Aspects of International Marketing
Aspects of International Marketing
Aspects of International Marketing
d) Regional market: production and sell the product in the regional market with
industrial focus.
e) National program: business program for all over the country and take extensive
business program.
f) International orientation: select one or two countries for business and set
individual marketing program.
g) Global business operation: companies treat the world, including their home
market, as one market.
h) Multi product operation: when a particular product become success then starts
with additional products.
Changes In International Orientation
Changes business strategy and attitude in different stages of international marketing.
a) Traditional business: first phase of international marketing is the traditional
business operation.
b) Preparation: for infrequent foreign market, business people has to take some extra
c) Adaptation: for regular marketing, need some basic marketing adaptation; especially
for marketing mix.
d) Integration: emphasis on i) needs and demand ii) integrated marketing iii) profit
e) Application: all the programs are applicable not only for domestic market but also all
over the world.
Global Linkage
International marketing has forged a network of global linkage that bind us all country,
institution, individual.
a) Country: these link was first widely recognized during the worldwide oil crisis of
1970, but they continue to increase. Regional trade link between countries to
b) Institutions: firm can operate in a market space rather than a market place;
newspaper now can distributed through online in all over the world.
c) Individual: communication has built new international bridge; be it through music, or
international programs transmitted by BBC, CNN, and others networks.
E-technology and Linkage:
Technology has changed international marketing dramatically: the advantages are
inexpensive, fast, easy, flexible, 24 hours transaction.
Importance of International Marketing
1. from the Consumer's Point of View:
a) Un-produced products: consumer can enjoy the goods they cannot capable to
produce in their country.
b) Products at low price: for comparative and absolute cost consumer get low price
c) Enjoy benefits of competition: competitors of the products try to deliver the best
quality of products.
d) Consumption of new products: consumers come to know the latest information
about the products.
e) Increase in consumption: marketers arrange various types of product from all over
the world.
2. From the Producers Point of View:
a) Export to surplus production: producers can export his surplus product to the
different foreign countries.
b) Low cost of production: producers can enjoy absolute cost advantages and
comparative cost advantage.
c) Increase in production: producers have the opportunities to sell their products.
2. From the Producers Point of View:
d) Expansion of market: company can sell their additional or surplus product in other
of deficit countries.
e) Reduce business loss: if one market is not profitable then producer overcome it by
the other market.
f) Reduce marketing costs: get advantages from large scale production, joint venture
or contractual methods.
3. From the Economic Point of View:
a) Increase total production: utilize factors of production and product specialization.
b) Increase export earning: due to the increase of production, export surplus product.
c) Overcome crisis: in case of natural calamities, war or face the emergency crisis.
d) Expansion of industry: for the export and production orientation and market
expansion is need.
e) Export of unusual goods: export some traditional goods to foreign countries.
3. From the Economic Point of View:
f) Proper use of resource: proper utilization of land, labor, capital and organization
due to international marketing.
g) Import of essential goods: some essential good such as medicine, technical
products can import from foreign.
h) Employment opportunity: branches, huge investment, high production that create
employment opportunity.
i) Economic development: impact on consumption, income, saving, investment, and
4. From the Social Point of View:
a) Knowledge and cultural progress: cultural, education, ideology are transmitted
from one country to another.
b) International peace: global business builds a strong relationship and cooperation
with foreign countries.
c) Image development: company has scope to expose his status; Toyota, has the good
image all over the world.
d) Technological development: underdeveloped and developing countries depend on
international business.
International Marketing Task
The international marketer's task is very complicated because the international
marketers must deal with at least two levels of uncontrollable; domestic and
i) The inner circle: represents the domestic controllable elements that constitute a
marketer's decision area.
ii) The second circle: includes those environmental elements at home that have some
effect on foreign-operation decisions.
iii) The outer circles: represent the elements that elements of the foreign environment
for each foreign market within which the marketer operates.
