Mrs Baileys Classroom Procedures

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Sra. Baileys
Classroom Procedures
Entering the Classroom
1. Enter the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner.
2. Students may enter the classroom after I have greeted you and your classmates at the
3. Place any assignments in the assignment tray. Late & Make Up work should be placed in
the assignment tray, clearly labeled.
4. When the tardy bell rings, everyone should be seated in his/her assigned seat.
5. Get organized and have the needed materials ready for the days lesson.
6. Begin the Para Empezar exercises.
7. Be silent while everyone is working. This is a time for silent reflection and to ready your
mind for learning. Therefore, no conversation should take place during this time.
8. When the bell rings, students should begin the Para Empezar exercise. The room should
be silent because everyone is working. The Para Empezar exercise is checked and timed.
(5 - 10 minutes) After the timer has sounded students will place the Para Empezar in the
folder. Once the Para Empezar time is over, it may not be checked late.
9. If you have ANY questions during this time you should write them on a post-it note and
place the note on the parking lot.
10. If you need paper or pencil, use a post-it note to write down what you need and place the
post-it note on the teachers laptop. If you need to sharpen your pencil, you must do it
during the Para Empezar. Mrs. Bailey will have paper and pencils available in an
emergency only. If requesting paper and pencils becomes a habit, you will be required to
make a .25 donation to offset the cost of supplies. Mrs. Bailey does not have change.
11. The Para Empezar section should be completed in the Para Empezar section of your
folder. Use the same sheet for consecutive days unless you are given a handout. If you
are given a handout, place it in the back of the Para Empezar section of your folder.
12. Get your homework ready for submission.
13. If you finish early, organize your portfolio notebook / folder or study your language
chunks. Students should wait quietly for the next activity.

Period Students
1. If you have an absentee note, turn it in during the Para Empezar. Otherwise, you will
need to turn it in the following day.
2. After 10 absences you will need to provide a doctors note for an excused absence.

Late Students
3. Late students should give the appropriate admit slip to the teacher immediately after
entering the classroom.
4. In accordance with school policy, excessive tardiness will result in a detention.

Classroom Movement
1. Students are to remain seated whenever the teacher or classmate is talking, teaching or

2. Students are expected to follow the SLANT rule.
a. Sit up
b. Listen
c. Ask and answer questions
d. Nod head for understanding
e. Track your speaker
3. All walking should be kept to a minimum.
4. Getting up during class to put things in the garbage can or socializing with your friends is
not permitted. Students must do this at the end of class.
5. Students should sit straight up in their desks, facing the front of the room.
6. Sleeping in class is not be permitted.

Exiting the Classroom
1. Listen to last minute instructions & reminders made by your teacher.
2. Clean up your desk and gather your trash.
3. When the bell rings to end class, wait for Sra. Bailey to dismiss you. Hasta maana/el
4. Turn in your assignments as directed.

Working in Sra. Baileys
1. The classroom procedures, syllabus, and any addendums should be at the front of the folder.
2. Section 1: Para Empezar - Unless otherwise directed, your Para Empezar should be
completed in the Para Empezar section of your folder. If you have a Twiccionario or other
handout for your Para Empezar, it will be kept in the back of this section.
3. Section 2: Vocabulary Place any vocabulary activities and handouts in this section.
a. Honors classes: every week you will see a new Spanish idiom on one of the small
boards. You will write a paragraph or dialog entry listing the idiom, the literal
translation, the actual meaning, and a real life scenario or an example of how you can
use the idiom (see examples on the last page). To save paper, you may write
multiple idiom entries in the same page, and you may write on the back.
4. Section 3: Journal & Notes Here you will keep your journal entries, topic reflections, and
graphic organizers.
a. All journal entries should be written in complete paragraphs. A complete
paragraph has a minimum of 5 sentences.
b. All Journal Entries should be labeled with the date AND title.
c. To conserve paper, you may have more than one journal entry on a journal page
and you may write on the back.
d. Spanish 2 - 2
period and 7
period every week you will see a quote on one of
the small whiteboards with a quote. You will need to write a minimum 5 sentence
paragraph explaining what you think the quote means. Then explain how that
quote might apply to you (see the examples on the last page).
5. Section 4: Homework/Projects All homework assignments and projects with their rubrics
should be kept in this section.
6. Section 5: Assessments: Here you will keep any assessments that are returned to you,
reflections assigned, and rubrics.

