Modelism 2000-4

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sy Li) etl ot x ~—CEA-6B . oe Prowler la Dundre- |. v Medalist.» °% «cata CRAGUNOI, Node KOSLNGHL ow GEORGESCU ee eenan movie a pra erences tare cee es tes Ceichaou see OARS Ee ee ee a es Conet DOOSC Cte CRACANOU - ee ee canegcr'netanoaie Se ee rea aan ere! wb Deck Preeteberte caper et or cat Sener eon eGo TRIO mcr ats Bote see oratr Sane eb Nae ee ee ea pic freckenee reid a ea reer cee can rsa nanan dete ‘aoe pen nn osha de eras de eee a et ee Foor fees ape orp ne reap perp oompinlta a engl, rata 18 min,, 180000 lel (+ 20000) 72000 TuNEATa Tg eT ‘este lurr mt fs! tpn traje de 500-3000 exemplare. Pentru a objine oricare dintre aceste lucréti expediaji, prin mandat postal, ‘contravaloarea (+taxele postale) pe adresa: CRISTINA CRACIUNOIU, MODELISM INT., CP 33-125, Piaja Presei nt, sector 1,BUCURESTI wish, a ED ce pss ol U TABEL DE PRETURI (le) + Accata Ista reprzita PLANURLE $1 D0CUMENTATIA DISPONIBILA LA REDACTIA MODELISM INTERNATIONA, CP 39-126, cures ‘THIS CATALOGUE Ri DRAWINGS, ARTICLES AND ‘DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE Ai? MODELISM INTERNATIONAL, CP 33-125, ‘iat Presel Libere nt, sely 1, Bucugt,FOMANIA. Pentry a comands un plan est necesar 8 ci ora (sau itera) din dreptl stu 58 cata corespondent le in taal éo pre Aste un plan mavat .F° cos 30000 le. Un pln marat.2°X" cost 2150000 ee! 300000. Ls aenges eu sean taxa pot 1000D a, niterent ‘evaloarea planulu,expacieoaticncso sub forms do recomancath Plata so ‘va thea pre MARDAT POSTAL expecat pe asoea: CRISTINA CRACUNOI, MODELISMINT, CP 29-126, Pia PoseiLiber nr. sctr 1, Buco 5000 E 2500) 1 45000 M 65000 @ 85000 U 105000 10000 F 30009 J 50000 N 70900 R 99000 V 110000 15000 G 3500) K 55000 0 75000 S 95000 W120000 20000 H 40009 L 60000 P 80000 T 100000 X 150000 For subseriton to MODELISM in 1999 (4 issues) sand in our bank account £20 USD of 96 DM (MODELISM INTERNATIONAL sr (on 47725264, 8ASA-SMB} VISA, EUROCARD, MASTERCARD ACCEPTED. coor It em =m 3 frm EO i oeesere ¢ Soa : = : Fors : = i 5 i Bene : es i = : mee Soe era oe : = | er = = ‘ae = ; i See! Bd ger Ey OP} Soro, Bs 8 S2 IS ibe | an i iz ico i mes Eliot SS Ben § i (MODELISM INTERNATIONAL SRL, CP 33-126 BUCURESTI, ROMANIA, TEL. 224 36 63/1230 E-mail: — Noi apariti Seria .,Avi ROMANA IN PRIMUL RAZBOI MONDIAL - Raymond Stanescu, Cristian Craciunoiu Pret 50000 + 15000 taxe postale joane celebre™: oiling NentielGRID®, .[fAdienarrticmat) CSTs, eileAnikel TN, [Perma 0" SBOOO et oricare + 1O.ODD tame pastalio 4/2000 (71) Educatic in timpul liber $4 ye banié parintilor! | __ Stimate ci Tinrucat este tot mal greu sa va completati colectia de 'MODELISM $i sd va procuratirevisia preloratd la timp, va stdtuim sa va adresati direct redacfei, ‘aga cum fac deja numerogi entuzasti PRETUL UNUIABONAMENT ‘ANUAL (4 NUMERE) ESTE DE 100 000 LEI, INCLUSIV TAXELE POSTALE “Athosa ce abonament: Cristina Criciunolu, MODELISM INTsrt, CP 33-126, Piata Prose Libere ne. 1, ‘Sacter 1, Bucuret ‘EXPEDIEM COLETE, REVISTE sau PLANURI NUMAI CU PLATA ANTICIPATA! ie ee ‘Forma a) Se mai pot procura a TB86; 41988, dela redactie 1, 2,3-4/1990; numer mai vechi 2/1991, 4/193, 1.2, 3.41004: ale revistelor 4.33. an998 MODELISM si TT™M ppretul lor fiind egal eucel al ultimului umar epairut (20000 tei) Opiniile exprimate in | Modelism reprezinta puncte de vedere | ale autorilor. Materialele trimise spre publicare nu se inapoiaza. REDACTOR SEF Cristno CRACIUNOIU REDACTOR Teodor Liviu OROSANU TEHNOREDACTARE Cristing SARBEANU COLABORATORI PERMANENT! Crishan CRACIUNOW Ranvan BUJOR ‘Mino! CEORCESCU Voleriu AVRAM Denut VLAD Dan ILOIU Don ANTONID Neculor MOGHIOR ‘Sorin PISCATI Mirai ZANCIU George ZAGANESCU - Paris Jeon Lous ROBA - Chorlerot Herbert WINKLER - Viena SECRETARIAT ISSN 12229849 Scrietine pe adresa: Cristina Criclunolu, lata Presel nr. 1, C.P. 33126 Tipart la ON. ;COREST’ SA pag \ sic accra 3 wareaer wows pee “camo 152.1048, om 0 Dagens alta cu paaget co tn eta Sl ‘fotr 40a nantes ea _ prea ha al aa 200, ans pan "Fat ha coher gage pease “Shinmanggn don sn go ung me _febeuarie 195)" Aver metab toute rt & “lt cra se aa pee “Sn erp, il con \Gnpom oe fA out econ So bmaaramarsin atone Spo _osan aera Seco po ao _Newegel Dune’ rae _Gonrma comet nga ort peepee sa opera or paradhv or Cee um Ser nan a rn ne iatrin Gc, detownen arte Le “opus nepst a compari “Somes gms es tee "Sing sraone Seto Sie niente co ea Ron gear, as A “fe Nres Mtemn.Acoas pra ie oa “Ge ccaante eps oho nape umd gl‘ imi cape or nce cera pore \poorant LOT-e« ea teas nonin re “epoorgemano att a athe “0.87 aan ere. ott own “Reena fete tet Eto Mowe “Grn char Mane Mage Verne nl “foe parernon ea evecare ea “for el ma ect cl ale. 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