March 2015

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A Monthly Publication of First Presbyterian Church

Worshipping, learning, and serving together in the name of Jesus

From the Interim Pastor

March 2015

Dear Friends in Christ,

Gods Spirit is active here at First Church, as we move forward together
in ministry. We are reminded in Ephesians 4:12 of the importance of
engaging in ministry that builds up the body of Christ and that is exactly
what is taking place here! This month many exciting plans, which were
made as part of the 20/20 Vision, are being implemented:
1. A new website will be launched by the end of March, which is more user
friendly and interactive.
2. A new audiovisual platform will be constructed at the back of the sanctuary
to enhance our worship experience.
3. New screens will be placed in the sanctuary in order to strengthen
communication and enrich the visual aspect of worship.
4. Small group ministry for adults and children, following the Lenten dinners,
to foster a community culture that strengthens relationships.
In addition, the Pastor Nominating Committee will have the Ministry Information Form
posted on the PC(USA) Leadership Connection this month and will start receiving
This is an exciting time in the life of this congregation. While many congregations slow
down or take a break during times of transition, you are actively pursuing the vision
that God has set before you, with energy and enthusiasm. It is so exciting to serve as
your interim pastor and be part of such a dynamic community, passionately engaged in
Come and be part of what God is doing here you will be inspired!
Your partner in ministry,

Pastor Deborah

New Church Office Hours:

8:30am to 3:00pm Monday through Friday

Inside this issue:

We Keep in Prayer

Lenten Dinners

Memorial Lilies

Music for Maddie

Spring Forward

Bible Study

BackPack Program

Ladies Lunch

Spaghetti Dinner

Holy Week

Supper Sisters

Church Growth

Synod School

Montreat Womens

One Great Hour


Calvin Crest

Habitat for


Welcome School

Childrens Ministry

Youth Ministry




February Birthdays


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Hilltop Highlights

We Keep In Prayer

Anne McDaniels granddaughter Maddie diagnosed with brain cancer

Jennifer Shewchuks mother Lois diagnosed with lung cancer
June Koubas sister Debbie diagnosed with aggressive cancer
Mary Bond and family at the loss of her mother Gene
Joan Rousseau and family at the loss of Bud Rousseau
Brian and Joyce Wells in grief following the death of Brians mother
Gary Whites stepfather who has been diagnosed with bone cancer
Vera Davidson, who is now home and receiving home health care services

Lenten Suppers
Lenten Suppers- Dinner will be offered
each Thursday night during Lent through
March 26th. Each week, a ministry of
the church provides the meal which
starts at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall and
will go until 7:30pm. The entire meal will
be provided and a freewill offering will
be accepted to cover the cost of the

A small group Bible study will follow the

dinner, 40 Days of Love.
Instead of giving up something for Lent
this year, why not add something? Join
us for a time of fellowship and reflection
as we embark on this period of
repentance and preparation for Christs

Once again this year you have the opportunity to purchase an Easter Lily in memory or honor
of your loved ones. The flowers will beautify our sanctuary on Easter morning and may be
taken home after the 10:30am service that day. They are $10.00 each and can be ordered from
the Worship Committee on Sunday mornings March 1st, 8th and 15th.

Music for Maddie

Benefit Concert

Maddie Shumaker
Granddaughter of
Anne McDaniel
Maddie has a brain
tumor and is currently
at St. Judes receiving

Church Choir
Westminster Bells Choir

and F ends

h 8t
2:00p h

Refreshments will follow the concert in Fellowship Hall

A free will offering will be taken to help the family with expenses

Page 3

Hilltop Highlights

Sunday, March 8th

Are you interested in becoming a woman after Gods own heart? Consider joining a Beth
Moore Bible Study in an eleven-session study featuring David: Seeking a Heart like His.
If youve ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, family problems or personal
inconsistencies, join Beth Moore on an exciting and intimate journey to know King David,
and discover how you too can have a heart like our own God.
Bible study to begin on Monday, March 9 at 7:00pm at the church in the Cry Room; with
the second session on Monday, March 23rd and remaining sessions on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the following
months. Please sign up at the table in the foyer. Cost of member book is $17.50. If you have any questions
please contact Angie Uhl or Sally Syphers.

