1 Waste Management
1 Waste Management
1 Waste Management
Waste Management
Waste Management
Waste Management
(Arts & Commerce)
Waste Management
Project Co-ordinator College seal Principal
I also wish to thank all the employees of the GESCL who shared
their views while acquiring some of the information and for all the
support and help rendered in compilation of the project.
My thanks are also due to the college library for providing me
necessary books.
Waste Management
I thus acknowledge their contribution with full sincerity.
Waste Management
methodologies, and the impact of wastes on the local and global
behaviour changes and awareness raising. These issues have been amply
demonstrated by good practices from many cities around the world.
There is a clear need for the current approach of waste disposal that is
focused on municipalities and uses high energy/high technology, to move
more towards waste processing and waste recycling (that involves public-
private partnerships, aiming for eventual waste minimization - driven at the
community level, and using low energy/low technology resources. Some of
the defining criteria for future waste minimization programmes will include
deeper community participation, understanding economic benefits/recovery
of waste, focusing on life cycles (rather than end-of-pipe solutions),
Waste Management
decentralized administration of waste, minimizing environmental impacts,
reconciling investment costs with long-term goals.
Waste Management
- Laboratory 55
- Secured landfill facility 58.
Research Methodology
I have used both primary and secondary research method for the purpose of
my project.
Primary Research
Secondary Research
Waste Management
What is waste?
Waste Management
Some components of waste can be recycled once recovered from the waste
stream, e.g. plastic bottles, metals, glass or paper. The biodegradable
component of wastes (e.g. paper & food waste) can be composted or
anaerobicly digested to produce soil improvers and renewable fuels. If it is
not dealt with sustainably in this manner biodegradable waste can contribute
to greenhouse gas emissions and by implication climate change.
There are two main definitions of waste. One view comes from the individual
or organization producing the material, the second is the view of Government,
and is set out in different acts of waste legislation. The two have to combine
to ensure the safe and legal disposal of the waste.
What is management?
Waste Management
derives from the Latin manus (hand). The French word mesnagement (later
ménagement) influenced the development in meaning of the English word
management in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Waste Management
Waste management practices differ for developed and developing nations, for
urban and rural areas, and for residential, industrial, and commercial
producers. Waste management for non-hazardous residential and institutional
waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government
authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial
waste is usually the responsibility of the generator.
The purpose of waste management is to:
1. Protect people who handle waste items from accidental injury.
5. Open piles of waste should be avoided because they are a risk to those
who scavenge and unknowingly reuses contaminate items.
The history of waste management
Waste Management
Before the widespread use of metals, wood was widely used for most
applications. However, reuse of wood has been well documented
Nevertheless, it is once again well documented that reuse and recovery of
such metals have been carried out by earlier humans.
Waste has played a tremendous role in history. The Plague, cholera and
typhoid fever, to mention a few, were diseases that altered the populations of
many country. They were perpetuated by filth that harbored rats, and
contaminated water supply. It was not uncommon for everybody to throw
their waste and human wastes out of the window which would decompose in
the street.
Waste hierarchy
Waste Management
The waste hierarchy refers to the "3 Rs" reduce, reuse and recycle, which
classify waste management strategies according to their desirability in terms
of waste minimization. The waste hierarchy remains the cornerstone of most
waste minimisation strategies. The aim of the waste hierarchy is to extract
the maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum
amount of waste.
Waste Management
materials by modifying industrial production. Source reduction methods
involve changes in manufacturing technology, raw material inputs, and
product formulation. At times, the term "pollution prevention" may refer to
source reduction.
Waste Management
For example, in Australia most urban domestic households have a 240-litre
(63.4 U.S. gallon) bin that is emptied weekly from the curb using side- or
rear-loading compactor trucks. In Europe and a few other places around the
world, a few communities use a proprietary collection system known as
Envac, which conveys refuse via underground conduits using a vacuum
system. In Canadian urban centres curbside collection is the most common
method of disposal, whereby the city collects waste and/or recyclables
and/or organics on a scheduled basis. In rural areas people usually dispose of
their waste by hauling it to a transfer station. Waste collected is then
transported to a regional landfill.
Waste Management
Waste Management
create a number of adverse environmental impacts such as wind-blown litter,
attraction of vermin, and generation of leachate where result of rain
percolating through the waste and reacting with the products of
decomposition, chemicals and other materials in the waste to produce the
leachate which can pollute groundwater and surface water. Another
byproduct of landfills is landfill gas (mostly composed of methane and
carbon dioxide), which is produced as organic waste breaks down
anaerobically. This gas can create odor problems, kill surface vegetation,
and is a greenhouse gas.
