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College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, PR China
Department of Materials, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK
Received 25 June 2006; received in revised form 16 November 2006; accepted 17 November 2006
Magnesium is receiving great attention for transport applications, particularly its cast alloys. This investigation focuses on the as-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of permanent-mould cast MgZnAl alloys with typical compositions within the high zinc castable domain. Three
types of alloys were identified and characterized by Mg32 (Al, Zn)49 , also known as the phase; MgZn phase, also known as the phase; and
a ternary icosahedral quasi-crystalline phase, denoted as the Q phase, respectively. A schematic phase diagram is proposed to show the change
of microstructral constituents with element content and the Zn/Al ratio. The diagram reveals that the microstructral constituent is dominated by
both the content of Zn or Al and the Zn/Al mass ratio; alloys with a high Zn/Al ratio and a low Al content fall into the -type; alloys with an
intermediate Zn/Al ratio and an intermediate Al content favour the -type; and those with a low Zn/Al ratio and a high Al are dominated by the
icosahedral quasi-crystalline phase. No Mg17 Al12 () phase was found in those ZA series alloys. The solidification process and its effects on the
phase constituents were discussed. Preliminary mechanical property testing showed that all the experimental alloys possess comparable ultimate
strength and yield strength with the AZ91 alloy at ambient temperature, but show far superior creep resistance at elevated temperatures. Moreover,
while ambient-temperature properties solely depend on the total element contents, the - and the Q-type alloys show greater potential than the
-type alloys on the improvement of elevated temperature properties.
2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Mg alloys; As-cast microstructure; Casting; Intermetallic compounds; Creep; Mechanical properties
1. Introduction
Magnesium alloys are attracting increasing attention for
transport applications in the automotive and aerospace industry
for weight reduction and higher fuel efficiency. The most popularly used magnesium alloys are those based essentially on the
MgAl system, such as AZ91D, AM60B and AM50A. Although
offering a good combination of mechanical properties, corrosion
resistance and castability at ambient temperature, these alloys
are all prone to excessive creep deformation when exposed to
even low levels of load at temperatures above 100 C. The poor
elevated-temperature properties of low-cost magnesium alloys
have now become a critical issue for wide-spread applications
of magnesium alloys.
0921-5093/$ see front matter 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fig. 2. Specimens used for tensile and creep tests (unit: mm).
Fig. 1. Castability of the MgZnAl alloy system [16] and compositions of the
experimental alloys.
Fig. 3. Optical microstructures of: (a) ZA82, (b) ZA102, (c) ZA122, (d) ZA104, (e) ZA74, and (f) ZA75 alloys cast in a permanent mould.
Fig. 4. SEM Micrographs showing different crystallographic characteristics of the primary phases of (a) , (b) , and (c) Q in the experimental alloys, and (d) SAD
pattern recorded from the particles in the ZA75 alloy shown in (c).
Fig. 5. X-ray diffraction patterns of (a) ZA82, (b) ZA102, (c) ZA122, and (d)
ZA104 alloys.
of the equilibrium phase (Mg5 Zn2 Al2 , primitive orthorhombic structure, space group Pbcm, a = 0.8979 nm, b = 1.6988 nm,
c = 1.9340 nm [17]) and to be gradually replaced by the equilibrium phase during thermal exposure at elevated temperature
for extended periods. Whereas Vogel et al. [9,10], showing by
EDX analysis that the chemical composition is in the homogeneity range of the crystalline phase, considered it representing
a metastable modification of the equilibrium phase, the compound that is conventionally recognized as the 1/1 crystalline
approximant of the icosahedral quasi-crystal in the MgAlZn
system (I phase). The selected area diffraction patterns recorded
from the intermetallic grain-boundary particles in the ZA75
alloy in our case, Fig. 4(d), strongly support the grain boundary
quasi-crystalline phases, but its formation condition, chemical
composition, and the relationship between them, as well as its
connection with the equilibrium phase and the phase remain
to be further elucidated.
