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In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 and 7 of the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of
1884) the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely:


Short title and Commencement

(1) These rules may be called the Explosives Rules, 1983.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette


Definitions In these rules unless the context otherwise requires

(1) Act means the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of 1884);
(2) authorised explosives means an explosives included in a list of authorised
explosives published by the Central Government from time in the Official Gazette;
(3) Chief Controller means Chief Controller of Explosives;
(4) competent person means a person recognised by the Chief Controller to be a
competent person or a person who holds a certificate of competency in the job in
respect of which competency is required from an Institution recognised by the Chief
Controller in this behalf;
(5) Conservator includes any person acting under the authority of the officer or body
of persons appointed to be conservator of a port under Section 7 of the Indian Ports
Act, 1908 (15 of 1908);
(6) Controller includes Joint Chief Controller of Explosives, Deputy Chief Controller
of Explosives, [Controller of Explosives and Deputy Controller of Explosives];
(7) detonator means a small tube of aluminium or copper or other materials approved
by the Chief Controller(a) one end of which is closed and the other
left open of the insertion of safety fuse for the purpose of initiating
explosion within the tube; or
fitted with wires or other device for that purpose and sealed;
(b) which is loaded with a charge of initiating explosives,. the charge being so
designed as to produce an explosion that would communicate to other tube
similarly constructed and charged;
(7-A) District Authority means
(a) in towns having a Commissioner of Police, the Commissioner or a Deputy
Commissioner of Police;
(b) in any other place, the District Magistrate;]
form means a form specified in Schedule V;
(9) licensable capacity in relation to a magazine mean the full capacity of the magazine
reckoned on the basis of the floor area and required safety zone all round such
(10) licensed factory means a factory in respect of which a licence issued under the
rules is in force;
(11) licensed magazine means a factory in respect of which a licence issued under
these rules is in force;
(12) licensed store house means a store house in respect of which a licence issued
under these rules is in force;
(13) magazine means a building specially constructed in accordance with a design
approved by the Chief Controller and intended for storage of more than 5 kg of

(14) permitted explosives means authorised explosives which are permitted by the
Director General of Mines Safety to be used in underground coal mines;
(15) prohibited explosives means explosives which are prohibited by the Central
Government under Section 6 of the Act;
(16) protected works includes
(a) buildings in which persons dwell, work or assemble, college school, hospital,
theatre, cinema house, factory, place of storage of hazardous substances,;
(b) any public road or railway line or navigable waterways or dams and reservoirs;
(c) overhead trunk high tension power lines; but does not include footpath, cart
tracks not in regular use, agricultural wells and pump sets connected therewith;
(17) safety cartridge means a cartridge for small arms having a diameter not
exceeding 2.5 cms the case of which can be extracted for the small-arms after firing
and which is so closed as to prevent any explosion in one cartridge being
communicated to other cartridges;
(18) safety fuse means a fuse for igniting charges of other explosives which burn and
does not explode and which does not contain its own means of ignition, and which
is of such strength and construction and contains an explosives in such quantity that
the burning of such fuse would not communicate laterally with other like fuse;
(19) safety zone means the zone necessary for the maintenance of the distance
required under the conditions of a licence to be kept clear between any licensed
factory shed, magazines or store house and protected works;
(20) Schedule means a Schedule annexed to these rules;
(21) small arm nitro-compound means nitro-compound adapted and intended
exclusively for use in cartridges for small arms;
(22) store house means a building other than a magazine for storage of certain types
of explosives;
(23) testing officer means such officer as the Central Government may appoint in this
(24) transport means movement of explosives from one place to another by land, sea
or air in India but does not include movement of explosives within a licensed
(25) transfer with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, includes letting
on hire, lending, giving and parting with possession;
(26) van means a mechanically propelled vehicle for transport of explosives by land.

Classification of explosives
(1) For the purpose of these rules explosives shall be classified in the manner specified in
Schedule I.
(2) If any explosives falls within the limits of more than one class as defined in Schedule
I, it shall be deemed to belong exclusively to the last in number of such classes.


Safety distance categories of explosives

(1) Explosives are divided into four categories according to the risks which they present
when initiated, namely
Category X Those explosives, which have a fire or a slight explosion risk
or both but the effect of which will be local.
Category Y Those explosives, which have a mass fire risk or a moderate
explosion risk, but not the risk of mass explosion.
Category Z Those explosives, which have a mass explosion risk and major
missile, effect.
Category ZZ Those explosives, which have a mass explosion risk and
minor missile effect.
(2) If any question arises as to whether any explosives belongs to Category X, Category
Y, Category Z or Category ZZ, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Controller
whose decision shall be final.

General Provisions

Prohibition of unauthorised explosives No person shall import, export, transport,

manufacture, possess, use or sell any explosive which is not an authorised explosive;
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to the manufacture and possession for test
and trial purposes and not for sale of a new explosives composition under development at
a place specially approved for the purpose by the Chief Controller in a licensed factory.


Procedure for authorisation of explosives

(1) Any person desirous of including an explosive in the list of authorised explosives
shall apply by submitting an application therefor to the Chief Controller.
(2) The application submitted in accordance with sub-rule (1) shall be in writing and
accompanied by following particulars;
(a) the nature and composition of the explosive;
(b) the limiting percentage of each ingredient of the explosive;
(c) any substitute or substitutes for any specified ingredient;
(d) in the case of a new explosive to be manufactured in India, the process by which
it is proposed to carry out its manufacture;
(e) where an explosives is enclosed in a case or other contrivance, the dimensions of
the case or other contrivance, the quantity, nature and brand of explosive
contained therein, the method of function and performance characteristics of the
explosive and instructions governing the use of the case or other contrivance;
(f) the box, wrapping or other container in which the explosive will be handled,
used or displayed or otherwise distributed including the markings thereon; and
(g) the package in which the explosive will be transported and stored including the
markings thereon.
(3) When, in the opinion of the Chief Controller, an explosive in respect of which an
application is made may properly be considered for authorisation, the Chief
Controller shall instruct the applicant as to the samples required and the manner of
forwarding the same to him, or to any other authority specified by the Chief
Controller in this behalf.
(4) No person shall send a sample of an explosive unless such person has first received
the instruction referred to under sub-rule (3).
(5) No person shall send a sample of an explosive otherwise than in accordance with
instructions given by the Chief Controller under sub-rule (3).
(6) (i) Sample forwarded under sub-rule (3) shall be subjected to such of the tests
enumerated in clause (ii) of this rule as are necessary having regard to the nature and
type of explosive submitted to ensure that the explosive is capable of being safety
manufactured, handled, stored transported and used.
(ii) The tests referred to in clause (i) pertain to (a) Physical properties including consistency, reaction tendency to absorb
moisture, segregation in transport or otherwise of the constituents, exudation,
behaviour at low temperatures, specific gravity and such other physical
properties as may be considered necessary;
(b) Chemical composition determination of the percentage composition of the
ingredients forming the explosive, and the quality of the ingredients
employed in its manufacture;
(c) Stability determination of stability after subjection to such varying
environmental conditions as would tend to produce spontaneous ignition or
variation in sensitiveness of an explosive;

(d) Ignition characteristics ignition point, behaviour on ignition, liability to

spontaneous ignition, behaviour on ignition in bull;
(e) Mechanical sensitiveness determination of sensitiveness to friction and
(f) Air gap sensitivity and transmission of detonation;
(g) Velocity of detonating;
(h) Determination of strength;
(i) Composition of gases evolved upon explosion;
(j) Such other tests as the Chief Controller may specify.
(7) An explosives tested in accordance with sub-rule (6) shall be declared by the Central
Government on recommendation of Chief Controller to be an authorised, explosive
if, it is satisfied that such an explosive can be safely manufactured, handled, stored,
transported and used.
(8) Authorisation issued by the Central Government under sub-rule (7) in respect of any
imported explosive shall be valid for one year from the date of authorisation,
provided the foreign manufacturer certifies that there has been no change in the
composition or any other characteristics of the explosives.
(9) The Chief Controller may at any time subject any explosive to the tests enumerated
in sub-rule (6). As a result of the tests or otherwise if the Chief Controller is satisfied
that the explosive is no longer safe for manufacture, handling, storage, transport or
use, may recommend deletion of such explosive from the authorised list.
(10) The Chief Controller on completion of the testing of an explosive, in pursuance of
sub-rule (6) shall advise the Central Government in writing
(a) whether or not the explosives should be declared to be an authorised explosive;
(b) where the explosive is declared to be an authorised explosive, the class including
any division and sub-division within which the explosive falls.
(11) (i) The Chief Controller shall maintain a list of authorised explosives showing
(a) the brand or trade name of the explosives;
(b) the name and address of the manufacturers;
(c) the class, including any division and sub-divisions thereof, within which each
explosive falls ; and
(d) the safety distance category and the corresponding United Nations classification
number and division.
(ii) A list of authorised explosives that, by licence or permit, are authorised to be
manufactured in, or imported into India shall be published by the Central
Government from time to time.
(12) No alteration in the composition, limiting percentage of ingredients or substitute
ingredients. The process of manufacture, the description and construction of the case
or the contrivance as declared in accordance with clauses (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of
sub-rule (2) shall be carried out without prior approval of the Central Government:
Provided that the Chief Controller may order fresh test to be carried out if the
proposed alteration in the percentage, composition, nature of ingredients, process of
manufacture or construction of the case or contrivance of the explosive are likely to
change the result s of the original test prescribed in this rule.

Restriction on delivery and despatch of explosives

(1) No person shall deliver or despatch any explosive to any one other than a person who

(a) is the holder of a licence to possess the explosives or the agent of a holder of
such a licence duly authorised by him in writing in this behalf; or
(b) is entitled under these rules to possess the explosives without a licence.

(2) The explosives so delivered or despatched shall in no case exceed the quantity which
the person to whom they are delivered or despatched is authorised to possess with or
without a licence under these rules.
(3) (i) No person shall receive explosives from any person other than the holder of a
licence granted under these rules.
(ii) No person shall receive from or transfer explosives to any person for a temporary
storage or safe custody in licensed premises unless prior approval is obtained from
the Chief Controller.

Packing of explosives
(1) No person shall import, tender for transport, cause to be transported, possess or sell
any explosive unless
(a) it is packed in the manner laid down in Schedule II;
(b) a sample of the container or package for each explosive has been tested and
approved by the Chief Controller;
(c) the container or package is marked in accordance with Rule 9 of these rules;
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to explosives in the process of
(2) An explosive which is not an authorised explosive but which is required to be
transported for purposes of test in connection therewith shall be packed in such
manner as may be directed by the Chief Controller with reference to such explosive.


Marking of packages
(1) The outer package shall be marked in conspicuous indelible character, by means of a
stamping, embossing or painting with
(a) the word Explosives;
(b) the name of authorised explosive;
(c) the number of the class and the division to which it belongs;
(d) the safety distance category of explosive;
(e) the name of the manufacturer;
(f) the name of the consignor and consignee; and
(g) the net weight of explosives:
Provided that in the case of safety fuse or fireworks, the word Explosives and the
number of Class and Division may be omitted.


(2) In the case of explosives used for charging for blasting viz. explosives of Class 2 or
such other explosives of Class 3 Division 1 or such other explosives of Class 4 which
contain liquid nitro-compound explosive, the date of manufacture and batch number
shall be added.
(3) In the case of explosives of Class 2 and Class 3, each of the cartridges containing
explosives shall be printed or embossed legibly on it with
(a) the word EXPLOSIVES;
(b) the name of explosives;
(c) weight of explosive;
(d) diameter of the cartridge;
(e) name of manufacturer; and
(f) in case of permitted explosive, the letter P.
(4) In the case of fireworks, a caution or warning indicating the method of firing and
precautions to be taken shall be printed on each piece of fireworks and where
adequate space is not available on the fireworks, such caution or warning may be
printed on a separate label and inserted in the smallest packet or carton.
Weight of explosives The weigh of explosives when referred to in these rules shall not
include the weight of the packing box in which the explosives are packed.

Provided that in case of explosives of the 6th (Ammunition) Class or 7th (Fireworks) Class
the weight shall be deemed to be the weight of the completed article inclusive of the case
or contrivance in which the explosive is contained.

Competent person to be in-charge of operations Every person holding or acting

under a licence granted under these rules shall, whenever explosives are loaded, unloaded
or handled, depute a competent person experienced in the handling of explosives to be
present at and to conduct the operations in accordance with these rules.


Precautions to be observed in handling explosives

(1) The floor of any place or any carriage or vessel in which any explosive is or is to be
laid and the ground gangway, decks and other places over which the explosive is to
be conveyed during loading or unloading shall be
carefully examined to ensure that there is nothing thereon in
contravention of these rules or likely to endanger the safety of the
consignment; and
thoroughly cleaned and swept before and after use.
(2) the packages containing the explosives shall not be thrown or dropped down or rolled
or pulled along the ground or floor but shall be passed from hand to hand and
carefully deposited and stored.
(3) Where a package is to be slung, due precaution shall be taken to slung it in such a
manner as effectively to prevent the possibility of a fall.
(4) After the handling of explosives has commenced, the operations shall proceed with
due diligence and without unnecessary stoppage.


Restriction on handling of explosives after sunset No person shall handle or cause to

be handled any explosive between the hours of sunset and sunrise:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to handling of explosives during the dark
hours if proper illumination is provided in the area and the place is guarded.


Prohibition of smoking, fires, lights and dangerous substances No person shall

smoke, and no fires, lights or articles or substances of a flammable nature or liable to
spontaneous ignition, or to cause or communicate fire or explosion such as acids,
petroleum, carbide or calcium, compressed gases or such other hazardous substances,
shall be allowed
(a) at any time within 15 meters from a place where an explosive is stored; or
(b) at any place where an explosive is handled, during transport one hour before and
during such handling:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to the use on a ship of
(i) an engine room fire, if such fire has been previously carefully banked up, or
(ii) any artificial light or ships signal lights or of a type approved in writing by the
Chief Controller in areas outside port limits and by the Conservator of the Port
within port limits.


Prohibition of matches, etc - No person on, in or near any place where explosives are
stored or handled or on any carriage conveying explosives shall
(a) have in his possession any matches, fuses or other appliances for producing ignition
or explosion or any knives or other articles made or iron or steel; or
(b) were boots or shoes with iron nails or shod or strengthened with iron, unless such
boots or shoes are covered with leather, rubber, felt or other material, in the form of
overshoes or otherwise.


Split explosive to be destroyed If any explosive escapes from the package in which it
is contained, or is split, such explosive shall immediately be carefully collected and
destroyed as provided in these rules.


Employment of children, intoxicated persons and certain other persons No person

shall employ, allow or engage a person
(a) who has not completed the age of 18 years, or
(b) who is in a state of intoxication, or
(c) who is of unsound mind,
for manufacture, storage, sale, loading, unloading or transport of explosives or to enter
any premises licensed under these rules.


Precautions against danger from water or exposure to the sun or heat (1) In the case of any explosive which is liable to be dangerously affected by water, due
precautions shall at all times be taken to prevent water from coming in contact with
such explosive.
(2) Packages containing explosives shall not be allowed to remain in the sun or exposed
to excessive heat:
Provided that nothing in sub-rule (2) shall apply to sun-drying of gunpowder or fireworks
or drying of explosives in a licensed factory under controlled conditions.


Special precautions against accident and the exclusion of unauthorised persons

(1) No person shall commit or attempt to commit any act which may tend to cause a fire
or explosion in or about any place where an explosive is manufactured, stored or
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to any act which is necessary for the
purpose of the manufacture, storage or handling during transport of any explosive or
any article present therein.
(2) Every person possessing explosives and every person in charge of or engaged in the
import, export, manufacture, sale, transport or handling of explosives shall at all
(a) comply with provisions of these rules and the conditions of any licence relating
(b) observe all due precautions for the prevention of thefts and of accidents by fire or
(c) prevent unauthorised person from having access to the explosives;
(d) prevent any other person from committing any such act as is prohibited under
sub-rule (1).


Restrictions on transport of certain types of explosives Notwithstanding anything

contained in these rules, no person shall transport without aproval of Chief Controller
(a) Nitro-glycerine or Ethylene glycol dinitrate or any explosives of Class 5 in any
vehicle in any quantity, except within the licensed factory solely for the purpose of
manufacture of explosives;
(b) Any explosive that is not authorised explosives or any explosive which is
deteriorated or is in a damaged condition.
Import and Export
Part I


Restriction on import or export

(1) No person shall import or export any explosive except under and in accordance with
the conditions of a licence granted under these rules.

(2) No licence shall be granted for import or export of any explosives unless
(a) the explosive is an authorised explosives;
(b) the explosive, if of the 3rd (Nitro-compound class) or 4th (Chlorate mixture) is
certified in Form I by the testing officer to have passed the tests specified in
Schedule II; and
(c) the explosive is certified to have passed such analysis or examination, if any, as
the Chief Controller or the Customs Collector at his discretion by order in
writing, may require in order to determine its composition or condition.
(3) No person shall be granted an import or export licence unless he is the holder of a
licence for possession in a magazine or a store house authorised for the class and
quantity of explosives intended to be imported or exported.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (3) the explosives in quantities
exceeding the licensed capacity indicated in the licence may be imported with prior
permission of the Chief Controller provided adequate advance arrangements are
made by the importer to distribute directly from the port of import, the explosives to
the other licensed magazine or licensed store houses.
Import or Export by Sea

Import or export by sea

(1) No explosives shall be imported or exported by sea except at the ports of Bombay,
Cochin, Calcutta at Diamond Harbour, Madras, Tuticorin or Visakhapatnam:
Provided that exports only of explosives in such quantities as may be specified by the
Chief Controller, may be done at the ports of Kandla and Mormugao.
(2) The quantities of explosives, manner of handling during discharge from or loading
into a ship shall be carried out in accordance with the provision of rules regulating
the handling of explosives at the ports of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras issued under
the Act and respective port rules and byelaws.


Declaration by importer A person holding an import licence granted under these rules
shall furnish a declaration
(a) in Form 14 to the Chief Controller as soon as ship carrying explosives sails from the
port of loading;
(b) in Form 15 as soon as any shipment of explosives is cleared from the port of import.


Declaration by master of ship or by the ships agent

(1) The master of every ships carrying explosives or the agent for such ship shall give the
Conservator of the Port not less than 48 hours notice of its intended arrival at the
(2) The master of every ship carrying explosives shall deliver to the pilot before entering
any port, a written declaration in Form 2 under his signature:
Provided that if in anticipation of a ships arrival the agent for such ship delivers to
the Conservator of the port a written declaration as aforesaid under his signature, no
such declaration need be made by master of the ship.
(3) Every declaration delivered to a pilot under sub-rule (2) shall be made over by him
without delay to the Conservator of the port and all declarations received by the
Conservator of the Port shall be forwarded by him, with all convenient despatch to
the Customs Collector of the port.


Declaration by exporter or his agent

(1) The exporter or his authorised agent shall give the conservator of the port not less
than 48 hours notice of his intention to bring explosives to port for export and shall

not bring the explosives to any part of the port without prior permission in writing
from the said officer.
(2) The exporter or his authorised agent shall produce before the conservator of a port:(a) licence granted under these rules for export of explosives in question;
(b) a certificate issued by exporter to the effect that the explosives have been packed
and marked in accordance with these rules and are safe for transport by sea.

Sampling procedure from imported explosives

(1) When the master of, or the agent for, a ship has made declaration required by Rule
24, such officer as the Customs Collector of the port may authorise in this behalf
shall go on board the vessel and obtain samples of all such explosives as is intended
to land at the port and are required by or under these rules to be tested, analysed or
(2) The master shall deliver to the officer referred to in sub-rule (1), without charge
samples of all the explosives of which samples are required to be taken under that
sub-rule. One sample consisting of at least two cartridges shall be drawn from a
group of cases having the same batch number and same date of manufacture. The
samples if the sampling officer so requires, shall be taken from particular package
indicated by him.
(3) If the taking of any samples under sub-rule(1) involves the opening of any case such
case shall, before it is opened, be removed to an isolated position at a safe distance
from any place where consignments of explosives are stored.


Despatch of samples to the testing officer

(1) The officer taking a sample of any explosives under Rule 26 shall affix to it the name
of the ship, the name of the consignee, name of the explosive and such other
distinguishing marks, as he may think necessary and shall forward it to the testing
officer without delay.
(2) In the case of a Nitro-compound or a Chlorate mixture the date and batch number
referred to in sub-rule (2) of Rule 9 shall also be affixed to the sample.
Testing of samples
(1) The testing officer shall test, analyse or examine, as the case may be, the samples and
shall without delay forward to the Customs Collector a certificate in Form I in
duplicate under his signature certifying whether the explosives have satisfied the
prescribed tests, analysis or examination.
(2) The Customs Collector shall as soon as practicable and ordinarily within 24 hours
after receipt of the report of the testing officer forward a copy each of the certificate
in Form I to the Chief Controller and the Controller of the area having jurisdiction.



Permission to land explosives

(1) No imported explosives shall be permitted to be landed by the Customs Collector
except with the prior permission of the Chief Controller or the Controller duly
authorised in this behalf who shall issue such permission if the explosives have
satisfied the prescribed tests, analysis or examination and after making such other
enquiries as considered necessary.
(2) If the Customs Collector, after receiving the permission under sub-rule (1) and the
licence for import of such explosive sunder these rules and after making such further
enquiries as he deems necessary, is satisfied that the explosives can lawfully be
imported, he shall permit it to be landed.
(3) Nothing in this rule shall affect the power of Customs Collector to design the
explosives under any other law for the time being in force.
(4) The imported explosives shall be removed from the port premises by the importer as
expeditiously as possible.

Import or Export by Land


Import or export by land No licence for import or export of explosives shall be

granted without the previous sanction in each case, of the Central Government and under
such conditions and resrictions as it may impose in consultation with Chief Controller.
Import or Export by Air


Prohibition of certain explosives

(1) No explosive shall be imported or exported by air except at the ports of Bombay,
Delhi, Calcutta and Madras or any other International airport authorised for this
purpose by the Central Government from time to time.
(2) Any explosive which is not included in Schedule VI shall not be imported or
exported by air.
(3) A person holding a licence for import or export of explosives by air or his authorised
agent shall give a declaration well in advance before bringing the explosives into the
airport to the Officer Incharge of the Airport Collector of Customs and the Chief
Controller giving full particulars of the explosives intended to be imported or
(4) No person shall bring explosives to the airport for export by air without prior consent
in writing of Officer Incharge of the Airport.
(5) Proper arrangements shall be made by the importer to take direct delivery of the
imported explosives and remove the same as expeditiously as possible from the
(6) Explosives meant for export shall be brought to be airport after making proper
arrangements and only after the aircraft is ready for loading explosives and
explosives so brought to the airport shall be loaded directly into the aircraft.
(7) If for any unforeseen circumstances explosives brought to the airport cannot be
removed from the airport or loaded into the aircraft such explosives shall be stored in
an isolated shed under guard as directed by the Officer Incharge of the Airport and all
due precautions against theft, fire or explosives shall be taken.


Licence for transport and issue of passes.No person shall transport explosives except under and in accordance with the conditons
of a licence granted under these rules.
Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply to
the transport of any explosives within the licensed factory or from the licensed
factory to the licensed magazine or store house situated within the licensed
the transport of any explosives imported under a licence in Form 27 from the
place of import to the place of destination specified in the licence for import of
the trsnsport of any explosives for the possession of which no licence is
necessary (see rule 114);
the transport of safety fuse and fireworks provided the same are not transported
with any corrosive or flammable material.



Every consignment of explosives transported under licence shall be accompanied by a

pass issued by the consignor in Form 16.
Such pass shall be attached to the way-bill, invoice or despatch note as the case may be.
A copy of every pass issued under sub-rule (2) shall forthwith be sent by the consignor
the licensing authority who issued the licence for transportation of explosives;
the Controller of Explosives in whose jurisdiction the place from which the
consignment is sent is situated;
the Controller of Explosives in whose jurisdiction the place to which the
consignment is sent is situated.


Restrictions on transportation of different explosives in the same carriage.Any

explosives of 5th (Fulminate) class or detonator or any other explosives of 6th
(Ammunition) Class containing its own means of ignition or initiation, or an explosive of
7th (Fireworks) class shall not be transported in the same carriage, or save as provided in
rule 49 in the same vessel and shall not be conveyed or handled with any explosives not
of the class and division to which it belongs.


Certificate of safety.
Before transporting or tendering for transport an explosive of 3rd (Nitro-compound) class
or of the 4th (Chlorate mixture) class, the consignor shall attach to the consignment not a
valid certificate in Form I or certified copy thereof granted by testing officer.
The certificate referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the
date on which it was granted:
Provided that in the case of explosives containing Nitro-glycerine which are not used as
propellants such certificate shall lapse on the 31st July following and fresh certificate may
at the discretion of the Railway Administration concerned, be demanded for explosives to
be transported by rail during the period from 1st April to 31st July if the original certificate
has been granted earlier than 30th of September preceding.



Transport in passenger carriages and vessels.Save as otherwise expressly provided

in these rules, no explosive shall be transported in any carriage vessel or aircraft playing
for or carrying passengers on hire.


Maximum consignments allowed.The quantity of explosives transported shall not

10 tonnes or half the carrying capacity of a Railway wagon whichever is less;
10 tonnes or the maximum carrying capacity of a road van licensed under these
rules by a Regional Transport Authority, whichever is less, in any one carriage
other than a Railway wagon:
Provided that if the explosives to be transported is of 2nd class the quantity of explosives
shall not exceed 15 tonnes or the maximum carrying capacity of the van whichever is
one tonne in any animal drawn carriage;
22.5 tonnes in any one boat;
quantity specified in Schedule VI in any one aircraft.


Despatch of explosives to carriers for transport.


No person shall despatch any explosives to a carrier other than the Railway
Administration for the purpose of transport.
No person shall despatch any explosive to the Railway Administration for the purpose of
transport unless
(a) he has given the Station Master a notice in writing
of his intention to tender such explosives;














certifying that the explosives has been packed and marked in accordance
with rules 8 and 9;
stating the true name, description and quantity of explosives to be
(b) He has received a reply and intimation in writing from the Station Master that he is
prepared to receive the explosive for immediate despatch;
(c) He has received a confirmation from the consignee regarding readiness to receive
explosives as authorised under these rules.
No person shall bring, send or forward to, or upon any Railway any explosives which a
Railway administration has by any notice of regulation for the time being in force
notified that it will not receive.
Place and time of loading and unloading.
Every explosive shall be loaded and unloaded at a safe distance from the station
buildings, passenger platforms, dwelling houses, factories, public buildings and other
buildings or places where persons assemble or any flammable or other hazardous goods
are stored or handled.
Every explosive intended for transport by road whether under a licence or otherwise shall
be loaded only near a licensed magazine, licensed store house or other licensed premises.
Loading of explosives after sunset within a licensed factory may be carried out up to
22.00 hours at a well-illuminated place approved by the Chief Controller.
Nothing in Rule 13 and sub-rule (1) shall apply to any operations connected with the
transport of explosives by passenger train or by a pick up or van goods train used for
the transport of small consignments or in the brake van of mixed train.
Carriage or vessel or aircraft to be in readiness for loading.No explosives shall be
brought to any place of loading until the carriage or vessel or aircraft into which it is to be
loaded is at that place in readiness to receive it.
Carriage or vessel or aircraft to be incharge of a competent person.
A carriage other than a railway carriage or vessel or aircraft transporting explosives shall
at all times be in charge of and constantly attended by competent person experienced in
the handling of explosives and appointed by the owner of such carriage of aircraft or
master of the vessel. Such person shall supervise all loading or unloading operations and
shall take all due precautions in regard to explosives until completion of the receipt and
storage or discharge thereof.
The person in charge of a carriage or aircraft or vessel shall not drive, conduct or
maneuver such carriage or vessel or aircraft in a dangerous or negligent manner.
Protection from fire or explosion.
No carriage or aircraft or vessel shall be used for transporting explosives unless all iron
or steel therein with which a package containing any explosive is likely to come in
contact is effectually covered with lead, leather, wood, cloth or other suitable material.
Where the weight of the explosives transported in any carriage exceeds 1000 kgs. they
shall be placed in the interior of the carriage which shall be enclosed on all sides with
wood or metal so as effectually to protect the explosives from communication of fire and
the carriage shall locked.
Where the weight of the explosives trasnported in any vessel exceeds 1000 kgs. they shall
be placed in the hold of the vessel which shall have a closed deck and closely fitting
hatches and double, water-tight bulk heads shall be provided at each end of the hold
where the explosives are stowed and the hatches shall be locked.
Where the explosives carried in carriage or vessel do not exceed 1000 kgs. in weight, the
explosives shall, unless they are conveyed in the manner specified in sub-rule (2) or subrule (3), as the case may be, be completely covered with fireproof cloth tarpaulin or any
other suitable material as effectually to project the explosives from communication of
All doors, hatches and covering of every compartments or hold containing explosives in
or on any carriage or vessel shall be kept closed and secured except when explosives are
being loaded or unloaded into, onto or from it.









When explosives are being carried or on a carriage or aircraft or vessel, they shall be kept
away from anything whether in the carriage or vessel or elsewhere that would be liable to
cause them to ignite or explode.
Delay in transit to be avoided.If the quantity of explosives transported in any carriage
or vessel exceeds 25 kgs. the person or persons incharge of such carriage or vessel shall
not stop or delay at any place for a longer time than may be reasonably necessary, not
stop unnecessarily at any place where such stopping would be attended with danger to
Repairs to conveyance.Before any repairs or alterations are commenced in any part of
a vessel in which explosives are being, or have been transported, all due precautions
should be taken to remove all such explosives, or any remnants thereof, and the space in
such carriage or vessel in which such explosives have been carried shall be thoroughly
washed out to ensure that no remnanst of explosives remain therein.
Small quantities of fireworks exempted.---Nothing contained in rules 35, 40 and 41
shall apply to the transport of manufactured fireworks in the custody of a person entitled
to possess them without a licence under rule 14 provided that not more than 2.5 kgs. of
manufactured fireworks, securely packed, shall be so transported in any motor vehicle
licensed for conveyance of more than six passengers.
Safety distances between carriages and boats.Where the explosives in two or more
carriages, other than motor vehicles or in two or more boats, travelling in company
exceed the maximum quantity in rule 36 for any one carriage or boat, such carriages or
boats shall not approach within 50 metres of one another:
Provided that
(a) nothing in this rule shall apply to the transport of explosives by rail;
(b) the Conservator of the port may waive the requirement within the limit of a port if in
his opinion it is impracticable to secure compliance within this rule.
Transport by water
Notice of loading on or unloading from ships.No explosive shall be loaded on or
unloaded from a ship within the limits of a port unless 48 hours notice in writing of the
intended time and place of such operation has been given to the Conservator of the port.
Stemer fires and lights.No explosives shall be loaded on or unloaded from any ship
(a) unless the engine room fires have been previously carefully banked up, and all other
fires and lights extinguished;
(b) while the ship is attached to or alongside of any steam vessel or steam tug unless the
engine room fires of such steam vessel or steam tug, have previously been carefully
banked up and all other fires and lights have been previously extinguished:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall prevent the employment of an artificial light or
ships signal lights of a type approved in writing by the Chief Controller in areas outside
the port limits and by the Conservator of the port within the port limits:
Provided further that a steam tug may be employed at the port of Madras to place boats
alongside a ship carrying explosives or to remove them but no loading or unloading
operations shall be carried on so long as a tug is within a distance of 50 metres from the


StowageNo explosives shall be stowed in a ship except in accordance with regulations

contained in the Merchant Shipping Carriage of Dangerous Goods Rules, 1978
(Annexure I).


Conveyance of explosives on special trade passenger ships.Any authorized

explosives satisfying the requirements of clauses (b) and (c) of sub-rule (2) of rule 21
may be transported in a properly constructed magazine on a trade passenger ship to which
Part VIII of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958-Annexure II) applies being a
home trade ship as defined in clause (16) of section 3 of the said Act:


Provided that
(a) the consignor satisfies the certifying officer referred to in section 243 of the Merchant
Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958-AnnexureII) that no other means of conveying the
explosives are available;
(b) the magazine complies in all respects with the specifications for magazines in ships
laid down by the Board of Trade and is approved by the Surveyors of the Mercantile
Marine Department;
(c) the explosives are packed and marked in accordance with these rules;
(d) detonators are not carried in the same hold as other explosives; and
(e) the hold containing the magazine does not contain any other hazardous or flammable
goods at any time during which the magazine is in use for the carriage of explosives.

Conveyance of explosives on passenger vessels.

(1) The following explosives may be carried in a passenger vessels, namely:
(a) any explosives not exceeding 2.5 kgs. in weight other than a fulminate (Class 5),
ammunition containing its own means of ignition (Class 6, Division3) or
fireworks (Class 7); and
(b) detonators not exceeding 200 in number and certified in writing by the licensee
not to contain in the aggregate more than 225 gms of explosives:
Provided that
previous notice is given to the person in charge of the vessel in which the
explosive is intended to be conveyed;
all the precautions are taken to prevent accidents by fire or explosion;
Detonators are not carried in the same compartment as other explosives.
(2) Nothing in rules 13, 40, sub-rule (5) of rules 41, 47, 51 to 54 and 57 shall apply to
explosives carried in a passenger vessel under sub-rule (1).


Anchorage of vessels carrying explosives.

(1) Every vessel having explosives on board and entering a port shall be anchored at
such anchorage as the conservator of the port shall appoint in this behalf and shall
not leave such anchorage without the general or special order of the Conservator of
the port and subject to such conditons as may be specified in the order.
(2) Such anchorage shall in no case be the same as that for vessels laden with petroleum
and shall be at such distance from the anchorage for vessels laden with petroleum as
to render it impossible for a fire originating at the former anchorage to affect vessel
anchored at the later.