Waste Management
This fact, as well as growing concern about the impacts of excessive
materials consumption, has given rise to efforts to minimise the amount of
orts include taxing or levying waste sent to landfill, recycling the materials,
converting material to energy, designing products that use less material, and
legislation mandating that manufacturers become responsible for disposal
costs of products or packaging. A related subject is that of industrial
ecology, where the material flows between industries is studied. The by-
products of one industry may be a useful commodity to another, leading to a
reduced materials waste stream.
Waste Management
Waste Management
remains a controversial method of waste disposal in many places due to
issues such as emission of gaseous pollutants.
Resource recovery
A relatively recent idea in waste management has been to treat the waste
material as a resource to be exploited, instead of simply a challenge to
be managed and disposed of. There are a number of different methods
by which resources may be extracted from waste: the materials may
be extracted and recycled, or the calorific content of the waste may be
converted to electricity.
Waste Management
workers called waste pickers or rag pickers, are part of the informal sector,
but play a significant role in reducing the load on the Municipalities' Solid
Waste Management departments. There is an increasing trend in recognising
their contribution to the environment and there are efforts to try and
integrate them into the formal waste management systems, which is proven
to be both cost effective and also appears to help in urban poverty
alleviation. However, the very high human cost of these activities including
disease, injury and reduced life expectancy through contact with toxic or
infectious materials would not be tolerated in a developed country
Recycling means to recover for other use a material that would otherwise be
considered waste. The popular meaning of ‘recycling’ in most developed
countries has come to refer to the widespread collection and reuse of various
everyday waste materials. They are collected and sorted into common
groups, so that the raw materials from these items can be used again
Waste Management
due to the separation and extraction problems. Much electronic waste is sent
to Asia, where recovery of the gold and copper can cause environmental
problems (monitors contain lead and various "heavy metals", such as
selenium and cadmium; both are commonly found in electronic items).
However, most economic systems do not account for the benefits to the
environment of recycling these materials, compared with extracting virgin
materials. It usually requires significantly less energy, water and other
resources to recycle materials than to produce new materials. For example,
Waste Management
recycling 1000 kg of aluminum cans saves approximately 5000 kg of
bauxite ore being mined (source: ALCOA Australia) and prevents the
generation of 15.17 tonnes CO2 greenhouse gases; recycling steel saves
about 95% of the energy used to refine virgin ore (source: U.S. Bureau of
Waste Management
Waste Disposal Methods
Advantages and Disadvantages
Ocean dumping
Advantages Disadvantages
• Convenient • ocean overburdened
• inexpensive • destruction of food sources
• source of material, shelter and • killing of plankton
breeding • desalination
Sanitary landfill
Advantages Disadvantages
• volume can increase with • completed landfill areas
little can
addition of people/equipment and requires maintenance
• filled land can be reused • requires proper planning,
for design and operation.
other community purposes.
Advantages Disadvantages
• requires minimum land • Inexpensive to build and
• can be operated in any operate
weather • High energy requirement
• produces stable odor- • Requires skilled
free personnel and continuous
residue maintenance
• refuse volume is Unsightly-smell waste,vermin.
reduced by half
Open dumping
Advantages Disadvantages
Inexpensive • Health hazard- insects,
rodents etc.
Damage due to air pollution
• Groundwater and run off
Advantages Disadvantages
Waste Management
liviable Some wastes cannot push
environment for the future. needed
• Separation of useful
material from waste difficult.
Solid waste can be classified into different types depending on their source:
a) Household waste is generally classified as municipal waste,
Waste Management
b)Industrial waste as hazardous waste
c) Biomedical waste or hospital waste as infectious waste.
Toxic waste: old medicines, paints, chemicals, bulbs, spray cans, fertilizer and
pesticide containers, batteries, shoe polish.
Soiled: hospital waste such as cloth soiled with blood and other fluids.
