215-cbh 2011 PDF
215-cbh 2011 PDF
215-cbh 2011 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s10853-010-5149-1
Received: 28 September 2010 / Accepted: 30 November 2010 / Published online: 29 December 2010
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
coupling agent (p \ 0.05). The non-thermal atmosphericpressure plasma polymer coating technique was found to
have a potential promoting adhesion to dental materials.
Plasma is recognized as a fourth state of matter together
with gases, liquids, and solids [1]. More or less ionized gas
in plasma consists of electrons, ions, and neutral components in fundamental and excited states [2, 3]. Plasmas are
electrically neutral, but they contain free charge carriers
and are electrically conductive and chemically active. They
are classified as either cold or thermal, depending on their
activation method and working power [2]. Due to the wide
range of temperatures they emit, plasma technology has
been used for various applications such as surface treatments and coatings, waste destruction, gas treatments,
chemical synthesis, machining, and high-precision mass
spectrometric analysis by plasma-source [2, 47]. Thermal
plasmas, especially arc plasma, have been extensively
industrialized [2]. In the dental field, non-thermal plasmas
have been studied for the purposes of modifying titanium
implant surfaces [8, 9], improving mechanical properties of
fiber-reinforced acrylic resin materials [10], and increasing
bond strength between fiber posts and core resin [11] and
between composite luting agents and ceramics [12]. These
non-thermal plasmas use radio frequency (RF) sources with
a high power supply in a vacuum chamber.
Dental bonding deals with bondings to various substrates, ranging from well-achieved bondings to enamel
and ceramics to relatively weak ones to dentin, polymers,
and metals. Ceramic bonding is quite reliable when the
surface of the feldspathic porcelain is treated with both
hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching and silane coupling agent
of plasma polymer coating on adhesion, due to its consistent surface structure, composition, and reliable reports on
its bond strength [13, 17]. We evaluated the hypothesis that
the plasma polymer coating procedure would promote
adhesion by plasma polymer deposition and increase the
bond strength of composite resin to ceramic. For the purpose, the effect of plasma adhesion on the bond strength of
composite resin to ceramic was evaluated. The plasmacoated ceramic surfaces were characterized using contact
angle measurements, and the fractured surfaces were
evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and
energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).
Group 1 g
Group 2 c, g
Group 3 a, c, g
Group 4 a, b, c, g
Plasma surface cleaning and plasma polymer coating with HMDSO and TEGDMA, consecutively
Group 5 d, e, f, g
Hydrofluoric acid etching and silane application, routine bonding procedure for feldspathic porcelain
a, plasma surface treatment with vaporized DW in helium gas; b, plasma polymer coating with vaporized HMDSO in helium gas; c, plasma
polymer coating with vaporized TEGDMA in helium gas; d, etching with 4% buffered hydrofluoric acid gel for 4 min; e, washing and drying
with compressed air from a three-way syringe; f, silane coupling agent coating and drying with compressed air from a three-way syringe; g,
sequential bonding procedures after surface treatment of the polished surfaces of ceramic blocks, including the immediate coating of the Adper
Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (3M ESPE) adhesive, light-curing for 20 s, composite packing into the inner hole of the iris on the specimen surface,
and light-curing for 40 s
TEGDMA triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate; HMDSO hexamethyldisiloxane
Table 2 Measurements of water contact angles from various ceramic surfaces prepared according to the plasma surface treatment protocols used
in this study
Surface treatments
Contact angle ()
12.1 1.7
Polishing/water cleaning
a, b
Less than 5
a, b, c
Less than 5
a, c
Less than 5
a, b, d
85.3 8.5
a, b, d, c
30.8 2.6
a, b, c, e
45.2 3.5
Surface treatments of each group were performed in a sequential manner designated with the following abbreviations: a, polishing with #500 SiC
paper; b, plasma surface cleaning with vaporized water in helium gas; c, plasma polymer coating with vaporized TEGDMA in helium gas; d,
plasma polymer coating with vaporized HMDSO in helium gas; e, adhesive coating and light-curing for 20 s
OIL, oxygen-inhibited layer, the contact angle of the oxygen-inhibited layer remaining on the cured adhesive was measured to approximate the
contact angle measurement of the uncured adhesive itself
TEGDMA triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate; HMDSO hexamethyldisiloxane
Table 3 shows the SBSs of composite resin to variously
treated surfaces of feldspathic porcelain blocks. Compared
to the SBS of the adhesive of SBMP to untreated ceramic
surfaces (group 1), the SBS value of the adhesive to the
ceramic surface exposed to non-thermal AGD plasma
carrying vaporized TEGDMA (group 2) increased slightly,
but the difference was not statistically significant. However, when the plasma polymer coating with vaporized
TEGDMA was performed after pre-treatment of the
adherent surface with plasma carrying vaporized DW
(group 3), the SBS of the adhesive was significantly higher
than both those to the untreated surface (group 1) and to the
surface coated only with TEGDMA (group 2, p \ 0.05).