Red flag or warning light to be exhibited.Every vessels having explosives on board

exceeding 50 kgs. in weight shall while approaching or leaving a port and during the time
that it remains within the limits of the port or on any inland water exhibit conspicuously(a) between sunrise and sunset a red flag not less than 1 metre square, and
(b) between sunset and sunrise a single red light visible all round the horizon.


Vessels to lie singly.Every vessel wholly or partly laden with explosive shall lie singly
and be kept at a distance of at least 50 meters from any other vessel except during the
actual transshipment of explosives, when one boat may lie alongside on each side of a
ship, boat or floating magazine and two ships may lie alongside each other.


Vessels not to lie alongside magazine, jetties, etc.No vessel having any explosive on
board shall lie alongside any vessel, floating magazine, quay wharf, jetty and land or
landing stage except for the purposes of loading or unloading and then only during the
time necessary for the actual loading or unloading of such vessel and shall proceed on its
voyage without delay except such delay as may be unavoidable in consequence of tide or



Loading and unloading prohibited while a vessel is underway.No explosives

exceeding 450 kgs. in weight and no detonators shall be loaded or unloaded while a
vessel is underway.
Explanation.A vessel is underway when she is not at anchor or moored or made fast
to the shore or a ground.


Place of loading and unloading within a port area.Explosives shall within the limits
of a port, be loaded from, landed at, brought into or deposited upon, only such quay or
other place as the Conservator of the Port may by general or special order direct.


Cushion to be used. A cushion properly stuffed with oakum and covered with leather,
or one of such other kind as the Conservator of the port may from time to time approve,
shall be used in shipping an explosive in any vessel or in landing it upon any wharf of
other landing place within the limits of a port.


Ships to handle explosives with despatch-(1) Ships arriving in a port with explosives intended to be landed at the port shall
discharge them with all reasonable despatch, and ships taking explosives on board
shall proceed to sea with all reasonable despatch.
(2) No ship or boat shall retain on board any cargo of explosives and remain in the port
for a period longer than three days:
Provided that the conservator of the port in consultation with Chief Controller may
extend such period under such conditions as deemed fit if he is satisfied that such
extension of period is considered necessary
Boats to be licensed.
(1) No boats shall be used for the transport of explosives exceeding 1,000 kgs in weight
except under and in accordance with the conditions of the licence granted(a) by the Conservator of the port in the case of a boat plying within the limits of a
port, or
(b) by an officer appointed by the Central Government in the case of a boat plying in
areas outside port limits.
(2) The licence shall specify the maximum quantity of explosives the boat is authorised
to carry which quantity shall be fixed in consultation with the Chief Controller.
(3) Every licence granted under sub-rule (1) shall remain valid for a period of
(a) four months in the case of a boat plying within the limits of a port; and
(b) one year in the case of a boat plying in areas outside port limits.
(4) The licence referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be granted or renewed in such form and
on payment of such fees as may be specified by the Central Government.
(5) A copy of every licence granted in sub-rule (1) shall be forwarded to the Chief
(6) Every person in charge of any boat licensed under sub-rule (1) shall, when required
so to do by an officer mentioned in rule 179, produce the licence of such boat for



Buoy to be carried.
(1) Every boat carrying explosives within the limits of a port shall carry on deck a buoy
with a rope 27 metres length and 7.50 cms. Diameter, one end of the rope being
attached to the buoy and the other end to the boat. The rope shall be attached to such
part of the boat as is most clear of spars gear or other obstruction and at such point as
is approved by the licensing authority under rule 59.
(2) The buoy shall be a drum painted red measuring not less than 55 cms. In length and
35 cms. In diameter, properly strapped with an iron band in the middle and having a
ring attached for securing the rope.



Smoking, fire, dangerous articles and other cargo prohibited.The following shall
not be permitted on board any boat which has explosives on board
fire or light of any description other than the warning lights referred to in rule 52;
any substance of an inflammable nature or liable to spontaneous ignition;
any substance liable to cause or communicate fire or explosion,
any other cargo, unless the carrying of such other cargo, has been specially
authorized in writing by the Conservator of the port within port limits or by Chief
Controller in areas outside port limits:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to the transport of explosives in a
mechanically propelled boat subject such conditions as may be specified by the Chief
Transport by Rail


Rail vans to be approved.No explosives other than safety fuse and fireworks shall be
transported by rail except in a van specially constructed for the carriage of explosives and
of a type approved by the Chief Controller and the Railway Board.


Making of railway carriage.

(1) On each side of every railway carriage containing any explosive there shall be affixed
in conspicuous characters by means of a securely attached label or otherwise the
word Explosives.
(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall apply in a carriage containing explosives trasnported in
accordance with the provisions of clause (b) of rule 64 or rule 69.


Transport of explosives with ordinary goods.Notwithstanding anything contained in

rule 62, the following explosives may be transported by any train other than a passenger
or mixed train in a carriage not carrying any article or substance liable to cause or
communicate fire or explosion:
(a) any quantity of safety fuse for blasting;
(b) any other explosive approved by the Chief Controller for the purpose of this rule
provided such explosive is packed in metallic cases or cylinders which fulfil all the
requirements of these rules and are of a pattern approved by the Railway
Administration and the Chief Controller.


Position of railway carriages.Every railway carriage containing explosive shall be

placed as far away as practicable from the engine and shall be close-coupled to the
adjoining carriages not loaded with explosives or other articles or substances of
flammable or hazardous nature, provided that
(a) on the Darjeeling-Himalayan Railway carriages containing explosives need not be
(b) on the Nilgiri and Karaikal-Peralam Railways, only one carriage need intervene
between the engine and carriages containing explosives;
(c) on the electrified section of Railways when trains are hauled by electric locomotives,
no carriages need intervene between the engine and the carriage containing


Maximum quantity of explosives to be trasnported by rail.Not more than 5

carriages containing explosives shall at any one time be loaded or unloaded at or on any
railway station or wharf and not more than 10 carriages containing explosives shall be
attached to or transported by any one train.



Prohibition on passenger or mixed trains.No explosive shall be transported by any

passenger or mixed train.


Despatch of explosive vans by mixed trains.Notwithstanding anything contained in

rule 67, any explosive may be transported by a mixed train in vans specially approved
under rule 62 on any line or section on which goods trains are not running subject to the
following conditions:
(a) Not more than 3 such vans containing explosives shall be hauled at any one time.
(b) There shall be not less than 3 carriages between the vans containing explosives and
the engine and between such vans and the passenger carriages.
(c) The vans containing explosives shall be close-coupled to the adjoining carriages and
to each other.
(d) Immediately on entering on any section upon which goods trains are running, the
vans containing explosives shall be detached from the mixed train.


Conveyance of explosives by passenger or mixed trains.Notwithstanding anything

contained in rules 62 and 67, the following explosives may be trasnported by passenger
or mixed trains:
Safety fuses for blasting.
Explosives of the 3rd (Nitro-compound) class, other than propellants, in the form
of cartridges not exceeding in the aggregate 2.5 kgs. in weight, provided no
detonators are carried in the same compartment.
Detonators to the number of 200 if the amount of explosives in the package or
package containing detonators does not exceed in the aggregate 225 gms.
(a) a certificate to such effect is tendered by the consignor; and
(b) no ther explosive is carried in the same compartment.
Sporting powders and propellants packed in double packages prescribed in
Schedule II, provided
(a) the explosive is contained in tin canisters containing not more than 5 kg.
Each packed in a stout wooden case with a completely spark-proof outer
cover of tin or zinc or in a metal case or cylinder of a pattern approved by the
Chief Controller;
(b) no outer case contains more than 12.5 kg. Of explosives; and
(c) the total consignment by one train does not exceed in the aggegate 37.5 kgs.


Receipt of consignment of explosives by railways.Consignments of explosives

intended to be transported by rail shall be received only
(a) by a servant authorised by the Railway Administration concerned to receive
dangerous goods;
(b) at such times between sunrise and sunset and at such places within railway premises
as the Railway Administration may specify in this behalf.


Shunting.No shunting of carriages containing explosives shall be carried out on any

railway save under the superintendence of duly authorised officer who shall be
responsible that
(a) when the train is being marshaled carriages loaded with explosives shall not be
shunted by a locomotive unless they are separated from any engine by not less than
three carriages containing no explosive or easily inflammable substance;
(b) during the shunting of carriage containing explosive, the speed of all movements
shall not exceed 8 kilometers an hour; and
(c) no loose shunting take place.


Delivery to and from railway premises.




(1) Packages containing any explosive shall be removed by the consignee from the
station, wharf or depot of the railway to which they have been transported as soon as
practicable and with all due diligence after arrival.
(2) If the packages are not removed within the twelve hours of daylight following their
arrival the packages and contents may be forthwith returned to the consignor at his
risk and expense.
(3) Every package containing an explosive shall until removed, returned or despatched
be kept in a safe place under the special direction of the Station Master at a safe
distance from the station buildings under the police guard if necessary and shall be
completely covered with tarpaulins or other suitable material.
Power of r ailway administration.
(1) Where a Railway Administration suspects that an explosive or carriage or package
containing an explosive does not comply with any of these rules, the Administration
(a) prevent the entry of such explosive, carriage or package upon their premises or
refuse to receive or transport them; or
(b) at any time open or require such carriage or package to be opened to ascertain
the facts.
(2) If any explosive or any carriage or package containing explosives is found not to
comply with any of these rules, the Railway Administration may return such
explosives carriage or package to the consignor at his risk and expense.
(3) Where any explosive or any carriage or package containing explosive not complying
with these rules cannot in the opinion of the Railway Administration be returned to
the consignor under sub-rule (2) without undue risk the Administration may, in
consultation with the Chief Controller and in such manner as he may specify, destroy
at the consignors risk and expense the explosives or the contents of the carriage or
Explosives not to be carried across railway bridges.No explosives shall be carried
otherwise than by rail across any railway bridge which reasonable facilities for the
transport thereof by rail are afforded by the Railway Administration:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to
(a) safety fuses for blasting in any quantity; or
(b) gunpowder or nitro-compound not exceeding 5 kgs. or any quantity of ammunition,
Class 6, Divisions 2 and 3.
Transport by road


Streets, public places and other specified areas.

(1) No person shall transport or cause to be trasnported any explosive on any road within
the limits of a municipality or contonment where such road is specifically prohibited
for plying vehicles carrying explosives.
(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall apply to
(a) any explosive of 7th (fireworks class, or safety fuse; or
(b) other explosives not exceeding 5 kgs. in weight.


Licence for road vans.No person shall transport or cause to be transported any
explosives in a road van unless such vehicle is licensed under these rules to carry


Restriction on transport of explosives by vehicles other than road vans.

(1) No explosive shall be transported by any carriage which is not a road van:
Provided that any explosive may be transported by any carriage, which is not a road, van
if the distance from the place of loading to the place of destination does not exceed 10
km. And the following conditions are complied with:



the transport of explosives is restricted to the period between sunrise and sunset;
the explosives are accompanied by at least two able-bodied guards;
a red flag is displayed on each cart;
the packages containing explosives are suitably covered by a tarpaulin, and secured.
Nothing in sub-rule(1) shall apply to transport of safety fuse or fireworks.


Loading of explosives.
(1) The person incharge of loading explosives into a vehicle or aircraft for carriage shall
ensure that the explosives are stowed in such a manner that
(a) during normal course of transport they will not move and will be protected
against friction and bumping; and
(b) should it become necessary to unload any of the explosives, those remaining can
be restowed with as little distrubance as possible.
(2) No person shall load or unload explosives onto or from a licensed vehicle, except
when the engine of the vehicle is stopped, the
wheels choked and the hand brake


Restriction on use of towed vehicles.No person shall transport explosives in any

towed vehicle or tow any vehicle transporting explosives.
Carriage of explosives with other substance prohibited.No other goods shall be
carried with explosives in any vehicle:
Provided that not more than 1000 kgs. of fireworks may be carried along with other
goods not being flammable and hazardous in nature.



Loading, unloading, maintenance and operation of road vans.

(1) After the loading or unloading of explosives in or from any such vehicle is
commenced, the operation shall not be stopped until completed and shall be
completed as expeditiously as possible.
(2) No bale hooks or other metal tools shall be used for the loading, unloading or
handling of packages containing explosives nor shall any package or container of
explosives be thrown or dropped during such operation.
(3) The vehicle shall be regularly checked to see that
(a) the fire extinguishers are filled and in working order;
(b) the electric wiring is completely insulated and firmly secured;
(c) the fuel tank and feed lines have no leaks;
(d) the chassis, engine, inside and bottom of the body are clean and free from surplus
oil and grease;
(e) the brakes and steering apparatus are in good condition; and
(f) the spare tyre and wheel are in a fixed position.
(4) Explosives shall not be loaded on or in a vehicle unless the vehicle has been
periodically serviced in accordance with the instructions specified in the service
manual by the manufacturer of the motor vehicle.
(5) The fuel tank or a vehicle carrying or containing an explosives shall not be filled
except in case of necessity, in which case the engine shall be stopped, the ignition
shut-off and the tank filled only at a place where filling is not a danger to the public
safety. The driver of the road van shall supervise filling of fuel tank keeping a fire
extinguisher ready by his side.
(6) The driver or operator of a vehicle carrying or containing an explosive shall not stop
unnecessarily or for a longer period than is reasonably required, stops at places where
the public safety would be endangered shall be avoided:
Provided that where a road van transporting or containing explosives is parked over night
due to the re a sons beyond the control of licensee or the driver, the premises in which the
van is parked
(a) shall not be used for any purpose that might give rise to the presence therein of an
open flame, matches or any substance or article likely to cause explosion or fire;


(b) shall be away from any habitation or any godown containing articles of a flammable
nature or other hazardous goods:
Provided further that the nearest police station shall be informed about the location and
temporary parking of the van.
(7) The driver or operator of any vehicle carrying or containing an explosive shall not
drive or conduct the same in a dangerous or reckless manner.
(8) Routes passing through centres of dense habitation shall, as far as possible, be
(9) A road van while transporting explosives shall always be attended to by at least one
able-bodied person (in addition to the driver) who is capable of looking after the
When there is a convoy of two or more vehicles transporting explosives, where
practicable, a space of at least 300 meters shall be maintained between each such
Road van transporting explosives shall not be driven past fires of any kind on or
near the highway or other thoroughfare.
The driver of the road van while transporting explosives shall, before crossing
any unmanned railway crossing or before crossing any main highway, bring the road
van to a full stop and proceed only when the way is safety clear.
The original licence for van granted under these rules or attested copy of the
same shall always be carried in the vehicle.

Lighting of stationary vehicles.- Where a road van carrying explosives is stationary on a

public road at night, otherwise than by reason of de lay incidental to the flow of traffic,
driver or the licensee of the van shall keep the parking lights on throughout the stay
and if necessary also provide reflectors in such position as to convey an effective warning
of the presence of the road van to the drivers of other vehicles.


Wheel chocks.- Four wheel chocks shall be carried in or on a licensed vehicle at all times
when explosives are being carried in or on the vehicle.


Vehicle on fire.If any fire occurs on a vehicle containing explosives the driver shall
take all practicable steps to ensure that all other traffic is stopped at least 300 metres from
the vehicle and that all persons in the vicinity are warned of the danger.


Accident to the vehicle.

(1) Where a vehicle transporting explosives is involved in an accident, fire or any other
occurrence, that causes a significant delay in the delivery of explosives or damage to
the vehicle or explosives, the driver or any other authorised person accompanying the
vehicle shall
(a) comply with all requirements of the law relating to road accidents;
(b) inform nearest police station;
(c) inform the licensee who shall(i)
inform the Chief Controller and the Controller in whose jurisdiction the
accident has taken place giving the full details of explosives carried and
arrange for safe storage and custody of explosives till a examination by
the Controller if required, and then arrange for transport to the
destination or place designated by the Controller;
(2) In case of a breakdown of road van, the driver or the person incharge of the vehicle
(a) make or permit to be made minor repairs if the repairs can be made without
(b) where major repairs are required, prevent such repairs being made until the
explosives are transferred to another van or are removed from the vehicle and


stored under proper securityat a safe distance from the highway and at least 300
metres from any inhabited premises;
(c) inform the licensee who shall in turn inform the Chief Controller and the
Controller in whose jurisdiction the vehicle is broken down giving full details
of the explosives and the circumstances attending the breakdown.

Fire extinguishers to be provided.

(1) Every road van shall be provided with 2 fire extinguishers of minimum 2 kgs.
capacity. One of the extinguishers shall be capable of dealing with electric fires and
the other with engine fires, tyre fire or such other similar fires in a van. The fire
extinguishers shall always be kept in good working condition.
(2) Fire extinguishers shall be located where they will be convenient and ready for
immediate use. Fire extinguishers shall also be examined and recharged according to
the manufacturers recommendations.
Manufacture of Explosives


Licence for manufacture.

(1) No person shall manufacture any explosive at any place except in a factory or
premises licensed under these rules.
(2) The licensee shall be responsible for all operations in connection with the
manufacture of explosives which may be conducted in the licensed premises.


No licence needed for manufacture in certain cases. Notwithstanding anything

contained in rule 87, no licence to manufacture shall be necessary for manufacture at a
Government or industrial laboratory or a laboratory of an educational institution and
under the supervision of a qualified person of a quantity of explosive not exceeding an
amount reasonably necessary for the purpose of chemical experiment and test and not
intended for practical use or sale, subject to the following conditions, namely:
(a) The Chief Controller shall be given prior intimation of the nature of the explosives
and the quantity of explosives proposed to be manufactured in the laboratory together
with the name and address of the institution and the particulars and experience of the
person conducting the experiment.
(b) If the Chief Controller on receipt of the information under clause (a) above is of the
opinion that it would not be safe to conduct such experiment he may, in writing,
prohibit conducting the experiment.
(c) All precautions shall be taken to prevent injury to persons or damage to property and
all provisions of the Act and these rules shall be observed as far as they are otherwise
(d) No experiment shall be conducted to make any explosive, which is specifically
prohibited under section 6 of the Act.


Approval of manufacturing process.

(1) No new explosive after its inclusion in the list of authorised explosives shall be
manufactured unless the process of manufacture is approved by the licensing
authority and his permission obtained in writing.
(2) A person intending to manufacture an authorised explosive shall submit to the Chief
Controller separately for
each explosive a project report in duplicate containing,
among other relevant data, the following particulars:
(a) the detail process starting from the raw materials, to the finished product
describing the plant and equipment, quantities of materials handled, operating
conditions and parameters, nature of controls and safety devices provided the
proposed method of treating effluents and waste explosives;
(b) the nature and composition of the explosives;
(c) the limiting percentage of each ingredient of explosives;


(d) the specification of the various r aw materials including substitutes, if any, used
in the process of manufacture;
(e) physical and chemical characteristics of final product;
(f) prescribed scrutiny fee.
(3) The Chief Controller, after scrutiny of the Project Report and after making such
further enquiries as may be considered necessary, may if he is satisfied, approved
the process for each explosive separately.
(4) No person shall make any change in the process, nature and composition of
explosives, specification and limiting percentages of raw materials and ingredients
without prior approval of the Chief Controller.
(5) The Chief Controller may cause at any time any test on any raw material, ingredients
or explosives to as certain if these conform to the particulars given under sub-rule (2).

Restriction on authorised person.

(1) A factory licensed under these rules for manufacture of explosives shall be
surrounded by a wall or barbed wire fencing at least 2 metres high of such strength
and construction as to effectively prevent entry of unauthorised persons.
(2) The area enclosed by such wall or fence shall cover the safety zone required to be
kept clear from any of the process buildings or sheds.
(3) The licensee shall at his own expense provide for safe custody of the factory a guard
which shall be of such strength as the District Authority may consider to be


Buildings to be used for specified purpose only.Every building in a factory shall be

used only for the purpose specified in the licence granted under these rules:
Provided that the licensing authority may temporarily permit the use of a building for a
purpose other than that specified in the licence after satisfying himself that such a change
is safe and for smooth operation of the process of manufacture.


Interior of buildings to be suitably finished.A building in which explosives or any

ingredient thereof which either by itself is possessed of explosives properties, or which
when mixed with any other ingredient or article also resent in such building is capable of
forming an explosive mixture or an explosive compound, kept or resent, or in the course
of manufacture is liable to be, shall, be a danger building; and the interior of every such
building, and the benches, shelves and fittings in such building (other than the
machinery) shall be so constructed or so lined or covered as to prevent the exposure of
any iron or steel and the formation and detachment of any grit so as to come into contact
with the explosive or ingredient thereof in such building and such interior benches,
shelves and fittings shall, as far as reasonably practicable, be kept free from grit and
otherwise clean.


Provision of mounds.Every building used for production, handling, storage, testing of

explosives, in a licensed factory unless otherwise exempted by the licensing authority
shall be surrounded by a substantial mound which shall be of a type and design approved
by the Chief Controller:
Provided that the licensing authority may allow blast walls in place of substantial mound
if such blast walls can be provided for the purpose.


Restriction of articles liable to spontaneous ignition.Oiled cotton, oil rags and oil
waste and any article liable to spontaneous ignition shall not be taken into any danger
building except for the purpose of immediate supply and work or immediate use in such
building and upon cessation of such work or use, shall forthwith be removed.


Use of special tools and implements.No tools or other implements shall be used, or
allowed to be present in a building used for carrying out process of manufacture


(hereinafter referred to as process building) unless they are of wood, copper, brass or soft
metal or material, or are covered with safe and suitable material.

Particulars to be exhibited on process building.There shall at all times be

prominently exhibited clearly and ligibly:
(a) on every process building in the licensed factory the same distinguishing number as
mentioned in the approval plan attached to the licence;
(b) inside every process building a notice showing
maximum quantity of any explosives or ingredients for such explosives that
may be in the building at any one time as authorised by the licensing
the maximum number of persons who may be in the building at any one time
as authorised by the licensing authority.


Prohibition of smokingj.Except in places especially approved by the licensing

authority, no perosn shall smoke in any part of the licensed factory.


Protection against lightning.

(1) Every process building shall have attached thereto one or more efficient lightning
conductors designed and erected in accordance with the specification laid down in
Indian Standard Specification No.2309 as amended from time to time.
(2) The connections to various parts and earth resistance of the lightning conductor
terminal on the building to the earth shall be tested at least once in every year by a
qualified electrical engineer or any other competent person holding a certificate of
competency in this behalf form the State Electricity Department. A certificate
showing the results of such test and the date of last test shall be hung up in a
conspicuous place in the process buildings:
Provided that process building used for manufacture of fireworks, explosives of class 7,
may not be provided with lighting conductor unless otherwise specified by the licensing


Suspension of work during thunderstorms.Whenever a thunderstorm appears to be

imminent in the vicinity of the process building, every person engaged in or about the
building shall be withdrawn to a safe distance and the building shall be kept closed and
locked until the thunderstorm has ceased or the threat of the same has passed:
Provided that where an operation is in process, stopping of which would in itself
contribute a danger in which case the operation shall be carried on to point at which it can
be suspended with safety, and no such operation shall be commenced during the storm.


Removal of foreign matter from ingredients.No substance shall be made or mixed

into an explosive in or on licensed premises unless it has been thoroughly treated by
sifting or other effective means for the detection and removal of all foreign objects and
matter that might cause danger if not removed.


Protection against fire.

(1) Due provision shall be made by the use of suitable working clothes without pockets
and suitable shoes and searching and otherwise, or by some or all of such means to
prevent the introduction into any danger building, of fire, matches or any substance
or article likely to cause explosion or fire, and for preventing the introduction of any
iron, steel or grit into any part of the danger building where it would be likely to
come into contact with explosive over wholly or partially mixed ingredients thereof.
(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall apply to the use of such artificial lights as may be
approved by the Chief Controller for the purpose of manufacture.


Removal of explosives and materials expeditiously.


(1) All explosives processed in a process building shall immediately be removed to the
next process building or a licensed magazine or store house, as the case may be, and
no explosive shall be allowed to accumulate in any process building.
(2) Where the process in the manufacture of explosive in a process building has been
completed, all substances that have been brought into the building for use in that
process but not used, and that are not immediately required for use in another process
in the same building, shall immediately be removed from the building.

Repairs to building.
(1) Before carrying out repairs to any building or part thereof, including any equipment
therein, that building or equipment shall be thoroughly made free of explosives by a
suitable process of removal.
(2) If the repairs to the building or a part thereof require use of any source of fire,
licensee shall issue a written permit allowing use of such articles under the
supervision of a competent person. A copy each of such permit shall be preserved
for a period of three months and presented on demand by an inspecting officer.
(3) If major repairs are done to a building or any part thereof including any machinery
therein, that building or part of it shall not be taken into use unless the same is
permitted by the licensing authority.


Employment of competent persons.No explosives shall be manufactured in any

building or part thereof except under the supervision of a competent person employed by
the licensee. Such competent person shall be fully conversant with the process of
manufacture of explosives, hazards connected therewith and the provisions of these rules.


Employment of young persons.Any person who has completed the age of 18 years
but not 21 years, shall only be employed after he submits to the employer an evidence of
his age from a registered Medical Practitioner, or a birth certificate.


Use of Vehicles.Every vehicle and every trolley or receptacle in which finished or

partly finished explosives are transported in a licensed factory area shall
(a) unless otherwise approved, have no exposed iron or steel in its interior;
(b) be closed or covered while the explosives or its ingredients are being transported.


Maintenance of buildings, plants and equipment.

(1) Every building in or on licensed premises shall always be maintained in a fit
(2) All plants and equipment in a licensed factory shall be regularly serviced and
maintained in a proper and fit condition by the licensee. A record of all such
servicing and maintenance shall be maintained till the time of next servicing and
maintenance. In case of any major repairs or replacement to any machinery or
equipment, such record should be preserved till replacement of such machinery and


Facilities for testing.Proper testing facilities as approved by Chief Controller for

routine physical and chemical examination of raw materials, intermediates and final
products shall be provided by the licensee in the licensed premises at places specially
approved by the Chief Controller:
Provided that the Chief Controller may direct the licensee, by a written order to provide
such additional facilities at such places which, in his opinion, are necessary for
maintaining desired quality and safe manufacture of explosives in the licensed factory.


Disposal of waste explosives.

(1) The laboratories, process buildings and machineries therein shall be swept and
cleaned at the end of each shift or earlier if necessary, and the sweepings shall be


properly collected and stored in a safe place till finally disposed of by the method
approved by the licensing authority.
(2)Adequate facilities for safe destruction under the supervision of a competent person
and at a place approved by the licensing authority in the licensed premises shall be
provided by the licensee for the materials collected under sub-rule (1).

Stoppage of manufacture of explosives.If any time any operation in the process of

manufacture of an explosive is no longer found to be safe or behaviour of the explosives
during the course of storage, transport or use is no longer found to be safe due to change
in the nature and composition of explosives, or due to any other reason, the Chief
Controller may issue an order in writing directing the licensee to discontinue forthwith
the manufacture of such explosive till such time the operation or the composition is
rectified to the satisfaction of the Chief Controller.


Exclusion from list of authorised explosives.- If the Chief Controller of Explosives

stops the manufacture of any explosives under Rule 110 or if any explosive is not
manufactured for a continuous period of two years such explosives may be excluded
from the list of authorised explosives by the Central Government.


Maintaining records.The licensee of a factory shall keep uptodate records in the

prescribed forms and produce the same before an inspecting officer. Such records shall
be retained for a period of minimum 2 years.

Possession, Sale and Use
Part I

Licence for possession, sale and use (1) No person shall possess, sell or use any explosives except under and in accordance
with a licence granted under these rules.
(2) The licensee shall be responsible for all operations in connection with the possession,
sale or use of explosives, which may be conducted in the premises covered by the


No Licence needed for possession and sale in certain cases.

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 113, no licence shall be necessary for the
(a) of any explosive by a carrier or other person for the purpose of transport, when the
same is being kept or transported in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV
regulating transport of such explosives;
(b) by any person of manufactured fireworks in any quantity not exceeding 25 kgs.
provided that the fireworks
are obtained and intended by such person for immediate use and not for sale
and are possessed by him for a period not exceeding 14 days;
are kept in a substantial receptacle which is exclusively appropriated to the
keeping of explosives and is closed and secured so as to prevent unauthorised
persons from having access to the explosives;
(c) by any person for his own private use and not for sale of gunpowder not exceeding 5
kgs. in any State, other than Bihar, Kerala , Tamilnadu and West Bengal and of small
arm nitro-compound not exceeding 5 kgs. except in the State of Kerala or 20 metres
of safety furies for blasting or of soaked liquid oxygen explosives in blast holds;


(d) by Railway Administration of flare lights or other explosives for its own use and not
for sale to any other person by transfer or otherwise for maintaining railways, tracks,
tunnels provided that the provisions of the Act and these rules are otherwise complied
(e) of any explosive, which is not for sale and is required solely for the navigation of
aircraft, when kept in an aircraft for use therein, or for distribution to other aircraft or
to aerodromes or at an aerodrome for use there or for distribution to aircraft or to
other aerodromes, provided that the maximum quantity so possessed shall not exceed
25 kgs. when carried in an aircraft and 50 kgs. when kept at an aerodrome; and
(f) sale from a shop of amorces (an explosives of class 7 and division 2) in quantity not
exceeding 12.5 kg.
Provided that in respect of clauses (b) and (c) the Central Government may prohibit the
possession of any explosive or prescribe any conditions under which the explosives can
be possessed without a licence when considered necessary for the security of public
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 113, no licenses shall be necessary for
the sale of such explosives manufactured by the Armed Forces of the Union and
Ordnance Factories or other establishment of such Forces as are sold or delivered to
any person who is in possession of a valid licence issued under these rules for the
class and quantity of explosives so sold or delivered.







Possession in the licensed premises only.A person holding licence for possess of
explosives granted under these rules shall store the explosives only in premises specified
in the licence.
Protection from lighting Every magazine shall have attached thereto one or more efficient lighting conductors
designed and erected in accordance with specification laid down in Indian Standard
Specification No.2309 as amended from time to time.
The connections to various parts of earth resistance of the lighting conductor terminal on
the building to the earth shall be tested at least once in every year by a qualified electrical
engineer or any other competent person holding a certificate of competency in this behalf
from the State Electricity Department. A certificate shown the results of such test and the
date of the last test shall be hung up in conspicuous place in the building.
Precautions during thunderstorm.Whenever a thunderstorm appears to be imminent
in the vicinity of a magazine or store house every person engaged in or about such
magazine or store house shall be withdrawn to a safe distance from such magazine and
store house shall be kept closed and locked until the thunderstorm has ceased or the threat
of its has passed.
Building to be kept clean.
The interior of every building or room used for storage of explosives and the benches,
shelves and fittings in such building or room shall be so constructed or so lined or
covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel and the detachment of any grit,
iron, steel or similar substance so as to come into contact with explosive in such building
and such interior benches, shelves and fittings shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be
kept clean and free from girt.
A cemented trough at least 15 centimetres deep shall be provided near each entrance of a
magazine or storehouse. Such trough shall be kept filled with clean water and no person
shall enter the magazine or store house without dipping overshoes or feet in such a t
rough so as to remove any fit or dust.
Oiled cotton, oiled rags or oiled waste or any articles liable to spontaneous ignition shall
not be taken into any magazine or store house used for storage of e explosives.
Maintenance of records.Every person holding a licence granted under these rules for
possession, sale or use of explosives shall maintain records in the prescribed Forms and
shall produce such records on demand to an inspecting officer.











Repairing of licensed magazine or store house.Before repairs are done to any

magazine or store house or part thereof used for storage of explosives, that magazine or
store house shall be cleaned by removal of all explosives and by thorough washing.
Prevention of introduction of hazardous articles.The licensee or his authorized
agent for the time being in-charge of a magazine or store house shall prevent persons
employed or engaged in or about the magazine or store house from taking hazardous
articles or substances therein by maintaining an effective system of search and also
providing them and making them wear, whenever they are in the magazine or store
house, working clothes, without pockets, and with suitable shoes.
Premises to be kept locked.
Any licensed magazine or store house shall be kept securely closed or locked at all times
except when goods, are being placed in or taken from it or when it must be kept open for
some other purpose in connection with the management of such premises.
The keys of the licensed magazine shall, at all times be kept secured in licensees own
custody or of his authorized agent and shall be produced for opening the magazine or
store house whenever so required by an inspecting officer. The name and address of the
person with whom the keys will be kept shall be intimated to the licensing authority and
the Controller of Explosives having jurisdiction.
Guards to be provided.
The licensee shall at his own expenses provide for round the clock safe custody of the
magazine or store house a guard which shall be of such strength as the District Authority,
may consider it to be sufficient.
The licensee shall provide a shelter for the watchman on duty near the magazine or
Repacking or opening of packages.
No repacking containing explosives shall be opened in magazine or storehouse.
Repacking of explosives shall be done, where necessary in an approved open sided shed
having smoothly finished cemented floor at a distance as approved by licensing authority.
Explosives not to be kept in damaged boxes.The licensee of every magazine or
storehouse shall ensure that the explosives are always kept in their original outer package.
In case the outer package gets damaged so that the explosives contained therein cannot be
stored or transported, such explosives shall be repacked only after the same are examined
by a Controller of Explosives.
Storage of explosives in excess of the licensed quantity.
The quantity of any kind of explosives kept in any licensed magazine or storehouse shall
not exceed the quantity entered in the licence against such kind of explosives.
Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the Chief Controller may issue a
permit, on payment of the prescribed fee to a holder of licence in Form 22 and such
holders of licence in Form 21 who also have licence in Form 20 (for the class of
explosives) for keeping of explosives in excess of the licensed quantity entered in the
licence when he is satisfied that such excess storage in essential and unavoidable due to
circumstances beyond the control of the licensee. The validity of such permit shall not
exceed 30 days
the licensing authority shall not issue any permit for excess storage of explosives
if the magazine or store house cannot observe the requisite safety distances for
the total quantity entered in the licence plus the additional quantity of explosives
so permitted;
no permit for storage of explosives in excess of the licensed capacity shall be
granted if the specified distances on the licence around the magazine or store
house or the floor space in the specified rooms for storage of each kind of
explosives is not adequate for keeping of the total quantity of explosives,
including the excess quantity applied for.
The licensing authority may refuse to grant a permit for excess storage of explosives if
such excess storage is of a repeated nature.





