Pediatric Genetics Dr. Samed Alsalmi
Pediatric Genetics Dr. Samed Alsalmi
Pediatric Genetics Dr. Samed Alsalmi
The Human Genome Project, culminating in the first publication of the human genome
sequence in 2001, together with the development of genetic databases has resulted in
an explosion of knowledge about the basis of genetic diseases. It is now estimated
that the human genome contains 30 000-35 000 genes, although the function of many
of these genes remains unknownGenetic disorders are: common, with 2% of live-born
babies having a significant congenital malformation and about 5% a genetic disorder
Genetically determined diseases include those resulting from:
chromosomal abnormalities
Mendelian disorders
unusual genetic mechanism
interaction of genetic and environmental factors (multifactorial or polygenic disorde
There are four basic building blocks (nucleotide bases) that makes up
DNA: Adenine (A) and Guanine (G), and Thymine (T) and Cytosine (C).
DNA is made up of very long chains of these bases.
A chromosome consists of two of these DNA chains running in opposite
directions; the bases pair up to form the rungs of a ladder twisted into the
now famous double helix.
A can only pair with base T, and vice versa; and base G can only pair
with base C, and vice versa.
Roughly three billion of these base pairs of DNA make up the human
Common disorders
No clear pattern of inheritance
Low or moderate risk to relatives
Mostly rare
No clear pattern of inheritance
Usually low risk to relatives
Somatic mutation
Estimated prevalence
per 1000
Chromosomal abnormalities
Cytogenetic analysis
Chromosomal analysis
Chromosomal analysis is usually performed on white blood cell
Other samples analysed on a routine basis include cultures of
fibroblasts from skin biopsy samples, chorionic villiand amniocytes for
prenatal diagnosis, and bone marrow cells.
Karyotypes are reported in a standard format giving the total number
of chromosomes first, followed by the sex chromosome constitution
Additional or missing chromosomes are indicated by or for whole
chromosomes, with an indication of the type of abnormality if there is
a ring or marker chromosome. Structural rearrangements are
described by in dicating the p or q arm and the band position of the
break points.
Reporting of karyotypes
Total number of chromosomes given first
followed by sex chromosome constitution
,46XX Normal female
,47XXY Male with Klinefelter syndrome
,47XXX Female with triple X syndrome
Additional or lost chromosomes indicated
by or
,47XY,21 Male with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome
,46XX,12p Additional unidentified material on short arm of
chromosome 12
All cell lines present are shown for mosaics
,46XX/47,XX,21 Down syndrome mosaic
,46XX/47,XXX/45,X Turner/triple X syndrome mosaic
Structural rearrangements are described, identifying
p and q arms and location of abnormality
,46XY,del 11(p13) Deletion of short arm of chromosome
11 at band 13
,46XX,t(X;7)(p21;q23) Translocation between chromosomes X
and 7 with break points in respective
Chromosome numbers are multiples of the haploid set
Chromosome numbers are greaterthan diploid , triploid
Chromosome numbers are not exact multiples of the haploid set
trisomy; monosomy
Presence of two different cell lines derived from one
zygote(46XX/45X, Turner mosaic
Presence of two different cell lines derived from fusion of two
zygotes (46XX/46XY, true hermaphrodite
DNA analysis
New techniques in DNA testing are continually being developed, making more single gene disorders amenable to molecular analysis.
Most molecular testing is performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This involves the amplification of specific DNA
sequences, enabling rapid analysis of small samples, which is particularly important in antenatal diagnosis.
detection of female carriers in X-linked disorders, e.g. Duchenne's and Becker's muscular dystrophies, haemophilia A_ B
presymptomatic diagnosis in autosomal dominant disorders, e.g. Huntington's disease, myotonic dystrophy
1. Mutation analysis
For an increasing number of disorders, it is possible to directly detect the actual mutation causing the disease. This provides very
accurate results for confirmation of diagnosis, and presymptomatic or predictive testing. Identifying the mutation in an affected
individual may be very time-consuming, but once this has been done, testing other relatives is usually fairly simple. Examples are:
Deletions - large deletion mutations are common in a variety of disorders including Duchenne's and Becker's muscular
dystrophies, alpha-thalassaemia and 21-hydroxylase deficiency (congenital adrenal hyperplasia). They can be tested for relatively
Point mutations and small deletions - these can be readily identified if the same mutation causes all cases of the
disorder, as in sickle cell disease. For most disorders, however, there is a very diverse spectrum of mutations. About 78% of cystic
fibrosis carriers in the UK possess the F508 mutation, but over 900 other mutations have been identified. Most laboratories test for
a certain number of the most common mutations in their given population.
