This document describes an experiment to verify Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) for AC circuits. The experiment involves constructing and measuring RLC series and series-parallel circuits powered by an AC source. Phasor diagrams will be drawn from the experimental data and used to express voltages and currents as phasors. KVL and KCL will then be verified by comparing the phasor quantities to theoretical calculations.
This document describes an experiment to verify Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) for AC circuits. The experiment involves constructing and measuring RLC series and series-parallel circuits powered by an AC source. Phasor diagrams will be drawn from the experimental data and used to express voltages and currents as phasors. KVL and KCL will then be verified by comparing the phasor quantities to theoretical calculations.
This document describes an experiment to verify Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) for AC circuits. The experiment involves constructing and measuring RLC series and series-parallel circuits powered by an AC source. Phasor diagrams will be drawn from the experimental data and used to express voltages and currents as phasors. KVL and KCL will then be verified by comparing the phasor quantities to theoretical calculations.
This document describes an experiment to verify Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) for AC circuits. The experiment involves constructing and measuring RLC series and series-parallel circuits powered by an AC source. Phasor diagrams will be drawn from the experimental data and used to express voltages and currents as phasors. KVL and KCL will then be verified by comparing the phasor quantities to theoretical calculations.
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The University of Asia Pacific
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
ECE 102 Experiment No: 8 Verification of KVL and KCL for AC circuit !"#ecti$e: The objective of this experiment is to study RLC series and series-parallel circuits when eneri!ed by an AC source and to construct their phasor diaram" #$L and #CL in phasor form will also be verified" E%uipment: %unction &enerator AC $oltmeter AC Ammeter 'ecade Resistor box 'ecade (nductor box 'ecade Capacitor box )*+ ohm Resistor )% Capacitor ,P,T ,witches -read -oard Circuit Diagram: &rocedure: )*+ )+ m. )% $, /$ rms )0.! $, /$ rms )0.! 1 $R - 1 $L - 1 $C - ( ( )++ )+m. )*+ )% 1 $R - 1 $L - 1 $P - () (* %i" ) %i" * 1' Construct the circuit as shown in %i" )" ,et the function enerator to supply a voltae of /$ rms at a fre2uency of )0.!" 3ote that the voltae manitude should be set after the source is connected to the circuit" 2' 4easure the voltaes $ R 5 $ L and $ C and the current ( with the help of AC meters" (' Construct the circuit of %i" *" Aain set $ , 6/$ rms5 f6)0.!" 3ow the function enerator is connected to the circuit" )' 4easure the voltaes $ R 5 $ L and $ P and the currents (5 ( ) and ( * " *eport: 1' Theoretically calculate all the voltaes and the currents in the circuits shown in %i") and %i" *" Comment on the relative manitudes (5 ( ) and ( * in the circuit of %i" *" 2' Assumin the circuit elements to be ideal5 draw the phasor diarams for both the circuits usin the experimental data" The diarams should be drawn to scale on raph paper" (' %rom the phasor diarams5 express the voltaes and the currents as phasors and compare those with the values calculated in step )" )' ,how that the voltae and the current phasors obtained in step 7 satisfies #$L and #CL"
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