GDN 196

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For Restricted Circulation Only




First Edition September, 2001


Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
First Edition
September, 2001

For Restricted Circulation Only



Prepared by


Kailash, 2nd Floor
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi – 110 001


OIL INDUSTRY SAFETY DIRECTORATE (OISD) publications are prepared

for use in the oil and gas industry under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are

the property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or

copied and loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the

data contained in these documents OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or

responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use.

These documents are intended to supplement rather than replace the prevailing

statutory requirements.
Oil industry in India is more than 100 years old handling variety of hydrocarbon
material, natural gas, crude oil and petroleum products. With the technological advances
and need for transportation of bulk energy carrier and natural gas. Over the years a
variety of practices have been in vogue because of collaboration/association with
different foreign companies and governments..
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a
Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) staffed from within
the industry in formulating and implementing a series of regulatory and self regulatory
measures aimed at removing obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing
standards to ensure safer and pollution free operations.
Due to accelerated and enhanced operational activities of petroleum sector ,the
several development projects have come into existence from time to time and
Environmental Clearance were obtained from the regulatory agencies. However industry
has realised that seeking Environmental Clearance does involve certain critical issues
which still need to be addressed minutely e.g. projects coming up near coastal area,
offshore and high sea location etc including gearing of project personnel for seeking
environment clearance. With this view point , Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD),
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas has taken up formulation of Guidelines for
Seeking Environmental Clearance of Development Projects in Petroleum Industry.

This document was prepared based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of
industry members and the various national and international codes and practices. It is
expected that these guidelines on environmental audit would be beneficial to user
This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and better understanding.
Suggestions from industry members may be addressed to:
Member Coordinator
Committee on Guidelines for Seeking Environmental Clearance
of Development Projects
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Kailash, 2nd Floor
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001















Section Description Page

No. No.

1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Scope 1

3.0 Definitions 1

4.0 Procedure for obtaining Environmental Clearance and Role 2

of Project Authorities

5.0 State Level Obligations for Compliance 3

6.0 National Level Obligations for Compliance 4

7.0 Role of Project Authorities for Modernisation and

Expansion Project 4

8.0 References 5

9.0 Annexure-I – Procedure to Obtain Consent (NOC) 7

10.0 Annexure-II – Procedure for Public Hearing 10

11.0 Annexure-III- Certification of Pollution Load by 12

Regulatory Authorities

1.0 INTRODUCTION products, LPG plants, marketing / cross

country pipelines and transportation of
Environmental clearance is required to petroleum products etc. of downstream
be obtained from the designated agency petroleum sector.
under the provisions of EIA
Notification issued by Ministry of 3.0 DEFINITIONS
Environment and Forest 1994 and
amended in May 1994 for a new 3.1 Environment Impact Assessment
development project, modernisation of (EIA)
existing unit and expansion of the unit.
EIA is defined as an activity designed to
Number of guidelines and notifications identify and predict the impact of the
have come in the past on the subject proposed project on environment and
from various agencies at different human health to interpret and
times but no single document is communicate information about the
available at one place for the Petroleum impacts.
Sector for the purpose of obtaining
environmental clearance. Moreover, 3.2 Hazard and Risk Analysis
industry has experienced difficulties on
a number of relevant vital issues A “hazard” is something with a potential to
pertaining to this subject matter. cause harm and “risk” is the likelihood of
its occurrence. Risk analysis is the
In this document a step wise procedures methodology by which risk is estimated, by
for obtaining environmental clearance combining the consequences and likelihood
has been outlined so that necessary of the identified hazardous incidents. Risk
Statutory obligations are complied in assessment is the process by which the
totality. results of a risk analysis are used to make
decisions, through comparison with risk
2.0 SCOPE acceptance criteria.

