Lesson Plan Rubricphye137 Cardio Larsen
Lesson Plan Rubricphye137 Cardio Larsen
Lesson Plan Rubricphye137 Cardio Larsen
1. Dress / Appearance
1 2 3
1 2 3
3. Safety Precautions
1 2 3
4. Teacher-Student Interaction
How did you interact with the students? Did
you encourage/challenge anyone?
1 2 3
1 2 3
1. Anticipatory Set/Opening
1 2 3
2. Delivery-Demonstration/Explanation
Walk around after you have demonstrated
to make sure others have proper form!
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
7. Assessment Strategies
How can you assess? How do you know a
student is learning what you are teaching?
1 2 3
1 2 3
3 = Meets Expectations
1 2 3
1 2 3
2 3
Total Score:
Overall Lesson Assessment:
Some Deficiencies Noted
X Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
I agree for the most part with your feedback, I know I been under the weather for the last few weeks. So I know I could
of done a better job if I was feeling better. But I feel that I did do a good job explaining the activity and seeing everyone
have some fun as well. If we would have had more participates six base could have been a lot different, but with the
students we had and lesson being on cardio I thought it made everyone keep moving and keep their heart rate up. And
we could of changed it up some for the amount of players per team. I would interact with the students more, give
encouragement. I could have been involved more. Which I believe I would of if I wouldnt of being feeling so under the
weather. I could capitalize on my knowledge of the lesson and I could of changed it up some to make it more of an
exciting activity by doing things a little different and more challenging. As for my weaknesses I will keep listening to
suggestions and using those things to become better the next time I teach. This lesson has taught me that I need to
work on how to present a lesson even when feeling under the weather and show more enthusiasm.