Analog Communications Lab
Analog Communications Lab
Analog Communications Lab
Page Date of Date Of Sign. Of
S.No Name of the Experiment of marks
No Performance Submission Faculty
(Max 10M)
Amplitude Modulation &
4. Balanced Modulator
6. Mixer Characteristics
9. Synchronous Detector
10 AGC Characteristics
11 Frequency Synthesizer
Average marks
Students shall read the points given below for understanding the theoretical concepts and Practical applications.
1. Listen carefully to the lecture given by teacher about importance of subject, curriculum philosophy, Learning
structure, skills to be developed, information about equipment, instruments, procedure, method of continuous
assessment, tentative plan of work in Laboratory and total amount of work to be done in a semester.
2. Students shall undergo study visit of the laboratory for types of equipment, instruments and material to be
4. Organize the work in the group and make a record of all observations.
6. Student should not hesitate to ask any difficulty faced during conduct of practical / exercise.
8. Student should develop the habit of pocket discussion / group discussion related to the experiments/
9. Student should develop habit to submit the practical, exercise continuously and progressively on the
10. Student shall attempt to develop related hands - on - skills and gain confidence.
11. Student shall focus on development of skills rather than theoretical or codified knowledge.
12. Student shall visit the nearby workshops, workstation, industries, laboratories, technical exhibitions trade fair
etc. even not included in the Lab Manual. In short, students should have exposure to the area of work right in the
student hood.
13. Student shall develop the habit of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc. those included in the scope of
the manual.
14. Student shall refer to technical magazines, proceedings of the Seminars, refer websites related to the scope
15. The student shall study all the questions given in the laboratory manual and practice to write the answers to
these questions.
AIM: To study the function of Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation (under modulation, perfect
modulation & over modulation) and also to calculate the modulation index.
S. No. Component Specification Quantity
1 Transistor BC107 2
100KΩ 2
4.7KΩ 2
2 Resistors
270 Ω 1
33 Ω 1
4.7µF 2
3 Capacitors
0.001µF 1
4 Diode 0A79 1
5 Functions Generator 1Mhz 2
6 Regulated Power Supply (0-30)V 1
7 Bread Board 1
8 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 0-20MHz 1
9 Connecting Wires Single Strand As Required
Modulator section illustrates the circuit of modulating amplifier employing a transistor as an active device in
CE mode. R1 & R2 establish a quiescent forward bias for the transistor. The modulating signal fed at the
emitter section causes the bias to increase or decrease in accordance with the modulating signal. C3 is bypass
capacitor for carrier. Thus the carrier signal applied at the base gets amplified more when the amplitude of
the modulating signal is at its maximum and less when the amplitude of the modulating signal is small. C 2
couples the modulated signal to output of the modulator. Demodulation involves two operations.
i) Rectification of the modulated signal and
ii) Elimination of RF components of the rectified signal.
The diode in the circuit diagram of demodulator does half wave rectification. The rectified signal is applied
to a low pass filter to extract the modulating signal.
VCC = 12V
R1 R3
C1 B C L1 100µH
RF Input BC 107
R2 E
R4 C3
AF Input
AM Input AF Output
OA 79 1KΩ
1. Made the connections according to Circuit Diagram.
2. Measure and note down the frequency & amplitude (p-p) of the fixed carrier signal.
3. Measure and note down the frequency & amplitude (p-p) of the fixed message signal.
4. Apply fixed frequency carrier signal to RF input terminals.
5. Apply modulating signal to AF input terminals.
6. Note down and trace the modulated signal envelope on the CRO screen.
7. Find the modulation index by measuring Vmax and Vmin from the modulated (detected/ traced)
m=(Vmax –Vmin)/(Vmax+Vmin)
8. Repeat the steps 4,5 & 6 by changing the amplitude of the modulating signal so as to observe
over modulation, under modulating and perfect modulation.
9. For demodulation, apply the amplitude modulated signal as an input to the demodulator and
verify the demodulated output with respect to the applied modulating signal
1. AM is Defined as ____________
2. Draw its spectrum___________
3. Draw the phase representation of an amplitude modulated wave___
4. Modulation index is defined as_____
5. The different degrees of modulation _______
6. What are the limitations of square law modulator
7. Compare linear and nonlinear modulators
8. Compare base modulation and emitter modulation
9. AM Demodulator is ___________
10. Detection process _________
11. The different types of distortions that occur in an envelop detector are__________
12. Elimination of distortions in Envelope Detector __________________ technique we use.
AM Modulated signal
In practical diode detector the cathode terminal of the diode is connected to one end of the secondary
of IF transformer. The other end is grounded. Secondary is tuned with the capacitor C1. The capacitors C2
and C3 are used for RF filtering.