No explosive in excess of the licensed quantity shall be stored in the magazine or

storehouse unless a permit in this behalf is obtained from the licensing authority by a
letter or telegram.
Permit for temporary possession of manufactured fireworks in excess of the licensed
quantity.A permit may be granted by the licensing authority to a holder of licence in
Form 24 to possess in addition to a quantity permitted by the licence, any quantity of
manufactured fireworks so that the total quantity permitted to be stored does not exceed
125 kgs. for a period not exceeding 15 days at a time provided that
(a) no rule or condition of the licence other than that prescribing the maximum quantity
of firework to be possess is infringed;
(b) the applicant pays prescribed fees for excess storage.
Quantity of explosives to be purchased in a given period of time.A holder of a
licence to possess, sell or use explosives shall purchase only such quantity of explosives
in a given period as may be specified in the licence.




Storage in a magazine.An explosive if stored in a magazine shall be stored either in

Mode A or Mode B magazine as specified in Schedule VII.
Restriction use of Mode B magazine.Mode B magazine shall be used for storage
of explosives required for use for a temporary period for a specific purpose and such
magazine shall not be used for sale of explosives.
Mound of magazines.A substantial mound shall be provided near a magazine, if so
required by the licensing authority. Such mound shall be of a type approved by the
licensing authority and shall always be maintained in good condition to provide effective
Magazine or storehouse to be at ground level.A magazine or a storehouse shall be
constructed at ground level only as a single storey building.

Store House

Restrictions on storage.No explosives, other than fireworks and safety fuse, shall be
stored in any storehouse.


Construction of store house.

A store house shall be well and substantially built of brick, stone or concrete and shall be
so made and closed as to prevent unauthorised persons having access thereto and to
secure it from danger of fire from without. Storehouse shall be well ventilated.
Where a store house forms part of a building, the other parts of which are used for any
other purpose, it shall be separated therefrom by suitable fire proof partitions and the
walls, floor, roof and doors shall be of fire proof materials. Such storehouse shall not be
used for storage of more than 150 kgs. of fireworks or fifty thousand metres of safety
fuse and shall be provided with independent entrance and such other measures as may, in
the opinion of the licensing authority, be deemed necessary in the interest of prevention
of fire or accident. Such store house shall be at a minimum distance of 15 metres from
any other premises used for storage of explosives, flammable substances or other
hazardous materials and shall not be used for sale of explosives:
Provided that such storehouse may be used for sale of explosives manufactured within a
licensed factory for manufacture of class 1 and/or class 7 explosives not exceeding 15
kgs. at a time, if such storehouse is situated within such factory.



Possession of Small Arms Nitro-Compound or Fireworks and Safety Fuse for Sale in
Form 24






Construction of premises.
All explosives on the premises shall be kept in a brick; stone or concrete building which
is closed and secured so as to prevent unauthorised person from having access thereto.
The premises shall have a floor area of minimum nine square metres.
The premises shall independent entrance and exit.
If the premises are situated in a building used for other purposes also, such premises shall
not be situated under a staircase and shall be so located as not to obstruct any passage in
from or to the building in case of fire or accident.
The premises shall be situated at ground level.
Special precautions to be observed for fireworks.
Subject to other provisions of this rule, fireworks shall not be placed or kept in a shop
window used for display of goods.
Fireworks in the shop shall be kept in a spark proof receptacle, or the original outer
packet in which they were received if that package is effectively sealed and in good order
and condition.
A receptacle or package containing fireworks shall be kept in a position away from and
clear of shop traffic and to be separated from all articles of a flammable or combustible
Where a package containing fireworks is opened for sale, the fireworks shall immediately
be placed in a clean, dust free and spark proof receptacle.
A receptacle that contains fireworks shall
(a) not to be opened except when fireworks are being placed in or
(b) not to be opened except when fireworks are being placed in or taken from it;
(c) at all times to be kept clean and free from dust and grit;
(d) not have in it any matches including Bengal Matches; and
(e) not have in it any means of artificial lighting.
Safety distances to be maintained.The premises licensed in Form 24 for storage and
sale of small arms nitro-compound, fireworks or safety fuse shall be at a distance of
minimum 15 metres from any such premises or any other premises used for storage of
similar explosives, flammable or hazardous materials.
Sale of other article prohibited.The premises in which small arms nitro-compound
fireworks or safety fuse is kept shall be used only for possession and sale of such
explosives and for no other purposes.
Sale of Explosives



Explosives to be sold from licensed premises.No person shall sell explosives from
any premises other than those licensed under these rules.
Defacing of marking prohibited. No person who sells any explosives shall alter or
deface any printing or marking on the explosives or the packages thereof.
Restriction on sale of explosives.-No person shall sell any explosives to any person who is not authorized to possess such
explosives under these rules.
No person shall sell, deliver or cause to be delivered to any person any explosive that has
deteriorated or is defective.
A licensee selling explosives to a holder of licence in Form 23 shall endorse the
transactions on such licence form.
Explosives not to be exposed for sale.An explosive shall not be hawked, sold or
exposed for sale upon any highway, street, public thoroughfare or public place.




Small packages to be clearly marked. An explosive shall, as far as practicable, be

sold in original packages. If the quantity sold to any person is less than the quantity of
explosives packed in the original packing, such quantity shall be packed in a safe and
proper manner in a substantial package which shall be clearly marked with following
name of the explosives;
class and divison according to Schedule I;
quantity of explosives packed;
licence number of the magazine from where the explosives were supplied and packed;
name of the person who packed the explosives;
date of packing;
name of the consignee.
Use of Explosives








Competent persons to be employed.No person shall use explosives for blasting

purposes unless be employs a qualified shot-firer holding a Shot-Firers Permit granted
under these rules:
Provided that for blasting operations in mines coming under the purview of the Mines
Act, 1952, such shot-firer shall have qualifications prescribed in the regulations framed
under the said Act.
Restriction on preparation of charges.
An explosive of one description shall not be converted into an explosive of another
description and an explosive shall not be unmade or resolved into its ingredients.
The explosives of Class 2 or Class 3 shall be used in their original cart ridge packing and
such cartridges shall not be cut to remove explosives for making cartridges of different
The licensee shall get prior approval of the authority, which granted his licence for
preparation as is allowed by these rules.
Restriction on conveyance of explosives to or at the blasting site.
Explosives shall only be conveyed from the licensed storage premises to near the site in
original unopened packages or in closed containers used soely for that purpose.
Explosives shall not be taken to a point nearer than 50 metres from any site until such site
is ready for charging.
Explosives shall not be conveyed in any vehicle with any other materials, tools or
implements other than that required for the purpose of blasting.
Explosives left over after the days work shall be returned to the licensed premises from
which the same was taken.
The containers used for carrying explosives from regional packages shall be maintained
thoroughly cleaned and dried and shall be kept closed when not in use. The containers
shall be provided with either handles or carrying straps of adequate strength and shall be
conspicuously marked with the work Explosives.
Detonators shall be conveyed in special containers. These shall not be carried with other
explosives. Batteries, dry cells and other sources of electric energy shall not be carried in
the vehicle carrying detonators.
Explosives to be examined before use.
Explosives before use shall be visually examined for any visible defects and any
defective explosives shall not be used.
Any explosives showing signs of deterioration of any kind should be reported
immediately to be licensing authority and such explosive set-aside for examination by
such authority.
Gunpowder which is found to be caked owing to the moisture shall not be used.











Frozen nitro-glycerine explosives shall not be used until thawed under the supervision of
experience persons. Where freezing is likely to occur only low freezing explosives shall
be used.
Precautions to be observed at site.
The electric power at the blasting site shall be discontinued as far as practicable before
charging the explosives.
No work other than that associated with the charging operations shall be carried out
within 10 metres of the holes unless otherwise specified to the contrary by the licensing
When charging is completed, any surplus explosives detonators and fuses shall be
removed from the vicinity of the hole and stored at a distance which would prevent
sympathetic detonation in the event of a charge detonating prematurely in any hole.
The holes which have been charged with explosives shall not be left unattended till the
blasting is completed.
Care shall be taken to ensure that fuse or wires connected to the detonators are not
damaged during the placing of stemming material and tamping.
Suitable warning procedure to be maintained.The licensee or a competent person
appointed by the licensee to be incharge of the use of explosives at the site shall lay down
a clear warning procedure consisting of warning signs and audible signals and all persons
employed in the area shall be made fully conversant with such signs and signals.
Precautions to be observed while firing.
The end of the safety fuse should be freshly cut before being lighted.
The exploders shall be regularly tested and maintained in a fit condition for use in firing.
An exploder shall not be used for firing a circuit above its rated capacity.
The electric circuit shall be tested for continuity before firing. All persons other than the
shot-firer and his assistants. If any, shall be withdrawn from the site before testing the
For the purpose of joining, the ends of all wires and cables should have the insulation
removed for a maximum length of 5 cms. And should then be made clean and bright for a
minimum length of 2.5 cms. And the ends to be joined should be twisted together so as to
have a positive metal contact.
Precautions against stray currents.Where electrically operated equipment is used in
locations having conductive ground or continuous metal objects, tests shall be made for
stray currents to ensure that electrical firing can proceed safety.
Person incharge to be responsible.The licensee or a competent person employed by
him to be incharge of blasting operations shall take all precautions against fire or accident
involving explosives.
Blasting operations in mines.Nothing in rules 146, 148 to 151 shall apply for blasting
operations in mines under the purview of the Mines Act, 1952, and such operations shall
be carried out according to regulations framed under that Act.




Application for licence.

A person desiring to obtain or renew or amend a licence under these rules shall submit an
application in writing in the authority empowered to grant, renew or amend such a
The application shall be signed by the licensee or applicant himself, as the case may be,
or by a person authorized by him in writing in this behalf, and shall, in the latter case, be
accompanied by such authorisation.
Every application for grant of a licence to manufacture explosive shall consist of
(a) an application in Form 3;
(b) plans of the proposed buildings and the site drawn to scale. These site plan should
show full approach road net work to the factory/or premises;








(c) a description of situation, character and construction of all mounds, buildings

(production, non-production, stores, administrative, etc.) and safety distances
observed by each building;
(d) description of process/work to be carried out in each building or part,thereof;
(e) a description of plant and equipment and its location provided in each building or
part thereof;
(f) a description of explosives and ingredients thereof, whether wholly or partially mixed
that will be present in any building or machine at any one time;
(g) a description of maximum number of persons to be employed in each building;
(h) a description of any special constructions which the applicant may propose by reason
of special circumstances, arising from the locations, situation or construction of any
building or works, or the nature of process or otherwise;
(i) prescribed scrutiny fee;
(j) in case where applications is made in the name of a company, the names and
addresses of Directors and partners and the name, address correspondence in respect
of licence applied for. Any change in such names and addresses should be
immediately communicated to the licensing authority.
Every application for grant of a licence in Form 21, From 22 or From 24 to possess
explosives for sale or use shall consist of the following:
(a) an application in Form 4 or Form 5, as the case may be ;
(b) plans drawn to scale of the proposed premises and of the site on which such premises
are situated. The site plan should clearly show the complete approach road net work,
nearby land marks, distances from nearby protected works;
(c) drawings of the premises and the mounds, if provided;
(d) in case where the application is made in the name of the company, the name and
address of the Directors and partners and the name, address and specimen signatures
of person authorized to sign correspondence in respect of licence applied for. Any
change in such names and addresses should be immediately communicated to the
licensing authority.
Application for grant of a licence in Form 23 shall consist of the following:
(a) an application in Form 5 for licence as per preamble (b) and (c) or Form 6 for licence
as per preamble (a) of the licence Form 23, as the case may be;
(b) plans showing site, location and construction details of the premises. The site plan
should clearly show complete approach road one work surrounding areas, landmarks
and safety distances observed.
Application for grant of a licence in Form 25 for a Road Van shall consist of the
(a) an application in Form 7;
(b) drawings of the Road Van showing the complete details of construction and other
ancillary equipment provided;
(c) prescribed scrutiny fee.
An application for grant of a licence in Form 26, From 27, Form 28 or Form 29 shall
consist of the following:
(a) an application in Form 8, Form 10, Form 11 or Form 12 as the case may be;
(b) prescribed scrutiny fee.
An application for grant of a Shot-Firers Permit shall consist of following:
(a) an application in Form 9; and
(b) prescribed scrutiny fee.
Grant of licence.
(a) Licence may be granted by the authorities specified in column (4) of Schedule IV in
the Form specified in column (2) for the purpose specified in column (3) thereof on
payment of fees specified under these rules:
Provided that no new licence in Forms 20,21 and 22 shall be granted unless the
provisions of rule 156 have been complied with:
Provided further that the licensing authority may waive all or any of the provisions of
rule 156, if









the premises proposed to be licensed is within the factory licensed under these
rules for manufacture of explosives and the required safety distances are under
the control of applicant;
the premises for which the new licence is required are situated within the same
survey number, in which the applicant has an existing premises and a current
valid licence for the same and the required safety distances are available within
the safety distance of such existing premises.
(b) No licence for manufacture of explosives other than liquid oxygen explosives shall be
granted or renewed to a person for his factory not registered under the Factories Act,
1948 (63 of 1948) unless he executes a bond in Form 19 in favour of the President of
India indemnifying person injured or dependants of deceased workers in the event of an
accident in the factory [and amount of RS 10,000 for factories manufacturing up to 15 kg
of gunpowder or fireworks at any one time], an amount of Rs.25, 000 for factories
manufacturing up to 200 kgs. of gunpowder or fire works at any one time and Rs.50,000
in every other case:
(a) Licensing authority may grant a license for the period deemed necessary but not
six months to import explosives in Form 27 and to export explosives in Form 28;
fifteen days to possess explosives in Form 23 as specified therein;
one month for public display of fireworks in Form 29;
(b) Every other licence granted or renewed under these rules shall remain in force until
the expiry of the financial year immediately following the financial year in which it was
(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (b), the licensing authority where it is
satisfied that a licence is required for a specific work or festival which is not likely to
last up to expiry of the financial year for which the licence is granted or renewed may
grant or renew a licence for such period as is actually necessary:
Provided that the date so specified does not extend beyond the expiry of the financial
year following the year in which the licence is granted or renewed.
An applicant for grant of a new licence in Form 24 or Form 29 may apply to the district
authority for a certificate to the effect that there is no objection to the applicant receiving
licence for the site proposed and the district authority shall, if he sees no objection, grant
such certificate to applicant who shall forward that certificate to licensing authority with
his application.
The licensing authority may refer an application not accompanied by a certificate granted
under sub-rule (3) to district authority for his observations.
If the district authority, either on reference being made to him, or otherwise, intimates to
the Chief Controller, as the case may be, that any licence which has been applied for
should not in his opinion be granted, such licence shall not be issued without the sanction
of the Central Government.
No licence to import explosives shall be necessary in cases where the explosives
is not intended to be stored on the port of import but is intended to be transported
direct to a territory not being part of India;
can be possessed without a licence under rule 114.
An application for a licence to use explosives shall, if the operation are to be carried on
within 100 metres of a railway line, obtain from the Railway authority concerned a
certificate to the effect that there is no objection to the applicant receiving a licence for
the site proposed and forward a certificate to the licensing authority with his application.
(i) A cultivator applying for a licence in Form 23, shall obtain a certificate from
agricultural fieldman or a Gram Sewak or any other local authority to the effect that
(a) the certifying authority has inspected the site and is satisfied that the leveling of
ground is necessary or removal of tree stumps is necessary or sinking of wells is
necessary or sinking of wells has been partly completed, as the case may be;
(b) further work which is necessary is not possible without blasting and forward the
certificate to the licensing authority with his application.












(ii) A person other than a cultivator shall obtain a certificate from local authority having
jurisdiction to the effect that the certifying authority has inspected the site and is satisfied
that the work for which explosives are required is not possible without blasting.
An application of grant of a licence to manufacture Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil
Explosives (ANFO) for own immediate use or to possess for own use liquid oxygen
explosives at lights coming under the purview of the Mines Act, 1952, shall be
accompanied by a certificate from the Chief Inspector of Mines that the site where such
explosives are to be manufactured, possessed and used is under the Control of the
applicant and comes under the purview of the Mines Act, 1952 and the applicant is
authorized to use liquid oxygen explosives or ANFO explosives and conduct mining
operations in the area proposed to be covered by the licence.
Procedure to be observed before a licence in Form 20, 21 or 22 is granted.
A licensing authority on receipt of application and the particulars is provided under subrule (3) or (4) of rule 154 shall scrutinise the documents and forward to the applicant a
statement showing the distances in Form 17 which should in his opinion be kept clear in
and around the factory or magazine premises or any part thereof and from other building
and works. On receipt of the statement the applicant shall enter the exact distance which
can actually be so kept clear, shall sign the statement and shall return it together with any
representation which he may desire to make to the licensing authority.
After considering any representative made by the applicant under sub-rule (1) and after
making such enquiries as deemed necessary, the licensing authority may further
scrutinise the application and ask the applicant to make changes considered necessary.
After receiving correct documents as per requirements of these rules, the licensing
authority shall refer the application to
the district authority concerned together with a description of enquiries to be
carried out, a draft licence and a statement in Form 18 showing the distances
which he considers should be kept clear in and around the factory, magazine or
store house;
any other authority for such enquiry as deemed necessary.
Upon receipt of the said application the district authority shall forthwith cause notice to
be published of such application and of the time and place at which he will be prepared to
hear it, and calling upon any person objecting to the establishment of the factory or
magazine or store house on the proposed site to give notice of such objection to him and
to the applicant of not less than seven clear days before the day fixed for hearing the
application together his name, address and calling and a short statement of the grounds of
his objections. The day of hearing the application shall be a day following as soon as
practicable, after the expiration of the period of one month referred to in sub-rule (6).
Where the site of the proposed factory or magazine lies within 1.5 km. of the limits of the
jurisdiction of any town planning municipal authority or port authority, the applicant
shall prepare, for service on such authority, a notice of the application and of the said day
of hearing.
The notice under sub-rule (4) shall be published and the notice under sub-rule (5) served
at the expense of the applicant by the district authority not less than one month before the
said day of hearing.
On the day fixed for the hearing or any day to which such hearing may be adjourned from
time to time, the district authority shall hear any objection preferred in accordance with
sub-rule (4) and by any authority referred to in sub-rule (5) and shall make such enquiry
as he may deem necessary.
On completion of the enquiry the district authority shall forward the application,
statement and plans to the licensing authority together with a report of the procedure
followed by him and whether he has any objection to the applicant receiving a licence at
the site proposed.
The district authority shall complete his enquiry under sub-rules (4) to (7) and forward
the report to the licensing authority as expeditiously as by the licensing authority.













If the district authority objects to the grant of the licence on any of the grounds specified
in sub-rule (3), no licensee shall be granted by the licensing authority except with the
sanction of the Central Government.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, provisions of sub-rules (3) to (10) except
rule 3(ii) shall not apply in case of an application or to the manufacture of Ammonium
Nitrate Fuel Oil explosives (ANFO) at site of use coming under the purview of the Mines
Act, 1952.
Procedure to be followed for grant of a licence in Form 22 to possess small quantity
of explosives for own useNotwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (3) to (7) of
rule 156, where the licensing authority is the Chief Controller or a Controller and where
the quantity of explosives proposed to the applicant may apply to the district authority
together with an application in Form 5, statement in Form 17 and the necessary plans for
the grant of a licence for the site proposed and the district authority shall, if he sees no
objection after conducing enquiries as required under these rules, grant such certificate to
the applicant who may forward it to the licensing authority together with his application.
Procedure to be observed for grant of a shor-firers permit The Chief Controller or any authority authorised by him in this behalf shall conduct such
examination and enquiries as deemed necessary before granting a permit to any shotfirer:
Provided that no examination of the shot-firer may be necessary if the Chief Controller is
satisfied that applicant possess requisite qualifications and experience.
The applicant shall pay prescribed fees for the examination, if any, under sub-rule (1).
Procedure on grant of No Objection Certificate by the district authority.The
licensing authority on receipt of No Objection Certificate from the district authority for
grant of a licence may make such other enquiries as deemed necessary and take further
action for grant of licence:
Provided that if the licensing authority does not receive the No Objection Certificate
under rule 156(8) within the time limit or any extension thereof, such authority may
advise the applicant accordingly and take further action as deemed necessary.
Refusal of No Objection Certificate The authority refusing to grant No Objection
Certificate as required under rule 156, shall record in writing its reasons for such refusal
and communicate such reasons and facts of the case to the licensing authority. The
reasons for not issuing No Objection Certificate may be communicated to the applicant if
demanded, unless in the opinion of the licensing authority such reasons cannot be
divulged in the public interest.
Procedure o n grant of a licence for a magazine, store house or to manufacture
Two copies of every licence granted by the Chief Controller or the Controller shall be
forwarded to the district authority and in case the licensing authority is the Chief
Controller, the original licence shall be forwarded to the Controller in whose jurisdiction
the premises are situated.
If the Controller after inspection, is satisfied that all the requirements of these rules and
the conditions of the licence have been complied with, he shall further endorse the
licence, but unless and until so endorsed the licence shall not come into force:
Provided that when a licence cannot be endorsed forthwith it shall come into force from
such date as the licensing authority may order in writing.
If the Controller of Explosives decides not to endorse a licence, he shall immediately
return the licence to the licensing authority together with a statement of his reasons for
not endorsing it.
On receipt of statement referred to in sub-rule (3), the licensing authority after making
such enquiry, if any, as he may consider necessary communicate his decision to the
applicant and the district authority.
Procedure on grant of a licence to possess and sell explosives, to transport explosives
or to possess explosives for own use by cultivators or other persons.











A copy of every licence granted to possess and sell explosives in Form 24 or to transport
explosives in Form 26 shall be forwarded to the district authority concerned.
The district authority shall forward a copy of every licence granted by him in Form 23 or
Form 24 to the Chief Controller having jurisdiction over the area.
Particulars of licence.Every licence granted under these rules shall be held subject to
the observance of these rules and the conditions endorsed on it and shall contain all
particulars which are contained in the Form prescribed for it by these rules.
Amendment of licence.
Any licence granted under these rules may be amended by the authority empowered to g
rant the licence provided that amendment shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of
these rules.
A licensee who desires to have his licence amended shall submit the following particulars
to the licensing authority, namely:
(a) an application stating nature of the amendment and the reasons therefor;
(b) the original licence together with enclosures to it;
(c) plans showing the details of the proposed amendment is such plans are required by
the licensing authority for the purpose of amendment;
(d) prescribed scrutiny fee;
(e) prescribed amendment fee.
The licensing authority after scrutiny of the documents submitted under sub-rule (2) and
after making such further inquiries and taking such action as deemed necessary may take
suitable action to amend the licence.
Renewal of licence.
A licence may be renewed by the authority empowered to grant such licence, provided
that a licence which has been granted by the Chief Controller may be renewed without
any alteration by a Controller duly authorized by the Chief Controller in this behalf:
Provided that a licence which has been granted by the district authority may be renewed
without any alteration by a Sub-Divisional Magistrate or an Executive Magistrate or a
Taluka Magistrate duly authorized by the district authority in the behalf.
The Controller authorized by the Chief Controller under sub-rule (1) may, and when so
required by the Chief Controller, shall require the licensee to follow the procedure laid
down under sub-rule (1) of the rule 156 before renewing licence in Form 20 or Form 21
or Form 22.
Every application for the renewal of a licence shall be made so as to reach the licensing
authority or the authority empowered to renew the licence at least 30 days before the date
on which the licence expires, and if the application is so made, the licence shall be
deemed to be in force until such date as the licensing authority renews the licence or until
an intimation that the renewal of the licence is refused has been communicated to the
Every application under sub-rule (3) for renewal of the licence shall be accompanied by
the following documents;
application in Form 13;
the original licence together with its enclosures and approved plans, Schedules
and Forms;
prescribed renewal fee.
The same fee shall be charged for the renewal of a licence for each year as for grant
Provided that if the application for renewal is not received within the time specified in
sub-rule (3), the licence shall be renewed only on payment of double fee as ordinarily
payable for the license.
Provided further that if the renewal application together with complete documents
specified under sub-rule (4) is received by the licensing authority after the date of expiry
but not later than 30 days from the date of expiry; and if the licensing authority is
satisfied that such delay is beyond the control of the licensee, the licence may, without














prejudice to any other action that may be taken in this behalf, be renewed on payment of
double the fee ordinarily payable for the licence.
In case of an application for the renewal of the licence for a period of more than one year
at a time, the fee prescribed under proviso of sub-rule (5), if payable, shall be paid only
for the first financial year of renewal.
Every licence granted under these rules other than a licence granted for a specified period
shall be renewable for two years where there has been no contravention of the Act or the
rules framed thereunder or of any condition of the licence so renewed.
Where a licence renewed for more than one financial year is surrendered before its
expiry, the renewal fee paid for the unexpired portion of the licence shall be refunded to
the licensee provided that no refund of renewal fee shall be made for any financial year
during which
(a) the licensing authority received the renewed licence for surrender;
(b) any explosive is received or stored on the authority of the licence.
No licence shall be renewed if the application for renewal is received by the licensing
authority after 30 days of the date of its expiry.
When a licence is renewed by the Chief Controller a Controller, an intimation to that
effect shall be sent to the district authority concerned and when a licence is renewed by
the district authority, intimation to that effect shall be sent to the Controller having
Refusal to amend or renew a license.
The licensing authority refusing to amend or renew a licence shall record its reasons for
such refusal in writing.
The licensing authority shall refuse to renew a licence if such licence can be revoked in
accordance with the Act or rules framed thereunder.
A brief statement of reasons for refusal to renew a licence shall be given to the holder of
the licence on demand unless in any case the licensing authority is of the opinion that it
will not be in public interest to furnish such statement.
Where the renewal of the licence is refused, the fee paid for the renewal shall be refunded
to the licensee after deducting the proportionate fee for the period beginning from the
date from which the licence was to be renewed upto the date from which renewal thereof
is refused.

Suspension and revocation of licence.

An order of suspension or revocation of a licence shall take effect from the date specified
therein and shall be deemed to have been served if sent by post to the address of the
licensee entered in the licence.
The suspension of a licence shall not debar the holder of the licence from applying for its
renewal in accordance with the provisions of rule 165.
Procedure on expiration, suspension or revocation of licence.
A licensee on the expiration, suspension or revocation of his licence forthwith give notice
to the licensing authority of the description and quantity of explosives in his possession
and shall comply with any directions which the licensing authority may give in regard to
their disposal.
The licensing authority may grant for a term not exceeding three months from the date of
expiration, suspension or revocation, as the case may be, a temporary licence for the
possession and sale of the explosives actually held at the time of the issue of the
temporary licence.
The fee chargeable for a licence granted udner sub-rule (2) shall bear the same proportion
to the fee charged on the expired or revoked licence as the period covered by the
temporary licence bears to a full year.




An appeal against an order of licensing authority Refusing to grant or renew a license or

suspending or revoking a licence or varying the condition of a licence shall lie
if the order is passed by the Chief Controller to the Central Government;
if the order is passed by the Controller to the Chief Controller.
Every appeal shall be preferred in accordance with the provisions of the Act and shall be
presented within 30 days of the date of the communication of such order.
Every appeal shall be accompanied by fees specified in rules 176 and 177 and the fees
shall be refunded to the appellant if the appeal is upheld by the appellate authority.
Appeal against the order of the district authority refusing grant of No Objection
Certificate shall lie with the authority immediately superior to such authority. Such an
appeal shall be filed in accordance with the procedure laid down by such appellate


Procedure to be followed by the appellate authority.

On receipt of the appeal
and if such appeal can be admitted in accordance with the Act the appellate authority may
call for records of the case from the authority who passed the order appealed against and
may make such further enquiries as it may deem necessary and after giving the appellant
a reasonable opportunity of being heard, pass final orders.


Procedure on death or disability of licenceIf a licensee dies or becomes insolvent or mentally incapable or otherwise disabled, the
licence granted to him under these rules shall stand cancelled on the date of licensees
death or his mental incapability or his insolvency or disability.
The legal heirs or representatives of the licensee referred to in sub-rule (1) shall as soon
as may be, notify the licensing authority
(a) the date of death, insolvency, mental incapability or other disability; and
(b) the stock of all explosives kept at the licensed premises and shall await the directions
of the licensing authority with regard to the disposal of such explosives.



Loss of licence.Where a licence granted under these rules or an authenticated copy

thereof granted under rule 173 is lost or accidentally destroyed, a duplicate may be
granted on payment of fees, specified in rules 176 and 177.


Procedure of licence or pass on demand.

Every person holding or acting under a licence granted under these rules shall, when
called upon to do so by any officer specified in sub-rule (1) of rule 179, produce it, or an
authenticated copy of it, at such time and place as may be directed by such officer.
Every person in charge of a consignment of explosives in transit under cover of a pass
issued under these rules shall produce it when called upon to do so by any officer
specified in sub-rule (1) of rule 179.
Copies of any licence may, for the purposes of this rule, be authenticated free of charge
by the authority, which granted the licence.
Executive control over authorities.Every authority other than the Central
Government acting under this Chapter shall be subject to the directions and control of the
Central Government.
Provided that nothing in this rule shall be deemed to effect the powers of executive
control of the Chief Controller over the officers subordinate to him.




Procedure for payment of fees.The fees payable under these rules shall be paid in the
following manner:
Fees payable to Chief Controller shall be paid by a crossed Postal Order or a Crossed
Bank Draft drawn in favour of Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur. The Bank should



be drawn on any nationalised bank and payable at Nagpur. Fees upto Rs.100 in each
case, may also be paid in cash at the office of the Chief Controller.
Fees payable to a Controller of Explosives shall be paid by a Crossed Postal Order or a
Crossed Bank Draft drawn In favour of the Controller of Explosives to whom the
payment is made. The Bank Drafts shall be on any nationalized bank payable at the
station where office of Controller to whom payment is to be made is located. Fees upto
Rs.100 in each case, may also be paid in cash at the office of Controller concerned.


Fees payable to District Authority or any other authority under these rules shall be paid in
such manner as may be specified by that authority.


Fees other than licence fees.The following fees other than licence fees shall be
payable under these rules:

(1) For inclusion of any explosive in the authorised list of

explosives (see rule 6)
(i) Scrutiny fee for each proposal.
(ii) Testing fee for each sample explosives.
(2) To test each sample of imported explosives (see rule
(3) (i) for testing each sample to issue certificate of safety
in Form 1 (see rule 34)
(ii) to renew each certificate issued under (i) above
without fresh test.
(iii) for testing each sample to renew certificate issued
under (i) above after fresh test.
(4) Scrutiny fee for approval of manufacturing process for
any new explosives (see rule 89).
(5) For storage of explosives in excess of licensed
capacity at any one time (see rule 126)

(6) For permit for temporary possession of fireworks in

excess of licensed quantity (see rule 127)
(7) Scrutiny fee for application for grant of a licence to
manufacture (see sub-rule (3) or rule 154 (i) any explosives other than those mentioned under
(ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) below
(ii) site mixed ammonium nitrate and fuel oil
(iii) Liquid Oxygen explosive
(iv) (a) Fireworks and/or Gunpowder in a quantity not
exceeding 12.5 Kgs. at a time.
(b) Fireworks and/or Gunpowder in a quantity
exceeding 12.5 Kgs. but not exceeding 200
Kgs. at a time.
(c) Fireworks and/or Gunpowder in a quantity
exceeding 200 Kgs. at a time
(v) Coloured matches

Rs. 50.00
Rs. 10.00
Rs. 10.00


Rs.200 for first
15 days and
every additional
5 days or part
Rs. 50.00

Rs. 50.00
Rs. 50.00
Rs. 20.00


(8) Scrutiny fee for application for grant of each licence to Rs.100.00

import or export explosives (see sub-rule (7) of rule

(9) Scrutiny fee for application for grant of each licence to
transport explosives (see sub-rule (7) of rule 154)
(10) Scrutiny fee for each application for grant of a
licence for a road van (see sub-rule (8) of rule 154)
(11) Scrutiny fee for each application for grant of a ShotFirers Permit (see sub-rule (9) of rule 154)
(12) For examination for grant of Shot-Firers Permit (see
rule 158)
(13) (a) Scrutiny fee for application for amendment of
each licence (see rule 164) (i) to manufacture any explosives other than
fireworks and/or Gunpowder in a quantity not
exceeding 12.5 Kgs. at a time;
(ii) to manufacture fireworks and/or Gunpowder in a
quantity not exceeding 12.5 Kgs. at a time;
(iii) in any other Form other than Form 23;
(iv) in Form 23.

Rs. 20.00
Rs. 50.00


Rs. 20.00

Rs. 50.00



Rs. 20.00
5.00 (free
of charge to

(b) Amendment fee for each licence (see rule 164) (i) other than a licence in Form 23 or a licence in
Form 20 to manufacture fireworks and/or Rs. 30.00
Gunpowder in a quantity not exceeding 12.5
Kgs. at a time;
5.00 (free
(ii) In form 23;
of charge to
(iii) to manufacture fireworks and/or Gunpowder Rs. 5.00
in a quantity not exceeding 12.5 Kgs. at a time.
(c) Scrutiny fee for a proposal for any change in the Rs. 50.00
manufacturing process of explosives.
(d) Scrutiny fee for a proposal for any change in the Rs.100.00
composition of an authorised explosive.
(14) For appeal against an order of a licensing authority
(see rules 169 and 178) (i) if such appeal in preferred to Central Government
or Chief Controller.
(ii) if such appeal is preferred to immediate official
superior to district authority.
(15) For issue of a duplicate copy of licence (see rule
(16) For approval of (a) a packing box or container.
(b) a new design of equipment, machinery or
composite vehicle used for manufacture and
transport of explosives.
(c) a magazine Mode B
(17) Lighting Conductor testing fee for each test.