Over the last few years, the consumer market has grown rapidly leading to
products being packed in cans, aluminium foils, plastics, and other such
nonbiodegradable items that cause incalculable harm to the environment. In
India, some municipal areas have banned the use of plastics and they seem to
have achieved success. For example, today one will not see a single piece 28 of
plastic in the entire district of Ladakh where the local authorities imposed a ban
Waste Management
Modernization and progress has had its share of disadvantages and one of
the main aspects of concern is the pollution it is causing to the earth – be it
land, air, and water. With increase in the global population and the rising
demand for food and other essentials, there has been a rise in the amount of
waste being generated daily by each household. This waste is ultimately
thrown into municipal waste collection centres from where it is collected by
the area municipalities to be further thrown into the landfills and dumps.
However, either due to resource crunch or inefficient infrastructure, not all
of this waste gets collected and transported to the final dumpsites. If at this
stage the management and disposal is improperly done, it can cause serious
impacts on health and problems to the surrounding environment.
Waste that is not properly managed, especially excreta and other liquid and
solid waste from households and the community, are a serious health hazard
and lead to the spread of infectious diseases. Unattended waste lying around
attracts flies, rats, and other creatures that in turn spread disease. Normally it
is the wet waste that decomposes and releases a bad odour. This leads to
unhygienic conditions and thereby to a rise in the health problems. The
plague outbreak in Surat is a good example of a city suffering due to the
callous attitude of the local body in maintaining cleanliness in the city.
Plastic waste is another cause for ill health. Thus excessive solid waste that
is generated should be controlled by taking certain preventive measures.
Waste Management
The group at risk from the unscientific disposal of solid waste include – the
population in areas where there is no proper waste disposal method,
especially the pre-school children; waste workers; and workers in facilities
producing toxic and infectious material. Other high-risk group includes
population living close to a waste dump and those, whose water supply has
become contaminated either due to waste dumping or leakage from landfill
sites. Uncollected solid waste also increases risk of injury, and infection.
Exposure to hazardous waste can affect human health, children being more
vulnerable to these pollutants. In fact, direct exposure can lead to diseases
through chemical exposure as the release of chemical waste into the
environment leads to chemical poisoning. Many studies have been carried
out in various parts of the world to establish a
connection between health and hazardous waste.
Waste from agriculture and industries can also cause serious health risks.
Other than this, co-disposal of industrial hazardous waste with municipal
waste can expose people to chemical and radioactive hazards. Uncollected
Waste Management
solid waste can also obstruct storm water runoff, resulting in the forming of
stagnant water bodies that become the breeding ground of disease. Waste
dumped near a water source also causes contamination of the water body or
the ground water source.
Direct dumping of untreated waste in rivers, seas, and lakes results in the
accumulation of toxic substances in the food chain through the plants and
animals that feed on it.
Waste treatment and disposal sites can also create health hazards for the
neighbourhood. Improperly operated incineration plants cause air pollution
and improperly managed and designed landfills attract all types of insects
and rodents that spread disease. Ideally these sites should be located at a safe
distance from all human settlement. Landfill sites should be well lined and
walled to ensure that there is no leakage into the nearby ground water
Recycling too carries health risks if proper precautions are not taken.
Workers working with waste containing chemical and metals may
experience toxic exposure. Disposal of health-care wastes require special
Waste Management
attention since it can create major health hazards, such as Hepatitis B and C,
through wounds caused by discarded syringes. Rag pickers and others who
are involved in scavenging in the waste dumps for items that can be
recycled, may sustain injuries and come into direct contact with these
infectious items.
Skin and blood infections resulting from direct contact with waste, and from
infected wounds. Eye and respiratory infections resulting from exposure to
infected dust, especially during landfill operations.
Different diseases that results from the bites of animals feeding on the waste.
Intestinal infections that are transmitted by flies feeding on the waste.
Chronic diseases
Bone and muscle disorders resulting from the handling of heavy
containers. Infecting wounds resulting from contact with sharp objects.
Poisoning and chemical burns resulting from contact with small amounts of
hazardous chemical waste mixed with general waste.
Waste Management
Burns and other injuries resulting from occupational accidents at waste
disposal sites or from methane gas explosion at landfill sites.
The unhygienic use and disposal of plastics and its effects on human health
has become a matter of concern. Coloured plastics are harmful as their
pigment contains heavy metals that are highly toxic. Some of the harmful
metals found in plastics are copper, lead, chromium, cobalt, selenium, and
cadmium. In most industrialized countries, colour plastics have been legally
banned. In India, the Government of Himachal Pradesh has banned the use
of plastics and so has Ladakh district. Other states should emulate their
Waste Management
Preventive measure
Waste Management
All of us in our daily lives contribute our bit to this change in the climate.