Schedule/ Daily Routine
1. Warm-up 7 minutes
2. Announcements/Greetings /Homework Submission 2 minutes (during Warm-
3. Warm Up Discussion 3 minutes
4. Instruction (Lecture, Reading, Video) 15 minutes
5. Independent Practice/Collaboration/ Simulation 15 minutes
6. Closing Activities (Review, Returns, Reminders) 3-5 minutes

During the instruction
1. Follow the SLANT procedure:
a. Sit up
b. Listen
i. You should pay attention & take notes during lecture and instruction time.
ii. Do NOT talk or hold sidebar conversations when someone else is speaking.
c. Ask and answer questions
i. You should raise your hand to have instruction clarified.
ii. You should participate in the class discussion or activities in a non
disruptive manner.
d. Nod head for understanding
e. Track your speaker

When you have a question
1. If you have a question pertaining to the current topic of discussion, then raise your hand.
Wait until I acknowledge you, then you may begin your question.
2. Please hold all other questions until the appropriate time or the end of class.
3. Also, if you have a question that you are shy about asking or not related to the current
topic, you may write it down on a post-it note. During an appropriate walking time, you
may place it on the Parking Lot. These questions will be answered at the end of class or
at the beginning of the next meeting time. You may also submit questions online.
4. Students may stay after class or school to clear up any questions or concerns.

Parking Lot
The Parking Lot is another place for students to ask questions. Questions may be asked
1. If you have ANY questions at any time you may write them on a post-it note and place the
note on the parking lot.
2. You may also use the parking lot section of the classroom website.
3. Your question may be answered during the announcements, instruction or in a private

Completing the work
1. All assignments must be completed in Blue or Black ink or pencil. If your writing is too
light, Sra. Bailey may ask you to use only ink.
2. Begin all assignments by putting the appropriate heading on your paper.
3. If you miss a test/quiz due to an absence, it is your responsibility to arrange a time to
make up this work. Make up times are: Tuesday and Thursday at 2:20PM. Please
discuss any specific details with me before or after school, during break or before class

4. If we are doing individual work and you finish early, you may complete your homework
assignment, journal entry, vocabulary work, or study language chunks. You should
remain quiet so others can continue working.
5. Do your best work on every assignment.
6. Work in a manner that does not disturb other people.

Turning in completed work
1. Students papers should be headed in the top right corner with:
Last Name, First Name.
Date Due.
Assignment title/description
2. Students should place all late assignments in the assignment basket before the tardy bell
rings. Once assignments are graded, I will not take any more late assignments.
3. When I have called for an assignment, students have 20 seconds to get the assignment
turned in. Students will pass their work to the front of their row or section.
4. If you were absent, you may place your assignment in the basket located on the work
table. Please make sure to note that the assignment is make-up work at the top of your

Every student must maintain an active portfolio (notebook) for this class.
1. The notebook for this class should be a 1 binder.
2. Only materials for this class should be in your portfolio.
3. Once we have completed the unit, all materials should be moved to the portfolio in the
same order as the folder.
4. The portfolio will be divided by units.
5. There will be a portfolio check and a portfolio grade after each unit is complete.

Participation see attached rubric
This is not a class where students can sit passively to learn the information. A large portion of
our time will be spent using the Spanish that you learn. For that reason, participation is an
important element of this class counting for 30% of your quarter average.
1. Participation is graded with a rubric, self-analysis & teacher analysis.
2. Poor participation and/or conduct will result in reduction of your participation grade.
3. Pesos are rewards for excellent/brilliant participation

This is an opportunity for students to earn extra credit points. As you accumulate points, pesos
will be rewarded for:
1. Students who use Spanish outside of class, participate appropriately, use an idiom in a
written or spoken assignment , connecting the work to your proficiency level and
explaining how one can achieve a higher proficiency level, and giving extraordinary
answers can earn a peso.
2. You are responsible for your pesos. If they are lost or destroyed, I will not replace them.
3. You may redeem your pesos for the following:
a. 10 pesos candy bar or chips or other snack during peso day
b. 20 pesos bathroom pass
c. 30 pesos homework pass good for one homework assignment
d. 40 pesos one number grade on your quarterly grade (92 to a 93, etc)

e. 50 pesos quiz pass

Group Work
1. Once instructions have been received, students should move QUIETLY in less than 1
minute into the appropriate group format.
2. Make sure to read and listen to the task instructions before beginning the assignment.
3. Stay on task throughout the collaboration. Inappropriate conversations will be noted and
result in a deduction on task rubric.
4. Voices should be kept at a level that only your group members can hear.

Late Work Policy
1. All work must be submitted on the day it is due. You have one week to turn in any
makeup work.
2. It is your responsibility to make up any class work. You have one week to make up any
missed work.
3. Any work turned in more than a week late will be given a 5 point deduction for every
additional day it is late.
4. To make up your work you must:
a. get your notes from a good note-taker in class
b. make sure you have the handouts that were given out. They will be on the table for
a week after the assignment.
c. set up an appointment after school to take quizzes and tests
d. turn in an extra assignment for every three days you are absent these
assignments will be posted with each unit in Sra. Baileys class website.
e. ALL make-up work must be marked Make-Up, include the title of the
assignment, and be headed properly.
Appropriate Behavior
Academic Honesty
1. Students are to practice academic integrity. The work you turn in should be your own.
Plagiarism is taking someone elses work and presenting as your own. Plagiarism will
not be tolerated and students committing this infraction will move forward to step three
of the classroom behavior plan.
2. If you are caught cheating on an assignment/test, you will receive a zero. If you use
someone elses homework, you and the other person will receive a zero.
3. We work from bell to bell in this class and you may not stop to rest or put your head down
at any time. Remember, this is a learning environment.
4. There should be NO personal grooming at any time in this class.