Free of charge
Rs. 50.00


Rs. 50.00


Licence Fee (1) The following fees shall be payable per year for each licence
issued under these rules:
(i) to manufacture explosives
(a) of classes 2,3,4 and 5 other than site Rs.200.00 per 1000 tonnes
mixed Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil or part thereof of the
explosive (Form 20).
capacity for each explosive
subject to a maximum of
(b) of class 6 (Form 20).

(c) of class 1 and/or class 7 (Form 20).

(i) in a quantity not exceeding 15 Kgs.
at a time;
(ii) in a quantity exceeding 15 Kgs. but
not exceeding 200 Kgs. at a time;
(iii) in quantities exceeding 200 Kgs. at
a time

(d) of class 8
(e) of sod. Ammonium Nitrate Oil
(ii) to possess and sell explosives (Licence
Forms other than Form 24).

Rs.250.00 per one million

metres/ numbers or part
thereof of the installed
annual plant capacity of
each explosives subject to a
maximum of Rs.5000.00

Rs. 20.00
Rs.200.00 for the first 200
Kgs. plus Rs.150.00 for
every additional 50 Kgs. or
part thereof at a time subject
(a)Rs.150.00 for every 1000
Kgs. or part thereof of the
licensed capacity of each
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8 subject to
a maxi-mum of Rs.5000.00
(b)Rs.50.00 for every 10000
metres/ numbers of each
explosives of class 6 subject

(iii) to possess explosives for use (Licence (a) Rs.100.00 for every

Forms other than Forms 23 and 29).

(iv) to possess and sell explosives (Form 24)

(v) to transport explosives (Form 26).
(vi) for a road van (Form 25)
(2) The following fees shall be payable for
each licence to (i) import explosives (Form 27)
(ii) export explosives (Form 28)
(iii) possess and use public Display
fireworks (Form 29)
(iv) possess for own use explosives (Form

1000 Kgs or part thereof of

the licensed capacity of
each explosives of class
1,2,3,4,5,7 or 8 subject to a
maxi-mum of Rs.5000.00,
(b) Rs.40.00 for every
10000 metres/ numbers or
part thereof of each
explosive of class 6 subject

Rs.10.00 (free of charge to

Power of Officers and Penalties

Dangerous practices
(1) If in any matter which is not provided for by any express provision of, or condition of
a licence granted under these rules and a Controller finds any factory, magazine or
place where an explosive is being manufactured, possessed or sold, or used or any
part thereof, or anything or practice therein or connected therewith or with the
handling or transport of explosives to be unnecessarily dangerous or defective so as,
in his opinion, to tend to endanger the public safety or the bodily safety or any
person, such Controller may, by an order in writing, require the occupier of such
factory magazine, store house or place or the owner of the explosive, to remedy the
same within such time as may be specified in the order.
(2) Where the occupier or owner objects to an order made under sub-rule (1), he may
appeal to the Chief Controller within the time specified in the order and the order to
the Chief Controller such appeal shall be final.
(3) Every appeal preferred under sub-rule (2) shall be in writing and shall be
accompanied by a copy of the order appealed against.
(4) If the occupier or owner fails to comply with an order made under sub-rule(1) within
the time specified in it or where an appeal is preferred under sub-rule (2), fails to
comply with the order of the Chief Controller thereon within the time fixed in such
order, he shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this rule.


Powers of search and seizure

(1) Any officer specified in column (1) of the Table below may within the areas
specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of that Table -


(a) enter, inspect and examine any place, aircraft, carriage or vessel in which an
explosive is being manufactured, possessed, used, sold, transported, exported or
imported under a licence granted under these rules, or in which he has reason to
believe that an explosive has been or is being manufactured, possessed, used,
sold, transported, exported or imported in contravention of the Act or these rules;
(b) search for explosives or ingredients thereof;
(c) take samples of any explosive or ingredients found therein free of charge; and
(d) seize, detain and remove any explosive or ingredients thereof found therein
together with connected documents thereof in respect of which he has reason to
believe that any of the provisions of the Act or these rules have been
The Chief Controller and Controller of Explosives,
All parts of India
All District Magistrates
Their respective Districts
All Executive Magistrates Subordinate to the District Their respective jurisdiction
All Commissioners of Police and Police Officers of rank The area over which their authority
not below that of a Sub-Inspector of Police
The Chief Inspector of Mines and officers subordinate to The respective areas over which their
authority extends
(2) Whenever any officer other than the Chief Controller seizes, detains or removes any
explosive or ingredients thereof or any connected documents thereof under this rule,
he shall forth with report the fact by telegram to the Chief Controller and the
Controller under whose jurisdiction the place where the explosives were seized falls
and whenever any officer not being the district authority seizes, detains or removes
any explosives or ingredients thereof or any connected documents thereof under this
rule, he shall forthwith report the fact by telegram to the district authority concerned.
(3) Whenever any explosives are seized they shall be stored up in an isolated place under
adequate guard until examination by Chief Controller or Controller and receipt of
instructions from him as to their disposal.

Power to destroy explosives and ingredients thereof

(1) The Chief Controller or a Controller
(a) shall destroy any explosive, whenever found
the manufacture, possession or import of which has been prohibited
absolutely under Section 6 of the Act; or
If the explosive belongs to the 5th (Fulminate) class and is being
manufactured, possessed, used, sold, transported, exported or imported
illegally without a licence under these rules;
(b) May destroy or render harmless any other explosives or ingredient thereof in
respect of which the Chief Controller or Controller has reasons to believe that
any of the provisions of the Act or these rules have been contravened or which in
his opinion are no longer fit for storage, transport or use and the matter appears to
be urgent to such Controller and fraught with serious danger to public.
(2) Whenever the Chief Controller or a Controller destroys any explosive or ingredient
thereof or renders it harmless under sub-rule (1), he shall take and keep a sample
thereof provided if in his opinion such sample can be taken, transported and kept
safely for the period required without any danger to any life or property and if
required, give a portion of the sample to the person owning the explosive or having
the same under his control at the time of seizure.


(3) Where any explosive or ingredient thereof is destroyed by a Controller, he shall

report all the facts to the Chief Controller. The explosives shall be destroyed or
rendered harmless as provided under this rule at the expense of the occupier of
factory magazine, store house or place of the owner of the explosives.

Procedure on reports of infringement Whenever any report is made to the district

authority by the Chief Controller or Controller or Controller of an infringement of the act
or of these Rules district authority shall take immediate action and shall inform the Chief
Controller or the Controller, as the case may be, of the action taken by him on such
Accidents and Enquiries


Notice of accident The notice of an accident required to be given under Section 8(1) of
the Act shall be given forthwith.(a) to the Chief Controller of Explosives by Express telegram (Telegraphic address
EXPLOSIVES, NAGPUR) followed within 24 hours by a letter giving particulars of
the occurrence;
(b) Controller of Explosives in whose jurisdiction accident has taken place; and
(c) To the Officer-in-charge of the nearest Police Station;
Pending the visit of the Chief Controller, or his representative or instruction are received
from the Chief Controller or his representative that he does not wish any further
investigation or inquiry to be made, all wreckage and debris shall be left untouched
except in so far as its removal may be necessary for the rescue of persons injured and
recovery of the bodies of any persons killed, by the accident or in the case of aerodromes
or railways, for the restoration of thorough communication.


Procedure at courts of inquiry.

(1) The Chief Controller shall arrange with the Heads of Armed Forces or Ordnance
Factories or other establishments of such forces to be represented at Courts of
Inquiry where he so desires. The Chief Controller shall be provided with copies of
the proceedings of Court where he is not represented. The Heads of Armed Forces of
Ordnance Factories or other establishments of such forces, as the case may be, shall
co-operate with the Chief Controller by informing him immediately of occurrences,
liable to lead to the summoning of Courts of Inquiry on matters of interest to the
Chief Controller as indicated by him.
(2) The Chief Controller may attend in person or send a representative and in either case
he shall have power to examine witnesses, where he so desires.


Inquiry into accident.

(1) Whenever a District Magistrate, a Commissioner of Police or a Magistrate
subordinate to a District Magistrate holds an inquiry under Section 9(1) of the Act, he
shall adjourn such an inquiry unless the Chief Controller or an officer nominated by
him is present to watch the proceedings or the Magistrate has received information
from the Chief Controller that officer does not wish to send a representative.
(2) The Magistrate shall, at least 21 days before holding the adjourned inquiry, send to
the Chief Controller notice in writing of the time and place of holding the adjourned
(3) Where an accident has been attended with loss of human life the Magistrate, before
the adjournment, may, take evidence to identify any bodies and may order the
disposal thereof.
(4) The Chief Controller or his representative shall be at liberty at any such inquiry to
examine any witness subject to the order of the Magistrate on points of law.


(5) Where the Chief Controller is not present or represented at any inquiry held by a
District Magistrate or a Commissioner of Police or a Magistrate subordinate to
District Magistrate a copy of the report of the proceedings thereof shall be sent to

Inquiry into more serious accidents.

(1) Whenever an inquiry is held under Section 9-A of the Act the persons holding such
inquiry shall hold the same in open court in such manner and under such conditions
as they may think most effectual for ascertaining the causes and circumstances of the
accidents and enabling them to make the report under this rule:
Provided that where the Central Government so directs the inquiry may be held in
(2) Whenever an inquiry under sub-rule (1) is held by a person other than the Chief
Controller , such person shall arrange for the Chief Controller to be represented at
such inquiry including any adjournment thereof. The person holding the inquiry
shall, at least 21 days before holding the inquiry or any adjourned inquiry, send to the
Chief Controller a notice in writing of the time and place of holding such inquiry.
The Chief Controller may attend in person or send a representative and in either case,
he shall have power to examine witnesses where he so desires.
(3) Person attending as witnesses before this Court shall be allowed such expenses as are
payable to witnesses attending before a civil court subordinate to the High Court
having jurisdiction in the place where the inquiry is held. In case of dispute as to the
amount to be allowed the question shall be referred to the local magistrate who, on
request by the Court shall ascertain and certify the proper amount of such expense.
(4) All expenses incurred in relation to an inquiry or investigation under this rule shall be
deemed to part of the expenses of the Department of Explosives.


Repeal and savings.

(1) The Explosives Rules, 1940, are hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal
(i) all licenses or duplicates thereof granted or renewed under the said rules and all
fees imposed or levied shal be deemed to have been granted, renewed, imposed
or levied, as the case may be, under the corresponding provisions of these rules;
(ii) all approvals given and all powers conferred by or under any notification or rule
shall, so far as they are consistent with the Act and these rules, be deemed to
have been given or conferred by or under this Act or these rules.
(See Rule 3)

Explosives are divided into 8 classes as follows:

Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8

Liquid Oxygen Explosives
Class 1 Gunpowder Class


Gunpowder means gunpowder ordinarily so called.

Class 2 Nitrate Mixture Class
Nitrate-mixture means any preparation, other than gunpowder which is formed by the
mechanical mixture of a nitrate with any form of carbon or with any carbonaceous substance not
possessed of explosives properties, whether Sulphur be or be not added to such preparation, and
whether such preparation be or be not mechanically mixed with any other non-explosive
substance, and includes any explosive containing a perchlorate and not being a chlorate-mixture,
fulminate or nitro-compound as defined in this Schedule

Class 3- Nitro-compound Class

(1) Nitro-compound means any chemical compound which is possessed of explosive
properties or is capable of combining with metals to from an explosive compound, and is
produced by the chemical action of nitric acid (whether mixed or not, with sulphuric acid), or
of a nitrate mixed with sulphuric acid, upon any carbonaceous substance, whether such
compound is mechanically mixed with other substances or not.
(2) The Nitro-compound class two divisions namely Division 1 and Division 2.
(3) Division 1, comprising any chemical compound or mechanically mixed preparation which
consists, either wholly or partly, of nitro-glycerine or some other liquied nitro-compound that
is such explosives a s Ballistite, Blasting Gelatine, Cordite, Dynamite, Gelatine Dynamite,
Gelignite, etc.
(4) Division 2 comprising any nitro-compound, which is not comprised in Division 1 that is
explosives such as Ammonal, E.C. Sporting Powder, gun-cotton, Picric Acid, Smokeless
Dimond, Trinitro-toluol (T.N.T.)_ etc.
Class 4Chlorate mixture Class
(1) Chlorate-mixture means any explosive containing a chlorate.
(2) Chlorate-mixture class has 2 divisions namely Division 1 and Division 2.
(3) Division 1, comprising any chlorate preparation which consists partly of nitro-glycerine or of
some other liquid nitro-compound.
(4) Division 2, comprising any chlorate mixture which is not comprised in Division 1.
Class 5 Fulminate Class
(1) Fulminate means any chemical compound or mechanical mixture whatever, which from its
great susceptibility to detonation, is suitable for employment in percussion-caps or any other
appliances for developing detonation, or which, from its extreme sensibility to explosion, and
from its great instability (that is to say, readiness to undergo decomposition from very slight
exciting causes), is specially dangerous.
(2) The Fulminate class consists of two divisions namely division 1 and division 2.
(3) Division 1 comprising such compounds as the Fulminate of sliver and of mercury, and
preparations of those substances such as are used in percussion caps, and any preparation
consisting of a mixture of chlorate with phosphorus, or certain descriptions of compounds of
phosphorous, with or without the addition of carbonaceous matter, and any preparation
consisting of a mixture of a chlorate with sulphur or with sulphuret, with or without
carbonaceous matter.
(4) Division 2 comprises such substances as the chloride and the Iodide of Nitrogen, Fulminating
Gold and Silver, Diazobenol and the Nitrate of Diazobenzol, Lead Azide and Tetrazine.
Class 6Ammunition Class


(1) Ammunition means an explosive of any of the foregoing classes when the same is enclosed
in any case or contrivance, or is otherwise adapted or prepared so as to form: (a) a cartridge
or charge for small arms, cannon or any other weapon, or (b) a safety or other fuse for
blasting or for shells, or (c) a tube for firing explosive, or (d) a percussion cap, detonator, fog
signal, shell, torpedo, war rocket or any other contrivance other than a firework.
(2) The ammunition class has three divisions, namely Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3.
(3) Division 1 comprises exclusively of (I) Safety cartridges (ii) Safety fuses for blasting (iii)
Railway for signal and (iv) Percussion caps.
(4) Division 2 comprises any ammunition which does not contain its own means of ignition and
is not included in Division 1, such as cartridges for small arms other than safety cartridge,
cartridges and charges for cannon shells and torpedoes containing any explosives, tubes for
firing explosives, and war rocket, which do not contain their own means of ignition.
(5) Division 3 comprises any ammunition which contains its own means of ignition and is not
included in Division 1, such as detonators, fuses for blasting which are not safety fuses, tubes
for firing explosives, containing their own means of ignition.
Note: The expression ammunition containing its own means of ignition means ammunition
having an arrangement, whether attached to or forming part of the ammunition which is
adapted to explode or fire the ammunition by friction or percussion Percussion cap does not
include a detonator.
Class 7Fireworks Class
(1) Fireworks Class has four divisions, namely, Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, and Division
(2) Division 1 comprises fireworks composition that is to say, any chemical compound or
mechanically mixed preparation of an explosive or inflammable nature, which is used for the
purpose of making manufactured firework, and is not an explosive of classes 1,2,3,4,5 & 6,
any star and any coloured fire composition:
Provided that a substantially constructed hermetically closed metal case, containing not more
than 500 gms of coloured fire composition of such a nature, as not to be liable to spontaneous
ignition shall be deemed to be a manufactured firework and not a firework composition.
(3) Division 2 fireworks comprises manufactured fireworks i.e. to say any explosive of class
1,2,3,4 or 6 and any fireworks composition when such explosive or composition is enclosed
in any case or contrivance or other articles specially adapted, for the production of
pyrotechnic effect for pyrotechnic signal or sound signals.
(4) Division 2 fireworks comprises 3 sub-divisions, namely, Sub-division 1, Sub-division 2 and
Sub-division 3.
(5) Sub-division 1 of Division 2 fireworks comprises low hazard fireworks which, in the opinion
of Chief Controller are relatively innocuous in themselves and are not liable to explode
violently or all at once e.g. sparklers [chinese crackers, serpents, etc.] 20
(6) Sub-division 2 of Division 2 of fireworks comprises high hazard fireworks which, in the
opinion of Chief Controller, present a special hazard to a person e.g. rockets, shells, maroons,
wheels, barrages, fountains, illumination pieces, distress signals etc.
(7) Sub-division 3 of Division 2 fireworks comprises such fireworks, which are assembled at site
purely for the purpose of display.
(8) Division 3 comprises any explosive contrivance required for the manufacture of
manufactured fireworks e.g. quick match fuse etc.
(9) Division 4 comprises manufactured fireworks for use of Armed Forces of the Union.
Packing of Explosives
(See rule 8)
(1) In this Schedule unless the context otherwise requires


The expression outer package means a box, barrel, case or cylinder of wood, metal, or other
solid material, of such strength, construction and character as not to be liable to be broken or
accidentally opened, or to become defective or insecure or to allow an explosive to escape;
The expression inner package means a substantial case, bag, canister, or other receptacle,
made and closed so as to prevent any explosive from escaping;
Wherever an explosive is distinguished as belonging to a particular class or division of a
class, the reference is to the classification specified in Schedule 1;
the expression propellant means an authorised explosive of the 3rd (Nitro Compound) Class
adapted and intended exclusively for use as a propelling charge in cannon or small arms.
(2) The interior of every package shall be free from grit and otherwise clean./
(3) Save as provided in the Table appended to this Schedule there shall be no iron or steel in the
construction of any package unless the same is covered with suitable material so as
effectively to prevent the exposure of such iron or steel.
(4) A package when actually used for the packing of one explosive shall not be used for the
packing of any other explosive or of any other article or substance:
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prohibit
(a) the packing in the same outer package of inner packages containing a propellant together
with inner packages containing gunpowder or another propellant; or
(b) the packing in the same package of any article which is not of inflammable or explosive
nature; or liable to cause fire or explosion together with an explosive of the 1st Division
of the 6th (Amendment) Class.
(5) Nothing in this Schedule shall be deemed to prohibit the use of an additional package,
whether inner or outer, of a character not expressly prohibited in writing by the Chief
(6) Use of metal bands wires on packages is prohibited unless specifically authorised by the
Chief Controller in relation to packing of any explosives.
(7) Material of which the packages and their closures are made must not be liable to attack by the
contents and from harmful or dangerous compounds therewith.
(8) Packages must be sufficiently rigid and strong in all their parts to prevent any loosening
during transport and to meet normal requirements of such transport. Solid substances shall be
firmly secured in their packages, and inner packages shall be firmly secured in outer
packages. Unless otherwise specified inner packages may be enclosed in outer packages,
either singly or in groups.
(9) Cushioning material, if used, shall be suited to the nature of the contents of the package.
An explosive that is not authorised explosive shall be packed in such a manner as may be
directed by the Chief Controller with reference to such explosive.
(a) The outer package shall be used only once for packing and transport of explosives.
(b) When the explosives contained in outer package are removed therefrom, the outer
package shall be destroyed or disposed of in such a manner that it cannot be re-used for
any purpose.
Where metal boxes are used, they shall be fitted with closures or safety devices yielding
when the internal pressure reaches a value not greater than 3 kg/cm 2 . Such closures or safety
devices shall not impair the strength of metal boxes. Boxes made of zinc sheet or aluminium
shall be completely lined with wood or fibreboard.




Class 1

Method of packing

Amounts in
any one
When the quantity in any one
50 Kgs.
consignment does not exceed 2.5 Provided
kg., a single outer package.
When the quantity exceeds 2.5 Kg. a propellants

Amount in
any one
2.5 Kgs.
where gun
are packed





double package, the inner and outer

packages being as defined in clause
(1) of this Schedule. Inner Packages
if made of metal shall be secured by
cushioning material.
Class 2
The material except site mixed
Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil
explosive shall be suitably cartridged
in wrappings made of suitable plastic
material or papers so as to make it
impermeable and protect from damp.
Further packing as for Class 1.
Mixed As approved by Chief Controller
Nitrate Fuel Oil
mixture (ANFO)
Class 3 Division The material shall be cartridged in
1 other than wrappings made of paper or
polythene that has been made
impermeable. The wrapping should
also protect the material from damp.
Further packing as for Class 1,
provided that either the outer or
inner package shall be thoroughly
waterproof and no metal shall be
used in the construction of the
packages, except that (1) nails made
of brass, zinc or other soft metal or
coated with the same may be used
for securing the outer package, and
(2) wire stiching may be used for
securing the inner package if the
wire is effectively prevented from
coming into contact with the
explosive by means of a sheet of
stout cardboard or otherwise.
Class 3 Division As for Class 1
1 propellants.
Class 3 Division As for Class 1
2 Other than
Picric Acid, Wet
Penta Erythritol
RDX, Terinitro
Picric Acid
As for Class 1
Gun Cotton so As for Class 1, provided that the
with inner or outer package or both of
water as to be them shall be of such nature, and so
absolutely un- closed, as to prevent any material
loss of moisture.
Penta- Erythritol In double package, the innner
package shall be a polythene bag

together the
not exceed.
25 Kgs.

2.5 Kgs.

25 Kgs.

2.5 Kgs.

25 Kgs.

2.5 Kgs.

25 Kgs.

25 Kgs.

25 Kgs.

25 Kgs.



Kgs. 11.25 Kgs.
(dry basis)
(dry basis)





closed at the top with twine thread
and placed in a bright tin container.
containing 25% Both the bag and the tin container
of moisture
shall be so closed as to prevent any
material loss of moisture. The outer
package shall be as defined In clause
(1) of the Schedule and so closed as
to prevent any material loss of
As for PETN
(dry basis)
TriNitro- As for Class 1, provided that 25 Kgs. of
Trinitro-Resorcinol (Styphnic Acid) wet
(Styphnic Acid) shall be wetted with not less than explosive
20% of water calculated on the wet
explosives and that the inner package
shall be a substantial bag, case or
canister so made and closed as to
prevent any loss of moisture or
escape of explosives.
Class 4 Division As for Class 3, Division 1, other than 25 Kgs.
Class 4 Division As for Class 1
25 Kgs.
Class 5
The explosives shall be packed wet 100 Kgs.
containing not less than 25% water,
and shall in this condition be
enclosed in a treble package; the
inner most package containing the
wet cloth or other suitable material
of close mesh but permeable to
water; the intermediate package shall
contain all the individual packages
and sufficient water to keep the
explosive in them constantly wet,
and may, consistent with the
requirements of the security of the
whole package, be in the form of a
rubber bag, or of a case, or of such
special lining to the other packages
as will efficiently attain this object,
and it must itself be constantly
surrounded by or saturated with
water, the outer package containing
sufficient water constantly to
surround the case.
Both the
intermediate package and the outer
package shall be of such construction
and material as will not allow water
to escape.
6, A single outer package. Provided Unlimited
Division 1, other that clause (3) of this Schedule shall
Pinfire not apply to explosives of this
for Division:
Provided also that bulleted cartridges
of a calibre exceeding 1.27 cm. And

11.25 Kgs.
(dry basis)
25 Kgs. of

2.5 Kgs.
2.5 Kgs.
12.5 Kgs.






Division 2



Class 6 Division
3, other than
Detonators and

belonging to this Division shall be

packed in such a manner that the
point of any bullet cannot come in
contact with the cap of another
(a) Not exceeding 50 in number in
packed in a single package that
the bases lie alternately in
opposite directions. The bases
and pins shall be so fitted into
perforations in millboard or
other suitable material as to
prevent the firing of any one of
the said cartridges by an
explosion in any other of the said
(b) Exceeding 50 numberIn an
inner and outer package, the
cartridges being packed in inner
packages with millboards as
above required.
Explosives made up into cartridges
or charges for cannon, shell,
torpedoes, mines, blasting or other
like purposes shall be packed in such
manner and in such quantity as is
required for the same explosive
when not so made up:
Provided that, where a double
package is required, the enclosing
ease of such cartridges or charges
may, if it satisfies the conditions
required for an inner packages, be
deemed to be such inner package.
Other ammunition of this Division-A
singel outer package.
As for Class 1
Provided that bulleted cartridges of a
calibre exceeding 1.27 cm. And
belonging to this Divison shall be
packed in such a manner that the
point of any bullet cannot come in
contact with the cap of another
(a) Not exceeding 1,000 in any one
consignment. As for Class 1,
provided that the detonators and
the spaces between the same and
between the sides of the inner
package and the said detonators
shall all be filled as far as
practicable, with fine sawdust or
other similar material; a layer of
felt or other soft yielding
material shall be placed between


in 50


in 50


in 1,000







both ends of all the detonators

and the interior of the inner
package in which the same are
placed, in such manner and so
secured, that both ends of the
detonators will rest upon the said
cotton wool or other material,
every inner package, if of metal
to be lined throughout with the
paper or other soft material.
(b) Exceeding 1,000 detonators.
The detonators shall be packed
in inner packages, with sawdust
and cotton wool as above
described. Such inner packages
shall be placed inside a
substantial case of wood or
metal, made and closed so as to
prevent any of the inner
packages escaping therefrom,
and such case shall be placed
inside an outer package in such
manner and so secured as to
leave a clear space of not less
than 7.5 cm. Between the case
and every part of the interior of
said outer
notwithstanding that such clear
space may, if preferred be filled
with sawdust, straw or other
similar material or may contain a
light framework or battens of
wood to keep the case aforesaid
in position in the outer package.
(c) Where the number of detonators
exceeds 5,000 such other
packages shall be provided with
handles or other contrivance, by
means of which it can be safely
and conveniently carried.
As for Class 1, provided that where
the number in any other package
exceeds 3,000 such outer packages
shall be provided with handles or
other contrivance, by means of
which it can be safely and
conveniently carried.
Class 7 Division Double package, the inner package
being hermetically closed and
contained in an outer package as
above defined.
7, Single outer package, provided that
Division 2
clause (3) of this Schedule shall not
apply to explosives of this class and
Class 7 Division Single outr package


in 100

10 Kgs.

0.5 Kgs.

50 Kgs.


25 Kgs.





Division 4

7, Single outer package provided that 50 Kgs.

clause (3) of this Schedule shall not
Class 8, L.O.X. Cartridges packed and transported
-(Liquid Oxygen for immediate use in insulated
packing boxes of a design approved
by the Chief Controller



(See Rule 21)
An explosive of the 3rd (Nitro-compound) Class or of the 4th (Chlorate-mixture)
Class shall comply with the testes set forth in this Schedule as applicable to such explosive.
1.Apparatus and Materials employed



Acid, Acetic 56.8 cc. Bottle
Bath, water
Bath, water, for hot water heating *
Beaker, glass, 1 1/3 litres
Bottle, dropper, brown glass, 28.4 cc. (for
glycerine and water mixture)
Bottle, glass-stoppered, brown glass, 28.4 cc
(for standard tint papers)
Bottle, glass-stoppered, brown glass, 56.8 cc
(for test papers)
Brush, cleaning
Brush, cleaning, test tube
Burner, gas, Argand, and screen
Caps, for test tubes
A sufficient supply
Chalk, French
A sufficient supply
Forceps, lifting, heat test papers
Funnel, aluminium
Funnel, glass
Glycerine 28.4 cc bottle
Knife, cordite
Lid, Water bath
Mill, cordite
Needle, piercing, heat test papers
Oven, water
Paper, filter
A sufficient
Papers, filter, 5.5 cm.
-DoPapers, standard tint
-DoPapers, test
-DoPestle and mortar, wedgwoodware
Plate, glass, resting heat test papers on when
Rings, rubber, test tube
A sufficient
Rod, glass, flat-headed






Rods, glass, platinum wire hook

Scoop, aluminium
Screen, burner for water bath
Sieves, rectangular, tinned, brass wire
Sieves with lid and base, Circular brass
Spatula, horn
Stand, heat test tubes
Stand, water bath
Stoppers, rubber, perforated
Thermometers, glass, and wood case
Trays, aluminium
Tray, cordite knife
Tubes, heat test
Tubes, standard tint paper
Tubing, rubber, Argand gas burner
Weights, gramme and forecps in box

A set
A sufficient
A sufficient
A sufficient
A set

*Alternative pattern for use where hot water is available.

N.B.The apparatus and materials are to comply in all respects with the specification and
standard patterns.
The acetic acid is to be clear, colourless and free from all impurities, and is not to contain
less than 96 per cent CH3COOH. When 1 cc. Of N/10 potassium permanganate solution is added
to 100 c.c. of the acetic acid maintained at 150C, the distinctive colour is to remain for not than 15
One drop of the diluted acetic acidone volume acetic acid diluted with four volumes of
distilled waterwhen placed by means of a glass rod on freshly-prepared potassium iodide-starch
paper is to produce no colour.
The French chalk is to be equal in colour, to the standard sample and is not to contain
more than 0.5 per cent of moisture.
The bulk of the French chalk is to be such that a volume of 50 cc. Will weight 23.5 +1.0
gramme. This to be determined as follows:
A glass funnel, the stem of which is 11 cm. In length tapering, internally from 8 mm. at
the top to 5 mm. at the end, is to be clamped vertically above a 50 cc cylinder so that the mouth of
the latter is 7 cm. Below the lowest point of the funnel. The cylinder is to be 2.5 cm. in internal
diameter, with a ground edge. The French Chalk is to be poured gradually into the funnel and
allowed to flow into the cylinder until the latter overflows. This should take one minute. The
surface of the chalk is then to be levelled off, without tapping into the funnel and allowed to flow
into the cylinder until the latter overflows. This should take one minute. The surface of the chalk
is then to be levelled off, without tapping or shaking the cylinder, by drawing a straight edge over
the mouth of the cylinder. The cylinder and contents are then to be weighed.
The fitness of the French chalk is to be such that it will all pass, without rubbing, through
a 0.075 mm. wire scive of 6.400 meshes per square centimeter.


The French chalk is not to contain more than 0.1 per cent of soluble alkali salts calculated
as CaCo3. This is to be determined as follows:
10 grams of the chalk are to be boiled with 250 cc. of water for one minute, filtered,
washed and the filtrate titrated with N/10 hydrochloric acid.
The French chalk, when warmed with hydrochloric acid is not to give off more than 1 per
cent and not less than 0.25 per cent of carbonic acid gas.
The French chalk is not to absorb more than 0.5 per cent of moisture after being dried at
1000C till constant in weight, and then exposed under a bell-jar to saturated atmosphere at 150C
to 200C for 24 hours.
Note:- Before use in heat-test experiments the French chalk is to be carefully washed with
distilled water, dried in a water oven at 65700C, and exposed to a saturated atmosphere for 24
hours. It is to be kept in a well-stoppered bottle.
The glycerine is to comply with the latest edition of British Pharmacopoeia Specification
in all respects.
The paper for making heat test paper is to consist entirely of pure normal cotton cellulose
of strongly resistant quality and free from any loading or sizing.
During manufacture, the paper is not to be submitted to artificial heat of any kind.
The paper is to have a smooth white surface, and both sides are to be as nearly alike as
The average length of the fibres is to be 2+0.5 mm.
The sheets, when measured with a Ciceri smiths patent fixed pressure micrometer, are to
have a thickness of 1.8 +0.2 mm.
The last treatment in its preparation is to be a thorough washing with pure distilled water
and subsequent air drying in a pure atmosphere.
The paper is to be free from all traces of chemical or other impurity particularly acids,
chlorine and peroxides.
On boiling with 3 per cent, caustic soda solution for 60 minutes, the paper is to lose more
than 7.5 per cent of its weight.
When heated for 15 minutes at 1000 C with Fehlingss solutions, diluted with twice its
volume of boiling water, it is not to produce more than 1.25 per cent of its weight of cuprous
oxide (Cu2O).
It is to be supplied in sheets 50 cm. long by 15 cm. wide, and each 100 sheets packed
separately in a hermetically sealed tin case closed by a tear-off strip.
For use in the extraction of notro-glycerine from dynamite it is to be supplied in circles
5.5. cm. in diameter, each 100 papers being packed separately.



The papers are to be prepared and tested by the method laid down in Appendix II.
Each batch of papers is to be tested by carrying out four consecutive tests of four papers
on each of two days. The mean test obtained is to be 18.5+ 0.75 minutes. A test different from
the mean by more than two minutes is to be considered abnormal, and is to be disregarded unless
there are more than one of such abnormal testes amongst the 32 papers tested, in which case the
batch is to be condemned.
The papers are to be prepared and tested by the method laid down in Appendix II.
Each batch of papers is to be tested by carrying out four consecutive testes of four papers
on each of two days. The mean test obtained is to be 18.5 + 0.75 minutes. A test different from
the mean by more than two minutes is to be considered abnormal, and is to be disregarded unless
there are more than on of such abnormal testes amongst the 32 papers testes, in which case the
batch is to be condemned.
The standard tint papers are to be made by the method described in, and are to conform to
the conditions laid down in Appendix I.
IIPreparation of the sample to be tested:
All the operations in preparing a sample for tesing are to be carried out as expeditiously
as possible, avoiding exposure to light, as far as practicable and the test is to be carried out as
soon as the sample is prepared.
In weighing out heat test quantities, an accuracy of + 0.05 gramme is sufficient. These
quantities are to be weighed out into test tubes which have been fitted with rubber rings, the
Explosives of Class 3, Division 1.
(1) Friable Nitro-glycerine preparations from which the nitro-glycerine or liquid nitro-compound
cannot be conveniently extracted with water
(a) A cartridge of the sample to be tested is to be opened at one end and rotated with one
hand while with the other contents of the cartridge are to be loosened by means of
pressure between the thumb and forefinger. The first 12.7 mm. of the sample so loosened
is to be rejected.
(b) The cartridge is then to be inverted over the scoop and the loosening operation continued
os as to transfer a portion of the explosive to the scoop.
(c) When the weight of the sample in the scoop has been adjusted to 3.2 grammes the sample
is to be transferred by means of the aluminium funnel to a heat test tubes collected at the
bottom by gently tapping the side of the tube with the fingers and pressed down to a
height of 3 cnetimetres by means of the flat-headed glass rod. The sample is then ready to
be heat tested.
(2) Blasting Gelatine and Analogous Preparations
(a) The wrapper of the cartridge is to be opened out and 12.7 mm. of the sample is to be
removed with the spatula and rejected. A price weighing 3.2 grammes as nearly as can
be judged is then to be cut off for test. The sample is to lie on its own wrapper during
these operations, and direct contact of the operators hands with the sample is to be


(b) The portion of the sample removed is to be weighted in the scoop and pieces added to, or
removed from it, until 3.2 grammes are obtained. This quantity is then to be transferred
to the morter. 6.5 grammes of French Chalk are to be weighed out using the spatula and
scoop and also transferred to the mortar.
(c) The sample is to be incorporated with the French Chalk by repeatedly squeezing it with
the end of the pestle, until it is in a condition in which it can be ground. The times for
normal samples should generally be as follows:
Blasting gelatine

1 minutes.

