Sept 26 2014
Sept 26 2014
Sept 26 2014
We finished
with all the names in the class, and we had a fun time
making words with names and writing about each other.
Your child should have brought home the book that every-
one made for them. They are really proud of these books;
as they should be.
We have also been working hard on writing letters
the correct way. We are learning about tall letters, middle
letters, and sinker letters. It is important for us to re-
member to touch bump our letters on the lines.
Thank you also to those of you that chaper-
oned the Farmers Market field trip. It was a good time
and such wonderful weather.
I cant thank you enough for all the support I have
received this year. You are great!
God Bless,
Please make sure your
child has something to wear out-
side when the temperature is
below 60 degrees. From day to
day we dont know what the
weather will do these days!
Thank You!
Cool Weather
Fabulous First Graders
Sept. 26, 2014
Mrs. Donohues
First Grade
Important Dates to Remember
Mon. Sept. 29 Non-uniform Day
Wed. Oct. 1 Library Books Due
Sat. Oct. 4 St. Thomas Auction
Mon. Oct. 13 No School/Teacher Inservice
Thurs. Oct. 16 Pumpkin Carving Night With Dad
Come Follow Me and I will make
you Fishers of men
This week for science we
continued our study on nutrition
which we capped off with our trip
to the Farmers Market. The kids
seem to have a really good under-
standing of what is healthy food.
Next week in Science we will do
some comparing and measuring.
In Social Studies we learned
all about Johnny Appleseed this
week . Next week we will be read-
ing and discussing our September
National Geographic Explorer
Science/Soc. Studies
Mrs. Donohues
First Grade
We introduced two new
words for our Word Wall this
week. They were: I and a. Also,
we had a visit from Mrs. Wishy Washy. She
is quite a character!
Next week we will have 5 new Word
Wall Words. They will be: see, me, my,
like, can. We chant them and spell them
and frame them and write them many times.
Finally on Fridays we get to write them in our
Word Wall Books. We already have put I and
a in the Word Wall Books.
Our Daily 5 is off to a great start. We
are just getting started using our journals
for Work on Writing. I am teaching mini
lessons on thinking about what to write, how to
sound out words and how to use complete sen-
tences with capitals and periods. The students
have been introduced to all of the Daily 5 ele-
ments except for Word Work. That will be in-
troduced and practiced on Monday.
We will finish Unit 1 in
math next week. We have been working on try-
ing to see numbers inside of larger numbers.
Students who have developed this ability are
able to think of 7 as 5 and 2 more. It allows
students to use creative and informal strate-
gies for addition and subtraction. We will fin-
ish Unit 1 by introducing length measurement.
Students will work with nonstandard units to
measure various distances and lengths.
We will have home-
work that comes home each Monday and
is due on Friday. We started homework
with a fun project, and those instructions are
coming home today. These are due next
Friday. The regular homework will come
home the following Monday. All materials
needed will be in your childs homework
folder every week.
ING HOME ON OCTOBER 6. Students must
read their homework book in their
homework book bag each night to an
adult. The adult should fill out the date,
name of the book, the pages read, and
initial the paper in the book bag. The pa-
per and book should stay in the bag when
you are finished. Your child should return the
book bag with the book and paper in it each
day in their backpack. They are expected to
read their homework book M-Th nights.
On Tuesday-Thursday morning a volun-
teer parent will be listening to each stu-
dent read their homework book. They
will listen for fluency, accuracy and check for
understanding. If the parent volunteer con-
cludes that the student has mastered the
book they will let him/her choose another
just right book.
NOTE: Some of you have had a problem
e-mailing me at school. Make sure that
you spell Donohue with an o in the mid-
There is a schedule
change for us. Library
will no longer be on Mondays. We
now have library on Wednesdays
from 1:00-1:30.
Come to the second annual Pumpkin
Carving Night for first graders
and their Dad. It will be on Thurs-
day, October 16th at 6:30-8:00
in the basement of the church.
Please bring your own pump-
kin to carve, any carving utensils
you may need, and a big plastic
garbage bag.
Refreshments will be provided.
The first graders hope to provide
you with a little entertainment.
A visit from Mrs.
Wishy washy!
This week we discussed Gods
wonderful gift of peace. We
learned that the Holy Spirit is Gods
presence among us. Students were
reminded that you can talk to God
in your heart whenever you want.
This week and next week we are
focusing on the virtue of self con-
trol. We talk about what it looks like
(raising your hand in class, walking in
a straight line, etc.) and what it
sounds like (I will keep my hands to
myself. I will listen when others
speak.). The students are doing a
great job with this!