According to the ternary phase diagram, two ternary intermetallic compounds are known in the MgZnAl system:
the magnesium-rich phase (Mg5 Zn2 Al2 ) and the phase
(Mg32 (Al, Zn)49 ) [19]. While the phase possesses a wide composition range near the center of the ternary phase diagram,
the phase occupies a slit with a narrow variation of the Mg
concentration. The Mg17 Al12 phase () and the MgZn () are
the other binary intermetallic phases in the Mg-rich MgZnAl
alloys. No phases were found in all the experimental alloys,
indicating that the formation of the eutectic Mg17 Al12 phase is
completely suppressed by the high zinc content. X-ray diffraction peaks of these phases were found to be somewhat shifted
from the standard positions, and from each other for the same
phase in different alloys as well, indicating small changes in the
lattice parameters. These differences can be ascribe to the variable concentrations of solutes in the -Mg or that of the ternary
solute in the binary phase MgZn, as well as the wide range of
compositions of the ternary intermetallic phases.
It should be mentioned that although based on the MgZnAl
phase diagram of liquidus projection, is one of the two ternary
intermetallic phases existing in equilibrium in the system, as
shown in Fig. 6 [19], the stability of phase has not been
determined with certainty up to now [15]. It was reported by
Clark [20] that was found to be stable at 335 and 204 C,
it seems reasonable to assume that its stability extends down
to room temperature. Recently, Zhang et al. [13] confirmed its
existence at ambient temperature based on XRD and EDX studies in permanent-mould cast alloys ZA106 and ZA146. It is
worthy mentioning that all the microstructural data obtained by
Zhang et al. were under near-equilibrium with a cooling rate of
0.05 K/s. Since the two alloys are of similar Zn/Al ratios in the
high-Al concentration side to the ZA74 and ZA75 alloys, the
results seem to suggest a relationship between the metastable
quasi-crystal and the equilibrium phase, viz. the quasi-crystal
might be a replacement of the phase under non-equilibrium
solidification conditions.
In summary, three different kinds of primary compounds with
distinct crystallographic morphologies are formed along with the
change of Zn or Al contents, and the Zn/Al concentration ratio
under normal permanent-mould cast conditions. Accordingly,
Fig. 6. Liquidus projection of the MgZnAl (Mg rich) ternary phase diagram
these alloys within the high zinc castable domain can then be distinguished into three groups by a characteristic compound: Type
I, ZA82 alloy and ZA104 alloy, consist of -Mg and fish-bone
like phase; Type II, including ZA102 alloy and ZA122 alloy, is
composed of -Mg, , and the binary eutectic phase, which is a
predominant phase and characterized by its approximately paralleled lath structure; whereas Type III, locating in comparatively
low Zn/Al ratio and high Al content, such as ZA74 alloy and
ZA75 alloy, consists of -Mg with icosahedral quasi-crystalline
The trend of microstructural constituent variation with the
Zn/Al ratio and Al content are schematically shown in Fig. 7.
It can be seen that the low-zinc side of the high-zinc domain is
roughly partitioned into three regions, marked with the characteristic compounds of each alloy type, with the high Zn/Al and
low Al section corresponding to Type II, intermediate Zn/Al and
Al to Type I, and the low Zn/Al and high Al to Type III. The two
Table 1
Characteristic temperatures emerging in the DSC curves and possible events of the second phase transformations
Peak I ( C)
Starting ( C)
Ending ( C)
L1 + + L2
L2 + + + L3
L3 +
332.4 325.5 307.8
341 334.1 316.4
L1 + + L2
L2 + +
L1 + + L2
L2 + +
L1 + + L2
L2 + + + L3
L3 +
L1 + + L2
L2 + + + L3
L3 +
L1 + + L2
L2 + + + L3
L3 +
Note: Characteristic temperatures emerging in both the heating process (heating) and the cooling process (cooling) of DSC measurements are given in this
table, as well as the equilibrium temperatures (equilibrium), calculated by averaging the two corresponding temperatures in heating curve and cooling curve. To
determine the solidification path, the starting temperature (starting) and ending temperature (ending) of the second set of peak (peak II), which corresponds to
the second phase transformations, are also listed in the table.
333, 334, and 336 C in alloy ZA82, ZA102, and ZA122, respectively. It is most probably due to the different contributions of
each thermal event to the total thermal effect. The higher the temperature, the greater the contribution of the first binary eutectic
reaction is, suggesting more is formed. This can also account
for the different solidification microstructures: the least binary
product in ZA82 alloy results in the sole second phase in this
alloy; whereas the most product in ZA122 alloy makes it a
dominant compound in the final microstructure. It is reasonable
to infer that further increase of the Zn concentration would lead
solely to the secondary phase, which is also indicated in Fig. 7.
Type II alloys can thus be named as -type high zinc magnesium
alloys. Different levels of the reactions in alloy ZA82 and ZA122
from those in ZA102 may also result in inseparable and overlapping of thermal evolutions, accounting for only one detectable
peak in the former two.
