ELE532 Course Outline
ELE532 Course Outline
ELE532 Course Outline
This course deals with the analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Topics include:
Calendar representations of linear time-invariant systems, representations of signals, Laplace transform, transfer function,
Description impulse response, step response, the convolution integral and its interpretation, Fourier analysis for continuous-
time signals and systems and an introduction to sampling.
Prerequisites CEN 199, COE 318, ELE 302, MTH 312, MTH 314, ELE 404 and COE 428
Antirequisites None
Corerequisites None
1. B.P. Lathi, Linear Systems and Signals, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 2018.
Compulsory 2. Laboratory MATLAB assignment descriptions and procedures, and assignment problems are available from
Text(s): the course home page on D2L Brightspace via my.ryerson.ca.
Reference 1. M. J. Roberts, Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB, McGraw Hill, 2004.
At the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:
1. - Learn properties of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. - Learn time-domain and frequency-domain analysis
of continuous-time signals and LTI systems. - Learn analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion
techniques. (1b)
2. - Learn mathematical foundations of frequency- domain analysis techniques (Fourier series, Fourier
transform, Laplace transform) applicable to continuous-time signals and systems. (1c )
Learning 3. - Determine system output for a given input signal using time and frequency-domain techniques. - Learn to
Objectives select the most appropriate and efficient solution technique based on the information and mathematical
(Indicators) models provided. - Identify system characteristics required to shape and modify signal characteristics such
as in filtering and relate these characteristics to system parameters. (2b)
4. (4b), (7a), (7c ), (12a )
5. - Uses Matlab/Simulink as a signal analysis, simulation and visualization tool. - Generates system models
using simulation tools to verify system properties and perform signal operations. (5a)
NOTE:Numbers in parentheses refer to the graduate attributes required by the Canadian Engineering
Accreditation Board (CEAB).
Quizzes (4 X 3 Marks) 12 %
Midterm Examination 25 %
Final Examination 45 %
TOTAL: 100 %
Note: In order for a student to pass a course with "Theory and Laboratory" components, in addition to earning a
minimum overall course mark of 50%, the student must pass the Laboratory and Theory portions separately by
achieving a minimum of 50% in the combined Laboratory components and 50% in the combined Theory
components. Please refer to the "Course Evaluation" section for details on the Theory and Laboratory components.
Midterm Examination: Week 7, Wednesday, October 16; 2 hours duration; problem based; covers weeks 1–6.
Final Examination: During exam period; 3 hours duration; problem based; covers the entire course material.
Course Content
Chapters /
Week Hours Topic, description
Chapter 2, Convolution
4 3
Sections 4-6
Chapter 6, Convolution examples, system response, stability
5 3
Sections 4-6
Laboratory/Tutorials/Activity Schedule
3 T1 Tutorial #1
5 T2 Tutorial #2
8 T3 Tutorial #3
9 T4 Tutorial #4
11 T5 Tutorial #5
1st HOUR: Matlab Tutorial #5
12 M5, Q4
2nd HOUR: Quiz #4
13 MQ Matlab Quiz
1. Students are required to obtain and maintain a Ryerson e-mail account for timely communications between the instructor and the students;
2. Any changes in the course outline, test dates, marking or evaluation will be discussed in class prior to being implemented;
3. Assignments, projects, reports and other deadline-bound course assessment components handed in past the due date will receive a mark of ZERO,
unless otherwise stated. Marking information will be made available at the time when such course assessment components are announced.
4. Refer to our Departmental FAQ page for information on common questions and issues at the following link:
When possible, students are required to inform their instructors of any situation which arises during the semester which may have an adverse effect upon
their academic performance, and must request any consideration and accommodation according to the relevant policies as far in advance as possible. Failure
to do so may jeopardize any academic appeals.
1. Health certificates - If a student misses the deadline for submitting an assignment, or the date of an exam or other evaluation component for health
reasons, they should notify their instructor as soon as possible, and submit a Ryerson Student Health Certificate AND an Academic Consideration
Request form within 3 working days of the missed date. Both documents are available at https://www.ryerson.ca/senate/forms/medical.pdf.. If you
are a full-time or part-time degree student, then you submit your forms to your own program department or school;
2. Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual observance - If a student needs accommodation because of religious, Aboriginal or spiritual observance, they
must submit a Request for Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance AND an Academic Consideration Request
form within the first 2 weeks of the class or, for a final examination, within 2 weeks of the posting of the examination schedule. If the requested
absence occurs within the first 2 weeks of classes, or the dates are not known well in advance as they are linked to other conditions, these forms
should be submitted with as much lead time as possible in advance of the absence. Both documents are available at
www.ryerson.ca/senate/forms/relobservforminstr.pdf. If you are a full-time or part-time degree student, then you submit the forms to your
own program department or school;
3. Academic Accommodation Support - Before the first graded work is due, students registered with theAcademic Accommodation Support office
(AAS - www.ryerson.ca/studentlearningsupport/academic-accommodation-support) should provide their instructors with an Academic
Accommodation letter that describes their academic accommodation plan.
Academic Integrity
Ryerson's Policy 60 (the Academic Integrity policy) applies to all students at the University. Forms of academic misconduct include plagiarism, cheating,
supplying false information to the University, and other acts. The most common form of academic misconduct is plagiarism - a serious academic offence,
with potentially severe penalties and other consequences. It is expected, therefore, that all examinations and work submitted for evaluation and course credit
will be the product of each student's individual effort (or an authorized group of students). Submitting the same work for credit to more than one course,
without instructor approval, can also be considered a form of plagiarism.
Suspicions of academic misconduct may be referred to the Academic Integrity Office (AIO). Students who are found to have committed academic
misconduct will have a Disciplinary Notation (DN) placed on their academic record (not on their transcript) and will normally be assigned one or more of
the following penalties:
1. A grade reduction for the work, ranging up to an including a zero on the work (minimum penalty for graduate work is a zero on the work);
2. A grade reduction in the course greater than a zero on the work. (Note that this penalty can only be applied to course components worth 10% or less,
and any additional penalty cannot exceed 10% of the final course grade. Students must be given prior notice that such a penalty will be assigned
(e.g. in the course outline or on the assignment handout);
3. An F in the course;
4. More serious penalties up to and including expulsion from the University.
The unauthorized use of intellectual property of others, including your professor, for distribution, sale, or profit is expressly prohibited, in accordance with
Policy 60 (Sections 2.8 and 2.10). Intellectual property includes, but is not limited to:
1. Slides
2. Lecture notes
3. Presentation materials used in and outside of class
4. Lab manuals
5. Course packs
6. Exams
For more detailed information on these issues, please refer to the Academic Integrity policy(https://www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/pol60.pdf) and to the
Academic Integrity Office website (https://www.ryerson.ca/academicintegrity/).
1. The Library (https://library.ryerson.ca/) provides research workshops and individual assistance. Inquire at the Reference Desk on the second floor of
the library, or go to library.ryerson.ca/guides/workshops
2. Student Learning Support(https://www.ryerson.ca/studentlearningsupport) offers group-based and individual help with writing, math, study skills
and transition support, and other issues.