The document is applicable to Oil 3.3 Disaster Management Plan

Exploration, Drilling , Processing, (DMP)
Refining and Transportation Sectors.
This will include drilling, workover Based on findings of risk studies a plan is
rigs, group gathering stations, oil drawn for onsite and off site of the plant
collection stations, central tank farms, facilities. This plan is drawn to safeguard
gas collecting stations, drilling the men and equipment in the event of any
platform, processing platform and any disaster..
other activity of upstream petroleum
sector including transportation of oil.
This will also include petroleum 3.4 Baseline Studies
refining , processing of petroleum
Studies conducted to document and
monitor the environmental data of a 4.1 Procedure for Obtaining
particular location before starting any Environmental Clearance
proposed development activity. The
data generated by these studies For obtaining Environmental Clearances
considered as baseline data for the the Project proponents should get the
proposed development project. following documents / reports prepared and
obtain state level `No Objection Certificate’
3.5 Environment Management Plan (NOCs).
• Feasibility / Project Report
A Plan is drawn based on findings of • Site clearance from appropriate
EIA study consisting of environmental authority .
protection measures to be taken by the • EIA and EMP Reports
project authorities. • No Objection Certificate from State
Pollution Control Boards and other
3.6 Upstream Sector local authorities
• Duly filled in Environmental Appraisal
This refers all upstream operational Questionnaire.
activities pertaining to oil & Gas • Risk Analysis and Emergency
exploration, drilling, production preparedness Plan .
processing and transportation of
• Rehabilitation Plan where large scale
hydrocarbons in onshore or offshore displacements of people is anticipated
• Clearance from Airports Authority of
India, if applicable.
3.7 Downstream Sector
• Details of Public Hearing conducted by
the concerned State Pollution Control
This refers to all those activities of oil
operations which include refining,
cracking, processing ,marketing and
These documents should be enclosed along
transportation etc.
with the application form to be submitted
for environmental clearance to the Ministry
3.8 Environmental Statement
of Environmental & Forests.
Environmental statement is a part of
The stepwise procedure for obtaining NOC
environment audit as notified by
is given as Annexure-I
Ministry of Environment & Forests on
April, 1993 by which every project
proponent is required to submit the
above statement .