Trinucleotide repeat expansion mutations - these are readily tested for because the mutation in a given disease is always
the same. The only difference is the size of the repeat sequence, which can be determined from the size of the DNA fragment
containing the repeat.
2. Genetic linkage
If mutation analysis is not available, it may be possible to use DNA sequence variations
(markers) located near to, or within, the disease gene to track the inheritance of this gene through
a family. This type of analysis requires a suitable family structure and several key members need
to be tested to identify appropriate markers before linkage testing can be used predictively
Presymptomatic testing
In many autosomal dominant disorders, onset is during adolescence or adult life and clinical
expression may not be evident at birth. Relatives of affected individuals may request tests to see if
they are likely to develop the disorder in question. Examples include myotonic dystrophy,
Huntington's disease, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and neurofibromatosis.
Assessment may include:
Molecular cytogenetics
Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) is a recently
Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy
Myotonic dystrophy
Huntington disease
Fragile X syndrome
Spinal muscular atrophy
Spinocerebellar ataxia
Hereditary neuropathy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth
Familial breast cancer (BRCA 1 and 2
Familial adenomatous polyposis
Genetic Counselling
One or more sessions
Molecular confirmation of diagnosis in affected relative
Discussion of clinical and genetic aspects of condition, and impact on family
Patient requests test
(interval of several months suggested
Pre-test Counselling
At least one session
Seen by 2 members of staff
(usually clinical geneticist and genetic counsellor
Involvement of partner encouragedFull discussion about Motivation for requesting test
Alternatives to having a test Potential impact of test result
Social (relationships with
Strategies for coping with result
Gene therapy
Gene therapy involves the repair, suppression or artificial introduction of genes into genetically
abnormal cells with the aim of curing the disease and is at an experimental stage for most
genetic conditions being studied. There are still many technical and safety issues to be
Gene therapy has been initiated in deaminase deficiency (a rare recessive immune disorder),
malignant melanoma and cystic fibrosis, and some clinical benefit has been reported in a few
patients. At present, it is generally accepted that gene therapy should be limited to somatic
(not germ line) cells, so that the risk of adversely affecting future generations is minimised
Translocation 5%
When the extra chromosome 21 is joined onto another chromosome (usually chromosome 14, but
occasionally chromosome 15, 22 or 21), this is known as an unbalanced Robertsonian translocation. An
affected child has 46 chromosomes, but three copies of chromosome 21 material.
In this situation, parental chromosomal analysis is essential since one of the parents carries a balanced
translocation in 25% of cases.
Translocation carriers have 45 chromosomes, one of which consists of the two joined chromosomes
In translocation Down's syndrome: the risk of recurrence is 10-15% if the mother is the translocation
carrier and about 2.5% if the father is the carrier
if a parent carries the rare 21:21 translocation, all the offspring will have Down's syndrome
if neither parent carries a translocation (75% of cases), the risk of recurrence is <1%.
Mosaicism 1%
In mosaicism some of the cells are normal and some have trisomy 21. This usually arises after the
formation of the zygote, by non-disjunction at mitosis. The phenotype may be milder in mosaicism
Growth and development
Short stature
Hypotonia which improves with age
Moderate-to-severe mental
retardation with IQ range of 20
85 e.
