Structure and Properties of Al-Mg Mechanical Alloys: Mirko Schoenitz and Edward L. Dreizin

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Structure and properties of Al–Mg mechanical alloys

Mirko Schoenitz and Edward L. Dreizin

New Jersey Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Heights,
Newark, New Jersey 07102

(Received 29 January 2003; accepted 7 May 2003)

Mechanically alloys in the Al–Mg binary system in the range of 5–50 at.%
Mg were produced for prospective use as metallic additives for propellants
and explosives. Structure and composition of the alloys were characterized by
x-ray diffraction microscopy (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy.
The mechanical alloys consisted of a supersaturated solid solution of Mg in the
␣ aluminum phase, ␥ phase (Al12Mg17), and additional amorphous material.
The strongest supersaturation of Mg in the ␣ phase (20.8%) was observed for
bulk Mg concentrations up to 40%. At 30% Mg, the ␥ phase formed in quantities
detectable by XRD; it became the dominating phase for higher Mg concentrations.
No ␤ phase (Al3Mg2) was detected in the mechanical alloys. The observed Al
solid solution generally had a lower Mg concentration than the bulk composition.
Thermal stability and structural transitions were investigated by differential scanning
calorimetry. Several exothermic transitions, attributed to the crystallization of ␤ and
␥ phases were observed. The present work provides the experimental basis for the
development of detailed combustion and ignition models for these novel energetic

I. INTRODUCTION Recent observations suggest that ignition and combus-

Metals with high volumetric and gravimetric combus- tion of aerosols of Al–Mg mechanical alloys are signifi-
tion enthalpies are of interest as materials with high cantly enhanced compared to equilibrium alloys or
energy densities. Aluminum, in particular, and aluminum- blends of elemental powders. Metastable Al–Mg alloys
based alloys have been investigated as additives in vari- with Mg concentrations ranging from relatively low val-
ous fuel formulations for propellants, explosives, ues of 5 to 50 at.% showed increased burning rates and
incendiaries, or pyrotechnics.1–3 Practical applications lower ignition temperatures.6,7
are limited, however, since chiefly kinetic obstacles such Detailed characterization of phase relations and the
as long ignition delays and slow burning rates prevent the degree of metastability in metastable Al–Mg alloys are
theoretical combustion enthalpies from being fully ex- needed to attempt performance optimization of these ma-
ploited at the specific reaction rates required. Based on terials as advanced energetics. This information is also
recent research that linked internal phase transformations necessary to model processes of combustion of metallic
to macroscopic events during combustion of metal par- fuel particles, specifically to quantitatively predict igni-
ticles, interest in metastable intermetallic materials has tion behavior as a function of heating rate and of the
developed.4 particles’ environment.8 The purpose of the present re-
The present paper discusses supersaturated solid solu- search is to characterize mechanical alloys in the system
tions in the aluminum-magnesium binary system. Several Al–Mg with the specific goal to optimize materials for
reports in the combustion literature indicate performance combustion applications and to address issues arising
advantages of Al–Mg alloys. Magnesium has been of for large-scale production.
particular interest as an alloying component for its en-
hanced ignitability.5 Most experimental work however II. BACKGROUND
was conducted on Al–50% Mg alloys, which exhibit Phases in the binary Al-Mg system relevant to the
a significantly reduced specific combustion enthalpy present work include the ␣ Al, ␤ (Al3Mg2), and ␥
compared to pure Al. Materials for energetic applications (Al12Mg17) phases. Under equilibrium conditions, the
should therefore be tailored to balance the high specific concentration of magnesium in the ␣ aluminum structure
combustion enthalpy of the Al component against the is 0.21 at.% at room temperature; maximum solubility at
enhanced ignitability of the Mg component. 450 °C has been reported as 16.23%,9 or 18.6%.10 The

