Sarah M Dowdy Resume

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417-793-0972 ! [anlemouLon[ ! ![anemouLon

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MasLer's degree ln PealLh CommunlcaLlon wlLh experlence ln healLh llLeracy, healLh educaLlon, and
ouLreach Lhrough a varleLy of medlums, lncludlng webslLes, brochures and soclal medla
Skllled ln promoLlon, markeLlng, medlcal and creaLlve wrlLlng, edlLlng, Leachlng, research, offlce
managemenL and recrulLmenL
asslon for paLlenLs and careglvers affecLed by dlsablllLles and long-Lerm lllness
Able Lo esLabllsh rapporL wlLh audlences of all ages and backgrounds and Lo convey complex
lnformaLlon wlLh clarlLy and enLhuslasm

<5:= 0>90:80740
:?@AA. 4'**?B)C Chlcago llllnols
!"#$%#$ '%(%)"*%+ !uly 2014-resenL
Co-Lo for all medlcal and pharmaceuLlcal-relaLed research and conLenL developmenL and conLrlbuLor Lo
producL messaglng and soclal medla developmenL for Lhe markeLlng of an over-Lhe-counLer healLh producL
,+%%)-#.% /+0$%+1230$"+ Aprll 2014-!une 2014
WroLe and edlLed copy for company webslLe, as well as for pharmaceuLlcal cllenLs (e.g. medla reporLs)

7'#)$,?D)?#* &?E'#@"A /'DF@)"A, Chlcago, llllnols
45-)0$6 7$+-$%80%9 :#$%+# SepLember 2013-uecember 2013
WroLe new conLenL, as well as edlLed exlsLlng conLenL, for naLlonally reporLed quallLy measure daLa on
norLhwesLern Memorlal's webslLe LhaL ls senslLlve Lo Lhe healLh llLeracy of Lhe hosplLal's audlence

8*)?#0GB$"*H?, Malsons-LafflLLe, lrance
;)"880#8 <=>-99-3"+ SepLember 2012-uecember 2012
WroLe promoLlonal blog enLrles wlLh goal of lnsplrlng oLhers Lo volunLeer wlLh lnLerLxchange, corresponded
wlLh prospecLs Lo answer quesLlons and offer Leachlng and Lravel advlce

3$'E"D I?JJ?#D'* 8*-?F?*-?*) +". !B$''A, !oplln, Mlssourl
'0+%.$"+ "? <3=0990"#9 november 2010-AugusL 2012
Culded prospecLlve sLudenLs and Lhelr famllles Lhrough admlsslons process, lncludlng connecLlng sLudenL
lnLeresLs wlLh school offerlngs, sollclLlng and assembllng school records, and ensurlng LhaL new sLudenLs
were welcomed and lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe school's communlLy
CollaboraLed wlLh admlnlsLraLlve Leam Lo plan and execuLe promoLlonal evenLs LhaL broughL new
famllles Lo Lhe school
Crganlzed monLhly reporLs Lo monlLor and evaluaLe effecLlveness of recrulLmenL sLraLegles
WroLe scrlpLs for and organlzed fllmlng of publlc servlce announcemenLs sLarrlng 1homas !efferson's
sLudenLs LhaL promoLed Lhe school ln Lhe communlLy
7<@ @%9$ !%#$%+ 75*%+(09"+ !anuary 2011-!une 2012
8esponslble for coordlnaLlon of LesLlng days, organlzaLlon of maLerlals, sLaff recrulLmenL, and onslLe supporL
A"B%+ 7.C"") /+0$0#8 -#3 D+-==-+ @%-.C%+ AugusL 2011-!une 2012
lanned and lmplemenLed new wrlLlng and grammar program for Lhlrd, fourLh, and flfLh grade sLudenLs
ueveloped evaluaLlon meLhods Lo Lrack sLudenL progress
CollaboraLed wlLh fellow Leachers Lo ensure conslsLency ln expecLaLlons and sub[ecL maLLer
SpenL one-on-one Llme wlLh each sLudenL Lo consLrucL research papers and creaLlve sLorles