4.2 Role of Projects Authorities Agricultural Land, Tea Gardens,
Sanctuaries, Wildlife, Corals,
4.2.1 Feasibility Report of the Mangroves area and National Park
development project should etc. the necessary approval. of
consider all relevant and concerned authority should be
environment related information obtained.
available and submit to the Impact
Assessment Agency for obtaining 4.2.6 For laying inter state or cross country
environmental clearance. surface or sub surface pipeline
necessary approval on Right on Use
4.2.2 Environmental Component (i.e. (ROU) basis should be obtained
from site identification, emission from the concerned authorities along
inventory and pollution load and with environmental considerations.
necessary budget for mitigation)
should be incorporated in project 5.0 STATE LEVEL OBLIGATIONS
right from the conceptualisation FOR COMPLIANCE :
5.1 In case the project requires land
4.2.3 Site selection should be made in which is under forest, area necessary
accordance with the existing steps for obtaining forest land
guidelines on Siting for clearance should be taken with the
Industries, Govt. of India State Forest Authorities or whosoever
published in 1985 and an appropriate agencies designated for
subsequent amendment thereof. such purpose as per the Forest Act and
Wherever possible , the the rules thereunder along with
ecologically sensitive areas, subsequent amendment thereof.
coastal areas, flood plain of the
riverine systems, heritage of 5.2 Public hearing should also be
national and international organised as desired under the
importance should be avoided provision of EIA Notification 1994
and should follow the existing and amendment thereof and Public
guidelines of site selection, Hearing Notification S.O. 318(E),
published by government of Dtd. 10.04.1997. The procedure for
India. Public hearing is given in Annexure
4.2.4 Site selection of Site specific
projects should be done very 5.3 Project Authorities should obtain ‘No
carefully and due care should be Objection Certificate’ from the
taken for environmental concerned State Pollution Control
components while making use of Boards as per procedures given in
the location for the development Annexure-I.
5.4 For Coastal locations, necessary
4.2.5 In case ,certain pipelines or any approval / NOC from the Shipping
other installation falls under or Deptt. or concerned
passes through Reserve Forest, Coastal Regulation Authority be
obtained whosoever is the (iv) Site Clearance from appropriate
designated agency for the authority.
purpose. (v) No Objection Certificate from
respective State Pollution
Control Board or any other
5.5 Project authorities should meet designated concerned authority
provisions of Coastal Regulation for such purpose
Zone Notification vide SO no. (vi) Commitment of availability
944(E) dated 15 th December,1990 regarding water and electricity
and subsequent amendments thereof from the competent authority.
which have notified from time to (vii) Questionnaire for
time if their location of activity is Environmental Appraisal for
likely to come under such zone. Industrial Projects as per
Ministry of Environment and
5.6 The Offshore facilities pertaining to Forests (MOEF) requirement.
Hydrocarbon Exploration, (viii) Environmental Impact
Production,Processing and Assessment Report (Based on
Transportation do not require any one season data).
approval of State Pollution Control (ix) Risk Analysis
Board. (x) Disaster Management Plan
(xi) Report of the Safety Audit (As
6.0 NATIONAL LEVEL applicable for expansion and
OBLIGATION FOR modernisation projects)
COMPLIANCE: (xii) Environmental Statement (As
applicable for expansion and
6.1 Project Authorities should submit modernisation projects)
their proposal for seeking (xiii) Rehabilitation plans, if any for
environmental clearance to Ministry the anticipated displacement.
of Environment and Forests with
the following documents, if the cost
of the project is above Rs.50.00 6.2 Project authorities should meet
crores (EIA Notification 94 and provision of NOS-DCP Merchant
subsequent amendment thereof) ; Shipping Act and any other applicable
International Treaty.
(i) Copy of the Public hearing
report (this document is 7.0 ROLE OF PROJECT
mandatory for submission of AUTHORITIES FOR
the application without this MODERNISATION AND
application for EXPANSION PROJECTS D
environmental clearance
may not be accepted by the 7.1 For seeking environmental
concerned authorities clearance, Project Authorities should
(ii) Application Form as obtain approval and No Objection
prescribed in Schedule II of Certificate from competent agency i.e.
EIA Notification either respective State Pollution Control
(iii) Feasibility / Project Report Board or Shipping Authorities or
Coastal Regulation Authorities 7.5 The Project authorities should also meet
regarding pollution load provisions of Hazardous Wastes
certification if they are going for (Management and Handling) Rules,
modernisation of the existing plant. 1989 and Amendment Rules of 6 th
Jan. 2000 i.e. obtaining authorisation
7.2 In case resultant pollution load is for handling hazardous wastes,
not exceeding the existing levels, Packaging- labeling and transport of
the Project Authorities may refer hazardous waste, inventory of disposal
Explanatory Note regarding the site, accident reporting if any, treatment
impact assessment notification , colour codes etc. The Project
dt.27th January, 1994 for the authorities should also identify the
projects given in Annexure-III,. Disposal Site in association with
concerned State authorities ,get the
7.3 In case due to modernisation and design approved and conduct EIA of
expansion of the existing plant the the disposal site and then Conduct
resultant pollution load is exceeded public hearing of the same etc. for
from the existing one, then the getting necessary approval for
Project Authorities should submit operation.
relevant documents for seeking
environmental clearance to the 7.6 The Project authorities should also meet
appropriate authorities as per the provisions of The Public Liability
EIA Notification 1994. Insurance Act,1991 as amended.