Sleep apnea occurring when
inspiratory airflow from
Seizure disorder (510%)
Visual and hearing impairments
Obesity during adolescence
Hearing loss
Age-related increase in
hypothyroidis Neoplasms
Increased risk of senile dementia of
Alzheimer typ
. Behavior
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Conduct disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Tourette syndrome
Depressive disorder during the
transition fromadolescence to
a. Brachycephaly
b. Microcephaly
c. Sloping forehead
e. Flat occiput
f. Large fontanels with late closure
g. Patent metopic suture
h. Absence of frontal and sphenoid
i. Hypoplasia of the maxillary sinuses
Up-slanting palpebral fissures
Bilateral epicanthal folds
. Brushfield spots (speckled iris
. Refractive errors (50%
. Strabismus (44%
. Nystagmus (20%
Tearing from stenotic nasolacrimal ducts
Congenital cataracts (3%
. Mouth
. tongue protrusion
Fissured and furrowed tongue
Mouth breathing
. Drooling
. Teeth
Partial anodontia (50%
Tooth agenesis
Malformed teeth
Delayed eruption
. Microdontia (3550%)
. Ears
Endocardial cushion
defect/atrioventricular canal 43%
. Abdomen
Diastasis recti
Umbilical hernia
. Gastrointestinal 12%
Tetralogy of Fallot 6%
. Genitourinary
Renal malformations
. Skeletal
Atlantoaxial (and
atlantooccipital) instability
Easy fatigability
Short and broad hands
Clinodactyly of the fifth fingers
with a single crease 20%
Hyperextensible finger joints
Increased space between the great
toe and the secondtoe
Acquired hip dislocation 6%
Primarily autoimmune disorder 13
Congenital hypothyroidism 28 times
more common among infants with
Down syndrome
Decreased fertilityAlmost invariably
infertile in male
Decreased fertility in females
. Hematologic
. Serum triple screen
a. -fetoprotein
b. Unconjugated estriol
c. Human chorionic gonadotrophin
. Cytogenetic studies
Clinical diagnosis should be confirmed with
Cytogenetic studies
Karyotyping is essential for determination of recurrence risk
In translocation or isochromosome Down syndrome
karyotyping of the parents and other relatives is
required for proper genetic counseling
fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH for rapid diagnosis and
Successfully applied to both prenatal diagnosis and diagnosis in the
newborn period
. Recurrence risk
. Patients
Nondisjunction type: 1% or less and robertsonian transln type: 23%
carrier parent with a 21q21q translocation orisochromosome: a 100%
riskPatients offspring
Females with trisomy 21: about 1530% are fertile and have a 50%
risk of having an affected child
Males with trisomy 21: no evidence of fathering child
. Prenatal screening
second trimester Maternal serum biochemical markers with Low
maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein and elevated human chorionic
gonadotropin and low unconjugated estriol (uE3) found,
together with maternal age were accepted as a method of prenatal
screening for Down syndrome in the general population
. Prenatal diagnosis
Nuchal fold thickening identifies 75% of Down syndrome fetuses
Shortened humerus or femur length detect 31% of cases
Cystic hygroma
Chromosome analysis
Medical care
i. Early intervention programs
a) Physical therapy b) Occupational therapy c) Speech therapy
ii. Hearing evaluation
iii. Thyroid hormone for hypothyroidism
iv. Medical management of congenital heart defects
a) Digitalis and diuretics usually required b) Subacute B endocarditis prophylaxis
v. Prompt treatment of respiratory tract infections and otitis media
vi. Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines for children with chronic cardiac and
respiratory disease
vii. Anticonvulsants for seizures
viii. Provide pharmacologic agents, behavioral therapy, and psychotherapy for
behavioral/psychiatric Disorders
ix. Treat skin disorders
a) Weight reduction b) Proper hygien c) Frequent baths d) Application of antibiotic
ointment e) Systemic antibiotics therapy
x. Prevent dental caries and periodontal disease
Appropriate dental hygiene b) Fluoride treatments c) Good dietary habits (a
Surgical care
i. Presence of Down syndrome alone does not adversely affect the outcome of surgery in the
absence of pulmonary hypertension
ii. Timely surgery of cardiac anomalies necessary to prevent serious complications
iii. Prompt surgical repair of the following gastrointestinal
anomalies: a)TE fistula b) Pyloric stenosis c) Duodenal atresia d) Annular pancreas e)
Aganglionic megacolon f) Imperforate anus
iv. Adenotonsillectomies may be required for obstructive sleep apnea
v. Surgical intervention may be necessary to reduce the atlantoaxial subluxation and to stabilize
the upper segment of the cervical spine if neurologic deficits are significant
vi. Extract congenital cataracts, soon after birth with subsequent correction with glasses or
contact lenses
vii. Anesthetic airway management
a) Adequate evaluation of the airway and neurological status b) Cervical spine radiography
(flexion and extension views) c) Avoid hyperextension of the head during laryngoscopy and
intubation d) Prescribe anticholinergics to control airway hypersecretion e) Aware of other
airway complications (subglottic stenosis and obstructive apnea resulting
from a relatively large tongue, enlarged adenoids, and midfacial hypoplasia
(trisomy 18)
1 in 8000
IUGR Low birthweight
Prominent occiput
Small mouth and chin
Short sternum
Flexed, overlapping fingers
Vertical talus
Rocker-bottom feet
Profound MR
Cardiac 60%and renal malformations
90% die < 1yr
Trisomy 18
Conventional cytogenetic study to detect full
trisomy,mosaic trisomy, or rare translocation
. Prenatal
Prenatal screening in families without history of trisomy 18 using maternal serum markers
Low human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and Low unconjugated estriol (uE3) in
serum during mid-trimester: useful predictors for an increased risk for trisomy 18.
