Geog Syllabus
Geog Syllabus
Geog Syllabus
Classroom behavior:
- Enter and exit classroom in quiet, orderly manner.
- Take care of washroom needs, pencil sharpening, etc. before bell rings.
- You should be seated, ready to begin work when the bell rings.
- Treat each other with respect.
- One person speaks at a time.
- Listen attentively while other person speaks.
- There will be no walking around, talking, attempting baskets etc.
- Do not make rude side remarks.
- Leave the classroom clean - nothing left on desks or on the floor.
Tests / Grades
- Semester grades will be based on your test, quiz, home work and project grades.
- I am expecting your 100% effort and involvement in all aspects of this class including
class discussion.
- Cheating of any kind on any part of your work is not acceptable. School policy as stated
in the student handbook will be followed.
- All map quizzes and tests will be announced.
- You can expect some reading and/or written homework every night.
- You will complete at least one research project during the semester.