7.4 Project authorities during 8.0 REFERENCES

modernisation and expansion
should continue to obtain Renewal 1. The Environmental Impact Assessment -
of Consent as per Water Act 1974 Notification,1994(as amended on 4/5/
and Air (Prevention and Control of 1994 Ministry of Environment and
Pollution) Act 1981 and also liable Forests.
to make notification of major 2. Questionnaire for Environmental
accidents, Approval of Notification Appraisal(Revised)Industry sector
of Site , preparation of Safety Projects only.
Report and Safety Audit Report, 3. Processes of Public Hearing
Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) No.244,April 10,1997, Ministry of
of chemicals handled should be Environment and Forests.
obtained . Acceptance of Onsite 4. Oil Drilling and Gas Extraction Industry
Emergency Plans and assisting (72), Schedule VII National Ambient Air
Deputy Collector in preparation of Quality standards. No.141, April 3,
Offsite Emergency Plan as per 1996, Ministry of Environment and
Manufacture ,Storage and Import of Forests.
Hazardous Chemical Rule 1989 5. Ambient Air quality Standards for
and Amendments Rules ,19 th Jan Ammonia, No.707, October 29, 1998,
2000 and subsequent amendment Ministry of Environment and Forests.
thereof should be complied as
applicable. 6. Noise Pollution (Control and
Regulation) Rule, 2000 – No.92,
February 14, 2000, Ministry of 1999 (Draft) No.583, September 27,
Environment and Forests. 1999, Ministry of Environment and
7. Environment (Protection) Second Forests.
Amendment Rules 1993, General 13. Bio-Medical Wastes (Management and
Standards for discharges of Handling) (Amendment) Rules, 2000
environment pollutants, Effluents, No.147, March 7, 2000, Ministry of
Water Generations, Load Based Environment and Forests.
Standards-Oil refinery industry, 14. Hazardous Micro-Organisms and
General emission, Equipment based Genetically Modified Organisms
standards – Concentration based (Manufacture, Use, Import, Export &
standards. Load/Mass based Storage) Rules, 1999 No.76, February
standards, Noise Standards. No.174, 11, 1999, Ministry of Environment and
May 19, 1993, Ministry of Forests.
Environment and Forests. 15. Coastal regulation Zone Notification,
8. The Manufacture, Storage and Ministry of Environment and
Import of Hazardous Chemical Forests,1991 including amendments.
(Amendment) Rules, 1989 and The 16. Coastal Stretches as Coastal Regulation
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Zone No.393, July 9, 1997, Ministry of
Hazardous Chemical (Amendment) Environment and Forests.
Rules, 2000 No.42, January 20, 17. Coastal Stretches as Coastal Regulation
2000, Ministry of Environment and Zone ( Amendment) No.63, January 31,
Forests. 1997, Ministry of Environment and
9. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Forests.
Hazardous Chemicals (Amendment) 18. Coastal Stretches as Coastal Regulations
Rules 1994 No.S.O. 2882, October Zone (Draft Notification) No.482,
22, 1994, Ministry of Environment August 5, 1999 , Ministry of
and Forests. Environment and Forests.
19. Notification on Coastal Zone
10. Hazardous Wastes (Management and Management Authority for Andhra
Handling) Amendment Rule, 1989, Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Pondicherry,
and Hazardous Wastes (Management West Bengal, Daman & Dieu islands,
and Handling) Amendment Rule, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala,
2000 No.13, January 6,2000, Lakshadweep, Maharastra and Orissa
Ministry of Environment and No.756, November 26, 1998, Ministry of
Forests. Environment and Forests.
11. Bio-Medical Wastes (Management 20. Paris Commission Guidelines for
and Handling) Rule, 1998 No.460, Monitoring Methods to be used in the
July 27, 1998, Ministry of vicinity of Platforms in the North Sea.
Environment and Forests 21. Public Liability Insurance Act,1991 and
12. Municipal Solid Wastes amendment there of.
(Management and Handling) Rule,
Annexure - I

Procedure to Obtain Consent (NOC)

The consent prior to establishment / operation of an industry, process or operation

is mandatory according to the provisions of Section 25 of the Water Act, 1974
and / or Section 21 of the Air Act, 1981 as may be applicable to a particular unit.