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M. Schoenitz et al.: Structure and properties of Al–Mg mechanical alloys

compositional range of the ␤ phase is given as 38.5– experiments before actual sample preparation was
40.3% Mg in Ref. 11, while the equilibrium Mg concen- begun. Starting materials were elemental powders of Al
tration of the ␥ phase ranges from 45% to 60% at its (99.8% −100 mesh) and Mg (99% −325 mesh). For syn-
greatest extent at about 440 °C.11 thesis, 10 g initially unmixed metal powder were milled
Metastable intermetallic materials are readily pro- in zirconia vials under argon atmosphere with 2 wt.%
duced by mechanical alloying (MA). MA, a non- stearic acid [CH3–(CH2)16–COOH, 99%] added as PCA.
equilibrium powder metallurgical method to prepare Zirconia balls of 10 mm diameter and a total mass of
highly metastable materials, was first devised by Benja- 50 g were used as the milling medium, giving a ball-to-
min,12,13 and has since found wide application for the powder weight ratio (BPR) of 5. For comparison, a lim-
production of structural (e.g., oxide dispersion hardened) ited set of samples was milled with 2 g of powder, 26 g
materials, or mechanically activated materials with in- of balls (BPR 13), and 4% PCA. Samples were milled
creased reactivity. An extensive review was given re- for a total time of 12 h each. The sample temperature rose
cently by Suryanarayana.14 to 50–60 °C during milling. Moderate sample caking
Structure and stability of a set of mechanical alloys in posed a problem for milling effectiveness; milling for
the system Al–Mg were reported previously for compo- extended periods of time also limits the useful lifetime of
sitions with 40, 60, and 80 at.% Mg15 and 30 and 50 at.% the mill. Therefore, milling was carried out in intervals
Mg.16 Supersaturated ␣ phase and ␥ phase have been of 180 min, after which the mill was allowed to cool to
found to form by MA, while in contrast, ␤ phase never room temperature, and caked samples, if present, were
forms. Amorphous material was inferred from mass bal- manually broken apart in a glove box under protective Ar
ance considerations. atmosphere.
Systematic information on phase makeup and the de- Milling progress was monitored for an individual alloy
gree of supersaturation of the ␣ phase specifically in (30% Mg) in a separate experiment by sampling the al-
mechanical alloys with low Mg concentration is lacking. loying product in 180-min intervals. Milling was carried
Reliable thermodynamic characterization of subsolidus out on a mill with two stations, labeled A and B for
reactions occurring in Al–Mg mechanical alloys on heat- reference. During the first 15 h of milling, only the vial
ing is also not available. The specific properties of the on station A was sampled, while the vial on station B was
prepared mechanical alloys generally depend on bulk left unopened. Vial B was then sampled from 18 to 30 h,
composition as well as on MA process parameters. Sev- and vial A was sampled again after 33 and 36 h. The final
eral types of alloying apparatus are currently in use (e.g., sample, after 39 h of milling was taken from both vials.
shaker mills, planetary mills, attritor mills), yielding dif- To avoid systematic bias in the milling parameters, only
ferent results and suitable for alloy preparation on vary- minute quantities (50 mg) were removed.
ing scales. At present, it is not clear whether the same
B. Sample characterization
mechanical alloy can be produced using different types
of mills by appropriate adjustment of process parameters. Morphology and compositional homogeneity of the
A thorough understanding of the relations of alloy prop- mechanical alloys were examined on an Electroscan en-
erties and process parameters is therefore needed to iden- vironmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) op-
tify alloying conditions required to obtain consistent erated at 20 kV. The ESEM is equipped with a Kevex
results with different devices. energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDX) that allows
standardless compositional analysis with a maximum
III. EXPERIMENTAL spatial resolution of approximately 0.1 ␮m.
Composition of the ␣ phase was determined for each
A. Mechanical alloying mechanical alloy by x-ray powder diffraction (XRD) on
A set of samples with bulk compositions of 5, 10, 20, a Bragg–Brentano type Philips X’pert MRD diffractom-
30, 40, and 50 at.% Mg were prepared in a SPEX 8000 eter operated at 45 kV and 40 mA, using Cu K␣ radiation
shaker mill (Spex Certiprep, Metuchen, NJ). Mechanical (␭ ⳱ 1.5438 Å). Crystallite size and lattice strain/
alloying is sensitive to a set of process parameters such as compositional broadening of the supersaturated solid so-
the degree of filling of the milling vials, the size and size lution were determined using the Williamson–Hall
distribution of the milling medium, and the presence of method.17
process control agents (PCA) that balance cold welding Temperature dependent structural transformations
against fracturing and grinding. In the present study, were observed by differential scanning calorimetry
milling was carried out until the mechanical alloy (DSC) using a TA Q100 series calorimeter as well as
showed no structural or compositional changes with in- a Netzsch Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer STA409-PC
creasing milling time. Optimum milling parameters re- (Netzsch, Germany). For the Q100, samples were con-
quired to achieve this stationary state in a minimum tained in crimped aluminum pans, and the calorimeter
amount of time were determined in a series of separate atmosphere was continuously flushed with a 50 ml/min