Classroom Rules
1. Be Punctual
2. Be Prepared
3. Be Productive
4. Be Polite

1. Gracias! Public thank you and recognition
2. Pesos Earn paper pesos to buy goodies on peso day.

3. Premios Earn individual and class rewards for challenging yourself each quarter.
4. Positive phone call, note, or email Teacher will call to brag on your achievements.
5. Bright Future: college, wealth, power, fame

1. Warning
2. Written warning (negative points)
3. Student-Teacher Conference
4. Phone Call Home
5. Parent-Teacher Conference
6. Office Referral

Unacceptable Behaviors
The following behaviors carry a Zero Tolerance policy. Each of the following behaviors will
result in automatic disciplinary referral (consequence #6)
Hate Speech/N Word
Inappropriate Touching

Miscellaneous Items
1. Students should bring to class the supplies needed for their daily lessons. Paper and pencils will be
available on an emergency basis. Sra. Bailey will give you a warning if you are repeatedly forgetting
your supplies. After that you will need to make a 25 donation to the supply fund for any paper or
2. Students will not be permitted to go to their locker to retrieve materials required for class.
Students should use passing time wisely, so that they are fully prepared for class.
3. The Student Resource Area contains supplies for students use.

Student Resource Area
1. The student work table contains materials/supplies that maybe used by students at any time during
the class period.
2. Items at the student work table are: lost pens/pencils, hole puncher, hand sanitizer, stapler, tape,
Kleenex, post-it notes & handouts
a. Please pick up any pens or pencils you see on the floor and place them in the pencil cup.
3. If items are missing, ask your teacher if there are replacements. Replacements may not be made
right away.
4. Do NOT interrupt instruction to get items, inform of needed refills or ask for items from the table.

If you have notes, admits, or other forms for the teacher
1. Give them to me as you enter the room.
2. Do not place them on my desk or assignment basket.
3. Do not interrupt a lesson to give me forms to fill out.
4. I will return them to you at the appropriate time.

Classroom Environment

1. Keeping your work area clean is your responsibility. We all like a clean and tidy environment, so
lets work to create it.
2. Please do not write on the desks. If you write on the desk, you will clean every desk in the
3. If you trash the area around you, then you will sweep the entire room.

1. When announcements are made, listen carefully. There will be no talking during
2. You should not answer the intercom.

When Fire Alarm Sounds
1. Line up and we will exit as a group. Silently and calmly leave the room following the previously
discussed and practiced exit plan.

1. The bathroom should be used before class. Please use your break time wisely.
2. However, students will be allowed 3 Emergency Bathroom passes for the quarter.
a. These passes may not violate the 15/15 rule.
b. Students with Bathroom passes remaining at the end of the quarter earn pesos.
c. Do NOT interrupt instruction to ask for use of a bathroom pass.
3. Students may drink water in cups or bottles with lids on them. No other foods or drinks are
allowed in class.

Teachers Desk and Supplies
1. My desk and cabinets are off limits to all students.
2. Please do not enter the teacher desk area without permission.

Examples of Student Work:
IDIOMS: Example 1
Idiom: ser ua y carne
Literal translation: to be nails and flesh
Actual meaning: to be best buddies
Scenario: Mi mejor amigo se llama Juan. Pasamos mucho tiempo juntos. Somos muy diferentes,
pero tambin somos ua y carne. A Juan le gusta jugar baloncesto, pero a mi me gusta escuchar
msica. El es alto, pero yo soy bajo. Es es muy inteligente y trabajador, pero yo soy un poco perezoso.
Pero, Juan es mi mejor amigo siempre.

IDIOMS: Example 2
Idiom: se me hace agua la boca
Literal translation: it makes my mouth wter
Actual meaning: It makes my mouth water.
Scenario: Juan --Maria, quieres ir a McDonalds conmigo?
Maria --Prefiero ir a Pizza Hut.
Juan --Pero Maria, no quieres una hamburguesa de McDonalds? Pienso en el
Big Mac y se me hace agua la boca.
Maria --No, Juan. No se me hace agua la boca cuando pienso en el Big Mac. Se
me hace agua la boca cuando pienso en las pizzas de Pizza Hut.
Juan --Bien, Maria. Hoy vamos a Pizza Hut. Maana vamos a McDonalds.

Journal Entry - Quote
Quote: Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. --George Washington Carver
What it means to you: The more education one has, the more likely he or she will have freedom
(whether its financial or mental or physical,e tc.)
How it applies to me: I never finished my college degree after high school. I was in a great job, but
the company sold to a competitor. I did not qualify to transfer because the other company only
accepted managers with college degrees. After returning to college and graduating, I was accepted
into an alternative teaching program, and now Im teaching. I was able to obtain better financial
freedom by getting a better education.

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