Hands on Mission Opportunity

The mission committee of First Presbyterian Church, Bellevue is sponsoring a mission outreach activity for
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 from 1:00-4:00 in the afternoon. We would like a minimum of 12 interested
individuals to help pack supplies for the FoodBank for the Heartland BackPack program at the Foodbank
Omaha location at 10525 J St, Omaha. The minimum age for participants is 16. This is a fun way to interact
with and get to know others in the church while helping those less fortunate in our community. One in five
kids in Nebraska and western Iowa under the age of 18 is at-risk for hunger. The BackPack
Program is designed to provide food for hungry children at times when other resources are
not available, such as during weekends and school vacations. Staff members at local
elementary schools identify chronically hungry students then Food Bank for the Heartland
supplies packs filled with nutritious food for those children to take home on Friday
afternoons. Each pack provides two breakfast meals and two lunch or dinner meals. They
are delivered to participating schools. The BackPack Program distributes 8300 packs to
children in need each week in 228 schools across Nebraska and western Iowa. Please consider participating
with us on March 11th to help feed the hungry. Sign-up sheets are available in the narthex.

Ladies, join us for Ladies Luncheon in 2015! Well continue to meet on the third
Thursday at noon. March 19th, well meet at China Buffett located at 2903 Samson
Way in Bellevue.
Make your reservation by calling the church office at 402-291-1104 or e-mailing

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Hilltop Highlights


Our Annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held Saturday, March 21st,

from 4:30pm 7:30pm here at First Presbyterian Church.
Tickets are $10.00 per person. There is no charge for children 5 and under. The
menu includes salad, spaghetti and meat or meatless sauce, bread, beverage and
pie. TAKEOUT will be available.
DeMoine Adams will be our featured speaker at 5:30pm (see the back of the tickets for more
information on Mr. Adams). There will also be a Silent Auction and Raffle Items. This event is a
cooperative effort and all proceeds will be divided equally between Bellevue Public Schools
TeamMates and First Presbyterian Church missions.
We sure hope youll want to participate in this fun evening and all-church fundraising effort!
How can you help?

Buy tickets and sell tickets. (All volunteers will need a ticket)
Bring your family, invite prospective members, friends, co-workers and neighbors.
Sign-up at church to work a 2 2 hour shift at the event.
Please donate Raffle or Silent Auction items (bring them to church by Wednesday, March 18!).
Unable to attend? Donate the price of a couple of tickets or more to help us defray expenses.

Tickets may be purchased in the church office between 8:30am - 3:00pm Monday through
Friday.or in the narthex on Sundays before or after church through March 14th.
If you are selling tickets please turn in your money and unsold tickets as soon as possible no later
than March 14th.
Wont you join us in working together to make this fundraiser a huge success?
THANKS IN ADVANCE for your help in making a difference in our community!

Holy Week 2015

March 29 Palm Sunday W.O.W. and Sunday School children will sing at the 10:30am Worship Service.
March 30 thru April 3 Holy Week Devotionals- Every morning at 7:00am during Holy Week, we will have

breakfast and a meditation.

April 2 Maundy Thursday- Our Maundy Thursday Worship Service will start at 7:00pm. This year we will have a

Tenebrae worship service. Child care will be provided. (No dinner will be served this evening.)
April 5 Easter Sunday:
Worship Services will be at 8:30am and 10:30am.
Everyone is invited to the Easter breakfast served by the Deacons at 9:30am.
Nursery Care provided during both services.
No Sunday School classes will be held to allow for family time on this special morning.
The One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be received during worship.

Hilltop Highlights

Page 5

Supper Sisters
Come join us! We meet on the last Monday of each month at 6:00pm at a different restaurant (we
usually talk about it the month before as to where we are going the next month). On March 30th at
6:00pm we will be meeting at Sinful Burger at Twin Creek in Bellevue. Please contact Kathy White if
you are planning to attend, her home phone is 402-292-3639 and her cell # is 402-619-1043.

2015 Church Growth Leadership SummitApril 13th 9:00am through April 14th 4:00pm
How do churches grow? There is no one size fits all answer. Speakers will be Anna
Carter Florence, Bill Tenny-Britton, and William H. Willimon. Come to Westminster
Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, NE and listen and see what will fit with our church.
Listen to other engaged church members and listen for the spirit to move. Our church can
grow!! Register by March 16th $75.00 includes 3 meals. After March 16th $90.00. For
more information see www. and click on church
growth summit. Contact Holly Hofreiter or Linda Reffert if you would like to go.