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M. Schoenitz et al.: Structure and properties of Al–Mg mechanical alloys

flow of nitrogen. Aluminum sample pans were not noticeable asymmetry, and a broad and weak peak ap-
crimped for the STA409-PC; the furnace was evacuated pears around 36.2°, the position of the strongest reflec-
to approximately 0.3 bar and backfilled with Ar (Mathe- tion of the ␥ phase (Al12Mg17). At Mg concentrations
son, ultrahigh purity) three times before each measure- higher than 30%, the main peaks of the strongly super-
ment. During measurements, the furnace was flushed saturated ␣ phase are no longer observed, while peaks of
with Ar at approximately 10 ml/min. DSC traces were the ␥ phase become more pronounced. The asymmetry
recorded between room temperature and 420 °C with of the peaks of the ␣ phase develops into a separate peak
heating rates ranging from 3 to 25 K/min. close to the position of the equilibrium ␣ phase.
The back-transformation of the mechanical alloys to The lattice parameter a0 of the ␣ phase after 12 h of
thermodynamically stable phase assemblages occurred milling was refined from the positions of all x-ray dif-
over a wide temperature range (Sec. IV. B). To relate fraction lines from (111) to (422). The results are shown
events observed by DSC to structural transitions, DSC
runs of Al0.7Mg0.3 and Al0.9Mg0.1 were interrupted at
intermediate temperatures, and XRD patterns of these
partially relaxed mechanical alloys were collected. The
effective quench rates achieved in these experiments
were relatively low—about 20 K/min.
For all alloys, a second heating cycle was carried out
after each measurement to serve as baseline correction
for the measured trace. Poor thermal contact within
loosely packed powders with small particle size as well
as particle coarsening and sintering at elevated tempera-
tures tend to give rise to spurious baseline effects. To
unambiguously distinguish genuine contributions of the
samples from baseline effects related to sample prepara-
tion, a sample was annealed in the DSC at an interme-
diate temperature, cooled to room temperature, and then
reheated in the DSC to the maximum temperature.
Particle size distributions of the bulk mechanical al-
loys were measured by low-angle laser light scattering
using a Beckman Coulter LS 230 Enhanced Laser Dif-
fraction particle size analyzer. Suspensions for particle
size analysis were prepared in ethylene glycol to prevent FIG. 1. Backscattered SEM image of a polished section of an
reaction of the mechanical alloys with water. Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy. Bright particles are ZrO2 detritus from
the milling vial.

A. Structure and composition of
mechanical alloys
SEM analysis showed that all mechanical alloys pro-
duced in the present study are chemically homogeneous
on a scale of 艋0.1 ␮m, the maximum resolution of the
instrument. EDX analyses were only able to resolve
the bulk Mg composition of the respective mechanical
alloys regardless of the presence of multiple phases ob-
served by XRD. Figure 1 shows a polished section of a
mechanical alloy with composition Al0.7Mg0.3. Indi-
vidual grains are irregularly shaped; varying degrees of
porosity are observed.
Figure 2 shows a section of the diffraction patterns of
all mechanical alloys. Only peaks of the ␣ phase are
FIG. 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of Al–Mg mechanical alloys with
observed up to a magnesium concentration of 30%, shift- varying composition. Reference peak positions of the pure ␣ phase are
ing to lower angles with increasing Mg concentration. shown as vertical lines. The separately marked peaks coincide roughly
Above 20% Mg, the peaks of the ␣ phase develop a with diffraction lines of the ␥ phase (Al12Mg17).