Possible future first-trimester biochemical screening for trisomy 18 with reduced levels
of pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and free beta-human chorionic
gonadotropin (beta-hCG) at 813 weeks gestation. to achieve a detection rate of 76.6%
Prenatal ultrasonography
the majority of fetuses with trisomy 18 have detectable structural abnormalities
Oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios (12%)
. Limb
. Management
child with
trisomy 13
associated with
cleft nose, and
smooth philtrum.
trisomy 13
trisomy 13 showing microcephaly, showing scalp
microphthalmia, cleft lip/palate,
defect on the
and Omphalocele
. Cytogenetic studies
. Recurrence risk for Patients, sib Trisomy 13: about 1 in
Familial translocation: 515%
Patients offspring: not surviving to reproductive age
Prenatal diagnosis
Prenatal ultrasonography: prevalence of ultrasound
abnormalities 91%
Chromosome analyses by CVS, followed by amniocentesis
Nasal Oral gastric tube feeding or Gastrostomy feeding
Nissan fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux
Early intervention programs
Seizure control
Monitor apneic spells
Treat infections
Symptomatic treatment for heart failure
Cardiac operation rarely performed
Skeletal manifestations
Short stature (100%): Intrauterine growth retardation Progressive decline in growth velocity in
childhood Lack of pubertal growth spurt Delayed growth cessation
Cubitus valgus Hypoplastic nails Short 4th metacarpals
craniofacial features
Down slanting of the palpebral fissures Epicanthal folds ptosis and strabismu
Midfacial hypoplasia High arched palate Micrognathia Teeth Crowding Malocclusion
Short and broad neck Webbed neck (pterygium coli) with low posterior
hairline from the resolution of the cystic hygroma
. Chest
Shield chest Increased internipple distance
. Vascular anomalies
Multiple intestinal telangiectasia Hemangiomas Lymphangiectasia
Protein-losing enteropathy
. Peripheral
. Nail
lymphedema in the newborn infant involving dorsum of the hands and feet
Psychosocial aspects
Significantly higher verbal level than performance level t difficult among verbal subtests
Difficulty in performance Reading Figure drawing Geometry . Arithmetic
. Presence of Y chromosome material
.A high risk of developing gonadoblastoma and dysgerminoma
Requiring preventive removal of the dysgenetic gonads
. Endocrine study
Very low estrogen levels . Elevated pituitary gonadotrophins after puberty
Karyotype analyses
45X Observed in 50% of cases or Maternal origin of the X chr in twothirds of cases
Structurally abnormal sex chromosome, such as Xq or
Mosaicism with a second cell line containing a normal or abnormal X or Y
Determination of the chromosomal origin of sex marker chromosomes
Recurrence risk Patients sib: low and Patients offspring: rarely pass to offspring
due to infertility
Prenatal diagnosis
. Maternal serum screening
Ultrasonographic screening
i. Fetal hydrops
ii. Increased nuchal translucency
iii. Fetal cystic hygroma
iv. Coarctation of the aorta
v. Left-sided cardiac defects
vi. Lymphedema
vii. Renal anomalies
viii. Intrauterine growth retardation
ix. Polyhydramnios
Psychosocial counselinge
Five girls with 45,X O syndrome illustrating the variability of features such as webbed
neck and broad chest.
45,X karyotype.
This disorder occurs in about 1-2 per 1000 live-born males. For clinical features,
Recurrence risk is also very low.
Clinical features of Klinefelter's syndrome
Infertility - most common presentation
Hypogonadism with small testes
Pubertal development apparently normal (some males benefit from testosterone
Gynaecomastia in adolescence
Tall stature
Intelligence - usually in the normal range, but may have educational and psychological
Reciprocal translocations
An exchange of material between two different chromosomes is called a reciprocal
When this exchange involves no loss or gain of chromosomal material, the translocation is 'balanced'
and has no phenotypic effect. Balanced reciprocal translocations are relatively common, occurring in 1 in
500 of the general population. A translocation that appears balanced on conventional chromosome
analysis may still involve the loss of a few genes or the disruption of a single gene that results in an
abnormal phenotype, often including learning difficulty. Studying the chromosomal breakpoints in such
individuals has been one way of identifying the location of specific genes.