Montreat Womens Connection 2015

August 6th-9th in the summer of 2015 women from across the denomination will gather for
The Women's Connection.
We hope you'll mark your calendars now and make plans to join us.
This intergenerational event will include child care, so consider bringing the entire family!
Full details will be forthcoming following the planning team's January meeting.
Be sure to check for the latest information.

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Hilltop Highlights

One Great Hour of Sharing

Three groups a charm for Delta-based initiative
Faith in Jesus is why Im involved in this new initiative. Its not a social program,
its a gospel program, the way I look it.
Joseph Johnson, a member of Self-Development of People (SDOP), challenges you to
dream bigfor all Gods people.
Jesus told the church, you feed them, you take care of people, you respond to
people, you interact with people, you find ways to change lives and ultimately the
world, he says.
Johnson is part of a new initiative focused on the New Orleans/Delta region. It brings
together members of SDOP, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and the Presbyterian Hunger Programall of
which are already working within the region on other projectsto more effectively help families still suffering
nearly a decade after Hurricane Katrina devastated the area.
We wanted to do something with long-term impact and move from disaster to development, Cynthia White,
coordinator of SDOP, says.
Eventually, development means that people are going to do it for themselves, says Johnson. Our projects
will give people alternatives to their situation, whatever that might be. This will at, the very least, give people a
fighting chance to change their lives for the better.
The initiative is still in its beginning days, but the three ministry areas, all part of the Presbyterian Mission
Agency and all supported through One Great Hour of Sharing, are meeting with community-based partners in
the region to identify what is still needed.
Were not partnering with third parties, Johnson says. These are community-driven projects made up of
people who are actually there.
The question what could this project be? will be answered in the coming months by those partners and by
your support of One Great Hour of Sharing.
There are amazing things we could do, says White. The people could have access to affordable housing,
decent and nutritious food, economic development opportunities, and affordable health care.
Well have a variety of ways that were addressing all the areas of need, Johnson adds. Well be partnering
with different community-based groups to address each of those concerns and do it effectively. Thats our
The three ministry areas have partnered before for work in West Africa. They were so successful that the 221st
General Assembly (2014) commended their efforts and committed the church to develop more opportunities to
do the same. The church said, We like collaboration and we like the programs working together rather than
in silos, says Johnson. Im hoping by doing this we not only effect change in New Orleans, but also affect
the giving, because this is what the church has said it wants.

Please give generously on Easter Sunday, April 5th

Financial Information



Hilltop Highlights

Page 7

Calvin Crest Summer Camp Registration is Now Open!

Summer will be here before you know it. Now is the time to get YOUR week of
Calvin Crest on
your schedule. Register today and make sure you get your spot.
Register online at
What's Available
Calvin Crest offers camps for children and youth of all ages. We focus on growing in our faith
and friendships. Everything we do helps us develop our relationship with God and with
others. From Morning Worship outside to group games in the afternoon, we strive to connect
campers and teach them the skills to continue to grow and develop after their week of camp.
Family Camp
Family Camp is a great opportunity to come together for a mini-vacation. This short weekend
provides a chance to connect and relax. A relaxed schedule with options and flexibility allows
for this to be a perfect weekend for you.
Explorer Camp
First and second graders camp with a parent or grandparent for the weekend. This is a great
introduction to camp life with campfires, hikes, swimming and Bible Study. Make some
memories together this summer.
Middler Camp
Third and fourth graders can choose to come for a full week or a half week on their own. High
energy activities will keep your child engaged and wanting to come back.
Junior Camp
Fourth through sixth graders have options when it comes to camp. Mountain Biking, Horses
and Traditional Camp allows Junior Campers to find the right fit or try something new.
Junior High Camp
Sixth through eighth graders can choose from a number of options including Mountain Biking,
Horses, Adventure, Night Owl or Traditional Camp. More time to hang out or explore. You
won't want to miss it.
Senior High Camp
Ninth through twelfth graders can choose Ranch Camp or Work Camp. Both opportunities
provide plenty of fun and faith development.
Register today at

Do You Know Anyone In Need Of A Home??