Environmental Adaptation Needed: to adjust and adapt a marketing program to
foreign markets, marketers must be able to effectively interpret the influence and
impact of each of the uncontrollable environmental elements.
a) Internal analysis: define business objectives by the domestic culture and the
domestic issues.
b) External analysis: define business objectives by the foreign culture and the foreign
c) Identify distinguishing factors: identify distinguishing factors between domestic
and foreign culture.
d) Evaluate the factors: what will be the possible reactions, conflicts and feedback of
distinguish factors.
e) Formulate strategy:
Formulate strategy: take some strategy to overcome and balance the distinguish
f) Self-reference: re-define the policy and strategy in respect of new culture for
building frame of reference.
Developing a Global Awareness:
Build the awareness through the following:
a) Potential knowledge: about culture, history, economics and other fundamental
issue of the country.
b) Tolerance: of cultural difference or ideologies that have huge impact on international
c) Accepting: other behavior may difference form you; identify and try to accept them.
d) Relationship: maintain strong relationship with international customer through
marketing strategy.
International Marketing Concepts
i) EPRG Model: this is a business philosophy or concept for international marketing.
a) E = ethno-centric: our culture is the best, we are leader
b) P = poly-centric: consider different and multi-factors
c) R = region-centric: consider a region or subculture
d) G = geo-centric: emphasis on universal or globalization
ii) Market Concepts:
a) Market Extension (ethno-centric): company tries to sell local product to the
foreign countries; no change in marketing mix. It is just exporting product.
b) Multi-domestic market concept (poly-centric): company initiated different
marketing program for different countries; company need separate marketing
strategy and program for different country.
c) Global Market concepts (geo-centric): the company think whole world to be a
single market. The company needs global marketing strategy.
The Task Density
The task density: task of the international marketer is more difficult than that of the
domestic marketer.
1. Difficult trade pattern: policies and practices impose certain constraints and
restrictions on international trade.
2. Regulatory measures: every country in the world aims at export more than its
import; favorable trade balance.
3. Economic unions: negative aspect is the increasing tendency among nations to form
of economic unions.
4. National policy: achieve self-sufficiency in industrial production by developing
necessary infrastructure.
5. Procedural difficulties: different countries have evolved different procedures,
practices and documents.
6. Other problems: there are many other internal difficulties, consequently affect the
foreign earnings.
a) Inflation b) politics c) business ethic d) reputation
World Wide Marketing Opportunities
Marketing Opportunities: any prospect to begin operation must be evaluating
multinational marketing opportunities.
a) Environmental opportunities: at first company has to identify what kinds
environmental opportunities he has.
ii) Decreasing opportunity cost: when a country has no an absolute cost advantages
for a particular product then his opportunity cost gradually decreasing.
#) Opportunity cost is less than unit.
iii) Constant opportunity cost: when the opportunity cost unit is equal; sacrifice one
unit, opportunity will be one.
a) Awareness level: if the awareness level of the people is very high then adaptation
process will be first.
b) Communication level: if the communication level of the people is very high then
adaptation will be first.
c) Education level: if the education level of the people is very high then adaptation
process will be first.
d) Personalization: if personal interest level of the people is very high then adaptation
process will be first.
Adaptation Forms
Business customs can be grouped into three categories
i) Cultural imperatives: are those business customs that are not avoidable. Friday is
ii) Cultural electives: customs to which adaptation is helpful but not necessary.
Offering tea or gifts.
iii) Cultural exclusives: customs in which an outsider must not participate. A Christian
attempting to act like a Muslim.
Adaptation Aspects:
Different methods of doing business or different aspects of adaptation in international
1) Authority Level:
a) Ownership: sole trade, joint venture, Joint Stock Company
b) Size: small, average or large size of firm orientation
c) Contract: person to contract or communicate first
d) Public accountability: level of public awareness
e) Cultural values: differ from culture to culture
2. Authority Patterns
a) Top-level management decision: top authority take decision and direct control the
business operation.
b) Decentralized decision: it allow executives at different levels of mgt. to exercise
authority over their own function.
c) Committee decision: is by group or consensus. It may be operated on centralized or
decentralized basis.