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in Table I and Fig. 3. The corresponding Mg concentra- the ␥ phase peaks have nearly disappeared. The peak
tion of the ␣ phase (xMg) was calculated according to positions of the (111) peak of the ␣ phase are shown in
previously reported linear relations that were established Fig. 5(A). To quantify peak asymmetry, a split Pearson
based on rapidly quenched alloys:18,19 VII function20 was fit to the (111) peak, and integral peak
widths (F) were determined for low-angle and high-angle
x␣Mg[mol%] ⳱ 2.234(␣0 − 4.049Å) ± 0.003 . (1)
portions of the peak, respectively. The peak asymmetry
The equilibrium temperature Teq corresponding to
each Mg concentration was calculated from the pub-
lished relation of the maximum equilibrium Mg concen-
tration of the ␣ phase versus temperature.9 The molar
fraction of ␣ phase in each mechanical alloy was calcu-
lated from compositional balance and is given as x␣ in
Table I. Also shown in Table I is the average crystallite
size t of the ␣ phase derived from experimental peak
widths, as well as the apparent lattice strain ⌬a0 /a0. This
value includes any peak broadening due to composi-
tional spread.
The structural development as a function of milling
time of a mechanical alloy with composition Al0.7Mg0.3
is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Figure 4 shows the XRD
patterns of the alloy along with the pattern of the starting
powder blend. Figure 5 shows the development of the
position and the asymmetry of the (111) peak of the ␣ FIG. 3. Lattice parameter a0 of the ␣ phase as a function of bulk Mg
phase over time. Samples were taken from both stations concentration. The solid line gives the relation of a0 versus Mg content
of rapidly quenched alloys reported by Luo et al.19 The data points up
on a double-mill (A and B). From Fig. 4, it can be seen to 30% Mg were obtained from alloys milled with 2% PCA and a BPR
that after only 3 h of milling the amount of pure Mg has of 5, while the value at 40% Mg was obtained from an alloy milled
decreased below the detection limit, while peaks consis- with 4% PCA and a BPR of 13.
tent with the ␥ phase have appeared. The width of the
peaks of the ␣ phase has increased, but their position has
shifted only slightly. This peak shift is more significant
after 6 and 9 h, and the peaks of the ␥ phase have become
wider and weaker. After 12 h, no further change in the
position of the peaks of the ␣ phase is observed, and

TABLE I. Lattice parameter of the highly supersaturated ␣ phase in

Al–Mg mechanical alloys and its calculated Mg concentration. Syn-
thesis conditions were 10 g powder load, BPR 5, and 2% PCA, except
for Al0.6Mg0.4 where 2 g powder, BPR 13, and 4% PCA were used.

xMg a0 xMg Teq x␣ t ⌬a0 /a0

(mol%) (Å)a (mol%)b (°C)c (mol%)d (nm)e (%)f
0 4.0493 (4) 0 100 365 (+) 0.09 (3)
5 4.0601 (1) 2.4 (1) 211 95.3 46 (8) 0.42 (4)
10 4.0763 (1) 6.0 (1) 304 92.4 41 (7) 0.46 (4)
20 4.1002 (6) 11.4 (2) 390 81.7 114 (+) 1.0 (1)
30 4.122 (1) 16.3 (3) 450 67.6 40 (19) 1.1 (1)
40 4.142 (1) 20.8 (3) ⭈⭈⭈ 49.3 51 (16) 1.2 (1)
50g 4.1724 27.6 27.8
The error in the last digit is shown in parentheses.
Composition of the ␣ phase calculated according to the data reported in
Refs. 18,19.
Corresponding equilibrium temperature according to Ref. 9.
Fraction of ␣ phase in the mixture assuming that bulk composition FIG. 4. X-ray diffraction patterns of the Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy
is balanced by ␣ phase (xMg calculated from a0) and ␥ phase (xMg ⳱ as a function of milling time. The triangle marks peaks of the ␥ phase.
58.6 mol%) only. The XRD pattern of the raw powder blend is shown at the bottom.
Average crystallite size; uncertainties greater than 50% are marked as (+). Milling was carried out in a double-mill with two milling stations,
Apparent lattice strain. labeled A and B for reference. The milling vial from which the re-
Extrapolated value. spective samples were taken is indicated next to the milling time.

