This document provides instructions for an experiment involving the construction and operation of simple electrical circuits using various types of switches. Students will draw circuit diagrams and then implement circuits to connect lamps that can be operated independently or simultaneously using single-pole single-throw, single-pole double-throw, and double-pole double-throw switches. Safety precautions are included and students will be questioned about electrical circuits and switches.
This document provides instructions for an experiment involving the construction and operation of simple electrical circuits using various types of switches. Students will draw circuit diagrams and then implement circuits to connect lamps that can be operated independently or simultaneously using single-pole single-throw, single-pole double-throw, and double-pole double-throw switches. Safety precautions are included and students will be questioned about electrical circuits and switches.
This document provides instructions for an experiment involving the construction and operation of simple electrical circuits using various types of switches. Students will draw circuit diagrams and then implement circuits to connect lamps that can be operated independently or simultaneously using single-pole single-throw, single-pole double-throw, and double-pole double-throw switches. Safety precautions are included and students will be questioned about electrical circuits and switches.
This document provides instructions for an experiment involving the construction and operation of simple electrical circuits using various types of switches. Students will draw circuit diagrams and then implement circuits to connect lamps that can be operated independently or simultaneously using single-pole single-throw, single-pole double-throw, and double-pole double-throw switches. Safety precautions are included and students will be questioned about electrical circuits and switches.
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COURSE NO.: ECE 102 (CSE)/ ECE 202 (CEE) Name Of The Expt.: CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION OF SIMPLE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS OBJECTIVE: The experiment is to acquaint the students with some simple circuits and to make them familiar with diagram reading, drawing and wiring with the help of diferent types of switches (SPST- Single pole single throw, SPDT- single pole doule throw, DPST- Doule pole single throw, DPDT- Doule pole Doule throw! that will e frequently encountered in diferent experiments" INSTRUCTIONS: #ead the following procedure carefully and draw the circuit diagrams accordingly in the space allotted for each procedure and then implement it practically" $our report must contain neat diagrams of the circuits" APPARATUS: %! Two lamp oards (&&'(, %''w! &! Two SPST, two SPDT and one DPDT switch" PROCEDURE: %" )onnect an electric lamp so that it may e operated from a &&'( ac supply using an SPST switch" &" )onnect a lamp so that it may e operated independently y either of two SPST switches" EXPT. NO. 1 *" )onnect two lamps so that either may e operated from a common source y its own switch" +" )onnect two lamps so that oth may e operated simultaneously from a common source y one SPST switch" ,s it possile to do it in any other way- ,f possile, show oth the diagrams and indicate the preferale one" ." )onnect a lamp so that it may e operated independently y either of two SPDT switches from a &&'( source" /" )onnect a lamp using two SPDT and one DPDT switches to the power supply in such way so that the lamp may e turned 012033 y any of the three switches" CAUTION: 1. Dont switch on the supply until your teacher has checked the circuit. 2. Take care of the reading of the apparatus. 3. Take care of any bare circuit element in energized condition. 4. ut on shoes with good insulation. QUESTIONS: %" 4hat is an electrical circuit- &" 4hat is a short circuit- *" 4hich method in procedure + is preferale- 4hy- +" 4hat is the drawack of the following circuit in the connection of the switch- 5 6ul 1 Switch
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