A consent / NOC of the State Board is required by - industrial units, mining units,
hospitals etc. to operate/establish such industry, operation or process or any
treatment and disposal system or an extension or addition thereto which is likely
to emit any air pollutant and/or to discharge sewage or trade effluent into a
stream, well, sewer or on land.

This consent of the Board is a precondition for facilitating the release of loans,
sewer /water/electricity connection etc. The NOC is issued as per requirements of
Section 25 and Section 21 of Water (Prevention & control of Pollution) Act,
1974 and Air Act 1981 respectively in the following sequence:

a) Consent to establish (Provisional No Objection Certificate)

b) No Objection Certificate, for the release of power connection (No E-II)
c) Consent to operate (Final No Objection Certificate)

1. Consent to Establish

The application for consent to establish a proposed industrial unit should include the
following documents

I. “NOC Proforma” Proforma can be obtained from the Board

II. “Form ‘I’” and/or “Form XIII”: each set in triplicate under Air Act, 1981 and
Water Act, 1974 as may be applicable to the unit.

III. “Project Report” of the proposed industry duly approved and accepted by the
Industries Department. It should include the detailed manufacturing process
along with flow chart of various operations to be carried out, type of raw
materials, details of plant and machinery, inputs of various additions. Chemical
processes in which water is likely to be used, details about the total cost of the
project and the approximate expenditure earmarked for pollution control

IV. “Engineering Design and Drawings” of the proposed pollution control

measures for treatment and control of waste water emissions and solid waste. These
proposals are to be supported by information about likely waste water quality / emission
quality of air pollutants, safe disposal of hazardous wastes, efficiency of equipment,
mode of final disposal of treated effluent / air emissions and air quality after treatment
and before discharge.

V. The “Site Plan” showing the location of the proposed industry and physical,
features like streams, villages towns and distance from the nearest link road and
main road, detailed layout plan showing manufacturing units, water supply and
waste lines, location of treatment units / air pollution control equipment and solid
waste disposal site.

VI. “NOC/Consent Fee”: Fee for all development projects which is identical
under both water and air acts. The fee is payable based on capital investment.

VII. “EIA Report and proposed EMP

VIII. Public hearing”.

IX. “Mining Plan / Environmental Management Plan”: While applying for

consent to establish, the mining lessees should submit copy of mining lease deed
along with a copy of approved Mining Plan / EMP from the competent authority.

i) Environmental assimilative and carrying capacity of the location where an unit is


ii) Broad conformity to the Environmental Siting Guidelines in view of nature of the
proposed unit.

iii) Assessing potential environmental impacts in terms of water, air and soil

iv) Evaluation of EMP and engineering designs and drawings with reference to the
adequacy of the mitigation measures proposed therein.

v) Compliance to any other relevant Rules.

X No Objection Certificate for Sanction and Release of Power Connection

Some Electricity Boards have issued instructions that the power load and electric
connection will be issued only after clearance from the concerned State Pollution
Control Board. For this purpose the Board issues consent to establish based on which
the power load is sanctioned by the concerned Electricity Board. Before issuing consent
to establish, the State Pollution Control Board ensures that the industry has approached
with details of manufacturing processes and details of treatment of wastes and emissions
if any. After the unit is ready for production NOC-II is issued for the release of power
after satisfying that adequate measures for treating the waste water/emissions have been
taken by the industry . For this purpose the unit owner is required to apply on a plain
paper giving all the details regarding status on the compliance to the conditions imposed
while giving consent to establish. This NOC-II is issued subject to satisfactory report of
the Pollution Control Board on installation of the pollution control devices.

