M - B ' C N: RS Ryan S Lass EWS
M - B ' C N: RS Ryan S Lass EWS
M - B ' C N: RS Ryan S Lass EWS
Important Dates!
May 19: End of the Year Program (9:45)
and Picnic
May 21: Last day of school for students
May 22: Last day of school for teachers
End of the Year Program
On Tuesday, make sure your student
brings sunglasses to wear in the end of the
year program! We want them to look their
coolest! Also, all parents are invited to join us
for the picnic afterwards. We are so excited
to have you here!
Thank you!
Since this is the last newsletter of the
school year, I wanted to take a second to
thank each of you! Thank you for making me
feel at home in this class and for sharing your
wonderful students with me! Have a great