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M. Schoenitz et al.: Structure and properties of Al–Mg mechanical alloys

was then expressed as the ratio of Flow /(Fhigh + Flow). compositions Al0.8Mg0.2 and Al0.7Mg0.3. The initial en-
Accordingly, values greater or less than 0.5 correspond dothermic peak is followed immediately by a broad exo-
to peaks skewed to the right or left, respectively. This thermic peak with a maximum around 170 °C for alloys
value is shown in Fig. 5(B). While the peaks of the ␣ with less than 40% Mg. The magnitude of this exother-
phase from vial A are nearly symmetric at 9–15 h, the mic peak roughly correlates with the magnitude of the
respective peaks from vial B after 18 h are split into a preceding endothermic peak. At temperatures above 250 °C,
strong peak at slightly lower angles and a weaker peak a series of exothermic peaks is observed. Peak tempera-
closer to the position of pure aluminum. Although tures and tentative structural assignment for all observed
this peak split becomes less pronounced as milling peaks (Sec. V) are shown in Table II.
progresses, the peak asymmetry remains. At the end of
this experiment after milling for 39 h, it can also be seen
that the peaks from vial A develop asymmetry later on
during the time that vial A was left unopened.
Mechanical alloys produced under different milling
conditions are compared in Fig. 6. An alloy with com-
position Al0.6Mg0.4 was milled for 12 h with a BPR of 13
and 4 wt.% PCA (compare to Fig. 2). The result differs
strongly from the alloy milled with a BPR of 5 and
2% PCA. The higher BPR promotes the formation
of a strongly supersaturated ␣ phase, indicated by the
large peak shift. A lower BPR favors the formation
of ␥ phase while compositional balance is maintained by
␣ phase with low Mg concentration.

B. Thermal stability
A set of baseline-corrected DSC traces for mechanical FIG. 6. Comparison of Al0.6Mg0.4 mechanical alloys prepared under
different milling conditions. Both alloys were milled for 12 h. Milling
alloys recorded at a heating rate of 15 K/min is shown with a higher BPR results in a more strongly supersaturated ␣ phase,
in Fig. 7. All mechanical alloys show an endothermic while a lower BPR results in the formation of ␥ phase (separately
peak near 100 °C. This peak is particularly strong for marked peaks).

FIG. 5. Position and asymmetry of the (111) peak of the ␣ phase in the
XRD pattern of an Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy as a function of mill-
ing time. Asymmetry values above 0.5 denote left-skewed peaks, val- FIG. 7. DSC traces of Al–Mg mechanical alloys with varying com-
ues less than 0.5 denote right-skewed peaks. Milling was carried out in position. Baseline correction was carried out by subtracting the signal
a double-mill with two milling stations, labeled A and B for reference. of a second heating from the initial scan.

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All mechanical alloys show a pronounced exothermic immediately following exothermic peak increase until
background above 150 °C. In Fig. 8, two scans of 12 h of milling and remain relatively constant thereafter.
Al0.8Mg0.2 mechanical alloy are compared. For refer- The exothermic peak at approximately 260 °C is stron-
ence, one sample was heated over the entire temperature gest at short milling times, decreasing as milling
range. The second sample was annealed at 160 °C for
1 h prior to heating—close to the peak temperature of the
first exothermic peak. As this sample is heated, initially
only minor baseline drift is observed. Above 200 °C,
however, the exothermic shift of the signal rapidly ap-
proaches that of the reference sample until the two scans
coincide within the reproducibility of the measurement.
Thus, the exothermic bias is caused by transformations
within the mechanical alloy; it is not an artifact intro-
duced by sample geometry.
Figure 9 shows XRD patterns of samples of the
Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy as milled, and heated at
15 K/min to 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400 °C, respec-
tively. The temperature resolution in this set of experi-
ments is low; however, the diffraction patterns are still
instructive. The peaks of the ␣ phase start to shift back to
equilibrium positions at temperatures as low as 100 °C.
The ␣ phase has essentially compositionally equilibrated
at 200 °C, although the peaks continue to become nar-
rower at higher temperatures. Raised background in the
vicinity of 36.2° at a temperature of 100 °C develops to
FIG. 9. XRD patterns of the Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy after being
weak diffraction peaks consistent with peaks of the ␥ phase heated at 15 K/min to the indicated temperatures in the scanning
at 150 and 200 °C. Peaks consistent with the ␤ phase ap- calorimeter. With increasing temperature, the peaks of the ␣ phase
pear at temperatures above 200 °C. The same set of successively shift towards higher angles as Mg is released from the
experiments was performed on mechanical alloys with structure. A set of weaker peaks indicates, first, the crystallization of
compositions Al0.95Mg0.05 and Al0.9Mg0.1. In these experi- ␥ phase between 150 and 200 °C, and finally the formation of the ␤
phase above 200 °C.
ments, the only observable effect was a slight decrease in
lattice parameter, and thus the Mg concentration, of the
␣ phase. No other phase could be detected by XRD.
The development of the DSC signals as a function
of milling time for an Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy is
shown in Fig. 10. The initial endothermic peak and the

