Learning & Behavior Reinforcement
Learning & Behavior Reinforcement
Learning & Behavior Reinforcement
Behavior Reinforcement
Learning is a process by which new behaviors can
be acquired.
It is generally agreed that learning involves
changes in behaviors, practicing new behaviors
and establishing permanency in the change.
Learning is a relatively permanent change in
knowledge or observable behavior that results
from practice or experience.
Most organizational behavior is learned
(remember that only 2-12% of behavior is directly
linked to personality)
Nature of Learning
Reflects through Visible Changes in Behavior
Not necessarily the improved behavior and
may be deteriorated behavior
Change in Behavior Must be Relatively
Permanent. Temporary change is not Learning
Change Must be based on Some Experience,
Practice or Training and not on physical
Requires Reinforcement
Theories of Learning
Conditioning Theory :
Conditioning is making the ineffective stimulus so
effective that it invokes the hidden response
These theories are based on the premise that
learning is establishing association between
response and stimulus
They are of two types
Classical Conditioning Theory
Operant Conditioning Theory
Cognitive Theory
implies that the learning depends on the meaning
assigned to stimuli by people at their free will
Social Learning Theory
2. During Conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus (Meat) Unconditioned Response (Salivation)
Conditioned stimulus (Bell) Unconditioned Response (Salivation)
3. After Conditioning
Conditioned stimulus (Bell) Conditioned Response (Salivation)
Type of Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement
Strengthens and increases behavior by the
presentation of desirable consequence
For positive reinforcement to be effective
Reward should match with the needs of the employees
The greater the degree of performance, the greater
should be reward
Reward should be given immediately after the desired
Negative Reinforcement
Strengthens and increase behavior by the
termination or withdrawal of undesirable
Type of Reinforcement
Sometimes confused with negative reinforcement
Punishment weakens and decreases the behavior
that is being punished
Withdrawal of a positive reinforcement to weaken
a behavior which was desirable at some point in
time but no is longer desirable
Steps in OB Modifications
Performance related critical behavior
The frequency/rate of critical behavior over time
Determine what circumstances lead to a particular
type of behavior
Develop an effective intervention strategy to
accelerate desired behavior and weaken/decelerate
the undesirable behavior