The modulated signal is applied at the input of IF transformer. The voltage applied is negative and
hence the cathode of the diode passes is connected to the IF transformer. So the diode passes both the
positive and negative half cycles. The RF filtering is done by C2 and C3. The output is taken at the volume
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram and switch on the power supply. ( Measure the
power supply voltage, +12V and -12V)
2. Observe outputs of RF and AF signal generator using CRO, note that RF voltage is
approximately 300mv p-p of 1MHz frequency and AF voltage is 10V p-p 2KHz frequency.
3. Now connect the modulator output to the simple diode detector input.
4. Observe the AF signal at the output to the simple diode detector at approximately 50%
modulation using CRO.
5. Compare it with the original AF and observe that the detected signal is same as the AF signal
applied. Thus no information is lost in the process of modulation. (Note: Only wave shape and
frequency will be same, amplitude will be attenuated and phase may change)
6. To observe AM wave at different frequencies, connect AF signal from external signal generator
to the input of modulator and observe demodulated wave at different frequencies.
7. Repeat the experiment using practical diode detector circuit.
AF output
Turbomachinery Institute Science & Technology 15 Dept. of
Analog Communications Lab
AIM: To study the functioning of frequency modulation & demodulation and to calculate the modulation
1. AF Generator:
This is an op-amp placed wein bridge oscillator. A FET input quad Op-Amp (ICTL084) is used here
to generate low frequency signals of 500 Hz and 5KHz to use as modulating signal. In this
experiment, a switch is provided to change the frequency. Required amplification is provided to
avoid loading effect.
2. Regulated power supply:
This consists of bridge rectifier, capacitor filters and three terminal regulators to provide required dc
voltages in the circuit i.e. +15 V, -15 V, +5V .
3. Modulator:
This has been developed using XR-2206 integrated circuit. The IC XR-2206 is a monolithic
Function generator; the output waveforms can be both amplitude and frequency modulated by an
external voltage. Frequency of operation can be selected externally over a range of 0.01 MHz. The
circuit is ideally suited for communications, instrumentations and function generator applications
Frequency Modulation Circuit Diagram:
+12v 4.7KΩ
4 4.7 10µF/63v
100KΩ 47KΩ KΩ
7 3
10KΩ XR 2206 0.1µF
5 220Ω
6 13
1 10
10 10KΩ
2 0.1µF
AF Input 8
680Ω LM 565 1KPF
4 AF Output
3 5
1 9
– 5V
This had been developed using LM4565 integrated circuit. The IC LM565 is a general-
purpose phase locked loop containing a stable, highly linear voltage controlled oscillator for low
distortion FM demodulation.
The VCO free running frequency f0 is adjusted to the center frequency of input frequency
modulated signal i.e. carrier frequency which is of 100 KHz. When FM signal is connected to the
demodulator input, the deviation in the input signal (FM signal) frequency which creates a DC error
voltage at output of the phase comparator which is proportional to the change of frequency δf. This
error voltage pulls the VCO to the new point. This error voltage will be the demodulated version of
the frequency modulated input signal.
1. Connect the circuit as per the given circuit diagram.
2. Switch on the power supply.
3. Measure the frequency of the carrier signal at the FM output terminal with input terminals open and plot
the same on graph.
4. Apply the modulating signal of 500HZ with 1Vp-p.
5. Trace the modulated wave on the C.R.O & plot the same on graph.
6. Find the modulation index by measuring minimum and maximum frequency deviations from the carrier
frequency using the CRO.
S maximum Frequency deviation
Mr = =
f modulating signal frequency
7. Repeat the steps 5& 6 by changing the amplitude and /or frequency of the modulating Signal.
8. For demodulation apply the modulated signal as an input to demodulator circuit and compare the
demodulated signal with the input modulating signal & also draw the same on the graph.
NOTE: Note down all the input and output wave forms of the signals applied and obtained respectively.
1. Frequency modulation is defined as ____
xp No: 4 Date:
1. RF Generator:
Colpitts oscillator using FET is used here to generate RF signal of approximately 100 KHz Frequency to use
as carrier signal in this experiment. Adjustments for Amplitude and Frequency are provided in panel for
ease of operation.
2. AF Generator:
Low Frequency signal of approximately 5KHz is generated using OP-AMP based Wein- Bridge oscillator.
IC TL 084 is used as an active component; TL 084 is FET input general purpose quad OP-AMP integrated
circuit. One of the OP-AMP has been used as amplifier to improve signal level. Facility is provided to
change output voltage.
3. Regulated Power Supply:
This consists of bridge rectifier, capacitor filters and three terminal regulators to provide required DC
voltage in the circuit i.e. +12v, -8v @ 150 MA each.
