CV Communication
CV Communication
CV Communication
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ersona| Statement:
l am a very poslLlve and ouLgolng glrl, who loves llfe and Lo challenge myself every day, wheLher lL ls aL my [ob or ln school. l
always glve 100 of myself ln every Lask l underLake, and l am noL saLlsfled unLll l feel l have done my absoluLe besL. l have a love
of llfe and all lL has Lo offer.
Current|y study|ng for a 8ache|or's degree |n Market|ng Management at the Internat|ona| 8us|ness Academy, ko|d|ng,
Denmark. 2012-201S
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MarkeLlng, ManagemenL, CrganlzaLlonal CommunlcaLlon, Campalgn lannlng, LoglsLlcs, MarkeLlng 8esearch, Clobal Lconomy,
8uslness Law and llnance.
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1he wlnner was selecLed by kohbergs MarkeLlng ulrecLor
CooperaLed wlLh a uanlsh rye bread company - kohberg, Lo launch kohbergs rye bread ln a new markeL - vlenna
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uellvered flnal presenLaLlon ln fronL of kohberg and our Leam won Lhe lnLernaLlonal MarkeLlng Week ouL of 20 Leams
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l have been accepLed as a sLudy exchange sLudenL aL norLhwesL Mlssourl SLaLe unlverslLy ln Maryvllle, MC. 1he sub[ecLs l wlll
focus on are: romoLlon, Consumer 8ehavlor, Medla AdverLlslng, Managerlal CommunlcaLlon and lnLernaLlonal MarkeLlng.
l wenL Lo Shanghal, Chlna on a sLudy Lrlp focuslng on buslness and Lhe Chlnese culLure. March 2013
n|gh Schoo|, Internat|ona| 8us|ness Co||ege, ko|d|ng, Denmark. 2008-2011
!"#$%&'( *+&,"-%. MarkeLlng, sychology, llnance and Campalgn lannlng.
March 2011
Whlle aLLendlng Plgh school ln koldlng l wenL on a sLudy Lrlp Lo 8el[lng, Chlna wlLh focus on Lhe Chlnese culLure and buslness ln
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A|d|,ko|d|ng Dk: Supermarket- (after schoo| [ob) November 2009- present
rovlde cusLomers wlLh hlgh quallLy servlce - help cusLomers wlLh any klnd of quesLlons
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uelegaLe Lasks as Lhe leader Lo Lhe oLher 3-4 co-workers
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CommunlcaLlon wlLh many dlfferenL cusLomers
MaLurlLy and responslblllLy Lo handle dlfferenL slLuaLlons
Vo|unteer Work:
San Cr|stoba|, the Ga|apagos Is|and, Lcuador 4 May to 2S May 2012
volunLeered Lo work on Lhe Calapagos lsland as a Leacher asslsLanL
Pelped and asslsLed Lhe Leacher wlLh Lhe chlldren ln Lhe klndergarLen - helped wlLh Leachlng Spanlsh (counLlng, name of
Lhe colors, anlmals eLc.), drawlngs and [usL belng creaLlve.
1hls was a llfe-changlng experlence and one l wlsh Lo bulld on.
Add|t|ona| Informat|on
1wo monLhs of Lravelllng ln Lcuador 8 March- 3 May 2012
1ravelled around wlLh 20 oLher people vla
Lxperlenced llvlng wlLh Lhe naLlves Lo lmmerse myself ln Lhe Lcuadorlan culLures. Learned Lo llve wlLhouL modern
convenlences wlLh Lhe lndlgenous people
l also experlenced bungee [umplng, rlver rafLlng, rapelllng, Lrekklng, surflng, and snorkellng.
It know|edge:
MlcrosofL offlce:
Word, Lxcel, owerolnL, CuLlook, CnenoLe - experlenced
Soclal medla:
lacebook, 1wlLLer, lnsLagram, lllck8, 8logger, - excellenL
uanlsh: naLlve language - wrlLLen and oral
Lngllsh: lluenL - wrlLLen and oral
Cerman: 8aslc - wrlLLen and oral
Spanlsh: LlmlLed pracLlcal skllls - wrlLLen and oral
Ln[oy horseback rldlng (Larller ellLe compeLlLlon)
Ln[oy spendlng Llme wlLh my famlly and frlends
Llke Lravelllng and experlenclng new culLures
LnLhuslasLlc abouL all ouLdoor acLlvlLles
llLness - splnnlng