March15 Bontempo
March15 Bontempo
March15 Bontempo
Built on Values,
Happy Hens
In 2007, Matthew OHayer began
his egg business with just 50 hens and
a curiosity for pasture-raising. Vital
Farms has expanded to a national network that has placed nutritious eggs
from healthy hens into 1,500 stores
across the country. This success is directly related to consumers becoming
better educated about food systems.
Vital Farms is driven by values
the hens and farms are fundamental priorities that drive the decisions
made within the company. It began
with a single farm in Austin, Texas,
and then branched out as more egg
producers became interested in raising their hens on pasture. Rather than
a single farm, Vital Farms now represents a partnership of 52 farms from
Washington to Florida. The major-
Whats in a Name?
Anything that isnt factory raised is considered a specialty egg. However, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding egg production and
confusion between Free Range, Cage Free and Pasture Raised. This
is likely because there are no legal definitions that bind egg producers to
specific requirements or conditions in order to make these claims, unless
the producer is overseen by the USDA and/or Certified Humane.
For eggs, USDA Free Range and Cage Free labels are not defined
or regulated. Though Cage Free implies the hens do not live in cages,
they are often housed in large barns or warehouses in large numbers.
Free Range usually means the animal has access to the outdoors, but does
not ensure the animal actually goes outside. Certified organic refers to the
feed the hens eat.
Certified Humane officially differentiated between Free Range and
Pasture Raised in January 2014. Free Range requires 2 square feet per
bird. Hens must be outdoors, weather permitting, for at least six hours a
day. Pasture Raised requires 1,000 birds per 2.5 acres or 108 square feet
per bird. Fields must be rotated and hens must be outdoors year-round,
with available housing for nighttime protection or inclement weather.
Hens cannot be inside for more than two weeks of the year. Producers
claiming Certified Humane Free Range or Pasture Raised must also meet
all base standards of Certified Humane.
To subscribe, call
(toll-free in the U.S. & Canada)
512-892-4400 / fax 512-892-4448
P.O. Box 301209 / Austin, TX 78703
Weve lived and grown by the
ideas weve established from the very
beginning: sustainability, ethical treatment of animals, humane treatment of
animals, you know, better treatment
of farmers, said Brooks. Its whats
called the stakeholder model. So everyone connected has a stake in the
way the eggs are produced and the
value of the eggs.
The stakeholder model ensures that
a decision benefiting the farmer wont
be at the expense of the consumer or
vice versa. In Brooks opinion, the
larger egg companies are recognizing
this and trying to develop specialty
egg lines but cant compete. The ideals that make Vital Farms unique are
prioritizing the protection of every
part of the egg production process.
We pay our farmers a better
wage, a better living, a better per-egg
price ..., said Brooks. Its a more
pleasant farm to run. Theyre all family-owned, the farms. The families
have their kids around on the farm
tional food stores (i.e. Krogers, Safehappy hens taken care of by content
way, Albertsons). In the last year or
so, Vital Farms has expanded into
We call them our girls or our lathese grocery stores with their condies and anthropomorphize to a cerventional lines: Alfresco Eggs and
tain degree because we believe theres
Texas Chicken Ranch. The Alfresco
no need to treat a farm animal like a
Egg line has been the most wellbeast of burden, said Brooks. You
received brand because it satisfies
can treat them with respect whilst
pent-up consumer demand for a bettheyre in your care. It can sound trite.
ter egg, according to Brooks. Theyre
but were seeing time and time
the most affordable and accessible for
again its a truism. If we dont take
many consumers because they are a
care of what we have, it wont be there
pasture-raised egg without
anymore. And people take
the added cost that organic
it for granted.
or non-GMO feed stipuThe recent growth spurt
for the company has been
For more on
the jump from natural
Vital Farms visit
grocers (i.e. Whole Foods,
Natural Grocer) to conven-