Warning Letter For Absence
Warning Letter For Absence
Warning Letter For Absence
Sub. Warning Letter
It has been observed that you have proceeded on leave without prior permission of
the concerned authorities resulting in willful insubordination and gross negligence of
duties in your capacity as Designation.
!bsenting yourself from duties without prior intimation is a misconduct for which you
are ma"ing yourself liable for necessary action.
#ou are hereby warned to refrain from such activities$ failure to do so shall invo"e
appropriate action.
#ou are further advised to submit a written e%planation on your unauthori&ed leave
as soon as you receive this letter or as soon as you resume duties.
'indly treat this as very urgent.
(or) *ompany +ame
Written Warning
Issued By:______________________________________________________
A written warning has been issued to you on the above date.
The reason for the warning is:
If there are further incidents, we will impose further discipline up to and including
Employee Signature _______________________________
Date _______________________
Supervisor Signature_______________________________
Date ____________________________