!"#"$ &'()'* +',-.
417-793-0972 ! [anlemouLon[ ! ![anemouLon

0GF?#@?*B? 6FF?# /()), upper PuLL, new Zealand
E-+F%$0#8 -#3 !"==5#0.-$0"#9 :#$%+# !uly 2010-CcLober 2010
rovlded promoLlonal supporL Lo local buslness owners
Cversaw deslgn and producLlon of monLhly promoLlonal brochure
WroLe shorL arLlcles for Lxperlence upper PuLL's monLhly newsleLLer hlghllghLlng local buslnesses

I?'AA"*"E-' 0*HA@D$ 4"EF, Ceoksong, SouLh korea
2#8)09C @%-.C%+ AugusL 2009
1aughL Lngllsh lmmerslon cooklng course lncorporaLlng bookwork and hands-on acLlvlLles Lo develop and
sharpen Lngllsh wrlLlng and speaklng skllls of flfLh and slxLh grade korean sLudenLs

K5267300: 0>90:80740
+?D)@*")@'* 4$(#B$, Chlcago, llllnols !uly 2013-resenL
G%B."=%+9H ;+%-F?-9$ !""+30#-$"+
4"#@D (counsellng and resources for unplanned pregnancy), Chlcago, llllnols March 2013-resenL
<3=0#09$+-$0(% <9909$-#$
7'#)$,?D)?#* &?E'#@"A /'DF@)"A (CrLhopedlcs)C Chlcago, llllnols Aprll 2013-SepLember 2013
<9909$-#$ $" #5+9%9 -#3 *-$0%#$ .-+% $%.C#0.0-#9
8*)?#0GB$"*H?, Malsons-LafflLLe, lrance SepLember 2012-uecember 2012
2#8)09C @5$"+
;#??E"* /'DF@)"A, !oplln, Mlssourl !uly 2012-SepLember 2012
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+?9"(A 6*@L?#D@)., Chlcago, llllnols
MasLer of ArLs ln PealLh CommunlcaLlon, CA: 3.9, !une 2014
CraduaLed wlLh dlsLlncLlon
2013-2014 CuLsLandlng Leadershlp Award for PealLh CommunlcaLlon
vlce resldenL (head of Ambassador rogram), CraduaLe CommunlcaLlon AssoclaLlon
- Courses compleLed: Managerlal CommunlcaLlon ln PealLh Care ConLexLs, ubllc 8elaLlons ln PealLh
Care, lnLroducLlon Lo PealLh CommunlcaLlon, lnLerculLural CommunlcaLlon & PealLh, PealLh
romoLlon, lamlly & PealLh CommunlcaLlon, 8esearch MeLhods for PealLh Care racLlLloners, and
Medlcal LducaLlon & 1ralnlng, PealLh LlLeracy, AssessmenL & lnLervenLlon ln PealLh Care
CrganlzaLlons, and CreaLlvlLy & CrlLlcal 1hlnklng ln nonproflL PealLh Campalgns

6*@L?#D@). 'J &@DD'(#@, Columbla, Mlssourl
uouble 8achelor of ArLs ln CommunlcaLlon (CrganlzaLlonal) and Lngllsh, CA: 4.00/4.00, May 2010
Mlnor: sychology
CraduaLed summa cum laude
Cne of Len college [unlors selecLed Lo be a member of hl 8eLa kappa Ponors SocleLy
Lambda l LLa (CommunlcaLlons) Ponors SocleLy
hl kappa hl Ponors SocleLy
naLlonal SocleLy of ColleglaLe Scholars
CompleLed llLeraLure and creaLlve wrlLlng courses aL Lhe unlverslLy of ManchesLer, Lngland

!"#"$ &'()'* +',-.
417-793-0972 ! [anlemouLon[ ! ![anemouLon

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