Gelatine dynamite

1 minute.

Gelignite and Similar

Explosives containing
less than 63 per cent of


The mixture is then to be ground by a circular movement of the pestle for afurther period
of half a minute, and should then be homogenous in appearance.
(d) The mixture is to be transferred to a test-tube by means of the horn spatula and the
aluminium funnel, and gently pressed down to a height of 5 centimetres with the flat
headed glass rod. The sample is then ready to be heat tested.
(e) The pestle and mortar after each grinding are to be thoroughly washed with tap water,
rinsed with distilled water, dried with a clean towel, and finally dried in a bath at 1000 C.
The pestle and mortar are to be allowed to cool to the ordinary temperature before being
used again.
(3) Cordite, Ballistite and other propellants of Class 3, Division 1
(i) Explosives in the form of sticks or tubes
(a) The operator is to wash his hands carefully, thoroughly rinse them in distilled water,
and dry them with a clean towel.
(b) The sticks or tubes to be tested are to be wiped out with clean filter paper.
(c) The sample is to be reduced to a condition suitable for grinding in the cordite mill by
being cut into small piece about 3.175 mm. long by means of the cordite knife, 12.7
mm. being rejected from each end of the sticks or tubes to be tested.
(d) The set of sieves with the lid removed is to be placed under the mill so as to allow the
ground material to fall directly on the top sieve.
(e) The cut sample is to be transferred from the cordite tray to the mill and ground. The
first portion passing through the mill is to be rejected. A sufficient quantity of the
sample is to be taken to ensure that enough material is obtained on the second sieve
without grinding the whole quantity introduced into the mill.
(f) The lid is to be replaced on the set of sieves and the sample is sieved fro one minute.
The material which remains on the second sieve is to be taken for heat test, except in
the case of powder in sticks or tubes the nominal diameter of which is less than 0.762
mm. in this case, the material in the bottom compartment is to be taken for heat test.
(g) 1.6 grammes of the ground and sieved sample are to be weighed out in the scoo9p,
transferred by means of the aluminium funnel to a heat test tube and collected a the
bottom by gently tapping the side of the tube with the fingers. Three such test
quantities are to be so weighed out. The sample is then ready to be heat tested.
(h) The set of sieves and the cordite mill are to be cleaned with the cleaning brush before
and after the preparation of each sample.
(ii)Explosives in the form of grains for small arms.1.6 grammes of the sample is to
weighed out in the scoop, transferred by means of the aluminium funnel to a heat test tube and
collected at the bottom by gently tapping the side of the tube with the fingers. Three such test
quantities are to be weighed out. The sample is then ready to be heat tested.


Explosives of Class 3, Division 2

(1) Nitro-cellulose Pulp
(a) The operator is to wash his hands carefully, thoroughly rinse them with distilled
water and dry them with a clean towel.
(b) Six thicknesses of filter paper are to be laid on top of one another. Sufficient of
the sample to be tested, to give about 5.6 grammes after the final pressing, is to
be spread on the top sheet. Six other thicknesses of filter paper are to be
similarly laid over the sample. The whole is then to be placed under pressure as,
for instance, in a hand screw press, and pressure applied for three minutes. On
removal from the press, the sample is to be rubbed up by hand on the filter paper
and agina pressed for three minutes on fresh filter paper. The sample is then to be
transferred to the rectangular sieve and rubbed through it with the hand.
(c) 5 grammes of the sieved sample are to be weighed out in the scoop and spread
evenly on an aluminium tray.
(d) The oven is to have been brought to, and is to be maintained at a temperature of
48.90C (1200F) the tray is to be placed in the oven and kept there for 15 minutes
with the door closed.
(e) The tray is to be removed from the oven and the sample transferred to the top
sieve of the set of sieves. The lid is to be replaced, and the sample sieved for two
minutes. For this operation the second sieve is not to be used.
(f) The portion of the sample, which passes through, the top sieve is again to be
spread evenly on an aluminium tray and exposed to the air of the room for four
(g) 1.3 grammes of the exposed sample are to be weighed out in the scoop and
transferred by means of the aluminium funnel to a heat test tube. Two such test
quantities are to be so weighed out. The material in each is to be gently pressed
down with the flat headed glass rod to a height of three centimeters. The sample
is then ready to be heat tested.
(h) The wire sieve and the set of sieves are to be cleaned with the cleaning brush
before and after each sample has been sieved.
(2) Compressed Guncotton :
(a) About 10 grammes of guncotton are to be removed from the centre of the primer
or slab by scrapping with the horn spatula.
(b) The scrapping so obtained are to be placed in the glass beaker two thirds full of
cold distilled water. The sample is to be frequently stirred up on the water during
15 minutes with the flat headed galss rod, and then allowed to settle. The water
is to be poured off and replaced by a similar quantity of distilled water in which
the sample is to be frequently stirred up as before during 15 minutes. After
setting, the second wash water is to be poured off.
(c) The operator is to wash hands carefully, throughly rinse them with distilled water
and collect the sample by hand squeezing out the excess of water.
(d) Six thicknesses of filter paper are to be laid on top of one another. The washed
guncotton is to be spread on the top sheet. Six other thicknesses of filter paper
are to be similarly laid over the sample. The whole is then to be placed under
pressure as, for instance, in a hand screw press and pressure applied for three
minutes. On removal from the press, the sample is to be rubbed up on the filter
paper by hand and again pressed for three minutes on fresh filter paper. The
sample is then to be transferred to the rectangular sieve and rubbed through it by
(e) 5 grammes of the sieved sample are to be weighed out in the scoop and spread
evenly on an aluminium tray.


(f) The above is to have been brought to, and is to be maintained at a temperature of
48.90C(1200F). The tray is to be placed in the oven and kept there for 15
minutes, with the door closed.
(g) The tray is to be removed from the oven and the sample transferred to the top
sieve of the set of sieves. The lid is to be replaced, and the sample sieved for two
minutes. For this operation the second sieve is not to be used.
(h) The portion of the sample which passes through the top sieve is to be agin spread
evenly on an aluminium tray and exposed to the air of the room for four hours.
(i) 1.3 grammes of the exposed sample are to be weighed out in the scoop and
transferred by means of the aluminium funnel to a heat test tube. Two such test
quantities are to be so weighed out. The material in each is to be gently pressed
down with the flat-headed glass rod to a height of three centimetres. The sample
is then ready to be heat tested.
(j) The wire sieve and the set of sieves are to be cleaned with the cleaning brush
before and after each sample has been sieved.

(3) Nitro-cellulose Propellant

(i) Explosives in the form of sticks or tubes:
(a) The operator is to wash his hands carefully, thoroughly rinse them in distilled
water, and dry them with a clean towel.
(b) The sticks or tubes to be tested are to be wiped with clean filter paper.
(c) The sample is to be reduced to a condition suitable for grinding in the cordite
mill by being cut into small pieces about 3.175 mm. long by means of the cordite
knife 12.7 mm. being rejected from each end of the sticks or tubes to be tested.
(d) The set of sieves with the lid removed, is to be placed under the mill so as to
allow the ground material to fall directly on to the directly on to the top sieve.
(e) The cut sample is to be transferred from the cordite tray to the mill and ground.
The first portion passing through the mill is to be rejected. A sufficient quantity
of the sample is to be taken to ensure that enough material is obtained on the
second sieve without grinding the whole quantity introduced into the mill.
(f) The lid is to be replaced on the set of sieves and the sample is to be sieved for
one minute. The material which remains on the second sieve is to be taken for
heat test, except in the case of powder in sticks or tubes, the nominal diameter of
which is less than 0.762 mm. in this case, the material in the bottom
compartment is to be taken for heat test.
(g) 1.6 grammes of the ground and sieved sample are to be weighed out in the scoop,
transferred by means of the aluminium funnel to a heat test tube, and collected at
the bottom by gently tapping the side of the tube with the fingers. Three such
test quantities are to be so weighted out. The sample is then ready to be heat
(h) The set of sieves and the cordite mill are to be cleaned with cleaning brush
before and after the preparation of each sample.
(iii) The explosives in the form of grants for small arms
(a) A quantity of the sample sufficient for the tests required is to be spread evenly on
an aluminium tray.
(b) The oven is to have been brought to, and is to be maintained at a temperature of
48.90C (1200 F). The tray is to be placed in the oven and dept there for 15
minutes, with the door closed.
(c) The tray is to be removed from the oven and exposed to the air of the room for 4
(d) 1.3 grammes of the exposed sample are to be weighed out in the scoop and
transferred, by means of the aluminium funnel to a heat test tube. Three such test
quantities are to be so weighed out. The sample is then ready to be heat tested.
IIIApplication of the Test


(a) The water bath is to be fitted up and is to be levelled and filled with water upto the
outflow. It is to be placed on a table of convenient height in such a position that the
heat test tint can readly be observed by observed by reflected light. No part of the
apparatus to be exposed to direct sunlight.
(b) The thermometer fixed in the rubber stopper, is to be inserted in the wire cage
provided for the purpose on the under side of the water bath of 7.6 cm. The water is
heated to the required temperature, and maintained at a constant temperature and
depth. The temperatures for the various explosives are given in Table-I.
(c) The glass rod with platinum wire gook is to be inserted in the rubber stopper. A test
paper is then to be removed from the brown glass bottle by means of the forceps
placed on the glass plate so that its edges coincide with the lines on the plate, and
pierced by passing the needle through the paper and the hole in the plate. The test
paper is then to be held by means of the forceps, and a mixture of equal volumes of
distilled water and glycerine is to be applied to the upper edge of the test paper by
means of the glass rod of the dropping bottle in sufficient quantity to moister the
upper half of the test paper by the time the test is complete. The platinum wire hook
of the glass rod is then to be passed through the hole in the paper. At no time is the
operator to touch the paper with his finger.
(d) The rubber stopper carrying the glass rod and test paper is at once to be firmly
pressed into the test tube containing the explosives to be tested until the bottom of the
stopper coincides with the top line etched on the test tubve and the position of the
glass rod is to be adjusted, so that the lower edge of the wet portion of the test paper,
which edge is to be approximately horizontal, coincides with the middle etched line
on the test tube. The test tube is then to be inserted in one of the wire cages of the lid
of the water bath, so that the bottom line etched on the test tube coincides with the
upper surface of the lid. The rubber ring is to pressed down on the bath and the cap
placed in position over the tube.
The quantities of the various explosives to be placed in the test tube are given in Table-I.
The test paper is not to be inspected by lifting the cap until shortly before the time
explosive ought to stand the test as given in Table-I.
(e) The test is completed when the faint brown line, which after time makes its
appearance at the margin between the wet and the dry positions of the test paper,
equals in depth of tint the brown line on the standard tint paper.
For any given explosives to pass the test, the time elapsing between the introduction of
the tube into the bath and the production of the tint equal to the standard must not be less
than the time given in Table-I.
After the test is finished, the explosive is to be carefully removed from the tubes, and the
tubes throughly washed out with tap water by means of the test tube bruish. They are
then to be rinsed out and allowed to drain for a few minutes. The washing is repeated
with distilled water, the tubes rinsed, allowed to drain, and finally dried in a bath at 1000
C. The tubes are to be allowed to cool to the ordinary temperature before being used



Explosive Nature

preparations form which the
conveniently be extracted by

Temperature Quantity of
of Heat Test Explosive
Heat Tested

(1600 F)


e should
stand the


Analogous preparations.


(1600 F)

French chalk


1.6 grammes


Cordite, Ballistic and other

propellant of Class3, Division

(1600 F)

compressed Gun cotton.

(170 F)

Nitro-cellulose Propellants

(170 F)






IV-Exudation and Liquefaction Test for Blasting Gelatine and analogous preparations
Test for Liquefaction
A cylinder of blasting gelatine is to be cut from the cartridge to be tested, the length of
the cylinder to be about equal to its diameter and the ends being cut flat.
The cylinder is to be placed on end on a flat surface without any wrapper and secured by
a pin passing vertically through its centre.
In this condition the cylinder is to be exposed for one hundred and forty-four (144)
consecutive hours (six days and nights) to a temperature ranging from 29.40 C to 32.20 C and
during such exposure the cylinder shall not diminish in height by more than one-fourth of its
original height, and the upper cut surface shall retain its flatness and the sharpness of its edge.
Note:- If the blasting gelatine and gelatine dynamite to be tested cannot be made up in cylindrical
form, the test is to be applied with necessary modifications.
There shall be no separation from the general mass of the blasting gelatine or gelatine
dynamite of any introglycerine or liquid nitro-compound under nay conditions of storage,
transport or use, or when the material is subjected three times in succession to alternate freezing
and thawing or when subjected to the liquefaction test herein before described.
V-Picric Acid

(1) The material shall contain not more than 0.3 part of mineral or non-combustible matter in 100
parts by weight of the material dried at 71.10 C(1600 F ).
(2) It should not contain more than a minute trace of lead.
(3) One hundred parts of the dry material shall not contain more than 0.3 part of total (free and
combined) sulphuric acid, of which not more than 0.1 part shall be free sulphuric acid.
(4) Its melting point should be between 1200 C and 122.80 C.
VI- Testing Chlorate mixtures
The material must not be too sensitive and must show no tendency to increase in
sensitivness on keeping.


The material must contain nothing liable to reduce the chlorate.

Chlorites calculated, as potassium chloride must not exceed 0.25 per cent.
The material must contain no free acid, or substance liable to produce free acid.
Explosives of this class containing nitro-compounds will be subject to the heat test as
they belonged to Class 3.
Note:--These explosive will considered too sensitive if they can be exploded however, partially
by means of a glancing blow with a broom stick on soft wood such as deal.
VIIPETN Penta Erythritol Tetranitrate
(A) Heat Test:-If the sample is received dry, it is to be transferred to a clean sheet of paper and mixed
thoroughly in an atmosphere free from dust. Sample of moist PETN is to be dried prior to being
heat tested by taking the same in a tared flat-bottomed dish and expose the dish and its contents in
a oven at a temperature not exceed 60 C until constant in weight.
1.3 grammes of the dry sample is carefully transferred to a heat test tube by means of the
aluminium funnel. After removal of the funnel the sample is to be collected at the bottom of the
tube by tapping with the fingers. It is then to be heat tested at a temperature of 76.6 C and the
time explosive should stand the test, should not be less than 10 minutes.
(B) Other tests and requirements
(1) The PETN should be in the form of white crystals.
(2) It should be free from gritty particles, visible impurities and foreign matter.
(3) Melting pointThe melting point of the PETN should be between 139 C and 142 C.
(4) Insoluble matterThe total insoluble matter in acetone should matter in acetone should
not be more than 0.05 per cent.
(5) Volatile matterVolatile matter should not be more than 0.15 per cent.
(6) AcidityThe acidity, calculated as HNO2 should not exceed 0.01%.
(7) AlkalinityThe alkalinity, calculated as Na2Co3, should not be more than 0.01%.
(8) Nitorgen contentThe nitrogen content should be not less than 17.40 per cent and not
more than 27.80 per cent.
Preparation of Standard Tint Papers
0.48 grammes of the finest yellow ochre, 0.2 gramme of raw umber and 5 grammes of
fine white gum arabic, all of which have been very finely ground in an agate mortar are weighed
into a stoppered bottle of about 150 c.c. capacity and 100 c.c. of water added. The whole is
shaken in the cold until the gum is dissolved. The suspension is then well shaken and allowed to
stand for one hour.
A stylographic pen is then filled from the centre of the suspension and with the aid of a
ruler lines are drawn at a steady pace across one side, of a sheet of filter paper to Specification D.
The sheet is then cut up into rectangular strips 1 cm broad by 2 cm long, each with a line across
the middle perpendicular to the length of the strip. The breadth of the line must be not less than
0.5 mm. not more than 1 mm.
In order to maintain continuity as regards depth of tint strips in which the tint does not
correspond with that of the sealed pattern are to be rejected.
Preparation and Testing of Heat Papers


Potassium Iodide:
The purest potassium iodide obtainable commercially is to be purified by triple recrystallisation from pure ethyl alcohol, diluted by the addition of one-twentieth of its volume of
distilled water. The crystals are to be kept as small as possible, and are to be spread out on clean
filter paper, resting on a glass plate, and allowed to dry in the dark,. When dry, they are to be
placed ina thin layer on the bottom of a platinum crucible and heate to a dull red heat for one
minute over a spirit lamp burning pure alcohol. When cold the crystals are to be transferred to a
brown glass stoppered bottle from which the quantities required are to be weighed out.
The potassium iodide used for each batch of filter paper is to be prepared as above
immediately before use.
Starch :
The starch used is to be best maize starch in the form of cornflower. It is to be purified
immediately before use by washing six times by decantation with freshly distilled water. It is
then to be placed on a porous plate of unglazed porcelain, allowed to dry in a warm atmosphere in
the dark, and stopped in a brown bottle from which the quantities required are to be weighted out.
Preparation of the Dipping Solution:
220 c.c. of freshly distilled water are to be placed in a Jena glass flask and raised to
boiling point over a spirit lamp burning pure spirit. 3 grammes of the starch, prepared as above,
are to be suspended in 30 c.c. of distilled water and the mixture poured into the 220 c..c of boiling
water, with continuous shaking. The whole is to be kept boilding gently, and shaken occasionally
for 5 minutes. The solution of starch so prepared is to be added to a solution of 1 gramme of the
purified potasium iodide in 250 c.c. of freshly distilled water, and the solution of well mixed.
The mixture is to stand overnight in a dark room. The following day, the clear supernatent liquid
is to be carefully syphoned off and used immediately for dipping the paper.
If is is desired to dip a large bath of paper, the foregoing quantities may be multiplied in
order to obtain sufficient soloution.
Dipping the papers :
The clear potassium iodide and starch solution is to be poured into a porcelain tray, which
is to be kept exclusively for this operation. Sheets of filter paper to Specification D are to be
passed through it singly, so that all except 3 cm. at the end of the strip of paper, passes beneath
the surface of the liquid.
The strip of paper is to be held above the tray by the dry portion and a glass rod passed
down each side to remove the excess of solution. It is the to be suspended by the undippened
portion in a warm dark room, cupboard, or oven until dry.
It is advisable to nip a small piece, out of the edge of each sheet at the boundary line
between the wet and dry portions as a guide in subsequent cutting.
Cutting and Trimming the Test Paper :
In cutting and trimming heat test paper the operator is to wear clean cotton gloves.
When the sheets are dry they are to be trimmed by trimmed by cutting off the unclipped
end about 0.5 cm. below the edge of the undipped portion, 0.5 cm. strips are also cut from the
other three edges. The sheets are then to be stored in ambercoloured glass jars, kept in the dark.


When a batch of paper has been passed for issue the sheets are to be cut up into
rectangular pieces 1 cm. by 2 cm., and are to be issued in this form.
All the above operations are to be carried out in a building specially reserved for this
work. This building is to be protected from the direct access of the suns rays, and is, as far as
possible, to be kept dark.
Testing of Heat Test Paper by the Diffusion Test
Apparatus and Materials required :

Acheson graphite
Acid, Sulphuric, normal solution
Annulus aluminium
Cap, light-tightpaste board
Cylinder, glass, with rubber stopper
Cylinder, measuring 100 c.c.
Ferrous ammonium sulphate
Jar, cylindrical, brown glass
Pipette 10 c.c.
Rod, stirring, glass
Sodium nitrite solution containing 1.7 gm. In 1 litre
Stopper, rubber, with 4 platinum hooks

A supply


A supply
A supply

Application of the Test :


The solution are to be brought to 15 C before use. 2 grammes of ferrous ammonium

sulphate are weighed out and placed in the glass jar, 90 c.c. of the normal sulphuric acid added
and solution effected by strirring with the glas rod. The jar is then placed in a bath of water at 15
C, and must be kept at the temperature of the air should be 15 C to 17 D. 10 c.c. of the sodium
nitrite solution are then added by means of the pipette and well stirred in. An aluminium annulus
is placed centrally over the mouth of the jar and the orifice covered by the graphite slab; over this
is placed a second annulus. Good contact between surfaces is to be ensured by exerting a slight
pressure and twisting motion.
The glass cylinder with rubber stopper and light tight cap are then placed on the second
annulus, and the assembled apparatus is allowed to stand for 20 minutes. After the expiration of
the 20 minutes, the light tight cap and the glass cylinder are removed, the rubber stopper taken
out of the cylinder waved severial times through the air. As soon as possible, four of the heat test
papers to be tested are moistened with glycerine solution, placed on the platinum hooks of the
stoper, the stopper inserted in the cylinder, and the cylinder and light tight cap again placed in
position of the second annulus, and the time noted.
When the papers read by reflected light reach the standard, tint, the time is again noted;
the difference gives the time of test. Standard tint papers to be read by reflected light used for
The cylinder is then removed uncorked, waved several times through the air, and a fresh
set of papers is at once put on for test. After four sets of tests have been made the graphite slab
must be heated to 200 C for 1 hour allowed to cool in an evacuated disiccator over potash for at
least 16 hours before being used again.
A batch of papers is to be tested by carrying out four consecutive tests of four papers on
each of two days.
(See Rule 15)



Form of

















Licensing Authority
Purpose for which granted









Authority empowered
to grant
To manufacture explosives other than Chief Controller
fireworks- Gunpowder, ANFO at site and
Liquied Oxygen explosives
1[To manufacture fireworks and/or gunpowder District Authority
(i) up to 15 kgs.
(ii) more than 15 kgs. and up to 200 kgs.
Explosives, authorised
by Chief Controller.]
To manufacture Fireworks and/or Gunpowder Chief Controller
more than 200 kgs. at time.
To manufacture ANFO explosives at site.
Explosives authorised
by Chief Controller
To manufacture liquied oxygen explosives.
Chief Controller
To possess for sale explosives and exceeding Controller
2000 kgs. of Class 1,2,3,4 & 7 together with Explosives authorised
explosives of Class 6.
by Chief Controller
To possess for sale explosives exceeding 2000 Chief Controller
kgs. of Class 1,2,3,4 & 7 and any quantity of
Class 5,6 and 8.
To possess for use explosives not exceeding Controller
2000 kgs. of Class 1,2,3,4 & 7 together with Explosives authorised
explosives of Class 6.
by Chief Controller
To possess for use explosive exceeding 2000 Chief Controller
kgs. of Class 1,2,3,4 & 7 and any quantity of
Class 5,6, and 8.
2[To possess and sell from a shop small-arms Controller
nitro-compound not exceeding 25 kgs. or Explosives authorised
fireworks not exceeding 100 kgs. of Class 7 by Chief Controller
Division 2 sub-division 2, 1000 kgs. of Class 7
Division 2 sub-division 1, or gunpowder not
exceeding 25 kgs. safety fuse not exceeding
5000 metres.]
3[To possess and sell from a shop fireworks District Authority
not exceeding 50 kgs. of Class 7, Division 2,
sub-division 2; 400 kgs. of Class 7, Division 2,
sub-division 1 or gunpowder not exceeding 15
kgs. and safety fuse not exceeding 5000
To possess for own use Class 2 and/or Class 3 District Authority
explosives not exceeding 5 kgs., electric or
ordinary detonators not exceeding 10 numbers
and safety fuse not exceeding 200 metres.
To possess for use small-arms nitro-compound District Authority
not exceeding 5 kgs. in the State of Kerala.
To possess for use gunpowder not exceeding 5 District Authority
kgs. and safety fuse not exceeding 50 metres
in the State of Bihar, Kerala and West Bengal.
To import explosives.
Chief Controller
To export explosives.
Chief Controller


To transport explosives







For road van

For public display of Fireworks.

Controller authorised
Controller by Chief



To manufacture explosives not provided in Chief Controller

Ariticle 1

(See rules 28 and 34)
Certified that samples of the explosives of the description given below have been tested
and have passed the testes set forth in Schedule III as applicable to such explosive and in the caee
of explosives of the 1st Division of 3rd (Nitro-compons) or 4th (Chlorate Mixture) classes, that
there are no signs of liquefaction or of excluded nitro-glycerine or liquid nitro-compound.
Name and
Address of

Description of

Number of

Date of manufacture&batch
no. referrecd
To in rule 9(2)

Actual time
taken in Heat
Test for tint
to appear


This certificate is valid for twelve months only that is to say it expires on the
. Day of 19 provided that, in cae of nitro-glycerine compounds
which are not used as propellants, it shall expire on the 31st day of July following.
Date :

Signature of Testing Officer


*Name of importer in case of import, and consignor in cae of transport.

Form 2
(See rule 24)
Declaration to be made by the Master of a Ship carrying explosives before entering a port
or by the ships agent.
1. Name of ship..
2. Date of Arrival atPort.
of Explosives

Date of manufacture,
batch No. and other
distinguishing marks

Total quantity Quantity to be

landed at port



Form 3
[See the 154(3)]


Application for grant or amendment of Licence to manufacture explosives

I on behalf of.apply for grant of
licence/amendment of licence No. to manufacture explosives. I give full
particulars below and enclose other documents as required.

The replies to be
Written in this column

Name in which licence is required

to be granted (see notes below)




Age (see notes below)


Postal address


Qualifications and experience of applicant

And the technical personnel employed by him.
(Give individual details and attach separate
sheet if required)



Situation of the premises:

Town or village
Survey No.
Police Station
Railway Station or Steamer Ghat



Explosives proposed to be manufactured

Division (if any)
Name and description


Annual capacity of the Manufacturing Plant

Quantity of explosives present at any one time in
The manufacturing Plant
Quantity of explosives proposed to be manufactured
In one day


Has the applicant been approved by Chief Controller

If yes, please give approval letter No. and Date





Pin code No. .
Telephone No. .
Telegraphic Address



Has the applicant been convicted under any offence

Or ordered to execute bond under Chapter VIII of
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, during the last
10 years. If yes, please give details.
10. (a) particulars of other licenses under
Explosives Act, 1884, if any held by
the applicant during the last 10 years
(b) was any licence cancelled/not renewed?
(c) If yes, give details
11. Details of amendment proposed/Additional
information, if any
I hereby certify that the above particulars given by me are correct.

Signature of applicant..
(Authorised person in case of a Company)
Full Name ..
Address ..
1. In case where application is made in the name of a Company, the names and addresses of
Directors and Partners and the name, address and specimen signatures of person or persons
authorised to sign correspondence in respect of licence applied for should be given on a
separate sheet and enclosed with this application form.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to the licensing
authority and authority renewing the licence.
2. Age to be given in case the applicant is an individual.
3. Please attach the following to application :
(a) Plans of the proposed buildings and the site drawn to scale. Site plan should show full
approach road net work to the factory.
(b) A description of plant and equipment and its location provided in each building
(Production, non-production, stores, administrative etc.) and the safety distances
(c) A description of plant and equipment and its location provided in each building and part
(d) A description of process/work to be carried out in each building or part thereof.
(e) A description of explosives and ingredients thereof, whether wholly or partially mixed,
that will be present in any building or machine at any one time
(f) A description of maximum number of persons to be employed in each building.
(g) A description of any special constructions or provisions which the applicant may propose
by reason of special circumstance, arising from the location, situation or construction of
any building or works, or the nature of process or otherwise.
4. Delete whichever is not applicable.
5. In case the applicant is for amendment of licence, only relevant documents should be
[See rule 154(4)]
Application for grant or amendment of licence to possess and sell explosives


I ..on behalf of.apply for grant of a

licence/amendment of licence No.for possession and sale of explosives. I give
below full particulars and enclose other documents as required.
Replies to be written in the column
1. Name in which licence is required to
be granted (See notes below)
2. Status


3. Age (see notes below)


4. Postal address

Pin Code No ..
Telephones No. ..
Telegraphic Address ..

5. Qualification sand experience of applicant and the ..

technical personnel employed by him (Give individual
details and attach separate sheet if required).
6. Situation of premises
Town or village
Survey No.
Police Station
Railway Station or steamer Ghat


7. Explosives proposed to be possessed and sold:

Name & Description Class Division if any
at any one time

In one month

8. Are the premises attached to a factory
licensed to manufacture explosives?
If so, please give the licence number
9. Have the premises previously been
licensed? If yes, please give:
(i) Previous licence No.
(ii) Name & address of previous licence
(iv) Reasons for cancellation/non-renewal
of previous licence
10. Has the applicant been convicted under any
offence or ordered to execute any bond under






Chapter VIII of Code of Criminal Procedure,

1973, during the last 10 years? If yes, please
give details

11. (a) Particulars of other licences, if any,

under Explosives Act, 1884 held by
the applicant during the last 10 years
(b)Was any licence cancelled/not renewed?
(c) If yes, give details
12. Details of amendment proposed/
Additional information, if any



I hereby certify that the information given above is correct.


Place .

Signature of applicant
(Authorised person in case of Company)

Full Name .
Address ..

Notes: (1)



In case where application in made in the name of a Company, the names and
addresses of Director sand Partners and the name, address and specimen
signatures of person or persons authorised to sign correspondence in respect of
licence applied for should be given on a separate sheet and enclosed with this
application form.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to
the licensing authority and authority renewing the licence.
Age to be givne in case the applicant is an individual.
Please attach the following to application:
(a) Site plan of the proposed premises. The plan should be drawn to scale and
show full approach road net work to the premises nearby land marks, and
safety distances from nearest protected works.
(b) Plans showing construction details of the building mounds, lightning
conductors etc.
Delete whichever is not applicable.

[See rule 154(4) & 154(5)]
Application for grant or amendment of licence to possess explosives for use
I ..on behalf of.apply for grant of a licence/
amendment of licence No.for possess explosives for use. I give below full
particulars and enclose other documents as required.


1. Name in which licence is required to

be granted (See notes below)
2. Status
3. Age (see notes below)
4. Postal address

Replies to be written in the column


Pin Code No ..
Telephones No. ..
Telegraphic Address ..

5. Qualification sand experience of applicant and the ..

technical personnel employed by him (Give individual
details and attach separate sheet if required).
6. Situation of premises
Town or village
Survey No.
Police Station
Railway Station or steamer Ghat


7. Explosives proposed to be possessed and sold:

Name & Description Class Division if any
at any one time

In one month

8. Have the premises previously been
licensed? If yes, please give:
(i) Previous licence No.
(ii) Name & address of previous licence
iii) Reasons for cancellation/non-renewal
of previous licence




9. Explosives proposed to be used per day

Name & Description


10. Details of site where explosives will be used


11. Distance of site where the explosives will be used

from the storage premises mentioned in item 6


12. Mode of transport of explosives




13. Licence No. of Road Van, if used


14. Has the applicant been convicted under any

offence or ordered to execute any bond under
Chapter VIII of Code of Criminal Procedure,
1973, during the last 10 years? If yes, please
give details


15. (a) Particulars of other licences, if any,

under Explosives Act, 1884 held by
the applicant during the last 10 years
(b)Was any licence cancelled/not renewed?
(c) If yes, give details
16. Details of amendment proposed/
Additional information, if any




I here by certify that the information given above is correct.


Signature of applicant
(Authorised person in case of Company)

Full Name .
Address ..

Place .
Notes.(1) In case where application in made in the name of a Company, the names and
addresses of Director sand Partners and the name, address and specimen signatures of
person or persons authorised to sign correspondence in respect of licence applied for
should be given on a separate sheet and enclosed with this application form.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to
the licensing authority and authority renewing the licence.
(2) Age to be givne in case the applicant is an individual.
(3) Please attach the following to application:
(c) Site plan of the proposed premises. The plan should be drawn to scale and
show full approach road net work to the premises nearby land marks, and
safety distances from nearest protected works.
(d) Plans showing construction details of the building mounds, lightning
conductors etc.
(4) Delete whichever is not applicable.

[See rules 154(5)]
Application for grant of licence to possess explosives for own use
I hereby apply for a licence to possess explosives as mentioned below for amy own use
for removal of tree stumps/levelling of ground/digging of new well/deepening of existing
Nodated..fromas required under sub-rule (8)
of Rule 155 of the Explosives Rules, 1983 is also enclosed.


Replies to be given in this column


Name of the applicant

Age of the applicant
Residential address of the applicant
Location of the premises shall be used
Survey No.





Mode of storage

Location of the premises where the explosives shall stored

Quantity of explosives proposed to be stored

Gun powder

Nitrate Mixture


Safety Fuse

Electric Detonators

Ordinary Detonators

Particulars of the licence obtained by the applicant

during last two y ears

(a) Has the applicant been convicted under any law or Yes
ordered to execute a bond under Chapter VIII of Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1973, during the last ten years?
(b) If yes, give details

Particulars of licence held by the applicant under

Explosives Act, 1884, during the last 10 years

(b) Was any licence cancelled/not renewed?

(c) If yes, give details

Any other information

I certify that the information given by me above is correct.

Signature of the applicant

Date of application

Note.(1) The applicant should attach site plan and construction plan of the premises where the
explosive shall be stored.
(2)Delete whichever is not applicable.
[See Rule 154(6)]
Application for grant of a licence for Van for transport of Explosives
I on behalf of.apply for grant of
licence/amendment of licence No. to manufacture explosives. I give full
particulars below and enclose other documents as required.