4. Modulator:
The IC MC 1496 is used as Modulator in this experiment. MC 1496 is a monolithic integrated circuit
balanced modulator/Demodulator, is versatile and can be used up to 200 Mhz. Multiplier: A balanced
modulator is essentially a multiplier. The output of the MC 1496 balanced modulator is proportional to the
product of the two input signals. If you apply the same sinusoidal signal to both inputs of a ballooned
modulator, the output will be the square of the input signal AM-DSB/SC: If you use two sinusoidal signals
with deferent frequencies at the two inputs of a balanced modulator (multiplier) you can produce AMDSB/
SC modulation. This is generally accomplished using a high- frequency “carrier” sinusoid and a lower
frequency “modulation” waveform (such as an audio signal from microphone). The figure 1.1 is a plot of a
DSB-SC waveform, this figure is the graph of a 100KHz and a 5 KHz sinusoid multiplied together. Figure
1.2 shows the circuit that you will use for this experiment using MC 1496 balanced modulator/demodulator.
Note: In frequency doubling If the input time period is “T” after frequency doubling the time period should
be halfed.i.e,”T/2”.
I-Frequency Doubler
1. Connect the circuit as per the given circuit diagram.
2. Switch on the power to the trainer kit.
3. Apply a 5 KHz signal to both RF and AF inputs of 0.1VP-P.
4. Measure the output signal frequency and amplitude by connecting the output to CRO.
5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 by changing the applied input signal frequency to 100KHZ and 500KHz.
And note down the output signals.
NOTE:- Note down all the waveforms for the applied inputs and their respective outputs.
S. No. Component Specification Quantity
1 Resistors 1KΩ 2
0.1µF 2
2 Capacitors
0.001µF 1
3 Functions Generator 1Mhz 2
4 Regulated Power Supply (0-30)V 1
5 Bread Board 1
6 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 0-20MHz 1
7 Connecting Wires Single Strand As Required
Frequency modulation is much immune to noise than amplitude modulation and significantly more
immune than phase modulation. A single noise frequency will affect the output of the receiver only if it falls
with in its pass band.
The noise has a greater effect on the higher modulating frequencies than on lower ones. Thus, if the
higher frequencies were artificially boosted at the transmitter and correspondingly cut at the receiver,
improvement in noise immunity could be expected. This booting of the higher frequencies, in accordance
with a pre-arranged curve, is termed pre-emphasis, and the compensation at the receiver is called de-
emphasis. If the two modulating signals have the same initial amplitude, and one of them is pre-emphasized
to (say) twice this amplitude, whereas the other is unaffected (being at a much lower frequency) then the
receiver will naturally have to de-emphasize the first signal by a factor of 2, to ensure that both signals have
the same amplitude in the output of the receiver. Before demodulation, i.e. while susceptible to noise
interference the emphasized signal had twice the deviation it would have had without pre-emphasis, and was
thus more immune to noise. Alternatively, it is seen that when this signal is de-emphasized any noise
sideband voltages are de-emphasized with it, and therefore have a correspondingly lower amplitude than
they would have had without emphasis again their effect on the output is reduced. The amount of pre-
emphasis in U.S FM broadcasting, and in the sound transmissions accompanying television, has been
standardized at 75 microseconds, whereas a number of other services, notably CCIR and Australian TV
sound transmission, use 50 micro second.
The usage of microseconds for defining emphasis is standard. 75 microseconds de-emphasis corresponds to
a frequency response curve that is 3 db down at the frequency whose time constant is RC is 75
microseconds. This frequency is given by f=1/2ÐRC and it is therefore 2120 Hz; with 50-microseconds de-
emphasis it would have been 3180 Hz. Figure I shows pre emphasis and de-emphasis curves for a 7
microseconds emphasis, as used in the united states. If emphasis is applied to amplitude modulation, some
improvement will also result, but it is not as great as in FM because the highest modulating frequencies in
AM are no more affected by noise than any others.
Apart from that, it would be difficult to introduce pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in existing AM
services since extensive modifications would be needed, particularly in view of the huge numbers is
receivers in use.
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram
2. Apply a sine wave to the input terminals of 2 VP-P (Vi)
3. By varying the input frequency with fixed amplitude, note down the output amplitude (Vo) with
respect to the input frequency.
4. Calculate the gain using the formula
Gain = 20 log (VO/ VI) db
Where VO = output voltage in volts.
VI = Input voltage in volts.
And plot the frequency response.
1. Connect the circuit as per circuit diagram.
Repeat steps 2, 3 & 4 of Pre-Emphasis to de-emphasis also.