XI. Consent to Operate

Before the last installment of loan is released by financial institutions as the case may be,
consent to operate is issued by the Board after ensuring that the unit has provided for
measures to treat the effluents / emissions as per directions of the Board. At this stage,
industry has to apply for consent to operate under the Air Act or Water Act or both Acts
as may be applicable. In addition to above referred requirement before consent to operate
is issued, the promoter should also have to supply On site emergency plan, apply for
“Authorization for Storage ,handling ,treatment and disposal of Hazardous Waste” if
applicable. On a prescribed format as per the Hazardous Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules, 1989 under Environment Act 1986.

XII. Renewal of Consent

The application for renewal of consent should be filed by the consentees one month prior
to the expiry of validity of consent to avoid any penal liability.

The renewal of consent will be granted subject to proper installation and functioning of
pollution control equipment to the entire satisfaction of the Board. The renewal of
consent should also be subject to compliance of all the conditions imposed in various
consent orders.
Annexure II


1. Process of Public Hearing : Whoever applies for environmental clearance of

projects, should submit to the concerned State Pollution Control Board the
following documents namely :-
(i) An Executive summary containing the salient features of the project
in English and in local language.
(ii) Form XIII prescribed under Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Rules, 1975 where discharge of sewage, trade effluents,
treatment of water in any form, is required.
(iii) Form 1 prescribed under Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Union Territory Rules, 1983 where discharge of emissions are
involved in any process, operation or industry.
(iv) Any other information or document which is necessary in the opinion
of the Board for their final disposal of the application.

2. Notice of Public Hearing :-

(i) The State Pollution Control Board should issue a notice for environmental
public hearing which should be published in at least two newspapers
widely circulated in the region around the project, one of which should be
in the vernacular language of the locality concerned. State Pollution
Control Board should mention the date, time and place of public hearing.
Suggestions, views, comments and objects of the public should be invited
within thirty days from the date of publication of the notification.
(ii) All persons including bonafide residents, environmental groups and others
located at the project site/sites of displacement/sites likely to be affected
can participate in the public hearing. They can also make oral/written
suggestions to the State Pollution Control Board.

Explanation : For the purpose of the paragraph person means –

(a) any person who is likely to be affected by the grant of environmental

(b) Any person who owns or has control over the project with respect to which
an application has been submitted for environmental clearance;
(c) any association of persons (whether incorporated or not )likely to be affected
by the project and/or functioning in the field of environment.
(d) any local authority any part of whose local limits is within the
neighborhood where the project is proposed to the located.
3. Composition of Public Hearing Panel :- The composition of Public Hearing
Panel may consist of the following, namely :-
(i) Representative of State Pollution Control Board.
(ii) District Collector or his nominee.
(iii) Representative of State Government dealing with the subject of power.
(iv) Representative of Department of the State Government dealing with
(v) Not more than three representatives of the local bodies such as
Municipalities or Panchayats.
(vi) Not more than three senior citizens of the area nominated by the District
4. Access to the Executive Summary :- The concerned persons should be
provided access to the Executive Summary of the Project at the following
places namely :-
(i) District Collector’s Office;
(ii) District Industry Centre;
(iii) In the Office of the Chief Executive Officer of Zila Parishad or
Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation / Local body as the case may
(iv) In the head office of the concerned State Pollution Control Board and its
concerned Regional Office.
(v) In the concerned Department of the State Government dealing with the
subject of environment.



A project proponent is required to seek environmental clearance for a proposed

expansion/modernisation activity if the resultant pollution load is to exceed the
existing levels. The words :pollution Load” will in this context cover emissions,
liquid effluents and solid or semi-solid wastes generated. A project proponent
may approach the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) for certifying,
whether the proposed modernisation/expansion activity as listed in Schedule-I to
the notification is likely to exceed the existing pollution load or not. If it is
certified that no increase is likely to occur in the existing pollution load due to the
proposed expansion or modernisation, the project proponent will not be required
to seek environmental clearance, but a copy of such certificate issued by the
SPCB will have to be submitted to the Impact Assessment Agency(IAA) for
information. The IAA will however, reserve the right to review such cases in the
public interest if material facts justifying the need for such review come to light.

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