Give these points a good, serious thought:
-Electricity is the main source of power in urban areas. All our gadgets run
on electricity generated mainly from thermal power plants. These thermal
power plants are run on fossil fuels (mostly coal) and are responsible for the
emission of huge amounts of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
- Cars, buses, and trucks are the principal ways by which goods and people
are transported in most of our cities. These are run mainly on petrol or diesel
both fossil fuels. We generate large quantities of waste in the form of
plastics that remain in the environment for many years and cause damage
Waste Management
- A growing population has meant more and more mouths to feed. Because
the land area available for agriculture is limited (and in fact, is actually
shrinking as a result of ecological degradation!), high-yielding varieties of
crop are being grown to increase the agricultural output from a given area of
land. However, such high-yielding varieties of crops require large quantities
of fertilizers; and more fertilizer means more emissions of nitrous oxide.
Water pollution are contributed due to industrial effluents and sewage. The
time has came to avert major disaster. Effluent treatment systems have to be
incorporated in industry. Industries, where it is already in existence, need to
operate their plants regularly without looking for savings.
Waste Management
pickling once carried out by acids is replaced by sand blasting in which
no liquid effluent is generated.
2. To minimize the volume of effluents, the waste water that is less
polluted may be used in rinsing. For instance, in the mercerizing of yarn,
the final rinse water containing little alkali is used for the first and second
rinsing of yarn containing excess alkali.
3. Concentrated wastes, low in volume, are mingled with diluted waste
for treatment or disposal. It can be segregated from other streams of
diluted wastes, for reduction in pollution load and the diluted wastes after
minor treatment is utilised for irrigation. This method is used for treating
tannery effluents.
4. Small industries cannot afford treatment plants as they frequently
discharge their effluents, near agricultural lands and on roads. It can be
avoided by setting up a common effluent treatment plant where industries
are located.
6. The sludge obtained is a problem. The sludge from pulp and paper
industry may be used for manufacturing boards used in packing or in
preparation of artificial wooden panels while those from the
electroplating industry may form water–proofing compounds.
Waste Management
Recovery of chemicals and metals is practiced in most industries. The
reclaimed waste water can be reused for industrial processes such as boiler,
feeding, cooling, which will help cut down the fresh water needs. And paper
mills, sugar industries and distilleries that let out more effluents can be used
for irrigation or as fertilizers after proper treatment, without affecting ground
Water is one of the most essential parts for human survival. Human water
demand for industrial water supply, irrigation, and generation of power is
ever increasing with development of civilization. Since the start of the
industrial revolution and the fast expanding agricultural activities water
resource began to deteriorate with time. In view of the wide range of
Waste Management
activities affecting the quality of water, a large number of variables are to be
considered to describe water quality and water use. Water quality, in
general, is determined by the gases, solutes and suspended mater in the
1. Domestic waste waters: These waters are produced by the mere acts
3. Cooling waste waters: These waters are produced as a result of some sort
of heat exchanger where heat is removed from the product. Waters can be
Waste Management
used once or recycled. Recycling creates the necessity for periodic
cleaning, where at least some may be released into the environment. This
type of waste must also be monitored and often treated, and is also a
major factor in thermal pollution of water sources.
Waste Management
Water conservation
Our ancient religious texts and epics give a good insight into the water
storage and conservation systems that prevailed in those days.
Over the years rising populations, growing industrialization, and
expanding agriculture have pushed up the demand for water. Efforts have
been made to collect water by building dams and reservoirs and digging
wells; some countries have also tried to recycle and desalinate (remove
salts) water. Water conservation has become the need of the day. The
idea of ground water recharging by harvesting rainwater is gaining
importance in many cities.
In the forests, water seeps gently into the ground as vegetation breaks the
fall. This groundwater in turn feeds wells, lakes, and rivers. Protecting
forests means protecting water 'catchments'. In ancient India, people
believed that forests were the 'mothers' of rivers and worshipped the
sources of these water bodies.
In many cases, effluent water from one process might be perfectly suitable
for reuse in another process somewhere else on site. With the proper
treatment, a significant proportion of industrial on-site wastewater might be
reusable. This can save money in three ways: lower charges for lower water
consumption, lower charges for the smaller volume of effluent water
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discharged and lower energy costs due to the recovery of heat in recycled
Industrial water treatment seeks to manage four main problem areas: scaling,
corrosion, microbiological activity and disposal of residual wastewater.