The replies to be
Written in this column

Name in which licence is required

Tto be granged (see notes below)






Age (see notes below)


Postal address


Address of the premises where the vehicle is to be

Normally kept.
Explosives to be carried
Places between which the vehicle will ply
Will the vehicle be used for carrying explosives to
Site and used for blasting
(b) If yes, give details of area of operation
Description of vehicle
Registration No.
Engine No.
Chassis No.
(b) Gross vehicle weight rating
(c) Weight of unloaded vehicle
(d) Tyres





Ply rating

Total maximum load = Total maximum
Individual tyre load x number =


Pin code No. .
Telephone No. .
Telegraphic Address

Maximum individual
Tyre load @ cold
Inflation pressure
Kg. @
Kg. @


Description of other fittings on the vehicle

Carrying capacity permitted by Regional Transport
12.(a) Has the applicant been convicted under any offence
or ordered to execute a bond under Chapter VIII of
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, during the last
10 years?
(b) If yes, give details
13.(a) Particulars of licence held by the applicant under
Explosives Act, 1884, during the last 10 years
(b) Was any licence cancelled/not renewed?
(c) If yes, give details
Additional information, if any




I certify that the information given above is correct and that every driver of this vehicle
shall be instructed in relevant provision of the Act and rules made thereunder.

Signature of applicant.


(Authorised person in case of

Name in full .


Note:(1) In case where application is made in the name of a company, the names and addresses of
Directors and partners and the name, address and specimen signatures of person or persons
authorised to sign the crrespondence in respect of licence applied for should be given on
separate sheet and enclosed with this application form.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to the licensing
authority renewing the licence.
(2) Age to be given in caee the applicant is an individual.
(3) The applicant should submit plans of the road van showing complete construction details,
fittings, and safety devices. Full details of additionan equipments/fittings in the vehicle
should also be clearly shown.
(4) Total maximum load must equal or exceed Gross vehicle weight rainting.
(5) Delete whichever is not applicable.
[See Rule 154(7)]
Application for grant or amendment of licence to transport explosives
I on behalf of.apply for grant of
licence/amendment of licence No. to manufacture explosives. I give full
particulars below and enclose other documents as required.

The replies to be
Written in this column

Name of the applicant

(see notes below)


Postal address




Pin code No. .
Telephone No. .
Telegraphic Address
Particulars of licence granted under Explosives Rules, .
1983 held by the applicant from where the explosives .
Will be transported
Licence No..
for possession and sale/use
Situation of premises
Licensed capacity
Name of explosives
Division, if any
Date up to which the licence is valid
Particulars of place to which the explosives will be



6. (a)



Mode of transport:
(a) Does, the applicant hod any licence under Explosives.
Rules, 1983 for Road vans?
(b) If yes, please give details
Has the applicant been convicted under any offence
or ordered to execute a bond under Chapter VIII of
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, during the last
10 years?
(b) If yes, give details
Particulars of licence held by the applicant under

Explosives Act, 1884, during the last 10 years

(b) Was any licence cancelled/not renewed?

(c) If yes, give details

Particulars of amendment proposed/Additional

information, if any

I certify that the particulars given by me are correct.



Signature of applicant.
(Authorised person in case of
Name in full .

Note:(1) In case where application is made in the name of a company, the names and addresses of
Directors and partners and the name, address and specimen signatures of person or persons
authorised to sign the correspondence in respect of licence applied for should be given on
separate sheet and enclosed with this application form.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to the licensing
authority renewing the licence.
(2) Age to be given in case the applicant is an individual.
[See Rule 54(8)
Application for Shotfirers Permit
I hereby apply for a Shotfirers Permit under Explosives Rules

Replies to be written in the column

1. Name of applicant in full


2. Age of applicant
3. Postal Address
Pin Code No.
Telephone No.
4. Qualification and experience of applicant
I certify that the above particulars are true and correct.


Date of application

(Signature of applicant)


NotePlease enclose certified copies of certificates showing Date of Birth, Educational

qualifications and experience.
[See Rule 154(7)
Application for grant of licence to import explosives
I ..on behalf of.apply for grant of a licence under
Explosives Rules, 1983 to import explosives and furnish the following particulars:
1. Name in which licence is required to
be granted (See notes below)
2. Status



3. Postal Address
Pin Code No.
Telephone No.
Telegraphic Address
4. Explosives proposed to be imported at a time
Name & Description
Division, if any
5. Are the explosives to be imported authorised explosives
6. Name and address of the manufacturer of explosives to be
7. Licence particulars of the premises where explosives will
be stored :
8. Port or place of import
9. Has the applicant been convicted under any offence or
ordered to execute any bond under Chapter VIII of Code

10. (a) particulars of other licenses under

Explosives Act, 1884, if any held by
the applicant during the last 10 years
(b) was any licence cancelled/not renewed?
(c) If yes, give details
11. Additional information, if any



I certify that the information given above is correct.

Signature of applicant..
(Authorised person in case of a Company)
Name in full....
Address ..


1. In case where application is made in the name of a Company, the names and addresses of
Directors and Partners and the name, address and specimen signatures of person or persons
authorised to sign correspondence in respect of licence applied for should be given on a
separate sheet and enclosed with this application form.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to the licensing
authority and authority renewing the licence.

[See Rule 154(7)]
Application for grant of licence export explosives
I ..on behalf of.apply for grant of a licence under
Explosives Rules, 1983 to export explosives. The necessary particulars are furnished below :
Replies to be given in this column
1. Name in which licence is required to
be granted (See notes below)
1. Postal Address
Pin Code No.
Telephone No.
Telegraphic Address
3. Particulars of licence/s granted under Explosives Rules,
1983 held by the applicant
Licence No. ..
for possession and sale of
Situation of premises
Licensed capacity
Name of Explosives
Division, if any
4. Quantity of explosives to be exported
Name & Description
Division, if any Quantity
5. Name and address of consignee
6. Place or port from which explosives will be exported
7. Name of the ship carrying explosives and likely date of sailing
8. Quantity of each explosives to be loaded on the ship
9. Transport licence No. held by applicant
10. (a) Has the applicant been convicted under the offence
or ordered to execute bond under Chapter III of
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, during the last
Ten years?
(b) If yes, give details
11. (a) particulars of other licenses under
Explosives Act, 1884, if any held by
the applicant during the last 10 years
(b) was any licence cancelled/not renewed?
(c) If yes, give details



12. Additional information, if any


I hereby certify that the above particulars given by me are correct.

Signature of applicant..
(Authorised person in case of a Company)
Full Name ..
Address ..
Notes: In case where application is made in the name of a Company, the names and addresses of
Directors and Partners and the name, address and specimen signatures of person or persons
authorised to sign correspondence in respect of licence applied for should be given on a separate
sheet and enclosed with this application form.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to the licensing
authority and authority renewing the licence.

[See Rule 154(7)
Application for grant of licence for public display of Fireworks
I ..on behalf of.apply for grant of a licence under
Explosives Rules, 1983 for possession and use of Public Display Fireworks. The necessary
particulars are given below and required documents are enclosed.
Replies to be given in this column
1. Name in which licence is required to
be granted (See notes below)
2. Age
(See note below)
3. Postal Address
Pin Code No.
Telephone No.
Telegraphic Address
4. Qualification and experience of the applicant and
and competent persons employed by him.




Name , qualification and experience of the persons

supervising the display
Description and quantity of fireworks to be used
7.(a) Form whom the fireworks will be obtained
Form & Licence No.held
Validity of licence
(b) Address and licence No.of the place where
the fireworks will be stocked
Description & quantity of fireworks to be displayed
Time of display and address of the place where the
will be held
10. (a) Has the applicant been convicted under any offence or




ordered to execute any bond under Chapter VIII of Code

of Criminal Procedure, 1973, during the last ten years?
(b) If yes, give details
11.(a) particulars of other licenses under
Explosives Act, 1884, if any held by
the applicant during the last 10 years
(b) was any licence cancelled/not renewed?
(c) If yes, give details
12. Additional information, if any
I certify that the information given above is correct.
Signature of applicant..
(Authorised person in case of a Company)
Full Name ..
Address ..
1. In case where application is made in the name of a Company, the names and addresses of
Directors and Partners and the name, address and specimen signatures of person or persons
authorised to sign correspondence in respect of licence applied for should be given on a
separate sheet and enclosed with this application for.
Any change in the above information should be immediately communicated to the licensing
authority and authority renewing the licence.
2. Age to be given in case the applicant is an individual.
3. Separate sheet may be attached if the space given in the form is not sufficient.

[See Rule 165(4)
Application for Renewal of licence
Form :
Dear Sir,
I/We hereby apply for renewal of licence form..for the period
from..toand furnish the following information :
During the last two years
(i) I was/we were
(a) not convicted/convicted and sentenced for..for following
(b) not ordered/ordered to execute under Chapter VIII of Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973, a bond for keeping peace or for good behaviour.
(ii) Licence Form..granted under Explosives Act to me/us
were cancelled/not renewed by the licensing authority.
I/We also enclosed the following documents :
(i) Licence Formtogether with approved plans and
(ii) Renewal fee of Rsby Cash/P.O. No../Bank draft ofon
..Bank ..Branch, drawn in favour of



Signature of Licensee
(Authorised person in case of company)
Date of application..

Note.The complete renewal application should reach the renewal authority at least thirty days
before the expiry date of licence, to avoid payment of late fees. The licence will expire if no
renewal application is received on or before the expiry date.


Statement to be submitted to the Chief Controller of Explosives by an importer on despatch of

explosives from the place or port of loading [See Rule 23(a) of the Explosives Rules, 1983].
Importers Name Import licence No.
and address
granted by Central
quantities of explosives
imported and date of
expiry of the licence.

Import licence No. granted bt

Explosives Rules and date of
expiry of licence

Name & address

manufacture of

Kind and quantities of explosives on the ship/aircraft

Name and Description

Class & Division



Date :
Name & address Place or port of Name of Ship/ Place or port of Likely date of
of consigner
Airlines and date import
of sailing/Air lift

Batch No.


No. of packages

Signature of Importer
(Authorised person in case of a Company)


Name in full

Importers despatch Schedule [See Rule 23(b) of the Explosives Rules, 1983]
This form should be filled up as soon as any consignment of explosives is cleared from
the place or port of import and forwarded in triplicate to Chief Controller of Explosives.
Importers Name Import licence No. Description of Explosives
and address
Explosives Rules and
date of expiry of

Name & address

manufacture of

Particulars of despatch from place or port of import.

Name & Address of Licence

Quantity of explosives despatched
licensee to whom No.
were Form
Name & Class
& Quantity
description Division



and Quantity
of explosives

Batch No. and date

of Place or port Name of ship or Date of arrival

which air lines
and place or
explosives were
port of import

Date of despatch

Mode of despatch

Road Van Licence

No. if despatched by


Signature of importer
(Authorised agent in case of company)
Name in full ..

[See Rule 32(2)
Pass granted by the holder of Transport Licence (Explosives) for transport of a
consignment of explosives.
1. No...
2. This pass covers. ..packages containing following
explosives :
Name and


Division if


No. of

Number and

While in transit from .to . ..
3. The











.. till ../Lorry No.
.. other on-mechanically propelled vehicle.
Name and address of consignee.
No. and Form of Consignees Licence No. ..
Consignees order No. and date any quantity of each
explosives ordered
Consignees letter No. and date intimating ..
readiness to receive explosives.
Date of despatch of consignment
Approximate date on which consignment..
should reach in destination.
Holder of Transport
Licence No.

[See Rule 156(1)

Distance required to be kept clear around Magazine/Store house/Factory Distance

around the Magazine/Storehouse/Factory premises proposed to be licensed for
storage/manufacture of Kg of explosives to be kept clear* from the
undermentioned building and works :


actually Remarks
& Distance required to be kept Distances
observed (to be filled by
clear not less than
Unmounded the applicant)


Room or works used in connection with the magazine .

Any other explosives magazine or storehouse or factory of the applicant.
Magazine office.
Magazine office.
Railway including mineral & private Railway.
Canal ( In active use) or other navigable water.
Dock or Pier or Jetty.
Public highway or Public roads.
Private road which is a PRINCIPAL means of access to a temple, mosque, church,
gurudwara or other places of worships, hospital, college, school or factory.
10. River embankment or sea embankment or Public well.
11. Reservoir or bounded tank/rope way.
12. Dwelling house.
13. Govt. & Public building.
14. Temple, mosque, gurudwars, church or other place of worship.
15. Shops, market place, public, recreation and sports ground, College, School, hospital,
threatre, cinema or other buildings, where the public are accustomed to assemble.
16. Factory.
17. Buildings or works used for the storage in bulk of petroleum spirit, gas or other
inflammable or hazardous substance.
18. Buildings or works used for the storage and manufacture of explosives or of articles
which contain explosives.
19. Aerodrome.
20. Furance, Kiln or chimney.
21. Quarry or mine pit head.
22. Power house or electric sub-station.
23. Wireless Station.
24. Warehouse or other storage buildings.
25. Elec. Power over head Transmission lines above 440 V.
26. Elec. Power over head Transmission lines above 440 V.
Certified that I have personally checked the replies given above and that they are
a true statement of the surroundings of the premises.
Signature of applicant
(Authorised person in case of a company)

Postal Address


*The distance will be required to be kept clear not merely on the first
establishment of the premises, but during the continuance of the licence.
[See Rule 156(3)

Distance required to be kept clear around Magazine/Store house/Factory licensed

No.( ) in form .granted to.
Distance to be maintained by the magazine/Factory/store house:
Form Every

Not less than metres



Room or works used in connection with the magazine .

Any other explosives magazine or storehouse of the applicant.
Magazine office.
Magazine Chowkidars dwelling house.
Railway including mineral & private Railway.
Canal ( in active use) or other navigable water.
Dock or Pier or Jetty.
Public highway or Public roads.
Private road which is a principal means of access to a temple, mosque, church,
gurudwara or other places of worships, hospital, college, school or factory.
10. River embankment or sea embankment or Public well.
11. Reservoir or bounded tank/rope way.
12. Dwelling house.
13. Govt. & Public building.
14. Temple, mosque, gurudwara, church or other place of worship.
15. Shops, market place, public, recreation and sports ground, College, School, hospital,
threatre, cinema or other buildings, where the public are accustomed to assemble.
16. Factory.
17. Buildings or works used for the storage in bulk of petroleum spirit, gas or other
inflammable or hazardous substance.
18. Building or works used for the storage and manufacture of explosives or of articles
which contain explosives.
19. Aerodrome.
20. Furance, Kiln or chimney.
21. Quarry or mine pit head.
22. Power house or electric sub-station.
23. Wireless Station.
24. Warehouse or other storage buildings.
25. Elec. Power over head Transmission lines above 440 V.
26. Elec. Power over head Transmission lines above 440 V.
Distance will be required to be kept clear not merely on the first establishment of
the premises but during the continuance of the licence.
For Chief Controller of Explosives


Controller of Explosives
[See Rule 155(1)(b)]
The President of India,
I/we ..carrying on business as manufacture(s) of fireworks and/or
gunpowder and having a factory or shop at..and
I/We of
sureties on his/their behalf hereby jointly and severally agree and
undertake that we shall pay to the President of India, his successors and assigns on
demand a sum of Rs.. for which payment to be well and truly made we bind
ourselves, our respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. I/We agree that the
dependents of such workers as may die as a result of accidents occuring in the factory or
shop above mentioned and that such compensation amounts shall be a first charge on the
immovable properties mentioned in the Schedule hereunder and that the above
undertaking shall remain in force until all compensation payable hereunder have been
fully paid and shall be binding upon us, our respective heirs, executors administrators and
We, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns jointly and severally
undertake to keep the President of India indemnified against all claims that may be made
on behalf of workers dying as a result of accidents. In case the compensation awarded is
paid to the dependants by us or by our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns the
above written bond shall be void but otherwise it shall remain in full force and virtue.
It is hereby agreed that the liability of the sureties hereunder shall not be
discharged by reason of time being granted or any other indulgence shown to the
Principal(s0 nor shall it be necessary for the President of India to sue the Principal(s)
before suing the sureties for the amounts due hereunder.


(Here full description of the immovable properties should be given)

In witness where of these presents have been duly executed on the of
Full signature of Licensee..
Fathers name in full ..


Full Signature of Surety..
Fathers name in full..

Executed in my presence
District Magistrate

(See Rule 155)
[Article 1(a)9d) of Schedule IV)
Licence to manufacture Explosives

Fee Rs.(per year)

Licence is hereby granted to.valid only for manufacture of .at

anyone time per year at the premises described below subject to the provisions of Explosives Act,
1884 as amended from time to time and the rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this
This licence shall remain valid till 31st day of March 19.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence or if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to the description shown in the attached plans and Annexures.
Description of the licensed premises
The licensed premises shown in plan-Nosattached
..Postal Address of the License
The .19.
Chief Controller of Explosives

Controller of Explosives
Endorsement for renewal of licence :
Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority

(1) (a) Details of construction of mounds, buildings and works connected with the factory are
given in Annexure 1 attached to the licence.
(a) The process to be carried out in each building/part of the factory, the
limitations as to the description and amount of explosives, ingredients and


articles liable to spontaneous ignition or inflammable or otherwise dangerous

to be allowed in each building and the maximum number of the persons to be
employed in each building are given in Annexure II attached to the licence.
(2) The materials as manufacturing process or the sequence of the operations or the operations
carried out in each building or plant and equipment used for the process shall be carried out
without prior approval of the licensing authority.
(3) No change in the manufacturing process or the sequence of the operations or the operations
carried out in each building or plant and equipment used for the process shall be carried out
without prior approval of the licensing authority.
(4) No work not directly connected with the manufacture of explosives as specified in the
process shall be carried on in any part of the factory.
(5) The interior of the compartments of the buildings, in which explosives are mnaufactured or
handled and the fittings therein (other than machinery) shall be so constructed or so lined and
covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel, or the detaching of any grit, iron, steel
or similar substance,in such manner as to come in contact with any explosives. The interior
of such compartments shall be kept clean and free from grit.
(6) All machinery in the factory premises shall be properly and efficiently earthed.
(7) No additions and alterations shall be carried out in the licensed premises without a previous
sanction in writing of the licensing authority. Such additions and alterations so sanctioned
shall be shown in the amended plan attached to the licence.
(8) If the licensing authority or a Controller of Explosives calls upon the holder of the licence by
notice in writing to execute any repairs or to make any additions or laterations to the licensed
premises or machinery, tools or apparatus which are in the opinion of such authority
necessary for the safety of the premises or of the persons working in the factory, the holder of
the license shall execute the repairs, additions or alterations within the period specified by
such authority.
(9) Before repairs are done to any building or part thereof in the factory the same shall as far as
practicable, be cleaned by the removal of all explosives or mixed ingredients thereof and by
through washing, and after such cleaning the conditions of this licence shall cease to apply to
such building or part thereof until the same is again brought into use.
(10) Due provisions shall be made, by the use of suitable working clothes without pockets,
suitable shoes and by searching or otherwise or by such means, for preventing the
introduction into danger area of the factory premieses of fie, lucifer matches or any substance
or article likely to cause explosion or fire, but this conditon shall not prevent the introduction
of an artificial light of such construction, position or character as not to cause any danger of
fire or explosion.
(11) The licensee shall keep records and acounts of all explosives manufactured and of all stocks
in hand in forms 31 & 32 and exhibit the stock books and records to any of the officers
authorised under Rule 179 of Explosives Rules whenever such officer may call upon him to
do so.
(12) Accidents by fire or explosion, and losses, shortage or thefts of explosives shall be reported
without delay to the licensing authority and to the officer-in-charge of the Police Station.
(13) Work in each building shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the laid down working
instructions and procedures.
(14) The licensee and every person employed in or about the factory shall take all due precautions
for the prevention of accidents by fire or explosion in the factory and for preventing
unauthorised person from having access to the factory or tot the explosives therein and shall
abstain from any act whatsoever which tends to cause fire or explosion and is not reasonably
necessary for the purposes of work in the factory.
(15) The interior of the compartments of the building in which explosives are manufactured or
handled and the machinery or fittings therein shall be thoroughly cleaned at the end of days
work. Sweepings from the compartments of the building in which explosives are
manufactured or handled shall be carefully collected and disposed as per laid down
procedure. The effluent shall be discharged only after proper treatment as per laid down


(16) The licensee shall appoint a qualified and competent person to supervise the manufacture of
explosives and other process and to conduct the operations in accordance with the
(17) No iron or steel implements shall be used unless specially authorised by the licensing
(18) Free acces to the licensed premises shall be given at all times to any inspecting or sampling
officer and all facilities shall be offered to the officer for ascertaining that the provisions of
the Act and Rules and the conditions of this of this licence are duly observed.
(19) No workers are to enter or leave the Factory except by the gates provided for the purpose and
workers shall leave the factory with all reasonabel despatch after the expiration of their
working hours.
(20) No workers shall enter any danger building or part of the Factory other than those in which
he or she is employed, except by the orders of the licensee or person incharge.
(21) No shall enter any danger buildign or clean area without first putting on the magazine
boots or shoes provided, and on no account are such boots or shoes to be worn except in the
danger buildings or upon the clean platforms and they are never on any pretence to be
deposited where they are liabel to come into contact with grit.
(22) Every person employed in any danger building shall before commencing work put on the
danger building clothing provided. No pockets are to be worn in any clothing whether outer
or under clothing.
(23) All fire Buckets are to be kept filled with clean water and ready for sue. They are not to be
removed from the positions assigned to them, or used for any but fire purpose. In frostly
weather steps are to be taken by frequent refilling or otherwise to prevent the formation of ice
in the buckets.
(24) All machinery in danger buildings is to be examined daily and should the plant or
machineryin any danger building appear to be out of order or should anything go wrong with
it, the operation of machine is at once to be stopped.
(25) Before work is commenced in any danger buildings all exit doors shall be unlocked and
arranged so that they may be easily pushed open. No exit door shall be blocked by any table,
packing case or other article.
(26) All boxes, and packages are to be lifted and carried and never dragged across the floors. No
broken or defective package of explosive is to be sent out of the factory.
Additional conditions.
(See Rule 155)
[Article 2(a)(b) of Schedule IV)
Licence to possess and sell Explosives

Fee Rs.(per year)

Licence is hereby granted to.valid only for possession and sale of explosives
athe the premises described below of the quantities of explosives specified in Additional
Condition No.. subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from
time to time and the rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain valid till 31st day of March 19.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence or if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to the description shown in attached plan.
Description of the licensed premises
The licensed premises are shown on drawing
(i) No dated.


(ii) No. .dated.

(iii) No.dated.
attached hereto and situated at.
And consist of.
Postal Address of licensee.

The .20.
Chief Controller of Explosives

Controller of Explosives

Endorsement for renewal of licence:

Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority

(1) The quantity of explosives on the premises at any one time shall not exceed the licensable
(2) The magazine/store house shall be used only for keeping all explosives specified in additional
condition Noof this licence and of receptacles for, or tools or implements for
work connected with the keeping of such explosives.
(3) The opening of packages and the weighting and packing of explosives shall not be carried on
in the magazine/store house.
(4) (i) Two or more description or explosives which may be permitted to be kept in the
magazine/store house by additional condition No.shall be kept only if they are
separated from each other by an intervening partition of such substance character, or by such
intervening space, as will effectually prevent explosion or fire in the one communicating with
the other.
Provided that
(a) the various explosives of classes 1 (gunpowder) 2 (nitrate-mixture), 3 (nitro-compound)
and 4 (chlorate mixture), safety fuses belonging to the1st Division of the 6th
(Ammunition) Class, and such of the various explosives of the 2nd Division of the 6th
(Ammunition) Class as do not contain any exposed iron or steel, may be kept with each
other without any intervening partition or space ;
(b) the various explosives of the 1st division of the 6th (Ammunition) class may be kept with
each other without any intervening partition or space :
(c) such of the various explosives of the 2nd Division of the 6th (Ammunition) Class as
contain any exposed iron or steel, may be kept with each other without any intervening
partition or space;
(d) the various explosives of the 3rd Division of the 6th (Ammunition) Class may be kept with
each other without any intervening partition or space;
(e) the various explosives of the 7th (Fireworks), Class other than those containing chlorate
may be kept with each other without any intervening partition or space.

(ii) Save as aforesaid, two or more descriptions of explosives shall not be kept in the
magazine/store house notwithstanding the provisions of Additional condition No.


(5) (i) Explosives of the 3rd (nitro compound) Class shall not be kept in the magazine after
the expiration of one year from the date of their manufacture except with the special
sanction of a Controller of Explosives.
(ii) When such sanction has been given, a written certificate showing the period covered
by the sanction must be obtained from a Controller of Explosives at each inspection,
and must be kept by the licensee and produced on demand.
(iii) When an explosive owing to its being no longer of standard purity or owing to signs
of liquefaction or of exuded nitro-glycerine or liquid nitro-glycerine or liquid nitrocompound is no longer fit for storage in the magazine/store house the licensee shall
comply, at his own expense, with such directions as to its disposal as the Chief
Controller or Controller of Explosives may issue.
(6) The interior of the magazine/store house and the benches, shelves and fittings therein shall be
so constructed or so lined or covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel contact
with the explosives. Such interior, benches, shelves and fittings shall so far as is reasonably
practicable, be kept free from grit and otherwise clean; and in the case of any explosives
liable to be dangerously affected by water, due precautions shall be taken to exclude water
Provided that so much of this condition as relates to precautions against the exposure of any iron
or steel shall not be obligatory in a building in which no explosive other than explosive of the 1st
Division 6th (Ammunition) Class is kept.
(7) If the lighting conductor is tested by a Controller of Explosives, the licensee shall pay the fees
prescribed for test. In the even of the test proving unsatisfactory, the same fees shall be
payable by the licensee for each subsequent test until the lighting conductor is passed by the
testing officer as satisfactory:
Provided that the fees payable for a single test shall be charged for all tests made on a conductor
during any one day :
Provided further that where two or more lighting conductors are atached to one and the same
magazine, the fee for the testing of all such conductors shall not exceed the fee prescribed in this
condition for testing a single lighting conductor.
(8) Due provisions shall be made, by the use of suitable working clothes without pockets,
suitable shoes and by searching or otherwise or by such means, for preventing the
introduction into danger area of the factory premieses of fie, lucifer matches or any substance
or article likely to cause explosion or fire, but this conditon shall not prevent the introduction
of an artificial light of such construction, position or character as not to cause any danger of
fire or explosion.
Provided that so much of this condition as applies to the exclusion of iron or steel, shall not be
obligatory in a building in which no explosive other than an explosive of the 1st Division of the 6th
(Ammunition) Class is kept.
(9) The licensee shall keep records and accounts of all explosives manufactured and of all stocks
in hand in forms 31 & 32 and exhibit the stock books and records to any of the officers
authorised under Rule 179 of Explosives Rules whenever such officer may call upon him to
do so.
(10) Any accident and losses, shortage, of stock and thefts of explosives shall be reported
wihhtou delay to the nearest police station, and the licensing authority.
(11) Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all times to any inspecting or sampling
officer and all facilities shall be offered to the officer for ascertaining that the provisions of
the Act and Rules and the conditions of this of this licence are duly observed.
(12) No changes or alterations shall be carried out to the premises without prior approval of the
licensing authority and the licensee shall comply with any condition that may be specified by
the licensing authority in this behalf.
(13) If the licensing authority calls upon the holder of the licence by a notice in writing to take
any action which may in the opinion of such authority be necessary for the safety of the
premises or the public, the holder of licence shall take such action within such period, not


being less than one month from the date of receipt of the notice, as may be fixed by the
(14) Magazine/store house shall at all times be kept in state of good repair (or maintained in good
condition). The licensee shall report to licensing authority forthwith, if the magazine/store
houe comes unfit for storage of any explosives for any reason whatsoever.
(15) The licensee shall submit at the end of every month a return in Form 36 to the licensing
authority as well as the renewal authority in the proforma prescribed from time to time so as
to reach the above authorities by 10th day of the succeeding month.
(16) Any encroachment of the safety distance shall be immediately communicated to the
licensing authority for necessary advice and action.
(17) The licensing authority shall be immediately informed for advice if any explosive is found
deteriorated or unserviceable.
(18) The explosive packages shall be stacked in such a way so as to allow movement of at least
one person to check the condition of all packages stored and to read the manufacture
particulars of each package.
(19) The resistance of the lightning conductor to earth shall be as low as possible and in no case
more than 10 ohms.
(20) A distance of 15 metres surrounding the magazine/store houe shall be kept clear of dried
grass or bush or falmmable materials.
(21) Every package of explosive at the time of bringing inside the magazien/store houe shall be
examined for its sound condition.
(22) Not more than 4 persons shall be allowed inside the magazine/store house at any oe time.
(23) Empty packages of the explosives shall be removed at the earliest and destroyed.
Additional Conditions.

(See Rule 155)
[Article 3(a)3(b) of Schedule IV)
Licence to possess Explosives for use

Fee Rs.(per year)

Licence is hereby granted to.valid only for possession and sale of explosives
athe the premises described below of the quantities of explosives specified in Additional
Condition No.. subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from
time to time and the rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain valid till 31st day of March 19.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence or if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to the description shown in attached plan.
Description of the licensed premises
The licensed premises are shown on drawing
(i) No dated.
(ii) No. .dated.
(iii) No.dated.
attached hereto and situated at.
And consist of.
This licence shall remain in force till 31st day of March, 20.


This licence is liable to be suspended or vevoked for any violation of the Act, or rules
framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence or if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to the description as per attached plans.
Postal Address of licensee.

The .19.
Chief Controller of Explosives
Controller of Explosives
Endorsement for renewal of licence:
Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority

(1) The quantity of explosives on the premises at any one time shall not exceed the licensable
(2) The magazine/store house shall be used only for keeping all explosives specified in additional
condition Noof this licence and of receptacles for, or tools or implements for
work connected with the keeping of such explosives.
(3) The opening of packages and the weighting and packing of explosives shall not be carried on
in the magazine/store house.
(4) (1) Two or more description or explosives which may be permitted to be kept in the
magazine/store house by additional condition No.shall be kept only if they are
separated from each other by an intervening partition of such substance character, or by such
intervening space, as will effectually prevent explosion or fire in the one communicating with
the other.
Provided that
(a) the various explosives of classes 1 (gunpowder) 2 (nitrate-mixture), 3 (nitrocompound) and 4 (chlorate mixture), safety fuses belonging to the1st Division of the
6th (Ammunition) Class, and such of the various explosives of the 2nd Division of the
6th (Ammunition) Class as do not contain any exposed iron or steel, may be kept with
each other without any intervening partition or space ;
(b) the various explosives of the 1st division of the 6th (Ammunition) class may be kept
with each other without any intervening partition or space :
(c) such of the various explosives of the 2nd Division of the 6th (Ammunition) Class as
contain any exposed iron or steel, may be kept with each other without any
intervening partition or space;
(d) the various explosives of the 3rd Division of the 6th (Ammunition) Class may be kept
with each other without any intervening partition or space;
(e) the various explosives of the 7th (Fireworks), Class other than those containing
chlorate may be kept with each other without any intervening partition or space.
(2) Save as aforesaid, two or more descriptions of explosives shall not be kept in the
magazine/store house notwithstanding the provisions of Additional condition No..