Habitat for Humanity of Sarpy County is in the process of selecting families for homes in the Sarpy County
area. Applicants will be evaluated based on the familys need for adequate housing, ability to pay, and
commitment to work as a Habitat partner in the construction of the homes. In order to qualify, applicants
must complete a Pre-Screening Questionnaire which determines if their income qualifies according to HUD
income limits for the Sarpy County Area.
Pre-Screening questionnaires are available on their website at http:/ or call 402-292-6560.
The forms may also be picked up at their office at 1001
Ft. Crook Rd. N. # 208 (East side of Southroads Mall) in
If you are remodeling etc. and have surplus working appliances
or other useful items, contact the Habitat Home Store and make
a tax deductible donation.

Hilltop Highlights

Page 8

Additional Worship Service Committee News

Our committee members have started to interview staff with the questions listed below. We look forward to
talking with the committees and church members using the same questions, in the months to come.
1) What are you looking forward to when we have an additional worship service?
2) Who would you like to see come to this worship service?
3) What are your concerns about having an additional service?
4) For staff and committees- How do you see your job changing as a result of an additional service? And how
can we make the transition easier?
We are using a book entitled How to Start a New Worship Service by Dr. Charles Arn. Dr. Charles Arn
created the DVD series Welcome to the Family that many members participated in last year. He has written
several articles, books, DVD series and lead several seminars on church growth. The 2014 Church Growth
Leadership Summit put on by three of our area presbyteries featured him as the main speaker last year. Pastor
Matt, Carole and Bill Warnes and Holly Hofreiter attended. Dr. Charles Arn is president of Church Growth
Inc. which has done over 27 years of church growth research. He has offered to give us additional support if
needed. You can find out more about Charles Arn and Church Growth Inc. on their website.
We will use other resources as we move forward over the next year. Most important is prayer and seeking
Gods guidance. If you have any resources, questions, suggestions, please see a committee member.

Welcome School Update from Molly

There sure is a lot of decision making taking place at Welcome School these days.
Maybe its a Post Office kind of day where theres lots of mail to be sorted, stamped
and stickered, or maybe you feel like a shopper loading up a cart with yummy and
nutritious things to eat. Maybe youll be an archaeologist working with classmates to
uncover dinosaur bones. Maybe youll get all sudsy washing socks with a friend or
experience snow play and all of its possibilities INSIDE! Learning is embedded in fun
at Welcome School, and it is one of the most exciting times of the year for us because
new families are starting to visit and see what were all about. Open registration begins March 2 nd,
so be sure to spread the word!
The exciting news continues as we get closer to completing our license change from Child Care
Center to Preschool. All of our preliminary paperwork has been accepted by the Nebraska
Department of Health and Human Services, and we have had our fire inspection! Once we have our
inspection from DHHS, it will be official.
Finally, after years of providing tremendous support and giving generously of their valuable time to
the Welcome School board, Don Fenster, board president, and Nancy Shultz, secretary, have
completed their terms. Welcome School has benefited so greatly from Don and Nancys time and
talents, and they are both dearly appreciated and will be greatly missed! Two gracious new members
have agreed to join in the fun; Wendy Fenster and Colleen Greiner! It will exciting to see what the
future holds for Welcome School.

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Hilltop Highlights

Childrens Ministry

Linda Reffert

Ah. summer. Can you picture it? Cement so hot it burns your toes to step out to
get the mail. Trickles of sweat running down your face as you do a little weeding.
The smell of chlorine in the air. Summer, thats what Ive been thinking about. Why?
Because Im working on planning for summer here at First Presbyterian. We are
blessed that Holly Hofreiter has agreed to be my Co-chair for VBS. Were
planning a wonderful VBS adventure for our kiddos and the children of the
community from 9:00am to noon July 20th through the 24th. Please talk to Holly or I
if you would like to jump on board with the planning. VBS will be such fun!

Sunday School will end for the year on May 17th, but the Christian Education committee is
working on coming up with some special programming for summer Sundays. More details to
One Great Hour of Sharing Fish banks have gone home with most kids. If your child still needs a
bank, please let me know ASAP. We will collect the banks during a joyful palm processional in
worship on Palm Sunday, March 29th.
Easter Sunday, all preschool through 6th grade children are invited to participate in a Backwards
Easter Egg Hunt at 9:45am. I am in need of Easter stickers and empty egg cartons for this event.
Our children and youth voted to use our mission offering (1/2 of kids and youth offering)to
purchase underwear for kids in homeless shelters. Underwear are the 2nd most requested item
after food and the kids look forward to helping a lot of needy children. We have a poster up in the
hallway downstairs. Every time a dollar is given in mission offering, the kids add a picture of
underwear to the poster. Check it out!
WOW continues to build on Wednesday nights. We have visitors most weeks and even if your
child or grandchild isnt signed up they are always welcome to join us. Anyone can bring a friend
any time. Its like the loaves and the fishes somehow there is always enough food and always
enough chairs. Dinner is at 5:30pm and programming follows from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. At
7:00pm, kids gather briefly in my office to recite their memory verse and visit the candy jar for
their prize.
If you are the parent of a 4th - 6th grader, mark your calendar for Friday, April 17th. We will host
a lock-in for those ages from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. Lock-ins are so much fun and a great chance to
share fun at their church with their friends.