Boilers do not have many problems with microbes as the high temperatures
prevents their growth.
Scaling occurs when the chemistry and temperature conditions are such that
the dissolved mineral salts in the water are caused to precipitate and form
solid crystalline deposits. These can be mobile, like a fine silt, or can build
up in layers on the metal surfaces of the systems. Scale is a problem because
it insulates and heat exchange becomes less efficient as the scale thickens,
which wastes energy. Scale also narrows pipe widths and therefore increases
the energy used in pumping the water through the pipes.
Corrosion occurs when the parent metal oxidises (as iron rusts, for example)
and gradually the integrity of the plant equipment is compromised. The
corrosion products can cause similar problems to scale, but corrosion can
also lead to leaks, which in a pressurised system can lead to catastrophic
Waste Management
Waste Management
Liquid contaminated waste (e.g., human tissue, blood, feces, urine and other
body fluids) requires special handling, because it may pose an infectious risk
to healthcare workers who contact or handle the waste.
STEP 1: Wear PPE (utility gloves, protective eyewear and plastic apron)
Note: Liquid wastes can when handling and transporting liquid wastes.
also be poured into the latrine.
STEP 2: Carefully pour wastes down a utility sink drain or into a flushable
toilet and rinse the toilet or sink carefully and thoroughly with water to
remove residual wastes. Avoid splashing.
STEP 5: Remove utility gloves (wash daily or when visibly soiled and dry).
Waste Management
Waste Management
applications after suitable post – treatment like process water, boiler feed
cooling tower, chillers, as soft water gardening etc.
Process of recycling
Waste Management
Urban India is likely to face a massive waste disposal problem in the coming
years. Till now, the problem of waste has been seen as one of cleaning and
disposing as rubbish. But a closer look at the current and future scenario
reveals that waste needs to be treated holistically, recognizing its natural
resource roots as well as health impacts. Waste can be wealth; which has
tremendous potential not only for generating livelihoods for the urban poor
but can also enrich the earth through composting and recycling rather than
spreading pollution as has been the case. Increasing urban migration and a
high density of population will make waste management a difficult issue to
handle in the near future, if a new paradigm for approaching it is not created.
Waste Management
1995). Modern urban living brings on the problem of waste, which increases
in quantity, and changes in composition with each passing day. There is,
however, an inadequate understanding of the problem, both of infrastructure
requirements as well as its social dimensions. Urban planners, municipal
agencies, environmental regulators, labour groups, citizens’ groups and non-
governmental organizations need to develop a variety of responses which are
rooted in local dynamics, rather than borrow non-contextual solutions from
There have been a variety of policy responses to the problem of urban solid
waste in India, especially over the past few years, yet sustainable solutions
either of organic or inorganic waste remains an untapped and unattended
area. All policy documents as well as legislation dealing with urban solid
waste mention or acknowledge recycling as one of the ways of diverting
waste, but they do so in a piece meal manner and do not address the
framework needed to enable this to happen. Critical issues such as industry
responsibility, a critical paradigm to enable sustainable recycling and to
catalyse waste reduction through, say better packing, has not been touched
Waste Management
Source of Finance :
Contribution from Member units Rs. 22.23 crore
Subsidy from Central/State Govt. Rs. 10.75 crore
Total Rs. 32.98 crore
Society has obtained the loan amounting Rs. 1150 lacs from Industrial
Development Bank of India and same has been prepaid before maturity.
Power Requirement : The total connected power is 1100KW Supplied by
A.E.C. Ltd. In case of power failure they have stand by DG set of 1000
KVA which is sufficient to run the entire project.
Technology : M/s. Advent Corporation USA has carried out the process
design of the CETP. The construction work was started in March 96 and the
plant was pre-commissioned in just two year i.e. in May 98.
Waste Management
System) Which consists Aeration system with Inbuit clarifier.
b) The advantage of this system is about 66% saving in land area, project
cost and power supply as compared to conventional systems.
c) There are no moving parts in the Aeration Tank as well as clarifier.
d) There is no pumping anywhere in the plant once effluent reaches to
E.Q. Tank as it's designed based on gravity flow only through the
Charging Basis :
Effluent Rs. 20/kg. Toc/DAY
Solid waste : Rs. 200/MT.
They Collect extra treatment charges from the Member units who discharge
their Effluent exceeding specified norms given by GESCSL.