Group 1 (PUT)
11.5 2.3a
Group 2 (T)
14.8 3.7a
Group 3 (WT)
20.0 3.9b
Group 4 (WHT)
14.7 4.0ab 10
Group 5 (FS)
31.0 6.0c
Fracture modes
Adhesive Mixed Ceramic
The SBS value was still lower than the bond strength to the
ceramic surface etched with HF acid and consecutively
coated with silane coupling agent (group 5, p \ 0.05), a
routine bonding procedure for feldspathic porcelain in
dental clinics. Sequential plasma polymer coatings with
HMDSO and TEGDMA after plasma cleaning with water
(group 4) also failed to obtain significantly different SBS
values from those of the untreated control group (group 1).
In group 1, the fractures caused by shear loading mostly
occurred at the interface between the polished ceramic
surface and the cured adhesive layer (adhesive fractures,
Fig. 2a and Table 3). With plasma polymer coating (group
2), small cohesively fractured fragments of ceramic were
observed on the adhesively fractured flat adhesive surface
after shear fracture (mixed fractures, Fig. 2b). When
plasma surface cleaning with vaporized DW was performed additionally before plasma polymer coating with
TEGDMA (group 3), the incidence of mixed fractures
increased significantly (Chi-square test, p \ 0.05). The
small fragments observed on the adhesive surface at the
bottom of the iris were found to be ceramic after line
scanning with EDS (Fig. 3). In group 4, all of the fractures
that occurred were adhesive. In group 5, all specimens
Fig. 2 The fractured surfaces obtained after the shear bond strength
test. a In group 1, the fractured surfaces due to shear loading appeared
flat and shiny, like the original polished surfaces of the ceramic
blocks. The fracture occurred at the interface between the polished
ceramic surface and the cured adhesive layer (Adhesive fracture). b In
group 2 with the plasma polymer coating, small fragments of ceramic
were occasionally observed on the adhesive surface covering the
fractured bottom surface of the composite resin in the iris (Mixed
fracture). When the plasma surface treatment with DW was
additionally performed before plasma polymer coating with TEGDMA (group 3), the incidence of mixed fracture increased. c In group
4, cohesive fracture of ceramic was observed at the opposite side of
the loading plunger in all specimens
In order to apply plasma technology to various fields of
clinical dental practice, the equipment needs to come out of
the vacuum chamber and to have a small handpiece shape.
Outside the vacuum chamber, when the pressure or feeding
power density is low, the plasma temperature (or gas
temperature) is fixed by a heavy particle temperature due to
the low density of excited atoms and the huge mass difference between electrons and heavy particles [2]. Even
though they are excited or ionized, the inelastic collisions
between electrons and heavy particles do not raise the
temperature of the heavy particles [2]. To expose the
materials to plasma without a vacuum system, the RF
frequency of the steady-state uniform glow discharge at
atmospheric-pressure must be in the appropriate range. If
the RF frequency is too low, the discharge will not be
initiated, and if it is too high, the plasma will form a filamentary discharge between the electrode plates or will be
transformed to an arc discharge [19]. The resulting low
temperature and chemically active species can be applied
to tooth substrates and dental materials in the oral cavity
for various purposes. Although many kinds of atmospheric
plasma jets that function in open air have been introduced,
there have been few reports on the application of
group 4 were assumed to be attributed to the large difference in the hydrophobicity between HMDSO and TEGDMA. Therefore, the hydrophilicity of the plasma
polymer-coated substrate surface was necessary to facilitate the wetting of the adhesive. In this study, we chose
TEGDMA as the precursor monomer, a constituent of
dental adhesives which is more hydrophilic than other
adhesive ingredients such as Bis-GMA and which can be
vaporized due to its high volatility. In this study, helium
gas was used as the carrier gas because of its inertness and
ability to stabilize a glow discharge outside of a vacuum
chamber [2]. Although plasma treatments of oxygen, air,
nitrogen, and argon gases increased wettability [24], oxygen is an electron-negative gas that requires a much higher
breakdown voltage to generate plasma. Argon also requires
high breakdown voltage. As a result, the plasma temperature was elevated to the level at which the plasma could not
be applied to vital teeth. Moreover, because oxygen can
also be involved in co-polymerization with monomer gas, it
was difficult to prepare a stable AGD and to create a
plasma polymer with proper characteristics.
In this study, the effect of plasma polymer coating on bond
strength was not sufficient to replace the contemporary
protocol involving HF etching and silane coupling agent
coating. However, we found that the non-thermal AGD
plasma polymer coating technique could contribute to
enhance the ceramic bonding of conventional dental
adhesives. The non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma
polymer coating technique was found to have a potential
promoting adhesion to dental materials.
Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Korea
Research Foundation (KRF) grant funded by the Korean government
(MEST, No. 2009-0070771).
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