Unbalanced reciprocal translocations contain an incorrect amount of chromosomal material and cause a
combination of dysmorphic features, congenital malformations, developmental delay and learning
difficulties. In a newborn baby, the prognosis is difficult to predict, but the effect is usually severe. The
parents' chromosomes should be checked to determine whether the abnormality has arisen de novo, or
as a consequence of a parental rearrangement. Finding a balanced translocation in one parent indicates
a recurrence risk for future pregnancies and antenatal diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling or
amniocentesis should be offered as well as testing of relatives
Robertsonian translocations
Robertsonian translocations occur when two of the acrocentric
chromosomes (13, 14, 15, 21, or 22) become joined together.
Balanced Robertsonian
translocation affecting
chromosomes 13and 14 (c
Deletions are another type of structural abnormality. Loss of part of a chromosome
usually results in physical abnormalities and learning difficulties. The deletion may
involve loss of the terminal or, less commonly, the interstitial part of a chromosome.
An example of a deletion syndrome involves loss of the tip of the short arm of
chromosome 5, hence the name 5p- or monosomy 5p. Because affected babies
have a high-pitched mewing cry in early infancy, it is also known as cri du chat
syndrome. Parental chromosomes should be checked to see if one parent carries a
balanced chromosomal rearrangement.
An increasing number of syndromes are now known to be due to chromosome
deletions too small to be seen by conventional cytogenetic analysis. These
submicroscopic deletions can be detected by FISH (fluorescent in-situ hybridisation)
studies using DNA probes specific to particular chromosome regions. DiGeorge's
syndrome is due to a deletion of chromosome 22 at band 22q11 Williams' syndrome
is another example of a microdeletion syndrome due to loss of chromosomal
material on the long arm of chromosome 7 at band 7q11
Chromosomal deletion
Mendelian inheritance
Disorders with these patterns of inheritance, described by Mendel in are
rare individually, but collectively numerous, with over 15 000 single gene
traits or disorders described. For many disorders the Mendelian pattern
of inheritance is known. If the diagnosis of a condition is uncertain, its
pattern of inheritance may be evident on drawing a family tree
(pedigree), which is an essential part of genetic evaluation
Recessive mutations:
If the body can still work normally with less than the usual amount of the correct
gene product available, the person will be unaffected by having a gene in which
one copy is faulty and the other correct..
The person is an unaffected "carrier" of the faulty gene copy.
In these cases, the mutation causing the gene copy to be faulty is hidden or
"recessive" to the unchanged information in the correct copy of the gene.
Dominant mutations
If the body cannot work normally with less than the usual amount of correct
gene product, that person will show the effects of the faulty gene by being
affected with a genetic condition, even though only one copy of the gene is
In these cases, the mutation making the gene copy faulty appears to override or
"dominate" the unchanged information in the correct copy of the gene: it is
described as a dominant mutation.
Vertical pattern in pedigree affected individuals present in
each generation.
Any child of an affected individual has an 50% chance of
inheriting the disorder.
Phenotypically normal family members do not transmit the
Males and females are equally affected.
Significant number of patients are due to new mutations.
Wide variations in the phenotype.
Reduced penetrance obligate carrier does not show any
phenotypic manifestations.
Also sometimes a non penetrant may show somatic or germ
line mosaicism.
Variation in expression
Within a family, some affected individuals may manifest the disorder mildly and others more severely. For
example, a parent with tuberous sclerosis may have mild skin abnormalities only, but his or her affected child
may have, in addition, epilepsy and learning difficulties
In the rare situation where both parents are affected by the same autosomal dominant disorder, there is a 1 in
4 risk that a child will be homozygous for the mutant gene.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Marfan's syndrom
noonan syn
P jager syndrom
Familial adenomatous polyposis
At telengactasia
Spinocerebellar ataxia
Huntington disease
Myotonic dystrophy
Many autosomal dominant disorders have onset in adult lifeand are not
apparent clinically during childhood. In suchfamilies a clinically unaffected
adolescent or young adult has ahigh risk of carrying the gene, but an
unaffected elderly
relative is unlikely to do so. The prior risk of 50% fordeveloping the disorder
can therefore be modified by age. Data are available for Huntington disease
andfrom whichage-related risks can be derived for clinically
unaffectedrelatives. In example 1 the risk of developing Huntington disease
for individual B is still almost 50% at the age of 30.Risk to offspring C is
therefore 25%.d
gene. Fortunately, our partners usually carry a different one. Marrying a cousin or
other relative increases the chance of both partners carrying the same abnormal
autosomal recessive gene, inherited from a common ancestor. A couple who are
cousins therefore have a small increase in the risk of having a child with a
recessive disorder
inherited an abnormal allele from each parent, both of whom are unaffected
heterozygous carriers. For two carrier parents, the risk of each child, male or
female, being affected is 1 in 4 (25%) All offspring of one affected individuals will
be carriers
Recessive gene frequencies may vary between racial groups. When the gene occurs
sufficiently frequently and the gene or its effect can be detected, population-based
carrier testing can be performed and antenatal diagnosis offered for high-risk
pregnancies. Disorders that can be screened for in this way include cystic fibrosis
in north Europeans, sickle cell disease in black Africans and Americans,
thalassaemias in Mediterranean or Asian ethnicity and Tay-Sachs disease in
Ashkenazi Jews
Horizontal pattern in pedigree siblings of the proband.