FIG. 8. Comparison of DSC signals from mechanical alloys with

composition Al0.8Mg0.2. The solid curve represents the fresh mechani-
cal alloy, while the dashed curve represents an alloy that was annealed
for 1 h at 160 °C (near the peak temperature of the first exothermic
transition) before scanning from 100 to 420 °C. FIG. 10. DSC traces of Al0.7Mg0.3 as a function of milling time.

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progresses. Figure 11 shows the heat effect and onset and in the temperature interval 250–350 °C have been deter-
peak temperatures of this peak as a function of milling mined by the method after Kissinger (e.g., Ref. 21) ac-
time. Comparable to the differences between the separate cording to the following relation:
milling vials that are seen in the diffraction patterns
(Figs. 4 and 5), small differences are observed here as ⌽ EA
well. After an initial decrease between 3 and 9 h, onset ln 2 = − +C . (2)
T max kBNATmax
and peak temperatures increase slightly as milling
progresses further. The heat effect generally decreases ⌽ is the heating rate in K/s, Tmax is the temperature at the
with time, and although there is a marked offset between maximum of the respective DSC peak, EA is the activa-
separate vials, the decreasing trend continues for both tion energy, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and NA
vials equally. Contrary to the results from XRD (Fig. 5), Avogadro’s number. The constant C depends on any spe-
no saturation is observed at the longest milling times; cific kinetic model—no such model was applied in this
onset and peak temperatures and heat effect appear to consideration, and thus C was not further interpreted.
continue to change after 36 h. Both EA and C are determined from linear plots of ln(⌽/
From DSC scans at heating rates varying from 3 to T 2max) versus 1/Tmax. Results are shown in Table III.
25 K/min, apparent activation energies for all transitions
C. Particle sizes
The results of the particle size determination for the
mechanical alloys with 10–50% are shown in Fig. 12.
The size distributions of the mechanical alloys are gen-
erally similar, no systematic change with composition is

The results reported here expand the experimental
coverage of mechanical alloys in the Al–Mg system to
low Mg concentrations. At Mg concentrations of 40 at.%
and above, current results are generally consistent with
previously published findings. Calka et al. (1993) re-
ported the extended solid solubility of Mg in the ␣ phase
with 18% Mg for an Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy, and
45% Mg for an Al0.5Mg0.5 MA.15 The latter value was
derived by deconvoluting strongly overlapping XRD
peaks of ␣ and ␥ phases, and is likely to be biased. Zhang
et al. (1994) reported ␣ phase with 23% Mg in an
Al0.4Mg0.6 MA.16 The highest Mg concentration ob-
served in this work is 20.8% in Al0.4Mg0.6. As Figs. 5
and 6 show, the degree of supersaturation of the ␣ phase
achievable by MA depends critically on milling condi-
FIG. 11. Heat effect, onset and peak temperatures of ␤⬘ formation in
the Al0.7Mg0.3 mechanical alloy. Milling was carried out in a double- tions. Since the degree of supersaturation of the ␣ phase
mill with two milling stations, labeled A and B for reference (compare is not uniquely determined by thermodynamic con-
Figs. 4 and 5). straints, some compositional variation must be assumed,

TABLE II. Peak temperatures (in °C) of the transitions in Al–Mg mechanical alloys observed by DSC at a heating rate of 15 K/min. The notations
(+) and (−) indicate exothermic and endothermic effects, respectively.