Incase of exceeding in any of the parameter than the specified by us, they
are calling them individually against our technical committee and proper
technology is being guided to them to control it at their premises itself.
which helps us in improving the quality of Influent of CETP.
Waste Management
In this Industrial Estate there are approximately 1800 units, out of which
approximately 680 industries generates the effluent. These units include
Pharmaceutical products manafacturers, rolling mills, Process houses, Dyes
& Dye Intermediates manufacturers, Pigment manufacturers etc.
To treat the effluent by individual member units at source was very difficult
and Techno-economically not viable hence to solve this problem, the most
practical and cost-effective approach was adopted by establishing the
Common Effluent Treatment Plant under the name "The Green Environment
Services Co-op. Soc. Ltd.", with the support of Vatva Industries Association
and Gujarat Dyestuff Manufacturer's Association.
Waste Management
There are 680 member units spread in an area of 13.5 sq. km. in Vatva
Insustrial Complex. The effluent from every member is conveyed through
the ICS to CETP in a most scientific and economical way. To Control the
quality & quantity of member’s effluent, control system is also provided.
The detailed engineering for ICS is carried out by renowed consultant M/s.
Waste Management
Dalal Consultants and Engineers Ltd., Ahmedabad based on the Techno-
economic feasibility study of the various alternative of ICS. The salient
features of the Internal Effluent Collection System are as under.
The 680 members which are scattered in different area of the complex are
covered in 92 sump rooms from where, the wastewater flows by gravity to
the pumping stations. The wastewater is pumped to CETP from six
pumping stations. In all there are six pumping stations located in such a
way that maximum flow from sump rooms to pumping stations is available
by gravity, so that pumping cost can be minimised. One new pumping
station No. 7 is installed to divert choked gravity mains of pumping station
no. 5 and its discharge goes to pumping station 5.
All the members discharge their effluent from their over head discharge
tank in the respective sumps. The magnetic flow meter & butterfly valves
Waste Management
The CETP has its own in house well equiped, laboratory. The laboratory has
been divided into four sections :
The Chemistry lab.
The Microbiology lab.
The TOC lab.
The R&D lab.
The physical and the chemical analysis of the wastewater from different
units of the CETP as well as influent from the individual member is carried
out in the laboratory. We have modern and Imported Analytical Instruments
for the Analysis.
The laboratory is functioning round the clock for the determination of
various parameters of the effluent and solid waste.
This CETP is a result of joint efforts and strong determination put together to
Waste Management
make environment pollution free and earth a better place.
TOC Laboratory
Analytical Laboratory
Waste Management
Instrument Laboratory
Waste Management
The Govt. of Gujarat, Forests and Environment Department notified the area
most suitable for developing Secured Landfill Facility.
Waste Management Impact Assessment study was done by Ms. National
Productivity Council (NPC), New Delhi.
Vasundhara or earth is the only planet in our solar system which can
support life so it is very important to save it from various waste hazards.
Waste Management
air, water and land resources. Human activities create waste, and it is the
way these wastes are handled, stored, collected and disposed of that pose
risks to the environment and to public health.
The trend for waste management has been moving from traditional “end-of-
pipe” treatment to “waste minimization” solution. Instead of treating waste
at the end of manufacturing processes, process engineers have been playing
a more important role in waste management by either eliminating emissions
at source or recovering and reusing materials that would otherwise be
discharged. This can be achieved using various process design and
modification techniques. For instance, the waste can be reduced from source
Waste Management
by designing or modifying process equipment or technology, by changing
process or procedure, by substituting raw materials, and by improving the
housekeeping and inventory control. This topical presentation includes:
Indian Oil Corporation is the largest commercial enterprise in India, engaged in the
business of refining, transportation and marketing of petroleum products throughout the
country. For sustainable growth, safe disposal of oily sludge in a cost-effective manner is
a key issue that has confronted the oil industry in India for a long time. At a conservative
estimate, over 20,000 MT of oily sludge gets generated in the country every year.
To find an environmentally safe and cost effective solution to the problem, a
collaborative research project was launched by Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) and
Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI). This led to development of OiliVorous-S, a
commercially produced microbial consortium to biodegrade the hazardous constituents of
oily sludge. This product was successfully field tested in Mathura, Barauni and Digboi
refineries of IOCL and 4000 MT of sludge was biodegraded during the year 2002-2003 at
an average cost of about US$15 per MT of sludge.
