Karamat Sidi Ahmad Ibn Idris p71b
Karamat Sidi Ahmad Ibn Idris p71b
Karamat Sidi Ahmad Ibn Idris p71b
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Sayyid Ibrhm al-Rashd [also] said:
And among his miracles, may Allh Tal be well pleased with
him, was that one of his companions was one day sitting in alMadnah al-Munawwarah, among some of the loving spiritual
brethren (that is, spiritual brethren who held a special love and
affection for al-Sayyid Amad ibn Idrs), and he was one of the
rifn (gnostics or knowers of Allh).
He gazed upon the sky and saw some sparrows. He then said to
the spiritual brethren that were present, If I were to call these
sparrows in the name of Sayyid Amad, they will answer [my call
Where upon, all of them [suddenly] alighted in front of those
present. Then, some of them dropped dead while others flew
[In another version of the anecdote, it was narrated that the
companion was called al-Shaykh Muammad ibn Amad
Qamaruddn al-Majdhb. He was born in al-Matammah, Sudan in
1210 Hijrah and was a prolific author and propagator of the
Shdhiliyyah sufi order (arqah) before he died in al-Dmar,
Sudan in 1247 Hijrah.]
(Source: AlAl-Muntaq AlAl-Nafs page 71-72)
Translated by Ibn Badawi