Al0.95Mg0.05 Al0.9Mg0.1 Al0.8Mg0.2 Al0.7Mg0.3 Al0.6Mg0.4 Al0.5Mg0.5 Assignment

96.0 (−) 94.4 (−) 107.7 (−) 109.0 (−) 99.2 (−) 92.7 (−) GP zone dissolution
169.6 (+) 172.4 (+) 171.4 (+) 164.4 (+) ␥ formation
271.9 (+) 265.6 (+) 267.2 (+) 268.4 (+) ␤⬘ formation
375.0 (+) 334.6 (+) 316.6 (+) 312.5 (+) 307.9 (+) ␤⬘ → ␤
348.9 (−) ␤ dissolution
402.3 (+) 399.0 (+) 394.0 (+) ␥⬘ formation

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and the above values represent therefore (volume) aver- metastability of the mechanical alloy, thought to be re-
ages. XRD peak widths and particularly peak asymmetry sponsible for enhanced performance of the Al–Mg me-
(Figs. 4 and 5) illustrate this point; crystallite size/lattice chanical alloys as energetic materials.
strain analysis using XRD peak broadening is unable The present results confirm previous reports that
to distinguish between lattice strain and small-scale ␥ phase is an early, intermediate product during mechani-
compositional spread. The direct effect milling param- cal alloying of Al-rich compositions which continues to
eters have on the resulting phases and their composi- dissolve into the ␣ phase as milling progresses.15,16 The
tional variation is not immediately obvious. Sample relationship between bulk Mg concentration and Mg con-
caking was observed in nearly all experiments that centration of the ␣ phase observed in the present work
were carried out with a powder load of 10 g, a BPR of further suggests that the steady state after prolonged mill-
5, and 2% PCA. No caking was observed during ing consists of a systematic compositional balance of ␣
synthesis of an Al0.6Mg0.4 mechanical alloy with 2 g and ␥ phases (Fig. 3, Table I). In contrast, the ␤ phase is
powder load, a BPR of 13, and 4% PCA. Caking is most never observed. However, ␤ phase and its precursors are
directly influenced by the amount of process control known to form during aging of supersaturated ␣ phase.9
agent. One aspect of caking is the drastic reduction of It is therefore suggested that precursors of the ␤ phase
milling efficiency—no further alloying occurs once the are present in the mechanical alloys although not detect-
entire powder load solidly coats the interior surfaces able by XRD.
of the milling vials. In addition, the increase in peak This hypothesis is supported by the results of thermal
asymmetry of the alloy in vial A after it had been left analysis. Endothermic peaks at temperatures less than
unopened between 15 and 33 h as shown in Fig. 5 100 °C on heating Al–Mg alloys with supersaturated ␣
strongly suggests that if a mechanical alloy with a well- phase have been attributed to the breakdown of Guinier-
established supersaturated ␣ phase is allowed to form Preston (GP) zones.9,22 These zones are two-dimensional
large agglomerates, the ␣ phase starts to disproportionate precipitates within the ␣ phase that form on dislocations
into a low-Mg and a high-Mg solid solution as milling during aging at ambient conditions and act as nucleation
progresses. Eventually, this trend would result in an as- points for ␤ phase. The observed endothermic peak at
semblage of ␣ phase with near equilibrium Mg concen- low temperatures (Fig. 7, Table II) therefore qualitative-
tration and ␥ phase, partially canceling the increased ly indicates their presence. At higher temperatures, the
formation of ␥ phase was observed to be accompanied
by an exothermic peak at about 150 °C in mechanical
alloys.16 This is consistent with the observation of
␥ phase in an Al0.7Mg0.3 MA heated to 200 °C in the pres-
ent work (Fig. 9). The interpretation of this DSC peak as
formation of ␤ phase, as suggested in Ref. 15, cannot be
supported based on the present results. Peak assignment
above 250 °C is more tentative. A number of exothermic
peaks between 250 and 300 °C have been observed, both,
in quenched alloys9,22 and mechanical alloys.15,16 From a
structural analysis on quenched alloys,9,22 two exother-
mic events in the temperature ranges 180–290 °C and
280–330 °C have been attributed to the formation of ␤⬘
and ␤ phase, respectively. This is generally consistent
with the observation of ␤ phase in Al0.7Mg0.3 MA heated
to 300 °C in the present work (Fig. 9). The exothermic
TABLE III. Activation energies for exothermic transitions in the 250–
350 °C temperature interval.

xMg (mol%) Tmax (°C)a EA (kJ/mol) Constant

10 334.6 154.7 −16.75
20 271.9 254.9 −42.77
20 316.6 250.8 −37.04
30 265.6 238.1 −39.97
30 312.5 214.6 −29.41
40 267.2 229.6 −37.33
50 268.4 211.4 −32.94
FIG. 12. Particle size distributions of Al–Mg mechanical alloys. Heating rate of 15 K/min; for comparison with Table II.

