This document contains homework problems about fluid flow concepts:
1) Finding the streamline and pathline equations for two 2D flow fields defined by given velocity components.
2) Determining the volumetric dilatation rate, vorticity, and rate of angular deformation for flow between parallel plates where the bottom plate is fixed and top plate moves at constant velocity, resulting in linear velocity distribution.
3) References textbook problems 1.1, 2.5, and 2.7 to also be solved.
This document contains homework problems about fluid flow concepts:
1) Finding the streamline and pathline equations for two 2D flow fields defined by given velocity components.
2) Determining the volumetric dilatation rate, vorticity, and rate of angular deformation for flow between parallel plates where the bottom plate is fixed and top plate moves at constant velocity, resulting in linear velocity distribution.
3) References textbook problems 1.1, 2.5, and 2.7 to also be solved.
This document contains homework problems about fluid flow concepts:
1) Finding the streamline and pathline equations for two 2D flow fields defined by given velocity components.
2) Determining the volumetric dilatation rate, vorticity, and rate of angular deformation for flow between parallel plates where the bottom plate is fixed and top plate moves at constant velocity, resulting in linear velocity distribution.
3) References textbook problems 1.1, 2.5, and 2.7 to also be solved.
This document contains homework problems about fluid flow concepts:
1) Finding the streamline and pathline equations for two 2D flow fields defined by given velocity components.
2) Determining the volumetric dilatation rate, vorticity, and rate of angular deformation for flow between parallel plates where the bottom plate is fixed and top plate moves at constant velocity, resulting in linear velocity distribution.
3) References textbook problems 1.1, 2.5, and 2.7 to also be solved.
1. Consider the 2-D flow field defined by the following velocity components: u=x/(1+2t) ; v=y/(1+t). For this flow field find the equation of : (a) the streamline through the point(1,1) at t=1. (b) the pathline for a particle released at the point (1,1) at t=1 and determine its new location at t=2. 2. Consider the 2-D flow field defined by the following velocity components: )] ( 2 cos[ ; Ut x V v U u = =
, where U, V, are constants.
For this flow field find the equation of :(a) the streamline through the point (/2,0) at t=/(4U).(b) the pathline for a particle released at the point (0,0) at t=1 and determine its new location at t=2. 3. An incompressible viscous fluid is placed between two large parallel plates as shown. The bottom plate is fixed and the upper plate moves with a constant velocity, U. For these conditions the velocity distribution between the plates is linear, and can be expressed as u =U y/b. Determine : (a) the volumetric dilatation rate, (b) the vorticity, and (c) the rate of angular deformation.