3) Management Objectives: of the foreign delegates
a) Personal goal: American executives emphasis on salary; Bangladeshi executives
emphasis on other benefits.
b) Security: To American, security means financial benefits; To Bangladeshi, security
means job security.
c) Personal life: To Japanese, personal life means company life, Bangladesh, family life
is personal life.
d) Social acceptance: To Japanese, business executives have the high social status;
opposite in Bangladesh.
e) Power: To Japanese, Govt. people hold the high power; political people hold the high
power in Bangladesh.
4) Communication: status in the foreign country
a) Internal communication: downward, upward, vertical, horizontal, formal or informal
b) Face to face communication: foreign marketers use translators; English is
preferable by the British.
c) E-communication: communication through e-media.
4) P-time vs. M-time
a) P-time: (poly-chronic): highly flexible and humanistic; human transaction is highly
emphasis than work schedule, (may come from 8 to 12).
b) M-time: (mono-chronic): not flexible and robotic; work schedule is highly emphasis
than human transaction, (close at 8 pm).
5. Formalities: in Japan, business formalities is very simple and dynamic; in
Bangladesh, business formalities is very complex and traditional.
6. Negotiation: it is the fundamental business rituals; the basic elements are the same
in any country; they related to product, price, place, promotion or other business issues
but terms and conditions are different.
7. Gender Bias
It is a very sensitive issues in international marketing; against women managers that
exists in some countries (Saudi Arabia); some countries are women dominated.
8) Business Ethic: serious problems in international marketing; that which is commonly
accepted as right in one country may be completely unacceptable in another. In many
countries of the world gifts are accepted and in many countries gifts are not allowed.
9. Bribery:
In some culture bribe is crime and in some culture it is highly accepted; it is not only
money matter but also have other forms.
a) Bribery and Extortion:
i) Bribery: willingly or voluntary offered payment by someone seeking unlawful
advantages is bribe. Executives offer secretary for appointment.
9. Bribery:
ii) Extortion: not willingly or pressurizes offered payment by someone seeking unlawful
advantages is extortion. Secretary offer executives for giving permission.
b) Lubrication and Subornation
i) Lubrication: relatively small sum of cash or gifts or a service given to a low ranking
officials in country where such offerings are not prohibited by low.
ii) Subornation: large sum of money designed to enteric an official to commit an illegal
act on behalf of the one offering the bribe.
c) Agents fee: when a business person in uncertain of a countrys rules and
regulations, an agent may be haired to represent the company in that country.
Cultural Change:
i) Borrowing: learn from other culture; our food habit, dress, have been change due to
cultural borrowing.
ii) Similarities: different language same culture (France- Canada), same language
cultural difference (US-Inland).
iii) Resistance to change: changes influence on values or ideology; now Bangladeshi
people accept birth control.
iv) Cultural change agent: when marketers want to change a part of culture; three
strategies for changes
a) Planned change: free offering by company and they become habituated, tea
offering by British company.
b) Unplanned change: first identify the issue then offer the product; first food or
mineral water accepted by people.
c) Forced change: marketers take some aggressive marketing strategy, promotional
appeal change culture.
Changing Dimensions:
a) Cultural variability: refers to the degree to which conditions within a culture are
changing at a low or high and stable or unstable rate (fashion is very unstable).
b) Cultural complexity: refers to the degree to which understanding within a culture is
depend on information processing (convert from suspect to partners).
c) Cultural hostility: refers to the degree to which conditions within a culture are
threatening to organizational goal (acceptance by the stakeholder).
d) Cultural heterogeneity: refers to the degree to which separate cultures are
dissimilar or similar. Dissimilarity means company needs to take centralized decision.
e) Cultural independency: refers to the degree to which conditions in one culture are
sensitive to developments in other culture. It reduce subsidy, autonomy.
Attitude Changes Strategies
a) Classical conditioning: a stimulus audience like such as music is consistently paired
with the brand name.
b) Advertising: use advertising appeal and slogan; bank for saving attitude using a
woman with ornaments.