Males and females are equally affected.
Parents of an affected child are asymptomatic heterozygote
carriers of the gene.
Recurrence rate of a siblings of an affected child is 25%.
Consanguinity and genetic isolates runs a higher risk for this
P2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.
where p is the frequency of one allele and q is that of
another. pq is therefore the carrier frequency.
Autosomal recessive disorders usually demonstrate full
penetrance and little clinical variability within families.
Haemochromatosis is unusual in that not all homozygotes
develop clinical disease
New mutations
New mutations are rare in autosomal recessive disorders and it
can generally be assumed that both parents of an affected child
are carriers
Uniparental disomy
Occasionally, autosomal recessive disorders can arise through a
mechanism called uniparental disomy, in which a child inherits
two copies of a particular chromosome from one parent and
none from the other
Genetic heterogeneity is common and involves multiple alleles
at a single locus as well as multiple loci for some disorders.
Allelic heterogeneity implies that many different mutations can
occur in a disease gene. It.
To correct the potential imbalance between males and
females the cells have a system to ensure that only one copy
of most (see later) of the X chromosome genes in a female
cell are "active". Most of the other X chromosome copy is
"inactivated" or switched off Lyonization.
X-inactivation only occurs in the somatic cells, since both X
chromosomes need to be active in the egg cells for their
normal development..
This system of inactivation in the body cells is usually
The relative proportion of cells with an active maternal or
paternal X chromosome varies from female to female (even
between identical twins).
Recessive mutations:
A female who has a mutation in a gene on one of her X chromosome copies but a
correct copy of the gene on the other X chromosome, is a "carrier" of the gene
mutation (X-linked genetic carriers).
Due to the process whereby one of the female's X chromosome copies is
inactivated, some of her cells will contain the X chromosome on which the correct
copy of the gene is located; other cells will contain the X chromosome on which
the faulty gene is located.
Females who are "X-linked genetic carriers" will therefore usually have only half of
her cells containing the information for the correct gene product.
Dominant mutations:
Some gene products must be present in all the cells of the woman for the body to
work normally.
A mutation in a gene on the X chromosome that impairs the cell's ability to make
this type of product will therefore show an effect and so the mutation is described
as "dominant"
Males > females.
Heterozygote female carriers are usually unaffected.
From an affected man to all his daughters and any of his daughters
sons have 50% chance of inheriting the disease.
Never from father to son.
Series of carrier females and affected males are related through
carrier females.
A significant amount cases are due to new sporadic mutations.
Homozygous state.
Turner syndrome.
Skewed X inactivation.
All of the daughters and none of the sons of an affected man
have this condition.
Both male and female offsprings of affected woman have 50%
chance of inheriting the condition.
Affected females are twice as common as affected man but
have a milder manifestations.
Hypophostemic rickets.
Incontinentia pigmenti.
Y-linked inheritance
trinucleotide repeatation
This is a class of unstable mutations caused by
expansions of trinucleotide repeat sequences inherited
in Mendelian fashion.
Fragile X syndrome and myotonic dystrophy
spinocerebellar ataxia and Friedreich's ataxia.
Spinocerebellar ataxia
These disorders follow different patterns of inheritance
but share certain unusual properties due to the nature of
the underlying mutation.
Clinical anticipation is often seen,
with the disorders becoming more severe in successive
generations of a family
and new mutations being exceedingly rare
Fragile X syndrome
The prevalence of severe learning difficulties in males due to fragile X syndrome is about
1 in 4000 This condition was initially diagnosed on the basis of the appearance of a gap
(fragile site) in the distal part of the long arm of the X chromosome.
Diagnosis is now achieved by molecular analysis of the CGG trinucleotide repeat
expansion in the relevant gene (FMR1). PCR
Macro-orchidism - postpubertal
Prader-Willi syndrome
. Cytogenetic studies
low recurrence risk 1% .