Hilltop Highlights

Page 10

Youth Fellowship (YF) News
1 John 5:4 - 5 For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the
victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes
the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

We have been working hard getting Youth Sunday ready and are so excited to lead worship March 8th. The entire
worship service is written by the youth and they have selected the scripture and songs. The scripture from 1
John and Romans will give you a hint of our theme this year.
In preparation for Youth Sunday we will have a lock-in at church March 6th beginning at 8:30pm. Please bring
snacks to share and be prepared to work on finalizing our worship service and then hopefully playing some games
before we sleep. Yes, there will be sleeping so bring your sleeping bags and such. Please let me know if you will be
late so we can practice parts you are not in prior to your arrival.
We are using Sign-up Genius for Wednesday Night helpers for desserts and clean up. If you have not already
signed up please do that soon. We have some blank days in March and April. Thank you in advance for your help.
Love Does, a new Sunday School curriculum will begin after Youth Sunday on March 22nd. There is a study guide
and the actual book. I have talked with the youth and so far most would like both books. If you are
joining us for this study and dont want the regular book please let me know. I will be ordering the
curriculum soon.
We will join Avery and Good Shepherd for a lock-in at Avery church March 27 & 28th. I do know there
will be games and food, two things I think most of you enjoy. There have been a couple of new games
shared on Facebook lately that I would love to try and I know Avery does like a good Nerf war. More
details will follow on Facebook and the weekly email so stay tuned.
We were invited to go to Colorado last year for our summer mission trip but already had our plans set but I did
tell the youth we would try and go this year. So, as promised, we will be joining churches from Omaha and Lincoln
and traveling to Estes Park, CO departing May 31st and returning June
6th. This is open to youth who have completed 8th - 12th grade. If you
have not already registered please use the following link and register
before March 5th. Cost for the
trip is $150 per person which should be paid directly to First Pres so
please disregard the $50 deposit listed on the registration. Please also
remember that cost should not deter you from attending any Youth Event.
We have scholarships available, just talk to me or send me a message.
Middle School Mission Trip will be to Calvin Crest May 28 - 30. This is
to youth who have completed 6th - 8th grades.
For your Calendar!!
I hope you are doing something special for your
Lenten journey either fasting from a habit you
would like to change or adding in a new positive
Wishing you Blessings!



Illuminate 5:30 - 7:00

Youth Sunday Lock in 8:30pm until 8:00am
Youth Sunday 9:00am for final run through
Music for Maddie fundraiser concert 2:00pm
NO Illuminate Parent Teacher Conferences
Illuminate 5:30 - 7:00
Illuminate 5:30 - 7:00
Lock-in with Avery and Good Shepherd at Avery

First Presbyterian Church

1220 Bellevue Blvd. South
Bellevue, NE 68005

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Rev. Dr. Deborah Boucher-Payne
Interim Pastor
June Kouba
Church Administrator
Shelli Dart
Youth Ministry
Linda Reffert
Childrens Ministry

March Birthdays:

Linda Craig
Ken Trinkle
Jean Martin
Ryan Wagner
Joyce Wells
Mada Briggs
Wendy Fenster
Ben Wood
India Casey
Alice Grenon
Hayden Peterson
Brian Wells


Connor Whiley
Sarah Shewchuk
Alfred Grenon
Grace Hartranft
Vaughn Lippoldt
Patricia Buck
John Dart
Christine Lytle
Rick Johnson
Joy Hartranft
Amber Renter
Jay Beasley


Nadine Buckley
Wendy Renter
John Lytle
Harlan Lewis
James Adams
Sylvia Thompson
Mandi Crick
Ben Yates
AnaBelle Betz
Elaine Smith
Kelsi Smith

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