1. The need for pre-emphasis __________
2. The operation of pre-emphasis circuit __________
3. Pre-emphasis operation is similar to high pass filter explain how_______
4. De-emphasis operation is similar to low pass filter justify _______
5. De-emphasis is _______
6. Draw the frequency response of a pre-emphasis circuit_______
7. Draw the frequency response of a de-emphasis circuit ______
8. Give the formula for the cutoff frequency of the pre-emphasis circuit ______
9. The significance of the 3db down frequency is ______
S. No. Component Specification Quantity
4.7KΩ, 22KΩ,3.3KΩ 1
1 Resistors 27KΩ, 6.2KΩ 3
10KΩ 3
0.1µF, 50pF 2
2 Capacitors 0.1µF 2
100pF 4
3 Transistor BC 547 1
4 Functions Generator 1Mhz 2
5 Regulated Power Supply (0-30)V 1
6 Bread Board 1
7 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 0-20MHz 1
8 Connecting Wires Single Strand As Required
The fundamental principle of modulation involves the mixing or multiplying of a low frequency
signal with a higher frequency signal such as an AM or FM carrier. This enables the information contained
in the low frequency signal to be transmitted through space as high frequency electromagnetic waves.
Commercial radios use as intermediate frequency (455 khz for commercial AM). These if carrier contain all
the information available to the receiver but in order to obtain this information mixing must take place to
obtain the lower frequency signals ‘riding’ onto IF or RF frequency. This principle is also used in mixing
low frequency signals up to IF or RF frequencies. The purpose of this experiment is to observe the effect of
mixing two frequencies using a nonlinear single transistor mixer and to demonstrate the use of a band stop
and a 2-pole low pass filter in a practical application.
1. RF Generator 1:
Colpitts oscillator using FET is used here to generate RF signal of approximately 500 KHz to
use as local oscillator in this experiment. Adjustments for amplitude and Frequency are
provided on panel for ease of operation.
50pF 50pF
22KΩ 4.7KΩ
2. RF Generator 2:
Colpitts oscillator using FET is used here to generate RF signal of approximately 520 KHz to
use as IF Signal in this experiment. Adjustment for Frequency is provided on panel to get
exact frequency.
This consists of bridge rectifier, capacitor filters and three terminal regulators to provide
required do voltage in the circuit i.e., +12v @150 mA.
4. Mixer:
Mixing is the nonlinear combination of two signals to produce sum and difference frequencies
and harmonics of the signals. It is primarily used for modulation of demodulation of a signal.
Modulation is the translation of the signal information to a higher frequency signal, and
demodulation is the translation of signal / information carried by high frequency signal down to a
lower frequency. The principle involved in this experiment is the use of the nonlinear portion of
a transistor characteristic to mix (combine) two signals.
Below figure shows the circuit you will use in this experiment. The Vy input the local
oscillator and is made large so that the signal is cut off at the Collector. This forces the transistor
to operate in a very nonlinear region. Now that the transistor is operating in a nonlinear
regional during part of its cycle the input signal representing an input from the IF of a radio, is
introduced at a low level (millvolts). The result is an output at the collector at the transistor that
contains all the frequencies (sum, difference and high frequence harmonics) An example if Vyis
500 Khz and Vx is 520 Khsz the output frequencies at the collector will be do, dc, 20 Khz, 20
Khz, I Mhz, 1.092 MHz and other harmonics of the sum frequencies, the difference frequencies,
and the original frequencies.
In a radio you are interested only in the audio output: therefore you need to eliminate all
higher frequencies. In this circuit you are interested only in the 20 Khz signal (which is above the
usual audio range but provides a good signal on many spectrum analyzers), so you must design a
filter to eliminate all the higher frequency signals. The 500 Khz component is the largest in the
output because of the very large signal generated by the local oscillator (Vy). Thus a special
notch filter will be used to attenuate this large singnal and a low pass filter will be used to
attenuate other harmonics.
3. Set RF generator 1 output at 500KHz with the help of IFT and connect it to the V Y input (which
represents local oscillator) of the mixer circuit.
4. Observe the signal at output using CRO. Vary the amplitude of the RF generator 1 using potentiometer
until the signal at output is noticeably nonlinear (note that the signal is clipped). The clipping is
necessary to introduce nonlinearities, which is how the sum and difference frequencies and other
harmonics are produced.
5. Set RF generator 2 output at 520KHz with the help of IFT and connect it to the V X input (which
represents IF signal) of the mixer circuit and observe the signal at mixer output using CRO.
6. Connect output of mixer to filter input and observe output signal. Note that the signal is approximately
0.7VPP of 20KHz frequency.
2. Heterodyning is
4. The frequency components that appear at the collector of the transistor in the mixer circuit are __
5. The transistor operated in the nonlinear region in a frequency mixer because ________________