Prenatal diagnosis
For High risk pregnancies
Manage feeding problems with special nipples or gavage feeding if needed to assure
adequate nutrition, o avoid failure to thrive, and to improve hypotonia
Dietary control
Management of
Behavioral management
Psychiatric management
Recurrence risks
risk likely to be extremely low <1%
Silver-Russell Syndrome
Diagnostic criteria:
Presence of three major features plus one or more minor features is generally required
for a positive diagnosis.
a. Major criteria
Low birth weight intrauterine growth retardation)
Proportionate short stature postnatal growth retardation)
Small triangular face
Fifth finger clinodactyly
b. Minor criteria
Relative macrocephaly Ear anomalies Skeletal asymmetry
Brachydactyly of the fifth fingers Bilateral camptodactyly
Syndactyly Transverse palmar crease Downward slanting corner of the mouth
Muscular hypotrophy/hypotonia Motor/neurological delay
Irregular spacing of the teeth Caf-au-lait spots
Increased serum or urinary gonadotropin levels in the prepuberty
. Hypoglycemi
Growth hormone studies
Delayed bone age and Limb asymmetry
Recurrence risk Not increased
. Management
Growth deficiency by Optimize caloric intake and Consider nasogastric or
gastrostomy feeding for severe gastroesophageal reflux
Consider growth hormone treatment in patients with growth hormone
Dental cares for overcrowding of teeth
Orthopedic management for asymmetry of legs
Early intervention programs including physical therapy for developmental
Special education for learning disabilities
Psychological counseling
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Sporadic (85% and Paternally derived 11p15.5 duplications
. Prenatal and postnatal overgrowth (gigantism)e and Macroglossia (cardinalfeature
Ear-lobe grooves Omphalocele cardinal feature Visceromegaly
Benign and malignant tumors Wilms tumor most frequent and Hypoglycemia
. Transitory neonatal hypoglycemia )
Neonatal polycythemia (20%)
Hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism,
. Periodic abdominal ultrasonography for organomegaly and tumor
Advanced bone age
Chest radiography to rule out rare neural crest tumors such neuroblastoma
. Echocardiography for suspected cardiac abnormality
. Chromosome analysis
. low
recurrence risk
Prenatal diagnosis
Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein screening: may be elevated in a
fetus with omphalocele
. Prenatal Ultrasonography
Cytogenetic studies
Molecular analysis
. Early detection and close monitoring for hypoglycemia
Partial tongue resection for cosmetic purpose and to relieve airway
Management of abdominal wall defects, gastrointestinal, and renal
Orthopedic follow-up of hemihyperplasia
. Management of embryonal neoplasms
There is a spectrum in the aetiology of disease, from environmental factors (e.g. trauma) at one
end to purely genetic causes (e.g. Mendelian disorders) at the other. Between these two
extremes are many disorders which result from the additive effect of several genes (hence
the term polygenic) with or without the influence of environmental or other unknown factors
(i.e. multifactorial). The two terms are often used interchangeably
Normal traits such as height and intelligence are also inherited in this way.
The risk of recurrence of a polygenic disorder in a family is usually low and is most
significant for first-degree relatives. Empirical recurrence risk data are used for genetic
increase the risk to relatives are:
Congenital malformations
Pyloric stenosis
Adult life
Diabetes mellitus
CHARGE Association
Sporadic in most cases
possible genetic causation high withIncreased paternal age
Coloboma (8090%) of the iris
Heart disease (cardiovascular malformations) 85%
Choanal Atresia (5060%
Growth and mental Retardation (70100%
Genital anomaly (7080
Ear anomalies/deafness (90%
. Audiology, tympanometry, BAER, and CT of temporal bones for evaluation of hearing
Dilated fundoscopic exam for colobomas
. Nasal pharyngeal feeding tube and evaluation of choanal atresia
. Echocardiography and Ultrasound for renal anomalies
. CT scan and/or MRI for brain
Chromosome analysiss
. Radiography for vertebral and limb defects
. Echocardiography for congenital heart defects
. GI investigation for TE fistula or esophageal atresia
Renal ultrasonography for renal dysplasia
Urological evaluation of urogenital defects
. Chromosome analysis
low recurrence risk gene disorder
. Prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography revealing multiple conenital
Medical care
Surgical care
i. TE fistula and/or esophageal atresia
ii. Major cardiac defects
iii. Urogenital anomalies
iv. Skeletal and limb defects
Williams Syndrome
Association of the elastin (ELN) gene disruption by chromosome translocation or partial
deletion involving chromosome 7q11.23 Sporadic new deletion in most cases
. Characteristic dysmorphic facies, frequently referred to as elfin facies 100%
Cardiovascular diseases
Supravalvular aortic stenosis (80%
Variable mental retardation (75%
Behavioral problems
Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia (15%
Ocular findings
Dental abnormalities
Chronic otitis media
Difficulty feeding
. Gastroesophageal reflux/vomiting
Radiography. Echocardiography for cardiac lesions and Ultrasonography
Blood calcium levels Serum creatinine Thyroid function test
. Ophthalmologic evaluation Urinalysis to detect hypercalcinuria Renal ultrasound for possible
Full cytogenetic studies andFluorescence in situ hybridization (FIS
recurrence risk low <1%
Prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis or CVS
Management of hypercalcemia
AvLimit high calcium food
ovoid preparations containing vitamin D
Supravalvular aortic stenosis (a life-threatening
surgically correctable
Early dental care
Early daily learning activities and strategies
Noonan Syndrome
Autosomal dominant inheritance and Caused by mutation in the gene PTPN11 (proteintyrosine phosphatase, nonreceptor-type 11
normal birth weight but can be short stature Pubertal growth spurt often reduced or absent .