(3) (a) Explosives of the 3rd (nitro compound) Class shall not be kept in the magazine after
the expiration of one year from the date of their manufacture except with the special
sanction of a Controller of Explosives.
(b) When such sanction has been given, a written certificate showing the period covered
by the sanction must be obtained from a Controller of Explosives at each inspection, and
must be kept by the licensee and produced on demand.
(5) When an explosive owing to its being no longer of standard purity or owing to signs of
liquefaction or of exuded nitro-glycerine or liquid nitro-glycerine or liquid nitro-compound is
no longer fit for storage in the magazine/store house the licensee shall comply, at his own
expense, with such directions as to its disposal as the Chief Controller or Controller of
Explosives may issue.
(6) The interior of the magazine/store house and the benches, shelves and fittings therein shall be
so constructed or so lined or covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel contact
with the explosives. Such interior, benches, shelves and fittings shall so far as is reasonably
practicable, be kept free from grit and otherwise clean; and in the case of any explosives
liable to be dangerously affected by water, due precautions shall be taken to exclude water
Provided that so much of this condition as relates to precautions against the exposure of any iron
or steel shall not be obligatory in a building in which no explosive other than explosive of the 1st
Division 6th (Ammunition) Class is kept.
(7) If the lighting conductor is tested by a Controller of Explosives, the licensee shall pay the fees
prescribed for test. In the even of the test proving unsatisfactory, the same fees shall be
payable by the licensee for each subsequent test until the lighting conductor is passed by the
testing officer as satisfactory:
Provided that the fees payable for a single test shall be charged for all tests made on a conductor
during any one day :
Provided further that where two or more lighting conductors are atached to one and the same
magazine, the fee for the testing of all such conductors shall not exceed the fee prescribed in this
condition for testing a single lighting conductor.
(8) Due provisions shall be made, by the use of suitable working clothes without pockets,
suitable shoes and by searching or otherwise or by such means, for preventing the
introduction into danger area of the factory premieses of fie, lucifer matches or any substance
or article likely to cause explosion or fire, but this conditon shall not prevent the introduction
of an artificial light of such construction, position or character as not to cause any danger of
fire or explosion.
Provided that so much of this condition as applies to the exclusion of iron or steel, shall not be
obligatory in a building in which no explosive other than an explosive of the 1st Division of the 6th
(Ammunition) Class is kept.
(9) The licensee shall keep records and accounts of all explosives manufactured and of all stocks
in hand in forms 31 & 32 and exhibit the stock books and records to any of the officers
authorised under Rule 179 of Explosives Rules whenever such officer may call upon him to
do so.
(10) Any accident and losses, shortage, of stock and thefts of explosives shall be reported
wihhtou delay to the nearest police station, and the licensing authority.
(11) Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all times to any inspecting or sampling
officer and all facilities shall be offered to the officer for ascertaining that the provisions of
the Act and Rules and the conditions of this of this licence are duly observed.
(12) No changes or alterations shall be carried out to the premises without prior approval of the
licensing authority and the licensee shall comply with any condition that may be specified by
the licensing authority in this behalf.
(13) If the licensing authority calls upon the holder of the licence by a notice in writing to take
any action which may in the opinion of such authority be necessary for the safety of the
premises or the public, the holder of licence shall take such action within such period, not


being less than one month from the date of receipt of the notice, as may be fixed by the
(14) Magazine/store house shall at all times be kept in state of good repair (or maintained in good
condition). The licensee shall report to licensing authority forthwith, if the magazine/store
houe comes unfit for storage of any explosives for any reason whatsoever.
(15) The licensee shall submit at the end of every month a return in Form 36 to the licensing
authority as well as the renewal authority in the proforma prescribed from time to time so as
to reach the above authorities by 10th day of the succeeding month.
(16) Any encroachment of the safety distance shall be immediately communicated to the
licensing authority for necessary advice and action.
(17) The licensing authority shall be immediately informed for advice if any explosive is found
deteriorated or unserviceable.
(18) The explosive packages shall be stacked in such a way so as to allow movement of at least
one person to check the condition of all packages stored and to read the manufacture
particulars of each package.
(19) The resistance of the lightning conductor to earth shall be as low as possible and in no case
more than 10 ohms.
(20) A distance of 15 metres surrounding the magazine/store house shall be kept clear of dried
grass or bush or flammable materials.
(21) Every packet of explosive at the time of bringing inside the magazine/store house shall be
examined for its sound condition.
(22) Not more than 4 persons shall be allowed inside the magazine/store house at any oe time.
(23) Empty packages of the explosives shall be removed at the earliest and destroyed.
(24) The explosives shall not be used for blasting purposes in the areas not coming within the
purview of Mines Act, unless the licensee employs a qualified shotfirer holding a shot-firers
permit granted under the Explosives Rules or the person having equivalent qualifications as
recognised by the Chief Controller.
(25) The licensee and the shortfirer shall be responsible for preparation of charges, the charging
of holes and the firing of shots and shall take all precautions against fire and accident
involving the explosives.
(26) No smoking or any source of light or fire shall be allowed in or near the place where
explosives charges are being prepared or kept.
(27) For charging or stemming a shot hole, no person shall use an iron or steel tools, scraper, or
tamping ord, nor shall forcibly press the explosive into a hole of insufficient size. A tamping
rod made entirely of wood shall be used.
(28) Before exploding any blasting charge, adequate measures shall be taken so as to prevent as
far as possible, the projection of fragments of stone by the explosion of the blasting charge.
(29) No person shall re-bore or temper a hole that has once been charged or attempt to withdraw a
charge either before firing or after a misfire or deepen or tamper with empty holes or sockets
left after blasting.
(30) Before comencing shot firing the license shall give sufficient warning to the public by an
efficient system of signals and by puttin gup red flalgs in the danger zoen. He shall see that
all persons in the vicinity have taken proper shelter and shall also take suitable steps to
prevent any person approaching the shot.
(31) The licensee shall warn the public not to approach the site of blasting operation at least
within an hour after explosion or in the case of an open quarry, not to approach such quarry
within half an hour after explosion.
(32) The number of shots which explode shall be counted and unless it is certain tht all the shots
have exploded no person shall approach or be permitted to approach the place until 30
minutes after the firing of shots.
(33) In the event of a misfire, if relieving hole is to be drilled it shall not be placed within 30 cm.
From the misfired hole. The relieving hole shall run parallel to the misfired hole.
Additional Conditions.


(See Rule 155)

[Article 5(a)-(c ) of Schedule IV)
Licence to possess Explosives for own use


(a) Class 2 and/or Class 3 explosives not exceeding 5 kgs., electric or ordinary
detonators not exceeding 100 numbers and safety fuse not exceeding 200 metres.
(b) small arms nitro-compound not exceeding 5 kgs. (in the State of Kerala)
(c) Gunpowder not exceeding 5 kgs. and safety fuse not exceeding 50 metres (in the
State of Bihar, Kerala and West Bengal).
Fee-**[ Rs. 10.(free of charge to cultivators)]

Licence is hereby granted to.valid only for possession on the premises

described below of the quantities of explosives for own use subject to the provisions of
Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from time to time and the rules framed thereunder and to the
conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain in force till.
(See note below)
Postal address of licensee .
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence or if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to the description shown in attached plan.
Description of the licensed premises
The licensed premises are shown on drawing
(i) No dated.
(ii) No. .dated.
(iii) No.dated.
attached hereto and situated at.
And consist of.
District Authority
The .

Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority

Note: The licence if granted as per clause (a) of the preamble shall be granted for a period not
exceeding **[3 months].
(1) The explosives shall be kept in a substantial building constructed of non-flammable materials
or in a fireproof box as may be approved by the licensing authority, separated from any
dwelling house or other building another licensed premises, highway, street, public thorough-


fare or public place by distance of minimum 45 metres and made and closed so as to prevent
unauthorised persons from having acces thereto and to secure it from danger from without.
(2) The interior of the building or the box as a case may be and all fittings therein shall be so
constructed, covered, or lines, as to prevent the exposure of any irion or steel, or of any hard
or gritty surface or the entry, detaching or accumulating of any grit, irion steel or similar
(3) Adequate provision shall be made for the ventilation and the interior of the building or box
shall be kept scrupulously cleaned.
(4) In cae any of the explosive store is liable to be dangerously effected water, due precautions
shall be taken to exclude water from the storage place.
(5) Detonators shall not be stored along with other explosives. Detonators, if required shall be
stored in a different building or fireproof box located at a distance of minimum 1.5 metres
from the building or box where other explosives are stored.
(6) The doors of the building or the box shall open outwards, and shall be kept clearly closed or
locked except when required to be opened for receipt or issue of explosives or for other
necessary purposes.
(7) All articles or substances of explosive or highly inflammable nature shall be kept at a safe
distance from the explosives and from any room or part of a building or fire proof box
containing the explosive, and no person entering such room or pat of building or opening
such safe shall have any iron or steel in his possession or attached to or on his boots or shoes.
(8) No tools, implements, balance, weihts, etc. made of iron or steel shall be kept at any time
onthe premises.
(9) All explosives exceeding 0.5 kg. In quantity shall be kept in a substantial case, bag, canister
or other receptacle made and closed so as to prevent the explosives from escaping.
(10) All losses, shortage of stock or thefts of explosives shall be reported without delay to the
nearest police station and the licensing authority.
(11) If this licence is granted as per clause (a) of preamble the total quantity of explosives that can
be purchased **[during the validity of licence shall not exced 25 Kg. Of Class 2 and/ or Class
3 explosives, 500 Nos. of detonators and 1000 metres of safety fuse, provided that maximum
quantity of explosives that amy be kept at any one time shall not exceed 5 kgs. of Class 2
and/or Class 3 explosives, 100 Nos. of detonators and 200 metres of safety fuse].
(12) The licensee shall at the time of purchasing explosives have the following particulars
endored upon his licence and signed by the person delivering the explosives.
(i) Name and address and licence No. of the person delivering explosives;
(ii) Name and addres of the person who takes delivery of the explosives purchased;
(iii) The kind and quantities of explosives purchased;
(iv) The date of purchase.
(13) Explosives purchased on the strength of this licence shall not be sold or transferred to any
other person.
(14) Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all times to any inspecting or sampling
officer and all facilities shall be offered to the officer for ascertaining that the provisions of
the Act and Rules and the conditions of this of this licence are duly observed.
(15) The stock of explosives remaining on expiry of licence shall be intimated to the licensign
authority and the licensee shall comply with instructions of such authority regarding disposal
of explosives.
(16) The licensee for the purpose of blasting explosives shall employ a qualified person holdign a
Shot Firers Permit granted under these rules.
(17) Maximum quantity of explosives that may be kept at any one time shall not exceed
(i) Gunpowder (Class 1)..
(ii) Small arms nitro-compound.. Kg.
(iii) Safety Fuse
(iv) Nitro-compounds (Class 3) Kg.
(v) Nitrate Mixtures (Class 2) .. Kg.
(vi) Detonators
(18) The licensee may by filling cartridges, making charge or otherwise adapt or prepare for ue
any explosive he is authorised to possess under this licence provided that


(a) the total quantity of explosives on the licensed premises including the workshop in which
such adaptation or preparation is carried on, shall not exceed the quantity the licensee is
authorised to possess.
(b) no work unconnected with such adaptation, or preparation shall be carried on in the said
workshop while such adaptation or preparation is being carried on.
(c) the said workshop shall be situated at a distance ofmetres as shown in
plan Nodated.attached hereto.
(d) an explosive of one description shall not be converted into an explosive of another
description and an explosive shall not be unmade or resolved into its ingredients; and
(e) the licensee shall give notice to the authority which granted his licence the he intends to
carry on such adaptation or preparation as is allowed by this licence.
Additional Conditions

(See Rule 155)
[Article 4 of Schedule IV)
*[Licence to possess and sell small-arms nitro-compound not exceeding 25 Kgs. or fireworks not exceeding 1000 kgs, of Class 7 Division 2 Sub-Division 1,100 Kgs. of Class 7 Division
2, sub-division 2, or gunpowder not exceeding 25 kgs. and safety fuse not exceeding 10,000
Fee- Rs. . (per year)
Licence is hereby granted to.valid only for possession and sale at the
licensed premises described below of the quantities of explosives in additional condition
No.. subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from time to time
and the rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain in force till.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act as amended
from time to time or the rules framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence or if the licensed
premises are not found conforming to the description as per attached plans.
Description of the licensed premises
The licensed premises are situated at shown in plan-(i) No dated.
(ii) No. .dated.
(iii) No.dated.
And consist of.
The .
Postal address of licensee .
Controller of Explosives

District Authority

Date of renewal

Endorsement for renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority


(1) All explosives on the premises shall be kept in a substantial brick stone or concrete building
which is closed and secured so as to prevent unauthorised persons from having access thereto.
(2) The interior of every building and receptacle used for keeping explosives and the shelves and
fittings therein shall be so constructed or so lined and covered as to prevent the exposue of
any iron or steel, or the detaching of any grit, iron, steel or similar substance, in such manner
as to come into contact with the explosives. Such interior, shelves and fittings shall, so far as
is reasonably practicable, be kept free from grit and otherwise clean.
(3) The building or receptacle in which explosive is kept must be used only for the keeping of
such explosive and for no other purpose whatsoever.
(4) Explosives of different descriptions which may be kept under this licence shall be separated
by an intervening partition of such substance and character; or by such intervening space, as
will effectually prevent explosion or fire in the one communicating with the other:
Provided that
(a) samll arms nitro-compound and safety fuses belonging to the 1st Division of the 6th
(Ammunition) Class may be kept with each other without any intervening partition or
(b) the various explosives of the 1st division of the 6th (Ammunition) class may be kept with
each other without any intervening partition or space :
(c) the various explosives of the 7th (Fireworks), Class other than those containing chlorate
may be kept with each other without any intervening partition or space.
(5) Any quantity exceeding 2.5 Kgs. of an explosive of the 1st Division of he 6th (Ammunition)
Class or of the 2nd Division of the 7th (Fireworks) Class and all other explosives exceeding 0.5
Kg. Must be kept in a substantial bag, canister or cae made and closed so as to prevent any
explosives from escaping and shall be otherwise packed and marked in accordance with the
requirements of rules 8 and 9 of the Explosives Rules, 1983.
(6) No oil, paints, matches, lights, any article of a highly flammable or explosive nature or liable
to cause fire or explosion or any acids or similar substances, shall be brought or kept on the
licensed premises.
(7) No tools, implements, balance, weights, etc. made of iron or steel shall be kept at any tiem in
the licensed premises, and no person on the licensed premises shall have any iron or steel in
his possession, or attached to or on his boots or shoes.
(8) The licensee shall keep records and accounts of all explosives manufactured and of all stocks
in hand in forms 31 & 32 and exhibit the stock books and records to any of the officers
authorised under Rule 179 of Explosives Rules whenever such officer may call upon him to
do so.
(9) All sales of explosives under this licence must be effected on the premises described on the
face of the licence.
(10) All losses, shortages of stock and thefts of explosives shall be reported without delay to the
police station in whose jurisdiction the licensed premises are situated and to the licensing
(11) Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all times to any inspecting or sampling
officer and all facilities shall be offered to the officer for ascertaining that the provisions of
the Act and Rules and the conditions of this of this licence are duly observed.
Additional Conditions
(See Rule 155)
[Article 9 of Schedule IV)



Fee Rs.(per year)

Licence is hereby granted to.transport explosives by road van as described
below subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from time to time and the
rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain in force till.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act as amended
from time to time or the rules framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence or if the licensed
premises are not found conforming to the description:
Description of road van
Registration No.
Engine No.
Chassis No.
Description of other fittings
Approved Drawing No. and Date
Quantity of explosives permitted to carry
Postal address of licensee .
Controller of Explosives
Space for endorsement of renewals
Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority


(1) This licence is not transferable to any other road van.

(2) No alterations should be made to the vehicle, its body and other fittings without approval
from the licensing authority.
(3) This licence or its authenticated copy shall at all times be kept in the van and produced on
demand by an inspecting officer.
(4) The road van shall not be used for transport of explosives unless it is in a fit condition and
complies with the Explosives Rules, 1983.
(5) The road van shall not be used for trasnport of any material other than that authorised by this
licence, unless permitted by licensing authority in writing.
(6) No smoking and no fire or artificial light or any article capable of causing fire shall be
allowed on the road van.
(7) The vehicle shall not be used for carrying passenger.
(8) Road van, while explosives are being loaded or unloaded or transported shall always be under
the charge of competent person who shall be experienced in handling of explosives and fully
coversant thereunder. Where the vehicle is not driven by the licence holder, a document
signed by the licensee naming persons authorised to drive and accompany the vehicle shall be
carried in the van and produced on demand to an inspecting officer.
(9) No explosives unless they are packed in accordance with the Explosives Rules or in a manner
specified by the Chief Controller shall be transported in the road van.
(10) Detonators shall not be transported with any other explosives.
(11) Any breakdown, accident, fire or explosion occurring in or involving the road van, shall be
immediately reported to the licensing authority together with a full report of such breakdown,
accident, fire or explosion. If such accident, fire or explosion is attended with loss of human


life or serious injury to person or property, a report shall also be made immediately to the
nearest Police Station.
(12) The explosives shall be loaded into the van only at the licensed premises of consignor and
unloaded from the van at the licensed premises of the consignee.
(13) The licensee shall maintain account of explosives transported in Form 35 and present the
same on demand by an inspecting officer.
Additional Conditions.
(See Rule 155)
[Article 8 of Schedule IV)

Fee Rs.(per year)

Licence is hereby granted transport following explosives :

No..situated atto places specified below subject to
the provisions of the Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from time to time and the rules framed
thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
Places of destination--Sl.No.



This licence shall remain in force till 31st day of March, 19.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked on any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or the conditions of the licence.
Postal address of licensee .
Controller of Explosives
Space for endorsement of renewals
Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority

(1) This licence becomes void on the expiration of the terms mentioned therein or if a
consignment breaks before reaching the place of destination or if the explosives is taken from
or to any place other than the places mentioned in the licence.
(2) The licensee shall transport only such explosives as he is authorised to possess under the Act
and the Rules framed thereunder.
(3) The quantity of explosives depatched to any consignee shall not exceed the quantity which
such consignee is entitled to possess under a licence granted under these rules.
(4) Each consignment of explosives shall be covered by a pass in Form 16 and that (when the
explosives are transported by rail) such pass shall be attached to the way bill or the invoice s
the case may be.


(5) A copy of each pass issued for each consignment shall be sent to
(i) Licensing authority;
(ii) Controller of Explosives in whose jurisdiction the premises from which the consignment
is sent, is situated; and
(iii) The Controller of Explosives in whose jurisdiction the premises to which the explosives
are sent is situated.
(6) Any los, shortage or theft of explosives in transit shall be reported without delay to the
licensing authority and to the police station and to the Controller of Explosives in whose
jurisdiction the loss, shortage or theft is discovered.
(7) The explosives shall be packed and marked inaccordance with Rules 8 and 9 of the
Explosives Rules.
Additional Conditions.

(See Rule 155)
[Article 6 of Schedule IV)
Licence to Import Explosives otherwise than by land

Fee Rs.

Licence is hereby granted import by sea/air at any one time explosives
of the description given below at the port of ..for consignment to
persons mentioned below subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from
time to time and the rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain in force till.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act as amended
from time to time or the rules framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence.
Postal address of licensee .
Chief Controller of Explosives
of Weight
explosives Class
& Division

of Consignees name and
address to whom
explosives will be sent
from place of import

Licence No. of the Rema


(1) No explosives other than those permitted under this licence shall be imported.
(2) The quantity of explosives imported shall not exceed that authorised by this licence.
(3) All explosives imported under this licence shall be packed and marked in accordance with
Rules 8 and 9 of Explosives Rules, 1983.


(4) No ship or boat or aircraft containing explosive imported on the strength of this licence shall
bring to or more and no such explosive bring to or more and no such explosive shall be
unloaded or transhipped from any ship or boat or aircraft except at the port authorised by this
(5) The licence shall comply with all the rules and regulations in force at the port of import
mentioned in this licence.
(6) The owner and master of the ship or boat or aircraft in which explosives are imported on the
strength of this licence, shall, if and when required by an inspecting authority or the customs
authority having jurisdiction over the place of importation, allow such inspector or officer to
take for examination samples of any explosive so imported.
(7) As soon as the explosive has been cleared from the place/port and despatched to the
magazine/store house for storage, the licensee shall complete the importers transmission
Schedule in Form 15 and forward it to the Chief Controller.
(8) The explosive shall be despatched to the various consignees mentioned in the licence directly
from the port and the licensee shall make prior arrangements to ensure that there is no hold up
of explosives at any place.
(9) The imported explosives if of Class 3 or Class 4 shall not be unloaded from the ship or boat
unless such explosives have been tested and permission to unload given by the Chief
Controller of Explosives authorised for the purpose.
Additional Conditions.

(See Rule 155)
[Article 7 of Schedule IV)
Licence to Export Explosives otherwise than by land


Fee Rs.

Licence is hereby granted Export by sea/air at any one time explosives
of the description given below at the port of ..for consignment to
persons mentioned below subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from
time to time and the rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain in force till.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act as amended
from time to time or the rules framed thereunder or the conditions of this licence.
Postal address of licensee .

Chief Controller of Explosives


Name of explosives Class Weight
& Division


of Consignees
name and address



(1) No explosives other than those permitted under this license shall be exported.
(2) The quantity of explosives exported shall not exceed that authorised by this licence.
(3) The explosives shall be packed in accordance with Explosives Rules, 1983 and the packages
marked accordingly. The packages shall be safe for transport.
(4) The explosives shall be exported only from the place specified in this licence.
(5) The licensee shall comply with all the rules and regulations in force at the port or place of
export mentioned in this licence.
(6) The explosives shall be brought to the port or place of export only after the ship or aircraft is
Additional Conditions.

(See Rule 155)
[Article 7 of Schedule IV)
Licence to posses and use Public Display Fireworks

Fee Rs.

Licence is hereby granted to.only for possession of ..Kgs. of

fireworks at premises described below and for making public display at the premises mentioned
below subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from time to time and the
rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain in force till.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or conditions of the licence of if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to description as per attached plans.
Description of premises
The premises to be used for public display fireworks are situated atas
shown in plan No..dated.attached herewith.
The premises for storage of fireworks are situated at ..dated ..
attached herewith.
Postal address of licensee .

Controller of Explosives
(1) The licensee shall, at least seven clear days (exclusive of Sunday and public holidays) before
the holding of a public fireworks display by him or under his authority or supervision shall
notify the licensing authority.
(a) Time and place at which the public display is to be held;


(b) The types of public display fireworks to be used in the display;

(c) The name, address and licence number of every persons from whom these fireworks have
been or are to be obtained for use in display;
(d) Name and address of every person who will be supervising the display or assisting the
licensee to supervise the display; and
(e) Full details of the experience which every person other than licensee, whose name is
notified in paragraph (d) above has had in the conduct or supervision of public display
(2) The fireworks shall be stored and displayed only at the places shown in the plan attached with
the licence.
(3) A minimum distance as specified in additional condition No.. shall be
maintained between the spectators and the area where the display is carried out.
(4) Only authorised fireworks shall be used. Such fireworks shall be purchased directly from
persons holding proper valid licence granted to manufacture such fireworks.
(5) No display of fireworks should be carried out when the wind velocity exceeds 50 kilo metres
per hour or the control over spectators has been lost.
(6) Only minimum persons should be employed for making and display of fireworks. The site
should be constantly supervised and the persons employed should wear protective clothings,
ear defenders, safety glasses and other protective devices.
(7) Once fireworks have been taken to the site, the site must not be left unattended or unprotected
(8) No fireworks shall be ignited inside of or closer than 15 metres of any tent, trailer, canvas
shelter of motor vehicle.
(9) No fireworks shall be ignited within 200 metres of a hospital, nursing home, schools or
temples unless consent from local authorities and the owner or its agent is obtained.
(10) No fireworks shall be set off within 200 metres of a hospital, nursing home, schools or
temples unless consent from local authorities and the owner or its agent is obtained.
(11) Adequate fire fighting equipment to cope up with any fire which can be reasonably
anticipated shall be provided. The type and quantity of first-aid and other fire fighting
equipment shall be determined in conjunction with the fire fighting authorities.
(12) After the display, waster and duds etc. shall be carefully collectd and removed from the site
and destroyed by burning under proper supervision.
(13) The licensee shall follow the provisions of Act and Rules made thereunder as otherwise
(14) No electrical wire shall be allowed within 10 metres of the area where the fireworks

are laid down.

(15) The mortars must be buried half their length in the ground and tilted of by 10 to 10
(16) Before starting the display the supervisor must check to ensure that the fireworks are
exploding over a zone free of people and that debris are also falling in that area. If
not the firing must be stopped till necessary corrections are made.
(17) No matches, lights or any article of flammable or hazardous nature liable to cause
fire or explosion shall be brought or kept in the licensed premises.
(18) No tools, implements etc. made of iron or steel shall be kept at any time in the
premises and no person on the licensed premises shall have any iron or steel in his
possession or on his boots or shoes.
(19) The licensee shall keep records and accounts of all fireworks received, used and
stock on hand.
(20) The licensee shall follow the local bye-laws at the place of storage and display and
obtain necessary permission whenever required.
(21) The kinds and quantities of explosives remaining after the expiry of licence shall be
intimated to the licensing authority and the licensee shall abide by the instructions of
such authority regarding disposal of explosives.
(22) If the licensing authority directs the licensee by notice in writing to make any
additions/alterations which, in the opinion of such authority, is considered necessary
for the safety of the premises or of the person working therein or the spectators the

licensee shall execute such additions/alterations within such period as may be

(23) Accidents by fire or explosion and losses, shortage or theft of explosives shall be
immediately reported to the nearest police station and the licensing authority.
(24) Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all reasonable times to any
inspecting or sampling officer and every facility shall be afforded to the officer for
ascertaining that the provisions of the Act and the Rules and the conditions of this
licence are duly observed.
Additional Condition.
(See Rule 144)
Shotfirers Permit
This is to certify that Shri .. born
on passed the shotfirers
examination held on passed the
. Examination held in
(Name of examination)
(month & year of examination)
by ..
(authority conducting examination)
and is authorised to conduct blasting operations using explosives in areas other than Mines
coming unde the purview of Indian Mines Act, 1952, subject to the provisions of Explosives Act,
1884 as amended and the rules framed thereunder.

Controller of Explosives

(See Rule 112)
Form of account to be maintained by a licensee
Accounts of Explosives Manufactured
Note. This record should be kept upto-date.
Licence No.. in Form of Explosives Rules, 1983
Date & Shift No.
Brand Name of
Class & Division
Dimensions of
Batch Nos.
finished products


Date of

No. of

licence No. to which
the explosives sent


Signatue of person
in-charge/ licensee




(See Rule 119)
Form of account to be maintained by a licensee
Accounts of Receipt of Explosives
Note- This record should be kept upto-date. Entries should be made daily and as and when
explosives are received.

Licence No.. in Form of Explosives Rules, 1983

Description of Explosives
Opening Explosives received Quantity
by licensee



licence No of

Mode of transport &

Road Van licence No.
if transported by




Signature of
licensee/ person

(See Rule 119)
Form of account to be maintained by a licensee
Accounts of Sale of Explosives
Note - This record should be kept upto-date. Entries should be made daily and as and when
explosives are sold.
Licence No.. in Form of Explosives Rules, 1983

Opening Balance


Description of explosives

Explosives sold by licensee






Batch No.
and Date

Name, address & licence No. of

person to whom explosives are sold

Pass No.

Closing Balance





Mode of transport & road van

licence No. if transported

Signature of licensee/
person incharge

(See Rule 119)
Form of account to be maintained by a licensee
Accounts of Explosives use by licensee
Note - This record should be kept upto-date. The entries should be made daily and as soon as
explosives are issued for use or unused explosives returned.
Licence No.. in Form of Explosives Rules, 1983

Shot Firers name and permit No.

Quantity issued

Quantity used

Quantity returned

Description of explosives


Description of explosives

No. of holes fired




Description of explosives

Signature of shot firer of

Magazine incharge




(See condition 13 of licence Form 25)
Form of account to be maintained by a licensee
Accounts of Explosives transported by road van
Note - This record should be kept upto-date.
Licence No.. in Form of Explosives Rules, 1983

Name, address and licence No.

of the consignor

Description of explosives

Pass No.

Signature of the

Date unloading of explosives


Place of loading

Bat No. & date of manufacture

Quantity transported

Name, address and licence No. of the


Signature of consignee

Place of


(See condition 15 of licence Form 21 and 22)
Received, Used, Sold, Destroyed and stolen during the month
From the Explosives Magazine/Store House of ..
Situated at
---------------------------------------------------------------Name of Explosives Class and Division Quantity

Licence No.. in Form of Explosives Rules, 1983

Opening Balance on the 1st day of the month.
Account of Explosives:

Name of Explanation

Class and Division






Name of

Class &

Particulars of Explosives Received

Quantity Name, address & Licence No. of suppliers
from whom explosives were received

Name of Explosive


Name of


Class &



Road Van
Lic. No.

Particulars of Explosives Used or Sold

Class and Division


Name, address & Licence No. of person
to whom explosives were sold


Road Van
Lic. No.

Total Quantity of each kind of explosives Used/Sold during the month.

Name of Explosives
Class & Division


Name of Explosives

Class & Division



Particulars of Explosives destroyed during the months

Name of Explosives

Class & Division



Reasons for Destruction

Authority under which

destruction was done



Particulars of Explosives stolen/short received during transit.

Name of Explosives

Class and Division




Whether theft/loss reported to police and

Department of Explosives if so, give reference



Dear Sir,
Kindly supply the following quantities of explosives to me/us:-Sl. No.


Class & Division


I/We hold a licence No. in Formof Explosives Rules,

1983 for possession/sale/use of following quantities of explosives:
Sl. No.


Class & Division


The above mentioned licence is valid till.

*The licence is sent herewith for necessary endorsement as required under sub-rule (3) of Rule
141 of Explosives Rules, 1983. The licence may please be returned after the endorsement.
*The explosives may plealse handed over to my/our authorised representative whose
signatures are attested below:


Signature of Licensee.
Yours faithfully,
Copy forwarded to the Controller of Explosives
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.
(See Rule 155)
[Article 1(d) of Schedule IV]
Licence to manufacture ANFO Explosives at site.

Fee Rs..per year

Licence is hereby granted to.only for manufacture Ammonium Nitrate or

impregnated with mineral Oil at any one time at the premises described below subject to the
provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as amended from time to time and the rules framed thereunder
and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain valid till 31st day of March, 19.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or conditions of the licence of if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to description as per attached plans.
The licensed premises shown in plan No. .attached hereto are situated
at.District.and consist
Postal address of the licensee.
Controller of Explosives
Space for endorsement of renewals
Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority

1. The explosives shall be manufactured in a lightly constructed shed observing at all times the
safety distance specified in the approved plan attached hereto.
2. The shed shall have a smooth cemented platform standing at least 30 cms. above the
surrounding ground. The floor shall be surrounded by a brick wal at test 1 metre high with
opening for entrance and exist on opposite sides.
3. The manufacturing shed and the area within 9 metres therof shall be surrounded by a fencing
not less than 2 metres high. The entire area so fenced off shall be kept free from rubbish, dry
grass, empty bags or other combustible materials.


4. The process of manufacture shall consist of mixing or impregnation of ammonium nitrate

with mineral oil. For the purpose of this condition mineral oil shall be deemed to include
liquid derivatives of petroleum, coal or shall with a flash point not below 38 degrees
5. The mixing or impregnation referred to in condition 4 shall be done in the manufacturing
shed either by hand in an aluminium or internally aluminium lined wooden vessel or by a
machine which has been approved, in writing, by the Chief Controller of Explosives.
6. The explosives shall be manufactured under the immediate supervision of a qualified
responsible person appointed in writing by the licensee.
7. The licensee shall abstain from any act whatsoever which tends to cause fire or explosion and
shall take all due precautions to prevent
(i) contamination of the explosive or its ingredients with grit or any extraneous matter which
is likely to increase the sensitivity of the explosive or adversely affect its characterises;
(ii) unauthorised persons having access to the place or places of manufacture, charging or
handling of explosives or within 9 metres thereof.
8. Ingredients in excess of the quantity required for immediate use shall not be kept in the place
where the explosive is manufactured or within 9 metres thereof.
9. No smoking, naked lights, matches or articles capable of producing sparks or ignition shall be
allowed in the place or places where the explosives is manufactured, handled or used or
within 9 metres thereof.
10. Explosive shall be manufactured in quantities required for immediate use.
11. The total quantity of explosives together with the quantity of its ingredients kept in the
licensed premises shall not at any one time exceed the licensed quantity.
12. Explosive manufactured under this licence shall be tested at regular intervals to determine its
cap-sensitivity. Any explosive which on test indicates cap-sensitivity shall be forthwith
packed in an inner package which is of such strength as to prevent the escape of the explosive
or oil and may be of polythene. The outer package shall be of wood, solid fibreboard or
aluminiu. Such explosive shall be removed to a magazine llicensed for the storage of such
explosives and the licensing authority informed in writing for instructions regarding disposal
thereof. For the purpose of this condition one cartridge or bag of explosive shall be placed on
an isolatged soft ground, an electric detonators inserted into it and fired by a qualified,
shotfirer observing all due precautions. Formation of a crater on the ground below the
cartridge or bag so fired shall be taken to indicate that the explosive is cap-sensitive.
13. All spillage of explosive shall be collected and destroyed at a safe place away from the
licensed premises under the supervision of experienced person.
14. All containers and mixers used for manufacturing the explosive shall after use be thoroughly
cleaned with suitable detergent solution and washed with water.
15. All detonators, priming cartridges, detonating fuse and other initiating explosives shall be
stored in a magazine licensed for the purpose.
16. The licensee may fill into cartridges the explosive he is authorised under this licence
(i) such cartridges are filed only at the place marked in the approved plan attached thereto;
(ii) the explosive is not unmade or resolved into its ingredients;
(iii) no smoking, naked light, matches or any article, capable of producing spark or ignition is
allowed at the place where such cartridges are filled or within 9 metres thereof.
17. No additions or alterations shall be carried out in the licensed premises without the previous
sanction in writing of the licensing authority. Such additions or alterations so sanctioned
shall be shown on the amended plan to be attached to this licence.
18. Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all reasonable times to any

inspecting or sampling officer and every facility shall be afforded to the officer for
ascertaining that the provisions of the Act and the Rules and the conditions of this
licence are duly observed.
19. Accidents by fire or explosion and losses, shortage or theft of explosives shall be
immediately reported to the nearest police station and the licensing authority.


20. The licensee shall keep records and accounts of all explosives manufactured under this
licence and used shall be exhibited to any officer authorised under Rule 179 of Explosives
Rules whenever such officer may call upon him to do so.
21. The licensee shall submit at the end of every month a return showing the quantity of

ANFO Explosives manufactured and use during the month to the licensing authority
as well as to the renewal authority so as to reach the above authorities by the tenth
day of the succeeding month.
Additional Conditions.

(See Rule 155)
[Article 1(c) of Schedule IV]
Licence to manufacture, possess and sell/use Liquid Oxygen Explosives


Fee Rs..per year

Licence is hereby granted to.valid only for

.kilograms of Liquid Oxygen Explosives at any one time and possess, sell/use
the same at the premises described below subject to the provisions of Explosives Act, 1884 as
amended from time to time and the rules framed thereunder and to the conditions of this licence.
This licence shall remain valid till 31st day of March, 19.
This licence is liable to be suspended or revoked for any violation of the Act or rules
framed thereunder or conditions of the licence of if the licensed premises are not found
conforming to description as per attached plan.


The licensed premises shown in plan No. .attached hereto are situated
at.District.and consist
Postal address of the licensee.
Chief Controller of Explosives
Space for endorsement of renewals
Date of renewal

Date of expiry

Signature of licensing authority

1. The explosives shall be manufactured in a lightly constructed shed observing at all times the
safety distance specified in the approved plan attached hereto.
2. The manufacturing premises shall maintain at all times the safety distances prescribed in
additional condition No..