Waste Management
Indian Oil Corporation has adopted a holistic approach for handling oily sludge at its
refineries and other locations.
Waste Management
waste in the country. This takes care only 40% of the hazardous waste
generated that includes harmful metals like lead and mercury and lethal
According to industry estimates, the country generates 5 million tonnes
of hazardous waste every year and 10 TSDFs have the capacity to treat not
more than 2 million tonnes. While independent TSDFs are open for
industries to use at a price, some large companies build their own. However,
since TSDFs involve multi- crore investments for development and
maintenance, most companies, especially small ones, rely on independent
TSDFs. The 10 TSDFs are spread out in a few states including Andhra
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. In Kerela, Tamil Nadu, West
Bengal and Haryana, among others, the TSDFs are still in the process of
“Since in many states such facilities don’t exist, many companies
transport the waste to a state where a TSDF exists while others allow their
waste to remain untreated”, environment ministry official said. According to
the hazardous waste management rules under the Environment Protection
Act, that came into play in 1989, hazardous waste must be kept in storage
after which it is to be treated in a TSDFs facility. In 2002, the environment
ministry issued guidelines under the rules, one of which states the storage
time should not exceed three months. “ The three month guideline is rarely
followed and most of the hazardous waste is dumped in open spaces.
Contamination of ground water due to this is common,” Delhi- based NGO
Toxic Link director Ravi Agarwal said.
In 2003, the Supreme Court asked states to strictly implement the
hazardous waste management rules under the Environment Protection Act
Waste Management
and had appointed a committee to monitor the implementation of the rules.
The apex court said every state must have at least one TSDF. Officials said
the Centre and the monitoring committee have repeatedly asked states to
identify land for TSDFs.
“Lack of availability of appropriate land is the biggest constraint in
developing TSDFs and the state governments need to be proactive,” said AK
Saxena, vice president of Ramky Enviro Engineers, that runs 7 TSDFs. The
state authorities are supposed to provide land for TDSFs at a subsidized rate.
A TSDFs includes a laboratory and an incinerator where different waste is
treated separately and a landfill where treated waste is disposed. The bottom
of the landfill is covered by a high density polyethylene layer.
Electricity from plastic waste. It may sound unrealistic, but it’s now
being touted as the technology of future for the power- deficit India. Alka
Waste Management
Umesh Zadgaonkar, who has got six patents in India for the technology and
in the process of filing for international patent, is joining hands with two
large corporates to make it a commercial success.
MUMBAI: Electricity from plastic waste. It may sound unrealistic, but it’s
now being touted as the technology of future for the power-deficit India.
Alka Umesh Zadgaonkar, who has got six patents in India for the technology
and in the process of filing for international patent, is joining hands with two
large corporate to make it a commercial success.
Mumbai-based Asian Electronics (AEL) and Singapore’s Enviro-Hub
Holdings have teamed up to build four power plants of 8 mega watt (MW)
each based on this ‘commercially viable’ technology. The plants will be
Waste Management
The AEL board is expected to clear the proposals on Thursday (July 5), said
the official. AEL is already in talks Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
(HPCL) for a JV to develop technology for optimum conversion of crude oil
into petrol and diesel. In the present scenario, only 70% of the crude is
refined to fuel. Using our technology, it can be improved to 90%, claimed
the official.
Mrs Zadgaonkar, who developed the technology for producing fuel from
plastic waste, owns the patent for her invention. While working as the head
Waste Management
of chemistry department in Raisoni Engineering College in Nagpur, Mrs
Zadgaonkar invented the new method to reuse the hydrocarbons in plastic.
As per the request of President APJ Abdul Kalam, the ministries, including
coal and mines, science and technology, petroleum and natural gas, have
done studies on the process and given permission to start commercial
production of fuel from plastic waste. Maharashtra Energy Development
Agency had signed a memorandum of understanding with Mrs Zadgaonkar
for a JV to develop commercial process for fuel from plastic. Rajasthan State
Industrial Development & Investment Corporation has expressed interest in
setting up similar plants across the state.
Waste Management
“Plastic, a product of petroleum, gives a fuel better than petrol and diesel as
the impurities are less when compared to the crude oil. Through the new
technology, we can convert the waste plastic into oil (70%), gas (20%) and
coke (10%),” said the official.
1. Why did you decided to have a plant for industrial waste water treatment?
Waste Management
6. Does the government provide any assistance or subsidy for the work
Reference Material
Waste Management
The Economic Times
Times of India