1834 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 18, No. 8, Aug 2003

M. Schoenitz et al.: Structure and properties of Al–Mg mechanical alloys

peaks above 300 °C observed in mechanical alloys with observed, indicative of similar mechanical properties of
low Mg concentration (Al0.95Mg0.05 and Al0.9Mg0.1) mechanical alloys in the covered compositional range
have not been previously reported; it is however sug- (Al0.95Mg0.05–Al0.5Mg0.5).
gested that they are caused by ␤ phase precipitation as On heating, the mechanical alloys transform to equi-
well, even though no ␤ phase could be detected in alloys librium phase assemblages via a series of distinguishable
annealed at and recovered from intermediate tempera- steps. Individual transitions that were identified by XRD
tures. It is likely that the newly formed ␤ phase was of intermediate products are the crystallization of ␥ phase
either not abundant enough to be detected by XRD, or near 170 °C, and the precipitation of ␤ phase in the range
has redissolved into the ␣ phase during the relatively of 250–350 °C. The activation energy for the ␤⬘/␤ phase
slow cooling in the DSC apparatus (approximately formation has been determined as a function of alloy
20 K/min). The peaks observed around 400 °C in alloys composition. The values of approximately 250 kJ/mol
with 30%, 40%, and 50% Mg (Fig. 7, Table II) could not are roughly three times as large as activation energies
be unambiguously assigned to structural transitions. reported for ␤ formation from rapidly quenched Al–Mg
From the equilibrium phase relations,11 a relation to the alloys, suggesting different transformation kinetics in
formation of ␥⬘ phase could be surmised. mechanical and quenched alloys. Further peaks have
The exothermically biased background seen to varying been observed by DSC at temperatures near 400 °C in
degrees in all samples (Figs. 7 and 8) has not been de- mechanical alloys with more than 30 at.% Mg but have
scribed for quenched alloys, nor has it been systemati- not been assigned to structural transitions. In addition to
cally described for mechanical alloys. One possible structural transitions at defined temperatures, the relaxa-
explanation is the gradual relaxation of mechanical tion of the mechanical alloys is associated with a spread-
stress accumulated during the MA process, as well as out exothermic effect starting at about 100 °C and
loss of interfacial (grain boundary) area due to coarsen- continuing over the entire temperature range investigated
ing. Accelerated grain growth has been observed to occur (Tmax ⳱ 420 °C). The magnitude of this effect is on the
in heavily strained Al-3%Mg alloy at temperatures above order of 2.5 kJ/mol (100 J/g). The heat effects of
about 100 °C,23 supporting this interpretation. the identified DSC peaks are being considered in ignition
Activation energies determined in this work for exo- models describing the behavior of Al–Mg mechanical
thermic reactions associated with ␤⬘/␤ formation in alloys in energetic formulations.8 Possible influence of
Al–Mg mechanical alloys (Table III) are generally the observed phase transformations on oxidation kinetics
larger than the activation energy of 78 kJ/mol reported will also be addressed. The overall exothermic character
for ␤ formation in rapidly quenched alloys.5 The appar- of the relaxation of the mechanical alloys is expected to
ent activation energy decreases with increasing Mg be at least partially responsible for the previously re-
concentration. The value obtained for the exothermic ported accelerated ignition and combustion of aerosols of
transition in the Al0.9Mg0.1 mechanical alloy is likely Al-Mg mechanical alloys.
influenced by the overlap of the exothermic event
(334.6 °C) with the following endothermic event ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(348.9 °C, Fig. 7, Table III) and therefore should be
regarded with caution. This work was primarily supported by Dr. Judah Gold-
wasser of Office of Naval Research, Grant No. N00014-
00-1-0446. Additional support was provided by New
VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Jersey Commission on Science and Technology, Award
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