Craniofacial features:
Strabismus Refractive errors
Congenital heart defects (2/3rd of cases) Pulmonary valvular stenosis (50%)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (2030% Pulmonary artery branch stenosis)
pectus deformity
Bleeding diathesis
Behavioral and developmental abnormalities
. Echocardiography Electrocardiography A wide QRS complex LAD Giant Q wave
Radiography: pectus deformity
Renal ultrasound for renal anomalies. Coagulation studies when needed
Chromosome analysis: normal karyotype
Molecular genetic testing FOR Mutations in the gene PTPN11
Recurrence risk 50%if a parent is affected Low risk (<1%) if not affected
Prenatal diagnosis.
Ultrasonic AND Molecular genetic testing of fetal DNA
a. Plotting of growth parameters on growth charts for Noonan syndrome
b. Ophthalmological care
c. Cardiac management of congenital heart defects
d. Hearing evaluation and management
e. Physical and occupational therapies
f. Speech therapy for articulation deficiencies
i. Hearing aids for sensorineural hearing loss
j. Orthopedic management of musculoskeletal abnormalities
k. Growth hormone treatment of short stature:s
l. Successful pregnancy possible in women with Noonan syndrom
Noonan syndrome
showing variousfeatures:
down slanting palpebral fissures,
hypertelorism, short andwebbed neck with
a low posterior hair line, pectus, and
cubitus valgus
Marfan Syndrome
Autosomal dominant and New mutation in about 2530% of the cases
Caused by a wide variety of mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene located on
chromosome 15q
Skeletal system
tall and thin with respect to the family profile. Limbs are disproportionately
long compared with the trunk (dolichostenome and Arachnodactyly is a very
common feature Pectus carinatum excavatum
Reduced upper-to-lower body segment ratio
Positive (Steinberg) signs Scoliosis
ectopia lentis (usually superior temporal dislocation
Dilatation of the ascending aorta and Dissection
Mitral valve prolapse
Spontaneous pneumothorax
. Annual physical examination including blood pressure measurement
. Slit lamp examination for lens dislocationn
Pelvic and Chest X-ray Computed tomography
CT and magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI
Molecular analysis of FBN1 mutations
Prenatal diagnosis
Fetal echocardiography Ultrasonography
-blockers and Calcium antagonists and (ACE) inhibitors
Life style changes Avoid competitive and collision/contact sports
Surgical intervention recommended for Pneumothorax
Management of scoliosis Pectus repair Ocular management
showing a
yly, and toe
INHERITANCE :Autosomal dominant
Short stature 20% of adults
Obesity 35% of adults
Low-set ears
Short philtrum
Tetralogy of Fallot
Truncus arteriosus
Interrupted aortic arch Right aortic arch
Ventricular septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus
Umbilical hernia
Unilateral renal agenesis
Mild to moderate learning difficulties
Late-onset speech development
Parathyroid hypoplasia
Thymic hypoplasia
Hypothyroidism) :
Renal dysplasia
Delayed psychomotor
Attention deficit
Parathyroid absence
Thymic aplasia
T cell deficit Susceptibility to
Neonatal hypocalcemia
T-cell deficit
85-90% DGS patients have deletion of 22q11.2
Other cytogenic abnormalities have been associated
A contiguous gene syndrome involving deletion
of the DiGeorge syndrome chromosome region
(DGCR) involving mutations in
TUP-like enhancer of split 1 (TUPLE1, 600237) and
DiGeorge critical region gene 2 (DGCR2),