KNU On SP-Drug Eng
KNU On SP-Drug Eng
KNU On SP-Drug Eng
KNU Statement on Systematic Distribution of Narcotic Drugs by SPDC & Advice to the People
Involvement of leaders of the SPDC military clique in systematic distribution of narcotic drugs, including
amphetamine and heroin, has come to light since September 2009. The project is controlled by the SPDC top
leaders. A number of the generals and colonels at the lower levels, having no choice but to follow orders, have
become drug traffickers.
For personal benefit, the SPDC generals and authorities had been involved covertly in trafficking of narcotic
drugs, for quite a long time. However, the present systematic involvement, unlike before, is part of the SPDC plan
relating to military-political strategy, the objectives of which are as follows.
1. To raise enough funds for victory in 2010 election and to annihilate the democratic and ethnic armed
2. To raise funds for the SPDC armed forces for military offensives against the armed oppositions and to
sow dissension among the opposition organizations, especially those working closely with the KNU;
3. To increase addiction of the youths in the country so as to divert their attention away from political
4. To use the trickery of blaming the armed ethnic organizations and the KNU by massively exporting the
drugs to the international market, through neighboring countries.
The KNU has consistently opposed narcotic drugs and taken action, according to law, against anyone
involved in the use, production and trafficking of them. It accepts the international anti-drug movement and has
cooperated with anti-drug organizations and forces by various means.
In the distribution of narcotic drugs, the SPDC depends on traffickers in the guise of business operators and
traders. They are used in trafficking drugs into China, Thailand and India. The DKBA is responsible for the
trafficking of drugs in the Karen State and the Thai-Burma border areas. It has targeted even the refugee camps in
Thailand as its market.
The trafficking of illicit drugs by the SPDC is on the increase. As shown by the frequency of arrest or by the
amount of drugs captured in Thailand since October 2009, it is much higher than that of the previous years. As the
nearest evidence, we can show the publication detailing information on narcotic drugs, dated December 31, 2009,
which stated that 1.98 million amphetamine tablets, with a value of 500 million Baht, were captured in Bangkok, in
addition to 3.5 Kg of heroin. According to the Thai authorities, the capture is 3 times higher than the normal rate.
For the reason mentioned above, it is especially necessary for the leaders concerned and all those
responsible, to inform the people, through their staff and workers, about the SPDC plan, and concertedly oppose it.
We advise all the businesses, brokers and traders to be aware of the SPDC’s plan of debasement and
genocide and to concertedly oppose its evil scheme.
We earnestly urge all our friends, allies and colleagues to oppose, and expose to the World, the wicked and
wanton plan of the SPDC.