With increasing Al content, the second phase transformation
moves to a higher temperature range. In alloy ZA104, it starts
at 370 C with a binary eutectic reaction L1 -Mg + + L2 ,
followed by a ternary quasi-peritectic reaction L2 + Mg + + L3 (343 C in the equilibrium phase diagram), and
ends with another binary eutectic reaction L3 -Mg + . The
amount of eutectic phase should be very small and is expected
to be used up in the following quasi-peritectic reaction. The subsequent solidification microstructure consists of the -Mg +
phases. The overlapping of these thermal events makes the peaking temperature, 350 C, locates between the first and the second
reaction. It is noted that although these have the same phase
constituents, alloy ZA104 and ZA82 underwent different solidification processes. Its possible effects on micro-scale structures
and properties remain unclear at present. These alloys characterized by the compound can also be named the -type high zinc
magnesium alloy, which occupies a wide composition range and
Zn/Al concentration ratios, as seen in Fig. 7.
To alloys with a lower Zn/Al concentration ratio and a higher
Al content, the second phase transformations occur at even
higher temperature ranges. ZA74 and ZA75 alloys have almost
the same temperature range and similar thermal events during
solidification, both of which start at 378 C. According to the
equilibrium phase diagram, the first is a binary eutectic reaction
L1 -Mg + + L2 , which proceeds until the residual liquid
temperature reaches 362 C, where a ternary quasi-peritectic
reaction L2 + -Mg + + L3 occurs, and finally, the binary
eutectic reaction L3 -Mg + takes place. The peak II temperatures, being 360.1 and 363.5 C for ZA74 alloy and ZA75
alloy, respectively, are in good agreement with the equilibrium temperature, which strongly supports the above mentioned
events, suggesting that could be a major intermetallic phase
in the as-cast microstructure. However, this is not the case. It
has been known that the unit cell of the intermetallic phase
contains icosahedral clusters of atoms [22]. It is perhaps not
surprising that the resulting microstructure also contains such
clusters. However, it is unclear how the packing of the icosahedral clusters results in the quasi-crystalline, instead of forming
a crystalline equilibrium phase; and whether there exists a
structural relationship between the icosahedral phase, phase,
and the phase. Given that the icosahedral quasi-crystalline
phase may be related with the phase, which usually crystallizes in aluminum-rich alloys, it may not be surprising either that
it only appears in the high-Al experimental alloys. The quasicrystalline phase is denoted by the initial letter Q at this stage
because of its uncertainty, to distinguish it with the I phase in the
MgAlZn system [18]. This type of alloy can also be named as
the Q-type high zinc magnesium alloy. It should be mentioned
that with a higher Al content, ZA75 alloy shows a higher peak II
temperature than ZA74 alloy, indicating a greater contribution
of the first binary eutectic reaction to the total thermal effect,
suggesting more phase was formed. It is reasonable to infer
that with further increase of the Al content, the phase cannot
be consumed in the subsequent ternary quasi-peritectic reaction
and will emerge in the as-microstructure, which is detrimental to
elevated temperature creep resistance. Well-developed commercial MgAlZn alloys are characterized by the phase, which
normally contain about 1%Zn, situated just at the boundary of
the hot cracking area of the low zinc side. For comparison, this
type of alloy, named as the -type magnesium alloy, is also
denoted in the diagram shown in Fig. 7.
3.3. Mechanical properties
Mechanical properties (UTS, YS, elongation) of the experimental alloys are shown in Fig. 9. The Y-axis gives the total
element content in these alloys. For comparison, mechanical
properties of the AZ91 alloy cast in the same condition are
also shown as a reference in Fig. 9. It can be seen that all
the experimental alloys have comparable ultimate strength and
yield strength with the AZ91 alloy. However, the elongations are
somewhat less than that of the AZ91 alloy, with the exception
of the ZA82 alloy, which has the same total element content
as the AZ91 alloy. It is probably because of the larger amount
of intermetallics in the interdendritic spacing, which can hinder deformation. It may also be noted that the ultimate strength
and yield strength increase slowly with the increase of the total
content of the alloying elements in those high zinc magnesium
alloys. It seems that the type of compounds present in the alloys
does not have any particular influence on the ambient temperature mechanical properties.
Fig. 10. Total creep strains of the experimental alloys at 150 C for 100 h under
60 MPa.
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