein you implement some other ideas which
were on the table. Don’t get frustrated and irritated
because there are many benefits to Kaizen and slowly
but surely you will notice the benefits. This is why we
took only 10 tasks to improve on in the 2nd step.
7) Repeat
Now that we have optimized 10 tasks which we selected
in step 2, we can then rinse and repeat the complete
procedure so that further 10 tasks can be optimized. The
true spirit of Kaizen is in “continuous improvement” and
“slow and gradual change”. Kaizen actually means
“Change is good”.
Point Kaizen
Point Kaizen is one of the most commonly implemented
types of kaizen. It happens very quickly and usually
without much planning. As soon as something is found
broken or incorrect, quick and immediate measures are
taken to correct the issues. These measures are generally
small, isolated and easy to implement.; however, they
can have a huge impact.
In some cases, it is also possible that the positive effects
of point kaizen in one area can reduce or eliminate
benefits of point kaizen in some other area.
Examples of point kaizen include a shop inspection by a
supervisor and he finds broken materials or other small
issues, and then asks the owner of the shop to perform a
quick kaizen (5S) to rectify those issues. Or a line worker
notices a potential improvement in efficiency by placing
the materials needed in another order or closer to the
production line in order to minimize downtime.
System Kaizen
System kaizen is accomplished in an organized manner
and is devised to address system-level problems in an
It is an upper-level strategic planning method for a short
period of time.
Plane Kaizen
This is the next upper level of line kaizen, in that several
lines are connected together. In modern terminologies,
this can also be described as a value stream, where
instead of traditional departments, the organization is
structured into product lines or families and value
streams. It can be visualized as changes or improvements
made to one line being implemented to multiple other
lines or processes.
Cube Kaizen
Cube kaizen describes the situation where all the points
of the planes are connected to each other and no point is
disjointed from any other. This would resemble a
situation where Lean has spread across the entire
organization. Improvements are made up and down
through the plane, or upstream or downstream,
including the complete organization, suppliers and
customers. This might require some changes in the
standard business processes as well.
Kaizen is a daily process, the purpose of which goes
beyond simple productivity improvement. It is also a
process that, when done correctly, humanizes the
workplace, eliminates overly hard work (muri), and
teaches people how to perform experiments on their
work using the scientific method and how to learn to
spot and eliminate waste in business processes. In all, the
process suggests a humanized approach to workers and
to increasing productivity: "The idea is to nurture the
company's people as much as it is to praise and
encourage participation in kaizen activities." Successful
implementation requires "the participation of workers in
the improvement."
4. Align training with goals. As you are shaping the way you
train employees you may see areas within the
organization that need improvement or goals that need
to be redefined. This process may open the door to
better processes all around.