3. The process of manufacture shall consist of mixing or impregnation of ammonium nitrate

with mineral oil. For the purpose of this condition mineral oil shall be deemed to include
liquid derivatives of petroleum, coal or shall with a flash point not below 38 degrees
4. Insulated approved soaking vessels shall be mounted rigidly on pneumatic tyred tractors
having pneumatic/hydraulic brakes operating simultaneously with the brakes of the tractor
unit and that the hitching shall allow movement around an axis but no lateral movement. The
exhaust of the tractor shall be covered by an efficient spark Arrestor and shall be pointed in
the forward and downward direction. Tractors/vehicles with the articulated trailers shall of a
type approved in writing by the Chief Controller of Explosives.
5. The said cartridges shall contain materials as approved by the Chief Controller of Explosives.
6. The Ingredients i.e. cartridges and liquid oxygen until brought for soaking shall be stored
7. Not more than four persons shall be allowed at any one time in the premises in which the
explosive is being manufactured and only person actually employed n manufacturing and
superintending manufacture shall be within licensed premises.
8. The cartridges of liquid oxygen explosive shall be kept in insulated soaking boxes mounted
on pneumatic tyred vehicle. Boxes containing the cartridges shall be in charge of a
competent person a appointed in writing for the purpose by the licensee and shall transported
in accordance with the provisions of the Explosives Rules, 1983 in this behalf.
9. No smoking and no fire, light, or articles or substances capable of producing ignition or
explosion shall be allowed within 15 M of the place explosives are manufactured.
10. No person under 18 years of age, and no person who is in a state of intoxication shall be
employed in or allowed to enter the licensed premises or allowed to transport or handle
soaked liquid cartridges.
11. The licensee shall keep records and accounts of all explosives manufactured under this
licence and used shall be exhibited to any officer authorised under Rule 179 of Explosives
Rules whenever such officer may call upon him to do so.
12. The licensee and his authorised agent and employees shall at all times take all due
precautions for the prevention of accidents by fire or explosion and for preventing
unauthorised person from having access to the licensed premises and shall also obtain from
any Act, which is likely to cause fire or explosion.
13. Accidents by fire or explosion and losses, shortage or theft of explosives shall be immediately
reported to the nearest police station and to the Controller of Explosives concerned and the
Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur.
14. There shall be kep constantly posted up in the depot in such a manner as to be easily read, a
copy of the conditions of this licence in English and in the language of the District in which
the licensed premises are situated. Notices shall be kept constantly posted up at the entrance
of each soaking shed or compartment clearly stating the maximum quantity of liquid oxygen
explosive permitted under this licence in each place at any one time.
15. Free access to the licensed premises shall be given at all reasonable times to any inspecting or
sampling officer and every facility shall be afforded to the officer for ascertaining that the
provisions of the Act and the Rules and the conditions of this licence are duly observed.
16. If the licensing authority or Controller of Explosives call upon the holder of the licensee by
notice in writing to execute any repairs or make any alterations to the licensed premises or
machinery, tools or apparatus, which are in the opinion of such authority, is considered
necessary for the safety of the premises or of the person working therein, the holder of the
licence shall execute the repairs and alterations within specified period.
17. Detonators, boosters and any explosives other than LOX shall not be stored in the licensed
18. All tools and implements used in the premises shall be made only of wood, copper or bras or
some soft metal or material, or shall be covered with suitable material.
19. All losses, shortage of stock and thefts of explosives shall be reported wihout delay to the
nearest Police Station.
Additional Conditions.




(See Rules 31 and 36)
Name and description
permitted in
*Aeroplane flares
95 Kgs.
25 Kgs.
70 Kgs.
Chinese Crackers
-95 Kgs.
Detonating Fuse
25 Kgs.
140 Kgs.
Roman Candles
25 Kgs.
95 Kgs.
Safety Fuse
25 Kgs.
140 Kgs.
Ship Distress Signals
-95 Kgs.
Smoke Candles
--25 Kgs.
95 Kgs.
25 Kgs.
95 Kgs.
*Squiba Electric
---25 Kgs.
70 Kgs.
(Aluminium or Magnesium)
25 Kgs.
95 Kgs.
Very Signal Cartridges
25 Kgs.
45 Kgs.
25 Kgs.
95 Kgs.

*The item can be transported by air as and when included in list of Authorised Explosives.
The specifications laid down in this Schedule are for general guidance only. Approval of
the Chief Controller should be obtained separately for each case.

Specification for a road van for carriage of explosives only.
(1) Air space between body and cab.A clear space of at least fifteen centimetres shall be left
between the Body and Cab.
(2) Drivers cab.The cab shall be fitted and covered externally with .914 mm. Aluminium
sheeting. The wood if used shall be treated as to render it uninflammable.
(3) Cab-Doors shall be fitted having windows of non-splinter type glass.
(4) Wind Screen.A substantially framed win-screen shall be fitted with the portion in front of
the drivers seat pivoted on strong brass quadrants for opening.
(5) Fuel Tank.The fuel tank (petrol) shall be in front of the fire screen described under item
(11) below. It should be so located as to minimise the possibility of its being damaged should
the vehicle be involved in an accident Stone guards should be provided if required by
approving authority.
(6) Fuel cut-off. A quick acting cut off (for petrol lines) shall be fitted on the feed pipe in an
easily accessible position and shall be capable of being operated without the necessity of
lifting the bonnet and shall be so located as not to be involved in a fire in the engine.
(7) Exhaust pipe and Spark Arrestor.The whole of the Spark Arrestor and exhaust piping shall
be in the front of the fire-screen described in item 11.


(8) Fire Extinguisher.Two chemical fire extinguishers of minimum 2 Kgs. shall be provided.
The fire extinguisher should be capable of dealing with petroleum fire.
(9) Self Starter.A self starter shall be provided.
(10) Lighting.Electric head, side and tail lamps shall be provided and shall be operated from
the dash board. All electric wirings and battery cables shall be fully enclosed and maintained
in good operating condition.
(11) Fire Screen.Shall consist of only ply asbestos and 18 gauge steel sheets fitted to the whole
of the drivers cab and extending to within 300 mm. Of the ground. The part extending from
bottom of the cab to within 390 mm. Of the ground shall be carried on an iron angel frame of
light construction.
(12) Body.A body conforming to the second part of this specification shall be fitted.
(13) Spare Wheels.One spare wheel inclusive of outer cover and inner tube shall be carried for
each size of wheel on the chassis.
(14) Painting and Marking.Body and Cab shall be painted and marked and lined with a colour
approved by the licensing authority. The van should be painted with aluminium or white
paint. The letter E should be written permanently on the sides and rear of the van. The
name and address of the licensee and the licence number should be written in small letters on
one side. Vehicles holding inter-state/national permits shall be painted as per directions or
Road Transport Authority. However, another circel of 60 cms. diameter in red colour should
be painted on one of the flaps of rear door of van with letter E inscribed in the circle.
(15) Total maximum load - The total maximum load for a vehicle shall be equal to or exceed
gross vehicle weight rating.
(16) Inspection - The whole of the work shall be to the satisfaction of the licensing authority who
shall have free access at any time to the workshop fabricating the body and who may reject
any material or workmanship which does not comply with this specification.

(1) The body framing is to be constructed of best selected, teak thoroughly seasoned and free
from all defects. All joints are to be morticed and tenoned or half checked, depending upon
their position in the structure, and securely fixed with screws. The joints are to be coated
with white lead before assembly. All parts of the framing which will be in contract with the
outer metal panelling ar ealso to be thoroughly coated with which lead before panelling is
fixed thereto. Iron plates, knees, etc, may be used for stiffening the framing where they are
considered necessary, but no such fr0om work must be exposed in the interior of the
completed van body.
(2) Flooring- This is to be constructed of teak boarding tongued and grooved 22.2 mm, thick and
about 152.4 mm or 177.8 mm. In width. It is to be recessed into the soleplate of the van body
and below it is to be fixed a sheet of .914 mm. (20 S.W.D.) aluminium sheet. The flooring is
to be supported by bearers about 28.6 mm. Thick by 50.8 mm. Wide, fitted between the
soleplate and screwed on the top of the crosmembers of the chasis frame.
The sill of the doorway has to have a fall outwards o f6.4 mm and it should be covered with a
brass plate full width of the doorway, 63.5 mm. Wide inside, and having its outer edge turned
downwards, and secured in position with brass screws.
(3) Body panelling and Lining.The roof, floor, sides, ends and doors of the van are to be
covered extrenally with .014 mm. (20 S.W.G.) aluminium sheeting and inner lining may be of
asbestos or wood so treated as to be rendered uninflammabel or with such other material as
may be approved in writing by the licensign authority. This must have a smooth surface, free
from distortion or any dents, and it is to be fitted to the framing in sections of convenient size.
The roof beading is of aluminium 19 mm. X 4 mm. Whilst a and ends to a distance of 25.4
mm. The end turnover, being relieved at intervals of 152.4 mm. To allow the sheetings to lie
flat on the framing. At all places where sheeting is fixed to the bvody framework, it has to be
covered by a beading. The roof beadign is of aluminium 19 mm. X 4 mm . shilst a wooden


weather beading is run round the sides and ends where the joint with roof sheetings takes
place. At other places aluminium leading 19 mm. X 4 m. has to be used, excepting only the
bottom joint of the sides which is covered by a wooden rail 25.4 mm. Wide 38.1 mm. wide.
The interior of the van body has to be lined with 20 S.W.G. aluminium sheeting
throughout, sides end, roof and doors, the lining has to be fitted in as few sections, as possible and
in all cases brass screws must be used for securing same.
(4) Doors.Double doors are to be fitted at the rear ends of the body and they are to be a close
fit all round the framing, panelling and lining of same being similar in all respects to the body
works. They are to be bevelled along the bottom to make a watertight joing with the brass
covered still of the doorway, and the central joint of doors must also bevelled and covered
with stapping as previously mentioned. The doors are to be hung on strong mild steel crook
and bank hinges. The band section being 29.7 x 8 mm. And these inbturn are to be securely
fixed to ginge and angel plates of section 44.4 x8.0 mm on the rear frame posts of the van
body. The hings are to be so constructed and set that the doors will swing right round against
the van body side, and facilities are to be provided for fixing the doors in this position.
A slot is cut inteh clip and for the reception of a bras H. & T.V. padlock on the left hand side
of the doors.
There shall be no opening in the body of the vehicle except through the doors at the back.
No holes shall be drilled in the chasis, unless allowed by the maker for the purpose of securing
the van body.
(5) Body dimensions.The inside dimensions of the body shall be suitable for the quantity of
explosives proposed to be carried. The body shall be of such dimensions and fitted in such a
manner as to keep the vehicle stabel during trasnport of explosives.
Specification for a motor truck for carriage of explosives together with compressor unit.
(1) A clear air space of at least fifteen centimetres shall be left between the body and the cab.
(2) The derivers cab sahll be fitted and covered externally with .914 m (20 S.W.G.) aluminium
(3) The cab doors shall be fitted having windows of non-splinter type glass.
(4) A substantially framed wind screen shall be fitted with the portion in front of deivers seat
pivoted on strong brass quadrants for opening.
(5) The fuel tank shall be below the floor level and at least 0.5 M from the boxes carrying
explosives. It should be so located as to minimise the possibility of its being damaged should
the vehicle be involved in an accident.
(6) A quick acting cut off (for petrol lines) shall be fitted on the feed pipe in an easily accessible
position and shall be capable of being operated without the necessity of lifting the bonnet and
shall be so located as not to be involved in a fire in the engine.
(7) The Spark arrestor and exhaust piping shall be below the cab and shall not be below the body.
(8) A chemical fire extinguisher of minimum 2 kgs. shall be provided. The fire extinguisher
should be capable of dealing with petroleum fires.
(9) A self starter shall be provided for the engine.
(10) Electric head, side and tail lamps shal be provided and shall be operated from the dash board.
Electric troches (dry cell tyep) may be carried for ue for lighting during emergency.
(11) One spare wheel inclusive fo outer cover and inner tube shall be carried for each size of
wheel on the chassis.
(12) No holes shall be drilled in the chassis unless allowed by the maker for the purpose of
securing body.


(13) The flooring is to be constructed of teack boarding tounged and grooved at least 21 mm thick
and about 150 mm or 175 mm in width.
(14) Base of the compressor should be minimum 150 mm high from the floor or the truck body.
(15) A mild steel tray shall be provided underneath the compressor and shall be of such size and
placed in such a way that all the oil dripping from the compressor shall fall in the tray.
(16) The exhaust pipe of the compressor shall face away from the boxes carrying explosives and
shall be fitted with an efficient spark arrestor.
(17) Only approved type of boxes will be used for carrying explosives and such boxes shall be
firmly fixed to the body in such a way that there is no movement of the boxes when the truck
is in motion. The empty space in the detonator box shall be filled with thermocole pad, foam
pad or other similar suitable material to protect movement of detonators during transport.
(18) Not more than two boxes for carrying explosives shall be fitted to any truck. One of the
boxes shall be used for carrying high explosives and the other for detonators. The boxes shall
be fixed in such a way that their doors do not open face to face.
(19) The distance between the explosives boxes shall be minimum 1000 mm. The distance
between the compressor and the explosives boxes shall be minimum 1500 mm.
(20) A suitable fire screen shall be provided between the cab and the boxes carrying explosives.
(21) A suitable asbestors or G.I. sheet screen shall be provided between the explosives boxes and
the compressor leaving adeauate space for movement of operator for removing explosives
from boxes.
(22) The space between the fire screen under clause 20 and the asbestos screen under clause 21
above shall be suitably covered so as to protect from weather.
(23) Not moe than 25 kgs. of high explosives, 200 numbers of detonators and 200 metres of
safety fuse shall be carried in the truck.
(24) The detonator box shall be fixed away from the battery side and the battery shall be carried
in the cab below deivers seat.
Specification of metal cases for conveyance of explosives
General :
The body to be of wrought iron, mild steel, hard rolled brass, Muntz metal, or zinc,
revetted or welded, fitted at both ends with a substantial flange of same materials or of gunmetal
for the attchment of lid and bottom; if of iron or steel to be thoroughly galvanised after makign up
or to be effectively painted. Thickness not less than 1.257 mm (18 BG - .0495 inches) or, if of
zinc, not less than 9.5 mm.
The bottom to be of same materials as body or of gunmetal; if of iron or steel,to be
thoroughly galvanised, securely riveted to flange of body or forming part of such flange.
Thickness not less than 3.2 mm or of zinc not less than 9.5 mm.
Alternatively the bottom may be made of mild steel of 4.8 mm thick, thoroughly
galviaised and dished so that fits tightly over the body made of mild steel as above but without a
bottom flange. The body to project at least 25.4 mm into the dished bottom and the edges of the
dished end and of the body tobe welded continuously to the body and to the bottom of the dished
end respectively.
The lid to be of same materials as body or of gunmetal; if of iron or steel, to be
thogoughly galvanised. Thickness not less than 1.6 mm at centre, and not less than 3.2 at rim, or
if of zinc, not less than 9.5 mm throughout.
The lid to be secured by not less than four good screws, bolts or swing bolts, with or
without a substantial hinge, which may take the place of one of the four screws, bolts, or swing
A wsher of leather, India rubber or other suitable material to be between the lid and the
flange, unless the lid is fitted with a projecting ring into a depressionint he flange.


All rivet heads to be well finished, and the inside of the package to be free from rough
edges or burrs.
The whole to be of good material and workmanship and to be maintained in a efficient
Specification of metal cases for conveyance of explosives
Duralumin Containers :
Dimensions of container inside to be 902 mm. Deep by 308 mm. Wide by 267 broad.
The body of container to be of 1.626 mm (No.16 S.W.G.) sheet in one piece rivetted with
8.00 mm (5/6ths inch) diameter rivets 25.4 mm pitch at seam. 50.8 m. pitch at other three corners,
having 31.8 m. by 31.8 by 4.8 mm. Angel rivetted on top and round bottom with 8 mm.diameter
rivets 25.4 pitch.
Bottom of containers to be of 3.25 mm. ( No. 10 S.W.G.) sheet fitted with 31.8 mm. By
31.8 mm. By 4.8 angle all round and rivetted with 8 mm. Diameter rivets. Corner pieces 2.642
mm. (No. 12 S.W.G.) sheet to be rivetted to angel and to bottom plate with 8 mm. Diameter
Cover of container to be of 2.032 m. (No. 14 S.W.G.) sheet fitted with 37.6 mm by 25.4
mm. By 4.8 mm angle all round and rivetted with 8.0 mm. Diameter rivets. Corner pieces 2.042
mm (No. 12S.W.G.) sheet to be rivetted to angel and cover plate with 8.00 mm diameter rivets.
Cover to be fastened to container by four 12.7 mm with worth set pins with washer.
Rubber joint 31.8 mm by 3.2 mm thick to be riveted to underside of cover plate by twelve
6.3 mm diameter rivets, 15.9 mm diameter holes to be bored in cover and joint to suit 12.7 mm
set pins.
Two Duralumin drop down handles to be rivetted to body of container.

Specifications of metal cases for conveyance of explosives.
The body to be of wronght iron or mild steel, thoroughly galvanised, thickness not less
than 18 B.G. (0495 inch) fitted at the top with a flange 12.7 mm thick made of the Aluminium
Alloy (12.5 percent to 14.5 percent zinc; 2.5 percent to 3 percent copper; remainder Aluminium).
The bottom to be of the Aluminium Alloy, not less than 12.7 mm thick at the rim, and not
less than 4.8 mm thick at the centre, and provided with a protection 25.4 mm high and at least 6.3
mm thick, so made as to be a a close fit inside the body, to which it shall be rivetted with rivets
6.3 mm diameter.
The lid to be of the Aluminium alloy, not less than 12.7 mm thick at the rim and not less
than 6.3 mm thick at the centre and secured by eight screwed studs to the flange.
A washer of leather India rubber, or other suitable material to be between the lid and the
flange unless the lid is fitted with a projecting ring fitting into a depres ion in the flage.
All rivet heads to be well finished and the inside of the package to be free from rough
edges or burens.


Specifications of Magazines


The basic considerations in the construction of magazines are security to ensure that the
contents are kept out of the hands of unauthorised persons; to maintain them in good conditions
and to reduce the risk of accidental explosion. This calls for a construction, which will resist
illegal entry as much as possible and is well ventilated. In choosing a site for a magazine,
consideration should be given to any protection of life and property offered by natural features of
the ground in the event of a fire and/or an explosion. The suitability of a site and the amount of
explosives that may be stored are determined by its distance from public thoroughfares;
residential or industrial areas, railways etc. as specified in the table of safety distance in Schedule
VIII. Naturally a site obscured from public view either by natural or artificial means is preferred.
Apart from the Rules and Regulations concerning the storage of explosives certain
conditions should be observed from the point of view of care for the materials concerned e.g.
improper storage may lead directly to misfires later on. In all cases, places of storage should be
dry, well ventilated and protected from extremes of temperature as much as possible. Stocks
should be drawn upon in strict rotation any surplus from the days work being returned to the
magazine and kept separately for use on the following day.
Safety Fuse and detonators should be kept in perfect condition for obtaining good results.
Therefore, at all times during transport, handling and storage, they should be protected from
moisture and contact with oil, grease, kerosene or other liquids. Detonators shall not be stored
with other explosives.

Types of Magazine:
Magazines may be of heavy construction, i.e. steel , reinforced concrete, brick, stone or
preformed concrete blocks. Maximum security is attainable only with steel or reinforced concrete
structures. The internal dimensions of the magazine shall be such that there is ready access to all

Construction of the Magazine:

A magazine shall be well and substantially and shall be made and close so as to prevent
unauthorised persons from having access thereto and to secure it from danger.

A Mode A magazine shall be of a type approved by the Chief Controller and shall primarily

have walls of reinforced concrete at least 225 mm thick or brick/stone at least

450 mm thick set in cement mortar. Concrete shall have a minimum compressive
strength of 2500lb/sq. inch at 28 days (the required strength will be reached by a
mixture consisting of 1 part cement, 1- parts sand, 3 parts of aggregate by
volume). Reinforcement should consist of square mesh, hard-drawn steel wire
fabric, providing a cross-section area in each direction of not les than 0.21in 2 ft
of wall. The reinforcement shall be covered by not less than 50 mm of concrete
on either side. The bricks and concrete blocks shall conform to relevant Indian
Standard Specifications. Commercial grade steel is satisfactory for use in
construction. The cement mortar shall consist of not less than one part of cement
and three parts of clean sand.



have interior, and the benches, shelves and fittings therein so constructed or so
lined or covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel and the detaching
of grit, iron, steel or similar substances in such manner as to come into contact
with explosives. Such interior benches shelves and fittings shall be kept free
from grit and otherwise clean; and in the case of any explosive that is liable to the
dangerously affected by water due precautions shall be taken to exclude it


have roof reinforced concrete at least 150 mm thick.


have one ventilator at the top and bottom in each opposite side wall of the
magazine where the weight of explosive stored is upto and including 500 kgs and
minimum two in the top and bottom of each wall where the weight of explosive
stored exceeds 500 kgs. Number of the ventilators may be increased as desired
by the licensing authority. The ventilators shall be 22.5 cm x 11.25 cm. Z type
fitted with frame of iron bars set firmly in the wall on the outer face, the bars to
be of 2.35 cm2 , (3/8 sq.) iron set anglewise with the frame. The inner opening
to be protected with brass wire gauge of 3 mesh per centimeter.


have external doors

that opens outwards and when closed fit tightly;
to be constructed of steel plate at least 5mm, thick with or without
internal lining of wood


have every internal door

made of wood;
locks and fittings of non-ferrous metal


have external door locks of dead lock type.


have a separate room for storage of detonators or other explosives of Class 6

Division 3 if stored within the magazine. Such room shall have independent
entrance and a minimum air-gap of 1 meter from any other room in the magazine
and the thickness of the wall of the detonator storage room facing any other room
in the magazine shall be minimum 60 cm.


have wooden tressels or raised cement platform for storage of explosive



have a porch if necessary and any such porch shall


be of the same construction as the remainder of the magazine; and

be used only for keeping all tools or implements used in connection with
the magazine or the changing of clothe and shoes.


have 25 x 50 mm furring strips fastened to the wall, vertically on 300 mm centres

starting 130 mm from floor and continuous to the stacking line, around the usable
portions of the walls to provide air circulation and to prevent cases of explosives
being stacked directly against the walls.


have a minimum 12 mm red line painted on the interior walls of the magazine at
a height of 2.5 metres from the floor level. This line indicates the maximum
height to which explosives may be stacked. The licensing authority may specify
lower stacking height if deemed necessary;



have an internal volume not less than 0.4 cubic meter for each 100 kgs of
explosives. In addition sufficient space shall be provided for passage between
stocks of packages if required by licensing authority;


have sufficient number of windows for proper lighting inside the magazine. The
windows shall open outside and constructed of steel plate at least 5 mm thick
with or without internal lining of wood.

A Mode B magazine shall be of a type approved by Chief Controller shall primarily

(a) have walls of steel plate at least 5 mm thick;
(b) have a roof of steel plate at least 5 mm thick;
(c) have interior lining at least 10 mm thick on walls, doors and ceiling and 25 mm thick
on door and consisting of closed fittings boards or wood joined together by tounge
and groove joints in such a way that no iron or steel is exposed on the interior sides,
ceiling, floor or doors;
(d) have an internal volume not less than 0.4 cubic metre for each 100 kgs of explosives.
The maximum internal volume shall not be more than 2 cubic metres.
(e) be ventilated by means of vents which shall be adequately protected;
(f) have external hinges of steel welded to the door and to the frame of the magazine;
(g) have a lock of dead lock type for external door.
The basic consideration in construction of a storehouse are to ensure that the contents are
kept out of the hands of unauthorised persons, to maintain them in good condition and to reduce
risk of fire. This calls for a construction which will resist illegal entry as much as possible and is
well ventilated. The place of a storage should be dry and it should be possible to draw stocks in
strict rotation.
The storehouse should have walls built of brick, stone or concrete. The bricks and
concrete shall conform to relevant Indian Standard Specifications. The cement mortar shall
consist of not less than one part of cement and three parts of clean sands. The interior of the
storehouse shall be kept clean and all benches, shelves and fittings shall be so constructed or so
lined or covered as to prevent the exposure of any iron or steel and the detachment of any grit,
iron, steel or substances steel or substances in such manner as to come in contact with the
materials stored and such interior, benches, shelves and fittings shall as far as is practicable be
kept clean and free from gift. The storehouse shall have adequate number of ventilators as
desired by the licensing authority. The ventilators shall be provided at the top and the bottom of
the walls as suggested by the licensing authority. The ventilators shall be 22.5 cm x 11.25 cm
fitted with suitable frames firmly set in the walls on the outer face. The bars to be of minimum
2.35 cm2 set angle-wise with the frame. The inner opening to be protected with wire gauge of
minimum 3 mesh per cm. the storehouse shall have a floor area of 3 M2 per tonne of explosives
and have a minimum 12 mm red line painted on the interior walls at a height 3 M from the floor
level. This line indicates maximum height to which explosives may be stacked. The gang way
space of minimum 30 Cm shall be provided around the usable portion of the walls to provide air
circulation. In addition sufficient space shall be provided for passage between the stacks of
packages if required by the licensing authority. The licensing authority may specify lower
stacking height if deemed necessary.


The storehouse shall have sufficient number of wooden windows for proper lighting
inside. The windows shall open outwards. The storehouse shall have smooth, stone or cement
The following safety distances shall be observed in the factories licensed for manufacture
of explosives or from the magazines licensed for storage of high explosives. If the quantity of
explosives to be stored is in between any two stages shown in the Table 1, the safety distance
required for higher stage should be observed.


Note M denotes mounded : UM denotes unmounded;
Distances in Columns 2 to 13 are in metres
Quantity in To and between magazine To and between process bldgs
or magazine office etc








To railway, Road etc




To Dwelling Houses offices, Quantity in

factories etc.






















Safety distances to be observed in a factory licensed under Explosives Rules for manufacture of
Sparklers only
Distances are in metres

of shed



Packing Empty Raw
frames materials safety





















Extract from the Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Dangerous goods) Rules, 1978
Rules 8 Stowage of dangerous goods (1) The owner, master or agent of every ship
which carries any dangerous goods shall ensure that the stowage of the all dangerous goods on
board complies with provision in respect of such stowage made in the Dangerous Goods Code
without prejudice to the generalities in any respect specified in the said Code. The master every
such ship shall ensure that
(a) dangerous goods are, as far as practicable stowed under deck;
(b) fibre board boxes, in particulars are stowed under deck and where circumstances
make it necessary to stow them on deck for any of the causes referred to in clause
(c) adequate protection is afforded to prevent them from being exposed to the
weather of to sea water;
(c) stowage on deck is restricted only to cases where(iii)
constant supervision is required; or
accessibility to cargo is particularly required; or
there is a substantial risk of formation of explosive gas mixtures,
development of high toxic vapours or unobserved corrosion of the vessel.
(d) The packages are shaded from radiant heat, including store sunlight, where it is
necessary to prevent pressure build up in or decomposition and polymerisation of
their contents;
(e) When dangerous goods are stowed on deck they do not occupy more than 50 percent
of the total open deck are and hydrants, sounding pipes and the like and accesses
thereto are kept free and clear of such deck cargo;
(4) Without prejudice to the provisions contained in sub-rule (1), the master of every ship
carrying dangerous goods shall ensure that
(a) dangerous goods and any vehicle, container, package or receptacle containing
dangerous goods are stowed in a manner which is a safe and proper manner of
stowage for the goods or, as the case may be, for the vehicle, container, package or
receptacle, having regard to the identity and the dangerous nature of the goods;


(b) explosives (except ammunition) which present a serious risk are stowed in a
magazine which is kept securely closed while at sea and that such explosives are
segregated from detonators;
(c) the electrical apparatus and cables in any compartment in which explosives are
carried are so designed and used as to minimum the risk of fire or explosion;
(d) when goods which given off dangerous vapours are stowed under deck the space
used for such stowage is well ventilated;
(e) special precautions against fire or explosion are taken, wherever required, while
carrying inflammable liquids or gases; and ventilation adequate in the circumstances,
is provided for the spaces in which the liquids or gases are carried; and
(f) substances which are liable to spontaneous combustion are not carried unless
precautions, proper in the circumstances, are taken for the prevention of spontaneous
combustion of such substances.


Extracts from the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958
Section 3
Clause (16)
Home-trade ship means a ship not exceeding three thousand tons gross which is
employed in trading between any port or place in India and any other port or places in
Ceylon, Maladive Islands, Federation of Malaya, Singapore or Burma.
Clause (47-A)
Special trade means the conveyance of large number of passengers by sea within
prescribed sea areas;
Clause (47-B)
Special trade passenger means a passenger carried in special trade passenger ship in
spaces on the weather deck or upper deck or between decks which accommodate more
than eight passengers and includes a pilgrim or a person accompanying a pilgrim;
Clause (47-C)
Special trade passenger ship means a mechanically propelled ship carrying more than
thirty special trade passenger.
Section 238Notice to be given of day of sailing.
(1) The master, owner or agent of a special trade passenger ship or a pilgrim ship so
departing or proceeding shall give notice to an officer appointed in this behalf by the
Central Government that the ship is to carry special trade passengers or pilgrims and
of her destination and of the proposed time of sailing.
(2) The notice shall be given
(a) in the case of a special trade passenger ship, not less than twenty-hours before that
(b) in the case of a pilgrim ship at the original port of departure, if in India, and in any
other case at the first port at which she touches in India not less than three days, and
at all other ports not less than twenty-four hours, before that time.


243. Officers entitled to grant certificates

The person by whom certificate A and certificate B are to be granted shall be the
officer appointed under Section 238 who is hereinafter referred to as the certifying
Extract from the Indian Ports Act, 1908
Section 7Appointment of conservator.
(1) The local Government shall appoint some officer or body of person to be conservator
of every port subject to this Act.
(2) Subject to any direction by the Local Government to the contrary
(a) in ports where there is a port-officer, the port-officer shall be conservator.
(b) In ports where there is no port-officer, but where there is a harbour-master, the
harbour-master shall be the conservator.
(3) Where the harbour-master is not conservator, the harbour-master and his assistants
shall be subordinate to, and subject to the control of, the conservator.
(4) The conservator shall be subject to the control of the Local Government, or of any
intermediate authority which that Government may appoint.
Extract from the Board of Trade Memorandum relating to the Carriage of Dangerous
Goods and Explosives in Ships
1. Unless otherwise sanctioned by the Surveyor, magazines are to be built in between decks if
possible. They must be so placed that their doors are easily accessible from a hatchway.
2. Magazines may be constructed of steel, iron or wood, provided that if of steel or iron, the
whole of the interior shall be thoroughly protected by paint, varnish, galvanising or other
suitable coating. Provided that no gun-powder, picric acid or other bulk explosives packed in
barrels be stowed ina steel or iron magazine unless the inside of the magazine, including all
iron work is covered with wood or other suitable material.
3. Flooring of all magazines shall consist of 3 inch by 1 inch gratings with a mesh of not more
than 4 inches square. These gratings should be portable to allow access for cleaning.
4. When magazines are constructed of wood they shall comply with the following specification,
(a) The bulkheads to be formed of 1-1/4 inche boards secured internally to uprights 3 inches
square placed not more than 2 feet apart running from deck to deck, and firmly secured
top and bottom. Where the magazine is against the ships sides and cargo battens are
fitted, spaced not more than 9 inches apart, other lining is unnecessary.
Where cargo battens are more than 9 inches apart filling pieces shall be proveded.
Where on iron decks, the heels of the uprights to step on and be secured to a board of 1
inch thick laid on the deck.
Boards 9 inches by 1-1/4 inches to be securely fastened to the uprights at the upper and
lower ends for securing heads of heads of shores for tomming off.
(b) Except when build on cargo or in the square of the hatchway a magazine need not be
roofed over, provided that in the case of explosive of Classes III and IV a clear space of
not less than 3 inches shall be left below the bottom of the beams of the over deck.
(c) The door of the magazine shall be a substantial construction and fitted with a strong lock.


(d) When a magazine measures athwartships more than 40 feet, a fore and after bulkhead
must be fitted, constructed of upright 3 inches square, 3 feet apart extending from deck to
deck, secured at the top and bottom as for side bulkheads lined up with 1 inch boarding
not more than 6 inches apart, alternately on either side of the uprigths. The ships
permanent stanchions may be used in lieu of the temporary uprights when they are in the
proper position and provided they are not more than 6 feet apart. If gunpowder, picric
acid or other bulk explosives packed in barrels are carried, the stanchions and any other
metal work inside the magazine must be covered with wood or other suitable material.
5. Every magazine shall be efficiently ventilated, but any dock ventilator into or immediately
over a magazine shall be covered by two thicknesses of fine wire gauge, or fitted with a
Lawson fireproof cowl, or other efficient fireproof covering. Steel or iron magazines
unpropovided with ventilators shall be ventilated into the hold by the provision of two-inch
holes in the bulkhead as close to the overdeck of two-inch holes in the bulkhead as close to
the overdeck as practicable.
6. When it is necessary to build the magazine on cargo the selected place is to be levelled off
and the bottom formed of 3 inches by 3 inches quattering placed 2 feet apart, covered with 11/4 inches boarding, securely nailed. Uprights 3 inches square, 2 feet apart, running from the
boards to the deck, above to fit tight and to be well driven in cleared at the bottom and well
tommed off at the top.
Remainder of magazine as previously detailed.
Should the height of the proposed magazine exceed 8 feet the construction should be
specially determined by the Surveyors.
(Size in accordance with the dimensions of the packages to go into it)
7. A frame is to made of 2 inches by 3 inches quartering floored and boarded up with 1-1/4 inch
boarding. Lid to be fitted with cleats on the inside to keep it in its place when shipped, and
fastened with hasp, staples, and a strong hanging lock of brass of galvanised iron.


Extract from the Mines Act, 1952
Sub-sectioon (j) of Section 2mine means any excavation where any operation for the purpose of searching for or
obtaining minerals has been or is being carried on and includes all works, machinery tramways
and sidings, whether above or below ground in or adjacent to or belonging to mine:
Provided that it shall not include any part of such premises on which a manufacturing
process is being carried on unless such process is a process for coke making or the dressing of


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