GDN 196
GDN 196
GDN 196
For Restricted Circulation Only
For Restricted Circulation Only
Prepared by
for use in the oil and gas industry under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are
the property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or
copied and loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.
Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the
data contained in these documents OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or
These documents are intended to supplement rather than replace the prevailing
statutory requirements.
Oil industry in India is more than 100 years old handling variety of hydrocarbon
material, natural gas, crude oil and petroleum products. With the technological advances
and need for transportation of bulk energy carrier and natural gas. Over the years a
variety of practices have been in vogue because of collaboration/association with
different foreign companies and governments..
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a
Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) staffed from within
the industry in formulating and implementing a series of regulatory and self regulatory
measures aimed at removing obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing
standards to ensure safer and pollution free operations.
Due to accelerated and enhanced operational activities of petroleum sector ,the
several development projects have come into existence from time to time and
Environmental Clearance were obtained from the regulatory agencies. However industry
has realised that seeking Environmental Clearance does involve certain critical issues
which still need to be addressed minutely e.g. projects coming up near coastal area,
offshore and high sea location etc including gearing of project personnel for seeking
environment clearance. With this view point , Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD),
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas has taken up formulation of Guidelines for
Seeking Environmental Clearance of Development Projects in Petroleum Industry.
This document was prepared based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of
industry members and the various national and international codes and practices. It is
expected that these guidelines on environmental audit would be beneficial to user
This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and better understanding.
Suggestions from industry members may be addressed to:
Member Coordinator
Committee on Guidelines for Seeking Environmental Clearance
of Development Projects
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Kailash, 2nd Floor
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Scope 1
3.0 Definitions 1
8.0 References 5
A consent / NOC of the State Board is required by - industrial units, mining units,
hospitals etc. to operate/establish such industry, operation or process or any
treatment and disposal system or an extension or addition thereto which is likely
to emit any air pollutant and/or to discharge sewage or trade effluent into a
stream, well, sewer or on land.
This consent of the Board is a precondition for facilitating the release of loans,
sewer /water/electricity connection etc. The NOC is issued as per requirements of
Section 25 and Section 21 of Water (Prevention & control of Pollution) Act,
1974 and Air Act 1981 respectively in the following sequence:
1. Consent to Establish
The application for consent to establish a proposed industrial unit should include the
following documents
II. “Form ‘I’” and/or “Form XIII”: each set in triplicate under Air Act, 1981 and
Water Act, 1974 as may be applicable to the unit.
III. “Project Report” of the proposed industry duly approved and accepted by the
Industries Department. It should include the detailed manufacturing process
along with flow chart of various operations to be carried out, type of raw
materials, details of plant and machinery, inputs of various additions. Chemical
processes in which water is likely to be used, details about the total cost of the
project and the approximate expenditure earmarked for pollution control
V. The “Site Plan” showing the location of the proposed industry and physical,
features like streams, villages towns and distance from the nearest link road and
main road, detailed layout plan showing manufacturing units, water supply and
waste lines, location of treatment units / air pollution control equipment and solid
waste disposal site.
VI. “NOC/Consent Fee”: Fee for all development projects which is identical
under both water and air acts. The fee is payable based on capital investment.
ii) Broad conformity to the Environmental Siting Guidelines in view of nature of the
proposed unit.
iii) Assessing potential environmental impacts in terms of water, air and soil
iv) Evaluation of EMP and engineering designs and drawings with reference to the
adequacy of the mitigation measures proposed therein.
Some Electricity Boards have issued instructions that the power load and electric
connection will be issued only after clearance from the concerned State Pollution
Control Board. For this purpose the Board issues consent to establish based on which
the power load is sanctioned by the concerned Electricity Board. Before issuing consent
to establish, the State Pollution Control Board ensures that the industry has approached
with details of manufacturing processes and details of treatment of wastes and emissions
if any. After the unit is ready for production NOC-II is issued for the release of power
after satisfying that adequate measures for treating the waste water/emissions have been
taken by the industry . For this purpose the unit owner is required to apply on a plain
paper giving all the details regarding status on the compliance to the conditions imposed
while giving consent to establish. This NOC-II is issued subject to satisfactory report of
the Pollution Control Board on installation of the pollution control devices.
Before the last installment of loan is released by financial institutions as the case may be,
consent to operate is issued by the Board after ensuring that the unit has provided for
measures to treat the effluents / emissions as per directions of the Board. At this stage,
industry has to apply for consent to operate under the Air Act or Water Act or both Acts
as may be applicable. In addition to above referred requirement before consent to operate
is issued, the promoter should also have to supply On site emergency plan, apply for
“Authorization for Storage ,handling ,treatment and disposal of Hazardous Waste” if
applicable. On a prescribed format as per the Hazardous Waste (Management and
Handling) Rules, 1989 under Environment Act 1986.
The application for renewal of consent should be filed by the consentees one month prior
to the expiry of validity of consent to avoid any penal liability.
The renewal of consent will be granted subject to proper installation and functioning of
pollution control equipment to the entire satisfaction of the Board. The renewal of
consent should also be subject to compliance of all the conditions imposed in various
consent orders.
Annexure II